ilgiy prorei at antimony, 3 exponents world. la 00, } e mou ccr > T` LIIE BUUJGJS 0| UIVVUVCC In Scotch luv, the English any nght in them With the inviolnbllity of an $'Q.,uor with my of 1:5 mm lull in lbs: unecn ycxrs hollho father, and four years A1 0L. _, `VIII-_-yucca invalid ma mm " % :..\m..,-.b, the .1 0; t `WI purpose, Inusttbe 5". hr." Itwould, mu-c.J, husband `-Vim ' Ihomc mi ht sca e :{`_.__ Iil Int Q:-Fr, ZFW\1I EULH ll|.I`::DLllIU. Futon Lnd Bhzntretb Huck ' living in Scotlnnd for seven tharmnmage amenable in hit. But it does no: luv should retm:;nls~e Indlhe House uf Lard: In.-- h'u.__IJ _,. r CIIHJO JJUUZ UI LJUIXIS UK? ieolld not. Lord Cranwnrtln hnnisuhble decisions, and ex~ Bunny 1n dealing with so uosat Idjecl Lofollow atnctly tbe: rubs Hddovm "The authorities," he '$ultohim Loshow cleuly lhal. in tho decision of the 1 $0 this subject of divorce _|n H:-nlrh I-up cl... t`-.-1'...|. nun .. _mg1uEngLmd. gfrqonld besunilar Pd(}.`i~ 'JlI_BoI.her anomaly, _ ..V_[hhu` the would not mud` ._ `g might be _I|nleit would `*0-.:n,.g;,u"-II_n;" The ac k with pu'.~1iv Mg`.'mh2 iusturme of `rt Doc-amen u ?'.:`;;~_h .\ Che? \ N -I I K, -` -. - Jnlvlnc might. escape Q h "lgllis wife to Sun- lherecumnmting ' mwntent miglm Ln Nth` ingiu Engiand. - . hinnlll L. eh. I Lely refusus ieh prcvuls m 0 i 'd_".l_Ibindil11g in resin, the Mnrrugu Tn 1_\`_':. OF _ -v-. - lawful .{.}rF{Q7-Jmfuli `I let Igde as : lg dildten are In I I. ' _ or [hour I'-`- -|= ` LURDS A 35 L.\\\'5_ n I. . no she and W m: r` we. A 5 Il'lhr- -'- -1 -Q ' XVII. Nuns. .\l.\\ IL: I: v\..-_- .1. -u. N10 umri * 1| tr.-uudulvm. Lwnls nfTorda _ \i|SCFC(`b]C} A A..\'D THE .u\\JI\|I|.|" |\.I E`: Id not have Irould have willcgilimate. _.. vruuui ,pr1'* ttn lnwnnon I jun. It Ulrel T English lhinna uLIBl' oughl to ` refurm.- Inge. `mm :Liou ever, u m .t|0D. -IIPL on the on La-i cm. A " Co If nllowe nounry curuble. Bu Reach :1 mg as Cntnnh gmmna : A short limo Ago on English um-rclnnl, nu ed Gowor, died at Ham-iliu, boquoslbing I ` collection of picture: nod work: of an to Li gorpool, on condition lhnl. I Iuitnblo buildil `wu prepared for their reception. The Tor Council took Ibo precaution to lead I doput hon to no the colloclion be! ore accepting um! II the rm-cling of the Town UODDCH on 1 ` mm the deputation roported that the entire cc ` Ieclnon was not Irorlh removal 10 Livorpot plclures were um worlh on on IVBFI `.5e1ch,aud the bronze.-, uni-l to be ofuncie mnnnfa-stun-_ were found to be ofthe coarse , common mnke, wnhoux evrn In utempx to gi [them the appearance cfngc. } We have never seen Mrs W'n:1s|oIr-know her only through the prepsrntion ot her Soothing ,S_vrup for children teething." If we had the pow- 'er, we would nuke her, as she is, a physacal nvmur lo the Infant. Race. 25 cenu 5 bottle. Sold by All druggials g Be sure and call for Hr: \\'Innlow`| Soothing Syrup, Haring lbefunnmale of Curlil I Perkins outside wrapper All others an base im- lfnllowed to progrus,` re-sulu in :4-nous Pul- n.nd Bronchial a.-cnon. , oftentimes in Brown`; Bronolninl Trochos -iueetlg the acctcd parts, nml gin-. AI- F-'01. relief` In Bronchitis. Asthma, and they are benecial. Obtain only Lhe Brown's Bronchial Trocbes. which have an 1 . _ r _ ,_ _-__ ... gun` I run ma: non, Quad: \ I in Konuanl, : he pro:-pd! : pry:-ed their exracylby I heel of mnny years. Among testimonials attesting their erary are letter: rrom- H )n. C. A. Phelps, Pres. H339 Senate. Dr G. F. Bigelow, Boston, Prof. Edwd. North, Clinton, N Y. Surgeons in the Irmy, Ind others of eminence. Sold everywhere at '.'5 cents per box. Phllosophy cit Nlarrlage. A new Course of Lectures, as delivered at the New York Museum of Anatomy embracing the subjects -How to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity, and old Age ; Manhood gener- ally reviewed; The cnuia of indigestion; Fistu- lenoe nnd .