Kingston News (1868), 18 Jun 1868, p. 1

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T; Connulnpllves. The Rn. EDWARD 1. WILSON will sand I`... -5 _L__..\ A- -1` 1L- J--_. 1; 4L. ___ I-I PI" VU I UICSUCUJK. C IOU} -U'.LrC" an EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 166_ South Second Street, Willhuuburgh {Au Var} Buy it, try it, and you'll like it. Jacobo .iI1`h| n no lo by nan;-suing, 11: pence: oonnuanca, JUEH B. OGDII, 42 Oodnr-ct., New York Bpoclnl Notices. AYERS CHERRY PECTC 1 " "no ID-- -A* nrm"`T.? ...u.. 1 by Ann k Co., Lowell, sold by all Drugginla And dealers in rerywbere. NOITIIIOP 8 Lynne, Newcastle, Wholesale Agents for Cnnndn Wail. _........ vv;unnuJ U L!` Pulor of Zion Church, Moan-t:nl.' Information. Oroup. BroncbiliI,'Iucip'H flumpllon, and for the Conlumptin Patient: in ad Inga: of the disuse. ,bQ 0! if) nnnfnl_--- - DUCHARME, C` H. GARDNER. Pemnlo lnltilule, Nuw Ln PEOTORAL lid our. .1` A nr nlicf of ants I.dunc- inasm- .25 cenu 1 KINGSTON Onnu Fun Conn \_ ILL LEAVE THE ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, foot of Johnson Blunt, for the cbove and inlnrtncdiano porn. crazy day (Sun- days excepted) It FOUR (TGLOOK, Rnlnrnina havoc FI...ll.ciIl.4 Au... -..-.1:.... HI ! UAUII-PIE!) It l'UU D U UDUUR, Bualurmng, leaves Bellcville every morning (8n.ndny| exempted) as BIX o'clock, 1.11:. For rnuu nf Fl-oiahl nnd Pan-nan mud. In cl... Tbesq` The bl! Price l 940 with ` A month. ll-I ` ;_s.r--nay: Iutrpusu) Isl DLA IJ clock, I.lll. For rates of Fnight and Pnngo apply to the Captain on board, or to j I EIIIHIWII I. (1.. CiH'. HATCH, Puoonger Agent. Kinglton, Aptil 20. 1868. Returning, will leave Kingston for Picton, Hill Point sud Beueville on Tueodny and Thun- day evenings, at 8 o'clock; Saturday: at 6 o clock. I For Freight or Pungc npply to JAB. SWIFT C CO., a. 1 _.-_...4_ IITI...-I P A S S P 0 R T, Cu-um D. Smcnun. ILL lento the B1. Luv:-enoe wharf, fool of Johnson Street, for MONTREAL, calling at intermediate pol, on SATURDAY MORNING next, the 20th June, at hntf-put Ive o'clock, connecting ll. Brockville with the Brock- ville Ind Dunn R R for Perth, Smith : Falls, And an Pralcolt with the Prescott nod Ottawa R R for Ottawa City; nnd with the Northern R R for Rome : Point, Boston, #0., and at lion- (real `Kill! the llannmrn fnr nughan ----I-- ,7 __ .v. .....-.n- . vial uu--nun, Qu., Iuu It -DI]- the steamer: for Quebec, paling Ihrough the delightful scenery of the Thonuud lnlundl, Ind :11 the Rapid: of the St. Lurrencu by dnyligbt. I Fnr pnnnnnn '1'}:-logic -.-...I- -9 AL- _E.- -1` ' uy uayugnl. For Pu.-ngc Tickets spply at the oce of Folger and Brat, Onurio Street, or at the Lake and River Steamboat Oiee, St. Luvrenco Wharf, foot ofJobnIon Street. (V D KIAIIIAI1 DAILY BOAT For Bath Plcton and Beuevule. Kingston and Cape Vincent Ferry. ILL lento Kingston daily (Sands): ex- ooptod), At 1 SOAJI. to meet the min conlngfz-on Home I Ouwogo. At 1.45 P.I.o| arrival otthernnd Trunk Trlinl frml the WCC to nut-the Train leaving Capo Vincent to: Rome and Dlmego, nnd the Norlharn Transportation Company : Propeller: for 0117330 and Western Port; RETURNING, y-usus WUII Iuu IOU!-ll. For Puongo Ticteu apply at the odes of Iolpr and Bron, Outuio Quiet, or st tho I-uh and River Steamboat Ulloe, St. Lawrence Royal Mail -1_`hrough Line. W n`n':-nub Will leave Cape Vincent A: 5,00 A1. and 9.30 AJL on units! of train , from Rome and On! . meeting the Grand Trunk Train! going at and Want, sad the Bsy ofQuintc Btaunar. For freight or pump apply on board, or G. l. KINGHOBN. Ferry Wharf, foot Brock Strut. Kingston, lily 12th, 1868. -_. ._.... -. .