Street. Between rlluvunu Dun .. ...... .... _-._. SMYTHE AND SMITH, ~ Soucrrons. ELc.. 192 Ontario Street, King- ston Ont. E. If. Surrnnz. I.L.D. Clua. FRONTENAC Smnl. More customer: served in one week thnn ever befon in the history of the store. an every one groin sway planned with Extnordinury Bunting We here 'uut two week; i which to cell c e balance of our huge Stock of Cloth` and Trends. .v )1 Cloth: old I Manufacture:-I Prices end Cut Free of Charge. Our Jock of Clothing in belnglut re duced on account of the Low Prices. D I SPECIAL CLOUDS BARGAINS. Shetland and Berlin Clouds, [GREATEST suocss or THE SEASOI See our Men's Ouercoats at 84.50. Boys Suits at 81.50. F. X. GUUSINEAU & G0. John Laidlaw & Sch, L J ` rout'nc' aumoats 3.9. And eve other line told us : down. A Spechl Line 0! Suits. bought 5: Auction. selling for .00, fonnerorioo II .00. The Boot Rudy-Mode Suit in the Dominion for the prion. \ 0 duo bought Auheulu LinoolWontod0vIno|hvhich wououlnngot pnmun or ntonuohu-goyoutlifor. |_;_g 80: an Hon : Sula at CHI). A La uni Rcmnum ofTwoodn ma Cloth: Voif chap. Al the Sula will . tinuc only 5 DAYS LONGER every customer my pet I lupin. _` ___'S_Ion clone: every night except Saturday at 9'o'o|och. ROCKWELL S GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE, 122 PRINCESS 1 l`$.UDl`4I\1 cunnvv, B.u1msnm. Soucrron, (`o.~wu:nNc::n. M`. Ooo-Corner Klng and Brock Streets. over Wade`: Drug Smre. -.... 1.InlIo1\\Y nun nwr-'Fq For the next four weeke we will eell all our Oupete end Oil at Coat Price to nuke room for 1,000 `Plecee which we expect about the 7th of February. ,- 1,, IIn____,_II\ _ _ . _ .4_..-_LLL.l_-nA CARPETS,01L-CLOTHSat`Cb`STPR1 ,`There is a choice. - Come early. IJIAII vuv (Vania: o'vI-out-u-go We will give you Burning in Every Doputmcnt thinma Ever krbwn in the Dominioh will op'en"on Read carefully the Circulars now being distributed through J"U'S'I' VVAIT FOR IT Former Former Former Former DRS. DICKSUN AND nr.11.3, Pnvsrcuxs up Sunonons. 0mce-s1 V\'cl llngton Street, near Earl. Electricity A speci- Telephone communication. ---> Dxcxsox. MD. J H Brrrs,M.R.C.S.. En rsf\t\ ung I91 PRINCESS STREET. Price $1.75, Reduced to $1 Price $1.50, Reduced to $1 Rrice $1.25, Reduced to $1 Price $1.10, Reduced to 1 T8:o'ys' Ouercoats at 32.50 Youths 8uits at 83.60. CY -_or-- 75c. I.25.\ 1.20. \ D. E. MUNDELL, B.A., n1.u., b.Lu., Pnvsxcumsvnonou. aw. 0lce-Lnto Dr. McCammon's. No.25 Montreal SL1-oat. _ nu A Lv\YI"l.` 1'.` l \I(`l(Ql{iY ' R. E. SPARKS, u.u.s., 1..u.a., DIN'ns'r. Oice and Residence Princess St.. between Montreal and Sydenham Streets. Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gui administered for minien extraction of teeth. Oxide (Laughing ua pulnlonl I 1: nt ADIJI4` Mn] HOM(lUl`A 1 1'1 x . C. L.CL'RTlS. M.D.. successor to Dr. Jarvis. Physician. Surgeon. ac. mace and Residence nearly 0`posilo the Post Omco. Wellingwn Street. bdlain the city or country promptly attended to. ___. \ ADA)! M'Al<'l`tiUK, ACO0l'N`l'AN1`. Avnrron. &c.. Om:-o Clnronca Street. near King st. Ql\\Y |u|II7I3Il A \Yl'\ awn. Mon: ooonrlucs. m J. H. CLARKE, M. 1)., U.l)..S., 1..u.a., DlN'|'l8'I'. Graduate of New York College of Dentistry. ()ico-Well1m;ton Street. between and Brock Streets. Paruclllu alwn~ Princess uon put! to the preservation 0 the natural teeth. ' f _, QIII1 US. WM. NEWLANDS.JR., Ancnrrlcr. corner of Brook and King Street` `Nor Wade`: Drugwstoro. Entnnco on King Strut. nut to the mo Omoo. any I nnrbv ."IX&-v--v-` This Powder never varies. A marvel of purity. In-ensth and wholeeomeneas. More economical umnthe ordlnar kinds, and can- not be sold in competition w th the multitude of low teat. short weight. alum of hos hate wden. Sow oxum ems. R0 AL AK` N0 POWDER C0..