R1059, It.` I `on1paI1y. [DI nwucanru, Jllgnga :L|1'0BOK1`O on the 28th I 9.11. nsaaS:',' I.':_ __. ,,.Cnpt. J. J. Morley, J. B. Estes, . srnnlna -IIIB 8 00., Freight Agents. Capt. rs. unit! at N GOLD nun UI-Ill.I?`I'. \ tram Rome and I of St':lI;Iu`l".~`. ..'.I.'$l., Cnrmichnel r\,._I ... Stculuoru : JLI\JI\a" Kingston. ` of the follow- Keller `I- _ IA IIIIIUII Bea; selected Soft Coal for grates constaniy on band, also Lehigh lam? f|' F``d`7 `5 And Bloubqrg for Blnckimiths. rl-....... nun Tinlirprad in "An! out of the SEED MERCHANTS, , _ 47 PRINCESS STREET, Kingston, v--rntv -_Aj,L_!-.. UK 0031 in Pure Lnckawana, being mined in the very bent of he-Lacknwana. Valley, Bcrnntan, Piltaton, and Wilkes Barre, from the beat aeIec[.ad_minc|, and llprepnfed with great ..--.. --.........|.. 4-... Ii-.mnu nap and will bel DESI KlEC@_mII% Inf]. I_I prapuruu wnu.5u:I=u| care expressly for Family use, and _ W111 b0 screened and delivered in the best possible 60 -- dition. ` n _- _,u_.._; 0.1. n.-i 0'..- ..-..-..- nnnalnnv vu jig` -7 I AVE itdrolood with 00.00-GLYCERINE ' _ Bnrymod Hnirdreuar in nyplbd with It gra'qIioIIl1J& that nurpcla. lld. SINGLE COPIE of the DAILY 3 Nan any be hndit the counter of the publication ofce, Princess street, price three copperg. '5" I IIIIUUT I I Tru - -----u 0lcc-I. Lawrence wharf, Foot. of Johnson Street. Ind Hlonoqrg I01 blncxalnun.u._ ~ Term: Cub. Delivered in nny part of city. JAMES SWIFT & CL; Wm 109 am mun nalwur, E AVE now on hand a very large and choice selection of Flower Seeds, imponed di- rect from ra|in_ble growers in England and Ger- many. Full urieties of German Astersi Ger- nun Stocks, French Double Balsams, Sweet Peas, Mignoneue, Phlox Drummoudii, Zinnia Elegnua, am. he. n'-En. nu.-oinnlara can nnr (`Jnnlnmm for I35 ` Special attention is invited to our very fine assortment of`~FRE.NCH HALL PAPERS and BORDIIBS, the most beautiful selection ever brought to Kingston. Au urn 'n-Inn.-I (HI-on! F1-nrn lhn nnclnnfnr-hIr;1r~'l IJIUI-Islll LU QIUSEUUU. As we import direct from the manufacturers, our prices are EXTREMELY LOW. HEAI_!1..__,._iPNN~| nlegnua, SC. SC. . f"For particulars see our Catalogue for M 1869. _ \ fsBE._7[."1 A TE 00-Al. Yfl -----_..u-_ 454: III nnmf ROQM ]5AfPE1{s 1 NEW and ekgnnt patterns in Stamed 1 Gold, Gold, Satin, Ground, Marble, Oaks, in . ?HEA_Tl_:I_ & gums, N.B.---9ne`Pony and Light Wag.- gon for sale. Sent to my part of we country on reasonable terms. ORGAN &. MELODEONJ FACTORY ,. ~..r-..--u1 .n u up! IIJI. Trusty Porters in attendance at Dpol. and Steamboat Landings. (Jet; 25. . .... ..., .... anlc nous purporting to come fro my establishment. As-I have no Agent or pe `son nulhorizvd Ionell for me _ in that city, bu` era an-e cnuxioucd against bargaining with El one there for my boats. M. 0'GOR\[A.N. Kingtton. HIV 6. IRRQ -j-Ju'O LLVTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. R- E Stephens. Proprietor- Tausow |'3--- -~A ' . gxnwpnu Jude 3. --.-n 5? Assortment of Skitfs sin A Work leaving Kingston I are being sent out of the lsub_ 0 .\'n`rr(f`II ---- -- ,, ,,,. .-_....,., ...u5a-uu lo :39 paid [or be-.' Establishment. .\'o1'Ii-CAl rlou.--Parties in Hontneal are! offering for Sale Boats purporting from ' As-I have nn ........ -_ --A 4 October 21, 1868. Uvu Ma ; 4. MUSIC STORE. Which is the best ,__._._,, . -:uI3ulI_I3 I00 I"! Leave Gaunnoque on ` days, M6 mm and 8 p In For Freight or Passage 1 May 3. -. ....wuu.n', Jumour, Muster. `0l.\lENClNG 22nd instant will run as under. Lave Kingslon Tuesdayn. Wed- ~ nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at 4 p.m. ! Gannnoque Wednesdays and Fri-I` day-s,u6mn1 andspm Kingston and Kingtton, [my 6, 1869. IEPAIRS of Musical Instruinenla neatly exe-T I; cuted by Prsclicnl Workman. June 3. ~ me. Kingston, 21st April_l869.` ___ `ROUND T0 NONE All w to appreciate a first-class M! FLOWER SEEEJS. .JUS-T _REEE_1VED AT REYNERS ES'l`.-XBLISHEI) "1347. 4'4 Pfinss lret. S2 KING STREET. SIMCOE STB.EET, Kingston, Ont. - ;-usxhlul KJLV .I., Hx.~scIu.u', Juniour, t1.)"t' ;_L__` ... TUNERS : Pl l*Zl{l{l _()N'J 'It.l"L'r-v '~ I snicla !or in and glass to the I `fill 81' IAIIR > Pa;:3l.-'15; Apply n h i G. M. K[Nn(}fI`:)alr{1I,or1 Pnnf nf D.'.._|. 0. JAMES AND- J. PEYNER. _ (iamannque Route. ..-._- .-ua Ivlllll.g [0 Iron} 1-1 per- Jr buy- mt bnroninlnn nick ..-- . ---nullult, tpf Brook Street. imparting softness .- hair. --ga VI-I uuuu :10 be paid for. be-. Lb] ihrnnn I I who have taste! as Hair-Dressing Railroad band. `lif- Ont. nl;.V -.__.____-_-- _ v..-----v-- `pg.