MI`. W. IPVIIII. Inlr llI|-I IIIICIOIII ud GIG! 1:53. WiIl.Ihon ' , next. loan oh la Ion; 3...; ' `Will. HOV! In t gbomg` wookn. and during tint am the ova`-digit (1 Oh Nio work: vi I be an. dortnkcn Hr. Novlnndu; gm] 9, ooo wort Ir. W. 8. Gordon. `ha. 3. asuu nueu uuul next week. 'Ii} i,ere can be no doubt of this fz\ct--that ` Mr. AH. Thompson will be chairman of the streets committee if he wants the position. The choice is iirhis own hands. \'r \\.'|uttnn .J.;....... .....L....,.4.-.. LL` A` , 1 ms unmce la llrnls hands. M r. Whitton, cheese instructor for the western portion of eastern Ontario, reports that half the cheese made in his district wen fancy. While the other half was poor. The best unalitv of my; mini nt. 3.4 m nnr nuru Ul um: nrln are (ml I\lngstom:ms. _ Inspector Kidd says that owing to want of ucuolnnloalntinn he has Inn! to refuse ml- ` mission of pnpuls from other places to the public schools. \'m:tn'r}'lnv n nnrf M` H... .......I..'...,.... :.. um uicir pruullcc U) me HIV. The firm of (imluun '6: Reid, of 'l`i1-nwn. is to be dissolved on .\lm'ch Int. Huth meni- lmrx of NH: r-in nrn nl.| l\ i......o....:...... a us on uu u1san|v(u| .\l!lI'ch lat. liuth bars of the firm are nI Kingatunimns. Insncctor sun-n thnt nnrinu 9.. u uuury, wm oe renuy mr use next week. T. Mengher goes tq-morrow to Wolfe Islmltl to look after the customs'regl1I2\ti(ms. 4'W"'(Il1eupost wool goods. dress gnmls and tweedn. and u Iilic-P91 cash discount off, at 'Hnrtly s. ("nan l_|l_l!plJIH'IE_ 91! :lLI1.[`(ly'S. ` La.rgeipuu1titicsnfhayure being shipped from the city to points on the C.} .R.` The min I an slide near the'huuse uf en- dustry, will ready for next week. T. Menulwr nnnn m_.m..-.-..... GA \\'..|:.. The Spice of Every ay l:;~_-\|'l}ut the Pulxllr are TalkT'I'i'[~A|m1.ugp!\'ut.lIlIu; I-211- mopm- the AH:-Minn of Thom v\\` m um `Ia!-[liq-Notes, . ' __ _ `Ldrne Division. .\'.().'I'., has become tinct. K New the burgnms in si-lks and not the lau`-go ' crush u_li_apuunt_ 911' :LLHn,rdy s. L.l`Q0 hllmltifimz hf Inn: nrn Iminn uhinnml PARAGRAP:H..N(_>KEDV_UP_ BY oun 1 ` BUSY aapbntzns. 1NC%iI}Ia:N\`TS.0r`%?1`H'E 1`>AY.; I0 YURI`. IIIU (IUIUIIUIUU I51 I` VII Ill. 1 little girl who sold the liquor ; had he been ` It home at the time the b0 '9 would not have got it. Fined m an: costs in ouch instance. And them were two offences chug- cd against him. GOOD NIGHT AT BARRIEFIELD. MARRIED IN OTTAWA. ONE 0! THEM. 0139-01 the Great Event: of the ouuub Jubilee Your will occur ou Thou-oday, January 18th. A `j: ` I __ - Ton per cent. discount 6! kid iory. and cough. tomorrow. at vvu VVUUIIUI `Ill- Thon will he no Ionian on Sunday Och. aha oervioo will borunmod on Sunday lth . uh` v ' vv uuulut rIuIIIIIIlIlOIo Light to nodonu wlndaunoutl westerly generally Mr and vary cold was r. - u-gvv vvuu u-u' Tlwn For runkonnou W. McDonald wu lined 010 an costs. or in dohult ollryunnc to go tn pol for A month. Mnry yon. vagrant. wuunt M for thirty day: at bar own mquut. -8 lug Smith via and 010 and coat: for immodernh driving. runny e m can warn. nlr. Newludf work Klwtgnlil city Ipeekq for iteelf. He is exceedingly tasty and at the lame time precoel in All he does, ud. beatolull. he gives perfect satisfaction. IU IIV ll? HIV .".`..`3. ' Ii."`3.'a7. go.s...Il.....I_ uuuwu unite: us nroolvllle. Mr. W. Newlnndl. Architect. has opened I branch alien in Brockvillo, And in d so he has noted u n the moon mom 0 ` lnnnv nnnnln in I :0 Lawn \l- ---|--~`~' Luv. I`4IIUII`Il rltvllululfrio It is said that there ore not enough names of freeholdera on the voters` list in the town- ship of Kingston to permit. legally. of B second deputy-reeve napresenting it in the county council. In consequence mother election ma have to occur. a councillor ' taking the p ace of the deputy-roeve. was I!) Inc llljlullv Wilson Day`: theatre company visited the aaylum yeatenlay afternoon and entertained the patients and employees with a matinee. The very pretty piece. "The Little Bu lar," was first presented. in which Mien rxnnie Bird captured the audience. After it her song, .