{e and inuential held, embracing "Perla on An...--- - - `CCU arrested at izens have visit 0 View the face ).--At the Town - ..._J lsctwccn thew how tlnicul among the col- rn loyal leaguers There are now ` H visited the FU DOW 1 both secret l\`uk- _ It In Indentood that the government in acting without lots of time in arranging a ppvjaion for the family of the late Mr m no -I-1|----" A `L " V STD. her - J 3;: dowdfn show 11 to. It was totnllptrco from All decor: ` tbs: of the splendid III _ . ; oalru.the,beuuhtbIted drum! 120 lbs. each- r1'hP.m: 5 as`- `n IL- - has tb; ,. -........ mawnuuy-ll`: 1 heifer, 3 your! old, of I himself; 3 steers, 1,500 calves from J. Davis, W. fed by J. McGuire; 4 shoe Kinglton; 5 pigs, and a 13 unsagea, kc. |'|.'nIn -- (V /_____,_ ._..... n well 000 gupply of hams, Innslgos, etc. W. Raid : tastefully-arr , -_, - .. uuuu, `VCII sheep very ht and fed by I spring lambs, 9 bog: um .._ '[],b,, - _ _-...- __.... uvvu uun-.-ui. 53-01] DOU1 in Ottawa and Kingston of confession: nnd dilolonures by Whnlen snd other persons ~ rognrdiag the plot to assassinate Kr McGee. Inquiries made with refarence to these re~ pom have failed ;o establish any reiinble M It in bbrlhvorl tI\.o sh... .---AL--1-3 V , - ...-..u:uI`r} 1U Mr Nelson, of Bath.` averaging 250 lbs ench. It Hnner had 3 well decanted stall and nlarge sausages, bead chum ---' '-~ ` P. Hnner hld 1 well lled 5` among which was u. very nplc months old, fed by Johnson D and weighing 135 lb: the ram 0.` 2 users weighing 3,000 lbl, 1 by It Knight, of Wetnbrook, 5 Dlnn ium 'D..-u-_ A -4 .-- n.nun`|l|' UK "C Donn hon, Portland, -|_-, ` Willinm McO:mmon | ah steers of 1000 lbs each, fed b` 0! 1,000 lbs from 17`. George sheep 80 lbs each` of their 01 lamb: and C pig! very good, Wolfe Island The mu In corned. ,,_ _.__ yu.-, Ul EXCBUODI Hr Hclntyrc bud a ne I various branchu, but the obtained. Mr Grimm had his usual display of meat; principally pork, hams, etc. Henry Andrew: came up to old times in his stall. It was lled to tho utmost, and the ment In: excellent end well dressed and taste- fully dieplnyed it consisted of 6 nteern fed by J. Braden Esq, the Mayor, of an average weight of 900 lbs, 3 better: 1nd 1 now, fed by M. Elliott, 850 lbs each. A splendid ox fnttened by J. B1-eden Esq, 4 calves from Donald Frazer, Ern- ellown, 5 very line spring lambs and some mut- ton and pork, of excellent quality. llclntyrchnd show of meat in its Vnrlmn hum.-. 1._- -- V (,5- .-...-J uauuscu, nnu I11 Y Hugh Cummings show of 1 part of 3 steers, 1,000 lbs enc n, fed by Mr Dunlop, of Fit very ue calf. ,-_- ....... uucaacu ny James Donoghue. Mr Wnlah had lhregfat heifers L,200 lbs each- 12 sheep, 30 lbs per quarter, 4 Hogs, 150 to 170 lbs each, 2 ipring lambs and an extra. fat heifer of 1,100 lbl, all fed by himself. John Gnle showed 5 Moon, 1,000 lbs each fed [by Mr Elliott, of Ki.ngston,lO sheep fed by James Cownn, of Pittsburgh, and 4 calves, 2 lambs and | and calves, lambs and 4 pigs fedJ>y himself, sud I11 very good. meat consisted in each, 6 sheep, very Pittsburgh, and one _- .,_.... .......= aptulula oeu sud vee.l,fat enough for the mostepicurean taste, while those ofthe Messrs. Bllious, Iccnmmon, Hnllfner, And Cutnmingglclnlyre s.ndGu-dener bed all m ditferent depnrtments of unquestionable l-ewe: estin excel` lence. The following will give an idea of the principal contents of the nrions stalls. Messrs. W. 8 J. Elliott, exhibited 2 - selves, weighing 1,-tO0lbs each, n heifer and steer fed by H: Anderson Whitley, 1,200 lbs. each, 5 sheep and 2 lambe fed by W. Doyle, 20 sheep end 2 lambs fed by themselves, 2 line cslves and .- -_..-.. .-.- u.--.-uuau nu! reunme Q, I-t is believed that the authorities are ,_ hgoueuion of more important informa- l-I and than -l.;l- _:.1_|_ _u 1 - -- - ..... co-uuu or I breed of cutie alike more pro- mble to the farmer and more nutritious to the count) met. The stnlls of Mr Gordy, in Princess ureet,hAd some splendid bed and ven.l,f'a1enough Elliott; Ilcl`.-----rm '3'-""` ` ' - \ THI Easnia blur Hanan`-'1 show of meat for Easter as displayed and to-day, fully comes up to that u year , and is as farahead of that of! years. The great demand for cattle two years by the American market tendency to cause rather a depress local markets, and of raising prices precedent height. However, one goc and steadily resulting from it, as was by this journal at the late Provincial .