Kingston News (1868), 2 Jul 1869, p. 4

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T`uEtna Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLU g:5,15o,931,71. . I.naaA_: n:|:A :9` Kn ....._... `- - ~~ ' ` an Ofce-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862." Agent at 1cin};to; ` T March31, 1869. DE. 1; Kingston, March 31, 186-9. 01 Kingston, March 31, 1869. .'-.r-uvv d is prepared to issue policies on terms as r as the safety ofabe assured will permit. JAMES swurr, A ._-_- Boyz Assurance Uumpany _ _______ CHOLERA, DIARRHGEA, go 12!. RUREEIT ....._. . _. LIVERPOOL IND LONDON. MAXWELL W.S'I`R.ANGE, Agent. for Kingston 9--33. Clarence Htrnnt, 'l;he Emperor of Russin bu sent 1 5111111 eld piece to President Grant on which are inecrit.--`T ed the nurse: of his nriun victories. ____rr--J III] [.113- an public opiniun or Scam Interfer- l prevent the advertisement or sale of at medicine whatsoever. It is to be Lat the profession will continue to I unworthy the coudnct. of those of its who bv Llilllninl np nil----5-- V` ' ...... .. uuu Luunxeb. many medical : with me, and recommend your cam- alywill never prescribe a secret re- Oauznns Kum, M.D_. Powle, Chemist, Manchester. reon from` Na- V... __:., K -- - alurle Insurance. i569. `THEE? DAILY NEWS---Emma! JHLY 2. __ ....... nu sun 12011038 Of . communication received by -(where cholera had hnnn UILCUUJ. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. H103. KIRKPATRICK. Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet. Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders . Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites. II is not geqerallyknown that wool growing in South America has grown into such mam- moth proportions as it really has. Even the Auunlinn breeder: have curse for alum from lhil competition. 1: is reported on good authori. ty that the number o( sheep Jhorn there exceeds 70,000,000. The export: of wool to Europe and this country ~ amount to about 230,000,000 poundl. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, 8:. Lawrence Wharf I 0120 _ um -H Xg`e'nt, St. Lawrence Wharf. 1 RR!) :-s LNIQMEDICINI-s1. .111; College of Ltion recaivnd I. $24,ooo,ooo5 uu uuulllll being ab- ry lo the of ulljls ["0 1` N_.B.-'l`hia uid in I u :in honm,al|o the tub nu... uy nu Unemiels, and 3 street, Londgn. Qnnru, 16: ;, pi: pints, 43; glans-stoppered Imper tn strength, 16: per dozen; an 4| per gallon: bottles included. lon making 200 gallons, when water. See directions on on Recommended and and b; Sim_ondI at the Royal Vatarim dnruag tho lut twenty you-I. n n__vm.:- n_u - ....... mu,-ricuse [0 send eight gnliona more of your Disinfecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence thgt none have had the instan- teneourand complete effect of Sir William Burnels, end this too without producing of chloride of m yours faith- S. Smnnv, See. and Manager. Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Cannon street. This uid acts on the essential cause of di use by destroying the local condiiions of 1b _ osphere under which cholera. is most frequently developed and propagated. ' : In a house _ _, i- --_--e.-- _.-.....- nu-gnu up. News has been received that one of the mis- sing boats of the Blnmjnnket, from New Zealand, harm at Ben; has been picked up. There were only ouen people in it, and `no mention is made or the 4,000 novereigus which were put in the bolt when she left the Blue Jacket. -._.. V-uncu val.plUI.I 01' subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. 1 Sir W. Burnetlfa Disinfecting Fluid was the only Disinfectant used at the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Unttla Show in 1866,` by order of Her Majesty s Privy Council. THE fhi B` " `I -- AAII-J \JU|-AIUUII. The value of tho following lemuj from Manager: Any-I.-nhn-..I LLJI j,:__;_______ IR WILLI RM BURNETT.-3 DISINFECT- S ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouees, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- chuirs, eeaspools, drains. water closets,` stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and`the holds of ships; apartments for sesrchers, undertakers, and jurymen, and for post-marten: examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies", and for the preservation of V BE gross frauds which continue to be prac- tised by obscure manufacturers, more particularly in Germuy, by imitating the is- belsnttoohed to JOHN GOSNELL it 0o. s PERFUMEBY, rondsr it impsmtivs upon tbs Propridtors to CAUTIOI the public against such nefsrious proooodings, and to request thair friends and patrons to purchase only ofrsspec- tabla denials, who import direct from John Gosnell a: Go. ; and invite special attention to the |ddress- RED BULL WHARF, 93 Unit: Tunas STRIIT. - Jnhn nnlnnil I (Tn '.s Qnlnnt pnrPI1n:na - I1! AIIPLOUGHB PYRETIG SALINE.-A Medncine that cures Sea. Sickness or the worst form 0! Billion: Headsche in a. few minutes; effervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to- main- llain health. >When mixed with water and taken during the etfervesceace, it immedt stely blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those ssline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- inn II". L... .----L nuus as a. preventive to disease, as the nu- `merous unsolicited testimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its_portabilil_y renders it. admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical advice in assistance. .qn'IA -:.. M---~ -- ' uuvnzc ur IBBLBLIEOC. Sold'in patent stoppered glass bottles, price 23 6d, 45 6d, 1'15, and 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. um uw-uus weatner. In Jungle, Scailet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and uhereby rendered unfit to support health and lrife. il. has been found eminently benecial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a. preventive disease, merous unsolicited :ammn..:..i. ..