Kingston News (1868), 23 May 1868, p. 2

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of Her Majesty : Dominion: or before Foreign Tribunals. sure thereon : Act reapecting the Treaty between Her Iajoety l and the United State: of America, for the appre- heneion and surrender of certain Offenders. to x the Salary of the Governor General; Act for the relief of Joeeph Frederick Whit- eaves. Then the Honourable the Speaker of the Home of Oonnnone add:-eased His Excellency the Governor General, as followed: : I llencya blll,intltnled:"1n Let be ilrl-utlngto Bet-lajeet.reer-luau...---0 ---- -.-.. ... H113 ocualau tneretn mentioned. Act for better securing the payment of the duty imposed on Tobacco manufactured in Canada. Act respecting Railways. Act to amend the Act for the incorporation of the North West Navigation and Railway Com- pany. Act reupecting Copyrights. Act respecting Trade Marks and Industrial Designs. Act respecting Harbour Police. Act respecting Insurance Ootnpaniel. Act respecting forgery, perjury, and intimida- tion in connection with the Provincial Legisla- tures and their Acts. Act to provide for taking evidence in Canada in relation to civil and commarnial ...-..-_- not to u1c0rp0l`BIE the Bank of Act to continue for n. I Act: therein mentioned. Act relpecting the commencement of : Acts of this Session therein for a-......:..- -L- Agricul imiled time U161 intituled: An Act im with the Tariff of Du Act to incorporate ties plyable under It the limited Iimn Hm. Lure. --._., 1 uvauuua. Act respecting the Treatment and Relief of and Distressed Mariners. Act. respecting certain Pennltiel in respect of Stamp Duties. Act respecting the Canada sociution. Act respecting Police of Canada. Act. further securing the independence of PIL- '_Vine Growers` Aa- Acr relating to Quarantine and Public Health Act respecting Fishing by ioreign vessel; Act respecting the Manufacture or Importation of Copper Coins or Tokens. Act to incorporate the Trade. ... A. ' Strtttford Board of Ac! :6 increase the Excise Duty on Spirits, to impose an Excise Duty on Rened Petroleum, and to provide for the inspecLion 1bereof_ Act respecting the Militia and Defence of the Dominion of Canada. Act to provide for Oaths tn administered in certain cases for the purposes or either House of Parliament. Art Ln innrn-nn-..o.. :1 ML. 06 -- Witnesses being ......e. uuuuc Ul rurtmment. ` Act to incorporate The Can: derwriters .Lssociatiou." Act respecting the Internal House of Commons and for Act for the regulation of tion of Fisheries. Act respecting the Northern Railway of Canada. Act. relating to Light-Houses, Buoys, Ind Beacons. A_s _--_t,-' -' - Economy of the other purposes. Fishing and protec- dinn Luke Un- V .......,.....,. to Duty( Rened 1h Art fnlnnnlinn .L_ n 1-.- Wes1.F'nrtner| ll mum] and S1ck[ panyt; and to change the name ofn::?(9):em(:::; [_ (I _ ()oLE|P(:n)`_'(v)nnn'd` F"-mers Mutunl Insurance Art In nnu-n-an IL- 13,4, is F Alct to dec`.nre certain perlons therein men- tioned indemnied for having at and voted 35 Members of the House of Commons while hold- ing certain office: under the Crown. Act to incorporate "Tho Merchants` Express Company of the Dominion of Canada." Act respecting Riots and Riolous Assemblies Act to nmend An Act to provide tor the improvement and management of the harbour of Quebec," and the Act amending the lame. Act to make nrovision rm d.(...-:..- -L- -- The Toronto Telegraph calls attention to the circumstance that Fenian literntuirc still pollutes the mail bags, and mentions the numc of a. Fenian weekly which finds its way to Toronto in spite of the regula- tions which have been imtued to prevent the introduction of such objectionable pul licationn. The publicity given to tlw fact will doubtless secure the renewed vigilancr of the uuthorities. puny. An! \/I-I uuun. Act respecting Penitentittric-s, and the Direc- tors thereof, nni for other purposes. Act to impose a duty on Foreign Reprints of British Copyright `Works. Act respecting the Inspection of Stentnbosts, and for the greater safety of passengers by them Act respecting the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Act constituting the Department of Inland Revenue. Act constituting the Department of Customs. Act to annex El portion of the Seigniory of Be- lair to the County of Quebec and another portion thereof to the County of Portnetu`. Act for the better security of the Crown and of the Government. Act respecting persons in custody charged with High Treason or Felony. Act respecting the Civil Service of Censds. Act for the organization of the Department of Agriculture. An! on an.