:.,/L;:)R'I`LAND, .....v. |.'V nun IuIIlI.j- Serv:1nt-"Wl1a.t n..H`.m-J" Q qv-nun Au :., 33 King .. ,\(IaA.a Lrzet, second :6, ' upstairs. uu- u ' than _.;uP' - ---unvuvu LIQ. OHLOROFORHI Go. on OHLOBODYNE WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. Sole Hannfnotnrar: -A. P. T W10, 0homut,' lnmcheoter. O II CHIC- N on.--The Profelsion is 1 ferior, secret, and cheap c the market. Each genuine aimile of Prop:-ietor 5 signal outside. ---------o;-----.- The monitors at New` Orleans, American paper, are rusting out no worth `nothing except for 0 The U. 8. Government have; issue for the Isle ofve of them. ..___:_9_ |--- ' ` " .lU nun El UHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of "known 00 tion. From Dr G. Kidd, Author of Standqrd Works on Chloroform. _Sackville-street, Picca.di1ly,Loniion. Sir,-I think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would'help to best. the others, which are secret com- pounds, out of the market. Mnny medical men Lhink with me, and recommend your com- pound, but will never prescribe a secret. re- . CHARLES Kmo, M.D. To Mr Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York writes :-I only requires to be known to be sppreclsted. I have no` ' ' ' ' ' ` mposi- century. In disrrbces, collc, ague, spasms, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy `than anyptber article that can be nuned. A I LLIU. The day seems `as yet, unhappily, taut. when public opinion or Btattri ence wiii prevent the advertisement on any secret medicine whatsoever. It hoped that the profession will cont brand as unworthy the conduct of tho members who by testimonial or otherv the disposal of such thing_s."--,Lanct. '1`0WJ.E`S C HLORODYNE. Original Preparation nf -I.--m--- n ........ uuraanuh sent to the Ooeg Physicians on communication receive mm from Mauilla (when-e` cholera had graing t`enrt'ull_v)--to the effect that, 0 remedies cried, Ohlorodyne was the most 1 Live. . \a|.|luIJ` un . III yuut;-ug ma D1000.-k"rlce'2s 9d pr BOHIO. -3 The above Prepnnilions are in the form of Sweetmaata, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mother: nursing. . By the combination of the Iron or Iodine with Cress Seeds in 3 state of germination, tliejr are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irritative and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. Agenrfor England and British Posaessiona, E G. DUFHESNE, 79 Wailing Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. __ A ._____._..._} Luna 15AUDEINEi An eicient and prompt Remedy for Cholei-1, Yellow? Fever, Diarrbcea, Dyeentery, and the excessive action pf the Bowela. A gold medal was awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Baud fur tins valuable preparation. _ Price; Smail, ls lid ; Medium, -15 6d ; Large Size, 11: per Bottle. THE hi AQIII Arlllrrv-i-- -- --- uuuuueu GENES. uqunun ulnar] [UT .lEpl(lemH ot the Civil Hospitals of troduced in England his HYMDG uusu uulu ILIU stage. ` The term morganatic marriage" comes from the German morgangabe, morning gift, or dowry. It is a. marriage concluded be- tween 1 man of superior and a woman of in- ferior rank, in _wlnch the stipulation is nnde that the latter, land ,her children shall be entitled neither to the rank nor to the possessions of her husband, the dowry being in lieu of all other right: Marriages of this kind have been quite fre- quent in the princely houses of Germany, and one ohhe most noted was that of King Frederick William III of Prussia. with the Countess Augusta. von Harrach, who there- upon received the title of Princess of Lieg- niu. T n-mu HO \JUlUgue. All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- portnlion, and retain their excellent qualixies Ln any climate. ` 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 Gornhill, London. 17 Boulevard deg Italians, Paris. , DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGAN Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the Hunbn-nL 5- ntululutl [or II! Handkerchief. Eau de Cologne. the nhnvn : uuununi KIMMEL, 1)ERF'UMI-IR by appointment to their Mijes- ties the Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Quegu of the Belgi.-ma, and the King of Portugal; and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. ""HIS Company has been doing business in Canada. for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal senlementofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of'Canadu. by the deposit with the Government nf Rlnr-IL: m .. uaa .u.._y uuulplleu wun we laws ofCanadul: Government of Stocks 1 the amount of 350.000 __ A Ann! :1` qv-1\rcUVU And .is prepared 19 issue policies on terms as low as the safety ohhe assured will permit. JAMES swmr, ; ,____- 1Etu:1 Iilsumnce Co. of Hart- ford, (junu PAID U`? CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- $5,l50,98l,7l_ r.nana: !\n;r` In K.\ .-.---- " ` Tu, tau Losses paid in 50 years, .-M Kingston,.Mnrch 31, .=l_JInu [Insurance Company of Tllnrtrord, Conn. L`. J. Hzxmcn, E. 1 . Dana, ' President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN I819. . CAPITAL $3,000,000. Ab`SE'I`S$5,l50,93l,7l ' ULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from I Inland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted` and [mid in Canada Uunjeacy. JA Mn: .uwn.-rr A --_. Home Insurance company of New Haven. New Haven, Conn. CAPITAL .. 31,000,000. PREMIUMS RECEI}/ED DURING [1868- $2,079,896. Funds depooitred in the hands of the Goverment for the security of Pqlicyholders. f` All re risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond whh the l risk assumed. fdourev _l;1shuf1'_z(1nce Company of o . .-__ __.;A ,, 5. Kingston, March 31, 1869. , L 3 I569. Marine lsul -`Plnaanlx Flu Auurnnoo Conpany OF LONDON. `T CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA I um. RUSSELL sent u . . J Phvsumnnn n mm-..... ...... .. EL 1. Kingston, March 31, 1869, March 31, 1869. Ana Ivlli D. Su'nALn. Cu.uu.