Kingston News (1868), 9 Jul 1869, p. 1

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-G`""" _, T` 581 lglllull . OIIIINIII); 1` G. ll. Klxcryx L clam TE.\.\t-BR [TM 1-`. "X VIII. ?III.`l.' VI Dunn. a sad Hamil l\ _. r-Fnhln . ..-u_y u_auuuuys ex- (excepl. Mondays), |d Trunl:"l'ni.-m .....I of the above L'iur nut: ,;` A..- -1` I I u tut! LN KE.l`{:'HATCl!, --Iacvi Kl-Fl-IuHJ3)' Trunk'Trnius and 3:25 All. train for \ Steamers will A Il-_l_, Capt. I. ily (suglnys ex- pnnt Ilm-..I-.=\ the train fro ...a 1~-.._n. .n,:_r- on Blondnys, -.l-__ _, --E hnke _Stenmers trip! beuu-en (Landing for 1iu'u1n), and lcalmcru - Sh P1"rrJ . Lho follow- A\./ll, Agent. `:Llll\`l'.\'. or pas- nr '(\ Idkys .:P;-1`!-eTd)' Ha; Foo RANGE CERTIFICATES and Lodge Summons may be obtained at the DAILY NEWS OFFICE. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Devices for every description of Orange printing kept on hand at the Dun Nnws Sun Panama Houan. EW STYLES OF ` TYPE HAVE been added to the DAILX Nzws Jun Pnmrmo OFFICE. Our two Steam Presses Jud `Automatic Platen Printing Machin- ery ensble us to turn out work in good style, with quick deapatch, and at cheap rues. Inqnir-yin solicited. ILL HEADS and other kinds of Jon P1Ln~."rn~m executed with nestness and despatch at the Dniiy News oice, Princess Sweet. 4 0 "#1 ;iT1:'u., HAD`. -0' I _| nlebfy `. """"" `Flt '1-d- SIN[}LE 009133 of the mm 2 . NI~:ws`ma_y' be had at lhecolmter of the publication ofce, Frnoess street, price tlirce coppers. IIUIJ. Best selected So Coal for grates constisntly on band, also Lehigh Lump for Foundry (so and Blosaburg for Blacksmiths. Torin: T`.-uh n.Ia-oi-m-I in car nan-f r;f Hus nuu Dlualluurs nu Terms Cub. Deliveted in any part 6! the city. ~ ` -JAMES SWIFT & Cl 4 ' UR Coal is Pure Lackawana, being mined in the very heir: of the Lackawnna. Valley, Scranton, Piuston, and Wilkes Barre, fiorn the bet: selected mines, and is prepared with great cure exrecsly for Family use, and will be 1. screened and delivered in .lhe best possible co .- dition. n,_. --w_-....: c..n rv.._1 43.- ......o.... ......_.'....u.|.. r rwuiuuiluruv I _1 wrru Ir-I-Ur ]0lllce-I. Lawrence '\VI|urf, | - Foot of Johnson Street. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presenti- ed iithin lhg rs! three we: 1:3 of the Session. nu A. n I.r.`..-1' r:n.r.nnn 1-It--Jun} `WI-I-..u Ill -v yuvllsutu l|'.l mull Ill tut: Lllliuflu .'..::erre), to give NOTICE .0!` their application (clearly mud distinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontario Gazette, and also in 3 Newspaper published in the Qounty or Union of Counties affected; sut-h notice shat! be continued in each case for I pendd of at. least six weeks ` during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Session land the considera- tion of the Petition. Copies of the first and lust of much notices to bescnt to the Private Bill Oica ' III n.,.2.:___r__I'I,!,-_A- h!n-_ ,.1 , ,___. '1%aua. son. 1868.] ARTIE: intending In raike spplication to the Legislature of Uumrfo for Brivate Bills are hereby nolied that they are -required by the 5151 and fullowing Rules of the Legislative Aa- isembly (which are published in full in the Untario la.'..-..n..\ m an. \H]`l`!f`li` ..o- ......:-......n:,.,-.:n._ ' Trusty Pbners in attendance at Railroad Depot and Steamboat Land-i\ngs. r Oct. 23. 001. iuusicfiii IUNTB, , Kev Song v lot I L"nrcu"|:,b.` BBUWN a nu no n...~m _ _`-__ BURNETT HOUSE UNTARIO STREET, KINGSTON ONTARIO. It It. Stephens. Proprietor. PH ,_ Nor: -CAl'r1ou.--Parties in Montreal are otferiugfor sale Boots purporting to come from my estnblushrnent. As I have no agent or per- son authoriznd voaell tor me in that city, buy- ers are cautioned against bargaining with any one there for my boats. * L....- u-slug sent out o: um Estat-l`sbn:enl-. ll (\!I'Il\r\In . nv October 21,1868. \ Store. ALES AND PORTER `BOTTLEVD AT THE l3`R0& TEN.{'C BBB `IVIZRY \" ILL be delivered to the Trade, direct from Ihe Hanufnclory, at 80 rents per dozen, and Privnte"Fnmil ies at,$1 per dozen. Urders left ALA . Livingston`: and City Book IJII Toronto, 25th Feb., l_-869. gurnng TE_COAL !_A_!iD Kingston, May 6, 1869. a___.____ Kingston and THE CARRATRACA WATER. GE9. W. camanrox, _A ` ` Agent. I-ungaton, June 12th, 1869. .n-via:-3-1 Fut '!nI.hV Lxfing maul Q M. `()-`G()R-.\I,AN, BOAT BUILDER SIMCOE S':I'REE'I`, .\iTT\:i1ZCITW'ET1i For Sale by 1>R1VA'1`I_: BILLS. I-Iingiton, `list 4 ___.__._ .-.. W (""7 - _Kingslon, Ont. -3.. Assortment of Skiff; aiways on ban :1. 'W to be paid for be- e-ing 9903. out 0. mm: Emu.I:=hm.=--, `ESTABLISHED TO THE PUBLIC! VII-II?` ' V GOLD AIDG ,,_..,,_ .....l;.uuu Iu uc plnu I./out 0. I121: Estal.-l`sbmem-. l'Y'l'n|l Dr._n:.... :_ .31. llllcc CC `.0 UI ILIH QCBDIUIJ. CHARLEST. GILLMUII, Clerk of the Houie. l`..L lat,-n . `11<:1:1u+;mN';j, L.,_.,., r.._: ,,_- _ . .._. nu nu-u'IL or G. ai.'xxNc.1IonN, Foot of Brock Street. April 1869. `run sniausn JAMES SWLFT & CL; E`asn,p'z ;-. apply } \l L I H PARK me, FRESH ALSO A . , "2 lines n'oolill I 1 line: dim. for auyuu` U goohlnri-n;l D-ilrw-5?