-. nll-LII . \ ILL leave the 8!. Lnwrenoo Wharf, too! at Johnuou Bu-eel, for Toronto and Hamilton, calling at intermediate port! (In-nthqr penult- ting), on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the 161.1: June, at SIX o'clock, concealing II Port Hope with the Port Hope and Poterboro Rnilrood Ind ueuner Norseman for Rochester. At Toronto with lbe Norlhern Railroad for Barrio Ind Col- lingwood, Ind unmet for Ningsn, Lewluou and Buhlo, 80. And at Hamilton With lbs Great Western Ihilrood for London, Suoponniou Badge, Delroil, Ohlrngo, BL Poul, nnd all chlef places wen sud south. 'no DA """` " uuu mvar ataunooat Wharf, foot of Johnson Smut. 11 r Kingston and Ottawa Route.` THE UPPER (-J:-l'3[N STEMIEB. ILL relnme her tripl for the Sagan on` ` FRIDAY, 22nd llgy, luyigg ljerryf `Wharf, `foot of Brocflrqaat, on A M AY8 1nd FRIDAYS. It 3 P..K._{o; OltIl_, galqg - gt sit the iutarmo$d1s't'a"s`tp9pqi,n place: on the of which illtf int:-reltl of [U smpomoln to attend! Sermons; -!o be en ji Oomrutncfng 27th instant, until further notice. Kingaton, June 18, I368. Bl. King-nton, April 20, 1868. Kingston, Juno 1!, I868. FUR M0gTREAL. of F //f $f Q: an-I 1--1"-`T- L _ .1-so KNOW `Fl 31;13' Jr (at, "iii-'-`rt. TILL lure Kingston for Ourego llondny, Wedneadny and Fridny eveningi, At 9 til ---an: THE ROYAL HAIL STEAHER Connun Hmonn, Ilurn, ;onn-Ive-ek,4ee.' TALL)! 3! c; non uni * and 13 cenu focus; in hues, $135 17 cn-nLB for ellj Above Iulinu, 'l._ (mu, md two ceollji inwrticvn. ' " Subg--qnenli `WXTERTOAW N, `diif "f7 {ii}-A-a, Bay or Qnlnw. Cu-nu J. seag.m , J. B. Rvu, ihsna. m SEEK Cur. Dnwn, TII ITILIII '&?* ?a=i`;i?uT6`%.*' ` '.'._I-.. -"-.`5`3_H.: t'f.".:... TI! ITIAN IR I. (CANADA). TH URSDAY ID. DVVIF 1 C 'u'J., Bl. Lun-once Wharf. nan _-A .4v R. KILLIY. J: SWIFT & Co., Fruighl. Agents. :3. H. HATCH, ' Agent. E H. HATCH, Homo. Head Stone! of "cry also sud Ityla; Post: for Lol Enclosures; Honumnu cl any Intel-i;l {I and duuiption promptly assented with the beat woxkmnnnhlp, and ououonnbh Prlqu| Ir DU` Iolim M fiinll If` Trnnlfnr tn ihn uu nuns nuwl, umscuy oppoqua the Uoun-N I No. 80, King Street, AVING Commenced Business on his own sccount begs, respectfully to solicit a share of public put:-onage, and to inform the inhabitants of the City and Country that he has hid in an Entire New Stock of stations-y, &c., which ha intends oering at low rates. Winn Tritium `pang:-n ant` Flrnlls-A441. VI-IUI Illa 3` III JILCI. Fine Writ_ing Papers and Envelopes; Church ~S'er1nace_I-- --Pnyer Bo_oh, -Hymn 13.22:-~..B(.'b:*:.;r:..:':;-e;~ 2 ; tea 0 School Books, Choice Books for Presents nlzd Sunday_Schools, Plctnm Re_wu'd Cards. Lomrnenhuxu, Volurneaof "Lenore Hour," and Sunday 9: Home." Also Booksof the London Religions Tract Society, _on hand. Albums, Purses, Portmonnuea, Fmo Ivory Combs, India Bub_ber Dressing _3oxE: 1ba; A large stock of Ch1ldren'I Books In ac e . T POSTAGE STAHP8 l:`0B DALE. EDWARD STACEY, Bookseller and Sutioner. A___`I nn VI ILALJ AI ; ! Jub Pnnling, all I | ,, '- _- - .. -. nu? l|Iu`IlUIl. LEAVI CLAYTON. On Thursday: at G A] for Kingston direet. On Fridnyl At 4.30 AJI. for Giuuoquo and giuggton. , III` relght or Pungq apply to Captain on bond, or G. 1!. KINGBOBN. Ferry Whnrf, foot Brook Street. Kinpon, 30th Day, 1869. 31`-' Suhicriber beat to mom his frinndn ma 1 ":0 Public genonuy, um bcfon _mnovi_ng [ T I `In nun... ....-_...I!._. n_.._;_,. u . - `RU uulucnuulr DER`! ID MINI! nu Illldl Ind ` Jonoving tomoroeommodiouIPre:niaan,ho huoponod I IARBLI AND GENERAL STORE YARD, % solicited. WUIIIIIIIIIIUP, Int: it reasonable l'tl@l| notion will has given d'l`:uufar to the NEW MARBLE YARD when the necessary prepnnuou I h Ratqnnaukin portal to ~ohnO to I0q.; Idflxihoin, .lIq.;V.K_ _ 30: . An early inspection of Smih unpectfntlf JLIICBI IIESTONI, fit for Limo, Building purposes, L or Bslisn, for sale st sll Limes st Bsrrleold, nesr Kingston, one mile from Ustsrsqni Bridge. Uonrenlent what! for shippers, easily made out from lbs draw st Ostsraqui Bridge, from which it lies in s north-easterly dlrcclion. Apply to H. STRLCEAN. R Delzroying lnnecu, Grubs and Outer- pillnrs on nll kinds of Currant buabet, Plnnu, Flower nd Gnrden Bhrubo. ll. jg used by the principal Gardener: in Great Britain with nnnnrnllalnd cannon- u. 3: ultra uy Inc pnnclpll usrde with uuplrlllolod mucus. For nlo only by l3l`ll!A'l L :1 ..