ON hwy Ygu n L between the CI! Park nd P LACK 01.0111 BA UIL :rlIn u:Ttl:hh:uo. The nder will one '0" in at is Barrio Strut. at Wino oloo. POLITDAL INT ELLIGENCE. .KINGS]TO`N. cAAD?A. MQNDA Y EVENENV}. JANUARY `to; 337, ' Gen. Ticket Agent. res noon: 0! me uoulsvlue l/0Il1`|(r-Juurmu `n of the New York Ilemld. His work proved of industrial value to Georgia, and increased his popularity. With money made by hard work andsome speculation -or 0 hi pher mistnkes--Grndy bought a third interest in the Atlanta Con.m um'on, for which paper he writes with considerable irregularity as to the length of his eusions, but always with the uency and crispness which are an index to their authorship. His work for the leading magazines is wel~ corned by their editors for its information- al" value, and its broad and liberal spirit. Mr. Grady posseues the sympathetic and enial temperament of the orator. He is -hearted and popular, and the circle of his ealthful and generous inuence is ever extending. Th. list. of those invited to the dinner of *Purihn, grunt than Uuslier. In an no wqAmo:icsn.udin tlntinhhhomd formwu-ontgnthondtho vususdlto - ingforouolthil rqpniqchuginqit with such tnmondou manning um no devoting it above hnmu It thus martyrdom. though lnfuuouly aim . cum u I tting crown to 5 Illa onueonhd iron the cradle to lmmnn liberty. m....l...mn.m:ha numnnd atten- :03`; {ES i{I-g;It ibiivlho fuult olhothwcro oat: buthowu grhtcurthw _u...:.... .....o-. nun (".nvnIiau-_ am. In lmmnn liberty Hionfonnocftotho nqmundtothon-M lulonnh . both plant and pmopootiv , htwoultho whit: and colored nevi. wares "`5.t:*.:':* :'.`1.`:_`!".':'.`..':L!:.;. .`: ?.`.`l..`... OI IIOIIIIIIG IIIIIIIICIIIIHB. xuuuu: relations of Ibo southern nale with the In close and oordhl. '9 romombor th win delity he guudod our dchnoolul woman and children. when but I lnndlcnd futhonworo ght! nmlnsthin, froodom. To hil eternal opd t_ bo_l_t mid Lincoln In the touowmg wnna : Grant types, like vnlunble plants, are slow to flower and fruit, but from the union of these ooloninh came he who uundn an the first ioal Atnorioun. the first who com- prehonsod within hllnooll All the nrongth And gunman. all the any md of this republic---Ahnlnm aincoln. 3 vs: the tum of Purihn Ind Cavalier, for in his union! nature won fund tho virtues of both. and in the dertluol his great. soul the faults nn ..1L..oI........ .hm.|mrn nuns:-thnn AN] useful as well an ornamental present for Th whouoeo8PIC`!'ACLI8 wouldbenuood `Ln PAIR The beat quuuy and largo! -kuWll.SON`8. Nu PLUSH AND ODOUB CASE we have *|`::oxu'omoly lu-to anal-uncut. ulooull with E nkmtlmupoenooglvclmndbmsghtonu `In the Dd Iuuhoturut In dung dir- c In thlnww we an l.hoJobbaI-I` Pull. _..ln|nu[In[oIIlntotho|Iocko\Ioh.ho|nwho Ruonln In. as for Instance: huolhoo! InbulIBrmI(i!hlHhOlQIIuJolIhIlI `I I5oAchtor.wo|nIuly|u|0oonll.|Iyour 3`-ytncrlcht.-zmovua-up:-Ioouuuoh. Ala OUTOLAS D01'l'LE1nhhly we I117 thonuntoxtivo lull Ilia. In QZIDOLAII to have 0 Immunoa- ,nont. and In IOITLK 1'08 OOVIIINO Voounplauovcryhodyonpliooudqunllty. JUIIJOAHTEAND-PAINTIDIIAI JAIXPIIl`UIIDOL3m.o..hc..ut wuaoxn PIIARIAOY. land: and fallen won nanu ngunu nu freodom. c t be It tint whenever ho struck I b w {or his own extending. The list of those inviwd the New England society was large, and in- cluded many distinguished men. That list had been made out with care, and included Chauncey M. Depew, Horace Russell, Gen. William T. Sherman, Maj.