Kingston News (1868), 17 Jun 1869, p. 4

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u naaureu will perm JAMES SWIFT, 5 ,____ I1 l89_ VLUIJIHCUJ [Or 3-, Dysentery, and the JWeL-3, A r...1.a_._ . . -........ sun, 0 s was the most. 4 -_... . .` - TOVIG; Chgmjgg been doing business 50 years, and during: mblic conlidencc by emeut ofevery fair cl.-1 ilhllm 1....-; urn - ' H713 SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. _-.__ -uu I. .`.'| D. known Composi- Standard Works :11. J.-X MES SWIFT, Agent, 81. Lawrence Wharf IL-hill 1-`Ilderstccve Jr \VaIkem, BARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Couveyancers, Notaries Public. . Richard '1`. Ilmlkcm, WOLICITOR IN UHANCERY. 0foe-Clarence Street, Kingston, C.W. J. P. Gn.DlI8.Il\'l. L.L.B. | Rxcu. T . WALEHI. fully prepared for Ex- :fr excellent qualities e policies on terms .- :sul`ed will permit_ LMES H\\'lF`1" UH]! -u. the; College of IHOD fnpivnrl 5-- I?l AND 'h`URPLUb`- CHARLES trget; 24 Comhill, Italians, Paris. IJawrenc`c:5`.&Vl:..~;rf'. 3 ,u.rv, .n-J9 of Ihn Govcrmcut ' Pulicybuldcrs. fully surveyed, and the 3 correspond with the `..., Edy for Cbolen, '3enterv. and H... The Duke de Search, the G: tnddnnly left Paris for Madric communication from Queen 15: 3011100. ___.L-; Colnpuny u! i I E. I`. Donn, General A gt` I IV noun ,l_ .....uu |uu:! irritative and mu 1|-an -~----'-- ' 1, &c. n.rLA1LH' 3 9d per Bottle. re in the form ante, and par- and Mothexs wan-use ul 1 received by .`a had ham. """.Yy "UU IE3 A gold medal Prnrnn.-.o o... n _ $1.00 Possoasiona, Strep t \ll'LIII`LlIl of Srogks nun uuuml was stopped upon the frantic}: Thereupon the Pays de&:_'.'.'l;ul Belgium Is as cavern of villains, ruled by_an impo- tent government, and calls upon France,` careless Is she is of conquest, tu annex Bel- gium, and purge the land of its lth." 01' course, the Imperial Government is not re- aponnible fur the language; but the 8 .nppag(:_ of the Independance suggests that the Home Ofce approvesof calnmoies upon Belgium. 2 Korma. ; Large $`34,000,0u( -\II I uu U] and been .I ., of all (Ill A153- -.-\4 ...u\_` v nucleus \.-.u-... ..|. ll . effec- gt Requi. vi ilddll Secrclary m nn.\ Z: ....yv.. iuuus l0 Lurec Liberals. In the great cities the result is worse. Paris. Marseilles, and Lyons have elected A nnne butvReds of the most extreme kind, with the poaeihle exception nf M. Tllivrs, and M. Jules Fuvre, who, it is feared, will be throwirnut by RucheTort. =M0reuVcl'. in Paris, the Empire secured less than a sixth of the nuruges givgn, or, if Ollivicr is an Imperialist, (bare fih--n result which, in I city governed like Paris, is almost as- tounding- These elections increase the chance of war, nnd the semi-oicial papers nrangnin snacking Belgium. The Page published a atuement that_ the French mining districts to inarch on Paris and pro- c_|aim a Social Reuublic. Thu ]n1lAnmnJ......,. an LL01): INS. uuuug IDS 138'. {W8 NB.-This id i in honu, also the u pmte, 45; glass-stopper Ira strength, 165 per d 45 per gallon: bottles lun making 200 gallon water. See directions Recommended vaud Simonda at the Rays during the last twenty N|:z__'lu.:- a?-- - _...., ....u nuts unit we essential cause of I disease by destroying the local conditions of` the atmosphere under which cholera is most. frequently developed and propagated. For insumce: ``In a. house In St. Andrew s sired, Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, it was sprinkled in every room except four; ' these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of which was, that in those parts uf. the house where it had been used, not 8 single case uf cholera subse- quently ocqurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths have taken place. Two [muses immediately opposite were supplied with a, qtmntity, in neitner of which has there been 1 a single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood." S6ld by all Chemists, and at :90, Canon | street, London. Quarts, 163; pints, 8s ; half- glass-stoppered Imperial pints, ex. strength. 16; nor nwnnn 4-: - - ~ :tI't- ll a n :1-J UUUUCII. The value of the uid is shown b3 following letter from the Secretary Manager: Agricultural Hall, Islington, Jan. 184 "Dear Sir,--Please to send eight get more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as part enclosed. Having used various Disinfel Fluids at our many shows, I can any condence tjnat none have had the in: taneoua and completu e"ect of Sir Wll Burnett's, and this too .witbout produ any nuisance like the smll of chiorid lime or carbolic a.cid.