Flour, per hm, 1 No. 1 Superne nn hnr nnnln] am. an Luutu nancu, Ulll ouyers were all) . Dam? PnobL'c|r-llult-r was present in large quantieE,and pcesrnnged fruna l5c. to l8c I0 parties purchasing retail, with u trie lower gurelothebuyerof qnnnuem CuI:n:sI-None.` VEGL"l`ABLES-,-A tolerable supply of potatoes at old gures. Lettuce; spring union-1, rhubirb, and other spring vegetables, an abundant sup- ply,nnd at prices to suit all parties, regulated by size of the bunch. Cucumbers made their first appearance to-day, and some very fair specimens were exhibited, and realized from lzic. eaob. ` IIVIIKA "GD uuctru Lu-un_y Ill UPULI lll'ITI|Cl. PouLmv-F'owls are crvming in rather more freely, but prices are still high, 60 CLDIB per pair being readily obtained for good hnavy birds. One or two paixs of ducks were shown, and 75 centansked, but buyers were shy. DAIRY Pnnm:mc-ll.n1.-r mna hrrwunnl in lul-nn uuu ruuuus unu It quay IHIIB 01 ll. M|u.1'-Ve y good. mutton and lamb was of- fered at last eck! quotations, and some rather 8l1pPl'|Ol' VP 'ized pgices slightly in advance of last week. Beef still maintains its price, and none was otfered lo-day in open market. PnIH.`rnv_F'nwIn gr... nnrninn in u-an-mu rnnon Kingston, June 19. There Wm fl we-ll lled market this morning, and all kinds of marks! produce were present in profusion. The produce of the garden was well represented by all kinds of early vegetables, nnd plants in path and cut flowers for bouquets, ggve the market a. very gay appearance. The first instalment of new potatoes made their appear. nnce this morning. The] were raised by Mr Kelley, of the Gore, and realizc-d 25 cents pvr quart. Field strawberries were also present, for which a. fabulous price was naked, 3 pints fetch- ing f|y_ceuta. A very largo` amount of wool I of the new clips in market, and the dealers in the article had algusy time of it. lullAT:Vndv nnnd Imnnnn -n.l I...-nk Iran .-,F FA RME RS MARKET. COJ[Mt% ROIAL. -;- uwum nnos., bankers, report follows :-American currency villa, 75 silver: Bellinnr at '7'! K58`5t0D, June 19, - Fnrnn-n Rm... 1. . _ u. _ u.--.:u.ucr1(:8l1 5 silver; selling at 73 at 4;, selling at 33. Sterling Exchange 9%. ills buying at 96c. .__j.-}_j In! II II .3. Per Cunard and Brerrmi lines, erery'.!!;nzday nod auday rupectively M 5 l ..l. .-. VI. Lnurutl; 90 stern. Barley quiet. 5 bush; sales 13,000 1 aoat. Pork dull at 33,87 @ 33,00 for Lard dull and heavy Zoic for kenla roe- _._, -uauugu I110 lent will be bailed funtario, who look to the ipeedy deval- tho nrly-neqnited on, June 19,3 p.m. L Baos., bankers, :-American 4".nn-Ann-v -_:- 0U Stock of BISCUITS are from-the beat mu.!erial,_snd i principal varieties". Cakes, Pastry, Buns, Rolls, &1 on hand and made Orders promptly attended to. Wellington Street, near Pr J uno 15. 2' YOUNG MEN WANTED to In D grnphy and qualify for Iitu: Telegraph Linea now building. Bush ed in 3 months. No other buineu let inducement]. Adm... -- -~ \HE undersigned be; 10 inform STEAM- 1, BOAT and VESSEL OWNERS that are prepared tohanl out nnd repair all kinds of Craft at the above-named Railway on the short- est `notice and with despatch; and as Ihe sub- scribers intend to give such work their personal supervision, they hope Io be able to give general satisfaction to their customers. All communications addressed to the King- ston Foundry Oice will ` ' In Rail! -....,uu nan pot Canadian steamers will be c day It 12 .ll. _ D..- l`..___.l_,_j n -- LARDI LARD! LAIiD!. Efpecfed momentarily. Prepared L up In lulu of 3}ba., blba. nnd 101],` Imanrlu .....-I ....._4._| p - p .1 III III` gaudy and I xmasmu M_A__INE nmwnv. I-anti w....ug to see me deny. My customers are" such as would make any man happy to see; and more, they look happy themselves. Why not ? they look healthy when they use Mon-ison :I Flour. Morrison's Oatmeal, o Mon-i3on s Cracked Wheat,` Mon-isoh a Wheat Meal,_ Sugar-Cured Hams. 3 tiercea of McBrida a celebrated Sugar-Outed HAMS just to hand. ' I Don t see for the life of me why I should not be happy as any two ordinary Lorin. Lots of friends, all my old and tried customers, coming to see daily. My are` make nnv mm 11...-.. .- --- . Geo. -D. Spooner, HYSICIAN, SURGEON, & "Marble Block," qver Johl store, Princess Street, Kingston. June 19. -\_a4.A.J4l._J, AN ELIGIBLE FARM in the Townshi Piitsburg, consisting of Lots Nos. 21 22, in 11):: 2nd Concession, containing in 240 acres. The land is situate about ten I from Kingston---two miles from armacadan road. The water-power on the lot is sui to drive the largest machinery, and the timl of Ihe best quality. For Fnrlhnr ha-0:....I..--'-- 1 - Rev. Josh Ling, n neg: burg, is in gao}, because I uion for his neighbour : tn On the lath instant, Mary, relic: of Joseph Gallagher, aged 34 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her late resi- deuce. Montreal Road, on Sunday at 3 p.m. to R.C. Cemetery. UI |I.lU IJVIHI quullly. For further pm-ticula.rs'and the premises, or to "wanna l'\)n`I:\rr 1 vv . SINGLE COPIES of the Dun Nzws may he had at the coumer of the publication otiicr, Prin- ctu Ilreet. Price three coppers. ucurutllrt. Montreal Corporation 7 per c sales continue to be made at 1 Montreal Harbour Bunds-< tinue inamive at 102 0103. Rfnnng an .I_-- -E- uuuc uu:L".