`D. SATRALEI. n_.J -The Profession is wet, and che t. Each gun Proprietoa 5' warned against in- up compounds now in nine bottle bears a. fac- ngnature on the stamp March 31, 1869. THE 25 Kingston, March 31. 1869. A 0:!ice--33, Clarence Street Kingston, March 2o,'1so'2. V1. 5.!` Agent at Kingston, _ "FL! 'ha3nIx IIIV'0 Aunrance Company OF LONDON. L .....A _; Ll` Inn In.-aurauu-c Conlpuny Ilarllhrcl, Conn. L. J. HENDEE, E. 1 . Donna, President. General Age-n `l.\'CU[{l`OR.\TEl) IN 1819. i l'l`.\l.$:,000,nu0_ Aa`sETS5::_150,931,7 'ULL AND L`-ARGO IHSKS lo and [ml __ Inland Ports on liwournble terms. usses prunnplly and liberally adjusted ul- iu Canada Currency, JAMES SWIFT, Agent, arch St. Lawrence Wharf. ey cous4'=t of three preparntion3-- THE BAUDEINE, em. and prompt Remedy for Cholc Fevcr, Diarrhoea, Dysculery, and e action of the Bawels. A gud mv .rdo-A he on... 1:`- -- H Lynn 23 B__- as n..nu.|BBI.Uu' _ mos. xmxpummc Royal Assurance Company _ or .. .au seeds in aw stale of germiuutic med with organic life, which u: :m digestible. The irrilalivc a. in.-1'31 has thus: htlnrno --A - - ' . ..... .....-m-.-u.. many medical me, and recommend your com- I never prescribe a. secret re- Cnnnmns K100, M.D. , Chemist, Manchester. from New V""" "" _-_.._,, ....-. u_y:u.euJ.--l r1ce per Uoule. DIASTATIZED IODINE, Z we Blood.-P.-in. on ml - r 1UD, Graduate and Member of t; ul College ot'P:u-is, CDiefPhysici1 ry tor Epidemics in Paris, Ian: M.` Hospitals of Algiers, has just. i a England his ORGANIC MED ' ' LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANGE . Arvnn r.\- L':_ -~- - .. mm urganzc life, whic irrimti ml thus become the I Eubslanca mn...n. -r L ecured the pubiic7`c.c')ndence by lha: L liberal settlcmentofevery I`.-sir claim. complied with the laws ofcanada by with the Government of _b'tocks [U of. ~ 'u'}ir:cE.-sou:h West can Eufsueem. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. County Orown A Ltorney. ; 1.28 Regent Street; Buulevrtrd dea Itaiiv , ___.. .....,.....-a Ina nuclc substance capable of being: blood without. injury to I _ ,,,.........<,u; LU tueI1'JlaJS- ! Emperor of [he French, the (._'u.~-n .9 Qqueu 0!" Holland, the Queen of , and the King of Portugal; and Prince of Wales. III Co. on CHLORODYNE PEPPERMINT 5-.` D "' ' ( [n.~;ul'zI.nL:e Com m: I Jc-W Hmw-n, Conn. Jlarlue llusuralicr. _, .,......-._y, uuu I. B.n'm;ls. {DH} the French Government to J I valuable preparation. 13 Mgdirurn 1- `I ' '-,,.. .9,-uuu, It"! in the lmmls of lhn Gov;-rnu-nl w svcurily uf l ulirylml.Jcrs. u- risks urvfully surveyed, and nu.- ium nm-lo: to correspond with the a.-nngaxnna AND 11'1"] Solicitors in Chancery, Uoes-i8 Clarenm BL, Uee, Kuves-1-ox, C. W. Jon A. lucoouu.D,QT C. 1 . Jon: ll. L1.~.'c Kinomnn I-min IE mzcrzlv E!) D $2,079,396. gs |,uuU,| URING 850.000 ____--uwuIULl TECBIVE wnere cholera had the elfcct that, 0 Jdvne wn- 0- - *` and British Posseasions, E, 79 Waning Street. full Qhemista. AI Jlarence Street, III-nh `)n "I on. - appointment to their Majes- eror French. the U..- 3 cmfsllly prepared for} In their fnnlln-.9 ..._-_u~, .--aannn. Piccadilly, London. vould .mw-....~..- _,, Tr-ilet Powders. Po.-table Fountains. T.nler. Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet Rum, sites. --.... ruuuynca uu term a assured will permit. JAMES SWIFT, ARRLSTERST and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, B Conveynnoera, Notaries Public. Richard '1`! \VaIkcm, 1OLICI'l`0I IN UHANCERY. ~0tl:ice-Clnrence Street, Kingston, C.W. J. P. GILDIESLIIVI. L.L.B. | Inga. T. WLLKIE. lllacdonald, ,l allon 5" ` AIIRISTERS ACND 1k'I`TORNEYS-at~LAW in Clmncerv- to ,-...vv\-I U 1 been of all 2 was the most etfec-- 7/7- V A;:9'nt, . St. Lawrence Wharf`. 1869 1*o1,' Chemist, ,unbAppiIy, far dis- or State interfer- ttisemem n- =--- ' " the Iran or Iodine `ale of `nu-n..'....o1--~ Standard Works JAMES SWIFT, ,- --vvo the College Ltion re-nnit-ml 1 '"'J I HUUUUD. advertise your Von wnnld h..I_ EA, &c. L} anon: 2 February 17 treat; 24 Cornhill, Italians, Paris. ,._ ...n.ynlCl` men: or sale of ar. II: is to be 1 continue to .of those of in! otherwise aid La-near. CHARLES Wnnsou Secretary _ _ 9:! mm nun -um V Agc 11,t. St. Lawrence Wharf :9: of lionn. A gs-nl. I [U Il'|`Ir\ vu Iv . DI [\4`\LV\ll. Agent for Kingston mt. of 1 received by 78 had hm-1 Clnztnpuuy of I Compogi- $1,000,000. , _, ,_...,.