Wall spoken or. u 1:. ,_, Fnltlhl. nu. ,,. , sore throat. and . All dnnggiats. A sure cure for l anal lungs. 250. . DPEJIAI. I\ll'lUUllUV In I -uuuuu av: ..... `u. da Season. _ .. ' 1' Stock is now complex with all thq Ingest Novelties and Patterns. \ Special Ba us in (`ombinnlinn Dinner and `Tea Set: and ry_ihmpa. See `the In t nasal-(mom In the city at BOBERTBO BROS. Bryant. Rwucrlox IN PRICES for the Holl- dnv Smuinn. BPEIAL I! F da_s(y Inr Rtnrlr Ii -'i\i3Pa?1;%d sr+ cnocit CHINA;/TGLASSWARE; mm ALL xmnsmum wgggm IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES ` ERIN GO BRAGI-I I. `II-`.3! E/A_$.I-EX*3`**"3'3 MAIL. St.RVI9 oL`j:) sop . T T ----Tl-lE-- Tippet Hen. Hawthorn and Encdre Whiskies are THE STUFF. . 341 KING STREET. TELEPHONE. 1 _j I _ N: fJ IJ sT'r0 HAND 11 |s4 ;b}v 7886- 74 ` JAPAN, YOUNGESON & ENGLISH BREAKFAST coxcous. . __----- INOREAS/Mg LTIMDE. Robertson Brothers, -I'\t TELEPHONE. Hmggv &-T-HOMPSON. We hlfvo tho anusfnction 0 our trons many new custom REA )\' FOR ALL. We have m elho sund- nrd of our goods the [Inn consld Lion. can condently claim that for (`ha assortment our clock is not oxceilod In t at PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF "1 \ ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. WINTER AR'_ia:4.NGEMENT. THE - SHUBTBST - SEA - PASSAGE, AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. at I Isxyuu u . ..-. --.. -._.__ A cum m BREth`AST A s1>1:cu1.r\f.` _ . ___. ......\-an _n AL- 11|_-n--..L _- n-All AULLIIAL lllI\`I we _ nu. ....-_-:_--. DAIRY GOODS. of the Choices: as well as the Cheapest. received daily. CANNED GOODS of every trade at REDDEWS - HIM - TH - H0113], on. a pnmcnss smear. (Fry it and you will use no other. 3. .1. LE/WY, L- Agmr, U. U. Lah:s:.1an:.uav. The undon ed having purchased the pre mines of Mr. J n Kmruuch Flour and Grain Mu-ohantof this city In I continuing (M buulneu In the on kumd. Mum W when-oho will be planted to nerve All I: old customer! and as may now one: as I'll] favor him with the! trusts. . Putry and strum Baton non wlllho he on hand. Customer: an: F3 . , '}\ ..`:.'.` `"` "' "T'i'#`R!uru.m 8EOOND- HAND aooxs I` -_.._A 11-..! I...L. Ln... ...I ...|.I L- 66sGRAyE's ALE \ I_\J I I I-I\l I 1 * A LE. The Filwat Ale in (Tannin. J AS. CRAWFORD . - AGENT i ___j_____ The Undenignod nbrn for sale that DI-}SIR~ ABLE HOUSE AND LOT now occupied by him on Earltrmt. The whole In ohred in one block. having nhom one hundred And two ly feet fmnmga on Earl Street. and lhollguer I. run: through to West Street. The UILD INGS on the 'prup(-rlv are almost new. and the garden is lnnled with the choicest hulls. For arms app 3' to ____N_ __M`____ Having removed my shop to KING s'r]uu."I'. near Print-on St... I am now fully preglrcd In enter upon e moms In any line of uilding arhichhny as oslrod on short notice and In nl-c at Custom dnnlng. Hnnduurlnc. Scroll Sur- inf. Shnglonx. prom tly attended to. omit pre , to turnlah Sash. I-`runes. Moulding. and All descriptions oi house Mrninlr lug: l +l'Jobhing pmnnstla an-~nll 10. pt. 9. It \ . (`ll.\1"l`ER'l`0.\'. cENIRAL`FLoURs'rb&, Cor. Primal ling Sta. Kingston. aosepn QUIGLEV, (`,o|:t{-:1. our. Food and Grain llorchnnl. . p . RATES OF PASSAGE :-From Porthnd or from Halifax to Liver`pool and Londondorry, Cabln--Q.`i0. O75. }oturn- IN, 3125. $150. Intermediate Return Sccelfure laoodat 15. GLASGO ANDB STON LlNE.-Glaagow to Boston. Intennodiato-825. (`hildrenunder one ear. 82.50; over one and under twelve. half. nu-A (?r;atC|a%rih.S|%e of Picturg I` M. KIBKPATBIOICS. I59 PRINCESS 8T., General Real Estate Agent. musnzwro m:N1*.._-'r1-:.