\'ervous Diseues accounted for; Mu`- riage philosophically considered, -kc, Arc. Pocket vlntknela containing these Lectures, wlll be for- wnrded post-pnid, on receipt of '35 cents, by ud- dresaing SECRETARY, New York Museum of Anatomy and Science, 618 Broadway, New ` York " 'l"" the [De lLl:V. Jrhurvnnu A. vviuuuu n... .,.,.,._ (free of charge) to all who desire it, the pre- scription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of A lung affection and Lhst dreaddiaeaae Con- sumption; Ilia only object in to benet the af- iclcd, and be hopei every suerer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing, and any prove a blessing. Please address Rn EDWARD A. WILSON. messing. rneww uuurraa Riv EDWARD A. WILSON, No, 165 Scum Second Street, Wllliamsburgh New York` Information guaranteed to produue a luxuriant gruwlh of hair upon nbald head or beanllesa face, also a receipe for the removal of Pimple: Blolcbes, Eruptions, etc`, on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be oh mined without charge by addressing THUS` F. CHAPMAN, Caumrr, 823 Broadway, New York. l)tI|.l.`IlI:|u| - ---..- _., -. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous". no disappointment; no ridzculoun tints; remedies the ill eecm of bad dyes; iuvigorauae and leaves the Hair sofl. and beautiful black or brown, Sold by all Druggista sud Perfumera; and properly applied at Botche- l0r'a Wig Factory, No. A6 Bond street, New 'urk_ To Consulnptlvcs. The Rn. EDWARD A. WILSON will send ,. -ll -kn .ln.:o-a it H-ua urn- Errors of Youth, A Gentleman who suffered {:2 yenra from Nervous Debilily, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful lndiscretiou, will, for the make 9!` suering hnmlnity, send free to all who need ll. the recipe and directions for making the lim- Ple remedy by which he was cured. Suifcren wishing Lo prot by the advertiser ! exporienco can do I0 by addressing, in perfect coudance, JUHN B. OGDI N, 42 Cedar-01., New York . Hunt's Hair Gloss hhe alapiully increa- ln sale. T " " ` -`- --'---an-II-n with Jnnobl oil in secur- nl summon 1 pb_u'acnn II IL- k--A 'Cough," cold. or lrrllalcd Throat. LVl_J IIIIIIIEIIII IIIDI,-I Rheumatic Liquid. rcueumstic Liquid. . B. J. Fons sud 00., Sherbrooke. P"P"' ton Colby : Pills. E. H. Cbapin, D. D., New York, Henry Wnrd Beecher, Brooklyn, N N. P. Willis, New York. Io Iinimont !-I'1_._ Bau-hclor I llalr Dfeo ,- -. I, ;L_ L.._l (_ unm- xi Hlrleillcn, ha-n...n.: .- - -.... uuuuuu un me on col- Liverpool. IVBFIQG ofuucient re coarsest vnhoux gin ace (fan. Information. C urunrtu , and mu tioll loo on u! the --_..--uuv IJUIIUIIIK eir Town ecnution dopuu- wclion before it, " the anormd that rh. ....-:-- --- can compare with Jscobl ..::I . u.u1`I'\;uII' D511! hi) k] nf In On 7 3- .Il|-Il|I` III. Furl Liv- p.1_ L..:I.1- -r---Hub us lIIlI.IILlU|.IIlI|U pUlLl Kfllnr perm!!- Iing), on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 30th May, at SIX o'clock, connecting at Port Hope with the Port Hope and Pcterbord Railroad and steamer Norseman fer Rochester. Al Tornnto with the Northern Railroad for Barrie and Col- lingwood, and alvatnerfur Niagara, Lewinlon and Buffalo, Arc And at Hamilton with the Great Weilern Railroad for London,Suspcnaion` Bridge, Detroit, Chicngo, St. Paul, and Ill chief places west and south. F`.u- Du... 'I";..I.-... -_._I_ -- -- - - ` ILL leave the St. Lawrence Wharf, foot of! V Johnson Sire-et,for Toronto and Hamilton, calling at inlcrmedinto ports (weather permit- ting). SATURDAY AF"'I`ERHnn1u -2-n.I. yuatca vrrul. nuu SULILH. For Puunge Tickets apply at the ofca of Fnlger and Bros., Onlnrio Slreet, or at the Lake and River Sn-ambozu Uice, Sr, Lawrence Wbnrf, fool. of Johnson Street. ('1 (I IInaIIr\II liuyul M.-til ILL leave the St. Lawrence whnrf, foot of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL, calling 1: intermediate porll, on SUNDAY MORNING next, the Blu May, at half-past n oclock, connecting at Brocltville with the Brock- vjlle and Ottawa R R for Perth, Smith} Falls, and at Prescott with the Prescott and Ottawa R R for Ottawa City; and with the Northern R R for Rouse`: Point, Boston, &c., nod ll lou- trenl with the steamer: for Quebec. passing through the delightful scenery of the Thousand lslnndl. and all the Rapids of the St. Lurriencu lb; daylight. `En. D-.:._.