-.. ..uuu um oust. The other four went over in the boat safely. The graves of we Confederate Head at Rich- mond, Va., were decorated on `Wednesday, with ifipoaing ceremonies. Business wu very generally suspended thfoughout the ci.y ( 3 ._.._..-______- SURPLUS-ll $24,ooo,ooo_ u uucleu .... nun AHA` qualities uJ uunqu ale M.l), ijusr. iu. `. \lL`ru Jual. lu- MEDI- ; Large ` term:-1-:3 rt-nit :l;s-u';;l; Buwden, TTORNEY AT-1A`1`f,. 591 K C`.hnnn:.-~. Ll` .., ' of the _...q( Llal ,_,__........, uubupltu Dy nny-two person every room except four these the occupants wonl be applied; the result of those parts of the house used, not a single case s, it ; in d not permit it to which was, that in. where it had been `of cholera subse- a single case, although the dine in the neighbourhood. Ssld by all Chemists, and at 30 street, London. Quarts, 165; ' pints, 4`s; glass-stopper-ed , its strength, [69 per dozen; and in bulk at 43 per gallon: bottles included. Each gal- lon making 200 gallons, when dilured with water. Sea directions on every bottle. is a certain cure for greasel and rot in shop. 4 ' DIN}-J. ;qui- I569. l5u'8- am yl fully, S. SIDNEY, Sec. and J Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Gannc This uid acts on the essentia disease by destroying the local co: the atmosphere under which chule frequently developed and propaga. instance: In a house in St. Andn Plymouth, occupied by fty-two] was sprinkled in everv fnnrn n-M- -....u= ul. emf many 5 condence that none taneoua and complete Burnela, and this to any nuiaauce like the lime or carbolic acid. 6'.ull.- "" F` A boat with nine 1 Fnlls, in Maine, on I'm drowned. They had, were rescued, jumped I am. _,, - - -` ' K. - . . for the prevennou of mfactloua disease, cm- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. Show in 1866, by order of Her MajesLj s Privy Council. The value of the uid is shown bv thr- f'n|]n-:.... I-Ltr "VIR WILLIXM BURNETTKS DISINFECT- b ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, `workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen (:b.:il':I, cesspools, drains. stables, dairies, Iarders, &c.; bilge-water, and lb apartments for searchers jurymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention infectious disease, ker anal F...-.-~ = ` ` water closets, musty caaks, tub.-1, e holds of ships; , undermkera, and of sick, nigh:-' vI\lVI\.C ur I195 Sold in price 23 ad, cial agents parts of tb ' IL" * absorbed 43 6d, IL! uubuh HYRETIC SALINE.--A Medicine that L-urea Sea. Sickness or the worn. form of Billions Headache in a lbw minutes; effervescing and tasteless , iis con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tiuin health. When mixed with water and taken during the eervegcence, it itnmedi iuely blends with the fuo"3,- and is rapidly into the system. It 7illiZ" uud supplies the blood with those aline princi- ples that iirs lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot Weather. ' Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, Wheru like vital current. ' ` ' ' . it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, as the nu- merous unsolicited teatime iiils i;cconipii.:i_i,- mg each bottle will prove, Its pzirtiibiiiiy renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from m-ziliciiil advice or assistance. patent strippered glass bottles, 113, and El: each". Spe- required and appointed in all the world. 5lrFHE" SAUCE. Prepared by .Aic:x- . antler Soutltwootl Stacker, lrulll 2!. recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wootl Smith, thirty-five years Physician to the London Fever Hcspitul; Father of Soni- tary Reform; Medical Member of the limit (leuer-tl Board of Heulth; Author of the lir.-it work on Fever in any age or country, the Philonophy of Health, kc. Delicious with every known dish. lts habitual use increases the appetite and pro- tnotea digestion. It is much esteetnqtl;lor its dlgestive properties. As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi_t 0.1]. the name of the celebrated, and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a U3) tion-.l loss. `XII-...I,...|- ' " u.u.nuu,nuUUl.lEl . '.[`he Patent Machanic.-sl Chair for 1 Hair byjhlnclliurry. For Pruapectua 1 ticulsrs, apply to L|Je1 atent.