|'c III. IUZ I0 103. Excbange-6O days night and 75 days date Bank and Bank endorsed is worth 109} to 109i. Private 1081 10 109. ' II cu nine: 15. qua Au. uu_vt'ru uuering 35 PP! SUITE. Government Del:-entures-But little doing 9:); would bepaid for Sterling vea-93] for Currency ves. Six per cent Sterling Bonds are offered M 104}, with buyers at 103. Dominion Stock-Very inactive. There are sellers at 108. Buyers oering 107}. Montreal Cnrnnnninn 1-zn...I., 9.1.. J Hm- ax:-cl: III: 1U ). DU"el'3 Oerlng Corporation Bonds-Sales of 1891 Bonds at 96. Nothing doing in Water Works debentures II._._, I :1 I IV. LU llu City Passenger Railway Company--Asked for at 110 No sellers under H2}. City Gas Compnny-No sales to report. In in demand at 136. `- Mining Stocks-Have been sold at 33:15 and $310. Buyers offering $3 per share. GOVETDTHPHI nnl \'AnII\rnn_D..c `I:nl_ _`I-!A~ avg, wuu uulctu It 01]` Railway Stocks and Bonda--NoI.hing doimz. Preferential 10 per cent. slock is offered at 84, with buyers at 80. Montreal Telegraph Compnny-Ha.s been sold at 135] and 136. No share-Lnow offering below I36]. Richelieu Navigation Company-l'unctin-. The stock being scarce and in good demand at 1198 to 121. Jure I6. I. nuucuy Union Bank of Lower Canada-Tran3f-1' books are clused till sfler payment of dividend on 2nd prox. Mnnlvnnina final , I]... 5...-.. _.I.I -. on .,J u\.Lu cmca nu. uuvuuclug rates, 4. ), 45, 500 47]. , Gore 3anl(--Salas at 37}. Holders now ask 38i, with buyers at 37}. Rnilwnv .`u`tn:-In: and 124...`. 1r...u.:_._ -1-2 "-[:I`hia is'b_v Montreal time, from which deduct 12] minutes for tho difference between Montreal sud Kingston time.] u may ul\J|.vI\ KJC 119; to 121. (`ha 'D_..... nunu-K lUUu i _ Bank. of British North Ame:-ica-Hau been in demand at 106, but without transactions. The ' txansfer books are now closed. - ` 5 City Bank-Hus been ao!d at 97], `98, 98}, E and 983. Holders asking 99. pnnnh- l nI'Ilf_.`lnlnn nf Il. and Inl Llll ULI`El lug II} lnylcr tutu. Ontario Bank-Opened heavy this week at 34; and 95, with sales at these rates. Yuterdny and to-day shares have changed hands at 95} ` and 96, with a fair inquiry, Mn1nnn'n RnnIr_'Rur linl. 1-Inhu-u__ln In A- LIUVI UISIU8 I.`-IUBUU, La Bnnqua Jacques Cartier-Salea In 106 1052. There is a good demand for shares at former rule. Quebec Bnnk-Aaked for at 100. La Banque Nnlionale-In demand at 107. Eanern Townships Ba.nk-Trnnsfer books closed r! s_,, r: u 1 u -- - A vu uuu ylut. Mechanics Bank-Hna been sold at 92 and 91}, which prices are still obtainable. r`.nnniun I-1...-`Ir A4 I` - - - - - -- "- `V .715, wlllcu prll.`,l'.'lI are 5l1ll ODHLIHIDIO. Canadian Bank of Commerco-No Innue- tions. The stock books are now closed until af- ter payment of half-yaarly dividend. ` Rnvnl nnndian Rant , (I7..- ..,.I.: :_ .I._ ._- ucl ya) |ul:lll. Ul l.llI|I'yClll'ly UTVICCUG. 7 Royal Canadian Bank--Wa.s sold in the ear- ly part of the week at 40'. There have since been sales at advancing rates, 45, 46, and 47}. Banl(-Snlas at 37.! I-Inlrlnrn I-A-I --|' Montreal, Thursday, June 17.--There his` baen 3 faxr busiueu done in Iron stock: on the < list. In Debenluten we have to notice but few 4 transactions. Government Bonds are in demnnd at somewhat higher miss. ' ` I Ran]: nf Ilnu-an-nal_l1na I-us.-in an`! In at nuu JO]. LIUIUUIB GHIIUK K73 Pea;-Ia : Bnnl-:-Sales nit 1081 and 108}. Still olferlng at latter rate. Hno...:.-. n_..I._n.........: 1.---.. .I.:.. .......I. .. Iauu cu, nl.u II l(IlI luliulll, Mo1son's Bank-But little doing---is in de- mand at 108;. I.ln'-..I.-n|.a' D1-nu-IL At f1___.I- f1_- L--- -_L: _.__. --r`...-~--_...., .-~ the l;)AlLY7N:E'V,ViS `PRINTING OFFICE. IIJFIIIU CI IUD . Merchants Bank of Oa.nnda.-Has been sold ` M 1111 and 111. The transfer hooks are now closed unlil after payment of half-yearly divi- dead on 2:.d prox. Ran`! nf Tnrnntn 11...; bu-n-. :_ 4'41- A.._.-_.I ucuu uu. gnu Iurul Bank of Toronto--Has been in fair demand at 120, but without sales. The half-yearly divi- dend is payable on 2nd prox. Transfer book: now being closed. ' f.n Rnnnrna Tun:-uuna f1.._s:.._ 5-1-- _. IA]! Auu], 1`uu,n fair M the aking 160. Ilnnl. hi` I .. muucemeni Address at - -Iu BUILIUVV IIFII Bnnk of 160], 160,: l`..i_ no cl... June I LALJHLD J 11. & W. J; Jon`6r.11E11s. Bakers and Confectioners, wnnr-nu---- - June 19. AS HAPPV__\_S A l.D. uoN1~muL sroox mmxwr. Close. Arrive. Intern by G T R. day trainl2:40 P.M. 4:45 P.M. weenr u u 41' 3:15 .1 3:15 1: RIM Ind Win: night Ir-tins 9:01 7:00 AM. I lrthilirx 11-on . an...` -- . -- ._ .. .....u--I L M MORRISON. ecu, Ul IU Mnssas 0 REILLY 3: DRAPER, Barristers, Kingston. 3. ` _-__-..-....._,. Ln-pareu Lard put a lolbu each, L useful for fsmily use. 1:: 1'-'1-" -- - ` WHOLIEALI AND RETAIL lv Ulsl-JCT IHIUU. V Montraal-Has been dealt In at ,uud I591, The demand continues 3 last. named rule. Holders to-day] 01180. Th .hIlcEAOHREN, Supt. Telegraph Institute, Toronto, Ont. 5P00lIcl', 31.0., fTP('1l'.