` whohdl linmmoque lioule. Market Square. M. O GOR.\{AN. 'nn ho-anl. lo l.\l(`.llnr.~u Master. vlll ruu 3L]1`I._'_ Wed- Jnnn al F ri- _ END IT TO YOUR FRlENDS.--The CHRONICLE AND NEWS is published every Friday morning, and contains all the news of the week. For Fifty Cents`, paid in advance, you any send it to your friends for three months at the reduced rates of postage. For One Dollar it may be sent 311 months. Single copies. price Five cen to, may be had at the Daily News oee, Princess Street. uclf. 3` Try Gardner : Cough Re- Ined_y.-'eo Advertisement. Persona desirous DI zuulug ll.l LDU ruuucuuou of the CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY for 1870-71 will please send in their Orders for SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVERTISEMEN'1"`S 10 0 HR LOVELL, Printer and Publisher. 23 and 25 St. Nicholas Street, Montreal, May, 1869. KB dcr. Du upplltjlluuu IU $l'.IU I Iluuauulu > No Money to be [mid until the 1Vork is de- la'ucred.--This notice is given for the reason that unprincipled men have onoseveral. occasions canvassed for and collected moneys in advance, on account of Books which they falsely repre- sented me as being about to publish. ` Agni-nun nf niincr in fhn pllh`;`; uuu r -5 u uyr-on uuu uvvvcn unnun. ggc CANADIAN DUM1-NION`DIREC1`OR.Y for 1870-71 will contain a. short description of at least 3,500 Cities, Towns, and Villages in the Dominion of Canada, and the Provinces of New- foundland and Pr'nce Edward Island, together with the Name:-1,of the Professional and Busi- ness len and of the principal Inhabitants. -I-rnllal 1 F nI'n:nuIn-rtnu - l'1'llJCE, u'cu.uuu_y, ax. uu... . 4...: LJL5 ' Runs on Aovnnnsma wxll be made known on application to the Publisher. N11 fllnnpu in b aid -until Hm W'nrk in tin- Domgnion of Canndaaubgcribers $12 Cy per copy United States do. . - $15 Cy Great Britain and Ireland do. . . 3 Slg " France, Germany, &c. do. . 3 Stg D.-rm: nu Ar\t.'l-n1-Tania UH] hp maria Ilnnwn CU- III.- To be Corrected to August, 1870. The CANADA Dmscroar for 1857-58, pub- lished by the Subscriber. contained the Names of lhe principal Inhabitants in 1,339 Cities, Towns, and Villages in Upper and Lower Gntnda. The DOMINION ` DIRECTORY noun. 9) -.:II* .....o..:.. .. ..L..-u A ........ __ -3` _. 1l:a.!lDDn., IDIU, u surnctent: support by 1 , SUBSCRlP'I`IONS~ and ADVERTISEMENTS can be obtained to cover the cost of Publication, :1 CANADIAN DUMINION DIRECTORY, comprising the Provinces of ONTARIO, QUE- BEG, NUVA SCOTIA, and NEW BRUNS- WICK, to which will be appended the Pro- vinces of NEWFOUNDLAND and PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. The Director] will (00- tain the Names of Professional and Business Men, and of the principal Inhabitants in the Cities, Towns, and VII1IgI. 5, together with 3 large amount of general information, including` Alphabetical Directories of Post Olces and Puslmasters, Ba.nks,,_GovernmentaI Departments and employes, Houses of Parliament, Law Courts, Educational Departments, Custom Houses and Uflicers of Customs, Ports of Entry, Tariffs of Customs, List of Patents of Inven- IIODB, Canals, Railways, lfailtray maul S1t'um- boat Routes, Benevolent and Religious Societies, Clergy of all Denominations, Registrars with their Divisions, Newspapers and Periodicals, &c., M3,`; also, Statements of Imports and Ex- ports, Revenue, Expenditure, Trade, Poptilation, kn r, CANADIAN nommuu uuu+:vTu1:1'. Ii`-.. `lD'.'{\ "I cnml, for the above ` WWI, Me ry d y (Sundays m'7'PAS`l` `TBRE;i! 0 ;-lock. Ville every day (Snu- IBUTEERS 8 C0,, Freight Agents. , f , - _-_..v-V-` AILIDI-J`/I.\ I..I.| Fora. 1870-Tl. FFHE SUBSCRIBER proposes to issue in SEP- TEMBER, l870, if sufcien; by SUBSCRlPTlONS~ and AI")Vli`.R'!`lRIi`\Jr.`\I1*.` - - - u -us \JIu\.Cl.B Ill n.IUg3l.ULl, B00 5 Mnurc` turer`s prices from Messrs J. CARRUTHERS &: Co., Wholesale Grocers, Ontario Street, and also at Messrs W. R. MCRAE & Co. s, Kingston. If you wish" the best BAKING PUVVDI-Ill. ask for GAllDN'ER . March 20. ' rnueess street, Kingston. ESIRES most respectfully to thank his nu- merous Custpmers for a liberal patronage extending over FIFTEEN YEARS. In closing his accounts for the past year the advertiser has determined to abandon the Credit system altogether, and he wishes his Customers to understand this announcement in the most positive sense. Determined not to be outdone in the price or quality of his Stock, he is pre- pared to sell BUUTS and SHOES ol unrivalled manufacture at the lowest remunerative prices on strictly cash terms. - Unpaid accounts must be settled immediate- ly, otherwise tbey will be put in suit. I E. The Dntrnnam: nt` l`....t. n.....-._. s , .1, uulcl vuac Lucy Will 00 p 3` The patronage of Iicited. Billet] 1116 an onus auuuu LU yuuunu. Persona desirous of aiding in the Publication 1- .._- n . u A n: A II nnvnmnv hrnl2'.n1*nnV @" Try Gui-dnen- s Baking P'ow- Sbl/AL 5N`Fm: T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. `u ALLVLLJKJ D, `Dealer In Boots and Shoes.No. 36 1 Prlness Street, Kingston. mnat 1-nnnnnvf`..ll.. 4- -I ' ' ' Beech and Maple wilt be delivered in 1 I for Cash. `Su: HI-r.",' Lula,` he. copy, JAMES ( Al the Grocery Store 0; Wharf foot of Queen Street, ` Kingston, Apr1127, 1869. E ,_ xmut Fishing rope a splendid ass D from one o Tackle Manu ortmeul of In all its! l RODS, ,-_.