Kingston News (1868), 14 Jul 1869, p. 2

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..... .,.vu;vU. II-u IDGD 2e thrust the hard end of its shells, when it consumes their Ish are unable` to do much beds of very small Qjdters. |enther-mouIhed_ and nnnn-3- ._._.....-u 11 All! IVIUIU rs worthy E1` preservation, has feasor of Literature, Rhetoric State Univeleily of Califor- ......... um]. rue port of eater to New York by about '-two hours steaming, than Main, had her destination ronld have. arrived at 1:15 and, as she left New half later, there Wu a re- 12 hours ovr the cele- er. Neither com. , every art of aeamanship Led on both vessels. ha I'\-'-- J " ,... ugnmnu 1110]. iain K. Von Oferen- I vessels lnving left thin an hour and a | steamer having the at 5515 D m mr H"-0 The St. John Telegraph thin]: tin. is rapidly returning to loyalty. The sober second the people is asserting itself, ; time will nd them as con the Union as the people of v the Dominion. um,-u ulscuarged, and mitted for trial. A no mean order took ; the inquiry, owing opinion among tho; bench. _ ,, .........._7 `mung usen. Many largo consumers in the Eastern States are adapting their furnaces to use wigh bituminous coal, and the falling o'in the consequent demand must soon bring prics to their old level. family burial plot, and while there the little `boy climbed upon the pedestal of the obelisk, and placing bisVha.nds upon the top of the mquument, leaped over it, when the obelisk toppled over, and the little fel- Derry on Prince Arthur- s visit. bne has ` been discharged, ten have` been com- Initled fnr inn] I ' " .,...u_y urge i: with and: th 11 'I`|.n KT--- " ' .,,__......., ......upu mm mver on the 18th-ult., and was received with delight by the people. The lVor - Water, published on the following doy, in an article on the subject, says :--``It is with feelings of no ordinary pleasure that we, for the Vret time, enjoy the privilege of this colonyee brother Ca"nediana.` The article closes with advising all to cast sectional and party differ- encee aside, and unite their best endeavours for-V the development of the rising nation of which they form so important a part. ` Hard coal has advanced to 810a ton in Boston, owing to the strike in Pennsyl- vania, and the prospect of its continuance. The evil is, however, already curing itaelf. Many Stat:-o cu-n or-L..ui---- -" ' ' ........, uul ula uueu orougnt About by the some kind of agency which, In England, bu intro- duoed the Saturdny hell -holiday. The Society of the Employee: do Oommerce inform the pub- lie that, with few exceptions, all the linen dra- pers, vendors of ready-.mAde apparel, silk mercers, and hosiere as Paris, have consented to close their shape on Sunday, and the employees appeal to `the good will of the public to aid them in making the measure genenl.-Pall Hall Gazette. The news of the adoption, by the Dominion Parliament, of the resolutions for the purchase of the North-West Territory, and its union with Canada, reached Red River the 18th-ult., Th Water, published tho. fnll.-...:.... 2-- -.- ,, ,,_ _-,- _......a u. ucvcu-ynus uuunulln trade irrespective of any convention or trea- ty with the United Sines; ' ` , 1 __.- ......... um um: uu1u'I'7l. Mirfeintz, whose face was recently smashed while riding in -"an omnihus in London, by the careless driving of one of Messrs Pickford's trucks, has accepted $20,000 in gold as 8 com- pensntion. dustrial inventions. The vote was forty-nine to eight in favour of the measure. ~ The other branch of the legislature will undoubtedly Agree to the bill, which will go into eect on the day * of publication. _.-_.-- -n.u-. It is announced in most oh} that the principnl shops in PA: be closed on Sundnya. This` reform is not the result of 3 meat, but ha been brought Ah Eng ;___3 .| , ,-_ .. ._..-y van uuauuuuau. M. Paul de Cnesnguac, an edilrr c challenged M. Henri de Rocheforj "'.:e|, on account of some lively rt liahed by the latter in the Lame-me. Ilu 'I:!..2_A- -| -- -_-.. -....._.. .. nu; uauuleu 0111]. Referring to late horse show at Islington, Argus, of the Morning Port, says: "Never before was the ring so crowded, and, strange to say, a Ritualislic clergyman, well knovimin London for the rigidity of his doctrines, wins, next to Dick Webster, the beat performer in the circle, and was loudly cheered when he pulled up." n. -- The Figaro of Paris states as a fact t` Queen Isabella has abdicated in favour of"; son, the Prince of Asturias. :11-u u A , 7 ....-v--- v: u- I.|\.r1l|\IJ] HIUULI. The two hundred French Canadian labourers who have left Lower Canada. lately for Fort William are stated by American papers to have been engaged to work on the Pacic Railroad. This is a fair specimen of Canadian news via New York. .7` A law of Ohio enacts that each railroad in the State shall, when necessary to heat any of its cars, do so by beating apparatus so construct- ed that the re in it will be immediately extin- guished when the c s are thrown from the track and overturned. 3-he same law provides that cars shall be lighted by candles only. R5:-fprrinrr On. Inn. 1.-...- _I.-.4J - - -- uuuuuuu uuuuul. It is all nonsense to talk of delay, as the Times and the Star have done. Delay will not cool our wrath. It will no: weaken our recent- ment. ll. will not lessen our demon is. But dc- luy will give us in time our opportunity; and when we choose to speak we shall speak with etfccl. If Great Britain will not pay, and thus make just reparation for the wrong she hag done us. we have but in strain}: rmn. Ann 1...; ....a Moat of the famous actors and actresses in Paris carry on other trades. One is I book- seller, one a dealer in ladies under-clothing, another a jewellm-,' another the head of I soup kitcben,nnolber (a. lady) thetowner and superin- tendent of oyster ponds. ML- 1-..: :_ .L 1 - - . . _ _ _ _ . `.1: yr. 9-`.5 yuuua. The land in the level F`;-ench country between Montieal and the line: is drenched with water. The crops ere very backward, and in the we!