-.42-... - --_A.' I ` ' ' ----nvunultvu .5 ct I0 conrm a certain by-law passed by the Directors of the Lake Memphremagog Naviga- tion Company, and for other purposel. Act. to iucorpornlz the Caundn Shipping Com- AJIILA 1. \J\JLL|l,llI|l). AEI to amend ibe Acis relating to the Niagara Diltrict Bank. Act resgecting the Department of Justice. Act t`) amend an AC! iulituled: " An Act reap` cting the Statutes of Canada." Act to enable Banks in any part of Canada to use Noles of the Dominion instead of issuing Votes 0! their own. Act respecting Aiiens and Naturalization. Act to conrm the Amalgamation of the Com- rnercini Bank of Canada and the Merchants` Bank; and to amend and consolidate the Acts of Incorporaiion of the said Banks. Ar-I v-nan`:-iinn 11-... IU'....:.....'..._ _: n I- n urv\.lD, Act respecting the Geological Survey Canada. `_`_ . n . .....,.,,u.uuuu ul Lu: auuu unnxa ` Act respecting the Navigation of Canadian Waters. Clmmber of the Sonule. g Uttrtwn, 22nd May, IRGB. This day, at Two o'clock I . M., Ilia Excel- lency the Governor General proceeded in state to the Chamber of the Senate, in the Parliament Building. The Members of the Senate being as.-tmbled, His EI(`l`llPDC_Y was pleased to corn- mnud the attendance of the Home of Commons, nnd that House being present, the following lsills were assented to in Her Mn_}esty's name by His Excellency the Governor General, viz: Act to define the privileges, immunities ttnd powers of the Senate and House of Commons, and to give summary protection to person! em- ployed in the publication of Parliamentary Pn- para. 1 ._,_,-It r .1 _ -_.',,, ,t.L,r\ LIILKJCC Act for the Organization of the Department uf Hanna and Fisheries of Canada. Ant .- _.-.....u.'..... l.,. .n....__-. :__ ._ . 1 AI ul mqnuw nuu r Iaurllca ul uuuuua. Act mapecling the Accessories to and Abel- tors of indicmble Uffvnceu. Ac! to authorize ibe carrying of Gas Pipes across th_e River Niagara, in order to facilitate me lighting oftbe Town of Clifton with Gas. Act to Incorporate the Clihou Suspension Bridge Company. Arr rm nnnmmi aka Anon ...l..4:_.. .. 51.- |':,_.,, Act providing for the organization of the De- partment oftho Secretary of State of Canada, and for the mnnngemeulof iudian and Urd- nmace Lands, Act respvcling tho ClH'rED(`_V. Act reapeciing Iuquirieil concerning Public Mailers. A.,..,_,,,i.,, 1 .-..1 rw The Ottawa Time: semi~oiciaI|_v an- nounces the speedy return of Lord .VInn('|~: to England aer a brief residence at Spun cer Wood, sud says that Earl Mayo iii succeed him. Act to regulate and teatrict the Contingent Charges of the Departments of the Public Ser- vice, npd to establish a Stationery Oice. Act respecting Commissioners, and Onlbs of Allegiance and of Uf {`tt~e_ Act fur continuing the I arI't.nment of Canada, in cure of the duniae of the Crown. An! -.....---:.k_.l._ _ , , , , _ ,. ., x, ,'_ | Act. to enable Hlcr Majesty 10 provide for the Widow and Children of the Hon` Thos. D'Arcy McGee A psi 1' .._ .-L- .\,,,,, -, .- :- .1 n .u -.,u.:x. un \.l-JG uI'u.u:l: U| HID \;lU' Act respecting the security 1o`be given by Ofcers of Canada. A... -4A ___,n,1 u :1 < . . -I 1- -- 1 .-I I:`LI.;1 .1IIa'1V& OF CANADA. THE PROROGATION. ,,-..........m.n Ul UEFIIID acuring _B -......_uo Lu Ul-IJIUI commercial matters Justice in any other on: alloncy the Governor- resarva lhn fall..--'--- J-`I-'CClefII`v' ""3-U501 hm Pac'|:3d 15 I. .a" -"`E'. ." 5"enocu" 3'33.` ll % 9 . Hath ac "HI, 18,00 c v, Pm. so go cnvolod the Blp- .`.l:a0I'--peg ' monttoddn - loo. 1 flit eyxtrgy: ng4.- `I ____, . . `L--- - \.a\.I.lI:I-I, LU! certain Public I ,- n.uu.uI`U. r the several Tniu nnivc and depart from the Kmgstou Suuon as follow: : ' certain wanna. uul. less than seven fa ship of Ellice have sold the gone away, taking with them of money, the proceeds of th bear also of numerous depart: lies, within the past twelve gm, Downie, and Hibbert. has the movement become Dean, Very Rev. Mr Orinn recently to refer to the sub pit. __-.. -. ....u uunouc mrmern have county of late, and more are preparing for lhe Western States. Within the weeks. not less than families in sold n1..;.- lw------ Six per cent debentures almost nominal. ` Seven per cent Stock asked for M. 102, without sel- lera. Montreal Harbour Bonda--Sales of 6; per cent: continue to be made at par. Nothing do- ing in other denominations. Exchanma.._Rm1i.n.. .a-:- -- - - " m5 nu ouner Gel Exchange--B 60 days Bank a 109, with but In City Passenger Railvay Gompnny-105 would be paid. City Gas Company--Nominal M132; to 133}. Montreal Mining Company--Sel1ers at $2,50; buyers at $2 per share. Cnnndn n.