Kingston News (1868), 1 Apr 1868, p. 3

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11:. rrpresenus our thus our lines of aged to forty miles, increase in propor- rces of the c-)untr_v ,,_ 1.1 Inch I1.--Wiiun Dono- It York yesterday for 1' I!!! In. Squibb, sud tel`. He protested hi: ._|II%. '-vvvI\-IIJ- `~- --The otetmcr City ` 'ark, bu nrrived. : jd"/K uotrrann Isntndi _ I (Spain! lqnl to rD':,..`) __.. ` 4.---"' ; \:._._..I ..-A .4: .~. 1 _ APRIL 1. l 1l. in the -uuJIIK; Uul V d we lute behind er of future genera- ooc pier, I rail- Irom the coast to umentl will do us xpeditiun wiH not a of the enterprise. No. I. \'\'euern when 7 45 to 7 I - " ' '1" Wutorn wheat, 7.20 :3 7,30 ;'u2g' :33: 3,70. What.--~Ccnod| Full 0, no `om. `Spring, 1,T`1|to 1.7!: Women. `Q5 M1-N`. |Unta-per 32 lbs, 48 lo 60. BuIe;_p"*`.'1 , lba,l,15 to 1,25. Buuer-Dulry-18 to :I2c;iLoro- packed 18 I0 220. - AIber-poto, 6,80 10 5,90. ponrin, 6,60 to 0,00. Gold In New York at 12 ' o'clock, 138!` Pork-Ieu, 19,50 to on 00. Prime lest 15,50 in 15,00; Prime,u.,75 10 25:90 9 Dre- H02-. 0.00 to 0.00. Pun, 93 to 94. * Ryo Flour 8,0510 6,10. 5 . Flnnn-:1-Anainln innn I-.l.l- . -__n 1 x Iona-al.A lit. , 8:00 `O. 8V 5 3 mi SEMI q` [0 7,75; Welland 0ll1llBupQr_ EM .0 Super Hm I Baud: whom, `(.50 m 7 30 . No. 1 Weuteru wheat, 7,45 7,50 ; saw. lo ; 13.3 30, - -A III7L--A 55 : I" luv: U,vu IU D.|U. \ I-`Ionr-roceipu 3,000 bblo ; unnll bunloeu `done an yesterday`: mm. Gnin-no transac- iou, rtlu nominally nnchunpd. Provisions steady but quiet. Butler neglected. taboo-3 pou ICU? and udnnoed. Paul: neglected. rncw roan u.uuu:'rs. (Spec-ml Telegram to Daily Newt.) | New York. April 1.--StockI utive bul ' declining. Gold 1381. Onltou very firm n128c lror Iiddling Uplnndl. I-`dour cloned dull for :11 graded; receipt: ere 1,613 Lbls; Inlet nu , 7,800 belt 11 9,30 6 965 for Iuperne auto .end western; 10,10 0 10,80 for common 10 choice extra cute; 10,00 0 11,25 for com- mon to choice cure western ; 10,00 Eb 14,00 for r common to extra round hoop Ohio. Rye , our quiet nt .75 6 9,08. When cloned dull; ` receipts are 11,350 bu~h-, Mien are 6,000 bmh while California :1 3,20. Rye quiet; receipts are 17,836 but; no ales. Corn dull ;reoeip1| ere 18,300 bath: ulel Ire 33,000 `bush qt 1,20 1 6 1,23 for new mixed western nonl; 1,24 46 1,25 for western yellow; 1,17 rd) 1,18 for white weetern and southern. Barley dull; receipt! ,ue 16,300 bush; no nlee. Out: quiet; re- ceipt: are 250 bueh; ulee are 21,000 bush :1 86a for western In More; lie for do aou. Pork quiet end needy at 24,9040 25,00 for new meu. Lerd dull And heavy It IM ID 1611:, E f l at a meeting of the Royal Geographical So- ciety. on the 9th, in London, a paper was read on " The geography and mountain panes of British Columbia, with reference to an overland roule." by Ir A. Waddlngton, a gentleman who has devoted many years in exploring, personally, * or by agents, the different paaaea and valleys, in order to ascertain which is the most. practicable for a waggon road and railroad from the Pacic aerosa the Rocky lonutalna In explaining the nature of the country, the author said that the two mountain ranges- the cascade, or coa.