W` _T- ,, Cono1u:R's IxQU:s'r.-An inquest wm this morning In the Police ofco before DI kor, Coroner, upon the body of Jaunen H: sey, a private of the Royal Canadian who was missed from his regiment in Fa! `An! A-3 ---K ` Lake Erie. The tug Ellsworth, from New- wilb two barges cord wood, arrived at 5 wharf this |fLEl'n0OlJ. She returns to- with three barges with gen cargo. The nllr Wm ' n` ' ; A rie match between Hamilton and Montreal, to come oil` simultaneously at each place, was proposed for to-day, hut tlm weather here was very unfavourable. Ypstcrduy the revenue inspector seized a large quantity of contraband tobacco in lent, and a portion manufactured for sale. A dwarf calling himself Major 9-. E. Ilnugzhton, I0 years of age, 31 inches high, nml 41 Hm in wright, in making a tour of the city selling his own photographs. Iiospiml inspector General McOllrio has been appointed principal Medical of- ficer for Canada, and will make annual in- spections of the several military stations, A Iuilisn-u n....I. ..--A.- .-._, ...-.1. Yesterday afternoon the body of a young woman was found partially decomposed It Merclmnfs whnrf. It was identied as that of Mrs Wedgnrv, who disappeared Ind was suppood to have been drowned about a month ago. I __ga, . ~ . .spza1.iZ4Tz712LTa&b}2ys.% W` FROM MONTREAL. Montreal, June 75,-Heavy rain fell last night and this morning, the weuher con- tinuing very sultry. \n..A.._l-_ -13 -' - * ` of wheat, from o, nrrivod at Glnasford and Jones whuf orniug. The schooner Dnuntleu arrived 10!] Illd thil nftni-nr--'--` '-"` ' an six nnd se_voi1 o clock this morning I I8 boat with four others ; we were pul- fmm Point Frederick to the Tale du when I saw Ihe body ayddeuly rile to 3;; `nf Ilm ----A ' ,,,,,, ... um nocneater pa on Monday at nlnnl. generally credited here to- Nedneaday last bu proved fatal. ie man never rallied from the of- , and breathed his last this morn- , ,,__.._ -. .-\,-, ad rbgiment February supposed to have been drowned no ice between Toto du Pontb.1r- Jiut Frederick. The following in aken this mn rm'no - _. , ----- uvuu: {U E ed upon 5 free interchange of agrit production with the United State: amid much evidence going to that the Americans will reft negotiate another treaty, and the` general truth forced upon the: nnmn ..._-r---- _-- - --uI ny opinion the halerwu very Id no: have been cut there ' couslanlly used by the sol- '0m barrnnlrn nnrl D.-2-- xv `Iago I.-- _,,, was awor`;-V-I am a private an Rios. I have seen the t as lbs! of private Haunts- rol-II' months nan v-n|--4'-- juror: did not consider mninnt (nu- ....___u . . uuu Ice and wu prouacle bud been taken from ver on the than .n... r I-- 1-.-An was held Police Dr. But- be Henna- I-.n I).-._.-'| 1" ` - .. uaaun. AUG iynelf in the guard:-oozn, Hennessey was mining, 3 was drowned. It was can recdllect, that In `(To njuror). I do not Camnhnwn on.....:..._ -_ I6 coroner adjourned morning -next at 11 The language employed by Lord Claren- don in response to the observations of Lord Btratford de Redclie relative to American relations in of the utmost importance. H6 said he would shrink from no sacrice to maintain peace, but the national honour moat be maintained. He was not aware of ' Mr Motley's instructions - but he hoped that what had occur, `red would promote and not hinder negotiat- _ tions, as the term: that England was` willing to wneede or mmt refuse were well known. Were there any reason to suppose that the American government would persist in making demands based upon the terms of Senator Sumner speech, a declaration like I thin on the part of the British Foreign I Miniater would soon awaken the Unitul States to a sense of the gravity of the situa- tion._ It is believed, however. that Mr Sum` nerls views have been disapproved by the responsible advisers of the President, and that the course which Mr Motley has been directed to pursue is not incompatible with the position maintained by Lord Clarendon. Buppoee, however, that Mr Motley carries with him an instruction to make demands` going beyond the well understood-line. this speech must serve as an intimation to the American Minister that he had better not prefer them, unless his government is nally willing to retract them, or else determined to push them to the full extremity of hoe- tilities. DAILY `NEWS--SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE .9. unuau IO] Montreal. In J. H. Pen- uz 3,000 bush- l'_he schooner Jr off the um vganA`- ` uni uucu 0] [DP lol- barrncks and Point aoru nu-sen Iron) it the day utter I hit ll] [ha huh. nun ---- .