=h............ nu vu_ycIu ul (l share. Cnnnda. Debentures--We Dominion Stock at par. C ling sizes in good demand under par. No Fire per cenl nvag. - Mechanics 95 lo 97. Royal Canadian Ba.nk--Quoted nominnlly 87 to 89; but no transactions since our last. Railway Stocks and Bonds--Nothing doing. Montreal Telegraph Company-ln good de- mnnd Ind Icnroe at 133 to 1334. Richelieu Navigation Compa.ny--Buyers at I06. No stockotfering. City Paid. Bnnk-InActive at quotations- `cu, 95't'o '2:u'1:}e Flour-1-eeeipu mod bid: at yuton-day : sir extant st 7,00; It Vhell--n `An - --/ Singlo copies of the Cu: NIII, conlmning the news of me Ind in wrnppers for mnmng 1`: honed every I-`ridny. i/2 Iuxulem Township lets at 99 r'_:-_ r- I - ncnu BI :73 Union Bank of L. 102}. ` u nnL._.I._l 7` ' ` ing. Monlreal, Thursday May 2l.-'[`bere has been but 3 small business done in Stocks and Securi- ties generally since our last. The Transfer Books of five Banks have cloned in anticipation of half-yearly divi lend payable on in proximo Bank of Montreal--Transi'er Books closed Nothing doing ex div. Bank of British North America-i03 would be paid. No stock in mmket. City Bank--Trausfer Hooks closed. Lu Banque du Peuple-U[Tcring M 105;. Buy- ers olsmnll lots at 105 to 105i. Ontario Bnnk-'I`rnnsfer Books closed. No sales ex div. Molsons Bank-l'naclive at 107; to 108;. No transactions to report. Merchants Bank of Canada-335 been Iold M105 to 1051. Bank of Toronto-Buyers at 112; Holder: asking 112}. LI. Bnnque Jacques C'artier-Trn.nsfer Books ClO8< d. Gore Bank--()'ering at 50. No demand. Que}-ec Bnnk-Transfer Book: closed. La Banque Nalionnle-No1bing whatever do- In .. It.` ,,-,. -u suns ungu: F IZDOPO puaengen. It is His Excellency the Governor Generals will and pleasure, lhat this Parliament be pro- rogued until Wednesda_v, the Fnrst dnj of July next, to be here held, and this Pnrliament is ac- cordingly prorcguccl until Wednesday, the Fixst day of July next. I rejoice that I am in a position to congratu-` late you on the general pro.-peritv which pre ` Vnil throughout the Dominaon, and I feel assured ` that on your return to your homes you will ex- ert yourselves in promoting obedience to the laws and iuculcating attachment to the free in- stitutions under which it is your happiness to live. I thank you for the provision you have made for the publi: service, and I am satised it will be applied with 5 due regard to eicir.-ncy and economy. 11 1r 2- .v M npeclively required. for defrnying certain expenlel of the puhlic service for the nancial yenrs enllng re- the 30th day of Jnne, 1868, and the 30th day of June, 1869; and for other purpolel relnliug to the public aervicez" to which I burn- bly request your Excellency`: assent. Tnlhin Hill the floral Assent was signied Single copi:a of the rum Nlws may in at the counler 0! me publuabing `L-ice. P1 `Id Bill, After which His Excellancy the Governor General was plenaed to close Ihe First Sepsion of the First Parliament of [be Dominion with the following (3I1l.\I'.`f'|[f. Ifonorirrzb/r Uentlrmcn Q/the Sena!-, Urntlcnwn of I/m ,/[mun of Common: .' I am glad to be ensbled to release you from further nllendauce to your duties in Parliament. The Acts which you haw passed for remodei- ling the Militia Force of the Dominion, and se- curing Ihe defence of` your lerrilory, will, I lrusl, acpomplish the objects which you desire to ob- tam. ' ' '7' `L4 --~~----- -~| -'-L l--r-r-1-nnn -rlnnond Hill]. I hope the measures which lmve been adopted for regulating the iiscal system of the Dominion will lend to the promotion of commercial en- ierprize, and to Ihc stability of line public credit. Icougraluinte you on the passage oflhe Acis by which the Executive Departments of me Do. minion have been organized, and their efficiency provided for. Trnnnl urn!-nan rnv rnrrrnl Iiinr lin rnnnallrcl PIUVIUELL IUF. Imus! express my regret that the measures for the assirnilallon of the Cximinal Law of the several Provinces of he Dominion which were submilted by my diiections to Parliament, have not been presented for the sanction of tLe (`J-nwn The Speaker of the Senate 1 llonuuruble Uentlemm (3,-rf'eA 11` Il....._.,,, /A}. The Scratford Beacon a erg of Irinh .oI...u:._ n relnlmg tome puuuc ac.-.w. .., ......... _ ____ assent. Tolhia Bill the Royal in the following words: In Her Majes1y`s name His Excellency the Governor Genernl lbanks Her loyal subjects, accept! their benevolence, and assent: to this Bill. ..-.__ ..L:..L n:. I.`..-all.-v Ilm Gnvnrnorl V l (irrzrlemen of the House of Commonx .