-es and Sol facturera, JUHN GUJINELL & Co., I : by Appointment to Her Majesty, Illa J ot'Wa1es,&c., RED BULL WHARF, 9: Tuums STREET. late of 12 Three Kmg Lombard Slregt. `,5ofl'1 um ....,.....umr-uuu imir uye: certain to produce any slmda Brown or lilucli, of good mmirul colour. _ It cannot ['I`Tl33lbl_Y lj'll`c the hair, baa no diagreenlile odour, and iteaeily applied. John Gosncll at C0, : Patent 'Pri-hoaaron, or newly invented Hair Brush, ll1..9 peculiar me- chanical construction of which accomgmuiea the [W0 operations of cleansing and polishing simultaneously. . Patent lI._nL...-.:...I - ' -' *' John Gusuell & C0, : Cherry Tom]; Paste is greatly superior to any Tuulh Powder, gives the Teulha pearl`-like Whll-33633, pron-cas the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 1s 6d each. lnstanlam-ous Hair Dye: Hhtck, nf' nnrwl ......._.- T 9 ARR[SvTERS,ATTORNEYS--LAW Solici. lore m Ul:Iaucery--Chnmm.-.: M..- -2 n In universal re-queen; Perfumu for the Handke: >Jubu Ii vsnrll & U033 a must dellcdle Purfzzmc John Gosnell & Cola] ;.;au1|_y porI`umed,'n.nd hip l|l-|unliI`rin.- an I -7- AMPLOUGHKS PYRETIU J Meducina lhor IIIIZr`4 CV IIIKIILIUGB. John Gosuell & Co,'a Up Perfume. I'_L 11 .. . _ Jubn Gusnell 3; Co '5 Prince of Y&lI.1' Pur- furne, :1 most choice and uhionnblc peurmn.-. Juhu Gosnell & Cu '5 Princess Alex:mdm d Perfuma, u. must choice and delicate ptrlume, prepnrud expn-ss'y for me use at Her Royal Highness. In}... 11 ,_ u . r- - -- ....... uuuu u 11n|u',UJ UPPIII. 'l`aAunsS1'uurr. John Guhnell & Uo. s Select Periugnes: E35 Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Clgb Perfume, Essence of Wgsd Violet, VIC- loria Bouquet, Fmngipauni, Military Bouquet, the Bride : Bouquet. _ \Vs.lu.a' liuhionnblc l rIncesa pcrlume, . nn.rUmn.lt!, render it imperative up l rop|-ietors to CAUTION the public again: nefarious proceedings, and to request friends and patrons to purchase only of I gable dealers, who import direct from Gosuell .5: (.70.; and invite special aueni the address-- lJl2'l \ul1I'v 1IVlI'AI-at-I ---- K uuu nuu|UBH-- RED BULL WIIARF,` l.|'|u| I! .`.....II I. an PIN huh _ 1 . _ . . . uaucu LU mum- .-ultb. wlends `d vimlizna 3 a{ In Jungle. Sq,-ulut, , several IIFFL.-nl I5` "" _ , r-..ru5n|aULl. IVVOP n Andrew's air eet, Jccupied fty-two persons, rd :cupanta would I in If of Subse- `rrod - nun- :- -- - ' , ,-- --`-o uavnnunvuln A correspondent ofthe New York Ubm-ver II]! : The King of Sweden in the moat ahble and uppruacbnble monarch in Europe. In his daily Inlkn, `or whiie going about in the public steamer : lhll ply through the waters oflha city, is olnmbnses do in New York, he enters freely Jato converution Will] the people. And to Iu-nngrrs, especially Americana, he is exceed- ingly kind, or, as his subjects would say, gru- ciouu." .. um, II V ,-_..J Juan!- certain I Icab sheep. THE DAILY NEWS-A--TUESD;&Y % EVENING, JUNE 8. -.... uu-\.unuu:l1VIl(1 plHlI1DLhl 0- tr life n , strona L6 purchase onlf tV1;esVg)_e'c- , John .; auenlidu to achahic.-sl Chair Brushing -ry. and par- Sole M:u.}u- GU.:lNEl.l.1r an u__.-. _. oAUTI()-1T _--_,' ... s:IlIkr_'-I BULL vVHAnF,93 Um Uuurl, F 93 Urrnn. Trunucs S1-nun-. l3n, 4 Rnlnnn I)-....._.... _ u__ _ ..J uucuuuu, H001 a support health arm -minenlly benecial ;a 1111-` nnr.ia`1a :~nAn--- "' _ ...--ya .3. I./Ill ARRISTEH-AT-LAW. ENCE STREET, opf I?..l....- -- ` VU-y 1 crzuulera 1J33W. Pl'I!`-(`t-I-I WH A DD 0') n__, !d fuunly,` .| Fun". mu 1 Jpper Ten Thousand ,S 1! --`.r-...vn-All-I ID `Ill-5 imperative upon the a Dublin naninao nun`- _-..u urvu luv ic against. such request their nnlu nl Dnnnn . .._...- Perfumera . l)_._. ADVANTAGE OF CONTRACTS __-.......,. u. Iuclr Iusencu 3 Iew days went imo the bedroom, took down a it to his breast, and shot himself dead. = Wan-en Gardner, late manner of the Twilight, of Glonceuer, Inga, conv ucnuling his venue}, hna,been sentenced yous imprisonment. A --__;--- ` ` ` 5ES'I' um:/any you LOCAL um GENERAL ADVERTISE ' 1 nmnrs; mmnmroan Anvnnwlshlicran ngmv mews." TYPES AND PUi3':5 E-J51 N U 76$ MA}; BE DAILYNEWS A LOUAL PAPER AND YEARLY more A TIIUUSANIP TIMES. Pinon THE PARTICULARS or PES INK RESOLVE AT J0!!! I Kingston, Jury 16. [P mu wuvuu) m smj A NEWS. 4 TO `. LIBERAL AND JODICIUUS USE OF NEWS P A P 2'. -.1 (:0 I. ADv1:m`1s1NGI 'H P.