---_-A- , ,_-- ..... ._,..u...u. Lb vuullzzl anu iqg lhe.hoI weather. In Jungle, is nninannrl I-.- :..r....:..._ --: L cnuluu lUl' l l'ldlJQI6l'ClJlBL I'l'lCB Z3 60. John Goanell at Cola La Nublesaa Perfume, 8 most delicate Perfume ofexquisita fragrance. John nnnnnll `I: an ID Nnhlnncn pnmap ale- _.__. ..___ _.... u... -_u uuuv uny-vi. Lover: of statistics will be interested by the nnnounuement that 57 chignons are lying at the police-office, Boalevard ilontmnrlre, unclaimed, undieveml dozen rpen1irs"-tbnt is, long cm-In, worn behind the ear. ` nu uaansruunul UUUUF, uuu II 6531!] appneu. John Gosnell & Cola Patent Trichoearon, or newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies the two operations of cleansing and polishing simultnneously. 'I"|-m Pnnnr M.-_.-1....-.:m.I r1|....:- r.... D_....L:_._ Bl-I.l.I ulilluluull . The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, nppiy to the Putenteee and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL 8: Co.. Perfumers i by Appointment to Her Majeaty,'1he Princess of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPER. Tnums S1-nnsr, late of 12 Three King Court, LoInbnrd_SLLeet. - 1 uuuuuyuy ul ull-ll, `C. Delicious with every known dish. its habitual use lncreuea the Appetite and pro- motel digestion. `IL in much esteemed tor ita digenive_ properties. ' an `"pf|(I`] nf its nu-15.. __J --I--- .,..-.. - u ` rs Il.'\tl ulvu As an assurance of ill purity and salutary properties, it is only necessary to poi_.t out the name of the celebrated nnd philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it. is compounded. The entire life of that dietin- guished men was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a nu. tion I lose. |.l!|...I--..|_ , I A` uuu I guns. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, 69, Lamb : Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Furringdon Street; Batty and 00., Finsbury Pavement. ll:-tlnil '1: ns......:.... rs _ _ - - -- ,,_, __.. .... an. wuluuslllllll LDB Kingdom, and every part of the worldr. Ask for The Sauce -Sp-ecial Export Agent.s-Eu1-goyne, Bu:-bridges, and Squire, I6, Colman Street, London. JIIIII DUIJLJ VI LIDIII U0 Uffllb I-EAZIB IDTIIIIT. I John Golaell ct Cola Select Perfumes: E35 Bouquet, Royal Yncbt Club Bouquet, Jockey Club `Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Yie- toriu BouqueI.,`Frnngipa.nni, Military Bouquet, the13ride'a Bouquet. ` Jnhn flnannll Jr r-5. : Briana of Wl1`nL Dan- I-[ID I-II |UVl l)\JIIl`U'I. John Gosuell & 00: : Prince of Wales Per- fume, a moat choice and fashionable perfume. Jnhn flnnnnll & n : Pu-innnan Alnuranrh-a.. n nuusu, D IIJUHF4 UUUIUU HIIU IIIUIINJIIIIUIU PUIIUUJU. John Goanell & Co '5 Princess Alexandra : V Perfume. a. moat choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal Highness. Atnhn n.......n 1. n..v.. n'......- rn....7m. ..... _.. u-`uncan- Jobn Goanell J: Co. s Upper TenTI`houea.nd Perfume. V - l ..L.. n---J. I. t1,I,,'v,,I,,, r-n I vs :- The Boston Traveller lays :--Pennsylvanin must:-eeede from her position on the coal que- tion, or foreign coals will ntrike I death blow at the ccntro of American protection. FI|I._ :..1'._; 'II.:_ ._ . I`: Z- I. Ullu1l.ll.'ro John Gosnell & Qo.'a'Jockey Club Perfume is in univerual request as the most. admired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 23 6d. 1.4.. t1...-_..n L (1- I- I _ u,n_n__- n r _ no unnn uuuuuw L on Jun: Ul Uxqtllallu Irrsgruuce. John G/osnell &: Oo. s Noblease Pomnde, ele- gantly perfumed, and highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth of the hair. I ,`|YII r1 , -A Lldll. La Noblesae Soapweateemed for its unequal- led perfume and. fine emollient qualities. John Gnnnpll AI: nn `-2 Vinlul and \.'IilluHmn- mu puuuuw uuu. um? eznoulenl. qununes. John Goauell 6: Co. 3 Violet. und_MiHeeur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- sery should be without. it. Sold in boxes at Sd ; in tin: 13 each. Ink- {1,.,.....I| I. n- )_ t`H_-_-_ rn,_.t_ 13 -. uu , Lu IJLIH JU UECU. John Gosuell & Co. a Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a. pearl-Like whiteness, prnteclswhe enamel from dech7_, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 13 (id each. Innljlninnnnmn Wain nu. . no.-9... la ....n.:...... ungunuuc nu Iuu Uruuty. rrlue 18 D0 9300. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain Lo produce any sh:-Ld`a`-' Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It. cannot possxbly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. JOIJD Gnall k (`.11 ,5! Palnnl Trinhnaornn ruv `c;,;\\ ' FEE`: 50 HE SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- `. under Soutltwood Stocker, trmn a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South: wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever El.,; Father of_Sani- tnry Reform; Medical Member of the first General Board of Health; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philolophy of Health, e. Deli:-_inna with an... I...,.___ . _L 1. .: -uuuuxy 1 nvculeui. Retail by (Jbemisu, Grocers, Wu-ehousemen, and others, tbroug we ff Thn" Sauna __.ano--5-' uunsil . Agricultural Hall, Islington, "Dear Six-,-P1euse to send ej ore of vnnr n:u;..r.....:__ n. .. _-_-. -- __-.