- test elds young grain is assuming a yellow hue instead of: healthy gnu-een. A 0...- I...-._A-_J Ia - -'- -- - ' The New York Ilrzratal still dull with thil subject in its accustomed aly,e. It ulya: Thu Rrililh anvnrnmnnr and nnnnlfnnn rln Ina! Hr Ro expected to takeihis depar- ture from ahington on Tuesday and rc- tnrn to Ottawa. The Ottawu Time: says :-- We do not suppose that he has done any- thing more touching Reciprocity than in reopon -we tojlic wishes oi the United States Government to make som preliminary in- lrqmiricn. Probably this in the case, but however bald thejmmcdiate results may be; his miuion in one respect must have been of high importsnge. It will lmvo enabled the Finance Minister to judge of the ear- nutneu or inoincerily of the American gov- ernment in this matter; and he must have taken aomc pains to ascertain the probabil- ity of any useful Reciprocity treaty being negotinted. Such knowledge, if founded upon impreuionsmcrely, and supposing it to be odverse, will have a value in that it will direct the Cnhinet to I consideration of the bestinouns of developing C-ansdinn I trod: in-roman;-uh..- as -.._ --__---- nuuyvus in nu lUUla|Bl:"l.UU uI._y.U. ll Iji The British government and peopldcen do just as they pleue in the matter. It is their eleir rather than ours. If they can wnitfio can we. ll` delay will be my gain to them it will be en innitely greater gain to us. Year by year we grow stronger. Ten years hence it will not be safe for Greet Britain to speak of terms. Ten years hence, what with the multiplication of our `railroads and telegrnphs, with the development of our enormous resources, with our increasing immigration from Europe and from Alia, we shall be without a rival among the nations-n mstch not for Great Britain, but for the world in arms. We have no objection to wait ; for delay will make our victory secure. As to our forget- ting or becoming indifferent to or in any way nbeting our claims, nothing can be imagined more absurd. To entertain sncha. thought nrgnes an amount of blindness on the part of the British government and people which it is really dii -ult to account for, it in nn innanr nnimi '1' oh. Buvvl uaucus nuu ycuplu Ivuluu I5 15 ruuuy (Ill-ll `UN to account for. It is no longer denied by the British government that wrong was done us. It is universally felt that the policy pursued to- wards us during the war, while it crippled us and lied the effect of prolonging the struggle, was a grievous failure. Wrong unrepaired is not soon or easily forgotten by a great and high spirited people. The immense popularity of Senator Sumner- s speech showed how deep and wide- spread was the feeling of the American people on this great question. That feeling is as strong to-day as it was four years ago. ltkwill be as strong ten years hence, if these claims are un- settled, as it is to-day. The attitude taken by both theigreat political parties on this question ought to cot`tvinee Great Britain that delay is dangerous. We are not forgetting the wrong that was done us. We will not forget it. Noth- ing would alford so much gratication to our Irish population ass. war with Great Britain. This, in fact, is the climax of their ambition. The political party which in the next election will give greatest prominence to our dierences with Great t|Bl llllD, and will press the settlement of the Alabama claims under threat of war, may count with safety on the Irish vote; and it will not'be wonderful if the Irish voter nds himself strong enough to force upon the country an ag- gressive policy. It is safe at least. to say that if the democratic party were now in power Great Britain would be let}. no choice but pay down or abandon Canada. `A \ la}- -n ,, - --- --- uuonu JUBL aupunsuull lUl' me wrong lhe hag done us, but to stretch forth our hand and compename ourselves by the snnexntion of the New Dnmininn uulu peuulle our New Dominion. THE ALABA'MA ToLAm's QUESTION. uuuuuju. lull IZDPOPIID` religion: move. bronchi Ahnno hp oh. -A--- thinks that N ova. y TOI|1I'lliDQ tn Tbnnnn -__1 vbose face I-eceintly ng gemed 20 mm in nnhl .. - --- amen have been charged ter for their conduct in disturbance that arose at , second disturbence of mk place in court during ring to the di'ernnce of those who sat on the l of the French papers Ih0DS Ii hpnnnfnn-ah Pun Tutu`.--Ir 1 |_L__ . _ mu, nu l'UlE'l' OI runs, Ill! de Rochefor; to ghts. livelv remm-In nn|r\_ -uvvuu Iuullgllli" Of and n -hhort contented with mla nf --v ---* -` , . . . . . .v-vnus HI], II] t, sure go nal mu! l'|nuI- .a:a.- _ uuuucauu 1.0 ngnts lively remarks pub- Lani:-rug. .. luv r-urucu pl-pl!!! Pu-is will henceforth tin` important social F I nn|ninn- I----- - reuglonl mova- ` about by the England lug. ._4_- ` ....-no suuln LVOVI reuon and Ld thought of Jr. .....a . ur---A _.._..-pun any P"2'l'i.l: f that .-. 43-....- .4 I. ' of Paris, has mo 0.. ...I_._ [ ;Rem:mber to pay your Water Ac} coum by the 15th "and save the discount. `LIEU her mveume BASKETS; The Best and Oljehpest {:1 the City. [Tourists and Tra~vel]ers.L' ,4__.......--.- con DUHUUNHI {50 octaves choice Burgundy Wings, exproesly put up for Fiunilien, at 65 per gallon. _ 40 qt caaks Tnrngonn. 25 qt casks Pam Juico. [ . ` 5 qr cask: Ssutorne Wine. 5 qr cask: Mm-salla " and I nriefy. of TEMPERANOE DRINKS. ` - nr 1- ---- ` mmaolu and Bdnouunv wrrinep 50 choice. B nnnn ...n.. u1:---- 7 , 109: NEW IMPOR-TATIONS OF mam svmmn wnms T (Diana.-c'r.)_. ' ` Case: OLARET, wimmed sound, at 113 36 IE!` dnznn July 6. For sale. The Sunnnuh Ii`q:ublican,'i.u common with some othcrjournnla in the Southern States, distinctly favours n rcpudintion of the American war debt. Repudiatiou would appear to be popular among Mghe Southern Democrats, but the Northerucrs have not gm beyond a protest against tlie freedom from taxation enjoyed by the bondholdingplus. ?v?