--I am yours I"; fully, ` S. Sxnzuu`, See. and Manage Capt. Jackson, l{.N., 90, Cannon sire: Thin mm mm - -'- _ _ ,-_. --s.u.a Ul DlJlp5' lever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- clmirs, cesspools, drains. water closets, su1bles,dsiriee, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the hold; of ships; apartments for searchers, undertaken, and jurymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, con- ker and fungusdn trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the exterminav Lion of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett's Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Uattla Show in 1866, by order at Her Majesty : Privy Council. Tho ml-14` I " .- ...u L'uU1JJ,; [or me purical rooms, hospitals, workhouses, {ac sons, crowded places, between decl fever `linen of: ware c bold.-1 uudettt jurvmen, and .52. I'\l'I"' --- ._.,uu - nv./.1gV_ The total result, should the second ballot justify Libcr.-tl lmpes, is an increase of the opposition from tWau!y~\'e to ninety-four, `or nenrly ll third of the Corps Legislntil and this Opposition will be more virulent than before. The Orlcanit part is extinct. It is doubtful whether M. Thiers will lit,` elected. He was beaten in ve places. The Legitimists are also extinct, even De Fal- loux being beaten in La Venclee, and the new Opposition may be described liroailly as Red to the last degree`, so Red that Im- perinlists effect to be pleased with a result which leaves them only enemies to combat. It is to be observed. however. that the ni- cial csndhlutes have been much more liba.-- rnl than usual, and that the total Volt: throughout the country shows only Iiiur Imp-eriulists to three Liberals. Ill Ilia n-uni ..:o:..- LL- '- "Uapt. Jackson, 1%.. This uid acts 0 Emanan hp 1-1..-.-. _:, - vI\a'l\-\3 us usa Sold in p price 23 6d, cial agents . parts of the ' _ ...,.;.. -uAu.I ui mittens llcarlactie in a few minutes; elfervescing and tasteless, izs con-\ slant use 18 especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the eierveacence, it immedi ately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitaliz:s and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that an lost, "altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. in Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typbua. Eruptive Fevera (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is potauned by infection, 11:. thereby rendered unt to support health and life, it has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to disease, its the nu- merous unsolicited testimonials ::cco:npau_v- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the traveI~ ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. ` patent.` stnppered glass bottles, 4s 6d, 113, and 2ls each. Spe- required and appointed in all world. AMPLOUGHS PYRETIU Med:cina that cures Se the worst form of Ballions lice. minnc.n- n` ;;;;; 2-=-~ ` .-uu An LUSH Wholesale and for exportation by t prietor, C9, Lumlfa Conduit. Street; and Suns, Fm-ringduu Street; Lixuy n Firisbury Pavement. . llctall by Ubemiata, Grocvra, Warebousc-men, and 0lll'3I'S, through Kingdom, and every part of the war} Ask for "I`be" Suave --Special Agents-1-Qurzoyne, Buxbridges, and I6, Colman Street, London. ..`...., nnu pmlaulL1m- pic l L1ysici:m,I'ro:n whose prescription it. is compounded. The entire lure of that distin- guiabed man was spent in promoling 1113 health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, game mourned as 1iou.l loss. l(,'|-...l.._--IA ` " Propnrties, i:. Hm nu... .. ..r :1-:L|I..cULI raver 111.! buy lit-furrn; Medical Ureneul Board of Hen work on Fever in M Philosophy of Health, Dchclous with gr: habitual use increases VIR WILLIAM BUR 9 me ELUl1),;forI nmu I1n=ni1.l-. -- ` .......--nu uac IULTCIISCS mules digesliun. IL its digesnve frrc-perLi_CS A5 an nexanrxn--a If`: raoax M. :.< (Kingston, Jan ; 16. \VIIlis0lI &: IX ADDIu-I-nnn . -vn - --/ : u|Iul.|.l!'. John Gnsnell AI: Co.'s Jockey Club Pexfumo is in umvenml request as lbc most admired i L*rfume fur the I|.~md'kerc,hief'. Price 2:4 ed. John H )sn0ll' at Cu/5 [En Nuhlusse 1'0.-rfume, n moat I.-licato Perfume nfexquisite fmgnmct-._ John Gosnell & Uo.'a Noblcsse Pomade, elv- - gently perfumed, and highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the bsir. ` La. Noblesse Soap-eateemed f..-1-its unequal- | led perfume and line emollient qualities. John Gusnrll &: Co.'s Violet. nut! .\lill(=our N-ll SE:)' Puwdur is mm:-,;r.n.....a xr. _ uuguuuuth ' John Goanell & C073 1 Perfume. um) BU LL WHARF, 93"Um-an THAHEB S1-mnrr. John Guauell J: Uo.'s Select. l erI'Iunea: Es: Banquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jocxey Cl.:b Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bbuqnel, Frangipanni, Military Bouquez, the Bride's Bouquet. John Gosnell .5`. 0033 Prince of Wales Pu!