WT os. KIRKPATRICK. 0 uasnired wi`lIv[:er;rL1litl.u JAMES swnrr, for the yen: ending 7, $171,960 56c. St. QR .. . , Aszent, Lawrence Wtmr , H70148all} ravI'- - .--uuu IU GLIU [I`Om' favourable terms. nd liberally ndjuated and IICT. S1. 31,000,000. DURING 1867- Company of l-`,r\r\-- ASSETS 5-,G50,933,27 -. _.a_ P"J$..... J. 3. Smith, nu). OIAN. SURGEON, km, POBTLAKD, co Eu-rounmith. ~policis-s on terms I Rurnrl mill -------3- agent . Lawrence 1 Cnuuu W1Lsox, Secretary. E. P. Donn, Genernl Agent. n 1--nu - SURPI.US- s2V,5oo,ooo 1,000,000 PIITH I7[7B[,IN. of II:u't- $23,000,000. - D-:2 Ia. 131cm, ll"l'f81`. Operlting Rooms over Wright : Hnlnnd Fur Store, Wolli Strut, Kingston, 0. W. Nov. 23 I0 and fr;)m| Inn-rnu I 34 ,\' 7 - House. \WlmmMNlH\`W:1\lWlMWf\lWl~\5\WWW!WUW\M ....; mu 1-om` ramii.?J6.' of teething with :4-o.m;t|p_uual.;a.'lIIII peed lief ndmiuhtutfnrlyglho child u'rin1"a3u-5. % V _ _, , kilpenu t ,, _.... , _, .. -u:uA:I ul H10 KCKC. ` ]'nIld|rpot1o' ' in an ti/o_f_oll wing mm are [Yvon wit'lI1`aruy pzufkoui-O ' H lncken-pox 33:: Eyeaorauda aodzlrhpmupgoping Cough, Wu 3, Bic Powders, ready to bud In I; cues of sudden illness at night or day. In the twenty `years that have elapsed since they were n-at used, the lives of nun} hundreds of children have been and by their pronptadmininrstion. They are very ngreenhle to the taste. 'lVnl|.aa.'..n---- I *-'- ` ..I;o_oVp`I| . Bswden, -A-TTORNEY AT-LAW, Solicitor Chancery, Notary Public, &c , 38 K street, Kingston. TY VALVES, STEAM and WATER GAUGES, and every description of STEAM and GAB PITTEB3 GOODS in and Retail, at greatly winced prices. The Largest Stock in the city, Send for Catalogue and Price List.` / STEAK GAS AND WATER PIPES BOILER FLUES. And all kind: of Brass nmi I-um |I'=~= nuvlv-.l lug [Kim] A RE now producing all the m of American Pattem HM LOCKS, LATCHES, KNOBS, offer them for sale, to the Trade a and at prices to do away with th any but HOME MADE. Orde direct to the Mannfuctory, Kin West; or to the Company : Age: Messrs -Evans at Evan, will attended to. KEEERENCES: Hos. A.CAl[PBELL,King'slon. RICHARD JUSON, Esq, Hamilton, MISIBB. RICE LEWIS & SUN, Toronto. W. M. WILSON, EsQ., Simcoe. Hon JOHN OARLING, London. BULL. Eno.. Innm.-4... ..r A _-- - r- - ......u nnu uesngns procured. DraIrings,Specicalions and other Dooumen ts necessary to secure Patents of Invention pre- pared on receipt of the lode} of the Invention -:- llll at W 8 fFRANSAC'I`S business with the Patent Office and the other Departments of tbe Govern- ment; Obtains Incorporation for Companies by Letters Patent; Drafts and takes charge of Private Biils during the Session, &c., he. Copy Rights and the Registration of trade marks and designs Dr3'ingg,Snpr-i.