` LALLGRS1 V ' "-rm; Mom` BUCCEBBFUH TRAUESMEN mm MERCHANT IS THE BEST AGREEMENTS 3'00 HAVE SPENT MONEY - 1 The coloured cooks in the White House have decdued to do their oices on account of the ap- pointment of a while steward. year adds to lbs numbers of European emigrants who aid to swell our population. The Carleton Place Heraldsnys we are ;-orrv I to hear that ibe Rev. Robert Gabby, who ha-a been for some time post out ofhus mind, and re- quired lo be taken care of by hia_ friends, took gdnntnge of their absence fevfdays ago and imo Ihn 1...-1...,.... ...I- 2 331: IF YOU WOULD DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, um NOT TO BE `DRIVEN, A'l 1`R.AC'I` UUS'I`()MER.`3 ABVE ADV}; "vHDI'U.'vl _'_A D V p: 1: `mm B_Usn~ncs`.: NC ULATJUN !'VlIkI:o;1- in am, QARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-M-LA W, Solicitors. CUnV8Vlnr-.9:-.1 an. In IN THE. ANY. cum? was A wmc1ou.ss"1'zcz= A mrrnaz FURTHER up REPEAT THE 'mIR.`FnR1?.' G0 ADHIT THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PURCHASE A ND EREO'1`I()N( Y NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN OI'l'Y,THISJ Bmr0_R1s my PUBLIC AND {N THE WV. Bil: TTORNEY-AT-LA W, L` Kingston, 0. W. ones -ro FOR. &TTRACTIV] SIGN u0CAL SIR TA. RIPE 0) THEIR `SIUOUFO-L :4 'r IS 9: E'IREO'1`IUN OF 4 'z'3.`{EIN _ ..... ....... nIuALVllU UAliLlu'. Atltlitinnitl p-.u'ti,culars iii the Fr-.nt`.'i cable enterprise are given by the l.un.luu Duiiy .\'eu-x. The cable is t~()l1l8 twelve l|_uudl'C1`l miles longer than either nl ll pl'etlI:Ct::l()l'S. It is tlivitlcul into several srctiut1s,_aml haa_been inmvufattnrul zit Ell!` rate of one hundred untl titty miles tl week ever since the contract was acct-ptc_tl. .\: lrtst nccuun!s `ll. wit.-:`within :1 huntlreul tnilt:-i 0f1.'l)lIlpl( IIUl] and was neatly all aliippecl uu lltlfll the vessels R1)p0`lI]lt:tl to carry it out. Thus the Great E-intern carries 2,753 miles, or about 400, inure than when it let: with the .-\n-__{ln-Americrui cttlnle, its Vast I'CCplllCll' being uirule still \"!`|.`l.L`l', tltlll it~ main tank l`DLla'ltlt:l"ubl_\' enlrtrgetl. With this cargo the great ship will leave lie!` present resting place in the liledwny about the 10.11 of June, and will pmcee:l tn Brest .Qne of the vessels iii" the expedition will in the_ meantime have laid the llt}tl\'_\' slmre end, and this will he buo_yca.l out to sea at the dlSUll1CdVDB]Cll. The Great Eastern will, somewhere about the 20th 0:" June, pick it up, and after splicing and testing, will set abouthcr regular work of cable laying, under Sir Samuel C.tnniug illlll his stntf. She will be CCOlU[).`l[}lCLl by the Scunderia, it fine \'t-sscl ut'1t500tmis null 370 feet. long. ttntl by the L`hiltern_ butll ships being titted up with grappling irons, buoys and picking-up niacliinery, which are identical in every respect with tlinse on board the Great Eastern herself. Some eighteen days will be occupied by the Great Eastern in the voyage from Brest to St. Pierre; and immediately on the line being laid between these two places, the other cable-laying vessels will carry on the remainder of the work. ' 9'03 UH 1'0 ADVE RTISING AND A'l"l'BIBUTH TISEI 5.` iIULUMN 5! nun-ID llll AI` U 4'l"l`URNEY{ uolicitors, Cunveyancers, `akc. W. . YOUR. PLACE UF susmzcss This delici nnoieaeura "T ._.E_;._________..__._. A AND PERKINS W oua Cond d sauce, is ___.j___.__ orcesterahire Sauce` , pronoun cod by P1`?- The Pnbl1_c and Pen-ins la, and ninsnuoo. by the Pro ` ma5euannat- % London; &e.- 1 _ .--ALI LINK} on ordinary wa BLENDING B1 produce an ` taste. some a uce inni f the dyes in ty of shade,` ding to I I :C( add one or two,` Bimplg G nun-n-nmoa 3135' | n_ursdn_\' I"`lida_\' . . ` Sgturdayi a pin: to 5. quart cording to ahndo bu-BEE. vu 9|. DKUQ W of beautiful required LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet And Orange. Dye in warm wnter. ` WHITEWASH: To color: llagenla, for`Bink or Rose; add li ` ' A , then stir in the Whitening as usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty tints by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir inn few drops of Oolnnr-- Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blue or Pink; these impart delicate tints to Lace, Linen, , Wicker, Ivory, Bong, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye ` fling water. beantifu b _E Apply with 5 H28 . more, abow in a few Vic WILLOW SHAVINGS, qmckly, ifapplied In h BLUE: For laundry pun nnrnr H -` " , _ _. .... . mlll recommended. LEATHER: Bl og-- .,..n;un.n: Blue, VI half a lb Munvn Vi -`M " Ul Inn (.1; COTTON: _...._.. , -....