`- fume, I most choice and fashionable perfume. Jubn Gasnell it Co '5 Princess Alexnndnfa (Perfume, a most choice and delicatn prrfmne "prepared expressly for Lin: use of Her ltoynl` Highness. Int... n.__,n . 2- - -- TEE groan frauds which continue to be prac- tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germany,_h_v imitating the In- bels attached to JUHN GOSNELL Jr 00. : PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors lo Cannon the public against such nefarious proceedings, and to request. their friends and patrons to purchase only or respec- tabla dealers, who import direct from John Gosnell 8: Co. ; and invite special attention to the address- um) BU LL WIIA RF, 93%..-rm Srmurr. Jnhn Grrnnnll Ar 1!.-. L. Q..I..... n.._:-..._A-, -my nun: m LL.c Cr nnnnn.-.3 "`L _...... ylul, `-`U` Ah! )1): include.-1. Each gal. ADVANTAGE OF gallons, when diln ' on every bottle.` TYPES AND I: ndo_d vgad used by P.-nr......-. ....-u, Nun: l LII`! ad I'll:-itnnn a-.4` -.L:_L I four ' __.. ..--.-J incru-mares the n.z.~ni..n 1- 5- , _ -......u u.`-xu|.Vl:i.--A tine Sea. Swkuess or mm of llcarlactze Zervescing con- mirml I.l";vh I-n-I~- ' ` ollurulrl Iyluulut: the treatment of 0 ish prison, and}-nl rise and :u'ongv- th The pnlice lmve to copieg ot`Wl1ich In ernmcnt. and `I: Royal Veterinary College, renty yearn. - in a certain cum {'0 r grease I yeah and rot in I shoep. I y 'Pr(;fes5or ' THE DAILY NEWS---THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 17. % `ran-ca at: its purity and salutary is only ncce:s.-nary to poi_1 cut the cc-lebrutrd and phi|anlhm- JIFOIH `bOSP Tlfnnp;-.v:\.. :- ' u`s Disi:1`a--:;-i`1.1g nut ; by the and- ll..I I'll] 1-inl. .. 215 &c. "`j----__ BURNETTS DISINFECT .. for the but-inuo:,;.. . : _~,. .....J -uu AIFII3.-ml U .}tl'S vs-r HL.Spitl ' ,__...-. y|uullClUg e chloride of id,--I faith- Y, Manager. N., street." the the local nm..1:.:_,, '- ,_ mu: I rn 1 us, 1, 'ed ozen; and in balk at nu. -u UI gr. an in the di\'i.uiuw W110 interfere ....., unv- grery known dish. Lap: tho ...\.'....:... W, 2 -.....-.; ; u u1o1LVr`14JI .- purication of e `R hnnan: O`------ ,, ..---nu| un Luv ursl. age ur country, the Lb. ,- _ .-Junv-|l'l Ill iL.S[|itl; Father ofS+ni- cal Mcmbcr of the that [enl|l1; Author of the Ural. .l)V HIIH nr nn...,p.... - - _`.1.......,u nuu. I'll)` is much esteemed lur ltslliau -er.-1, throughout the world. )--Special Export id25. am! .`\'nniv-n s Upper Ten Thousand | Iulpurls ll }rl|. PIB Price Is Gd each n - r-...-|.....-... -.A,. I. 3, 1868. gallons id, per order us Disinfecting [ with ad immu- Jf William nur v....\.a.. -:( .- -n1v'-ILLUIJ Ul SFCK , !`nctorie.=, p:i- I decks of ships, :1 sir-_l.-, nirrhv Jrm: INSULT TO THE FRENCH A.\I- BASSADOR 41` mzxm. llong Kong, May 1l.--Accnunt.a received here of the fracas at Pckin state that it uri- ginnlod in the French Charge d'AB'nircs, Count dc Rnchcclwuart, having. jnstlexl Igninlt is chair containing a brnthcr ut Prince Kung. The Prince struck I|u- Chugc d'A'-urcs across the face, and :m apolngy Inning lu:('u dnnnmh,-I and rc|'u~'- ed. the French tri-culnur was lmulenl (lawn. The other Foreign Ministers hml tnkvn up mo: matter, and hm! give u !lII'(`}ljl||'SC(iLI\'- E ernrnent three days tn apologist-. Another ' nccunt suys Hm the L`lnr~,;c :|`-\tf-.nrc's pony run into a chair 'cnntaining`llu: bru- Ihcr of Prince Kun-,g. am! that Ilu; l`riuc~`a outridn-r strmk thclTm.\',|1L1I. whctlxoff lu: S.-1`LlL\'E__A R. 3&1:-It nnan .-._ I sick was .. : lucing ids! nf' ` the Pro- ; Barclay ` nd U0., Q :l-1;`i`1"-:3: its `conraacrs DAILY NEWS.` P0f5SE.'3SIN(:i A D VERTISP. THE Rl~JSUL'l` OF THE FREINCITH E[.E(J`I`IONS. CC DAILY m:w;s, IIENTS; l'HE'RE!`ORlc`. Aonrisnxn was A LOCAL PAPER DAILY NEWS OFFICE. PAR1'IonI.ARs on AND YEARLY nr YOU HAVE [F YUU WOULD TBE LARGEEVI IINEWSPAPE : Uf3`LU.`~ I V 59- 5&3 FIRST PAGE. TIMES. PLAO E THE PES INK RESOLVE AT ADV11R'1`1s1NG:1 PUBLISHED IN THIS CITY, THIS JOURNAL OFFERS THE mar MEDIUM FOR L00.-u_. _AND GENERAL ADVERTISE- 'r2 [ AND MERCHANT- RATES, AND IF mu Nor ALREADY TAKE 19 THE BEST A GREEMENTS MAY BE SPENT MUNi."Y 7rHUR.smn' EvEi1No,Z;U2i;~: 17. _-_L---- A ND NOT Tl ) ATTRA CT CUSTOMERS GlRUULA FIO;S or JUDIOIUUH USE OF {HON A 'I`flUU[~Lv\ ND $739117? A I) V :_:'< A n_ V E mrm nns_rN:c's:< ADV}. `I A 1) v 1: R '1` TO I LIBERAL AND ANY hxmzmrnnli: &ND REPEAT THE THE PURCHASE ADKIT THE IMPORTANCE 0!` A LITTLE` FURTHER {ND EKRU` PUBLIC AND _._-z.. , j_:_A____ aily News. DRIVE ma ADVERTISING MADE AT THE NEWSPAPER u'1*mu'nv.rc man Wl.IP.'F{ ONCE TO A JUDIC IOUS STEP THEIR UOOi'R' SEE TARIFF` OP rvaulhu, 1;. u_ v. r Jami M. .:.c:1ui. fame In TU}. FU It YOUR RTISE um DPJVEN, I YOU R BUSINESS, BEFORE THE TO AND ATTMBUTI: TISEV '1' IS E )1`[uN UF AN {F YOU WUULD UF BUSINESS GARRY SUCH PLAUE EII1`Z8! I Btu-clay Gzoom tar - Maura. and sad Soul, Onus , by the `Pro Grease and Blsck- * London ; to.