` that of weeding out an immense gaunt, ill-bred, unprotable animals most prejudicial to the interests of keep. The Canadian farmer embrt opportunities offered of disposing of 1 at prices sometimes quadruple to ;t1 while they retain for themselves the cl most promising of their herds. The market to-day shows this improvemen gradual entree into the market of nt the carcasses of: breed nlikn l._,..........--_,,-n\-It-Hr |'4*`-'- ""5 sun: to his old quarters for one month for being = drunk. John Nicholson was charged with no`! having A license to drive I cab; the case was i remnnded till Monday. The man who broke op- * en tho trunk on board the Wnlerlown, on Thurs- day Afternoon, confessed to the crime, and re- [ queued the Magistrate to dispose of the cane` summarily, who accordingly sent him to gaoi ' for two months. WIELIYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL Conc:n'r_--Tbo fourth Annivernry Concert in mid ofthe fund of the Sydenhun Street Wesleyan Sabbath School willbe held on Easter Monday evening, 13th, in the lecture room of that Church, cummcncing at 7,15 pm. We are informed that a. full pro- gramme of entertslnment has been :thoroughly prepared, consisting of Solos, Duetta,Quartettes, and Choruaes, as well as recitations by the chil- dren, to be ruled by several select pieces of music by adults. As this annual treat has 111- * ways hitherto attracted a. crowded attendance, it I would be well for parties intending to be pre- % sent to notice that the proceedings cotnmenc.- at 3 an earlier hour than usual. Ruru Tnarr PncmcI.-The 14th volun- teer P. 0., Rie : had 3 practice yester- day II the bum. The distance wns 100, 200 Add 400 yards sad the shooting wns very fnir ] when the high wind, blowing at the time, and the snow norm prevniling are uken into could` erntiou. Press of matter prevents the publica- tion of the score. 8-r. (I;:-IIa; | OA;1;1;|1;-1.`:----Tho `mind Bishop of Ontuio will preach in 8!. George : Cathedral to-non-ow (Euler Day) 1: Evening Service. Tn WA1'n-rowu.-News having nn.-ived this nfternoon from the Cape thnt this vessel had unforiunalely broken her crunk I110 will be incapacitated from running tor 5 law days. *-~ LT. ` Pouci Germ, SntI1rdn_y,-Robt, Elliott was ` nne tn kn. nla -_.__._ _ 1-,, , aid tastefully-arranged s ` 1,800 lbs ; 1,500 lbs. each, and two will Island; 3 sheep, ne, . lhoep from Wm. Doyle, of n; liberal n......u.. -r - tall contained : weight, fed by l show Innll----- - It has been suggested that in order to Clibil some Ienscof the national loss which Ilhgonnuy bu sultuined by the murder oflr IcGv.-0, and to show a. mark of re- |pect,t.hut the church bolls should be toll- cdund the shops closed in this city during thc Lime thst the funeral ceremonies are hing conducted in Hontrexl. _. .. r|lIluIC I110! :11 splendid lamb, 11 \ Day, of Waterloo, lg` remainder consiatad reighing l ox 1,250 lb! fed ht, calves {ed by G, ortlnnd. (veal than: n...---- ~-- - - snag MA|1xn`.--The annual eat displayed last night. of bye gone of the last two 3 for the pus` bu had a > depression in our c.. 7 I I f . I well stall of prime I VRPI -n`|A-All ' ' `--g - 1.3171 dl Above the: l_.I I. u .-_._..... ul uucu IIOCKI nel gthoir Value, | choiseat and 1 3f beer in the ` howl improvement, and the no nothing but tbried nf zunln -|:|... _.--- _ _ , _ ...--;un5l D )1 own feeding, 2 spring ery 1 cnlf from J. Davin, was very tastefully de- man consiated of 2` ch, by 11. Elliott, l cow George, of Pittsburgh, 6 'their own fn-I-M " -` ' /_- _-. uca uI'.I to an nn----- --~ ' ' , ,__.._u yuan II as, head. cheese ,1 ;_;____j_,,_______. W Remember to pay your Water ac- lounu by the 15th, and save the dis- t\n9 g ;u `remarked ; 5 Show, viz y I :0 an I---- ' pnrti_cu1arI were not name number of imnls of I grad st! tarmeru to embraced those ng such stock ,_ -.1 e aver-a.g:>) 10 I and lard. entice I gallery. 138 Ind ,` House of mu. 3 ticket: on ; 6 shp tn! nurse on thaznig very nico fore, but I sonar visit: unllnded :3_:`;`m: ODI,IlVO Hg of : 1 times, Ind phi 1 him_lh.nt'ni 4 `ma; get Buckle 5 meg! ' . regi- ment, and he worked there for some months while the regiment was at the clmdel. Be In: then arrested along Will! nnolber men on sun- picion of beinge Feuinn. [knew him nlnaln the spring at 1868 as n coryornl in 3 Volunteer cnnlry regiment at Quebec. I (I what company he was in. After h` subsequent dinchnr e be lefl Qnebo Cross-examined by the priwn'er--WaI it be- fore I went lo the Cilndel tlml joined th nlry. WitncsI--You were released. Prisoner-Wu I found guilty 7 Witneee-Yon w were released. Tn vi fpn_:II - ,,,, _ ---r\vIll -.u|I:I.'