Kingston News (1868), 14 Jul 1869, p. 4

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e assred willip_erx'x`Jit.- JAMES SWIFT, ; ____.- JAMES swurr, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf 1131111 --v.. . u-vutIU Hycerine Toilet Requi sizes. Com puny 01 Conn. B. :]i_'y' prepared for Ex- r excellent qualities }ANIC_MEDIClNE. IV. -I-Ia-ice 29 9d J Inu--. $24,000,000: TTOR:\IEY 'AT- [A 7.7, C|mnccry,NnL:u_\ Full)! |_' _. afunnr i---~- V 4______j___ SIR WILLI AM BURNETT S DISINI EDT- ING FLUID, for the p_m-ication or! sick rooms, hospitals, workhouses, factories, pri- sous,` crowded-. places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and linen of sick, night.- cbairs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, "dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments for gsearchers, undertakers, and ....u.-nan n-J 1` - ' ,_,._.....-...a nun iacau'L:lJel'8, unaertakera, ju;ymen, and for post-moi-tom examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease , can- ` kc-r'und fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, und for the praservatinou of eul,-ji-.-cls for dissection; for the cxLuruJin:i- [Inn of him; mud ..n1.;... ....-..-!A yaluc A5 uu, ciul agents parts of the M .....5..u.u, uuu vvury part or the worl Ask tor The" Sauce.--Special `AgenLs-Eurgo)-ne, Burbridges, and M 16, Colman Street, London. aha unguauvu |7r0[i!."l.'LlES. _ As an assurance of its purity and sslutary properties, it is only necessary to poi..t out the name of -the `celebrated and philnntbro- pic Phmysician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guiahe-d_ man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-creatures, nqd his death, in December, 1861, was mourned as 3 na- tional loss. `Ll.'L.,.!.-~--|- -- J 1" uuurvx AUDU- ` Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- prietor, t`-9, Lamb's Conduit Street; Barclay :1:-.d Sons, Furringdon Street; Batty and (.10., L Fiuebury Pavement. Retail by Uhemiata, Grocers, ltallian Wnrehousemen, and others, throughout the Kingdom, and ovary part of the world. for I`ho" 34...... _,u......:_. n, .........uu. u:n: nuurcaueu 6` moles digestion. It i: its digestive properties. As an nnanrnnnn no` In Llhlll llJ nlnuululfly. PU: rroapecllls pill- xiculm-s, apply to the Patemeos and Solo Manu- f:|('lut``l`:3, JUIIN GUSNELL & 00., Perfnmera _b_y Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPI-ma. Tuuncs STREET. late of 12 Three Kmg Court, LOLZ1b8ld Stre-:1. 50 HE" SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- . under Soutbwood Stacker, from :1 recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- WO0llSu'.1iLb, thiz-:y-ve years Physician tp me London Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- mry Rn-:"orm; Medicnl Member of the first General Board of Health; Author of the ret work on Fever in any age or_ country, the Philosophy of Health, &c. Delicious with every known dish. Its hnbiuml use increases the appetite and pro- is much esteemed for its dine.-mve nrnnnrtinn ;....uu..u L-uuauu\.'L1ULL Ul WLHCI] `HCCOn]pBDleB the 1WD operations of cleansing and polishing eimulmneausly. 1`he_ Patent Mcchuniczll Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and ticulnrs. nulv Pntanlnnn and Rain Man..- n'.c..'..;.. 'r. Walkem, oI.1oI`roR IN cHArac.|=.' Oce-Clu'enco Street, Kingston, C.W J. P. Gmnxunnvu. L.L.B. | men. '1`. Wu. IaIcdonnId, Patton an Illucll BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at.L. Solicitors in Chancery, kc. 0fcu-2 Clnnanca SL, opposite the Oiea, Kuma-rox, C. W. Jon A. laotyonnn, Q. 0`. ; June P411011, 9 Joan ll. lucun. $iIgaton,]nn`y 16. -.-I/-- A fl-VIIE gross frauds which continue to be prac- iisud by obscuru misuufacturers. more particularly in Gertnnny, by imitating the le- `bele attached to JOHN GOSNELL at 00. PERFUMERY, render it imperative upon the Proprietors to Gwrxou the public against web nefarious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of rupee- table dealers, who import direct from John Gosnell 8; Co.; and invite special Atr.enI.ion`to the address--' RED BULL WHA RF`, 93 UPI`!!! Tnnns S1-nnr. Jnhn flnnnnll & l`.n n Quinn! DA:-fl-Inngnn . DI-.. nuuuc, a mum. uuuluu uuu unsglouame peg-lume. John Gosuell Cu s Princess Alexandra's Perfume, it most_ choice and delicate perfume, prepared expressly for the use of Her Royal Highness. ` Inl... f`.....