- `naturally _ - _- .... u-auuur, E A.vbdA'rTa), \ Chancery, &c. _ ':lrIIn0a S41 ...... .- .1 '- Stopper. Ask f_er Le nations, and should see tbit Lea Names are on Wrapper, Label, _ a and Perri Rah ? '5V""` 97 _ --.;1 J 111l1 or `ordinary wa BLENDING 8| produce an taste. or more of co WATER ' One PRINTING on (origin..- ---- .....-L44J..I.lJ.1l coloured ' INK : .1; Six pun, or water. kc. ILLUMINATING: Umuge; pour a {e Add Warm water ' Borders of JE .... `II: nngti `:0 8 Magenta, Violet, Blue, w drops into an Lo , m y be prattily illum- Bl . L LY, CORN FLOUR ': W in 1]. "Huh! .~n--- unuurj dissolved PHO l'Ul:`R.APHS n: dye with water ; a plat of [LLUMIN-5"`` I urusn. PAPER and WOOD .81 OAK STAIN: A bottle `half a-pint of hot wnl SATINWOOD STAIN: Canary dissolved m u PHOTUGRA P-*7 --W ta, Violet, Cri`1 9. pin: to a. qua cording _to sh: brush. D,ADmn - - -- _- _,__, . -LAW Solicito ` 1'! Fub,lin .v_.- Q-:rIr:_"3 wfhow SHAVINGS, Hair, Fibres. Seaman.-1 Magenta, Mauve, Vic these impart delicate &c. simple or lnNH`FDmInw 1 ccuznzneul `LEATHER: fl.-..-.- ' ,_.._._`-v ` ,Orange. Dye in warm V WHITEWASH: To color: or Rose; add halfa bum: then. stir in the Wbi Mauve, Violet, Purple, produce pretty time by more, as directed above. STARCH: Stir in n 9--~ { l.U render it FEATHERS: or the dye-i COTTON: B HIHJIULSANJJA. - MAGENTA : The strength and beauty of this dye is almost. incredible. A Sixpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it. will also produce a clear Roan Pink by using le-33 dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, to. WUOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use alarge to render them clean. Dye in boiling watr. FEATHER-q' hm` ` ` v; I)! Iue resu 25) their use 1 be dyed iu a without soilir M'3`-I & Nlaclusr, FD A'I"I"nn\rr.~v.v _. r . m thing can be dyed with them. , - .1-.-55 UL? 1.11 1 PEOPLE. Any one can use them ; any- It is imposaiale ` DTT I ,__ .... IFIIL uu Ul u|.HL'l' causes, and coumeractrau the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- tics and softens the skin, and, used Eh the bath, Lends Lu: promote A l:ca.lth_v state of the whole body. . .1 Ir" l uuxua (}U:\'DY'S PATENT OZONISED WATER (1-`on mum`: PUI:POSES,) Rcmov-.5 from the mouth impure and forcig tastes and odours, .`.'hethcr arising from tolmm or uthcr Cuuscau and ..,....... - I /_._.... auu u1..UES are wet aluured with these d es. I: Sixpenny bottle rmore cold water TER (One rim" *` of Magenta ` --nun `duccn rm.` reccrutneuded. .EArp._zI;V[). n. ...... ....\...-5 am: purity teams of hath.-z and tubs. J)rcs.~'ing poisoned W0 mal virus. ' Treating the infecti horses, dogs, &c. One gallon mnkr-S 20 Tnp u.-.- . . ~-uuiosll'szl Ill 11 IS! Ills ugh-n the Irish pcuplc he wrurngs of their bruthm urn lawn the Irmnifestnc uwe bc'eu_ sent to the Uu '3. n. sm|m,-Efn-: _ V PHYEOIAN. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND; > leuideneo Bnrrovsmith Must 1'0 mm. , ' { uuun ynlllt. Cmrnnu-r:1e`1;ing the effects tflkvll into the stomach. Uuring Mu.-Ity provomlvr. obhcl` sued from HIIHIE. u.,1. ..,2 ' -' ' ' ` J` I U|.'IlI"l h from mint. f`,` _. _ . , - m um progress 01` European sciem ______,.__,.____._.. 10Nm"s PA'I'E.\"i' FLUID or mama: :.ii.~;inl'cc- ` - C L.-mt puritius, dcodm-iscs, m1d:diainfccI`.<, by the TERMS F0,l869' ugcnuy of llusccl-t or ozonic ox`ygun,--it.-x znrtivc Fmmny `me 0` the fourevewa principle. [Suing entirely innnxious, this uulv I For), twoof `hefour H'"w' scicnmic prcpnmti0n' is peculiarly adapted f`u'r ' 1:0 W t}"'9_f We 1'03"` ROVER-`I! the fulluwiug useful purpuscs, lor which_ all :3: ll]a:::;!;euE;::l`:":' 5 . other di5ini'cn:u1ms, 0I1ncc0uut.ol:t.heir poisonous or 0Lhur ohja-ctionable qualities, are una%`l'Thle For Blackwmd. `md 03" RV}e' For Blackwood and two Reviews and useless :-- , Dctc.-ctixig urgmiic impurities in air and water. EU Bl'ckw9d and three 33713 l'uril'vin,r,; drinking and other water from o.-- I F0" Bl3Ck`7"d and four RVi0'Q_ gnnic matter, IL-mi, &c. k . - _ Frczdiuliillg; Lhc air of close places, and rcmov- P 0 8 'T A G E: in}: bud :'nn_-il.~'. ' nun uunuruuluu, ' _ The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, l8t;6,, II. has an immense sgle amongst | the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ort.ho- ' dnx Mulicul Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singuhrly popular did it not supply :1 want. and fill a place. Mtlnulctured by the Inventor, Richard Frcc- ' mun, TU, Kunuingmn Park Road. Lnmlnu, S. i The genuine has engrnjved on tlnhv (}nv~rnmr-nt I Slump (outside cnch Bottle), FlEEMAN'S 7 ()RIh`I.\'AL cnL(moDYNE." ] l I I I I I t z uuu grcuuy prewrrcu "1'rinl.'.M ANE5." Em-I Russell comnnunicated to the Royal Co!