|cs Wmso President. Secret CASH-CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. ARE AND RIVER RISKS I.uken..on I A and cm-em-s at rpnannnhl. ......... quu 1.xus:sIeI', rue rmnnguialicd zlatasczzsc. "This" says Galigmmi, must be a secuuri union. as the celebrated dancer had accept- ed in 1854, if we rexnumber riglitly. xhe hand of I rich Prussirtn banker." There are two sisters, Funny and Theresa Ellsslcr, dancers of nearly equal celebrity. Funny `Ins born in 181], and is- consequently fty-eight years of age. R_nmriur, when she was young, placed the Duke de Reich- Itsdt unong her warmest admirers. The other sister, aurnamed `fthe Mnjstic, contracted, in ]851,amorganatic marriage vmh Prince Adelbert, brother of the King of Prussia, and was enabled under the tide of Frau von Barnen:. In I341 the sisters visited the United States, and met with bnllinnt success. In 1851 they give their farewell performances `at Vienna, and re- tired from the stage. 'I"Iam o..-au.. u_.-'.._----'- - 5-! 0fce-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. Agent st Kinvg;ton-," mm u'i'Jr':ey 4 an|\u nnu ulvmn 1I.lDl\ES LIAKE cargoes at reasonable rates. 1' A UDQ. E117: l'I'II Royal Assurance company ~The warned against in- :rot, compounds now in t. bo_ttle boaria fac- E roprietor signature on the stamp EUGENE RIMMEL, PT'|'\`ll'4`D L._ -__- LIVERROOL fun LONDON. MAXWELL W.S'l`RANG_E, `tho-nlv l`....l!..._.A- ' consist of three pro aratio - THE BAnnli:H.?1:*. M 9DA1LY ' *EWSr FTES1H" EVE' I , K -_ - _-v._...-...u .-4nn.LsLn.IJA`a- The lact has just been made publlc in London and Paris that lett_crs' frum Lisbnn announce the morgauatic marriage of Dun Ferdinand, the ex-I{ing of Portugal, with Fanny Ellssler, the ttuetinguiahcd danstwlsc. "Thin" mat.-a l".nln.~.....: u.`--~-- Ir ' Insurance. ~ _ , , _ ..-..,, uu-un L uJ3lUlIII]. y for Epidemics in Paris, law M.D. Algiers, has just in- ORGANIC MEDI- -- -vuu.u:a eeds ed L :1-:1 : ua ; you-.. ul Luree preparation BAUDEINEi md 1'. .DiIl'l'h(`RlL hwnnnin-- ..... .......u. mnny medical I , from Haw Vm-L: ----=--- - r-......ua:vu 1| u ruauunule rates. VJAMES SWIFT, Agent, `69. St. Lawrence Whnrt. unncubl. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St, Lawrence Wharf. wi'hos. KIRKPATRICK`. V - ---v- -. a noun lult CUp[I?|'8. "Single copies of the CBROSIOLI AND Nun, containing the news of the week, may be had in wrappers fur mailing. Price, 3d. each, Isued every Friday. ` zg_---------- `:5 yet, unbappily, far dia- inion State` Interfer- or-sale of whatsoever, 7* `- "` "*` _yet, n llon or Rum.-.-.-.a._ Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair P;-eparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. ,,_.__.. ....... .,, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. mm . JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf IQRO i `h It! ID!n Cu; nus Wmsoxu` Secretary Q1 nnn nnn IIJ If-lJllLV\IE, Agent for Kingston 96!, --' vs College of Minn Fniun 1.... LNIQMEDICINE. Inn we an: aura [OI Sundays uceptod. cul UFBIIID or is who continue to F Hun..- -K =-- vunnusu ul 1 received by :a had I-....., $24,006,000} UULI of all It -8`..- Ill an L e'eo- cu U] bee n nnlo aid hulls nun : non Bl par Canadian steamers will day II II N. Per Cunard Ind Brnpgcn and Tuesday respectively at N:B.-Thi's tfd ' in homes, also the .... In-Lwuul, we per a 45 per`ga.llon: bottles Ion making 200 gallon, wster. See directions Recommenibd and Simonda at the Roya during the Jul; twenty J`h=a -`LL! v` a gnv uuuucil. The value of the uid is following letter from Manager: - Agricultural (Hall, Islington, Jan. Dent Sir,-Please to send eight more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as p enclosed. Having nsedvarious Disi: Fluids at our many shows, I can 34 condence that none have had taneous and complete elfect of Sir ` Burnetfs, and this too without pr: any nuisance like the` smell of chic lime or catholic acid.-I am "your: fully, "S. SIDIIIY, Sec. and Man Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon E This uid acts on the essential c disease by destroying the local condil lhentmosphere under which cholera and propagated instance: In a house in St . Andrew : Plymouth, occupied by fty-two per: was sprinkled in every me these the occupants would not perm be applied; the result of which was, those parts of the house where it he used, not a. single case of cholera qnently occurred; while in the four above alluded to,--the disease still exil some deaths have taken place. Two immediately `opposite were supplied quantity, in neitner of which has ther a. single case, although the disease is in the neighbourhood. 861:! hit .11 nL--9-- - shown the Secrets uuu Ul. uuga ana other vermin.- Sir W. Bm-'net.,t s DisinfecI.ing Fluid was the only Disinfectant used It the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Game Show in 1866, by orde: of Her Majesty s Privy Council. "Pkg -..I..... .K 4- "' " mums, nospitsls, workhouscs, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chairs, cesapools, drains. water closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tube, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for sesrchsrs, undertaken, and jurymen, and for post-mo"rtem examinations; ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for-dissection; for the extermina- MOI! of bugs and other Sif W Rn-'-`goo - .I'|:-:_p-A - - 5 SIR WILLI AM BURNETTS DISINFECT- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick -rooms, hospitals, chairs, slablesydoiries, bilge-water. the Imm. ..s- -u nu-new U1 8!! Sold in 1: price 29 6d, ~ cial agents V pans of the ` me; AIIPLOUGI-l S PYRETIC SALlNE.