.M.'L_Y not of the or sub- Dept!` mg` ` luj hsd mild uu1d Ht- :40 UST RECEIVED 3 fresh supply of Straw- o berries, Cherries (first of the season), Green Pea; (Era: of the anon), Cucumbers, Delaware Applel, and Bunnnu. Also Carrstrncs nud Plnnugenet linen] Wnten, 3! ll. TOWN , Market Square and onus:-Io Street. ` N.B.-Hnving received 3 commission from the Oswego Strawberry Growen Association," R. Town can sell at _tha lowest. possible prices. D.._n:..g u-:-l.h-no Q!-n-I-an`:-vine fnr `Praia!-vino`, n. IUWILI CID IUII II _uIu Ivwcan yvuauuu yuuuc. Parties wishing Strawberries for Preserving, would do well to call early Ind leave their or- ders. Festinls supplied at Wholesale Prices. Kingston, June 30fl:, 1869. I I U U`! Street. T smwnsnnues 2 STBAWBERRIES! STRAWBEBRIES! VFHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN BANK in Kingston and neighbourhood no requested to leave their Proxiu with John Show or A. Livingston, on or before SATURDAY, July 3rd, at noon. T_-.' Q } at ANNUAL nnarmar this Society will be held on smunmr, July 3, at } 13 o c1ock, st the School Bonus on Sydeuhatn Dn_.-s \ TAN"I'l-7:1 )? 3 thorough Servant to go to the. States. Must be w_cIl rcomtdended. Good wages given. Apply to "no GUY. --- - -w.. -v_-.: `no `any Sewing Hnchinn Mnnnglcturern [and Snwing machine Agents. In... an N TUESDAY` EVENING, near the Synod Hall, 1 Gold Ring. The nder will be re- warded by leaving it at this oiee. saved by every Pol-non wishing to Purchase :1 llowc, \VI1ecler and \VIlaon, br Singer j ` ""71 If they buy them at the FIRST PRIZE SEWING MACHINE SALES ROOM, BRUC_K STREET, Kingston, Out. 5 Best Oil and Needles for sale. \ Repairs done to Sewing Machines. BE Subscriber in manufacturing from one to tour horse-power Threshing Mqchines, which he will warrant to give general satisfac- _tiou. CLEANERS made to order cheaper than any other esmbliahment in the Dominion. Send in__your orders immediately. Threshing and Moving Machines repaired on the shortest notice. All manner of Castings and Fittings, Ploughs and Ploughshnree, cop- stnntly on hand. CIRCULAR SAWING MA- CHINES made to order. Charges moderate. FUR SALE, 3 second-hand eight horse-power Threshing Machine, in good running order, he . C `P JOHNSTON BROWN, Eagle Foundry, Kingaton., Julv 2. uuulilu`-5' unu. 'Ul'KfDEI'1 were SC8l'C(. , SUE ,- gested In her husband 10 ask some of the London anizans to come to Ithaca. A amongst these artizans are ve masons, six trs, one plasterer, and two brickla carpn- ycra. -u:lJ:u|urt: mr uorneu University, were to be educated at that institutiotv. Thisis not tbu purpose ofthe emigrants. They are brnugh:_here to work on the Uni- versity buildings at the suggestion of Mrs Cornell, who, hearing .of the suffering among the /mechanics in London, and knowing that workmen scarce, sug- seated in hrr hnahnnd In -.I. ..-._- -t AI - _ __ . , ... uvlu ucutnll 3` Liverpool, July 2, pm.--( .Ioat 674,000 bales. of whic- ctn. Manchester tnnrket. m-ices. Old Corn 283 6d ; n nis when 10: ; Red wealon (Tallow 445 3d. , - - - _. `..-.-.'uuncvllU! New York. Jufy 2.--'I'he steamer Salana, from Liv;-rpnol, has arrived. When the Cuban expedition was captur- ed 1| :-stc`rdu}' Colonel Ryan and some 200 n to this hour. A correspondent of the Tribune com3_c_ts an imnrmmmn .-n...........a I... - V __ _ _.