--.. . .1, r 1.4: ma, 1']; )'-H &C. 3:0. 3:0, .I New and Improved Bun Irnn u.. r1 ..../K Kingston, 22nd January, T;IuI3'iia|rs BAKING rowmazu. Z._j.__ `HE Subscriber respectful] _ towers and the public 1 w rezldy to supply them ` PRINCESS ST BASKETS, FLIES, , `W, 3.- W001) ! V l.lNES,_ FUR. SA L E, HARD AND SOFT WOOD,3 ud Maple, Hemlock and Pine, CHVBEQJ in any nnu-D `..r .|_. J- APPLY lo I vnrie-lies. FISIIING TACKLE. "rlooucs, Pu Tubact-0nI_st. ` SI`REET,*q' KINGSTON. ___j [nu Gclaull JAMES CAMPBELL, TV Slam nnnnnir.-. 01... -I 00D I WO0D ! ' "5PEC|full1 informs M the nuhlin mm......n.. .. nany pnrtfof the city. Hbmp, mprovcd Trolling Bait VERY CHEAP, - --_.. uuuu, : opposite the wharf. et_ 2 yun. Au BUIL. Cash Customers so- `JAMES HOPE. ,1868. or UULV 5511 FL s'-u0~oKs, Rn` . 5'1 " `CU-I T"--AH lulu solid, 8 cent: pa solid Bnriari A--- n.-lm! T ...'-._ sunultuu HIE UU3' : generally that he is with the very best 3 SPOUN BAITS I-`l.\'_!lnn|.-u his Cus- ihno 5- 3- which Cheap auuuuly Bppflg I5 I column oocaslonally. A '1` OF ADVERTISING.--Horace Greeley,'of New _York, saye:-The most successful business men in this ci are those who have advertised liberally and constantly. _A small advertisement con- stantly appearing is better than 1 display oocasionallv- E"I`wenty years experieucein using Bry- an's Pulmonic Wafers have proved them_to he the most effectual remedy for coughs, and irrita- tion of the throat, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will find them most benecial. The entire freedom from all deleterious ingredients renders Bryan`s Pulcnonic Wafers, or Cough and Voice Lozenges, a safe rernedyifor the most delicate person, and has caused them to be held in high esteem by all who have used them. Sold` by all medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. Basclscl or s Hair Dye. This splendid Hair Dye is thrbest in the world; the only true and perfect dye; harm- less, reliable, instantaneous; no disappoint- ment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill eects of bad dyes ; iuvigorstes and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all;D1-uggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batchelor 8 Win Fnctnrv, Nn IR ., .....u.u55-au: Iuu_ rermmers; and Wig Factory, Bond street, New York. , , -__._...., ...-vvnuu. Mrl. S A. ALLE`N S ZYLOBALSAMUM, anaier heparalzbn r the {fair ,' cltar cad iraruparenf, u.-it/non! stdimenl. It 1': very 1-imple aruizyleu produce: uxvndnjful re.m1t.r,_ In great .mper1'orz?y and (canopy; A7 a I/air Dre::z'r:g aver /rig/t cast French Porttades 1': acknowledged y all no! only in this cozmtr 6:4! in Europa The Rgxtarrr and Z ylababamxm suld not be ustd rm: wit {Ire athtr. SOLD BY A.LLDRUOl5`.|'|. P1-opria-torn, S. R. Van Duzrr an Cn., fholeade Druggida, 35 Bun.-lay 9:. had 40 Park Place. New-York. j:_ uAn:Iu_y unit , uealllly, Holt and gloss; For sale by all druggista. R. P. HALL 5: Co., Nashua, N.H., IT WILL POSITIVELY RESTORE GREY HAIR TU ITS URIGINAI1 COLOUR. It keeps the hair from falling out. It is the best dressing in the world, making lifeless, stiff, braaby hair, healthy, soft and glossy. bv all druoaimn, -_...n-o ;o-.1: .1 11131318 Will Rcslorc Gray llair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. `Ila. H A l`I"I"D\vIa a1yvnv..-...___, uomulnea. 1n une Bottle. A MRS. s. A. ALLEN S HAIR RESTIIRER _A Till I14-mg-1...... 1`...._. u-;: . V N9" 53Y|- Illllirlant Change. A REAL HAIR REBTORER AND DRESSING Combined in One Bntfla Owners of Horses Rojoicing. And why not ? and who knows but that their horses are rejoicing as well ; who can prove the contrary? But their owners rejoice because !of the astonishing and almost miraculous elfects on their horses of `-Durle_t `:1 Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." Some were lean and poor having no appetite ; others would devour their food ruvenously, yet derive no benet from it; some were hide-bound, with rough and shaggy hair ; others had severe colds and coughs; many had the heaves and other com- pirtints peculiar to horses ; on all it operated as a charm, the disease or complaint was speedily removed, the appetite and digestive organs cor- rected, the skin softened, and s. sleek and shin- ing appearance given to the coat, all without any danger to, or preventing the horse being used. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hard as Co. is on each package Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all "medicine dealers. u....-uuu uuunr ana 1-2; cents 101' postage, enclosed to NORTIIROP J: LYMAN, New- castle, 0nt., General Agents for Canada, will insure A bottle of the genuine, containing Fifty .I ills, by return mail. Sold by all Druggiata in Kingston, and medicine dealers everywhere. ...