Kingston News (1868), 6 Jul 1869, p. 1

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gun VI u. G. M. KINGHSRR, Kingston. A-n.-. nun: Faun -- ./.0-umrclnel " Dunlap. .- ` of the nbove Linefwill `, Wharf, too: of Johnson ' .x...... .. A'.,_ .Capt. J. J. Morley, n J R [Ail Capt. of Stv:1n1c1's. ed of the follow- I(`lllllCl' ; Ibectfee of_ ._ _- -L. I _|-, .Kgem, 1LIJIlkV\JlL`\ Z3! ln3:Iut ` b under. Leave Kingston T1 ' nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, \ Leave Ganunoqu` on Wedne, days, :16 I'l.1'1l. and 8 p m For Freight or Passage-npply x |p Irv: `I shaIlTu|-Iher develone T1111: isu gar-( i Have arrived all 0. K. 1.000 begs FAIHLY FLOUR, 500 barrels F_AMjLY and XXX FLOUR, 'B.)ugbt before the rise, the prot: of which, sbauld A Flour edvince,- shall be EQUALLY DIVIDED between myself and Customers. xNow. ere you satised?` If not, you are as I herd-hearted and as barren of gralilude as the 3 Scoich Bavcbelor who sued and recovered ve i shillings from a girl of eighteen for kissing him. M Oh, Bleddyvrars, had be ever heard or read of 3 Ireland. - - `FUTURE OCCASION, Which is _the best articla for imparting softness and gloss to the hair. Juno 2 AN Assortment of Skiffa niwnys on hand. 4 Work leaving Kingston to be paid for be- ore being sent out of the Estgblisbmeut. "AT. Tf`..|n-vn..o~___D..u|:n- 2.. ll'....--..I .._. N01`! TCAUTIOU:-Parties in Montreal are 3 otfering for-ssle Boots purporting to come from ' my establishment. As I hue no agent or per- son-nnlhorized Io sell for me in that city, buy- ers are cautioned against bargaining with any I one there for my boats. IUAI: ucllls BPII5 UUK Ul ILIIS EASEIUIIHUCUEUI. II I\7I'V FITIII l LY fob, nu ONTARIO STREET, kmasrux ONTARIO} 11- It Stephens, Proprietor. T , -_ - Trusty Porters in attendance nt_ Railrond Depot and Steamboat. Landings. Uct_ 28. REYNER% ORGAN 8:. MELODEON i FAc7oRv terms. Nil}.---One Pony and Light Wag` . for sale. I go 1 DWVNRR SECOND T0 NONE. All who have mate L to appreciate a first-class Hair-Dressing use :1 ln'\, Ia- I `VOSIQIILNGING 2':`.u I IIl\:'AlI ` ---- '*" Foot Ringston,.'. . 19! April 1869. mmlimc fE"coAL man I 0IlIce-t. Lawrence What , I Foot of J ohqsog Street. Bus, b_lu, I Im MUSIC STORE. the very henrt of the Lucluwanu. Valley, Scranton, Pitntpn, and Wilkes Bar:-e,fxom the best. selected mibea, Ind is prepared with great care exp:-only for Family use, and will be ` screened and delivered in the beat pouiblo co .- OUB-Oml in Pure Lucknwann, being mined in June 28. June 3. II-lvvrvvu` gilion. I1'iii5a.' ` " Ben selected Soft Coal for grates eonstnntly on hand; I130 Lehi h Lump for Foundry no and Blouburg for B ncksmirhs. - --.... 'n..I-u- Delivered in any parto! the M. () GOR;\IAN, BOAT BUILDER SIMCOE STREET, Kingston, my 6, 1869. div!- Octeber 21,1868. -- WHEN Y0!) GET YOI}R HAIR GUT, AVE it dressed with COCO-GLYCERINE 1 Every good. Hairdresser is supplied with it gntuitouely for the: purpose. June 3. . _--`` 1 Lt` AYIW ND` Sent to any part of the coutry 1 ecutedjwith nctnea md ' Pimrrma ex ly News oice, Princess deqpntch at tha Dui lrnggg - Kay 3. DEPAIRS of Msical Instrumenia neatly exe- |, cuted by Practical Workman. INTERESTING sumcr COCO-GLYCERINE B U R 1iz`17:F*Eb`fr E` ' ` ` ' 7 ID with the` kind permission of my friends and the public. shall merely ndd now that 5 Tin-cc: ot McBride : celebrated ` PlEl{Rl*.PUN'l`, C. Eu-'c:Llv_ Juniour, Ma _'\[|1\y(Il\VfI n-- - ' ES'l`Ir3`I.AI.SbIED 1847. -Cured flams and Breakfast Bacon ~ TORONTO FLOU_R STORE, Prinbesa Sweet. . M. Moiiiilsox. .___.________._* SINGLE COPIES of tho DAIL Nnwa mu; be` had at the counter c L.=--.:.... nmm- Princess street, pric 8% KING STREET. iburg Blacksmiths. Ouh. Delivered TUNERS THU BTIAHIIR --rnnl P`3-`dlellpply on board, 0- M L'l\Y.r1I`n\nu ONA Gananoquc Route. .1--- . --~-..--' -unaucl. 20 instant will run as Kinmnnn 'l'.......:-_- nu: --5:: supply on no-am. of 1 G. M. KINGHORN, Foot of Brock Street. I IRRQ AND 1 REYNER. 1 Kingston, a uni rm to utuiill III expedition than All orders for II --.I 1.4.. l- JAMES SWIFT 8 CL; nuaunul Wlll fll anon Tuesdays. Wed- -`lidnys, at 4 pm. Wednesdays and Fri- [180 in may V-.......- V- , Princess price M. 0 GOR&{AN. Master. DA(II-Y A. . I..- nnnnfar nf ' on reasonable Ont. veri (`ondys Patent Fluid or N: 3 lmlnrectant. CALVERTB Carhollc Acid Dlslnfccllng P0 In lb tins at 20 cents, and 1 lb tin 30 cents. ever prepared. 11 is delightfully perfumed, and entirely free from all irritating qualities, while it combines the virtues of both its constituent ingredients. As a benutier of the hair, Cocq_a- Nu; Oil has long been highly prized; and Gly- oerine, according to Dr. Hasaall a analysis, en- ters into the composition of every popular Hair Restorative. Prepared by V SPECIAL AND 1MPOT`ANT.NOTlC T0 CASH cusmmsus. 3111391024; LL, ..`.1..21.?E.z -n-IIA\IIUL`hl uu_wn uvv, Anlllauuvllo ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Customera for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In nln:|nrv lfra nnnr\I1vIOa (`Au I-LA man` -.u._ AL- L.