-v-vlaq-v---y. `/1 1 - - " ` . FRESH, in quarter pound packngoa_ * W I? unnn: _-J... you-vvlllall uni IIU-Uub LU JOEY! U U Wendell Phillips recently exhorted the Indian: to hostilities ogainll: the -Pocic nilrood, usur- ing them that in` that manner only could they secure justice from the whites. `I'hi5-odvioe from the philanthropist provoker tho publica- tion of the following in the Boston Post .- Dear `Plmillinn_-.l..:....1...:--- _----=---I !- call soon and we Iho handsome Carpctgbeforia they are all sold at the Montreal House. uuu Ul sun IUIIUWIIIK In l,n6 1'0 Dear Phillip|-8c1lpiug-knives received in good or -`er; hue tried several of tholhnn the heads of trsvellv-rs our the railroad ; they give perfect satisfaction to _all but the travellers. Your friend, Srarnn TAIL. - J ' ' 1 , A fresh supply of REFRIG ERATOBS. 1180 A few choice FRUIT JARS. A terrible casualty occurred at Dalton Mast, on the 4th inut., at the woolen fac- tory of Hawkins, West & C9. A young man named Allen, about 9 o'clock a.'m, was working at a dye vat, ..full of boiling liquor, when, by some mishap, he fell in headfdremoet. He was thegnly person in the building at the time, but managed to crawl out and reach his home hard by, where he lingered in great agonx. unti 0 o clock p.m., when death put an end to is sufferings. - ' rI'IL, `I .\,____,,, vs nu -A .- The Empress Eugeniie, if the last pro- gr ammo of her Eastern tour be not altered will quit Paris on the 16th October for Carip, will ascend the Nile as far as the le- cond cataract, and return in order _to loan: gurate at. Suez the opening of the canal on the 15th November. 4 Her Majesty will em- bark at Ismnila. for Marseilles, thus leaving aside her longmontemplsted fisi; to the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. - A-I.i nu); , I In 4090- I .__--_ --v v up -u-.v--. A; L_I.r'IEidi and M. Vitolo, two lnndown era of Ban Cipriano. near -Naplea, were driving out in the country-a. few days ago they were met by_the bands of Ferrigno and Carbone, and made prisoners. A little girl who had witnessed the atfeir ran at! the Castiglione and gave the alarm. Immedia- tely 25 men of the Nations} Guard started in pursuit. and soon came up with the brig- nncis. A combat ensued, ir: wnich the rob- here were worsted. Ferrigno was killed by a piatni shot from Lieutenant Naddeo, the otcer in command. and -the cap ives. were delivered. Some others of the and were taken prisoners. '- A... -_I._..- . ` , ,,,-,v_. r - - - - - X `II II. 5 An altercation occurred between fwo boys, named John Carrol and Charles Mosicr, in Albany, on Saturday afternoon, during which Mosier, atnbbed the other wi ah a jacknife in the left breast about the heart, inicting a, mortal wound. When Mosier saw what he had done he fled. The boys were each only about 10 your: old. Wongll Dl.nI:.. ...--_..u_ __L__._ . .. . .- LADIES A/ND GENTLEMENS FRENCH MOROGGO BATCHELS. ' 1- 1 of N I c* Iurniznnrloual. "EXCHANGE urncrc, June 23. J qne 26. July 8. \JlIBIII_\JIII`J LIIIIIIBO Very ne Sugar-Cured Hams for sale. W. R. HGRAE at 00. Julv B. * ~ July 8. July 6. Epps s Aomjuaopathll Cocoa. bnQI'_'l :_ -.,, A mu ' 50 " ' It ` (L 2' UST RECEIVED AT Very om Family Wh-lskeys! YT--- nu : 1-; _ Ouuluo Still!` GOLD, Silver, and American Honey bought nnd sold on tho.bc-st terms. American dram bought and sold. J an 22. LADIES/ Fresh Walnuts. Fresh Fuberts. ` Fresh Almonds. s , Fresh Figs. ` W. ne R. HIIRAE 8 Go. r. R. Mcnae an co. SHIELS , King Street, ._I_ _...__ ntsfh-up--_:- - Sugar"-Cured llms !_ Ln... 0.....- n._i-: rv - --.. uu yrs: uuinll. was ST. JULIAN at 123 6d per don. , lbs { '" " Barton & Guestera 303 V -" K .. 1; u an` -/-~. -- ---:~-vJ- Very Old Rye Whiskay, - Very Old Family Whiskey, -Vry Old Proof Whiskey, Very Old Irishiwhiskey, Very Old Scotch Whiskey onmms jamuon. FOR .. `as H W. R. NORA! & 00. Illl n We cannot W.` R. "noun & co. U u uu. pucxngol. w. R. menu: & 00. 3 god '3. nomu: & oi). Jametnavll. moeomninabd. . `Hahn. '~ Z; _` . _l?';;'Ideiofthe coun Satin Trimminu * 4 cmdmh merchant 3" sin: m-iaga ne ? "`."' *0 em Janina B0810 M 9" "T g""' Tang, Gilt. `dim! '0 merchants, ant; 3 Ham-y,_ cums: % " Imus: W3. % ._ ' L '3! T-await! V ` Ev. Trimmings sm: ` M Jet aha H__1j Jet, Humry,__Glaru; ' `I ` ` Funny Siih nit} ' Velnt nu}! varupq: New? 0qlouninW `_ .-' 500 piece! w ` French Piqua gqr__dM ` French and - " Cotton Lia % Flowou, liliil. __ Luce oonm ind , The -I u'li'umeutary relarm 3.. I'a.......I. I2-.._-A-,r -- IIDDIJLI-.I.lI-l`l . V T lay on of .. fueunerlil tho: , % % plenum in inviting [ 3 Stock, which, for F ' innuunnnl -nah ` ` ' ' > Amxoiti Spring ~ ku P ' onandgdb Ordcrl RECMVED llnj 31. 'ivEDNEsnAi" EV'*11:1?1`14ii3'; JULY 14'. relorms granted by the French Emperor continue to excite attention.` They constitute indeed the ' moat ir_n_port:ut political event of the day, and mark I progress which a few` years _ ago, when Bonnpnrtiam was in the heyday X of in popularity and power over the French people, would not have been dreamed of, The inuence of the elections, however, an I `rebuke to personnl government, is now taking nhnper The Ernperor hns accepted` the Voice of the people no a warning. and hes fully nude up_his mind to grant political concessions. Accepting the resig- nation! of his Ministers in a. body, in order to be left. free to make his sell.-ctions, he Ins chosen 3 new Cabinet composed of all the members of the old one save two, one f them exceedingly nupopnlar--M. Rouher III!` I (In T ---1.-an- ` `II In u )nasoinsLi.t_4 I... -_. - June'L5. nu" lll Ban! " July 1. n. i:.;., FLO! u ` 1I.