__lI I. n- 1- n__,-_ nu, nu - :1 I5 I-II-ICED: John Goanell an Co. s Upper Ten Thousand Perfume. ` 1_I_., rV___,u 1 n 1 1- c 1`: c .. _ A cnnuujc John Gosnell & Oo. s Jockey Club Perfume is in universal request as the most. admired I crfuIne- for tho Ilundkerchief. Price 23 6d. John (hsncll .9; Cu. s La Noblesse Pbrfnme, Q mo;-ft delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. JOHD (:0nl!H nk On '6: Nnh1aunn Dnrnn.An -1-_ n n.IuI ucnbnlw I un.u.ucv Ul exqullta rrmgrauce. Jolin Gosuell ck Co. s Noblesae Pomande, elo- gently perfumed, and highly recommended for beautifying and promoting the growth_, of the hair. 5 T_\I_LI_,, n . -- uau Ln Noblesse Soap-eateemed for its ui:1equnl- led perfume and ne emollient qualities; John Gosucll & Cola Violet. and Miilleeur ` Nursery Powder is guitrnnteod pure. No nur- aury should be without it. Sdld in boxes at Gd ; in has La each. l..|\.-. r`...-....n 0. n- y, nu , M I '- IILIII uuuu II x1n|\1' , ad urrnn JHAIIBDTHIIT. John G small .1: 00. : Select Porfnmel: Eu Bouquet, zloyal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood V-`Iolot, Vic- toria Bouquet, Fmngipanni, Militu; Bouquet the Bride} Bouqunt. Jnhn nqnall .0: l".n'a Du-inn. no` n7..I..-I D..- Iuuu ul luv 5 uuuqulh. John Gosnell & Co.'s Prince of Wales Per- fume, a most choice and fnsgiouable pert-fume. John Gannnll h f`... i PI-innnuu Allan:-nth--'n uu , nu mun Ll DHCLI. John Gosnell 5: Co. s Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a`pem-I-like whiteness, protecla the a.namel from .1s--mu- And Lrnnno-In .. nlann:--:- ...... ..-mu n pclirl-Illxu wuuuuess, protects me from \_ie-cay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price ls 6d each. [n:H\n1nnnnn:n llnir I'\.n-. . .-....-o...:_ ._ ___ I.--` ll Slregt, kit ..c.5.m.u_= nu tut: ureum. rrice 18 D0 each. Instantaneous Hair Dye : certain to produce any shade Brown or B1ack,of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has` no disagreeable odour, and is easily applied. John UOS1;CH A: Co. s Patent Trichosnron,-or ; newly iuvcnzed Hair Brush, the peculiar me- `cllumcal cgnsu-uciion of which accompanies eimulmneausly. AMPLOUGH S_ PYRETIC SALINE.- J Medacine `Ihnl. I"I`|PI Flag Q:..L__-- _.,..-.. ..-gays . patent stopper-ed glass bottles, l. 43 Cd. 11:. and `Ila .....m. an yzuuul. Btoppefed glass bottles, Cd, 11s, and 215 each. Spe- required and appointed in all world. ` 'bAU'rIox. 3, places, nbes >13, 1', ships; uudertakers, ll Dost-mormm mmm:.....:,..._, DAILY NEWS--WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 14, .,....... 9, n|.uuIlBllU|.Il LDC of Export Burbridrzes. and Rut-`Mi or grease ' sheep. Jl.1PUl'| Squire, J. I?'0II I'l'l`lll`Yl.`G THE ADVANTAGE `DAIL Y N'{C'u`\':1_` Pusssssma run LARGB31 CIRCULATION or my nnwsmrin PUBLISHED IN rrus urrr, 1313 JOURNAL g on-xns '1-an BEST MEDIUM FOR LOCAL AND DAILY NEWS. A LOCAL PAPER GARRY SUCH A JUDIOIOUS STEP A LITTLE rumneu 2 mo REPEAT 1-an man A THOUSAND ruins. 91.401: THE PARTICULARS or ll` YOU HAVE If YOU WOULD NEWSPAPER coLUMNs! ADVERTISINGIJ James A ggcw, BARRISTER and ATTORNEY-at? AW,Con- veynncer, tr. Uice Bagot St eel, second door south of the Brilish Whig Otce, upstgirs. ADVERTIBEINTHE "Fran M031? IUCCEBBFUL TRADESMEN ALHD usncunnr TYPES AND INK ADVERTISE HVTRACTS HENTS; THEREFORFI IS THE BEST G ENERAL ADVERTISE- SPENT noun? [H mm punomssn AND ERECTION 0!` AN ATTRACTIVE SIGN FOR YOUR PLACE THEIR SUUOFFIP TO A LIBERAL AND JUDIOIOUS USE OF _..-.-nga u4lI\J|L1 I . tors in Chsmct 8 9, Anchor Buildir Juno O RI:L1.v,Q.( If YOU WOULD DRIVE YOUR BUSHIESS, AND NOT TO B]! DRIVEN. ATTRACT CUBTOHERB RESOLV E A T RATES, AND IF am NOT ALREADY TAKE AG REE.\1EN'1`S- run ADVER I`I:.lN(`. MAY BE MADE ATATHB ADVERTISE ADVERTISE MEDIUM WHERE}. .0';`i7'ICE.-Sou:h West corner of Dundss aqd East Streets. ` WI. H. WILKISON. W. A`. REEVE, M. A.1 mn-.o.. I`----- `- "OUR. BUSINESS ADVER'I`lSE_ 1'0 ADVERTISE A noon. susxnlzsa rrucklaroan aq AND NEWSQFFICE. unt ran ntponuxol or BEFORE `THU PUBLIC AND IN THI up ATTRIBUTI ONCE TC) BEE TARIFF HI` OF , BUSINESS ._,.,.,.}:yc; . A31-5 ICI` Lrn and Sold Whc-ls-s:1l<: in.