-5;`/1`,-5.. For: 1870-71. _ `HE SUBSCRIBER proposes to issue in SEP- rl TEMBER, 1870, if sufficient support by SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVERTISEMENTS can be obtained to cover the costof Publication, n CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY, comprising the Provinces of ONTARIO, QUE- BEC, NOVA acorns, and NEW BRUNS- WICK; to which will be appended the Pro- vinces of NEWFOUNDLAND and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. The Directory will con- tain the Names of Professional and Business Men, and of the principal Inhabitants in the Cities, Towns, and Villages, together with a. large amount of general informalion, including Alphabetical Directories of Post Offices and Postmasters,_Ba.uks, Governmental Departments and employee, Houses of Parliament, Law Courts, Educational Departments, Cuatom Houses and Uicers ot Customa, Ports of Entry, Tari's of Customs, List of Patents of Inven- tions, Canals, Railways, Railway and Steam- boat Routes, Benevolent and Religious Societies, Clergy of all Denominations, Registrars with their Divisions, Newspapers and Periodicals, &c., &c.; also, Statements of Imports and Ex- ports, Revenue, Expenditure, Trade, Population, &c., &c. Tn he Corrected to A11/1u..st_ I870, ,""EI apply on board, or to G. l. Klmuolm, not of Brock Street. 69. QU- GU- To be Corrected to Avlgust, 1870. The CANADA Dnnzcroav for 1857-58, pub- lished by the Subscriber. cqnlained the Names of lhe principal Inhabitants in 1,339 Cities, Towns, and Villages in Upper and Lower Canada. The (V A N A D! A `H DHMI NITIN DTRIEHTHRV fru- UALIAUIAAI uusuxxvsusu uxsiuulvut LU] 1870-71 will contain a short description of at least 3,500 Cities, Towns, and Villages in the Dominion of Canada, and the Province: of New- foundiand and Price Edward Island, together with the Names of the Professional and Busi- ness Men and of the principal Inhabitants. n--nala rut :I'VI=ulD1'ln|l - ucoo alluu nu... .. ....- r-._...r _ . . _ _ _ . ...._... nm(s cr sonscmpnou: Dominion of Canada subscribers $12 Gy per copy United States - do. . - $15 Cy " Great Britain and Ireland do. . . 3 Stg `* France, Geunany, etc. do. . . 3 Stg Run: or Aovnnrume will be made known on application to the Publisher. In. u.....,. In he mid until tbs Work is de- appncauon lo we ruuutsucr. No Honey to be paid until the Work livred.-'l`bia notice is given for the reason that unprincipled men have on several occasions unnamed for and collected moneys in advance, on nccount of Books which they falsely repro- senled men: being about to publish. Persona desirous of hiding in the Publication _. ...- n . n Ah I A w nmnum DIRECTORY IIJU VILIIKBJ ALI uyycn uuu uuwun unullull. LLIU `CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY for an-vn WI -2l1 ..a-unto}.-. n cl-u-Lu-0 Anann:-\O:An AF in. Persona neurons ox uumg nu u.w x u.....;........ of the CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY for 1870-71 will pleue send in their Ordps for iSUBSCRIP'l`IONS and ADVERTISEMENTS (KN. EB der. der. 3- Try Gardner : Cough Be- IIIedy.-Seo Advertisement. V BE remarkable success which GARDNER S BAKING POWDER has met with since its introduction here warrants an increased de- mnnd. It can be obtained from most of the leading Grocers in Kingston, and at manufac- turer s prices from Messrs J. GARRUTBERS &: Co., Wholesale Gro"er9, Ontario Street, and also at Messrs-W. R. MCRAE 8.: Co. s, Kingston. If rnn nriah Ilin Inna! stnnulrra I \__/ HCIOL \an\u -us unc.7o:l3 u . J5. .nLu.-xn dc U0. 3, nmgslou. If .) 0ll wish the best BAKING P0 Dl$R, ask for GARDNEIPS. Il-__L nn . . _ . --6 It is delightfully perfumed, and I entirely free from all irritating qualities, while it combines the virtues of both its constituent ! ingredients. As 3 beuulier of the hair, Nut on has long been highly prized; and Gly- - f cerine, according to Dr. Hassa1l's analysis, eu- - ters into the composition of gvery popular Hair Resloralive. Prepared by f._ , ._ _ [ever prepared. 3 I F .3, uwu vuou tucy nu U6 put. 1:: Salt. 3` The patronage of Cash Customer: I licited. rvg...-c ocuuv. ucucrulmeu not 10 De outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to eel! BUUTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the. lowest remunewtive prices on strictly cash terms. rrnnniri nnnnnuuu .......o L- -_L.I__I sh, u euu.\.I_v uaau Lerl. Unpaid accounts must be settled nme'diate- Ly, otherwise they will be put. in suit. Q. Datrnnama nf` nch l"...gnu-m-- -- _ ..---vvuu LJUI I/I/II, IIIIISBIUII. DESIRES most respectfully to than]: his nu- merous Cusfomers for a libemhpatronuge extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. _ o In nlnaincr hi: at-nruuntg 53.. .n.. _--L -77 1:.-ucuulug uvcr 1` ll` llli-'N YEA. In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most. positive sense. Determined not to be outdone nrice nr mmlitv nf' 11:. en... 1.... :.. .__- -..J. s1'ELTAI2iNiTL1uP6Ri`ANT H0110 TU msu cvsmmans. u 4.LJ_Ll_J._'Jk) LLKJI IL, Dealer In Boots and Ehoes. N0. 36 Princess Street, Kingston. T\E]RER rnnat v-annnnH`nll.. m... `n._..|_ 1 -, `nu, ills, uh, 1UDt11'i.l, HALL 3 OHN LOVELL, .Pn'n!er and Publisher. 