ton, _ THOS. KIRKPATRICK. SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. ll. IIZIIEULIFIUIU l'i$ll.`3. JAMES swwr, Agent, 3! `H9 Qt Lsnrrnn:-n Th JAMES swnrr, Agent, St. Lawrence What! I (inn my NEvsrfs`%-TiIE15Ai' p$vEmi~zk`1.`- JULY 6. Toilet Powders. Portable Fountains. Toilet Vinegar. Hair Preparations. Tooth Powders Glycerine Toilet Requi- sites; IL! VI . D1 I\A'lVIJl'u Agent for Kingston . $24,006,000; .~5:i. ; Large 4' HE you frauds which continue to be proo- tiud by obscure lnnnufnctnrorn, more particularly in Germany, by Imitnllng the in- bola ntuclmd to JOHN G-OSNELL 8 G03: PERFUMEBY, render it impontive upon the Proprietors to Guntol the public ogsinu. such nefarious proceedlnp, and to request their friendl and patron: to purchase only of rupee- lnblo dulara, who import direct. from John Gounell & Go. ; nnd invite special attention to the Iddl,'0II- RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urun Tnnnn Srnnr. r-u.- n____|I I. H. 1.. (l-I-.n D.-hu-nan - Hal Ill! -I II (I. ver Cmmrdnnd Bremen Hoes, every MM1 an I`unday respectinly at 5 P..~Il. Urpn Tana: tlrnn-r. John G-olnell t 00. : Select Perfumes: Ell Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfum, Euenoo of Wood Violee, Vic- toria Bnuqnet, Fuugipnnni, Military Bouquet, the Bride's Bouquet. 5 1.... n......n it no . Prince of `Wale:.'T '1'-1 we bnaen bouquet. `John Goaaell 6: 00. : Prince of Wa!e:. Per- fume, a most. choice and f'I.shlonublu perlume. I,,L_ (I ....n .5 t`I...I.. D..ln.....=a Alan-..nrlr.. a uxgunull. John Gosnell & Co.'s Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. V I - n,_,,,n L n- I. I..-I.-.. l"|I..|. l ),_.l'.nnn I and f'I.shlonublu pel'_|lll'lJ6. | John (Laanell &.Co `a Princess Alexandra : Perfume, as most. chance and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Rugul dighneu. Jnhn llnannll Ar (3.12: nnrwr '1 :-n Thousand ` IUIIUIAJU IUI` lll unuunuluunul. A LIUU unva- John Gosnell a Co. a L-.3 Nuhlcsse 1 :-rfulf`-. a most. delicate Perfume of:-xquisite fragrance. Ink.` rlnannll 1: [`..\ u Nnhlnuuu pnrnnrh` nia- rename. Joua Gone]! .3: Co. a Jockey Club I <.-Ifqma is in universal request as me most. aduured i Penfume for the Ilundkerchiaf. Price 2sGd. I'..I.._ (V-__..I`I u. (1.. 1. T .. \X..l~.'|..aun I).-.-Fun-n ll |.lJUd`|u l.ll`llUdLU rcrnuuc UI !'Ll{|Il5IlD\.\.. John Gosnell an (3033 Nuhlvsse Pomndc, exe- guatly perfumed, and highly recommended fur beautifying au.i promoting the growth of the hair. I I _ \1-LI--_- 1.3..-- -...........-A 6'... :o.. n....~.n..l, Lldlf. _ La Noblesse Soap-eeten_med for its unequal- led perfume and tine ESZDOHIBDI qualities. John (`.nan..Il .`1`.r, (`... .n Vials-.. and Slillr-alxr H311 PCIFILIULU RIULI uur UZJJUIIICUI Lluuuuua. John Goaue-ll & Cu. s Viola and Mills.-eur Nursery Powder is gunra nu-ed lyre. Nu nur- sery should be-without. it. Sula ia bnxea at 61; in tins 13 each. I .|.,. :\,-_._n n. r1-1- (1I......- 'I".\...1. h,.nn.-. 2.. U1. Ill HUD LB CECIL John Gosuell & Co. s Cherry Tfmlh Paste is greatly superior I0 any Tum!) Powder, gives the Taclh n penrl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decnv, and imparts-a }-I9-ailing fragrance to be breath. Price is Gd each. lnnnnnlnn-nun Hair nvn - I'Ilf'l`..;'lI In n-n lur-n _ SINGLE COPIES of the Dun Nxws may be `bad A. the coumer of the pulicnlinu otlicr, Prin- ces! street. Price lhn-er co;-pers. n.iIJ:,-I- _-_.,_ _; .'I.._ IV....__......_ EIIU LUUIU ll {ICIIl|'lIU VVIIILUI-It-3. ill`-JI-K-I.-ii LIIC Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to p:-u.luco any shades Brown or Black, of good nu.tur.~.l colour lt. cannot.`poss:b|_y inj-m: we hair, bus nu disagreeable odour, and is easily applies]. Jnhn nnnnll I I'`.-. H: p ntnnl 1'13:-Hnnn rnn nu- UU UIUHSICCYIUID ULIUUI, John Gusuell & 00. ! newly invented lluir l chsmcal construction the two operalioniof I simultaneously. Thu pa!`-ant Hnnknil<;uuBI.y . The Patent. Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Mncbinry. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply `to the Patentees and Sole Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL A: 0.3., Perlum.-.~.-5 by Appointment to Her Majesty, ihc Prlzi-Le-is of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, {:3 Uvmcn Tauncs S1 am:1`,1a.te of 12 Three King Uuurt, Lombard Street. ' `'07- BE" SAUCE. Prepurctl lry Alex- . under Sounhwooll Stock-gr, t:uu1 a. recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Siaith, thirty-ve years Physicum to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Saul- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first General Board of Health; Author of the first l work on Fever in any age or country, the Philucophy of Health, &c. - nnlir-inn: with nunrv bnnunn Alas. Ta- L uu-uruyul U1 ucuuu, GU. Delicious with every known dish. , Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motea digestion. It is much esteemed tor its digestive properties. In an nnallrnnnn AF in: p...-lo.. L...) ....1n.-__ Ala LII`!-tit! IV l'l|J}lCI IJC34 As an assurance of its purity and salutary properties, it. is only necessary to poi_I. out the name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of ihat. distin- g_uiabed_ man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, and his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as a he lion 1 loss. I'I'1L_I___|. ,1 I , V -V I - -* I-IIII-I I lU3H- Wholesale and for exportation by the Pm- prielor, 69, Lamb : Conduit Street; Barclay and Sons, Fan-ringdon Street. ;' Batty and 00., Finsbury Pavement. 7 lhnail ha I`.h.=h.::.e= r1 .... .. n-,.n:._ _.,,.,._..,;.,u ,2; no uoygl Veuriniry (/J;)_l'!:E:, during the lurtwonty `,70.I!l.` _N.B_-Thia uid is 3 cerlni in horses, also the posh __-,,.... .... IBIPQI and 1 e1-rin|'Bc,n<':o.x' sold I ' prietorl , Won-cotter ;-IourI.r _roue1nd Black- . cut. for gr...