-'3 1'2-r 1- prietors,Worcr-atcr ', Messrs wall; Messrs. iinrclziy and.` &c.; and by (irraccm and ( _...x.._y u_v gm; rcspecliy c.. `cations, and 3h( Names are on Stopper. Ask Rana un.. .., ` UI LUUFL` ( p.m1*m:- 1>m:4'n.\'(; ....):.._ u 141115111105: '1 or Rose; add 113 then stir , in Mauve, Violet, produce pretty more, as directo STARCH: Stir ir vygnvsv a recommended. LEATHER: Blue, Orange. Dyeinw WHITEWASH: To nr pnanu ..A,: Luz- .,with soap and water to avoid V _ V _ _ __ ......,v.-u.uuuu p:-ounce the moat satisfactory results. Use alarge quantity of boiling water in pan. RIBBONS and SILKS: Brush them creases, and to render them clean. Dye in boiling water. FEATHERS: Dye in hot. water (a few drops COTTON : Mauve, 1' of the dye is suicient for one feather). Violet and Purple are *'.2=_!'29nded- In earthen , },.uL or smut.-1 . 6 I[.Ll'.\ll_\'."\'Il`l.\'( n,~..-.., v rnurms. Any one can use them; any- thing can be dyed with them. ' It is impossible in this small space to euuznerute the many uses to which these Tvonderfu} and beautiful chemical preparation: can be applied; while their chief use is for dyeing textile fabrics, they are also invaluable as a. colouring agent for almost every known material, the ease with which they can be need and the brillian- cy of the result being, indeed, almost magical. By their use almost any article of clothing can be dyed in a few minute without soiling the hands. Mullah A \ A s for a few punce_ I yuul Iulllll In Counterneting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. Curing Musty provcnder. ' Freeing wheat and other seed from sinng. Maintaining the health ol plants in pots and conservatories. Preserving and restoring the freshness of cut owers kept in water. Destroying the blight of the potatoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, &'.c. ' Washing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hair and darkening its CulOllr when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating ef- fects of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and de3tr0ying ani- mal virus. Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. One gallon makes 200 to 300 gallons adopted for use. - . N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the Stnndard Scientific Test for Organic Matter in \Vu,t<.-r. and abrds the only known means of rapidly and completely Freeing. Drinking Water from Organic Tuint, which is no common it cause of serious disease. _Tu rapidly purify the air, use the diluted fluid with Cond_-/`s Uzoniser or other Spray-pro~ ducer. ' CONDY'S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (run l'01Lli:'l' pUurosns,) RGIZDOVCS from tho! m.-...n. :.__.. V .133 vnul and 11 EA. , I Inn unsuxtwnuvuuunuusnuu, suvlnllu U 1 B. Freeman`, Phurmeccutist, is allowed to be one oi the greatest discoveries of the present century. It is largely employed by the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons in hospital and prints` practicein all parts of the world. It has e ects peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly dihrent to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Chlorodyne, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from whatever cause, sl- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system `nder exhausting diseases, and gives sleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshasen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aidavits that they have tested its cecte in careful comparison with- tl-umm nf " DR l`,l.I.T.91 RRHHTMIEVSR (`.1-H'.!'iD_ Luau, IU, AUUDIIIEEUU 1. ans n.U1I.u,`l.a()lIu0l], D The gar.-.-ne has engraved on the Government Stamp (outside each Bottle); FREEMAN`S ORIGINAL CIILORODYNE." ONDY`S PATENT FLUID or natural disinfec- ` tnnt puries, doodoriaoa, nndfdisinfecta, by the agency of nascent or ozonic oxygen --its active principle. Being entirely iunoxiousl, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly adapted for the following useful purposes, lor which all other disinfebtanta, on a.ccountof:thcir poisonous orother ohjedionable qualities, are unavailable and-uscleds :- Dena-cdug organic impurities in air and viracer. P_uril'y;ing d;'ingii and other water from or- ganic manner on c. Fl:;.