N EW POST.-\L TARIFF. mopemliou on and nfler April 1. ('1 LITTIilI-PRIPA\'IIN`l' UPTIDNAL. Art of l.6~l.( ilhd amend- ments thereto. Issac H. Price, !'A\`l'r\rlu\Iv . ....____. " Anchor Buildings, Kington, Ont. issue 0fC:umdiau stamps will a reasonable time afker 15L 1111:-I lHl.'|. sperms I0!` uaetr. 'cHuwN 3 CUNNINGHAM. urn}: Onnk IDED u'17:Z1-4 .1! 011.4 RI, 1'03 . Ialulug HI lHI\l\|lJ' L ulltui 'd Island, .\'ewfouud1and, zir Canndmn postage as zmdmn publisher. A v Prepaid. R. LI. ROSE, Uicial Aisignee. 2 King Theodore loued off a skullful And nodded uncut. with I smile, P..- L. aL.-..-L. ,.- - _:.|,_ L .per quarter .. .. lllulIIlUllI IU . h2.1s1nud an-.1 gxnv-us uni; g(\,L]||lJ value of mt; and if 1 vouchers in support ..- n.;._1\1\.\,ll and Stee1-La.nd- . Any -`L: I Asaignlee. 10c Ana bcllllfq IJXDI WHO SEJIC. For he thought of I widow, with Lin." lllacdonuld, Pullon dc Illa:-hm-, IAARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Q..linhn-.. 3.. nhunnnpo Ln KlIIl\ILJllXJ.UgI IILILI II I ILIIDAVLZIIKJ-IIVLJKIII Solicitors in Chancery, kc` 0ioes-iB Clarence BL, opposite the Post Office. Kumsro.v,C. W. Jon: A. HACDONAl.D,Q. C. |JAuisPA.T1'oN, Q.C Jam: M. MACHAI. J. R. Smith, 111.0,, )HYSICIAN. SURGEON, &c., PORTLAND, Residence Hun-owsmilb. }l Il0\"I'E.\';`lC Bill-I\\'H-ZR! OFFIFIC I{II\I0\`IZD TU KING h"1`llIZ1-`fl I\'H.-XRLY ()1 l`()S1'l'E T1113 CITY BOOK STURE. I V BE a safe and riablc remedy in nll diseases L of the .\'/usuac/a, 1.iwr and Bmt-r"/at They are not (gum-I. Medicines putfud up by high 1-`oumling testimonials from imaginary people, but. are the result of forty years experience ofa rs:-chum ph_vsici.:Lu, and thrir c1Lra0rd'mar_v success is due [0 [he fact that they answer exactly their name. The formula from which tlwy are prepared, is based on sound, scientic principles, and has re- cvived the unqunlind approbation of Lhe nmliral ,-.ro_r'wa.u'.,m. They do not profess to be u cure-all, hut In. ..H A:_y.u.n.;: n.I.in:v '1-r\r-1 uur AI-.-...1...._..,.... /nu./ra.`..,u.. guc, uv uu-. yuuurou IJJ Ln: In curt:-nu, but far 3!] disease! mi-ing from any derangement of the Sznznaric. Liver and Burris, thcy furnish an effectual remedy. '0 have in our posse:-ainn, over one hundred Lestiruoninls from physicians who have ugmd chem in their practice and high- ly approve of them, among which are tl:el'ol1ow- Inrv ENITIST. Wright's Qrrnnr `L H`... J. H. GIBSON. M. D _ Dunhnm, (T E. C. E. COTTON, M. D,, Cowausville. PIIAIJI IF.` L?[}FI\1I\r \l n n,....-..-..:n u. Lt. but AUJ, m, 1,! puwnuuvlll. CHARLES snowy, 31.0,, Cowansville. S. S. FOSTER, M. D, Broome. J` C. BUTLER. .\l._D, Waterioo. JOHN F.RSK[.\TE, M D., Waterloo. .\'UR.\IAN CLEVEL.!..\'[)_M, D4'B.1rnstou. .\'. JENKS, M. D. Bnrnatou. 4` ll? ;`n|\l'l F.` \: r\ C`. . u '|-ll who `Wu quoeu of 1 uwoet1ittleisIe-is1o-isle- Who was queen of a aweet liule isle. 1. uI'4.VI\m, .11. U, unvuznuu. it. w. mwLEs. M. D. St.-mslend. JOHN . tlHIG\`. M D_, Smusumd` JOSEPH BREADUN, M D.. Surgeon, R .V' BENJAMIN DAMON, MT) . C0aLic001-C. LEMEUL RICHMOND, .\I.D , Derby Line. WINSLOW LEWIS, M 0, Boston. R. D. BIFSSY. M. D., Heston. F. .7. AUSTIN, MD , Sherbrooke. E, D. WORTEll.\'GTU.\', M. D., Sberbrooke. Henry Simpson 5: C0,, Montreal, Wholesale Agents. `)HUFESSUR of the PIANO & THHIUTUGH R,A!~`.'\` k (TT'[.TIV.t"l`lH\4' nfxlm `L'IllF`,F`. J U111` Ill Kingston, Jan`y 16. u 41 ul uunr 1U mr nueurnausu] or pameness of any kind, Swelling of the Joints, Sore Throat, Cold in the Head and Diphtheria, Burns 0'!` PIOSL Bil, .qn1-ah-hna nn kn-can In- l\\Jl`uu)oLvr.\ U| luu K An.1L' & llIIIl\.\'Uk.l'I1 BASS, .5: CI'LT[\ .-{T1031 uflhe `VOICE. For terms, address MR J. REYNERS 3-Iusic 1 Lululll` uunu 111 me menu and 1J1pulhena,Buru Frost. Bites, Scratches on horses, &:c kr- tun?` Kingston, Mayt Is an internal as well as an external remedy, and is {be only one that always gives entire 35.- tisfaction, and all who once use it will never consent. to change it for any other. VVB have nm ammo: In nnnrnnu-nla nm ..:..a....... puuscuh u) uunugt: LL lUr uuy OlE'l'. VVG have not space to enumerate the virtues accorded to it by thousands who have used it, and voluntarily teulify to its merits. Buy 3 bottle and satisfy yourself that it is the best remedy ever offered. 