__---`-.u r 3 complete in- \nu-- - 1' Mr Peter 9.9-- =- - - .4-ant JIIUIIC i protected tnllnn I-A... 1- regret to ___, . .- bet .5 In nuucnnutts, which has on to 5 47 squint mile: of area. The has one mile of line to _ll.76 squl ratio himilu to that for Issue. give to the whole country 800,000 Ono similar _to mat for Ohip, 300,0 number omileo in operation in all the lit 0! Jump Mr Henry V. Poor : race on the rail the State having` the largest proportionate mils- age is lluuchnnetts, one mile of rogd squint Sate of Ohio on m_ile 11.76 squat ' miles of line. 300,000 miles. Tho number otmileo the State: on ognnunry but was 42.2555. whip}. :. 4 none]: -3... s 2.1; - V. railroads of the the Slain lunch...` .I.. L J . The quantity of wheat sent England inc:-cane every year. morn wheat from Russia than country,--more even than t`: Staten. ` _-g.-_r_ Mr Rose stated yesterday in the ing and Currency committee that th ernment would consider upon what the bank charters could be renewa- ......,.cus woulfl consider upon r` announce their determination I on Monday. - nu , _. _., -uusuuuug om` and Emily : Choice, by Kingston. It will be non` three out of the ve pri gained by competition in J Iboulder from the new nmbnpudor. We us than penonn to the rs: mentioned class. '1 doubllou mean: well enough by their nddre: It lousy, but they certainly don't know I thing about the propriexien of diplomatic in course, audusuredly am not tho sort of me: mturmeddle In the pruont critical conditiox , 4. _.... vuvqJuuyl.l I tied to the rupoegn prim Johnslonok Oro," by 1 Kingston; 2nd, $0, "The by J. E., Toront:;{3rd,` SI Life's Discipline, by Miss L 4th, 540, -winning Heart! . by E. IL, Kingston; 5th,: nnrl `II'--"- - "* ' j} Guunux Sn n SCHOOL Boon -1! James Cnmpbeg-t Son, inanawer to the vrenisement (whgih appeared in the Daily . ofering prises tftha writ_era of the but nnitnblefor Sunday Snhools in Onnndn, rec from all put: 631` the Dominion no loss thirty-six manuscripts, which were unhtniu Prof. D. WllIoI,= ,LL.D., according to the M of the sdnrtiunant, 1'9; his approval. Th I lowing bun boejudgod the beat, nnd are to the n:n--3-- -- --- _.....,.... v.uAu'rlBLY Juvuw, A; Scott Publishing Company, Creighton, Kinglton. Oonl.ent:-l, Rl8!llll 3,Ab]IIi| Engliuh Poets; 3, Geological li origin of species; 4, Cost of part; 5, Dante Alighieri-, 6, Fannie Travels in Greece ; 8, Religiousw 9, Aims of Modern Medicine; 10 Lil! iaixf j_----;----- Loxnox QULETIBLY ,R:vuw, Scot: Puhlmu..- n---1 have 1 VI auuuy tor me work. One of the most serious departments of con- -ferential business, namely, a review of the cha- racter of each minister, name now before the Conference. Among the questions asked each minister annnaliy are the following: Is there` any objection to his moral and religious charac- ter? Does he believe and preach all our doc- trines `I Has he punctuallyyattt-nded all his ap- pointments ? Has be duly observed and enforc- ed our Discipline '! And, has be competent abi- lities for our itinerant work '1 Detection, under any of the requirements, subjects the delinquent to disciplinary procedure, sometimes reproof from the, chair, sometimes suspension of the ministerial fnnctions,a.ad sometimes expulsion from the ministerial ranks. -"II is while this re- view of chars.ct.er- is in process that the Confer- ence wisely sits with closed doors. Great deli- ty and gross tenderness mark this necessarily . painful part of the duty of the ministers, one toward the other. It was nfatter of thankful- ness that, of nearly 600 ministers" in the Wesley- an connexion, not a charge of immorality or of departure from the faith was preferred. VIUSUJ. The following are the nu: who hue trgvelled one year, on probation :-W(lter Rigel E. Bottoms, A. Onnuingbot R. Davey, T. Onrdun, W. J. Halfpenny, J. Agar, J. McF`a Two young men were allo~ the ministry on laccount or nnothe: was discontinued on 1 of ability for the work. One nf Ihn nu... ..._:_-~- 1 uuulla The probationers who have travelled two years are as follows :-Jobn Wilson, B. An, W. W, Carson, P. W. Jones, J. Moss, J. Mlhll, M. Robinson, E. Mcallum, J. Pearen, '1'. Jackson, S. Richards, John Scott, B A., William Andre, E. Henley, David Williams, B. Woodaworlb, J, W. Sparling, S. Sing, J. Ridley, J. J. Harp, A. C. Eastman, R. MCCl.'lHOIlh, J. Crosby. Th. 4'.