-...._.. ruvviov-lull - The infant Heir to the Russian Throne. who was born a. few days ago, In: nlreadyzbecn ap- pointed chief of the Novotcherbuk infantry nginiennand his nntne inscribed on the regis- tanof lhd Preobrajensky end Pnvlonky Guards, the Lancers and Hussars "of the Emperor, as well In those of the Tirnilleurs of Finland and other cnck regiments. vlv_._ I-\,,, vs - `- Ilturnl Jan. 1868. Six-,-P1euse eight our n nd Without nu-A-~-=-- Ciazniets, at d9;`Canon pints, 89 ' half- s-stoppered Imperinl pintl, ex- Ga Etch ya]- 0 dilncd with roctions every bottle; d by Profeuor he Veterinary College, aid an-tninnouro for grant and rot in Ihup. and in balk at" OLUTION. uid is shown by the from the Secretary and mu, uluc-urn, Human throughout the DAPT nf [ha Ilrnnl-I _ .......u u. uau been a of cholera. subse- in `the four rooms lease still exist: and place. Two houses are sunnlied -an. - Itallian |......o . n. - .I..'JJ.V'l.LV\lq II -1 Aw-mus um rac- lore o. uch heir rec- ohn 3 n-r. Hic- net, er- >-vuwuu-- l~1l' -v 0 mi THE0RIGINI1\PgHL0R0DYNE,lnvmhd by B. Freeman, . one ol the grilte discoveries of the present century. Iris largely employed by the most eminent Pit and Surgeons in hospital sod private practice in all ports ol the world. `It has effects peculilr toitssif, sud which on essential- ly different to those produced by the vnrious compounds bearing the nsfe of Cblorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. [It rapidly relieves pan, from whstever cause, sl- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and gives sleep. with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshsxen position in the estimation of the Profession us the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientific Physicians rnsde Affidavits that the: have tested its cechs iu careful comparison wit nu-...,. nfhll (`.l'_l.IQ RRHWNRVQ {`.H'I'1]I2- snnscsutist, is allowed to In-= --.--u -nu I01 I priators , *3-reenter ; Hours. I well : Hum. Bstclgy bad So: '4'?-3 ~!*i'v': manna on . -' Near Buntingdun, 1nd., on Monday last, two noted eounterfeiters were captured by United States Marshal Boaaler, sgith assistants. For two years past Fort Wayne and vicinity have been overrun with twenty-cent fractional currency, IO nely executed as to nimnst defy detection. United States detectives have been engaged for nearly that length of time looking up th neat but not until within two months could any trace of it be had when a detective of note was en- gaged, and be located them near Fort Wayne, and then brought his wife to the scene to aasiat him. In time, and with caution, she commenc- ed negotiating with the gang for the pu" "e of their icounterfeiting implements ;_ termsrrere , agreed upon, and a secluded spot near Hunting- tomaelected an the place for giving them up. It was agreed that the detective : wire should come ` there alone and receive the plates, tc. Umcera werajtatioued near the place. After the eatne was made, the plates given to her, and she had paid the money, the ocera made a descent up- on then; and captured Joaeph W. Saliabury and Wm, Iclonigal ; one made his escape. Salis- bury and Ilcltlonigal were brought here and tri- ed before Cornmiaaioner Wheedon, who bound them over. and in default of bail they were sent to prison. These name plate: have been used for acute years, but could never until now he got hold of. This capture will break up a notorious counterfeiting den. ` `J In are renpoctly oantionod 13:11:: I 1 mild In that Ln 1-o_og _W1-upper. Label. Lea and Purina. `l`l:o Public orthlau imi- snd Porrini Bani. -.-J wv uropl or Ilngonu. K A more gnnt tinting cannot be_hnd. _R5 will nd llngenta, Vlolet n _ an nnu rH:EBIN8 WorcouterIhire This delicious Condiment, pronoun: krnnoiuenn The only good sauce," 2 _ Izod Iololy by The \ ororupoctly olntionn ---I-- - ---" ' ....uumu.u11'1N|.z`: Mag Orange ; pour I few dz add warm water; use ` Borders of-books, aimila Arabian Nights, Jzc. BLANOMANGE, mm} Inn bm run - / PAPER. and WOOD STAIN: OAK STAIN: A `bottle of N half a-pint of hot water. SATINWOOD STAIN: Av Canary dissolved in - -=~* PHOTOGRAPHS m dye ; a pint of water. kc. ILLUMINATING: ran,` . nnnu A I`- - - - -.,.. . mauve, violet recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Hagen : Orange. Dye in Warm we WHITEWASH: To color: . or Rosa; add half: bottle 1 then stir in the White Mauve, Violet, Purple, 8 produce pretty tints by n: more. as directed above. STARCH: Stir ins few drc Mg.-unnbn Il- GU. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract ` quickly, ifapplied in boiling water. BLUE : For laundry pm-po_ses is A 1. BOOK EDGE-S: A Sixpenny bottle of m vinlnt f`-=--- d _ __ _......... nuuluulule. A mxpenny bot- tle will dye 20 yards of Bonnet Ribbon in 10 minutes; it will also produce a clear Rosa Pink by using less dye. Suitable also for Woollen Goods, Feathers, Silks, kc, WUULLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Purple, Orange, Pink, sud Crimson produce the most satisfactory results. Use nlsrge quantity of boiling water in In earthen pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them with soap and water to avoid creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot water (a few drops oi the dye is suicient for one feather). COTTON: Hnnvn V;..:..s _-J "- ' on ma uye la suici I Mauve, recommended. The opening of the Sun Conn} is postponed _to Ibo 15th November, "in order to give the. Canal time to make its toilette." __ __ _,.,.. ...... auuu.lo urn impossible in this small space to enumerate the many_ uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- cy of lhe result. being,indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. MEMORANDA. MAGENTA : The strength and beauty of thin dye is almost incredible. A Sixpenny , min.nrnn- is _.:n - "'i~':'..`,;1;.T.'E'iI$}.'2'ZE"r?3E3I,?}z .eo: Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREEMAN`B URIHINAL CIILORODYNE." ' ` nun u I. L) 1 J11 nn 1 ruuxu UI` uul-urlu UlBII1lBC- K, tnnt puries, deodoriaes, andfdiainfects, by the agency of nascent or ozunic oxygen,-its "active `principle. Being entirely innoxioui, this uuly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purpoaeg. lor which all other disinfectants, on nccountof;their/poisonous or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and useless :- Detccting organic impurities in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or-- ganic matter, lend, &c. Frnalinninn Olin nirlnr nlnua TLIAI14-an ......l ___..