\v tlx Scotch dance in H hland cor tume, was loudly encored. The aroe. The Man who Looked Like Me. wan very funny indeed. Mr. Henderson, an Cupi was immense. The whole performance was much enjoyed, and Mr. Day and his company de- nerve grout praise for remembering the pa- ` tient: to kindly. now In [sum n Hue, ll one or the but comedies known to the En linh Inge, unl has been played by the l ing Acton of the day an I npecinlly attnctivo card. To all who will attend I run treat in prnmlned. The costumes to be worn to-night Ins done worth the price of admission to nee. lulu uununsri nelv, nun Inc genuomuul Ml- ents and personal {:0 ulnrity should crowd the house. The P|. "The Honeymoon. or "nu! ... u..n.. . 17: .. n :- -_- -2 Ar - - -nun -nu yo-uuuau pun-ruy nuuulu Cl`0I` |. How to Rule 3 Vi es," in of the but nnmmlinu Lnnwn on IR. I-`n.-l:.|. -a-... __ I The Gootfoust-a Continue- \'an the Vir- ginian "-8!!! for 'l`o- ght. A splendid house greeted the Wilson Day compan last night upon the first production hereof rtley Campbell`: play, Van the Virginian." It was a ne drama, well-acted throughout,'and no doubt made a lasting impression upon all present. Mr. Day, as V andyke Vernon. gave an excellent ren- dition of a diicult role, and acted through- out with that spirit and nish that stampe all he undertakes. He was especially strong in the scene where he is subservient to his dut and gives up his wife rather than sully his onnr. and the audience quickly re sponded in a round of a plause. Miss Os- borne, as Kate Calvert. did some remark- ably clever acting. Her parting with Van in the third act, and the interview with Calvert in the fourth act, were exceptionally fine, and brought down t e house. Miss Willis, as Louie," and r. Summers, sh Charley Knox. made much merrilneut by their perfect portra al of a pair of v spoony lovers. Mr. enderson, as Ji le, ` was excellent. while the Jemlma" of re. Day deserves special mention. The su rt throughout was good. Little Annie Pgiid sang Pretty as a Picture in the second act. To-night Manager Wilson Day re-` ceivesabenetit. tendered him by friends and admirers here, and the gentleman's tal~ personal nonularitv shnulnl nhnuwl Inuuucs up In um rear Ol liod. Rev. Dr. Jackson said that there was no association so sacred as the family. If an ' foe threatened to invade the sacredness o their homes and destroy their peace they would immediately resist it. 'lhere were foes` invading the sanctity of their homes. One was worldliness. It was the reatest l enemy to their ha iness, peace, an r0 2' up-brin ing of thgii children. The pwoglad had sue a hold upon parents that they had no time in which totrain their children, and therefore they had not that inuence at home that they should have. Reforrin to the common schools the speaker said t at parents should think a great deal mo of them. It was a dishonor to susgr seool trustee elections togo by default. There should be more activity on. the parts! citi- zcns with regard to these things. So little interest was taken in the recent school trustee nominations that the candidates had - to look up people to nominate them. There should be no more honoiably and carefully selected board than that for the governing of the common schools. If the present apathy in the matter of education continued it would be better if the government selected the boards. The ministers. professional men, politicians. and christian men and women of the future are in the common _ schools of to-day, therefore it was import- ant that the teachers should be true and pious. He hoped that in future the people would pay more attention to the training of the young than they had done in the past. uluuu was "rrlfr nor l.'Nl'llll0I."- Rev. Mr. Sti lwell stated that the Sub- lmth schools deserved special attention as It sulfect for prayer. The people should ask ` Um to save their children, and endow Sab~ bath school teacliem with a lee ) fervour am! such a self-denying _s irit 0 love as brought Jr.