`nu 3.- p. . negro preacher, of Lynch: -cause of an nmvnnn-..h...4 -.... V or IYIRY DlICRlP'l'IOl_ ! Ixecutnd neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously at A1- n!!! her-trrn Inn 1-xv.-go-nu-..-. A-._..-._ I DIED.` IUITS manufactured terial, _snd include all the 3, &c., consumtly. order, ion cont Stock-SmuIl made 110 and 109}. Bunds-6} per cent. con- tn ma hEON, c. Residence ` Johnston & King's` Kinzsion. nrsnu prcnuuer, or Lynch ae of an uncontrolled pas: I turkeys. , near` P rtnceag. ,/ -_.. -u-vunuly U] :13 and lion, in all miles as armacadamized r sucient inert and H... o:_|__, 2, Township of 10f Lnln Na: `)1 no! xuu nu; l:l Bulclel y, and timber is __f_._____ ) learn Tele- r situation: on Business learn- iflll 3" " ` ` `ruins In.-`in and depart from the Kingston Bhlion as follows 2 terms apply on 19. 3-; c0n8{Au I DORAN. -uuu null !!- ofen bet- in the .|. \.I iV1UnnU W .We will offer aoo rum warm: HATS, 7 Firm Brimgin all sites, 4835 and 37in. |` SEE OUR. I-`ANGY HA1` wmnow. 90' D..- {-- P{J6di fogmgatmdi !' 4:15 p.m. `-25 `I All lye Lwmv, PLAIN, GRAND DISPLAY! mm CON`l'EN'l`S or mm mans. ovnn* HATS! HATS ! HATS !%`HATS ! u qr cuaxs arsaln TEMPERANGE DRINKS TIT - I`! 4 WITH A June 18. TARAGONA and nunouum WINES! nni-won ..l...:._.. n_,-, u 3:05 mm. , g ___- wow-1; 50 octnves choice Burgundy Winel,` put up for Families, 1!. 5s per gallon. 40 qt cisks Taragona. - 25 qt cask: Pure Juice. 5 qt cask: Snuterne Wine.` 5 qt caaks Harsalh and 5 1; 'I`F!I.lDl1!DA\`.I'nn u-.n......... % 109 95.0 dozGiuneu'u Stout, quarts, at -12: 6d per doz. ' M 500 do: Blood : XXX Stout, qunru, at 115 6d per doz. _ W. 3. log: I 00. June 15. j---..._____ Cull 1-no-wand see Ille handsome Carpets before they are all Msola at the Montreal llouoe. ...,..._..,.,.. . ..,u-wwvvv o JIJIIIIDIJU-I For sale, 3 Inge nuortment of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco: of [ell-known brands. ' Cuties Nnvy-Jnat whnl_l wan! " Ctmios " -"lnggie Mitchell." Cuties " -"Harrison I." (James bright Bohu.-o--SInoker | Delight. Cutie: " " -"SiInon Pure. Boxes Uhewing-"Princo of Wnlea." Boxes " -Queen'I Own, nnd 3 uric- ty of other brands. K II? 1) Hanna 1. .- vial! nun I 1 100 bone : 51' prime Digby rived. --_ ' In tho matter of JAMES GREEN of 1110 Ch, of Kingston, Tailor, an Insolvent. I `BE undersigned has fyled n eonunt by hi; 1 Creditors to hiI-di|chI.rge, and on MON. DAY, 1_be ninth day of August next, he will up. ply to the Judge of the aid Court for n oonr- E mntion -thereof. H Kingston, 31:1 day of May, A.D. 1839, JKMES GREEN, B! J. RAWDIHI IMPOR'l`ATION%S I P1-o'igi nco' of Onurio, of the 0 Count} of Frontenac, Wm 0: gm mu uounty con, Frontenac, SATL*RB;&' 1-:vEN1N.G ,_:1 E?` SEE FIRST PAGE. `June 18. WALKING STICKS, sH:ri'1ELn Boas}: June 15. -_ --_. .--g. 200 (102 8:31`: Ale, -ql'VlI,r12S 6d per do; 100 .102 Ybungea Ale, qrtn, 12: 6d per do; 100 do: Jennanl`a,Ale, qrta, l2a6d pg; don I00 (I02 Jerey Ale, qrts, 125 6d per do; W. R IIARAII! 1. nn Jnua17. June 17. -~- bacco 1 Tobacco I Tobaccn! - War nnlg n Iannn g.-..-o-_-..o -t A-u_,,_. `J i_. _ __v-pry I ENUINE. Our own importation direct. F Tran-.Ilcn and Postal Guide. )0 Cases OLARET, warranted soon], at 115 3d per dozen. ' ' 5Q Cues S1`. JULIAN at I21 6d per (101; 50 1- u 5- "5' u 50 " Barton &.Guestc1-5 30: " 25 u . u u 455 u w 1: u..n.u L .. G0L0UBR1_),N JUST[ RECEIVVEID ` _lrish "and English Porter. JUST REOEIJED AT'THE -English and scotch Ale. 1,, n Insonvejn} Aeiht Nenyest 8hapea_ am] stiles 7FANCY, uuy mom! c(`.lllnIIlI-Ical hVQI')'l.Jll` lurvuurw plllled by who nnmc uecasaanlv Inr nu'n| 11188338 LARGE Assolmmn-r or . FANCY GOODS, L Mcae & Go; NEW STYLES, mgby llerrlngs. Ls nrinnn Tlinl-.- U---1-- OIIABLE8 GBIGOIL NEW mp` WHITE and IN 11 . 5 v_:1-ietyof INKS. W. R. HORAE 8 C0. `DE ll W." 11. llcRAl Ir co. OI" HATS, J gun, In: on per 00! w. R. IlcRAE 1: go. W. R. llcRAE i do. W. B. ICRAE 8 Co. u numb Un B, J. Bawmin, Hi: Attorney Id lltem. `*0 n p` 127137 KB.` [In tho County Conn 0! [hit (`.1-nun- -5 James Davis. __.;-..-:---_ - Princess Street. -..9-vv Herring: just ir- oarnnnmrs, 2!, expressly ::.---my advocated--eSl 1; ~ Catholics and Pre com nested fro _ A i #338. ,He P:vished{ to :1 Bili FYI ? . 101' Ireland, but not`. I Ju-Il3'|`- s _ Irohesor England and "Tax. Gm!`-Aw` M " M this COIJXIO ti); be am. M i;` ' to discstnblish m. denirml " yauuuulu III III" M. . Ilid Ire]: :`::'.:. [ 4 to imiti very uni: 1;--` , vvpressea Black Lyell lllii 1 % tie-. not suck mm 8!!!! ` H? be Rich uoiu LIE!` bifijlfj Fucy Bh 1'` mm and YoIIIM.I!' the pm New Oololflh ' lhe v wopumuuul ' "Ind now French Pagan anal, ' ' ` ' `P' Frencllllli `I J 1| [1 Dome and M di:e: Flowerl, P1013"! . 1,0 ,0 KIEGSTON `FEAST :.;i~`FI(-3E. BDXHJHAUUL W by one of our ` fnctnrerl in plant: in inviting v Rina` r Spring 1! _L}V MAILS. I,I'l -u . May 3!. n. a ynnsomnnr L_ _._- -1 .... 1... :- AB:lN0fi wvuuw Inc I . | 1:30 pm. Mixed train 2:45 n.m. u . u 4: 6:15 ll rnlnomsi :1! . 