-it range, having an average width of H0 miles-- and the Rocky Iouutalna, a width of I50 miles -nearly meet on the southern frontier of the colony, but diverge further north, and leave a fertile, central plain 120 miles wide. In the southern part of the country all attempts to dis- cover practical psnoee have been in vain, and no through route was possible by way ofthe mouth of Fraser River. He had examined the various long inlet: or ordl to the northward, and found Rule lulet to be far the moat suitable as the Pacic terminus of the fntun overland road. He had discovered a river owing into the head of the inlet, and had planned a they road through the narrow valley thus formed through the whole width of the coast range. The road that he had projected ran north-easterly across the plain and struck the Upper Fraser oppoaite the mouth of the Quunelle River. The Fraser is here navi- gable, and atfords n route to the Yellow Head Pans of the Rocky Mountains, which lead: to the rich level country on the eastern side of the range, extending towards the Red River nettle- tnent. The Yellow Head Para is, according to Dr. Rae, 3,770 above the sea level -, the central plain in 1,500ft. in its southern part, and the Beta inlet trail runs across it between 51 deg. and 53 dega. N . lat ; the pasture is excellent and the cereals, including wheat, can be grown. Ir Waddington stated that the Canadian Gov- ernment had already begun to construct the east- ern end ef the overland waggon road between Lake Superior and Red River, but that no ar- rangement had yet been entered into with regard to the other aeetions, and be urged the import- ance of the undertaking on political and com- mercial grounds. The Boston Trmucript Myl. One of our leading orpnilu ocinted at three lnnenln, I wedding, I concert, nnd gave his usual musical lesson to his pupils, in 1 single day of tho pre- ~ uni week." In [nine 3 Quiet one seat to I brother Qnnkor in another town 3 Ibeet'of paper, in the middle of which was Lu (7). He received by return of msil nnotber sheet of paper with an 0 in the middle of the page. The correspondence munt.-" What nun? Answer, Nothing. It Burgh, of New York. the hnlncno Pruidont oi the Society for the Prevention of0ruelty lo Animnls, in said to be very wealthy, and in devoting his enlire time and money in promot- ing the auto which be bu ll. heart, taking nnd receiving no pecnnhry compensation therefor. I'I"YlJ _- -4 AL), AL ,__L yuvyvu Lluul, Wt.` ally for supplies. have been with 3 tn lCliV enemy it Wild geese, lays the Ogdenaburgh Journal: have made their tppearlna in thin vicinity- Two ocks pused yuterduy du their in] north- ward. One of tbeu:-n In-gione-stoppe:l in the Sl.Lawrenee, Ibrent of the bar, Ioug enough to take an observation, than rose Again and settled in the Inter oppocita the windmill. ,_u, n II1_j_ ,1 _.:- _-_r-____ J 8;}: tbs Cour: Journal, 3 null body of unit- tic mud literary penonnges hufonnod whnt they all n " Cocked Hat Club. The chic! foa- lum Ieenu to be dining logolher uvenl times during the year. The hon. chnphin in the Rev. Ir Lurking. Clearly this in not sums to spoil sport or fun. ` . ...u..