` 1% Wall Street. New Vm-R. . Ulliilv. nun; at us. vv nu. ......... EEW LIVERY. ubllo Till underaltned wlahuo Inform the & that thekhnvo lined and 0 ad I U ERY EN CEIN EC'l'l0!gu:gTH T. LAWRENCE u sn. .'.`.'1`.".`wnx slim be on hand on u. Ilonut nouoo. ELDER BROS" Propriowro llllllllclu lull. _ H. M. MOWAT, BARRISTER, Soucrron. (`0Nv3\',\NcIr.R, 8:0,. Ford`: Block. Brook Street. Kingston. E Money to Loan. Oct. 5. ' JOHN HERALD, M.A.. M.l)., (}..\I.. (Successor to Late DR. Mc(`nmoNI. Pnvmcux. Sunonox. ac, _Ol9e:Montreal ,*. -,_.,_ , R. GAGE, AncuI'r:c'r. Orncu:-Mouucal Street. King- non. ....\n \lIAD'P1IlTD 7 to tho roar. Umcu owent current mtea. `u A v i!I'.V\l uu. 5laI'0|3l. llullf nun POWER AND SON, Ancnrrlcra and Building Surveyors. Omco Wellington Su-net. Kingston. _ CARRUTHERS 31108., In....umu AnlN'l`I. Kim! SIPOOL King- The Under: ed otfors for I510 that DESIR- ABLE IIOUS ANDIAYI` nowoccuplod by him on Earl Strut. Tho whole In ollbnd In one block. hsvlng about one hnndroduul twenty feet fmntnno on llhrl Street. and tJ_I9 Uyp_0;_l{gt l':'I7o<~.'i".- i1;\"'IxTg' `I536; om: hundred and twenty fmnuuro the U?! i'z`'3a` `';``'` " W S"n;.z "3: and the on o an In no uuden In 3337 l.h0.oholoOt h'll'lI.I. For arm: can 1 to _ _ _ ___ j;vv--2:: w-gn-:---v--I Builder and Contractor. STREET. ...`="a?.c".L`x.?x'Im': .?.$e.'.`x}y" w .3. `pa menu In any line of in mg P cured on short notice Tang. mna-mung`. Scroll Bun -,. -- v,:.:"- 3 a::::*;`.:%`.*:.. Fauna. `Jay, gm all (|oI&'l|)tlIl0n_l`I`0f h`ou`I`e hlfllllh. an em on o. "'|,,L . ":`1" "NWJ. CHA'll`Elt'l`().\'. JOHN susanun, 1..u.D., \ Soucrron. &c. 0lco-Clm-enco Stree op- mthe Pout Olco. MONEY T0 LOA. at nwnnt. current D1306. Orr-|( Windnr L. CLEMENTS, DINTIBT. directly opposite the Poet, Omen. n Street. Established in Kingston. }`K`EYS&H_KRbWKRE ] `t-:IIdIolKEYRto.ohU1Io | ' m I G H mwwlm ` Ina: ,#_ CAKKU n11.-.5: nnun., Flzuxcul. Aoxsrn. King Street. Ium. Money to loan on real oamte and other nnanrlljm. anneal olu-uuuuu ul Iavun. CLARKE, M.D., D.D.S., L.D.S., nun-usrr, Graduate College 0 EDWARD OHATPERTON, Dnlltlnu and ('14;-non-1901\n- vn-o T . .. F, _E,4F - ' ' " `PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 7~bs.s>'"*'v "Tiff; .. . n__ _ ........... cunnin- Gouda! Real Futate Agieut. I.) To . - 'rn.\'.\:41's mum) `5"5'-`f.`:.`.T';;."....x.:.E.". "' lllll. ____j_______________ `DR. W. U. ANGLIN, M.R.C.S., ENG., 0rncI'.-52 Earl Street. near Kins Tele- nhnne communication. _#_ IO 3 urug Dun v. mcxsox AND mzrfs, .v...m.un nan S1maI:oNs. HID Wplanlnun I -v--- -- - . .,_ DR. ALICE Mc(}ILLIVRAY. `nan: nf 'nmnn and Children B SDC BUSINESS OARPS7 >Ul]ll ILlU\I.|\nI. ________________ JOHN STRANGE, LL.B., mm. Am mm-n-Cln.renco Sm '?deCLiFr=,% TO BUILDERS. J. 1.1. uun nut.-.....-..,. smaxs, D. as, L. o.'s._,_ non... um Residence. TxuA.\1 M*A1?r11UR. ......- Anm-rnn, kn... Ok-1 uunu. W n- _ __._,... rwnuu-u-v 0rncn-52 mu-1 am phone vnuxr Q'I"D A FH?7 an n n Iunnnasor K` u H.Cn I on comm on, )| D. !I.1'|puuII_auI nuuli mrnun 90381.! attended to. . TH08. MOORE. !n_Som .6_'\Vay There Wm be 3" New Ap- portitgnment. and` Many Millionaire . ` . Estates 'lll Disaolv Into thq Pomon- Ilon oi the Masses. - M" 4 BROOKLYN, Jun. 9.