-ahenin the `air of close places, and remov- ing ad name 5. ' Freeing meat, fish, butter, or other provisions from taint. l1...-..s..__-;3__ .1 - _n- . .. WEN '\JUlUI uuluu. The Medical Times and Gaiette, J auuary 18th, 1866, states, " It. has an immense sale amongst ~ the public, and is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox Medical Practitioners, and, of course, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want. and ll a place." Innnfnr-hn-nrl hv than lnvnntnp Dial-um.-A Dunn, H `llllh EULI Llll E IJIU|:.7 Manufactured by the Inventor, Richard Free- man,'1'O, Kenningcou Park Rond,London, S. Tho tn'.:~uina hna aria:-nwnri nn rhn {Inna-nu...-...o LIIIVU IICBLUU IIJ CHUUDH Ill Udrtilul CUIUPHTISOU W-U' those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOR0- DYNE, and deposed to the facts that they found it I. more certain and reliable preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMANS." mm-I Rmanpll t -nmmnn?r*nI.a tn tho Rnvnl n`- uuu. sflfltll PI CIUI I CU 1` lhlllll` 9- Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Col- V lege of Physicians and to Mr `Freeman, that in lhnilla the only remedy of any use ig Cholera was Chlorodine. 7771.- Il-.J.'__I 7773...-.. __, J /7-.f-AA- I'__`____ `IOAL EAANIJ J This Liv]? , ,, ....,...5 may uyu. DIIIIRDIB for Woollen Good VOOLLENS: Magenta, Mauve, Vic Purple, Orange, Pink, andrimaon prod moat. mui..r..m.-.. -.._..~-- BI DR. J. .,.........., U1 ooumg in clean; h *EA'l`HIcn.e- nu =- L-- - IIU V 10:: :n|'lVl(I *Jl"l4;(" |'UDSON S SIMPLE PEOPLE. Any on iluz be dvml with n 5" `:11 x '11 ;~;'+:.~ I. I 1111: ORIGINAL 0HLonoDY1m, Invented by R Frnnmnrr Phnrmnnnlltint, in nllnunrl in has ;.;uJA..A. ;u color: )1. ` half a bottle to Hr in L- u.-1-. zynrntlu be applied; se hey used and flu: l\-:l|:.... 5 LIJU HILIIGB Mmuomicm. Thu an-A...--I~ --1 u. DULLMAN CU Palentee, Bnttcraeu, iii H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patent:-n Run.-.....,... I'..A.:A J nuu AJUHSI 1:0 rand Uiimen ` ,_i.v' n.v--n-nu, I803 aentay, Vioie t, Pink, produce ctorv result: "an n I---~ __ .1 A an; 1' UIIV I. an ' can_ them ; h is im nnninln oms FOR THE 9 (`III nan OI-ug-.. . __ _ \.lJlUl1r. Allllly uuu Luca] ; at-um nu: ma -- -.., -.-\..' univnranlly JIJLV 1} I n, Loud'on. 1' Mag Ajif aiaif i?:iT1;.b i:1._ , nluu Bl cacy." DR. `LE-THEBY, Medical Ofccr of Health, anri_ Ci ck... rV:._ -z' I All llolll. We think it a great advantage that there is one kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally ndmitted to be genuine--tl1e Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongh. It has long been our practice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend this kind, since, amidst a much variety and un- certainty, we have condence in its genuine- _ ness.-(Exti-act from Consumption: its Early and Remedinble Stagesf ) DR. LANKESTER, F/.R.S., Coroner for Central Middleaex.` . I consider that the pnritfiof this oil in accur- ed in its preparation, by the personal tension ol so good I chemist and intelligent 1 physician Lg Dr rla Jana-1n --'-- ' ' -_ .... ,,..;,....auuu, uy me personal attention physician as Dr. de Jongh, who has also written the best medical treatise on the oil with which I am no- quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oilaold under his guaran tee to be preferable to any other kind as regards genuineness and medical cm- cacy. ...-.. ..u.;._xvu; manna, DAl1'.l'., Il'.U., Physician in Ordinary to the Queen. in Ireland. I have frequently prescribed Dr. de Jongh s Light-Brown Cod Liver-Oil. I- conaiderit to be a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a. therapeutic agent of great value. m7:.EDW.u1n snrm, ans..- Medical osicer co`1:ho P09: Law Board .3: Great * Britain. ' u; 7 Jun U111. DIL DE JONGH S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, run] by the practical test of an _ sful experience for twenty years in all parts the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, the most elIici- cious, tlufmoat palatable, and, Irom its rapid cura.t.i\'e clfucts, the inoateoonomieul of all kinds. Hence the universal celcbiity 01 Dr._ de Jongh s Oil, and- the unparalleled demand lor this unri- valled preparation. - .u.u.