...J Anna UC('Ll U.UnE;.`,' DUSI r nearly 50 years, and duri ed the public (`0l1.`ir.lvnm> -rsl slnhlnru-..:...rn|`,_- - - a, la II Bllllilg f all Chemists. Toilet Powders. FPO:-table Fountains. -Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tuoth Powders Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. . v 5 cnrvflxlly survcyeuj, am mule to correspond with British Possessions, 9 Walling Siren.-L. Chnrniae. uuulf Dad bf effect that, of e was the most e` '.7I"i.:;r1e,'cham:at,' - '1b"~PPJ .far dis- Of Shun ....,.-r, JAMES SWIFT, Agent, ( St. Lawrence Wharf ` 1.~r}-I \ `en doing busines Ivan!-:1 nn.J .1..__, .unppu_y', hit dis- Smte interfer- emnnt n -A" ' Cunmxs Wmsmz Secretary (- I nan n.\r\ KIRKPATRH} K. u`fe*71:, gs ,,~.-m, l.:uvrvncu W hurl. I Cfollege of 1 received by 78 had bean thnf hr -" """""J $1,000,000. 9 taken on hulls Pa `sin .- 9 present ` spasms, nd cause 3 can be may 61` ta. - _ (illdonleeve as Walkem, BARRISTEBS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Conveyance:-5, Notaries Public. Richard '1'. Walton, VOLICITOB IN UHANCERY. Oco-Ch:-anon Strut, Kingston, 0.W. ` J. P. Gmnnnnn. I..L.B. | HIGH. '1`. Wuuu. "chart in Ghuacery, to: is Cluour- BL, opposite the P09} Oca, Krlan-ol, C. W. Jon A. ILOD0lALD,Q. (5. J JLnnPu1'ox,Q.C_ Joni fl. 1.1.-mun. Ki|uon,Jsn y 16. $2i,Vooo,ooo_ - uuvu all : effec- Vorks 'RPL uulul-Zn` ll uriug; ihu n luv cl. lI:u'f- I ,1 in-.` ?[.Ub'-i queutly of.`cur"rd;wbil in the fourxfoma ' in the neighbourhood. ' S6ld by all Chemists, and at :10 ' street, London. Qusrts, 163; pints, 83 ; half- pints, 45; glnmbstoppered Imperial pi.ntI',_ 61- ` cm strength, 163 par dozen; and in "balk at, ' 4s per gallon: bottles included . Each _go.l- ` [Ion making 200 gnlions, when dilwd with wlter. See directians on every bottle! ' N.B.-'l`bil uid is u oemui euro {'61- gim; uin'lIpnu, alao t1io'uib Q1151: rotM_ln_I_h9__ap. ,_-1_.,...._, uavuxupeu and instance: "In a. house rn Plymouth, occupied by I was sprinkled in evqry rm these the occ p:1uIs`wo'u14 `L... -__a,- g - curuusea. Having used `various Fluids at our many shows, I on any nuisance like the smell of lime or carbolic acid.--I am y fully, S. SIDRBY, Sec. and Capt. Jackaon,`R.N., 90, Carin` This uid acts on the` easenfia disease by destroying the local 00 the atmosphere under frequently developed a instance: "In a F-I--M -- ` enclosed. Having various _.__ ----on II ILIUWI-1 Dy tha following letter fro m the Sam-ear} nnd Manager: Agricultural Hall, Islington, an; 1860. "Dear Sir,-P1ense to send eigln gallous more ofyour Diainfecting Fluid, as per order Disinfecling shows, can our M- .......c:,:__._ A nu] UOIIIJCU. The value of the u following from 131 Sil'.-PInnnn tn - __.,. .. wunaull is in uuiveranl Perfunm for the John (I mm-ll a most. delicate} ` John Gosuctl 4 gently perfuvned beautifying and lmir. La. Noblesse St _ lv-i p:=.rf'uIne and` John Gosnell Nursery l owde1' :-}j;-.:_ , IR WILLI {M BURNET l".S I . S ING FLUID, for tb puricl rooms, hospitnk, workhouaes, fa 3 poms, crowded places, between den fever wards, clothes and linen of chairs, eeupools, drains, wnl stables, dairies, larders, musty M&c.; bilge-water, sud the hold: apartments for searchers, under` jur-ymen, and for post-mortem ex: for the prevention of infections (1 ker and fungus in trees; for the of dead bodies, and for the pro: subjects for dissection; for ma non of bugs and other vermin. . Sir W. Burnett : Diainfecting Show_ in I866 Privy Oouucu. Th: `nl.-- -` " ' " _ __-......_. . 1l\I`JllU HALINE.--A Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in crew minutes; elfervescing and tutelces, its con- " slant use is especially calculated to main- ` ma beultb. When mixed with water and taken during the etrruoeuoe, it immeli ately blends with the food, and in rapidly absorbed into the Iyuern. It vitsliueu and supplies the blood with those uline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typime, Eruptive Fevere (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as B. pl`t'VeuliVe to disease, as the nu- meroue unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle grill prove. Its portability rendrs it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, l0Ul'l:ll, emigrant, or private fullily, more especially when distant from medical, advice or assistance. -Sold in patent atoppered glnas bottles, price 23 dd, `ls 6d, 113, and 219 each. Spe- cial -agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. nsu-ul by Ubemists, GI` Warehousemen, and others, Kingdom, and every part of I Ask tor _'I`he" Sauce.