Kingston News (1868), 7 Apr 1868, p. 4

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(From Lym" 5 - n BRITIbH AMERICAN C0lfM 1ann-rgy .-...-.._ _ 1 "`1'1 Alexander Mnnni f` Loues Rlbhd Jake: a rs;-clue Company. -I UULI I` EKG n, Esq, ng, Esq. PREMIUM RECEIPTS, for 30th November, 1867, $1 ._---- HON. J. Mcuunmca, Pmm CHARLES MAGRATB, Esq., 'Jn.L I "J1-31 Elf Fire Assurance Capital stock $2,004.` Funds deposited in the hi for the security 0 H` All re risks cure rate of Premium made I risk assumed. Home Insurance Compa New Haven Conn. CAPITAL 31,ooo,c - -av IIIIII INS URANCE COHPA C A PITA L ANNU.-KL I.\:(-SOME: F. HUOPER, Kingston, Feb. 4, _____.,_j 7 H18 Company has been Canada for nearly 50 yea: ume has secured the public prompt and liberal seltlemeutt [1 has fully complied with [be] the deposit With the Governm the amount of A_.. -7 V-.rvo\I\.r'J And is prepared to issue policies on terms as low as the safety oftbo assured will permit. JAMRR RWII:--n I Jhrriaon, Dec. 20, J. C. BUTLER, M D , Waterloo. JOHN ERSKINE, M D.. Waterloo. NORMAN CLEVELAND, I. D.,E N. JENK5, M. D. Bsrnoton. C. W, COWLES. M. D. Sunstead. JOEY MEIG'-`, M. D., Stnnslend JOSEPH aampow, M D.. sari RDUI Alllnr - A ~ r \ Losses paid in 49 years 7 j H .`.;.f..; '.Ann4 LIVERPOOL A.`-D LONDON. MAXWELL W. STR.-\.V"G~E. Agent for Kmgston, 0tce-33 Brock Srreer. Kingston, March 2), 18:32. -j. _!Etnn Insurance Company ` Hartford Conn. l..____ F Home SI Kingston, Feb. 4, 1868. ;. nu nnu L`AHUU 1` fulnnd Ports on have Losses promptly and I paid in Cnnnda Currency, JA Mm-I i . _.~-uyv vv. UL .u.cuI..- ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPL['S-~. s4,s33,54.5,39A RELIANCE/if/UTl,7.tL LIFE .1555 `R.-L\v'CE LVOJIPA In - -aUaJ'.t'Il BREADONJ1 BENJAMIN DAMON, I LEMEUL RICHMOND, WlNS[.0W |F`W' .-nu-IL!!! D. SATIHLI: Cam President. I CASH CAPITAL .. .. 3 " ARE AND RIVER RISKS J and cargoes at reasonable 11` T A Una QII"rI' Julyl. 1 `E tna In >urauce Royal AsHra/din; Agent at Kvnpwqtah ;howinouremphymenton~of who, notwithstanding the fact that be any previous experience, has proved noel reliable, accurate, and efficient rr. your ur Ira],-_ LVL `ITA JAca1::* unnvmrrro In an mternal as well as an or uqnm, IA:-n-l -- .0013. College, Taro -We can eminently aent to the basin: - tbeir Book- ITAL . 31,000,000. (3 RECEIVED DURING 1867- $2,000,000. mired hands of the Govermen - of Policyholders. I rn -3-1-A ' doing business in ld 50 years, and during that condence by the and settlement oferery fair claim. Hy [be laws of'Csnsdn by sit Government of Stocks 10 mt Fire and 1867 --j_:. "'s'""' C0mDany or New Havpn_ , __-_... u, usq. DIRECTORS : Agent for Kingston. (-ice opposite Burnett 1 WES 1' E'R.N Marine Insurance. 1866. ` 1868. 350.000 _- ........ we gave a. a of your graduates. In nation in saying, thlt u as, your course of train- I to make I: thoroughly , mu mung ha office hand we \Of Von! D--- ` ` --r Vu4ltA' 319 testimonials f result or for ph_vaici.m, an- to the fact 1h. The formula sed on noun 4. pair . 