. octoc: on Tuesday morning, and went to the length on the side-walk. He Ins at that time quite dead. I saw A large quantity of blood running from his body around the side wnll:,and into the gutter. There was quite sumcieut blood -to account for his death. The blood was issuing from the back part of his neclr, and also from his mouth. I requested tl p non standing near to turn the body over, and then I discovered a wound on the back of the neck, 3 little to the right side. My opinion is that the cause of his death was at gunshot wound. I found 1| bullet af- terwnrda. The witness here produced the bul- let which he had found. At the request of the Queen : Counsel the witness med ' nnounruy for pnbliauon, but u undence of nu- uuuucuy is 1: also roquuod uni. correspondent.- mu only ivrilaon one aid: of the shoot of paper. ,,_ -.. ..... .....u=:, wmcn was then In due detective, who nlsomsde I print: it. At the request of the Queen : Cour Van Gourllandt conti_nn_qd uyiug :-I G-Him--v no-n -- - ULIIICI should Dr. Van Courtlandt vu aworn,nnd to Leuify as follows ;-I am the Caro city. I was called to he the body of Mr McGee. I was called: o'clock Tueadny I Toronto House, kept by Mrs Trotter, street. There I saw thn hndv of -'-- ld an exam , I Ultawa, 9| The assassination case was brought police maginrnte, Mr Martin O'Gara, iug at 11 o'clock, in rhe new police 04 7 ' adjoining the city hall. The prisoner Whalen was brough , guard, and placed in the dock on a dir~ | of murder of Mr McGee laid before (I % Lies last night. He appeared some: I court, gained admittance. The new: 1 Iran wnnlrl Fm I-I-I |--`~' " " resenled by coumel ? Prisoner (looking ronnd)-Not th aware of. Mr O'Reilly then proceeded to call ` nesses. n_1Y 1'! "u'i'5'RiII_y, Q. 0., Re poured on behnlfof the The Police Mn corder of Kingston, ap- Crown. giatrate read the information to '2} of Uuawa and Pro!- ince at Ontario, Police Officer, taken upon oil]! before the Police Mngiutrate, sets forth tlnt. on the 7th April the prisoner did feloniously and with malice nfore thought, kill and murder the Hon. Thomu D'Arcy McGee." Police Marrintnnn In ma----- uuun-, gnnueu namnmnce. M len would be trial before the po morning was not generally knot the city, and only about I bundn gathered round the court house 1 `opened. On the bench were the Irate, the Mayor, H. J. Friel, :2 Molgrove. |lrn'n.;|I.. n n .-. - - they are intended to illustrate. admirable, and the colouring rich and effective, : which they are to be viewed is fully and artisti- good, but perhaps the landscape portion is the , most pleasing part of the panorama. ' sories along with the admirably kept perspective , or this portion of the paintings cannot fail to 1 works of art. braced the opportunity of visiting this charming ` entertainment will do well to do so then. MIL-rostu T.tsLnaUx.-These ne pllorl-Iillic paintings were exhibited for the first time on Thursday evening last to I fall and appreciative house ; and, if the repeated applause of the spectators forms any criterion, there was no ex- ception 10 the general satisfaction felt. These paintings are not the ordinary ill-executed daube so common to exhibition: of this kind, and palm- ed upon the public as works of art. The whole ofithetn are painted with skill and careful atten- tion, not only to their general elfect but to the spirit of the great poet whose grandest work The details are and in every case the peculiar light under Cally studied. It is scarcely necessary to par-i- culnrize any one of the series where all are so The bril_ liancy of colouring and the well selected aoces- please the eye of the most unconversant with There will be another exhibition this evening, and those who have not yet em- __--- `EXAMINATION 01? WHALEN IN % POLICE COURT. THE A SSA .s'.s1NA T 1 ON . ___________ 3813!: copies of the Onnoncu up ltvnnnhg tha new onho week, may be nailing. Prion 3d. each Tn: Pon1'.-'l`he steam}? I ;'errepoM',b|v Iug completed her repairs on the Marine Railway, commenced fufffig to the Island yeaterdgy sf- Ieruoou for the first time. The Watertoum cou- tlnuea her trips to the Osps. The barqus Wat- crwitch bl! hauled to Kinghords whsrf, sad is taking in 2,000 bushels of rye for `Windsor on route to Chicago, her destination. ` T'Ial 011'? O0lJl&:.