-.. ueuuuuunyn n 4' P1. {or Gnnnnol Clayton. On Tbursdnyu at 4 PJL for Clayton dir On Friday: It 4 PM. for Gnnnnoqno. LEAVE GANANOQUE. On Wo:-dnetdnyl at 3 A.I, for Kingtton. On Fridnyu It 6 A1. for Kingston On Saturday: :16 A M. In; Klngnlnn. I .F_AIJ'lI nt ivqnu LARGE Alsortment suitable hr ueuel. Irrivod II. Henderson : Bot Prineeu Bu-not. They willho sold very cheap, cud uh Fire-an-ll luu-me INSURANCE OOHPANY OF DUBLIN: CAPITAL .. .. .. .. $2,500,000 `ANNUALINOOME .. .. 1,000,000 I '1' W RRIIIFPPIT COMMENCING I-6;!-DAY, 131` JUNE. THE Steamer PIERRIPON1 O. Elincklcy, J:-., Hutu, will run :1 under. Lnvn xlzicsron On Tuesdnyl at 4 P.l, for Gnnnnoqno. On Wedneodnyn at 4` PI. for Gnunoqno Ind _ Clayton. wuaime Ah? rnlnrlni mmns.I F. HOOPER, In E CREAM soljuj wnnn, mo: bows m1:nH'r.1fouN'ruN, wrru (Jamal: sums, ; out To mam). 7$50,o00urlend ouuu` , neon:-icy ofihnlnuo in the City or Goun- `try II a low can of intoruh ~No~oommhnioI . B. I. BOSE. ;,p;-it 23. 1) for the Dun -Hun, 3: nppeu the nuns evening, 5815..-.& In `tn annlv nn'Iuun-Intlnnnr - KWIMOI, Gannoqle and Clayton Klll- New Marble Works. Kay 2. 0500-33, Clarence sm.T.' `Rh-umalnu H-um-II `M1 Iq \}EILIi-`DD. LII-KUIIIX DVIIIJUI Kingston, March 20, 1832. June 8th, 1868. AP? 24_ Doc. 20, I867? WI I I-v-n Iv, . Vndlh, ' Eamon. M 3:73.. s-napcris. T Ir-vb'ar-7. Ooee. it 3 *W5?!!@_ P!;`1`i'?- Inll. LIMETON E FOR SALE. ClNl.SE GABIIEN V EWIJEII I=.nwAnn men, IE LIANUE HUTUAL LIFE` ASSURlNCE cournuvr. '1 int` Lu" `H 71M` W` is $~T\L|, B(`k`, rd \\ arr Hanu- unnparu `Royal Assunnee Comma! ` STATIONERY- LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. . Strut, dinscuy opposite the Court- ` a`7f`1$ixib%xs: `iiii: 17. ' Agent for Kingston. Olae opposite Burnett Bouts. I7 IAXWILL W. STRANGE, A I T K Ila!-Anna Rh-pal K.` 0' Won Piio- Apple,` `-4351: HEATH 8 GUNN, Chemist: km, 47 Pdncell Strut. t.'\.'I\I \J.V XII VI Ag:-::ls, D: Sill!` trw-(,London, KC; only for nt all buli- Eendenonh Book Store, '1'. "vii Gtifrrf'i"1``,"W" Hgnngur for Onnndn . direct. if Glnnnnnnn R. TLNDY. EVENING. JUNE `J runway 01 \_'.Inrudl.I DUUUI D1 VET] ILIPEIIOI I Early Paris And other choice Cauliower. Bl. Dennis, Early York, Wiuningrtndt, Low Dutch, and all popular varieties of Osbbagu. Tho choicest description of Garden Pan. Pianos, lelodeom, shoot lane and :11 kind: of Musical lerellnndlze At REYNEBJS Innis Store, V Princes: St. N .B.-A Second hand Musics! Box wanted. A Spring Waggon for rt-moving Piuwl kept. Pigg- ooa pschd and Ihipped with nccnncy qntf deupalch. . Hsy 7. unj- DEN OREIGETON has jult remind the following valuable BOOKS II greatly ro- duoed Prices :- Chulborn Cyclopedia of English Litanturo, l')a_ lnfnn.-nan. I ..- u.- n__-I- `The New Dominion of Canada Expects Every Elan to do Ills Duty. YIVHR Underuigned desires to impress upon the inhebilnnu of Kingeton Ind surround- ing~ neighbourhood the imporunce of support- in; resident mnufsctnt-ere. resident eniunl, Ind resident profeeaionnle, especially when they nd them equal if not superior to other trantibry visitors. 1:. is only by pursuing thin policy that Kingston cen ourish end become prolporonl, u it enable: the resident. to pay Bent end Texee. with thin View the citizens will eeetbe proprie- ty of employing the undersigned to tune Andre- peir their EIAHOS I: IIELODIONS, to. Reference kindly permiurd to John Breden, Eeq. Ilnyor. John Creighton, Esq, Police lnginrete. Hon. James Patton, Q.0. Signor-Carlo lore, Profeuor of Marie, Ir June: Shannon. S. T. Drennen. Ju. Ye:-ker. Dr. Barker, Ed. "British Whig." Tenn: for 'I`nning_'end Repairing Va-y Nader- ate. ~`\'~P\.i ' Y Utlr 1.21.5- GARDEQL SEEDS! rssuuus nu: I.