-u an-1.1.1 -,-v- -- Itle n:v-`denied that Gen. lcolellen in a comic of the late Lord Clyde, and therefore en- titled to 3 than of the Bands and Kirwee prize Illonoy. The letter be: Already been distributed among thou chiming to be the next of kin. LL pa-tin Indabtod to the lush oi Wllllun Fergnuon I 00., Iuolrenu, are requested to undo hnnudltto payment to the undonifned. All accounts unsettlultoa the lat of June next will be plued In the hands of John Dal, EIq., for collection. ` `D II Il. SUSPENSl_0N or BUSINESS. Tan Bulucriborl no extremely sorry to In- fom their customers, #0., that I most din- utrous in wok place In our vpnulnu on this Wednendny morning, runllingillnou in the 0|!- tire destruction of our aoodgeonoeqwntly hw- nau will Iaocuapondod fornohort tint, Whith Anntnrnnpn u-ill nl-Q-n aunt. I-6} VIII! 1 IUW III! customer: will plan: noto._ - cum on _ Tan Blhoa-than Inc M ` hip '1` -_ ._Pv_2'_-.'I..e! IL. 154..., _ I n 4...-u, mes. VHOBT FOB!-for uh. By JOHN HENDERSON. _Boohe|lor, up pun uneven now for the cams ol na- proprictor of that uHgiaIL-.'Vm York MINING _1_JmsEs. Ap'un1. BRITISH .:JULUKBIA. lnsolvent_Aot 1864. N ` Inn ; .00 jug . go IQP. 945 In Win. - $792, Auignea. ---V4.1. um! .45 to 7.50; Sn ` S'upo'r Nag: nnr `I can In. YOUHG U00. JEDDXIIGI, Priuou-utreet. , an urn! `llllllbfl by mh`Poi'nni|Ier Gnonl of Onnlda to sell Postage and Bill Btunpl to the Public V ' *5 at _, ---vnnllvli Vvllllllllu ` - AQWID by {Young Womun, u. Sltnntldll In` 3 3.135333: uoromr or PRIVATE DAIRY; `hie obi:-go of cilber. Can [Iva ood referanou. `Apply by lemr prepaid to . R., Dnlly `Nun Kincuon, March 31. JUSTRE'CE'-I?ED-- one man van FINE IIOL'.`TE'HOLD FURNITURE, PLAIN AND REGIMENTA L CLOTHIIV G, ((1., dc. A quantity of Household Furniture. A double bnrrelled gun and rie with cases and appurtenances complete. A quantity of Artillery Regimentnls in good condition, and other articles of Plain clothing. boots &c., and n qunnuty of miscellaneous articles. The ceou oftba lute Lieut. C. G. Durward, Royal Artillery. Terms Cash in bookable funds. Sale at 10 o'clock. 7 v LUI ply to A ROUGH CAST HOUSE, two uoreyi high, containing seven rooms. Connected therewith _is A Garden, Stable sud Well. D._-__-.__ -_ 1-. Il-_ LORANGES. ORANGES .....\.~ mun nu.-. IHU wear luring coszs. I . except furage um! I nrria-.C In rI.- -....... C. S. 1nd XXX OYSTERS. APPLES, , ORANGES, LEMONS, CANNED, Fruits, Null of All kinds, Oonfectipgery &c. Being burned out in the Mu-ket Bqunre, I am prepared to supply my old Custom-ura nnd al many new one: u may favour me with I call 1: the Old Stand, corner of Ontario and Clarence Streets. Al-_ _ f.__-L -___1_ -I I) JIYWWAIVIIITHJ March 30. `r DITPQIU. . Also :1 fresh supply of PLANTAGENET WATER. `I? III: .Il7`I FEE Subscriber bu remind inltruclionl to Sell At his SALE BOOIB, on THURSDAY, 9nd April, \ Insolvent Act of I864 and Amend- ments thereto; In the matter of A LEXANDER SUTHE R< T I NI} :1!