- lcgo of l luysicimm and to Mr Freeman, that in Muuillu the only remedy of any use in Cholera was (Jhlomdinc. I'I... lI-.J_'__I r.n~,,-,- ,, r n ,.. 7 --.- l eiinlury. It I lnrgeii cmiplofkl by Q10 most eminent Physieiansniid Surgeons in houpfulgnd private practice in all_ parts oi the world. It than .e'ccte.poeqli|r toitself, undinhich no Quentin!-. Iy different to those produced by thmvnrioua compounds bearing the name of Chlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtual. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, :1- lnya the irritnliou of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, end givessleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use ot opiates. It continues to hold its unshazen position in the estimation of the Profession its the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminmiit and scientic Physiciiuin made aflidnvits tha_t they have C('."U!d its cects in careful cuvnpnrisuti with those ol"`DR. COLLIS l5l{UW~.\'E :i UllL(-)RO- DY.\'l~l," and ilc-posed to the facts flint they lound it n more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEM.lNS." Rn!-I Nnuanll I'fII'II'|liU\:l'ho\I.-1. on .1... l )..__I' M one OI tne greatest. ulscoverlea or me prucn UDSON s SIMPLE JYES Any_c-qecun us: intrn-- k- 4- ....,u 1.3 au cummon El cans in zu rapidly purify the air, ith Candy's Uzuniscf zccr. N I lit; 0qLa_I_N2L ongdnonmi: invented by - Fnqm.n..\.1!humnnnu:ht, in attend to box nnn nl [ha tn-nnfna lunnvnrlnn AF `Inn -\--mu.-1.5 --L-Jim-`J:HvFI|`!|Il..`.&-IIILHIIIEI-III-Q |IIU-`Cu T D.- (mp ol the greatest dlscoverles of the present hisnlurv- II. b In-cmlv` nmdlnfdkl M dun rnnnt ...` `I '``"`l `H J in Hill! manner. IANGE, JELLY, REAMS, &c: Whi e or two drops of . elegant Iintix ._:u n u. cold water drop of dye will G Cotton, Silk or r way. _ .. uuuon, Silk way. Gr some of the dyes in innity of shade, 1 .. um... ucmg, mac-ed, nln : use nlmogt any articlejoi d a few minutes for L sailing the hahda. .4 MPIIKIH A "" ` . ,- _- av SILVA nut.` 11: the Whitening as usual. Blue and crimson a using one bottle or a : Stir in a few drops'ot' Colour-- 3, Violet, Blue or Pink; apart tints to Lace, Linen, ' Wicker, Ivory, Bone, brea, Sesweed, &c., attract the dye , ifapplied In boiling water. or laundry purposes is A 1. JGES: A Six........-- I~--- ' '* ....;....; wul and Mnggeu Pink useful colours. and GLUES 3: lb then ("--- vv a|.L:r nroru Urganic cunnmon a cause of serious disc; U` DUFJTV the nip n.-n H. .|:|,,. nulls. meat, fish, butter, pes, twenty-ve LegisIn.zil'; m lmhpr `M 'l`|.:...... ...:II I 3; : a 1: ange. Pink. am` T`--"""` ' nd_y's Fluid is the Stnndmcl Suiuntiv gunic Mutt.-r in \ and I|H>rd.~' own means oi rapidly and C()nl[`ll<'U'}_\' nking Water from Orgarnic Tuilnt, {',L.nnrnr--1 -- A- -- ' 5 uac HKDLB. MEMORA uni.` hp 'l'Qm:ulL `kl rAIN":'".X 'ed a pint 3 may be ti V-;a bottle kc. K Sixpeauv bottle of boiling water nted; dilute the of Magenta. to Ll . :5 worcesle1:_ehirc Sauce Dondiment, pronounced by > only good sauce," in pre- aud Pien-ins. The Pulm- infectious diseases II. BOLLEIAN CONDY I Puentm-_ R.-.n.;....... r ., . 3, Magenta, Violet, and `. WBYEI. 0 color: Magcnta;T5r Pink 5'.-.|-HA-' -.1, at. e bl, oppos1te_ the`Post -----unv ce to enumerate J1; many so wonderful and beautiful ions can be applied; while for dyeing textile fabrics, luable as n cn1mn.;.... .----- vs 200 to 300 gallnnshd.-nptn: .LY, While u. liquidjtate 3 Magenta. A more lintimz canhf-1 ""- ` V -`-` orceslershlrc Sn mun ..-....` __ _ - .E FOR THE ' h enumerate um rn---' /-_.u-an |.LlCLLI to avoid creases, apd wa_ter. on water (A r...., .:---- succestully a"l "I V, Conveyance:-, in. Dec. 1. ._.j%_:.;__._ _,-_v-... A more {cannot be had. Magenta V3`-J-J .. ul acuuua u1:s'L'3HL'. > , use the diluts-d Hui-I or other Spm_y-pro- uccu. M-9` W7T6r to a nail .-.r......-_ x "I""'J u--u \.'uu|Im* '1`.-. 9 nl Qtln-:n|u . _ Ditto. 1 the bath will according to I tint a quart". .'Wool in the or other provisions ,,_7-.-u-5 Jul rulx v a pail of water, mo na -~---' me uautoia states, has Madrid, changed with :1 USED Ishalin In Mn-a-`--ll ukc-ning its univ- 2 Black to -(villus WBJCT. (a. few drops feather). u re foreign ng tobacco Ls irritutir) turn]: 70 --4* unnulug can a few pence ' organic poisuns nvigorating cf- to a pint pom Lu In: (I30: :1, Violet, Reeve, 1": \. D wt! 1:-.1 ?utp" a ,. 6Bl' ug w'lm:1l. :11: of cattle, 'naI.-I. culnur 1: Ext} ose Ind Lime and-. every description; "vim Poydety 00" `acts; Lavender. WI? -'2 J nice and G|7"" at I0! I. _ ' noat, Blgallhl on, Ind El,l0,,dF SOAP Faun; artons of 3 Tnblgu Rose` sud \ , mancy L-5an_.p Llukrs and ' Medal awurded for of Qunlity. London KY s'oAP. owmc on. son. Socpl in7lb Ban. ...u uutl-I Sole I-`rap:-ietors_--T Earn, 16 Wormwood SI ` Jnu:'~: PAVITON, Q_C` CHAR. .....