-._\J A. A4, IV)e;l;1TlT1`l335Is and shoes. No. 36 Princess Street, Kingston; 1\'Ic`.QYDIi`~l rnnat -na.~.n.~oC`..ll.-. on n|......I- L:_ __ caucuutus uvc: 1` AL` Anna 1 nnna In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogeLher, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense, Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BOOTS and SHOES of unrivalled manufacture at the lowest nemunerative prices on strictly cash terms. Ilnnair` a.r-nnnniu I-renal I-an anlfln `av-|Iv|t\4`:nIn uu uuI\.|.|J Luau LI:|I.u:. Unpaid accounts must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise they will be put. in suit. I The nah-nnsnrn nf nnah nnummn.-a an; L , |J|.|-JCIVVIBC I-UC: WIII. IJU PUB lu Hull.- gf` The patronage of Cash Cutomera so; \licited. `I I Inna 1"l('\1'\1l P IICT Ski`? Fin-II ` l`HE remarkable success which GARDNE R S BAKING POWDER" has met with since its introduction here warrants an increased de- mand. It. can _be obtained from most of .the leading Grocers in Kingston, and atL1nnufac- turer's prices from Messrs J. CARRUTHERS &: Uo., Wholesale Gro-"era, Ontario Street, and also at Messrs W. R. MCRAE & Cola, Kingston. II` .-.... ...|..n. cl... hnnn LLIIAIZIKII CANAIHAN l_0MlNl0N DIBECTDBY. BL UICEBLS IV. IN. IIIIJIUILIH CI: DU. 9, l\lLl53lUl4l. If you wish the best "BAKING- P0\Vl)l:`.ll, ask for GARDNER S. `:'ll'l`|'| 'lf'\ \.IA.lIsIA..n-Inna-` -- v.~-...--v- Fun 1870-71. HE SUBSCRIBER proposes to issue in SEP- TEMBER, 1870, if suicient support by SUBSCRIPTIONS an- ADVERTISEMENTS ..._ L... ..I.a..:..-,I on nnunnn aka a-nut nf Dunhiinalinn guDa\_;n,1.t1,1uuu nu-u. l1iIuIunLAIJuuL1u:.I1.I..J can be oblnined to cover the cost of Publicauion, -. (1AlYA`f\lA\Y I`|{\\ll\TlN' IRl1".(`."l`RV KINGSTON. a UANALHALV uumuuuu |Jl|.I.|y\.J1\Ju.1, comprising 1be.Proviuces of ONTARIO, QUE- Il|i`l. NTIVA Rr`.n1`IA, and NEW BRUNS- tnprlslug [E18 Jrruvluuru Ul uuxnxuu, gun. BEC, NOVA SCOTIA, and NEW BRUNS- WICK ; to which will be appended the Pro- vinces of NEWFOUNDLAND and PRINCE nnnv. nn I-or Ann *1... n:ngnInnu A11 r-nu- VIIICOS OI J.`D|VVl'UULIlJuA1L1aJ nu-u suanua-4 EDWARD ISLAND. The Directory will con- tain the Names of Professional and Business Men, and of the principal Inhabitants in the Cities, Towns, and Villages, together with a. large nrnount of general information, including Alphsoeticsl Directories of Post Olces and_ Pustmnsters, Banks, Governmental Departments and employes, Houses of Parliament, Law Courts, Educational Departments, Custom Houses and Oioers of Customs, Ports of Entry, Tariffs of Customs, List of Patents of Inven- tions, Canals, Railways, Railway and Steam- boat Routes, Benevolent and Religious Societies, Clergy of all Denominations, Registrsrs with their Divisions, Newspapers and Periodicals, &c, &c. ; also, Statements of Imports and Ex- ports, Revenue, Expenditure, Trade, Population, &c.,&c. - 7% be Corrected to Auoust. 1870. CARBOLIC ACID POWDER In bulk and for sale by the lb. o June 9. And for sale by all Hair-Dresisers in the city. c., ac. To be Corrected August, 1870, The CANADA Dmnoronr for 1857-58, pub- lished by the Subscriber. contained the Nhmea-.of the principal Inhabitants in 1,339 Cities, Towns, and Villages in Upper and Lower Canada. The CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY for 1870-71 will contain a. short description of at least 3,500 Cities, Towns, and Villages in the Dominion of Canada, and the Province: of New- foundland and Prnce Edward Island, together i with the Names of the Professional and Busi- ` nabs Men and of the principal Inhabitants. - runs or annscalprxon : Dominion nfanadq suhacribers $1.2 Cy per copy United States "do. . - $15 Cy `` Great Britain and Ireland do. . . 3 Sig `J France, Germany, the. do. . . 3 Sig " Dunn nli lnvl|1'l'Il.I`H(l will be made known CHLORIDE OF LIME, COPPERAS, .ynLCu JAMES HOPE. Kingston, 22nd Janugry, 1868. ' France, uenunny, ac. uu-. 2...") mg ~ Bums or Anvzrrxsma Wlll on application to the Publisher. Nn lfnnnt to be `Ddid until the Work {I de- application to me rucusutrr. No Money to be paid livered_-This notice is given for the reason that unpgncipled men have on several occasions cguvnssed for and collected moneys in advance, on account of Books which they falsely repre- 1 d as being about to publilh. 5el:.Df.-.316: rhnairnnl-I of nidimr ill SIB Publication amuuaws Bgilfe POWDER. ."'-I-JI March 20. O HCCOUDJ OI DUCKS WHICH tun IDIBCAJ Lvlgn ` seated mesa Persons desirous of siding the of the CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY for 1870-71 will please send in their Orders for |SUB80RIPTIONS and _ADVER'I`lSEMEN 1`S (let. T 3` TI ! ' Gardner : cough ne. Advertllemnt. -.:-- Large lot of very ne Honey at gure of 12] cents per lb, 1:: uruumm THE BEST AND MOST AGREEABLE 1 De uuullueu nu uuvcn um uual. u: L uvuutauvu, I CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY ._-_:..._- .;... D.......:......s no` n\1'!