- Hon ,,_--.. vs. )ominion Currency ing In 99; -, nder cents in marl 0 Montreal Corporation Bonds-Quota `ix net (`ant a..k.........-- ---7 - - ~ ' | l\ \'\.' [Thin in by Montreal time, from which deduct In minutes for the difference between Montreal and Kingston lime ) ....,u pans and Hank endors , moderate demand n says that great num- farmern left that ity preparing to leave, last six ks, the town- Elllceihnve 1 ' MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. ::blc Ge: .3 title of the u sneain Bird, :5, of Puddington, England, proposes to introduce a ` Mun tted with winm --N I ___..., ...... mun constderable sum: the their property. We Fmnnerons departures of Irish Catho- months, from L0- ie, Indeed, so serious ovemeut that the Catholic y Orinnnn, took occasion subject from his pul- iarbonr a denominations. -But liule doing outside the Banks. k and Bank endorsed worth 9; to demand. t/amen, and Gen!/c-men _ M. -..-u uuu H1093. fuel, and carry very little wa- ne steam by a very light can- lbe mil of a bird, to sustain In to encounter opposition and resistance 9'? ltcp. but their march in neverthe- ; 1 trinlnnhnns "l"L- LSII 1 . nips Bank--Buyers at 98. Sel- .. ... uurouuce yin d with wings, npped by the He reduces the ratio of the ue to its power by using at 1 very small and thin tubes. tel, DB nf an LC.) - SPEECH: C'.-Nomin;l H101; to -.. .--uunca Ill IDB {OWN- d their homeateads and n them considerable nrnnnrou UL s then said ; quote HPFCD-unlr sales of rrency and Ster- .t no sellers market under VI`/zc 1/ouaw ARDMILLANJ K1013 (J5 p.m. 3 30 mm, A-'ll. IL Kins-to-aw, Icy um, um. uvuu W oral, Broadway, Home `Visitor, Cbnrchnnn'n Penny lnglzlnn, &c., kc , kc. In oonseqncnoo of the ofti duty on Books and Hngnsi I intend only keepinga few eopieaof In: on ill in future. Non-Snbacriton will therefore plan purchuc early. nuuulu. AIUIII-DI r In Newburgh, Cnmdeu But, on 22nd in John Peter, only son of John D. Hun, aged 17 years. The Leginlsture of Ohio has at but sdjournul. This distinguished body reuninod in nation 5 month or two after its butineu was colllplototl, in the expectation that Ben Wade would to tull- fexred to the White House. Thctuhe plan In to elect. the Hon. H. J. Jowett to till the place or Mr Wade in the Senna. The coil of tbil notion to the State of Ohio in Iomethina am... on... M.- .... vv nuc Iu tuv Denim. ADO toll of lllil lllix Ohio is Iomething more than my thou:-And dcllnr.-1. avg; cnuu , WUILBLIIIJ POI` PIH' 20 ab 12; to 20 each. Hay, 1. limited supply, which sold at from $10 to $12 per ton. 8Inw-O8 pa ton. Wood $3,50 to $5 per co Saturday, May 23.--Flour, extra lope bbl $8,315 L0 8,50; No. 1 do. 37,30 to 7,40 pg; ,1 . the Inner per cents} $3,70. Corn meal per oonui 312,00 to $2,lO. Grain-Whent, spring 3150 to >; per bushel; barley 90 to $1 per bushel ; 2" : per bushel; pens 85c to 90 per bum]. onls 55 to 60c per bush; buckwheat 75 moo; per bushel ; clover seed 85,50 to 38,00 per bun. umothy seed $l,5UI.o$2per bush. Beef 33 tags 56 per 100 lbs; letnil mic per lb ; young poi-k'7 to 23 per lb. Veal 5 Lo 7c per lb ; mutton 7 lo Dc per lb. Hides per 100 lbs $5,00 Io 37,00; sheeps pelts each 50c to $|,O0; lamb skim 12 to 15; calfnnns me to 15c, wool per lb loo 10 126; the market for the new .-Jan -an ....._ .. ....., ucnu -runs nan. nu Iuu, W001 ID 10 12; for the new clip will open with 250 per lb for good clean wubed_ I ou1Iry-turkeya 75c lo $1,00; live do 31,50 each ; {owls we to 75c per couple ; ducks 75 per pair. Produce-Frosb butI.erl'l to 20 par lb; eggs I2c per doz.; maple nun: 1214-. .... r... ya... A -uuu-.-c-A-luau uuuer I ! I0 20 pl doz.; maple nugu 1214: pg- lb; honey lzjc per lb; maple syrup 80:: gallon. Vegatab1es-Polntoea 31,00 to 1,315 per bug ofl] bushels; turnips 70c to80c per bush; carrots 80 to $1 per bush; celery 3 to 5c per head; cat`-mges 15c to 20 each; spring leunco cc to Go per head; radishea 6c to we per bunch`; rhubnrb 4 lo 10c per bunch; upnngun so put bunch ; spring onion! 33 per bunch. Apple: ,$1,50 10 :32 per bush: dealer: ulrino M f:_?I,"s"o" ' - $5 per per dozen ; , wynlu 5 uuuuun as |' 0uncn_ per bush; dealers uking 34 bnrrel ; pine Apples l-`ish-A fair supply 70 each ; 121 each. Whitesh oranges 40 to 80 25 to 50 inch. in market ; ulmon 12] to per pair 20 to 30; HA7 1 Iirninui nun-.I_ _I..-.- :,;'::.s-us:-;r.. 3:. L-:,:. .:"".....,:=.'.