is azetted Is, in place 1 nm - nml t-he The` trial of the oicer.-3 of the emigrant ship James Foster, on an indictment for assault wiih intent to kill, bu commeneed in the United Shstes district court at New York before Judge Benedict. ` Imports G. `ROBERTSON J: SON, per Grand , Trunk R.n'1lway- 50 boxes starch, 150 do raisins, 100 dober- ring, 27 bags ootfet-,1 bag carrowayaeed, 4 bags canary seed, 103 boxe tobncco.[55 catties tobac- co, 6 bbla snuff, 30 cases pickles, 20 bbls cut to- bacco, 392 half chests ten, 1-13 cauies tea, 5 bblal sulphur, 25 do whiting, 100 bags rice, 50 cases salt, 50 gross black lead, 3 cases brushes, 50 bb 3 currents, 158 reams paper, 178 boxes bis- cuits, I53 bags sugar, 55 bbls sugar, 25 boxeg hops, 100 dozen pails, 20 nests tubs, 50 cask; sal soda, 25 bbla vinegar, 15 qt]: cod, 10 dozen mop handles, 50 boxes candles, 15 bags mm, 2 bbls alum, 30 demijohnl vinegar, 10 bbls syrup , and 49 kegs bl curb soda. Gen. Lee, while walking near Frederickg. burg recently, had owers strewn in his path by a party of fty little girls. nuns aria ILII: Klgl (H B IIIIDOTICY. 8. That the annual meeting of the sharehold- ers of the said bank will be held in July next, and it is only fair and just ihnt no igislalive action be taken on the affairs of the bank until after such meatimz. nuuuu DI: llI.`:'.Il OI] meeting. uuuc, uu,-1 caucuuuea to mislead the public. 6. You petitioners, therefore, pray that no legislaliop on the affairs of the said bank be mk- en during; the present session, and than no addi- tional powers be vested in the president and di- ` rectors 01?; the said bank. :7 `rm... _. .....,.r 1- Iculula um;-` Luu o.-mu (max. 7. That we respectfully pray that Parliament wiil'2poAct to deprive us ofour property and rights without our consent, and will not legis- late away the rights of a. minority. 3. That ihn annual mmninn or oL- -I--- ' - - unauuuuluu oy uiemselves. 7 _ 8. That we are informed, and believe that the manager: of the said bank have been from time 10 time directly or indirectly trafcking in the stock of "aha said bank with the funds oflhe said bank, coggtrary to the cbafter of the said bank, and therby `giving the ea_id stock a fictitious value, and calculated to mislead the YOCI Dtili0DEl'E. [hers-fnrn nu-an 9|-U. ..- UIOSE. _ AIFIYP. Intern by GT R. day train12;4I) PM. 4:15 (`.31. water do u u 3:15 -c -_L_l5 an East and West night trnina 9:60 " 7:00 A.`.\1. LNITED STATES MAILS. ` Through Mails for New York, Boston, Oswwego and Cape Vincent, will be closed at 1:30 l .M., and lulu from these places ml! be due for de- liver; It 12:30, .I .`.\l. A second Mail for Cape Vincent Ii be clrsed A! 5:30, PM _ gnu one will be due here for delivery at 7, A.M., daily, Sunday: excepted. nnu-nu-rv ......- -v nu-.unII_u H5 CUHUQEUCG. 4. 1`hnit we are idformed, presidenu; and several of the indebted !to the said bank ~ discouutd by themselves. H That an .... :..r..-...--1 ~ 2. That the said bank was only incorporated in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-four, and has not yet been in working order four years. It commenced busi- ness with a fair capital and the condence of the public, and now through gross mismanagement it hnelos: largely of the former, while it has wholly forfeited the condence of the latter. 3. Thatgwe fully believe the ofcial statements of the s-{sets or the said bank, as published by official nttthority in the Canada Gazette, to be in fact unttiue . That. by the last statement of the 30th Apjil, 1869, the assets of the said bank"nre put down at $3,750,243*02, and the total liabili- ties at $2,307,50:l2, being a surplus of $1,442,662:00, whereas we f.-el condent that there is, infect, no such surplus, and had there been such a surplus the public would not have willIdra.W_n its condence. A. 'l`h.-9 u-....._.. :_;r--_, I - - -~ An extruordinnry petition by certain share- holders of the Royal Uatnadinn Bank was pre- sented to the House of Commons and published The petitioners object to the bill now before .tbe House for the following reasons. We believe, however, that the bill so objected to is in every way likely to pass: 1. That we the undersigned, and as we be- lieve, the majority of the shareholders have no condence in the President and directors of the ` said bank. and feel Ratinf-ind that .t.,. M--. 2 I gfluktuu `II the - lu Hum _` `he rec}:T`d bu-llkuguung pas ` the P _e5S and 578 be `GB of I b reside unbue. On brou tha Ha E d1k_ "tn direc`0rsmE53_1ike mght ahoui n and CH3` . uni! bier 0 gmlent f the -~ 33 4n|uiurIllllI Iiucallu I "But the other day he thought his position somewhat precarious. He was afraid he would have to cross the lines and take Iefuge in Cans- da. But he was glad to see that the thunder- storm was passing rapidly away without doing any harm, except petltups sousingn little all. Sumner had quoted his (the Professor's) remarks to substantiate his denunciations of Engl.