` | '0 ; `Curd. W01 8111359 and rot in sheep. '3 holgulo sud Ixpilfegby` thc-Pin` L` IHDUUIJ L BVISHJCIJI. , Retail by 0!: ins, Grocers, ltallian `Warehouse-men, an others, throughout the Kingdom, and every part of the world. Ail! fnr Thn" Ran-nan :..Qn_-_n:..I Du---` Lslusuulu, auu UVBIJ pan. Ul Lue worm. Ask for The Sauce -Specinl Export Agenta-liu1-goyne, Bunbridgea, and Squire, [6, Column Street, London. . H"Single copies 0! the -Cnaomcu AND . Nun, containing the news of the week, may be had in wrapper: for mailing. Price 3d. each, as-Jed every Friday. ' nuruuuuna rlrsnttu .`.Al4l.Nl!i.--A L Medicine that cures Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions Heednche in a. few minutes; eifervescing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to main- tain health. When mixed with water and taken during the elfervescsnce, it itnmedi stely blendswith the food, and is rapidly absorbed into -the system. It vitslizee and ' supplies the blood with those saline princi- ples that are lost, altered, or destroyed dur- ing the hot weather. In Jungle, Scsilet, Yellow, Typhus, Eruptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in several other, conditions, where the vital current is poisoned by infection, and thereby rendered unt to support health and life. it has been found eminently beneficial; and its sustaining and purifying inuence acts as a. preventive to disease, its the nu- merous unsolicited telimonials accompany- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, migrsnt, or private family, more `especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. Qnl - .-...o.._a -5 _ - _ . --J I -.3-siuvulll uuvunupuu nuu propagated. For (instance: "In A house in St. Andrew s street, _Plymouth, occupied by fty-two persons, is was sprinkled in every room except four; in these the occupants would not/permit it to be applied; the result of which `was, that in those parts of the house where it had been` used, not 3 single case of cholera. subsg- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still exists and some deaths hue taken pls.ce._ Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with 3 quantity, in neither of -whieh has there been a single case, although the disease is rsging in the neighbourhood. 8611" hr all f`.Iu.-!-A- - - - 1.5: n suns 'uII. ounnnal I'D UlU1NFEUT- ING` FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night- _chsirs, cesspools, drains. water cI0set.`, stables, dairies, larders, musty cssks, tubs, 1:43.; bilge-water, .eud _the hold: of ships; apnrtments for searchers, nude;-takers, end jurymen, and for post-mortsm examinations`; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, nod for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs end other vermin. Si! W RIIIl|A.lI'n n:-:_t.-.:__ 11- -- ....... .. uuluullu uu1u.--1 am yours faith- fully, S. Swan, See. and Manager. , Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Gannon lreet. This uid acts on. the essential cause of disease by destroying the local conditions of the atmosphere under which cbulero is mcst. frequently developed and propaganed. Yinsunce: In St. A1-.a......:. -.--,. uuv nzu Ur IIBB Sold in p price 29 6d, cisl agents parts of the uuu VI uugu Illu OIIJCI Velmln. Sir W. Burnonfa Diainfecting Fluid was the only Disinfcgmnt used at, the Agricul- tural Hall during the Smitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by ordet at Her Majesty : Privy Council. "PI... gal... .: u... a.-:: :7 1. ans IJULIIIUII The value `of the uid is shown by the `following letter from the Sacretary and Manager: Agricultural Hall, Islington, Jan. 1868. Dear Si:-,-Pleaee to send eight gallons more of your Diainfecting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can any with condence that none have had the instan- mneoul and complete etfect of Sir William Burneufs, nn_d_ this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or cerbolic o.cid.-I faith- fully, Smnnv. Sen, and u....-..-_ xuuuu lit U'Lll.' many Snow! 1 SI` V pro chioz Mam `Ir!-n `[..-.I...... D u an AHPLOUGPPS PYRETIG SALlNE.-A L -| , A M.:1;.'.;.... um. .... ,... e.... w: .,--- , The Milan Pungolo lately aunouzicud that Andrew fuhusnn. ex-Pnsulcnt of the [Init- ed States, had arrived at as certain hntcl nu thnt city. An immense concourse of pen- ple soon after ass;-InL)lev._.l__ in franc ol the hotel in question, and great. curiosity was manifested to see Andy. It was not as- certained until some time aI'ter_ward uh-_u the A. Johnson, Ln whom the Pungolo had alluded, was: not the ex-Pnesidnt, but a very innensive tobacco merchant from New York, who was quite disuessed at the nu tdriety which he had ucquirud agums; his will. rm WILLI 411- BURNETT ; D W - 9 mm` r... u... .....;-_.{;s.I_NF}"qT. sauna Luuuc. pa.-tent atoppered glass bottles, I, 45 6d, 115, and Zla each. Spe- a required and appointed in all a world. ...; uupernu pinto, ex- per dozen; and in bulk at onlba included. Each gal- gallous, Jlhen diluzed with Mona on every home. and used . by Professor Ron! Veurinnry, College, gvgnty - uuu Ia vunul n `. s P.stent T: "H.-hc Brush, the pecw 1 of which act: :' cleansing and VIIJ n}Pl'||.'|l. giuhosaron, or peculiar un- accuan-1`.n`.eB __ .- L. naval:-nu nca polishing HE ORIGINAL OIWILOROD invented by R. Fraaann. Fharmaeeutiat,` is allowed to bar one of the greateat diacovaoiaa of the pnaeot century. It In largely employed by the moat eminent Phyaieiam and Surgeonl in hoapitaland private practice in all parta oi the world. It baa *e'ecta peculiar toitaelf, and which are auentiah 1 ly different to than produced by the various` compounds bearing the name of Chlorodyne, but haveno pretence to posieaaing its virtual. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, `al- lay: the irritation` of fever, aoothea the system u_m.Ier exhausting diaeaaea, and give: sleep` with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arisin from the ale ol opiates. It continues to hold ta unahaxen position in the estimation of the Profcaaion an the beat,; most reliahie, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and gucientic Phyaiciane made aidavita that the hnve tested its cccts in careful colnpnr-ism with thuae of " DR. COLIJS BRQWNEK5 CllLOR0- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they ,, .1 2- - ......_.. ......o-3n -n/I cmlinhln flrflrlljtlll ` IIYIVC `CHICO IL! CIIUDID Ill I.'.aI UIIJI uvluynn nnvnu nun; DYNE, - lound in a more certain and reliable preparation, I and greatly preferred FREEM.lNS." I Ir: u..n..|I mn'nmnni('nt.r-d to the Roul Gel- l was Chlorudine. I The Medical mes and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, " II. has an immense sale among: the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dux Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it wpuld not. he thus singularly popular did it. not. supply a want. und fill a place. Manufactured by the Inventor, Righard Free- man, 70, Kenningzun Park Road, Lonilon, S. ' Thu g-.-;.:-ne has engrnvod on the Government Ftuup (nutai-iu c:':h Bottle), FREE}[`AN"S` URISIINAL CIILORUDYNE." Another ebrl. has been made to obtain the pardon and release of the Fenian prison- ers who are undergoing punishment in Great Britain. The matter was strongly urged upon the Gnvetnment; buta decided re- fusalwas very properly given. It. would be It suicidal policy to release any more under present circumstances. They inny,not be required to suffer the full penalty pr0~ nnunced upon them, but in justice to the country they must be kept much longer in connement. as traitors and murderers. We are sure the nation will sustain "the decision of the Government. Another attempt has `been mudclo revive the Fenian excitement in the States: but thi-y cannot get up the steam. * and greatly prelerreu " Enrl Russell communicated tn the Royal * k-gc of Physicians and to Mr Freeman, that in ` Hamilla the only remedy of any use in Chalet: 1 Chlorudine. \ I nu , 11-1,---1 112....-- .....J /J..~;M. Jnnnnrv IRHL \ WONDYK3` PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ' mm puries, deodorises, and:dis'mfec!.a,by the agency of nascent or ozunic oxygen,--its active principle. Being entirely immxioga, this uuly ucienuc preparation is peculiarly adapted for the folluwilng useful purposes, for which all onher dieinlbuzmta`, on uccount.ol`;their poisonous nr nth.u- nhhunlinnnhln nnn.HI.ina urn unnvniluhln l)Ill.'I' IJIQILIIUISLBIILU, Ul-I IUIJV-lI.IIlIu|Jl.l.|II .'.II" PUZ$Jwu' or other objectionable qualities, are unavailable and usclc.-as :- . Detectirig organic impurities in air and water, Purifvirig drinking and other water from or- ganic mutter, lead, &c. ` Frcslu.-uing the aim! close places, and remov- -ing bud smells. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions frolu taint. K ` IVA... ;-,-_4:__. AL- _I_-A._ _l` _,,#__E_ ,,0 II Ulll Illllu ' ' Counteractiug the effects of organic poisons taken into the atolnach. Curing Musty provender. Freeing wheat. gnd .LLbcr seed from smut. Mainminihg the health at plants in pots and conservatories. a 1) _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __j _,.._,,-A_, `L, I I - V- Iouuscl I uuul IUD. l re!I'.3rving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept. in water. final:-n1-;nn ll; LN.-L6 nl IL- ....L.A .. _:_- MU-VCID RUPB III wutcr. Destroying the blight of the ponatue, vine, hup, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing battles, beer barrels, pickling iubs, dairy utensils. \\/nahinn rhu "|n:- ..-.A Al.._l.....:.... 25.. -,I`._._ ULIIIJ \4|lC|l`BIII'.n Washing the hair and darkening its culbur when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- iects of baths and tubs. I\u-angina u.-.:.~n.....l __...__I_ -_ .1 .1 . - A - sonata ul unbuu uuu |.l.l[)8. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying aui-' mal virus. FD . _ . . A .__ 4: 0 n _. -- A llll V ll 35 Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, norses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 800 gallons adapted for use. A N.B.--Condy s Fluid is the Standard Scichtic Test . for Organic Matter in \Vater. and affords the only known means of rapidly and compliawly freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tniut, which is so common a cause of serious disease. To rapidly purify the air, use the diluted uid with "Conrlv'n n-m.-.:.m.'v .. ...i...- o.._-.. __.. .u -us,-nuny puruy we air, the (muted uid with Goudy's Uzoniser or other Spray_-pro- ducer. ' CONDY S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (1-`on -rou.:'r PUul:OBlB,) Removes from the mouth impurernd Ioreigu tastes and odours, Ol"0Illel' causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- ties and softens the akin, and, used in the bath, tends to: promote a healthy scribe of the whole bodv. ' '.'.'bether arising from tobacco. A dispute having arisen amongst. the population (-1 St. Esienne, in the depart- ment.-of the Loire, the troops on Wednes- _d|._y interfered to protect some workmen who -haul agreed to work. ` As the Lumps were returning I0 St. Etienne with some prisoners, they were atucked by the mnl) with the object nf rescumg the prlsnne. and several shots were red on both sirles. Ultimately the mob gave way and ed,` leaving" thirty-rhree of their number in the = bands of the soldiers. Six or _ten of the rioteru were killed. Additional troops have been sent down from Paris to secure a prompt. restoration of order. . -.. any rnzuuNu' Woreentei-shire Bnucn This delicinnu Condiment, pronounced bj lonnoisaenrn The only; tell (I7g|_nrd._Bu-cl'ny and 88'al.'!aL.a.... . L- . Qrounnd uuuucl body. .for, almost every know UDSONB SIMPLE AYES FOR IRE .l?EOPLE. Any one can naethem ; any- :hing an be dyed with them. It is impoaeiale in this small space to enumerau the many uses to which these wonderful and beautiful chemical preparations can be sppli-d; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a colouring `agent in material, the ease with which they can be used and the brillian- 'c.y of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minutes for a few pence without soiling the hands. Mli'..