-...no: ungcm` Purple, Orange, Pink, 1 the most. satisfactory quantity of boiling I pan. RIBBONS and with soap and water t to render tem clean. FEATHERS: Dye in ha (:9 cl. -l--- - lUl' W 0011611 I WUOLLENS: Pu.-.-.|.. r--- ~ mu: uuaer use is for they are also invaluab for almost every kn with which they can b cy of the result being,: By their use almost an.` {'34: vn-:3 -'- ' nuuirll IIIIUBTIII, y be used and the brillian- nlmoat. magical. the hands. Kuhn . \-v1\ . , - ...,. uni. any one can thing can be dyed with them. in this small space to ennm uses to which these wonderfz chemical preparations can bl their chief is dyeing _-_.. out H]. H] P` ti: TARQH. nu- L V r }hing In ti..- `runs TOILKT Removes from the mout. tastes and odours-, xhethe or other causes, and cou and morbid secretions of 1 es um] softens the skin,` tends to: prnmote n heal bndv, ;>co:i.V- -?1hI-In-no: J. :6'T3n?u$'? `.3- uuu 1:30:11`!!! 2* v Dutr-ctiiig organic impurities in air and water. ` I uril'ying drinking and other water from Or- ganic niqtter, lead, &c. ` Freshcning the air of close places, and remov- ing bad snwlls. . Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from taint. , Uounteracting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. _ Curing Musty provender. Fro.-eingfwheat and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health ol plants in pots and conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept in water. Destroying the blight of the potntoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, -`kc. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs; dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. 1-Julmncing the purifying and invigorating ef- lects of baths and tubs, Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying uni- nml virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, kc. one gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adapted for use. NB:--Comly_'s Fluid is the Standard Scientific Test 10!` Organic Matter in Water. and alfurds the 01") known means of rapidly and C0ll lDlu-_-lnlv frnninn h.:._|.:, --- V .- .._,; Comparative tamperntures of lay fur the years 1866-7-8-9; 1366 1867' If `Mean lpmn 1.7 -2 -- - - tle will dye 2 10 minutes; \O.\ DY'S PATENT FLUID or namrnl disinfer, L taut puries, dcudorises, andjdisiufects, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen,--it.s-ac|,ive prillciplc. Being entirely iunoxioui, this uuly scicnmic preparation is peculiarly adapted forv the following useful purposes, [or which all other dieinfecmtxts, on v.ccount.of;tlu~ir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are uuavailzsble and `.lS('lI`8B :- fl, ,_..:,' ,, InHn,v'IU, Lcnumgzon Park Road, London, S. The genuine has engraved on the Gov:-rnment Stump (nuL3idcILench DB0LlE:e),, FREEMAW5 } ORIGINAL U1 ORO Y .' " I! an \Jlll\lI UIJIIJU. The Medical Times and Gazette, Wsnuary 13th, 1866, states, " II. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by score: of Ortho- dux Mmdicul Practitioners, and, ofcourae, it would uul. be thus singularly popular did it not supply u want and till 3 place. Mnl!IlnI1'IlI;rn1' ha 011:: `nun-".6..- I)2..l___.I I1--- -1 vvulll. uuu uu ll place." Mnuufacuired by the Inventor, Richard Free. "'H"r7U. Kcuuingson Park Road, ' Thu (uunuinn hug nnn--n.I Illn. oi... l!..._..__.__-', . l)lIl'l IXUSBCII (7 frgu u." Physicia Hanilln the only was Chlurodinc. I'I.- .II-.J.'__I VI R. Freeman, Phsrmooeutin, In :1 nnn Al ll-up uunntnab lnh`-a-[nu 15' I ullvu u-cnucu -us cueuua nu carelul comparison wun those of DR. COLLIS BROWNEH CHLURO- DY.\ E;" and deposed no the facts that they lound it n more curtlill and reliable -preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMAN." ' liurl Russell communicated to the Royal CO1- Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in- I.lnni!'l.. than nnlv -on-un.Iu I ..n-- u... 2-. (`h.