-The opening hymn at the Brooklyn Tabernacle this mprninz begins: 0. could I speak the mdtchlen worth! 0. could [sound the glories tgrth Illhlnh In mv Rnvlnur shine! ~ ` 0. could I nounu we gloncu uLru.I which In my Saviour shine! , Dr. Talmnge explained some of the prophm 'i:les betore giving out the hymn and then preached on the subject Disribution of Re- wards, taking his text from Isaiah lill, 12: He shall divide the spoil with the strong." Dr. Tnlmage spoke as follows: _ . rm. e.....nv whn saw it with their own eves Hg `SHALL onvnm-: TH:-:'sPonl wnfri-I ` THE STRONG. Dr. immsge spoxe as luuuwa; My family, who saw it with their eyes year heroin last, tell me that in the Coliseum at Rome, whene persecutors used to let out the half starved lions to eat up Christians, there is now planted the figure of a crow. And I rejoice to know that thp upright piece of wood nailed to a transverse piece has be"- come thosymbol, not more of suffering than of victory. It is of Christ the conqueror that my text speaks. As a kingly warrior, having suhdueden empire, might divide the palaces, and mansions, and cities, and valleys, and mountains among his otlicers, so Christ is going to divide up all the earth and all the heavens among His people, and you and I will have to take our share it we are strong in faith and strong in our Christian loyalty, for my text declares it: He shall divide the spoil with the strong." Tim mnmm of this round planet for Christ spoil with the strong." The capture of this planet Christ is not somuch of a job asyou might imagine, when the church takes oi! its coat and roll: up its sleeves for the work, as it will. There are 10,000,000,000 people now in the world, and there are 450,000,000 Christians. Suh- tract the 450,000,000 who are Christians from the 16,000,000,000, and there are 11350,- 000,000 lett to be Christi mixed. Now divide _ the by the 450,000,000 already Christianined, and it make: only twenty- iive people for each Christian to bring to Christ. Surely, when the church gem wide awake, no Christian will be content to take to heaven less than twenty-ve. Why, I hope to take with me at least 10,000. I know even geiist that have already gathered. 50,000 each for the kingdom. There are at least 210,000 men in Christendom whose one busineu it is to save souls. So that when I tell you all that we need to average is twenty-ve aouls reaped for God in a lifetime, all idea of im posvxibiiity vanishes from this omnipomnt crusade. I know of a Sabbath school teacher_ who has spent her lifetime in teaching the young, and she has hail iivediiferent classes during all tlu-so yours, and she tells me they averaged about . vcn in a class, and they were all converted, and ve times seven are thirty~ve, as near "an I can calculate. She brought her twenty-ve .....I L-/l 0.... in ennnn M11 rrgndnmther (Inca. . Iowan Durrvuu r WALKEM & WALKEM, A'rrom~rI:Y Solicitors. &c., Kingston, op- : posits the Poo Omoe. wuxnx. I JOSEPH 3. wguuzm. M RICHARD vxru AI inn 11-1111 I IVD AV _ (`an calculate. ne Drought. ner uweuuy-uvu and had ten to spare. My grandmother hrought her whole family into the kingdom, u and her grnndohildmn, and, I hope, all her ` greahgrundchildren, for God remember: a prayer 75 years old as well as though it were a minute; and she took her twenty~ve into the kingdom and