\'.\.\"rs muxn ` Building Lots. Purina. Rn. bought and ` sold on oommlndon. garden in mnw at p y Ann. In Jugs. Try them and be convinced that the (`RA\'TIlUR" an-(1 t`For sale at .EDWZb OHATTERTON, Rudder an_d_C.ontruotor. KING STREET. mu tu!l_y I lll'lB|.n . . . Su-dlninn. . Pnlvncnhn Coffees mated twice a. week ugzround ily on the pxjemiaee. Aug. 9. For One Month boforo stock- % eno"ciiii::':~`Lii2Uoas'. 1 :..T.:u'f .4. snntmmu, `Ei;6i?i76ET To_ i3iiI1.DERs. FLOUR AND FEEIDT WGEoRE}bLIr-`E ..__1`)-. Minnesota. Dakota. San Franco- co and British Columbia. Imppmd direct from` hue _I$ THE BEST. -View -j-v- IMP.o-Rfrmns. Mnrket Square, Kin St. I 'CbNooN nbsortmem in he ROS ' . THOS. MOORE. Nov. 27. % 1?? The onlyllno runnl throxfh Pullman Can ` tom K n to the t an West. ` THOM SOOOK SUNS Tnnrhm Tickets to all porn 01 the world A 3 `fully. Pumhuqyoulr Tickets the Grand Trunk Rnilwnv. connoctlnn at Ltockvlno yv1_th__th_e .LV ..ll.i VV $4. .l._.I_VJ.a:.luD-.L' 3.000 Feet of XOULDING. Enunlynew pat torn: from Cincinnati will u-rlvolna (hi or two. Acnlllollolmd. ` llkemo every inch of Mouldin`g"T5;"-""'. Inc the an mmnnwod. 4. llltomo mcn OI moulumx sun- ing mosh gnu-unwed. 4 The Picture Frame F`actory ,115BT00k' 3% nwwnnnnq RI1Y`.K_. L-'pholalorers and Cabinet Makers. _. 58 BROOK ST-, Third Door above Kins Strbet. ' ' lNGLYI1)W_. ' ` ~ NEW STYLE$-I- 0 mm :.~..... .0 unrnnnvn mmluilvnnu mu. om DAY AND N/0/1? W. M. Drnnan's-Utid:rtaking 'Dp t. IS NEVE1 CLOSED. -Ll-L- An Ch nth the town. L`. K3 at Aug. 0. -+8UFII- `HI UNIKTIZV-`- J__o|_1n G. Meaghan AGIII. U1` l`UlU Mn 00 fF?i'5"f5'"|"FifNAN- Ion River It . and Wmfdhqrelt .. [or New {Jerk Aalbnn . `l`r1`)1y(;c1;h uwelprluh tni yncuno. on .u: n 3 against. All nil route. Two connoouonl dugyolfu-0 an low as my othet route. user Trains leave the new City Pusan- [or Depot. foot Johnson Street. no follow: :- uomo urr GOING win. No.1 . . . . . ..nl 1:40 p.m. No. 2. . No.3 . , . . . ..n :1) Lm. Ixad......nt 'l6u.m. N Mix . us;|op.mI dihxs-euTrum Noo.aud4runSundAy|l.n- u . _ _ [WA__D_E_A & ANDERSON, - QJQI .LJ-I-U\.l\I-I-1 &r.n.-, Third King Street. Furniture made. re red and polished. Mut- treanea renovated. 'lndow and Mantel Fix- ' llii ttd. tQ Cnrpels cleaned and laid. Good Work at Low Prices. Best of city references. Tnos. WADE. Armluw Axnucsox. Dee. N. . ` . ` NEW ENGLAND PW19.-_ , r x u U: or-NE> w YEAR'S. A wou'u1ozoa , , Anorunlant. PRICES _EX(_)llD- moxmnow. ' _-------- run-I-uwb--I` I 7 [IF YOU WANT THE 0Ireapest&BestFumiture OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CALL AT A -I ."`CT.fT VI` (11414 LILIVVAIJA LvA1u; vs;-.- --- H. BRAMETS, ICTJKL AND WOOD. 251 Pram-can sc.. Cor. syaeuiaan} Street, Kduguon. you mun the (`houpost and Boot H Naples and Beach ` rdwood Oak. Birch Ash. mm or Hemlock 0 wood. uua at Un- od. ' SE ".a.':o:..'.E:"Vo:'..?s:`a.-,'?.:a':;.'.;':.2.'.% unuln cod. go to R. CRAWFORD 8:. 00., lknl no (Incas Hlmol. swford. I :-lnoonsuvot. vnu nhono oomnw attention. cu .----V. ---- ---u. -. `u was --v`--- WAL$H S, (hr. nfnrln .E has-nttje Rh. An experienced man alwuya on the Paemw cos. Telephone Communication. Ill an LAJLIAIAAI ANG-E LUMBER, WOOD AND :-u--:-` w- 7 ---' ' Vessel tuna` a n...n'f.`;."