1 5 L H:u3UUllOl6 FRIES. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, 5!. Lawrence Wharf. --v.q.p, Jamel Michie, Esq., Charles Mngrath, I Thomas Hnwortb, I John Fmken, Esq, Mnnninrv 17-- .'nnuU mama to and Fro` is favourable terms. ti; liberally ndjunted an lurrency. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, SI. Lnwrence Wharf. ulvc l/Ulll Haven. JOHN sgmw, Agent at Kmgalon. .. $2,500,000 .. .. 1,000,000 T. W. GRIFFITH, `Inna-an-"~-" Wholuale nlo \ V _ .. ,1. -u uvi pruless I0 De I C but for all diseases arising from my demo of the Slomac/4, Liver nnd Bawela, they In em.-czuu remedy. We have in our post over one hundred testimonials from phy who have u.-mi them iu their pnctice nnc ly approve of them, among which are the inz. nsmulf. Vu:l-Pn. F[`\I'ac1 u naaureu W111 perm JAMES swurr, Wruhos. KIRKPATRICK. I Marine A.`\.'Y OF 1 0. May 21,1367. ,{-.-.--4 |JVIlL". Agent, St, Lawrence Wharf. 38 Jlly a(ur1'eyed,'nnd the corrclpond with the Wholesale Prt __.-- wu ` RE a safe and refinble Of the .\`InnAath, L1 B01` I 130 Quark Medicine puec [n 1' - 4` Iglnt, St. Lawrence Wbar fdllof Government Policyholders or the yen ending ,s171,96o 66. Company. $400,000. uv . until` Mnnager for Canada Company of (mm recommend public, from The young ny to the 91'5- n3a.;.;.;.*.; C1Luu.:`a Wxnsora, Secrelnry. .Co. of Hart- E. P. Donn, General Agent. A III ....- ES taken on hulls rates. .l`Tl'.'|`!I J , 81,000,000. Hardware `u yruve -- uruhat` g8Ve Hon 1.. Pusxmrrr. $13,000,000. D CBLIN. Hf unlit `II , III} Inna no not dcngroyod, will `rims growth of hair It pd It il.lhn I-hnnn-no an `50 follicle; P905000 I In here it la... .1 P.1.V1' : House. 11 E5 . `b , Egg I , . .,who are the sole propriewrs. N.B.-Aak fur Holloway : worm lozenges and take no other. Price twent -1119 cam; ; box. Bold by All Medicine Detlers everyw era. The Great English It emedy: BIB JAMES OLABKWS CELEB , and ag`-adunl Worm Lozenges are child-dnve out the waning Away 0 pnlauble and gel! ms reah. Ii alone. 1!. cannot. be too deeply unpressed u of parents the necessity or closely ' By so doing. and understanding the svmptpms Ind tru from early graves. The full-wring area few of the very xiumeruua sympwx_n.s and diseases whirh --*'-*" ' ` Wnrma - "-` States and British Provinces. ___-. For sale by all first-clans dealers in I Rnnnmc: L - -~-1 . ..-up u. an engme; Ind as I have 11 ONE TO WEAR OUT, they must be - I hope to see the time when railway col `I7 (illdel-|I:erc & -\Vaike;l:./7-, ARRISTERS And ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Cnnreynnccrl, Notaries Public. Richard T. falkem, !ULICITOR IN UHANCERY. b Or!ice-Clu-cum Street, Kingston, C.W. J P GLLDERSLIITI, L.L.B. | RICH. T. WALKIM. ,_.J `J uugmeera have found by expzirience THAH WATCHES ARE THE M: u u nnu r1. VVILLIAMS, General 8 uperintendent. American Watch C0,, Waltbam. NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. omotive Dep c Western Diviaio Rochester, Dec. 21., 1866. t mqjority of locomtiv engineers have found experience that WAI WATCHER 19" "'""' "" and .....x-unu ULVIE have worn and do wear much pnira than any watches we hm on this road. As you Ste a trusted to those of English I: Luowledged good reputation, never keep time as correctly, I as good service as yours. In these statements I am am doceasor, Mr Lewis, whose ex over a series of yenrs. Respec cfully, IEDWADR vv _ ,- ..B-* _-J --nu Bald!