-(Gen. Schoeld. and Rev. '1'. Dewitt Talmagc. There was one name. however, which was not very familiar. When President Russell intro- duced Grady the company behold as smooth- facod, medium~sised, modest-looking man, who appeared even on r than he was. Mr. Grady at once laynd into his sub'ect, The New South." with a grace w ich showed that he knew what he had tosay and knew how to say it. He touched a - pular chord. and no man has ever crea a greater sensation, the more so as it was wholly unexpected. He reform! to Mr. Lincoln in tho following terms : un....o, fwnnn Iika valnahla nlantn. are him. Mr. Grady is about thirty-tive years of :30. He was born at Athens, Ueorgin. and nested at the university of his state, which is located in the place of his bstivity. While in colle e he was both a good stu- dent and an Lt etc, with the reputation of being the fastest runner in the institution. After Attendance for s time st the universi- ty of Vir inia, Mr`. Grady began newspaper work. e was on a visit to Atlanta when he volunteeretl togo {IS the (,`on:;lo'hm'on`.v correspondent on a `projected excursion. His letters, which appeared one every day for a week, were brilliantly written and attracted attention. For a while after this ..I...........5 ..-......:.-um Ln mlihul A uilv nnnpr attracted attention. ror II VI nue mwr uuu pleasant experience he edited 3 daily paper in Rome. but, in l87l, relnovel to Atlanta. the euive metro lis is rt of the counlirygf There he nlsisufitjn tll:publicn- tion and editin_g,of the Atlanta Herald, I clever newspaper conducted with a gener- osity which led to its discontinuance. and the increased success of the Constitution, which had been its rival. Grady : repute tion induced his ready employment as cor~ respondent of the Louisville Comier-Journal -._ .1 oh. \Y..m \'nu-I: II-mid in wnrk II. `V. GRADY. ` The Globe and Mail, and Canadian papers 4 generall , have id tributewo a representa- tive of e fourt. estate, Henry W. Grady, .-J oh. Aolnnhx f'nnuh'IuIn'nn_ whmul. ..nonrh NW3 0! me lounn esmte, nunry H . urauy, of the Atlanta C'ouxn'hm'on. whose .peech before the New England otpiety, in New York, has made him famoug Such indeed has been the effect produced by it that the desire of all classes. including 'ournu.l- iats. in to know as much an pouibie about him him. ll. A JOURNALIST or WHOM ma pno- V FESSION as PROUD. " Ila Made an Addrou In New York \\'l|loh an Undo I Grout Soluntlon-'l'ho Tide` In his `Llfe Cfaughtvii-I tha Full and Llkely to'L;'9:'(l to Fortune -`Goo(lI.u(-k go I-llun. THE nownma .u.m-xv on W'elllngton St. with residence ovorho d. am! the xtures an ` ttings of tho Allo '. uasesaion at any time. _ gfly to GEORG RlCHARDSON&.SOXS. of Princess stmet. Aug. 81. Wmmus, BY A SPEECH. CUTIE. Cl U-w ---:- Bonox, Jan.` l0.-A enonl tie-up on the Connolidhtod hone rai rond oocurrod thin morning. The riovlnce of the "men knot known, but in boliovqd to be the fdlnn of President Powon to hop hi; pnrt of the meat rooontly mulo with the men. A urluton cur started this morning. mumod Ivy non-union driven and conducton, who an protected by policemen. IIIU I'CII- I-Jlllio If you do not value our health. Ind I` time i: not worth any: in, pin your am: to the Anointing oil," or the mortar from Iome chapel. But if you do value health nnd have not time to wuto in u:el:::experi- 3133:, take Dr. RV. Pierce`: "Golda; M`:- i Dilcovery" on the npgoortnco 1. e (int Iympoomn of conrum uon ; which ore I loo: of appetite :nd e: , general dobility, dight, dry, hocking 00 h. etc. E day you defer trout. you one in o r: onol mmner, nuke: t e di:u:e harder to com- bot. Send ton cent: in stamp: to World`: Di: nary Modicol Auocintion, Bnlo, NAP... for Dr. Piano : Tro:t.i:o on mump- `nu Should always be given to the hair and and . Dr. Doromv nd` Hair Mqi , unofonoo in 3 while ewilfkoo the Mir sad ...|_ :_ - ..I--.. In; olnr nnntl don In mun: IOII UI. vvluuwvuu - ..-. .-, unonronoo in while, willkoo mud nodp in: clean. hulthy condition. In one: of hddnou when the toot: on not gone. it will produce 5 good bad of huh-.. It will to bar to an original 1 ', . '.`,';'...'.'n"'.`'n... of um um. and x-.u:.'v.P3| was $11 mung or ulo Iur, ulu lunovc uu tn-soot of dondml. A. Donnweml, nolo Inumfootnrnr. Toronto. J. G. Xi and 158. A. P. chawn. drunk!-. agents for -Ann hom :'(';'3Cu::: :3.