--S Agenta-Eurgoyne, Burbridgex X6, Colman Street, London. ul D -._ . - I. urn: uh :- As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi..: out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it, is compounded. The entire life of that distin- gui.-med man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December,-1861, was mourned as a nu lion.l loss. ` V__Vb,oles:.Ie and for exportation by the~Pro-. `pnxaeo.-, ma, Lamb's Conduit Street; Barclay :|Dd Sons, Fa.rringdon_ Street; Batty and Co., Finsbury Pavement. ' Item: by Unemists, Grocers, ltallian Warehousernen, Olharn 1h.-.-.....;....-. .L -H-`mister of War the Prussian General Beyer, The King of Prnssis appears determined. to exercise with a vigour almost amounting to harshness the powers conferred on lnm as head'of the army of the North German Confederation. Some-time ago lie forcetl the Grand Duke of Baden to accept as and be has now caused the commsnder-in- chief of the Baden army to be entrusted to that ocer in the place of the Duke William- of Baden, whoseupolitical opinions did not come up to Count Bismsrck s standard of orthodoxy. -In the Hessian army all oicers even suspected of a hankering after auton- omy are being summarily dismissed, and their places lled by Prussisns. It is more than probable that these violent measures are occasioned by s foelingiof pique M the re- lnctanco shown by the North German Par- Iisment to `impose new` taxes on the Confed- erate States for military purposes. A single example will show that this reluctance is not unfounded. The State of San:-Coburg which is bound to maintain at certain cou- tingent at a cost of 112* thalers per man, has already inoulrred a debt of 100,000 thalers in the disdbarge of this obligation, and, as in 1873, Hum oontingent is to be doubled,it. cannot be wondered at if dis- content is rife among the inhabitants. ' , _.-_. --uu.n.n.n Ul LUVU DIST. (Zeuc-ml Uutlrd of Health; Author of the re: work on Fever in any age or country, the Pbiiusophy of Health, to. Delicious with every known dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- ruotes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. B1] iilrnna-n n!` in. ...._:;._ . I ' `#'[`11E" SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- . undcr Southwuml Stocks.-r, from :1. recipe by his Couain,'the lath Dr South- wood Smith, -thirty-five years Physician to the Landon Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- tary llvform; Medical Member of the first Delininliu un'1|-. --A--~~ `- " ` unuauunuuuu . The I'uteuL .\I=chanic:1l Cl Hnir by Machinery. For Pr: ~ticule1rs, apply to the Pateutec fnimnrers,` JOHN GOSNELL. by Appointment to H9: Maj: or` Wales, 810., RED BULL W ` l`uuncs STREET, late of 12 TI Lombard SLreet.. um) BU LL WHARF, 93 UPPIR Taurus S"l.'RII'I'. f John Gasnoll it Um : Select Pu-fumos: Eu Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey C'l.:b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic-' loria Bouquet, Fmngipanni, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouqu-it. - L; John Gosnell it Co. a Prince of Walea Por- fumo, a myost choice and fashionable perfumu. I John Guauoil & Co '8 Princasa Alexandra's] Perfunie, 6 must choicu and delicate perfums, , prepared expressly for tho the of Her Royal , l dighnoss. , T "L- t\,,.__n - 1- . -- uu unuugrwaalnle odour, John G.