-.I.,.,........u. ul LUU Jrlvllfw COYTCCKS an impression conveyed by a recent cable telegram that the fourteen English artizans entertained at a banquet in London, prior to their departure for Cornell University, that inntimoznn London,JuIy 2. Eric 19;` ; Ill- nois _ , . ..,., -...n.uu-um. .\lovilI=, Ireland. July Cnlumbia, from New Y has arrived. Liverpool. Jnlv 1.-l the Liverpool Cup was I. c. Spy and the Star: trician. _ ,., -., uuu ID `V m_:rc~ml tn, nml the consideration c 19. `J0, `J1, and 22 was postponed. Lord (` nrnarvnn`s am:-n_dmcnt,' nmumtinn, of life intorealg at _n-ars' purchase was adopted. T110 visit of the Viceroy of E; tornuinnrsd. IIis Highness left tb -BIl for I ....... nu compensation In without deduction tllorefrom of tax which was adopted 1-ya v 50. the i ote m Jun 30. I vault? LI June` 30.` .. -..--nululssln from January 1971 In Janna.` It was pruniscd on the pi -crmnc-nt ll`ut. an additional ` lac frrunul providing that th. may rvtain their seats in ` I'.nr.L-. SMVING MAQ;_i1NE, June 30. Lnmlun. July Lvln ihe House of Lurds to night the consideration of thc'- Irish (`hurch lnll was resumed in committee. M (`l:lll.l`S ll, IL`, 13. and 1- ! were agrcul to willmur amendment, except as to the date, when thv prnpc-rty of the Church shall pass intn tl11l:\n.ls nfcnmmissinnors, which W38 Janmlry 13'. 1872. part of the `-crmnom clause nlmuld , `[50 rl'!lI`IH`|` In-nri.'l:-;-- -L " " ' Junb 30. Midland District Lancasterlan School Society.-~ ' , ... \-uutl lll ml rt-volut ion was ' I-ut Hue ccnnomiml `i he nclniovml. New `York Press TY`): (`hmsos .ivcrp.nnl, 1.--At the race; tn-day won by Mr Bowes .. Stamford Plate by Pa- zinn. ` FINANCIAL Ami COMMERCIAL. 1HEH:NtLM7fcEINs. ,.i....,, av Ill 5` adopted: 2: 10 Egyj inarcd. this hr the continent. 9 Bishop 0 ldmcm that 1 R. I. JORDAN & Co.. , July 2. p.m.-Consols for both 923 Illnois Central 95 ; Bonds 80}. 0|, Julv 9 -I-- " .1. 1.-The steamship York, for Glasgow, NOQCE. nnomicnl rcvu .iul_v 1. 5031 $5 to$10 .r.- IAULII noun, Hanna tn:-1 of Pele-rborro moved `t all compensation he pl 3.`... Al... I _ , ......-ua uv] , p m.-Conon quiet ; . which 80 000 are . I mnrlrno 62-... -= Has NOEL, Near St. I:atrick's Hall. ... ....., us!" .3 1 western 83 and 18 were then ..:.1.._--: , -.--... -1uIi . 1.UC Iich 80,000 Ameri- ~L rmer with better new 269 9d; Califor- nrn I-In Ina H. 9- II)` .r0d that the politi- nccnmplishcd tact, vulution remains to Despateha : gov`- nal ; the Irish Bishops the House of ..ua vu, USING?- 10d to 8: 11d; on of clauses Egtypt has morn- gixing the t. fourteen , .- -u | paid nc income znf 95 to For supplying Hotels, Steatnboate, Pi(>Nic Parties, and all who may require irinlsrgs quanties, on short notice, the subscriber will keep a quantity always on hand at his premises in the City, which will be delivered any place FREE OF CHARGE, and also at Bax-rieeld, Portsmouth, and Willismsville. The subscriber will full All the contracts ___.1- I... II- 11.50-- L \IL1UIuIl\IIII:I.|' I-Iain II u I made by Mr White. HE subscriber hsving parchnsed the St.` Lawrence Ice-Houses and business lately owned andconducted by Mr White, including that formerly owned, by Mr Hobart, he is now prepared to supply Ice daily in such quantities as may be reqnired. From the favourable and convenient situation of the Houses, and their large size, the subscriber can guarantee a LIBERAL and REGULAR supply to all his (`V "-54"-..