-:-:;- the City Council ..Aallod hnlf-pA level this evenloj with tlij nude:-od objof, enr- rying out the `wlsbel 0? the Elliiens 6 V0 erlng I letter of condolence to the wife of the Inc Hon- T. D. McGee. -,.J __~--. oner brought in under placed direct charge rt the authori- ght. somewhat worn d, as if he had pseudo sleepleu oautned an air of npporent iI sdiHer- court. room is nnnll, and few people, -255, and those connected with the L! that What- re police court this 3 known throughout hundred people had and the house Ihnn uh. -- : the wit- ,__.-u I. IUCW I I I Ida * . in, `fun. I-3- uunwu, nu Aprn. I brought before the if Marlin (T(1..-. om. .....-_ . -nu uworn,nnd proceeded -I Coroner for this `n Ffl'II:I|-':"` , ._.. ncqucallll IDO Jtbea of the deceuod charge of the Court. u: in n rrquesl for the him when the Court - __---vs IIII llall old examination on [ called about three [)iDQ_ Ind wane in IL- no] luuuud III II 0 and Xingu: ting] .. uuuusuu ptvpl DIG vt when the use were police magis- and Alderman Ottawa, 9th April. was brnunrht hp-fnra .1 5|-Ill UCIUIU IUC -6'-(`}';ra, this morn- court-house ' qf MR Mc0/(E. that I am ` you WP` ,, _.. .. ....: uuuorn -uuno. _. .. , ur,.J4_tnoa I`. wall , |worn-_-I uuiued Dr. new 13'! He. Giillv; ' y Inthd phat-marten: onmiuptlon. :lqpk rgqnlgpd `.-in`: mingto`, ' " -T*!=.b..kP ,. 9.` . ` P 3. syrggn, her Bit`l$ taken not , Qoronnrnx qua`; pr ' - dug` & vvh 3v THE xnrvnnl sad (as on . In December he mu 3 raaidentlpf Qtlawn. had no corrglpondenoo withhizlg pravlounly I In I. In non on Tuudny norniygnt u- pug eight . I did not too` prioopar. I qr: mg: in thd nu not-Elba`; -` is our amen-'1 N j .' ;d .-'5." 9 ```.`.`.. V [:9 g!,ay9gn,l:eri do when. fihj the Tkottqr. O , .1 _ . dz 1 :s*:J.`tm`;`I'?.`x..Y`?'_a5`.';:.1:`,vr.::<.& -3. -=**'~ , wour, lo-* ` `ruin: u-rive nnd dlpurt from the Ki: Btndu u fallout: . re in in emit] on the 26th mber luI,ofe fine of 441 can is for not giving notice of chqnge of reeidenee. It does not ep- weperd; also an entry in June of 40 cents fo_ ' duueg O'Neil : examination. The pnsoner decred that he had no question: to put the witness. telling him the P. A. Eaglelon was then sworn;-.1 know the prisoner. I em a clothier. I here kpqwn the " primner Iiuee December lent, when he-entered I1}! efllilonent. He M-* ' ' versg being printed 't7el::w This is the shade Tho Will unit you but b the lock-up, I asked count for w B0 nid that the cylin were cartridge: of city at Hr Tnontu for the same sort 0' or In times nnnl lwering the found I pair, of bag`; Ala -'-- fato of at! unw A log of wood sad I h f rcvolvgg let. in howho here be had on I _wuegaiIy date. I I . up uuu- 1'50 following the cut: :- of whnt really Ihonld be may being! 0. bit of tw ug, After satisfying on rough: him to the look like thee, in than I nloatino. 1-ulna with the navel: we -up, when on hi: way to ncnuoll revolve:-I. T} from the Coroner. 14 the prisoner : tin box,` revolver. It enctly 1 (Ian --|1- ... ..... us. rll..llcK'l Society of On: aoner took the greater number of out of his pockeu. was 3 Iil e black covered book which the Queen : Oonnael considered to be of importance, and don. A valentine wu lno found among the lemma, hnv ' ' mg on It I pnciuro of I Inn bulging by the neck to I log of wood. The following printed below "`I..:- 5- A` ' . .....u uunrlcler. From ll article: it In: shown to be : to Feninnilm. In prisoner found the constitution and . _ .. _-.-, -uu. uuwu vul Inch, 1868; n paper published in the interest: of Feninninn. To Mr O'Reilly-H:r9 read the headings of the dienn uticla in this paper, jndiccting in Feninn character. From the headings of these a newspaper devoted prisoner : pocket: was also constitution and L.._n-_.- -- -m --- ......;. muwn van 1!! went. up null: searched the prisoner : trunk, and I private letters, nevnpaperi, bookl, paper: called Irish-Ajnoricnn," New Yorlr --I` 4"-` "` " ' afhil is by Montreal 13 time, from wbicl I:_inuI.I| fat tb dillbtenco between I lndxuj ti-n1 . --;--- --V quunoooonut `llnldnnko u 3, olkbblglldnp an 1'-wlnaohran. 1...... .. .._ .. -_ _ ,,___ _..