-.",*; M. 13 @19c. When! cloud 3 . are 56,909 bush; lulu no 4|'7o`;:)"b::ipu 2,13 @ 2,20 for No. 2 spring; 2,28 IG2 29 f No. 1 do.; 2,70 for winter Rod Cami. 9' 2,65 for white Wilconlin. Ry. qq|.g- are 60,640 bush. Corn cloned dull and am, ing; receipts are 164,964 bush; "1" `P ; 61,000 bulb It 1,10 I73 1,1! for mw -ix weslern aoat. Barley quiet Ind m. 0. unchanged; receipt: are 24,100 bub. L are 41,000 bush II. 86 @ 81 for wggfgn M store and noat. . rm at 8,00 fd 10,13. Pork quiet and 3 I --- - ----s-V, -----j NEW YORK IA? (pecidl Taleyranl to Daily Nu`) New York. ll: 23.-OoItoo qu|oIbu9.ueu| at 30; @ 3Ic or Iiddllng Uplnodl. g; dull ; receipts are 298 bbll and 6,600 ha; .3 are 6,400 bbll st 8,26 ft? 9,00 for |u "I* slate and western; 9,20 db 9,85 fog co-_ mon to choice exun sate; 9,25 10.50 common to choice onn wutcrn; 9'75 . 13,40 for round boon Ohio. Ryomrquhum sales al. 28,75 fr) 28.87 for new man; 37'"; 05 27,87 for old do. Lord 1 stud. rm`, ' lnlag Poitod Tongue Potled Ham May 28rd, 1868. Essence pf Beef Mock Turtle I 0: Tail Soup Onlvufoot \ H` SEE FIRST PA G E. ....v unucrll pun} pave the way for the adoption Iimilu measure in the remaining pa the United Kingdom. How true doe obnrntion nppear, that in Great E the tendency of liirs is toward; 3 1 cncy. Thelingliuh people of thep day as living in an on of great ch the men contemplntion of which 4 ENGLISH %MiaT1INs FOR MAY Lemon Blonter Pasta Muuhrootn Ontaup Urnnge Iarnnlnde in Gilli Essence Oofee [IXED PIGKLES.- WELL'S f\ ' Ohow Chow Walnut: SATURDAY EVENING, MA Y .. ..-nu: Onion ..__-. WORNHILL MAGAZINE, ,1 Saint Paul's, Bel tin Faxggy H'ernld, Englisbwemnnk Domestic KI Young Englinhwmnnn, London Society, ` Euler Hall, (Socfod KuJic,) Sunday Teacher : Trennry, Sunday Hngnline. Good Words, Broad Int, all kinds of Banal FBIIM LONDON. j__.__: _...:....r-_.._;_. KINGSTON MARKETS. ; Jul]! EX-SHIP !.-0ROS8 8 BLACK- Travellers` Guide. DIED. : lI`in.l A HUIIIU `KIT .10 p In Mixed train: n_,-1 .- LA. . Jtod with Mr Glad- Vdj.iyixion.took place- ` .,bil.lhnnita second ~ lmiiug 312; ~ ,cement' of the ind prolonged A motion was go into com- of the bill on ; -was carried `Net "' """ " ' r--1 ` ' . now lying in that harbour. _-`ay 22.-The court requires * ' the apiritualist, repay Mrs Lyon coats. ch from Rome states that the -Lib invited the Roman Catholic " M ..ha United States to raise 1,000 9 for the Papal army, authorizing hnakeauch terms with the recruits - deem necessary and proper, . . `ay 22 -In the House of Com- llr Disraeli moved a vote of `L joaneral Sir Robert Napier, com- m Abyssinian Expedition. ' uord Northcote, Secretary of 5-tndia, said no despatches had re- ; , hureecived from General Napier, @patch was dated April 22nd. In uonld propoae to the Gov. , ; ;u__.:_.. .......a:.._ if ,.__ member for Athlone, gnu. " Vt" jg following question. If the queen in such as to detain ` .,ogLondon,.why do not the abdication. The question - Ins ngain resumed, the " under oonsidertion. ' '" " Iide 3 speech explaining f intent of the measure. iouldnotccment toiub ` inelnnd. He expressed . the Tories should now to this bill After yield- resolutions of which it * yuan wnuency was t9 b goth Church and State. putty Wu not hostile A w or the interests of _ -- with Glad-_ ` place lied. ' He aid the step _.-: 1 it, but stilllit was of Commons to pro- lvcmcnt of reform which `V _ llr Glsdstona cloned "btthobill pans to : second " Rudy moved tht the `se- is: postponed six month, and * motion with I speech of H6 declared the bill its M fig the disposal of ttoaiugo, sud robbed the _UI its greatest prerogatives, mvoto power. He ucribed thin movement to enemies of ltd Bt|te,~ and nude an `N81 to all Proteatnnts to op- ' M " `II slat` hour rose. Ba de- " of the Tory party in . was inaccu- too-"""` . i, 5 conectgepqrt :- `hbuovtrrg for Montrooe, on Mon- " ed ,. gu amendment to the i I 3;", that the number of fthe Home of Commons Pb. raking A the franchise from bi . um Enghsh boroughs. 3: - db tb :~sam,n- g hnch was 0PP3 3' 9 L xonhzy night, but which was dwbion of the House, was last ` ny Mr. Disraeli. Th? PVC` I I, pmpogod, on part of the g_.`;,"g cldnse, providing that per- h < {mm the Payment of rates by poverty be not entitled to further consideration of the bill tpogtpalled. "' my 22V__The Zoilverein Diet 5,".f4 - ....-dntinn to adiomn to- nu lnvo much of :1 com- _ if they do not gain this am I common invention, a United States govern ilrnrnnnt II r\-._AJ ' r P-"'r"` . . __Th Z 11 D t 3 0 VCTCID )8 M. resolution to adjourn to- fu.` members will make an ex- `lid next week to inspect the 1,--- 3.. that 1-uni-hru1r fihpl. continued at great _._--------__. 3 NEWS. -The despaqch concern- be government on the rich reform bill in the 23.} wards dcmo- _ the present [ change, P a few!