-u no Ill uu gugu I-no Customer: ot Of the Giza.-p; st-I.:1:_:1-1;y known IS NOW STORED IN THE East India Pa1e Ale per dozen Porter ` - _-9......-u av East India Pale Ale per dozen Porter " Mild Ale -- u A stock of the above Ales always on hand and in good order. - V June 11. opposite the City Book Store, King Street, % GENTS for Dow .9; Go's celebrated EAST ` _ INDIA PALE ALE, which maybe bad in wand Ar |'|n1lln \ ILVIJIII. 11.1]. i; Iiood or bottle. East India Pnle per dozen Pale Bitter Ale ' n 1 : ....1'I.... `In. KINGSTON BOTTLING DEPUT, GEO. THOMPSON & co. S hereby given forbidding any person or per- sons crediting or furnishing any article or ar- _ticles, or performing any services for the County of Frontenac, except upon the written order of the Warden or the Chairman ofsome committee of this Council. 5 Drftnf 1-svr I RAPPE, WEBER E 00., corner King and Princess Streets, Kingston, manu- facture Piauoea equal to any in the market, either of home or foreign make, and sell at moderate prices. Every Piano is warranted for five years. They invite inspection of their styles And quality of tone. TO LEw.on Mortgage of , Real Property-Inte1-est 8 N per cent. County Bonds wanted. Apply to JAMES Aanntw Have arrived all 0. K. 1,000 bugs FAMILY FLOUR, 500 barrels FAMILY and XXX FLOUR, . Bough: before the rise, the prots of which should Flour advance, shall be EQUALLY DIVIDED between myself and Customers. Now, are you satised? If not, you are an bard-hearted and as barren of gratitude as the Scolch Batchelor who sued and recovered ve shillings from a girl of eighteen for kissing him. Ob, Bleddywars, had he ever heard or read of Ireland. _ -A;-.-\/4_\JA.1 ND with the kind permission of my friends 1` and the public, shall merely add now that those 5 Tierces ol McBrida's celebrated Sugar-C I shz1Il%Ttu-1-n} develops this Secretary and Treaahl-`er. Kingston, June 25th, 1869. Wlll..~b1lion of Partnership. .-_-- NIITICE is hereby given thin the Partnership exisling between .the undex-signal, under the name and rm of "R. Wnddt-ll.& (.`.o., has mis day been dissolved by Izuutunl consent The business will be carried dell. who will pay and receive all debls due by or to the Partnership, `D IT|I\v\-.-_ "\WO FUTURE OCCASION, .-v vv\.|.|lI-Io [ The Band will perform during the Evening. ADMISSION-Membus of the Society nnd their Families, free; Non-Subscribers, 25 cents; Children, hulfprice: _ N.B.-Enu-iea mny be made with the Secre- lnry until TUESDAY, 6th July, after which dale all entries must be made at the Skating Rink Building from 10 AM. to 4 PM. Posi- tively no entries will be taken on the (1 Exhibition. Doors open 1 from 7 to 10 it [Tho] County Council Chamber. Kingston, 23rd June 1869. ST. LAWBENDE ICE-HOUSES. unj- Olly of Kingston Electoral Dlvlslon Society. . \ 'l`HE SUMMER SHOW of the nbove Society will be held in the June 28. um-AIALILI Ll\lLVl.II" Barrister. Oice, Bagel an-eet,`nea1f British Whig oice. Mar 28. ULUUC, M May June 28. cu, Qt : KING STREET SKATING RINK. I13! FRIDAY, 90! MTEBESTING SUBJECT n mu nun! ' V0 EXPERIENCED BALESMEN for the Dry Goods Business. Apply to rtnrx---- - - IANOES. `-Cilred Hams and Breakfast Bacon TORONTO FLOUR srom, Princess Street. Pure _3ooo _'1_'oNs , r`. A . CUUSJ ' Kingston, 29th June, A.D. ;\1.