` ILA ru t. Vfnncfnn .0111-n-nnlngn JIO W56 `IIKJDECI UJ LIIJLIIJLQJVJJLIJI IJIJ J IJQJL` LAND, 9]` the City qfKI'ngston, Shoemaker an Duoluut. OTICE is hereby given that the above named Insolvent has desposited in my M office a Deed ofonmpoaition and Discharge, purporting to be signed by A majority in number of the creditors of the said Insol~ vent, re resenting t.tuee-fourth| in value of his list) lities, And that hless opposition than-nfn ha fulnrl with VIII! 1-Hhin arr Inn-iu- "I3 II-IJIIIUI3` `IIIJ I:-"CU CI.IlC UPPUDILIUH 'hereto be fyled with me within six juridi- cal days after the last notice of this adver- tisement, I shall act upon the same accord- ing to the terms of said Deed. IIRNRV (`.FlARl'.`li1R VON !/T` Kingston, March 21. " W KIRKPATRICK & sou. I-iinguton, 27th March, 1868. nd yet, with 3 force an proportions, we jnnlu f..- -...`...I;_- Vl0`IOIlliB1'OVIA I) PLOUGII FOUNDRY. KINGSTON, 0111'. THE Bubocriborl, in order to supply their n.._..._.-... _:.|. srrnvlt vr.nnnm-I HE aunucnnon, In Order ID supply uwur Customers with STOVES, PLOUGHS, OAS1'INGS,1ud other Good: in their line, of the vary but dmpription, have recently exacted 3 15:30 How Foundry on the corner of King And Queen Stunts, what! thqpra Insnnfnctnring. -uvvr -I\C`I\rI`ICl'I I'I A P313`? 1`. I nfm .llZlI:WIlll I3 I! UIFUED. DI. Poueuion on In May. March 27, 1868. `(MUCH IJIIVDIC, wuuuv -n-3 --- -_.._...--_.- HULBERT S PATEN 1` PLoUdTis with Steel Ionld-Bcaudn and 8uel-Lnd- Bi en. They hue :10 lnvlltel I New Plblgh with Steel Mould-Bonrd and Land-Bide, nnd High Iron Beam, udcptetl for windy ground," and warranted not to choke up. In: nllnli QII I IIITCI lllll I Kingston, Hutch 23. warranted " cnolo u rgouan-sunnns 13'5" LAND-SIDES. _ ,_ .I-_-_A .._-_ _.n:__ I'.II4....-I-._ I IAVJIJVJI-I'DI.IIlIl3Lr ansinr naunn.-u.- u . 3 g F. Farmers on new depend upon getting Plough- Shuee end Lend-Sides HARD l HARDI HARD l as we hue discovered a. New method of Amul- gnnetiag the Iron, no u to mete then both herd Ind clone. Field-Rollers, Cultivators, Her- rowe, Gen; Plougbl, Sap Pent, Tinwere, &e., in Great Veriely. 3 The beat assortment of COOKING, PAR- LOUB, at BOX BTOVES, in Central Oends. Prices as Cheap as the Cheapest! N.B.-We were untied 13 first-Olen, end 3 other Prizes, on our lenufeetnzee, at the late Protlnciel Fair. This feet in for itself. OHOWNI UNNINGHAI. up. ,. _. 1n___|. anal. 1 BAR `HAT commodioul Stone Dwelling Home on Olill Street. Poueuiou Immediately. Ap- I to I whituo ' --`u ..l..II 1.. `t`:. Grape Vina:-dc. for Sin-11181868. __ ___ - HE Lu-gent Stock in tin: Country. P011119" in large or small quantities. A descriptive sud illustrated priced catalogue of Fruits, and one of Ornsuwnul Tron And Plnnupent pm-pdd_ .,_ ..-. ..-.. -...