-vnug :'cuuucu_ rates, VIZ : The North British from January, 1863, 16 De- _cernber, 1866, incl/psiv; the Edinburgh and the Weatmimter fromApril, 1864, to De`.-cmber, I866, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 agent, for each or any Review; also Blnckwood far 1866, for $2.50. T, . THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing 00., 38 7n1lnu--nh-not W V ..____. I The L, s. Pub. 00. a1 s]Tpub1ish The _'Farmer s Gllltl~ By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the 1 1.12.1. P.Nort4m, of Yale College. 2 vpls. R0 0(- tavo, 1600 pages and nmen-ous Eng:-avin . PRIOE-$7, for the tw? volumes. By 3ho post paid, $8. L LUl\Jl.`J`-" ` unpar wetter; 1:F..\IovEn"ro E1 NEARLY ()Pl`UsITE 1;. nu; s'l`0RE. ,- 1 1 .r u n_.I; 1 (1 15 . When sent by gil, the Postage to any pan of the United States will 56 but Twang four canu 8 year for " Blackwood, and but `ght Gang; :1 year for each of the Reviews. ` .1ruuuu nun.-rgu poi-iuuiuuu are regularly to - published by us in the same style unheate- fore. Those who know them and who lune long aublcribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their once welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad to have them again within their reach ; and those who may never yet have met with them, will assured- ly be well pleased to receive accredited report; of the progress of European science and litera- ture; " ' nrnfui`-n nan . I\lIJL TERMS FOR 1869. Funny one of the tour Reviews For n.ny..two of ..he four Reviews ' For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Blackwood' Magazine _ - For Blackwood and one Review For Blnckwood and two Reviews and three Reviews - For Blackword and fou; -Reviews - / . Subscribers [may obtain baick numbers at ' following reduced rates, viz : The North Riifinh 1':-nrn Tunas`-.. IDBO 4.71 7 `.0 , BLKOKWOODB EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory-) - T HESE foreign periodicals are ragulm-1 published by stvle n.l.hnan1n_ THBTLONDON QUARTERLY (Conaonrayg THE EDINBURGH RE-VIEW (Whig). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free clI h) } . AND . _ . - - -an-ALLAAIJAIII A And 3 large amount of gweral rendin . . :1... BRITISH 31:-:Ion1cALs . (congongu % Parllun 9' % , "5 mun; 1 ~ H R IEW ` THE BRiTIS`uD EV `ad the Q ` BLKOKWOODB mun 1>..:..-.- .. ED\`v'I.\' L`, EN -41 for SELECT MEDICAL oI5INIoNs. 31;: nanny mmsu, suam, um, `lvnit-inn in (\-.I:...._._ 4- -I sxnltlsfi I IJIHFA I."L.\ 5 Park:-r's Drug Sm June 9. j___ DR. DE JONGH S LIGHT-BROWN ' LIVER OIL. `ID hm Il\l1'l1`I IurI n.. . _ Oil.` _.., A515 1 uruley Jfilclury, 7 Vim) :1, and Depot, 5 Rut Established 1770.?` d I large amount of crslmnv-:1 1-.....I:_, _j_ ma. GRANVILLE, F. Ii". 1].,-1.!` 1|` ` n - .,.....c. w um :09: Law Board of Great Britain. r Jonah- It hue 1...... n.-.... .---- __;. DR. R.~U .L()\V, F.R.S., pr I`lIy:4ir:j;3.,u_t0 G11}- s u: `POSTAGE. wt hv lfltl Han I).-.5-... the City of L0 -r Health aim?! Chief Analyr1t- ndon. ._. u. nnunnau. W County Crown Attorney. Uf {I11 '3]: to lsiv; April, Id W: Hlnnkwnna for 195:}: mm.-u me presence of n.1.-d of iodine in a gtatc of are the most` rcnmrkable. 'crs_:_LlI_v acknowledged `that empc-Iztic power; and l'|3oIn~ have no doubt ofits hciug ntud mti.~L- found Dr. do Jongl1 a - UiI_ [)OSSt_`.-iriillg the sauna g which the of ` U1 iudim-. hi 1:: 04"! -` r \ILl L uuuuulhg K/`U 38 Walker-street, N.. Y. , .uu\uuaun_n_y,[ Iifmml Chnntiur, CED I l nil} 10500 13.00 1 5.00 J. ac...-mum. _1l.l)., )HYSICIAN, S[ RGEO'N', &c., PORTLAND, Residence Harrowsmith. I .___.-,,__; _ , aim l IS published I tains the large amount 0,1 -11.. lmllnrs oel Eb pnblisbml e -. Dollars per Subscribers Who` are chnrggd F in "* UKHIV1 U0 or_ ueatns. . . nu . liuslmsss No'nc:s."-All ml!` lunuling, leaded or solid, 8 cents I` _ awed by :1 scale of solid BrvieriI_ under 10 lines 75 cents, under J Other Notices in editorial colI1_II1!ln; l of which is to prbniote the pecnIll.U_ ! inierusts of Individuials or Cami`?! Reports ofliamks, Insurance Com : to attend Lectures, AlI1"9'`l7 ' Se~`rmuns; afcknowledgemenu ow -10 be considered ndvertisem on the same scale and in the HM !-iusiness Notices." .. . .. .. .mnun.n!`8. I Insertion. Subsequent insertions not once 5 week, 4 cents per lino. . Notices of Birth8..