-_Vo Yours respectlully, CEARLES WILSON, G. C'7u'efEng:'nc1', Brotherhood ofLoco motive Engineers. American Watch C0,, Wu! tbum. ? H_|ll0way s Are certain um ..r_ , wntcbe u partugfvo-ur e There go some THREE HUNDRED OF T HEM CAR- RIED on OUR LINE, and we consider them GOOD and RELIABLE TIME-KEEPERS. Indeed I have great satisfaction in nnvinn YFITYD `I A 7"l"""`F- `Vi I men: UUUU An` { 1 W A 'l`(l]"l`G n mueea 1 nave 1 WATCHES GIVE h7FI `Ii ?! up-J -1- Z --. _-. u-I-'lI (', M I`1`L>R.\'EY-.-\T-LAW, Conveyancer. &c., j Kxngsvou, C. W. Dec. 1. `yrs Our Engine [net], `O `ham Wll.Che8 par: of 0 . some THREE IlP\r$\,..m,|.enE of soul: I IUN. ' `HE perfccr.i.m nnd cheapneas of the Ameri- I can (Walthnm) watch have given it such a wide-would C:-lcbrity that unscrupulous dealers years ago imitated its style and pinned its trade rnarke. Irrcepousible dealers are occasionally found who lurlively trade upon the popularity of the American watch by selling a base imitation under Lbe name of the genuine article. It is hardly necessary to state that such watches nre Iortblessaa time-keepers, and when:bougb|. for the genuine are calculated ' ' uuc EUUUIDB WIHCDEH. The following are the t eral grtdes of our manuf; . `:1--.__ ,-_._ .. .4.--nu ' Lilo Scbolarabipr for fill course. good throughout the whole Chain, only $35,00 American money. For College Monthly, specimens of Pen msmablp &c., which are sent free, please address. C. H. ADAMS. ..........uu.u cgpuuue. Tnnsonuu Dzmnrnnxr. This department is tted up wit most approved instruments in use, every fauiiily for ning persons position in actual operating. Scholarship full coura only ('07inon Kilnni-Ll- H _---' ' un.uA, (DU- Eaoh uudent is Furnished with a Cash capital and passes through the various oioes becoming in turn the Retail and Wholesale Merchant, Forwarder, Importer and Bunker The students also do business with foregn Colleges of the Chain, thus establishing an INTERCOIMUNICATION. whereby a foreign business is carried on in the OIIIIB nnnner no that which takes piece in the actual Commercial World. THE PENXANSHIP DEPARTMENT Ia under the immediate supervision of n Tucher of large experience, and affords eupeor advantageeto persons wishing to improve in this most important branch of education. [_ __J, D ._,........n., nuu uuurua superior advantages to most In order to accommodate those who are not prepared to take a. full commercial course we have opened a Pnamnnonr DEPARTMENT. In which students can receive instruction in any of the English Branches without any additional expense. 