-.n-...:.... --, -- I-In||UI.l. The following are lho nnmea of the young men who have travelled three years, and who are continued on trial for the ministry ;-J. S. Fisher, J. H. Robinson, D. Cauenaugh, N. Smith, J. 8. Ross, G. Clarke, E. S. Jones, T. M`. Oampbell, J. Scheuer, N. Saunders, I. Saunders, `J. Hall. A. Russell, 0. S. Ehy, A. Wilson, J. Mc- .... I l.UUll5 1'8 --..J urn LUII spouse to the courtosies extended to him. Almost precisely in the same manner the Sum sttocked Mr Reverdy Johnson at the very outset of his pacic llllsSlOD,`t1l]ll did its part to rouse American public opinion so as to destroy his influence as a minister. The .5-in says :- "Ivory Englishmen opinion on nny subject sequence to anybody e the United States kno whose intelligence end are of the slightest con- ither in Greet Britain or we thst our people and Government ere _utterIy disgusted with the speech-asking` propensities of our late envoy, end that his resdinsss to respond, in set phrase, and with interminshle iteration, to everybody, from Prime Iinillers down to bootblecks, who gnve him the slightest provomtion for opening of his wishy-wsshy eloquence tenptnons rejection of the treaty. This {set should have Holley thnt the sddress that w fnoe ere he bed time to as: his li Englsnd, must hue emsnsted Johnson-Stanley suggested to Mt- es thrust. in his rst quiet meal in from persons who 3 15 common sense end were therefore of no ncoonnt to snybody. or were bent on mischief, and hence were only worthy of s curt cold assign persons first clsss. Thaw A..._;.-s, ,, View of. public affairs, ___;_:_____;_. Tn: Hlmou. GoUucn..- n-Aoh... -a- .1 - -.n., vuuu Dcnm II, J. W. '1 B.A., Thomas Cm pbell, G. William Raney, A. Shusler. ` men lruelled four years on ministry, and were subject. to nation. `FL- l'_Il_-- ' rvI:|U luau lllll CUDIIFIIIEO, In answer to the question, Who nro'now re- commended lo he received into full connection and ordained`! Ibo following names {were sub- miuqd :-CharleI Uookmun, J. M. Hagur,'B.A'., George Mitchell, B.A ,J. H. Locke, John Smiley, I.A., John Bconlzgl, J. W. Tnllen, T. Coiling, R A _ . .. . -. 'I"l-nu-n-n (1 _|.-n n I .___. -.,-.- ..;cn-uvu. Toronto, Thursday morning, Juno 3.-'I`hc session was opened with the usual devolionnl iervicea, and the minutes of the previous session were read and conrmed, In nnnuuan 04.. 0A.. ._ . - - - .1 - """ To `fill IDHIOI 0! `FBI DIIL-Y IIWI. r Blr-All doubt: with reepeet to private Hen- naey, Royal Onnatllalu Rioa, are now "lot at rig, an the gin : remains were found thh morn- lhmhetweetrrdini Frederick and Toto du Pont Bnrracln, by a party of` that rt-sgitneot Itntioned at Cedar lelerid. Now, air, or this unfortunate than come to an` untimely end on the common thoroughfare between the Klgelon eli!e'of the river "and the Illitary poatl oppoelte, through e "Dnth Trap" which we) out in the ice by a vendor of that article, (with the emotion I be` lien or the city authorities), I maintain that it's widow and helpleu eipring who are now be- ing supported by the cold hand of charity, have it right to be compensated by the lee vendor in queeiion, and the Corporation conjointly,for the lose they have euetained, an they are, without e queliion, morally responsible for` the death of their natural protector, and should they fail to meet the reward which is their jut due, the wo- man ought to be advised to take legal proceed. ings against them, us [believe an intelligent jury would decide in her favour, which, in ad- dition to doing the widow a service, would prove it lesson to those whose duty it in to guard the general inteneete of the cotnmun.ity, that they would not be likely to forget in a hurry, on the principle of Touch A man's pocket and he known what you mean." [enclose my card, and remain eir. THE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. .. ..... J u. air, _ T._ _., ...... u.unrcuner,BellevilIe; `Willio and Willing Hnnda, 5th, 340, "Alice Herbert Miss Ellen `V. Noel, noticed with pleunre that ve m-is... nm----I =-/ ` _ 1 _ , - V... -nu new 110!!! nt:;,3rd,` $50, Jenio Grey, or 6, by L. Gnrdiner,BellevilIe ; lioiz Heart: nn n7:n:_.. n - - ,,-_ .. , --rl-Ill-IIH5 4' '5 liuntes & -131 A B--. -p_, _ The N cit e York Sun considers the Motley committed a blunder in making speeches he did at Liverpool. "He sag: ed his landing upon British soil by a. [1 speech in response to an address from conceited and superserviceable persons. '1 wnpothing specially objectionable in language of his reply. Ilis mistake wa receiving the address at all : or, if this c not beavoided without discourtesy, his aver should have been simply a. bow. this way in the course of ite leading an it attache Mr Motley for his courteous Innnnn On bl... ----A~ ted Bank- ucy the gov- terms zeta renewed. and to the House , s,Ab_npinin; I 3. Gnnlnoionl nl=--*-- , -_-v--v-u vlllllall-C3 `nu `D. I; party government ; Iiari: A l?'