-l-_- 11-"l.L`CIu$1-3531.1 j DE, IIIVWW U Phsrmooeutin, nllowed to be one ol the greatest discoveries of the present century. It. In lnrgely employed by the moat eminent. Phylloinuuodrsurgboal in plal and private pructloe in all parts of the wor d. It has elfects pecnlinr toniuell; and which no anemia!- ly different to then produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Oblorodyne, but have no prctenru to possessing in virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whuever cause, al- lay: the irritation of fever, soothe! the system under exhausting diaeuma, Ind gives sleep with- out producing my one of the unpleasant feelin 3 so commonly arising froiin the use of opiates. it continue! to bold in unabuen position in_the estimation of the Profession II the beat, ninet- relinble, and cheapest preparation. Eminent Ind scientic Phyaiclnm made nidafita that they have tested its c-eets in careful comparism with l.|no:* of DR. (IOLIJR HRHWNRM nurnnn- VIETEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 5,1869. ._.... uuaullr. (GE, JELLY, CORN AMS, Jzc: While in a lie two drops of Magenta. elegant tinting cannot pg .._:n J- - .- Dye in boiling water. S: hot water (a few ___....u ; U, (F-on 'r0u.:'r I ...., -.-.-u: can use them; any- Itisimpoaaiale I enumerate the many 1 wonderful and beautiful eparalions be applied --am-ctury reaull ' water '_)N5 Ana un 17: 5 sun LPIDCS MEMORAFDA. The mrnnnoin A---` ._-..-5 scan uj. Ullill uods, Feathers, Silks, Magenta, Mauve, a, and Crimson sfactory results. Use Ionina I--""` ` .i}zT.. s. -;u,unn.. __._...- III acu_wurulseaPc.. rify the air, use the diluted uid Uzuniscr" or other Spray-prw -Aul LID Any can them; d them- h 4. :_--- mu--u nuu nu ml rrcculull, um: Ill` nly remedy of any use in Cholera G . _- wt `.35 Kill`, mmrosls,) c e mouth impure and foreign , whether arising from tobacco md counteracts the irritation: ions carious teeth. It puri- xc and, used in the bath, healthy state of the whole .5 water In SILKS: E13, gh ._-:.| ......= ul rapnaly and complete Wacgr from Organic Tuir m :1 cause 0! seI_-iou&disea.e._ 3 air. mm thn .I:|.....- :1 UZONISED IVATER E1" `on nu.-.n-.. \ _.... uowur1ng,ac- ad N: Ditto. No. 2 Black to Sixpennv bottl tot` boiling ......-- THE *FRl'INl.`.H ATLAN l`IC A.l.I..i...-.-1 u 1-uUUK a liquid state m A ----- ...-9, GU: ve, Violet, neon produce a large an earthen Brush them cmnann - - auu |:uuIplel.Cl_\' Tuinl, Brion: diannuo FOR. THE E Invo | hlnunrl ti: 2! V DAL `HONEY. SOAP. `SUNFLOWER OIL SOAP- Ni SOAP. 1,7 of Fancy Soaps" in lb Burl.` ` in ` Ron and Violet Powders, O ; ` ` tprtcti, Lgnnder WIN!) ` uto. Limo Juice and Glycerin`: 1 30? Qtvery dolcription of prapan`t'ionI.l5or- _ E II Highest Lowest . Range . . Cod Liver; cacious thin 0 er varieties of t_h,e Bump metcino which I have also t eir rehntive xupe -- . an.` 11!`. Oil. and tin mnwm Aoamozf Syn-geou to Chnring ESQ;, 1a{R.c.s., -cross Hospital. DR.vL_l;THEBY, ledical Oicer of'Hea|th and Cl tho. (`ion -1, `V ' DR. `LANKESTER, F.R.S,,'. ' Coroner for Central Iliddlesex. I consider that the purity of this oil is accur- ed in its preparation, of so good a chemist and imelligent a physician by the personal attention . as Dr. de Jpngb, who has also written tba` be.-at V median] treatise on the oil with which I` an: ad- quai-nsed. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oiianid under his guarantee to be preferable 10 any other kind as regards gen-uinenena and medical eB- cncy.I) ` V '. ...;.....us_y, we have cond nesa."--(Extract from "C4 and Remediable Stages.)` `Mean temp . " Max " Mia .. lIi-1.....n _ , mnce. amidst 5 mac 'cI'I.8Il)ly, we have ness.--( -nzl D. I- condencq in` tr_a_et_from "Conaummi b V: . 10 reeqnfnnend , i-iety and an its genuine- H S it ` Rail- ,___._.. ... uuununry 50 the Z!` I have frequently prcscril Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil.- A very pure oii, not likely to I therapeutic agent of great 1 EDWIN ul v nu Ulh. GR. DE JONGH'S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practice! test of `successful exporieneo for twenty years in ill pm-ta 9f the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the Inoltelcta-' cioue the moat palatable and froinita nd e curative effects, the mqst e conon;ie_nl o_f:lI'kiodA. .; Hence the m.:-......1 ....---.-e.- By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and thdlltol, P.No1-ton, of Yale Oollege. 