-ar.Il ;_ but he nlone took up the cause of England, stated her cause, and for this had received a pretty full amount of abuse, and especially from the press; but, as he was here under the safe protection of the British flag, he might. say that the Americ ID press is not universally celt-hratr.--l for its intelligence; and one of the papers that had been|y erce in its denunciations of him, had the day before ha] a brilliant arti- tlc bearing on the hat and boots of a rival elli- tor. He sincerely hoped the storm would blow over, and the more he saw of the American`. peo- ple the more he was convinced of their readiness to meet every other people in 3 fair and honour- able spirit. All he feared was the extreme vir- tue of some of the politicians. it was possible that they might do something too disinterested and sublime. He was afraid of this, `for hasty progress in that direction would lead to conse- quences. (Laughter). We-the English-- were ready l0 repair any wrong we Lad com- t'nitted-and if we had done an injury to any other people, let that people come in a. proper spirit and we would at ohca` acknowledge it-- wo are ready to do that, but we are not by any means ready to allow any one to have the hon- our of trampling our ag under foot. (Loud and prolonged cheers). Englishmen were by no means too tenacious of their purse, but they were very tenacious of their character; their money might be wrested from them, but no one would take from her honour with impunity. That is the line the Amcricuns must take care to discriminate. Let them uverstep that and se- rious consequences will ensue. (Loud cheers) Our Government had shown a real desire to re- pair any wrong done, and to soothe the wound- ed feeling of the 4merican people, therefore he thought this cloudiis nearly completely dispelled and the storm passed away. Social and com- `metcial intercourse were the great cards which musterer hind nation to nation, and these inter- twined with intelligence and religious senti- ments, and feelings of common brotherhood, must. ever pre"ent` any seriouir breach between the people of the United States and the people of England. Again be thanked them for the honour they had done him in speaking of kindred institutions. (Loud and prolonged cheering). We are glad tlll. Mr Goldwin Smith has cl~o- sun to pay us a visit in Canada. Mr Smith at- tended cm Thursday the annual convocnlion of` the Fniversity of T01_0'ut0, and delivered him- self of two very sensible speeches. The follow- ing extract from his sreecln at the dinner will show the spirit and light in which he regards the huhbub occasioned by Mr Summer on the Alabama question : Hui lhn nII.u_ 1].." Ln Ln.....Lo I.:_ ._.;:.:,,, \JU\.ILI|.LIl IIIPCIIVB. The Legislature will be prorogued on Monday Afgernoon. rl-u., rs - -` " ' ` -| gcl. uuun. _ The Repeal League Convcnaion clo_5ed ils proceedings last. evening. They decided 10 make annexation the pulicy of the D958- Father Point, June 13.-Tbe steamship Prur ` ainn pnasr-d in wards '5: 4 sun, with 46 cabin: and 1,059 nu-rage passengers. nun AI-C llI'|Jl`I'l`II III Cfllnllll ]H'UBl'C`I||U|IH. Messrs Almon Ind lairn, farms-r staunch re- ponleri, new I. have withdrawn from the Gov- ernment make in Ibe Council. In 1|... --..___ ,,r - .I -, ._r,_ __ -.,A..I__ ll- lulu -1. no All. Per Cunard and lfrcmen lines, every Munvla` and Tunday respecxively al 5 1'..!!. Iluuaculu ISLIIB Il.I IUU IJOUHCII. In the course of 3 dnacuasion yesterday Mr Annnnd charged the Uouncil with obstructing the public business, and threatened lo make tho Council elective. I"|-u-. I -...:.I.. -_ ,_-nL- _,,,, 7, 1 __ Ir l-- Unlilu, N,S , Jum- l2.-In the Assembly this morning, with closed doors, Ihe rcwlulion of Atxorney-General Wilkins, mxlhorizing the ap- peal to `the English Courts was rescinded by n umjoriiy of two or three. A nu..l..a;.... -...a .`..g..,.I nnnlunrininn Ihn lnr- A. Mann: uuv, HI IUD Dlfllli UI uluau. The [O-pealers in the House have bad muchl trouble with their Bills iu the Legislative Coun- cil. :-Several hnviug the appearance of puny measures were thrown out, amongst them the Bill for Vole by ilallul, and one to provide for this app ointm. nt of n Barrister to nsai-at the At- lorney (h-mm! in criminal prose-culions. Moan:-n Alan". ....I o.u..:.. l...mup .o.n.-..-In pg, u-HI_|UI'II_y ul two or xnree. A resolution was passed authorising the sur- vvy of n rai|wny from New Glasgow, on the Pictou line, to the Strait of Oman. T119 "Angela.-n in lhn [Luann In In hnr` rn|xr`|`I ,{___.._ THE ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. GOLDWIN S3-ilI'[I IN CANADA. ARRIVAL C313` THE PRUSSIAN. FROM ALIFAX. HIIMVSHLC. 5 and believe that the rem] of th. A:.-......... ..-- L--- ucu, nuu ueueve that the fthe directors are largely ank on their own paper es. swam Com -:s of the mm Nuts my be hnd It the counter` of the publication otlice, Prin- ceu Ilreet. Price three coppers. n1:_..I- --_:,._ -1 AL- n----- r- u uuccturu 01 we at the present dis- tiou of affairs Wffllllvl-ul -L---- L- Enilgvlit 1-1`bou t by 2, management of hinr nF cl... ...