-`sue down from ie"a\`en to antler aml lie that mankind mi ht be saved. They should also pray to Hm for a blessing to rest upon the educational institutions of the lmnl. The speaker was glad to know that there wgns a spit-it"'nf iety prevailing in them. It was true tint their common school system wu.the best on the face of the earth, ml their higher institutions were . secom none. They shoiild pray fervent- l_v to God on behalf of _the,uni\'ersity..iu the city. He had become acquain1}ml with many of the students attending thni institution and was often struck with the delinitennss of their doctrines, the liberulity of their senti- ments. and the (lee piety which they poa- sessezl. Many peop e haul been led to the (`T038 llV flit`. ltlnlnnhn nf llnnnn'n nniunruitu zsuauuu. manly people nml been led to the by the atudents of Queen's university. The speaker urged upun all to bring their fmnilies up in the fear of God. Rev. Dr, Jnvlxlnn nnhl that ohm... um. .... w- ' "'* I hwy-. I`):-. Jac|monL 7'l`eHa'V|'hh;.!i;"l`iiUili`i"` A'bo"uT1Iie Common School. The priayer service was held in thf: Bap- , list chur ch lust mtexniing. The audience mm a xjcx-y lurgu une. -Every sent in the [build- ing was occupied. Although extra seats were provided xnmpferwm had to' stand during the evening. nation wan Pr: pr for Families."- l on M. Q0: I.....Il.-5..A...l u.... n... u..I. `he atihjbct for medi- w --.__._:.:_?_j-. Brunch Omen at Brootvllle. \\.' \Y-..I-_.I- .n...I.:A_,. L, luv vv-u unvuvug - luv`:- A keeper of I grocery store. who ha: I licenle to sell liquor, was this morning chm-god st the police court with Iupplyin liquor to two ho a, etch under the age 0 I6 yearn. The efendnut said it wn his lam. ..;.I -5... nnhl n.. x:........ . 5...: 1.- 5.... Polloo Counnfrldny. Frunkonnou 1 Anal. o.- In J-l..-IL -1 _-_.* MAR TIN'S OPERA HOUSE. Wuthor n-oimnml 5.. ..-.I-_.4_ _2._ 1- ., , -- '1`, wEExdpl= `RA-YAER. E." '3 Ti; '3S3oT&"CL.:;o":3 do in t town. llr. owlnndf hi] RICH ml hut I621` 31- 1- Vlalt to the Anylmn. |\....`- gL--L._- A-_.,--~- -- .._.._________. convocation lull . n L- _- _-_n--- I - .1 uuuuux-II JICII H Klllllllllllllllle Ricluml S. Cook, of Pcterboro. recentlv" visited Kin ton and .vs'aa examined before the medical gourd for the purpose of ascer- taining the amount of compensation to be awarded him for the very severe wound that he received at Batoche. Since then he has received the Appointment of {onset ranger under the department of the interior. with headquarters pt Prince Albert. Benton Untll Life Wu In Danger. On Monday eveni v a quarrel occurred at l`ar|iQ|_n.bet\voen a iihille aged man, J oaeph .\Ic(z`o\\'au1. and a young man named Card. The latter beat his opponent so severely that he was not expected to live on Wod- ncadn_v night. He has since improved in health, an-l the doctor has some hopes of his recovery `no cm I;|noor`u o..._ Death of on Old lie-Idem. T homas Moore, of the tovrushi of She:-~ hrooko, was buried yesterday. is funeral was largely attended, there being over seventy-nine sleighs in the cortcge. De-i ceased had lived in the township for over 50 years. He was some years its reeve, and also filled the position of meve of 030. A Compliment to an Independent. The clerical friend of one of the`indepen~ lent, members in the city'cu1mcil-that is independent of all political bias and inn ence--o'ered him a curious compliment. He compared the member to n turkey-cook which stood u n the fence and didn't know to which side e belonged. (I \.UII`CIIIIlIII `IIIIITIII 1 The liberals of ~Ad are preparing ' for any enieigency which the dominion gov- ernment inay`fdI`ce upon them. The Imve called in convention, to he held at arrow smith on the Nth inst., to select a candi- date for the house of commons. I rluuunucli an IV nuuuu 3 I nan |un\._y. 'l`l1ocelebrnted white ho.-liotro *.west- and and violets, Ricksukcr`s;VLu iu`s and L Atkinson's best extracts. (`ome nml try l these goods for nice `Xmas presents. They will he just the thing. and nennemlmr they , are the best at Wilson's plmrm.-toy. ll Enjoyment '0! Crulura. Thin your will be a noteworthy one in the matter of cruising anvell an racing. Dr. Charles A. Noide, Iocntary of the Ameri- can canoe association. In now cruinlng with a companion in southern waters. The most interesting cruises of the year will be Ion mnoe my along the Atlantic coast an down the onplt of the Canadian rivers. The cont oruiau will be done under sail. and the Canadian trips in birch hark canoe: un- ler paddle. '` A-uuu-u. `nu us I--luau About ftv men are en mgetl in the con- struction of drains. Work ms hcen begun on the North street drain, and over M8)` yards of the Arch street ulrnin has been com- plcted. A Inger force of men will be em- ployed as the winter ml\'an(`es. at 1 an nauunncnuuu - u|uvu;uu.