--A rlespntch from dmd yesterday, ` `noun ,. iquelon,` but a dense nnseqpence ofwhic she V` "I0 xnakga agplice. Ihed japtobably be cut and buo w I . until the f_og~..leIrI - e haabeen cut and bu F` _ _ication has been reqei ` In-b: -..L4. Eyuhle to pd. the ab re an M l3._ --The" new `minis ; is ooinpoaed as folloys h . Council and Minister of E` SEE FIRST P407 .- `_ _ nuuvluu uloa ucuu ags: .-:lut_i 1_1jght. V_ 7 13.-All the ministers h resignations of M. Rpu " the we been aocepod `~-'1`be that members of M July 13;-The voyage of `k is completed. She uni ` this morning from Brest, lunch Cable, and nnnoun ' in perfect wot ing pr - ` which was lai noun ; d_ spliced with I. a main ` I admit nlnaon n Inunnh r`-g-g-gut :9 we relations . 'nI, admitted (1331: it. ' land _to strengthen t of that country and W r IIIUIIIDI uuulvu` nu IIIC _ `redress l'9r them. ;..It, isofcnlly announ 11--Bishop Linn has b ` V_ .0 civil court of utte M re of public order, " r -.- to three. months . _r _ r _1,hu-lly; in pInientiBg_ '= promised by the E % 13:4 IPIIUKES-I vvnbu I I3 lllllu y closes c mmun and repass fro land E33: :iJ `I`!Tn2~;3<.__ - = nogbyi protect us A` Lord: adjourned is! as ,' 13__.A collisionhgcu , `rgtween two partig g to the union and -: -..d-Lnuninn man _ Be rmiH5ec;The Ho dothar cuntries bud tr well u England. In ._ of Tienuin we =m "ipnl-..l.I- ' --- ` ~ . J says the interventio 7 `lug undoubtedly helpe "actions in_ Cub}. ` jg u-no, hu resulntely dc . get: of`open hnstillit of Americas hue `A instances to qntwit 1 . .. pate England, but`: d which II!!! is accused mother nation at the .._. -an-`In-can fnr llinns -<-----J- J-I-ll ID BMW iuiaI_o 5 Proteataht in the man under the rec H A permitting and defe Nearly two huhd we}o\prosent. Th A '_ I65 '5-s . .m_nd:_nenta.. 1 `*v,,.;`c-'ron,wns withdtf `` [9 notice that he ab mm: the Bill. than adopting by 180 t VA pprgnitting Biaho 1- A marina was ado * '_...d 3 third tim. ' Hwy ??? ; . of gut:-{flan men, -. sud many were inju - ---.r AICIB party, (I the Emperor sntiisf the proposed int. 80 I` `V`m .__:`-|lIIBI1t.. _ 'Kemp, residing in Brock Hun I.l-nI.-2:_. I'IL . Earl C13 tending be pbs; ---_-`_ novel "j?" ll: Ynrker, the nugget of ~_the:Bank of Mom I u-cal in Toronto has commenced an enminnlion oflhe Mean of the Roynl Canadian Bank. _ Poucl COURT, Wednesday.-'I`here was little ofinterest before the court this morning. Roht. Elliott, a well known vagrant, was up for drimkenneas. Bob is a handy man at the coun- ty gaol, which he left a few days since. Last night he amused himself by giving a street con_ cert, taking all the parts himself, instrumental and vocal. The elfort, although ambitious, was not successful, and Bob's seizure by the police terminated the entertainment. The magistrate gave the prisoner a chance. This with a can-_' tion, however, that sixty days would `be his sen- tence upon his next appearance at the bar. ,Wal- ter Van Dora, a rotary of Apollo," to quote the prisoner's own words, a tall gaunt man with long uncombed sandy hair, neglected moustache and long ragged gostee, a contused eye, red eye lids and still redder nose, made his entree at the dock. His appearance indicated long and con- tinued dissipation, and a pair of well worn dark pantaloons, tightly strapped over fsarfully dila- pidated boots, an indescribable coat fastened to his chin with pins and buttons, `surmounted by a dirty paper collar, encased his person. He _ pleaded guilty to the charge of drunkenness, the tune of "With the but in excuse, said that he had assisted at the convivinlity of tie entertainment of a friend of his, the prisones vocal talents being in much request. The party was jolly, and the liquor plentiful and strong, and the speaker had a dis- tinct recollection of sinking beneath the table to punch ladle we ll fathom the bowl. At daybreak this morning he awoke from an uneasy slumber under the table of his friend : his head was pillowed in a spinach, and a couple of empty bottles lay snugly beneath the small of his back, while his friends, who snored Itantoriously in a chair near by, had used the stomach of our prostrate here as a warm and comfortable cushion for his feet. The prisoner informed the court that alter disengaging himself from this free and easy position he had travelled forth to send the morning air," when becom. ing lost in the mazes of the city, he was collar- ed by the police. Policeman Hoyle said that the man would undoubtedly have been drowned, being bent upon walking into the water, had he not interposed, and that he was very drunk in- deed. The magistrate decided to allow the pri- soner to depart on his promising to leave the city at once, which, with a. low bow, he promis- ed to do. ' I 1 l l E I t t 1 I I ,,___.. -_ .... `.u,uvu. To an 1uzs:D.-The propeller Forest Queen, which last (pl! was damaged by ice nndsunk in Point an Pelee passage, is to be raised the pre- sent week. She is owned by S. W, Morgan J; propeller Ottawa, with lighters, by which means it is thought-the work can be accomplished in quick time. The damages sustained "by the Queen are of a. trivial nature. I ,_, ---... Loss orm: scioomm DOLPHIN.-A prioate despatch to B.` B, Jones states that the schooner Dolphin sunk in the Straits of Mackinac, on Sun- day night. She was loaded with coal, from Cleveland to Milwaukee; owned by B. B. Jones I Co., of Toronto ; ranked Al ; built about six years ago at Milwaukee ; valued at $14,00, and insured for $12,000. ,___ .___.--..- ....... .uu sou: pig HOD. The schr Homeward Bound, from Montreal to Newcastle, passed the port. this morning. Wind to-day S_W. by S. Mnrrisa or Sniv-Baoxnns--Fa:i':zu*5 Annunc- iD.