'TI-I:-nn.nn l'\_- - -ur l.l.lII.f)Ul.'CN1l'E I- X1Cfi1i'Ib.AN WATCH co. APPLETON, TRACY & CO. VVALTHAM WATCH co. P.S.BARTLETT. WM. ELLERY. HOME WATCH co. ....u.-u mey are ; 5 5oun.,l_ scientic principles, rd lhe unqudi-=d approbation of '.lI1/3.. 'T'*-- "'* W 'x1wIul:;is department are the College Tele- graph and Post Oiou, Railroad Ooo, Met- ohandiae Emporium, Commission House, Bank, to. I-2...!-. .....-I-.. :- r..-_:-L-.: _,-.1 n \.a I-..z4L1 A... LJkJ V./\ IJ_l.Q.l'JL] .l'Jq LINK of the Great Internntionel Chain of Commercial 0ollegen,looaled in fifty of the lending cities; of the United States and Unnnda. The principal branohel taught in the commercial de nrtmenu are Book-he ing, Penmanship, (gommercinl Arithmetic, om- meroinl Law, English Grammar, Business Prnotioe. Ilusineu Uorreapondenoe, to. _ Tun Bnsuuea Dnunntnr-r Include: every variety of Single arc Double Entry, Book-keeping, Stock and Partnership Accounts, Wholesale and Rrnil Merchandising. Jobbin . Comtniuion, For- warding, Railroading, teunbonting,Bnnk- imr. kc. .-r 1 1 I I In t ' ' W"w3m,M: mm `l`\'I*+:.w-up-`nu - ..A.__.; _ UVJJIJI D UIUUH fI%IJ.,riI,i_.5,9yI:E. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. Oice of the Generabsuperiutendent, ' Altonn, Pa., 16th Dec., 1866. lNT1.E)llN--'I'hn -....L.-- - - IBM 1' FOYIEICGS. ROBBINS It . Ur` Inn In )I~`.\'rr9'r H _L ,-... ..._u-aq.uul& 1' ll] 2 e GIVE F51 [Pea Mn "9 Worm In -A_ - J >E?Iu'1TcJ'n|` _ I Ct.:.m nnrl fVhnnr\v.,.__ A UDLL` No. Dlilru `re trade marks on the sev- manufacture I`? IV: .-- nuuuuu.IULlD m and has for any 9.] Shin for F-11`) A ---- -- V ' guualacllo US LESS ggp rnnn|- `- u 3, .'\nc:mr Hulldlug Jung U'l{u1LL\'. Q C. -_._._ vuv m5llI.U|"e or me np.-my, R`. E. Rommcs. The nll cases require one 01 those furnished to all dealers in standing the mughr iding NEVER KNOWN 1 durable. when compnnied mr watches, and furnish and condnctnru 7" - ."n'm sustained by my pre- 10:16 experience extended I , .._,.,.uuuuuu ID aayxng locomotive r WAL- LE MOST` 9": Hliiiiwlhlmiihimhiiiiil) APPLETON rnnd-.... \r :1 LT`-`.j Lozenges. Vornn In nhil.I___ , I" :1sI 1867 uericun wanalm (excelgln. I Home Watch Co.)~ ierticate bearing the the signature or the Rnnnnzu "~~ WILLIAMS, .qunp..`... J --- j Cl|I|belI; ow;at & nnedoneu, 3- \RR'3Tl'3R5. &c., Brincess Street, King- ~`1nn (opposite Daily News Oco). \|-RxA.\'DlR Cun-an.L, Q.C., Gnoaun LIVACK Movn-r, Gaoml MILNIS lgcoounnn. Munch 1`._ (jj_ .H.ADAMa D_:._ , --_-u nun: anti ' "1 Ping YOUR TROUBLE and Onnnr wink... _- uuu lull WAL- MOST SATIS- zs. They RUN ;URAnv ;\:rn vs, nuu ll-lrnlin actors. In my promote regu- I the United an A. 3 with all the u and has nun: I`..- _-- xunma, Principal. ..-v~uuu U)` I for several we furnish mu--- -_- __, x saying Dmntivn DUN AND - LII-.. ....