`uvu- The` only safe aids to rfect vision. at J. ' U. King's drug' store. uy none other. Sac every ` `ir is ammpel B.L." Imitutionis l uhoum . The rillllt may smuetilm,-s be cIus- ` ly iInitated.Hn!`fem1ie\'cr. ' " ` ---~ ~- - \l lie` [iii Sncumd` I" Pouitldn. ' Janie: Littl, who held down first base` 1 season at W per month.` , . ttrrthe Park Nine lxiseluifl club last season. n `has signed with the Lowville club for next , I Ono 'r:-nu wm coulne V ` You that Po(ner0y'I Petroline Pluters are Iupcbr to 'a'nyt.hing of their -kind for inns` in the back, chest-(stile or kidneys. So d'hy~ druggista and J. G. King. Kiugstom .\ \\'ouml-d .\luu'u .-\p;:olntment. ):..I....I u I`..\I. ..flL.a.\._|....... _,.,.A._. ; . l'I'I`fl|Ill`.-is nit `Vila I-lo Wu lloavlly Fined. ..__ J - -._.._.... -4--- _.|. A Show Shoo Trunp. ....:_... ALl-A.. _.-_.L-._ -1 Not Enough I-`reeholden. -..:.l AL..A AL--- -.... .__4 ,..__. _I. Greet CIeAl-lug Bale. \\'nlsl1 & SteAcy will begin to-morrow A great chap cleArin ule of their entire stock of winter a At greatly reduced prices, And Also t eir Annual cheA ale of y and white cotton: And a eetin . verything in heA\'y woo en goods malt sold out in order to InAke room for our eprin urpe` t department, to which we in- tend evotmg the whole of our second oor. Come Anal see the hArgAina we otfer. Walsh .1! .\'tAm-v ..l.. -.4.... ..: ll. LI|Il'In(`Q'I Speticles. LOCM.-.> BREVITIES. 4..- llulldlnx the brains. nrL__ _,_, ___. _,, __ ., .- A (`unwell Non (",.nIk-I. ,,_,_I_ ,l A :___AJ',. _.__ _ El". I5. IITIIK . Ill IIIII `MICK. Mr. Adams. Toronto. Agent of the British Aaodmnluurn Cofhzlu In tare ci Uh . I`. , .3m...a`d.u.;.; =y.um ' u"m`..'.'..'."..`} `E 1.. `$3 `":.`.`.z.?:';.'.' I. _ yn, n n `l-ionrry moodn Newborn and Want at '\ thin run} an ulrlnnnnn in-A inh.--. Cy` own KW" IJXTIIIII II'llUuIII'I. Hon. Dr. Wilton, mininurof public works, Munitohs. wu mu-tied yuurdn , at Kin- burn. to Mid Annie Armstrong, nghtor of an. R. Anna .ommp1m. Mr, A('AllIl_ Toronto. Annnt of tho "lIIOIl DI!" JDIIII lllly Hflllx Oll- S. Bnrdiok. Capo Vincent. bu been ap- pointod deputy collector and in: tor of custom: forth:-so montlu. Be I: keep him eyo open to: Canadian unuulon. Hun. Dr. Wilum. mininhl-of nuhlin rm-kn. IJHIKVX In $' IIOIIXII XCKCII, WIIIII IIIC city to-day. H0 in ready for any Iurpl-he which Sir John may bring on. R, Rmdink. (`Ann VinnnnL Inn hum An. l'l\'Il. Dr. H. L. Cook.,`mayor-elect of Napanoe, to~day mot mayor-elect Canon. They ahook hand: and oongratnlatad each other. They had the lame majority, 340. D. W. Alliaon. the liberal candidate for Loanox In the llonaooloonaaouunvaain the All. HLAAH "A I. ml? fnr gnu nun-nu-I-n 0?a J.".'1'i'a':'-'("n5".3'\'v"u'i""m.mu"' " In oaooooooo aim: man : P" P-Icuholi u ' c university will, In 5 short .;f:,;'m".'l- B-Iumon oonvim and join the \_/KDIIIU Dllll & Staeacy. p.'.q.;; ;'_.I a Mario. Baum` ordor in Park. . I-non! o! W id ha. ' ` or Alhulllllll an --.v__. ---- --vv- --------- `|IIlomry'mooti'1; _;?Nowbom P this wank. uddnuu were inter-. "nuasu.....u,-turIw.u.:o.na.a. ol .1.-. ux.. -u....I u!.-|.I....o..... UV!` DC. IUT HIKI- Rev. Dr. Lning. particularly prominent in his opposition to the scripture leuone, tried to be elected A school trustee of Dun- den end was defeetal. - D-.. D AAL':..-.._ _...-..AI.. .__l_:__J A- (III In "El CID-TI. Rev. R. Atiinnon. recently ordained to demon`: ordnrl, will nettle in Slnunonville. 'l'_ho people no unxiounly nwdng hi: ar- n\I'\_. II I I`...-J. -nnun-. glut I \Y...._... DLIICICIIUWIII. W. D. Bower and .\Ira. Ravenacmft, of thin city, will leave for Manchester, I-Ing., next. 'l`ueod|. __ ...il.. .1 AI.,. II... I... .|--L I -I IIUID IIIZIC - Mrs. Lemon, wife of the clerk of the Regal military college, has gone on a visit to card: hter. Moan. fkgyunond and E. Mullen will aka I in Aooncert at Sharpwn nut Thu v. I IIIIFEIIJ. Viiilliam Black, noveliu, London, has ob- tain a Verdi -t for 85(1) du ' t Boy` Bell: for (libel. lug `gun- I)... I\_ l_:..... ...._:4..I_._|_- __-..,:,,,,. IIIUIV I}-Fr -)IIIU uulu. Archdeacon Pinkham. Winnipeg, has been appointed to the vacant Binhopric of Sulntchewnn. II) II I.)