-_ nun use: N.B.--Condy'a Fluid is the Standard Scientic Tea]. for Organic Matter in Water. And nffm-da' the pnly kqowy means of rapidly and completely To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted fluid with "Candy's Ozoniier or other Spray-pro- Jucer. IIl\`Yl'\`7I(1' -E . 1...- Vun LUILIT l'lJIlP08I8,) Removes from the mouth impure In: mates and odours, whether arising fron or other causes, and coulnternctslhe and morbid secretions of carious teeth. ties and soften: the skin, And, used in tends Lo: promote a lgealthy same of cl body. `II `lnrnvvcn - -- -..u-5 -u-u U17 U.` nan: on u-I.:..L WIIH UUIUYUUIIIU. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 18th, 1866, states, II. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and fill a place. Mnnnf'nr-fun-ad hv Oh: Yn11annv- R3:-hart` Fran- Wlllllv uuu LIII H plans. Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kennington Park Road, London, S. "l`hn nmnninn Inna nncnmva nn tho flnwnunvnnnt Buuu; lulhcf, IUIIU, GU. Fres.heniI1g the air of close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. (1 . . _ _ . _ _ _ -.2_._ AL, ,1n ,. n - . vuuacl VIIIAJFIIZB. Preserving and restoring the freshness 07 but owctsks.-pt in water. nptrnvinnr II... -1 `L- _.--V: - - t or IVIBY DIICILIPTIOI . Executed neatly, cheaply, sud expeditiounly at the DAILY NEWS ..VOB PRINTING OFFICE. uuwulwlsupb ll] Wllef. Destroying the blight of the potntoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tuba, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating cf- lects of bath! and tube. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying. ani- mal virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. {MIA unllnn .....I.-_ nan . ....- -- 1 Jvpsows SHIPLE .)YEs FOR PEOPLE. Any oge can use them ; thing can be dyed with them. It is impoa this alnnll Ann:-n on ------- ' IIIIVG `C8500 IE3 CIIEUIB Ill CITEIIII Clllllplrldll WILU those ofDR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHDORO- DYNE, and deposed to the facts that they lound it. a more certain and reliable preparation, l and greatly preferred FREEMANS. Earl Rmuuall nnmmnnirmtpd tn the Rnval Col- llllu KIVCIIUIJ PI CICIICI` J` .I.II.'JlHlll41.L`Qp Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- Iege of Physicians and-to Mr Freeman. that in llunilla. the only remedy ot any use in Cholera was Cblorodine. mu 4 l1-J:--l rn.-...-_ _-,.1 I1_-_'u- 1'__.--_.. 1oLL IIUI-ll Irululn Counteractiug the etfects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing wbent and other seed from smut. Maintaining the health of plants in pots and conservatories. D___....._..__._ _, ,1 , . . _. - . Kr uuruca, uuga, one. One gallon makes 2001.0: for use. kfn A u. __ , __ ...-- ullll-lUI' :LANOMANGE, JELLY, com: FLotin ICE GREA'IdS,&c: Wm 10 in I liquid state add one or two drops of Mngoutn. simple `or alegn nt be had. EONFECTIONER5 will find H---=-~- "' ' ' `ELLLLV WUUU 'HC3;?1? i."x's"cl:'. d.` IV.I\.Il.L nuuna: A Bixpenny bu ta, Violet, Orimaon or Blue w a pint to a quart of beautiful cording to shade required brush. ' DADDN ~ ' ' "- Magenta, Mauve, Vic these impart delicate &c. . _ , , . ..... [Thin is by Montreal time, from which deduct 1'24 minutes for the diifesnce between Montreal and Kingston timo.] "1ONDY'S PA;1`ENT FLUID or natural disinfec- t onus ......:l:.... A...-..l,...:-.... .._..Jl.a:..:._L_._ L, .L , ll`-`lif- CONDY`S PATENT \ 5 OZONISED WAT!-1R- (FOB 'rou.rr PUIlPo8ls,) Olll Ihn tunnel. :...._.., _ __- I drop of dye will tint a quart; Cotton, Silk or Wool in the r. y-was -uu VD. drops of Colour- nve, Violet, Blue or Pink; delicate tint: to Lace, Linen, VINGS, Ivory, Bone, Seaweed, the dye >li_ed boiling water- STAIN: Sixpennv bottle wed in 3 pint of boiling water S may be tinted; dilute the II` bottle of Magenta to a & 3: Magenta, Violet, Blue, drops into an egg cup her; with: brush or pen In, similar to Ward and Lock : 3, &c., m y be prettily illum- manner. H. BOLLMAN CONDY, " Patentee, Banersen, London. nun n UULIIO 10 3 pl Whitening Blue 1. using an ad above. , -nu-III. uroua Ind Black- I _by_ Soul, London; 8c.- ' rs and Oilnon nnlnrully pei ~-Can 8 day at 12 M. n-1I - and loreign arising from mi-u-on _, .--.50]: in, I IOICI `Ha I Water. `o Magenta, for Pink [fa bottle to a nail 4-.5`------ -_- _......u. nruun mem ;er in. n jam Violet and Purple are Magenta, Violet. and arm water. _........- nu-a vuv nrnwuou uf It puri- n, the bath, znlthu -9.4... .1 .L_ _,L -- 4-.-v' -:--Ilv TU- nta, , ' l nvmd or-Aaunn ---1 ""l""" ll"-I IUTCISII ` from tobacco Lernnta ' 0|... :-.:a-.:A.. xpott, hy the Pro . Oroue Ind bnl. Lnnth ' "` r 300 gnllons adapted N: Ditto. No. 2 Black to ---- Trninl arrive sud depart from the Kingstoli Station is follow: : - _...._.,...u.u, nur 'lDK n to pail of water, leninu -I15 """`*` the}: :5]. is impossiole hflfh tin: I-nan.- the bath will according to ` .._- -- -v -vac], g `as usual. and crimson { one bottle or an vuc Ulllvll the whole THE ; rarmlnerl. Prize lfednl `awarded for Purity and` Excellence of Quality. London and Poria. BROWN WINDSOR BOAP. PRIZE MEDAL HONEY BOAP. pnznur sunnowna on. `SOAP. GLYOE_RINli soar , - Also in Cartons of 3 Tdbleu L ` Pomadu, Ron and Violet I-`oId ou, 00!` V meticn, French I _Lsvondor Wow, Cherry '1`oothMPutn, Limb J nice and Glycerin. . ;IIi1l.:ver1 duoriptinn or-prapnrnioll 50! `V I o `t . He- -a Burton-. hrbls -d 81-iv` '* : Trnuaus an sAL_.'r, for pmaucig 1 real Bea. Bath in your own Room. TH above fdyonrito preparation in strongly recom- mended. ' . Sole Prop:-ia_tors-'l'IDllAN '8 ON, Chem ms, 16 Wormwood Street, London, E0: -\r.nnrv.'