~n|:.-.-- ---l --l - "` u n N n Y G n I s'r Parliamentary and Patent :15: (III 3 W ` l'r\RANSACTS hnninnaa -:n. n n.- OFFICE REMOVED T0 /1 NRARI v l\l')I`I\_vf-Ir ..... uLUul`llT! can receive imstructi in rmyof lhc English Branches witlmutu additional expense. Ti.mR.u'n Dnnu:'r.ur:.\'T. Th]! depIH lI`.l;F is 'icd up with nil! must approved imatxuments in use, zind h every facility hr ning paersuns for an poailion in actual ng-crating, Life Suhulnrebip fur full mursn, gm t`1rou,:zhnut the whule Chain, m.l_y $35] American mmey. For "(`u'!cgu .'\I':,`nUiIy," a-pecim-gng nf Pe munship .E-'., which me FPIIS frcc. plzu uddre-:51. C. H. ADAMS. mu Juan UABLING, Lo` BULL, Esq., Inspector of Life Assurance Company. July Int. 1867. um: Assurance l 1867. uuuuiu nnsry, noon:-looping, Stock and Parcncrship Accounts, Wholesale Ind Rail Merchandising, Jobbing. Commission. For- warding, Railroading. Sreamboaling, Bunk- ing, to. In this department are the College Talc- gmph and Post Oiccs, Railroad Office, Mer- chrmdise Emporium, Commission House, Bunk, 5:0. Each student is furnished with :1 Cash capital and passes through the various otoea becoming in turn the Retail rind \Vbo1ea:Lle 1\'nl`niInn! F`.-I--I -- l-*- 1* ` I " . uuuununug ll] turn we Merchant, Forwarder, 'I"hn. ..|...l....n.. _|-- J _. V KJAL` L. L...u) ux I1JJ.JL'4\J1`J.- LINK of the Grant International Olnin of Commercial Collegen,looaled in fty of the lending oitiea_'of the United State; and Canada. Th principal branches taught in the commercial departments are BA)uk-keepin, Penmanship, Cnmmercial Arithmetic, Unm- merciul Law, English Grammar, Business Practice, llusineas Correspondence, &c. Tm: Bvsmsss Dznrrrnnwr Includes every variety of Single on`, Double Entry, Book-keeping, Stock and l a.rncr5hin Amvrlnln Whnln--In --J D`-3` T`"_+_ 0 GDEr1%SBoUl'IR Galm Au'ms TWTYA I'i"`Yi`1 xx. v u 1.Iaa.LvD.D U13 BUSINESS c0f_fI,E_q_E_. A l.lNl( at nm (1---. r-.- 0FFICR.-Sou1h Wes! co: I-at Sm.-els. WI. H. WILKISON. W. County Crown Attorney. ._ GEO. W. OBEIGHTQN. BREWER OF THE BEST PALE ALE AND P0 IN WESTERN CANADA. Kingston, Feb. 18. ll Dg-lennhnrgh. August lat H307 ______._____f_ j__- Enclal Hardware Manu- facturing Company E produciunr an aim as-I--`-'- -~ ' " ,,__ .._.. ....cuu-c ntrlellfl ` Atneiicsn and MORTICE kc, &c., and n only, ofqunlitiea rice: the need of using Orders sent either Kingston, Cnnuda .- Agent: in Montreal, , be promptly THE DAILY NEWS--WEDNESDAY EVENING. i p-<...-._j,;_ ...... uuuuu In use, Wholesale K795! In ` 3. PULLEII, 47 Dew nlronl REFERENCE9: PRRLT. I?:------ ...-..u. .u.uug,u 1110 various omoeg )r11n1-Jnr Irvin...