...a w mg:-an. Goals "33. End nndazttooldwoodot Into tyon hand. lnspoouon nouoitod and on civmntoed. . ARD-Corner Ontario and West Struts. HOII!oo-Clu~enco and Ontario St:-octo- . Foot of (`lnronco Street. KIORDERS left at the atoms 0! Mr. June: Rt-dden.Princeas Suoot. and Means. McKel\;;{ & Birch. Brock Street. will be promptly an . Telephone (bmmunicnuon. L. W. BRICK. A us. 9. E. A. BOOTH. Agonta Black Diamond Line. ` I-CIu'once street wnu-I. ` 3-St. hnwrence Wlnrf. lfsccure dollvo baton broken wombat ml: in. "Mo! 8!. Lnwl-once Wluuf. In-umh (Ilco-(`ornor K and Clarence Sta. up to 32:. American ' t nlhholay vuy unpaid v. cm] 3 under eon:-and well Icnouod N.B.-Onlou loft at-(I-0 Groocy sun 1! Ju. swfotd. Pnoon Street. W111 Fpt summon. C'l`denhono oomnrtgtgl. Portland coma-{TV ` \Vhi&o Lime. and Hair, ` IV. II \/llllln I M 2-1. FouncH'|. W5.@6`.5H- F. C. MARSHALL, UPHOLSTEREI? 6 OABIIIET MAKER! `A7866:-Hutu and reliable Information In regard to Rate: d R0 b ..u .. J!` a...'m.- 'f`xf;xl'k'x'7ss`a`x :& 6 1! STATION. corner of Johnson and Ontario Wlnlar cxcnnlonl by the All mu Ronuo Pmwn Surru AND bovxois ot ovary doo- cripuon made to order. Rtmnuxo promptly attended to. Chair; cured. _> _ _ qiegding llnde-rtake-r8': |_EI}1t;a{|mer, ' 251 `Ru1Nc1s:ss STREET, 001:. S1; nham SL, Kingston. Tole phone municauon. Aug. 9. HARD Axlorr coA},\ Hard Wood, Soft Wood, Hill I u LII nu-An-ntll nor : "Prom And a... ."u` ....a.`.'. :'i`.".i'.. h `:."u"'.o....' '3 `Talep)-one Comlmmlctuon. `Aug. 9. ' JAMES SWIFT. }KA"N H EN RY B.R_AME? ALL rr cunrur lufll. \ All kind: u Lumber Building Timber Lnthl, Shlngl &o. The :3: place In tho cluhnvlng three lla- cmnou worked by than for Iuvrtnl Condwood. con, wHpLEsAg_E & RETAIL Yud No l-0ntu-in Street. " I-Clarence Street Wharf. " 3.3!. Lnwrnncm Whnlf. Nov. 28. Johnson and ununo nu. Winter nonunion: by Roma to Saul`:-uoboo. LoICA`\1Ilsfulmandpolnu on the Pacino Cont in omit; allow Florida. West Indies. Bonnuda and other tropical cu- mto at y reduced rams. Tlokougood for nlx mom. 51///A/?z2%z7A/E. Undertaker and "Embdmer. I - Aug. 9. 75 & 77 Princou St. cnnod. Nu-rIussnreatullhd or made tn older. `, CAIIPITB clonucd and hid. A . 1 1-\I\1'\?I~|'l:IcI(1 nmntlil Teluphono oommnnlosuon. W. B. & S. ANGLIN. Sephil. Elltld ofwdl-0II8t. vv ..a.J.-ll-7:5-I. lg), L60:-. Oumrlo .0 Burma: sea. COAL YARD- Barnd'8t.., uxt,Dr. T. ;l, Fanwinl Ann 9, UARPITB olonnm um um. ' 241 PRINCESS STREET. Van K The only In the oltyhnvlng three nu- nou by luring elephono communication. W. B. & S. ANGLIN. VBE'ST m -mm mnxmr. ERECK 3; BOOTH, _.._ - -_.I Ilfknlggg A ~.r\ I: o 13 `Z (N FF?` $3 iFf1nE':B"?:iir;aa1 and the Vast T ` The last mun connecting at bornand with the Mall Steamers. calling from `hat port on ;lhbunday. leaves Kingston (II Wudnoday at : m. mfhp lut (min connecting` with the Mall ... -. tune... Ianvnn mnmn nn 'l'hurn- WOODED 00.9.? , _ 5 Jllri II F000 0I'0;'o-0:0-.'Str:;.` ,-`V- W -|--an .a uv rnuuun l`$IVUIJ_!a_g(o 0FFORD'S BLOCK.- 1"`u:-u:n-- 1-u .- A0 -- Ill`. EX` Ill Au io.' Stounoro at nnumx Iuwus nuuguwu uu luulwr dny at 1:40 pm. it you are sending (or you: friend: we can furnish you with prepaid certicates to brin them from Enxlnn . France, Oennany, sun on. Norway. c Ruosofpuaugonlwnys World`: Ticket. Agent. uorner .1: Int 0 smog GRAND TRUNK CITY PA `G Nov. 12. ~G`RAND TRUNK RA|LW Y sntmussr, Bnsrinmnsr ROUTE cum 0.4 PAHE/_c RA/moans. ""`" *""1"';" :".'E."C$`:?""`-"'" llonu-nu. uuluw. can In p-nu-wuu ..... .. .... HT!!! 11' one! AND 100 vIu.'I'AKl no U11! In -1..-. tn.