` lln-B9, 5 IMO 0` Fire Brigade. For Sale at the CITY BOOK Street. m'B.;'et, in great vnricty, With all Sued! reqniuito for a well Itockod garden. Market Square, April Mu), 1888. {NH .. vv -vwuvu In a New ulyl. f It Black lnving to meet large engage- Inenu, would be obliged ifell outeunding debt: he paid immediately. Kingston, April 3rd. N very Prime Condition, which has been Six and Twelve Months in Bottle, and cannot be Inrpuoed in Canada. We would solicit A trinl, which will pron the Ihe quality of the shove. - All orders left 1!. the Store of the nndonigned will be punclunlly Attended I0. JAMES FISHER t SON. June 9. FB0NTrENAO~-BBEWERY` KING emu? wlwr, nlwnox, 0.1!. ` T mm. W. ilamon. - BREWER OF` THE BEST PALE ALE AND P081513 IN WESTERN OANADA. . 'l7 Z_.-_..4.s-. '|..|-. 10 ` EL` 1} I .l|JlL.I`J I D -- nuglux` Cards 011.11 deacri tionl. Tickets for Concerts, Excursions,` unday Bchool.'pia- at the Daily N_e2u'0iaa. nics, etc. May be had upon short noting: OUIHY 001131` (is for use in 1:1 ruler at tho. all I.._J_ _ 71:. `II.:. uuuuuu __ Ill` ' `GIG II unnu, L\l~ki.n&ofLI1r' Foulsmur to-. ..-........ u, ulupclun ox ningnnn Lnanturo, Do. Information {or the Pooh, Sir S. D. Scott`: Origin, Pragnu and Equip- Iunmnho British Anny, Viscount Bury : Exodun of the Weuon No- liona, Hogg | Binary of the Microscope, IoIley I Efatory of the Dutch Republic, Cooper : Leather Stocking Tales, Dickens Tale of Two CiLie|-Ohu. Dichnu Ed.. uncn-VIII um: 01 1'wo U1ueI-Uhu. Ed., The Funily Circle, by Rev. Andrnv Morton, Dr. Cummings, When Bhnll these things be, or the Sign: of the La: Times, Dean Alford`: You of Prayer, Queen ! English, Moon : Dean`: English. Hay 23, 1868. `BETH circimn will be issued in a few am. 9 "P Rlnnk having I. _..-. IA___ April 17. E. H. PAIIIIEB FFERS FOR SALE THE USUAL LARGE uriety of Gudan Seed: of very superior mlitt I-il TIJQJ Kingston, Feb. u 44; . `I BLACK hu mtiaovod his Music Store to ). McKay : Buildings, corner of Inks! lunre. `WEE bnlnnoe of our Stock at I$l'\DlIl `DI)Il'I D Gm-rot, Of Evie:-1i:sv;s:i11'g'sT].7Tlc>(vcrera. mans AR TICKETS Buginaai I f1..`;I.. Al-..II zI4....._2...s1.._- 'fl\.'._l.._.;_ 1.- 1.0 ITNTY 8UHI!0N8EB.'-_` 5_.I-n;...-I 4'..- n-.. I... LL- t!...._a... .1: `In__;;.- Pmnip, '.Af`r BOUQUE'I`S All-I LIIBI u 1 'R1.'u'1'[L'0 Ii` IIJIP, Lem: co, D . 4|! I. VUUII l 53`|-nil-|l|\"A.`C'.!lID.-_` I for the Gonp_ty.of ll`:-o n - I818` the Daily-Newt rs` tbninn -Ir`-h-J ;L......I..' B995 STORE. V IJI VIII DIUIJI I` 0081' PRICE. Ir\l|.'/U. Radish, A1` THE .13. J 0 EN C REIGHTON. `U E. B. warm, Draw-t. rinmann Ilium 18, 1868. LIfl.llI I, Princess uneot. STORE, King i I conleqtieneo of tho impoii of eutoqn dul:_ on Books sud Iqgazines! -Intuit! oil; keepuag a few copiu at, lhgnunes on hudlii fujuro. Non-Subacriten will then-oforo._.plo;h purchase an-ly. ` JOHN BIN-DIISON, Prinuu Bum. my 23rd. 1868. -ontncactly euhtu-nu. ` Unpaid Iconnnu mm In omud nnnndiqf V` ` ' ly, otberuiu they irill bu put in suit. { ` `' Tin nlronnan nf n..I. n...4-----' -- 1- @- `Iv 1 V. . corner of King; 0 Princess-streets: -1mms1-on; onu-mo;~ " ~. APPE, wnmm, ..t_co.` unounea cub." M Public that-ithey l|'B`.l10I'i_ll,.Bg!|(l`fV _ facilities for mnnpifncturin Pin'I`;nu_: `l!equslled,byl.uiuthe Iniuion. 0 `1`he4neut-en V lichen, and are n_nlioIlI~-\o-oaIGIIIilI.thIit.-II6- can in mnnnfnntnplnu can-mph. I... .._.`l..| zurim u-oPr'Iot5al?iI'no` .145 ROUGH CAST HOUSE, A high, containing IOYEIJ rooms. therewith in I Garden, Stable-and W ! Pnueuion on inlay. la.` tivo Jlorqys Co`n`ne_cQe;d, ell. `D ,.II' Dnnn ` i`""'" -'T"."`,".. **.'*P"'~.""` ])ESIRBS moat rupectfnllyh) unk hi! In-V meraul Oultomen for 1 liberal pat:-onggq extending 0lnl".F_lFTElK_ YEARS. ' In closing hinncoonnti fol: tin. __ 7 cg: ndvertiuar ha detenninbd to`nbnndlonTl`C'ndil ` Ivitan |.lhuahr_ nu! L. -3.5... an 17--.....'