-i-J I said Call soon and see the handsome Carpets before they are all sold, lat the Montreal House. I day or night promptly atten.dei. J. JARVIS. M.D. the poor from 6:30 to THE public are} not be re sponsi? ` contracted in out n ` boats without our W nuu IIIYEIE Eamilit Orders left at A. dtore. ALES AND PORTER} ILL be delivered to the ' the Manufaclory, at 81 and Private Families at $1 pet \ Ordern Info :19 A Y =-' -_:_ Each `will be! paid for old birds $ jured.) $2 each for young ones feathered. Before aking them from tha apply for full instructions to {VAl1rn.I-u- nu. . _ _ _ - r,._, . . . . . .. ;uwIn.uI.JllUUE IU CAPTAIN DUGMORE, Royal Canadian Ries, Kingston, Ontario. N.B.--The Goabawk is the large blue hawk which haunts farmyard: during theauuunn and winter. ' } Kingston, June 14th, 1869. (Toronto Talegrap/L to copy,) -I ll (Late of London, .._.._ _ mngalon, June 14, 3 p.m. MONEY M.m_x:r.-FloLaEa Bnoa., bankers, report money market as fo lows:---American currency jmyiug at 71 bills, 74 silver; selling at 72 bills. Silver buy ng ' at 4;, selling at 4. Gold in N.Y. 1392;. Sterling Exchange 9;. Royal Canadian Bank bills buying at 96c. MONTREAL MARKETS. (Special Telegrpm to {he Daily News) Montreal, June 14 -Gold in New York at 12 o'clock 139$ IN.-...... ...._..I.-. __, .-..j_ __._j..___.. NEW YORK MARKETS. Special telegram to the Daily News. New York, June 14.-Cotton very firm at 32c. Flour heavy` and be lower; receipts 21,50 ) bbli; Isles \6,400 bbls at 4,60 0 5,10 for superne ltnte dud western; 5,80 /(D 6,25 for common to choice extra state ; 5,45 0 6,20 for common to choice extra western. Rye our quiet at 4,25 3 6,25. Whut. lc better; good egport and fair trade demand ; receipts 124,000 bush; sales 94,000 bush at 1,41 RD 1,43 for No, 2 spring aoat and to arrive; 1,46 for No. 1 do. Rye quiet and rm. , Corn less active; receipts 37,000 bush; sales 38,000 bush at 93 @ 940 for new mixed western via canal; 95 6 97: for do. via railroad. Barley dull. Oats dull; receipts 2,000 bush; sales 12,000 bush at 86c for western aoat. Pork quiet at 32,62 @ 32,75 for new menu; 32,25 (ti 32,37 fur old. Lard rmer at 18 @ 200 for steam; 20c for kettle rendered. ILIVE G()s'i_I_A_W1;Ls -I" 111..-.-.` u cluun 1..-:13 Flour market ver dull, and rates practically nominal, one or tw parcels super bought on private terms, suppo ed under late rates : other grades nominal. W est nominal at about one dollar for winter an U.G. spring, but no trans- action! to report. ens sold at 84% per 66 lbs aoat, and 82; froni alure. Oals sold at 41 ; lime now otfered. Provisions nn~dlAsbes un- changed. uulo UDI I changed. UIJLIIJUCE lwill be. nu-.. -nu u-uurvyx an mu . As 3 contrnat. to this, yon'wi1l see 3 merry` English boy, inn set: of ditto'u, run in and throw down his efrnnc piece anywhere, he has no system; he loaen, bursts out laughing, `and vanishes. Wet! for him I A lady harelast I night went. on play ng with varied luck for en hour; when she hail lost all, bet-face Wu 3 pic. ture of quiet despair. Behind the chair which She had lost her money she stood watching the 0'ber8 piuy, or rl1lber,a.! I suppose, re-eeting uncomfortably on consequences. A gentleman t presently came up ntnd gave her some more mo- ney. She sat dowh again; but, oh, how can- tious she was this titnefshe pricked the card for ten minutes at east, waited till red turned up three times running, and n lugky player had staked a mass of apoleons upon the recurring chance. She riske-,3 3. ve franc piece ; it was all right; she leftjit there. There was a run upon the red. H r stake went on doubling till she could atandit no longer, and raked in A mass of silver-hei' face from white was red. There was no mistake, "Rouge gagne, colour per-1, "I"lm-. nu.-.-. ._.... - L:--I- 1 Al I -r v Pl ! II, Then there was a ittle laid man who seems to me steadily to lost, but who, whom he has laid down his gold, walkti away a step or two from the table, and lurnFvaside till the cronpier an- nounces `results. I onder what that man's end will be, _..---...... .-onnu-I par Canadian steamers will be oibsed every day It 12 M. ` 3-- I1, , I I I: II -A tucu `ll vi Gaul I155, Youngsters, wlmi look like German students from Heidelberg, crime in eight or ten together, uml, sfier Ii good ideal of whispering, Karl or Franz risks 5 live franc piece, according to his fancy, on odd or erpn, red or black. ll he wins he perseveres. I `-have seen glad of this sort win his two hands full of five franc pieces; I have never seen obs leave the room wiih the money he had in first gliued. They will play on. A gentleman last night won n hundred francs at a coup, and worked out; there goes a man with some brains in -his head, I said to myself. in in few minutes he was bnclr again, studying the gures on the roulette table Will] napoleons, according to some system probably. His original gain soon disappeared, and as much more from his own shares. When he puthis lust napoleon: on the tho zeroes, and the ball was rolling round,l could see it nervous twitch of his forehead. It went wrong--the pitile.-stake swept in his last napoleons-he turned on his heel and disappeared. A: n llnrurl-lull In 11.1- 4. 