-... .. uru xruul pan or Ibo cylinder at the mouth of_ each of the all! indi- cation: of grease cu-efuily spread on the top of every bell and preued down. It appeared to have been done to avoid `the Iulpicion of the reg valve: {mm the hottest} of the qliudet, end the Inside of the cylinder could not have been green- The 1 anvv uuu pttlltus Lu'Dut:IaIt]. John O'Neil, aworn-:--I am a detective ocer. I got some informationtabout prisoner relative to the murder of the Hon. Thos. D'Arcy McGee on the day of the murdeqi and I went in _eearch of the prisoner at the bar; in company wtth Delec- tive Cullen, of the City; Police of Montreal, and Sergeant Doaohue, of `the Water Police of Non- treal, and other oice)-s. I found him in the house of Mr Michael Bturr at about half-peat ten that night. From his: appearance he had just gone into the house E then arrested him and said to him t-st, What is your name '1 He answered James Whelars. I then said " You are my prisoner." I had previously received informa- tion that he had a pistol. Then I placed my hands on each side of his coat pockets, and said to him, let me have whgt you have in your poe- sesslon. At this time Sergeant Davis came up. I allowed him to soarcih prisoner's right hand coat pocket, while Ieearched the left; rst hav- ing felt a lump in eachof the pockets. In the left hand coat pocket found a box of pistol cartridges. such as those used in Smith and Wee- son a revolvers. Those are the ones now pro- duced in court. They are Setta cartridges. There were 29. There are now 28. I gave the other one to Sergeant Davis. Immediately after taking the cartridges onto! the left coat pocket, Sergeant O Donohce,ot t_.he)lontreal Police, took the cleaner out or the `same pocket. Sergeant Davis then pulled the revolver otrt of his right hand coat pocket. It was the same revolver that is now produced in court. It is one of Smith 8 Wesson s, a new one, a six-shooter--No. 5084'! marked on the butt of the stock. There were six charges in the chambers when It was taken. Five of then appeared to have been in for some time, from thg grease and dirt round the edges and their discolouration. The other appeared to be only recently put In. K; atten- tion was then drawn to the revolver itself, one barrel Wu rcce Ily greased on the inside, and the muzzle of it showed bdication of burnt pow- der as if the feVOlVel' had been but recently dis- charged. I found also in the front part. of tho of carefully everr hall ...a -.---A - - \All.Illll! up lull I|ll.llI vfllu LIJU yuuuuul. To Police Hngluraw--Backley III the only person I saw mlking the priaoner that night. Each time prisoner Ivt down from the gallery {saw him speaking to-Buckley, Jnhn 'N;.il Illrnl-n_:..I urn - ngnll-4 J34- Wimeu-Belween 9 and 10 o'clock. P:-isoner-Where wire In unnding when we were talking together! Wilnea5-At. the miin lobby door oftho Home of Commons. ' Priooner-Wns anygody nut in that time T Witneu-Thore In; nobody but you two. To Mr O'Rel11y-I` did not notice any one coming up ubo Ilnirl Ifilh the prisoner. Tn pnlil-A Ilnnrlnn-nIa__RnnIr|nI nan III. nul- when oono I000-.$"." I I r llcciqwuothon odd ng h . - It wu gqntqou-tor b twnlvo _ I has on p_tho [gt time. I did otioo ow,- tblng pecuilu-in hlngpposunoothon, and I 0 not think that ho wnlgnt all under the Inuence of liquor. He had not coloured ololboo on at tho! time. They were light tting photo. I thintthnlx It-.Gu ..:nt.th1HInI.Q!.0.9HIt st twenty mlnntu pngt two o'clock In the morn- ing. I_ did not not? Mr Ilcgoo laying the Bone. I think Ila-h`_ iforo him. I lohot know from my own knowlelge when Mr McGee? Ieft. I * only know from burn]. Ir IoGeo I cont Ind but were left in tho jmtlobby. I did not no- tigugogthe prhonor gbl lllo tho not lobby that n t. Prisonor-Yon my 11 gave you {our ticketl It four dim.-rent HIIII tlftt night 7 Witnou--Yen. . PriIoner-Who gofpmo thou tiokoto`? Witnou-I do not know. Priaonor-Whn.t tin` was It whonl hnd tho ctogrerution with ckloy which you Ipoke 0 . 1171...--- n-.____ n. -_.| 1.. _n_I-_|. --._- v uncut DUCIIIJ mall and Giboo .he Shnmrock Q Erin Go B or Ilontrul, pub- n in 1867; also two undrille Club at O1.- nv -v-u-IIIIIIIU rs, a number of noricnn," published in Inn-_h Inna. - --_-- the DAILY NEWS. q:IIl E honhuhn donou,Bu-do-Must. um [ - ` be Brockviilo and Otu Rlfood, and tht round they travel by,_ with olhor nlbioiodl cin- oumsunceynro ngnuns then.---Gto,h`u cornb- pendant. tonal: P,"h.|ld hid E31 by: I39 sutoupont 1 himu.-It; _ itl yefanndo to` H5. ..'