-A Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form 0! Billione Headache in a. i`-.v minutes; elferveecing and tasteless, its Cun- stant n5o`in especinlly calculated to main- tain heitltb. When mixed with water and taken during the efferveucence, it icumedi etely blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the eyetem. lt vitalizzs and supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhua, Eruptive Fever: (or Cholera), ' also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered nnt.to support health and life. it has been found eminently benehctel; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a preventive to- disease, as the nu-, rneroun unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. he portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical ..dvice or assistance. 9..-nlrl :.. ---- -- -- |IULl -A IUSI. Wboiesale and for exportation by ' prietor, U9, LaInb a Conduit Street ; and Sons, Fan-riugdon Street; Batty: Finabnry Pavement. Retail: kn mm--=--- I` sun can THUUUUIJ . The Patent. Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply to the Patenteea and Sole .\Iqnn- facturera, JOHN GO.`.$N|LL & Co., Pertumera by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Prmcess I Of WBIBB. &C_.'REn RTTI'.I. III 1. Dr.` nu rv__,,, SINGLE COPIES of the Dun Nuts may be had ntlbe counter of the publication otcn, Prin- cess Itreet. Price three coppers. ,_.--.., \.lA\I\.I\-I3 1|-lll Wu-ehousemen, and oth.:1-a, throughout the Kingdom. and every pnxft. of the world. Ask for 'l`heT Sance.-Special Export Agenta--Burgoyne, Burbridgea, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London ' snunlllalll YHVEIZILICDI. Retail: by Chemists, Grocers, Ibroug W0 for 'I`ha gonna Z Q----5' ' no disagreeable odur, and is easily appll John Gosnell & Co. s Patent T:-ichosarl newly invented Hair Brush, the peculm chnnucul construction of which nccomy the two operations of cleansing and poli simnltfnaoualy. Patent. Mr-.r-bani;-ul r`.h.:.. rm. 1:... uy Appointment Her Majesty, Wales, &c.,'BED BULL WHAHF, 93 UPPEEH. Tauncs S'ran:1', late of 12 Three Kmg Uoun, Lombard Street. . 58" HE" SAUCE. `Prepared by Alex- ander Suutltwoutl b'ii)L`keI', twin 9. recipe thy his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith," thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever `Hospital; Father of Swi- tary Reform; Medical Member of the rst Gener-tl Board of Health; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of ~Hea.iI.h, kc. Delicious with every known disb._ Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. his much esteemed for its digestive properties. As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi_t out the nnmn nf~' ct... ....t_t...-.-J ---. . .. `-5 v.-us u_I;:l. the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from" whose prescription it `is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creature, and his death, in December, 1861, wms mourned as 8 na tion.1 lose. - anus----- ~ I- wCaKFl V'HE"V cu, Iu _Illl 13 CSCD. * John Gosnell 8 Co. s Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Tenth n painrl-llke whu-mess, prolg.-cls the enamel from declgv, and imparts a. pleasing fragrance to the br nth. Price 13 6d each. Instantaneous H ir Dye_: certain to produce any shade Brownor Black, of good nulu`rdI colour. It cannot ounbly injure the hair, has disagreeable od ur, applied. Jnhn flnnnall I. 'n,_ :..n..__- an - unll. La Noblosae Snap-eateemed for its an led perfume and ne emollient qualities. John Gonna k Ha '.-I Vinlnl, and lfil yclluulv uuu une emoluenl qnamncs. Gonnell & Co.'s Violet and Milleeur Nursery Powder is gunrmuleed pure. No Dlll -I_ aery should be without. it. Sold in boxes at Sd ; in pins 13 each. J.-Inn (1...._..I| n. n- 1. nu, -,, an I - -.-- I ; ' " o zuu " [This in by lotmeal time, from which deduct Hi minutes for the dilfexence between .`!lonlrm\l and Kingulou tiue.] WWW u Isulllg John Goanoll & 0o. sUpper Teh Thousand Perfume. } John Goanell & Go. -s Jockey Club Perfume is in universal request. as [be most. admired Perfume for the Hsndkrchief. Price 23 Gd. John Goanell & Co. s Lat Nohlesee Perfume, It most delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. John Gosnhll k no `In Nnhlnaan Pam-J. nI._ u must IIUIHHILB rename 0| Elqlllll fI'lrg|"C. Gosdell & C0,`: Nobledso Pounds, el:- M sandy porfuuied,,und highly recommended fur beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. ,\vu. -- John Guauell & Co's Princeea Alenndm s Perfume, a most choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal dighnbl. Jain. (1......-u 1. (1- v_ -rr,___ ms, uh V - A nuuau, n ILIOBI. GIIOIOO IIDU I8-8DlOll&O|O pertume. r I \HE grou frandawhlcb continue to be prac- tiled by obsonto tnannfactnrera, more particularly in Gnrlnny, by imitating the la- bela attached to JOHN GOSNELL at 0o.'a PERFUHEBY, render it imperative upon the Prop:-ietorl to Gan-nont.he publioageinet anoh nefarlona proneeninga, and to reqneat their friends and patrons to purchase only of're5peU'- table dealers; who import direct from John Gonnell & Go. ; and invite special attention to the addreu- - ' ' ` RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns Tnattn S-run-. V John Gnnnnll & `Ms A aalnnl pnrfalnnnn o En: I null Duuu vv nnnr, an urns '1a.u1I:s u'rnII'r. 1 John Gosnell t Uo. a Belmt Perfumes: Ea: Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic- toria Bouquet, Frangipnnni, Military Bouquet, the Bride`: Bouquet, 4 Jnhn nnnnall A nn!) 1:.-:..... ..r ur..:..Av D..- J -uu uuuuu Duuqunt, John Gosnell & 00. ! Prince of Wales Per-- fumo, A most choice and fashionable perfume. Gunnnll at n": Print-nan Alan-nzi-m a -, I IUIUBBOI the Royal Yeuerinnry College, ;he yous. - -This irl `is a curtain 5,5110 the loch and -__,.u nu! nled ] Royal Venetian. {Int Ii! lrl 'il I an-94!- A - _f ,-_ .. uuununl BRUSH` zurrcd; In rooms `ed exists and I houses "'0;-posits` with n. there been Ia, althonnrh rt... Ah-~--A - --v-.. ._.-u\.. pruent. atoppared glass |. 45 6d. 119. And 9.1. ......n (Ho.-`o. Arrive. Eastern by G4T.R. day trainl2;-t0 PM. 4:45 RM. Wale, u u n 3&5 II 2:15 1: Ru! and West night trains 9:00 *` 7:00 AM. ` UNITED STATES MAILS. Through bib for NEW York, Boston, Oswego and Cups Vincent, will be closed 5!. 