\lnnAu`nA . . . . _ V -.- nu...-.5 sun I.l:I.I1|..B MEMORAKDA. MAGENTA: The strength an_d . Am. :.. ..u_--~ =-- V-- LU rcuuer men: 6168!}. ` FEATHERS: Dye in of tha dvn ia ammnzm ` ..........unu; uya III not water (a few :11 or the dye is auicient for one feather). COTTON: Mauve, Violet and Purple recommended. T LEATHER: Blue, Magenta, Violet. Orange. Dye in warm water. WHITEWASH: To color-: Jllagenla, for P nil Anna add L-Il - L . .. 1.1.1:. n n Ann: to color: Magenta, Pink or Rose; add half 3 bottle then stir in the Whitening as usual. Mauve, Violet, Purple, Blue and crimson produce pretty time by using one bottle or more, as directed above. STABCH: Stir in I Magenta, Mauve, Violet, Blne.or Pink these impart delicate tints to Luce, Line kc. WILLOW SHAVINGS, Wicker, Ivory, Bone, Hair, Fibres, Seaweed, &c., attract the dye quickly,'if-applied in boiling water. BLUE: For laundry purposes is A 1. ' BOOK EDGES: A Siipeuny bottle of Magen- te, Violet, Crimean or Blue will make from 3 pint to 3 quart of beautiful colouring, ec- cording to shade required Applj with a brush. ., - nucu, urunnon Blue from PAPER and WOOD STAIN: Ditto. OAK STAIN: A home of No. 2 Black to- _ I331! a-pint of hot Water- A AN D PIIRRI delicjpnu O NS WorceItrahiu ondiment. Drounnnmd H'- I\J\. AL. 'l`I-swollen Postal Guide. ;vAl a.dd f i: Violbt. and ASH: to n. pail of water, zir in Violet. Parole. 31.... -...a ...=..-.-- H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentee, Batu.-raea,'London. ________j_._j. __...-.-`yuan I I and beauty of this 30:9 ihla. A Rifnnnnv kin- I : Lu uvulu. GIUIIGI, ll :. Dye in boiling wnter. ` hot. drops ant feather}, ,_ --vrur vs UUIUUF- 'iolet, Pink; 3 Lwe,Linon, I, ad, lrnmuu in A I dyes in the hub will I shade, 8G0Old_i=l1J so , __ . THE LONDON QUAB'l'3BLYr(0oInervguu THE Iwlmsuua REVIEW (Whig). ~ THE WESTIIIISTER REVIEW (Hadicnl). THIPNOBTH BRITISH REVIEW (l'ree'ch b)' 7 up ~ T - BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH IIAGAZIN3 - (To:-v.`I nunvnvvvvuu _JluId-Vuvln-\xLJ -A\3AL] (Tory-) r EESE foreign periodicals ere regularly [Q published by utrin the same style as heron. V. for-er Those who know then end who 13", long_ subscribed to` them, neeci no retnindgt. those whom the civil war of the last few ye`; bed deprived of their once welcome Iuppl, ofm. beet V periodical Jileratnre, will be glad _to hgy, them agsin within their reach; and those who ' V may Fever yet. hsve met with them, will assured. ly be well pleased to receive accredited papa,-1, of the progress of European science sud liken, tare. mnnun llnb Iaan And I large Anmpunt of general _ Pxice, Fjve Gena. Bub AN Alriucagv TnAv1a:LLEn.---The Times` Malta correspondent, under (late of the 8th of June. sends us the following :-Mr Gerhard Rohlls, the African traveller, pass- ed through Malta last week, on his return to Berlin lrom Alexandria. He has lately made ajoumey from Tripoli to Cyrenaica, and across the desert to Egypt, some parti- culara of which may be of interest. Mr R-nhlfa left Tripoli by ship for Benghnzi on the 21st-of February, and arrived there on the 27th at 4 a. in. Thence he proceed- ed to Tolmeit-t anrl Cyrene, taking photo- ~ graphic views, liotanizing. and making topographical observations. On the 28th of ' March he returned to Benghazi, and thence, on the 3rd of April, penetrated southwards, following [Ianiilton a route. The country as far as Acljedahia is very for- tile, but is exhausted by the over- tixation of the Turkisli Govern- ment. He met with numerous caravans of slaves from Fezzan and Audjla [loin b. Wltllly Fareg in a sinking or depression in tho desert. The great sinking begins at tho Bir Raaaan, extends southwards of Oymnaica. and the Libyan plateaux as far Egypt, and In nearly everywhere 100 feet to 150 feet below the level ofthe Mediterran- ean. Au ljila, Djalo,-and Siwn (Jupiter Ain- umn of the ancients) are all consequently below sea-level. It had been noticed by Oaillantl, as well as Aristotle, that these ' places were below the level of Lower Egypt, Mr Rohlfa was very kindly received by the Arabs at Siwa`, which enabled him to copy the hieroglyphic: of the great Temple of Agermi, lira: discovered by Hamilton, while all previous travellers, from Browne to Bayle St. John, had considered the Temple of Oulmu-Baida to he the chief temple. Mr Rohlfa made topographical observations of this oasis, and secured a marble gure of ., ram and some coins. He proved the con- Itant temperature of the Fountain of the Sun by means of observations taken by night and clay. After aatay of eight days in thin celehrated locality be bent his steps through the Deaert to Alexandria. The friendly rec iption of Mr Rohlla throughout Ina route is attributed to the good relations exipting between the Egyptian and Prussian governments. All previous travellers had l"1_"itI=d. Incl Boyle St; John and the well of liorhau. He states that were `,3 _F- $550091 |1l'- from the Syrtia to this spot, ~i`.`d"ll Ind Biwa would be covered by the T I and thecyrenaic and the Lib .. 'uld rota . p.nin.u_l`." pllt-. [UKU- TERHS FOR 1 869. Fanny one 01 the tom-Reviews - For Any two of .110 four Review; For my three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Bla.ckwood's Magazine - For Blackwood and one Review For Blnckwood End two Beviwa For Blackwood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Reviews = 1' u 0.1 1:. u A . When sent by mail, the Poataga to gay pan of the United State`: will be but 1'33 mm] ` can 3 year for Blackwood, and but 8] gang; 1 year for each o_f the Revieyu. . V Subscribers `may; obtain back numbers it thc folfowing reduced rates, viz : . Thu Afmrlh I?