-1.. Inmn run In 1-1: on all The Steamshipo of the Allan Line come an-ect tolhe wharvee of the lntercolonial and Grand Trsnk Railways at lrmlifnxmgtind nlbPortlnni:i ` au_ passengers are orwa on _v 5 trains to Montreal V\'oat We ` The last. mun connoctimr 1:40 p.m. The connect! Stounoro at Halifax leaves ton on Thum dnv nu IMO mm. 1 tlfem froIn'Eniz|and. Fmnce, uennany, Sw on. Norway. Rue: ofpasango always an Iowa by Imyotb ne. For Ticket: and every lnformmiogn gpply to _ (1,.1M_{'r_mD.) I NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. "r!wT'{"awumim '33: u 1 m X 3 _ 0'1" 0 R :l'17'3MA.9 H41v1.z~."'. Wot-|d`a Ticket Agent. Corner Johnson And On- tu-lo Streets. ,____ IOIIJIG WOI'|u l 3 RH '13:). Railway. connocun kvlno with the IL W.0. Runway. ew York Central & Hud- Inn River Ry..n.nd _WenL Shore 111.. 191- New rm: unfit .um'xiuma:sr Room 9. In on. Poutbon. Tot-onto. Och-war u3{r321. um and all vat-D--t Md ""- .2--- no Anni AC1: VIII`! CILLTLII N0 U11! "rnv um YOU wuuuu nu Inn .... Mn loan can In Qhk dmbuwunxhunmn Bhu- o. I *1 Ian: K! at mm .m. Arrlva mono m. : tun. p.n. : Montreal. 0 Ln. 3 w Gina. P-nun!-Ilnvtll bydlhtrdn wm ranch WP|::.pl.lrn'-I0 W` " No.1 1 Icons in st Shuhoc 0 loan a Iun._ mmll VIII) 0.] I"1'I'?."..*i'.'3 ::'.'.';.."*%'.-.:`:':Z;:`...~.."-..= -m p,n.. counting 0.P.R._lxprcu for puma o. 5 I Iona Klnintgl; at I p.m.. con- I; u: (19.3. Nll` man at shnxhounkolornll you wanna want. J. B. `rams. I`. Oomnv. B. W. rounn. Ant. Out. As On. Pun. Bum. ...__ I ..:::'..-* 322- aw .::..& =9.-m.~.:::.:: -.nJ"&. . . IIIIUI W UII `vuluuy R. M-. VI-lorsey, W lfnmonsa smnnr. II did. `X140. 6 does not run on Mondny. Aoourou Information In rocud m mu. nd Roman when nouondugg 3:1 half-fare. ' . of Allan Line direct Inlhe whnrvee Grand i:b'171iN1'Ai'. UMBRIA. . . GALLIA . . . . `AURTANIA. SERVIA . ` BOTHNIA. . ETRURIA. . GALLIA. . . GRAND '1`! Nov. 12. FROM 1=n=JR-No. .440, N.R.. ' NEW YORK. -mg; - n n n 3 #AAAAlII l Rlllfir mm. ,' ' 1 For freight and pauage apply at Com- Janrs Otoe, No. 4, Bowling Green, New KINGSTON & PEMBRBKE `(CALLING AT CORK HARBOR.) RATES OFTFASSAGE : nu-A ann ____)oInn -._.......J:....4 VERNON H. BROWN at C0. .. t D nn.l......l...m.. Ammo A0 * TRAVELI`..ING.L DATE O;-S-AILING : . -nnu nnh-rI nun I-unn 1)A'1`1-2 Ur` sAu.mu _ . rwou PORTLAND. mom xuuirnx. : ..Thursday.Dec. 2.Saturday,Dec. 4 ` |'l'hursday. l6.Sauu-day. 13 ..Thursday. w.Suturday,Jan.l ..'l`huradny.Jun.l3.Sntunlay.' 15 ; 1.'I`hursday. 2'l.Saturday. 29 LUQLSJLJ \l.I.' J. J.L&l&ILJ.\aa.'o . Cabin -~$60, $80 and$l00, accordingto pc- commodntion. lntennediate puss. e~835. uc........,... .0 Van: `Am pnfnn . ham-nan `hurudny. Jan. l3.saLu1-day. ' " 15 `mu-sday. " T. HARLEY. Agent. .Saturday, Jan Hit; .Saturday. Jan 22nd .Satixrda , Jan. 29th. :..Saiir ixjv, Feb. 5t' Saturday, Feb. 12th . Saturday, Feb. 19th .Saturday, . Feb. 26th s . Saturday, Mcb. 5th fork Conn-M at nun- . R for `GER STATION. H8 351, WISH B11 IlDOlll[.|l: {No It llllll. ' After their row ws.s"ove'r.sn'd they had` returned to the house, they sat for hours talking together, trying to reme r all the 3things that, to-morrow. they woult ish to have said before parting. T hen cam trying last moment, and each tried for . others sake tobe brave and ho eful, am tore themselves apart, to spend t e rest of the night in a vain endeavor to realize the sudden separation. I I-[or numb: rlennrtml Mn. Carter : con- BI! parueusars In re ru nu ma ulauy use. {Io human bein ew the inward tor- ture endured by t e pr6u`d, silent mother, as the Autumn dsys grew shorter and more dreary while, in what seemed the oppressive stillness of the house, ee iall through the interminable evenings, s e con d sit, sad and solitary. involuntarly