1:30 l .lI., and Hall: from these plnou will be due for de. livery at l2:30, P.H. A second Hail fo: Cnpe Vincent will be closed at 5;30_ P IL, and one will be due ban for delivery at 7, A`.M., daily, Sundays uaemod. _ ........c\,uu or Ilcen any with that the instan- producing a chloride of bolic "yours faith- `S. Manager. :keon, Cannon street. cones of esu-oyiog conditions of olern is most aveloped nropsgeud. For occnpied f d room except four; in the if had been` subse- rrcd; fan. rn~---/ atoppared bottles, 6d, 118, sad 2]: each. Spe- required mud appointed iniall world. lIJ`iII out 1* mm: ,_,_.-_. u. vunuL.:r.1 uuu. >0d Ist, nther. _.Eruptiie conditi. when-.a Ihn --vn. s-uu eervesceh: with thnnn do`:-an -.-I--= -eateetned unequal- emnllisnl nnnlilincl 4 : Inn at so, 4 469; pins. 83; ed 1mm..;..I ..=_ --VI) Iuyuc Luv unlr, ul . ,8 PI8'! 'Tri1'hn|arnn A .B - nun, as p81` order `various Diainfectiug ows, saw with 8:05 1.1:. .. ..-... uuu - C021 with very bottle; by Professor wrinnrv I"-A"--` oa; plugs, 83 ; 11 Imperial pints, mi and in '~-"- I factions disease, c.m- ; vermin - u on UUIUIIJ npylltu. ateut '1`:-ichosaron, or nah, peculiar me- accompanies nninn nd rnn!:;I.F_._ I shown by the Secretary and -.... yllull, ex- ud in balk at Each gal- dilu-cd with , }...b4I- .g:J;ns , per order iainl`...-:.. - I868. .--II`, ' the Pro- Barclay 'a.nd 00., Thins min and depart from the Kingston Btnlon :1 follows: . ltallian 1-.....A llA.lCL 3a' I-~'|I:v..:l vuuuncs. I I're.~'erviug and restoring the freshness of cut UOWCIS kept in water. Destroying the blight of the Panama vine hop, mulpcrry tree, 31.0. .~ Ucx- W~'*mI`E `I088 and other domestic animals. fluxrn CI-gmxslug butden hr-1-1' Im....aI. ..:..:.u:.._ .._L, u,-s-u urn dishing f uq gnu FERRINS Worcestershire [J This delicious Oondlment, prouonne Ionnoieaeura " The only good anew, _ aredaolely by Leo and Perri 2 The are reapectiy cautioned again twohlou tationa, and Ihould an: n... 1-- -- - - ye will tint nj quart". PRINTING on Cotton, Bill: or Wool in the ordinary way. BLENDIN G some of the dyes in thebath will produce an innitv nf` =h-~-'- * " - uau LLHU on 30110 BLEEDING t! innity taste. ` 4:15 pm. 4:35 " Sauna ment. Dronanr-M-I` `- . usu- PAPER and WOOD S1`AIN:' Di: OAK sum; A bo SATINWUOD STAIN: A Sixpt Canary dissolved in 6 pint of be PHOTOGRAPHS may be tinte; dye w_ith water ; I home of Mn pint of water. in. ILLUMINATING`: Orange ; pour a few drops into add warm water , use with I bx Borders of books, aimilnr to Ward Arabisqlghls, &c., in y be pre instead in thil manner. `- BLANGMRNGE, JELLY ICE CREAIIB, #0: While inn- gdd nno n- `-` " , - .. ...... . uvucl, wmker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly, ifapplied in boiling watery M : ndry purposes is A 1. BOOK EDGES: A Sixpenny bottle on! ta, Violet, Crimson or Blue will mask Bpint ton quart of beautiful colouring, ac- cording to shade required , Apply with 3 brush. PAPER Ditto. Lap - agon- e from V WT}. ow SHAVINGS ` Hm ""': i` !'!=51- nn\'~|r't.. :c.. , LEATHER: uuuuunno: Magenta, Mauve. Vie Purple, Orange, Pink, and Crimson prod the most satisfactory requlta. quantity of boiling water in in can pan. RIBBON: and SILKS: Brush ti with soap and water t ' to render them clean. Mauve, Violet and Purple. recommended. Bhie, Magenta, Violet Orange. Dye in warm wgtgt. wan-rcwanr-In -- - - _ _ -_ _......... nuurculllle. A Bixpenny bot.- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in l for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, ate. WOOLLENS: Magenta`, Violet, produce satisfsmnn -..--In "- ' .,.. nuuuux. every known male with which -hey can be used an 03' of the result beinggindeed, cl: By their use almost any article 0 be dyed in a. few minutes for without soiling the hands. ` MEMORANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and dye is almost incredible. A Bonn I 10 lIIinnf.nn- Io _:n I - - ...... uni. any one can use them; my- Lhing can be dyed with them. It is impossible in {bit small epnoe to enumerate the many` uses to which these wonderful end beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as n colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease and the brillian-` Almost magical. of clothing can a few pence ` \- vnv nuu..|.'|' I UKPOSIE,) Removes from the mouth impure md tastes and odours, whether arising from I or other causes, and counteracts the ir and morbid secretions of curious teeth. I es and softens the skin, and, used in th teuds to: promote a healthy tune of the body. 74: _..__ or IV!!! nucnxrnol Inantod neatly, chesply, nnd expeditioualy at IHODAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. nuul VIILLG. Treating the infections 13 horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 31 for use. . N.B.--Condy s Fluid is the 5 Test. for Organic Matter in \ the only known means of rnpi~ freeing Drinking \Val.er fro: which is so common :1 cause 01 fl\._ _....:.lI- -- is Standard Scientic \Vatcr. and nffurds rapidly and completely cdng ham (hgamc TMDL so of serious disease. To rapidly purity the air, use the `diluted uigl with .Uoudy a Uzouiacr or other Spray-pro- -Jucer. nixnvntv-mu .. . _--- blculltlllb U( dairy utensils. \l.'....|.`:..._ AL lONDY`S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- (/` tum; puries, deodoriscs, sndzdislnfects, by the agency of nascentvor ozonic oxygen,-its active principle. Being entirely innuxious, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which all other disinfectants, on accouu tol:thcir poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Dut-.-cting organic impurities in air and water. I urifving d_i-inking and other water from or- ganic matter, lead, Sta. Freshening the air of close places, and remov- ing bud smells. Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from taint. (`....._a._--_.2__ .L, ,n- ,. .. - IIUIII` Idllllllq Countermcting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Mugsty provender. Freeing wheat and other seed from smut. Muintainingme health of plants in pots and j consul-vutorics. luau, I", -E|.t:uulII5'vvI| I. urn IIUBII, .lJl'llUUlI,VD- The genuine lms engraved on the Gnvrrnment. Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREEMAIPS ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE." ' WHH \/UIUIVUUIIIU. The Medical Times and Gazette, J nnuary 13th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course`, it would- nor. be thuo singularly popular did it not lupply n wannlnnd (ill a place. Mnnnfnr-Inn-ti hv tho lnvnnlnr Pi:-Ivmutl Fran- I 'i1ldr;`I`u't`1';';;o::`t|;`I-It`,-dal; yt:'l::.e Inventor, Ric-hand Free- man, 70, Kenuingson Park Road, London,_S. Thu annninn Inn: nnarnvtul nn lhn l:r\ur.9l'|l'llni|` nut! to. VII I ` I `IIICQJEIIIILUZKUELSID-\llFLIlZf|IUV'fT II, R. Froemun, P_lm-uneoutlot, is ollowed to bc one ortho gI'Ihlt`dill071ll'GltIlI_|noIt aantqry.-' II II `hugely `employed by the more eminent Plyalodu mind` Surgeon; ln boaptultud prtnto prheuua In all puhiol the world. It has affect! feoullnr tolbulf, and ihioln are chantin- ly dlll"o:-out to those pcodnood by the various, compounds bearing the namoroi Ohiorodyne, but have no plateau `to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves psil, from whatever cause, 11- lnys the irritation ol"fe~rer, oootbeitlio Intan- under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleuant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unahasen position in the mtimation of the Profeuion as the best, most reliable, md cheapeat preparation. Eminent and sciedtic Physicians mode aidnvits that they have tested its cects in coreful comparison with those of*`DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOR0- .-.-.r`-- Q`,/1): Daily Nrms. TUESDAY 1sv1::~.'1:~'u. .IL':\fE 29 }_` Slx.'.':.' 1f'Ilu .>'T PJ (1):. IJIUHI3 Ul IJII-. \J\JlJLlI.L) J.)l.Lkl 1' L11] D \J(1IJUIl\J' DYNE," and deposed no the facts that they lound it n more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMANST Karl Runanll nnrn|nI1ninntnrI tn IIIQ Rnvnl {`.nl_ Bllu. BI UIIDIJ Pl CIIJIIIII-I J-'lUIJlICl-I1.L\\)o Earl Russell comlnllniuted to the Royal Coi- ` Iege of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in | llanillu me only remedy of any use in Cholera ` was Cbiorodiue. l mu`. u_.:.-._: m.-._.._ _. .1 n-..-u_ 'r__..-__ 1ngL UIIVU I:lZl'!l.r!:|.I II-H uuulsua LII l.1IIl Clul CUIIlPI'IJlI WILL] BROWNE DVKYTF H ....l .l._.......4I n.. Al... l,.-A_ AL_L ;L-_. u'_Cl . CONDTS ' [UDSONRS siupnn . PEOPLE. Any 95 WE be dyad mm. .1 n ` by` `R Ii`-mam-n DI-nuplnoanlinlz in Alln-all in ha , . _-_..u an-IGI-I.I :0 avoid creases, and Ide: bye in boiling water. IERS: Dye in hot water (I few drop! Vdye is aucient for one feather). N; _Innve, and Pnnr... .... cing atlm ; 5 uusu nuu uuuer UOTHOBLIC llllmi mg bottles, beer barrels, pickling nails. ' 'i'rIielleH' and Postal Guide. iZi'z,""3`i5'1':f!;, coax FLOUR AIS : in I liquid state two drop: of Magenta. A more -elegant tinting cannot be had. JNER:-5 will nd It ------ "' ' 3 PATENT OZONISED WATER, (run TOILET PU KPOSIE,) nm than m.....L :_/ ' ` diseases` 3. &c_ ' r'(i~':"' Magenta, Violet, Blue, 1- dro ' not; with: brush 0 ` - B mp sum 5 bottle of No. 2 Black to hot water. TAIN: Sixpennv bottle ed boiling water !may tinte; dilute the .-;:| Magenta to I l: u. nuuuMAN Patentee, Batcersea, London. UONDY, _ -- ..---v-.-.1 vcul-LI. ll pun- hc the bath, 2 whole II. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patent.`-,a Rang... 7--4A~ ...u vnrn A1 115.. a beauty of this noredible. Bizm-nnv hm- I nun: uyll In of shade, 300 gallons adapted -- OI PRINTING. y and arm water. ` - - -v - -u 1- V0 1 115 ' one .h inosnihln is pre- Perripr. Public gainpurorthlua imi- ixpoit, by the `Pro tn. O1-one Incl RI--L . -4-VP: Ul Ulnf"' Blet, Blue or Pink; tints to Lace, Linen, Wicker, I, #0.. attract oh- Av- _...-. -vl ylsu her nrii:{g' tobacco mnteracts irritation `carious It puri- JYES FOR THE A (inn nag oh-.. - -- - in_I1.}ure foreign EVISIHE frnm fnhnnnn , vac:-9 I-U: ianve. h-imaon .ta. Use nlarge earthen :S- Rrnal-I elu-...-- ` according to ` uuuuly 0! H11! Bixpenny bot ITIBI R{hhnn 3- A MOI{G.~H}A1`IC MARRIAGE.` L- 4..-; l-- 3 - of cattle, nun .1. mg tubs, ~5~n' no no sin` G`:-an paniionl. Strong Bhamlbury, rt Ohantier, . -......r .u,c-only ll-Ill '- 4_ rertnlnerl. Prize Ifedu awarded E0! Purity and Excellence of Quality. London and Paris. OWER. OIL SOAP. GLYCERINE SOAP. ` T 1nuAn*s SEA sA for. producing . % B . in youroIrn`Room. Tho above favourite prepar `Sole I. rop(-ietors-TID7IAN ct SON, Chem-E ' t , w ~ [ .0. :9 a 6 ormvood Street, London: E f , ation in a_t.rong'Iy rooom- . _ .. --- VLIJVLUU, #5-' .- Surgeon to Gharing-oroaa~Hoepiul. For aeveraFyenrn past I have been in the hu- ` bit of prescribing Dr. do Jongh a Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil, and ndittobe much more e- cacious than other varieties of the same medicine which I have also employed with 1 View to test their relative superiority. ` % unuu CUBE pale oil. ur. uranviue; has found that Dr. dve Ian 1 gm: Ligbl.oBrown Cod Liver Oil pmduoastgho effect in a shorter time than othe_r kimh, and it it does not cause th e muses and indigestion fnn nfinn nn--- - * K _-...... . ..,..c..n so unyfa Hospital; _ I have frequently recommgnded persons can- Iulting me to nuke. use of D1. dg Jqnghh Cod Liver Oil`. I hire bee-n _ I(ellu'tis_ed with its " very pure oil, well ned for those ` . cases in which the use of {hit subalanoe i indiclted. ` KlNG()N P-O31`hU ICE. DUE u. yrupgrnea, among which the fa`:-enenoe of cbolaic compounds, and of iodine in a state of_ organic combination, are themmt remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged int this oil has greatltbernpenticvpower; and from my investigations, I have