`ADIn nmzu 1:. WIIlTE .a Dune srumx, cean-efrsiams OHN LOVELL, P1-in!er and Publisher. 23 sud 25_St. Nicholas Street, Honlrell, Hny, 1,369. : E` '1`:-yiilardnel- I Baking Pow- .' vvuus pct AU. R. WHITE, Chemist and Druggist, Princess-st Disinfectants : G. S. THOBART, "I\`I'I'Vn-- uuieyx Honey: llalr lyresslng .5, and tins at Ila Princess Street. Naiurul ?owder `l the low W Fcn1:-sU:391:cuMPLA1NT. DIARREKEA, DYSENTERY AND OHOLERA Or any other form of bowel disease in chil- dren or adults, | ._rr-..-.. ..-vuuavu. `Butcher ; Llglunlng, Fly-Killer! Death to the Living! Long live the Killers! Sold by Dealers Evcrywheu Z Is a sure Remedy. The pt-otnptness and certainty wilh which it ucls, in relieving all kinds of pain, make it emi-_ neatly worthy its name, PAIN`-KILLIIB,--a mam easily understood, and not easily forgotten. A3, in curing Cholera, it shows itself master of all the minor forms of that disease, such as Cholera. Mot-bus, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Diar- rhcm, arc. ;` so in controlling Diptheria, and other maglignant disesses,-which it has re- peatedly cured,-it asserts its power over all the milder and more common forms of these complaints. ,\l _ . u an _` Obtain only Pen} Dhvis Vegetable Pain- Kl let, all others are cpunterfeits and imitations. Price: 15, '25 and 50 cents per bottle. W Perry Davis an on, PROPRIETORS, SIR JAMES CLARKE S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. 7l`HIS well-known remedy is to imposition, but a. sure and safe remedy for Female Diicultiea and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and though a. powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. Tn Mnnnlnn 1.11511: '30 In nnnnil-.-in a..:o...l . :L uuuunua uutulus u\.|lt!.Ul IU I-uu l.JUl.IIlI.Il.l.l'|.lUl.l. To MARRIED Lmus it. is peculiarty suited ; it will, in A short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. ' ' Tn :11 I-nun: n6` MIAPWIII1-H and Quinn] A #`_u.on..n Pclluu W|I.I.l |u5u|q[1| - _ In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Ahctions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lownesa of Spirits, Hyaterica, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, there Pills will effect. a cure when all other means have failed. I'l'||...-- I"):II_ L___ ____-.- L... L__._._ n- 1- -II \4I:IIU Ivucu ll-ll Ulyl.lUI' Luuuurs HHVU IDIIOU. I These Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the 2nd page of pan- phlet are well observed. , Par full nn-Hnnla.s nae n n.-....I.1'-o 6`.-- -5` Dl.'I`Jl'lA'|Ll LVULLUII. Sir James Cla.rke e Female Pilltaie exten- sively counterteiled. The genuine have the name ofJOB MOSES" on each package. All others are worthless. u D n..- .1,.n _ ,4; inl -__.- l'_- ___.-_,- VILIGI II IIIU IVUI |-UlCED- N.B.-One dollar and 12; cents for postage, enclosed to NORTH ROP it LYMAN, New- castle, Ont., General Agents for Canada, will insure a. bottle of the gauging, containing Fifty Pills, by return mail. Sold by all Druggists in Kingston, and medicine dealers everywhere. IJIVI DIV WCII UUUUI VC\l. P For full particulars, get a. pamphlet? free, of the agent. ' crmnr n -nnrnnuw Owners of Horses Rcjoictng. _ And why not 7 and who knows but that their horses are rejoicing as well ; who can prove the contrary? But their owners rejoice because of the astonishing and almost miraculous effects on their horses of Darley a Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. Some were lean and poor having no appetite ; others would devour their food ravenously, yet derive no benet from it; some `were hide-bound, with rough and shaggy hair ; others had severe colds and coughs; many had the heaves and other com- plaints peculiar to horses ; on all it operated as acharm, the disease or complaint was speedily removed, the appetite and digestive organs cor rected, the skin softened, and a sleek and shin- ing appearance given to the coat, all without any danger to, or preventing the horse being used. Remember the name, and see that the aigmm :0 of Hurd 8: Co. is on each package_ Nt rthrop .&r,Lyman, Newcastle, Qnt., proprietors for Us .1ud.._ Sold by all medicine dealers. `\J.L` KJIJLV 1 LLEL L l\l.LV LJIIU 5IUi'l.|. principle. The gystem of innitesimal doses of medicine diffused in gallons of injurious stimulants exploded. All useless material dis- carded. The active principle only of the most powerful and eicient remedies known. concen- trated in a small convenient form. Flusrrlnl. CONLSTII-`ATIDN Gonzo. All diseases othe Stom- ach, Liver, and Bowels permanently relieved by using Dr Oolby s Ann-Cosnvn AND Ton-.0 PILLS, Sugar-Coated. Recommended by the Medical Profesion. .