-suell It Co. r uewly invented lhir I I chnmcal construction the Iwo opermiouer of ( lmultancuusly. The Pufpnl \T_nh-n:- ,,-_. .. \I\J.hI vi-I\AI'\U'f uiuu rurlulne is in rvquest as the most admired M llandkerchief. Price Zaud. )8['It` 3 Gals La Nuhlessa Perfume, :1. delicate Perfiune of exquisite fragrance. Goanctl & Cola Nobleaag Pumade, ele- perfuriied, and highly recommended for promoting the growth of the ' ' Soap-eateerned for its unequal- and line ernollvient qualities. Gosne1l&'. Co.'s`Vio|eI. and Milli-our is guumbtred pure. Nu nur-, R(`I'_ should be without it. Sold in boxes at 5.1; in tins is each. _ Juhu Uasnell & Go. a Cherry Tooth Paste is : grezuly superior to any Tuuui Powder, gives I the Tectil a pearl-like whitaiiesa in-.u..m.. ah.- L1IKuU`UllUu John Gosne1l& Co.'s Perfume. i John Gosuell at Co. :I i in Ilniua-,.ul -n----J` AMPLOUGHS \l...l...:__ .. . ...- `you: uulul `null! TIIIIIIIIO W '0 puc- .|. tised by obocnrh manufacturers, more particularly in Germany, by imitating the In.- bola Mtnched lu'JOHN GUSNELL rt 00. ! l ERlv`UMERY, render it imperative upon the * Proprietors to Cuzon Ibo public ngqinot Inch nefarious proceedings, And to requeit their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table dealers, who import. direct from John ' Gosncll & G0,; and invite apeoial Intention to the addreaa- ` RED BU LL WHARF, John Gasnnll A: I311 ; Hal... D--a-.._.... . nu TH: [mu mma may oivntinuozyid nc- bY lnlnnfnnlnrarn rung- an-mo; an-A'l`-LA` I;;ucE_ STREET, Follrulry I7. 4_......5 uuwu. VIIIIUUI Ul \ my nogo hnve`ho.:l m d cbmplete e'ect of Sit and this too without p ce like than small -` __,--....._, muumxeu to main- h. rihg ds w blood zra altered. damn-n...a an- required THE L cannot po; nah]: nan..- ID, are puri6ca-ti1(r-1:1`)! sick .=, factories, .pri- olnces, decks of ships, mm: sick, night- nls, wnt-er ch, casksttubs, r, 61' sbljnj nndertgkera, and ur examinuionu; on nf` i..r.....-..__ :- ....-.-.., u.- uuaiu-oyoa dur- salher. .Eruptive other 3 poisbned ;.__.______.____ BURNETTS DISINFECT- . nurilir--an..- ..n -= - ,-... ......uuu examlnui disense, dininfec d pruernzio -I1 .-u. . ;-_ Mechanical cam for Brushing` wry. Prospectus and par- Lu Patcuteas and Sole Manu- .~I z 00., 1 ,q`.Iuner| t Her Majesty, the Prgncess 1ED WHARF, 93 Ueruz , Three Kmg Uoqrl, ac nu or. Andrew's am fty-two persons, yry room except _l'op'r .- `would DOE hrrnio ,-- -- an wumun producing be small chiolgide of cid.--I yourg` faith- rnr, Manhger. .N., Cannon` street." the essential dame of g oouditiohi of 51' which cholera is most ' and pr_o_pagated. For .. ._-auuu.---Dp1aI L8, Burbridges, and :l, uid il shown} m Saoteur; ,,,,,, ....5 .1-nun! W8! used at the Agricul- ` Smitheld Club Cattla order of Her Majesty : W Umcers. throughout um part. Um um.-1.1 . _ _ H unwl ll propagated. St. Andrew's street, fty-two no-or--~ '~ zn. L Q JJJDINFE` purication of 1 DIPGI f'nntn-l-- `TTOBNB Y-A1`-LAW, Kingston, 0. W. James Hi [Jim ;LBR[STKR-AT-LAW. EH02 .Sl'I"uL~orn .. auunenuy benecial; nonials ve. spied sum: from mn.I;._I Us Upper Ten Thousand , cnnV_`|;`;vv'r-i.;.l: `had the ilIClIn- t William than: ma-=- - Jockey Club Perfume i 2-: lhn Inns! -.1.....-... ---- -- 1 ions can- r disinfection preparation of exugninm in. a, nu|Uugl.l0lH U13 f the world. -Special Export gen. and . --i--= .._- -1-paws 3, I110 examination: ; ml diunnms - -- uutu -mu ululul. tne distance iraieed be- fore the oioer came up Will]. his-prey was six Inilel, end the train which lcues St. Albnns at 6:30 pub. for Montreal, was delayed, awaiting the return of the officer to St. Armand, where an exutninntion by e custom house otcr of ev- ery In-coming end out-going tniin tnkes place. `Hie London Law Juurnabsays :-\Vc hne observed their at meetings in various parts of the United Kingdom speakers have inveighed, in virulent language, against thecontingency of the Queen nesenting tn the Irish Church hill, on the ground_ that such An act would constitute a breach uf her coronation oath. It mny be well to warn Inch penons that to charge the save- reigfith { bteecl of her coronation oath in a grave contempt as against her person and government, and punishable as H. mis- demeanor at common law with ne and imprisonment. - so-r ._u.r.n,_m kDvAx'ua.