3 Vols. Royal` 0:. . tavo 1600 pages and numerous Engnvingu. . . P1510}!-$7, for the two volumes. By 15; _ 909?: Paid; $8. ' - ~ g. _ r--v-- -- um ` umomng reduced rates, viz : _ The Arm}. British from Janus;-y, 186:-gm 1).. camber, l866,`inclusiva; the Ed` Westminster from April, 1864,: to December" 1866, inclusive, and the I . you for each or any Review; also Blackwood ` tor $2.50. THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing C04,` Sui-ncribers may obtain bu following reduced viz The North R...`4..'.1. 5-...._ L ck number: at : r mass lbreign periodicals are reg.;.,g,. L none whom the civil war of the 1...: few ,...,"" Ind deprived of their onoewelcome an uni but periodical literature, will 'beglnl:1po y, then:-I`agait_n within` their reach; and thou yh may never yet have met with them, wiIl`..gn,,_ 1 1] be welrplelsed to receive accredits}! ' of the progress` of European science sndhten. 1 tare`. _' TERMS FOR 1869. Farm] one of t_.he iourlleviews - Fax-any two of ..he four Previews \ `. Fr my three of the four Reviews my all four onhe Reviews For Blank woodja Mugazfno - For Bldckwood and two Reviews `- FOI`B1IckW00d and three Review; . F'orBlackwood and one Review . .. 09 " For Blackword and {our Review: ` . 11171:}; ifiii` rnrnnw-..1 . ___ BRITISH _rEn}3E:;ff` THE LONDON um-rs` -rnzacorxuungu .REv1nELvvY((31,; 1'33 wnsrmusmn uvmw` 3)` THE xomru unmsn mcvmw (3-':;); any ' ` ` BLAOKWOODB nouns - . ('r...,,, H URGH naAzn_r; I-VDDQII A'_-_! `y. . .. The L. .3. Pa And I lug; gmount of prilvn Pl... (*1. _, ,R. DE _JONGH`S T T1701 __--v -. ' SIR HENB` oo2vT411v11m' A -EANTEBTA INING ` ind'1eg;ed_,, cases I heve found Iir. I'll Cod Liver Oil possessing the nine ertica, amon mpounda, and of iodine in: nude of ubinuion, are the most rmlrhble. ieve, universally acknowledged that} great therapeutic power; and from anions, I hue nn rh--M -"`* de Jonghj l g which he preaenoeol l CANTON, n71_~;gsn.Cf EVENING, ; ` SEE FIRST PAGE. sun D l.AlU'.H.'l LIVER OIL. lnlfl l\vu - p uni of genera` 5Pri.c::uFive Centn. 8: Address, h, lllhief Analyst to! at London. LI GET-BROWN GOD I R OIL. lO'I`T C04,` M 38 Wa.ll_:or-ltreet, ILY. ...._. R` Smith: 51.1," `L Snawnu . ..' Jauncu Agnew, `nit: ,._.I . ...-us---- -mjvu bouh an I '1!-" ""*'!-1 a ll In-n-1_1 % `EH-AT-LAW. K (JF`Fl_CE-CLAR- opposite th Post Oica. 17. R. .mmN oz;sis}zTx.i2-Fmi N. F. Dcrtru, A.M.,'0boerver. A REPONT, ; .% AS FOLLOWS: GBTON every day ( $.15 A.M., 11:30 11., Ln: ISLAND on M" II AIM` R_uIn-H-I9: a ` -South corner of Duindas and H 1.31 ERTOWN, .Iv H--J... |t____, Rinnectiag with the G " the West and "Quoting the {:30 P1. ' ,I.ud the Northern T Ilfl _Prope1Ien leaving hound all Weam-n Pam 1153? trips about the nd will leavq Kings! "FRIDAY at 3 RH. " IONDAY gnd THURS "it ill intermediate nun ouuruuya u. 1.31., 1 P.u., 3 P.Il.'., AYS and FRIDAYS ll other days. I1 II Irrnolurwa-g kit, Slrfo, lhsrln, llingston daily (Snndny hi Al. (except loud Grand Trunk Trains elm 1:4: I n `-72 gge,-having aupe t1on,~ apply on _board D IIURP ` ` Tm IPPI -; Ill ` .'. 0.1::-lo Street, or g "wlnwt .OfC0, BL M , M` Street. !"""'" O.H.HA .'r13r.inte! f97rm en ublic, muc ` Protmta i Ea! ' ' ' - In-run, IUZQEIMI I I. .-u G. IL KINGHOR pWlnrf, foot of Brock St 131.1869. 3' Vaduuday; 28!}: I nslanq cum: Mswunui _% Ganunoque Raul T . of lhonbove $41: for Toronto qn "(end-I Aexe-med) b on of the Bteuncra `gaming (Monday _mu.r.1>As'r rm: " i cant: vnnit` 34 `,.,..A .. 1; agthi 3 n.nn-Ingipl*l'eCt. or a in: men wezft over` Rumford ne, Tuesday, and lbree men were they bad,_ with two others, who , from the boat. The other at boat cnfnlv 1-nuuu u-unx xjralns Ifgthe 6;8_5 All.` it!` lafigallon B IDLJJLVII on .- nnd Saturday! a I I D M -2 D u G. IlT"KrNGn_B' ant will run Tiiendays. W L 5. at 4.p,m. ' ngsdays and _-q. '9 ~ I: Ull Uillalu D. amp '73f`~ *4 ...... u -. :.unxIn I -Bl.-LA` kc. Ufoe Bngot Street, \ 3 British Whig Uice, up: `B A ROIITIR `C OIRICTID POI on, ,. .. -4"\l`-ICLI II LUU E031 SUBUIE ble nly 0 York. Pnlnri r.-,....., ..`3a.;;.;'.;," `-l'.A W n _____ _, ..-- H`-'\', nunu wuc ngln-Amt-ricrm i being enlarge.-ml. [ha uruur ..I.:... _-`II ' "`U '- LA `77, Solicitor in 13 Public, &.c.;33 King jj Curl w`:-lg In 1,- QYIY 4.r`in.`._.