- -r-unavu um-._os rcumm rull are exten- sively counterteited. The genuine have the name of`JOl3 MOSES" on each package. All others are worthless. N.B.-One dollar and V1-2} cents for postage, enclosed to NHRTIIROD 5 [VII nu `Lt-.- gulch uru Well ODSGIVEU. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. - * _QD`E`r`.1 A `I `nfnrnvnn E __...__ _ov-anvil o` SIR JAMES CLARKEPS CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Erepared from prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.D., Physician Extraordinary to ` the Queen. 'l`HIS well-known remedy is no imposition, but B sure and safe remedy for Female Diiculties and Obstructions, from en'y`~ cause whatever -, and though a. powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Mu:-turn LADIES it is peculiarly suited ; it. will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Ajfectious, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the peintul diseases occasioned by it disordered system, these Pills villi eect 3 cure when all other means have failed. Thane Dilln Luau- -u--n- |-A-- `--~- " " " .....u rvucu nu uuuer means nave Iauea. These Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the 2nd page o_f pam- phlet are well observed. Fan Inn ..--s:._..|_,_ _,. . . . A -wi1--,,wEa .Iii_E.L_:. keepre at 15, , ,_-_. `Int ,untIL|llll `UI Diarrhu-n, Dyaenlery and all othe Bowel Cotnpiainta so prevnlentnt tbi the year have a sure and never fnili Perry Davis Pain-Kil`er, which shot: at the commencement of thedisensa. The Hamilton Spa-rater says: I ing the St. Lawrencetespecialliy in M: Quebec are very liable to -be atta "Montreal Cholera, for which we 1: Perry Davis Pain-kiiler a sure cure ; from our own experience a Bottle of ] is the best Physician :1 Traveller can .-ru-.uuA J.lV|alU' Dulclierhi Ligluning Death to the Living! Long] Sold by Dealers` Everg Monwlzu:-i1. {1?J(:7\E1-lJ*/K tflomcm. narfhtixn n- ' ` - AV uu nscu In. SPECIAL. NOTICE._ Si: James C1ar!_e'a Female Pills are exten- ivenr (`nuntartailn nu... ..,.....:_.. L--- .- Owners Horses July 8. --j:----.j_-__:_ The Great English Remedy 9 In rninsva I11 . n n _ .. .._.(- -.n.4au..u Ill.-I&\l.IbI:lJU 111111 J. Combined in One Bottlo. 21C`! A A`-'-'- .. --u-unvu. Ivlul a.l have found avis a. curs ; speaking r experience} Painuliiller est have. by all Druggists and Country Shop- at `35 and 50 cents per bottle. Perry Davis Ir. Son, PROPRIETORS, _ Montreal. ,,,__ .,.,l.....u;u: 5:135: "l. (:l'BDDS GO Lawreuceespecially Mont;-ea] and re attacked with {`.hnl..... N 6`..- _l.e,I - - Special Notices. v:c;Eix{;TL1AN HAIR A RLNEWIR . lery other forms of n this season of fniling cure in -Kil'er, should be used name .0` .|.. 12. > GRAY HAIR is :1 certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAU`l`IFUL mm, .\ nt,nrc`s Crown. Yul! Mllt Cl]lliY-8 it nlng Fly-Killer! Long live the Killers! - sags : ;;Pe1-sons do Evgryw/ere I L, Proprietors. EVENING. JULY ceaeu aoiaiers.) Du- H. T. Hauraonn, _ Two bottles only of the package of your valuable Buchu presented to the Institute have been used by the children, and with perfect success. In the case of our little Lieutenant A. J., his pride is no longer mortied, and he is free from the daily morning anathemas of the chambermaid who has charge of his bed- ding. I feel that a knowledge of the result of our use ofyour Buchu with the children un- `der our charge may save many a Superinten- dent and Matron of Boarding Schools and Asylums a great amount of annoyance, and many a poor child suffering more from weak- ness, than from habit, may be spared punish- ment, that is (not knowing it as 3 wieaknesia instead of 3 bad habit) most uu uetly inflicted upon thcu1.,' you_onj behalf of the children, and hoping others may be alike benetted, I urn I-An-nun!-l>`nll- -....__ Gninr SALT Lzuu CITY, UTAH, { Jan. 23, 1868. Mr H. T. H':x.uaoLn, i Dear Sir-Your communication requesting our terms for advertising was duly received, bat from a prejudice I had formed against ad- vertising "cures for secret diseases, it was left unanswered- During an accidental con- veraaiion in 3 drug store the other evening, my mind was changed on the character or your Bnchu. It. win then highly commended for othgr diggggpg h1r.t.wn nhvainiann nnnnnl _,...u; uuuuu. u. wns men mgnly commended other diseases by-two physicians present. Incloled please find our ntonsof advertising. You:-I, &c., vr 1: tr u ...... __ Hlm(noLn's Exnucr Bucrm, eutsblielred up- ward of 18 years, prepared by H. T. HELM- BOLD,'Dn-uggiat, 594 Broadway, New.York, and 104 South 10th Sheet, Philadelphia, Pa. Prica $_1,25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 56,50, delivered `to my address. Sold by all Drug- giats everywhere. "`nnA an. n---:-- ---'--- ` slt uvcrywnar. .` !3"None are genuine unless done` steel-engraved wrapper, with (ac-aimile Chemical Warehouse, and signed `Fl Fl` '.|I`I3`I lrnru --- . MN. Y. s. VOL. INSTITUTE, }Corner of Fit_I.h Avenue and 76th - Central Park nnmo and .h.L,...I I-`__ -L- PI -__...-..._ -5. Inns rt-cezved In lint.