23 sud 25 St. Nichols: Street, Ionuul, Hny, 1889. V (`onal;'s Patent Flnld 0 I lllslnfectant. CA l.VER'l"S ll Cur{lu)lI(' A JAMES HOPE. Kingston, 22nd January, 1868. GAEKDNEBS BAKISG POWDER. E-. ,F0 44 KNADIAN 1105111110: umsorony. un-A -- IS THE BEST AND June 9. KINGSTON (7.-\RBOLIC ACID In bulk and for sale t CHLORIDE 01-` Lrhollo A (-lid Dininfccling Vowel In 3 lb tins at 20 cents, and 1 lb tins at 30 cents. .j.-- Large lot of Vv-ry ne figure of 12} cents per [L W IllTE a DRUG STORE, cnci-Ttitvcinsns % G. S. H(3BART, , Tj- -1-1. A L --i - sale by all Hair-Dressers in the city. Chemist and 1I))r1}ggist, t - { Dlsmfectants : lioney 2 Honey! Hair Dressing .. uuuauturul. 1.uliel'(;f(;h-8- Cocoa- I ir. on i bv LIME, coppmus, cu) pownnn 7 by the lb. M031` AGREEABLE Princess Street. _ or Natural Powder the low \J \_/\1.|_aI.an_J IJ\,8\_,|;g) 1.117]: LJCIJUC LIIC T efforts of certain vendors of Liniment to decry Jncons RHEUHATIC LIQUID. Wherever in- troduced, it drives all others from the market. Pain positively annihilated by its use.` We have not room to enumerate the virtues accorded to it by the thousands who have used it. No medi- cine ever invented is capable of more extended application, It has hundreds of imitators, but not one BIVAL. Beware of Countergfeits. _ U Those who have no hair may have it. Those who have plenty, may preserve and bean- tify it. Those who are losing it may have |ita loss arrested. The hair etrerrgthened, beautied, restored, by using Hox'r s EIPII-ll Ham. GLosa, cheapest, cleanest, best. Don : reel till you have tried er bottle. Sold by all Druggista. March 25. `\_Id.` \4;.4.4.1 LAIrA..LLI\J.L` tuc SICILI. U principle. The system `of innitesimal doses ofmedicine diffused in gallons of injurious etimulnnts exploded. All useless material dis- carded. The `active principle only of the most powerful and eicient remedies known concen- trated in 0. small convenient forni. HABITUAL CONBTIPATION Guam). All diseases oftbe Stom- ach, Liver, and Bowels permanently relieved by using Dr Cglby s ANTI-Cos-rw nu) Toma PILLS, Sugar-Coated. Recommended by the Medical Profession. - CONCENTRATION the great { stem iunitesim 9.? Anzac! .-`Pu-...A:..`..... A:m..-...: :.. ....n...... -::._:__:-.-- And why not ? and who knows but that their horses are rejoicing as well {who can prove the contrary ? But their owners rejoice because of the astonishing and almost miraculous e'e-cu on their horses of "Dar1e_y s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." Some were lean and poor having no appetite ; others would devour their food ravenously, yet derive no benet from it; some were hide-bound, with rough and shaggy hair ; others had severe `M colds and coughs; many had the beans and other com- plsinta peculiar to horses; on all it operated as a charm, the disease or complaint was speedily removed, the appetite and digestive organs cor- rected, the skin softened, and a-sleek and shin` ing appearance given to the coat, all without any danger to, or preventing the horse being used. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package Northrop 8;" Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.,proprietorS for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. This splendid Hui: Dye in tho, in the _1rol-kl; the only truo and persct ciyo; harm- less, reliable, inatnntsneons; no disappoint- nvw glynvo -.--luv; onus vnuuuc. A REAL HAIR REBTORER AID DRESSING Gombinodin One Bottlo. fifths: rm A A '- 'H' -Q1-1-rag-an nu. you ,, ht ` er, :1 for In `1 "hum ..--.u -mum _-.gau -w-..-\., _. nag.-r-.nJ-w `Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair D1-easing. It wl promote luxuriant growth. FALLING IIAJR is immediately checked. H11. 8. A. ALLIJN'8 ZYLOBALSAHUK. another lretaratlau for M1 Hair .- cigar and I9-mnuiarcn-L .Ill'I. 5&3. -?1..LtI;1;1':}{zIhUgAl.;BA)IUl[. auuur prepay-a or air .' 6 ar and lrauqarcnt, without cedixuext. I512: wry simple andoku pnahau asunder raultt. ta gnu! safcrforii and mutant! 1.: a air Drtuixgozrcr lujgh car! Frnfcl Pada xi aabtomlzd 4' ad not ovrIyr'utz': 581$ Euro): he er and Zvlaalnannunn 1 ad mumuza a (I sat only M Mic but 1% Euro}: $1112 a or and Zybk& Id `llllfddll wltacr. 8013!! AILDEUIIIQI. rr. : s.n.v n l:Go..W'InInohDnId "*5.-.mL., 8t...=:d n mm. nu-rat. MRsT"'.A.KiTiIEN's g..".;"_`F}""S'1. .1F.E'.` .- -iv 1-1__.._- D1'1`1|'lA.I.a .lVU1'lUJSi. Sir James Clarke : Female Pill: are exten- sively. couuterteited. The genuine have the use of JOB MOSES on _each package; All ` others are wortbleas. [TD t\_-_1.u , 1.... , - vuuvn 3 can IIUII-UIEEB. N.B.-0ne dt)Hul' and 12} cents for pqstage, enclosed to NORTHROP & LYMAN, Now- castle, Ont., General Agents fqr Canada, will insure a bottle of theggenuine, containing Fifty Pills, by return mail. Sold by all Druggiela in Kingston, and medicine dealers everywhere. yuan mu wcu UUBBIVEU. ` For full particuiars; get a pamphlet, the agent. - SPECIAL NOTICE. Riv ,`|'m-um. r`I--|...I. nI..