1:05 .32. : Mixed min 10:00 s_. m. .n VV`"9.'l.I' Lndghipa to % fliril:-of the co ' - d0`pinioh~ of the - Heibelieved that co _y `i t was preferable to tbs ~ but the Catholics refua ` _ held that the Tories `' I and the Bishops of - opposed the Bill, Wjqud _Nel.son proposed - _ the House of Iiirda 3? `Bilrincreasea. - Thebe -was the x-at speaker. mtrious atntesme, an of justice and gene 7 had endeavoured to [ qneation; but their - 9n necessary. j The A 1 solemn a. compact E0 wlyo in a. great crisis . -my "-1. L-.. 1 I? V _ ' "I P"""" "-' '"'.'Tiv * . aepriving the Insh `mil! the House pf them the Epi agent to admit Romi HIGEL u - I` Sglisburypaid that h not wish to ofnmr details of the measure `M to the position Van . of Lordsvwith reg `bordination tn the Go were 1! fact, it we) t "Home of Lords t0~ Elisa h litioni of prela `rid Irelnnd had neter .__. 1 imime Scbthttid I uwnnrnc-...I L - _ _r_ - -..-_- '...;...u-uu Ill. V ozhing could be ks policy. The contest `wan under a. disudvag {at Lords would nally . ;7,A..-In the de"l/)al eV , L91-d K-mb_r[ly {'0 y and defended th `j iunhe Bill. lie b disesttblishme the onlx ineasure grievances com`, Ftion 1 contended th church wn the ma. unfair to refuse to r :23! ciaveland supporsc I-entl could be made. opposed the Bin, iBlI l`15H NAILS r_.--.-..... u. tut; uni-PUWCTIUI 1 Conservative party in the House of Lords has been overcome by the voice of argument, inducing it to weigh well the situation and future prospect, thet the glory 6f this tri_ umph consists. A cause which can exer such an inuence must needs be right and good ; and though the feeling of pertizen Ihip in regard to the question is removed from the British subjects in the cold nies, yet as we in Cenede are pieced en rapport on this important event by the telegraph and the journals, our people cannot fail to have their intcree I nngl lbw-v` pat` Eipon K - ~.<*'1 Inns: 1: so ;I;;)VtlIe I" e be legislated 1 opposed the ry in L the which ...--A ._-- J , _._.- 1-v r-no Iof the nll-powerful the |........-:- I` ;1,e'a;,;;d:.`7:'s.;";=31j laces will be due for de. Auecoud. Mail for Cape at 5:30. P,H_nnrl nnn York, Boston, Oswego In rlnand at I-`in D [I a clased every Iri- uu man nor blip? 0, P.M.,nnd one LI 7, A.M., daily, ...c unity and navy Gazette ll tniu Henly, 16th Regiment, lnlelyt Canada, has beer`: appointed Brig Dublin,` in aucceuion to Capt. l Regiment. The . Ho ___., .7-4- - genernl impresaion prevails that in the end the m-ike_ will succeed, as it . will be impossible to obtain crews outaide the combination. A sailor : strike in I novelty in Kingston, 1 circumstance of the kind not having occnrred for very many years. The present one appears to be nearly universal. Some captains claim, however, that their crews have been induqed to join by intimi- dntion. Another triumph of the British constitu- tional system of representative government -snother triumph of the good sense, cha- racteristic `of the ruling classes, which knows how to yield to demands which it would be foolish if not dangerous to. resist --is proclaimed in the intelligence of to- day, which, recounting at satisfying length the turn and features of the grand histori- cal debate, chronicles the great. fact of the passage of the Irish Church bill to its se cond tending in the House of Lords. At three o clock this Saturday morning, after repeatedly adjourned and long protracted debstes, and amidst the heightened inter- est of spcctatnrs,'incIuding Royalty and its scion: and younger nobles and gentry in the House, and waited upon by vsst and eager crowds in the streets 0:` the neighbourhood`, the conict of opinion cul minsted. The House divided and re- corded s majority of thirty-three for Mr Gladstone : bill. The House of Lords at once became the theatre of a scene exceed- ngly rare in its precincts. Oi-din_srilvthe_re is no excitement on is division in the House of Lords. The House is cdlm and sts_tel_v, pre- serving s quiet dignity throughout its` en- tire proceedings, which are only now and then interjected with smart: `of approval or dissent. But the Liberal majority in the Home could not but give way to their feel ings on this `momentous occssion. They rsised a cheer, which, caught up by the spectbtors end echoei to the streets, was swelled by the voice of the populace glurying in this triumph of opinion over power. For it is the fact Ihst the pre- detcrmined opposition of (L-a-;a4._- at _- -, ;__...._._____ Till Samoa : S1`ntn.