` Ii! g Uentral Park. (A Home a.nd School for the ceased Soldiers.) Hlnunnrn mi 11 no treatment is submitted to, CON- SUMPTION or ]N$ANlTY` may ensue. Our esb and blood are auported from these .sourcea,'and the health and happiness, and that of Poalerity, depend upon the prompt me of: reliable remedy. xr v C: '~nn.u- nu-........_-___ uvluclirllll UIICHWO Whether existing in male 0} female, from whatever cause originating; and no matter of how long standing. K3 If no treatment is qubmitted to, SUMPTION or INRANITV In-aw mm--n A--- 5 you DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, _ FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, AND ALL DISEASES or'1'H: unvlt uuuwreu an out me ri Diseases of these organ 1 Diuretic. -r-I--qr --_` A `(nun mHELMBOLD S FLUID EXTIZABT BIICHU ,p.-;\zI.vI'!$I.IB, are all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera- tiou, when in perfect health, make the -man. Did you ever think that these bold, deant, energetic, persevering, successful business men, are always t_bose whose generative or- gans are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain cfbelng melancholy, ofner- vousness, of pslpitstion of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in busi- ness; they don t become sad and discourag- ed; they are always polite and plesssntin the company of ladies, and look you and , them right in the t'sce-none of your downcast looks, or any other mesnness about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs in- amed by running to excess. These will not only ruin -their constitutions, but also those they do business with or for. How many men, from badly cured Veneresl diseases, from the effect of Sll-Abuse and excesses. have brought about that etateof weakness in thoa_e organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce almost: nvnrv not... .a:...._.. _..... ....uuJ udcu, almost every other disease-- idiocy,141nncy, 'pa.relysis,Vspins.l atfectiou, sui- cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to, and the real c use Of the tl'OClblB anarr-4-Iv aver gnu-nu-oz--1 --4 U June 16, 1866. "Are your spirits dull and n.gging-given to ts of melancholy? Ifso, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have van Flllnaa In.::-L6- -I v V -- \) -- LIIAIILLJIHLUI Sell`-Abuse, Vemrcal and Sexual Diseases Badly Cured, and I-Ixcesses, JULII IIVEI 0| uyapepsla. Have you restless nights? Yo weak, your knees weak, and have I -appetite, and you attribute this to d or Liver complaint ? NINTH D I Yvnru uuJr:u|.l Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of compnnyhof life? Do you, wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody ? Does any little thing make you start or jump ? " Is your sleep broken or restless 7 . Is the lustre of your eye unbrillianl? .The bloom onlyour cheek as bright '2 Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same ` energy ? nn vnn ran` .. ..__-L V "` 'IF you are sulfering or have suffered from ,_ Involuntary Dischaiges, what electdoes it produce upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired 7 Does a. little rxtre. exertion produce pulpi- tntion of the heart? Doesyour liver, or your urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? -Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or ocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick ecnm rise to the top ? , Or is asediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head 7 Is your memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? TIA Ivrsnu 45...! ,l..n I- -- SUFFERINGS HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED ` FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, . .-__.._ ununn EQUIRE PROMPT TREATMENT TO REN- DER EXISTENUE DESIRABLE. CE`RTAwI1:{ACURE uscu, I sum-espectfully yours, (1. IU Tl1I NERVOUS AND DEBILITATEII. unm MW 0 TnjKnT."% Aether existing in mnln n`.- 4'.-n..In cm iu`unun mo: than nfi for maid Work dun ll at 30: lII5N,I on-Jeni ntueqn E`xpnu._ `Ill-ll`, Clio T. B. H. Susnousn, Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Semi-Wgekly Telegraph. IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, ` um 15 A '1-1'xn-1 . 7-- _. -- ' r 1 x ,;of `life `I ---`:..L .A L- I I'- rrvv-IIIQIIJ Juana, Con. Yotme, General Sup L and Director. as lllallvl NOW, READER, 1 `Fan .... .-I __ AND 'wno_sI: cAsn `E on RLA T0 THI u mguuu 1. '1`. HELMBOLD, {j ZALLKD EIAIOJ URI Puusun -CED, and Bi/I_[ l rum`: 3- -`A ..6uu unu- I require the use ofa The Sons of De- r:|\ U111, Street, Your back a but little n dyspepsia `up in uofmy ' the Imperial Parliament of the British Ame- ,, Ill connection with the passage through 1_'i_cn Act, under which the provinces now forming the Dominion had been united, had elicited a warmer interest in Canadian af- fairs on this side of the Atlantic than had been wont to obtain ; and he had found, du- ring the short period he had been in Great Britain, a very great willingness on the part ofinuential people to learn something of this most important of the colonial posses- sions of the empire. The peculiar geogra- phical position occupied by the Dominion, adjacent to the great nation which to-de was occupying so large a share of the world's attention, had militated against it.