` scouted as i the Duke of Buckingham and Chandoa, it is incl` ! mated that the Queen present: them " as token; _ l of the interest with which Her Majesty regard: . the development of Institutions which tend to , the spread of knowledge and intelligence in her colonial poueanlone; and because` she believes that these record: of the earlier days of their ilibrnry of the College. They are, " The Early 1 Years of H.R.H. the Prince Consort, And ` Leaves from the Journal of our Lives in the ,` Highlends." They are superbly bound, and bear i Her Majesty`: autograph. In 3 despotch from I` the Duke . regard: 4L. 1 f TH: Quiz 3 BIRTH-DAY -M ` appointed 1 public holiday for It J the Queen's birthday. With 1 me military review on Barriee Ire not aware of nnything on the } that day. The late rain bu rend: r , . . i..... _-:. y r 4 ,, _., T u Poucn Counr, Saurday.-Susan J n vagrant, was sent to gnol for ten dc Hodgina, from Merrickville, charged J kenness, was admonished and sutferec ` William Wnlnh was sent. to gaol for lot vagrnncy. There Wu 3 chnrga a ` last person of having stolen n cap fro: 3 the House of Industry, which require ` investigation. Two names were do` ; Ind Smith, for keeping dangerous do; i -_- ._.... .-nu nu-a mnu I too soft for cricket or lacrosse, ` to get up I regatta has proved I , day is the anniversary of the bi: 1 ceas Helen, third daughter an 5 Her Injeszy, born 1846. LA Cnossl.-Tbe Kingston Ln Crosse club, ` notwitbatlnding the late rain, have determined Ito play a match with the Piltsburgb club on ` Monday afternoon next on the cricket ground, I the game to commence at 3 quarter to three \ The P1138601! club will arrive on Tuesdny next ~ for the purpose of measuring their prowess with the Kingston boys on tbs! day. 1 , Rxviuw or -rm: Tnoors.---lnformntlou has ` been received that Major General Stisted, C.B, will arrive on Tuesday or Wednesdny next for the purpose of reviewing the troops in garrison. As Major General Stiated is the Lieulensm ` Governor of` Ontario, preparations suitable to A his position will be made to receive him. A ,t.o Piltsbur \ cric H... a_-- -V ` Ponrnur or fill Huron -The subscribers to this portrait, now completed, have been notified I to meet at the Council Chamber at 3.30 o'clock I ' of the afternoon of Monday next for the purpose I of presentation. I -... ....... u--u.v.--Au!': gVJ|'.'|DOI.l UETOIJJ lcoalcd this morning, and started for Toronto. -The gunboat Rescue will shortly be stationed i on Lake Ontario. I i I > , __._ --av nLuU-L|C Tuesdny next It the Ci! men! in another colmnn. Gut. Ton Tania --The public will have an 3 opportunity of seeing the illustrious Gen. Tom `Thumb and the renowned Commodore Nutt on {Tuesday City Hall. fmem in nnlhnr nnlm..- See ad verlise` QE`llH'a Comm: - Royu. lug...-- ...-.:_,; . . ` ,,____. ..\...=.u). IJIIIE` of the uniou or these pro tnted this regard for ocnu tions, which, as Lhey have by Parliament, should be complaint by the public PFRLIC HoLxD.n'.-There will .Vrw.1 published on the evening of thl duly V , _-~...... .1nu|l' was I nth the personnel uf the s1nII'. 9 there any Sign of dissalisfactic Mjutant General. The Housc Ions has felt lmuml to resist eve f expenditure not absolutely: ml it has actul consistently in * lnroughout the scssiun. Grave _ ,_ - 3...... AIII you unyl. JOIOPH I, with drun- , suffered to depI.rt_ was nan: tn ...m| r..- .L:_._ ; . in the responsible position he occupi- 1 f putting: his; vinwnin wrilimr and inl - VI uvlonsl gco of Adjutnnt General hl'\__ --- -1 ; on. down, , dogs. _:__-j--_j necessity. lying at the 1 lion provinces, a -A;-_- I K'-- - ---...-4 -v ucynl I. #301 thirty day - There WA: in :-I-mu..- .._.I__. .Ls r-ssity. foundation have (lic- gunl economical considera- .213 Lheyhave been passed upon mt, accepted without rr oh.` ..I.I:- _. - ,-, r...r-nu-uvua uull. [ ,, __ - vu-n5l: B5-III ring from 6 Harry -l.:..L ._- ' ' Hn.os.-'I`be gunbont Heron ..-... -_,: -.__.,. 3xa1'H-Dn'-Honday next is : the celebration of day. me exception of w Barrieeld Common we `nytbing the programme for : rendered the ground 33. lam-nann and 9|... _--- , ___ Dnvulalu :t and the attempt L a failure. Mon- xary birth of the Prin- and hh child of IOAA every increase nbsolutciy dc-nmndec`, __ -.