|. Wnlannln Gnuloaua l'lII_ `LILLIUIHI Kingston, March 28th, 1868. of UHIIEUIIIII '11. !!! Inc r|ln|ILI,I:ut pt! -|.!Illl_ for l0 cont: each. Wholellle 0|`-I-1C`-| "'3- ELLWANGEB & BARRY, It. Hope Nuns:-in, n--I...oa- I 7 BASES--Fornu of Leno: and other description: of Law Printing kc t n stock 31: the Dnily News Olce. vufy -vduaiption of printing done to ordql. #J_4 HOUSE TO LET. SITUATIQN WANTED. `mg I Sale by:-Auct_ion Unuvvn up vs. Kingston, Much zouh, 1868. ..I-_._-L:Ann ll` 1... zclul the mail ' chain of thyo `worb 1* uonmuyud ma """3 %~= the lnbocfing an d neeennry Irtielu `ch capitalist, who TO BE LET. LIIU KCIUIU UI BBILI LICCU. HENRY CHARLES VOIQT. F. S. REES, Bruce`: Building Princes Street. J. J. LINTON, Auctioneer. LLIIJLJDIJ V \.Il\.l I . Oicial Assiguee. 4. 1mm R. H. ROSE. R`. TUWN IN ASSORTED MATERIALS AND S'1`Y,LE8 .LLLlJ._IL.JJ.JJ.. `Iv \,.r 0ornero.f I-':r'incess and Wellington Streets. Aluo one Cnsq NEW KID GLOVES, assorted sizes nud colours, at the GLAHGO X Mu-eh 28. WAREHOUSE_,_R. `WADDELL as Co. " Avoon s1?7>_13 L7Yo1i' `WATCHES, HOUSE, OFFICE AND ILBINE ULUCKB, ALWAYS UN HAND, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SHIP ! COHPLIUEI, to, OAREFULLY REPAIRED. `ll--AL on Ir, winch Iguunllyulll THE PUBLIC ARE INVITEDATO EXAMINE SPECIHENB AT THE ROOMS OVER HENDERBON S BOOK STORE, PRINCESS STREET. um GENERALLY PLEASIIH} ARI) LIFE-LIKE. Hrs STUDIO Possnssn SUPERIOR ADVANTAGE FOR Tm: PRODUCTION | OFSUCH PORTRAITS. -~ ~-~ ' u = ` _ . "~ "'7-'""" V WM 7 ` .,,_.""'. -}- -1 :5" "~"_,; .2 a, _s km? W a'f"" 7" ;. ', ff, .. mg ' 355,3 8 N '8`-~ D R E S 5 A 0%` -` . .(I Ir 1 ' . , , Q e?snE%A _00 P`1ece'orV 4,000 Eards ISIEIEFFIELD Hovsn. March 27. "FE; .20.; .;..;s.;. L: the `NEW qunmvs REGULATIONS. Just received n the City Book Store, King-it. JOHN OBEIGHTON. 1-,, .1. }.;.|_ `W I 0 land for 1 numborof Yearn,on Buy Terms of Payment, at lodernte Baton, on Improv- ed Property. A nnlv In cma | o I. n 'a"L:i "'a`iIi"" i'1ii_E"io u Ass`. MeKELVEY- &. Bmcl-I. yumnu mlo; I C _-"' rded In the nrtny, army ndrnnces we culture. The coun- 'Icll tdnptc-d for p. npgpvn-a.I nu .\ IN Returning thanks to their numerous friends and the public generally, for the very libeul pntronnge extended townrda them since their couameneementjn bunineu, beg to intimue (but they hue now added tolbelr Tinumithlng Eo- tnhllalment the Plumbing, Ooppemnlth and Sun: Fitting Budneu, and no nay prepared to do work In this line in ell ll: bnnchen. . n __.I-_. ._:.|. -I.I-|. ck.-l Innr ha fa-vm1rn MATTHEW GAGE, do work In this line In In H: nnucnu. All 91-don with which they may be favoured will be executed on the Ihotteet notice and mat renonehle terms. All work gnu-Inteed to give utinfeedon. They respectfully solicit 1 call -on Inquiring work done in this line. tlnuulnl nllannn nrivain to Bell-lnnlrinz Illd ng wort tilgano In um um, d Bpaclnl nuon give": to Ball-Imaging III Best Work. ' AI_._. 4... lg...) - Inung A-1:-nrhnnnlnf G11 Bost work. Always on bond s In-go sssomnent of Oosl and Wood Stoves, Goal Oil Lamps, Ships Lun- Ierns, Home Furnishing Goods, Plsted Ware, &e., to. | JOHN HUKELVEY. BLHUEL BIROEI Kingston, lurch 24.