-avg: vv u-nv efforts of certain vendors of Liniment to \1\./\./A.A~/st uuayvu vs; `-7- decry JacoasRnnuuA'r1c LIQUID. Wherever in- troduced, it drives all others from the market. Pain positively annihilated by its use. We have not room to enumerate the virtues accorded to it by the thousands who have used it. No medi- cine ever invented is capable of more extended application. It has hundreds of imitators, but not one BIVAL. Beware qf Counlezfeits. U Those who have no" hair may hive it. Those who have plenty, may preserve and bean- tify it. Those who are losing it may have |ita Ioaa arrested. The hair strengthened, benutied, restored, by using Hutu-`a Eupmn Hun Gnosa, cheapest, cleanest, best. Don : rest till you have tried a bottle. Sold by all Druggista. March 25. June 8. The Great English Remedy! lI"| A . ._-___- New I`t'yle. Important Chpnge. A REAL ELIE REBTQREB AID DRESSING combind` in One Bottle. --_---`rs. 11'"-' 111719 UUIEIIIIIEL LII. VIII 805510: MRS. S. A. ALLEN S -- - -saw: `wicif-IIh'I'DC`IC LVZQTKJU &IU V .-..:.-.a-_-.:-.- - nun: iazronnn `Will Restore GI-ay' llalr to it! Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is 1 most. delightful Dressing. It will promdte luxuriant growth, nn.1.nu1 Ium in immmliatphr elm-.Im1_ It will promote 1l1I11l1l-nl. growuu, FALLING mm: is immediately cyecked. III. S. A. ALLEIPS ZYLOBALSAMUH, cavalier trrfaraan /or (It: Has`: ,- clan and traufarent, willwut udineut. It 1': veryjimlc and aa pv-minus provider 1 results. It: great .rupr;'or1'!_1 and canal} as a a:'rDr::n`ugovcr lzigi 'o:!F_rau:k Panda it about dlzrallnofoxlyiuat lath. : Europe, he 4-tarer axd Zylaakbanuu .r not `I and one with we otltr. son: in AILDRBOCIIII. hopriet .S.B..V D I.Go.,W'ho|euloDngdnI, \ 35B"ueI:y 8r.`:lnd [ak Phol. New-Yout. Batchelol Hair Dye. This splendid` Hiir Dye in the but in my world; the only true and perfect n; [hagga- laau, reliable, instantaneous; no disappoint- ;.a"`a:."'..:.'q `UCCESS begets envy. Hence the , nH'm-rs nf mu-hair: vnnnl-II nf Linimnnt In PAIENB-KIL'L_i.'.-.'R -.. _ rs EONCENTRATLION The great. nu-inninln 'I`I-an nvnlnrn nf hunilnairnnl \r_LA-D TIDINGS FOR ALL.- - _|__ u____ __` |.-:_ ___ 1._ _. .'g Beoial Notices SPECIAL NOTICE.` .- l"I..-l..J.. I:`..___I.. 1):]! Nature s Crown. You Must Cultivate it > GRAY mm Is a certain indication ' of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL IIAIR, EVENING. JULY 6., 1869. " `I Montreal. ment ;- no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill eecta of had dyes ; invigorate: and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all,Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batcbelos Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. Twenty years experiencein using Bry- an's Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most ecctnnl remedy for coughs, and irrita- tion of the throat, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will find. them most benecial. The entire freedom from all deleterious ingredients renders Bryan : Pulmonin Wafers, or Cough and Voice Lozenges, a safe remedy for the most delicate person, and has caused them to be held in high esteem by all who have used them. `Sold by nil medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. had absconded with securities valued at _. from the house of Hachette and Masson. ' able you y to America. Here they are , -go and get yourself hanged c-lse;where. . great emotion. On M. Mende inlorming A German journal relates that M. Meade, n._banker of Leipzig, received, a iew days back, a registered letter from the house of Haclietteanrl Masson of Paris, for whom he had for some time past acted as agent in Saxony, announcing that their cashier 2 200,000fr. The writers added that the de- linquent was known to have taken refuge at the Hotel de Prnsse in Leipzig and cn- * joined M. Mende to endeavour to recover the papers without too much scandal; that in case of a voluntary restitution they had compassion on the wife and children whom the culprit had left behind, and were therefore willing to_ advance him a sum of 20,000f. on condition he would take him- self off to America. M. Hende, thus in- structed. Went; to breakfast at the table d hote of the Hotel de Prusse, and observ- ing a gentleman whose appearance corre- spouded with the description sent, lost no time in making his acquaintance. A sort of intimacy being soon established, the stranger asked M. Mende for the address of any banker that would discount some! bills for him. I am a banker, sir, and will do it myself, said the other. The parties then proceeded to the ofce of the latter, when M. Mende locked the door and said to the stranger: You are a rogue. You have stolen these securities Your chiefs are, -however, [generous men. Restore all the papers, and they have com- missioned me to hand you 20,000t'r. to en- The conditions were. of course, accepted, and the other left the room apparently in the Paris firm of What had transpired, he learned to his great annoyance that he had been played on by some artful swindlers, as [Iachette and Masson had not lost any money and never sent him any telegram on the subject. SYMPATHY FOR T'[IE CUBA:\I INSUR4 REOTION. ~ The New York Sun nds great diiculty in reconciling its sympathies with the cause of the Cuban insurgents with the action of the American government. This is the way it expostulates. In it nnt `nnninnaanf 4|-n can Hun TTHN-an-1 `I:h;:)a;Wu.11p1eaa.nt to see the United States playing the deteqtive and the police- man in behalf of Spain`? `I - :L Salk` ..L.V.1-:..._ L/\ ....,. __ A_.