-A meeting of the ship-brokers at Butfalo was held yesterday, at which a union was form- ed, and the rates of freight advanced. The fol- lowing is the tari for the present, as xed by the union: Coal--Erie and Cleveland to Chicago down town dock, 81,25 free of handling; Erie` ntidleveland to up_ town dock, Chicago $l,9l, free on board; Bu'a.lo to Ulttcago, $l,0O, free; Buhlo to Mtlwuukee, 87;, free; Etieand Cleve- land to Milwaukee, $1, free ; B_u'alo to Toledo, Detroit and Cleveland, 75c f.o.b. and trimmed. ' Iton-Bu'nlo to Chicago and Milwaukee, $1, free. Water Lime-BuB'a..o to Toledo, Erie `Cleveland and Detroit, 10c per bbl ; slate, $1 per ton, free; stone, $3 per cord; marble, $1 per ton, free. ' 1 , _-_- -....... _. nculp, residing in Brock duet, nut the Primitive Ieilhoaiu Church, had 3 nlumble nnd highly prized English Skyluk ltolen from a rug: thin morning. The cage culuiniug the bird mu hung out as usual thin honing on the tide of the house next tha church, shortly that the bird was mining, and it ap- peared thit lolne mscnl had opend the cage door III1fYIlkrn_ou~L.lho _hi>:-fl cugfully and 1_` intend it. w _ . _ . _ . . . . u u u u, uuu |:II-IIIJS |U`IHg[' The M. T._C-omplanfa wharf-The tsvia, from Toronto with 5,400 bush w rived this morning. Also the barge S from Montreal with 182 tons pig iron. The molar no-u._..-.l D----J 4' " - J: Co's wharf-The Echr Sen Bird, with I. general cargo from Oswego, arrived this morn- iug. The sch: M. O'L}.)rm tn, lightrtrom Oswe - go, arrived last night. She is loading lnmbtr, and will return to-night. L'3-.4.L..__'- _L.,t nu - - -_-... u .u-:.u }-Cingbox-n'a whnrt'-_-The sloop` Francis Smi.h arrived last evening with 50,000 feet lumber from the Ridenu. Se returns to-night. THE M T {`.nI-nun-u..',-. -.l..._r rnn - A och: Victor with stave: from Bear Creek. The whole of the foregoing have discharged and sailed for above the Welland Canal, with the exception of the Victor. Calvin it Breck s tenth raft, composed of 22 drains of oak,elm and wal- nut timber Ind stones, Ion this morning for Quebec. Garden lelAnd-Tbu foilowing arrived since our last report:-'I`he bark Southampton with timber from Bear Creek, bark Alexhnder with timber from same port, the bark George Thurs- Ion with timber from Saginaw, the bark Laura E. Calvin from Toledo with timber, and the -- -vvv. I h':Ir,Keefer, engineer, writes to the Gazetfe advocating a through railway to the Red_ River Sculemcnt.v La3t.eT\%ening__z an ex cilyjatber, knocked down and badly hurt a certain wood mer- chant. The annual nfeeting of the great Masonic Lodge uf Canada takes place here to-day. .\ large number of diguitaricsof the cmft are present. ' II, in Upwards of 200 Nerwcginn emigrants passed here 'S[(3l`43u_\',t)0Llll(1 for (lie `Vest- er_n Status.` . It is said that Mr Ilcmmingulooal member fur Drummoml and Arl1n|)a1.-1`(`a,istnlc ub- pointed 1 mllmnotary, which will necessi- hltcp new clcctiurm, J. H. Henderson ct Co`| wbnrf-The lug Wil- ~liAm arrived this morning with the barges Tbxush, Lime! and Yarrow. The barge Robin """"*`-"`. Sun um Gu1.onn`|'InI|rnn.1r.--This troop! it their Ippennnco at this Onurio Hall In; or M jpntronn of burnt cork," who nprplnuded during .1110 evening st some of the uelect. The hull III well crowded, with the _ _,,," ...-._ ..... we-50:! Maven to-night for Montreal with 19,000 bush wheat. FROM MUN1 REAL. Montreal, July l4.--'I`he impart; for June 1869,'amount to $1,791,156, against $2,022,027 in 1868. I` V ' ' ' " " . Mr Cartier in replying to the Muynr on the subject of acquring St Helen's Island as :1 park. has painted out that it was secured fur military purposes itunl could nut be bought. by the Duminiun guverunlent or private parties. 1., I II II ' ' ` I IV" "`V' Judge Coursnl`s name is mentioned _ns the ctxnscrvatlxzc cannliclnte for St. [lyn- cinthe in the next Dominion Parliament. J. J. Wnlkrm, aged 8, son of C. W. `Wal- kern, was drowned by falling from the Wharf while shing. - BPE CIA L TRIJEGRVA M8. .5 U I 1 I IN'(? NE W5. `r, w .- oL.. -_.. `V, ._ u. uv uuucu |.L|l'.' pre- nrdera, who have employed the , 1e iviul ..... unguu uuvnnceu. 'l'ne fol- ri' --Erie :, >up_1own }Ilmi.]0 Uhmnrrn El nn r...... K` 'C --' rhiting. srf-Tt:e chr Oc- 3 wheat, ar- Sugunay ' ,,,,-._ 1-. .,...,.... .....uuuns, out it would throw I people whose in_te:-eats are identical together. The II:1mburger'Nalzr:'chten publishes intelli-M gence from Copenhagen, dated June 10, aiming ; that Count Frija, of Frijsenborg, President of the Counpil of Ministers, and the British Minia- ' ter, have signed a declaration, according to which Danish subjects residing in England, and English subjects residing in Denmark, shall not be liable to perform any mi,tn_r; service, or 10 , contribute to any forced loenai-which might be` ordered by the government 0; which they reside. - Iv-JV haul-Ina. `The people of Oregon are agnin talking about the separation of the eastern and western por- tions of the State. A scheme has been agitated to make a State out of Eastern Oregon, Idaho end the eastern part of Washington Territory, and to ennez;/_lhe western part of Washington Territory to/what would then be left of Oregon. This plan would make one State with rather a long eea./coast, while the other would be de- privcd of oceanharboure; but it would throw I. nu TI` I U a --_,....v. nu: water is all over the country, in some places twenty-ve feet deep, and still rising rapidly. Lagrange is being evacuated. Columbus is being deserted ; the woman and children are mostly gone. The Palace constructing at Ismaila for the reception of the Empress Eugenie during her stay in Egypt , will be one hundred and eighty feet wide and one hundred and twenty feet deep. In the centre there is to be a dome covered with Persian blinds, and on the ground floor there will be the hall, reception, and refreshment. rooms. The building will contain no less than 17,400 cubic feet of masonry, and its estimated cost is 700,000 francs. ",L__(_,., 1. . 