--'I`he majority or the unattached sailors in port this morning formed themselves into a combination to obtain higher wages, and were very soon joined by most of the crews of the various vessels in the harbour. They insist that the present rate, $25 per month, is insufficient, and demand one dollar a day Canadian, or its equivalent in American cur- rency. The captains of the various vessels grumble greatly, and declare they will an- chor sooner than accede to the demand, but a claim. however, that __ ,..._ ".6 ruaatil-I nun pull. [I113 morniugwith 3 ref: of square timber for A. C. Thompson, of Quebec, containing l00.,000 feel. The schr. Tecuznseth arrived at Hende:eor:'s wharf this morning from .Kincardine with 10,600 bush wheat. The prop. Brantford, with wheat for Montreal, and the schr. Jessie Drum mood, with 325 tons pig iron for Ghicago,leeve Henderson a wharf this evening. The prop. In- dian went up yesterday afternoon. iI`he tug Mary Ann left Swiit s wharfiorottawa with two bsrges with gen. cergoea. The schr.Jnliet from Chicago with wheat, arrived at the M. '1`. Com panfs wharf this morning. The tug Glide ar- rived to-day from Montreal with two'of yhe M. '1`. Company : barges, and will leave again this evening with four barges with It united cargo of 55,950 bush wheat. The Pride "of America has completed her discharge. St. Lawrence, the steamer St. Helen and the prop. Dominion with 300 bags of salt, passed up this aifternoon, and the steamer Osprey passed down. Wind variable. LACROBSI Mncn.-The smokers and non? smokers of the Kingston Lacrosse Club had another trial_ for superiority yesterdsy after- noon. which ended in a dispute, making the fth time that they have endeavoured to play out a game and failed. In previous games this has occurred on account of the rain intervening. The first game yesterday was won in about six minutes by.the smokers, who also took the second game. The anti-blasts then put forth their strength and won the third game. and in the fourth the wrangle ensued. The non- smokers-claimed that they had put the ball through the goal, which was denied by their opponents, and as there were no umpirbs, no . decisicn couli be arrived at, and so the play was abandoned. We do not presume to say who had the right of the question, but as the game if given to the non-smokers would have made an even thing of it, we think the smokers might have given way and allowed the issue to be set- tied by the fth game. It should be mentioned that the pliy was very good, and afforded some capital practice. There were only eight players aside instead of the usual twelve. j.j-_;.: - SHIPPING N:ws.-The schr. Denmark, with timber, from Bay city, arrived this morning at Garden Island. She reported having passed the wreck of the Funny Campbell at Bar Point, and at the time aabeamer was alongside her. The Wellington steam tug passed the part" this lnorniuiwith 5: mt`: nr 9...-.- ..~_._-, 4-, - - Dr. Maclean, formerly of this city. has been appointed one of the delegates to represent the American National Medical Association at fhe British Medical Association which meets at Led in August. We nra requested to say that the death of the mother of Mr Dnniel Mncarow, announced in the Whig of this; morning, is incorrect. The an_ nouncemeut was vnade in consequence of the re_ ceipl of: false telegram. . .uu~.. nu nut C.\IJl.'lI\l.'!`, IS SOHH: OI INC (`C- counts had still to he arijusted. The item was agreed tn. The item of $1.-460,000 furopening nf the North West territory was agreed tn.`_n7nl also other items. including: one of $1,450 gramty to officers: of the House whose ser- vices were dispensed will`! last session. ' (Tnnr-nrrnm-n I...-:..... |._.... A-I_. --I in ..\.-.. -um-. uI.`vl.:l:|l3|;Il wuu IEISE SESSIOU. Cnncurrence having been taken in tle item: respecting Pcni`-ont-Aries cic, Lye House adjourned at 1:20 a.m. pulnu. lrLuL:l .l 3. Mr hlnckenzie, in reply tn Hon. Mr Smith's remark, said that already the cum- plicatinn of accounts between the sv\`t`rnl Provinces was bad enough, but it would be worse ifpayments like this were clmrqod tn the Province in which the officer had rendered service. He thnu_9;ht: it better it should he clmrgccl to the Dnminion. repre- sentingtlie Province on which the cliief :)UI!"(lU of such payments would probably I . The House then went into Committee of supply, Mr Street in the chair. The first itrm in the Supplementary Esti- timates, Miscellanenus Justici-,$3,000, hcipg maved; in reply to Mr Mackcnzin_ -2 Hon. Mr Rose said I1 fee of $5.000 l'd lvc-n paid to Mr O'Reil|y as cnunsel in the McGee trial besides the other nyzpcnz-Q, amnunting tn about $5 000 mnrmcnnnectivl with the trial. which appenretl in the pnpr-rs laid before the House. This (lid nnt in- clude all the expcnecs, as snmy of the counts hurl min In no ..;.:.....,.,: \.unI;;L'u III luul. ffUVIlIL'C }[:)n. Mr Rose said the retiring Tarclen Imrj rendered 25 or 30 years faithful ser- vice, and hzui now retired in consequence inf old age and inrmity. No one would : say that he lid not merit snmo allowance. nnd it was given in this form because there was`! no provision for pensions for retiring public nicers. \I'.- \I'.qnI....._1~ 5 -- ' ' " ' `If his measure can be modied so as to meet The Finance Minister in laying over the banking resolutions till next session, made another explicitdeclaration of the intention of the government to spare no pains to give the country a safe and uniform cur- rency, and it is probahle that when the question next comes up the same provisions as to currency will almost substantially re` main. The objection that has been made go Mr Rose s scheme in Upper Canada has been on account of the restrictions which it would impoae upon the issue ofcirculation_ the claims of Upper Canadian bankers by providing a wider limit to circulation, the strongest opposition that has been encoun- tered will be modied and Outarioxwill be joined to the other provinces in accepting a banking and currency law adapted to the entire Dominion. From the numerous ud- missions of willingness to submit to regu- _ lotions intended for the protection of the noteholder, the _ Finance Minister may count upon the_ command of support from th hmnkinn marl n.