no doubt its being , a pure and unadulterated article. .. .... uaauo ; uI_\Ve round Dr. do Joqh | Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil pogggng the am; act of props:-ties, which presence compounds, iodin. :. . -.a- -r __...._. .........m ul neuuu, Ind Ulliof An _the City of London. In all cases I hgve found Dr. ng tl nrnngupinn --A-- "' ` auuur ull kind as 1 n-.._ H r best medical treatise on the on with which I an ac; quainted. Henee, I deem the-God Liver Oaold under his gun:-tn tee no be preferable to my other regards genuiuenem nnd marlin-gl -4: - DR. BARLOW, 1.33; Senior Pyiiclan to Gay}: Hospital; freauentlv I-non----I--"-" "' SELECT MEDICAL oP1N1oN. sm HENRY MARSH, mn'r., n.n., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. I have frequently prescribed Dr. do Jonglfs Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. ` I consider it to be a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great value. , -- 1 DB. EDWARD surm, 1113., Medical Ollcer to the Poor Law Board of Great Britain. .1; I aaun VI. U: 4DR. DE JON_GH S on is convincingly" proved Z by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the bractical test of successful experience (or twenty years in all parts of the "world, tote , beyond all question, the purest, themoet elIica- cious, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative e'ect.a, the most economical of all kinds. Hence the universal celebrity oi Dude Jonglfl Oil, and the unparalleled demand for` this unri- valled preparation. ' wuxgu I-lIT- I230 pm. Hind train 2:45 mm. 1: (I II I. 6: u ' The L. 3. Pub. oo.;fs:pub1iah' Tnc Farmer's Guide By Henry Stdphenu of Edhghnrgh P.Norton, of Yale College. ` tavo, 1600 pages and numerous En PRICE--$7, for the two volumes. post paid, $8. gratings. : By the nuuuvvnug rcuucaq rates, 7151 The North British from January, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh `and the Wemuimter from April, 1864`, to December, I866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for 1865 and l866,1t the rate of $1.50 a year for for $2.50. . THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., 38 Wnlker-street, N.Y. uiiu uuyuvcu ux Luau" once WBICOIIIB Iupply of thg beet periodical Iiteratnre, will be glad to hug them again within` their reach ; and `thou .y1_.o may never yet have met with them, twill hanged.` ly be well pleased to receive accredited re of the progress of European science and litera; ture. . _ mans FOR 1869. ` Te. : For-nny one of :59` tout-Reviews - - 4 For any twb of ..he fmr Reviews - - `7,'3: For my three of the l`our.Reviewe - 10,00 For all four of the Revievn - . 12,00 For Blwckwoodiegnzino `- - . 4,09 For Blackwood and one Review - - 7,09 For Blackwood and two Reviews - n - 10,00 For Blackwoodnnd three Review: - - 18.00 For Brnckword and four Reviews '- - 15.00 I _U 5 1' A II I . ` ` When sent by mail, the Postage to any pm; of the United States will be but Tglgm; fog 1 Cent; a. year for Blackwood, and'b|:t ' 13; uent; a -year for each of the B.e_viewn. Subs`c1-ibers may obzin back nnmizers ht the following reduced rates, viz : Tho Nm-:1. I2..m.1.r....... r.._..__ ----. . - _........ u. we ",DpI8 01 Germ: Dr. Granville; ha ght-Brown Cod :Livm- nu .....:.--r -T AID - aucxwoons EDINBURGH HAG T I (T'7-3 . . . . _ -' VHESE orengn [|0|'lOdlcDII pro reg=uIarly-413' 1 published by us in the name any): uimew, fore. Those who know them and who by. long subscribed to them, need no reminder- those whom the civil um or mun: few yen}; had deprived of their once welcome Iupply of M periodical Iiterature. be mind In 5--- rainoxnon QUARTERLY %(oon'.m.u.. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW ' Whig). run wnsrumsmn an (Radial), ms NORTH BRITISH axv nw arm c.b'h) 1 AID R. DE JONGIPS LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER. OIL. - A DR. O_i[_is cpnvincinglgf proved ,--vv lulu VII1 . _ 4:05 am. i Mixed train 10:00 n. In. II II I EDW111: ~cAN'r5,_ ,Q..-.._-/ - cullll owe; kimh, Hi; 3 indigqation too dminiatration of the ..--vo until Author of ti:-e_ ` |__tN Barman PERIODICAL5. OONTAINING .1 17,: Enmnn nuns B'.l'nifg 1` n Ian-an ntuunouo-:5 -1 ..._._ __ nu 5-nu-urea W 00 PPQIG gonuinenesq 133- Gntymnm, 1.13, thOl' the " Eng. .4 n.___ , '_ A.`WI1:n,1 yum, OONTAINING .=l}",7Z' Inna. __ 1" ms `V + 5 practical teafof experience feels, most economical ofall uma. , ---` large amgni of general readi '- Price, Five Genu. Sghmpl: v-.-.. -51-.) u; luv UAJLY NIWS may 08 Junler -In Anni..- ..A .L_ 11__,,, - 00., Fancy Soap M.kar.s and . . Prize Mada] reliance I-uu ruor yaw 50. 1' Britain. am 81"? Idnn that th ' Liver Oil whgeh ....:....e.l:nE - -I-mlllil 2.3.3.. "-SP!-3 01 Ge:-mmy_" I fnhnd 4).-` n_ J 9' ($380.. ..r.nc...", inflitmnb- I `h, and Chief Analyst to at` London. - Addrc-::ss:; zrd lines, r 115 1 .. Him lesvin Fwhverh Po ;E{11'1aH NAILS. -`V1.3 ` F3` '-- w-A-In-an of P:.AJIaa'sa_.;J Job Printing, + mm.a:`1l U?! II-an !!"P5i!1 F! HIHWI _ IV I` `K I" Other`Nbaj v- - 4! urlufhh {HM ` 00139 nu-. on-uII1:_.J. --.;...., 49 % ` "yr. who _ ]"8a"Tha we |Ili|V Idlll` ii 300. L ' A, L ~. n:1f. k m:,"P|'-E nl-._l -1. (`nudge . o Inerieu -- LOGKB, LL oer M: J:1ew`UrIeans," says an fast, and no 1:-1:-ant fn. ..1..I :_-- H rt! ` `V . I ` H.|1 the principal points in I icic Railroato Utah, yids ind California. lb:-table and Convenient ' nhmlinnilninnn nn Hun i n}. ; V V M ye Pussy-go, having nape ~ - on, apply on bootd ~ D. IURP ;.; x: o `I; KIHGEO % '-':`|8_1.b9`N6:2 4.41. J`%&l3`C:?I'itI% ag `. 30$ [ha W.-4 -...I 1 be clrased every Fr. " ,9 .: r H ' * `. ` . `.- , M .Kinn:.o.... .a_:I_ ia__.1 ; fj 7wn~ f_)_1:1`AW4 .g:-ii? Q-J.-A-ns1,rr-:4 got` ninte Stet` IN?-t"ora.-uh Roi .. apiy (an ho: W_; G: l. KING!-10% try! and Saturdays "ll A.l[., 1 P.l., 3 - us and Mann pg nil.-- J-_- _,_-uuuns ISLAND on I %*'1='='-1 Ontario Street, or at ` .baI. Ofce, St. J;o&nson`_'Su-eel. . ` " 19 the West .G':'eot.9 WE3lBr;'jDe@ M _' nCenti'nlLR_ait Jll`-rnhnlroa (1.