11....-u gifhnann I7 I".-. If:--------1 Tl'7L`~ - EA AND PERKINS Worcestershire Sauce. This delicious Condiment, pronounced by Connoisseurs The only good sauce, is pra- pared solely by Lea and Perrins. The Public are reepoctly cautioned againstwortbleas imi- tations, and should see that Lea and Perrins Names are on Wrapper, Label, Bottle, Ind Stopper. Ask for Lea snd Perrins Sauce. Rnl Whnlnnaln and Faun H1-n.-nu L- `L- n-` " T`: I cnpitnl notion," he shouted with glee, "' I'll hnrrv And it-iln Hap n1nfYnr' GEO. W. UREIGIITUN. 151{EWEI{(>F 'l`1IE ?}'.'h'T I .-1I,h ALE 4'1._AV1 FOR? 511` [IV H'E'STE1u .\' C.'1.YAl),'1. I{in;1stnn.}"c1,1:$. Icu.|cuJ' c `CL uuuxcu. Henry Simpson 6: Co., Montren1,Who1eaa1e Agents. PEH ICU. IL is the cheapest as well as the best, being only 25 ceuts for 3 large bottle. Buy it, try it, you'll like it and recommend it to your friends. Henrv Simnsnn k n Mm-m-M1 wr.,,1n....x_ `HE BEST Tonic Hair Dressing ever discov- rl cred. It eectunlly cleanses the scalp, pre- vents the Hair fxom falling off or turning p.-erna- Lurely gray, and when the follicles and glands are not destroyed, will produce a new and lux- uriant growth of hair where it has already disap- penned. It in H-m nlnannaao .. .....11 .. AL- t ,-- I uyupycl. Ann nu uunuuu rurnnsasuce. Sold Wholesale and for Export, by the Pro- prietors, Worcester ; Messrs. Grouse and Black- well ; Messrs. Barclay and Sons, London; &c., &c. ; sud by Grocers and Oilmen universally. remedy, I1. uonmms nothing hur trul to the constitution. To lhxmxn Lmusit Is peculiarly suited II. will, in I short. Lune, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all caaea of Narvoua und Spins! Aeclions_ P: n In ,.m in mm n. uuu rccornmenu II to Iriends, Henry Simpson k Co., Montreal, Wholesale Agents. _..v `.-..v... ......-..=... -uvnnvuy 3 am JAMES CLARKE S CELEBRATED3 FEMALE PILLS. PI-lannrn h-nln nrnm-nnnn nr as. I n1-_|_ nu l'.`1Lll11.l.J K111115- Prepnrod from prescription of Sir J Clark, M.D., Physician {Extraordinary to the Queen THIS well known remedy is no imposition, but !lELll 8 and safe remedy for Female diicultioa and Obstruc tions, trorn any cause whatever ; and aimough a powerful remedy, it uontaixns nothing hur tful the is nocuiinrlv II. will In . Inon Lune, urmg me monuuy period with Amaclions, 11; ha Back and Limbs, Hearinesa, Fnugue on slight exertion Pulpitaupn of the hurt, 0 wines: of sp1r|I.s,EIysbcrc:,Sick Headui, Whites, and all the painful dlaesses ooen.sVlom_-d by a disordered system. mesa P1115 will etfm-.1; nun: uh-.. u I unpllll uouou, Em Inouuu wuu 31"? I'll hurry And write her 3 letter; Il'I (HID Ibe an ! bout of A 14)ngpedty`ree, > But Twill unver for want of 1 bener-etter-- -II-n_ mount, wmuas, and all me painful duaesses occasioned bly system, H115 willelfectn curdwben a. I other mews have failed. T'hA=n Pill: hnvn nnuou Imnnn |.nn-.-. On v.n _|.....-u__ In]! other D-IVE YIIJIBII. The.-ae Pill: have never been known to ml where the directions on the 2nd page of pamphlet Ire well observed For full perucnlars, get A pamphlet. free , of the agent N. B.-31 um I! e stamps enclosed Ioany tumor- med. nenl..I'u1 Insure 1 lo, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. JOR IIFIRFB. H V -nl... nu.-.-|..o..- x1....n.._.._ ; v -_-_ EW STYLES OF TYPE HAVE been added to the DAILY Nnws Jon Pnurrme OFFICE. Our two Steam Presses and Automatic Platen Printing Machin- ery enable us to turn out work in cod style, with quick dcspatcb, and at c eap rates. Inquiry solicited. return mun. ' JOB nosxs, H. Y., aohrroprlemr. Northrop 1 Lyman Newcastle, C. W., gun Igoyts for Canada. Sold by a] trauma in Kingston. um medicine dealers everytboru J on-pl: Bll\\'1IClI . TTORNEY AT-L.1\V. Sn` II 1:` JACOBS BHEUMATIG LIQUID, The Great English Remedy: R JAMIE!