..n;a. ___. Rumoun have been current -l\AA___ __J`j* - ,_._... r--can LI frofn any of them it Iii sndifsllintruodutl heat cpl unug 1! [lbs .uu NQIISII CID count of Whelutfl intimacy with 13; but I am told their uidenoe mall} on little or nothing to funen the chap on the suspected party. If Anything is dialled from will be from Doyle; gnd if all 3. o---- -I--A " ` ' ` .,.., ..... mgug xu ue Aylmet din in :11 probebility, not connected ' plot. While in Aylm , he stated that be had walked I In Ottun, heard of Mr McGee : nrdet There in veryfliule nbt It evidence e( an importanqzherncten -|:..aL..,`I r_-_ -I-- , ._-..--mg V O1-rams, April 10th. noon.-The result of the expedition into the country hu-been to explode thoroughly the story about the cab that left. the city at the period attic murder, and also to zhovtgthu. I suspicion looking stranger who posed out from the M- city thit night in the Aylntat direction is,` = in all nrnln-l.iI`:o_ ..-L ---- C . or rvtm D!:[`RIP1'l0.N' Ixocutod neatly, cbeaply, and exp: _. n . p- .1 ..j_ THE AssAssIiI:1'1oN or us McGEE. rm, -vunnw I` unnlolu. A meeting of the committee eppolnted to cor.- duct the funeral obeequiee of the lete Boo. Ir McGee wee held in the llechenlmf Bell, Inn- lreel. A design of the funerel ner tree {all be- fore the meeting end eppr red oi . The at le to be drewn by six grey horeee epproprletely ducted in bleak. The entire funerel expeneee will be borne by the Oorporetlon. Eight mete- bere of the Government ere ta ect ee pell bee;-ere. The chief tnonrnere will follow the burn. after whom the members of Perlletnent, both Dominion end locel, the her of Love: Oenede end other profeeelone. the TIHDIII He- tlon.l BIntV:lOn', Teenperenee ma other 8005:.` tiee, end the generel public. The militery will also turn out end line the etneete during the peeling of the funerel cone . The fuuerll will lens the lete reeidenee of the deeeeled at nine o cloci, end proreed along St. Cethetine - Itreet, down Beaver Hell end Redegonde street, " and through Greet St. Jeuee Itreet tn the ` French Perilh Church, where grend Iteeewll] be celebrated, eftrr which it will proceed to In Roman Oelholia Cetneterv. uv ca:-eurnusu, uu-r wmon I Cemetery. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE . IOGEWS FUNERAL. A Innntina nf Ihn ramming.` ........l- .----- ---- ---- ----x - --v "'I"'IlIOl -! or I Into--p bu II In glans. Joan III chug, but! I'll up for one of tho lodpu. Bo uh; for o glnu wlu, which I [an hln. Egg`, ed for pun, lnknd paper. I had but Irish In the dining room just cl` the hr-room. I \ .I_1mUI. .9 H I Jain, II: `I F ,1: tin 3, than Ion the bar-room and wont Into tho duh room. Bo followed, and using pen And in them, ulud me why I did not `in then. I um that In: my business, and told him In I Inn, unnnor to run, ii! that! [Maid III! III fld` Bryon of bin. Prbour declared to III! Ila qnutlol to put Hr 0'B.allly II this lingo naked on bid! of the prosecution lbs! tho pdlonl should in u. mondod for eight day: no In bellowed A-on hi knowlodto of tho can that this delay was in- porunt for the ends-ofjnulao. Prisoner dvho hnd no objgotion to olu. and the Oouotygcm-. uy conumlng on behalf of tho OrQI_ ah. Ilogmnlo st onco granted the delay ` T" for and then at two o'clock reimndod tho for eight dun, mil the mm 3: ton o ok. The nrllnruuv inn rhan nu-nno-A .....I.. ..___.n wr unguu guys, uutu me LOU`! II. loll oruoet. The prisoner nu then removed under `and | of the Rie Brigid: to `col. ' 1-VIII-I-`I5! DVD ROM 13 1: with IE: HON. IR. H_._. _....-..u, uuuu, nusnlng service, 500. Rnlaxocs Tunnnnncn Mnnua at the Sons ` :0! Telptrtce H111, Princess Street, every Sunday uhernoon, from 4; to 5 o'clock. bwwtg UULI9 Wm . 8:10 pm. | 5:40:41. | Ilxrd Lnint SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 316 mm. 3 BER FIRST PA GB. . _,__, .___,L, ,,....._ Cn'nouc Aron-rouc CHURCH (Queen Strcc Iorning Sernce, 10:00, Erening Service,.' hllnrt 1"--n------ ~/K * ' " Wuunn Mlniomsr CHFRCII (Queen Street) --Horn.mg Service, 10:30 ; Evening Service 6:30. ____ ,_..-u a-Il-it I-I'll!` m&ud about unin- 7} Ioodna-lbiii'1lIolntuv'.-v um... ~ ' 1n!55.nl_l?rlno0 I36, and X31 lllfllloflntezp 1. --- u .v- \lLCt}` I.UU, Corouanxozun Cnrncn (Wellington street) --IVorning service, 11:00; Evening service, (L30 i M BAP.1`IsT CHURCH (Johnson StreeI).-.\forning ' = Drviee, 11:00; Evening Service. 5:30. 1 3:. Mun : CATEIDRAJ. (Roman Catholic).- j 'l tut: lillury 9 a.m.; Mus 10:30 am,` Yunnan. 