_'._ nuvunuuui ull IIBIGIIEIIIQ Iyrtun nltogetber, nd ha whhu iii Gamma to tndeuund thin-nnunnamdt. 1'3 poaitin Iellln. nos: .so,g.5,g:un in tho ptigo or qua} _ty of in ..``.,.....'::.".`l PPE.':1`! 1`;:::.-9-d I. EUBNHILL MAGAZINE, Saint Pauli, Belgravh, lhunu - 1'.!...-u , 2 `:7 -' 2'7 Large `Manufacturers of GRAND OVBBITIIING IQUAIB `hummus thoyosll. vw-v -- -----v--rv-V-aqua. u; A k hi "buumib Juan" " ;;::,':::*..,.*:. :'.tilfnl1yjto Ii1 1:eriqh'c.cni'v_i punnnnq-and In iplopld angry For strength of nsnnfsctnnnntl beauty ofninh, and 4dnr_nlii_li1.;1gI_'IA;oxq:_'|'l`oiId' of tone, they chnllenge lb`: Dominion `ta iaiadqct superior inltliinollllvg-ilId"Vhl10-` they chm fa. `- their worbenay oxoaoocmthn up bgdxpiucgegi, (ton; qtjlltfnl andomerprislng I 3!?` to nnnouppo mg; thgir 1-c:_spurnI___nr9 Iq pay` ' nnmla tammhla thzni to umiumwih` Huh.-(Evin. rpcuul-nut Ill 1-anus -- "Th. Iuhncrihan up no nmniog..Lgeni;_ -All ordensddrouedm the % . Bnburiho through guy re_spoclub1o' Iluld caive attention. ' Ordn will 3!; oouiotl to u If ueieotdd ia7ponon. . DLDDE ERRED L nn * __------ u-c-vlnJIlIr- C. WI Special utantton giving to repairing In- cbinu o( all kinds. Machine Negdlu. Oii, lc., tc., on hand. f` Exclnugea nude on fnvourlble terml. May 18. =W`i{E q, muur-us may Inn us put In suit. "le pnlronnge of On]: Gus` solicited. ` Kingston 22nd Juu_.u-J; R68. nus non". -.-sun, Inn Ira l_ll-IIIIII--IO-llvill-41-IIII .-I00- can in mI.nnfsct!.1.ring,_ olugxpvtioo.-h ;; 'n! workmanship ntber than" by _ rtfgn. The? [re (bio lHlfnl`l1"tn"lnnnrInIh n it-ire` .. liUll_l ggauuu uuu. Iulctptilllpj gllllnl, Ha; If! a -n-iounfeo tliair rest?-!r='97-' -52-will ml? ' `plo togcnublo theni T to coaupowikpeqxwith nay neoulnor In" fiance; ' ' BIIIPIU LU PIIAIUIU IIICI-II III I `Inf Ipeoulnor nes. .1: -mitt!-i|hiI }Ann I ___________j___..____________ SPECIAL. AND IIIPOIITAHT -01103 1-0 mm custonmns. RAPPE,_WlBE& & Go. deem if nnuecuqr!` ` In their nnnouqeement shove in-nioifdq adverthaunnmholrnou potiur, Ir I4 0;-Blipcf Thy bqgna.-infocn .&h0;p.hlic1hu.:iu 5991.9.` lhi nririlnan of Ir ling to p-min all Al 1|-..1-o- I. bnf..w-inrimi `X83473 3. privilege of II: Cline to rguin, 1,11 oi. jhq 0. Fofi Iron`-kmen. ' ` ' " " o . , , I.I',, , ls: ' workmen Iiho `liivdbeh f6r`em6`n`; nd 't _ ` `fir anew; (BDWWITA .3'dd!P1'_I. Woherdivhh. 3: 919;) V Afar` I1:-lf`o_x, I dnjtj).,qqd,a_9pt,o,HIg,Ol_inn | M an-b-uo_or If pm or If '!'ot_ lj ; - abet ct 00:-had-docuhlabd-to`oh1dbou:nJ -at:Vth_irounucu:u. .AnnI"pu`tLon|IhnIbd, P193 bu, every one qftbom. have u the cnllinj of workmen g lnnununi in annancnnd,,R.nn. J... A. t1..~..` KILIIEKU 1 Eli {Jill} I 5. woikmen. CI. l:I-4..Ll.....- . U. I01 I WUITQIIEH. The Advoriisau were nelacnd by the kid ['1- Fox {man the hestontthlidannnu; ilzliob Int-k, ' od ' . ``1}?.`I`f.1*;?..f .i'.'.JE: :?:.2.?.`?.:`.:`;?... '1'." . N "'3`-: _, Itlg their Ielectiou .befg_|-`e i.t_ w_u__ B:';`I_lp_dH sir OlIne't`o`mn_ke_` his. ii Hr mn.~..%a 1 4 inno lather, it might be` eoupotdut ibhihi to munch upon -'eie:1k_1ll ofoIhet'2wqtiInn'-,.ulht It ha `I any It lnI.!;.1!9 wan to 11:95 N! ._ chow -bier Ih,onJ_ Incl; to,Iii;`l_ ni:. 1 `Plus Ac!-ihins-An` (`A any n ' `snag II Inc "culling ox wornnen" l'*I$!'|1] lnnen-s-) In ||||'0d.-RIppo,- .u.. 1 0:} have tbs hnIlnlll'..I1J.-A!|.n.nu1nn- alum u......a'.a- Ill-I h:_t_e the honnzun. 1 1...- ..I-..o:..- L..'a lllO9lI'-lrllf IIIOIIJQ Incg IOJIII llll. `l_'l;e'Ldvtt ado not `upon tho'1nuria'of inf 1`!iru'I!iug"-A;-Ii',"uI!l** pagan holding.-h_inqail;. out: u.-.nnd:L any jg. `HR Unda -4` II. , ._ w_ggmmr;g_" \, .....E3.5*.. 1 ` ' 3'.":`.'-7' 5"l'!!,,;*!8.`i!1`NE3 my zszd, 1868. Inch 27. In} 20. IBL` ow Ilny I! 20, 2863. -nail. IJI Lock-S-men laohlnea nelgrunn, Fully Herald aznglaau-emu . Dammle I-spline, Young Bngllnhwonu, London Society, Euler Hull, (Sacred Hn|io,) Sundry Teacher : Treasury, Sunday laguine. Good Words, Ru-.