1 -can :21! ___ _ -.-_..A' l (Correspondence of London Telegraph). [ The gaming tables are the chiefohjoctn of in- l tert-at at Baden wilh many; and really it is I pity it should be no-for the tables bring the crowds. At Homburg or Monaco they are not ' so much in the way. I lml lgnornnlly suppos- ed that. of gaming at Baden there was an end. The fact is, one rouge-et-noir table and two roulette tables are in full swing even as I write. ` I should any that lfty or sixty people round any = table is about the maximum I have seen. They : appear to me to be mainly old "men and young 1 boys, and three or four of the old Inn with the ' inebcenblo gamestefl mark upon their brow. l Au yet they do not lseern to play very high; for a. thougnntd francs won or lost: is about as far as they have gone while! have been watching; their proceedings, J vnlnnnarnr nrhnl Inn`: `:`14: I1..-...-.. _a..A.._n_ V Kingston, May 29. Kingston, June 1 , _ -w- III` E! ., and New York, U.S.) LOMCEOPATHIG, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, &c., can beconmulted at h` 15 office over Linmn`a Auclinn mm-u -- ' FRONTENAC rrI,___-_-- .l____ -1` I ,....-l,... "I"..I,._......'l.\ THE GAMINE TAHBLESAT BADEN, ETIIE `RI.l.}ll.'l`8`0F `- __... J i!__l.In____ 1-u-_' . W 1" Wantgd immediately. TO THE PUBLIC! -u- --_u. ..-un.-.. .vu- lxecnted_nen1ly, chenply, and expeditiously an the DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING UFFICE. _- ..... us-.:u:u_y nouned that we - sponsiblefor lhe paymentof 1 name. or in II-an ---- BOTTLED AT TH E U OJIMER CIA L. GEO. W. CBELQLHTON .... .. nun nuc P! r name, or in ti r written order. GURNEY & 2 12:13, 1869. CAUTION; A I-`E I1: n hereby notified that 1 sible-for Hm h---'-*-` ` ered Trade, direct from Lctory, 80 cents per dozen, iea per dozen. . LivingsLon s and City Book Tl-sins Arrive and depart from the Kingston Station as follows : (unin- leacb ones, fully 3 making them the nest, uclim-n: m Kingston, June .FfoL(;1e.n Rum: lmnl.-m-a nor-A 8,000 I193 ennui; 0 @ - .--`aa (Jamel Davis. BREWERY ..-- nu will he panc-antof debts rin the aunt; of our rder. "II; GLIDDEN, Forwarders, &c. n U, Agent. : we will AP HAL`- D We wan olfer aoo PLAIN warm Hlwrs, Finn Brim, in all sizes, at 25 and 3'1. 3- sum OUR unor HAT wnmow. 82 PBIN_onss- Smut 82 gNew Dominion House. Juno 4. 5 4:15 pan. 4-1! as PLAIN, All the LADIES , GRAND DISPLAY! T[_IE CONTENTS OF FIVE GAS] OVER. :HATs: AND Opened for Saturday! ! AND Jim WITH A I:ARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW 3:05 mm. Very ne and In prime order. -.-._ mnaeonu and BURGUNDY WINES! an `A _--- - ,, _ _-.u `v-saws II JLVIZIJI 50 octaves choice Buiguudy Winel, expressly put up for Families, M 53 per gallon. 40 qt cask: Tirngona. 25 qr cask: Pure Juice. - 6 qr cssks Suuierne Wine. . ' 6 qr cask: Ma:-anlla. and a variety of TEMPERANCE DRINKS. 3-; up vs... - -r~ /_.- `run _ JILJUIILI 1000 pound: choice Sagan`!-Cured Bacon. IJUIII-I-' DC I T 2 Sugar-Cured Hams, ' 1 barrel XXX Putty Flour, ` f ,1 b1rrelF'nmi|y Flour, Some Kiln-driod Ongmenl, _ Some Extra Boitodicorn Meal, Some n`co Breskfut Bacon. )_ N B.-The ladies sud nil others eonecrned ` will pique take notice lhu IORRISUN bu- ` f0rlh_ intend! keeping connunny on hand, and ,will make it one of his npecisltiu, BUTTER ' from the bent Dniricu in the country. 1 `I I1.1'\lnIr\-r\s- | NOW that I0 mnny young ladies ore going 1,, . be mnrfied, they should be unto of mm. privilegoo which they wlllcnyoyg Immediately otter taking up house, they will show the heigh: of good breeding nod reecz credit. on the home they ban left by visiting MURRISONB, mg m._ derlng, any * Q Rnanl--r!nra nann- LIGHT SUMMER WINES IMPOI{'l`ATIONS June 24.- Q SEE FIRST 13.4 G; WALKING` STICKS; SHEFFIELD HOUSE, W, R. .1VIcRae 8t 00. June 12. . . wuunlll` L0 of vvcddlngscomlng oil . CUMBERLAND DUT_ BACON` \l'\ _-.._j_ -L - )O Cases CLARET, warranted sound, at I 15 3d per dozen. 50 Cues ST. JULIAN It 121 6d per doz. 50 u u In 155 u '1 Ran-Inn Iv flu.-5..-- an- -- JUST `sum-pun_n Hms. 'I'rn\'(-Ilcl-s and Po.-ml Guide. JUST RECEIVED AT THE M.MORR*i)'N, An pfilll u. N ewesl; Slmps FANCY, IIISSESS , (DIliEcT.)` I " ws `_Barlon & Guestera 30: to u u 45' II! D l.I..n A FANCY GOODS, HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! ;`:i)rr =' NEW STYLES, onmnns amok. _. _uuuUU RECEIVED AND . NEW WHITE and TIN `W. MORAE 8 O0. II` (`II W. 2. MCRAE & co. 19' pl -w'.' R. MCRAE & _co. MONDAY EV:E.