3:30 I) m P1.un'rn1 Mn-ruomsr CHYRCH (Brock Street) --Homing Service, 10:30 ; Evening Servic-9,6110 Inlomrr Ermcorn. Camzcu (Johnson I!nel).-Horniug Service (free), 10:30; Even- I In; Bunion (free), 6.00. l`Aan--4. .---~ _' _-_ --., -....-. , uvxulu` ucxvln Wnsuru Mnraomsr CHTRCH 3&1-et).-.\loruing Service, 10:30", E vi-cc. 6:30. _ _ ._-_. ........., ....u y ..u. J ST. Aunt : Gxrnrn (Princess St.n2et).-' `ornilg Service, 11:00; Evening Service, 0:30. CIu.nu' Cmncu (Eu-1 Su-ee1).--Morning rvioe, 11:00; Evening Service, 6:30. Buocl Snnr Puanrnmu Cnnu*u.-Morn- II` Snrvice, L1:00 ; Evening Service, 6:00. Kl - j _ - - -- 4 ' ` W... nu. .. "` av I 657311300 yr , @i)8 <.t1i1.1g> i3?iDJo _-_,, ...... S-r_. Pun : CBUICII (Queen St.neet).-M ' III-\11:00; Evening Service (free), e;`.3,'o'T'" S1`, Janna r`.II1"`h(II:- /'I Y..:-_ e.___.\ , -7.-- , _-..`......~.. VLJCIIILC 1 uuw Au. Suns Civics, (Divinion Sn-eet,j --Iunilg 80-vice, 8:00 n.m.; Aaernoon, p.I.; Inning S31-rich, 7:30 p tn. En A _____._|_ r` -- 8:. Jan`: Dunc: (Portsmouth).--Morning &"i`; W`-30; Afternoon Service, 4 o'clock. nu. `Q...__I A. _- I-Hui` Titian can receive no nuenuou ntvnl-ind totlnuruon mun homeom- julytho Inna and nddnu or me wnur,no1 nocdnrlly for pnbliauon, uauaucuy plan rannnnnnnl n... ..-.`._.......,a A... Iunday DIl`t`(`l0f} --IIulll'l of Pub- llc Wonhlp. 11700 ; Military Service, 3:00 P.l.`, Evening Ser- vice, 7:00. r-ma` -----on-vv . nvumug aernoe (tree), 6:30. Sf. JAxn' Cntncn (Union Sn-eet).-Morning 5"` 11:00; Evening Service (free), 6:30. 81-; ' - A25 Diunca (Barrieeld).-Morning' Ienice.11:00. I __-_.__._. OB PRINTING. Travellers Guldc. - 1 2:35 rm. 1 luau" mm 901:9 -in-r `I0 XIZOIDINTII. i!iHlllWWM!lHl\Elll beaply, Voilzrpeditiously at `JOB PRINTING OFFICE. oi the rupecti; rionl engagements. l' the utmoct im- ta~dny both _t'..-_: _ rrncn (Sydcnhaxn :30; Evening Scr- whgl-1'3: ion Su-eet,) free Aernoon, L30 _ 1 ,,....w. uuul nu expeditionary force `In uuy-I-uh brought down to . Into an. 1 tron Suez, dated `the Slat _ ,g'h. 11:0 data of the ndviou upon the telegram is founded in not given tdqrlm Data that King Theo-` ml (Ian Inn entrenched on the Tnlnnts pla- @g with 10,000 disciplined troops, sud ' ' He was re- with provisions. to the north of Ilgdnln, Ind iwreepta the line of march gllba The Mill Brigade VII to ad- vuco toward! Lake Aahlngi on the 11th. Thdiounce between the two forces at bl little more Chm one 2 mild`, and we may thdrofon ex- ,`-glp _hnu shortly ofthqrot collision of ' thgggynggg oognnuu rasnmn... I which deduct _-.... u-_._, , 1 6:45 l.m. 615 mm. nu ucuuuu 1 Montreal lingston ut I01! oftbe Crown rated on the 22nd_of . H he names of Joachim In-odnrick Ernest Wuldemu. D:-Ramon Fishing aims, nan}-and by the Govnunout for lean this you, no 20 I on an north uide or the 8:. Lawrence, 5 on the aonllfh aids, and 8 In the Bay of Ohnlonrl and ` u . - - It is said thn Lord Derby in About to m: two momhs sojourn at Cnnne . The Posh the` noble Earl it greatly lmprpnd in be but is still very weak. It in said lblt he in! to go to the nu-side to rucmit hi: strength. The Xnlinu-n .-.l'u.. , The Natural for sale by publ 'l`1lI_h powfboqbmingt of um jcfusoi, for_ cvcpundtsr the moat ii is doubled `to British u-my could ug-sin rs "j:`:. L`A-A -L . ----v--:5 people of all classes and creecle, to denounce the foul murder of the Hon. T. D. McGee` His Worship the Mayor occupied the chair and speeches were made by the Rev. Dr. Irvine, of Montreal, J. C` Rykert, Rob- ert Lawrie, the Hon. J. G. Currie, Judge Lawder, Dr. Mack, Francis Connor, James Lamb and others. A resolution of condol ence with the widow of the murdered another one secondiug the wishes of the government to create a fund for the relief of the family of the deceased. There is a feeling of universal horror here at the foul deed. FROM ST. CATHERINES. St. Catherines, April l0.--At th Hall last evening a large in meeting of citizens was em people de occupic tl [\I- T-.-.:_. .11: - Another person has be day on suspicion, and been placed under the I police. 'l'lie courts and nearly all places of busi. ness are closed to~:lay, irjbeing Good Friday! Montreal, April 11.