----'- ' ` ring names of young men lvelled sad who continue Rigaby, R. Phillips, W. Cunningham, J. A. Chapman, . Young, R. Lee, J. .Ager, McF`arln.ne. 7 man nun-n -ll..._-A -A -' ` 0 OBREBPOIVDENOE. _ , ,_- -- r.-u, suvcrnment; i-, Education; 7, Religiouswnrs in France; V 10, Irish Church :, Tho fol- ndgod outi- | prizu: Int, 3100, "Katie His: A. II. Haohar, , Old and New Home, 2.4` an ~- -._. WUHI: uvul uuasin to my England draws Min than from any other from the United ,v. u. Anurll. n allowed to retire from feebla health, and mtiauad the ground of want work. --_ "nu pm-aura U15` prise: offered have baen Kingqton. A __,_ _ _ _- ._._, Among the petition: presented to the House of Conimons on Thursday was that of the Royal Canadian Bank, praying for the passing ofnn nctto amend its net of incorpo- ration, and tocxteud if necessary the tame , for resumption ofspocio payment. and also i to nnthorize if necessary the nmulgnnmtion ofthn bank with my cam` 19.: or binkp, nnd tin-`other purposes. The reports con- tinue to be circulated of an intention of tho Ron! Canadian Bank to amnlgnmnte with the Bank of Commerce of Toronto, and this petition about: that unnlgamation is certain- ly contemplated as one of the alternatives ipreunted lo the bank in its present situation. The reports of an early resumption also con- tinue to be circuiated. _-__....uu uu LCBI LUBE . Iubtnittod to 3., t 0'1-ml hr his -rm-A--' "" ` ' n, their ud- nnrm-I in II-- 7` " Yours to , 9 from Russia FOIL Enlnnrl a..._.. . _.........,5 ....un:: yvcnu uuu- )ookmun, A ,n, hpbell, H. Squire, B.A., Shusler, Thn nhnun. an..- , -_........ nun. LIJU U0lJII'- osed Is ny ! miniannpd :. um nu---- Iv, April 1869. L, mny,Ncw York. J. us null IIIUTII Newt) books !....-J- ' r. u. squire, B.A., The above young protation for our in annual exami- H` SEE FI1;;b'T PA 03'. in, recee/ti than Lt,-. ; 2, Modern es and the v---' F1..- ' -Messrs. Vnnrus. _ ' ._ avuu null. The will of the late full in the Philndelphi tutor leaves the bulk u amount to $1,000,000, for the establish-u---n , lute: from the gun: on For: forant pastimes, sunrise, noondoy, and almost 5.- Wellington, 3 grand procession of voluntoerl, n companies, lacrosse clubs, velocipedo clubs, local associa- genornlly ; a tournament of urnnmont; o lo- croue tournament ; n quoit much, foot races, and ending with n grnnd torohlight procession and 3 brilliant display of reworks. and Dominion to gin joy a good treat. ull and DID] Prlvnte 8 to Bi. Hontrenl Harbour Bonds- cent Bonds at 102 and 102}. Exchange-1: Ianlr -.:n. 1 vculu Dullui II 102 I Exchange-Iu weak, Bank and bank endora g Stocks--Montreal llinin 8 have been sold at $3,35, $330 sud $ share. Nothing doing in Huron 00; Stock. Government Debentures--But little _doing-l04 is naked for Canada Ste:-lit no buyers over 102;. Sterling ves an at 91, with buyers at 89. , DOIniniOII SIG-Gk---qa|na -4 inn! , - _-......... .,um.auuna neing 40 to 60. Gore Bauk-Inuctive at prices, quoted 34 to `fared for uld Champlain Railroad Stock, but without any tranaactiona; for preferential 10 par cent Stock, 84 is offered, holders asking 85. 134} and 1351. Richelieu Navigation 0ompany-Buyers at 117. Holdars asking 119. City Passenger Railway Company--Is of- fered at 112, with buyers at 109i. (`Ho--- (V-- un._' 1 136}. u:. uuululll III 106}. Mechanics Bnnk-l-In and 93}. Shares acid in ` A [1.....J!r/ '` ' ' yLIl.U. Canadian Bsnk 102] to 104. of bommerce-`-Nou:inn! at Royal Canadian Bank-Nothing doing;-the nominal quotations bing 40 Bauk-In:u-tin .o ....:...- ---A- - -V a.