-tn...-....._~1-| 5-A--r _--.- ----1---v -v unuuu nun xivuanuuu Luau {I10 I exactul of it. in flue name of progress, jus- I tice, order, and good government. uunn uuu c-um-urrenco was naked in those re` `lilting tn) the militia reported in committee | I yesterday. After full explztnntiona the items were agreed to. A number of bills were read :1 third tinio. Hun Mr Ruse said he wan there to move the lluuse iutu committee again on the vote respecting the HI\l:ll'l(.`S of the \Vnr:len and other officers of the Penitentiary at Kingstun The Guwrnment. felt that they owed :1 re-. aapectlul rlcquiesct-nee tn the feelings expre.~z- I sell hy the [louse lust ni,-_:ht thztt. the S:llxl.l'l(`.~4 nfthese ofcers should he reduced, and hi` therefnre "proposed to go into Committee of the Whole with :1 View of reducing, the runuunt for tlneservit-0 by $1,325, whit-h was tlw`n`ggre;_; to nnmunt of the increase . llnn. \lr Smith aukml explanations nhnut the vote of $5,200. two years` snlnry as it gratuity to the l`L'll'l"ll}g_ Wnrth.-n uf King- stnn Penitentiary. If this gt-n`.l(-man had lit-en an nfcer of the Province ofCana(ln, why slmultl not his retiring allowance be clmrgzml tn that Province ? llnrl ranrlnrnrl 0. . nr '20 u.-.-....1 t..:.I_r..u and adequate to meet all demands that are i -_.__;,I r:A - 2Army and Navy Gazette `B817. 16!!) Rpaim-nt I ---I- Friday. June l9.-In the House of com Ions udulitiunzll estitn:1tc.~: wern broughtl nwn and concurrence naked in tlmsc | Lting esterdny. '01-e nm-cod tn. 7 I .-IRLIA MEN 1: OF CANADA. - -_J .....v ght 0 ing l way 2 It if was: Valv ......A -_-1 J" ` ` / ----no--1.!-Id DUI` ptavins vessels; , and In nrnwail- 4L-` 2, -I ._a._......, ....u; on Lneltatfin Brigade-major in lion Benzlgy, 83rd says that cap- y on the Iyajn `l'il']n_I-n .... -~ _-_._- -rv- ---w-_-vn-uaauu un aul)`JUl'Ii HOE the banking and commercial interests 0 Ontnrio in the event. of a concession being mnde to their views and requirements. unu lIIIIb'|`U\'IIl ings ; Cm], ....._,`..,,, r ,r--- .u an directions. The ecclesiastical couple stayed for some time at Logrono. The nephew paid violent court. to mine hostess, and the good bishop bestowed his episcopal blessing on the happy pair, and blessed their union ; but after they had defrauded her of all her hoardings they decarnped with the pro- ceeds, ed to France, where they are lead. ing a merry life upon their plunder. The Spanish Government han demanded from the French Government the extradi- tion of one of its bishops, who has been di- verting himselfby going about the country Wltll a handsome lad,- whom he called his nephew, swindling the inn-keepers in all directions. Logrnnn, The ----L-- `,--_---_ _..J. On Saturday afternoon, May 29, there 'on3 launched from Ieeere R. Napier & Son's build` ing yard at Gout: n. twimacrew armor-clad frignle for the Royal Navy, namedjthe Invinci- ble. Her dimensions are-Length between per- pendiculare, 280 feet; extreme depth, 54 feet: depth moulded, 36 feet. Her burden is 3,774 9-94th tons o,n.,aud in to be tted with twin screw engines of 800 horse-power collectively. The armament is intended to consist of ten 12; ton gum, and four 64 pounde's, six of the for- mer being placed on the main deck, and the re. mnining four, with the 64 poundere, on the up- per deck. ` ......... ... cuc mm: acoun uouse of Assembly to` test the legality of Conredeuation with Ca. nada, and united overtha prostect that as Ca. Dada had been seized by the idea of annexa-M tion, the Dominion would soon have u aepartre nationality. If those jubilant journals had only waited another day they might have seen that the confederation resolution was rescinded by a lagger majority than that in its favour on the previous day. rg,n. Some oflhe American papers appear to have been in greag glee over the adoplion of the reso- lution in the Nova Scotia House of Lol the legality Conredeuation with n. The Rev. Canon Balch, Secretary of the Synod, has received-from the Rev. Canon 0:- enden, formal notication of his acceptance of lhe oioe of Bishop of Montreal and Metropoli- tan of Canada. In a private letter to Dr. Balcb, | the Bishop elect says that he expecls to leave England for Montreal about the middle of Au- gust. ' ' I N. ____ _. ...\..J ELCUC ISUSUCU. The magisterial inquiry respecting the con- duct of the conatabulary in the late riots in Derry, terminated a few days ago. The magis- tratea agreed to receive information against eight of the constables, and send them for trial at the next Assizea. In the meantime, they would be admitted to bail their own recog- nizancea. ___-. .......,.u. u; uulu \J1"l:1LlVllIe. ` The Globe reported the Rev. Mr Currio1o have said in Synod that Bishops stood in the place of Christ to them. The question was asked if the report was correct. Mr Currie de- fended his position by quoting Polycarp. Pro- fessor Wiison denounced the assertion as rank Popery, and a lively scene ensued. ']'||.,,,. .....,...:...