**i\7iE)iii"i1s0N. '7-'15"g.11o; keg`; NOUCE `n from 2 to 6 in I in the evening. Soda Wate: lhnutncturer, Princeu Street i.ABA'ri s FlSIll_.<`.l{ S ihNT1f:_n rw nun -- DOW S ALBERT J. amass, Secretary Treasurer. 25th. 1369 Wlll. PIPE, WA in: `llIl`IfllI I'lI` ..,.....u \.,-u.' IIIIS vedy consent. e on by R. Wad- ! ua wuuwu. lip Y JAMES AGNEW, RAH-inlm R. WADDELL, F. X. CUUSINEAU. Juno A Y} `loan of July, 1869. HARTY & CO., Mn-I... `--- - . 3 s. SHIBLEY, Warden. Ice. us: 1 G UU., Market Square. uu will 1869. vet! 37; 12! 621 H HYSICIAN, SURGEON. kc. Residence P "Marble Block," over Johnston 8 King : non, Princess Street, Kinguon. June 19. ILL be delivered to the Trade, direct from the Manufuctory, at 80 cents per dozen, and Private Families at $1 per dozen.- Ofd-Efl left Al A I'.I1inna.nn-7.. --A I12-- T`|~-' uuu rnvnte zramim _ Orders left at A.` dtore. ` .- ALES % ANI5 PORTER` ..........u mnuuuwno on we most liberal terms, and respectfully invites parties about purchasing to give h mvn. call before making at- rangementa with irresponsible parties, which can only result in inconvenience and loss. CAUTION.-'I`he subscriber, employing no agents, would warn the public against being imposed upon by parties who nd it convenient to use his name in connection with their own business. 1',___ nu- 7 _____j________:. R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.O.S., London. I) Residence-PR.INCESS STREET, house iately occupied by Dr. Maclean. March 8. z.nIu'Bl.., The subscriber continues to fun improwied, best. cheapest, and SEWING MACHINES on the term: and nun-or..1|.. ....-.--- I-[-`(HE won of the Pointed Needle, ah for family use, at TAP A7 0 - C 0z`ce-GommercinI Dock, South side Pri Street, Kingston, Ont. May 29, 1869. - |`L0liVB SEE THE IIINEKLEY KNITTING MAc1;_I1_\I:. wnniiar n? L. n---- -~9-` Fire and Life Insurance ___..____.:_,_.__.;,__j._ ` GURNEY & GLIDDENL GENERAL FORWARDERS Ann SHIPPER8 BITWIIN Ottawa, Kingstontcape Vincent, Ogdenshn and Oswego, And to and from poinfs in . the Bay of Quinte, River St. Law- rence and Lake Champlain. -~ urns` 1 I9 IIIOLJO (Lnte of London, Eng., and New York, U.S.) HOLIEOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, &c , can be consulted at his oice over yr Linton s Auction Rooms, at all hours. Calls at any hour day or night promprly attended. J. JARVIS, M.D- _ Consultations free to the nnnr rm... :2.-2n - mun ncl D `FANCY: ` Lil DJ Market I.` A. `Inn "UNDER Power of Sale contained in 9. Hart- gage, a. Block consisting of Lots 10, ll, 1__2 and 13, on John street, and Lots 41, 40, 39, reet, near Division street. For particulars apply to Mr Bawden, Solicitor, or to J. J. LINTON, A.--.:._ riivnvl GEO. W. GBEIGETON, , Agent. Kingston, June 12th, 1869. USILIUHU. _June 25. Clot] _ ALSO A quantity of Gmawm ` to close consignment. Sale at 10 o'clock. Terms Cash, , -.._ . .. auuu uuuuul I0 1 sell, at his Sale Rooms, on '1`UE:DAY, the 6th Jul ' t of Dry Goods, c., &c., to be sold without reserve, comprising Prints, Cobnrga, Luuraa, Alpncu, Ogoatinga, Towelliug, Mohair, Checks, Flnnnal, Pilot Cloth, Seal Skin, Tweeds, Shirtiug, kc. dzc. Jtc 01'` Dry Good, Glauware and Goods. dcc. &.c. ?-_-.n "AU0T10n1_~I ALI1! June 27. JAR`: the poor :30, A.M. June 21. FRONTENAC BIIBWERY May 29, 1869. June 30. Dealers in J DWELLING in Maple Row. L given immediately. Apply to Inrrnv TNDER yq in---o `HE Sublcrlber has received call, I JUIV. Alarms MW`-""- ,/ ..