-acuu LO Uli " For several years 1 bit of prescribing Dr. Cod Liver Oil, and n! cacious than other vari which I have also em their rel.-n_I.ive snperiori _........__.__ .,...,u. In a snorcer time that it does not cause the must often cuxmsequcut on the pale oil. It Dr. _Granvi|l rown Co elfcct in a short: :- C d 1- time than ocher kinds, and 11-186 nausea and indimmmm ] has found that Dr. de J01: _......... m we "tspnarol Germany." Liver Oil produces the desi gin : red that Can ..u-cu Aur I substance 1' __-_. .,......c., U: nezuw, and _Cbif Analyst to ` the City of London. In all cases I have found Dr. de Jongh s Light.-I}rowu Cod` Liver Oil possessing the numb act. of properties, among which the presence of cholaic compounds, and of iodine in 8. atom of organic combination, are the most remarkable; It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil has great. therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt ufita h-eingl 9, pure and |nmrlnh..........1 , .. . .. my Investigations, h:n;e pure and unadulterated ` as ur. dc Jongh, who has medical treatise on the `all quixintcd. Hence, I deem under his guarantee to be p kind :5 regards gcnuiuem cacy." U18. 1115.1`. Medical Office: of Health, H... n:._, ,n W iverlnlly admitted to be genuine--Lhe Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long boenour pmctice, when prescribing the oil, to recommand this kind, six-ce, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- nee's."-(Exu-act from Consumption: in End} and Remediahle 8l,agcs.) -DR. LANKESTER, F.B.S.,_ Coroner for Central Hiddlesex. : I considex: that the purity of 't.his oilia sccur- n ed in its preparation, by the personal attention of so good a chemist and intelligent 3 physician as Dr. dc Jongh, also written the belt mgdical with which I am no- quaintgd. Hence, deem clm nd l`---- =' ~ ' ` Gauloia rh-izl nl-..........I _:.L ,,- ----u-..n _ 931514,` Ph_vsicinn in Ordinary to the Queen I have frequently prescribezl Dr. Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I cousin 5 very pure oil, not lxkcly no creawd a 1.h.e:-qpeutic agent of great value." DR./.EDWA_RIJ SMITH, F.RS., Medical Oier to the Poor Lg: Board 0 Britain. Hm` AI.!-L '- -.;n;- J..l.l:l 111'. - .un.. um; JUNGHHS Oil is convincingly prdved by an overwhelming weight of medicahestlrnony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts ohhe world, to be, `beyond all question, the purest, the mosteiea- . cious, the most palatable, and, fro` nhid curative elfects, the most economical of all kinds. Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. dc Jongfl Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this unti- valled preparation. , The L s. 1`-Ly. o.:1s:pub1isn The :Farmer s Hume By Henry Stephns of Edinburgh and the Late J, P.Norton, of Yale Colloge, 2 7015. Royal 0(- Lavo, 1600 pages and numerous Engravingy PRICE-57,} for the two volumes. By. { the V post paid, $8. ' ' .,.....y.. n vvh: u uunnlllluli (Tory) _ k ' VIHESE foreign periodicals are regularly pg 9 publilhed by no in the same style as hgmgo. 9 E l , long nbscribed to. thorn, need no reminds; I those whom the civil war of the last few yeg}. had deprived of their once welcome supply of the best zperiodicnl literature, will be glad. to have- : 3 thetniagnin within their reach-; and those uh _ may-never yet have met with them, ylllauored. `fore. Thou who know them and who hath -Ic\4l nu uu following reduced rates, viz : i The North British from January, r-ember,1866, inclusive; the Edinbu We.-itminsrcr from April, 1864, to 1866, inclusive, and the London Q 1865 gnd 1866, at the rate of $1.54 each or any Review; ajso Blackwox tor $2.50. I y A THE LEOINARD SCOTT Pnblia OD `IT,II EDWIN GANTi;\T_,- -.Qn......-- - " `L _ Snbscriliers may obta The. Mnpil. l)....'4.'_1r___ I 1 r u 5 '1` A G E; Eben sent by marl, the Postage to oftlne United States will be but; Twg Cent; a. year for Bh1ckwdod,'gng [)1 I cent; a year for each gfthe Reviews. g jg. THE LONDON QUARTERLY - iv:-as znumvuau mavncw ((v$';,".""` THE wmarumsnn REVIEW (mg , ms Noam BRITISH mcvmw (3-...'c,, ,' V Ln '9 F 0.1 A IIEIE-I4\ruQ. 4 -._--__--' LII? ! uuwxwoon s ' rmmnvnan (Tn:-v.\ ' . DR.` DE JONGH S EIGHT-BROWN * LIVER OIL. DR. DE JONGH`S Oil pn V an nm:-rm|-mlm;...- ---=-J-A ~" " SELECT MEDICAL SIR HENRY MA`RSH, l ` o ~ ;,..,_...1.._. 2- A { __ DR. GRANVILLE, 2.113., Author of the Spurol Germany. *1 . Granville] has found 9... n. J` - A Senior 1 And ,3 large amount o`f pnh "llI:a.- n,_ luv um our in c, &u., 33 King A . - -- .7---______. 0FF'ICE REMOVED TU KING 5'1`. NEARLY 0[ Pf):SI'l`E THE BOOK S_TOKE. __ -... uuoynlo ' >r pas: I have been in the bar- prescribizag de Jough`s Light-Brown ' ' d it to be much more 5- rieties -of the same mealicilie e cl.