......._ 4-! \l__ n,_, , 1-. 1 UTIIIC lulcrml. Mn. R. Gilbert, 0! this city, is visiting friends in Bowmwville. She will rennin them fgsr some time. A..._L.l.._...... l):_I.|....... n':.__2_ , I Lut evening thirty member: of the wow uhoe club started on I tramp. They walked *_`'"| II hr u Cartwright`: ht-ru, and turn- "8 hen. mined the Pmnburg road, " 8h|b!IIh. hppod" (ahnalu Bay and rntnrmul h.u._ -.._ n.._:__ . - _._ uuueru run nnenuan is proposed as .1 cnmlidam for the presidency in the demo- cnticinterost. \l_ D n:lL-_4 -1 .|.:_ ,r.,, klulllll IUVUIH Gen. Nolnon A. Milan. the cappurer of Geronimo, in the handnonum oicer in the 1 FIIISIIIILI` Arinv ` WIITIUIIUIII U1 ule L`0unly. Francis uagzy in at work in Cincinnati. And over 4, people have signed the plod . J, Kirlxhnm -Lnlinn Amznt nf 0|-m l:.......l P"3`.1!. .Kir|tham, stutiolrnengent of the Grand Trunk ruilvuy at Mont . hu died of ty- nhoid fever. I TUIII FQIIWI phoid Inn Nnlnn People Whose Movements, Snylngs and Dolnn Attruct Attention. Cardin] J acobini is seriously ill in Rome. Bishop. the mind-reader, is in delicate houlth. n- n_....._..... J r.._IL.,W- I I -. -uunuuuru an nu: unlu- 'l`un0.\'1`n, Jun. 7.--Tho rumours of the early dissolution of the dominion house have caused unusual activity among the politi- cians hem. and the names of the probable candidates are `bein canvassed. Mayor Howlmd and S. H. B aka, Q.C., arespokan of an the probtble candidates in the temper ance interesta; Lieut-Governor Robinson, Col. Fred. Deninon, C.M;G., and Edward Gurney as the conservative candidates ; and Robert Jnlfny and Ald. Hunter as the re- form cnndidntes. UUllIllIl)lIB- The date for the elections is looked upon l as Feb. l5th. ` I! la Coming. Sure! 'I'6lvTu.\"r0, Jun. 7. - The Globe says : News has to come to us from many quar- ters to the etfect that yesterday his excel- louoy the governor-general signed the pro- clamation diasolving the domizyon house of commons. ' l 3 Ulll. Neither party in Kingston has decided who its c4u'ulidate will be, though it is un~ delstood that Alexander Uunn, the present member. now on his way from Europe, will be the liberal nominee. Some time ago he left Rome, crossed to Algiers, and sailed for England by way of the Straits of Gibraltar. It is quite probable." said Mr. Harfier, of the firm of (iunn & (3o., that he has been in England for some days, and although he has not_ad\'isc(l me it is 'possible he has left for Canada." The name of James Minnes, of Macnee & Minnes, has been freely men- tioned in connection with the candidature of the conservative part '. Within the past year M r. Minnes has 3 own wonderful inte- rest in politics. and also in the electors. He has been known to frequently stop citizens. greet them warmly, and learn their names. He has been following up quite closel Mr. .\letcalfe`s style of campaigning. I Mr. Minnes refuses the nomination the second choice lies between James Swift and Capt. Gasltin. The indications point to a keen contest. ` 7 The Ernmllnllonh 3-, The following in the rung of th t nninauon in bohn i - "" :1. Indian! college: Y "'""`"" "" Mann Bruin. ll.n.li..-' D..I._ . .-. . ---v- .... v .- - u V . u-uu-uu-vvu vnuvol Ill HIV 3 ulir utm renenl il Sheridan is proposed rnmlidnm this nreaidencv in thn damn. ` 9th." T How the Speaker Figures Out the '_l`hlng-.- I-Ilcotlons Prolnblo [of Next Month-: \\'lIo 'lll bqil the Field In Kingston ? The Members orrwo Wholesale House: May Have the Fighting toiflo. ' Politicians are begiuningto feel that the dominion elections lure` close at hand. The leading conservatives in the city at tirst pooh-poohcd the idea, but they are showing as much interest in the probable date as any other class of .