listenin for the fami- liar quick foot fall in the h I, or on the stain. She never invited guests new ; sh could not have mustered the spirit for en- 'tertainin them, or nerved herself to meet the inevi ble enquiries {or Edwin. Miss Losgley and one or two old friends occasion- ally dropped in, avoiding what they saw was a painful subject. But even from their society she shrank ; and refusin all invi- `ations, she preferred to spen the lon hours alone, in her luxurious but eonowfu home. still watching. with inexpresaible yearning, for word or token from the son who seemed as much lost to her as if the ' grave had closed over him. She tried solace herself a little by devising and work" ing at some elaborate Christmas gifts for him. He did not seem quite so much di- vided from her when she was working at somethin that he might use or wear ; and thoughs e had never cared much about Christmas before. it had begun to haunt her imagination now, as a time for the return of wanderers, and the heali of enstrange- meats. Surely Edwin woul have hall en- oughiof his self exile, and would come home for Christmas IP01-haps he would be wiser then. If not--well, rhape~she would be ! But when the wil ._Autumn winds were wailing and the cold rain falling outside her heavily curtained windows. she would drop her work, and sit looming blank] into the softly lowing re. longing wit a desire that o ten became a prayer that she could onlyseeor know how her wandering boy was faring then ! It. was well for her neaee of mind. that she VV l'll.UUlI- uy lrsuusus _ Meantime the lovers were oating slowly down the river in the soft Slptembet moon: light, and Edwin` was expleining to Bessie. as gently as we coulduthe necessity for his immediate departure. In vain she begged him m_fsr to humor his motherns tarsus nd the engagement for a time till she shoul be- come more recqnciletl to it. Edwin refused to think 0} suqh a thing for a moment. In -any case he said he must go after `his mo- ther's words he could not remain another day in dependence upon her. He had been too long an idler: ! In the nearest lsrge city he could surel surely nd some work to do, and try to me. e a career for himself. And perhaps by this time nextyenr, I may have made 3 home to take you to, my darling !" he said, with an attempt at a. smile. After their rbw wiu{`ove`r and their bad ` Love Dogs Not Run Qmooth Afwa5v_g_ But It Will Trlulpph In the End. w.-men. by Fidella `,,I_ u......;:..... n... 1-..-.. ....."... a...u.... .1.-....l.. commouulon. lnwnneuluw puaxsugu--w)u. teerage Steerage at Very Low Rates. Tickets to and from London and Queens- fawn and all o$her part: of Europe at low- * an} H: in: `FOR `LOVE: OR! MONEY. TRUE AFFECTION mu NOTBE cou- CEALED on KILLED. 3 ' |l(l(.l B8Pl'IllUl.I. Her gueeta departed M rl. Carter : con- science and xncgternal feelin , repressed as they were by `ride, asaertet themselves en- ough to make er conscious" of having gone too far. She had never seen such 3 look on Edwin '3 face before and knew that her words must have stun him deeply. Tired out, as she was. she di not feel ml to meeting him again that night, but, in the morning she would make him forget her huty words, and try be gain her end y gentler meant. Rut. when she came down. in the hrinht Kn?