-:_t.ive superiority. II A `A"` V mployed with a. View-to test: rap:-ietors_--'l`IDl[AN ox-tn wood Street, Lo Ivar- & '80N, Chem- ndoq, E.'G'.i T z nnrnsn i IEBIODICALB, Id helieve ' ` those cus es in is indicated ` uuu nun lill It to be u very pure oil, well which the use of ghai 0bN_2"AIJVI1m ,; EN TEBTA ININIIL. nver`met' iil; willaudred. -well pleased to. receive accredited repon; 9 progress "of European science and Iilvil-I - _-, --u suuul: '3` DR. BARLOWf1i`_R,s_, )r Phvninhu. 4.. n__ 9 un. 1).11hUW,' F_R_ r Physician to Guys 1 ,l`t3(Illnhu ......,.__ ,, cAN'r`mr,1BQ., 1f1Lc.s., to Charing-cross Hospital. ` I Venn: nnar I I---- `-A ~ .u, uuatgtu WIN] Isabelza to Marshall SEA SALT, for producing - Bath in yourbwn Room. The preparation is strongly rccom- : .._- DR. L THEBY, p-L` TY me nth re, the Cod. Liver Oilaold tee preferable to any other M gcnuiueness nnd medicll ei- lmire foundmlgr. 1 la, iodime in - nl>.L.. -4` ....... -nuuury, 1UO'3,t0 De-M we; Edinburgh and the? Lpril, December, Quarterly tor bc $1 an .. 11:...-. 4'..- 1,, Qznd/,('3bi6f at peutic ind `e article. _..--us nulua, lull UIC` sea indigestion too administration of the OTT Publishing 00., ` 38 Wa.lker-street, N.Y. AL OPINIONS. an, BART.,~M.D., in Irgland. =...:;...z IL - - 3111!!` be Poata` but ;wdod,}md but Twentz go to any pun 10:1; ight ,,_, -.,. -3 lul ;e $1.50 a year for Blackwood for 1368, 1 convin_cingly v niedumt rnunrnn..- ribezl de ;I:|Igh'I, consider it uohuuuu Non.--The Prof. ferior, secret, and the market. Ench ;imile of Proprietor outside. c-.. _-- vi of _G1-cat I, ieea, to De. nfmrnl. mu: u.-. -_.._n.v. LIQ. `CHLOROI-"(5RMI 00.01: CHLOE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. , Sole llsnnfseturor :-A. P. Towle, I 840 Lilith: amonth. ,_ Half -* ~ --..v-1 one A A |'L-n- --- 13uen[_H_ A` ` i C V `I onlr ' tion, 3, insertion? ....-.. -unun rum me, and, rec: pound, but wikl never pre| medy. `To Mr Towle, Chemist, M A Surgeon from New I only requires to be known I have no besitatiea In cha. Torrie : Cblorodyne) as the .cine that has appeared d century. In diarrbcan, col 1 have found it to reiiavema more joy than any other 31 named." v____ nu rs - g.r,-1 mmlc it I -"m` Cblorodyne more lb pounds, out of the market. men think min me, and recomm u end yourt evet prescribe a were! Clnnmts Kmn, M.l _ at, Manchester. Surgeon New Vn-b --~. -- \-DUI I (if the aha} ~ :1 for Toronto It . \ j_`(Ilonttiy exptedj . -v-. 0-l.IlH5U. -'-. '1'OW;J.-E'S CHLURDI Theriginul Prepatntjon of 1:` From Dr 0. Kidd, Am.ho1:of s on Cbloroform. S.u.kville-street, Pieced Si;-_-l mink it you would Cblorodvne mm-p II-an -~- -` "'1`be day seems as yet, unhappily, Far d` taut when public opinion _or State 1 \ any secret mdicine whatsoeer. hoped that the profession will w~ - *':-F`-' " " ") L ~ - - IT, Burton, llsjl - Kingston daily (Bun VA at 4 AM. (except. I H: g the Grand Trunk T k uoeuugthe 6:35 Al- `A-I-'l_-l.D.I'II`J.t'L)`N`.I.,`, .. `-' Y, J nniour, Master 0 22nd initant will 1 0 Kingston Tuesdays " II and Fridays, at,4 p; ;II: on Wednesday: a ( pm. 7 a:-3t_a&s Iply at t ~ \ _,. :I)ntai'io-8lreet, )r um Office , St. - ohnsen Bu-eel. ,9`? ' C.H.H \ `graiug 1`eart'ull_y) to the effect ,._ ...,... kwuere cholera hm remedies tried, C live. nu - blorodyne mosl !.'1ER'1`0WN; ` `I?I2b Q-.--._ `I _---- "F .her trips about t " ` Hgnd will Leave Kings -MEBIDAY at 3 2 IONDAY and THU :` all intermediat womrn ISLAND on W, an and Saturday - u_ A.l{., 1 P.u., 3 P. .: I AYS nd FRIDA .51- _- _.AL.._ .I__. nu`;-J1 nun. STEXMEH a.`mm Wharf, foot of Brock fling`; 31, 1869. < bun _ ,,._. ... u-grill. - Join llndlo, BABMSTIK Attorney-at-Law, Oonveyancer, kc. _O'1ce'opposi:e Post Uice, Clarence Street, Kingston. ' ` August 6. kqr'Puage npply on boin wJ-*- .G. M. KIHGEO g Foot of Brock? S im Am-II 1 nan mu: s'1"_1unnn % Vgas %roLL6 W's W` KWGBTON every "day - )1: 8:15 A.M., 1 1:30 A. I` i . an 3-!- ` or Passage`, having an ` ntion, apply on bus . __D. HUB QQERREPONT, .n --z-usvaaruvn on arrival of tha t , meeting Gxa.nd~'l`rn ;Ba.;v at` Qnintisten `,- ival of (ram {ham !vU DI Ulllcl BIB. f LEE ISLANDT9 _Wu.na1u,P,,|t. - (1 It xrtu-inicn , `: Cane Ylncet ` with Cress Seeds in . ... .,u.u_y:ug me b1ood.-Price 23 pen ', . The above Prepamtidns are I ofsweetmeats, pleasant to the taste, a licularly adapted for Infants I nursing. By the combination of the Iran or a. slate of getafii they are united with organic lifel mm renders them digestible. The irritati stubborn 1LiuuI'&l has thus become the: of an organic substzmce capable of be sorbed by the blood without injury stomach. Agent tor England and British Posse E G. DUFRESNE, 79 Waning Strc May be obtained of all Chemists. I 5-) Hull 1' I` `nine ll other days. . WDLPE IRLL ITTI F 3, 1969. null r Wolf: Is`l_and :9. and after June 1;: 21,1869. ' mi; and Nlmawa `I BTEAJJ _... n. - _ lhsrln, Ul. luv nonu- for Torogto an ujqonatsy excepted ~ LLr.PAs'1; FIVE iyfpbe of the Steamer 4" ` Ilorniug (Honda L3: IVE. Pl(i*3`I-Supply on" how a G. M. KINGHOE Foot of Brock 8 `I51 Inna 7 ihdiaaday, 2&5 (m4 agj Pnce: Smnil, ls I Size, 113 per Bottle. _ THE DIASTXTIZED IRON, For strengthening: :h-- 5-.,......