- - A ... .- .-. ;Per Cunard and Bremen lines, every Muu_1 _nnd Tuesday respectivi-ly at 5 1 .Jl. DR. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., _ Author of the Spain 01 Germany." {" Dr. Granville; has found that Dr. de Jo:_:_gh a: Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the deated A effect in :3 sh ' ' often consequent on the administration at an __,. _. .. EDWIN CANTON, ESQ, 1?.R.G.&, Surgeon to Chang-erode Hoapitil. ` For several years past I have been in ho~hu- bit of prescribing 'Dr. do Jongh`s Light-Broil C_od Liver Oil. and find It to be much more e-` cacious than other varieties of the same meilicino nbich I have also emplogadwithg viewlotd their relane adperiority. - ul Inn 000 pa1e`oi1." aumng me so make use 'of.J Liver Oil. I have been we} effects, and believe it to be: tted for ti_aose`ca.se5 "in 3!: ` substance is Indicated." ; uuve n-equently P901 suiting me so make LiVGl' (HI. I "Ia!-rag In--- ----._... .......,, uuu or xoame in A state of organic combination, are` the most remarkhbls; It is, I bi-Iieve, universilly acknowledged` that` this oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I hava no doubt of its being a. pure and unndultentsd article. ` __-_-..... .,.....u. u. neuuug, ma Unier Annljat to the City of London. In all cases I have found Dr. de Jonglfs Light.-BI-own Cod ; Liver Oil possessing the same set of properties, `among which the presenpe of cholaic compounds, and of iodine in state Colnbill- Ara` tho rnnao -.....--La.|.1-~ ya. 1.4411 n.rsa"1'n, F.R.S., Coroner for Central lliddleaex. 7 I ooniider that the purity of this oil is leclltb ed in its prephrntion, by the personal Attention of so ggod a chemist and intelligent e phylieinn as Dr. de Jongh, who has also written the best medical treatise on the oil with which I an "ac- quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver OI sold under his gun:-nu tee to be preferable to n.ny bt`ber kind as regards gennineness and medical e-1 cacy." [ cac;. SINGLE COPIES of the {Inn Nlws may-`be had at the counter of the publication ot1ice_ Prin- cess street. Price three coppers. ...1pu:_._I- ..4..:,_ _. .L. n___._,_,., lfedicgl Oicer to` the Poor Law Board of Gm: Britain. ' _ ` " ' We think it a great advantage that than is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is uninriully admitted to be `genuine--t.h`e Light.-Browh Oil supplied by Dr. :19 Jongb. It has long ben our practice, when prescribing the oil, to recontmenl this kind, since. amidst a much VII-infv ...L.a .... ---` - I ma, EDWARD snrm, li'.R.S.-, I vuruu1u_I.y,_ we DIVE IEOIJEGEDCG ill its negs.-(Extrac from Consumption: ggd Bemediablg Stages?) p-nun-IUI=, Wuell PFGDOIIDIIIQ I0 0, I I'0( since. a much variety cert.nin_l.y,>'IIe have {condence id ne5B.-(Ext.rnc1: {mm ur-m..........:-.. . SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. sm HENRY unsn, Bum, 11.9.; Physicinn in Ordimry :9 the Queen in Inlnnd. I have frequently prescribed Dr. do Jongh : Ligbt;BrowuCod Liver OiL- I eouIider`it'to ho 3 very pure oil, not likelyto create disgust, In! 3 therapeutic ngent of great value. _:-- The L. 8. Pub. 00. also publh . The Farmer : Guide By Henry Sleghens of Edinburgh and the late I. P.Norton, of ale College. 2 volt. Boy-pl 0;. tnvo, 1600 page: and numerous Eng-nvin PRICE-87, for the we volumes. By the post paid. $8.. .' uuu uy we prnctxcnl test. or auccauful e ieni for twenty years in In part: of the world to be, beyond all qnestian, the purest, cious, the moat pghtxble, And, from in: rapid curative effects, the most economical ofalllzindm Hence the universal celehriuv nl n. .1- r.....n.:. the most silica-l .....u-ye euecul, we most economical of alltindm universal celebrity ol Dr. do Jonglfl Oil, and the unparalleled demand for thid nurt- nlled preparation. 9 I-I-lL Un TERMS FOR 1869. Funny one of thefour Revigwa For any two of ..he four Review: For any three of te four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Bla.ckwoo'd's Magazine - Pnr Rlnnkwnn and nnn Dani-.. I'\.II IJIGIJAWIJUII B All 5'51".` For Blackvood and one Review For Blackwood a.m1_two Reviews F01-Blackwood and thee Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews - u C '. rornarq TT When aunt. by mail, the Postage to any pa:-1 ofthe United States will be but Twgn fo ~. Cent; 2. year for " Blaekwood, and but Gent; 9 year for each of the Bekviewa. _...V. -(..r..... fsiugle copies 0! the CHRONICLE AND Nnws, containing the news of the week, may be bad in wrappers fur misiling. Price 3d. each, ssued every Friday. - nvluuvrlus Ituuwuu rules, VII: The North Britiah from January, l863to Do- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh Ed the Westminster from April, 1864, to De tuber, M 1866-, inclusive, and the Imulon Quartcfly for) 1865 and 1886, at the rate of $1.50 a ydar for ,ench or my Review; `also Blickwood Io? 1866, for $2.60. THE` LEONARD hscorr Publishing po., ~ ~ ' 88 Wa.lkardItrae_t,ll.Y. 8. DE JONGH S LIGHT-BROWN D T LIVER OIL. ' ODD DB. DE JONGH'S Oil in convi ` 1 by an overwhclnxjngwreight of he:icc!_:lguyupnonw'e:' 8nd by the prnctxcnl test of auccauful iegg IWBIIKV UDIJIS in I nnptn 1:` AL. _-_I.| 4- . -_-_ puulurucu U us in nut: EIIIDB style 8.3 hefaiou _ fore.` Thoee who know them and who have- long subscribed to them, need no reminder,- thoee whom the civil war of the last fe ye. had deprived of their once welcome auppl ofthg beet periodical literature, ll beglld Io hvg them again within their reach ; and tbme who may never yet have met with them, will inn;-gd. ly be wel1_pleuaed to receive accredited '1-epon. of the progress of European science ind Iitergl ture. ` x - An) ' ' BLACKWOODB EDINBURGH HAGAZINI (Tory.) : " ,1-VHESE foreign periodical: l.l 8.l'0g1i]g|,'], 1.. ~ published by us in the same style hereto- fore ; and uh... 5---." ,Subac1-ibers may ob-t:i:bnck number-an at tho folloiring reduced rates, viz : Th North Rfflinb Ft-nrn ,Tnn.un-- 1naoin_- UL, mu LONDON QUARTERLY (onserntlve was EDINBURGH anvmw (Whig)_ . run WESTMINSTER nsvmw (a.a;.,.;,_ THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (rm ch. AID ' nt Ali-wlnnnnn t:-rnunn-nan .