__-I- nun ycnluu wuu regularity. b In all cases of Nervous And Spinal Atfuctions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Heavineas, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lownees of Spirits,'H_ysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, aid all the painful diseases odcneioned by A disordered system, these Pills will eztfect a cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the 2nd page o pnm-i phlet are well observed. l?'n.- r.-.11 ..-..o:....I..-..- _..` - __n, . .,. -. - wuuuus uutulug uuruurw the constitution. To Mgnmm Luuns it is peculiarly suited ; it will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In B in nf Wnrvnna-ad dn..-I A 4!! _.s_,-_ Iu|.|\.i VLICUIJ '1`HIS wel1-known remedy is ro imposition, but 3 sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and though a. powerful remedy, _it contains nothing hurtful-to the constitution. To Mnnlnun Lnnruna it in n.-.....I:....I- ....;._J. , -. (g__-__ ---4:-1.411 0 SIR JAMES GLARKEYS CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from prescription of Sir J. Ciarke, M D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. ` rnuru .._..n 1..--.. - - -_.. __-:--inll Is a Sure Remedy. - T The promptness and certainly with which i` acts, in relieving all kinds of pain, mskeit emi- nently worthy its nate, PAIN-KlLLER,--I nsm easily understood,and not easily forgotten. As, in curing Cholera, it shows itself master of all the minor forms of that disease, such as Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Diar- rhcen, kc. ; so in controlling Diptherls, and other maglignant disenses,-which it has re- peatedly cured,-it asserts its power over all the milder and more common forms of these complaints. ' ,\_. -_ dbtain only Herr} Davis Vegetable Pain-Ki] ler, all others are counterfeits and imilati'on_s. Price: 15, '25 and 50 cents per bottle. I`).-.-nu.-. In---l- - _ _f_:__. _.j______.__. mm` Sl?MMEl oompmnm, `DIARRHGEA, DYSENTERY AND OHOLERA n.. ..... Mu.-- .-.__, .- . wyuvxul ll` Butcher : Llghtnil Death to the Living! L: Sold by Dealers 1 `UCCESS begets envy. Hence the ) effnrtn (`IF nprlnin vnnrinl-n n-F Tinh-nan: On Owners of illorses Bcjolclng. l_J-L___.I'I I 1 June 8. ~rLAD TIDINGS FOR 'ALL.-f "BL...-._ :1... L__ _* L_!_ A_,_ I , _._........-u-.n QLIUUEUDEH Or any other form of bowel disease in chil- dren or adults, jLY NEv7s] V , New Style. Important Change. 39:1 , urrn 121.1-n`n1212 l`ln'| 1'rn1:Iuu*r ' D The Great English Remedy TAIIDCV (`Ir A'l\I'7v-n-- Bntcholol min nye. ,__ .... ._\.-um; ylil IIUILIU. 'I`crry Davis dc Eon, PROPRIETORS, Montreal, ` Special lotto, 5 liihlllinz Fly-Killer! B Living-I t_m....1:..- .u_- u... . > ` GRAY HAIR Is a certain indicatioil ` of decay at the roots. Bmmmm mm, T Nature's Crown. You Must Cultivate it -. -g--`until : Long live the Killers! `rs Ever-ywheul n, free, or vcnacu tu WUU lb. If they are _}81|.lOl15_ or shy, or unsocial, as so many women are, they make life very heavy by their exclusiveness, and the mo- nastic character they give to the home. A man married to a woman of this kind is, in fact, a house prisoner, whose only hours of freedom lie beyond the four walls of home. His bachelor friends are shut out. They smoke, or entice him to drink more than his M wife thinks is good for him ; or they induce him`to.bet on the Derby, or to play for half- crowns at whist or billiards, or they lead him in some other way of offence abhorrent to women. So the bachelor friends are shouldered out, and when the husband wants ` to entertain them he must invite them to his club-if he has one-and pay the penal- ty when he gets home. In a few years time his wife will be glad to encourage her sons' young friends to the house, for the sake of the daughters on hand; but hus- bands and sons are in a different category, and,there are-few fathers who do not learn, as time goes on, how much the mother will allow that the wife refused. If bachelor friends are shouldered out of the house, all female friends are forbidden anything, like an`-intimate footing, save those lew whom thiwife thinks specially devoted to herself and of whom she is not jealous. And they are very few. There are perhaps no wo- men in the world so exclusive towards their husbands as are Englishwomen. A has- band is bound to one woman only. no doubt, a but she" thinks him also bound to have no seetion whatsoever outside the house-and family. If he meets an intelligent woman, pleasant to talk to, of agreeable manners and ready wit, and if he talks to her in eon- sequenee with anything like persistency or gets back at last to his old haun a terrible dash of weariness in it, even un- der the most favourable conditions. Bore- dom