-l._.._,l h, 1 . IUIJIJE Dey street, New York Oity uuuuull. r Agencies, Colonil av. Iuwl, LID` Hot. 23. nutull nil `H noieanle Impnrlcr and Banker ) business with foregn ,thu-3 establishing an UNICATION. /r `l e saleable varietiel M II and Ilnbrmnn I-I'll}; lf(`C . [=1 ADA.\l_S, I)_i '&' J .L.ll.`J P0122 ER lhflnj 3|/A1 Pril . -n\l|.J ma UIII, romptly Jrsn, guod My $35_O0 - u...v, 'iucipal. -- -.-. 1:. I IIIIIIIIIV, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEFAT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Conreynncer, tc., Anchor Buildings. _` A hut! gall! I run [~]: ;1.~e Ii` camber, 1868, incluairq; Vlhe Waatminuer "from April, l_E l868.1'mIl-1-3--' " ' " / P 0 8 1' A 1'! When sent by mail, the P oflhe United Sums will be! cant; I. you for! Bhctwoo Jan A year for each of the 1 Suhscrihen M f0l1OIil1g'I'eldn_ -mu. Ar. - For my two of Jae fq =r lteyiewa - For any that of'the'four"&;v'iowi For :1! four of the Revicid For Bl.-1ckIrood a Magazine .- - For Blu-kyood and one Re `w _ For Blachrood and cwoRe In ' For Black wood and three Reviews For Blackword and four Review: 1 -.j < _-QQJ$. run LONDON QUARTERLY (onaervalive THE EDINBURGH REVIEW.(Whig). run wzsnuxsrnn mavmw (lhdicnl). run NURTH unmsa REVIEW (Free ub h) LID BLACKWOODS EDINBURGH HAGAZINB (Tory-) FHESE foreIgn_ periodical: ire regularly re them again within their reach; and those who may never yet have met with thus, will assumed- ly be well pleased to receive ac/credited renort: of [ha nrnou-nan at n_, Shaing, Pullles and Ba: Hangers and Self-oiling Boxps Bcriplion of jlaclllnory and Rallwa In store at the lowest rates. Drawings of L[i|!s_ Machinery 5 Specications made and iufurim shortest notice A r..-..- _. 1- - ~- auun lcab UUUCC. A large stack of Best Make on hand, in Aug. 29. , _. SUPERIOR AND RUBBER BEL REDUCED PRICES. USU. Macnnns-rs` T4 all kinds of tho Slachinery in ne In order. The best TURBI.` &c. Gearing, &c., orvu-n-<..-_- vv rvcu plcld I the progress of re. i Wulkein, IOLICITOR IN UEAKOERY. I Okso--Clnnnce Street, Kingaton, O.W. J P. Gu.DllLll\'I. L.L.B. | men. 1`. Wunu. In--ur['ru. uung Mills cl` description of Hill Jlrrchincry marl . PORTABLE A: bTAT[0 The Kano E'..... -A , U....-...u .unu11V.lLJLIi- 47 Day street, New York, Mnnur`.-mt1ujermd Dealer in Portable and Stationary ,ST}*l.v1.\`l ENGINES AND BOILERS. l<`I{O.\I '3 To 250 I;{(')RS-.E POWER. ---~-- 1 JOHN B FULLEIK. CONSULTING ENGI L17 IL." .`m.,-A " " 4.;__________,j.__;.