--_, ......,., um. tueir march 13 neverthe- 1 lens triumphant. The bill known as the` Snapenaory Act, which is intended to sus- pend the action ofthe crown for the mean time in the patronage of the Irish Church, was paaaed in the House of Commons this (Saturday) morning by a vote of 312 against 258. This is the rat substantive action i in the direction of Mr Gladstone`s resolu- tiona, and it ahows that the House of Com- mom is bent upon realizing the spirit of those resolutions. In a former debate Mr John Bright gave an indication of lending his aaaiatance to the governnient support of denominational (Roman Catholic) 1 schools, but Mr Gladstone has distinctly 5 avowed the intention of the Liberals to diaoountenance any government aid for the maintenance of religions in Ireland. This is the secret of the adheeivenesa of the Eng- I liah[Libe:-ale. The grant to Haynooth, the i incipient endowment scheme for the foun- dation of a Roman Catholic University, the Ragium num of the Preabyteriana,` nmat all be held to be aected by this de- ` elaration. In Ireland, then, the experiment 4 doubt by the Liberal party to of a p I parts of ` ' does the ! annear that a.. n---` h -1 - u ,, ._._ `from boy I]. ah required time for `-. .'. racial. uuls against the - A..- A'_-__ - ` 3 be no Iiailg ling Monday next_ ntly this Course reusons of ,. .1 r- - Susan Brickwood ' days. Joseph, hnrmorl -_:o|.. .I-.__ G1r1'.- By the I -_......, ulu sung uole, Dick 1 Dick, '. penny, Jim Crow and Iawnnca, no "' Her M'aiesty s ironclad frigate Bellam- phon hving been retted and provided` with the whole of her monster armament of300-pounder Armstron . has lately made an experimental trip and averaged nearly 14 knots in hour. rI_-.'L,.. The original Mrs Bloomer 1:35.; skirts, and is now clothed like othe Ind in her right mind -I-v -- , __ .............w .. uuullt) and Detroit I and near the Eastern Townships frontier. I 80 far In the accounts A mon likeneu ; nnd, oorrelpondence from it follows that the govern- : lnenl. And the government of Canada will I have to be on the nlert. It should not be 3 3 diicult matter to gain precise informav tion I: to the auembling of Fenians at any i point opposite our frontier in good enough noon to prevent mischief. A valuable gold discovery has been made near Bodford Basin, about three miles from Halifax. A number of claims have been taken. ulauuvcreu. mm: last week, though it is ndv-V derstood that it has been pracl oed {'0 might have remained undiacovered f vwliu uuuuu ume: us having taken pla'ce iii` the township of Sydenhum. It Appears that a powerful fellow named Whitney, while walking with his brother-in-luv, a cripple, named Far- ' am An, jumped on him, smashed his nose, and tried to gouge out his eyel. After having terribly muti- lated. the poor feilow, Whitney`: outburst of pas- lion passed awny. and be besoughc his victim to forgive him. Farley lies in a precarious con- dition. the eye-witnesses of the execution of Major An. dre. It was she who gave to Major Andre, on the morning of the execution, in handfulof peach- es. The Major carried the fruit some dislan and then gave it to at little girl. Mrs Hnrd' was accustomed to speak of this dascribe, in enthusiastic terms, the gallant bear- ing 0! the ill~i'.-Itcd officer, always concluding cc) Owen Sound Time: having place in cripple, ley, struck him to the ground with him. Imashed hi. M... -..a -J - - Frenchmen and Russians are agree thingjust now, viz,, in being very I gutted at the success of the Abyssinin tion. So 1150 an the Feninna. The quantity of rain fallen (6. ing the [int Ieventeen days or` the press 31 Toronto, exceeds twice the average due for the whole of May, and is All than the heaviest rain-fnI1recorded- 6.367 inches. 747 inc __ ...... . nan. The But`Falo Ezpreu says :-A fair on a gi' gautic scale,for the benet of the Irish Republic, is to commence in this city next Monday, to continue two weeks. It is intimated that under the cover of this monetary euterpri-_'e a large number of Feuiaua are to assemble in this city from all parts of the United States and Canada, and at the proper time another invasion of the Dominion is to be made. Gen. Spear, the Jac- mel prilouera, and a large number of the Feni- an leaderu, are certainly comingto Buffalo, and there is no telling what wild scheme may be attempted, An individual who has a powerful ear trumpet report; having overheard a discus- sion in which it was proposed to seiu Fort Por- ter, and under cover of the guns to take po:- sesaiou ofa number of propellers, and then cross the river at this point. The iuhabitauta of the Dominion need not believe the whole of this story,but ibe fair is u xed fact. General O'Neill, it is said, contracted with thin nan u-....r-W mu nver :1 (ms point. the 'D0minion of is with ltbe Colt Manufaclur- ing Company for the supply of a large number of Berdau ries, Con pistols. nnd Gatling bat- tery guns. _ _ 4 _ . .