-. "l`i-'L--o- -nn1- _I Lo AK.` A! J EICJIIELIL For Puenge Tickets apply II the oce of Folger and Bros , Unurio Street, or IT. the Lake Ind River Steamboat Uice, St. Lawrence Whnrf, fool ofJobnwu Street. (1 1'1 l`IA|l1l1 F0! /TILL LEAVE`. THE ST. LAWRENCE \` WHARF, foot of Johnson Street, for the above and intermediate poru. every day (Sun- days excepted) at FOUR U'CLOCK, Rnlnrninn lnnvoa Rullnvilln Ivar! mnrnina UIJB Cllxi-CU) HI I \JL; [5 \J \lIJ\J|JI'\' Returning, leaves Belleville every morning (Sundayn excepted) at SIX n`clock, am. For u-gin: nf I-"naiuhl and Pnanncrn Anniv in Hm KADUUI-III-JI CJUIFPLCIJ) III J|4`L ll \,|UI,1' n.u.I, For rates of Freight and Pasuge nppiy to the Captain on board, or to .1 RWIFT I (`.11 C. H, HATCH, I)- __.._..- Kingston, May `:9, H168. o'clock. h--,._ o'clock. Returning, will leave Kingston for Picton, Hill Point and Belleville on Tuesday and Thurs- day evenings, at 8 o'clock; Samrdnyl at 6 o clock. For Freight or Passnge apply to JAS. SWIFT 8 C0., Th-pf` V FE . Kingston and Cape Kingiton, MA) 29, 1368. For Fm: 1\1(j_N'1`i13X1,. ` \"V cepled), A17 30A.M, In men! he train coming from Rome & Oswago. At 1 45 PM` on arrival oflhe Grand Trunk Train: from Mae West to meet the Train leaving Cape Vincent for Rome and Oawego, and me Northern Transportation Company`: Propellers for Oswt-go and Western Pm-LI. RETURNING, . AA, LA.1luu' Passenger Agent. Kingston, April 20, 1868. W KINGSTON.-(CANADA). FRIDAY EVENING. MAY Win leave Cape Vincent A1500 A M. and 930 AM. L-.. 1).... (Inwpuo, I Uape Vmcent on arrival of train from Rome and Oawego, meeting the Grand Trunk Train: going East and West, and the Bay ofQuinle Steamer. For freight or passage apply on board, 0`:- G, M, KINGHORN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Street, -~- -A-_. u....1rHh HIRE ---- ucaclf 13 i in umvorultv | ht-Brown ml Comrnrncing `.701 instant, until further notice. Kingston, April 20, 183-8..` ~p-p-rr~1-----r Kingston, Hangggge and Clayton Tm; Steamer Pxmffzponr, o. Hinckley. u--.-. um run as under. TILL leave Kingston for Oawego Hondny, Wednesday and Fridny evenings, at 9 I-_1. rerry rv unit` .- Kingston, May 12th, 1868. Bath Plclon and Bellevllle. THE ROYALKIL STEAMER Counux Huccun, lhsnn, "ILL leave Kingston daily (Sundays er- I cepled), -.~ an A M m mm: ha train coming from 'l\lL;n Return .A\,r.-_-I IDU ll lunvn Lu .. For Freight or Plunge spply ----I -- DAILY non` V FIT LUU` unghj (`ad -L ., _...-__.n.- romiu I-`pd: I Af.H 51-1- I17 _. Kinglton, ml: April. 1 ,,______..__.__ Toronto and Hamilton. Cunuu FRANK Conn, Cunm J. Smrson. Bay or Qulnte, W ATERTO w N, noclu-:s'rI.=:n, Till ITIAMIR (THE sruua Cum Duuv, [JG Jul',h'|' lhd damn-.0 G. I. KINGHORK L -pm, what, fool Brock Sm` : Incl: Audi. Through J. SWIFT & C0,, \'uI. C H. HATCH, A _,_ :3." H. mvrcn, Agent. NAIL s \,u., . Lawrence Wharf. Vincent F8l'l'I. IJII ll` L I \JU._ Freight Agents. i`E|`.KLY .im.~. due. `Kingston and Ottawa liouto. .j- THE UPPER CABIN STEAMER ILT. resume her trips for FRIDAY, 22nd May, lean Wharf, fool. of Brock Street, 01 land FRIDAYS, at 3 P. M. for C .1 .!`I L- :--- -uuu. NAHLJILICJ, RS .1 I . M. TO? U! at all the iulermedmto stopping way. Lu`. r....:..L. . _ _ . _- - - ARGE Assortment suitable for all busi- nesses, arrived at Henderson's Book Store, Princes: Street. '1`*I..._ _:nL_ __I.I , I - 1 l 1IIL13Bl L'JlI'EBl_ They will be sold very cheap, and cash. WRAPPING AND pnmmm PAPERS. IMESTONR, t for Lima, Building purposes, L or Balinst, for sale at all times at Bturic-eld, nenr Kingston, one mile from Untarnqui Bridge. Convenient wharf for shippers, easily mad! out` from the draw at Catnraqui Bridge, from which itlies in n north-easterly direction. Apply to M. STRACHAN. April 24. ' A would cnll specinl attention to n Magnicent -lot of Embossed and Stamped GOLD PAPER just Arrived, And for sale wboleule and reuil, It WILLIAM ROBINSON (Via- D-:_s-L-_ -_A D--_ n.