-`1iMu'I$":ws`n`;vc'.: eh. gonrnnont`q,_nuxcinl~ ropouln and any cntlmstu. The eloction or new Folio- uulno .111 kg nlnoa on Junnnn. lth, XIIIIIZ. AID OIOOIIOII l0I' `CW '01 :3: will his plgoo on Jnnnuy. NIL. "z;t'i";;`. 73'Eg;2'T' '1' 1`":'6::; `p3 : f6";' EXIT: ; me new Englia oo oulngn. so Inge bundles. ` smalls-pquumtie: nor bundle. Rowux 5: Co.. Hmuum. sl:ilol|'I oshrrhl romody-g V ` ve can or olhrrh, dipthorh. and Iionth. his son. Hearing this staraement Lne magis- tram said M r. Norris ought not to have come to court. Mr. Glidden said it was not necessary as he had a witness who could prove that Mrs. Norris was not at the saloon at the time the liquor was procured. Oicer Burnett took the stand. He said that on the night of the 25th Dec. he spoke to a ho who was crying o ite to the premises 0 the defendant. lad's name was McCann. When asked what he wanted he said he was waiting for young Norris who was in the de- fendant's saloon getting whiskey for his father. A few minutes after witness saw young Norris come out of the building with something buttoned umler his coat. Wit- ness did not know what it was. He did not know Mrs. Norris was in the saloon as he did not go into it. Mr. McGuire contended that the evidence produced was not sul- cient to convict his client. The In trate innocently perpetrated a pun, in ad ressin Oicer Burnett : It is a pity that you di not search Norris and discover what he had under his coat. It would have been very good proof." He adjourned the case until to-morrow mornin so as to allow Mrs. Nor- ris to give her evic ence. hfr Mnuira said he did not think the p ll`. Mouuxre sum Ill: ulu uuu wuunn euu clause in the license act. relating to minors. upeliod to mesaen rs. 'Ihe magistrate said that he would ma e it 3 ply to messengers if they were children un er sixteen years of Age and the cases before him. .I..hn Nolan. for drunkenness. was sent to and me macs Uewna nun. Juhn Nolan, for drunkenness, gaol for thin days. The magistrate walt- ed to know ow it was that he could nd money to buy whiskey and could not ntford to pay for Attendance at the general hospi- tn], Lord Randolph Churchill Forming I 0070 -111: Action Uondunnod. LoNn0s,Jnn. 9. -Lord Lnnsdowne de- clines Lord Qalisburyb o`er of atglnco in his` cabinet. It is not expedient in e national inwrut to sew-r his connection witlne Do- minion at. present. 'l`hn war nrnnnrnnns are much diacnuod. mnuou at present. 'l`he war preparations are much Lihetils believe that if the preperntiono mean wnr, they will lead to the full of the ministry, as Churchill would be the 61-at to denounce any interference in continental gunrrele He in busy forming a cave, and is being joined by prominent member: of the tory- emocntic Lord Iddleeleigh, the oreign secretary, in at present indiepoeed to the my other of- ce, but will prohehly recoeeider his deter- minatlon. wuo luv`--vv - 3 ' ' - * * ' ` ' ` ' " : " tutors gr: color. pn- { of th his-, All ov:.n.?...u..l dT:.lml. . A. I)nunr:::{..usIa ` this law In true presence." W en the white people of the southern -states uniilersully endorse and ado t such sentiments, then the great race prob em will be virtuallv solved. and what. was the great- est mena(. e to the union will be in: great strength and mainstay. Hraulv vnu made much of on his return to strength and ma1nsu_Ly. Grady was made much Atlanta;` honors: are being hove upon him thick and fast, and it is even suggested to put him upon the democratic ticket for the vicmpresidency of the republic at the next election. 2 Selling Liquor to Minors-The Magistrate 7 Ferpetrntes is Pun-A Single Drunk. A Princess street saloon keeper was charged with allowing whiskey to he sold on his premises to a .person under sixteeir ears of age. He pleaded not guilty." The y Norris, who, is supposed to nave got the liquor, gave his evidence. He toddled into the box and began tosoh. When Mcbuire, who appeared for the defendant, saw the boy he enquired his a e. His father said he was eight years old. '1` e lawyer objected to his testimony as he was too young to under- tand the nature of an oath. His father was then sworn. He said his wife had got the whiskey alluded to and had sent it to him by his Hearing this statement the magis~ trnln snitl hrir Nnrrin nllill. I101`. ron oouons ANDC0LDS.