__!_| ' ' -..., ... .,._., uuu 4vuL'_Iy uazeue received this morning says :-We should not be surprised lo nd further considerable neduclions in our co- lonial gsrrisons carried out. in the course of next year. This deurrninalion is in accordance, we suppose, with the intimation Governor-General by Lord Granville. Thu I1l..I......._-_--3 A` "" s conveyed to the The} House ofCommons has opposed any incruue to the salaries of the Warden and . ocers ot the Kingston Penitentiary. M -Manon : resolution, which was carried Ieu out that the salary of the Warden: besides lodging, fuel and light, to which he is entitled, should be $2,000 only, in lieu of 82,600-lhis oicer to receive no o:l1er Idvnntnge or compensation whatsoever un- less the some be deducted from his salary. The salary of the Deputy Warden should be $1000, in lieu of $1400. The salary of the Surgeon, or medical attendint, $1000 in lien or 31200, and the salary of the Ac. countnnt 8875 in lieu of $1000. j IIIIIGRANTS run we ,Wi:sr.--The stes.n_:er Passport arrived at Swift's wharf yesterday after- noon, hsving on board 400 Norwegian immi- grants for the Western States. They were all cl-an and well dressed, and of intelligent ap- peersnce,anr1 among them were families evi-_ dently ofa better class than the ordinary immi- grant, During the sfay of the steamer they strolled through the streets of the city, and ap- peared to derive much amusement frym their in- spection, They certainly compared favourably with a camp of gypsies who had come as far as Kingston in the steamer, and who disembstrked. their waggone, certs, dogs and children, a dirty careless looking lot, ready to trade horses, break _in dogs, or anything else "short of Work. V The U.S. Marshal at New,Yoi'k has arrested and held I0 trial seteral members of the Cuban junta for violating the neutrality laws. ~ Wu can ha H-u\ln-rl--- '77` " ' " J_,_... .... ...,......u5 mu: ucuu;u.|n.} We see by fine London Times that Canadian aixes have again were then quoted at 105 to 107. The Army and Navy Gaze!` `rnnr-ninn an-n . nth- .-L-" I1 u.....r..u5uu_y vrul-:l()el' ll ne as a. minister of fi- nance had gone to England to negotiate that loan he would have been willing to accept the Imperial guarantee on condition that he would not be allowed to expend the money `I Mr Holton-.\'o, most decidedly not. Mr Rose--Thou that is the whole case. Mr Holton--.\'o, no. Mr Rose-The ioan had been applied in the interests of this country, but the government had always placed the honour of the country be- fore any mere nancial gain, and this transac- tion would notonly bear the fullest scrutiny, but show to honourable members on both sides that the honour of the country had been duly guarded. As soon as their attention had been called to this ill-judged discussion in the impe- rial parliament the government had lost no time in taking measures to bring the subject under the notice of the Imperial got'ernment,'nnd he believed the under-secretary would apologize to the high-spirited people of this country for the unfortunate statement made in the House. (Hear, hear.) He desired hon. members to suspend their-judgment until a full statement was brought down. ' ` ...._,. b'ir John A Mttcdonald said the gentlemen op- posite were attacking the credit of the country. lie denied that the Imperial government had any right to be consulted in the matter. The Impe- rial government had not claimed that right. All` that they had asked had been done when the se- Iect on of the route and provision for the sink- ing fund had been made satisfttctt-ry. As to the statement of the under-secretary he had no hesi- tation in characterizing it ns unwarranted and uneulhorized, and the government had taken their own way to resent it. The money had been invested in securities heating interest, with every regntd to the credit of the country. Mr Jones thought the money had been appli- ed to a. got-d use. ` Mr Morris contended the credit of the country Could not be ct mpromised By the investment of the money when there wtts peril.-ct security that it would be forthcoming when required. Mr Rose did not intend to say a word on this matter, but since discussion had been pressed so far he would tell the hon. gentleman that the government had now $9,600,000 in the httnds of their bankers He put to the hon. member for Chxtteauguay whether if he minister nnnm: hm! rvnnn n. r.`__t,._; . - - |JrI um...