- . ...._ ......uuu cuuul- lion of the Fenian force on the fruulier. The voluulecr force in Canada is warned 16 see to [be efficiency of its arms, and the supply of am munilion on hand is tobe promptly reported to headquarters. We have received further inteliigence from our St. Albuns correspondent, lo lbe c-(Tee: that the Fenian: are also making preparations at Malone for the contemplated raid on the Canadian fron- tier. THE I-`E.\'lA.\'S AT ST ALB,-\N.S AND MALONE. The Montreal Gazette says --We have this morning received private and IL1llIE'DllClDf0l'tTJ- tion from our spec in] correspondent at St, Ai- bans to the effect that there is an intention to make In Feniln raid from th:1t vicinity about the 1st of June of a more formidable character than those hitherto attempted. I reparH.l.iol'.tl are being made in the various New England States. St Album: was selected as A base of operations at R meeting on Tuesday night. Our readers will be kept thoroughly posted on any reliable informa- tion which rnnv be nhtninnri l-"--|- ---- --7 ' ...r\. Ill\JILJll5lJJJ pU5|l.`U. re may be obtained. En we Ib be able to give the full the strength, organization and r wni pron W! hnvn I-anni.....l r.._.L The English Liberals in their agitation for the diseutablishment of the Irish Church have gt Avon: .t-n I-ma -L4=- - J,U.1L DU? WHEEL Schr Uctavia, Colborne, no car; Schr Seabird, Kingston, _;_`hl. nu.-anr \.uy}Il:L UH`. Str Passport, Montreal, gen. cargo. Slr 8! Helen, Trenton, gen. cargo, tilt Branltord, TofonIo_ no cargo. `Schr Canadian, Port Hop-, `J0 loise slou Slr City of Uuuwn, Uttawa. gen cargo ` Bauluo Portland, Monlreni, 12,339 bus. c `dtr K1ngsIon,Ilarml1oo,gou.cargo. Hr (_}rec'rnn,Ham1lton,ge-n cargo. blchr Ann.-I Craig, Tyrconnell, no cargo. Schr Denmark, Sombrn, no cargo. ' Brig Lafniyette, Hamilton, no Cargo. Barque Cambria, Port Colborne, no carg Jiurque Waterloo, Montreal, 1,931 boa, m nm1 5... ..u..-+ 1 _ -- l _ FROM MONTHFJKL. % Montreal, Mny 9II.--ThL- Fire In-ignclc ` was inspected on Chump dc Mars this uftcr- 1 r.nnn .._. ..\.\,nn.unun nu-.u1uLI ll! LIIU piusion 0! powder C0lH[H1SL`\i nf chiornt ` potash uml tannin, which in the ham inexperienced persons is higliiy danger MCLHH cnllrgyc has been pr:-scnletl ` :1 Cup)` of Her Mn_icsty's works, .-pleml bnuud, with Her 1\lu_jcsl)a autograph. Mu_jor-UunL'rni lln`:iL`ii has it-ft furl .|an|. Ilia SUl`Cl'H71:)I` will prulmbiy be` l2..~.-.0: .1. . L..- ,. . ... .77. I large Bruno, Montreal, cask`-1 copper ore. `tr Pntmnnrr \|..nv.-..l The verdict of II: SPEC/`[7;iL TE}. l','GIA3}S. PORT OF KING;-KTUN. ARRIVALS, May `.`3rd. an, Moutrs-.9, gen. cargo. gston, Montreal. gen, Cargo. Alexander, Dr-ulluW1]_ -1".';L)Ul'r*9l square r, 1H,u0U West India stnves, 4,150 pipe I nimr, Pittsburgh, `.15 toise axon )t"Uuawn, Ulmwa, gen cargo. fur-l. Momreal, gen. cargo. len, Montreal, gen. cargo. ort, Humnllou, gen. cnrgn. THE DAILY NEWS---SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 23- - -_---;__-.(_. lt would seem ILS if the country were. sgsin sbout to be treated to a renewal ul- the reports sntexcitement concerning an at tsck upon Csnsds by the I-`euinns which it underwent in 1866. There have liecn Va" M rions sttempts at exciting the fears of nn invsaion since the sffnirs of Niagara and the Eastern Townships frontier, but none so plsnniblo u the one now being made. This is in consequence of the precautionary measures Adopted by the government. Still- the reports of the sensational journals re- ceive little countensnce. The sccounts pub- lishod in Montreal sre discredited, and} the still wilder socounts published in , an Upper Csnsdisn newspaper are nmni- f feud] fsbricsted. T'o-day the desputches: from New York contain an outline of the ; Fsnisn plsns, which if they were worth snything would hsve been kept secret.. This scconnt goes to state that the Feuisns E propose s double invsaion of Canada in July nexlgniming st Toronto end Montreal . with s force of thirty thousand troops un- der Genersl O Neill. It is said the troops to concentrate st Buffslo and Detroit end npgr Ihn `Ii`.-o...... 'I"----' ' " ` A FENIAN FAIR. Dl~JPARTl'[{E.`~`. May 23rd. [rs has. adopted r other ladies, nind. ussiaus agreed in one much dis- Abyssminu expedi- : (6.747 inches) dur- present mouth rice quantity ` also greater sin-full recorded-namely, __..- \/I uyuuuuug ill I ght. :1 iained. Early next. week `vs particulars of lion nancial condi- rrm nn lhn I`.-. ....'-- ML, J he hands of ' dangerous. , with _ ' ivibl DIX I granting tolu- I,._---- In! none}: mu, tnntnualn for eamlnwunnofnenoy or ITIIY DIICIUPTION Ixeculed neatly, cbenply, and expeditiously at the DAILY NEVVS JOB PRINTING UFFlL'E

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