|J - La B-mqne Jacques Cartier--O'ering at 106 with buyers at 105]. QuebecBank-ln demand at 99. offering. ` Ls Banque Nationals--_NominnIiy quoted 107 to 108. No nhnres -Ea.atorn Townships Bank-Bnyers 1! pm". i Stocks scarce. Union Bank of Low nominal at 106}. Mm-ha.:...2 I--_I- " - or 0anadn-Qnotntin 1 ..,.. , run In uemana at tanner prion. llerehnnta? Bank of Canada--HnI advanced steadily in price since the declaration of 1 half yearly dividend of four per cent. There have been ales during the week at 109}, 110, Hi and 112}, closing sellers at Ill}, and buyers at lll. Hlliimk or 119 -auu .i'E2T)X' "EVENING; .fI}1~iE_ -_____ mantnrio Bunk--Since the opening of the trunn- fer books the demand for stock has been ali'ghI and prices weaker, ulea having been Innde at quoted prices. Mnlnnn'n I-In-L "7 - ' ` ' ' ; quuucu prlclf. Maison : Bank-Hal been dealt in m 109 ,' ll-ll in demand former Ilerelmnta Bank of (hu.uI.__n-.- upuument ovor, why the Doctor, ho dnnonn `- "-- IU IUI Bank of British North Ame:ica.-In demand at 106 and scarce. City Bank-Hnss been told since the opening of transfer books at 971 and 98, at which rules lbcre in Mill 3 moderate inquiry. People : Bank--Haa hem-I ..-ua .a mo- --uuv|.I`GI I1-lllwly Uomp at109i. Gas Company--Hu been Iussu -. null. u Inouerate Inquiry People Bank--Haa been 1083 and 109. There nroatiil I-nln. uIII.lI .'\.|. Bank of llontreaI-We have to note nfur- lber large ndnnce,snlea having been elfectud since the opening of the book: at 151], 152, 152; and today at 155 and 156, closing firm at 156` to I57. nu l)._( _.,-.- ....... unuu. mnn.l\n1'. Montreal, Thursday, June 3.-Slnc the re- opening of the trnnnfer books of several of the leading` Bank; on the lat instant, business in stocks and securities has revived. We bus to note an advance of at least 6 per cent in Bulk of Montreal Stock, and in Merchant : Bank of two and 1 half per oent, the rate: for all, with one or two exceptlona, being well main- tained. oped that occur- : ' r. g... -----._ A- uunusuunl, auua K). I Although the weather was rainy and dies- greeablo thll morning, there was a tolerubly well lled market, and the commodities in each department were eamoiently well represented. There was a decided improvement in the quality of the veal oered to-day, while mutton Wu ' shown in better condition and in larger quanti- tity than have been seen for the last two or three weeks. There in little change, howevrr, iu the prices. Flour continue: to come in apar- iugly, and the market remains dull._ Butter was prelent in large quantities, and bolder: were glad to take 8d per pound at the clue of'the market, for the same quality which rendered 10d at the opening. The supply of spring vegetables was good, and the price: (trie low- er. Poullry remains scarce and dear._' Eggs are on the rise, large numbers beiughought for r hipment to Montreal. In the other depart- ` meme of the market no remark: are necessary. _ mew nvnswtcx. * St. John, N. 13., June 4.--A Riot took pllcd yererdayamong the nuvieo am loyed on the F rorlerioton Brunch Railway OQIM as-quonce of the refusal of that dim: for higher "Ivuges. The V Icaabr, workmen A were attacked on beaten severely. A company of ries and a nun _` bar of special constables were promptly I taken to the spot. and succeeded in quelling ' 1 the disturbance. Twenty of the rioto .1 have been lodgbd in goal. ` W" ' IA valuable deposit of Con] hu juntbeen * discovered on the niile of Norton Mountain, near Ossekclg station, on tbeEuropea.n aml North American Hallway.` The Iosnrwu laid bare by I load slide from the nidc of ' the hill. Arrangement: are making to commence work at one. ,,_-._ uni) ll-I manner. The programme, as accepted, l one, detailin g among a` hundred df- xfimol, Iunrue, In- be, ciziiona - en; a. velocipode tournament; la moment a noes, g torchligh t in: reworks. 'n.- --- MONTREAL sroox MARKET. u.....I rI1L'_--.1-._ V Toronto--Nominally quofed 117 .. uuuuauu Di lllI'IIIIICI." prlx. to dead four ner mm 'l`I---- L-~ Stocks and BondI_-l0j in mm of- Ed Railroad ml . Rd. ha A3.--) L I. , , (_ .v.rg- I weal , with but`! zendonod being ' .1` . .___ FA RMERS MARKET. <----V`! .u-1-an . 5i:-Haa told st 108;, are atiil sellers at Inner ; in Cannda with respect to aaly with the Lnited States 0 be rapidly inclining to. in it i useless to wait in of obtaining one, and that is will be better. dinilu n_.l ._.:|-. -Hal at 1081 and And former nrim _ .-..- own soul at 93 am] market at the latter Comma:-ce-Nou:inn! -Hu 1] in mm-Imp or 0|... 1... been Bold at _93 0|.-I"-I self ` "tented the - the Ooumiu -5-n?'?_k nlol are} per Kingston, Juno 5. V- amall inquiry ; * worth 9 to 9%. unliu of Lin. for member of and Niag-urn -- .... aayu nc era to They us eddress to In]- : in:er- Iuredly `IQ IO! 1'1` II!!! as? --u--- `- Cohaola 33,25 per 3onnm- R.