- STALLS UNRIVALLED PIANO AND FUR NITURE POLISH! UST INTRODUCED, and being adopted by . all leading houses in the manufacture of Pianos, Organs, Bimnrd Tables, Furniture, 13., (6. Every one who has a Piano should have :1 bottle of this Polish. Send for Circulnru, and we will give full p:IrUcl!I:ll'5 and direclioul. H in pu! up in bottles at 30:: :md_ 50c, and where hnlfn dozen are ordered at once, we will for- wnr.I prepaid by E`xpmss Applications for Territory and Agencies received by BROWN & PERKINS, Urneral Agtntlfor the United Stalu, No.42!) Broome St. N Y. __-_.{_ .____.,__, nun: The best E 'I nan BRITDE PI. --u~ [4"SPEUI.\L attention i J and Uprigm Saw Li vnrrpr/"Ml (:'4ln 11.11- ._ .1: THE North half of Lot No. 4, in the 4th oon eenion of the Township of Kingllon, con taining One Hundred Acres (part of which I: under tillage), with n Frame Dwelling Home thereon. The farm in only seven miles from the city, and is close to the Portland mncadnmlzod road. Inquire at the Dally New: oloc, Kinn- ston. -...: J. AJJLLVJ. .I. [J 1'11 0 Rotary. Power and Hand Pnmpl, SUCTION, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS, FIRE PUMPS. rum AND GARDEN ENGINE AND ALL |l'l.l'hl an _._= uuuuy ox :Al]l1lllgl0I. The noun, BIN! nnd Smbling are new. wm be cold on only terms. Apply to ROBERT OSBORNE, Invornry, Or to D3. KNIGHT, Tnmrn h . IN tn`-`:;-Ia r`:;In;mvi1|.ge of ..'l'nmworth, ram. - County of.Addlagton. The Hanna, MI Bfblimr are now. Will ha ml-I nn nu I-LUMBERs': gig, f1l\l\I'\G ___.__._._..-V JIAVLJ \J'KI GOODS, Wholesale and Retail, by .]'l']F-TN! D Aug. 29. Invanry July 27th, 1867. ECI.\L called lo his Circular mi Hills, the but and most )4! Gang M111: crer buih. And every Vuiou 1|: -- TERMS FOR 1868. r at the four Reviews ' -' .00 iof J11-fa er I--"-" '4 1:- STEAM PUMPS, ary. Pm TURBINE WATER 'ina. -to may obtain bckrnumben It the m.-Iu'ncr_1/ .!l.1c/1z'.'2:*ry p ` , LE ETATIONARY GRIST MILLS. [Si-nuoI.3, Ln-n and S-nu Mmuuzs -3' Toou of every moat approve Railway Suppllel I lowest ,, -. -.`., uuucn-mn. uni ho approved Woo working nae constantly on hnndnnd built FARM FOR SALE. Circular and Hill Saws 0! , much below can prices. 0 RoIIIy an Draper, ARRISTERSATTORNEYS-at-LAW Solici- tors in Ohnaau-y-Cbamoera Nns. `I, 8, k 9, Anchor Bulldiugq, Kingston, 0. W. ` Jntu 0`R:n.u',Q.C. | FRANK C` DHAPIR. `an 5: -C -11:11." ALL xmvdor ` V A\.'|\ rlnb PERIODICALS. pvt IIIHSS. , and information ..,. a a 1353 to De- ` Ih:"E;'?2'urgIa And the II, /l_861. to D-M"" bC|llIl, U_V JOHN B. FULLER, _ 47 Dav an-am ...ucr_y mm Plans n information given, ENGINEER, t, and h....I.._, A;new ic_1iludle, WCORPORA ARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS-It-LAW, CAPITAL $3,000,000. Oonveynnceru, kc, Ofce No. 4 Anchor . '. L l:uldin|, Market Squnn-, Kinlllon. ' b|[;;1I;n``lNl Dor(t:aAR(t% Ju Amuw. | Jam! Icon. L089" pmmpuy:n; Hangels, Patent rxfs and every de- .2. KULJUDIIB, 47 Day street, New York City WHEELS, mu