-..-..-4-.n. Wiiilnnp BUILDTNG LOTS '~__ a any uulal V U": Frr-sh supply of CROQUET SETS, FANS, BASKETS, Pic-Nic, Babies , Reticule and Ice! Baskets, and also an assortment of iCY GOODS. Cheanast I-lam... .'.. -L -=-- COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J- JARVIS nF'.nn:1n- A- un-EIIUIU. Imu also ' Cheapest House in the city. W. J. MAHUOD, , Successor to S. P. White, 21. Princess Street. TO THE PUBLIC I puss stun] B_0TTLED AT THE FOR_S__ALE- _ Just Received. l1r\v\ln1 -4` (`Il'\r\r\vvva.- __ x F nnwoon of the best quality. T0 Spooner, M.D.. lean Ill wt per aozen: .`Liviugocon s and City Book SEEEIAL K`l'8'9l-. Kingston. rllinl-Ina on l>'..__L'-L .1 I . and age, with Single Eye uimple, cheap, reliable, Ogdgnshnrgh .....a A-_-'_. - ' - received instructions to J .R0Ol'l'l. on "l`l'Tll'gh A V ucul. 1' IIDIIEI, ls, , , .., ----.-.9LIIll- furnish the latest, and rl-`Ant ...v:-LI, JOHN FRASE R. J. J. LINTON, Auctioneer. ___., nnd Fancy Goods, , ._...-. nuv LQICUI, most reliable liberal Y'|nIr.:an -1.--` [mportaq `v nu, I!l.lJ' from 6:30 to JJILI LKJXV Auctioneer. Possession Agents Fancy I, (Hot . to ___:-1-- I .1-`j! a o_N'r_A'|uo s'rn1-:1-:1`. THE undersigned have opened on Lumber Yard at the upper and of Onurio Street, nearly opposite the Water Works, where 1 good assortment of Seasoned Lumber, Wrought Flooring, etc., will always be kept on hand. ' JOHN NOON, WILLIAM 'rY1n:B.T Kinnton. law `In, ' W. -0. "HAVEN & co., XCHANGE BROKERS, Ind General In- sursnee Agents, Iuonio Buildings, King Street. Knanon, Ont. - w_ U_ AVID ' "` "" | DNTUUI. 5.1l|iH'.l'0H, I W. 0. Hunt, June 13. GUODFELL_OW S . YOUNG LADIES WORK BAGS SATGEELS, STACEY S CHEAP BOOK STORE Presents for the Season. LADIES SATCHELS for travelling, LADIES SATCHELS, GENTLEMEIWS TRAVELLING BAGS, with Shoulder Straps- ___. V...` .._.-\p uu music 5 Anvil Chorus, My soul to God, my heart to thee, Wedding March, " It is better to Laugh, Orphee Aux Enfers Galop, Sleep well, sweet angel, The Delhi Gnlop; June 28. TRAVELLIN/G mas and szvronusl STACEWS BOOK stung] u;A UIMLI LE Pretty Polly, if you love me The Fisherman : Daughter ` water, The Lovr's Letter Box, I," In nu-u.'_n -3"- A fresh lot of Bulwe-r 5, Dickens , Scott s, Leyer s, Cooper s, Collins , &c_, Novas, cheap ednions. June` 28. Kinitbll. May 10. London Society, Englishwoman, Loisum Hour, Ouaelrs. Fox-genie by VPHE OLEVER WOMAN OF` THE FAMILY, _ by the Author of the Heir of Redcly'e. A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Nature's Nobleman, by the author of Rachel's Secret. The `Gordian Knot, by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, by Dilke. Cast Up by the Sea, by Samuel Baker. ' e Chaplet of Pearls, by Mist`! Yonge. O Conne1l`a Speeches, edited by his Son. Lord Plunketvs Speeches, edited by J.(}. Hoey. Grattan a Speeches, edited by Madden. Curran's Speeches, edited by Davis, Shiei'e Speeches, edited by MacNevin. The King and Gommors,Cavalier, and Puritan Song, selected and arranged by Henry Morley. `The Story of the Chevalier Bayard. The History of the Caliph Vathek. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Abdalluh, or the Four-leaved Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Lduis, King of France. AYUA June 25. . uo uovers Letter 1501:, I'll tell you're wife, Thy voice is near, Blue-eyed Violets, Up in n Balloon, The Maiden sud her Linnet, Little Blue Buttery, - Thad} O Flynn, 'lIl||1 11131!!!