- sold at AIN WHITE HM Finn Brim, in all sites, It 25 And 371:. 5? sun om: rune?` H41` wmnow. I 82 BBINOBSS 2 nun. E, I uwvmu: I nity and utiii-ty, to set wilt remove as far as nee which, growing up ` had come to be plac- zhanne nf ---`--' FOLLOWING WEEK McDonelI9sg PLAIN, Lnnmsg ll the Juno4.` THE Li. H us 1 HATS 2 um! um 11 { cuunnnumn our moon: ; 1000 pounds choice Bpgnr-Cured Very ne and In prime order. _..-. `row-r 5 I 50 `octaves choice Burgundy Wines, put. up fbr Families, at 5: per gnllon. 40 qt cults Tarsgonn. 25 qr cask: Pure Juice. 6 qr cask: Bnuterne Wine. 5 qr oaks Iarsnlln a TEHPERANOI DRINKS. ` TIT?!`---` opriexien ily men zu condition of an the two conuu-ins." Mr Motley met with no -inn.-.....-n-- --' -` TARAGONA and nummnnv Wmsx ' 50 `nntnrna nhnh... I:I.._.._- -I- H09.` W LIGHT SUMMER WINES Call soon and see the handsome Cm-you before they are all, _|g|_|_,W GRAND DISPLAY! ' E Jconrsnrs or rm: GASES. -ovnn J Asnonynent 4n. . arm of r.j5~l. ha 19000 HATS , h I`! Nnumnga -n._, _.- -sr uc llllb hange agricultural States. But 3`) a'n;nr- )0 Cases GLARET, wnrranud aoud, gt . )1: 3d per dozen. 50 Gun ST. JULIAN at 12: 6d per dos. 50 u u H 155 u 50 Barton J: Gueuerl 30: . 25 u u u 1:- -A V; R._ McRae` Co. FANCY, mssnssg omrrs 1'0 6"! ;the tn-e_aty. Sup- ndopted by the we: gt Wuh- few York Chum - nn LL- ` (DIRECT; munn anion; AT THE. \aA.lIIIlI.l in'u7' `GIRLS , . WHITE Ig` NEW ',v}-._E.' MORAE I 00. .. it; article courteous re- Satniday I. In limp Clay. " 908 n W. 3. llofml & oo_ {rm ndLLAjzs. OF` "iz. noun 1; oo. J;-my Dnvll (I0. fiiaonounnv, amicvi P011 us by D declarations 5.3 A- u. and n _ nriily of u era- 459 Man A :1, egprellll refuse Floral! Lsvrifii In] ` run 0] l$' - ` of *4 I` S-nogfnn , 1%d'7m: xmking the "He si gnu.liz- '|`___ II` that M r % % Alia. been 80-; ,_(,.1!_nIlow 441; Flat 13 ~_ ;`Ihito'Ivhut an id; 1-; out so 46; Pan :4 thar had _`to' 111:! not A ' aapublgc i 4.--In the House 0 ' All: Bryce explain ** beenkcun-out of . `A _**p`riIonera. He gnid {necessity to_ repr ; V us conduct of `- ` B-was reportud as th H . prisoner. _ as Lords chi; evenin _ ehe moved for u. the greatest cone `A i` nuintniq pe/ace, and ` ' were resumed a 3*?f<~9~9 4 jihglmd co_uId not en negotintionfwoul ____ _ _-.:_p, _.,, - __.c -.---... 13596; ;.;{ar1I:cory r ` `igjoice if that and "co `lblg min whom all a. hia nu- _ ty ofthe V`_Hf1:lnis country h .V;....f1mo.,%;;;A`;;,'.:......{ r `$5.5 ! that the co/3-I A H,.,.u`er of the late tr -~ -_gy _be forgotten ; '-..u. (.5: m be Ii jug `Alabama qluim ind hopes t ` ibotaken to Vs'ecu}o E V n trenty nlmoaj: w jill be rejected at l __,,._,.. ......5a -use HIIIGG the put weekL . M; Suez Cgnnl. . ' will lavg Siui _ . Samson` Accmn-r.-`Yeterday afternoon M Dugdale, teacher, of Garden Island, in at- tempting to crou to Kingston alono in a small , waa capeised in a sudden squall when dway between the two places. Be In ljelcned from his position, on the bottom of the boat, by boat: from Garden Island u,+""'1 4,---The Londo. [wnging the relau and the -IILI A --.._.____ MU: yestardsy, I emigrants sailed L- ..--A " chefor ti P- ' i_ E9 0191' ._. lluannt A mind: can clnas, John C I. There th_c -.... unuunll nw bill was conai mince, and other bills advrnced ` The patent bill, It reported, ! in. in Prince Edw:-1"; II was clezu-1y worth of _ the Dominion to to mduw Prince Edward s Ia- lund, the lust fraction of British North America, to enter tho Union. The ---|5A/ _ *1 6' we vruwn at a merely nominal rem their titles obstructed the Union it war they ought to be extinguished. In reply to Mr Enckenzie Sir J. A. nld said there had been no oorreaponde the Government, or any one Island, on the matter. clear r t I uuu ul we resolutions in Gomgninee of Whole on Tuesday. The motion was carried. Hon. Mr Rose m_oved _lhat on Tuesday 11 "rm 1 e- _.........uu_y recommended ` to the consideration of the House. Hon. Mr Rose explained that the resolutions ne- ; garding_Newfonndland were the substance of a on the subject of the admission of that colo__n_y r into the Union. He would not enter at any length into these resolutions, as they would-be confederated` Provinces,` that Canada should as- anme the liability of the debt: of Newfoundland It the time of union. The second that the debt! of Newfoundland at the time of the union should be placed on the same footiag u the other Pro- ence. Regarding the fth resolution, be explain- ed that for transferring to the Dominion the un- ` granted and the unoccupied lands, mines and minerals of the colony, the resolution: adopted by the Newfoundland Legislature asked ., omer mo Union. The motion wan The erimi--' `A . uu mouon carried. The criminal law bill conaidored since, advrnced A -9- TL ' ` " 1:: Com- _1ni g copies of minutes of I meeting of the Privy Council of Canada on the subject of the admission of Prince Edward s Island into the Dominion of Ca- nada, which His Excellc |AA\.I.lU- The second re ed for Tuesday. A. [ll emlna In n /---:1 mun! 8caoo1..