1 . . _ - u . u-your un IJLU. The Marseilles journals published the parti- culars of n fearful drama. the: has recently oc- curred in that city. Madame Bonnefoy, whose conduct was known to be irregular, armed her- self with a revolver, vantfin of few minutes shot her sister, her two cbifdren, her husband, and then attempted to kill herelf. The husband and two children are dead, but the rest, although badly wounded, will most likely recover. A despatch from Houston, Texas,.reporis an unprecedented oodrin the Colorado valley. The Texas telegraph lines have been down for ve days west of Lagrange, and we can hear nothing from beyond. The water is all over` mostly gone. Vlyn the Corps Legislntif of Pnri an V has introduced an electric commnni: Jegisteriug the vote during the sittin dcpnty s seat commugicates with th desk and is tted with two i:n`obs-: and one ``no.' By this means the en can be counted in the space ofone min out the lens: disturbance.` rl1:__ Il Simcoe. . . . . Woodstock. London. . . . Chmham. . . Sandwich. . Sarnia. . . . V. Goderich. . . Stmlford . . . Lindame` Anna. Bishop is on her return 1 Australia to England, having nudes com; tour of the civilized, half-civilized, and bu ous world, and given concerts ip every cou under the sun. September 10 Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . .Fx-idny, Owen Sound . . . . . . . .Thursday, September 23 Barrie . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .Thur_sday, September 30 Brantford . . . . . . . . . ..Thursda.y, October 7 St. Calharines . . . . . . . Thursday, October 14 Guelph . . . . . . . . . . . ..Thursday, October 21 Whitby . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday, October 28 Cobourg . . . . . . . . . . . .Thuradny, November 4 Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday, November 11 run HON. vxcm cuuwxLLon SPRAGUI. Belleville . . . . . . . . . . .Tuesdny, September 21 Kingston . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, September 28 Brockville . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, October 5 Cornwall . . . . . . . . . , .Friday, October 8 Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . . ..F`riday, October 15 Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, October 26 Pete:-boro' . . . . 3 . . . . . Friday, October 29 was now. rm: GHANCELLOE. Simcoe . . . . . . . . ..Tuesdny, September 28 . . , . . . . ..Friday, October 1 . . . . . . . . .'l`uesday, October 5 Chmham . . . . . . .. .Tuesday, October 12 Sandwich . . . . . . . . . Saturday, October 16 Sarnia . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday, Uctober 20 Goderich . . . . . . . . . .Tuesday, October 26 Stmlford. . . . . . . . .Saturday, October 30. Of eighty-four occean steamers running be- tween Europe and New York. more than one- halt` are owned by ve companies, the remainder by ten others. The Cunard line numbers four- teen, the lumen ten, the National and one on. the stocks, the Hamburg American Packet Company ten. and the Nnrxh (2..-m..a rI---`- _ Non Sco-nu Gnu: Inns.--Dr. Dickson bu nceivod par steamer Bot lnjeny lone very ab `llld lnhdsome specimens of gold in quartz and unenieal iron from the St. Lurrence and out Unincko mine in Nov: Seotin. This is the properly selected by Dr. Lawson,-and in whiclxloma Kignon gonllemen have an inlet- Ut. Their friends will be glad to belt that :11: min: in giving oncourngernent to its proprietors; _ LUV mucus, lno nambu Company ten, the ten. _ Toronto . Sound. Brantford. Calharines. 3 Hamilton. \ utuuatlua uuu LDC `CCDEDB 101' .1867. " The Secretary was directed to acknowledge its receipt, and to thank the government for many similar favours. The annual report of the Board of Trade of Montreal, with vulusble statistics, and also the annual report of the Board of Trade of Quebec were presented, and ordered to Ho led in the News Room for the benet of the merchants genetally. This concluded the regular business 0'? the lIoard,and it he-ingdiscoverd that a quorumoftbe council was present, the discussion of the circu- lar of the Toronto Board of Trade relative to the formation of an Ontario Chamber of Commerce was resumed, and upon motien of Mr E. Chown the council approved of the suggestion of the Toronto Board. ~ "Fl... __--V- J urn. A letter from Mr Edward T. Bromeld, mm! a communication from the Uttnwn Board of Trad, were read upon the same subject, and caused considerable discussion. Ultimately upon mo- lieu of Mr Rose, seconded by Mr E. Chown, the matter was referred to the council of the Board. The Secretary read A communication from the Registrar General of New Zcaland, transmitting statistics and the census for 1867. ' Thu gnnrnonru pm... A!-- -- --' The quart:-rlly meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the Council Chamber on l`ueadIIy evoning. Present -, Mr Henry 0unninham,PreIi- dour, in the chair, bud Messrs W. R. Mcu, H. 0. Voigt, R. Ll. Rose, George Robertson, Iel:lI'., George Robertson, junr., Edwin Chown, 0. ll. Kiughoru and Arthur Cbown. _....- -...u .......u- vuuwu. The minutes of three former meetings were read and conrmed. 5 - r'I:bre Secretary remf a communication from the Hon. Alex. C:u':npbell', acknowledging the receipt of the resolution of the Board on the subject of banking and nance. A nnnu-nnnin.oi.-u. 4`..n... cl... 'l'|..-.....a.. n--_.: _: mucus luu ILIU KEICCUIIVO. Tint in order to consider further lha feasibi- lity of Ibis proposition, to decide, after corre- ` spondence with similar nsaociuioua, upon the main features of the plan, and generally Io ad- vise the Board as to the best way of accom- plishing the objects anove specied, the follow- ing be a commiuco, with inllruclionl to report. to the Board at lbeir earliest convenience, viz. : Mess: A. R. Mclaster, J. Gordon, R Spratt, W. Gooderham, jr, H. S.