` `Ty `K uer enu Uy gelluer IIIUHIII. But, when she came down, in the bri ht breezy September morning, it was to rid only one place set at the well appointed breakfast table. Mr. Edwin has had his breakfast Already, mn ma. said the maid. He said he had to oil` by the early train, and that you would now why." Nlrn (`nrtnr rannlntplv nlinnrt-mini All nian ullu {lust UI| Wlllllll IIIUW Wily. Mrs. Carter resolutelv suppressed all sign of emotion ; but her heart sank with a ter- rible dread. Had Edwin so hastily taken her at her word ;and where had he gone, or what would he do 9 All day she kept up the hope that he mi ht return b evenin ; but nig me she ay awake t rough t is long hou in sleepless anxiety. But that da ' grew into the next, and days into weeks, and still the absentee did not return ; and she daily scanned her letters in vain for the familiar hand-writing, one line of which could have been so precious now. She bore in silence, as best she could, her heavy burden of suspense and anxiety, and conded her trouble to no one She had at first ex- lained Edwin s absence to her friends lightly, as an every day affair, but his pro- lonfed absence, and her evident suffering an look of anxiety, led most people to con- clude, ere long, that something was amiss. Kate Longley, at any rate soon ascertained the real state of the case, in s condential talk with Bessie Stuart, whom she now fre- quently invited to show her sympathy with her in l'klwin s mysterious absence. Mrs. Carter, of course knew that Bessie must be able to give her tidin of her son, but she could not bring horse to ask for this from a 1-1 whom she had refused to acknowlage as is ancee. But Bessie could not have told her little more than his post oice ad- dress ; since. while he always wrote loving and tnlerahly cheerful letters, he never vs BIIK particulars in re rd to his daily I` e. `a human beimz new luring men 1 It won well for her pace mind. gould not too her gun. on one of t._hoao even- iiy .I.. 2:'2.".13..i."u2e'?:?."".?;"uIa ".';`. .'.'c..? hove izod hini,--ho out, with hi: hu_d bound on in um. on they rated on the `llittlo table Iilgn, in I: ntzltudo tifiothttor ojootion y one w o no t. it know how hsrd it in for 5 young mm. with- out npochl trslnlni for my ptrticulur work, ~30 no into T or employment. Edwin ' Iho_ people he know. on. ninmd dl tho ndvertaumontl he could find. oouonounry lI0|lIIl' II II--III wnulu us could not yet b hlmnol! to write 3 but. 1 mug. wouo;l::t have chosen to go an out no nopoot. . ' To 50 continued. _--_ Ind applied to en no people no Knew, en- ewend ell the edvertieemente gone the round 0! en the noun pore oicee: end ee yet hie hopee of met 3 e cu-eer for hinseelf eeemed ee fer olee ever. Every pleee eeemed lled. one 0 Inch ee required eome epeeiel training uh oh he bed not. He had icked up one or two etrey bite ol work end been peid for one or two ertlclue thet clunoed to hit the teete of en editor : bnt, et preeent hie nree wee all but empty. end hope defe " bed hale him very heert eick. Hie tholglm neturelly went heck to the pleeeent home he bed left end totheeolltery mother In lt-to whom he Anuhl ant vat. In-Ina `O X but. Imitation lid ooununuuu III" will up , rod. Be an that that word "Hon- Wu`-" in on the wnppor. Nona an gun. in without It. V llol-do:-I`: Add Pyuphnto. uwnl or glutinous THE Biuwlstr WHIG ,\FLl}IDA,) .;,JANL - _ _..._._. ....... _.._.___.`_ ...