LEATHER I nl\&!D| Am Plnns and )|'| (viva... -- FITTER B l\LI1\II-J I, Tunwouh. E. A? POSSESSING `PHI LARGI31 Am;-pgann-Iqni nus I Anhngsp [I ran A LOCAL PAPIB ATTRAOTIVI 810! vol: wan run: or ausnuae ouuzr SUCH A wmorous snr A L.'I11'Lx runram um nnrnwr was man A THCIUSA up -nyts. rmon TH! PA RTIOULAR8 or ll` YOU HAVI SPENT KOHIY IN `PHI PURCHASE AND ERECTION 0' Al SIG! II`/YOU WOULD 1n;-.'wsPAr`na conaunsr -_`---n'I19 F ARRISTER AND ATTORNEYA"l'-LAW, Sol-citor in Chancery, &c,&c., Princess hr-eel, Kingston, oppoaius the Daily News IS `PHI B381` |ADVE'11TIs1NG1l :1 YOU wounn nmvn YOUR nusnrtsa, um N01` 1'0 an DRIVIN. ATTRACT OUSTOH lr ADVERT UIDIUI WHERE` n % up AIIHBUTI rnum auoorov To A Luna. um JUDIOIOU3 U8! 0!` W1l,.{VU:l.5\` `OUR BUBINIBB ADVERTISE ADVERTISE u0OLL at 1-dxnlronl ao . BIFOBI 1':I7 PUBLIC AND II 1'35 ` 1'0 ADYIQIIBJI 1 . un nnaxuvtgu TU KING STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE THE CITY BOOK STORE. inn -u Puma asali . _Con_npnn! o Plnntgtiogs in 1 7.. .,............. .., . no i siting! rnc1trnl:L,...I'.',:_I,,,_,:_`: Canaan In I(:;k(:Il and (.IlDHII!l bygg A l'II |'rrI-a- c-__, P`2'.`,`;';;" &: :;.'*";:'.:*.3::{'I.'..`.t.`iF""* ' an (d with {Ea ynut productinf CH1 two qualities, viz. 10 or ' Said in nl-Ix:-In anal (v.:...':..:T'_,, ."+",}'3'`."l -INDIA my CH1 %,*ua;3_-ai.T.'.zs1;;% .`.L, Bcpunt I} v-- . --- u.--- rronmr-AT-LAW, L Klnzuoc, O. W. A ~ ww ` mu\r`\i1\ an. ` ";"`:' "":' I-DI-IIBEIII !G!%=N'LS !:.s21:~..mc_*-qI.,:9; .n`II. v'wPJ'II9II ov:%r1Ia'tI%nxstbI;.:g'Vj1u ; A - Inn`: Invn mnn -4- Q .1 '..i'.'J.;___`*--u-I-i" `-3' $P:3%F?W1%f. E111 e}=nr::9_`i'. mm TEA-DB !~ . . Glldoruleevo & Wnlkcm, ARRISTERS Ind ATTORNEYS It-LAW, Oonveyancorl, Notaries Public. -nn-n._kn -. --u -. W ..\,..w..`.~ 'vqW4nIhm1|\\;`.\` m: m um "l*mmw|wm gt `-`amount of gnanl Price, Five Cgntl. Sub WW I :10, ` 'rIl'I" ..- -- .--u-`Au-`cu-IIQJII, ;-A'RRf8TRR8, &e.. Princess Street, King-J non (opposite Daily New! 01115). I Alxnumll CAIPIILL, Q.C., Glonau lmucx own, \' I GEORGI |lu.xI.a HACDOIRILL. Hunt: 15. 67 -;"(.)I-II 1 ` i i%i|?iWWWWllllllmlillil Juno H. Price, 1;`:-nrsnu - --~--~ -. Tun. B. 'I'II|bod;,_ !'l'|Dn An.` .----- V ...u.,uuunIun, U I ._ K. D.. Cowsmvilic. IWX. In n-----=1 .v , DU BU EU , 1 Anchor Buildings, Kingston, Ont. Joli n iMcln;:}_'r'(:,. ` 1`l:`n .vr~ - - - ~ -=' Souxh corner of Dundu Ind V. II. lllngaye, LA 1`-l. A W n-..__-- -.DiInb-un; c. 1:. ) n-.-...:n_ NJWIIIIVIUC. L, Gowsnnillo. Ili "'C-l '7 V, Couroyuncer, &c.. Dec. 1. ' KINb TU 'T`l! l:.` r-1'-I~1~ A. REEVE, I. A CON-YEYANOING stunt.-llpul I I] c, &c., King A` Jnqmls nmzmmw mum. gu uvcl umrl 'e, Wollington Cluk (From 1 lean lusanon & Tomato, Sept. 13, 1866. Wxuaa 7! us Robert But], E. Rice Lewis, Esq,, Hon. J. Mcllurrich, _ .