- MARINE GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, tstsscorss, BEST FRENCH MAN UFACTEURE. "CI'1`Y"io()I_; iE_>E; Cheap Dresws Ggodsg March 81. NTII4 the repair: an eolplptod at the Bank l of Montreal, tho business of that IIItitn- tion will be condnclod at the format oeo of the Bank of Upper Canada, comer of King And` nnnan hf`, ....._.\.x -uu vnvcs nnal ~n1L DUB` U] UW Queen Streets. In-eh `nth. A 1unw_ nonuuos ORGAN _E_AC1`0RY. `II-II Kingston, Ilu-ch 25th, 1868. fg god llollll OVEI Ilnurvu tut -|e nu uln- ,4`: g..;. employed 3. mnuxu lonlmn, . bulullpgod Iuny janntthbus in tho` Ouuducndtln Uniudtsm. .Hl.Iil'llMId\l@l.I_I-Ololljl vl:ihhoclnl- 1.`; Onln ohllu (Power or ' vulonuotioggood lun- MONEY T_0 LEND. JOHN SAVAGES nw Donmuou onau uo'ron Y in N -';.-.,..." ::'::'.:,,:;'*..:::.'.;`.'.-..... wig : E; Iihrtllnontof the but 0rgnnu,-Eu-Inon- Iolodeon cared for sale in can- *.'.'f" '.:1..:.-. Jtmult u rmumm. "L; ;f;;s`..i'A'.'..`.a. Mnnindanaur. PHOTOGRAPHS or cuunml *Kinpt9n, Feb. 29, mos. Pk the` V! 0.. No. 7 5 Wellington street. ml: or uomm, HENDERSON S . APP`! to (`FROM 7d-.-T0 2.. PER Ygiin, it THE ..-..--_ nnnnzighn R-L .Y?Ab15E,I..&. 02;. CHARLES GRIGOR. `DDT1 JOHN` DUFF, Oice, Court House. in i R. -I. MOORE, Tim. they nspo: t TAKEN AT AT THE Wfk. --;_.-'1 - -' ---u . 1 For 5 tannof yeah: god!`Ir|'IIol'400tonI. It would be let`onlnres,~uith two pod tam: ofhonu llld all up snIIh[~ilI.plInoIIB. Theo no negoodharmontho fa-Imwhld: in wll watered witlmuaekand cptlnp, and Ilthil H miluof Kingston iilnill. - Apgy to , 4. . .rm'-nl nnnnni l THE pleee owned and occupied by the Sub- scriber, known on Pine OM10, corn}! Union and Centre Streets, containing House, 81:- blea, Cu-tinge Home, Wood Shed, Allin the mat complete order. for e. gentlemen : relidenee, lid one of the {inset Gardens in Town, thoroughly nnderdieined, good Well and Oletoeu. Would [ac sold as it is, furnished throughout with Furniture new and mode to order. Term: liberal and pa- eeuion given st any tine. } _`I' n l1I'.A'D`Y`E EEADwellin Home ad panics muted on tho corner Want and Syduhnm man, in the Olly of Kinpton,thopropu'tyoft|Iou- mo of Goo. Olnby, lbq. Apply to J. G, IAODONALD, ' Annltnnn ' sumo mronrmous. 1 8 6 8. = `om: nuulrnpin mans Ann sum NOW `OPENED manure &.WAI|l)EI.L 8+| HNHE Stock has EI;n ulectad with 5---; 11...- J_..l_.__ AI__ _,,_.g .S-____.__ [FIVE VI AI-MID ll! FIIUABIIIIIII ZIIBUIE IVU aronow pnapomd tooerBpecislBcI'IinI, In the following departments :- Dreu Goods-3'-a Splendid Lot and Cheap, Poplim, Cobnrgu and Lust Inn? (Man: and an: I1:-gin ilk: i '1'c.-`&e.`Z`'5..`.. `113-a.".i'u. "'""a~q';'.'.',' lslon` of Trade in the,.'.Briti|h ken. We I--- -.-_- ______.J 4.- -C._ Q._..1_I fI.___.I__ 3 Au vuvuaa .I; owuuu uuu unfun- Value. One One Dachau Kid Gloves, . on cue Liile and Silk Gloves, T 1,500 doc. To: One: 'hreob d Doukiu, an... as 131...]. I-11.51.. V 1` C Kingston, Feb. .19, 1868. `Kingston, Mud: 20. VALfIZiLE PROPERTY |. --;\: _. . H. HE;____NDERs9N- much am, 1_ssa. Po lint, 0o5n- "rand Blnzk Glace, 3:3!` Grol Grdnill TI- .. __ `I\___.. .III__ J-HIUK `IIIDUU; III CITE \l'IIIII DIII Fancy Drug Silks, New Mnnnld Velvetn, Buck and coloured Velveteen, 11... fl... Al` `D:|.