-:I--- uood Words, Broadway, ?H Home Visitiir, 0h|`l1'cbI:I1lll'l Penny lnguine an tc , lc. ' rnabled to _y H9`? 5.1`? T0 -...-A- 0-H #9`, ac: unoois and 6_lIocI;No.-_|B Princess" Klpigstdn. a.m'ua2: Innat '.........'u'-`..u_ .-*.L-`.-. 1-- i VIBAPPIIB ,fkl EB the use of 'T`aotl) 'nnd I A CARD. nu-rI_l 0 uiv ,1 )ll_,l h_ll_ `Thilorl ind hlillinou. At HENDEESONB Book Store, Princes-Bu-vat. 1868. i`c31'1'sItIC" rclvoulu Ilrpvrnllu. nun-Bl. wl:B.R.t~o=o. % .....,-..-fps, uuwr G ya" :fore it ran nu-mluul (at r Y5." -.g;:.;r.a;. ` ~mp[ff'z;.,;,.qn:;,*g, y Tofc lo" our Store, I `-'49?b&PBI- , Jig. l\.I. Inna FImIRL% * ,- gs-we-I-IIZWIB jilj I `* v***:,`E=`.'-.S: -..f`=:`-* % '*~ =~`* '* ~`"T" n_ A I -"I-vi lion ofthonubliablidi-d,f:--.f,ia`.-1*} mi": ct: Puxlorlullll ' f barge, anal us working. Inching: --..._a-.n __ Infant ~~ rddI'O6i5l'y "' ' . . . .3 4` have ilIIll |-ll.i0|)I gin;u,4h.u- an 3; . *1 ": Ihly "'.J.'..'=l _ -_-.. -uumllll `|_y,In.lLJ.lD free of charge, they thawnghly u in Inchinu warranted. and hip! in njnh . y . leodIu~.nd..tho use I.-ouuron ht ::. an km:-uruiusmsamm ..-.- . J'roprhIdoli8t`laI " ' WC. .'{.".-. f.', : i!'3a"r'J {R308 ` -.-inuiou hdI[r.&xuhtir5uI?Ill1l`rcu `prim. ., New .h.i:.-In n-un'...J......a.... I- 1- vi-=l6~r'-vidlie R:-`nrvtrn;-a=~_1.. 2 '-~ ' H `,1- Iv'r-v.--'.$` _._.. `- 7`-ry`. __ . . ' -1,` low: :--Fgrit PrT:;ro z `H? Hanilon,_l864 - _Ex_u'n _ J, 11;!) P Lon-In, aggs ~- ` at I _, . *uon,~"l`II'l #hMuti ` y A Lu! I .4 ,7 Open-not yill lupin :1 its :woeMuf.7-` 1-In Pamuav Ilnlkho.- l`Exc'+`+=,1=i` Ur VII] UT ` M Ti u...:""..::.. mumuuafr-`.-faia *1`! MM rim,,uu.....- -onrun. ..- nuwau Lnuounvnn `un- A: ` -AV` % .:. -94 lwhstt. * :::.;;.+`:";:-`:;1:r:'=~'" `.."-_'*._.-`g'~a1`:"e-E":-'a.`.-.`:A='.... .....-_,.. . 1-`. i. 6 ---.....u . tm`{i;`i1'.:m at 0:0. can-niraosiio, I '_ w no-mun In-nu: III) aafl um vr Igcrddl,-alaat litllsm D1 vw-rIvj-`U| ; =11.;j=zoah.-nits. (,`hequeB0dU Bnaiaes [.0 ` ` 7-: ;' '-I-.,_*EJ-1;`? ; B". P-`.F.'.; all I.` Ivllvlll-Fl Ueodlu ;unl..| glldmu` he la Qflijlfyfilll `ta Quint Wlnannnin m v ..uuu.n.uuup \pg 1? .-ft . _p . - I,` . :e*??f ii%Iavx;` _` ` `_" 'T"l rzbncmr 2:50 {'11-"-1' P5131 `.' I4 I all` 4. *3. A {TE--' ST !H`":" U8 cw Tlwmih . :7 UK? }.`.'lZ _$;{`)-4;;H MK IWl!`l`a..=1;- nu. 3* ~ . I. LIV" '2 . } (1 av -.,.c u /fi JI':i aq- A V L UCO0K`J` AND. [X174 I `W -` l)ulI-c& v ions. Tickets for may School pic- upon short notice {mg the d 1|-Jaltf `O Qru.-S Umolt (IF ' *3: Rilrn n` "'\\~ ...o. rhts in may Oice up ta like- ' - of the i|lnItrnt- Icaeptcd Prin- II Link of Juli -B-AI-I25 utnl uuc auulc CL- `| Inn; with Grout Britnin i I ha us the Reciprocity 1, fhgrmteul and conceded by 1 [w the said Provicccs hf :1 Him. provided that the '1 - hpvxiegra of shing, nil , "understood to exist under i gl be grmted and con- H yf Provinces to the United , Iuqyn mcludmg lbe sbiire I } mum of the Gulf of HI. `-| db nun and shore: of ' lain, Huron, c_d Supefriobr" tothe cmzuuo 1 I lial for or Inks, dry, and I Hilly kind whatever, withil 1 ililu of my of the cont]. 1 lhrbonn of British North IE Inc IS are enjoyed by I 1 H583: North America. nu-1. ' iolubelweeu cmzena of I .1IadofLhemid Province: 1 lflth Lmeric: u to dues or H T` gnu nun`-3 ;'--r_"-"~-- -~ I` .R?,;.~-ntum -Ix.'I'..l.ar4'1n_ Tlnn. r.u,,`xur_ and brcsdslutfs of R M _sm.JKD\|, and suited nu-nu; `_,,`...1.1m~u rmau, sh of .11 " 0`-of sh tad of all other n In Ihc water, poultry. but- up]; sugar. lard, uilnw; d lgher of all kinds. round, .,,,1_ but not otherwise uunufnc- "do of in pl: sh-nil, conl, -`_',.-u -v--u.c an-un -v Iuusul Ur ` rather waaleru nuts (I de udo or Dgdenslgurz, nr any ' vud. And provided fut- ports in Cnnadu shall he |\l. III F3.