-OI-up . noun. ` dtll.h:ruu3;Iogouon Ragnar. The 311:: one uou a co . Composed Wild Ch . Horoliound. ooun o and other vnlunbo ingredients. Plesssn to tasks. In bottlm. 350. and 500.. at WADE'S DRUG 3-ITHRII`. with him ins it: of cnlumnious assertions to" the contrary y those who assume to s ` k ,.for us or by frank op nents. Faith wi I be ` kept with him in the uture if the south holds her reason and integrity. The new south is enamored of her new work. Her soul is stirred with the breath of new life. As` she stands, full-statured and `equal among the people of the earth, breathing the een air and looking out upon the limitless orinon, she understmuls that her emsnci tion came because, in the inscrutable w` om of God, her honest purpose was crossed and her breve armies Beaten. This is said in no spirit of time-serving and apolo . I should be unjust to the so'nth.if I di not make this lain in this presence." I 9.. ma n-him mnnle of the 1|-uu-nu vvvr vvuu -nun-nun. Ouponlupn, Jun. 8.--Tho Danish kiwi mm. at nu-lhlnont wudinolnd owinn M in to give her evidence. Mr. McGuire said he I .... .. :.. 4|... l:...uu.n uni I-nlnnn tn minnrx THE POLICE COURT CASES. Trouble our Wu Iulnnntoo. I-.. u IIUL- l\-_,LL n THE uRlTISH CABINET- Quito at tic Hub. `.9 npoom Ammo- The FOIIII Cure. ,,,,,,, L_,IA PIIIII PIIOI 7" - Dr. William` Indian Pile -.:::;'-=1:-: `*!`_':*;,"""""........:" In home: STORE IIUUFITUC "TI? TI HUTIDCIUI SA.-I Enucxaoo. Jan. l0.--Th an-Jam: strikon yutudq afternoon mop blow u n durum on 850 Gary Ill!!! 00 human` I. - `nun-L nl Oh: tlllnlllli "L! N 4 2 road. wnok _ OI ` of tones! loch,$a.nd the window: won N0004- '1`ne wood won or uuuuu-u od` but no out woo Mind looionx vru Mud no dhhnoi rNoononnd lulu. -..|.. n ...... ma. I A` induct-nun uuvn wvnnu . E: csrI!n`P'ou'th.utln:c`1 >`a-;|`:-3.3:: to 30 3" :ocitiyofMou::llor lingmlhopin Amn?n;I.In mfonri bv thc bllrninl of OI I'Ill'll)I 0I. -l'. IUII III R. . M0.lmln0l'y. They Ind to jump from the w' w it; their night eldlu. their in-nlu-v mnnuv and c-Inlilmi wdhl Inn-n. ftun llo VIIIGOV ug ueuj mggu clown. Ilmr gblwoloty. money and clothing. wife All harn- A llltll IIIIIOII 5u.3'u W I UL his wdifo coliuneucotl to IV on my nu on I ndghhr home on Suurdty In fuund Wnhhtv dcsdonthoununndhllwiiolns unconnciounuu. Empty whhhy by around the room. H18 ['01] Allall 111116716, (0 l'8Il8'lI. There are `250,fX)0 women in Inndon who ea;-n their living by the needle who make no more than 81.50 aweek. ' TL`. nuumilinn nnininn lhmnlnhnllt thn culturu ma Al uaoouuou. ' Solicitors will upply to the Onttrin legis- lature for mu act to unite the Woodstock 5nd Toronto Baptist college: under the mine of the .\Ic.\Iuter University. 'I`I...m.. H Jnlmntnn nn-intnnt nmunin. A FEW DOARDERS can be ncoommodntod ` at IN Clergy /su-got. _----4:___.__._.____.--- TOOOIYOCI C CIIVUIUW WIWII UDIIIUHIIIIE III Iln Serious ch; have been nude ngsinst. chief of police urny. Winnipeg, for al- lowing prinonen to be taken out of their cells on the day of civic elections to vote. TI... I-`mnlrfm-t Zniluna nvn Tm-kav hu C9! INC Gly OI CIVIC CIQCIIOIII K) VOIC- The Frankfort Zeihuug say: Turkey bu joinod Germuw And Ruuin lll the adoption of A common Balkan policy. llld that thcy are tn-`yingrm induce Fnnoe to co-o to. 1... ... ..lI-.. r`|...I..u-on-n. D . I In. '0!` I change OK Venn In `DC C10 OI JIIXDU Shsrp, New York, who was indicted for bribing Aldermen to pus the Broadway rtilwny frsnchiu. ' ` Th. fulnmtinn nf trade; union in the In new 0! no Iutuluounn OI III ungnu lo! labour ngu-ding the ulary ol 86,41!) to the u-nu-wcriutttrb htudhg to note that u Nuv\YorI Wovid 3' i600 its willingnu to V0 Ilr. Powder! ll) I ylrrto ducts in `service on nnivcly to 0. Ct . . Then` did who I pm: .0!!! (`.P. R. establishing their wor I for building r:::'..s.'