-1 n1.An1nav.sx run bob . rnnv Signor Carlo M oru. SUGAR-COATED L. Clement, Operating Rooms over Hat and Fur Store, F` `I So the latter was llod with ouaiona of love, Sud: an ardent young son: of the South An wont to employ, in n jesumine grove, Wba tho bent! rilu up to the In0uLh-mou1b-- aulh- E DAILY NEWS--MONDAY EVENING. MAY HE North hail of Lot No. 4, in the 4th con ceeaion of the Township of Kingslon, con mining one Hundred Acres (part of which in under tillage), with n Frame Dwelling Home thereon. The farm is only seven miles from the city, and in close to the Portland macadnmised road. Inquire at the Daily News oioe, King- ston. ` STALLS UNRIVALLED PIANO AND FUR NITURE POLISH! * UST INTRODUCED, and being adopted by all leading houses in the manufacture of Pianos, Organs, Billiard Tables, Furniture, 80., Stu. Every one who has :1 Piano should have a. bottle Oil.l1l3 Polish. Semi for Circulars, and we will give full particulars and directions. It. ;., ..... nn inhnnlr-.1 :11` am. nnd 50c. and where wul gwe mu purucumrs nuu unmcuuuu. u. is put up in bottles at 30c zmd 50c, lmlfa dozen are ordered at once, we will for- ward prepaid by Express. Applications for Territory and Agencies received by umnvhr A: PERKINS. Tm; LONDON QUARTERLY (`Conservative .THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig). TIIE WESTMINSTER. REVIEW (Radical). TUE NURTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free cb h) AND ._,.....V.....,V.,._. ...,. .... ....... ................ (Toryi) `HESE foreign. periodicals are regularly re 1 published by us in the same style as hereto- fore. Those who know them and who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few years had deprived of their once welcome supply of the best periodical literature, will be glad to have lhem again within their reach; and those who only uever yet have met with them, will assured- ly be well pleased to receive accredited reports nf thn nrnrrrc-an nf Wmrnnpnn nriP1.r`n nnri lilnv-1- Luxnmu 1` \_/Lu AUUU. Forany one ol the t`ourRe1'iews For any two of ,hc four Reviews For any three of LIICIOLIF Reviews F01-ullfourofthe Reviews For Bl-uckwood`a Magazine - For Dlackwood and one Review For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blnckwood and three Reviews For Bluckword uud four Reviews AND BLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE , 'T`.\...v \ 1.) UL` WUII `JICIIBULJ LU ICLCIVU l.,bl('L|IlCLI lUPUI L of the progress of European scxeuce nnd1itern.- Lure. . Pl\`l'.`Y'!IlQ I'.`f`hY`I 1nr\n auacpu r uu.-r, u.5q., am Uonceasion, Camden; Gordon Garrison, 4th Concession or do.; Mr A. Scott, Ceutreville; and Mr W. Reed, GIenburn- `ir- And lbs monarch nu quietly drinking his gin, With I gentle occasional nigh, And narnlod tour time: (just to koep his band in`). : u a D; n u A.- When sent by man], the Postage to any p H`! oflbe United States will be but Twgnt {om- Cgnu a year for Blackwood," and but Eight cent; a year for each of the Reviews. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz: The North British from Jnnunry, 1863, to De- cember, 1866, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the lVuUnmucr from April, 1861, to December, 18156, inclusive, and the London Quarterly tor 1865 and 1866, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also Blnckwood for 1868, -m- 52" an The Farmer -s Guide By Henry Stephens of Edinburgh and the late J. P. \'ort.on, of Yale College. 2 vols. Royal 0c- mm, 1600 pages and numerous Engraving: | PRICE-37. for the two vnlnmnn 32: oh. mvu, AUUU pagr: uuu ul1IL1(:`l'OS bl.'Igl"3VlDg PRlCE-$7, xwo volumes. By post paid, $8. x LAII ; Lsul. nuulun. Dllhh UUNTINUES E to manufacture Threshing Machines of the following description: Emery s Improved Inter- nitl Gear Overshot Machine; Wheeler I Rack and Pinion Power, single or doub c. He would solicit a call from the Farmers in general, before purchasing elsewhere, to an inspection of the latest improved Badger two-horse power Thresh- ing Machine, which he engages will give gensnl satisfaction to the purchaser, as the labor is re- ducedon the horses, and can with ease thrash one-quarter more grain a. day than any of the shore Machines. The Subscriber obtained an extra prize on this Machine at the last Provincial Show at Kingston, Sept. 1856, for strength and durmility, combined with lightness. This Mn- chine cannot be excelled in the Province. The following gentlemen are now using this Machine of my mannfact'_`re,and I would refer purchasers to them, viz :--}3. Waters, Esq., Sydenhnm, Joseph F` ster,Esq., 51h Concession, Camden; . Garrison. Cnnmaainn nr .i,. . u- A , _ _ _ _ _ V . . . . . .,.., nu vuuucllaluu Ul uo.; Mr A. ic. Also, Circular Saws, Machines fo Wood,at the shortest notice. Cylinders furnished either of wood or iron. N. B.