__:___ n, LIJILLI Il.I UCIJBIL Ul KJUKIIU 3 Is it not shocking to see an American Re- public aiding a. European despotism in ct-uh- ing out with bloodshed and conscation a. people who claim nothing but the right of levying their own. taxes and making their own laws, independent of European dicta- tion ? ' 'r.:- ,,-1.1 1 I n _uuu I It is said that in capturing and defeating the recent Cuban expedition, the United States authorities had the active aid and constant cooperation of the Spanish Consul at this port, a.nd"of anumerous band of his employees ; and that the Consul also furnish- ed tug-bouts for the use of United States of- cers in their campaign against a. few hun- dred Cubans and others who desired to go home to Cuba. and ght for their country. Will it nnf. ha ru-nnnr fnr nnnnn-o'au um}-nan UULUU DU \./LID: uuu Ilgli IUl' CD311" Counry. Will it not be proper for Congress, when it. meets, to inquire into" the circumstances under , which the servants of the United States have been converted into Spanish agents `I And into the circumstances under which a Spanish Consul and his gang of spies and roughs, and his paid steamboats, set up the pretence of enforcing the laws of the American people? Iii: ani that. gtv |,"Il'\lI(`lEl" Anlh... ml`. IIIU &1.l.LlUl IUIILI PUUPIU I It. is said that fty thousand dollar: of 1 Spanish money has been expended here in putting down this last manifestation of the `Cuban revolution. ' r gum be nlinuof U linuuiittm re, for onoynnl vncgeomua-3 Fahionable people in Paris have taboped railway travelling this season. and are wander- ing over Europe in their private carriages, III,._ 'I'\,_# .,__ `l1_ _,_ _ , rn ' "' f""l'V 7* "' 5" "" '_""'B"'7 Tnn: Porn AND RELIGIOUS TOLERATION. at -:-The`New York World says:-It. is told in of Pope Pius (who likes a. lively speech as ;i. much as a charming air in music) that m when-the sculptor Tndolini recently exhi- 3 bited to him a. group of `St Michael over- throwing Satan, his holiness commended the sculptor for making the fallen angel, and said, `I see you believe the devil is not so black as he is painted. We hope the Pope s worst theological enemy will be wil- ling to say as much of the Pope himself, on reading the mild and gracious words addressed by him to a distinguished citizen of New York,-. who with his family was presented to the `Ponti' King, a fortnight -ago. `We had our interview, writes the gentleman in question, `in the cnnsistory of the Vatican. The Pope looked well, bright-eyed and active. He was gracious and almost voluhle. As you have often , said, so now I think, that he has one of` the best, most benignant, and, at_the same time, intelligent faces I have ever seen. He spoke rat in Latin to a professor from Bonn, and then made us quite a long a ech-longer than usual they tell me-in 17?:-nch. He was glad to see us in Rome. He asked if we were all Catholics. Hear- ing we were not. he said. `that is no crime in my eyes. Of course, I wish you were united with me. But when one does his duty and follows the precepts of our Lord, g be is with me. I am no conqueror of king- 1 dams, or general of armies; and when one ; adheres to the laws of God, which can ea- I l sily be done by whosoever wills it, he is my conquest. He then gave us his benedic- tion, and blessed for us a great number of rosaries and medals which the children had in their hands, enough to supply the whole congregation of St. A1ban's,l after which he retired with the kindest, cmost fsgmal smile which I ever saw on a nmn s aI- - 1%. W31 1.'lk'6 theface of a saint in one it, sin; nnnhnA"a ninnuan 7 7 ' E9` SEE LAST PAGE. EIEESDAY EVENING, JULY 6. Anus. ;o [Inn {Ina Iuuyaulil bf Raphael's pictures. mm Elailg Nsmsf SWINDLING A. `BANKER. ( THE HOARDINGS OF THREE GENE- RATIONS.` ' Au. A A ; . _!A-- -.-n.-. A J.\lL1 D.)- An occasional correspondent of the Man- chester Examiner, writing from Moscow. tells the following strange story :- The Dresent vear nnnruu-n fn kn --- `-r was a simila U u I ABDU- In a small village near the town of Pol- tava, live a couple named Sidor`o', resident for many years in ihe same place, and con- siderably on the wrong side of`50. As far as can be ascertained they have always lived in precisely the same fashion as their peasant neighbours, from whom-they are in no way distinguished. Neither husband` nr (Inn rllnll no uv-ion f\.. .. .L._;.._-_._ ... uu V101 umuugululniu. LVGIEIIQT DDBDSDG nor wife can read or write. On a nmorn- ing in the latter part of last month, the cashier of a Gnvernrent. ofee, in Poltava, was surprised by the entrance of a man and wornan---no other in fact, than our elderly {friends above mentioned-cloI'.hed~in or- dinary sheepskin frocks, which bu_f_g_ed out over the breast, as if covering `a large bun- dle. The pair came timidly up to `lho:ot- cial s desk, and the following conversation toolgplace : - ` i PeasanL-Good morning, father; is it here that they change old bank notes for. new ones? I'\I-_I._ 1'7 uu I1 ULICD I Clerk-Yes, we can give you some of the new issue if youlike. How much money have you got ? - Peasant--How much? Ah, my father, that isjnst what Icaunot tell you, for I <.l0n u knuw lIJ) SC1f. - Clark lllltrhlntl-\_ TKTAII kn; __-_ --~ uvu u nuuw L|.