`n_ oij. _ `H1-ms um um "nnsonvn ;u- Icasiannnrs my nnwsuurnn runnzslnn 11: wins arrL_1`HIsJoumu. " on-Ins 1-an as-r nnmu M __ you LOOAL um angina. `ADVERTISI- unnfs; ranndanl .wnnr1sn:nn-_an DAILY znnwa." . Posszcssum t Tm: LAEGIESI olnuunarron or ommr typos j AJUDIGIOUSSTIIP A` 1.11-n-:1: ruwrunsa um REPEAT THE BIGN A raotfsmn mans. PLACE -nan ' PARTICULAR? or lllson & Reeve, gARRlBTERS AND RTTORNEYS-M-LAW, Solicitorl. Convavnm-pm Am H -~ ll`, ran In 11- mp: wgupw | : NE. A V` V (:0:{,l_%! QB VF r. N` 4 _ 'rn.am:sm;N AND MERCHANT THE MOST BUCCEBSFIT wiisi uu..;... SPENT MONEY 1 ND 1101' TU ATTRAIJT cuu-omens THEIR suoomw ro LIBEBALAND Jaorofgms us}: or _ .+, __ The Ilontrenl Wuneu reports that the custom boon ocor stationed at S. Armand gave chase on Ilonduy evening to 3 person who hid been trying fo amugglo sewing machines ovgr the lines into Cunndn. The distance officer calm: nn rid: l`|;n ....... ...-- -- M1-Es, AND IF you no 1: _ALRR,1DY fljaxn ADV UEDIUII ':A1) v 1: R1`! sir I =ADYER ADVERTISE, IN 1-an . 1: 38.lHE83 _ , ,,, W- ---, --W, -v-----5 UftVIlC,iJl'U. RILIGIOIJS Thur-munch llnrxxa it the Sons of Tempennce Hall, Princess Street, every Sunday nfxernoau, from H to 5 o'clock. ` PURCHASE , AND EREOTION 0I' AN ATTRA Grlyn SIGN ron YOUR PLAOB or BUSINESS Biron: `run E-mama um nr Ioq wuvw omvn mun ausmm, [H `PHI ONO/I TO ton ADVERTISING 81: `unit! or BE DRIVEN. TISEV _--_.... --- . .--, . I-`xv , ...;..-...5 am. - --J, u..nu. Buns! Cumzca (Johnson Stu-et)'..--Morning Senice, ll.-00 ; Evening Service, 623,0. S1. l[nn"s Cnmmmu. (Rmmm Cull1oh'c).-- Insa,-7 a.m.; Military 9 n.m.; Mass 10:30 &_In,; Vespers, 3:30 pm. TISE nqoiuou _ and naledy are rglpontl .tioIIl., and , mu 1:: EA AN D PEBRI '1`_hja _del_iciona 0 NB Won-can `I ondimont, u T % 1 8 by Ira: rdyfomo. ysannion-`d tniinoz" % tern dye: in ` prqdnge In innity of ahgqe, : -.:_J- - or more of cp WATER ` One PRINTING on .nf1ifn'nT- '---'- 50., m.y.bg'[-,1:-g-1 Sf. ` -uw 8005-3 Lily illum- .,~r. ..-7' '9- paoroanis ma dye with water ; _s J pint of water. kc. ILLUMINATING: I IIIIEI 2 tannin - "-K waiter; mine at .__..- . _-r-._, V.-- Cu-aouc APOSTOLIC Cmzncu (Queen Street) - llorning Service, 10:00; Evening S;-rvice, 500, H:-rnzunrvn 'I"uun-.......- Il__._A . _. .. ..____ UDSON S SIMPLE JYEE PEOPLE. Any one can I thing can be dyed with tlm. I in this smalljpsee towiuumsi uses to which these wonderful chotnicsl preparation: can be 1 their chief use is for djaing 1 they are also invaluable as 3. cc for slmot ovary known mate with whih they can be used an cy of the result being,indeed, :1 By their use almmt --- --~-'~' without soiling M MAGENTA : The few minutes fo the hands. EMORAHDA. ffncuil. _--` ` CONDY`S PAT-ENT OZONISED W/ATI-IR, (1-on 1011.:-r ruurosm) Removes from the 'gn _ Av rupluly ` With,` Coudygzr ducer. (V1: urn:-v... _ uuu ullly Known UN freeing Drinking ` which is so comma 'I`.. _.---1-3' ' 9 IUI uat. N.B.-Condy a Fluid is the Stan. Test for Organic Matter in Wnce the only known means of rapidly : Drinking ,.Water rum. 4 .- my: a Destroyirng the blight of the pol hop, mulben,-y bu-cc, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic 1 Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pic dairy utcnsila. ' * ' Washing the hair and darkening when t.1u'uing,grey. Enhancing the purif yin" and invigz facts of bombs ind tuba. Dressing poisoned wounds and desu mul virus. Trelting the infect horses, dogs, 316. One gallon makes 200 to 800 gnllni for use. ` \Y' D 1" ioua diseases Lllfp the n Curing Muscy provendcr. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. _ Maintaining Iho health of phmtsin potannud conaervltories. Preserving and restoring the frcslmcss ol cut oweus kept. in water. Destroying bligln 6 potatoe, viuc.` hon- Illlllhnrrw o...... B-- uuuunsug I IUNAL DH -Homing service, 11:1 n______ .1 .1 i or we progress or En'ropea.u's'cieu4 Conmrvs PATENT 1LmD or Innturul dw|nfcc- g `" {:2 TERMS FOR 1869 ` tam. `puried, deodorises, uu d:dis'rnfect.s, by the , , _ . ngenry of naagent or .oz.onlc oxy_gen,-ng at-live I :::_':g `:3: `:1: Et:`efl"c`o`l:-r l:vv';`v;': prlnclple. Being enllrely innuxlouv, tlll Lml I For ee 0 ! th four Rev, wwntma preparation is peculiarly adapted for `"171. 