-. _. DR. BARLOW, F.R.S., `-ggnior Physician to Guy s Hospital. I have frequently recommended personqcon-_ gltingime use -arm, :1. .r......;.:.. n...- L`:-----_. 'AR.DLis.`Y 5. 08! Pan-fnmm-n 3:05 1.!!!- %--4:-_ BRITISH PERIODICALS, .. ; nave use emplo` ~ miperiorisy.` j_j' u.sJJu_lI.l 5 UH. Fl Perfnlnerl. Prize W I.Ild' Etna---- __ _ ----vvl mu uuuu lallllil I73!-Del.` es mi cause the nausea. and * co ns,eqnent admini; ail. * - OONTAININGVALL EN'l'EB'l'AlN_I'NIi_B1 ' " '-xv-2 5'-HIE BIUIP QUICK III I llrl. Medal awarded E``'""3 0 Quglity. I II-HUI. l __ . . L! Fancy Soap Makers and Inn nail Q 3-anion. 4:15 p.m. A-`IK u waumenueu persons ml!-_ of.Dr. do J ohgh 3 Cod well satised with `it! has A van: .-....... ..:| I _-I'I --.-- --u-uucu null 13 I be a very pure oil,` well nrhich the use ofvthc `- vv-JG]. nluu, unu Ill sea. indigestion too administration of the T Addrss: .., -u u wvuuuuall uriety add an-. in in m....:.....` genuine-`A nuihrly Close. ` Arrive.. llutern by 6.1` R.dn_v trnin12:40 PM. 4:45 PM. Western 3:15 " 2:15 East and West night trains 9:00 7:00 A.M. n uv._nn ......_....V. . _ A On. _QaIago, and the Gompaiy Propellers .m:'rtI1'zr`z'I'N`e\, Otpe Vincnt . - A. ..,AI. on varaivgl of; Olwogo, meeting Gran ` elf nnd`Bay of Quint LIX! `I-IIITF Holy awn '-~ III mll Lettu- Travellers and Postal Guldc. gr ski-5 *.T-Ir*z.-_.-i-'1"f'1?%`,-'2: *1` ,...p;ea) nt 3:15 4.11, 11: [.I.. 9 A.l., 11 A.M., 1 PJL. ,1 PI wnbnmsnnrs and 1-: ' 5`xs_T}iTFrT"1F?T. _. _ -.-.-awn. \J IV . ,0-_`?'1I11IoxI.:v.A 8`:`1::.q_n,_, I ; V! ab _ leave` Kingstdn daify II 4 A.H.~; (5 ;c1rrY 01-` ..o Buuowu, I ;_lI1L' relumn her trip: A 1`! dual. HIM. C. Inn'- """"l|5|'-V1115 and If *` VTNG woum ISEAN I P.I.,. 3 El. Ind 7 RH. (1111):- ya. FEMALE DETECTIVE`. AMONG COUN- TERFEITERS. and mu * -u L ' ` W` IIIIICIII I V (I g or `u. _. 5 Iii`Ba'nlo).' tad I084 A ~ V. gl Uper-ca -` ` nlmpt`)-ginsen- , 41 . . . . . ~ ..w `.mmn:1'.:. . . . . 1 . oaurrox u. (3_0BlN_1'HIA_N.. i `Eat the Sienna-.en nr :H`St. Lairrhce Win. u: Torohtomnd H M-xxoepted) an _ ; _E_ALF-PAST ` of V N Avery liiing. ` , B, touching at Clay u . _ -U . I. ' ,T'~ Ferry. Wharf, foot ($1 % A may 31, 1369. 3 I FK113.-{mE7s'ix1G`,-J U312? I-IL. .4. . .."..`0_ MHl:A1U*.`. ;`....~.g ` _--___ .. AI..:_ .4 __ um-, .=`-II-. connecting 11' trains from the West '3iIIIer, meeting they! miwaqaggnd tbf N {mi 1 ilwonz .....'3.`. w".'.'. `.:V:fxpRI:sA: bhsxsrme of an splen ftf}:$L ` H '1 V `.1, Line __ ...-... ... ...,. .1 stunt, and will leave IAV nun Ininnv _. .W 1`ER'l`U V H1]-339: -u`.l)c T.|nil1_n Nrw. PIEBBEPQE nbovto Has in comp` ..L.< T- i';':'E7`A- x'ex;`.`.'-.':?. a `> Hauling for `R. I`Dn'nln\` and -rnu _N_amzatI .Kl-NGSPUN POST OFFICE. LNITEI; Sflfgs nuns. |ll'I:-u eouaun. ' 1:30 pm. Kiled trlin 2:45 km. 1:50 H II It 3:15 it , caugle IIIT. 4:05 min. I Mixed train 10:00 n. 1n. n 70.4` . BRITISH MAILS _ u steamers will be closed every in"- , ,_-- ..-.-_ -_--1.... -an Tan Dcxl or K915317303`: CIiL'l3l.-Au3tl'a- lian paper: state that His Royal Highness would leave New Zealand in May for Fiji: and after- wards visit Tahiti and Ihe Sandwich Islands. He in to reach Japanin August, to vigit. China. in September and October, Singapore and Pe- nnng in November, arriving at Calcutta before the and of the year. In April, 1870, it appears, . he purposes to be in Ceylon, at Iauriline in May, the Cape of Good Hope in part. of June and July, and at St. Helena in August; _-- An old author quaintly rem-irks, Avoid argu- M men! with ladies.` In spinning yarns among ailku and satin; aman is sure to be worsted and twisted. And when a man is worsted and twiuod, he may consider himself wound up." \Y_-- L-.. L--- _---:__A u.-. -_. Ann w----. It II I ICIIOUI ought to be encoux-Aged, We Ilmll. not ovulgok oonsilqutioni of blood, :1, In IHlIs.o(ch_up1.,. agony.-d-J. 1 . 1'1... ._losepl1~ Bawden, TTORNEY AT- LA 77, Solicitor ` Chancery, Noun) Public, &c., 33 K scregt, Kingston. nu. unuue I Street, Kingston. August 6. ________&______. OFFICE REMOVED '1`U KING b"l`lUL"l' NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY" BOOK STORE. .....u. uxsqn 1 nunu In 1 a-at-LAW Solici- tors In Obaucery-Cbmnbera N05. 7, 8, I 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. Luna U'R.E1LLY, (2.0. | _ Faun: C. Duran. ______,;_______________i q---nnnus tlj-'Ill.7\V, BARRISTER and ATTO RNEY-I veyanoer, kc. Oice Bagot E door south of the Britixh Whig Ui August 1. ' `lbs lending` Chinathen in California hnve ukod Congress to secure protection and equgl rights for Uhiuuo emigrants, sud also that the suhlidy to the Ohm: Iteumahip line ohnll be in- cnued, so Ihu semi-monthly tripe may be mode. We leun from n gemlemna who has re- cently arrived here from China, that there is lnrdly any limit to the number of Ohinnmeu who on ready to emigrnta to this country. We got our hundred: of thonunds annually from Germany and Ireland ; but we on get our mil- lion annually from out... It is I lerioug Guido! hovfnr they beencourngud, -uunullu 11` ; Utce-C1urenc.e Street, Kipgstou, C.W. J. P. Gmnlaannvl. L.L.B. | RICH. T. WALKIII. llucdonald, Patton as Mnchar, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LA*W, B Solicitors in Chancery,` &c. Ufces-i8 Ularenra SL, opposlte the Post Utce, KINGSTON, C. W. Joma A. MACDONALD,Q. C. ` Jums Pnrou, Q.C. Joan M. .