-1'!-1'11: fl-nrn I-nu--n Inna A. I\. IUIILIVVILIE IE1-LIIUISI-I lE|CB VIE; I The North British from Jnnnu-y, 1863,10 Do- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Evdinbu-rgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, to December, I866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly lot 1865 and 1865, at the rate of $1; a your for each or any Review; also Blnekw for 1866, tor $2.50.` - ' - M THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., i 38 Walker"- atreet,N.Y. By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and uie me .I.: P.NoTx-ton, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal o(.. tavo. 1600 vanes and numerous Enornvinnu 5 .uv.n nun, U1 nuns UuuI35!5- 6 VUIB. ti-0,81 I auto, pages numerous Engravinga. PRIUE-$7. for the two vnlmman. R: tavo, mfmerous Engra PRIUE-$7, for the two volumes. post psid, $8. ' R. DE Tioms LIGHT-BROWN oonl LIVER OIL. T ~ DR. DE JONGIPS Oil is convincingly proved`; by an overwhelming weigh; of medical teuinonyj and by the practical beat. of successful experience`? for tweugy years in ail parts of the worldrmbeg` beyond all questidp, the purest, tbe_moet ecgm ci'o;1a, the moat plhtgble, agd, from its rspidi cufacive effects, the most economical ofdl kinds; Hm-.4 the nnivnsunl onlaluh-u psi `[1. A). `l'..-...Lv.; vuquvnru cnucm, hue must eGlJl.l0l!_llC&l Ofl lIllI'.= Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. de Jonghln` Oil, and the unparalleled demand for thisum-l-9 l `valled preparation. ' i ' T SELECT m:;1S1cAL OPINIONS. sun HENRY ]!AR_SH, BART., M.D., , Physician? in`? Ordinary to the Queen in Irdqga 4' `I I-mvo fronnnnu n.........:I..._a 11.. .1- 1-3..-LL: The French press prosecutions are crest- ing some Anxiety. and the fear or a coup Jqtat is reported to be so great that M. Thiers has advised one of his friends t`) minke himself scarce. The inannger, one of the editors, and the printer of the non)- rious Rappel, have been convicted. the two former for exciting to hatred and contempt of the Government, and the latter f0ll)(.`iI)_L{ the unfortuimte printer of the paper. The manager was ned 3,000 francs and four months imprisnnment, the -editor 3.000 francs and six months` imprisoninent, and the printer 1,000 francsinud one_Inonth s imprisonment. The manager and editor have thus won their spurs, but the printer will not come within the roll of Chivalry which recognises imprisonment in France for 3 press offence as an honour. ` _ _,__-._.. ... ./......u.-3 -u -one gucuu ul *1 I have frequently prescribed Dr. do Light-Browucod Liver Oil. I oonsiderTi"to ` a very pure oil, not. likely to create disgust, and n Lherapenc agent, of great value. v - -- V I ma. nnwuu same, r.1Ls., `.1, Medical Ocex; in use Poor Law Baud of and ` * Britain. ` "`_y We think it 1 great. advantage that there B" one kind or Cod Liver Oil which in universally-> admitted to be genuine-the Light-Brown Oll- supplied by Dr. ` Jongh. It has long been imi 9 practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst. a much variety-ind an-` certainty, we have condeuee in in gemiines nesa.--(E_`.xt.r:ct from Consumpon: its Surly and Remedieble St.ages.") - ` Din. LANKESTER, F.R.S., Coroner for Gentralliiddlescx. ` 5 f` I consider that the purity 01 this oil is necur-M ed in its preps:-Ition, by the personal attention of so good a chemiec and intelligent I physician as Dr.-de Jongh, who has also written the best median? treatise on the oil with which Ian: nor quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oilsold under his guarantee to be-prefertble to In] other kind as regards genuineness and medical eil- l caoy." " - , w .41m.iaaau+goauor3~1~b:au. [ ` __,_ nu-uuners. 1 :-in 1MedslA til.-|`d`.`~v Pprit and Excellence a! Quality. 5` . and grit. ' - " ' BROWN WINDSOR SOAP. A ' PRIZE MEDAL HONEY SOAP , PATENT SUNFLOWER OIL son -j . GLYOERINE SOAP. _ M _ . _Every vpriety of Funny Soap! ill H. `' ' ca Puma` % Bode-and vtum Powdouiwv 5 In`otli,-1| crllxlrsch,'w ' 1nd ivory ikloriptlon ono`ny~'roaza Puts, Lima Jnie uni BI! Toilet. id ad _ . .. V. -glourtvn n Barb col. ' ivo 1nd.::;`r?:1$'u,a1. 09;? ` Ihnu6!'6`ry',~`'f'_,Who 8Atn,`:A " Londonpil" ' " `- 5* Rdoi Hti DB. unnowj r.n.s., Senior Physiclnn to. Guy : Hospital`. 4 I have frequently reeoumiended personal ' ' aultingme to make use ofeDr. do Jongla ` Liver 0iL I have been well Intinad with effects, and believe it to be I very pure all, well tted for Ehoge ease: in which the use of that; 3 ' L DB. GRANVILLE, F.B.8., Author of the Spa at Germmy. . Dr. Granvil bu found ~tha`I: Dr. de Jolgghfn. ~ LightB:own Co Liver Oil produces the effect in a shorter time than other kinds, and It does not come the unite: and indigestion am. often consequent on the admiuistntion of pale oil. ` ` .4` DB. LETHEBY , ledicil Ocef of Hgaltb, and Chic"! Angry}: w_ the City of London. In :1] cases! have found Dr. do JoIIgh lMM Light.-Brown Cod Liver Oil poaching thuumq sec of properties, amonghhich the presenoeo! chulnicoompounda, and of iodine in I 0389 07 orznnic cnmhimutinn -1-. 45.1. ......o .._--I.-n.I- . uuuanlu-IJUIUPUIIIIIIB, Ina -o[ Iodine in OHIO 0! _orgnnic combination, are the mole retnuknblo. 1: ii, I believe, nnjverully acknowiedged tbu_ thimil bu great. thernpeutic power: nnd Fi my investigation, I have no doubt ofita being? ` n pure and unsdulternted Article. nuwcl-I IVF UIITU W in substsnedis indicated. `"'"" """" U": Illa Il It 30 DE IIIIJCIJ IIIOFC cncious thus oth ' ' ' .....c.. I ..... '::.'z:z:=_2`_`2e -_-':,_=2~:.9 -3:`. wulll _L IIIVO their relative I -:-_.jj- ' I P 3.1 i"1'7-i'1I_"ca_. shove fovourito preparation in Itronsll cu:-.551: ll .AI.lT for P1'`"'-`r' 1 real 8:: gun in your own Rooms 1'" Inendei. `: =39 Prop:-iotIm--TIDIAN t EoN.c1-tang, into, 16 Wormwood Street, London, 3.0. .