- ._.. ' Mrs. unaay anaamu I-uyne ma . ms letter is a_ beautiful woinal `bent years of age. ' Mn. Lhsay II Mill Rappy s mot or or guardian as oooaaion required. tisments making it known that a young w_i4`low, witha million star ' g in her own right, or a rich _y_9un girl, ho made a false ste , was desirous of arming marital alliance witie mnt1enn lr appreciate the situation and w 0 had sans suicient to warrant that on his side marriage was not entirelyaspeculation. Ala result of the advertisements, Miss Reppy engaged herself ton number of Frenchmen, managing to keep alive their arnloui until she had ex~ haunted their ability to make presents, and slnccessively married several of . them,~ or wealthy admirers, securing the beat settle- ment possible, and Inamfging to escape with the \h 6\iliiIl presents and other personal )l`0peX`ty o tainable after the ceremony. bliss Bappy pla e_l_t_his marriage trick with great success in riglhnfl hetero slie'i6'ii g`lit` new victims in France ; and it is said all of her dupes have been of high social or political positibn.. that they have been ashamed to seek redress. When Miss Ruppy was taken into custody she was at a first-class hotel, living in .a grand suite of r ms, in estyle betting a princess, and was nu ma nnint. nf lmina mm-rind tn A man who The women caused to be published advert-" `Lndm ea ll) ascyle uenulng ll prlucems, tum was .011 point of being married to a man who iy aid right royally `-for the be- ` I ad invested a snug fortune `in Ieddin pr lete confession. She al- serted that M11. ' say completely controll- ed her. t.a._ The pxisgngrebroke down` "The decit of the domim government Er the t six month in 82,81 , 9. Work '3 Beat. West`: Liver Pil \a sure cure for ver complaint. dyspepaini,\sick headache and imligoa`ti0n. 30 pill: 250. ll druggists. Darwin must have had the tobommn slide IX Mutrlmonlnl iull -nm was`. rlay-a I ` with (BI-oafsuoocu In (`gr-Ia_ ;'PKii.is, Jqn,5`.~-'I`wo English Adventure :- Iea have been an-utod hora, harged with uwindling. The non gave the names of . Mn, I .inuv in Evlvno Rnmw. The W onner. me Cnefpesl. uml neat. uumluut. Ill` '1 the world ; cures more cases and goes further than any other medicine. Rheumatica, try it. 25 and 50C. All dru vgilta. hr Wnir .u-rnntml in nmlnn, (int. fnr ` D0 $61135 3 "(line (ll rL'Bl [UK WUIT '.'I'~l'U. gel: headache and all liver diseases yield inn ediatel to West's Liver Pills. Sugar coated. A ldruggists. - Active military preparations are in pro gress in Montenegro. They are supported, it is said, by Russian supplies and money. \\'m:r`n \\'m-l.l`g \\'mulm- nr Pnmilv luini. lul Dean exoruuxusu Iur Lruu M. tutu puscc. Fouml ! that West's Cough'h`_vrup is the best for coughs, colds, an-l all throat and lung diseases. All d-ruszgista. \. ' (`.nndnrlmm. nf Toronto. lma nreaenlaql llln UISCHHC`-3. All (lrllgl-`II. V '. Gooderham, of Toronto. has presented a handsome house to the salvation army to be used as A home of rest for wear wars. ilivlt hesulmeha and all liver diseases Vllll ": I5 Ball], Uy Kusalln SUPPHCE IIIHI "]UIlUy. \\'est's World's Womler, or Family Lini- ment, a never failing cure for iheumntism, neuralgia, cuts, burns, bruises, wounds and frost bites. `lnnd 50. All druggistl. An independent political association u - on the Canada first principles will short y be established in Forontu. Popular in (l inuential public men are taking the lend in the matter. . '1... ...:II ...... ........L. ...|..... u|.:InI.`. nnl-an cut rates. Through Bills of Lading given for Belfast, G1 gm, Havre, Antwe and other points on!