` um ucursu lll IIJU gU\_I{'llL1[IlE'l'lV.v $ John A Mncdonald did not hesitate to re- aent lint szumm-nt,nnd would be prepnred when I the papers Came down to show that erverylhing | had been done In 2: manner which would vindi- cate the honour and credit of the country. Mr Blake said the question vns-did the gov- ernment obtain the assent of the Imperial gov- ernment before putting the 10:10 to such a use? Sir John A. Mqcdonald said they had no no- ceasity to ask it. \.Ir lllulzz. -..:A aL-_ LA ` ' ' ' ` vrollll LU nan ll. Mr Blake said then he agreed wit tation implied in the answer of the I lary. Hi: In]... A 'll__.I-_ In - -- ~- ` THE APPLICATION OF THE INTERCOL0- NIAL RAILWAY LOAN._ In the House of (`ominous on Thursday,on Mr Rose moving the House into committee of sup- ply, Mr Hol.on called attention In the discussion in the British House of` Commons on the `$3111 of May last concerning the npplicntiou of the Inter- licolouinl l'.1il_Wl'l_Y i0|u to the payment of the outing debt, in which the. under-ae-.-retnr_y for the colonierind said that the matter was under the serious consideration of the government. He wished to know whether this appropriation had been made without the ymsent of the Imperial government. I 25- l..I... A u-_J-__|: _ -. u -- Iuullncll ulnlcluclll or it SIIOONJIIIEIIG 0HlCI'.. Mr H01mn-UnaulhCrized ?" It was a state- ment deliberately ma-ic hy the under-secretary, speaking on behalfnf Ibo govexnmi-nt. :*.Il)hn KY1! Mlnnnld Mi.` I11`. lu.x`.1-o.. 1- _- Euvcnulucul. I Sir John A. Mncdnunld said he could quite understand why the hon. member should object I to the nolicv of the onvm-nmnnc Inn I'll: did run! I \ : \.n.:nu |-gu Anonymous cnmmumcumma kunn-|..ma n... ..4 n I y uuuuluuluu Wu] um uuu. Iuemoer would ongect policy of the government, but he did not think lbat lha statement of a. subordinate officer of the imperial government should be brought up as an accusation against a fair and honour- nole management of the Intercoioninl railroad fuud. Tue queslion raised in the imperial pur- iiament should not have been answered without referring to this government, as it was an-unn.u- lborized slniement of A subordinale oicuf. Mr Hnlr.\n_n-lT.......L.....:..- a -1-: I-._,_,-A - THE DAILY NEWS-SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE then with the impu- answer of [he nma...-.m,....., Gazette received WA nhnnla ..... I..- __.~_,.- uuq uvcu nppucu. In me try, honour I ear ` acounlry nttentinn I-ad Imm- .- nu-vnuanuuu IIEBIUST. .... 5..-ucnuuacut, uuu [IE nry red statement of the 15th I advanced, n I {)7 uu ruc unpu- : undersecre- ult. , and I'll] uulrlrucnn une-. It cannot uuueruka m rel this ?-%-}-:--------- Mr Macdougall stated in the House last night that it was the intention of the government to send out a surveyor into th purpose of ascertaining whether it would be practicable to construct a railway through the territory. This announcement with delight by the people of Ontario, forward with much anxiety i opment of the resources of newly-goqui 1-ed poueseionu in the northwest. 0 Northwest for the ` nu LU _mc. uye Flour, 3,00 to 0,00, Flour market active and buoyant to a fair ex- tent at about 5c advance on yesterday's rates. Wheat nclive and higher, U.U. spring 1,04 to 1,05 ; winter 1,04 10 1,06. Pen--.=a`ea'to small extent at 87 to 88 per G6'lbs. Oats rm, and higher. Pork unchanged. Butter neglect- ed. Ash.-a unchanged. MONT EAL MARKETS. (Special Telegram to the Daily News ) Montreal, June l9.-Flour-Superior Extra 0,00 to 0,00; Extra, 4,62i tn 4,65; Fancy, 4,40 to 4,45; Welland Canal Super, 4,50 to 0,00. Super No. 1 Canada wheat, 4,35- to 4,50 ; super No. 1 Western wheat, 4,47; 1104,50; Super No. 2 Western wheat, 4,00 to 4,05 ; bag our 2,10 to 2,15. Wheat-Cnnada Fs.ll,; 1,04 to 1,06. Spring, 1,04 to '~=1,05 ; Western, 1,01 to 1,02. 0a.ts-per 32 lbs, 41 to 43. Barley-per 43 lbs, 00 to 00. Bnuer.-Da.iry 14 to 15c; store- packed 13 to 14c. Ashes-pota, 5,40 to 5,47; ; Pearls, 5,57; 10 5,60. Gold in New York at 12 o clock, 1365. Pork, Mess, 26,50 to 27,00: Prime Mesa, 21,00 to 00,00. Prime, 20,00 to 00,00. Dressed hogs, 0,00 to 0,00. Pena, per 66 Ibo 75 to 76:. Rye Flour, market antic: ".4 L---- - - - ' Kiugstm MONEY=MARKE'l'.-FOLGER 1 money market as :- buying at 72} bills, xi bills. Silver buying ,1_._, . `---. uula. DIIVBT Qylug Gold in N.Y. 7;}. St! 1 Royal Canadian B nk bills I __j a rats, UU Oats, do Buckwheat do Wheat, per 60 nnrn }Ium--No demand for-oats. Buckwheat in slightro.-quest for seed : other grains quiet. unuu. Woot..-A large q unity in market, for which dealers offered from 30`, to 32c., but there is evidently a. downward tendency in the market. A good denl ofthat in market to-day failed to realize the highest price on account of the con- dition in which it was brought in, being dirty. and in many instances badly f`cotted. We are aware that the season has been backward, and the weather cold for sheep washing, but still, however, farmers do not take as much pain! as they might in respect to the cleaning of wool, and sustain a serious loss in consequence-.i We therefore draw the attention of farmers to the matter. ' COAL -Thestrike among the Scranton Col- liers has had 5 tendency to raise the price of coal, and there is no present prospect of at decline, ,H;Yr-In unall demand, and very little arrive mg. ' Through Hails for New 13( and Cape Vincent, will be closed sud Hall: from these places b livery at 12:30, P.}.l. I Vinunt will be clcsc-cl` 5:30, I will be due here For delivery It Bundnyl excepted. run--....._r _. ,-