-itizeus. \ The event is now the cliiel topic of coiwersatioit. A reporter dropped into the ollice of Hon. G. A. Kirk- mtrick, speaker of the house of commons, nt l.lltlLgt:lll.leln&D said he was as much in thv dark as any one else. He picked up an Ottawa exchan , which said that the cabi- net had decidet on dissolution, and that the date wouhl be announced on Saturday. In another place this paper said Wednesday, Feb. 9th, was the time fixed on. I` hen the s -alier picked up his almanac and said, If t e writs are issued on Saturday. or even Monday, they can be in all the eonsti en- cies in Canada by the 24th inst. Eight are allowed by law to have the writs posted, ' and according to this the nominations could occur on Full. 2nd and the elections on Feb. I.':. ,,,. , I I 5 ! I \'...'A|. -_ _.,. _.L.. 1., THE LOCAL POLITICIANS PREPAR- I INC FOR THE ELECTIONS. 00ms1' UOSJIISGI. PERSONAL MENTION. (`nudldulbu In Toronto. no -nu tdo` the Inoulou oouogo : I XII. BIVVII. (hmlier, Pol; A_ r.]_ by, ml : Fmohnd. Hukueu, mu; Mgxm, hucr, equal : Hcl |u.-nu. L.n_ M. Gray, Ielhnly : Shunnon, M: `H --= = *:..1::- .9~.:~- Mu Polka; nno . ollog, Moo _ qul ';- Putunon. U`(}ormun. McVoy,_ (hon, Ebert. WHRM lalvitt. Miller,` uchgu, Snider. Sootf. Csmolcon. THE Bmmn` wH1(.:, FRIDAY, JAN.` -3-vuu-.v Inn 5 uofusun Thc Iollowinf exchange of pulpit: hu 1,... or to take place on Sunday non in connection with the week I prnyor 1!! ' ` - V-----r - vv--- --v-- ------ ---WI-J, III! which an indogiondont charter wugrsntad ` b the Ontu-lo cghloture several you-I . mu bu hon Iurvcyod, and a..'i . Ioobud our I [nut portion of the dhhncp. " IKITI IIIU U110!` OI IO Wfrglln nly, Q diltanoe of thou! 350 miles. The length of the Amorionn portion of the line in About the ammo. Th projoctod line in that of the Ontsrio & Slult 800. Maria rlilwny, for Iw tha Onhrio crhlnture uvorsl vmn Ann, uornouu ul unun ur unlenulu, orolun Fnnch river about Connor`: ishnd ans Iklrtlng the shots: of the (loorginn Bay, dinmnm nf shout gm lnilnn, Thu Innml. at [or I unu It DIUII ate. MIND, And oer- u thin as in the interest o! the Gnml Tran hold I like clutter from the Cam- dinn liuncnt * e Grind Trunk hnvo a projected line fN I `on the Midland; `in the nei h- bor a! 01-min or Lnkeold, orou n II`:-unto}: rivnr nhnnf. l`.mn-nu-`n I-In-nl ... vuu nut, is 1:. ll uawnneu to ule me North- ern Pacic from Duluth to Aehlnnd on Lake Superior, and it in ex ted't.he work will be completed during t `a com season, as there In no luck of money and t e com y in vigoroun inpuhlng the work. They ma 5 clnrtar from the American government for 3 bridge at Seult Ste. Mum, and tnln north: in thn inhum-L nl elm (2.-....I . V_4g.\ The Grand Trunk Wlll Have |`l.lne llunhed to Duluth It an Early Date. .\lo.\`1-nn1., Jan. 7.-'l`he (lazelle thin mornlnf gublisbee the following, which is evident y mm anoicial source : 'l'he(}rand Trunk rnilwn will nhortly have a connec- tion with Duluth. " An independent line in to be built by some New \ork cupitalintn from Duluth to Sault Ste. Marie. They mu not build all the way. and probably wi not, an it is intended to use the North- Arn "nnin fnnnu Ylnlnolu 0.. A.|.I-...l A. I -l._ "R7 1 ruw'n--R`ov.`R. 8tl;woll. 4 C '-RIv. A. L. Mofnydon. Cook ChIroh-Rov. J. W. 8porllng. int llcthodlb-u. 3. Houston. Sooond DloIho&--Rov. Dr. Jackson. Third Methodist--Rov. F. Md} . Fourth Hoodhkrov. F. W. A. oyor. HM MotIod|It-Rov. J. A. Mama. I'll-It Congnptlonnl-86: .` s.oond()un;r?t.|aud- v. . oopor. . lhptllt-Rev. . Mnokic. \ IICIIIIIC NI unit. Mingrelia forms at portion of ancient Colchis. It is in Asia, bordering on Cir- cassia and the Black Sea, and is a part of `the lientenancy of the Caucasus, of which the Grand Duke Michael is satrap. It has an area of twenty-six hundred s4 uare miles, mostly mountainous, the low ands being fertile but swam y, and infested with the most malignant evers.- There is an iron mine, and it is said that gold has been found there. but the people do little beside(raise corn and rice enou h for food, and tobacco. wine enough to fu ly supply their appet- ites. There are practically no roads or other improvements, and the whole country has a savage and forbidding aspect. The inhabi- tants number about two hundred and forty thousand, and are of the most debased type of Georgians, being physically, mentally and morally the lowest of the (Iaucaasian tribes. They belong nominally to the Greek church. Mingrelia was taken in conquest by Russia in I304. but the prince" was allowed to retain his place as chief, umler a Russian overseer, until I877. when he was altogether turned out