__._ HE PROPRIETOB STILL GONTINUIIB T tom bin E V g Knohinoa of the following description: merrs Improved Inter- nsl Gear Ore:-shot Machine` solicit a 11 from theihrmerlk In 1 patches. he engsgqi l give gonenj ; satisfaction to the purchaser, u ducedon the bones, Ind out with one-quarter more grain ` day an I` u abovrlihchinea. The B.IIhtcI'-ibotn6=Jn 0 ru.1UE--$1, P0 paid, $8.' Review}. Subscribers may ob;i:bnck numb: following reduced rates, viz : The Nonh R-M-t '--~ ' THRES HING 1- or my one of the t'ou1-Renews For my two of .he four Reviews For my three of the four Review: For all four of the Reviews For Blnckwood s lagnzine For Blackwood and guns Review For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Re" For Blnckword and [our Review: )ARRn tars For-my 1 Far int -n . , ....... wu.uu.| In I may never yet have m ly be well planned to : of tha nrnrv---" *" " vu wuu pleased I. I the progress of : ture. , _ _ V _.--vi llllll In store at the lowest rates. Drawings of Mills, Machine Spectcations made and in shortest notice. A lnnrun ----' ' " uuul mu nouoe. A large stock of Best Make on hand, 1!! Aug. 29. ,1? `.15 _ ...-.a nu. Shaftiug, Pullies and Hangers anti Self-oiling Bo scription of Machinery and Rail store at nh. I,....--- ---- ESPECIAL attention is called to his Oircnlnr and Upright Saw Mills, the but sud most powerful Gang Mill: ever built. And every description of Mill Machinery and Machinery Supplies, PORTABLE & STATIONARY GRIST MILLS. a sun u m------ J ----avv, A.`\J'v Manufacturer and Dean Portable and Static STEAM ENGINES AND FROM 2 TO 250 HORSE UB1" 1l`l'l'H.UDUCED, and being adopted by . all leading houses in the mnnufncture of Pianos, Organs, Billiard Tables, Furniture, $5., to. Every one who has a Piano should have I bottle of this Polish. Send for Circulars, end we will give full particulars and direction. It is put up in bottles at 30c and 500, and where halfa dozen are ordered At once, we will for- ward prepaid by Express. Application! for Territory and Agencies received by BROWN .1 Dmnvnm Slmcoc ________________.___ S'['ALL S UNRIVALLED PIANO NITURE POLISH! I E llinn |u-....-.-- 5-- A` PLUMBERS u?;'i m'A' fJ.l\l\T\D unultlhl The bestf '| nu- ,,,.... ;An|i 41 [) Sofcitor in L itrvet, Kingsian, '35 C!` puuul. II II the cbuput as well u 1 nly.25 cents to: I lnrga botu._ - r---con he beat, _ BRITIEH PEBIODICALs. '3 r r\nvcn.-.__ ., av-cc Itol. I III. FIRE AND u ;un;v1 I U.LV11 D, [ Rotary, Power and Hand Pumps, SUCTION, LIFT AND FORGE PUHPB, FIRE PUMPS. IIIZIIEAI I'!nv;------ g:-- T HE Northhnlf of Lot No. 4, in the 4!]: non coulon of the Townuhlp of Kingston, eon tninlng One Hundred Acre: (part of which in under lillnge), with I Frnme Dwelling Home thereon. Tho farm in only nun miles from the city, and is alone to the Portland Ilnudnllllsod road. Inquire nttho Ddlyllevn oo,KIn3- n uu tunvl I'll} C '1-IQWKKI, |I `H. 1 County of ;'ddlnk?n'. 'l'b`Ho1uo, Shed; and Bubllng are new. Will be told on any terms. Apply to ROBERT OSBORNE, Inn:-try Or to D1. KNIG , 1`:-I-vnriln 7 N u. a&n'{7'_'&i"' " -"T" Oougty of`, :`dd1ng?n..T1I:!::2: Inn;-I Ho-hllnu ... _-_ urn: L- _.u UUOD Wholesale and Retail, by TA Bur lu(-dunuld, i A! AND AT'I'OR.N EYS-at-LAW , .