___ I\,, . `ie Jungbl g the June prruucc o n. -3-.. fl ` TWO or THREE n! clus Home Punter: And Ptper Hunger! wanted, who can hIVB conaunt. work and good wages. ' Inyl. The 1argost., Cheapest and best Stock of ROOM PAPER in Central Canada. HE Subscriber begs to Inform his friend! and ths public gIuenlly_ that before _removing to more commodioua Premises, he has opened I ` 1 on Barrie Street, directly oppoiitn the Court- House. I1_,..IfIA__,A .1 -__:_!A, ,_:I_A,I, I'|,,;, A Hen}! Stones of every size and Ityle ; Post: for Lot -Enclosures; Monument: of every material and description promptly executed Will] the best wotkmnnlhip, and nt reasonable Prices] nun nnlia-In will hit crivnn of '1'!-nnnfor in Oh: "":3T.2"5?s'2 `23 : .1;e`;::;-:|l:"i';':nu;:f:r to the NEW MARBLE YARD when the necessary prepanlionl are completed. Wafaonlngn Lhulv nan-nnhinr` I-n Inlnn I".--Inl-utnn PFUPIFIUOHI IVE OOH] PIEIBQ. Rafe:-allceu kindly permitted to John Creighton, Esq.; Edwin Chown, EIq.; Wm. Ford, jr., Esq. An I-11-If innnnt-Iinn nf Qlru-L` in rnnnnplfullv RN. nunlu uuuwu, nlI.l., Wlu. l'Ul u, JL, naq. An early inspection of Stock is relpeetfully solicited. YT l'f'lITT\U' F(-)l' freight or passage apply on board, or to G. M. KINGHORN, `D..___ l`l'| , r r`o Kingston, May 21st,18G8. I IV`, C!-c.-=2: MORRISON S FLOUR STORE, 40 PRINCESS STREET. For Sale and to arrive lllll week we BAGS FAMILY FLOUR, FROM IARBLE AND GENERAL STONE YARD, cn1g}1;kATEn 'n11sm: mL1.s - wart I \ . I.`-JIDJJ -n45:--.--I --.-.... -....... ___--._ 60 Barrel: XXX Pastry Flour, 10 Tons Kiln Dried Corn Hell, 60 Barrels Kiln Dried Oatmeal. NB. Received fresh from the Hills one ton each, When Heal, and Orackod Wheat, all be Qnmy` u unnmqnn N916 Marble 'Wb`1Tks. LU-VIESTONE FOR SALE; ENDERS viii be received by the undersign- ed for the labour of about Three Hundred (300) Male Convicts in the Kingston Peniten- tiary, in any suitable mnnufacture. Two Hun- dred end Fifty (25tv)of whom are at present en- gaged in Shoe-making. 1'1... Tnnfitnnn will Fnrnlnh Shane and fuel gngeu `m auoe-manug. The Institution will furnish Shops with I auicient number of Guards, The con- tractor must employ his own Trade Instructors and Foreman. Tenders to be received on or before the lat June next, nmling price per day. D. E HAODONELL, -::r,_:._. 11.... D--.:n....n...--y I1 nuulnnl l\UDlND&}H'D, City Pninunhop and Room Paper Depot, Bagot nu-eel, near the Medical Hall. vvarucu I luv. I uuuu.uuu.._,. Provincial Pen Le tiary Oice, E } 29th Ap ' , 868. Xxxfxgxlxxx. CONVICT__LAB()UR. H. HE undersigned would notify the pub- T lic generally that they have opened A depot fnr their MILD and PALE ALES, and XXX PORTER, in either wood or L_..1.. :.-. Olin hi'rIrni+1(',_Gl fnrmerlv occunied and MA ['L)[\`lI.`4-ll, Au KJILHGI. "VIII: Iv: b0ttle,in the premises formeriy occnpied by W'i1liam Begg. Grocer, and immediately oppsite the City B_ook-sto_rc. ';They wou1_d can the particular attention of the public` to the quality of their ALES AND POR- TER which cannot be surpassed in the Do- minion; they have been carefully manufac- tured from the best Canadian Barley and English Hops. . In ..-aa.-g loft in Hm shove store will be Kingston, April 22, 1868. 1 n no . Englrordergxlseft at the above store will promptly attended to. JAMES FISHER B2: SON. .1-_.__.-- TATUTORY DEEDS-2\;]JTcJYve;l and- carefully printed copies of the Short Form` of Deed legnlised by Statute, for sale at the Daily: News Ofce. Statutory Mort- gages and other law forms kept on hand. _:.. -'r . lllll US Ivtuuuu QAIIIIIIIIJI-II -r0_UN l`Y COURT BUMMONSEB.- _ 1,_m,,i,, M, ,,m.,,,...;., mi; ' ndaptd for 1158111 the County Of F709` EASEB-Fonm of Lease: and other 1'5: potrqnngo of Cash _OustoInu gengc _fu_r sale at thg Dail_y News Ooe. description; of Law pginging g . 7 ~ ml linds of Law Forms prmtad tb order act .g m, pm, No`. Qm,_ 3",, JAIIB HOPI. C III dud with tonne, ngd eipediom ' description of printing done to order. , Kinllwll 33114 -Tlllllm 1333- ROOM PAPER. ;l.\'t:>`Tx LN , TOIIJPLI nun. u u u u - v- JAE_4ES FISHER & SON. Kingston, Apnl 13. __ r[RGlN HONEY, A Fresh Stock (very ne,)|- P;-apnred Grout: and Barley from - ' R. WHITE, Chemist & Drnggiat. n a_._.. D0 City of r6-t;1\va.,. __--.-_._:.- '|OUN'l`Y BUMMONSEB.- .