- -, chooner Iceuer, c0nVicled ul ,hu,been sentenced to four IL 1'5. Julia Pu-1-on, Q.C_` . L1.-.::1un. ` Conveyance:-, to. Dec. .1. .A. REEVE, :1. A. -`(;;':posIle' the Post NG S'1`1ucm THE CITY the; rill ecxpedition .:l ln_:2:.\'_\'s1mrc moycd The .`2Utl10!' nlini.-._ -/ ' - . $50,000 to lead on the acuity of Real Eututain the City or Coun- try 1: 1 low run of interest. No commission $33.4, K. II. BUSH. '|'EIllIOI- ITIR. , _..._ .. ,uvu' tn.-es, second e, upstairs. w_uIcuuB, IUOK `days Wu )1 ant: u.-.1 rm!-Lln V! N I apauee, 8. I he 100,000 LIABLE. A u. l\.IL`J-`I31 AI` Chancery, N owl street, Kingston. month of Ijtgzv.-(}HLOROFORMI WITHOUT PEPPEI Sole Manufacturer :--A. P. Manchester. hlCl-llUU- No'rI.-'I`be Profs ferior, secret, the market. aimile of Proprietor outside. ._- .....v...-u, us: more man you to beat the others, whic` pounds, out of the mark men think with ram pound, but. will never_ pre: medy. CH1 To Mr Towle, M A Surgeon from New I only requires to be known I have no heailatien in chm 'I`owle a Chlorqdyne) as the cine that has appeared d century. In dim-rhcea, col I have found it to relieve m< [DOPE inn wk}- --- ' { lion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of` S1 on Chloroform. Sm,-kville-street, Piccadi Sir,--I think if you would Clnorodyue more than do, y `tu h-nf rl... nH~- I -._ v\.a|.IuuUlI UI IDC members who by testimonial or at the disposal of we TOWLE-`S GHLOR.ODYN_E. The Original Preparation of known 0 [inn ,__.. ....... yuullu oplmon Sm! ence will prevent the advertisemen any secret. medicine whatsoever. hoped that the profession will brand as unworthy the conduct. of I 0th such Lbings."-La-vac: anrx .1: . -- C4 Innt. `` The day seems as yet, nut taut when public opinion m-emm mg. ma---=-r pped r|' nu - Jnlu })'Rn1LL1r,Q.0 ___-...... . ........,n I. a UILV no I5-al-LAW in Gbauoery--Chambers Nos. 7, 8, b 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. . | Fan: 0. Dung. .__,___.____ John. llludle, BA RRISTE R, Attorney-at-LAW, Com ta. Otce opposite Post. Uliice, Street, Kingston. August 6. eyancer, Ularence -__________.____._ CHOLERA, DIARRHUQA, EARL RUSSELL seat to Physicians 1:. communication I tum frogn Mauilla (wnere graing lea:-r'ull_y) to Ll remedies Lried, Cblorodyne 1 live. - .. ,......,--ug we mood.-Price 2a ',' The above Preparations an of Sweeuneals, pleasant to the ta ticufsrly adapted 101' infants nursing. By the combination of Ir Willi Cress deeds in they are united organic life renders them i stubborn zuiuural becom of nu organic substance aorbed by we in stomach. Agent. tor England E G. IJUFRESNE, wanna, May be oblined of all Chemists ; an UIASTATIZEJ For purifying Blood.-Pr: '_. The uhnvn D-~----`: '1'I1t BAUDEINE, An elcient C Yellow a cxessive guld was awarded by Govarnmen V. Band for (bus Price: Smail, IN ; Medium, 45 5d; Size, 115 per Bottle. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, For strrngtbenxng th.-. Syste m.-l rlca her Mnnln uuuuut.`-L lcxmss. R V"._BAUD, Graduate: Medical ot'Par 1-Jxtrauxdinary Epidemics I D R .`v I`C"i Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes fur the Handkerchief. Euu do Uolcgne. All the above are ( portanon, and retain In any climate. 96 Strand; 128 Re] London. 17 Baulevrl ..m\JLdA`E I1 1;}-IRFU.\lER by appoin ties the of: \ Of'Sp1iu,ltm I; the Belgians, Kn H.l{ H. the Pnuca W: quUaUUU And is prepared to issue policies on low as the safety oftbe pet I . nun. xhrwr---- __-__4_. `_. urnun REMOVED TU KING : NEARLY OPPOSITE TH noox STORE. "VHIS Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured public condence prompt. and It has fully the deposit Stocks that nrnnunr nf nu: ucyuau. Wll the amount , -- .,....n.\u .1.L _ $5,15o,931,71_ Losses paid in 50 years, -..,..._... , b"ecreI.ary CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. AXE AND RIVER. RISKS Lakeu on hulls and cargoes at reasonable rates. JAM Eb` SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Imwrencu Wharf. "1Et11a I11sura.ucc-. Co. of Hart ford, Cou11. PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS-| J.-R IRA n-)1 -- `Home lnsuram-e Fonnpany or New liavml, T An .q.II|IlIAvI:- 115 St. L Kingston, March 31, 1869, (569. .l-tum ' l'lI , uruulllll gllcw, BARRISPEEI and A FTORNEY-1 veyuncer, kc. : door loulil or the ritish Uffi August 1. '