-Tl1e proprietor will warrant. all or on)` of the above work robe of the best material, and put together by competent workmen. All orders promptly attended to. Post Urlce Address, Yr\a|:\nrI lWr'\\9-n-u-_ _ r sawing ____i_` bTEAM PUMPS, Rotary, Power and Hand Pumps, SUCTION, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS FIRE PUMPS. FIRE AND l`.'AI)Intxnu 1n..._---- 1 ` I IIIIE: I" FIRE AND GAB AND ALL I PLUMBERS AND r1I\I\ BOILER FLUES. ' And all kinds of Bram: and r.-- n-:..:___ uuuuun I`l1lJl!aH. Brass and Iron Tools, &c. OILER PUMPS, COIL HEATERS, SAFE. TY VALVES, STEAM. and WATER GAUGES, and every description of STEAM and GAS FITTERS GOODS in use, Wholesale and Retail, at greatly reduced prices. The Largest Stock in the city, Send for Ogmlogug and Price List. Fittingl, B. FULLER, 47 hour ah-ago `nun: inlllu IUIIK Llllli \JU:Il i-U [SUP HI. LII in). Whilc waiting the precious rep1y-p1;v'-p1y While waiting lhe precious reply. JOHN B FULLER. CONSULTING ENGINEER, 47 Dey street, New York 7 Mannfnctnrnr and T)..I.... :.. pownful Gang Mill; ever built. And every description of Mill Machinery and Machimry Supplies, PORTABLE & STATIONARY GRIST MILLS. The best SHINGLB, Lyra and Sun: Mwamn in use. Mwnnnsrs Toona of every descridon, and all kinds of the most approved Woo working Machinery in use constantly on bandand built to order. The best TURBINE WATER WHEELS, Hill #6. Gearing, &c `l`) .QTTDl'.VDrn1- - J ,.__.~...., _w\_41-I LIJIIL, Manufacturer and Dealer in Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND BIJILERS, FROM 2 T0 250 HORSE POWER. ,,_, _-.. ac. uenring, &c.,., SUPERIOR OAK TANNED LEATHIR AND RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, AT REDUCED PRICES. Shutting, Pullies and Hangers, Patent Hangers and Self-oiling Boxes and every de- u v.a.vu. `TEI.'~2 LEONARD soon` Publishing co., 38 Walkcr-su-eat, N.Y. run 1*! HUI-I OK Machinery and Railway Suppllen In note at th_e_loweat rates. , l\_,( ' -.__v-unwary IIIIII IIIIII the lowest Drawings of Him, Ihchine Specications made and int} shortest notice. A 1-, , .__ - ..vu-/V. large stock of Bell lake on hard, m H1 i>{Es1iL1{ Si; '_\I/ACHINES The L. S. Pub. 00.3130 publish v- tvvv-v-urn -u\4I yyl WUILIJ WEIE the too, Thin true British lion, and son of s 1 II bound to give nut to 1 lhunderiu When he [Oll within b-curing of him B B l i`I`c H PERIODICALS. Simcoc Falls Foundry. {HE PROPRIETOR. STILL CONTINUES manufncllxre T|1rn:'hinrr Um.-I-.:.u,. l\` n__ __ . . . _ _ . ...a .444.` I.) an GOODS, _ Wholesale and Retail, by JOHN R Aug. 29 nu Ag [5 General - encles I`E`C(f|VCl1 U! RUWN & PERKINS, 4genta_for the United Stalu, No.420 Broome St. N Y. FA [LU FUR SALE! POSTAGE. .0 M17 rnail Ihn Dnnln `mans FOR 1868. .--- I IJIIITPI I) GARDEN ENGINE KINDS 07 9 GAS FI'I`TER`B G()()T)!'-1 uu|tB5, JOSEPH CONNELY, Ynrkar. _ , _, __. _... . _ ---u A411` rul no Oh I bmve General Napier ; come from {Le 3 And In: Innnhnlled his troops and xs le them forth Circulnr and`Hill'Sur| of d, much below cootpricod. .cu:u, Uy JOHN B. FULLER, ,|lschi:5eiy snd Plan: and information given, at street, New York City , the THE MOST IUCCEIIFUI 'rRADEsM1;N nun MERCHANTS ADVE?RTISlNG1* TO A LIBERAL AND JUDIOIOUS USE OF NEWSPAPER COLUMNS! [F YOU WOULD n-u unu uunruunucu ma troops and `SI [bun forth, And with camels Lnd elepbnma, donke` bovL ll` YOU HAVE PARTICULARS OF o._ LOOAL urn DAILY NEWS. POSSESBING CONTRACTS AND YEARLY AGBIIEIENTB umucuan or . TYPIB AND Ill. 31301.11 11- men: to ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS OITY, THIS JOURNAL ornns TH] 3331' nmmt Ion LOCAL um GINIBAL Anvlwrrsr. nxra; mnnlronn ADYIBTIBIIITHI DAILY NEWS." SIGN A THOUSAND TIMES. PI-ACE `PHI ATTRACT OUBTOHEB-8, A... -nus uuln-l:u.l um enepunuu, aonbze boys. [I making a terribie clutter and noise 2 An Inn, not an Cupid, he visits the uhon And he beat: no love-token for King Th AND NOT TO BE DRIVEN. SPENT HONEY 13 THE BEST THE LARGE81 "OUR BUBINBSB ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE! HRDIUI WEBER!!! Wit]: rocket: and Armstrougs and enough. Torpodocl And muskets, nnd rles and :~L With powder and caps, which were bo [ho Inn [N THE PURCHASE CIRCULATION OP ADVERTISE ADIIT TH] IIPOBTANOI OI AND REPEAT TH! 1'0 ADVKRTIBII`. A . uO0AL nnsmxss, 1-uxanronn (30 um "$ FOB ADVERTISING MAY BE MADE AT TB] DAILY NEWS OFPIOI. A LITTLE IPUBTEEB AND ERECTION 01' AN an -unnrr or an-nu, um 11- mu no IlO'1' ALREADY TAEI Will: I ush on his cheek and a resolule mien Al in narnly recalls the A'ront:Io his Queen, Bach Inrdy foot soldier strides on at a. pace Which in lean like 1 march lbnn 3 regular race ; He laughs It the foe: he must grapple before He can come to clooe qrnners with King Theo- don. DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS, PUBLIC AND THEIR BU OOFH- ATTRACTIVE SIGN IN A JUDIOIOUS STEP BUOCEIBFUL AND LTTRIBUTR FOR YOUR PLAOI BIif0Rl `ll 'B"d there are brothers who lnnguiab and faint, Then an ninmnn -`uh -J-.u.-Inn .5... a.....-.,...... IF YOU WOULD OI` BU BINBBB OABRY SUCH A 1 In large ninonnt of general reading n gt M M Price, Five Cents. Bubucription '["`o e, A11 INDIA AND cH1_1Ig_ TEA.,;:j URE nut] GENUINE TEAS, ofeplendid naturmum` ., - _ C(,\n1pBl)_V`s Plantations in ASBAM, aud'on the slope; f zl ed with the finest products of CHINA. " --r*:s Only two qualities, viz., 700 hr `L00 per lb. either` Fine Household TEA, combining Strength and Fhl'otg,"' Finest procumble, ................. ................ ...........,_m_ 7; Sold in Packets and Canisters by the Company : Agent: ill. Canada. ` cum: I Paritnmentary and Patent Agent. 0 t I a w a . `RANSACTS business with the Patent Oea and the other Departments of the Govern- ment; Obtains Incorporation for Companies by Letters Patent; Drafts and takes charge at Private Biila during the Seuion, tc.,&o. Fnnv night: nnd lhn Rocrinlrnlinn nf Oran`.- HENRYi3illT. ` Illlll nnu ucalgu: PIUIJUIUU. Draw in gs,Specicationn and other Document: necessary to eecure.PIlenlI of Invention pre- pared on receipt of the llodel of the Invention usuluu, more In: urolnera who lnnguxan and faint, uiucn with children, whose innoconl nlnint IIVEIU -IJIIIB \.I|.IIIII` III` K?-IQ) `cu,- Copy Right: and the Regisuhion ofmtx-ado marks and designs procured. nu-ntincre Hnanionlinnl and nlhnr n~m..._.o. I REFERENCES: Box. A. CAMPBELL, Kingston. RICHARD JUSON, Eu, Hamilton, Huang. RICK LEWIS t SON, Toronto. W. ll. WILSON, Esq, Silncoe. Hon JOHN GABLING, London. BULL, EBQ., Inspector of Agencies, Colonh Life Assurance Company. July 151.1867. The Provincial Hardware Manu- facturing. company l I DH`. nn- I\DI\A"rI1u:nIn -11 ;I... --I__I.I_ ___!_.__ ----- - ---,5 vv-ml-uni A RE now producing all the ulgsblo vnrietiel of American Pattern Bil and HORTIUI LOCKS, LATCHES, KNOBS, 80., 8c.,--and offer them for sale, to the Trade only, of qualied and at prices ta do any with the need of using any but HUME MADE. Orders neat either direct to the Manufactory, Kingston, Cnnadn West; or to the Company : Agents in Montreal, Messrs Evans 6 Evans, will be promptly attended to. ___ THE NEW SABBATH SCHOOL SINGING BOUK, Ta: Gonnnx Pnonnsl," by T. E. Perkins, Author of The Sunday School Ban- ner," " The New Shining Star, The Psalm King," The Sacred Lute, kc. '9 Inll nnn n -v.n..:-.-..._ -__- ------" - ._.............u uuuuuu AIIUBIU FREE EVERY MONTH. We publish I Newsong every month, and Vgioeit away. Send for 5 Circnlnr to RDOWU I. nnntrrnrn mug," The Bacred Lute, We will send 8. specimen copy, post paid, to any address, on receipt of twenty cents. Tll Gown: Pnomsn" is as follows : Single copies in paper covers, . . . . . . . . . .50 .30 Bylbe100, " " ..V.........26.00 Single copies in board covers, . . . . . . . . . . . .35 By the 100, N . . . . . . . . . ..3o.oo SABBATH SCHOOL MUSIC FREE EVERY unu-nu DE. DE JONGITS Oil in convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight ofmedical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience for twenty years in all parts of the world, to be, beyond all question, the purest, LhB-I.lJ@8eQ- c-ions, the most palatable, and, from itl lipid curative effects, the most economical ofall kinds, Hence the universal celcblity 01 Dr. (in Jonglft Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this unri- valled preparation. nn. EDWA 1:1: surra, 1?.B.8., l[ed'1calOcer to the Poor Luv Boudof Great Britain. We think its gran adnntlge tlnt there is one kind of God Live Oil which is Inllvarlnlly admitted to be genuine-the Lightp-own Oil lupplied by Dr. de Jbuzh- Ir. In--ln...n..... .....- SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. SIR HENRY MARSH, BABT., H.D., -u-c uv nu: unuwrl WILLI cuuurun, WDOIG IIIDOCOIIL plain! HI] pierced to the ears of the pilying throng, Wnh ill burden of auifering, sorrow, and wrong: "fix I vdghty inducement to name the score Which mad: I! the debit of King Theodore. Britain. Jbugb. It hu{longboenou{ practice, when pructibing thooil, to recommend` this kind, since. umidat so much variety and un- certainzy, we have condence in its genuine- neea.--(Extract from Consumption: in Early and Remedinble Sagan) I I! may," completely, dam, m _ the a guy an`: M1 rd"`"l|3t (knot 01 or:I`Q:r';: phl- C . 01 Nov-oluuu. A. 1 E`! ,b-._o nnl'W"lI DIUIII I, `- IN the thriving Villnp of Tnlnbb, . IN` 1 Oann gto ` 13' of Addin n. 1 Tin Each, SIIOGI Ind Stabling an now. Will be sold on IE terms. Apply to DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., Coroner for Central Kiddlelex. I consider thst the purity of this oil B locu- ed in its preparation, by the personal ntcntial or no good a. chemist md intelligent I pbyliciln D . ` quninted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oilnold under his gulran tee to be preferable to any 051101 kind as roglrds genuineness and medical a- cacy. ` ( X1? ? 1 W... `cleanse the no any me 'E'E:g;i1 ofadminbtarlngthuo ad oroglsor unplu- ant cathartic. A wnnxmr PAIILY Joan; OONTAINING ALL THE mum of * ENTERTAINING B'l'0IlI8 L] Imni-y July 27th, um. ________ n"W3Y I Worm Are cermn um --c.. _.._-J, - 335.` FIRST P.-mzc. September 14. CHRONICLE AND ~ Home Depots, L3I_1E5n CANADA `DEPOT- Il0bI ITAL 81_B_l_il'l. um KGENTS FOR_KINGSTON, __________j___;__j..____; DE JONGH`S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. Tanm stand for sum I. lhilnn `Till-.. .5 III.,,, ,..1 ,-.n TRADE ROBERT OSBORNII, Inn:-'nr_v, Or to D3. KNIGB1 AI hit :11 the mountains and deserts are past, And lngdslti fortress in lighted :1 lost, And Nnpier cries, in I condent tone, That. paltry ponuslon shall soon be our own, Or you safely Inny went that l battled and fell In I clone which humanity glories to tell." Things look rather doubtful, and scaly and sore, For Ibo pane of our hero, poor King Theodore. mu: 5 ulruullr I0 BROWN at P 420 Brooms SL, N. Y. Address, Ir 0.5.` in 1:. 11.1`: W ARINE , f_m' `die V " ' M. ncilitnting thdi ; ` cnsesof d'I_lG'b_ 1:` Daily News . no aupuru an xraea, Ana WILIJ anger delhv. They hail (be glad welcome of sunshine and linhl ' B? rim! Jobfrinti, 9:4: ni ". gun vu .Ill S m-Jb-[f!'*':.`= ~ '35 I1"! 19.: . . ` ` ` BAALJ ` ` Viulh chin _ I -I""" 5'Y``.4 with 18-IQ The aptiru no Lraed, And with dehv. Th0! )8 Elld welcome of aunshinn an. .--L.u.._ `l.. Ll` ` |.uIc_v nu: ma gua welcome of sunshine 1 cm. _ But. the stubborn barharun scorn 1o_ admut 'l"|n.t he : met with n foe who can rival his w Rn I-nalu. In .L.- I... ._.I `I V -A vod from his sump ` `dz todispute the `M 3 stmam which ten miles. of Mn]?- u age to t e .|oy'<,:ii'&s, which at - far nrtilleyy. If he -,a with safety to 1 agitating the Eng- ; but aura of.h1s native auxiliaries, Inigtnining hi: shells from the t heights M _ m ' enable, and 3 '9 `mule by the -;him to ske- lmg Magdala. ' - and rumours, `th e'same irres- ,I pl A hands A 1].. ;.._:L1_ -. ` B E -'7' `I - .1 h_nha,_ w ~ V W9 GW;GlHugn un Luc - ' s-_ tranapireotas by * vi short diysl We tJio lea, happy in of the enterprise; abide I:ime_and fate _. Ashangi. to. re. i V;pcoe__to- ' ?h*!F ?0te!9 ` ';1Ugns~i& u'wni`t`- r .g..,**`?P:8:,Ps:%~V ` e__:; = 5 ;;_79ivj"1`itid . A|l1,f`_1l.l'|, % jun: lieenjjntten. *: K -'. ..ipoke'p T_ val- . 4, - "l" d Mgr{_I_vQa1cr .4 _ pnxneti `nia, therein incar- or the gnrriaon. province resist, possible, but the V iasuch that a pqwer is what The city of - 40,000 men, __`I1`.ng1inb,oont.enc the progress of nu-.1. nu: ma: Inn: roe who nral his wit; Bo hoghu to the lust, and when nnught else tannins _ :,y`]:.,|j_U -p_;aTv--o- thenm Incar- [,'. 