-With- out attempting to enforce literally the Mon- roe doctrinc- ` "No pent-up Ulica contracts our powers, For the whole boundless continent is ot_I_rsf - the people of the United States,_ by` the ap- propriation ofthe name of a continent, of which they occupied` half, had at; - tempted, and to someextent, succeeded. in closing the eyes of outsiders tothe other peoples who shared with them North Ame- rica. The union of the British American colonies, and the establishment of them as the Queen s Dominion of Canada, was doing something towards removing this European ~ popular delusion ; and to-day he was glad 1 to know that the Dominion was fast aoquii-- : ing in the estimation of the people of the ; mother country its legitimate `posi- tion. A few fact in relation to its title to the position of confidence which 4 it sought would not be out of placeas a. kind of preface to tlielecture. In area, the provinces included in the Dominion 3, measured 377,045 square miles ; and when l the other Atlantic provinces--the Pacic colonies and the Hudson's Bay territory-i come to be included, as included they will be within a very few years, the area would be 3,389,345 square miles--nearly equal to the whole of Europe. The population ` was now fourmillious; rather over that of the American Republic when it declared its independence. In commerce it was making rapid and important stri es. Tak- ing the Province of Ontario an Quebec, which for purposes of comparison aiforded the best data, it appeared that the imports had risen from $16,982,069 in f0_ $29,078,527 in 1-858, and to $57,24;8,23_9 In 1868; while the exports of the Province had risen from $10,679,992 in 130e W $26,472,609 in 1858, and to upwards of ity ; millions of doliars; Mr White gI`V_0 901310 ,1 details of this trade, showing Elli} 111 31 " of the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty 4 UB5 Mr White commenced his lecture by say- ing, that although specially commissioned by the Government of Ontario to set before the people of this country the advantages which that province presented as a. eld for settlement, he should detain the audience for a few moments in speaking of the Domi7 nion of Canada as a whole, and in doing ` this, his object was to deal with A practical questions of detail with as much complete- ness as the circumstances of a public lecture would admit of. It was a. matter of congrn-s tulation to himself, and in this, he_ believed,` he spoke the feelings of the Canadians gen- ` erally, that the discussions whichghad taken place in connection with t.he the British Arno- 4 pmu u_y muue Wm. Taylor. ` The Chairman, after expressing regret that the City Hall could not be obtained, ad-` vented to the importance of the snbject of emigration, renmrking that in this case Mr White was prepared to explain to the meet- ing the particular advantages of Canada, That country was one of the possessions of this country. so that goingfthere was not like," one might say, going to 9, foreign country. The habits and customs of the people there were very much like these here, Mr White came accredited by the government of Cana- da, and the meeting might depend thorough- ly on every statement he might make. (Ap- ` plnuse.) _ ' ll Ilrv I. .__-- LECTURE DELIVERED BY Tnonua Wnrrz, Jn., EsQ., IN THE TRADES HALL, Guscow, J UNF. 1011:. = From the zvolrm British, Daily Mail. That the subject of emigration is absorb- ing much general ntetntion amongst those classes of Society most interested-the bone and sinew of the country---was amply de- monstrated last night. It was announced that Thomas Whitejun., Esq., Commission- er on Emigration to this country, appointed by the Province of Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, would, by special request,deliver a. lecture in the Trades Hall lastmight, "on the advantagespresented by Canada to the emigrant ;" and at the advertised hour, eight o clock, comfortable standing room could not be had in the building. Every part was oc- cupied, while there were crowds who could not obtain admission. The chair was occu- pied by Bailie Wm. Taylor. ` Chairman. ffnr nvn1-nnn:-- -` -unA1\JJ.AJl \JlJrlE 0 had at the counter of L1 (`B83 street. Price lhr: "Single copies News. conminim. nu. - ya magic copies Haws, containing the had in wrapper for ; ssued every F rjday. ,, ~- 3:15 East and West night trains 9:00. UNITED STATES MA Through Mails for New York, B end Cape Vincent, will be closed and Mails from these places will I livery at 12:30, PM. Asecond Vincent will be closed at 5:30, T will be due here for delivery at 7, Sundays excepted. h...-.__, / and Kingston time.] A 5 _____;_______ KINGSTON POST OFF Glow Enstqrn by G. T.R. day train12:40 P H II it 3:15 ` Paar ---I "'7 ` ' ' w :5 Lara " 1 3:o5;a.m. ----- Trains arrive and depart Station as follows : or IVIBY DI Executed neatly, cheaply he DAILY NEWS JOB FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 9. .__a____;__%________ @E' SEE LAST PAGE.