`.I.:.sHAB. Kinanmn _Tnri v IR \Vilkls0n an Reeve, ARRI_STER.S AND ATTORNEYS-at-LA/,W bolncntors, Couveyaacers, &c. C W .0!-`i"[CE.--Sou&h West corner of Dundee and East Streets. | Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A, REEVE, M. A. County Orown Altnrmnv - April 23 .... ....._, .uu..u,u. in nu: BIIJUIIUTELIOD OI [DC town. Mr Barr0w :5 account of the progress of crime should excite the erlmiiation of our roughs and burglars. He says it is fenrfully on the increase. Ruhberies, mur- ders, and suicides succeed each other, and ulthuugh the police are unwilling to make known the exact gures, it is supposed that not less than fty people have been murder- ed during the past year, some in broad noon-day and in frequented places, and about twelve have destroyed themselves; these latter belonged principally to the better classes-genemls, colonela, and young ladies guring on the list. On each occn- sion the suicide wns effected by means of a revolver. Tne police, about seven in num- ber, are in every respect ineicient, and are constantly in a state nfintoxicution. , ,,,r .___._._..`..-u. Tin-: _ni::Lr3uTs 01-` A RL'SSIA.\` TuW.\' -Mr Cnnsul Burrow, in his report on the trmle and commerce of Kertcli during the your 1868, status ihat. the market prices have ris- en in every item, the necessaries of life be- ing in some instances double the amount; tlu-_v were sold for last vear. There is one solitary little bank, which refuses to change a Bank of England note. though ready to lend money on it for interest. and which is content at the close of the year to show a balance on the credi: side of some'hing less than 100. The population shows It mark- ed tendency to increase, but the number of murders, suicides, and assassinations keep ii. at par. There are no public works ex- cept the lmttery, nor are there likely to be any improvements, as nobody seems to take auyiuterest in the amelioration of the progress .I.'.' Lord Stratford do Radcliffe, who took an ac- tiV 8 part in the recent dbnte on the Alabama question in the House of Lords`, is in his 82nd year. He commenced his public career 61 years ago as prrcia writer in the Foreign Office, from which subordinate position he gradually rose to become Secretary of Legation and Minister to the Porte; snhsvque-ntl_V at Derne, at Washing- ton (from 1820 to 1823), and nit Madrid; uni nally again at Constantinople. where his con- spicuous participation in the complications that" -culminated in the Crimean war made him cele- brated all over the world. He is I cousin of George Canning. and was raised to the peerage in 1852, since which time he has become the greatest authority in the Lords on international questions, pu'ticula>rly concerning the Eastern question and the United States, tux; um--m;_;c u-_:vuuu.:ru. At last. ne had to choose between paying a tulerably large sum in roubles or having his old uuire dc cuur expased. The General thereupon lunk 8 middle cnnrse, and caused the allur- ney nl the injured one to be arrested a lav or two before the ceremony, and to be kept in close connement until the knot. was fairly tie_d. The gallant officer is to be supersctlecl; and the public are looking for- ward to an interesting suit for damages for false imprisonment. rr,, `- lean Grant, Elliott and Whluhend are said to be unking utiafnctory progreu on the luv section of tho Imercoloninl Railway whic they have under contract. The whole extantoh their two aoctiona-fty-one milu-ba.| beenf cleared, and 3 good deal of `it grubbd and fgndod. Work on the other sections is also going forward at I rapid rue. "I"bu-. Q......:..L :_..__-I- _..- .5 _,,I .v -_,_n .__ ...-._ _. - ..-rug I-\uI The Spanish journals are circulating a curious report, to the effect lhnl. the Prince of Aaturiu is to mnrry the English Priceas Bntrioe, nlndy nf his own age; that he is to be King Ind she nnnnn nf Ru-min_h...'...- v-_|._u_ _n_.n:--__A, ------ in-nit aquatics: ; II UCUU I-7'-Il II3C' E IEUJ in`! his own; Iyto Queen of Spain--Doimu Isnbells nbdicuting-l and that in consequence of such 5 very propi- tious alliance, the British Government will restore . Gibraltar to the Spanish monarchy. This is ,auch g very romantic non of arrange- ment ihst we should not have alluded to it if we were sure that those dyuanis and diplomats of the ancient West could renllynnake B be.-Her 0118. ` 7.. ._- _._..__.....-u... A bill to pruvent gambling on railroad trnina and a'vnn1|v(mts has been passed by I the Connecticut Legislature. The railway tratlic returns for the month of May, 1S69,shnw that the Grand Trunk earned $736,917, against $646,824 for the corresponding month 0f1868, being an in- crease of over $90,000. The Great W'es1ern enrncd$20-1,658, against $280,992, for the corresponding month of1B6S`. . 4-.. A poor fa-llnw having with rliiculty pm- curml an audience of the late Duke 0fN(*w- castle, told his Grace he only came to soli- cit him for somutlaiug towards his support, and as they were of the same fnumly, both being descended from Adam. he hoped he should not be Iefuscd. Surely not, said the Duke, surc|_v._ not--there is` 11 penny for you ; and it all the rest of your relations will give you as much you ll be a richer man than I am. D __,_r-- -- -Vvv- : There has been a singular scandal at Moscow. Acerrain great vlcial (who, among uther duties, lugs charge of the fire brigade) I whcfwns very anxinus to conclude 9,. matri- lmnuial alliance with a rich heiress; but lfnnnrl r-nnailmrnluln .l:-` :_ ._.:_.|:_-,, _,, uuuerswcvc an Walkcm, - BARRETERS and ATTORNEYSM-LAW, Conveyancers, Notaries Public. Rjclmrd T. Wulkem, '\VOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. IHr-n_f`.|..nnn:... Qo_,.-4. 17:, ,, r- --- u u. u. I! ILJAIOUN. W County Attorney. __jjfj_{._._.