|uu..- Five Ono} and Bonnets, One case Straw Trimming, 1,000 Piece; New Prints. 1nn H EQQOGA HI.` .`Rl'Q 1 %3>L`LJ.!. numimin aux who nnderaundn all kind: of ruining, And [who is nlzle to k ,- LJICIE1 -Illl IJIII-IIIIFUIL VI One One of Ribbons, II Tlnirnru ;,uuu rneoeq new rnlul. 100 Began: Bhlrtingn. ' All Choice Patterns 1: {FOR SALE- LWAN _1`ED_:_ DTIITI TEIAIT _L- _ SA_LE._._ Ango. to Ln-r. _-_.-._ _ ____I 1-: . _. , PRINCESS STREET. ions Bnimnt. morning'- 'no II CC d~cl III vwbo V00 J. 0. CLARKE."- ' ;'n`.u'.".} -, %* -3 an , _ , 'h_, . . . .,.m:. `L ;-:wp- gugugn. ucjln. , UV IIIUIIUI vnu: L....' :1?! " 1 V I L l`Nl3"'BIEI Tove n-all inon Fina Inn:-ilinalkarchiafn 8-4 White Linda-Tshle Cloths nI-n. In :_.|'.._ W . >P .` L A C E Y s: U. ~\-_ ' ",3 r.-J U71. 5.) " `K- lnnv mos, MI-|:HiYii.i&9e.y_.{ Whats lhnetllp .;.. 1: 3 H 1: 1: T I N G, 'r 0 EL L IN G s, H OvI._L' LN lJ,s`,? u's,., 01 all kinds. " , JUST TO'P'E]lD A. BPLENDID 81500` `O? . T V Beaded Gslnpyrrlngoo, lune`:-1l'onr'an`l Iutligl, AND CAGE OF-"BLACK VELVETEEN8 TERI; 0313?. T R I a II 5 Y a. Aomkv~v=ivn%. ; v....1-. on H i .-`W: - _=_aunInu Ulotl, U0 menu wlae `Ir `cur "put yu-u. - . yo - cu : w w w 11- I _I,IU`_Q`II;:.:_ 1g,`?-._ i,x:-_` Hglcnhr;-tr! price. we -no qunneniu moor-bl: t 9 ,- . _ 1 _ ` k . ` ' _' 11.. "ur,""a`,;f2o a$ ,nR"nu "LY e eon; ---- urv C I 1 All it; Elsi}: F-igu'1-as sd`no looting]; , 3 1" Show Room: for Hillinerv nn limit: ,.--If IV. mu:-doc of Jun nu vrvuuu unuwuu. nu (lulu rlgurui Ill nu Imollgldj M _;,,-Hr-' 3" Show Room: for Hillinery up Stain. . M _. ,,- .. Remember th Plum, Prinocu Street, 0ppooite'tlu'KadIu1 Hill. Much 24. " ' " 7 . March 24:. V: - y"`' W `- r 4``5 - mm? 2,, '.`.-,`i AL: THE -bztu"-1'! if *:,:.I. .51 * , s ;g.?'. .. ; 2`. ' rr Ensois TH-E >LAEGBl` % A MED|_ICINE_I fr 51 2. " v. =~"-.:?A:!,*"L". K R 1 ' 155-: `3}':M' New Funny Dress Gcodn,'4 Cased; New Hikes in Factotyottnn, New Cotton Hooiory, 300 cloi;en`I.q1ic`I" Heir : CG 1?. uroonrnnscn smog; ' I V .. E ` noczooxans warm oorrmls 1; ,- bouB:.1:~wm1'a wnxnoo-rroll ' = I 1'AB'I.II NAPKINR 71. at not dd:.-.'[. J:lUl32iUUlSl5.l5B WHITE 0U'l'."l.`Ul 7} Donna: WIDTH wm-rs 0O'l!'.l`Oll V %_ V_ . TABLE, NAPKINS 7:. 6d. per dos. % ;_ V A _ -In-nu raver. 0LOAK,mQ .11! , LAVENDER. DBABAZULnll;*i , I, . HIUW [III m 17" III 12 N link ' 5 c....'1A...;-*:.,[`a.'*".,.,.,.`'~ . I...-...: 1:I..:..'L.........i.I `iln-i 1: __e:_.un.:Inms~ I-mans ~u."t_._ 13.: ';"i7'13'r?oi:'1i':"s'An3`hII.`"5F'i5.`t' um~rLn,v:Lv:ts-enos GRAIN OSTBIOE inn-nuns, ALL com SPRING slfocn, gs _ u_ _u p _s e no u I II V |%r.II.?`i]2 um-u xsuns uunuu ... _ ... Iscmi math, 90 incllu wide p~`n:n'1.1*itc-El. . APKINS 7:. 6d. dos. PROOF. 0LOMIIIQ_-IN :11, DIABA.ZULnll,"1 1I YlLYlTB-GBOS _ J- .nEENrIBI;y**s % 0l 7l' 1*i"`IAim.`-'_1',).IJrA'Y;Al` ` "H-'5-xv OF .cu null] I W` jtxougtn up in I ;z A murder -. -_- \.-luubl 1 to irnpruvc. Uf n nothmg, nor dn In what temper. r, is presumed to but the very Men of ' arded_ Nobod_v - L_AAl I 1 i - -- `.51, I11 mrocd I nudist nag lordship, In ir would ban j '- -1--r In! '`I` !