\'lI\'G, JAL':V%}-11.7 OF` HATS WEEK .w-n..J\.zL' 40 Printyul Street. Princesatreet. mu OHILDRENS, and Styles GASES. BUT on ron nun! KINGZS TON 01:5 1511: 13.4 TOR Y. win. a oompuunoui Grey and White Cotton and i M` Quilt: and Oountup: Table Dnlnuk : Z M Lace and Hnglin 0 Towellinga na.wIn'lIl omaa-u Silk and M Tang, Gilt,;Jal, other Laces, . and Belt: Satin Trimming: and Silk Fringe! N A % Jet and Bnglo Hosiery, mom, wad "Cotton and Hnrsoh Rich loin Antiqiu ` raucyjsuu mi mush`: Velvet And Velvqmnl ` New Colours in .500 piecei new uddoq` Fi-eI.nch Piqnes nd W French "and Englll PIHU Flowers, Fcalhm, M Lace Collars and Gufial ` pwauuru Ill mung II Stock, which, for Itellllg _to present vnntn. and It very rnrely been Black Lyons -Silk: Black G-lacs Silk`; . Spring _Impg IRSONALLY uiauwu by one ofonr nl`. , fucturen in the British pleasure in inviting II _ MM Stock. which rm. nnunuv-W I Macnee April 6.? Iglfisilux "rur E\Fi-`K-3 E. BEST EIIEUCI ..... nut zo cenu. com. 011., tho . ' Inn by the lihgll of the city. __ 'ROYAL 01)` ` M pal I` F. 8. I June I ; placenta prevent mg Emperor and Emp lognnnrtre they were cut RECEIVED . `II ICUI n10IIQ,~o;1 " -1. .Wm` - t :nn.5'.1,_wAuu C A May 31. F. DUPU1!,f.Av.D`[7.: `dbserver. Jun 1. Ill`! ARE Now: new [oi PBINUEBSJ Ar CUIHII IlHTo 1:30 pm. Mixed train 2:45 am. u u 4- u 5- amp..- _._.._ 1:. full senlezhe ` H,`/" ute between the t Inii _ complicstio "lured, but we must reniem is Iqlg liine since a crowd 11 W `epeace bf Paris. The pin ` = Vlhy of attention coping as -... -`l..-A:.... .....L:_I_ __,_, `"'}fe'ccic}{ QEEEK ;I.:e:W:e;r olhe country,to the op L..|. . throne, and d (nance for immediite and Lille plrt of the Coxztes to th ` _Prim defended the prese Xexico and announced :1: E;;2.-hmail Pacha. arrivil W.bIV r"* ' gninit the passage of '9,-e pusedrand 3 m `,ing the substance of ;; `mg to Earl Derby for " VA igoueof_Lo_rds. At Li present. peechea vs ' persons, and the .disesta.bIi gnu 12.-Despat ches from gnu lhaf I severe Cycl and in the vicinity, ` V 1; . to buildings in the c` ` I ~ in the rivet below. T `b nhipping in theharbour Ait Iut accounts the Cycld V l.-About twa hundred last nigl. The popul lled the troops to pregsg Vnissixrxsn u.-m.s V v- -`.5. R` 18.--3l`eleI'Bms from Pa i ** my 1135 been tran high *1 In... "__ T I 12_._'1'he Time: says to-d Position of the flange " V [35,]; Church Bill, that fajbur_y a anticipation of ` . is now realized. "* he of those rare great `utional mind is fully d cl " must defer to the cdunt ~ jgchinery of thy Gbvernm llllunn. ` r ~,~-. , k Izlinst digest . Ml Church unanigt $- .,__... .._ .. aaunvph suuuu I jfunt and; ing:-easing minori plpilatif for a. cessation of t I}0fFnnce, which is hardly I interests of givilization th 9.130 has an arti/ole on t Hiriter says Europe `musli lo u_.Jl.....A. _...:I :-, - Filip Allemania, {En N Mlflived ut|this port this eve mg 12.--Immense Tory 4 "been held to-day in kingdom. In Munch M were present. Re *1 gainit v,.u souls vmn. am. : Mixed lrnin 10:00 n. m. NEWS. __. rejection I t the Canosmcu AND news of the week, may be mailing. Price 3d.ExLcb, Close. A rrire. n1nl'III' A.-',I')II _ , _ _. unu VUAUIII home," is also very good. In I patriotic strains, strictly treatment and tendency, ILG number of "Anniversnry pa read at the gathering: of the I Iocialion, of which the authc mombcr. The author says in his preface that this little volume, which extends to 62 pgges, was intend. ed for private circulation amongst his friends more than for public sale. There are a. few lyrics which give it sqxne pretenaion to something more thnn a mere collection of verses. Those cast in the Scottish dialect are the most success- ful, and two of these, The Paukia Laird, and "At hame I'd like to dee, Are for in ndvauce of i In! Other: in 11... -m1---- -"' ' ` ' /_.- . \.A Inn any others in home," V: Mrrmc.u. Wurs may run Tuocuzm By D. Wylie. Brockvie, printe Recorder ofce. The 1] was luring ..l.:..L _s/ -- are M: 'rmc.u. II- n KIT-` THI Arrnnr Wnum: A Pout. By Walt-r Dermot. Ultnwa, Hunler,Rose & Co. The Autumn Wreath" ininteuded `as ucou. tribution to Canadian poetic literature, and con- sists of two poems. forming altogether nearly three hundred lines of punitive failure. There is not: line of poetry ore poetic thought in the Jvhole nkir; but there is any amount of that. "fatal facility" of composition which writers of verse so frequently mistake for real dripping: from the Parnaasinn fount. ~.___----- Rev. Joan Gnu.n'.--The rumour which has been prevnlout for aume days past. to the `ect that lhe Rev.gJohn Gemley hid tendered his ro- iignalion lo the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, we are informed is incorrect. The rev. gentle- man has, at his own requent, been superannuat- ed for one year. We understand lhnt his health is delicate. nemlmacances 0 VnIse-Syl7ia . . . Selection--Guilla.ume Tell G|lop--Jongleur . . >~} Bum or THE ROYAL CANADIAN Ru-L1:s_-Tbu bnu `will play in the Park lo-marrow at four o clo . The following is the programme :- Uvenure-Les Dragons de Villars . . Maillarl. Q-:.adrille-Le Mardi Grasaux Euferg. Schubert Reminiacauces of Weber. . F'.Godfl-ey Vnlso=.-Rvl-.-ic. '` " " ONTARIO SABBATH Scuoox. MlSllONL.BY Umox, -We are requested to state that Mr J. McGuire, the agent of the Association, will visit Kingston at the end of this month, and will spend some weeks in the roar townships of the County of Frontenac, to schools. Mr McGuire has been most Iuccessfu` in hts work in other localities, and his visit to those portions of our county whete there are few churches and fewer schools, may be exp ected to do much good. visit and orgnnise S.xLb.