`~-um .54` EDWIN currox, Esq, jr.n.c.s., %, 3|1r5e_0n to Ghnring-cross Hospital. U b.nof;yegs panic} haw; beft: liln the n , ` - * G I I I P on; 3 i5 t-- . , ' er Oil. and find it co be much more * $3100.. 'II.l'l thnr vnpinphgn .-.l 51... uuuluul um: ouaer varieties of the hue manual` which _I have also employed with I Viuv 515 MM `A \ relative aunerinritv v - ` - ..__.._....:.-.-'-J-I V IDllAII 6.~..BEA auxr for produlII J :1_`r_eIl Beg Bub "Til mmusn PERIODICALS. The L. 8. Pub. ca.3o_pub1iah `d 5 large Amount general F3-RDLEY 5 00., Fancy Soup Hnkou ?3ffDm- `Pt-inn Ilndnl n-grllnlf CHRONIC 13%;` 4 1 A WIIIIKLV Am! u"-wlu G UU 1!` n 8 Inkougllw ' I arfumers. Prize` l?zdn.`lnl:wn_|-devf `J Excellence 3! Onjlltv. 29- b'E--F11Zb'1'~1- :1?;. Tye Farmel-`-3 Guide PO8.TA.GE. .4 3. -..:| I... 'D......_ AF/ IVI-I15] 31 of-"St lm In eo_I_npoaed an _'I'L'IE}-ST):Y Evmixu. JULY 6. Daily} Ncw. I %tl:\;`L,4 xmasrux roar BEFIEE. ]".'I IERRE-PONT, me as other days. ' `awoun: ISLAND 9 .u., 3 P.I[. and 7 PJI. G. ll. KINGHO lorry Wharf, foot of Brock air: omwu f "cu 1 . I Mol ---wns5b"1'n;tt. . ll Fur: Conan; _ CA1?-BU1'HB S HI-llI_El.rl3o!, for `NI, every day ._u:oeunguw 8:15 LI. ?M `o_ ' 9595., connectlig with th W from i the flea: _-nag Coll` III . [.1230 p.lI`l. Mixed (min 2:45 t.ln. 1:50 " " 6:15 =aozeT WEST M. 6:00 P. > k. `Picket: apply at lb g-o.,_Oi:tnrio street, of a wuunboot Oflice, St. ` nlJobnson_S1roet. , . going. to the Wet " ~ vi: Great Weltgrn, and Iichigl-I: Cantril Ra lqjgpgo, Hilwnukee, Gran = 2 g1gbeprin_cip`g1poin;si|i F Pacic Railroad to Utah; ` and: and Calitornia. `u.CQhlQ LI-IR {Inn inn}--:- Bnnovrns, Ihaun, _ hguinmo her ltips shout 1 ' M t, and will leave Kings: ~muI I?'RlnAV `at 1 D It A_.`;;nd FRIDAY M 3 PM V MONDAY and Tim .5111 _IIIl WIIA lVU Illggul ` inn at n {nun-rnnlqha lxxxamu - - ggfhmera of the above` Tggm` nnd Bauulton o ` excepted) It M nALF.PAST FEE ,_ , -I AI.` (3...-..... `J uI1\Il`II3L BIINL `III. *3 at all intermediate 0 V`: - .A ---y vvuuvuuug Wll In '1 fro Wen `an ~ I. hosting um 4:30 . Olwego, ind tlie Northe um?-H Pfopolleu um 330 gnd qll Weuam P onlv at n A n 1 flll Ill \JIlllUfllIG_. 7 enable and Gonvenieli I ma Gentlemenon t -- G. H. HA . rlE!i{-ITlb'H NAILS . . r e [B1-o'ck I. ml: April, 1339.0 TI""'9AILY BOAT % . Fl. Plcton and Be; __ .20.: s..`..., .:;;.L. ` fl, Kingston` daily (Sun u .4 K-H. (except I ;'hlr'the Grunt! "rrnni T 4 I-"-ills the LI. L ` E0. .a.-- -__.._ ` oneuof the S1me_rs u: Qrning Monday #181 FIVE, toching _a. B-1- '1 $".s2r to" P""` `P .|._;_ !In1y5,}869, _ Mon and ptmwa. .1; ` ,_ on ntriiilof thgr I questing (hand In Hana . ` Boy at Qnintetes !;;l_;Qrr'ral of train (Lam In the Atlantic Ocean. I little to the west ofthe Azores,there exists 1 space seven times larger then all Germs:-y,nccording to Hum- boldt, completely covered with a dense muss ofmnrine vegetation. Monsieur Jule-1 Ls- viniere has proposed to the Societe d`Agri- culture to mnke these oating meadows, as they are called by Q`.-wdo, subservient. to * the purpoaea ufngriculture. His suggestion is? that the ships occupied during the sum- mer in cod shing should in other scaons be . employed in conveying this abundant Inn.- nure to the Azores, where an cntrepot could be established, the weeds pressed and dried, and the mineral salts they contain extracted. He cnlvnlntu-a Hm`. `rheto outing memlows prmluc-: annually sufcient Vt`]_{t`lIl.lIlt.' mutt:-r tn manure 900,000.000 lxr-mares, :1 hectare being about an acre and a half. .\'Iu: mu )lli2.\.~`l'R|'-`.. -.\l'ter all it so:-mn.~z that amntlrer lrlmsteringz crew has` smiled ,,, ,, 1` , , \',____ \' _l.\.l \`r..o.x_. \1..- `On lmdaftzr June 131 L. -rm: sjrngguzasn` - Lwiiiihpe Vinegn; ing Wed-2-1::-(day, 28lh`Ina' jj...,_.__:: 1 and Wolfe Island lie of the np1edia.L.k1 mm srxnriit |Ul' ll (NU l.lIlILIU|lI-IIU uull LuIIuul',"K:uI. ll.--`lllt 1`>f' lcttin,-,; the Al:1b:una.. uut. of her port:-1., now `bnlilly im-Itiguting acts of like quality mu] \ ;:rv:1ler nmguitude. This it. is which gives tilt` lie tu our pruf-:. of outraged virtue, and turns all our assumptiun ufu'emlcd`hun- nur into :1 I`i(ii(`lliUllS umckery. Minister .\IutIc_v would make :1 pretty uppoamiicc now dcm:unlin;_r_ satisfaction) of our Aluluunu claims!` Earl Uleirendnn might do n ;;-uni z-ztrukc of ivll.*iiI!t`HS lvuying up at [L :sh:u'u ."-`~p:iin'.s 1-l:|iIn.~Iu_g;:\in.-It us fur 1-wmling out llm Perri: and the Quaker City, and, the next. time he is rmlm-.~'md to scttlp that little ac- count with the l'ni:od States, It-uderin;; uur own ul-Iigzit uns in payment. lluw cuulcl we mziintuin the justice ufuur claim wil110ut:u1- milting that of the other 2 Burl: xvguid be '1 I ` i ` I` A` irisss %|.mI rlntinn nnnlr nn in-ma 1 unuug may anon, apply 0 hour: . n urmn G. ll.` xmGa_5 ...GI_pl.J.J. ~ u JR Capt. Kej " : 8in f n'."iE'E \JlIl Do 4 DEEP SEA DRI:m:Ixcs_-'1`lie Porcupine put into G.Llwu_v on the 5th inst., and sent. news to Lnndnn of thc Dredging Expedi- 1ion. `We may state at, once that, so fi_|_[uS i{ goes, the news is good news. The weather had hccn ne. and soundings been made at. depths frnm 80 to 808 fathmns. .Sunmliugs, too have been taken in places where p|'eVinus soundings were few, nml these VD he up- prccintvd by our lI_vulr0;_{raphic Other. The 808 fathom dredging, which took 1.200 fatlmms of line, brought. up Wm hundred weight of Atlantic mud--n very treasure for those who know what rcumrkable things this mud yields under xirxclnnrr nnr` inhxllinnnr at-rnoinv Tlua ALu1aAnrIu|U tuluga ullla uluu Jllllll uuucr fmslnng and intelligent scrutiny. The wiurlingg in of this nd occupied an hour, the (lonkey-engine (luing its work to full satisfaction, In 11 hnnl an 110 fz1tl10rns408 large specimens of Ec/zinus JVorz'egicus, and 11 living mollusk, with eyes, were brought up. But in addition to natural his- tory, of which we shall have particu- lars by anal bye from Mr Gwyn Jel- freys, Ihe expedition has" (lcm0m=trate(l that a new kind of thermometer fur iu_di eating the temperature at any depth- gives satisfactory results, The thermometer (manufactured, we believe, by Casella) will he described by Dr. Miller at. the next rnuutinn mi 9111) I .