and consoled therefore with a. bounty of seven hundred and fifty thousand `dollars. The Russian candidate for the throne of Bulgaria is a son of Prince David Dadian. the petty ruler thus i nominiously dealt with by the Czar Alexander ll. ""'I I-H11 (I16 IIIIIDII ioughnbunh, " Ppod" ` 9 mm and returned to the city. During G ble in the wood: Mean. Stotlnln, Inland Illll Greet Quip nnnw u-an Inallv weir ruler win most nnely oe carried out. Nicholas of Miugrelia is a prince who has never reigned nor been more than an obscure henchmen of the czar. lie was born on Janna 4, I847, and on April `25. I874, was msrrie to Marie. daughter of the conspicu- ous Russian general and niinister. Count Adleberg. He is a colonel in the Russian army and an aide-de-camp to the czar. ?is hereditary title of rince" r--mes from iis ancestors hnvinv held a chieftainship over some of the w` d` tribes of the (`aim-asus. The extinct cl nasty which he represents claimed direct ucscent from Kiln; lhivid of Israel. Prince Nicholas is in highly educat- ed, accomplished, cuurtculls gentleman of European type. lie was educated abroad. as well as lll l3`.us.-u'u. and speaks several European lun uuges besides his own. Al- though he stil maintains his ancestral castle st Lugdidi, he resides mostly at St. Peters- burg, and is well known in hi h society at Paris, Vienna qnd Berlin. lfis sister; the Princess Salome Dadian, married Prince Achille .\rlurat. ll........I:.. f..---.- . ---A37 - 1' PRINCIC N lCll()l..\.`i. The latest news from Europe is that the czar and the limpcror of Gcrnmn have made an alliance to refrain from ta ing up arms against each other in certain contin- gencies, as: Russia would remain neutral in the event of it war between Germany and France, and Germany in a struggle between Austria Hungary and Ruesia. Should Rus- siaftherefore pursue her policy to coerce Bulgaria, spite of the oppmition of its peo ple `and "the menace to Austria-l`l`ungarian interests involved in it, Germany would not assist Austria-Hungary against the ag- gressive Muscovitc. The probability 1-: m ecideclly against Englaucl interfering and making common cause with Austria~Hun- gary in such a contingency, and the reported alliance between the kaiser and the czar 'ves strength to the candidacy of Prince icholas, of Mingrelia, to the Bulgarian throne. The Bulgarians are opposed to him, as they believe, with goocl reason, that he would be a mere creature of Russia ; but the czar`: will to im se him on them as their ruler will most li 'ely be carried out. Nicholas nf hlinornlin in A nrin:-n wlm has 1 The Cholro Mu5l_o by Hip (`am for the, ` L. ' _ Throne of lluluzurlu. NEW RAILWAY R ')UTE. Exchange oil `Pulplb. l......'-.. --..L-_... ..l _.. S`|T'|JATV|CN ' W EUROPE. _d_ f A Former ltlngetonlen Entere Into Wed- loek-A oppy Phyelclen. Although the elfeir hell been he very niet, n lerge number of the mem re of hriet Church oongregetion, Ottewe. were preeent on Wedneede morning to witneel the merriege of Mine innie Keeley. dumb- ter of the lete Williem Keeley, of this city. to Dr. Burnett. e prominent phyeiclen of Went Haven, Conn. The oeremon wee pedonnecl by Ven. Archdeeoon Len er, en- ,ellted`by Rev. Mr. Muokleeton and Rev. `F. Bernett. e brother of the groom. D. H. Keeleyeoted ugroomunemend Mhef. Wed- dlnghem. of West Heven. Cenn.. end like Cheeley, of Ottewe, olcieted ee brides- melde. Amo thoee preeent were E. Ber- nett, of Weetgeven. end W. J. Keele end wife, of Klngetnn. 'lhe ledlee of hrlnt Church oon tlen. of which line Keeley wee e memlfgced teetelnll deooreted the ohenoel for the ocoeelon, en the full choir we: present end rendered the musical I1 of the service with excellent elect. Re bride reoelved me? landmine end onetly preeente. Mr. en Mu. Barnett lelton en extended wedding tour. . In snub-uusal uyne. um concert was A grand success. At I0 o cioek the dancing com- menced, and almost every one that remsined took rt. About midnight the company retire; in groups to M. Byrnes , where they enjo ed a refreshing supper. At 2:3) mm. the 0 was brought to A close, eve body going ome contented, believing it to one of the best evenings sgnt in Bsrrieeld for slon time. Mr. De eup deserves credit for h s gopd numsgenent in melting the entertainment so _sucoessfnl. 