1uun.L__:5 uvn ....u A ' 'biIe t1;eI;::':{ets { _V midst. of [1 I dwellings of the `--_ 5....-mnirna an I111 I;;-3-3 :-av tI.=.=+ ICTIIUI Ho n: 3 pinlol right. into his brain: (7) . And 8 mu: 1! brown oh] that encnmbers his oor 311105., In iqedicine ' "i'hi'igI tenhy `I |Reforn:ed I J;ti I win pr! A`_:_ I um; -_-:1 '_1r...h' II :11 that is left of the King Theodore. -_-v Ink; `L11..- -- JUIUCUL Preps: Inn: an Ens Ifyon want to ` hi.-II 1| }vu wun LU `U5 mnrnea, Nth. Not y in 1 rage It the Indy : reply; Don't meddle with foreigners, women or men, And tlu-It than lib slut in some horrid old GOD! venture 100 The tout number of national banks 3! present in opention in the United States it sixteen hun- dnd sad uighly. n.-usnn pun wlruotrr b`oon.-Chm-Ies Ban, 1 uilot, 19 yuan old, was carried on 8;- turdny from the chip Anne! to the Pounsylvnnin Hospital, in nu shnoot dying condition, the ef- hct of longconnoment and deprivation of food and think. _He had Iloied hilnsolfnwny before the vmol Id Livurpool, uod,ncoording to his account. 0:: fonetn (hr: Iifhnnt r.n...a..+. ---v v--- -no ulvurpool, u|a,nccom1ng 0 bli account, fourteen (by: without nourish- ment of my kind. lennwhilo hi: feet became ftoctbitton, and both of them rottad ad . He in now: Ikelotou, and, with the necessity of un- King Thoodore at in his glory Ind might, In jolly good npiriu Ill be . He Ind just beat: enjoying lbe dniutieel sigl. Thai an Africnn monarch could see-.9oe-t-ee- That An African monucln could see. l 1 1 r HUT`: "Pia I moral um . [aft us by King Theodore. Tn Puunu or 8norrmo.-Deer Punch-- Ien one of the old school. sud like the old vnyu. Judge, then, my old friend, of the shock to my equeninity the othsr do}. I required nix. pennyvonh of con: buttons, end went into the am nhop which looked like one for the sale of that article. On entering, [walked up to the count: and uh`! to the man, I went nome but. toil. "Oh, Sir I" mid he, please go to the nth: tide, to the ` Button Department, this is Baby Linen.` I went to the other tide, and I want some buttons. uid I, What do you Vlllhll YOIT For my coat." "Ob, then, air. If you please, to up next Ibop, ms in the `[5410 BIND! Depe.runem. " Iwu Accord- 11`! I'D? I pcdnied India` button de- PFT` 8"`-`Will. seven! gilded cor- IONDAY EV'ENl.\'G, M.`\\' 18. T Thu. now we count bu-dly a score. But `I will unwnr for vunl. of I better. Qt): Baily Ncme-. I?ulQ'*' when the bean rile: up to the mouth. Ponnn Dun WITHOUT Foon.-C 1| Anni!`-w 10 u..- I1.` _ . . . . _ . .. He in counting the head: of a bevy of wxves, Which were carelessly lying around , `, They were tied up in bunches of four: Ind ofi og. Pu: IL Alt: You-Jag 1/oclm-war n_-_ (3_-__I \v-_~__y_. I""'v 3105 played out, and will answer no 3015-- PAII I. All Lord Lon IAGDALA. ~ got married, don`: venture too H-I5 Ix-Kl; Lmg Theodore ;u;`nt by 11:, beodore eys and e North, leading And wore Icnuond nll own: {he gt-ound-g'rouad -gmund-- . 3 And were scattered all over the ground & -C harles A -_D_ n-t, ll!!! 3 Pants- Innnl -- L Itynlu. In Llm Dominion .. . . . . Llc Prince Edwud lsland .. . . 3c United States .. .. . . . .6c Locnl or Drop Letters, 6: _ for delivefy; by sumo 011109 N. WHICH posted- pl`c- payment compulsory ' 1'1 _ __ l)..........-...--.. FA... L/IE"'lt.(H.. frHE Creditors of the Insolvent are notied , that I, the undersigned, R M. Rose, of the City of Kingston, hnve been nppointed Official Asaigaee of his Estates and Etfects; and they are required to produce before me, within two months from this date,t1`ii*tr claims upon the said Estate, undu oath, specifying the security they hold, it any, and the value of II; and if none, stating the fact, with vouchers iuaupport of such rininm ins6mi1t lnsolvenitm Act or 1564 and TAIi1ienTd- menls thereto. 1`. F54 7I-x."':." Q" `VJ/. 1"EI1 G['."U.V L1` Cu. 7 . HE Cr!-Jizor.-; of the Insolvents are notied that 1, me undcmgced, R. M Rose, of the City of Kmgstoa, have been appointed Ufcial Assignee of lbeir Eslale and Effects; and they are rrqired tn protwce b<=r'un- me-,_ within two mouths frorn VLIIS dme, their Claims upon the lyd! Rclnta nndhr ninth nnnvinn Han our-up-Erv viim siovm ;;mni;.;17;u %ro1.'x|)n1', 1u_\'GsT0.