` Howlamd, E. T. Bram- field and N. Bnrullart, with the mover and lacon- ih-r " vuuunnua nuu I.IlAn|.Il;U- A commuuicntion from the Toronto Board of Trade was read, enclosing the following resolu- tion of mu Board : '|l.......:I L_ u. r us, - ~- <- IV u.I. I uumauu; That this Board, recognising the increasing magnitude of the mercantile interests of the Dominion of Canada, the frequency with which subjects bearing upon these interests are discus-' sed in the Dominion and Provincial Parliaments, the desirability of promoting a friendly inter- change of thought between the merchants oflhe ditf nt Provinces,rtnd especially the importance of `ctgtiging the united commercial opinion of ttntalrio to bear upon the Legislature on all questions a'ectt'ng the material welfare of the Province and the country, deems the present an appropriate time for inaugurating an Ontario Chamber of Commerce, the said Chamber to be composed of representatives of the various Pro- vincial Boards of Trade and other interests, to be elected in accordance with specied regula- tions, so framed as to secure as far as possible a full representation of the commercial and menu- fncturing communities. ' | That among other objects within the scope of this chamber, would be the collection and I publication of commercial and other statistics, correspondence with home and foreign Boards I of Trade and Chsntbcrs of Commerce, and the presenting of petitions and memorials to Parlia- ment and the Executive. HTI.-.9 3.. ,.-.I__ .- -___,'I, 4- .. .- - uvu UL Lunl UUIIU-4 Moved by Mr J..Tu1-ner, ad seconded by Mr Wm. Thomson : ' u'l`L_. .l.:_ n , u _0HANCERY AUTUMN SITTINGS, 1869. .-j Ul uu LU Dufu. The council then adjourned. `FIJI HON. VICE CEANCBLLOR MOWAT. THE DAILY NEWS--WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 14. 12041219 or TI`?`ADE.. --......n D Led with i:n'ubsB;Je "aye" entire vote grace nrnn. n.a.....- ...:AL ..... muuua BLII7 Cllf 2 minute, with- mce.` ..u,,. as uu net return from , made a complete , barbar- connerm in nun:-n -....--- mg AIDETICBD racket. Norah German Lloyd ,_ __._-_----5-J uul.Iu}1l.|lll`*"Ul. Houuer and III. de Lnvnletle. M. Rouher has been a. furious Imperialisc, more Imperial than his Imperial master, and has always been a counsellor in Advising, and ::.willing instru- ment in carrying out, the most repressive mnuuren. Ilia manner," ton, in the Corps Legialauif has frequently given offence to the Libcrnla. M.` Ele Laumlette is not be. listed lo have so seriously compromised himself with the people, and he_probnbly lnnlrea room aimply for some one whom the exigencies ofitha hour require to `unve a place found for him. This change of Cnbi- no]. is an earnest of the reforms_which hive been prornined. - _..... nu nI:uI:KlC8I.l communication for Il-m a?n:....... r.L VI _ u - Ln-ulull .l\Jl ttings. Each hi the teller s }\g_...... u__, n American unn .1-.. l'- ' country ""l .._- ..........-my uurclsaa both 1; is reltled that the Duke do-Mann, popular- ` Iy supposed to be ~Nilason a lfetrolhed or her hus- .,.._, vn ; nun uavxng nrnve 12:15 am. on the some - Queenstown being nearer to 280 miles, or twenty-two h Southampton, the Main, 1 being Quoenscown. would I pm. on the 15th York an hour and a. L cult in her favour of 12; bl brated Inmnn steamer. Ne mits any racing, but was doubtless exercised I To 3. --I-4-.1 -- According to the London Times, an ocenn race ha: just accidentally occurred between the . City of Paris and the North German Lloyd screw teamship Main, Captain drop, both these magnicent New York on the fth, within half of each other, the Inrnan start. The Main got to sea p m. on that day, when the City of Paris was already outt` eight; and at 6 o'clock the next morning the two vessels were abreast of each other; at 7 pm, the Main was 10 miles ahead, and weather being fine with a clear sky. From "ihfg time the two steamer: continued their respec- tive voyages without again sighting each other. i The Main Passed the Needles en route for South- ampton, at 11:16 am. on the 15th ultimo, the City of Paris having arrived otf Queenetown at day. The , Queenetown New Vnrlr hi! ..L-_. Two very powerful naval expeditions have recently left the shores of Great Britain. One, consisting entirely of ironclads with-the gigan- tic Aginconrt for the agship, and the Hercules with her 600-pouudei-`guns and 10-inch armour among the number, has gone professedly for the purpose of escorting the Bermuda oating dock, a work which would probably be done much better by smaller vessels. This is, un- doubtedly, the most powerful eet which ever sailed from Great Britain or any other country ; it is capable of going anywhere, and it is cer- tainly safe to airm that there is this side of the Atlantic into which these splen- did ships could not force aspeedy entrance. So long as Great Britain can send such eets to see there is little danger of any foreign power light- ly risking a quarrel with her, or daring to in- sult any subjects of the Empire, in Canada or elsewhere. The second expedition, which has just started upon a twelve months cruise, con- aista of heavily armed and exceedingly fast fri- gates and corvettes. They are to _be at certain points at certain dates, and there to await orders from the Admiralty as to their future course. They are all fully armed and equipped for active service. Wrn.Sw'mton, of the New York Times, the only Ameriearr War correspondent who wrote `campnigtf letters of been elected Professor and Logic in the nia , , , _ . . ; : _ u . u u u n uu Iv|I.l.l llllllx will be auiciently expeditions to permit the arrival of a war vessnl 011' the port. in time to prevent the sailing of an expedition or any moleststion. The mere `mention Of `be (longer to which St. John is exposed by lheso foreign troubles alloy be suicien; lo unken the Imperial ovcrnment (03 ions of the duty it is under to maintain gurinonn it important and exposed point: of the Empire. 4' -__.