-'I Idl oertiulo dur: , Oliver Mow: I ,,_ _...u-ulalncl [He Collutly provisionally until Parliament met. The Government did not intend at pres- ent to submit anything like a per- manent measure on this subject; but had prepared the short Bill he held in his hand, which woul(|.suicicnt.ly provide for the organization and government of the country during the fuw months which might elapse between the issuing of the pruclamatinn and the convening of Parlia- ment. Nu nnlllll an IJIUBUUF. Mr Harrison introduced :1 B the Act incorporating the Ru_\'ul Canadian Bank, the rule of the House having been previously suspcmlerl. Sir Jnlln A \'~~-~' *'-*`` ' _ ill to nmend upatent bill,`u was I Home adjourned. --_.. -u uuucu I 813 _.-- ....`_. uulttll Sir John A. M would be crmsic mcnibcr had no Edward min a. St tor.) The cnnsl been rucomnu-n( at n time wlmn n from at present. Ill` ltnrr-$.11-n 1- _-.v .-,.\..._,um presented, no wish- ed to impress upon the Government and the House the importance and necessity for building the Murray Canal. He said it wusa speciulcaso, differing entirely from any other public improvement, as they would see from the report. There were six thousand acres of hind granted to com- plete this work in the year lT`J6-~suy seventy-three years s.go-mnl the Gov- ernment took possession of those lunch: and sold them, and made use of the fuoney; therefore in all fairness, they ought. to build, the Canal, which is only from one to two in-Ies in length, or appro- priate thc money deprived from those lands with interest at 6 per cent, and not at `. , which they ucceptcd from the Great. Western Railway Company, and he had no doubt but the cnnul would he built, as the principal and interest would be suthcient to complete the work. This tlnnv, he would say it would be of the most vital importance as a inililairy work, should there ever be any trouble between Great Britain and the United States. Sir Jnhn A M..-.l...._I I ' ` - .1 `I I .11i'[J.-lM4`.l.'.NT 01" CANADA. Friday, June 4.--In the Home of Com- mons the Committee nn Banking and Cull]- nicrcc reported that the Royal Carmliun Bank had nut given the necessary nulicc tn ennhle them to bring in a Bill for amul- gumulinu with any nlher Bunk; hut, umlvr the circumstnums, the Uumuiittcc n-cnnI- mended the suspension uf the rule vf the llnu.-.c, so that the Bill might be inl`ru(luc- ed. .__,._..-__-. u. auuu. \ll LIIU lHi_V' `VI Mr Russ (Prince ferenco to the report I import: |...3I,l:_.- -` " \r\lo Mr Funin brought up the Fislwries and Navigation Com recommended the construction ray Canal, um] a nurn-y of I route of the Buy Verle Urinal. Rn.-an (P.-i.'...., l.`.1...---|\ is about lo open them. We may therefore hope tbsl. negotiations will be opengd and conducted in nu earnest spirit. Should these negotiations fail of success we may consider fsilurs ml, nizd thensst about with no loss of time the nstionul policy" which has becn so favourably rccnmmcmlcll to the people of Cnnmla. U... p In l.|.'lI males. ' Mucdnnsltl said ll be m1nirl..n.,a Ir I ~ ,,------ Ill-ILI El [7 so imbortancc M_AKi[: ling mules a rvicc ml sand 0 "101 ity-three years Uo lent y, them, and Wu -y; t Ca :11, lam 5"` in 1 ` b0!` e ruck! a I the avid Time, '.\Vesteru ofme 3 doubt but um .--......i .......m i oL.- I:he following cadet ob- us during the past week: 2nd .- Mownt, Kin-guon. ..._ ... ......ru-uuuu sum the suhja-Cb u crmidercd. Ho h:)pu,-I the ham. design nf erccting Prince separate Prnvince. (L.~:ugh-' no cnnstruction of this canal haul onxnu-ndcd for defensive ptlrpnscs naval wurl'n.rc was dilncnl nrusent. - km ._A. 1 reading of the Bill was orde:-'1 I]. -..._, ' ullc ullllll. Prince HLIu'ard) said with re- s just presented, he wish- iuhlln Hun l:lII"l"IFI'|r\\1~--K - ` -' ige was sent from His Ex- ning 9 Excellcucy recommended i011 HfL11QD rnugbt rqpnr of the Navigation Committee whirl: construction of the Mur- Ia the proposed ny Canal, _. - . ...u uuuu: (II U0!!!