-.50 cenuelel 1 .l)o of Ma.rriages.50 P5 ' f Do olfDeaths...50 ";`w` u n ...... ...... \r.._....... 7l4`l mnli 1 1 cents tor every sunaequen_su_I-'9' _.Above 10 lines, 7 cents perllk Lion, and two cents per line {MOW _ insertion. (1.: _. LA..-` 2__--_::-_.. ....6 us Tuun or mil!!! 0 lines and uzgder, $1 for and 13 outs for everylll 3 In Iinah. Q1. 9: rm n-at Ihnli 1 nuu 1.1 Ulill lUl' Bftyll! 7 . i 10 lines, $1~,25 for first that . I I 17 cents for subaequeni3|'u.' Ahnvn In linnn '1 msnl _w1'm awn? omn um W J 11z11v7'11v0 IN aouuim -uvw wonnani QT is ambled to execita in with greater expedition thlli If! in the City, all orders for valid may be favored. Work done an inn. ` V n__.__` Alt.-A V\VHkI7non dz Rt-on-, ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Solicitors, Couveyuacer, &c. `Napanee, W. ' DAILY: { A Book, Job, and 2 _fu z?srA`B):I "' `gr: :35 ` *` V T;`;`- p2::r:i.:-:.*-.;g_;:z Job Printing, and `M ' Q no TH E uauu Ll . M ward p?33t'a"Iv 5? Territory"un! HISJHDSS DI Ol.lCC'c} .' nanny mm:nn- Thesqunxe to be_22'lines-ofIu!i The l.1.1.H'sf}un1'e 11 lines ditto. `] 1"ric(- for square, for one }jI 9'- nun-:11. Hm m-iu?1weot'aItf|DHm" ul put up moo4lIIp-at _ hnlfn" dozen an . S. `Ilia :,I`,` . `"S0Pio.,inboud ' M Bythe 100, u ?H"."" SABRATII nnnnp sraa: T567 "` ""' ""' Single copio, in houdamu,~.;_ `By the 1oo,~ 3- . SABBATE 1 scnom. 1 -; . ' Wallqen; ARRISTERS lid ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Uonvcyancvrs, Notaries Public, -n-_L_, - ..._ _._ -, /-_.. vi! 1%` Ti . Letter ! P:lenn't; `QM Private Biilu urin the Copy Right: ` mink; and design` M ~ Fmai` ` Drsllinamn-" BULL, Eng Life Assurance July Int. 1861. ` faelurllig "RE not produ ' MM A of American 1 nnmn - - -" ;ta3:;;:::;:.:,*,:&..':1' and at prices loan mil ugly` but Bum; 7 .-. Charlotte (Landin ; - Falls and l_3u'atloj, tI|o`8thinat. ' __,,._ ~ _ l 13} mar at 4:00 A.I(. STATUTORY 1)]; 5 V ` I WEST It 6:00 P.M.r ~ _ can-fully printledy . l Tickers Apply at the oi 1" fggbeed ' - M "_, Ontario gitreet, gr at the 3 ` ail ` M agpnbost 0 cc, L Law wees and ` ' ollnson Bireet. A . - M - _gui1_:g~to the West V BE NEW 83 ' ` Great Western, etroit _ -" ' Ga` ` 3' l Iichigsn Gantrnl Railways, Perklns, Aulho: gfvnlf 1` 3 , Milwaukee; Grand H "'-:r ' The: New . ~ all xhepmycip-1po2n '* Kml The Sun Fnic Railroad to Utah, Nab: We will and ......;.m.u nnnd nlifnrnin NE POUR)?" Th : Perk1ns,:1up;o, fa nun 1| llllnunwuu .- every`F'x-idsy Hews oflhe w *0 I I I1 rs Addr s'.'2: i.u. T;'a.u..? ~ JANE in _ Hand'3?_na, rm Pamphlets, Invitations, ' T Law Blank Poezin`g=Bi1n',- II-II Concert Bills, 711' "Railroad Bills, VH1! 13 be_que Books, _ 3*; Busfnesa Cardin, _ E vun 0'3 James (.'III;I"i'i:I}I, ARRISTER-AT-L.uV. U!-`I-`mfg Purim:-'.. l\..... u., `1` Mews _..ll1 bed even-y' hu annum, who ' receive l Five Dollars. .u)vmT171sma. ~ `for Daily paper 835! B.0Dl'Inln:......I L.I..m ymr, for ge ofaltLTing Iim:1] mug 111"] 330111! `mg .1 A....n.4._ 1|-.. ._.---u up nil IIIIUT, gA'RRISTE' RS,A'l"|`QR.V' E Y8-zit-L A W So Inn in (`.han.-.....`:`." rVt.------ -* - er ;sMSarsapariJla, Fol: I|I IlIl~`---rt. _..__ ,, J AlE8`NEl mesa Streetim an]--I-11 / I: 1"` '"B', H13`? E RUTHEBS W of Will t,,, t. treat 9"` . Kill , --.- ... .,......;u_v--u1nluJUt'r3_;V0S. I, 3, Buildings, Kingston, 0. W. _ Ill R:n.1.v, Q.C. | Plums C. Dunn: ._j_ _n__._j.__ , ,_ :._..__ John nmnc, MXRRISTER, .-lnorney-at-Law, Conveyance | &'_~_ Uni.-c omm-aim pn:r um-.. n. ,_ A-7 ., _,,, nun Luu U75 from, the West and `B3! meeti V, _a. u.-u.uu1:fU.LV 1', % BUN AS IroLLo'ws:`~ 3 '1 IGNGSTON every dsy (Sands \ )-:As;15 A.M., 11:30 AJL, 2 If. works ISLAND on Mom . nrsdnya and Saturdays at 7: ., 11 A.M., 1 P,|.[_, 3 P_.g{., 5 P -. .-nu IIEIILI llfkgl `` `uid Ba ting Grand Trunk train . yof 'tSt \ Llumiv Qume ealxi 31 of train from Ro_ gala '~ him .. - gpunau4,1YS and FRIDAYS 11-an Eullmels other days. wourn ISLAND 61.11., 1 .1,a1=.u. and 7 RM. G. M.` KINGHGRN, 1 Wharf, foot of Brock Street; In 31 1869. I 1 6 ._"'lIn Pr. E ROG S'1`ER A\__ 7 IN: [Vim .`V'. B. Hllllgaye, T l'UR.