-_. .,_ Ina`: tlnnlllklll. Messrs. Francis ed/d,Brady, ot the English Oyster Fisheries Commission, have recently ` found two causes of the decrease of oysters on the coast of"England. `A report made by Mr Francis, nndletely_pub1ished in the London Fuld, states : "At Heyling, while we were in- specting the beds, one of the men shed ups large American Blue Point oyster, 3 portion of e[ consignment which I had the pleasure of ob- taining tor the Company from my acquaintance, lllr Genio Scott, of New York, the talented writer on shery matters, and on the shell was found a murex hard at work. The murex bores 3 hole through the shell, and then eats the contents of the bivalve. The harbour crab fastens stealthily to the bivalve, and then watches its chance to claw between the contents. Drumsh harm, exce t to The drums t is lenthebmouthed, and, sword- ing to Izaak Walton, all such sh hive teeth in the throat. Tun $100,000 Bnucu or Pnolusn Out.- The Creig-Spregue breach of promise case was called up in the Circuit Court at Wheaton, lll.. on Saturday last, Judge Wilcox presiding, on the motion of defendant : counsel for a new trial. In due time the Judge rendered his de- cision on all the counts in the argument for a new trial, and concluded by asking Mr 'l`ourte- lotte, of the counsel for Miss Craig, if he would remit. Mr Tourtelotte agreed, to remit $60,000, and the court thereupon entered a romitter of that amount, leaving the verdict to mend $10,000, and overruled the motion tor at new trinl, entering judgment on the verdict for $40,000, Immediately after the entry of the judgment Mr Tourtelotte ordered an execution to be issued to the Sheri ofOook county, where the det`endeut s property is located, and doubt- less, ere this that omciel has levied on Spregue s block and the Adams House in Chicago for the benet of the plnintilf. `IAnn-- `D-A- -r'A A terrible domestic tragedy has just trans- pired within the limits of the city of London. By the rst poat yesterday morning a letter reached the hands oi the police at the Smith- eld Statiominforming them that their services would be required at ten o'clock that morning at a certain house in Hosier lane. Two Phlice * ollicera at once went to the spot, and, having forced an entrance into the dwelling, found the whole of the inmates dead, consisting of a man, his wife and six children. All were in bed, the man by himselfin a back room and the woman and the children in the front room on the same oor. A medical man was called ioiand it soon became evident that death in every instance had resulted from the use of prussic acid. In each case death must have been almost instantaneous, and there is reason to suppose that the mother and children perished some hours [before the man. There is no doubt that the man himself wrote the letter to the police, and that he'was the prime agent in the dreadful tragedy, though it is suggested that the wife may have partici- pated in the crime, either actively or by consent. The name of the family is Duggin, and the man had been for some time in the employ ofa manu- frtcturing rm in the semi: street. Duggin is said to have bten about thirty, and his family ranged from babyhood up to twelve or thirteen years of age. It is asserted that he was seen walking out with his children late on Sunday evening, and that a light was noticed in one of the windows of the house at four o clock yes- terday morning. The letter written _to the po- lice spoke of another one, sent to Duggin s brother in Bristoluwhich it was said would give full particulars of the atfsir. It is thus possible that so much of mystery as surrounds the dread- ful transaction may be dissipated.-London Herald, June 27. iii! the recent Uhio Democratic Convention the following series of resolutions were ndorpted, us 3 portion of the platform on which the party _will appeal to the country In the approaching Sure election: :- D-_AL.-.l' nu.-. AL, .,,__.s,,_ 1,4,, . 4. 4' LJIDI-I3 CIUVIIUUI 3*` Reaoluad-'I`het the exemption from tax of over 32,500,000,000 :government bonds and le- curitieu is unjust to the people, and ought not M to be tolerated, and that we era opposed to any epproprietion for the payment of the interest on the public bonds until they Ire made subject to taxation. D._-I,.1 run `A. 1 u. u.- an ne I-Ila-Hull. 1i`eaolved-That Iha claims of the boudholdei -a that the bomia which were bought with green- backa, and the principal of which is by law payable in urrancy, should nevertheless be pnid in gold, is unjust and axtortionalo, and, if peraiued in, will inevitably force upon the peo- ple the question of repudiation. Rf.!n!lId:ThnI IDA Hnnnunno {Ha I:(1 nun, guy um qulnuuu ul nspuutuuuu. Resolvcd-Thn.t we denounce the high pro- tective tariff, which was designed only in the in- tenants of the New England manufacturers ; the said tnri` is also, by its enormous impositione on salt, eugnrrtea, co'ee, and the necessaries of life,'unendumble and oppressive, especially upon the people of the West, and that we demand its repeal and the substitution of another, based upon revenue principle alone, upon the closest possible approximation to absolute free trade. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY IN LONDON. NEW DEMOCRATIC PL ATFORH. The folly of denuding the North Ameri_ can provinces of troops ll-sllOWD by the cir- cnxnstances reported lrom New Brunswick` Intelligence hes 11-rived at St. John of the inlention of `Cuban libuslersfrom New York to msko the port of St. John 5 base for revolutionary expeditions. The Sr. John newspapers dcclsre that the port is in In` utterly defenseless state, without eizher An srtillerymysn or as hip of war. A few hundred desperndoes, it is said, wouldshsve the city completely at their mercy. This is not 1 state ol things for which the War Oce can also credit._ I: is only to be hoped thsl: commnnicstion with Halifax v-HI La an-`...:-...'I_ __g- I'-

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