\', ONT. : i\[`lE` G,_L___:L___- I. LUSLUIIXEFS Wll DIKJV DD, rLaLJb\It1U, CASTING5, and other Goois in their line, of \he very best description. have recently emcted I large New Foundry on the corner of King and Queen Streets, where they are mamufacturiag. HA1!`-x " We In growing quite lonely, gnu sovereign ` n! I nun L.'u.LI .lAuuIu-uwnnu: nuu LJLCCl'LABIJLL Sides. They have also invented New Plough wiLb Steel Mould-Board and Land-Side, and High Iron Beam. adapted for ``weed_': ground." and warranted not to " choke up." nu A'\I`r\'lI nit. nnn n|VI\ 1 .`-n ruiiuwvr-u lILT_LBER'1"S PATEN1` PLOUGLIS 9-ext` V-._ ~.,.........-_..-.1 4;.--J -.a.;.w;r nl'llJLA|JI Farmers can new depend upon getting Plough- Qhares and Laud-Sndes HARD z HARD t HARD`. as we have discovered a New method of Amal- garnaling 1116 Iron, so as to make them both hard and ciose. Field-Rollers, Cultivators, Har- rows, Gang Plougbs. Sap Pans, Tiuware, &c._ in Great V'a.ne1_v pi The best assortment ofCOOKING, PAR- LULTR` & BOX STOVES, in Central Canada. Prices as Cheap as the Cheapest! NB-Wa were awnrdpd H Fh-at-(`.2aau ma % PL0[Ili[Au`1].irb LAND-SIDES. I'.V--__.__ _ I luv: no \JIIl.llll (1.3 Lllc \,ll'Cd.}Jt_`3L; were nwnrded 13 First-Class, and 3 other Prizes, on our Manufactures, at the late Provincial Fair. This fact speaks for itself. vnnwv hr r1TTu\nIur1r:rAu Cam|;l)c|l, Mowat an Blacdonnell, Il[Ul'UlL7IIJ`l`\7'3l l\}ll--`I3 l.LJ'L`LJl\" |)UlIc-I` Lors in Chancery-Cbambers Nos. 7, 8, k 9, Anchor Buildings, Kingston, 0, W. Luna O'R::LLY,Q C. | FRANK O, DBAPIR. `vuununxuu 1-1 uunuunrux, ioe-Clareuce Street, Kingston, O.W. J. P. GILDIRSLEEVI. L.L.B. | RICH. T. Wunu. QIIIILLJLEIIL AAVIJ .llLII\iVEIl-I.`L|l1VV b S0liCi'.0I in Chancery, &c,&c., Princes: Street, Kingston, opposite the Daily News Uice nL\I\lQAn[L Anu A11Ur&LVliI'A1-MAW, b Solicitor in Chnnoery, Conveyance:-, &c., Anchor Buildings. VYT II` `IV-IWIHS I{|Jl\U IUIJCI", s|CJ\ HUVTICIBIK of :11, ~ Our solitude : really I bora, I For our Iillerl Around in so rapidly fail, 7118! B07 '0 count bu-dly 3 score-sr:ore- LIL vs` 1" 1un..--.:011l[l west corner at Uuuans and East Streets. Wu. H. WILKISON. W. A. REEVE, M. A. County Grown Attorney. \ Kingston, 71!: May, 1368, Kingston, Hit! Agnew & lludle, ARRISTER8 and ATTORNEYS-It-LAW, Conveynncers. to. Office No. 4, Anchor Buildingn, lurker Squur, Kingston. J1-I. Aauw. ] Jon KUDII. _.___ ___-..v._f__--, v.__. [FIE Subscribers, in order to supply their Customers with STOVES. PLUUGHS '.x=:1~ncr1-.' .,...4 M5,- r1.m.4_ ;.. .L.._;-1:.m -.'- rxI||hALJA.|:Lb-.1 nun rx|.AuLu.I|:1||.J'nt'J.J;1_vy Conveysncers, Notaries Publi_c. Richard T. \Valkem, OLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Q1... r1l_......,.~ QA-,.,.A W:..,...oA-. 1` HT \.Ll\IVV.V G UK Kingston, March 20th, 1868. March 15, Jr, 5\IlllK such claim I I 0FFICE.--SouLh West of Duudns and mat In-mn- Then slowly Ind (imidly up to his side, With a diidenoo charming L0 3-e, Cnvlod sweet Theodore, hm very last bride; And thus to her mate: aid abe-sbe-she- To borlord and her master Said she. Jun. 9. ARRISTERS, &:c._ Princess Street, King- ston (opposite Daily News Oice). ALBXAITDIII. CAHPBILL, Q.C., GIOBGI Lzvgcs blown`, GEORGE MILSIS MACDONIILL. Mar.-h 1!. 2- John Mr.-Intyrc, )ARRIS'[`ER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW \ Qnl:.~:m. :. ns.........-.. 1... 1... n_:__.... Wm. B. Thlbodo, ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chnnmrv Unnvnvnnnnr hr- Vvllkiszlinac llceve; gARR.ISTERS AND ATTORNEYS-nt-LAW, SOHCiL0rR nnnvnvnnr-pt-a kn Nfnnnu-nan 0 Be|lly &. Draper, ARRIS'I'E`RS,ATTOR.N EYS-nt-LAW Solici- .-.-,~. ..-. Fhnnnn-n f"l....\v..-H... XX..- '1' Glldcrslcevc I: Walkem, RARRISTERS and ATTORNEYS~a.l-LAW, KT.-.>....'.1.. Y)..'|-.I. .. IV. R. Rllngaye, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Conveyancer, &c. L Kingston, C. W. Dec, 1. nnzuuoxnna any AL 1Utu\InID-BI-MAW, Solicitors, Couveyancers, tc. Napsnee, W. _vo--sz SL4 1 IIIJIJ, AW, CHANCERY and OONVEYANOING \ OFFICE, .__L, 11-11- "Ob. ll up our numberl, by purchase or stealth, Without any needles: delay, And then, for your Iuppineas, power.audhea1Lb, Your poliuonor ever will pruy--prny-pru_v- Yonr petitioner ever mil pray."