-.l_..4.rI for I-Inn 11-: {Ha (`anal-w A` ll`:-nn- J. B. RYAN, MASTER. uvn uncut, uu LUEUUIKID Ottnwa, calling imte slonnimr nlnoan nn Yhn Ali lltluuutvlsuu.` Waden Prov. Penitentiary. .__.:-._ 11%.... `A the Season on I leaving the Ferry on TUESDAYS 3 M l',.- n..._. ..H!_-- .-. u\Au\1Ll\ l`h1`|, Ferry Whnrf, Foot of Bxock Street. l It i'nilho ho- bhselc-own `H. MORRISON, `llllll, UIIIIIUH places on the R. TANDY. only for [cm BOOK sTnnE.| I` III! For Sale Street. K), sauna : nuuuulgi, corner or rlel Circular! will be issued in a few days. 3 Mr Black having to meet large engage- ments, would be obliged if all outsundlng debts be paid immediately. Yinnltnn Anvil -In-I ITGUM-PAPERS. WIN DOW SHADES, 1 BORDERS, OHN CREIGHTON has just received the following valuable BOOKS at greatly re- uced Prices :- Chambers C clopcdia of English Literature, Do. In ornnuion for the People Sir S. D. Scows Origin Pro ran an?! E nip- ! E q ment of the British Army, Viscount Bury s Exodus of the Western NI.- tiona, Hogg`s History o{\_lbe Microscope, Mo1ley's Hislory o the Dutch Republic, Cooper's Leather Stocking Tales, Dickens Tale of Two Cilil`i-ChtlS. Dickens Ed__ AVING made arrangement! with seven] workmen, all order: for Pnpor-Hanging left at the More will be promptly attended to, and executed in the bealpouible manner. Dnnn-\_D.nor rlnlirno-ad nnv hurt '-within II-nu cues, Colouh The New Domlnlon of Canada Expects Every lllnn to do Hi: Duty. Hull CIEUULCIJ `ILI ILIU IJKPBI PVDIIUIU IIIIIIIIUI-u Room-Paper delivered any put within the city. The Flaw-nlily Circle, by Rev. Andrew Morton, Dr. Cummings, When tlbnll these things be, or Ihe Signs of the Lxut1`imu gut.-cu I! nnglll, Moon a Dean`: English, Carpenters R4-ciier, Brief Memoirs of Remarkable Children, C0wper'a Poetical WorkI-very cheap, Elihu Burritfa Walk from London Lo John n'|-nnla un. \.JuI.Ll|.IJ||IH3 VI LIEU DDFUI IDEBG I Signs LastTiLne:, Dean Alford! Year of Prayer, Queen's English, Moon : Dean`.-u Enolinh S BLACKi hu removed his Music Store to , McKay's Buildings, corner of Market Qnnnrn tHE Undet-signed desires to impress upon . the inhnbilnnts of Kingston and surround- ing neighbourhood. the importance of support- ing resident mnnufacturerl, resident nrtinns, sud resident professionals, especinlly when they find them equal if not superior to other transitory mbitora. It is only by pursuing this policy that Kingston can ourish and become prosperous, at it enables the resident to pay Rent And Taxes. With this view the citizens will see the proprie- ty of employing the undersigned to tune andro- ...:.. .i,.;. ornmn A. um.nn1an1m A... ranull uuxnuu H um. ITOID 14000.00 L0 JODD 0'GroMs, Bound Volumes of Sunday Magazine, 1867, Bacon's Essays Hood : Poems, Dr. Macduffs Memoirs of Olivat, Fighxingme Fhu;nes,a.Tale of the London Firn Rrinnn |J UK EILIPIKJJILIE ll-IU UIJUCIUIBUVFII III Iuuc _ul pair their P[ANOS& MELODEONS, kc. Rs-fcreuce kindly permitted to John Breden, Esq, Mayor. John Creighton, Esq., Police Magistrate, Hon. James Patton, Q.0. Signor Carlo Mora, Profelsor of Music, Mr James Shannon. S. T. Dreunnn. " J35. Ynrker. Dr. Barker, Ed. "British Whig. _n _]I\__,'_ Tr ,, ll, May 23, [F138, All May 23. Pianos, Melodeuns, Sheet llmlc and all kinds of At HEATH 8L GUNN s, At REYNEWS Music Store, Princess St. N.B.-A Semnd hand Musical Box wanted. A Spring Waggon for removing Pianos kept. Pitu- oea packed and shipped with nccuncy and despatch. May 7. POI nu LIICUIIKEI . Kingston, April 3rd. GAR1)E1_~I_ SEEDS! U V BI IV V: VI I.;|'I.lIyI-I |JI.rI:\AD `LII VVIJ III-`viva Iv- qualily. 1 Lenormand, } Early Paris and other choice Cauliower. St. Dennis, Early York, Wiuningsmdt, Low Dutch, and all popular varieties ol'Ca3;bage. The choices! description of Garden 0... BEAR`S GREASE. `AIKEN from a. large Bear lately shot in the , city. For Sale by T 1'! VTITG CHPJAP ` BOOKS Peas, Aumyut to 1 run: LAD-J-I.` -. dc Jongbl Inc an; nnri~ "gay 13. tseen, ll: great warmly, With al1Seads requisite for 1 well stocked garden. Market Square, April 24th, 1863. \-- --j $4.1." "r3? '1*u}?ag;.E{EZpaa' Very um. in E. H. PARKER FF'E_RS FOR SALE THE USUAL LARGE _ _ _ . . ... -1.