\l*ul Qnninn--v TI` .. 2- I... :ct?. np\, \l\,..;\.IIIJ\.II. l'J JJI- AVIIIIUI CIU LLIKI IIVAL meeting 0! the Royal Society. If, as is he- licved, this thermometer is trustwnrtlty, then all previous thermometers used in deep-sea. soundings are wrong, for in the 808 fttthnms deptlt it showed four degrees lower than tlte thermometer usually em- ployed, and the same at 723 fnthoms. And further, Mr W. L. Carpenter, who is with the expeditinn, writes concerning the ex- ` perivnents on water taken at ditfercnt. depths that the hottorn water does not: appear to differ from surface water in the qwzntity of contained gases, nor inrspecic gravity : the latter at 60 degrees F. being always 1.0278. But the proportions of oxygen to carbonic acid and nitrogen dil-r greatly, for bottom-water contains from two to three times more carbonic acid than surface Water. And as regards the tests for or- ganic matter in the water, there is an al- most total absence of decomposing organic matter; hut of matter in a condition ready to decompose there is a. nearly constant quantity whether at bottom or surlace. The itnporttumcc of thts_fact will appear when tlte report on the expedition comes to be pub- lished. From this it. will be unclcrstnml` that the expedition has made a good begin- ning. `We shall probuhly next heurofit lrnut Kiilyhegs, on the coiast of Donegal. In the course of A few weeks Dr. Carpenter and Prof. W}'ville Thomson will take charge of the operations, and the scene of last. year dredging in the North Atlantic will be re- visited.- The Athenczum. L1; uecuruy or meal tistatein the City or Chun- `try at I. low run of interest. No commission chsrged. R. l. ROSE. ' April 23 John ludle, ARRISTE R, Attorney-at-Law, Conveyancer, kc. Ufde opposite Post. Oice, Clarence Street, Kingston. Y August 6. Joseph Illawden, , TTORNEY AT IAW, Solicitor in Cl1a.ncery,NoLs:3 Public, 350., 33 King street, Kingston. Gildcrulccve an walkeqg, _ )ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-nt-LAW, 1) Conveynncers, Notaries Public. Richard T. Walkem, WOLICITOR IN UHANOERY. D 0IIice--Clarence Street, Kingstop, C.W. J. P. G1Ln:nsLnvI.L.L.B. | R105. T. Wanxxx. Jlucdouuld, Patton Ydcivluclnnr, | ARRISTER5 AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW Solicitors in Chancery, etc. _ Ufces-i8 Clareur-a Sl..,, opposite the Post Ufce, Knmsron, 0, W. Juan A. Mscnosun, Q. C. } Juua P.u'1'on, (2.!) Jam: M. L`.-cant. - Kinallnn Jan" I R I .- .---v-u r1 IlI/ II , BARRISTEBand A`["I`0RNEY-a.taLAW,Cen- veyuncer, be 011506 Bagot Street, second door south of the British Whig Ufce, upstairs. August 1. Reilly an Draper, ARRIS1`ER3,ATTORN EYS-at-LAW Solici- wrs in Ctmncm-y-Cbambera Nos. 7, 8, t 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, C. W. Juus U R:u.Lz,Q.C. | Fun: 0. Dunn. ._ OFFICE REMOVED TU KING t5Tl{EE'1' NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK. STORE. __. [,u .1 trvn I, 0' IVIIY DINIIPTIOI Ixecmod nently, chuply, and expeditiously at he DAILY NEWS JOB PRINTING OFFICE. wmdson &. Reeve, ,BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, C .Solicitora, Conveyancers, kc. Napanee, W 0]-'F[CE.-S0uIh West corner of Dundas and East Streets- ~ Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. r County Crown Attorney. - JUILI H. Kingston, Jnn y 16. ___________ J. R. smnn, 1911)., )HYS_ICIAN. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Resldence Hun-owsmiuu UNEY TO LEND. $50,000 to lend (on the i_ security of Real Estalein Coun- inlm-am, Nn .-m.....:.--:-- u. 1 usunnu, DURUIEUN, Hun-owsmith. _.__._____:__. ._--v -- u-Buy, Q T'!`ORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveyance;-, L lunsmon. 0. WT n.,. vv, nr perhaps pay, tlalc dibrclwe. And we the account should be disputed, the rd .\'mt:-3 would nut nmke much by leav- [ out to third p:1rlics.--Cincinnati Gu- I. Lunnull-LL'Ll Kingston, 0. W. W. B. nun-,yayc,' .'l2'V_s'l`l Au`! n__A,,, Jamos Agnew, on _Aj A -nn|:\-\u-u-.-- `Ihiujnin sud depart" from the Kingston Station II follows : -- uucg, J Dec. 1. &c. Phmnlx Plro Assurance Company OF LONDON. gllome` lns:urziL-r1q<;e Company of } New Hav_en, Conn. ` CAP ITAL . . . . $1,000,000. PREHIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- $3,079,896. Funds deposited, in the hands of the Goverment for the security of Pulicybolders. ` All ne risks carefully surveyed, and the rule of Premium made to correspond with the 1 risk asstuut-~J. I A MEQ 3-`l!lTllP'I' 5439. .~I:Ium lnsurmnce Comlruniy of llurtford, Conn.. V L. J. HENDEE, E. P. Donn, President. General Agent. INCORPORATED IN I819. CAPITAL $3,000,000. ASSF/I`S$, H ULL AND CARGO RISKS L0 and from |,.|,__I :1 . _ . _ __ 1'. ._,_|_I_ .______ \Jl.lLl IIAVII \JJ'l l\\J\.l I\ILJl\L) I-I1 IIIJIL Illllll luland Ports on favourable terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted "and paid in Canada Currency. .1 A M I-TH mvnr-1* A non! Home Insurance Company 01' New Haven, I-1. .. ... Illldllxl LFIV II.` 1, -CIEUIJI, Kiugaton, March 3t, '69. St. Lawrence Wharf. IGIIIO VIIT. 4:15 p.In. 4:05 mm. Mixed train 10:00 A. tn. 4:35 " 7200 . [Thin is by llontrenl time, from which deduct 12] minutes for the difference between Montreal Ind Kingston tint] ' Atna" Insurance Co. of Hart- ford, Conn. PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- ` s5,15o,931,71. -_ . I'--..A___l.I E4 kn __._._ @n.;-_.. ..--n ,..-,__-,. \ Losses paid in 50 years, 'l`H1S Company has been doing business in nnnna for nnnrlv Rn In:-I-a and rin-inn uh.)- A at at Kin-gitaon ' 20 Th: 41: O.`ce-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. ulu \.Juu.