..:."...'.:.r`. ..*'.*:'.-.*'........"` ":'*:.':{ win 39 erected or. unit. ' Ex-Aid. Davids. A retired Toronto drug-* gist. expired inddonli in his chair. Gladstone personal y denies that he is [1 re red to modify thy home rule hill. T I8 north-west awlvationists intend short~ l y to commence work among the Indians. I-`Jmmnra I1`.liu)eth Tudor. Montreal. will H'0] ner llllllll. The Prince of Wales has taken a year's lease of Lord Kilwax-den`: mansion in county Dublin. ` A strike of 30,000 minors in Northumbeau land is imminent, owing to a dispute about summon wages. Catharine Tnugher, of Belleville. has been committed for trial at Buffalo on I clnrge dsmuggling. llnnnliuhfpm in Cnrk ntfnnllml and nul- Inll `LOU BWOGK. ' The prevniling opinion throughout the foreign le ntiona in Washington inclines to the view t at peace will prevnil in Europe. The Ottawa police commissioner: reoom~ mend the institution of I police telegn pl: si uni and patrol w n service in Ottawa. nmrint Jnumh L nuri. Brooklvn. N. Y.. "IP96 OK `"0068 CDIIUTEII (U00 0!] Luuuny Ul small-pox, died on Friday. The two re- maining children will die. Thu nhnrch nf Ascension. Hamilton. was mnmng cnuuren vnu me. The church of Ascension, Hamilton. bumed to thb ground on Saturday night. only nportion of the stone wall: and the tower being left standing. The Eutern dnirymon 5 naocintion wants 1- ; 3U ,n|BlI nlo NI Home udulnt on Al emu. 50-- .-,-. M` _ ping :1 on San. -ulundornmnultnnl mill Inu- .. .-_ . nnwnm nnmum KOWCT UUIII8 IUII llll . dnirymon the Ontario government toincreue its grunt. It would like the 810,000 given to the Agri- cultunl and Arts uaoointlon. ..l:..:a..... ..:II .....I.. On 0|... n-.9.-I. lam`-_ OI `"8 .`IC.`IuCUr L'IIIVUI`II - Thomu H. Johnston. nsisunt conmis- sioner of crown hnds, Toronto, died sudden- ly on Saturday ufteruoon from hurt disuse. He was 77 years of sge. Ham-.m \\' Childn, Philmlalnhil Ladazr. ne .5 years ox ego. George W. Childe, Philulelphie Ledger. has given Away 8954110 A: Christmas pN~ eente. Each of his hr force of emgloyee received an envelope tl: something In it. Q.-inun nhgrm-n hnvn hum nmdn Aanilut Jlm neuey. bnlrlotwwvvn. r.n.1., nus been violently unsalted I) drunken men. II \1'na lI\lnnl'Il ,lt;lIl"I lhlll fl` IM- be'.'{v'?<.1$L1i'y"'.uau' 3_1"""i':zIIE;-'-axon. He wns remonstrating vi them for Ital- ing I pair of alpha when they not upon him. I) II} IPIII- T-..-Ln I-pngl-n IL: A, I . IV. l.'4lIl3, LUIVIJIIU. ll Illvlll` ulv unluc- lion mviguion y 1 noovor . the wheat the con not can we Pnuport at the that that vocal foundorod at Cornwall. A fire occurred in Alcuu pulses. occu- pied by the miliury ucuiemy 5% Toledo, ` in, 'enoeV-dnv. The librnry I'll oom- p etely oatmyed And several persons burn- ad to dnth. ed to (lean. Jud Barrett today denied the motion fan: c mugs of venu in the cue of Incob slim-n Nnw York. who in indictod rtuwny xrnncuue. , The federation of tndes union: in the Staten include: 34,000 cigurmakon. D1.(IX) brick layon, IDJXX) cod Ininorl, WM`) ten. `LNG iron monlden. And 30,(XX) ctr pouum nnd jolnen. I In Rntler. Kt; M.3. HQVi`I IIIOQIOI` and pooum and plnen. - In Butler, Ky.; M.8. mother sister objected to I match and refuted to Al- lov him to bring |I_'n bride to their home. He oecuu-d 3 nlor. cut MI thrust, sud after walking 200 yr-dz drop dead. lnviowofth ' uotionolthoknighu ml Inhnnr &nAl1l| Ch IIIAPI I` In! my. V Amongtho I` b the burning llclhl-Inn`: h:6ol."I;:-th,lhy no I an/ly -._-}..I Annual; 1; Dnnukwnin I An` tn FOUND A1` LAS'l`--A romod warranted to cum hard and soft Corns. Run 0118. Callousoa. &.c. Hanson`: Magic Corn Salvo. in boxes. 15c. M. Wade`: Drug Store. uc``1a..:..."2'n..1'.