begins in the very honeymoon itself. At rst starting in married life, there are many dangers to be encountered, not a shadow of which was seen in the wooing. There are odd freaks of temper turning up quite unexpectedly ; there is the sense, so painful to some men, of being tied for life, of never being able to be aloneagain, never free and without responsibilities ; there are misunderstandings to-day.and the strug- gle for mastery to-morrow-the cloud, no bigger than a man s hand, which may prove to be the tempest that will destroy all; there is the unrest otravelling, and the awkwardness of unusual association, [0 help in the general discomfort; or, it the happy pair have settled down in a-Vale and a cottage for their month, there is the sad satiety which all men feel after a time when they have had one companion only, with no outside diversion to cause a break. But the honeymoon at last draws to a close, and the relieved bridegroom ts,.to his Work, his friends, and his club; and though he takes to all these things again with a di'erence, _ still they are helps and additions. This is the time of trial to a woman. If sliegets over this pinch, and is sensible enough to understand that human nature cannot be kept up at high pressure, even in love, and that a man must sooner or later come down from romance to work- a-day prose, from the passionate lover to the cool and sober husband--if she can understand this, and settle into his pace, without fretting on the one hand, or cast- ing about for unhealthy distraction on the other`--she will do well, and will probably makes pleasant home, and thereby dimin- ish the boredom oflife. But, unfortunate- ly, not every woman can do this; und it is just during this time of the man's transi- tionvfrom the lover to the friend that so many women begin to make shipwreck of their own happiness and his. They think `to keep him a romantic wooer still Ly their tears at his prosaic indifference to the little sentimentalities once so eagerly accepted and offered ; they try to hold him close by their attering but somewhat tiresome ex- actions ; their jcalousies--very pretty, per- haps, and quite as attering-are innite, and as baseless as they are innite ; all of which is very nice up to a certain point and in the beginning of things, but all of which gets awfully wearisome as time goes on, and a man wants both a little change and a little rest. _ But women do not see this; or, seeing it, they cannot accept it as a necessary condition of things ; where- fore they go on in their fatal way, and, by the very un-wisdom ot' their own love, bore their husband out ofhis. Or they grow substantially cold because he is supercially cooler, and think themselves justitied in ceasing to love him altogether because he takes their love lor granted, and so has ceased to woo it. Tl';.1-.._ _-- ---I--A- - ` ANC)THER WOMAN" ARTICLE. now TIIE IIUSBANDS ARE BORED. (From the Saturday Leview). The curtain falls onjoined hands when it does not descend on a tragedy, and novels for the most part end with :1 wreath of orange-blossoms and a pair of high-step- ping greys, as the last act. that claims to be recolrcled ; for both novelists and play- wrights assume that with marrisgeall the i great events of life have ceased, and that once wedded to the beloved object, there is sure to be smooth sailing arid halcyon seas to the end of time. It sounds very cynical and shocking to question this pretty be- lief; but unfortunately for us who live in the world as it is, and not as it is supposed to be, we nd that even a union with the beloved object does not always ensure per- fect contentment. in the home, and that bored husbansls are by no means rare. The ideal honeymoon is`, of course,`>nn Elysian time, during which nothing woilis rusty or gets out ofjoint ; and the ideal marriage is only 9. life-lung honeymo , where the happiness is more eecu nd the love deeper, if more sober; but the prose reality ofone and the other has often ever: rlpr fhn runs: 4` ..... -..|.i- -__ 4:.- E" Twenty years experienoein using Bry- an's Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most effectual remedy for coughs, and irrita- tion of the thronr, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will nd them most benecial. The entire freedom from 911 deleterious ingredients renders Br_}'a.n a Pulmonic Wafers, or Cough and Voice Lozenges, a safe remedy for the most delicate person, and has caused them to be held in high esteem by all who have used them. Sold by `all medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. ment ;' no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects or bad dyes ; iuvigoratea and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black (or brown. Sold by nllwruggisls and Perfumera; and properly applied at Batcheloa Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. -@ SEE LAST PAGE . TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29. mm Baily Nem JUNE 1869. -..,,.... nut: uuauuuu. - to sympatmte with them in the kitchen gossip and the nursery chatter, the neighbours doings and all the small household politics; but as a race they are utterly unable to comprehend hi pleasures, his thonghtsiis duties, the re- sponsibilities of his profession, or the bear- ings of any public questioi in which he takes a part; But even if thiswere not so, i and granting that they could enter fully into his life, and sympathise with him as intelligent equals, not only as compassion- ate saints or loving children, there would still be the need `or ovelty, and still the certainty of be m, without it. For 1111- M man life, like all other forms of life, gnust` haves due proportion of fresh elements continually added to keep it sweet and growing, else it becomes stagnant and stunted, as everything else would be. And daily intercourse undeniably exhausts the moral ground. After the close companion- ship of years no one can remain mentally fresh to the other, unless one or both be of the rarest order of mind, and of a practi- cally inexhaustible knowledge. Save these exceptional instances, we must all of neces- sity get worn out by constant intercourse. We know every thought, every opinion, and almost every square inch of informa- tion possessed; we have heard the a old : stories again and again, and know exactly what will lead up to them, and at what point they begin; we have measured 1 whole sweep of mind, and have probed its depths; and though we may clove and ' value what~we have learnt, yet we `want ` something new-fresh food for interest, though not necessarily a new love for the ` displacement of the old. But this is what very few Englishwomen can understand or will allow. They hold so intensely by the doctrine of unity that they are even jealous A of a man s pursuits, if they think these take up any place in his mind which might else be theirs. They must be good for every part of his lite; and the poorest of thetri all must be his only source of interest, suf- fering no other woman to share hie.`adrni- ration or obtain his friendship. though this would touch his love for themselves or in- terfere with their rights. But is-this I hard saying to them, and one they cannot_re- ceive; whereupon they keep a tight grey on the marital collar, and suer no re_l1e( of monotony by judicious loosening or by gen- erous faith in integral delity; Th! P110`!- cal result of which is that most men are her- ribly bored at home, and_ out the man: of 4 us really anifero from the dotnatu: tion to which national customs and th% in exclusiveness of our wpmen doom III. soon aswe become family rnan: It mill ......., uuu :0" sun uuuerucnn Iln. They expect the husband " to aymppzthite with ki_tchen gogsip pad nursery ._L_4;__, ...., ...., ...... uu uui uauuy tne whole of his; social instincts; nor is any one woman the concentration of all womanhood to a. man, leaving nothing that is beautiful, or in ifs way desirable, on the outside. Besides, when with his wife a man is often as much isolated as when alone, for any real com- panionship there is between them. Few women take a. living interest in the lives of men, and few still understand them. They expect husband in an-nn.-.n.:o.. ,...=u- u. ...u uuau-uu 5 plclilfe. The home life stagnates in England, and in very few families is theregany mean be- .tween dissipation and this stagnation. We can scarcely wonder that so many husbands think matrimony a mistake as we have it in our insular arrangements, that they look back regretfully to the time when the were unfettered and not bored, or that their free friends, who watch them as wild birds watch their caged co'mpan'ious, curi- ously and reectiveiy, come to share their . opinion. Wife and home, nicer all, make up but part of a man : life; they are not his all, anc_l do not satisfy the whole of his- ,_.-_ ..v vuuvl WIIU but her, yet that her society. only-toujaurs perdri:z:-with0ut change or addition, is,..e little stupid, however nice the partridge may be, and thit things would be bettered if Mrs or Miss Strand-Bo came in sometimer just to brightenpnp the hours. And if he were to make apprentice of bringing home his men friends, she would probably let all parties concerned feel pretty distinctly that she considered. the home her special sanctu- ary, and that guests whom she did not in- vite were little else than intruders; She would perhaps go willingly enough to 3 ball or crowded soiree, or she might like to give one ; but that intimate form of society which is E mere enlargement of the home life she dreads as too much like the supple`- menting of deciencies, and thinks her married happiness safer in boredom than in any diversion from herself as the sole centre of her husbnnd s pleasure. Tha home Ilfnlrnnirnn 53- 11`--'--` J . -.,.....