` f1-_.l-.. Q--.I- AC u-u-up -nvnAI;nn - / ---_- j__..s-:-I=-;-jj '_.f7 ;`z$i 3r@_' "" Q}; Sh- uuus Inc I.` IIIU Fire Brigade. Sale at Ihn f`. rrnno run. Unull ILL!-I uuunu J.J1|l\lll Variety of Garden Seed! of very superior |IiI' April 17. WEE balance of our Stock at . 0031` PRICE. u -nu Ill urn oil, well cut of that - -v-_.-~V Of EVE:-lasting Flowers. 47 Princess Street. Musical lllcrchandize _I3EM0V`ED- ux ugnuo. at the CITY BOOK STORE, King JOHN CREIGHTON. lm".u Itn, Parsuip, I an 1,; great variety, EOUQUEIS Bul P Lettuce, non of nude` Luau, Radish, 29, 1868. II . u. nun , Chemist und Druggist. nan, Beet, in great variety, n far - can ntnnklrd Dllfdet J. G. KING, pmint nhr` nrn H! UH. R. wamz, Druggint, _ Princes: street. .-____._... _.- 7-w- Specitl attention giving to repairing HI- chiuel of All kinds. Machine Needles, Oil, &c., &c., on hand. f Exohunges made on favourable terms. Mny 18. Princess street, On Thursday, the 4111 of June, TO CLOSE OFF `large lot: of GROGERIES -Fzeah Arrivnls,-con|iaLiug wholly of Con- signments, and will posi1ive1y be Sold. Sale at 1:30 o'clock. CATALOGUE : Chests nes: Y Hyson, I Ha|fObeats ditto, (Janie: dillo ditto, Cbeala Twnnkay, Hfhests ditto, Cuties Gunpowder, Chunk Half Chests I -___ J \\JI.lIZI|-B G ullil. UIICI Japan, Hf Cb (Jolong, Ht` Ch Cougou, l!!Oh do, naat D_....Lr.-n I KJLI \.IU'. III-l3U Breakful, Hf Ch Hyson, vnrioul End: Hhds Mus Sugar, Bblu ditto, Rhl R gn onl- 9U|I IIILI-ll Bbls B Sugar, Bbll O A ditto. Bbll No 2 1: 2; do, Bbb Golden Syrup, Bhll do Stands:-d, Bbls No 1 Vinegar, kll Tnhln RAH uulu AIU L I In! I H91: Table Salt, Bbll Bub Brick, '[)|_I_ I n.-._ l"I.l_... null Hutu LII I05 Bbh Lamp Obimnoyl, Bales Cnmlle Wick, Bugs Allspiee, Lbs Nuunegs, uh?- Lock-smcn Macmus Kat "s`-2} ; uuuuuq -ngulne. Good Words, Brositwny, Home Visitor, Chnrchnnn'| Penny lnguine, &c., kc, kc. In consequence of the impodtion of custom: duty on Books and lhguinn, I intondlonly keeping a few copies of ldngngiuea on hid in future. Non-Subucriberu will'1bereforo plouo purchuo early. 3 JD I-`Hi IIIENHEDQIIIT ROUGH CAST HOUSE, two stony! high, containing aenu rooms. Connected therewith in I Garden, Stable sud Well. Poooeuion on In lay. ` ` 11 ll .ROQ`lu`., ` { WHITE S Domestic coughkemedy. ENGLISH MAaAzuis' - For; MAY The Subaoriber would draw-the uttumon 'of the public to the following preparations: White's Domestic Cough;Beme1r:.] A sum Remedy for nought; Rubenes Dim- culty of Breathing, Tightness of the chest; to.` n -_:.I- 2- _II -I__. :_ ..--_-___.... 4- __`__'!s..' pu.n up; gpsunnug.-:5, 1.15:.-u.--no nu. --u `gun-nu, -y. A trial` is all thnt is necessary to protein nlne m A 00003 unbt. ' White's Vegetable Worm Powders. `Kay 21. The nfust, most edtunl ugd euioqt Idminigier ` ` ed Worn; Mediclng known. ` These Powder; are composed of: drug highly recommended and piesbed ` by 'nIl'Ihe Iedk-4!` Profession, and can gAivsn"wilh_ 'p:rfec.t._lnfely lo.Ihe mqst delicsm infums. Dil'9cliOnl gncloud in each packet, ' ' L_-__L-- -_.1 _-I. .r,_- For the - use of 'l`ni1o!s- and Millincn. At EENDEBSOFPS Book Store, 11'... an 3 am: Princes: Street. ` WORNHILL MAGAZINE, j Saint Pauli, Belgnvin, Family Hernld, Engliabwoman a Domestic lcguino, Young Englishwomsn, London Society, TCIQOOII HQ (9.-nunn Undo \ Ill EDLLI lruvllv *1) . Romembgr and uh for WHI7'E S VEGETA BLE WORM P0 WDERS L 1 szcun AN!) IMPORTANT H0-`l`IUE T0 0,1311 CUSTOMERS. do Jc-ugh`. 1! long: KECTION SALE THE STORES ( uuan rnggsn,` D . . _ . . . , _ JAMES- HOPE,` my 23rd, 1868. `ESIRBS most respectfully to thank his an-. me:-om Ctamen for 5- liberal pun-onuge extending over FIFTEEN-YEARS. ' ' In ;-I4-nina HI: nnnnnnla fnr Ih` nail 'Anu.lIlA Dealer In Boots and hoes.NoJ6 Brlnccss Street, Kingston. Kay 20, 1868. Cl`-Elllulllls VVQI I` II LuED."J lilies Iniclosing hla accounts forjhe put you-Ibo advertiser hu determined; to lhnndou-the Credit system altogether; and hewishee bu Oulpoanyorl to undenunl this announcement in the `mom positive menu. Determined not to no outdone in the price or gunliiy of his Ssocli, he in pram nirudl he :0" R `BR nit! `SHOES bf "uurivtlled M nuuncr -u-n, \.unsu luau:,) Bands] Tqnchofa Treasury, Sunday Inguine. mn wt-II-u lint` cu-on-rug -rwvu-ju--r` -w price iniliiy phted to sell `BO TS slid `SHOES "nu:-ivtllod muphetun `at an Iowa: nmanennire prices on uriegly cnhunnn. ' b Unpaid qeqgnnts mm he qettlnd imlnodinto ly. otherwise will be put in 'l'b e of Oustolnen IJIJIII-IIJII j L) , Enter Hall, (Sacred. I[usic,) Rnndgv 'I`AAr-.hAr - '1'!