`1'1'."L`.e"n.`"..`L".".!.i `ed ooqplo of Punbmke. llr. And In. Mon mory. They L... AL- ..:_$.o_ I- oL.:. -.1-LA .I.AL_ ALA. A. Edison. New York, is ill. A re iu Ingersoll burned Mrs. Scott to death. J John Roach, the grut New York ship- lmilder. in dead. 1y to commence work among me muums. Eleanora Elizabeth Tudor, Montreal, apply to rlinmenf. for 0. bill of divorce imm her uahand. ` 'I`l... D-Jan- AC \K'nIna lung O-Lnn n IYlIIIi enmuggung. ` .J.!oonlighte-:ainCork attacked and nul- * treated Clerk Dnrrus, of the county sessions. * Darms injuries are serious. ` F`. J Jnnkimznn, than nninmnt Irish under- ` an Inn mu patrol wufgon uervwe m Utuwu. t Jose h B an u ri. Bnookl n. N. Y.. threoo vrhoaec ildmn died on euday of -nr\n"_nn\' dial nn Fr-ialnv The tin ra- PIBIGIY (l$I'ul'` :} ed to death. Y...l.... 1)-- The little Tlilnn `nut Albct Canadian- Fluhel From Europe and wlmt fro"; Porton&-A Little of Everything lull: . llpul and Bomombol-ed. uuu(1I'. I3 (l$(I. ' A tablet, memorial of the lath Dr. Taaaie. willjgg erected at Gait. `Pu LL] T\nvJ- - IIAQ:nnn` Tnnnnfn ull-Ila?" U8l'l'I)S' llljllrle SCTIOIIS. E.J. Jenkinsnn. the assistant Irish under- secretary for police sud crime, intends. says the Pall A all Gazelle, to resign. Thnrn turn 95 (Ill wnmnn in lllndll Chi ) AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD 'l`0 PORK PACliERS-H|ghest Cash Price d for pork blade bones. tankagexnnd ferti- ixing materials delivered at our war Humil- ton. Rowux 8:00.. Ferullxon. Hun Lon. jr---- |~ ` TELEGRAMSMI-`ROM THE EARTHS -4-nu dun an I A -u-U-i-brunt A-5:11!-Ln (IXFII builder. is dead. A !;`1lnO ll'\l.III1l\l':n "A mm mm w-I-nu. at Toronto. and uh u-ll. u-an-manna-I tn din} Lnnpliu nn I'm':"s"""El iI5'.}'L"r"rI.'; . :o'c'."o""' C" J um go alley. Charlottetown. P. 1., has JEBII vnolently by um. I W. Ellis, Toronto. in tuning the Riche- ign nnvinnljnll nnmnnnv In nnnvnr ILMX). Work of ltrlkon. . I3. ......_.. I-.. In `FL- -a.. rou aTVo5An*TERs GIVEN. 310.5) prim w English on casings. I bugtrlfao. & small:-pquumtiu: per and room! n new house. newly furnished um <`eIlI'I|| I tell : strictly vnto Runny : mo- darn 00IIYnlonoeI. at No. Queen Street. NC).`7. Wu Parvkr "acdo 111 `I I. Illl)l)l.l."IUN wul `(`0nl School for Children on Apply at .15 Clergy BL {HI Noni" ' gamma mm "The Pnirmabi. " W.J. `Wilson, om pnopnxmr FOR sum, } A FEl\lALE 'l`EACHER. [N111 CINE! (`Bruit mm). for School motion No. 8. Township of Kimmlon. Annlv to R. V. MATHEWS. Secre- . . .901: coon VALUE ln Woolen Unciorclotlh in; go to Rl:`.EVES`. for School motion N0. 5. Townsmp or Kingston. Apply MATHEWS. mrv and '1`:-maul-er. Kingston. Apply to tary .-j_j_ A Illll(`K l)WELLI.\'G HOUSE Welli ton t Po.-Lsossion at once. Appiy to J A OB . S. B808. 10 nlnond their Bubloo in-om the City owl Yud to Goa. 3 ~ 8`l'lllI'li. Klan! `v.12... IQ`.-0.Fh`nn`n$DI:And Bnnrdlnn KAN: I-ICIHILIA KILu.--In Kingston. Jan. 8th, Wm. Kelly, aged 74 years. The funeral will leave his late residence, York St., Tueada afternqon at 3 o'clock. i Friends and ncqua ntances Are respectfully I invited to attend. BUTCHERS AND SAUSAGE MAKERS- rime new small In casings: by tioroe. 500 lbs. 8-o.perlb:keg-3.! lhmu. perlb; halfkegn. mam : nrimo Enkliah sheen oulnzn. ton. ILDBII4lI- DR. wuhingtoum. the Cit Hotel. Asmoununu meeting of t__o Board or Trade at gun. wgnss mmnuxs LIVER PILLS no In-Jlygvegotnblo Oaths:-(lo. being entirely (roe from Cnlomal or any lognjllo auhstagoe. In .:___ A FEW MEN E d good bonrd and moms FE:-Lgoum. l?::lvnfurniahod and Loco -- Th I. IIDDL N will resume her PI1~ (`VIII MONDAY. Jan. (`Ann Annlv Al H CIIIIIV 8!. JAIL C BUTCHERS AND SAUSAGE MAKERS- nrlmn nnw small hm cnaimrs: bv Home. _ uoNo.u'. `Paar. Jonx Rrrxonna :1 Opus House. R:oL'1.An Mnrrmu of the City Council. -| nu-nnnv A FEMALE TEACHER. third class certi -am. for School aootiun No. 8. Townahin ;&_AI;L FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF HA I'll`. nnmhhntjon lnnk, suitable for ooe use DIANE -rrom UIO L11] llll III to vun. ant ?!