--Tlaousands of sons yesterday visited the remains of Mr McGee. A lady in mourning unknown to the family, while passing round the coin yesterday hung upon it a beautiful wreath of imrnortelles. The house is now closed to all except members of the family. The following is the order of the funeral procession. Ci._v Police, Fire Brigade, Members of the Corporation, City Treasur- er, City Clerk, Recorder of Montreal, the Mayor, Committee of Management, Mem- bers of the House of Assembly, Legislative Councillors, Mtmbers of the Local Govern- ment, Members of the House of Commons, Senators, Foreign Consuls, Militia, Com- mandant and Staff and oicers of Militia in uniform, Oicers of the Army, Major General Russell and sta', mountedfrderlics, Oicers of the courts of law, Magistrates, Judges, Members of the per- ernor of Quebec t Governor-General , K. C. B., and the`! staff, membersof the Horticultural Society. the body supporters of the chief mourners, funeral carriages, the clergy, the Bar, the Medical Profession students of law, dents of Metlecine, members of the U ' sitics, St. Georges S)ciety, Calidonian Societies. St. St. John the BapList's Soc tn- 1 St. Andrews and Patticks Society, iety, Irish Prater l ociety, Bene-_ Temperance Society, Workingrnuns Socity, Citizens, ment Police. The procession will pass first to St` Patrick's Church; after service there, it l will reform and proceed to the Parish Church where a Libera will be sung, thence to it will proceed to the Roman Catholic Cemetery. I the Govern- . -_,--- rm pnasin hung 1' l Inembcrm The trial in the case murder has terminated manslaughter against Mud The a nrec1o9edt0~:lny,iI:bg 11.. - ` _ _ . _ . u --. `u nuns L.Il_\. Large numbers uf citiz: Mrs McGee's residence to the deceased. crall ] is {O In.` J .. I uc pus Whaler)`: wife residence in this x ' . Montreal, April v-Jlcll $5,001) rewua lnurxlogn.-`rs Hf` .`v]L'Gu the expense 0! n. p The funeral wlll the deceased on M All the national % the corporation, Will walk in the pn ,, n ,_v ._;--J U: LUC IILU m IeGeo, The Amount of the allovunce in mid to have bean disonuod at 1 meeting of the Cabinet, nnd it is deemed probable Witt life ponsion of four hundred or ve , pounds per annnm, will be pro- n on tho meeting of Pnrliunent. The . filial: of'Mr McGee : great public II called out now by the sense of Klaqud the Home of Common: will vote whauver mny appear to be 3 kpovhion Inc the Iunily of the unfor- budgnemm. Considerable attention in now being paid in the United States to the new Southern 0 secret organization, the K.K.K. or Kuh- ._ Klux Klan. The doings of this society threaten a war of races. Murders and g riots have already occurred, and the mili- E tary commanders are exerting themuolveo to supprt-as the organization. Though at E 1 first conned to the scat ofits origin in Tennessee, it is said now to have extended 3 to other States, and is destined, it in be- lieved, 10 give rise to much trouble. The ) Southern Williel cannot readily divest l.ilt`lllSL'i\'L'S ofstheir old contempt and aver- _ sion for the negro; and the freedrncn, who , have been badly advised by their Northern tutors, resent with a perfect hatred the .'lilI-tl1sguisetl contempt of the whites. The teachings of uxtrume political equality which ilLl\'t.' been instilled ,- - V`-.. nuatlllllk uurenl race by the North are bringing funh fruit. secret and revcngcful : sides. Thu ncgroes 11 1 Badge of ` public auc1ion,c , _...v at ament ; .s1+.'u..1z :1+.'c1,ur, TEL}-.'G1.`.-(AIS. }`l{H.\[ ;tT.\'l`l{EAI.. ,._,.- ...- LJ\J" societies on hc have their I the whit:-s lmvc their liutxvcm tlnc mo Ihcrc wxll be some time to come. The un- Jition of tl:ings in the Snuthcru :11 slmwn by an accepted stalcu u Nurlh, that an army costing r`-.1 mlllmne ul ulollnrs will not .... ll|.. ' scity. -n------}_....?__ '_~8IIfr0m Hug; '- ` "Abud'nk- I. ......-... .591 f`m."' has rll I0.--The council `vunl tor the nrrcsl. u! the (Inc; also $1,000 10 cover . public funeral. .'lll leave the reniclence 01 Monday at nine o'clock. ml benevolent societies, xvnlunteer lurcc, &c., pru(-msinn. Business be of the Chnmbly ninated in a verdict of xinst Madame Dcmois. I rlurv :.'1._5A F` " `.r\.I\lL.I\.rlI md Judges, Representa- Governor of Ontario, Re- ut.-Governor the __ ~rv - J ....... u; uun-:1` {VB- 3 Literary Society, `_V (`,;fi'Ir.|P|t'I `L-r` r Virgininis advertised ,on the 25th of April. nrby mike I mnea. Thu Pn..-.._- . iv mound` C mnea. Poctaaya y hanlth, '. intend! nit nnanmh ,,_- u.-uunu I-II I several more have surveillance of ,. V -- -_zv.J\.lG|rJ ! fthe ;...,1-, A er teed ` be ,__r_._ .. _....- u-yvnLnuL lU|UI[[|EI- d thsl while withholdmg publicity tbcyunnimg it to further the ends of jnlticc.