-onnnlvv - Ijl UI emgrknble .J._.I .n. - Prepared and sold only by `I May 7. HOU3}(71T)`LI1T. ntru I Fig, kc, kc. Sale st 1:30 o clock I _" _`.'_`*'T!"*_%I'L.! A%'_ .E".. mJ.(;HN CUNNENGH A H, In-.. a. tn-..-- K/IICEDIBI IIIU. I) gglli, 42 Princes; Street, Kingsmn. B -ga Corks, assorted, Bags Red Pepper, Tina B Tartar, Bu W Soap, Bu Fancy do, 1315 Common 8 Pale do,_ 3 One: Salnd 01!, B19 Cigars, assorted, Bx: Blk Lead, B1.) and Tina Bucking, Hz: and Ugul Out To- B. zuuu JOHN HENDERSON, `Pr-i nnnan FIN`-1 `-'.\I, sun: on T1] N A ..~r `I 00 pg; ll,_ Inlnuu "-1.:-n..-L 50 uBl:uwI;'W:le|, do, `Etta hnunnln IILIID IJIJUVVIII` 100 I Bx: Bright do, 100 Bu Tallow Candles, Bi Gar Bods, Kegs, Bu Layer and I B R-kin: uu D3! 1' Wllel, (10, Int: 0bewing`do, 100 I BE: Rriaht Ila Du uuyur snu -. I Raisins, Bn Yul Raisins, Bu Fancy Pipes, Bu Fig Blue, Bx: Starch, Bn '1` D Pipes, Bag: Popper, Altifft` and (uh I15. I `PW Auortod Grd Spices, Mustard in jun, Arrow Boot, Glngif, kc _ he-._ uunulnucl, King St. Kingston. wn. utf3nu,' Auctlonen. _,. Chemist and Dmggint, Dr`:-Inna; .`H|-ant Yinnalnn -warns, I VI._-_.._A __.I l'\ _____ .:n.nunn-Dun, Princess Strut. HA V3 MI(AY'B BOOT & suns s?1j:o%.I4 PRINCESS STREET: CONSISNNG of 12,000 pails of BOOTS AND SHOES of diferent nrietiu, :!!,of which will be sold during the monlh of KAY nt Gait price. Now is the that to ucnuzuhncgnini in BOOTS AND SHOES. The Stoq_k;js suitable or boI.h_0ily and Danny; trluf lho unen- lion oftho publiciu invited. ' A` " ' Yinaqinn `an nu. Iona L mug: unu hue |_II.|IIU_` just recgived 1 uipply of 1'3 1 1'11 . IMMENSE STOCK, which he intend: kee$i;:'g,r' viuring tho . months on dnught, WELL ICED. Iunrinw fa-nrn unuuul UH Ill`-I Iuering from ,v-- `C:--vwnittrlrkhl v F rsh Plantagex-1et anc`,A,,Sl,'tsiI.eon \lT..A.__ IIIUUIIII` IFUIII ' * CONSTIPATION, muons HE;D.A`$n, &c., ir` in n.-e:-..l-.I.. -.I.'_a-A 1.1-- ;,|- -. -A-_,_-._ -. ~v - - -- -----~: ----v-- ----.-rv-_._ r,--r"'-'3 it` in particularly nddpted. For j_al9_unn`nrly hon.r,avery morning, by ` T A "" J 4: mm: I Hi uubcctibor would'nnoqaoi2u~-_thu clti- ' and Kiknton and vicini , bu been nppoluud Ajvul for 1!! U""`8 Ooh. smug luhinos, nun won: an an Kenn-ml, Kingston, Toronto, Hqnn at London, in M63, 64, '65, '66 and 61. ~_ A lady operator will be`: In ntlondnhea fa Ulla! the working of. this-highly prilod swing Inching. m It-Inland - la|rch.nerI on; it that own midenoa, no chnrga, an tho- rougny Imlcnulld in working. ` 1` any Inchinu wlrrsntqd, nag! kept. g irht ONE YEAR. " " -scams wlrrsulqu, mg up; `In, mpoirht `Z _ All kind: of Family work done to order, at -N _` 0F'Zl'l0E-1c2 lama : chat. 7 ma P-mu . 49JPII.!.QW':!!m"'l'l' !'.er!2I_IT .,-). .0.-51"-I-. an to nnk imuodfdt pojnot to glue yndoulgnl. All io:on'u:Iiueuldd W tin`-hrbfldm an wi11.hepIu-Mania hand-~.n.Jeha%;I,3nl. In. for alocuon. M . ` . WIIIAXW I I _q;|lg_ctlon. I ' '5 11*'?:~..= udw `N 51- P-Hi-I varuhwsgfwnmn jnsdlvcnt act 1301. Fer9.1e-ii. .0.-;.,_--_-9li-u. -6 In insingfnln no--ngno up oh. --J....I__..l Proviso: o f 0ntulo,- v V ` - w-----v- v---1--- . . . _ 1nII-_ `V L f`.`;.`._.,:;. V _ In the mace: of (mo. ,6H'Ll'i_lt, c 330?`, Ing[j!nu." T` ` _ -` Invie "':M_v M _by thgj than. an an amalgam urn`.-.:nt.v.. ?_" GREAT SAgLE_ auu ul mu puuuc ll lntod. Kingston, llny 6th, 1868. IQ E D " MINERA_L_ WATER. `w -\ . nuu 9'. Ofqunlmu ' and of wing bl nil [go a. vlvluuluu l.U` sill th-n.-ha at uhg;n1anrH.-fawn!-!i~usI. .t|=-I `rill.-r1>|!tothoJ-II~of,3 shill! Donrtoftbo Ooutyofflbnmh, % ' _ 1. 1........a.__ mm ] `V%`gm .1-{ fifM'fJ*'vF'r,!1!e(5'P9ar.q . % . p-urln r|_-1 ,4 _p..L, 1,-,-_ .