\th` Dr. Henry Corbett has been appoiutedAsur- i gear; to the steamship Prussian, of the Montreal ilnn Men, nuvmvmg an expense to plaintiff. Defandanl`:-1 answer to the claim was that he had put. upon the vessel certain extra work, which was not in the contract, but which was suicient to oven-balance any deciency which mightariae from any violation of the contract. Mr James O`Reil|yf0r1l:Linl'nf; Mr B. M. Bril- ton for defandnnt. ;Jru_ruru rs 1m1`t.\`.-An action for damnges brought by the plaintiff Ledlord against Devin, the defendant, for not having built a scow ac- cording to contract. The plainticlaimed that the vessel was `to be of 1,000 bushels capacity, her bottom to be built of hard maple, her frame of real oak, and her planking from the water line up_wn.rd was to be of white oak. The agreement took place in 1368, and the vessel was to be ready by the 10th of September o that year. Plaintitfwas to pay defendant $600 for the vea- sel, and did pay $400 of the amount in cash, and gave his note for the balance, but plainti` na- serted thntthe vessel was not built of the mate- rial agreed upon. and further um. ..,...... ,r .L- person and dynasty of the Emperor, so long | will he lu: able, with the moral; support .f` the vnuutry districts and the ('l]()l'mnuS | pmm placed at his command, to mant.-nu `I I I | . I-` the cities under sulvjcctinn. Lnuxa Nupcr lcon has in Inch lung um] carefully atudiml lu l`L`1lllf`(` thc vlmum-5 of rcvoluliumnry sue- c('.~ie% tn the |nwr. until at longill llwy Imvc hc(`mm- nth-rl_\' In:-53-less. New streets and u.v-nm-2:. cmnxnunimling with all purts of `he capital, have been opened up so 215 to he t'-rmn.mlml by nrn||-ry or aw`-P; |.y L"|V:L|l\`, rrll --In-l '-""3`-'- *"'- ' ' I ' -....- aunu The proceedings of the court were commenc- ed at ten o'clock this morning, J. Hope, Esq, .J.P., being on me bench with his Honour. After the usual routine business the name of Edward Duff, whose trial for larceny was ap- pointed for Ibis morning and who was out on bail, was called, and that prisoner failing to ap- pear a bench` warrant was issued for his arrest. He shortly after appeared in court. ` Ledlurd 1-.1 I').rm'.-_.|- -2--1-- 1'-~ acrusu Lulle vessel agreed upon, and further that some of the timber was unsound, which necessitzued the overballng of the vessel and 9. detention of the crew, involving plaintiff`. Defandanva nnnwmn In Hm .-.I..:.... ...-.. -I.-- L |Iuur;_-I.-s, Imvc I will: n.-'plmll v`I|un-I-_v it is: ohslrucxiuns m l'api<|it_\' ()1. Hr puns nlsn gi\ army. an-I less: revolution. .1 present Cli3i9, 1 T_,. Btnpcr0r': -, 1 . ; noon the court adjourned for an hour. The city of Paris is passing through 11 pe- riod of considerable anxiety through fear of a revolutionary outbreak. The excitement consequent upon the elections, and the re- markable success of the anti-Imperialist can- didates in Paris and other large cities, have put the people in a fever, and led the Empe- ror to mic precautionary and even repressive ops. Military guards have patrelled the streets and nungeruus place.` All sorts of rum "' "3"! Kl`81ly entertained. On Snndly, h'""'-"'!"h5;lPB8ed of quietly, and the danger of revolution lma probably paged | 3W`!- 5 195 II the army it attached no the I`.1I. I.l.-1J[/:`_\'T 01" C`.-IN.-IDA. urequeslcd L d ,. an -..:. -.-1 V - - uu~.\.\.a.'-I ul All this must he full in_ HM: zxisis, an,:l give as-;umncc of stuhili~ lit isa strnaigc comment nn the 's ggnvcrmncnt that his administra- lllcl lmvc prmlucccl this cnullnntinn. `H. C0'.VTY C0'12T. 2God Save the Queen. Tlw ulaul paving stones, wllicl III the nmxuriul of the lrurriczuh-.~ nw streets of l|I(:`|m|Jlllnu.i {nu- V-: lcrn Iukvn up and l('|)|uuI'tl lull and Inuvmlunl pznvm-mimt is no lung: r possible to throw up I5 the pxogn-ss of trunps. The ' n: pu.s`.~ws:u-(I Ivy lhc new wen- gin-.~4 greater strength to the less: n.-s llw vh.-mccs nf n. sucu.-s.~ .|"u| ,._. --f "-\-l\-Ll. nu Lllklllu s 1I:zr:'x.-An action for damnges he It. for nu-.1, hnvinrr Inn! .. ...._-- -- the Volume_ nu 1 Perv onu `I - -.:I;:.:_ .._ . It. olume. My hearth and -ud. In addition to several .-ictly Canadian in their :y, volume contains 5 I try poems, written for sud Canadian Press As- , : author is a distinguished lms sulll-rod ms. And [hi `If we may credit the despatch per At- lantic cable referring to the Cabinet meet- ing in London, a communication has al- ready passed between the American Mtnis- ` tor and the Secretary of State for Foreign ` Affairs, in~which the attitude of the Ameri- can governmenfin respect of the Alnba- ma claims is stated. Mr Motley s letter to Lord Clarendon is represented to state that ` President Grant's administration concurs in the reason which led the Senate to n-_iect- the former treaty, namely, its tnsuicienoy, but expressing the earnest desire of the government tor a friendly settle- ment of the international questions in- volved. Next Mr Motley prefers a request whlch,'if true, is sure to be regarded by the English` as most extraordinary and an utterly at variance with