\ E1--AT-LAW, `com-ey, | Kvnnalnn {` In M: KBIENOI3. H, 3, 1369. ' an and wo1iT1i}E1-1r?:;E 0!: and aftqr Jz:`ne. lat E " L Iran s'rEA_nEn bmnnrs lam! Enamels other :1... lllii lIlllllU'n'|l' IU Ullu, L` or and Onlitorull. A . V In and Convenient Wai ' and Gentlemen on the WI: 1'! It tlnmnrr 5'9 Wecineadaybt .-:_ 1 v ` `I 1 , ilculv, Samoa, HA nan, He Kingalon daily (3 day! 0! _It 4 AM. (except ondny) fllh the Grand Trunk Trnis in II, meeting the 6:25 AM. train 10 `.Y_g0_ V . . `an;-nnnn.-Ian , A`! et, KingStuI].. -. connecting from W 91', megling tb< Juneau. anti H- `I'D . > _ for Passage, having superior p Ilodltion, apply on board, or L ' D. llURPH.Y,~ Ottawa G. l. KINGHORN, Kingston. [:1 3. kw . CA.Bl`N_ 3-rrcnmx` -. P , [ad the splendid Lake St: and (fttawa Boute.l Par all the purposes of .a_ Laxative odiuino. :~"_i"l1 01" the train fr` "08 Trukgk 7 of Quinta .C`uA.....`..._ BOAT I and Bellevllj AIL STEAMER `P13 on board` or JKINGBORN, lnfrngl. u-..__. /2815} Instargt. Lclucu uu me Will 0. H. _HA'_l.`GHi, Aanl with the Gran ago .....a n.._ .4 `[1:-pt.`K0l14?y'. "_ Sinplair, I-v-0? Finn]! ` I . J-'1. I 1Ul\.1n.l-`Al-L Kingston, C. W, . U. _-1 YJIR .t 00.. Practical rxhoaoiut, "Lo WELL. Al.-188., U. s. 1. `___r,, .........vua cu-u 61315;. 3 11 Klllla are the rst origip Sr seasef. _dh'ections are given the vrra r 4 r the following complaints, whjc the kllv cure :- ' 0 Relll;'-& Drilpcr IQTPDQ A'I'1~nn\vc-xv.-s . *.I.'"n. simm. :u.n.._ `TAU g`l't\r1r\;a`.- _....___`... :.,_ _.-_.,_ ___,.__4 . KEY TO LEND. $50,000 to! security of Real Esmtein the Git` - 111 st 3 low rate of interest. No c ged. R. M: ii ' Am-1'] 9'! I?\l"Ii`\".\'I` Y`A':r:r .- .- 'aI|n 1 En.` I1: 1 a-av.-1..-xw 0h~9".Y~Chs\mber3 Nos` 'Ruildinaa Iii.-...a-.. h n , _P;ulon Illacllar, 3 AND A.'I`TORNEYS-nbLAW, I Chancery, Blnrencn Post '. (3 W, eratzrly to stim aalthy tone nd action. : gwen m_u1e wrap in ng Qomplmnts, whmc these ._...-,wu vu u:uu on me City or Coun- commission ROSE. A. El` =.-~a -vy . V, _Couveyancer, &c. Dec. I. C H A N,G.liRY. t, C.W. . Wunu. 7 '73 , - Suliritor in ulnlic, &:c., :53 King cm I I b `,...,u:' ::.:.+.f`.'...: .:i,:..'..*" - "F mm .F'or_ Irnnatluin, Gout; GI-oval. Pal talc: of the ll:-arc, Pain In [La tn 0 Incl: and Lulu, they should be (`nntinuuusl ' taken. as require-cl, In change the diseased (union 0% W I]'B`Cl,n. llh Phalnmn I-|s.n.... --_ I KING STREET TE TUE UITX OFFICE -- Owe -nan, maneu- _Appotllf. they lux_nulate the swin- BLOOD. _.._._j___ s [end on the `hon- rv...... ` Llatlogu OCIIGI- [haw Bl, Q.0 per tsottln. - THE DIABTATIZED IODINE, For puritying the Blood.---Price 2s 9d per Bottle. ',' The above Preparations are in the form of Sweetmests, pleasant to the taste, and par- ticularly adapted for Infants and Mothers nursing. ` _, By the combination of the Iron or iodine ith Cress Seeds in a state of germination, hey ere united with organic life, which thus renders them digestible. The irrltative and stubborn minural has thus become the nucleus of an organic substance capable of being ab- sorbed by the blood without injury to the stomach. , Agent for England and British Poaseesions, - E `G. UUFRESNE, 79 Walling Street. May be obtained. of all Uhemista. R. V. BAUD, Graduate and Member of the Medical Collrgc of Paris, Cniefl hysician Extraonlina.-y for Epidemics in Paris, lane MD. of the Civil Hospitals of Algiers, has just in- troduced iu England his URGANIC .`rH*1l)l~ CINES. . uusl; uken, reqmreci, to C name (1 _ iseased of the system. Wuh such change those comphintl disappear. For lbropuy and Dropolcal Swelling: th , should be taken in large and frequent doses to pg dun-e the elect ofn drastic purge. For Suppl-Italian a. large dose .=houll be taken as it produces the desired exert hv sy Am a Diuuer Pill. take one orlwu mote digveatiun and relieve the stomach. An occasional -lo-we stimulates the ntomach and ' bowels into healthy anion. restores the a pntite and inviinrntn-I H... ....v...... av- -A - P u UUUCEU 1:115 ISAUUEIN An efficient arid prompt Reme. Yellow Fever, ~Dinrrhua3, Dye ext,-essive action of tho Bowels. was awarded by the French Gc V. Baud for thus valuable prep Dpfnn. 9...!` u. - I I 5 an. um:51'A'1'IzEDIR0N, For strengthening the Sysu-.m.-I r` per Boltln. 'I"FI"I7! l'\YAD|l|An-u-nun ..-._-.-- DR. VICTOR BAUD S ORGA Toiket Soaps. Lavender Water. Cold Cream. Perfumed Vaporizer. Rose Leaf Powder. I-11.:-5'nn...n 4',-- -L V -_.. ...