1. h g` `"3 the following useful purposes, lot which all v F""` :' `, 3! `gm other dieiufeounu, onnccona tof_` their poisonous ` F"m" `mod ` "5" n ' or other objectionable qua-liciei, are unavailable ;' mmkwood Id We Rev}-3' Id useless :_ at Blackwood and twoRev:_e.wg Detecting organic-impurities in air and water. ` rB"k'd and th"'B e*"" Pudfying drinking and other water from 0r- ' For mwhbrd ad fm" ln.e'i'3 gnnic 1unM.cr,lcnd, &c. F h` th `fl 1 Ad - . P03l'1"A:9E- mg 3:1 E`:-:)l([:ll%B. o axro coae paces, an remov _when am by ma! an Poaug` Freeing meat, sh,-butter, or other provisinons f-the U'md's"" I be hm '1'` (mm m;,,_ cam; a yenrfor '* Blackwood," nu. Counceracting the e'ect.a of organic poigung C01! 3 T341` fol 3995 `#153 REYVO` taken into the stomach. Curing s"b5"ib"3 "357 min Wk '-"1 following P81130811 rates- Via: - Mnintniuinn ILA L,.I-- - ...n.-, .u, ncuumgzuu rnru noaa, Lmnuon, `:5. The genuine has engraved on the Gov: rnme:nI. I Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." n vnuu. nuu ull 8 pulse.` Manufactured by the Inventor, Ric-hmdl-`J man, 70, Kenuington Park Road, London, S. TIN! Drllllino lulu Dnrrl-avail nr. pl... 11-... ___. wan UUIUTUUIIIC. 77;: Medical Times and Gazette, January lath, 1866, states, ll. has.nn immense sale a'r_m.-ngl-t J the public, and is prescribed by scores of OrLho- ` dox Medical Practitioners, and, ofcourso, invould ; not be thus singularly popular did it. not supply ` : a want and fill a place. ` i Mmmfnr-tun-n hv oi-.4. Inn.-...4...- D:._L_..: n,, ` uucr. PA.T~EN T ` I-_ , umu g.-,n:uu_y pr:-uerruu "J-nn1um.1mb." l Earl Buppll .cqmmunicnt.ed lathe Royal Col- . legs. or Physicinrna and to Mr Freeman, that in I llnnilln the .oul,v remedy oi any use in Cholera vim Chlorodine. I 77.- I`.nT.'-..l iT'. .._-- .__J IV___..;a_ 1' --AI vupmvpv bin:-|'W||.|".!F||,Dl|FI `WW `prints pnposln :Il_putI.qi= "Wur It hair aoat: Ioitlslf, sud}; c.!_;_s_rs_p_psnt|sl- ly dilomat to , Pose-,PI`0 in tlie `nrions compounds ban of the mine of G lo:-odyno, "but have no ,, ten to possessing its virtues. It rapidly} eves pnil, from whatever csnae, Ii-[ lays the irritation of fever, soothelsthgsygtem under exhsnsting (licenses, Ind gives sleep With- out producing an one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly sri ng Ii-om the use 01 oplstel. It continues to hold its unahsxanzposltian in the estimation of the Profession as the best,` man ' reliable, and cllcspqt prgp1rItion. Iminunt and - scientic vsicinns rnsde sfdnvitar that they I have tears ogrqts in ursful comparison with T those o!"`DRl COLLIS BROWNE S CULOllO-- DYNE," an-dkdepoaed to the facts that they tound it s more certain and relislnla preparation, and greatly preferred I-`REEHANB." i Rm-I Ruaaoll .1-nn.mun:n..r..nI an at... D....._I n._| IIIE UI FIIU XXII} uI$UVUVIC 3 |'!- I-vhk-rsal. J nu-lo minept VA oioiqno and nrleo nrlvnm nngndnn In all nu -pt` Al 3 ___-_._ _4-. .., .....,u, ggvu -uubnv\nvu\,v.--' Innomn Emscornu. Canaan (Julmsm Su-ut).--llc:ning service (free), 10:30; Even in; Service (free), 6:00. l'\_-.__-A.__.. l'I _-I" cu- mly known means}/Bf `rap _ ng Awater from Organic Tiiif, ' of serious d isensu. Hz ORIGINAL onwwnrxjugiurviiuid by - B. Fm-n-J, Imnmo y ad to be ' 1 ol the grdltau dllcv of preuntl 4.... In I. l----I.. ._._I....A L. 41.- __-_. SIMPLE JYES FOR. THE use them; any- ed It is impossiole pace towinumsrsu the many hose and beautiful ration applied; while textile fabrics, lvaluabla colouring agent ary material, the ease r and the brillian- being, indeed, almost magical. 1051: am: ..t.'-I.. -1 ,. .. . H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee, Bzntersea, Lon don. _____._________.____, ---_y am: Mr, use the d Uzoniaer" or other uvuvulullh ynrds ~of ` DUI'VUo I few drops of qlour- Violet, Blue or fink; nuxinta to Lace, Linen,` Wjcker, Ivory, Bone, and, &c., nurse: the dye lrhoiling annoy. ,,_,. -_.v~ , ....-...ub nr\lII\\', u.uu. Wnsuvnz MI:m`oms1' Cumzcn (Syd:-nleam Street).--Momiug Service, 10:30; Evening er- vice. 6:30. ~ `rid-(;t:her animals. _ :3, ba.rrela_ pickling tubs; gullc-ms adapted I .15`. ' use them 1. ou-- v- - - rel th bath will h_m_1e, according to 2 Ric-hmd Free-' at-I: Rana-I Y,.....}.... Q its , . ._-.