`.,x..c.! vra` 1:1 Chnnmarr .5.- Aug. 29. Innnry July 27th, 1867. j-- I Snumu, _....-y; T'I`<)H.\'EY ,L'han('ery, P UL Ix Inna?-H" JOHN B FULLER. rvw ----.- `..... Anavuull FUCGIVBQ D BROWN ck PERKINS, General Agantsfor the Unitad Statu, No.420 Broome SLN Y. __________j__} , Falls Foundry. -----.-- and Railway Supplies eloweat -....-...uu nun DUIIJEKI POWER. FARM FOR SALE. .,.-pun IIIIUS. ills, Machinery And Plan: and Mia information given, II Circular and Mill Sun of :1, much below coat pricu. 0`Ile.IIly an Drape;-,- BA RRISTERS,ATTORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- tors: In Chanman-__r`.l> U..- * an: I "u. D GARDEN ENGINE LID ALL `I'D. 0' 3 Ann (1 A :3 7=`-'""'"`'`` Ilies Hangers, If-oiling Boxes and ev Patent. ery do- :;.L1UL1J1l`LI uHlt5' . Lrra and SIM ! tutor a nd Dealer in Stationary inn H-In "' 11.` I} .1211". hv LTD GooDa Letall, JOHN B. FULLER, 47 Dav ah-am F `I I 8 P"`5 ' "1 but be but m...E:' _nnd "1 mlnnfnnlnm AI u. 1- u uunu, 47 Day street, New York Olty F'I'I"I`ER B 1 IIIUIJD. Mwauu AND FUR ., _...,_ u. u. aunstead. E[G. Stsnslend. BREADON, Burg [V hAunu uh '- [0 10.00 13.00 jnn nnnun L Tamworth. ooxrnlors LDYIRTIBIIITHI mrmr nwsm rossnssnta ran Luzanai ornounurou or In nwsurn ....- - v nur nneumntillll kind, Swelling. of the . ld in the Head And Diphl Bites, Scratches on I V A LOCAL run is was 3:31- IIDIUI WHIBIXI spam noun! 1: ran PUBOHASD AND mutation or n ATTBAOTIYI sum :03 tom: PLAOI or BUBIIIISB % cunt sgaa ; Junxozoussnr A LITTIQI FUBTHII AND RIPIAT `PHI 910! A THOUSAND TIHIB. PLLOI TH] PA RTIOULABQ OI II` 700 RAVI If YOU WOULD nxwarnrzn aonullul AD!!! 1'3] mroiiuol or ADVE*RTISINGI ...d'i' . , . EV. wEsnm:n* % -llLl'l'_O', I T t I` 1'03 wvlnnla mu 3: A! 1'11)` DAILY nwa Qral. .u ngston, Judy 16. i, __ _,,_u,. nmuwmw 23 11 05 P I 11 I. B-`Illa RE ad GENUINE '1'EAB,of ondid .. DRIVE YOUB BUBINIBB, _ComE`l: Pl.ntauon`,oifn(-islgh mid 1 . ed with t o It roducts A; , ,,f`~;_,~ `ID No? To B. 0'1"! Only two qunlitzl. fi!.,`~70l3 or `00 peg lb, ' Fjllq-olliebold TEA, ombining urqnggh `g 5: ,. A D V E R T I S FlQtEf0CfIbtO,... ' M ` laid in Ickets ind T7:-4` nnntln `OUR .IU8lNI& ATTRACT OUDTOHIRBJ ADVERT up A'l'1'BIBlI'1'l fun auoorw ro A mnnn. an JUDIOIOUB an or ADVERTISE BIIOBI THU PUBLIC AND 7 .-\7gnc\\' & Nludlo, ;AhIiI:3TbjR5 and ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, L`onve-yancors, `kc. Ofm No. 4, Anchor Ildings, Market Squaw, Kingston. J.u A<..\'sw. [ JOHN Iron. IN `PHI ADVIBTIBI J i I831 "IUI' I` `OHIO! Io` '1LIAL 1- . ..u-. upace IO enumerm it by thousands who 1 `fly testify to its mer nlisfv v.-m.....It' -L - ` J_} I_- I [ADV GAUGES, and and l IIIVIII -IiH.l -1 Canada. INDIA AND cH1;_1~_r_'_AT_ cnnxmromf A'I!'mi'`I-hv '- _, DAILY NEWS .. .....n `L'_V W 1) Crown Attorney. '- THE BET Tonia .nrod. . It eectully -bun.` '_I=nnC nun-1:01. -0 I..:_ 7: Boptembef 14. cumin non]. urnomen: 00lT4D7#]T? 45.17 nu.n'ununa we "AGENTS FOR KINGsT0;r: . line a of ......;T _ ' ""'f *% Pgn cum. .