|_\ ~`5L`1l. Clerk (laugumg)-Well, but fan can makes. guess, surely. Three roubles, or ve or ten? ' = D . . . . _ _n. 11-. -- - -- n.|v\J UL I-UL] I Peasant--No, more than that. My wife and Ihsve been counting the hates-.2511 day, and we haven t got to the end;yel: I Clerk-Well, let me see then_1._ Each of the two strange epplicantsheaped upon the table an enormous pile of tattered greasy bank notes,many of which appeared to be of considerable antiquity. 0 The ex- perienced eye of the cashier saw at a glance that the sum was a very large one, and call- ed in several of his colleagues to assist him in counting it. Under the hands of these practised reckoners thelask whichhad oc- cupied the slowngered peasant for 3 whole day was speedily completed, and the sum total set down at 86,000 roubles, or nearly 12,000. This unexpected discovery na- turally made a grea: noise in the town, and of C0111 :-`ta `Wm: nnr. lnnn in .1... ...._-l Lurully mane a grea: noise J!) the course was not long in reaching the ears of the police, who not unreasonably saw some ground for suspicion in the possession by an illiterate peasant of a sum which in many parts of Russia would Be accounted a considerable fortune. Sidoro was ac- cordingly called up and examined," but to very little purpose. To all interrogations on the suljcct of his wealth, `and, the way in which .he had become possessed of it, he replied persistently, My grandfather saved , it, and my father saved it, and I saved it." On being asked why he had not made some use of his treasure-which, indeed, would have suiced to gratify any wish which the Russian peasant is capable of forming-`-he replied, very characteristically, What was I to do? we are peasants; the money's been there long enough, and there it might stay. ~N0thing being discovered which 1 could insany way conrm their suspicions, the authorities dismissed the capitalist in sheepskin, who returned home" as if no- thing had happened. The next day, how- ` ever, he again presented himself to the as- L l l tonished cashier, whose4houghts had na- turally run upon him a good deal during the last 24 hours. 'r|AA--,,. I`! LLIU ICIDII Q : hlill-Il3u Peasant-Good morning to you, father ; do [no one more liftle favour if you lplease- {`.|l.II'lP_W"`I`I'? nuke} nnnu I-n-nllni.-0 tY-_.. rncnou. ()lerk-Why, what now. brother? Have you got. of bank nptes for us, or did we count the last. lot wrong? pAnannt._N'n it": nnl: Hun!-, T nnln --y-..o_ Ill uuu we uuuulu ILIU null: IUI. wrung! Peasant-No, it : not that-; I only want- ed to know Whether you change gold here as well as notes.` -3. t`\I_._I_ rI__n__:_I_ , _- -17, - I`! bu VUIEII. no uutv. `.' Clerk-Certainly; we change gold too. How much have you got? Peasant;-'l`wo chest full. In short, the entire sum possessed by this illiterate labourer amounts ` to at least 190,000 roubles, or 26,000. Russia is often called a strange ountry, and it may well be thought so when we ndthere com- mon elrl labourers possessing nearly 30,000 in hard cash, and, with all this wealth, still living on black bread and cabbage soup, dressing. in dirty sheepskin, and passing their life in a stiing hut. crawling with vermin,` and measuring about 12.t. by 8ft. Such a sum, put out fair interest, would "have out its owner possession of a princely fortune by this time; but the great pgincipleof making money produce money is one of which the Russian peasant has yet to learn. EL` T02 Mr J. B. Piper; formerly of the county of 0:- ford, writes to the Inge:-aoll Chronicle, Irom Kansas. He gives a fair account of the fertili- ty and resources of tho country, but concludes -Fu.`mers who have comfortable homes. out of debt, and who can provide for lbeir children , I would not advise to part with thel: hone! in Canada for this or any new country. In____ l'II_;_ 11'_.__._ 114, n -u .1. THE Two HEADED GmL.-Bome doubt having been felt in regard to the. existence of the two-`heeded girl, the following ex- _tract from a letter by Miss Kate Field (daughter of the well-known Boston pub- Iisher) addressed to the New York Tribune will be read with interest :--1fter her, the Siamese twins are is mere bagstelle. Miss Milly. talks, sings, eats and drinks with both mouths, both craving for the same thing at the same time, which in somewhat. expensive, to any the least. Still, she can live by feeding from one month alone. She walks upon two feetfor four, - and I heard her sing nduet shout the "sweetest rose `of colour, in twoagreenble voices. Mine Milly has no need of it part.