-an ioufteeth. fit puri- d, _uscd in the bath, ' state of the whole r: onanuaru Scientic Water, and alfurdn nidlv and nan--J - ' s destroying \ Wxsuvul Mrmomsr Canaan (Queen Street` 5-Morning Service, 10:30; Evening Servic- 8-Rn 2 Standard Scientic `gap and ..rI'.....l- viuc, nu VI nu pruuui Ilp H . . ; whlnh nu; An-...al.I- invigorating ef- nnutcu uunl Spray-prc of cattle, ctur PllI!`l'l'5'I Llitmomsw Qnmcn (Brock Slnwt) --Homing Service, 10:30; Eva-nillg So.-rvicc, 1:100 II__._______ I`! Pb : romndos meticl; . 13 ma` mid % ooivo Inda{It:`:,' at `G. Yatdlav A: n r.-..s---- 4`-` . NFLOWER o1r.'so.u>. GLYQEMNR 8!? - ` 3'01 ! .'I1`f0`fYflf`LIudy Soup: in lb Barl- ,4,1ne ini0It1onQof'3'1'iloga _ _ ._ ,Pomndos, Rose and Violin: Powd__er_g,_M O6!- meticu; rrenmr Ext ,, Lninndei Wsm, ` Cherry Tooth Paco. Dim: Jnido Ind Glvnnrink ind even-v d----=-"- { 8] _a.w`s1'de`d for f unty and Excellence` of Quality. London ' aVnd`PIn-is. ` TL ' `IDMANIS _ Dual 0.. _ mu the same I oyed with I View past I have been in the hu- .v de Johg`h s Light-Bown ifgo be much more ei- an other varieties of Mn. ......... .- `lguu-I oa.Gn'uny;":i at Dr, ro duce__s thed nglfs eqired aausub-D| 0'I' U0 Livf e! of prope'es,' cholnic compound organic cornbinati It in, I believe, this oil has paging` tha aqua among which" ilk prengnde of n, `ma 6r'odfrm`1n~a use 6! on, are` most reuurkuble. universal] nowledggd that - _v vvlosl-I I` -v m an cases I have found Dr. de Jongh uA Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil pumping sec whim" ilk prengnde qt compounds, 6! ' bnuuiu' Cacncu (Earl Street).--Moruiu; Iervict, 11:00; Evening Service, 6:30. BIOCK Smnwr Pus3\'1'u1uAu CuUncn.-.\Iur'r} ing Service, 11:00 ; Evening Service, 6:00. ur... .... . .. n..--.-....___ n pa. Lmxnsjrxn, nuns, Coroner for Central Hiddlesex. ' nnuun. We think it a great. advantage one kind of Cod Liver Oil `which i admitted to be genuine-tha Ligl: Iupplied by Drfde Jongh. It has I practice, when prscrjbixlg the oil, tr this kind. since,-M amidst a much vI.I certainty, we hive-condence in neaa._--(Exu-act from Consumptia and Remedidbie Stages!) ' _ nit. EDWARD. sun-H, Medical Oicer to the Poor Law ,, . .35...- ....._y uuu uu queEil0.Il,. H10 PIIITBC, C110 ln%t'06iCI`: cious, the most palatable, and, f ' fd; un. um JU.NGl:l'S OH is convincifxgly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful aporlencl for twenty years in- all parts of the world, I) be,* beyond all queatio.n,. the mostoi_cs- theymost palatable. and. rm... :o.- ----!-I R. ma goxem, LIGHT-BROWK con ` LIVER OIL . ` DR. DE JONGH'S o by 0`Vl'I1hnIIninn _-.:_L- -' '- " ___T_v, _ ____,, _,._.__- \._,.. Sr. link : Cmmcn (B:u'rieeId).-Mm'ning Service. 11:00. 81'. Joint`: Crmncn (PorL5mouth).-M0rning service, 16:30; Am-noun Service,-4:10. EDWIN __, _--;--.vl~I! VICIIIC By Hanry Stephens oflldinbnrgh und the late I.` P. Norton, of Yale College.` 2 vols- Roya.I'0c- Lava, 1600 pages and numeral} Engravingu - , ....._ -....... uumucrs all ma following redaeecfrates, viz : , The North B-n'u'sh from January, 1863 , to De- cember, 1866, inclusivq; the inburglz and the Westminster from April, 1864, "to December, L866, inclusive, and the London Qunngrly 16 1865 and I866, at the rain of`; $1.501 year for each or any Review; 3150 Eackwood; for 1886 for $2.50. ` THE LEONARD SCOTT Ppblisbing 00., = 38 Walker-ltreet, N.Y.- .:...... The L. 8. Pub. 00. also publish r 0 s` 1'41 1:. sent unit, Poaug e to an}? pr.:| oflhe United- States Vii! but Twavn mm can a and hen I . year for of the Reviews. ob:a-i_n-back nuuiherp 1 rates, Thin N .-n-IL R...'r.'.1.a-__-._. 1', ' [ mm normou QUARTERLY (`Sanger , THEEDINBURGH mmmw` (Wm ;. wan wssrrmnsrrmtznvxzc V (gnu ; 2 ran mom-Hmwrrsn nn=vu:w (Fre uLAnUnUUU EIJINUURGE ~ <'1`'-> . . . ` `, r11-}1B:3E foreagn penodzcnls are regularly , ; ; ` published by In in the same style as hereto.-l fore. Those: who know_ them and whet hiior Jloug subscribed to uthem, need no rellnderj 3 those whom` the { civil war of thelrst few yen-'3 bl! deprived bfteir qnae~we! use yupply or (B5 ` bew-erioiiienl htemmre; be 313:! to hava, them` ugniutlgin `the-`;_r reach ; and than vibtr may never, yevhare mat `with them, w}ugu;_5a; 5 ly be well pleaed to i-eeeive`uccf'edite_d".rep'n-it E of the progress of Rm-m.........:...A..