-. uuuvc an: c:tn'1IIIl_'y' prepar portation, and retain their excellem in any climate. . 96 Strand; 128 Regent Street; 24 London. 17 Uoulevtxrd dea Italians, ncuumus 101' ll Hundlierchief. Euu de Cologne. UM! Rhnvn I Lzuunu XSIJIJIKIJ. PERFUMER by appointment to their Majes- ` ties the Emperonof the Prenrrh, `he Qua-en ut Spain, the Qucen of Holland, the Qutwn of the Belgians, and the Kzng of Purlugral; am H.R U. the Prince of W31:-3. uuao noun K 0-"def. Perfumes fur the \ ..nAl..._..Lf`` nu unu nun} cumpueu W1 the deposit with the GI the amount of ' .9;-u.\ .,; uuu :wu|11- , ad: and restore its heVaVlt*1i`y"Ttn)-r`)`o3 nd action. - For Llrer Complaint and its Various gy-mp-' toms, Dillon: lleadachr. Dick Headache. Jnnndtco or Green Sick-en, Dillon: Call: and Dllloln l`ev.-rs. they should be ju- diciously taken for each 1-a.~1e,t>o<'orr-`rt the -liseased action ur remove the <)ln which cause it. For llvynonu`-ry or lllan-Ion, bu_t one dose i3g_|ae-1111;: rgqgirml. , _i- _._........ vu 850.000 Am`! is prepared to issue policies low as tho .-safety uflhe wil T \ ll UL` Q` Tu ;-.-u, Losses paid in 50 years, jg L `HIS Company has been doing business in 4' Canada for nearly 50 years, and during timv. time has -secured the public condence by the prompt and liberal s=ulementofever_y- fair claim. \ It has fully complied with the laws ofGa1nz;d-u by \ Gave :-mnam of Rlnnlrn M Home Insurance Colnpany of New Haven, f\ LV._-._,-i JLICIKII D. S.n'1uLu. Cuaumcs WILSON` President. Secretary 0.4.53 CAPITAL .. .. $1,000,000. Aka: AND RIVER msxs mean on hulls and cargoes nt reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Kingston, Metre]! 31,159. St. Lawrence Wlmrl. \ `A`Jt11;1" [n. C0. of Hm-t.- ` ` ford, Conn MPAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS- s5,15o,o31,71. Lnaan; naL! :v\ Kn ..,...__ A" - * - * ' ` \ l'Imanli Ansuraucb ibmgnargyn \ or LONDON. ` CAPITAL .. .. ;1,ooo,ooo. \ P-REMIUMS RECEIVED DURING 1868- ` . $2,079,896. Funds deposited in the hands of the Govermont - for the security of Policyholders. H` All re risks carefully'survey_ed, and the rate of Premium mgmde to correspond with the l risk assumed. ' I I Inna nltrvnnu CAPITAL x;x-3,000,000. Ah`SWETS:j-'5,l50,93l,71 E I'LL AND CARGO RISKS to und from Inland Ports on lltvamrable terms. :~ Luiena I.rnnn.Ilc- urul I:|.n-.ll.. .. 11.... . ) 1 Home Insurance Company of New ` Haven, Conn. -agar uuuung pre~'en'e~4 Lnexn ever (man and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no hann can arise frmmtheir use 1!] any quantity. They operate by their powerful inuenpe on the Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action-remove the obstructions of the unniach. _bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health. and by correcting, wherever they exist. such darnnan. Kingston, March` 31, 18139 1569. Mari :;e *1Ks'ui ______.___i_}_` CHOLE A, DIKRRIHEA; &c. P`ARL`ls .USSELL sent. to the Col! 1 |I|...~:..;..._. ,- . llnn lnunrauu-o llau'1l'orcl, L. J. H1-mmnz, I I`D_- .1 I _A A-gent, St. Lawrence W'1-nu-F. Kingston, March 31, 1369. March 31, 1869. 0ice-33, Clarence Street. Kingston, March 20, 1862. Agvul. at Kingston, vru Wliailf Assurance Uompany LIVERPOOL KIND LONDON. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, Agent for Kingston 6-33. Olarence Street nouy, restoring their irregular acgion an they exist. such demna muntsnonrenbenrsturiginof `sease. 1 Minute dbftions tin-.n n u: --.-u...... .. EUGENE Rm.-umn. PYTIIDD L_ __,, u-\.u\ an "" I INCORPORATED IN 1819. Murine ldsurance: 1569. \ 128 Regent Cornhil], Italiena, Paris. um; uu nnmnruutte terms. "f uplly and liberally mljzxsled aml :1 Uurrannv LII |UUU_", JAMES SWIFT, Agent, 3!. Lawrence Wharf. W'1"'i-xos. KlllKl ATRlUK. 1. uuuulu of/'g_erminntion_ ` Lible. I nce mumhln no` I....:.... ..e_ ...... ...... nu ur-unuu u_y :-mnent. of Stocks to T..i1et Powders. Portable Fountains. Tuilet. Vinegnr. Unit 1 :-epa.raIion3. Tooth Powderi (ll:-nn.~:.... '1" .:I .- n- the bnx,fnr foilowing w Pg): idly cure:- I or yopepnla or ncllgq-Itlon , noun. lnlguor and Lou of_Ap|;e shouldbe taken moderately sumulat_e ._ healthy acua Complaint and in m..-a.

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