- ner in dnncing. She is eucient unto her- self, end T. B. Aldrich, who,being'n poet `. is indisputable authority, declares that ; Miss Milly is twice as interesting in any` i other woman he ever aaw-indeed doubly attractive. We will reduce this thunigcm to a. poem in the Atlantic Jlonthly _f_oI' J11`!- Miss Milly is never at I lou torooctely. ill" aarnueh as she can convene with two peo- ple at once ; Ind when .nloue_._i1ndD_lgeI 1!! playful dialo ue. pike _,.tho iqnnhtr of mercy, Kile Elilly in tW10 P101054: 7}: '3 from the beginning, has It not `D08! no asserted that two heads Vmpboturgthu -_- O1) CUUIlIC\J one `P - __ _ ---n Va.` A-IJIJLIILL `_ V` A uebec a ' rs: :--We hIVe'i., putqin posselnsaen ofycho particular: amusing though exciting scene, the mountain gorges north of the Luke 81;. John, some thirty miles from"; bec. Our pages have`m`ore thgnaonoa witness to the successful e'arts?.iot Revenue oicars in breaking I; the n _ oua small distilleriea cone bbouk * bec, to defraud the revenue. It in" these adventures we are now called chronicle, and which, within 0 very tune, happened in the wooded [=- North Tewkesbury, on some land! - - M ing to the Seminary of Quebec. Let~uI_ ` through the minor incidents of u = ~ ` , march of _E_xciae oicers l[--- and ..__.--I -_-_.-_,, .... wuuau Inllul Let-M through like mum Excise armed with the (`majesty of the Over hill and dale, clearing and.` have they wandered for many lop` but to no e'eet; and atill *thd.l'- ` lion is too circumstantial to be ill I still of large dimensions the dark all Tewkeabnry must conceal. Tiled, ` and disheartened, they sit bank of a lively trout atreaIn,a_nd,_ council of war, whether they)! any further. In the midst of ' reverie, big}: I the sound of an M their ear. Up they start, and to ascertain what human beingfeo found his way in this howling a few steps more and they efalne view. of an Indian wigwam. i-In seated a nartv of n.I_.... 1' .u....u mu way In mu nowling fail cine M ~.[n5 it party of etehnrt I _ just returned from scouringb-` rent for game. Whnt if the; V command the red-akin: in Q i_ of the Queen to aid and `assist the .4 enforcing the law of the resin. ` ` which means the. Great `River, coming the Mighty Hunter ' the names of two _of these big en professed their readiness toy ' lawful mandatee of their Grant ~* ~ _ the Queen--huI inquired whetllhr ` would be paid for their trouble if-t siated to vindicate the mnjeaty of On receiving an airmntive reply- ed such ; wer-hoon. such as vu Aoucltlus nu BlIll'I|1IIlV8 war-hoop, such n gnttnrnl yell, that the have reached the. distant, l Lake St. Charles, and mute Gnhnnl; Mons. shudder in their wi " conne seized his long an V Oda Onio` brandished ` bollhr -h ` and tomshawk. The Indimn-will their example, all yelling with; cal delight, and, the `awn. disappeared through the w flu of the Revenue nloars. use a. profound silence was enjoin ` , - olcer had informed them thnt,-I not only to seize the stills but also the smugglers at work. `After: trudge throughhe thickets-thd` came in view "of n log shanty of M smoke was issuing from it my high inrthee ,air_seemeq1 to connect a neighbouring waiter-(IL V `The then` seemed certain of their-pray. dian oered, it all the _ ` / themselves `in the bush_,Tto go` and of the grniunsed to distil; p" . he wsson snicienblv 1-Iianmd 1:..- ...-.n=u Ll ". us send 1 Ipufjg an, on reaipt cf Tuglll" k -""* or we gnunnsau to_ ditil`; ptd! " sufqienblv friendly able to get-woods to they still Indian ingenuity to_sbstr_ag:tg;_ pe ivedz In 3 trice he did i in his hand a handful ancing stcnlthily`-the'whol6'p s ` ' ed the shanty. Soap`. In` an was heat-d,and brandishing $116: the savage hunters rushed to t s ; ready to fell, kill and scqlp ` resistance was offered. Marv effect of the onslaught. "I'he~ cers, coxivulsed with laughhmf so V of the ~smumzlers- immndi.+..|... ; o to distilling i11imy`.5ua`u W 9615' uuuvuuseu wun laugmuw w ` ` the-smugglers, immediwn No blood was Spills, but a gonq works was destroyed. In I {bi _` skins _ had taken nuuder *1 fermenting um, `i um..- everything they could l:;',handg,[ smugglers belonged to this {- lightened class of aperdtivei: of Suburbs, whobe faces are fnmii-A tion days. Tho Revenue ouen, ` with booty, retrnoed their vehicles, and after a long: drive with joy nnd triumph` the " L ' of old St.ada.cona,i oonvihued` m`srcl1 of progress `In: 0 4_ ward, thnt tho French: rapidly getting fraa front" l 9 lagging behind, since they ii? from the old country. `W The pig-iron product of vmv 4;soo,ooo tom ; of 59. 1,503,000, lfennsyhsnh funk this nmount. 7 *7 r Mu-awn HAW LII lIaIaIIOIle'`-I.JJ 111., no lou than Iaren penonqy H or shot by unstborlzed legal trial, within the last two aged crime of horn`-Itanl ing. ` $5.; --a... ..I.