- -_ 2 --V I -mu wmswlnsrlif 71iiv'iE`vii Yhican). I swam NORTH `B1-t!'l'I5H `REVIEW (Free chm) ; ' `um ` -BI.AOKW0ODS EDINBURGH ncuzmy] I "__('T9!_r-> T ` , , -_,-...--- -47 --v-, -. -v. Au. Suns CnUacn,(Division Sn-eel,) free. -'-Korning Services; 8:00, and 11:00 tun. with among Afternoon, 4:30 p.tn.; Evening Service, 7:30 p tn. Tifnxsn PERI(v)'=ii~i C%A-13.` 001V11AIN1.KG g_;;,,w. N :11 In an In N u 8` .l0`1nu 3: ' ;fJ "I. lama lmnnnt nf ........._. - BEA . SAL'l',__for % Bub in vnhr -'-""` ` h---.. GRANNILL % V . of an IJA-- .' E S1-. Aunnnws Cnmzcn (Princess Street).- Iloruing Service, H200; Evening 'b'('r`\'ic(', 6:30. ` ~ we roor Law Board of Grext Britain. , greatgadvsutcge that thgre is [:'1Ver which in un:..-..-.-II-" Am mat of anneal` India ` : g`1 =o:ice,"'.'1viveV.c:ens-. snuedugof % . Address, ' ` " zvuuueulie In its gen Consumption_:: its . a. - ) r. nd Chic! Analyst *0 :{,Io`ondon. -..u uusuuf-JDEOWII` U long been our ; to recdpnmeud vnriecy and an: deuce in so... ......._-_- no-nuge jlw` Il|l' is is universally` `I IITH, I'.R.S., 5 r Board Dr.` Jonghrml mm lung 8!. Grown`: CA1I:n1Lnn.-Moming Service I1:00 ; Military Service, 3:00 ran. ; Evening Ser- vico, 1:00. - 3!. Pumbn Cmnan (Quaen Su-eat).-Morning Service, 11:00; Evening Service (free), 6:30. i 81'. Junta` Cntmcn (Union Street).--`Morning ` Service, 11:00; Evening Service (free), 6:31). r 61- |J....,'_ l".......... rn-._.:_n-v.|\ 1-,. producing 3; ` Rnm-n rm... 5;! hr. 819 -.l`c`>'ngh consider it to be rente dinnht ---` -- nun its on 9 CI-I'll uh genuines in: i`....I.. illill KI? \ Ezu-If , 13.00` 16.90 % DQI}_ l`Irectol')'--uonrn of Pub- lic Worshlpl = in i V` Wtla1`g|-{lag-I in the Git],a.lI I. mrbe H` SEE FIRST PAGE. \ \ \\ `\\ N` `\ Q .95 W ~`~'~'- E%`_ ,`." anunnat nvmma. JUNE 5. ` * ' lzvlin L 161:1 . " V -s G liinosron eiery )_at 3:15 A.I., 11:3 -n.J.l.2JI.\vJ.V['JI'\J1."I-` _ luonmr, Juniodr; ' GILILG .22.nd insunt M. `_ vo Xingnton Tm.- gfidlyl and Ffridaynfnt failnoque on wean: ~ Wednesday, 38:}; --~------_.,..._... ., , mm y -V99 AA - .-.._.._.. __?__ I'l \(J.ll.' ll lI.)I.lQ.l`Ll ""uF`i'Ihundsys and Sun Q31 11 A.l(., 1 P.I., 3 ,`lmvsnAYs and mu M . {human other days. % wQl..l'_l`:_)%1ND , P.I. :nd'l .1. ` I` It 17?`? _ ~. ,-uungmaozzn _ 031230. `F 1!` _P.I., connecting. wit `H1 . ` F from gnu ,\'_VeIt. \.-4---- ~ " , -Bunowns, HABTI3 her trip! :, um: will leav K '; "ma FRIDAY are l0NDAY1ln'.`I T It all in _ M jhill-y. " or .Pa.saage, huin ......nnmdntion. nnnlv on h{;E?yfon'. mvm II_.Ajc1I` I` A nu--n HLIEJILIY, Simon, is He have Kingsion dhily ` ) st 4 A.ll._ (excop "with the Grand Tr , hating the 0:25 H Onion: `?V'V1u.saaaem* " n of the? ~ ` finpton for Toron A ' ('"d!.7_ twp 553 .PIERR1}.`.PON ..____ _._- -... -n-- T Inn Lvnvu ('"d!.Y, exczp `HALF-`PAST FI .rn.e;sr FIVE: __ Tiekou apply 3 ., Ont-rio Street, --I-..-o mag ;"""`..........: i.`-:.:::`**.: ,;,:1;I":.':.{_1 4 W4.'1ER'1`OWI . u. -. n1_ :1 Perry Wharf, foot of B I,-lay 3], 1869, ` 5'. ll. Hlngayc, k'.A`I'-I_Au7 n- -myd_ ND. Qllaoggtolondolll-b0` Llne of I On aadqftar Jana 1 E Tnnsunmn mi and ona THE BTEAKEB lavlgauol-n .'E'.' 'j`:',"x Fbot of Fllnan on .30 B 7, `I869. . Carnvrlgm,` .AW rtwn - ~~~ -- - -Q-'9 _ aw. 0FFICE-CLAR- . oppoillo the Post Olce. ,__. ., . V, Go;ve_ynnoer, to. Dec. l. T).-..,,; UDVL: . - . CH (Wellington strr-ct) - Fvnninnr ant-13:-cr s!.')n nvllll In :., 33 King AI-1:111! 1. CITY cl I nzawdcn, `ITO EY ATIAW, Solici Chm , Noun Publie, &c., Itruet. Kingston. 6.9010 In!!! I-lUu- _ From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Cbloroform. S.~1ckvi1le_-Itreet, Piccadilly, , which are aecreg com- Many medical dunng tb'e p`rc aent century. In diarrhoea, coiic, I have found it. to relieve more pain and cause; more joy than any other at-ti_c 17..-- --- ` ` _ __,_ -_ .....,.. uuuga. '-.bancet. 'I`0WJ.E`S CHLORUDYNE. The Original Preparation of known C tion. Dr Kirlul A-"L-- " "' uupcu war. we pm brsudvas unworthy 1 members who by tea the disponl of such _ __________________ CHOLERA, DIARREKEA, J ARL RUSSELL sent to the C , Physicians I commnnicition re him from Mnnilla (where cholera graing featfully) co the lb: , Uulorodyne II ence will prevent the advertisement any secret medicine whatsoever. I hoped that the pruf_euiou will co: ..