- uuluu ureu, peruaps cross-even well conducted husbands have that way some- times. He nds his wife tired and cross too ; so that they begin the evening toge- ther mutually at odds,she irritated by small cares, and be disturbed by large anxieties.` Or he nds her pre-occupied and absorbed in her own pursuits, and quite disinclined to make any diversion for his sake. He asks her for some music; she used to be ready enough to sing and play to him in the old love-making days; but she refuses now. Either she has some needle-work to do, which might have been done during the- dsy when he was out, or baby is asleep in the nursery, and music in the drawing-room would disturb him --at all events, she can-. not singor play to-nigh: ; and even if she does-he has heard all her pieces soofren 1 If he is not a reading-rnan, these long dull silent evenings are very trying. She works and drives him wild with the click of her needle ; or she reads the last new novel, and he hates novels, and gets tired to death when she insists on telling him all-about the story and the characters ; or she chooses the evt-ziing {or letter writing, and if the noise of LL! pen scratching over the paper does not irritate him, perhaps itesends hi to sleep. when at last he isnot bored. But dull. ohjectless. and vacant as their evenings are, his wife would not hear of any help from without, to give inst that little` llip which would prevent boredom and not create ceremony. She would `think her ' life had gone to pieces, and that only deso-Z lation was before her, if he hintedlthat his home was dull, and that, though he loves hear 171:-Iv J....-I._ ' ,..,___ ...... -nuvu. nan, u no UIIEIIBG IDQK [H8 her very dearly, and wants no other wife only_-toujours perdri2:--without chnnan. m- ..1A..:,... :- - W __._, .... .. uuumu, turn us _me an interest in her life, chooses her for his friend, or nds, community of pursuits of sympathy in ideas, makes his wife by just so much a victim and aggrieved. And: yet` what a. miserably monotonous home` is that to which she would conne him I He is at his oice all day,badgered and worried with various business complications, and `he comes home tired, perhaps have fhnf ....... M..- . interest, he offends against the unwritten law ; and his `wife, whose utmost power of conversation consists in puttifg in eyes or no with tolerable accuracy of aim, thinks herself slighted and ill used. She may be young and pretty, and dearly loved for her own special qualities, and her husband may not have a. thought towards his new`friend or any other woman, in the remotest degree trenching on his allegiance to her ; but the fact that he nds pleasure, though only of an intellectual and aesthetic kind, in the` society of any other woman, that he feels .;L:nd: home that .,_ L2,: 0 ' - ----f H u-B. Lucy are not aatxafy I: nor is slnv mm ............. .u.'_ ,__,-_ -.. `annulus All I-yi 3 ad , cies, at new` friend I against ms accumcv of aim M-I-In above alluded tb, Cgunt "M stood tohave made some oondentinl tures to Lord Clarendqn on this _ Bu]: the English Government, ulrudg easy... ed in the dicnlties of the Irish Church nu-uh tion.3I_e,ems to hesitate in deelaringihjf im: PP98.it1on to ther H917 Seen. It u ` Cabinet does not accept all the viowsxof Papal Court relative tatho Assembly, irgy: least neglect: nothing to countarhl$bi *`] French inuence in the `Eta-nlL..Oi ` n.` her: from Roma announce -an abuolnra ll `ode. 01' ta.inthatM.D A f` velopement of :the , - arecrnitingocein Prnuia to'f;`` _ the formation-of a. Giman log1on" " ` ' should be the; eountarpoise Ofthat Tun 'D...- .-----A-- . ` V 1 -x.` . I '1] Telegraph 0ompuny_'Limjted_:- The ooe V have complgted theit ly wttled then` nrrangamenu h~A:ho I -`wags. Tlia amount of pnrchuo-`-nolcyimauw qulred is now, therefore, no `uerly*ueor- tained that a reliable atilllote saga; '59-1'EBt8 for lriarksmali in the gh. ...f,.;_".A and savage Algerian--~hILvnuu[.', :V TI, of the but mod ` ` InA our hvoum` 1' Wt V5 speaker, =_you "hive ev "sti:::lui to develops, the manly ' flo essential to our hoien oh. at `rms- The great plain: are Ii 1 " ' theioux. the Cheyenne: Lind t1l`:9.Kr hgea, and vast herds bf 'bu'n.1b of you have he'alfd so n_m'c}1." V ' ' _ f_ If the information kw Ohm W4-114.44.; h.a_. has been remm-k_ed_gflgt.e ypary,` he ly shown itself hodtifg to the Eu Council. According to thewaommq Count Bismatck A oc_Ind_99t hm-an +1-. lln...-I (1l.._..-.I--- euu Isuuuitl. .lliII IIIDKJWIII` 709 "I {mg 31 to 3} per cent. end the denved from the telegraphic` show: 1 return of between 5 `mg-_,.. cent upon ` the tote] nun ma therefore 3 Inge not gain to the revenue.- '11:: bed: of `twenty ya: chue of the net receipts oi` dig comp-'9 1 u xed by Perliemmt .n'ndu- the eludes the plant as well :1 H15 .1: {ha hnnnan 'I`hn Ant -3 -In: the batman.