-.--:|u-. IEDUISI V1.3, sou: November, 1867 HON. J. HOHURRICE-1-,? -nu canznns means, In w\..._-, _ ..u nnII.lI1lllC6 Com Capital stock . Jamelnaot, ll. D.,DiInbnm O. I. COTTON: Cowsn oauznss snows, 11.0., on a. a rosna, I. D. Broomo. J. o.Buru:n u n w------ Home Isurance C ompa New Haven_ Conn. CAPITAL .. 31,000,: PREIIUHS RECEIVED $2,00u,00O. Fund: depoaitedi u the hands of the Go for the security of Policyboldera, `` All ne risks carefully surveyed, rule of Premium made to con-eapond I risk nuumed. r. auoman, .- Flrc an}! Marine m'sL'RANCs' C'0.IlPA.\'F or I CAPITAL .. .. .. ..g ANNUAL INCOME. .. .. Kingston, Feb. ._*________} I Harrison, Tcor J 6'0 , Fl dos Dulcn.) Yuuuvvl r And In prapared 1: inns] low 15 the safety oftbo uasu in THIS Company has been doing businc,-`s Canada For nearly 5) years, and during lb time bu secured Ibo public condence by I] prompt and liberal selllemenlofevery fair Clair H has fully complied with the laws of'CanaIlal the deposit with the Government of Stocks i the unonnl of A-..--- (J Dec. 20, 1867. v-I"""1 Loans paid in 49 years, $311121 In. C0. ` ford, Conn PAID UP CAPITAL AND 34,333;-13,39. r , wmlrr. Kingston, Feb}, 1368` uuyialmii-zinle Eu`:E;ia`; ` 0' I.l\'ERPLYUL AND Lmmow. MAXWELL W. STRANGE, 01'ce-33 Brock Slrcor. Kingston, .\l urch 2 \, I962 Agent For K Ingston, I Home Insurance vompany or New Haven. um. mo cumo alsxs Inland Ports on t promptly and paid in Cunldn Currency. J; "Du ullrnz-n UBLIO E`-ESTIIIONY. \Lymau4'Hc2Vab W7nol.-Jule Hardware .:- Elna Insurance Company of liartfhrd Conn. FF.-- I , -.. , oecreury. CASH CAPITAL . LAKE AND RIVER RISKS tuken on hulls nnd cargoes at reasonable rates. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, July 1. St. Lmwreoce Wharf. |iELl.\Nl`-E MIHUAL um: ARS(,'R_-1.V(,`E' ('0.nm.4 D, t5Annt.II Prvsidoul. July 1. Agent at Kinpton vr ._.-_- ` LI 11-7 Auurancc Company. `oak ' ""` INCORPORATED IN 1819. Agent for Kingston. Utce opposite Burnett ; :7. . 4, 1868. Marine Insurance. I866. WES` TEILV I-`Ire AIIIlI`lII: lV`c* Company OF LONDON. ` `W : LYIAN 8 iAONAB. 850.000 .__v James Richie, Esq., Charles Hag:-nth, 1 Thomas Hnworth, I John Fiaken, Esq , nnninn '|7~- nu Jenn]. JAMES SWIFT, Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf. up---_._ _-v. * Govermeat Policyboldeni. nrelully and the e with the JAMES SWIFT, Agent, Law!-ant-A W`--J in rlj 5)ye:rs, lbal a the elllementofavmv r..i.- ..1..:... ..;.. `ya--5111 . ll 1 sub and reliable remedy In all discuss Act the Stomach, Liver and Bonds. The I no Qua.-1: lodi `net pued up by hlgh ooundin lmi-ooialn fro: iungrury people, but are the