__ John Mudlc, 5A R. RISTE R, Attorney-at-Law, ac. Utce opposite Post Uf reet. Kincralnn, J Kingston, Ja:i y 16. u :ou.:u:u1, UUKUEUH Reqidonee Hnrrovomith: it-) RcIlIy an Draper, )AR*R[STERS,ATTORNEYS-at-L AW Solici. Ob&[IC&l'V--Chamber: M..- n ,. The net rcsult of the French elections in, in bone of 290 members, 213 prepared to supp: the Government, 77 to oppose it. Of that position, 42 are refonnan, 35 rcvolutioniala. `V. I|ga3'c, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Convey l Kinoatnn D In ; n.uLn1ul'Al'h Kingston, 0. W. Gildcrslccvc cl: \Valkcm 9 I)Dl'Q'I"l.1`l)~.` .._.:I Avnrru-um.`-.-... . TL J nines Agnew, FED gm-l A 1Irnnnun.. ma ArT6'RNr:Y.'at-LAW,oou- kc. Street, econd 5 Ufce, upstairs. -at-La./w, Conveyancey, Post Ufce, Clarence . ---- -9 II, &c., PORTLAND, h u '7 ` Couveyancer, &c. Dec. 1. uununuur m c, King Non.-'l'be Profession is turned against in. ferior, ucrot, and cheap compounds now in the market. Each genuine bottle bean 3 Inc. limile of Proprietor : signature on the stamp outside. { ' LIQ. OHLOROFORIII Co. on CHLORO WITHOUT PEPPERMINT. Sole Ihnnfnotuux-at :-A. P. -Towla, Chgmg. Hsncheuer. ' ` The, mixing mill of the Amexican Powder Won-kl, rt South Acton, Mast, exploded on Saturday night, when John Gray, one of the employees, wu ten-ibly` buined. _ .. --._., vuu uuuu-uue ul H1088 OI IE8 members by testimonial or otherwise aid the disposal of such things.-Lancet. TOWI.E S CHLOBODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. From Dr C. Kidd, Author of Standard Works on Chloroform. Sackville-street, Piccadilly, London. Sir,--I think if..yon would advertise your Ghlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat. the others, which are eecret com- pounds, out of the market. Many medical men think pound, bntiwill medy. V M.D. ` To7Mr Towle, ' A Surgeon from" New York writee:--l only requires to known to be nppreciateg. century. In dierrhcns, colic, ngue, opening, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause more joy than any other-"article that can be nuned." 11-: lIL_ 1-: D nu UCUIUI uwulcln hoped that pl br.-sud as unworthy u su _ _ __ -------4-Il\4kI\Jl.I. 1120817811 Dy him from MBDiB- (where had been graing fem-fully) to the effect that, of all remedies tried, Chlorodyne was the most effec- tive. ? The day seems as yet, nnheppily, far die- tant when ence will any secret whatsoever. hnna fhlll H... .._AA'-~--' ` .. __...., uxnltnl :EAR[_. --RUSSELL sent to. Physicians a. communica ch eife wan urnu. I uulnlusu By the combination of the Iran or Iodine Willi Cress Seeds in a state of germination, they are united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. -The in-itative and stubborn mineral has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of aorbed by the blood without injury to stomach. Agent for England and British Poeseasiona, E G. DUFHESNE, 79 Watling Street. May be obtained ofall Ohemists. .__..- _____.;___? -Phmn|x EIreA.uurance Company OF "LONDON. CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. . ; PREMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $2,0'19,896. ` Funds deposited in the hands of the Goverment for the security of Policyholders. ` All rs risks carefully surveyed, and the rate of Premium made to correspond with the | risk assumed. I A IlI'll'I (stir:-- v\.nn.DAVll Lhlllllhg I-)ERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- ties lne Emperor of the French, the Queen of Spain, the Queen of Holland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and H.R H. the Prince of Wiles. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Coid Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the I-hm: I,...'.,.L:..r . cuuunes not me Ulycerine Hundkerchief. Eau de Cologne. All the above are carefully prepared for Ex- portatjon, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. 96 strand; 128 Regent. Street; 24 Gornbil], London. 17 Boulevard den Italians, Paris. An analysis of the rolls of the British peerage shows only three peerage: of the fourteenth cen- tnrynwelve of the sixteenlh, ofthe sev- eleenlh,' ninety-ve of the eighteenth, and 233 ohhe nineteenth. The new patents issued since Earl Grey's accession to {Shower in 1830 the 163 in number, and of these 123 were created by Liberal and 40 by Conservative Governments_ Ann-I VII! D. SATIILLII. CH_AIu.1:s Wmson` President. Secretary CASH 0APlTArL .. .. 31,000,000. AKE AND RIVER RISKS taken on hulls and cargoes at reasonable rates, JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, March 31, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. gm. nnlv Losses paid in 50 years, .:-- 'J1HlS Company has been doing, business in Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal settlementofevery fair claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of :59-000.. _ 1...! ' And low th 1 DR.-;IC'l`UR BAULYS ORGAN. HD1118 T 1USuI':{nc:T0;11p:1ny T` . .[\ ew `Haven, Conn, fscsu. Etna: Insurance Company of llarlfurd, Colin. L. J. Hsunnm, E. P. Donn, ` President. General Agent. ' INCORPORATED IN 1819, 1 CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSETS $5,l50,931,7l IHULL AND CARGO RISKS to` and from Inland Ports on favourable terms. , _ ,_ , .. .. An--- ,___4 A ' . uuu nnu unuuu xuanb to` and from _H._ Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid In Canada. Currency. J A rung .sm7n.~m A ....... Home Insurance Company of New - liuven, TI Q._...-.... Z--II. Leg-ouve of the French Institute relates lholwhen he once threntened 1 little damsel tho: ifnhe didn't behave. properly he would tell everybody he knew, the ~child responded: "Well, lhnt dozen`: trouble me. And pray, why not T" be sited. "Because," replied the precocious little philosopher, "there are a. great nanny more people that you don t know, and they will never hear anything about it I'

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