` ? . Travellers and Pa cbL0N1_zA1'10N OF CANADA uvtu SLUT. 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 2:45 um. 1:50 44 u if 6:15 u G `DIE!-1 TIE`? '_ annals vrlsr. [4:05 am. : Mixed COPIES of the DAILY Nnws may be Junter the publication oice, Prin- three coppera. ` 'Ig nnnhm .4 AL. I" VlE`{'ITISH MAILS Btenmm-a will I... -1-_ and B1-"e1 nan;-u..A1_-' ontreal time, from which deduct the difference bet_vg_'9en Montreal me.] - Inn} nlsonmrxon y, cheaply, and expe N175 7 B /K for New Boston, Oawego ll, at 1:30 P.M., `Jase be due for de- P.M. Mail for Cape closed P.M.,and one For deliverv at 7. A M 3-"- GOING IAIT. n nu I ll:_-J NTING. ON opmoz.` Close. Arrive. ,. day P.M. 4:45 P.M` 2:15 Ebt train: man u n,.-m . u sea P.M., an 7, A.M., , ,rr..-.u 3 of the CEBOHIOLI um 1 news of the week, may be mailing. Price 3d. each, I Will. i train 10:00 a. N H 77.1.11 :1 y, eixgyaediti-ouy at PRINTING OFFICE. _--._--_.__. ` from the Kingston Postal Eaulde.` i.iA1Ls. LY NEW: whvigzh -Imus-. Il.._o._.-I :U;UU 7:00 U qlil 7:00 uuu ULII! L, daily, l,_,.,.,.l...g ul nuuuu null-guterllllllll. LII. On- ulrio,` be (Mr White) thought they had lol- ved the question which was now engaging. so much attention in botlind, end they had done it in such 3 way that all ' might with truth be now eeid to benot simple edmirere. buff ifneed be chempioni of our common schools. The system we`: a purely voluntary one. For oonvenienoo each toyrnehip WII divided into 0nVenl| dietriui, celled school section: ; but It in entirely at the option of the people of the ,, .._ --av _ ` yllpyb HI popular self-government as it_iI poielbldo imagine. Under them eery township er" 3 once 5 year a council of ve, who1:`nq M solutecontrol over the naire of the big. ship, imposing and collecting the " and laying them out in such improvemnh" _ue ere necessary. The people have thus in ' theiigown hands the expenditure of IIIHI` own -inoney, and the general good an ment which had been exhibited in nine cl.` pal eaire fully justied the power wafer- red. Though this municipal` meehi ' e only direct `taxes are for purely local o_ ` such as the improvement of roads end brid- ges, and whether they are light or excee- eive, "depends entirely upon the people themselves. With the exception of some of the cities, where heavy investment: in `pub- he works `were made, the texm are tea} light`, not exceeding a. couple of pounds. for a. farm of two `hundred acres. Tho. school eyetern is also a development of tin principle of local self-government. In On- talrio, (Mr White) thought than Ina .4 _.-_- -.......n..u nu-uu tuusa acq-lllld `were exceedingly proud of--its systsmofi religious equality, its rnunicipsl institntionsi and its school system. - There is no state` church in Canada ; every denomination had the fostering care of the State thrown- sround it, ggirnnteeing to it all ,'"igl1t|76t worship according to the dictstes of the conscience of its membership; but all rsligi. ouisministrstionsiwere the result` of the vol- ` untary contributions of the people, sndyet in no country in the world is religion more ' respected, or its ordinances morqdeeently and revereutly observed. Ontario 1nsy_ho ssid to be a land of churches. ,_ In the crowd- ed cities are beautiful edices dedicated to the worship of tl1etrue_nGod ; and in there- mote districts the missionary n_ds his way, and in the rough schoolhouse: or log shen- ties gathers to ether the two or three who meet together in His nsme. Everywhere These temples of His grace " Bow beautiful they stand, The honours of our native place And bulwark: of out had. Thus the emigrant from the old lsnd found himself in thenew surrounded by the units ` religious sssocistions which he left" him. The municipal institutions of as posili Under eiery township sh , ; V, nnon S nun: .. ........- I 1' rio sre probably as full s development of - -_-_ .-ul.--uvv U`!-IUTUII In` 1 ducmente to the emigrant from the Old World which the United States did not pac- sees. This was strongly felt by the` heel" thinkers among the public men of that with try. Mr Welles, the Special Commiuioher to the Revenues, in his report to the Gov ernment at Washington, pointed out the evil ~reeu_lts of the heavy taxetiono! the country. He snid-"The fact-in eeteblilhed by incontrovertible evidence that the can-' \' dition of working men and women in a nu- jority of the manufscturin towns ofthe time as it was previoua to the war, nourish- etending that their wages are greater, mew- `sured in gold, in 1867-8` than they were in g 1860-1. Mr White then proceeded to * of the Province of Ontario, the leading province of the Dominion. There were in connection with the province three promi- nent feetures which those acquainted viifitlit ot'4-its institutions 3. and system. There in nu -4-*- United States is not as goo atthe present ' _. ---- ,...,........uu. us no -me, while in the . Dominion of Canada the entire eontribm tions for the expenditures pf the Central, Government were but 83 50: per head. The}? was not all. In the United States there was, besides, the State taxatios, to which