-I .-- -- -- V-ulu, GI: Also a lot of other authors. .J I have a Rose, Go it while you're young, Gaudulina Waltz, Molly Bawn, J uanita, I'm not myself at all, Beautiful Hope, Two: 3 Beautiful Night, Of what is the old 'ma.n thinking, . RIY nlruma [ARPEIPS MAGAZINE for July, --v..J \/ A I-`IVE CENTS EACH. :3- ; MILES AND TEARS, Godey a Lady : Book, Demon-eat a Fashion Book Frank Leslie's Magazine, Peterson : Bal1ou a ` The Mother at H mo n L ul.`aLl:lI'.4LV'D 1711.4 Straps, June 10. cm saga; STORE. )LD'l`0WN ionxs, Haonhnr ii.-.-n - `_POSTAGE STAMP OFFICE, Large and small, good and cheap, .__, - -.'-yuu, TEN CENTS-(FulI Music Size.) V31 Chm-nu vunu u EULIBE Beecher Stowe, `n H in MAGAZINES `J U 81` RECEIVED FOR JULY. 11. a. G0l__)IlFELLOW. 80 King Street. ALBUMS, 80 King Sn-eyet. JOIIN CREIGHTON FOB JUNE. ____ ___... in-IIIJEI { SIX omms. AND AT THE JOHN OREIGHTON, `City Book Store, Kingstreet. YAT l me, do ggy ygl, Imzhter that livnn n nr Wellington Street. 3, I. new Novel. by Harriet author of "Uncle To:n a new Books by various Iv, uu I511] yel, that lives o er the L Hun. AND noamsou aaos., STEAM so Aim emu: wosxs. comm my 3910:: HILLS, Gore} street, "THE cannunaca W133. } BOYS` AND MEN'S CLOTHING ofnll kinds Mada tn Ordnr LACROSSE AND CRICKETING SUITS Made to Ordpr ' BOATING AND HUNTING SUITS Made 10 Order 5 . 1--v . -.-.._ THE CONFEDERATION TRAVELLING` SUITS at $10, Made to Order ' FULL DRESS "sums Made to Order {BUsImEbs i$U1Ts AT] 1. _.-- A CLOCKS, &c. &c., `I31 1'1 Arwrulxu-\r-1-:-___ MINERAL WATERS . ANOTHER LOT OF BEAUTIFUL NEW SILKS JUST IN. Juno 7. B; W. Bonn-rson. '1`. ll. Ronnrsox. Wnnted, 40 tons Tallow, tough or,,:-endured. MIANTED zoo com of son wool). . nuumtn Ann-A [-111 W . Pu-her : Drug Store. `\ J no 9. For Sale by 4.1.1. I June 2,1369. I L.n\Jl.I`lLIlI to Order u1D_ any lllln Made to Order May 7. E3r' A . `ARRISTIIR-AT-LAW. OFFICE - Over Pm-in-H u..- lo.....r<\ Mny 28. v uuu ullll I81! 1,000 yu- 500 Brown 1 cy Brilliantl. ' dl of Dreal Muslim : _Bilk lfnrnaola I128 6d Bilka eluded colour: Broaden, Pop!in_I, Lulu: F3 Fancy Silk.-coloured Cords, Blnck and Fnr;cy_Silk DresleI,"M0bl~i; 0b"3'r u,"m" D '1 ' White and Fancy Brilliantl. 13.90 Yard: Dreal Muslim .4 HM '--` 1'.f}:l.`m`SLAVIN S` Wm @' Royal Canadian Bills )NE CASE OF`: ;LACK GRENADINES, {LACK AND 10, 12 and 15 Dollars [AIEFE TO ORDER and WARRANTED to it Kingston, June 21, PLANTAGENET WATER. I New_ Sun Umbrellas and Parmlnlu 9- _-_4'Av O(O.S`3I`ST EW WHITE BRILLIAIVTS, from Bid. rim or SM. to 25. 6d. New Printed Muslim, 5d to la: 5:! [As REMOVED to me Premises Store, ~ 1'\'l\1--xv zu-r Jams 8. Cartwright, CASE WHITE COTTONS, 4-`rev PRINCESS STREET, 3:? NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY 1 v --mu an rat, and charge no liiscoinint Netti _Dominion House, 82 `ston, 21. 1869 _ Z-_ . ._._q;.I.I CLOCKS, 4520., AND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF :---....1_ BEPAHES of all kinds carefully e E. H. PARKER, The Cheap Bale A737 WHITE LLAMAS AND . BLACK GLACE AND GROS GRAIN SILKB. FRESH ALSO Market Square. WELLINET-OI`? 1:1 Ivrx-u-.- -- -- K 1, 1869. BSI st 71d, fut 4 Leo]: at 29 641 each. 100 1 J00 Paisley ditto at $2 1 . 50 doz. Lisle Thtead G ltd. 60 "doz. Hand Tow: u-cl `In! -4" -- ' ` WITH '_AN ENTIRE STOCK OP `TTT f'\I"-`1- ---an-___- ll 3. WHITE GRENADINES-DOUBLE FOLD. KINGSTON. At BLAVINS. -At SL AVIN S. At SL-AL`VIN S. At SL AVIN S.