rational dip-* lomacy. It is that the American Senate having rejected the late proposals and con- cessions, the British government is invited to make fresh proposals on which the Ame- rican government and 'Senate may pass judgment of acceptance or rejection. This is the naked form of tl;te`requcst contained -0.3 rumoured in London, and reported across the Atlanl:ic-in Mr Motlt-y s com, munication. Naturally the American gov- orument will be required to state the points of objection to the treaty, and to suggest 11. basis of agreement acceptable to American, interests; and if this be not already done by Mr Motley, his request can only be re- garded. as a breaking of the ice of diploma- tic intercourse, paving the Way for mutual understanding and prota- hle negotiations. After the decided language emplcvycd by Lord Claren- don in `the House of Peers, one would think that the only (]ll'tCl aaswtr the Foreign Minister could make to this de- spatch would be to point to the procutol so summarily rejected by the Senate, as con- taining the utmost limit of concessions; but probably be will attempt to tind out fully what it is that America wants, and employ himself and the Cabinet in ascer- taining Ihether the` sacrice is worth making in the interest of peace before de- ciding on an ultimatum. Monday, June 13th --In the House nl subsidy to Naval 4` ar-n .~.-i-\.. acuzm Isnums. printed at tho oncurrml In acnunnntinn. l lust un In- M its IVHTSY .(L:a-illart L. .F'.Godfrey` .F.Godfrey Rnceini . Liurulul .Z1ko' il nu-ncu mill hub- , I ,. I Vice-Chancellor Sir W. M. James has been called upon to x the legal limits of plagiarism. Dr. Nicholas published a book called "The Pedi- gree of the English People,-" the drift of which is that the British people is not Saxon, but mainly of the old Celtic stock. addncing, among other evidence, certain calculations as to the colours of face, hair, and eyes predominant in London crowds. The book was sent for review to Mr Pike,a barrister, who discovered that its main thesis, arrangement, and these calculations, had been taken from a work previously published by him, and called "The English and their Origin." The Viee-Chancellor decided that this was `piracy, and that "no one has a right totake with or without acknowledgment a. material and ' substantial portiotf of another man's work to improve a rival publication. He therefore ordered Dr. Nicholas to cancel his book and to pay Mr Pike for every copy sold. A writ of attachment ha.s7 been issued by Sberi Ross, of Woodstock, Donald Mclnnes, and others, against the estate of the late William Sharpe. 7 Aidespatch from Lord Granville on the subject of the defence nf- Canada. declares `that it in the policy of the Imperial guvn:rn- meat to Withdraw all we troops from Cam- nrla, making us pay even for the Royal Unn- odian Ries If we desire their services. The gunbonts on the lakes ere also to be i paid 101' if we require their scrviees. The Imperial government promises In supply ocers and non commissioned otccrs `at. the cost of the Canadian government. In line, the whole expense or the military os- `lbliahment will under the new policy tall upon the people of Canada. ucury, nmmand; 1 . McLaugh1in;Mono"Milla; 1. E. Tnschereau, Quebec ; Michael Fletcher, Port Perry ; Frederick Hesiell, East Zorn; H. A. Jabea, Lachiue ;Jamea T. McQunig, Ottawa; Reuben Lawrence, do; Alexander A. Gockbnrn, Finch. Nzw I:IaoLv:.vrs,-T'ne following insolvents have been gazetted : Willism Howe, county of Wellington ; L. X. Lambert, River dn Loup ,' Emmanuel Proulx, St. Genevieve; Nassau kc- ton, Alrnonle; Michael Hayes, Barrie; Henry Harper, Cookslown ; Ed. Jean, Lefreniere,Sore1; Charles G. Martin, Exeter; Jnmes El1iolt, Ben- tinck ; John Eugen, Westminster ; George Dra- gon, Sorsl ; Dsrinn 5: Gault, Montreal ; Thomas Masse, St Cesaira; William Lundy, London; James Henderson, Berlin; Thomas Douglas, Ledyard; Jeremiah Donohoe, Smitb s Falls; Alexander Thirdunlingdon Village; N. Mc- Kinuon, Woodstock; John Henderson, Elora; Calvin C. Pnrkshwelland Port; George Mc- Henry, Msitlsnd; P. McLaughlin, Mono Mills I. '~ ' ` ` ` `E! 'l|......L .... V, {- SUDDIH` Du1'n.-A labouring man named John Henderson dropped down and died almost * t instantly at the house of Mr Andrew Clark, farmer, on the Portland road, township ofKing- aton, on the 7th instant, about noon, after par- taking of some soup. He had previously com- plained ofn pain in his chest,bnt no one thought much of it, as he had often complained izfthe same way. Deceased was about 47 years ofnge. He came from the lower province some years ago,nnd has worked in the above neighbourhood for some years. He is supposed to have sons and daughters living in some part. of the Domin- ion. Coroner Northrnore was called upon, to hold an inquest on, the body of the man, but when the circumstances of his death became known to the Coroner, he thougbtit quite un- necessary to hold an inquest, and the body was accordingly ordered to be buried. ------ -j-t-- Mr Thos. Gall, of Toronto, Q.C., Judge of the Court of Common Pleus, of John. Wilson, deceased. Mr Wm. Elliott, ofLondon, is gazeu. of Middfesex. . ~ Poucn Conn`, Monday.