_. n- 7-"-9----- ;1lI]Il2.atl0n G.,M. KINGEJ "J 5` 11:111.` ULASTZ strengthening lb-: nnn I1 O ____ ...5 .....~ u_y5eD?l.--1 l'i(.`. per Bottle. - THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-Price ','. it ticularly adamad fnn r-.v---- Medncal College of Paris, Cniet'Physician 1slxu'ao:diua.ryfor Epidemics in Paris, late ALI). or the Gin! Hospitals of Algiers, hnajust in- troduced in England his ORGANIC MEDI- 4.: { .______._ CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, EARL RUSSELL sent to the Physicians 3 communication 1 `nm from Mzmilla (where cholera 'rninn fan-.'..Il_ \ oxi.TE7: _...u uc uuxugnf All the above portaziou, and I M in any climate. QR Hip--4-I V II nu nu I.`-.Ill.llIl` 96 Stand ; \ London. 17 Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Handkerchief. Euu de Cologne. we at-nva - ovi:T:i}7.[ 3:};-IAESE," "* AnnIs1'ns,ArtoRNEYs-at-LAW Solici- B in Uhancery--Cbalqbers Nos. 7, 8, I 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Julu O'',Q.Q. Faun: C. Duran. _ -.____.,-. ,_.--- u.-nun u_ uppOln lies the Emperor of I of Spain, the Qucen of L ? the Belgians, and the Hi: an n -u- -2---~ *- "- qn1U.UU| And is prepared 1;: issue 1 low as the safety ofthe as;-u I l.m 'rH!S Company has Canada for neariy 5 time has secured the pn prompt and liberal smile [I ilzi fnllr nnn...).'...l *2- nut : uC!M)5|L W! the amount of I l.uuI..u1,lI. um] ll! 11 has fully co the deposit w thn l'V\r\nn I l\ zEn1:1" Iu.~rur:uu-u U fbni, Conn PAID UP C.~\I lT.-H; ANT Kingston, March H ` 1 __ ____ .K[IIom-4: lusumnce Company of `I `New llzweu, Conn. 1P CP:' -- -- $1,000,000. J |iE1lIUMb IIECIEIVED uumrw mus- ` Fll.Ldl'ui|.;.I :.. at... I. I ,5 .. N EUGENE RIMMEL, I-)ERFU.\lF.R by appointment to their Maj: Empe.-or ma p.....,.u. ..._ .. .- uouuus xlgll BAMUSTEEI and: ATTORI reyancer, kc. Oliiee H door south ol the Britain I-We August I. Kin gston, March 31, ; $Z,U7`J,b`l K Funds deposited in the lmn-. [ for the socurily u[' I W All the risks careful rate of Premium made to I risk Assumed. Phmnlx I-`Ire Assurance Company OF LONDON. A.....A -; 9:--__ . , .;_--.___j:.-- VICTOR BAUD'SZ0RGANIC_MED!ClN. . V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of :1 Medical CDi:et'I:`hySiciz aogdiunrv I'm- l2..a,1.....:-- =- :9 Kingston, March .-:I, 1869. Al Utce-33, Cllrence Street. Kingston, March 20, I862. wan. Agent at Kinton, ' mu .*.-i_ yal Aslsul-ance Company I o LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. MAXWELL W.STRANGE, Agent for Kingston oe--33, Clarence Street. u-Va nu. above are carefu`. 3-4] 1,-4:6--'._ .L -.--nuuuu II. I81`-IBVC, mmsmns AND A'rro1cNE1's-at-LAW, Solicitors, Conveyanoers, ac. Napuuee, U. W. 2 A ' Wu. u. wulxusox. W. A. REEVE, 5:. A. Qounty Grown Attorney. W . B. lllinguyc, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Kingston, 0. W. ..u-nu oI:IIu:LlIL`[.|l.OI el complied with lb laws with the Government. nf' an my appointment Majes- : the French, the Qua-cu B Uoilnnd, the Queen at" , King of I or1ug.~:.|; and Prince of Walas. wl`28 Regent Strget; Boulevard deg Italic ,__.. ......,uu.m rue nucleus iubstzmce being ub- to the . _ . _ . -613. --1.111 HEEL 3'3 CHLURODYNE. tuatatinn nf Ir---~ " mlrlnc lnsu rance. V _ --nu Io!-Ilclllll` retain theft .,......uuuu:av.1on receive had the eff`.-at ah- ~ 1 - ...uuu|||_y,1.4OE|UOC|. nu advertise your lyon do, you would help which are secret com- 1anv 'n"""' 3.50.000 A lacdoxnulclr. Path 'ARRIS1'E`._1S AND A` B Solicitors in Chaucer] Uices-v-i8 Cirnrenpe S Uica, Kiuasrou, G. W. Jon: A. laonuauno, Q. 0. u u. Jan-an `N .,., muuuucsxsr. ew York writes :-l awn to be appreciated. characterising it (viz., 1 most useful medi: 2d during the present l, COHC. Rona an----* __.. :..u.I|lI.I rossoasu E, Street. Fall .. -rn:sUu{tU1U rnlrs. J.-\ MES S\VI[*' I`, A gvnt, 3!, `'31 . St. L.-1.Wrr*ncc \\/lmrl. ,om)_ A:;SETs$5,15o.931,' f;\l{GU RISKS to and fro .: r\n 9`... ..._ .L-V - .0: CHLORODYNE PERMIN1` Iodine . getmina.Liun, urganic which thus 16. The iTI'ifnt:r*- ' v-wall] 3- ' . .Iccad:l|y, London Vallld ndvno-ri.~... _ Toilet Powders. Po:mble Fountains. T-azlat Vinegar. Uair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet Rcq sites. bvu, mos. xgnxpnmox. 111.151) IRON, b'yseem.--Price 25 1 oule.

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