` ` I-| kI"'I|` LUII,l `rindsmnes. rupgln and m|uu- l _ sided llut lJll)lllIIl'1.l(`lCSOf. '. J prmluct of the l.'niled! H, ulmlllnl Inln lbs mid Pro. l ` gum`; _\'onl1 Amcncn 3: ; rue mgha llnn tlng duty imposed 3` upon simllu uncles when im. 3. the United Sutes {ruin thg mcusid. An-l pl UYl\lCll, fur~ `(japan dunes upon my of {Le ad Lmcles shall 1-e nLx)l'uIh- ` gm em-t ` gnd be it further cnncted, Thu!` `ad pnnlcge of nnvnguang tho -r.h. In-lnmnn hr mun-.n. nil w r V Hlibe it further ensued, Thuy ' V lhnll 0 into olfect nn~ ` f uti 1360:! 1nd con- `rovidcd nre mutually 5 M lhn said Governments of Anna, nnd Ire mutu|1ly= I ulorcul by the Govern Hunk America. :1 well u %8utea; sud upon the fnilure I the aid Provincu of Brit 4 ' or any of lhern,1o give `ddle reciprocal provisions of u reguda the mutual ud- ' the natural growth Ind tuuntry u heretofore` free navigation of the Indlhe canals thereof, the; i_U_iaria, or any other prcr J mm, \ .. .b(ing is the text of tho b1llin- hgbe Huus! nu Mundgy by Mr ,,, "gum: trade on our uurxhem ','|lVlI\,F\y \'O hlilsllug " Lac lnclngnu by cmzens of `gum nghu IDL] prlVll(:gi,"! gm lu the 11:11.9.-us u! the ['94- - 33-Cumin 1n Ihe waters of the; gum ILI unale as are e|1v;.y,_-Q ` inwll with-vul duunchou an; id charging rues prr`)purnon9.|| `ung And. prnvuled that for! Iggxnl gmxls. warts, and mt-r-1 Lud,under prfwpc-r regulntiunu,` guns the tcrr1Lor_v'of the Unit. hpudbon Ponlnnrl, sad the` ihqnnl pnvileges shall be con- ' |..L.I'-:-i Rum: frnm. .'in.I.n.- ...i 1 .`.!uga ynuunua aumll U! CUB I hflli States from TV mdsor ori _ r 3 -4. _.,.l..u --..u-p.. r\ ....... .- . . I hu Iurtber euncted, Thu bi shing netr the shore ex- ; _i&h-f- with u.-9 D.-h-:..l M o_\' Tm.-4 r nus. nnna. 7 ed in. text bull in- mm`, M. u IJlf\"h: luudny or ooqmry `IN curol.!hntxc_1nlmoatevery gemjon `mT'gh[c on been tutored :;?lc39,;:Il:::|;`_inoI:. who have I - `UK In evan d - porno dnuues of the l w . _v the Sgnale mud House In Iuporiority over ever;noE:rer 31:3:-;o(:: .""'d. {tho Lnued Sure: OI Ipplrnn lo cape observation and Irlliiolzlflo nrtn . v I es are known, the publnc no lgnger bun. 'r_ `mg! I 1 mt` 0 gongress assetlrblurd. That the " |u-ucles, hemg the growth J B`t~1.\' HA '~ "|l 0uI sin 1` r be n an or 1 menun m_ M `O omcdlitbnlllnecr the pulmonary or-gm. 30 . _ 313,11 be m1rn`1tu'\1 lulu the 1 mt P rlvlnn du`t`CU_` ``l"`|'h.`d. |L . "Fwd Dr. J, C. 4;! r.4.}n-m. J H..." `nd nd 3 dude ' ` (U111 . in F! :6 I I I 1` 9 .. 'md|C|Q Bfrihnng In disco -T) 0f `be Ifuui sued mg -rguna,unw|e I-_him intend ._ ., `ll Princess Photographer - the the . IDA Y THE I-"RUI\'TIERS. -lDuih_) ~i:T'iNINL1. -11` hi uif ~-- u- --nay Um _ 3: Lht-Ir ,~rr`agree1b1lOthw} Pu}! dnnclionc in _` arr given Iilhet " K ` .V~1L}e-r:uh,Ilu.s. -." >V-r~- 'rZ_ g-3,8-ore . L`.=..,;.., `Wasting, Y _ [unu_ :"Lu:.'n.-uiunoflk ;T;m 1-ndrd um: '- uni ,~`..-Pi, tho-sc POVd'I - -. "1-'-':ll`..3_&JlniI1.iJl-5' `A3`11nbClhh. ,`.j_- r' \ 7 $01.: by all XVII. Ntws. I, Tenn.,po1ioe,V \ With: negro } ilk] night. Ming to add :E_bef nji, ...;-_`f'. ejerl 3, 652172 11 imtea n-,-_' , the Who II In. \VIneIow 1 '1 1! `bi! Question is frequently asked, we will Iimply say that she is n lady who, for upward: I or thirty yanrs, bu uutiringly devoted her time ._-and ulenu u n leunle Phyeicinn end nuree, . principally among children. Sh: bu eepecinlly ilundied the constitution and wants of this nu- E met-out clue, and u a result of this ebrt, end H prncticnl knowledge, obtained in e lifetime spent :1 nurse and physician, she has com- ,l pounded I Soothing Syrup for children teeth- `-lieg lr operators like mngic-giring 1-": end - lhealth, and is, moreover, lure to regulat- l the hotels. In con: quence of th'u article, _Ilrs Winslow is becoming world-renowned u n 'r" benefactor of her race; children certainly do l.1.Il Ur nnd bless her; eapecinlly is thin the cue in this city. You quantities of the Sooth- ing Syrup no dnily eold and used here. We think In Winslow hes irnrnnrtnlixed her name by this invnluehle article, and we sincerely be- lieve thounndoof children have been saved from an early grnre by in timely use, end that mil- lions yet unborn will ehnre its benets, sud unite in calling her bleeeed. No rrorrrnnhne dIIehu`ged- her duty to bet eufering little one, l in our opinion, until she has given it the bong, E! of In Wiulov : Soothing Syrup. Try it, -otheo--rnr If Iow.