-0nly one case-a man for drunkenne-as-waa before the_conrt this morning. He was ned $2. The man Fink who was stabbed with a fork at Garden Island, left the hospital on Saturday` last, and this morning appeared at the police court, and I withdrew the charge against Ahern. Upon the I appearance of Ahern in court this morning the magistrate took occasion to read him a lecture upon the folly of his giving way to vio1entebu1- lilions of temper, and then discharged him. 4- _n_?_._______ Surprise N:ws.--The schooner Alexander, l9,000 bushels wheat ;` schooner A. G. Morey, 16,446 bushels wheat; schooner Jessie Drum- mond,19,000 bushels wheat; schooner Montpe- lier, 16,941 bushels wheat, from Milwaukie, ar- rived at J, H. Henderson : vtlmrf since Sntur- day. The propeller America passed down yes- terday at noon; the propeller Colonist also pas- ed down yesterday ; the propeller Acadia, from Bruce Mines to Monlreul. passed down yesterday: carrying the rst cargo of iron ore from those mines. The propeller Dominion passed down and the Magnet up today. The schooner Fly- ing Send, from Oewego, arrived at Swife wharf with coal. Barge Honnah`Knapp arrived here to-day with lumber for Oswego. The schoo- ner Pride of America, 19,227 bushels wheat} barque Minona, 17,000 bushels when ; schooner Cossack, 17_800 bushels wheat, arrived at the .`d.~T. Company s wharf during Saturday night and Sunday. The schooner Ocean Wave, 5_700 bushels wheat, and schooner Ploughboy, 4,838 bushels wheat, arrived at the same wharf to- aw I.unl.. The Company intend to prosecute the works vigorously as an industrial enterprise. Much credit is due to Mallory for having gone so far in developing i:, We shlll pa glad to lent of its future success. ' tu, nu:-.;u n'.`H.l(`U uuuut {I 1 per ton. In these crushinga the rock was tuken indie-' crititinalely as it was taken out, and all crualtetl, and the yield nfahout $400 ftom fty tone was very aatislactory. As the mining proceeds, it will probably be found that portions of the rock contain no golcl, which will of course be reject- ed before the crushing,nnd thus a. higher amount ofgold per too be obtained for the labour ex- pended. The gold ii dilfused through the rock, and is invisible to the nakedcye, and quite free from sulphur and iron. A yield of 88 per ton WI pay lbii company well, while the actual resul.s are likely to be considerably above that. nu :- - n|\'LlI. JIIKJLV I Montreal, June 14.---ll lasl. night, ta-mperaturc and moist. to-day, A _...l,; , ` |iE1'Ia:0nciLo(:Ic.u. OBSERVATIONS FOR THE wmcx asxwlxe arms 12,1359. ._.._,-.. by... ucntnvx u cauuvnuuua nu UD [H3718 IL I puini about one mile and a halt from the Mal- lnrytown Railway Suuion. A company has been formed with 3 capiml of:3150,000, consist- ing of Mr Mallory and several other gentlemen in the viciniI_y,iur1he pm-1 osex of mining and crushing the rock, and extracting the gold. An engine offorly `uorse-pewer, a stamp mill, and an umalgamnlor, have been purchased, and the crushing of 1118 rock began about two weeks ago The first week being mostly spent in start- ing the machimry, only about 25 tons of rock were crushed, Winch yielded $5 per ton. An- other lot of about the same quantity was crush- ed, which yielded about $l1 ten. lhonn rru-Ihinrni the I-nr-It -..n o-L.... :_,x:_` r Several fric-ndly Incrossc matches tuck plnrctlu: sunlcdny nml also :1 Isaac Ital] mmclu between two newly farmed clulvs. - I; is proposed to have three health ni` The Hunk nf M:-ntrvnl eleven Lent lluc Crescent club at cricket on Saturday in one innings wiI11_nm:-L to b[)l'l.". l U .... .....-l l`._:__. n_ I - - `- -...J . . . . . . - u ---nu-UV 4 cars fur Muntrcal at $400 1:. year vmzlu they would have to re-port monthly state of their (ll:-}fl'iC13. run- A yacht rucc Lnchinu I-mvin; Dominion day- There was an addition N 81 to the mt.-In-' hen-hip ml the St. Putricks Tutu! Absti- ntncc h`uciL-Iv ycstcrtlny after a. powerful alclcras by l"u.thcr ()'I"nrrel. Operations have recently been commenced at Mallorytowu for obtaining gold, with encourag- ing results. 11.1.. u-n,.-.. |.__:..... ---._.,-W - Ill ITDUII-UV Mr Ira Mallory lfnving ascertained gome time ago that an extensive ledge of granite rock cou- luiped gold, cnust d excavations to be made at nuinl ahmu nnn vniln and n n...|{r-..... .1... u_u GOLD MINING AT MALLORYTOWN. f`Si`:;gle copies Nun, containing the I had in wrapper: for I uued every Friday. .sm:c}Z{zj {rm-m,1M;;. THE DAILY NEWS--MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 14. FROM MQNTR EA L. , , __ ..,; nuuuau arc- icbnel a , El1iolt,'Ben- 1, 1 Gault. Mnnh-nql . 'M-m--- uu.lcr the nnapiccs of the 5 rluln is to take place on prize A silver cup vnlucel 14.~il;*:L\'y full of rain n, gazetted Judge - V. -1 uwunsv IIIU` ghlin, Mills; ll |_5a r.r.,,, 1' unpleasant wnrm V _ ' ' I -UV ` [This is by Montreal time, from which daaucl I2] minutes fonlhe difference between Monlrvnl and Kingston time.]