-`.' Kn: ll. rm: ?; -~~~---. .. I `I` In L. ,. .. ii : tits :M BE&B"uMu%t1?e. A `Is. '7 use udd_eI`oIgDed AIb1gnie., tn furnnh-nae. viIh`m- Tqn,nnm'vnn ICU |lIilIIUI' to 'l;w-:.'l'Innnluv:*naon (Int; with [hair lnimn llD.9"I;:|Q Iln -n-n-ll av 1-*IIn4I!;I._UuIunuI an 9 Jill,` "5 nu}! ._ lh6t:.ho1d, ifa`n'y," `sl'_J`d lh fa` Itntfllcr tha'lhcl_`|`n"hl'lhII' ?I:;:'i::>{:l?i}:;I;::; 43% "'u......'"4"` shtfng the`Ihct,`tIwuunio` with Lluvomsheniq mpppqugj _ um, . Q` Jp[ll_3 0lt, Kinbstnn, lllh Inc Wl, ' '- F`*"U `SHE Sdbusrilier beg: to iutiinno cu his eulo- ; men sad the pi_:blic_g'cnIrnl|y, thqt he [us :1 1-emived n ninnlv of lnsolven; Act Vof}.l8`li4. aim . III ant tlinnnln tune Hum'q}anok-EEJJVAGE HD3431; T` " efitlu Cwre KIMBW-I Ilmll-t . LL permumqwiag xii ~to;m. 91' 1!... % -19` H: J. D. lioqtt, at. tho Had! A wigliil `TWO `l`c_~o`:i1 *dnta,`iE*`Ihlch " `Ace-on'I`lI remaining uupclj; idlblid m`Vd`IvIIl|- ,! M V, . o -1;, out nu _ r notice ' IAHES SH` ,0! Kay 22. :lns|!~: -April 1, 1863. - ----n..~_. .45? In tho mauer IV .9wa9n..a - - VB""T' 9'. '~"i".'.'9`i`li.Wi!'& vent. 4*-`"1 5". 2-!!-.-~"'l:i*'!~,+*V`.'.lx`.!5i""`_"" . '1 HF l;!Oi'I of `(Ho I'|ia6l'Vo`h"l"H*e IIIIIBI to meet var Ih`e0e5~b1' Q Price, Burrhlefa, Jig; ak; `I;-_ l'UESD.\Y the 9nb"day,;g(__,,l|p4?{I', sly! o'<;I,oc., _n;p_ou_n,_ for ghg 3 Ilioglhq _ Anigqee u to the dispo;itiu of lhl Iunlvu .icii'ui-`uni-'l\m..`-in `..a ...aI.-.-r.ur.l. uv_:.. .5 . 5 ano; omngaj Kin:-to-.m 4951.1. ; :5 , naugqee l0 me ualpogmpu of tho Ilunlvufl M vEi('nti nII`tl"`U'eds. ind m-errdg": _lnir_l at than Estate gedtn.|i:p..J~ ;,;.:.'..A_.;` ` A" `*3: `I7':_...a__ an-) 11,...-`gnu .1-`Ova VIIII j. 745:; Kingston, luh laynasa. Kingnton, IA] I.'D,<'1SBl.- trading unit ha rlphon Tin - I . r u onrrmunc .nmIunu1r we Ira-.2. can UII Kingston, nd Hg, 1! NUMBER 198. _.;.s,_ I A-p.nn- a-....-- -_ QETCLQII In [E7 mug natural avor, , am! the slopes ol N B.--Tbo nquuo nary busing; of `J hh wmnocu 3"? , `."'.'_.'3_.__.... A if B In Ilmny be that ore ready to aff-ml qulawyeru-Ha her Price for nqun J uounh Lhcpdvlfi ; ` '?.'. ."____ .._ mi le tuition: IUHTICB .. 5- -_A ' 1 ) 5014 byZIlIDnuuunI Mann, 1). sun ac.,uJ lrtct,Lndon, 10. T` , V ' Bnin,md that freqluil ' h of children, Watts. "iii I III A `nun at In-u 6 t1ooonndIIdC,.'-r'-` fcnd I3 cenuiorunry 10 hnu, $1,35h- I`! rent: {or nay .- A.-- m ma... 1' .-nm n; LYLIIJ Iur IVS! ICU-'1"""' - Above 10 lines, 7 ant!!!` nun, and two can #1559 ` Tim L` mun-taon. NIKKI".- sutneqlnaz mucous `On(`elI0ek.4QI'"'-'}.' utnces olE&...&U ` Do aruu-ring-.5 '~ 1 Do orDesun...DV".~& ).!'u1 In P011836 sud slopes oflhcjjgjj 5 - tuber BLACK` Gui -r:1z And Flnor,............7I `-----1:---&rovuq'|vy.g_ 7` And, If Mninicuuleuiy tbly put through up .-nu bet`:-en J ztudxngtblapqml mu. mry pumiun.` Wbenynnngesnc-ntnnddiuld `Lndmho-hh .. Rows CUD ux `nndinbnllh. uu LII _> L. 1 of PLAII an :JobPrint.iII`,lndKli$..., I ` And. adunininn-ad-nt. `TH: mg Al D. Ompgny`. ` ` Powders, ry to jb `V xllneu at night or day. In I that how ohpood incl urn of any hllldi ed to unit ` 1 ` 2?, .....m.'..'".-.' -u"""""". - ---` ---uuu-u In an " ["011 with any 4 NOll.b-nnh, 3,. Sara Erna Q... lI-_A_ ltslus :1. ! cucsof dunner to i Daily News 060:. vnj "P-R1-.;'.1_'l-NO IN LAC" BLESS. Putting Bill], Coocertmn, Rnihlnnd Kiln "IQ Th.x$\'T l:IroJ`o: D .__- 44 IJDTII. Pnuphku, Invitation, Ln: R'Innhn Ann -, V`~'lV` I A ',,..,u.....-.\.. .... guiintbc ns: piste, that. hIl'Engl|:`.d ur the is v of , `- to be consndered, there: : .|-bfd0ub( uboutthe case. .ivuouId be clear according `-313. th two conclusiuns| .'-..\.. A,-..\ .-l...._ "[IIIIlAV "V"" lmihlgkjrt.` :1`lcg|ll[DitL'. kmch law _`ut I'O were il divorce. the n\```-if ' ` children tegiuumte. ' llons that the puma CH` lend to such MR-rent re- `ipiafthes1me1il.\nd. But. the 'IIbt. The rs: marriage was hlivoree was Scotch, an ' iivhetber the Scntch dl fume Enghsh marnage. lugbeuked by What Hum Clrlsclaimed my Jurisdxcuou IE. By Scolcb luW_ howcu-r, ' ilbdaysgues adotmcxlu an` iltepnrposesofsuch lmgntmn. nlvnn Ind I:-ruhavh HIFL kl! 'Axe|1,!