- miucc xl t 1.0 I nun: ml... n.._:- - -. -v' v WULIIH Union of the British 093 on the aoaboard at nwned by some'62 indi- I originnlly granted by r rent, and as r it was though: shod. - -.. ... a. mqcaon- correlpondence with V la Print-A 13'-4----` )bring {Jr um- ny umh s, rt-cun unainn Ilx H n-...'|.A L, it - ` , _--..\4 Au IIIB uiciently L1 n : .... `weal-ll] HG`: fcomminee of the peeling P.-:...... nu next committee n? H-- __..ru--uuc U] H: unittee of the Privy from Newfoundland scion Id us, tllftarnnnn "-- `* concurred the sulvjv mul than I... |-IJII I Ed- _- - v-ya, III unnu unllrlo, netting gill new, be came ncrou the Ichooner 1,. ady Mouuon in 5 sinking condi- tion, and Ilia went down in 25 foot of Inter. In a few minutes after Mr Hutfgot of one `aft ; 9 yard, and broughtvlhem ashore. person on board. He could not he vessel was lauded oi-`not. Mr , Insurance and ulnge agent for Underwrilera, will look after the en inurcsled can nddreas him at Pinion. ' v (i icton, Jane Bu` Ins about Ii Lake Onurio, 4.-Lut evening In ve mile: from Point netting can Lady Iinki: 4 few eyard, broughtvthea 1: tall wl-n..nl..... -I ` '1~h;*\ dgy ` fqllgn` N. . QR i`.E': took her place th V_ ,_- ........,, uunug early morning. The steam ing the wharf at Bellerillo the intense darkness and 1 he absence of an ac- cuatomed light. The steamer Bay of Quinta is afternoon. The Rochester will resume her trips Tim ran.-...-:-- =~ er Rocheuer grounded while nur- Isst night, clule by` SHIPPING News.-<-The St. Lawrence with timber Msgdals. from Port Stanle nt Garden Island this morning. The propellor Brsntlord passed up last night, and the steamer St. Helen passed down this morning. The steamer Passport on her schooners Louise and from Toledo, and the y with eleven, nrrived W 1 I ,000 bush i` t 1 in afternoon with stoves, c from Lake 11 born, ti Swift s .1 night E schooner Wm. J. Preston srriv 1 ea It b. demon : wharf this sftornoon with L els of wheat from Milwnukie. Rival arrived and came to sncho 4 r some 5 wharf this afternoon. Several vessels were in II the offing at 4 o clock. K Prevailing wind to-duly, N. N. E., with dense ti: fog prevailing during early ` 3: steamer Bocheun. nu---AA-' ~ ` " Dunn or Mn C1uwronn.-Wo state that the accident which happen Crawford on Wednesday lasthu pr: The ubfortunate he feels of the fall, his I IDO - Pnhlio feeling w n Reciprocity irealy may he aid to words n belief that in uncle: the expectation ohtainin the conviction wil both in point of dignity about I policy that rem: pouiblo the dependence which undo: the In: treaty, com upon unit! going ins - nlur ,, ._ ...... Euauuruum. JAB a majority of the no the evidence adduced auicient for cc -_._,_., ....,......u :1 Iron: the eect of drink. - next morning I found myself and I then heard that Hennessey and the report that be , as far eel unk-(To know whether we left Campbell : together or whether I left it alone or anything about it. It transpired from some of the sent that witness on the evening re found lying innensible on Ihe ice between the barracks and Point. taken to the guard:-oom. soldiers pre- ferred lo was near the hole, Frederick, And the Royal Canadian Ries, and last saw him on the evenin 1-nary, between six nnu seven o'clock. It was dark then. It was at Mr Campbell's, Onmrio sLreet,wbero we had been drinking tog0ther,nnd ' ' g that trnnupired, ' The next Innrninn 7 r--~~~ `` ' " I knew deceased, 3 of the 6th Feb- ' ....5 over uom Faint barracks, the surface of the via. the point at Point Fre to be the body of a mt upright in the water- found uwas the boJy look it to the barraok The other men in I last portion of the win John Danube} was {bg Rnrnl f`.----"-- It subsequently transpired that the witness was the person who found the body t_hi.i morn- ing, when he was re-called, and resumed his evidence. Between I was in the boat linn ......_ 4 _ #1 _. r....-uu ul. tun H.051 Ullildil last, and mu supposed in hole in the J and Point fol] evidence taken lhis_mo'rniug: Timothv Hal-I-icmn - - - - - A -- " _ noun ,-_lIIPllU. Ilosipitnl inspector at-neral cer All military cash payments hitherto made at Kingston and Prescott willhereafter be made at Toronto, and those for military Iervicc at Ottawa from a_______ ......u zorced by Home of Representative: ingtou, we have now the New Chem- ber of Co _ ending the weight I o! an important resolution in er the yuenpuomor uogeumom, u