V there was as yet nothing analogous in Gun` (is. This State-debt amounted in the ig- gtegste to 39 17c per-head, ilbout half that of all Canada; and the interest `on this, to- gether with the entire machinery ol the State Governments and Legislatures, bind to be maintained out of the taxes `of the peo- ple. In Canada. the Provincial Governments were sustained by subsidies from-the Genot- _ at Government, these subsidies being I charge upon the general revenues, and in- cluded in the statement alresdg given '_of the expenditures of the Govern:1nent.'"It would thus be seen that in point of tnna tron the Dominion of (hands. stood exceed- ingly well, and in this respect ofered in- ducements emigrant the Tnrl n1`|.2-L AL-7" " ` V , ....... -u nut: is OUHJPIYIEII between the two countries. By Mr Welles report to the Secretary of the Treeanrypt Washington, it appeared that the `average duties collected on all imports, was 44 per cent egeinet about 14} in Canada. To the customs and excise duties in the Unibd States, the amount contributed through these two souriiee toihe genera! Guidin- per head of the population, through the duties of customs and excise, wee but 94. Again. taking the entire expendi- turee of the Federal Government pt Wash- ington, it involved econtribntion per head of the population. of 316 45c, while in Q expenditures Central nn........_-_. H lra;-i':uIn. ,.___...__.__. _ with the United States, even in those arti- cles which were free under that treaty, I_ large increase in the exportation had taken place, as, for instance, animals and their produce_were exported, in 1858 to the ex- tent of $2,462,765, and in 1868 to the amount of $6,546,870, and agricultural productsjexported had risen from $7,904- 4o9_u; 1353, to $12,642,033 in 1868. Asi` in the Dominion was 6165, having axon- nage of 859,829 tone'aud estimated value of $33,619,157, and being manned by 37.235 seamen; Of these ships no less than 3974, or about two thirds of the whole, were eeagoing vessels, the others being em- ployed in the inland navigation and in sh- ing. In point of taxation the Dominion prehension apparently existed in someof the manufacturing districts of England, was purely a revenue tari','and had no re. ' tered free, The standard rate of duty was _ 15 per cent; but taking the relation of the amount paid to te aggregate importa- - tions, the average ty -in all amounted to ed on this subject of taxation that he might be permitted to institute here a comparison report the Hm-.-....... ..t we '- NUMBER 232. ,--._, uuau luv! 01' mnglen, 7 had te- utever to protection. There In a list, the fact being thnt in the e for 1858 of the articles epeci-' orted,'152 paid duty and 172 1211- ' L; Nd the nmr-`=1 -` " 9, but chiey on spirits and t.o_- _ e tariff`, about which some misap- mturing districts or `m.....1-..n ted were a * and ~expo:-ted- in Ilm .. n.- - ,-..,us~,vuu In` 1005. Al I- y the Dominion of Canada mh among the nation: of number of vessels owned 1 estimnfn -uln- P; all rang-1. result of am an. ' ........a um! um: and all n I IRIII run 1'] -sun nwmvtu 3 BROWH h PI -1 Ji;.n. 5.. .1- 1 ninilm 81.. I . .-r--an 4410 J -- -rnvul of the from inking Grand Trunk trains ` jh! 0! Quinta Stunner. ~"lI1 of train from Rome and ---c: In UUIET uly-5. rum: ISLAND 9 A11. 1 1P.I.nnd7 RH. G. I`. KINGHORV. U1 Wharf. fool of Brock Street. lq3l,1d+;9. |m or OITAWA, jinn II.u l?.ll" r\1Ub SlUCl ('\'t'l'] \ ISFRIDAY at 3 P.}[. Leaves IUNDAY nu! TH('RSD_\Y at A: III inzermedmle amp;-ing mu. in Kingston daily (Sand 3 4 A.)[. Ho III Gnnd Tmnk'Tra -GUI] the 6:25 t .vlU\)VIb` D Kl 1 hdpellers leaving Cape eautn Putts. 1` Q" '"" ` LN. *1! Colts, 7 If Ia.-,(,_ ~8liU1'1asI1's wmmr W um: for Lhglar gkdly - RE '.-.v..|....1. V..--_ V I Tickru_nppl_y' A: the cce or` '5-g_0ntlr1oStreet, or at the Lake Sunbelt Oitt`. St. Lawrence . . .1 Vain-nan Q`!-an! fuot. u-unuuu Iv I gnu, .VEU|'l5[_ vgguud Cnmurnia. mdmnhle sud Convenient Wnitgng jun! Geutketnen on the Wmm; I` II II A'l`["l! I. M.11.Y'B0A1' Hem and Bellevme. m `-h-- I 11- Im. srumm `Plh'RRb;PU,\"l`, ` RUN As FOLLOWS } ` every dgy (Sund !IllS'l5A I H 1.1 A u -2 :2 lrrisss LINE-L. [fl 3. 1359. mm ma FRIDAYS,le inns other days. Imam I.u .nn .. . .. I124; _1 Hrs}; ml (Jane \'iIu'.em Ferry. ml Wolfe Islalld IIDLFI fSLA.\TD `In ._A u . _uJ.:ie?Juae 1:! --vui nau:1.Vu gr: 1101! bit}! sad S-Illll'd0\_T5 ll L,uu, 1911., 3 P._u., 5 Idlluwuu u-IrtL.'W ` g to the es: can ro. :n"gm:}renx Western, Detroit, fwd ..| chigin Central Rnilvnys, [or mqo, Iulnukee-, Grand Haven, gglmprincipalpoinxq in the 'e9l; .pgj.`. [mu-and no Ftah, Sebrcsks, haul: and I~nY3.I.1r-nin I'D . In Plunge, having superiq -~I-o.`-- .....A_ -- L-, III l'I'l.A)ll>'.R :5 nun .'.- `_.m'rnu.~ .4 ` - r .10-nu`! ` meat the splendid `ll ntinn ,_ _, MG 5151' 1 0138 WEST 4 my 0| K`! QITCIJICIU Will _-`,...-yIorn|n,z- (Monday exc .n31'Fl\'E, louchmg at C x,`-Q 3 n -.p.-o " `. :`-lblnsl. 33 ,),gq.o,- Chulc ml :1. . I (`new ;aud Ullawa H0/ll(l_t3. 2 her trip! n_bou .I _.,II v,___ I`:

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