--...z 1., |_-_-n ` -5- ` The rules charged for bqsrd, 'u ,1: `Virginin City Enterprise, In _ 2- 1 had ip a house, barn, b1ackn_nm'I* yard (none to be l1nd--nll shortly before alection) ' jront ~ saga; hoguhetd per nlgiit, 310;} at with Itrur, $7.60; withoiu ` oellnrdoor, 34; to: roasting oi`. 7 $3.50 ; poIe,_eonmon, rough, $3; $2,513 ; Inlknng up nod down n rosd,_if cloudy, $1.60 ; if clear, 31 plpc in pine traol, Back of Qgm ` This Frnnnh Ilhulmalu . _ ~ Amp `_ The thodllt bald their eighteenth gnnnaf` t ancient city of Nilmel. N minister:--s larger nuniher that qt t ocouion-nttended. in Mt]! .. vatsppointod to Nliuaugthst ` ' give more attention to the ma ~ tionl, including 3, young ludlqf. And 3 collogolorxoqng man. ` M nllowodsoevornl minister: to M ' beyond thm yarn, topvqld ~ ` xnonla. Want otfnndu \ miniuerto Inuoillu, than M tnntgwith church null ` t for on! 3,0o0."l'ho|nnu ` I _ t t lygivl ' theonIoofGcIlVI.,;;`v. ti -d Ibo? _ -3, H church ` The Jlanahutar gldomy viem of the roipecb trade in North and a_at_ ' -` BIDKIU Ill LTUIIII DUI! IHQUUI I-1. ` ` to be takenhy the operI.iIu;. and one of the remediq TN pr ndopted by them; with I provemenfof their pr - w of thinning the labour" ` k Preston spinners -an n` M" at the rate of eight.yP:ze|%'::l` belonging to their trade! I! emigrate to Canada or Io-the Uli- Frolp Blnekbzlrn-51 ' were sent in one week lately, qu den stch has been zmndo from` In Stanton there atenow tives unemployed, and many doclnrehnt, ehvnn at the `med _pe1-can in t ewngoythgg`. work their mill! at a prot.` Imwn Imr nv Ixmrnon.--In`J IL. lost liven mnonn hm NUMBER Va I! `now 4 |DVl:`.;';lI kc-It -.~-j..-_ V 0. EIICILIY, SIXIOB, lusting,` -L lave Kingdon daily (Suudnya ex- WW) I! 4 A.)|. (except Monday!)- Iith the Grand Trunk Trains and 3-lien, meetig the 6:25 AM. train for ` `Omega. ` `HM5 P-I-. connecting with the Grind WI fioan the West and Bay of a3_II:r;._neeuing the- 4:30 Pl. mtin Ioiego, And the Northern Trans- cmlpllfs Propellers leaving 039 I "'0:l5ego and 111 Western Ports. kiiouly at 8 Al, 1-. ?.11s1"I:R: % . CID Vinnpnt ,.nI5ILk{.\l.\'li, Gap Vincent .`"J5 Al. on arrival of the main from` ` , Olugo, meeting Gmnd Trunk u-sin! limit And Bay of Quinta Steamer- ` 47-1 on an-`nul of train fronl-R0|'1 "1 E SEE IS OZDPF 01,5. HUNG WOLFE ISLAND IP.l.,3P.I. bud 7.--B,M.- II I-lI.v1 `V' '--og -I I n-. Gum grL.,_.' , G. Il.i_KI!'IGHORN, Perry Wharf, foot of Brod; Street. , lag 31,1369. Bnlmwls, Masnn, M mum: her trip: lboul the 7th in-` ` Int, Illd '1. leave Kingston every! ` if Ind FRIDAY at 3 RM. Leaves` nu-y IONDAY an! THURSDAY at Ll, calling at Ll] intermediate stopping Ilhnn-y. blight or Passage, having superior pas- Imammodntian, npply on board, or to M P. MURPHY, Ottawa. n :1 f'Il'l`I"Il\I'!\? P11-.Rl{1+;P<,u"l`, `ILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: IHLIG KiNGSTON' every ay (Sundays Q'pIed) at 9:15 A.u.,11~.3o Al , 2 P.M. 4 I `~blILYT()`AT' V VI IIII. Plcton and Beuevllle. PM l|L'lW55.5*'.}'l'V NIB IIJC \ol,llL'C IJI7 k dam ,9nt:mo blroel, or II the Lake a` snglnuunt Ulce, St. Lawrence [ [moi Johnson S1n-cl. '-`g1 going lo the West can pm. \ fgguvin Grul Western, Detroit and` mi Iichigun Ceulrai Railwgys, for 4 - c1.,ugo,'1lIHukee, Grand Haven, ; 3.1111! the principal pqims in the '93:; gr : Pmilic Railroad to Fun, Nebraska, `nd! and Cuhrorniu. - '1,Coufc-rmble Lind Convenient Wailing gyms and Gentlemen on the Wharf. ` C. H. HATCH, Iapuuuly 5,1869. 11-. Vlltvuo woun ISLAND on Mondays, Thursdays-and Sum-days 3: 7:30 cu, n A], 11> 1., 3 P.l., 5 P]. vu. IIIDXESDAYS and FRIDAYS leaves, nL.-__- ,- L. , H wiiiln Street, for tho 01:07! "h" D01 !-I ev d ' (Sundn % "'`.._h" )-um.r.m's1- !`rRE;il o clock. ` 'uI'I|I Bellovjlle every day (Sun- . )- :;.gESDA_Y, and puma: * `. us, ``1+5':. K0 0: ' "1 ngston uni tmawa Jiolrlgj `Hun, rm \\_ In) Ryan: hlcilg Wednesday, 28!}: Instant. ..-u m:ar..1.u sin` or OTTAWA, one of the Summers will leave :n; c ;y Earning (.\I_)nd.a_v excepted) ; ` 4. '1' 1-`1\'E, mucbmg at Clayton` IN 3 a : "W-~..._`_` I1! `ii . 1: N gala} `. Pips be ~ ```'u i Olip " 3. C =li0!:n F`ll11:mm U-ant " 23`hinat.`n BxxH.;;)n& W I \\ > - I nd` w-.a.-x-Jvnnu nuu. I` n Illhe tune as 0'.b4>r days. lfn In: I'D NI gut` Q crran cum: sn;.uu:n 1!-L R` h` for_ tho! 0""-ll fun Calla, Luvs C1ARRU`I'HE[l'S WEAR]? ?m.1I.\ll-`. XVIII. 51150011 "3 RQYAL amp srmumz A .__ [Ihwlheh4 |w-- ~~ - ooulo EAST` nu . `gem; wt;s1' n --_n_;.. ___.t, an and iolria` lislalidi l-`em . WM or Puuge apply on ht-iurd, or to G. I. KINGHURN, ' L '03. ` h'h A -.:1 or Brock byte. W A 1 E i{1'U\VN, |j_____, _ 0: J after June 1:: find Cape Vincent Frry. a.......a- 'i.".2... u an get M 1.-M` h-'intW'_` l"p|Iel-l`a Mn pmI;:ali-.n Jallllllll-|\|I1!RsI0n and IDUIU rm: April, 1869. ._._.,_ ,,. nu: STEAJKKR TIE STEAM ER -_---u-j ROCI-lES'1'El{. the splenid Luke Steamers Lino "'U"" V: I DIUIKU VII '- ) 03 {O F- Oanauraims as 00., Freight "Agents. :compo3ed

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