- At SIzAVIN S4 3, BEST mum, WHOLESALE PRICE BY -uuouua, nu. , 25. 3d. to all ah-1... -_ _ ,___. ;-vrvv unw uunu1nI,$2 to 86 I Psir. d. to 23. Bishop : Lawn, White, Book Ind Spotted lua- . to la. NEW TWEEDS for Summer Suits. ` New Paper. N, CARPET WARP, BATTING and `WADEJING. ,- $.11 IV formerly occupied by M3 J. of Carpets still going on. LLPAGAS. taken at par. mm mm,- MONTREAL HoUsiJ.. .J-..>......u-.u us rfnuorona, shah. `Q R! Oiapugtk .B`'""jm. i. = I-pl : 03tu.._ Applications, by Jane, 3 "u'`"l* Olin:-eh, in:-:31-I-3: attention. ' ""' "'5 `ill main GU A New and _._ -v--vO- Dill-I h M" may `O we puonc goaonlly of supply them w_ith thtntw hunt` HARD um so:-r 'woon,; Beechjsnd lupus," and Plus, which willbedelivuodinuypurtoflhooity. Ohoup Jums cum; `, 314, ~ Al the G `Wbu-f foo: um? " "9' "_h""'- Kingston. Anril 27- Mum S 41 \./J_J..`,|..;J.L'Jo 1--HE Subscriber begs to inform him Friends" ; `and the Trude that luring disaontinuod his connection with the rm of Fllwlcx, Hunt r & 09., he has this day eomnoncedjhe WEDDI- SALE GROCERY BUSINESS in this city on l_:ia own account. The busineu will be onrdad on under the namauad style-of J. A. Hunt & 00. i .nu Am. r 165. New Ooraetsii Girls I nd colours. New L... n__ vv nun mo: or queen Eltnot Kingston, April 27, 1889. IIIU la} 17. -Iunq Int 1869. PRINCESS I run sum, mama noun. .-.-.H.- ' i1oT1:L E00531 executed. s-rnnm-,1. xmasmr. . JAJIEB oanrnxu, onnoniu Lin -1. JEWELRY. Fahd Oolourod Hut-uillu, ;ar[mP.. THE PIE!!! E-St. _____ .u mug, ycnUu= \ oivhich Ismail portion 1 e misery brought` upnn Iocieiy, and the injizry to uflrehnd which they had weir release. Irjustige re- ' `, then who cleliberately immense: executed mur: imirre, while others whose I nothing in comparison, `my. A distinction Le- ldlo prospect of succtss . `Sign with treachery and III nothing connected unnittcd or attempted Ihirh wouhl give the per- " of insurgents. 7 W.-John Bright and I..-- - ' Jdmmai the general sym: Irih with Fenianism, but utould result iflhe govern- Hmency and released those government is the cu-ct of the Fenian prisoners hmbereniembered that a*?_T II` guilty in ,an inferiar Iuntfree. Only: the prime uly, spid nlways productive *5 olgbt to_be prevented. Hone tbs! the govern- . Io enforce the laws [ Prevent any breach of the 1.: , I... 3% has been L_.n'h:'::diwuseion. we met from the "9071! the arrival of :1 Wu [ . N avers 1,41, t-rem-.d in. y by the volun-` in. M ` lrnurxingame will take it`! `ostockhnlm, where W. on the way to St. /...-. x.uanceuorship_ '3.-In. the House of-Cnm- `H Home Secretary, Mr ~ I 30 u demonstration (`X- 30 the 12th of July, ` :1 t` 2 I-J _ ways produc W I Inc `r uanunuc to transact ChnncelIorship_ "`.'--In. "nu-n A` " 0nl_;t.-he-U}-3-r-ime M ngenta remain-nll 0! Iulenccd to long periods tnluhinl. - ..-.-n - -' uibtfiuta and alter trial, and Ipulic `blieh phones and we dfgfldil Inicnl prisoners remain ahhe resolution was the niry then : respecting ) (.1 . Dni 1 their treazmem .\ IL L. , , - .._..--.-.--5 3 House of Cum- "The main cun- :-we of alfnirs. oftbgge -who ad the time If m:g.:.i 5:5; . -I._u I V-IEIDDILL g Ll uuoma... -List cvcig ch of thc I tin; way Von Bismsrck iL{r11. amendment * lab in conse- :ozhmillec to a. gentleman .`l I I data :