-xocx ANDlAO0'I'.i`ld'lIlI'l`B.i Kangzllon one In v Board In an co-. am: ..':a....: RI rm-t, Pauvuuulnn M nmvn, Anniv in IA .()H fgsron ACADEMY, ` 318 BROOK STREET. v0L. LV_I In- E;, 1-: DUOATIONAI: 156R AL1an_'ro 1~i 1`. mm 1 m J; tn] I 1 English. ignuicso c 0?: and Book in open: ondu. Jun. Itlh. I1 RYAN. ll.A.. 3 E94P iNT5i5l%T I 185 PRINOE8 8'1`. ggvzuw -`-.:- REMINDERS. Q Autnun.-Isusnux I`: v nun a nguuu u-v In-6| nvegomhlo on timely _Cetlomal ulanleulllc substance. one of Liver pl IA. Bmonm`: D{Ipop- ah. Headache. . they give univo an Inhc- \ tion. Thoyuo u -coated. Onolondouo. In } Bottloa tic. M ADE`S DRUG STORE. A-iron 8_ALE. `-_'-_izini5vIu. PO-LET. E. RYAN. B.A.. Principal. FHE AILY VVHIG. .MmI%IIIIIU [TI Ivllhlv Iulnu onowilihvotolost 3 Ian vary noon to Innhgood thodocilofllx million dolls :-I lnthotnuu onIhoInto(Jul lat. It 1. ..........a a .1 an -nnmmmt re nono. A SMALL FIRE AND BURGLAK PKUU!` SA FE. combination lock. suitable for once -or for books and pen. Applln to A. M BROCK. Wntchm on-and Jo we r. 0 Prin: can Ritual. B l'Ill|olII'd III! In jovornlnuu uuvu nu thud noupohn:-I loan with oltlnr gland .- A-.4-- = (mm: Jan. l0.--Adviou from India gnu `Inbound! Suva Khan. vornor .1 ugh .|.m..a at Cabal. nun':l)lIm an that Nuauou urwu nnau, governor of Bout. It dchlnd at Cnbul, pending an ` :-...u..u... at an elm-no cl nlnnnronrlut Ilblllllod I VB umerent Iwry win no wiu. f. ee ennouncem , the election: em to be held early in Fehrnnry the pnblicetion of thie ebtentent need not he looked {or until the cells ' in over. During Jenunry, en fer ee can leerned. the government will have to [any out eoune ' over one million dol- lere in the in} of en 'diee. They willeleo have to eenle Qvenl henvy eccounte cher- Enhie to expenditure which heve been held eheyenoe to h the expuditum ecoount et e minimum nn the electione ere over. With thin increased exrenditure they ere revenue from ell eoereee duringthe month, eenecielly from cnetoene. ee goode for the Christian: end New Yen`: trede heve been tnken out of head end duty end for the next two Iunthe there be little in the Ireyof im- mkn. Itiehet fair to pi-eeune thet revenue end expenditure statement Hhhed pvefnlnent will be the ne Va tothenihlle ore the elec- veetive tioeeere The uentthe Ininhteroleeneeendhie tyinthecul Bllul. Jun. l0.--TM Herman ver! moat bu lo:-Hddcu the Frenchman long- in; to the ht-rltorhl any to In A Int-ngu I _I P N be good nnougn to gun up n ccrunnul. (or an nnoenninty. The oonnervntivel wi have n meeting, we nro told, on Thundny night. l`here nro eevernl men who want the nomination, but the on droid of Mr. Eunn. Any one of em would risk the chnnce. however. if the unocintion guaran- teed upennes. cunouc cnurcn man In uuelpn. The Ottawa. Citizen hints that dissolution is imminent. and the Montreal Witnzaa says it in authoritstively announced thtt it will Qgin nluu hownnn Fnh Rn` And `nth. FEW ENTLEMEN can llnd good board and house. newly furnished mun-ally I ma! : nu-Icuv nrlvnto funny II: II autnonuuvuy lllnounceu ulll. I take place between Feb. 3rd and 10th. Tim .IIm l nvn Hon. I}. \V. Kirkna [Ill been IIKOCI I0 conwu_ Ixmgtwn lll one conservative interest. It wu rumoured to- dny that he Wu to give his answer this af- tor-noon. . . . . . n it I-r .u-, A special dospatch from Halifax says Sir John A. Maodonald advises his party to get ready for immediate action. and aaya : In all human probability the general elections will come oil on Feb. 9th." la :- -a-a..I chat luring `null-oi-I Sir A WI xln OH on ICD. VIII. It is stated that Judge Andrews, Sir A. l . Caron : former law partner. is to replace the late Jud Ramsay on the queen`: bench; that udge Routhier in to be tram- ferred from Murray Bay to replace Judge Andrews: that Jamee Oliva, llontm y. will be appointed to succeed Jud `En thicr at Murray Bay; and that on. Mr. Church will replace the late Judge Torrance at Montreal. n__ t........a o.. L- ....o mu Janus: Min. st uonu-eu. Our foreeeet. to the eect thetJunes .