|yuu_y unu Uvcu uulllg uualmsua In Canada for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal settlement of every fair claim. It has fully complied wilblhe laws ofcanndn by the deposit with the Government of Stocks to the amount of _ $50. 00 _ _ ._,,,_ _ I A_,I _ wvvuvvv And is prepared taiasue policies on terms as low as The safety oflbe assured will permit. ` JAMES SWIFT, Agent, 3 St. Lawrence Wharf. Yinnarnn Elan-o-I. 9| 191:0 EUGENE RIMMEL, PERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- ties we Emperor of the French, the Queen uf Spain, the Queen of Hoiland, the Queen of the Belgians, and the King of Portugal; and ` ELR H. the Prince of Wain-5. Toilet Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rom Leaf Powder. Perfumes for the I-`I...-.AIn.-..'L.:.-.4` E-; do`. on cm.onoprm:% wzraotir PEPPEEHINT. ': Bolilhnufsotnror :-A. P. Towio, Chemist, Manchester. 3:05 min. N o'r|.-The Profolsipn in watnodlgainat in- ferior, aecgpt, and cheap compo~undn now in the makes. Ench Fpuina bottle bear: a_fnc-' a'_i,mile of Propi-ieto an aide. __.. ._.;._7u- -- ` Q signature on the stamp Lcuuu.n:a nur Ill Handkerchief. Eau de Colcgne. A that nhnvn 1'. LJDLI \-IU \JUl'\43u'E. All the abuve are carefully prepared for E1- portatmn, and retain their excellent qualities in any climate. OL`: Ht.-.-I . Inn D-_.._n 0._,,. ~ .. .-. - ..- Kingston, March 31, 1869. V lb` am). They consist othree preparations- THE BAUDELNE, An eicient and prompt Remedy for Cholen, Yellow Fever, Dinrrhcaai Dyaentery, and the excessive action of the Bowels. A gold medal -has awarded by the French Government to Dr V. Baud for this valuable preparation. Price: Small. 1:: lid - Medium ,1. ma . 1 .._..- A Janvw Iuuuu Ila EU IUIIUVU mnfg pain mu ca more jpy than any other article that can nuned. \T..__ 'BL- I\,,A , - . - nu nu: uuu.ll1I.U. 96 strand ; 128 Regent Street ;` 24 Cornhill, London. 17 Boulevard deg Imliena, Paris. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the D Medical College of Paris, Chit.-fPbysician Extraordinary for Epidemics in Paris, late M.D. ot the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has ju'st in- troduced in England his (IRGANID. Mn-.nt_ March 31, 1869. _----u DR. VICTUR BAUD S ORGANIQMEDICINE. Close: 7 Arrive. Rum-n by G.T.R. tiny tnin1`z:40 PAL 4:45 PM. Western 3:l5 2:15 " East. and West night tn-sins 9:00 7:00 AM. I .u-n-. nun .-nun .. .-u 1 TOWI.E S CHLORODYNE. The Original Preparation of known Composi- tion. ~ From Dr G. Kidd, Author of Standard Worki. on Chloroform. Sackville-atreet, Piccadilly, London. Sir,-I think if you would advertise your Chlorodyne more than you do, you would help to beat the others, which are secret com- - pounds, out of the nnrket. Many medical men think with me, and recommend your com- pound, but willnever prescribe I secret re. medy. Gamma: Kmn, M.D. To Ir Towle, Chemist, Manchester. A Surgeon from New York write: :-I only requires to be known tobe epprecintod. I have no hesitation in characterising it (n'z., Torrie : Ghlorodyuo) as the moat ubeful medi- cine thus has appeared during the present century. In dierrbcna, colic, sgne, lpaama, I have found it to relieve more pain and cause joy our other .1-mu. .1... ...... -.- UI IMO KJITII I froduced r` I LY DID IIUUUUUU ICINES. r . unuu Lur |l.|lH vlsluala prepuuaua Price: Small, 13 lid ; Medium, -13 ! Size, 113 per Bottle. "|I`Flli'_ nl new Amrvun Ihnxv _..--- ..,.-z D. Bu-_1u1.n. Cunnu Wmson` President. Secretary CASH CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. I AKE`rAND RIVER msxs taken on bulls ....A ...-.-...n-. ..r -............|-.1- _.. n..- nun 1.111101 A1' IKUN, _ For strengthening the System.-Price 23 91:] per Bottle. - - THE DIASTATIZED IODINE, For purifying the Blood.-Price 2s 9d per Bottle. ',' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweeunonts, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mother: nursing. RI7 lhn nnmhinniinn nf .1..- `l_-( V `- Ill-IIEIIIJEO By the combination of the Iron or Iodine -with Cress Seeds in n state-`:ot7'_ germination. they are united with organic life, which thus renders: them digestible. Tho_i:i-itntive and atubborn mineral has thus become tlfehncleus of an organic rsubstnnco capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood Without. injury to the stomach. - Agent for England and British Posaeasiona, E. G. DUFRESNE, 79 w...u.... 9....-. ___,__________ CHOLERA, `DIARBHFEA, to. EARL RUSSELL sent to the College of Physicians 1 commnnicntion received by mm from Manilla (where cholera had been grating fearfully) to the efect. that, of all A ,reznedieB tried, Cnlorodyne was the moat e'eo- ` Live. LAIIL- 1.; -- V V The day seems as yet, nlfhnppily, for die- tant when public opinion or State interfer- ence will prevent the advertisement or sale of any secret. medicine whatsoever. It is to be hoped that .the profession will continue to brand as unworthy the conduct of those of in members who by testimonial or otherwise aid me disposal of such lhinga."-Lanct._ --rs.--o u...-_ ._ .__ L3L.IJ Kingston, March 31, 1869. UNITED STATES HALLS. `through Mails for'New York, Bo1on,0swego nnd Cups Vincent, will be closed at 1:30 PM._ nnd 8111]: from these places will be due for de- livery at 12:30, RM. A second Mail for Cape Vincent will boclcmed :1 5:30, P.M.,nnd om- will be due here for delivery at 7, A.M., dnjly, _Sundu_ys exceple 1. I'!v\IrIIl.-I`! u-`urn -Royal Assurance company 0! JJILIH JILILI [DIV null: Ll-ALJILLT ban: and cargoes at reasonable rates. JA \u`..~x szwl rm` |5'U"i IUI. nugunuu BBQ Dflnsn J:'0BI8lSi( G. DUFHESNE, 79 Wading Street. May be obtained of all Chemists. ynt. when nublic nniflinn LIVERPOOB :'ND LONDON. MAXWELL W.8TR'A-NOE. A ..-..s 55.- lZ:....-pan- EUGENE RIMMEL, IP'I-11I\ - 5 you LJUIJ-IU. THE DIASTATIZED IRON, :n2then'mz Svauem,_p.a.. aim-me li1>sZu7i'ance. ? 1569. uoapuala Englnnd his ORGANIC MEDI- per Canadian steamers will be closed every Fri- day; at 12 M. -- IV..- -_J-_,.I l)A...____ 1.` _ . _ _ _ _ __ I',.-. n-1