` ' , The a- i_'I.I7`f-.u1h.a' ltwenty-ve yearn pnmhnu of nctrpno; -u pad of the prospective prot: of us railways; no that the pram! {gs hr more fnvounble` to the eomguql existing pfooodants would have tp warrant. eludes _he'plni|t th 1 bIwneI:.._f1'ha Act at P... I'.IInnf.I'.rn "nan-.5 nnun`l._-- -1 A. -,---vv-- . ` 1 -n N51 " 'l`l:e-ueren'a il'lC1`;Iff l;8 of the mili ` man as such to the -value of 'hlImIlIlI' was curiously illustrated by Genornl man in one pi_u-tfof his address 13) _thg" W`, _ duatin c!n'ss_ gt W$s,t,JPoint. Indigfxhi the co onies, wherlh ' ` so that, if this new mnchin being greatly sccqlernted. pmyad, who travel on in av` `A twenty and thirty mile; in day: W". -4`-`WT .' Eurpqse, a. vast amount of dreary .wox km e , .,= , C`-e saved, avell as thgVd,el[iv'ery of. V ` ;:!..:. i'e}"Jr'?e7E'i"g"'3 country postman. Cnrdi' a gooqn 1o_, ...ln\_.A oft . . . eIdsy,emuIt.' ' ; CoL" By 1:, one of the supposodw libusters arrested last -Mohdiy, `_` `N V ' in custody of the deputy, was perm I .` call at the Metropolitan Hotolvtoinevsonuiil friends, and there tresclierously fumed thug oicer to the said friends; who.holdH`.I_qh,, until the ``colonel' had made his . It is further alleged that Rjrtm once for Cuba. with the entity and lery corps, numbering 500men. M ~' quest of the Soudsn will consist, we: ' of two regiments of infant:-v ---t -n- 4 _ ,, _._ ...-uuuuuyu OI IDS ICU Roman: Catholic Directory, published pa-aims tupenbnm, pm! under the bishop limping, thnuhero an 30' pour of-it kingdom! and. 50 but "' Roman Osthoc rim,- 3 - icn`tidu"'df ' uowors`!ns=~=. mish "dioceses," including the u-dioouul" ` Westminster, :11 . -35* - of inch,` `mien tcqpthmg, the "Province" of ' Westminster, with , Manning at its head. `Of hi! ll there remain only two, Dr. Unhol-no, mingham, and Dr. Brown, of,` Newport, who were gmong_tho hint-nah: wris- 1 1... `Db. u---- ~r- " Tm: Pour-`urine; gm,` ,3. . htnpj-AI`- `.-.`. however, in fai ea: ho added, thgt molt men obtiin some kind *6! .eo|_ndHon, and that very few walk meeklyin thair bonds without at times ipping thenof with or without the `concurrence of wives. ' men nhl-n . NUMBER 224." opal life 31 -v. and 15UII" t,wa.bclivo;` infantry, I00 ent of*,ix-re. are eac, " o}iJi's ts of can" b Lttaries nnd one any; as ofAs oma 3.300` 133112.9- icqlt, the glimnbe vatvwa There is no opponitiqm; n the field. but :9 -.11 ' "" "' VI IFUHIQ i B8Pl.Thaundde nN-J _ the Ecumgnij!] snuu-a'Ir In ....' W - ~' ."rn'-' dozen otfmoro 3 of these act, when theirs: [U DO .who9_ ':`---~'--.----.. 1 M33 hrined ca-6- -- B1'llLI__ _ecuLe in that man than ` emit:-I fa mut Work done uql :L1snglif.! VBBTIIIIC I - nu muuuuuuuu uuppmg I hump, having superior pas- tion, apply on board, or to D. HYRPHY, Omwa. (`I ll I"1|'1"IYY.\ /--<-----._1 IVALLID mm ITURB PULEI` W DFCKD, ud 5 house! in tin l Rm;....I -I--u-- - * ..... -wraith" BRUWI 8 no Brunt. in7i'i lH_H_REPUN'I`. 1 ` Irrinl of the {ruin from `Full; Grand Trunk trains 01 Quinta Slesmvr. Oftnin from her gripe nbout the 7th in- dvill leave Hinjsldn every dl`RIDAY at 3 PM; Leaves V UIDAY and THURSDAY M. -5 _ll _g__-.I:_._ _- _,.,,, lid;JuM.l:Tz HS Ind FRIDAYS lo Iother days. IILFI ISLAND 9 AM, P.l.Ind7 P]. 11 ll I-Inn-\--un..-- &oI.ing witli the Grand We Wm and Bay of `ing the 0:30 P]. train lld the Northern Tran]- _ lopellers leaving Cape `I1 In Western Ports. 9 I a Ll. \ mVn...., ' " i_ ' - V - 7 _I As FOLLOWS : TFO! every day (Sundays u5ul., 11:30 A.-11., 2 PA}. v n I E R.l`U\" V W QIITCI. ui the West can pro. 3 can Western, Dexrfyit and Central Railways, for Iilnnkee. hand Haven, ueprincipnl-points in the West; ` Ruzroad to Fun, Ngbraska; ad California. _;4_Ll.__)l .... _!_-n`I",:.', nsr n 3 Al. WET It 7 PM. ' 'fg|pu|pp1_V' at the cice or ouario Sxreet, or I! the Lake `Tm; 05:9, 5:. Lawrence a@nS1rvel. _;-d 1:; H19 '91! ran hhn, `I. .I'A5TIB., `ritual daily (Sundays ex- _ 1.1 (except Mondays). ` Gnnd Trunk Trnins and L3hLhe 6:25 AM. min for jun CABIN 31'!-`..uu1=:n r gm .. - of the shore [fine will `[5 pf, ho'."of Johnson E? g`mzlL:3n every sher- ) M - LFPAST FIVE ,4 .L- dngaunnrl -3 `anti: .--nun 1' I H 0. ll.` rimoaoari. `P1, foot of Brad: Street. l,!l6?.` ' 3.5; regulu mps between ` Bay, Clayton, Usm-go. fox Rwchesler, Singaga Ln. .ul`l'I`I1U'lI1`0 28th llfnday, 280: Instant. IMIV " ' ' V _ _ . ' Suuners will lemu- WEY. Ind FRIDAY high, nllton tune. and 8- Ant` EAIIIIVI) an n-u. nI..Iul.~L.u.l-`ll Db riunll inn-uedim opping D nk` OTTAW; tn [31-AND on Hondnys,' and Saturdays at 7:30 IDII -uni: r n jinn U-luvs -,u-. hdh uni Convenient Waiting unluuetnen on the Wharf. . C. H. HATCH, Agent. -91 `(I60 ---_}____,,> lune Ylncei I-`er_r_)". ` . y m.1InI3}Xm' Ind Ottawa Route. .4 up nplendid Lac Stetuners i wYoIr1sl:{udT'1'ri}.