-....`l _ _.-.l1u-uuuu IE , zitber ;-f of houses nf a:m.m.....- . - .. `y.(3.P ; 4 A.u.'" except `I0 I ` the Gra.nI.~ITt'.ulU.- V meeting the 6:25 4.11.,- W o. M- 3 " Jvunowna, Ihann, her trips shout the aunt` in? IQCUII Yinnnln --w-u an-`can! ~. . ALT ` % H . AIL s-ruuna 3, 1869. i....-_.._ vmuni IIVI ILIPB Slluulg uuw and will leave Kinguto` nut IrIunAv .c ,1 D II 4.--nun nut: BUCCSSHII of the French iron`- LP lnn6r;nn V... 557 _.,_ ..., ..,...u. uvuuu 0! me laborious ceding: of our Iurce, and when the snuhgpprolchcdr invited their entry. They proved 150 be lame few men and wnmen of n Wungnnui tribe, in Col. Whitmorc -s ol'(H, "hitherto neutral or friendly. Tignko Woh,our enemy, was said by a sem- ingly ln.lf-wined old man (bin. by some one lulu apparently) to hue been there some dnyl beiore. Colonel Whltmore adds that he would not inch from further pursuit of Tiloko, but (ha; nnch A course might. place froth tribes iuithe field against In. He" lure, bowucr,:l1at l`i:oko's poworiu V broken. This rraay (behno, buynofspecial near: it silage in t e reports or this bolid. It vnn_.M;_rnther seem from late cvcluuifihe hostile tribes in I h re turning _ aqn Vulretoteprnctceof cliviihg harder to burn: the outlying 1 utt|$nuu-n dnngeronn chnn ' __..--....u Vnlul rnnunl. Kc is other days. yonrn ISLAND To A fP.Il_. and 7 RI. 1 ` AH - a- .ll Irrnin run % -IIll Will ICBVII ILIIJSUII. FRIDAY at 3 P1. elhlun nuM..nm.~unmr\-1 pane 23, 1.869. and unawaxb ;-nammi` WEB FONT , ., an rotwz-: EIIHGSTON evefy dsy ( ml) at 3:15 11.11., 11:30 All. MM '1' `.. ` their regular tripe 5'3:-naiawnar. Clarion, 5 Rabanrv. -1 ...a -rnnnmn on n.....; u..' v'.;;'.':..`:.'`- H? -I:h P.1` " -Illd'II-L. I!..n-L-.. 9 La Ronsse" man.) All the use . " and the 3 who is allud- nys from utter- `....:..... .:--: .1 . 1 "T" .- . og-the splendid Lake ` gs;--I9 ? l'_|IIlJIIJI5l TOB:0nT0.< V. navlzatfn` uni nuulr 12:25:; `III. nan, uuu 3 old imn. issued orders I quu vvu vsultulu lwienglenen on thy EIIIIAJI XCITI Sitnp Ihe sucessful n T.`m-ml 5---" , every .lIung!u_ ' v 0. `M. Fun! .....I ;"e'}i' L g left. . says `Fran...-. Inuu uuv L, UNEY T0_ LEND. 350,0 security of Real Estatein t try At A low nu of interest. chtmed. "` street railway companies of Cincin- ` ati increase travel on their lines `by a novel plan. All the tickets are numbered, and are-like theatre tickets in having coupons. The passenger retains one part with a num- ber upon it corresponding to that he gives up. All the tickets taken in a week are aaved, placed in a wheel. and one is drawn out. The holder of the coupon whose number corresponds to that of the ticket drawn a prize ot lfty dollara. The plan in- dncea all passengers to buy tickets, and thus diminishes the opportunities for steal- ing on the pan of the conductors V New Zcalhadpaperaof the end of March, lately arrived, bring ocial reports from OH, Whiunorgfe force up_to the 26:11 of` that} month, which do not give a. very an-is-r aezprg View of the operations carried on. ours] daya had been spent in crossing 3 swamp near a native encampment and cut- ting olthe retreat of the occupants. These took no apparent notice `of the llborious proceeding: tome. and mm..- .L a-4.1:: Jill I TTOIENEY A'I`- I A1 - Chancery, Noun} Eu street, Kingston. ' ____._. ___j_/ - 1; Inn. \JLl.lLZ I nu-eel, Kingston. August 6. ~.uI`uu. ,April 23 _ K OFFICE REMOVED TU KLNG 1-5'1`1u:;n;1_ NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BUUK STORE. _.................,n; a un.:1 n I :5-at-LAW Solici- tors in Uhancery-Cl1amoers Nos. 7, 8, B :9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Juus U R2u.u',Q.C. | Fun: 0. Dupng. ______T_____`__________i VCJ IILIU door South 01 August I. Ease Streets. ~ Wat. u. WILKISON. l}nunr.. 1`,......... A A- W. A. REEVE, M. A. umce, Kumsrol, C." Joan A. MAcnoauLn,< y, \ Gildcrslecvu an ialkem, ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, .6 Conveyance:-s, Notaries Public. Richard T. Walkem, S O L I C I T O R Utoe- Clarence Street, Kingston, C.W J. P. Gn.n:nsLnv:. L.L.B. [ RICH. T. ARRISTERS AND AT'l`0RN'EY.3`-at-LAW, B Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Uices-i8 Clarence L~:L., opposxte the Post Uice, Kums'roI,C.`W. JntnaA M.n.......-_ n I ' ' l her peculiar build a |I\JlI-I cuua our on. aim was clcsignedifor use at Bermuda, because at that island of sand . and coral reefs no foundations can be secur- ed for 3 dry dock. She is to be towed by ve steamersutu her destination, and is now on her passage. Being open lore and aft. the seas will break through her, but from he is certain to roll very heavily unless she is properly ballasted, and brought clown in the water. Sink she can- not, as her cellular construction will sustain her so long as the air compartments, 20 feet in breadth from the inner to the outer skin, remain tight. The tugs would -have to cast oin bad weather. Having no stem or sharp bow to cut the water she will pre- sent. much resistance against head winds. Should tolerably fair weather be expe- rienced, tbc large amount of steam power enghged ought mtow her out on an ave rage rate ufsix to seven knots an hour. Our people do not follow the new cable adventure of the Great Eastern with the intense interest they followed her last cable adventure. But the great ship is now ngnin doing her great part in the work of connecting America with Europe by the telegraph. We have advices uf her ud- vnnce to the distance 01' nearly 300 knots out from Brent, paying out the cable nice- ly the signals perfect, weather ne and all well nbonrd,"` - ` l ......,,... ...~.-iu:si;erenvcmeut will not interrupt our business, which will be carried 0:1 as usual, only our place of busi- ness will be removed from No. 3_-'l`essi dc Teinturiers to No. 4 Rue dc Missinnaire, as our grasping lnudlbrd has raised our rent." - -.