\iin~ nee it to be the coneerntive candidate for Kingston. in about right. There we: some talk on Seturdny of Hon. 0. A. Kirkpatrick ` securing the nomination. but he is nicl not to be good enough to give up 3 certeint \ 0... u. nnmngintv. The oonnervetivel wiii Pronutnro Iojotclng Over lh- Autlclpntod Eliot Upon thollootlonn. Ornvu, Jun. 8.-Whilo the conurutixo pron throughout the country is found bout- mg of l uurplm of 8l,0(l).(X)0, u the result .6 0.. ms: nix monthn` udlniniltntion of 01 Iurplun 01 Il,lll!.\.llU, II H10 ltuuu of the put six month` trouury instant the ance mininur. it in than thua e thut. when tho Account _I ..._._..- -- --.......|:0-u-an lnr JAIIIIAPI in lulnosa is gone. \ The Cardwell Sentinel has been warned that unless it su`[3)ort.a the dominion govern- ment mom cord` ly it will get no more gov- ernment advertisements. ll-.. P.l-.-J Dial - `L-n l-`Ann nu-onnnharl ernlnenl mvenuemenu. Hon. Edwtrd Blnke has been presented with the gold~hendod cane voted to him, an the most pulnr Itntmmnn, at the recent ` cutholiv: c urch bazaar in Guelph. Th. nor.-. I'M.`-on hint: Hut. diunlntinn an place between reo. om mu mm. _ ` The Maa 3 Hon. U. W. Kirkpatrick ` has been uk to conteat_ Kingiton in the nnnnnrwnilrn innmnt It. wu rumnurad tn. 'u|l um CIIIIIIIIII aw-an-u --uru-...u. 111...; Invunn uoluuu. V -Jantod to Rent or Purchnu. we when reummg power I! gone. Mr. L. 'l`sscheneau, M.P., afraid tzoface the music` Again in Bounce. bu shed fur and got the nomination for Megmtic. Sir Charles Tanner will be sworn in as 0 I: we nomunuon lur rluguuuu. Sir Charles Topper minister of nance, as soon as he arrives in Canada in plwe of Mr. Mcbelnn, whose use- fulness is Th. f`1u~Jn'n" .'\'-urinal has been warned townam enurew:` Hon. r. \\'urtelc has removed from the s or`s quarters in Quebec. All hope of t. o varies retaining power is gone. Mr I. 'I`n.nnhr-.nanII_ M.P.. afraid tnface am ' w; . , fa :-eu:rn`cu?"v:s zirns the electors to look out for the politiccl storm. It is about no break on the country. \Vit.h turn olactinnx over and at third one ma country. With two elections in night this is A great winter for the back townahi entirely. IL-nu r \\'nu-onln Inn rnmnvml from the The Present Aimee! of AIll`8-(:'v-t'I.UIl|: Randy for up Fight. Mr. Curran-r M, I`.. Montreal," is said to benfter one of the vacant Quebec judge- shiys. `...4.....-`..`".. ........ u... ..l....o.... on lnnl. mu `THE THOUSAID ISLAND ROUTE BY ` .n.._._ \|r--......... L r\.:I--min-a N u ALIA: |_.Ll\IUu1;u J-|Jl44AA1nr |v\l\aa-< ..- Rome. Waco;-own Gt Oxdensburg lm. To lltica, Albany, New York, Phi|ad'e|'a. \l7....Ll_..a.._ n_u........ ...}..| ..n nntnonln um-H`. `I 1`. HA NLEY. ' """' """'l"": ""`I""'" " * \Vnahington. mu-Imam and an Points In North- ern New York. via G.'l`.R. and N./Y.C. Rya. ` For cheap clts uall point. Bud 31150! _.mation pertninin"$oL * 3011338. appl) W 1' A I-(uni-n n_,-,,I1','_I.-; I.__._L THE RATHWN COMPANY 11...... - 0.... uL.u| n-n Ia`:-man IR inn! nnntn Ala..-I-J auannaaggnrov \rw'--_:_. _ Have 1 few muo Inn Fr-uneI. 16 too! posts, 8:8 Sawn 'l`lInber,hhlhzlod with XXX Best. Shingles. and lxlollurchnntable Pine Siding All for $131.50. Tenlsuensy. N Nov. 8. A. HOPBINS.'Ageq1_. in mon tau: me mu wneu mu wwum. of nvuune malt? nditure for January in nblinhod var! iemnt story will be told. c -. .......um.. um AI-ofinnl Am In he held ! '.' "' "-----] v-_r---vu "T'V1W` -- 3 Ferry Wharf. ,, . Foot of Brock S(t reet. ' ._xmGsr0N. ONT. A `.`l||l'~lVIl you tau-nu` wu~'- svvuvvu, ..'.r._, .. F. A. FOLGER, ~ -Geral Ticket Agent. L A Ioodlw In Jul. lo.-Advices tron! 111415 ._.- .3.-. .L.-ngl in-in Khun. -nvnrnor A MYTHOLOGICAL SURPLUS. GENE/?AL Tl0}T`AG`NOY. __.l :-I:1\V Hl(U(`K, m coca Street.