% h ' A .I.`l._-__ TRADE Depots, Londgnw CANADA G|Ider|i;eI'c havoc-la-an Addreu, ,__. .. -10 mt may Inuvcr exactly their name. . I'rom which they prepared, in md, sud has re~ mqudi->d approbation the medical They do not profess to be cure-all. g derangement Lac/4. Bowen. Ihpv 'n--=-|- {p,1zs.g'_%; , ...-...V u 1.1.; :.u Ix1.`\(_x' b"l`HEE'] UKLY UPPOSITE THE CITY `K STORE. II iIkIs-l:)ll( ISTERS AND. .\`.`\r-.1 t`~~ u n}. B. Tmbodo, 1.~'Tz~:n AND .\TTUIt.\'EY-AT-LAW, cm): 1|] Chancery, Llonveyancer, &c., H'1:|3in_Lt9. l t}jMU\'ED TU KING : .hLY HPPt\ 'l`1v SUGAR-COATED `I.I;a('I/I.` L\ .\'CER'1' I! L .....J nu it! me! younelf than I atululy ever oifered. Henry Simpaon t Agents. 4% R. Smith: l.D,. I Qr'Dr` I:-nu . (Tpvrnling 1 Hat and Fur 1-1 F` `V I... Clement, [luau-no;-~ T` U R. Hllngaye, .'EY..l'l`J A\X.` n___, Co., Menu-ul, _ -:-- V` I-H`:-- Y AT-LAW, Solicitor , Notary Public, &c., 33 K lln ... .... uucll prIC I -..-u .11 AUFLVDIC Conn-yaacers, kc. ., utuna|BIO. I, Surgeon, R N. , ILD, Couicook. unucu: I0 cnangoil We have uoupm accorded lo t] and voluntarily I531 bottle and qaliafy . ruled] over offered. Pnrw RI"-...--_ L m.|J,, L/OWIII Broome. , AND AT'I`0R.\'EY-AT-LAW, : Chancery, &c,&c., Princess :1, opposite the` Daily News .2}: West corner of Dundas and v, M. 0., S-herbrooko. 3., Montreal, Whole 1,-- . no-It-uh. DONE`!- hancery--CbnmberI NM. 7, 8 unldmgs, Kingston, C. W. .',Q | Fan: C. Dan-:3. numente the virtue! wdl have med it, It! menu. Buy 3 Ir -I--- =- ' ' . * I ; an external re_medy, my: gives entire sa- ce B.` it will ---- -Bawden, xv...- and CU.\'\'EYANCIN('} Juildings, Kingston, Uni. ,__-_..nL II} III` internal exlern and is the only 0oelbal.a1u'rz_I/I given tisfaclion, and all who once use it I consent to change it for any other. not space to enumernte I by thounnrh -kn '-1 --I-ul VI uuleneli If Jointl, Sore Diphtheria, Burns on horses, kc. 3.335., ATTUR.\'EYS-at-LA 'VEFl(`ir`a hp. L'.__,_, C [Jun-:3 PATTON, .\IAL uAR. W. A. REEVE, M. A. Pl` `-_" Rooms aver Clark II` Store, Wellington _. ...._. uci uL'g1:'[lC.|CU` Iawela, furnish to poaaenion, :1: physicians ` md high- bicb are Hm rnn-_ .uu. D, Barnston. -_.-V uucu II, eriu. it is the belt u, Wholesale ...-yc ulu ungu- 1 follow- yo vuuf II- will never caposite the : Walkem. TORNEYS-at-LAW, `a -Valkem, ] U H A N C E RY. 8831`: wnoieune I nuxslu. ' STRE}:I'l JL` (\Y'h1v .uA.JL IL] .33 King I`lI|'L1."l Vi, Napanee-_ 1 or :n;"::;`d`.` Tum-'. Cold u 0? pfnnl Di.-- .,... uanl,--W9 en: your establishment t which to select Book-L u_mn in our employ bear: 1 Messrs Musanova ` (From A {at M 0 ing is e eicient oce ur ex mine .-Q.C_ Post ,uu: uouege. We have now in our a graduate: who, notwith` never hnd previou: himself a most reliable Book-keeper. We may 6`.._aI-:- r Toronto, Sept. 13, 1866. Henri Mcsanovl Jr Wmarrr, - . -.. vv` Dear Sir3,-Wo On! natal-.I:..I.__ - ._ .. nuoll, M.D , She E.D. WOR'I'HIl\'GTON,. Henry Simpson t 00., Age.-nu.

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