\I'1 ` 1! sad I` ` Vina nL_. an lo:-clan, . usual for-`_ ' TL. :4; Cl 2 sentence db. ` anything up 31}, h ' endcooo ho K mad. Inn .._|_ ~- fad "1 :i: 5.4 have tnetc] Ipat " Three tlcnthh -. - I\JV-M I made no nu.-- an KACLI . -1 `J LICK] _V I baftIe--b:rdly 0! :1! tbil expe- t nnghody, but to red miles of An un- cruiu fortress. ind prionntrs. All the pan thus one much, (1 likely to be un- t spent, sud pa:- tlnog upon powder id will admire our .rI -.. I..- I _L: I yhodhl air` ' Bowido of wintry HI u" "` \u`' \- Iilz tho `I No.15 hl - }:IQ\AI'Ll.\I`\ `people lure e other bum}. 3 in [be Inn In their mu|e1 II their 3 _.... I--u\-- -- .._.r- _ Ii. l Qtfiqns were pillnged 1 in [Luann going to , COIHERCIAL. ._ (V4-gala _ -lmondijlaoon. Ethic Iroquoh had urived.` (haw vac nick with the small | : n'__DegpItchu fruny `m .1 mmulu hue brnk. runes). It in nup- Il-md by the enforcml " _ .\'o denite. lPICU'ITI1`1_\; --** III has Dpllchcg mu` FROM cnlxu "JD JAPAN. I .jIIrt`h81.--The steamship * `$1 Kong. nrrivod yestc-r- g occurred umong the I`; .W "i',h 11650 bad that there` `bignp rucov::lrirl>$g tjllleig . Amcnam All U513 the Viceroy on the sun Corootte Shenand-uh `*_ `me Ashteiot hul gone j the Inc of the equnlron '5`;-"` 1gCon|u|stc And |" its P... 1.. mm hm been destroyed 1 0 Yuk, April 1.-A re occurred in ' ., Hill! night. Loss $30,000. ' H3! Wllhinglon special says :- _ exhibit that will be made by _ lulu Ihtenent for the mom}: 0 Ullliglj than it did a wee `VG FBI: nppeartnces. instead ' ledlaiol of the debt. it is L `fluid thu number: have "ttllq which were sent. ., "lvuunentoicinla in the -`ht! _ plovisionsl Governors, `jg--f.---w --W -_.-_ 7,, Q-IEGIII. nlitylilod for Pnnunn yes- 'jIl`ligln connect with the QtukH..0N in treasure for C._.I. hhunu him: all left Yeddo, [$738 I butle would take lilhsdyt The Japanese Ii boa burned with ` dollnn. j If high ocinls bad HiIucbuy,|nd I great _itbe Tycoon's misfox- Inai hr; dune: Herman ran into WI (& to the extent of :j--u nu-vquli IWIJ IJIIVCI U` lb anus u-a paid to the 'I`y~ Visions and Hokokndo md to :3 Hugo nnd Nsguaki. Tm 1'! Etnufukohnmn state that Sat- ; the Tycoon st gddh: but hours` ghting the `iuhiu-nloliaships nml went -'3". ' - \ H1 lnghule Ind unto are \ __|._aLgl`inn Ibo great interest Jr... .5. --.__- -. __ Wild been declared an OI - W meoguiutwo Govern- ` 1 onion. .... ...:..I .. n.. m_. Hiblillltiu: In an H. gm on hr: destroyed 1' Inch 1 load of weighs down the I the resent time. nicipn tans nre up prccedc-M. Every- . wear. use or pou- thc cuu we rest in `vle greed of un- ns uimp|e-mind- U-I . tho weight. of rich. became taxes property . Noo- kc the moored clsa, keno! the work- toil early and khan:-fag they glnnco ,_,,....., ` I `M `nu the I'M` gold? n:l)d.;.; one Wlncll "N.-1 The vr"` '"' 1 pd`n". K'Il1` \'iclor_ [gel M hi` bed by geriuus . - me now. run: :'c':n..ds on spot -04 Um. shipment! from |g Ill! all. 3_000 bales. visions active`. L21`; mi lo 30:; Bacon mxolenu uw5.7- 0 I .5: a-W . Ln An Th`

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