5 npmulu. muaars. Lrumley snu Mlddlomn ohered ll duet, which caused considorsble laughter. Mr. Smith presided at the organ in first-class style. 'lhe concert was grand the dnncimr nnm. -mo Town inn Opened In Good Stylo-AI Enjoyable Dom-.0 Follows. Last Tuesday night A grand opening con- ceit was held in the new town hell, Burie- tield. under the msnngement of E. J. Le- Heup. assisted by the Kingston serenede club andother local talent. I. D. Oldhsm acted as chairman during the evenin . lling the oice in a pleasant manner. `By the time the vans reached the hell it was crowd- ed to the doors. After all t thoroughly warmed the chairman open `the concert by calling on the Kingston serenade club for A selection. which it pls ed in lively style,, causing many little" eet to hop upon the floor. Then followed s song entitled "A Jolly Good Laugh," by E. Crumley, the ef fect of which, on the audience. was what stood for the title. S. Dono hue gave a banjo solo and was encored. 1\ ins Bnteson sang two songs and was encored. responding in each case. Mr. Middleton gave I recite tion, and was followed by I uitnr duet by Messrs. Summerville and `rosby. Miss Rmimbrou ht down the house with her songs. whiu who ve in 3 very spirited msnncr. Fred Cros y san one of his comic songs. and afterwards, with S. Donnghue, gave an instrumental duet. recoivi loud s plnuse. Messrs. Crumley and Hi dleton ogered duet. which rmnnarl nnnshhn-gill. me In we wooug Men,` 3"` had 91.. wow wrecked. The mm. W . V` 'I'L,, . In 09.4.. \Y-..A D lptherh in pnvdont In Tofouto. Ell Uyller supper. For the printers ball, on Thursday even. ing. the invitations are out. and it is ex- pected thet A social time will be spent. The American style of ordinsry evening eoetume has been s.(lopted. White kids, ties, em, are not in order. Persons who purpose attend- ing shoul-I secure their tickets from the 3 members of the committee. Lue uuscuurm: was all now one. The followin are the oioero elect of the Cape Vincient %re. brigade : President, (I. W. Warren ; secretary. H. Roeeboom ; treasurer, 8.5`. Block ; foremln. A. McGre- gor ; assistants, N. Mance. C. E. Whitney and Joaeph Strong. After the election, Charles J erome. entertained the renum to I n nvnfnr annnar uuxnn avc vuluulu, cl an oyster supper. Fnr the nrinhan UV IJIPPCII HI: IVBHHOC. ` The festival of the Epiphany was observed ` in St. Mary : cathedral yesterday. Grand Vespers were sung last evening, the Rev. ` Fr. Mcrath otcmfng. The uzmon was preached by Roy. `Fr. Kelly, his tax.` being the gospel read at the on this festival. The discourse was an able one. Tim 6`nll....-:.... ...... cl... ..A:......... .1... ..t 41.- CUM)!" l'8BpeUIlV'Cly. The North American telegraph company will have a line run into Bel`eville in a few weeks. It has urchased the poles from i Belleville to M5 oc formerly used_ by the Montreal company. The C. I . R. line will be tapped at Ivanhoe. The festival nf flu: Rnlnlunnu nvnn r;`\nnrIvn4' uu IHK. 'f`f1c officers elected at the last meeting of the members of St. Lawrence division, Sons of Temperance. were imtulled lust evenin by Bros. McRoaaie and Mcllro , who acts.-5 as Grand Worthy Patriarch an: Grand Dir- ector respectively. The North Ame-.r'iI-nn hnlnarnnh nnnnnnnu vwm muc_y_, wuuc I-H8 omer mm quality of pea coal at $4.50 per ton ; grate and egg.$6.75 ; number four and stove at $6 per ton. Best quality sf smith cml a.lwa_vs on hand at Swift's. No hum-' hu1ng. (2 nia-urn Alnnfnul no Han In-0 ....,.:.... .6 `nnmlu for it. "in `the .\`ylcnlmnI strcut church. Jutruy B. " The nqw tnboggam alialu will he pe-neul next week. Sp:-cixnl nrr:u1genu-nts urv Irving T0-Iligllt the .])!'-_VL`-I` service will he held juct will he Missions. . The ire is now in excellent cmnlition anal the \\'0lfe Islanders are he vinnin r to brin La 5 _ their prmlncc to the city. 1110 rm nflll-nlunvn Iv D...l ..6` Tllv sub- puuuc 8_(n0Q[8. Yesterday a. part of the nmchinery in the carding room of the cotton mill broke. In consequence of the accident work has been sum -3`en(le(l until next week. Ara 1-an I`- nn .l.~...l. .4` 4L:.. L.-. .L,. mm." wire` "'3 W `'-_ Nu` Thlndny evening mother tramp vnll occur.