` e Cdntinent and or Mediterranean M. In me muwr. Wh will you cough wh Shiloh`: cure will lie immedinto relief`! rice. l0:,.,-60c. and l. W. J. Wilson, whnhaale and retail ngent,KiI ton. \Na-1. . Touch Svrun. n l|I,nu Lon. 8uVVeot.'s `gm h Syrup. cou ha, colds, wonchitis, all giseases of the throat 1 500. and 81.00 per bottle. Health Preeerved Is without doubt the jewel of greet price, andtheoneleastvalued, Disregar o[symp- toins that clearly indicate adnor action of the liver, stomach or bowels is nothing less than criminal. Health tlimu li neglect too often vanisliesflilie is Will 0` t e Wisp. and the anxious seeker secures but pain and disa pointment for his labor. No aid to- wan s the preservation of health can surpass Hsiniltoub Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut. These pills, being composed of vege- table substances, exert their remedialactioii without the evil etfects too often following the use of pills containing mervury. For all bilious disorders they will even prove a itive specic. Hr.miltnu's l'illa are sold y all dealers in snediciue, and by Polsol & Co., Kingston. uruggnsu. Darwin must have had tobo gun in mind when he wrote The scent of Mm. - uv....u. :.. ..,-:,.|.. :.. ....m \\`....v.. \"m-l.l'. um. " ` Worth its weight. in gold. West's \`.'or_ld'| Wonder. the che/apes: and heat iiniment hr - the world : noes Z`) and {XXL Au Ur 'glII:U. V Dr. Weir, arrested in ndun, Out. for the murder of Mabel Weir at Oacmlo, Mich., has been exkmlited for trial at that place. Wnnml I that \\'ont`n (`ninth '.\`vr-nn in the inm, mo hine, chloral, tobeocoend HI- (1 habit. e medicine may be given in ten or oolfoe without the knowledge of the person teking it If no deeirod. Send Go. In Item , for bdok and teetlmoninle from than who ve been cured. Addrou M. V. Lu- bon. 47 W In St. East. Toronto Ont. Cut this out or future reference. when writing mention thin pnper. nu uul luv-nun us. If you suffer from headache, dizziness. back ache, biliounneu or humora of the blood try Burdock Blood Bitters. It in 3 guaran- teed cure for All irregularities of blood, liver and kidneys. Ink ;?e'Fu'{vh3B i"o3Bl?i' n6t' 'IeTnli" 'E5in I Plank. Stnthro . Ont. A mod aim: for intaornnlnnd oxtarn ace in all pnin! com- nlnlntn Shiloh : Vitalinor in what you Mod for oonntipnlon. lot: of nppotiu, dininou. and :11 symptom: 0! d Prloo I0 and 76 rank pot hottln. . J. Wilson. 7 \'r:u.NUN n. rmuvvu oz uU.. Or to J. P. Gildenleeve. Agent, 42 Clar- ence Street. Iulhrod from qulnly lor Iovoru , unvu cured by V `I Yellow Oil, which not!!- oino In a for all pdnfnl oolhpldnu. Advice to Mothorn. Mn Winslow`: Soothing Syrup should always be mod when children Am cutting teeth. It relieve: the little euerer qt once; it produces nntnrul. quiet sleep by relievin the child from in, and the little cheru awake: as bright u I button." It in ve pleuent to the tute. It eootheu the chil . soften: the me. nllnyl nll pain, relieve: wind, regnle the bowels, and in the beet known remedy for dierrhaas. whether eriling from tee or other euuoe. Twenty-ve cents I be e. Be enre end uh for Mn. :Yl:IIOV'I Soothingsyrnp, and take no other vv vs. nrv--.. V. `I cufnoommend Hlgynrd-`n Yellow Oil veryihly. It cnnd mo of rhommtilm in `y n whonl could not hand them." `I. - l-_I. Q5-glluuuo {hut A mnldnn ful- ITIWTIIII plains. ; J. R. Faithful ofstroml. 0nt.,"nyI he " nuorod from qulnlv for unto] you-n, nnl n .......L In Ihavu-1|`: Yallaw Oil. which modi- Sm'I coin-rh Mandy 4-1 {allure ouro ` or cub;-rh. lipdmh. null can or mouth. l A nasal injector free with ouch bottle of Shiloh : cam-rh remedy. Price 50c. ..___,_ ENGLISVI-`I AovEN1unEsss.I A cure For Drnnkennou, ,,1), , ,|.I_.__I A-`_____` To Our ltondoru. V\[`{.`(). Rallwnyanav; tog: var an L York. Alban .`l`ro .T hmdelp Imm. svrncuse. ocheateluu