-[.odua Vuuor, New York City. Sold by all druggiou. 25 cent: n bottle. Be run end all for t In WlmIow`| soothing syrup, 5 Hnving thefac-n'Iule of Curtis 8 Perkin: " - . on the outside In-upper. All others nrebue im- iutiour. I F I Plllloooplly of Ilarrlage. A new Gonna ofLectuu, an delivered It the New York luunrn of Anatomy embracing the FsubjectI:-Bow to live and rm! to live far; Youth, Maturity, and old Age; Manhood gener- ally reviewed; The cause of indigestion; Flntn. ` lenoe Ind Nervous Diseues sceoonted for; In`- ringe philosophically conlidcred, &c.,tc. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures, will be for- warded pot:-paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by Id- dreesing "SECRETARY, New York Husenln of Anatomy and Balance, 6lB Broodwqy, New York." uc |LV. ul./Iv any 4. V1 IIJQULI Will IGIJU (free of charge) to :11 who desire it, the pro- neription with the direction: for making nnd using the simple remedy by which he VI! cured of slung smection Ind lhlt dread disease Con- ` nuplion. His only object is to benet the BI- flicted, nod he hopes every nuerer will try this prescription, u it will cost them nothing, and any prove 3 blessing. Please address Rn: KDWARD A WILRON 1. uuu[`lAl\.!ll!-, Cborisler French Parish Church, _\Fon1real." " When somewhat hoarse from coid or over- ucrtion in public spelling, I have uniformly and Bruin`: Trocbes nbrd reiirf. EENIIY WILKES D D, D.-._- .r7'. 11 ..t Information gunrnnleod to produce 8 luxuriant of hair upon I bnld bend or bgrdleu (see, also I raceipe for the removalof Pimple: Blolcbel, Eruptions, 'cLc., on the skin, leaving the Man Ioft, clear, Ind beautiful, can be ob { uinad wilhput chsrge by uddreuing ' THOS. P. CHAPIAN, Csnnsr, 823 Broadway, New York. I b1 :2. UAHDNER. |PrincipAl of RLllgt`r'! Fernnlo York," Almost instant nliefin lbe distressing labour of breathing peculiar to Asthma." Rev. A. O. EGGLKSTUN, New York. I: give! me great pleasure to certify to the eicncy of your Bronchial Trochcu, in In nEec- ilion of tho throat and voice. induced by pub- ; tic singing. They have Iulted my case enclly, relieving my Throat. and clearing lbe voice I0 that I could sing wish ease. .51 U. Newi l r__. ........I -uu IUUIIQ I10 "found your `Bnoncuux. Tnocauf Butcllelol-`I Hair Dye. This lplendid Hnir Dye in the best in the world ; the only true And perfect Dye; hutnleu, l relftble, lngtnntnneom; no disappointment; no ` ridlealoul uuu; relncdiel the lll e'ecls- of bud dyes; invigorated and leaves the Hair Ioft sud 'bu.u1.if'u| Mack or brown, Sold by all Drugglltl and Perfume:-I; and properly Lppliad at Batche- lor s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond Itraet, New York. ` -----., -nu rum 0] III med-cine everywhere. 9. t\n---- I """ " "W A Gentlemnn the ,|u'er-ed for years from Nervous Debilil , Pruunlura Decay, and In the I clean of youth u'1 indiscretiou, will, for the nine ` of inating humanity, lead free to all who need it, the recipe slid direction! forgmlring the nim- lpha remedy by think he VII cured. Sulfurerl ` wishing to prom by the odnrtiseru experience can do by add:-using, in perfect condence, Jnnu R nanny n m..1..-_.r New York DI-ly ll Liquid. J-alhtll |I.|,_ Hunt : Hair Glool growl npidly in favour because it just units 3 t want. | Dr. Colby Anti-Costivo and onicPi1h. Sold by all Deniers in Medicine: at Z '_\.\Hl.\'

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