-.... .... ' `ARR[STER,ALtornev-a ` Sc. Utce oppose _ |U'88L Kintrnlnn TI'I'E BEnMI:D._L FLOATING DocK.-The di' immense structure are-- length over all, 381 feet ' breadth, extreme, I 123 feet; and height 74 leer. The dock has all the appearance of a monster ship with .,.- x-uys. _J IIC .lU[lL'l'l WI Lnorrow.-His disconsolrue V ` ique Illmagu. P.S.-'_I`lJis be `nna `..n,__.__ _.'I. i{.-smnn, l!I.l).. )1-IYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c., 2} Residence Harrowsmith. __;_.-_____}f 'r?; .........._. n :rcIvlCl:' ue would scour the land wnh a couple of thousand voh1nteers,aL.d shoot the briguads d'own like wild beasts. A Senator from one of the mountain dis` triers uf'l'ennes.~"ee, on his u.rriv:1l at Nzxslx` wlle to take his seat, put up at :1. first-c1:1.~'s h0[0I,WlJ011 the fnliuwing occurred un taking his seat at the table:-Senatur tn servant- "What is your victunls '." \`nn urn n... A-- ---..--u. LJUI`1lII|J- will you f1:xvc, sir, tea. or culfee?" --Tea.." Sermnt,--Whn; kind: Senat0r-Store tea, bv : do 1 pose I come here to drixfk sassafraxf! TI... ..... ..r...:. x: - _, ,,_ __...,...u. ulu um. wnn. nil` him on arriviu.z,_0r any member of the Imperial family. At the formal reception, too, the Turk- ish Embnssador was present, as if to indicate that the Viceroy was regarded as a vnssnl, though of princely rank. mL_ L,` - -- The brignuds near Naplea have become ex- tremely daring again. They are laying wait for the forrign u-nveller especially. There we only fourteen soldiers to keep watch overtho buud of bloodthirsty rullims. Brigandage-dim honours all lmly. [f Garibaldi would do h?s country a service he would land volunteers, and brigaads like wild h......;, -- _..... ..........m aguuuzgt. "uavn;g left Touiqn on the 22nd December, 1866. the Journal, that vessel returns co France after a cruise of twenty-nine months. The in: iron-clad that ever accomplished the voyage. ,. ____ ,, . _.. u. u ;un1oUPl. County Grown AL ,_-_..._, V,` Iv. om: ikiacnougnn, Q. C. ` Jurxs Pnron,` Jami M. 1:.-.05. Kingston, Jan'y 16. Hamilton groans undo: the iniclion of wnn dating cows. The gardens are robbed by (lieu of lbell Bowers and vegetables, and the aid?- walks are rendered almost impassable by the ` lth which they lean behind. LL... n_r ,,- --r- -- *`- ' ` " ......... m. s.Ay<\.':| Lu acu lll uls UWH 1 . 0VICL' ll u not prot of $1 a barrel, thus clearing $2,000 hard bush. One of the consequences of the treaty of Paris ha been a great improvement of the river Dsn- I ube and I lnrge in-`reuse of the commvrce upon it. As many as sixty vessel.-' of ditferent muon- aliliis are now frequently to be seen nt once in the port ofsulina. Y_L_I\ -. - _--u ---`J I'&VI llflllllun Hon. Mr Leviscunle, NJ`. for Richmond, N S, on No way home from his parliamentary duties, purchased 2,000 barrels of our in Montreal, which be expecls Lu sell in his own Province at a mu nr-nt art: .. b...--..I .L_.- -1- : --- ~ __r _..-_ . -.-- -v subll VVPUIIIIUH. The Life Peerage Bill has been whittled nwny till one cu! hardly see it, and on Tuesday Lord Mslmesbury threatened to put an end to it on the third reading. A: there is not the atnelieet ichence of the House of Commons creating: new caste in order that at the end of fourteen yenrs there may be twenty-eight lay Bishops in the Lords, it does not much matter whether he does or not ; but the Lords hue missed a. fine opportunity for making themselves a real eu- `coud House. 0 BeIIly an Draper, `A RR.lSTER3,ATTORNE Y3-at-L AW Uba.ucery-Clmmnm-n N... -r n .,. ...=...uua w um prela a. name do Uirnvdin, in this Libcrtc ofuso lath, phchu into the gov- ernment, and concludes by laying : "When 3 governllont connes luelf strictly to the arrest of rioteru in the ltreet and conapumtors caught in agrant: delicm, than all honou men will Inp- port it; but when it overutepa those limits it exposes itself to their opposition. Tina Ill . DA.-.___- nzn L , I - - - - Rqfgring to thonoum Il'l'OIllm0 in Pub of members of the press ll. Emile do Giravdin, lath. nhcbu into the uni. ,.._ r_-.--' vv-nu I33` Three natives of British Guiana were re- ocnlly hung in Demerara. for an atrocious murder, and the Dememra Colonist in (la- niling the affair, says that one of them was III acknowledged Obeah (or Obi) man, and aware his accomplices to secresy, on a mix- ture of mm, salt, sad the blood of the mur- dered man. tunes Agnew`, |ARR[S'I`ERand AI`TURNEY-a D veyancer, tc. Oice Bagoti )r Qnnrh nl lhn D--'--'-' "" `iv ./T hi: -!ilnTg_1Ty;;` T'[`ORNEYAT-LAW, Convey: Klnaarnn l` W g.-|.I|I-ALJILBU Solicitors, Ill ;. ;vu.nnw1'A 1-1.1 Kungslon, C. W. DDIQTIPDJ ~ JOSQQI:-H B1] `I)\Irr.\xr . pp. _ - .... -Mu u L ;u|:u1n.I-M`.-LaA\_I mcer, Bagot Street, 1 ot the British Wing U1ce,'up: -_T John Mudlu, R Alhu-nun no I -_ :rab|y weather large power ght six - vnvuluku, CJIIICIII v " v leek. ance of; 33- She designed for vecnuse L ock. 0 isnmv 8. nuinrr rurunn 1 .... _, The .bm-nal Oicie. records sue voyage round the woxld tlie clul corvette Belliqueuse, bearing tin of Rear Admiral Jehhogt. Havn',g Toulan 22nd D~et_:ember, 1866." .|__ f______ , 1 41.: ;_~_______. [son as Reeve, AND ATTORNEYS-at-LA w, G0[lVeVan0pI-a mm If--~ w. REEVE, Ltorney. -~ -- --..p.;. '14 -\W,. Solicitor in JV Fuhlun Run 9-; In- _ .4...-.un, Luc 1Ul'U.l|Il' "I and the Inter is open to emf will tuke plaice tu- consolme widow, Yumm- `i.-Tl:is bereavement will hI'Hlinoaa u..L2._L -_-1|| ' Bawdcn, -[Ann-r u .- kj-i $50,000 to lend` on the ntein the Gina. r-,...._ -"'I *-at-Law, Conveyance:-, a Post. Utoe, Utarence 4 II , DUUC Fqblic, &c. Val -'3 V, Conveyance:-, &c. Dec. 1. ,vvv I-U IUD the n the City orjCoun- t. No commission R. ll. Rnsua ,-, __.- ._... \-I uvu ul Iputll. Eugonieh last nickname is (meaning the rod-hnired woman.) gamina shout `A baa In Roman police, Ilthouglrwlt-aware ed to, cannot prevent the !~nys ing the_se}shouta, the Em press ueing decided- ly nverse to having her name dragged into the police courts.