__,_,|, -.. .._._, uunuus. By the combination of with Cress Seeds in a. am they are united with organ render: them digestible. stubborn mineral has thus of an organic substance as aorbed by the blood wm uomnch. ` _Agent for England and I E G. DUI-'H.E:5NE, 79 ' May be obtained ofall Cl ul punlylg me 510 ,' The above Pr: ofweetments, plea: liculariy aclnpted I nursing. V R: nu. ...-._L!(--' si Rklv `Magic!-Luv, Gonveynncer, opposite Post Office, Clagenoe` _---`(vi rcvuf, ulllrtntl excessive action ofihe I was awarded by the Fn V. Baud fur thus valual Price: Smail, ls lid; Size. us nor knln _, -....-.. ; AJJDILJIIIII nxtraordinary for Epndemics in Paris, lane M.D. of the Civil Hoapiusla of Algiers, has just In- troduced in England his URGANIC MEDI- CINES. ` _ They consist of three prep'.srations-- ` THE BAUDEINE, An efficient and prompt Remedy for Cholen, Yellow Fever, Dinrrbum, Dyaentery, and the excessive Ami.-m ..r'.n._ n R V. BAUD, Graduate and J Medxcal College ot'Pa.ris, C Extraordinary P: Algir. URG {`.rm.`.: :0 olrand ; London. 17 scuuults IO!` N. ` Handkerchief. E311 de Cologne. All the abovea portation, and re in any climate. , 96 Strand; 128 ` Lnndnn In 11 _ .UUoUUU And is prepared Iyissne policies on te:-m-3..-1 low as the safety oflhe assurmi will permit. JAAIES SWIFT, .._.- ..... :|C\.luL'\.l um puouc (`0lli`id(`n(`t* by uln- prompt and liberal set1lemeutol'evei~_yt'nir claim. It has fully complied with the laws ul' Uun.~nlu. by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of 350.000 __ _ A nd in n-an--..A ~u,1JU,:f.5l Logtgpaid 50 years, .. "rlIlS Company h.`I.S bee` L Canada. for y: [in-Ia Inna .....\, . \'I \.n, \J|'lI ll PAID UP UAPITAL AND SURF :5,15o,s+3:,:1. Lnnnnn -u.:A :.. tn ._-, 4` _.... uunnbkik a`n| lI`I.I.:iUL1dUl(`.' .| .'llQ`3. JAMES SWIFT, Kingston, March 31, 'o'_J. Ht. l.:uvrr l lilome msurumte tfumpu ` lhm-n. n u........._ EUGENE RIMMEL. [)ERFUMER. by appointment to thirl ties me Eumemrnr lha D`.-......I. .._ A ` 184:9. Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf`. Kingston, March SI, 1869. :a2,u7:),s:m'. ` Funds deposiuui in the luunds of lb fur the securily of l'ulicyhn ` All the risks survc rate of Prcuzium mmle corrcspu risk Assumed. u . ..u... .... xEt.11:1 Iu.~:uruuvu Cu. or" lbnl, Uunu Dawn r-rn ---- , . YS-at-LAW Solici- A you in Ohanoery-KC_bamberav o%.v 7, 8. an Audion.` Building-. 1-won. - - ` J !,Q.0. | Faun: C. Diurxn. IL; IIIAAJIJ .. _,_-.. \/D .. ,1, ARE AND RIVER. RISKS L: J and c;1rguus`at reasonable r.-new I A u mg mun l'\rI D. SATRALEI. I)_._:I 1.: UAPITAL .. .. .$I_0(.-u,uon_ F'r{E.\lIU.\lb' RECEIVED DU.{1_\Y(: 13;3_ $2,07:),s:m'_ fund: do-rm.-::h.u.i '.'.. I... 1. ... 1. . .. 1' .1 (1 Al 0mce--33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. [umc CASH C.\1 I'l`AL .1-rw gm.-. _ . Kidd ,_-.._, ..u, an we most: useful`; as appeared during pr '21 ague, tip: 4 in any other artir-In n... K _ _._- .,,......,u ur mate reveut or sale of It is to be profession continue to aworlhy the conduct of those of ill 10 testimonial or otherwise aid Ibinga.-Lomcet. IWl.R`.Q (`ur nnr`--"'*`* -li_Jyal Assurance Company 0! D gstw.I,Mnrcl1 31, 186:. Of LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.>3'I`R.\NGE, Agent for Kingston a--33, Street. of germination. ed organic life, which thus I The irritative and am! become the nucleus : capable of being ub- ue wfthout injury to the ____ ..., . nzuzlullly, London. if you would ndvertisb your : than you do, you would help vars, the market. M. and recommend M..- 1.-. [23 Regent Street; 24 Comm}, Boulevard des Italieua, Paris. Harlnc, Insurance. % I369. \;e.are carefully prepared for Ex- retain their excellent qualities 5, \ l:.1n11l'zl.llCC Company of cw II:-wen` Conn. ._.-.-..........: any n1'1`Ulu!|'Y8-al-LAW, Solicitan, Gonveymcera, to. aps.-en, 0 W ' * 'orirrc"1:.-so-uh coins: of Dundu in: Int Streoll.` ' - - Wu. H. wxunson.` w. A. anvn, u. A. Oounty Crown Attorney. -