had at least 100 to spare. Besides that, the telegraph and telephone will, within a few years, put the whole earth into I compass of ten minutes. Consider this, and also that omnipotence, and omnis- cience, and omnipreeence preside over All the, work of betterment, end you will take this `enterprise of the world`: redemption out of the impoesibilities into the possibilities, and then out of the possibilities into the probabili- ties. and than out of the probabilities into the certeintiea Thebuilding of the Union Pu- ciiic railroad from ocean to ocean was A greater undertaking than the girdlinz of the earth with the Gospel. for the one enterprise depended upon the human um while the other depend: upon elmightineus. n... I nullv nmnn all the earth will sur- gelm-at lue pnnmuuu._y ll uuw uum u lvvv more hundred bravo lives are dnshed out among the icebergs, that great refrigerator, the Polar region, will be given up to the _-|._... .....I on. |......- -n lhnf. um inhnhihnnhl walnxs and U10 near, nun lull. um lllu-uluuna will come down by invitation into tolernble climates, or those climates may soften, and, u it lns been polltively demonstrated that the Arctic region was once I blooming garden and a fruitful eld. thme regions may change climate and again be a blooming gnrden and a fruitful MM It is proved lr.-yond contro- versy by Gonnnn and American scientists, tlnt the Arctic region: were the first portions of this world lnhobiublo; the world hot be- yond humon ondurnnco; those regions were of couno the first who cool enoughfor humnn foot and humm lung. It in pal- tively proved tlnt that Arctic region Wu . omnl.-.1 oumnm Pmfmor Hour of other aepenm upon Imuguuutlm. Do I really mean all the earth muler to Christ! Yes. How nbouttho un- ` inviting portions`! Will Oreenlnmdbe evan- ~g9liu-dl The possibility isthnt after 5 low rnnrn hundred bravo lively proved mu Inn xuuuc wgnuu mm a troplctl cllmsb. Pnotmor Zurich my: the remains of owers have been :.......a in nu. Au-nun. dmwimz it Ill his Zllrlltll (D0 rllnllnl U1 uuwun uuvv nu.-u found in the Arctic, showing it wan lib Mexico for climate. and it is found that the Arctic was the mother region from which allthqowondeacendod. Professor Wallace Iaya the mmalna of all utylea of animal life are found in the Arctic`, including those animals that can live only in warm climatu Now, that Arctic region which had been demonstrated by ilora and fauna and goo logical argumant tghave been as full cf vegetation and life aaour Florida, may be turned back to in original bloom and glory, or it will be that ugaa a muaaum of crystals for curiosity seeker: once in a while to visit. But Arctic and Antarctic in some chaps will baong to the Redeemer`! realm. What about othar unproductive or no pulaivoroglonal Llltho deco:-ta willhoi;-rt `and, tho watan will ho forced up to the American denart bot/ween ham and the amino bv machinery now known or yet to 000 `ICC lluil. I) In I-III uuyxvuuuuvu pnruoflllthoooutlneuhwlhei tux-nod lntolnrvut llokiund orchards. A hltdoun DI Luopwill fumhhthe world with In tho cunt: nadod, and will chango (he gonna 0! riven and open new lakes. and 3 Saturn doors will ho cut up Into fu-ms gnu with an utoundlng yield of bushels to the _._. -n.. .....-In rill had:-nlnodof In Hahn the Polar region, WIN no gnvuu up w uuc walnxs and the bear, and thanks inlnbitanta hv invitgtinn into tolernble W Alnoruxn 1} uvvwuuu nwlvuuu Ivuv mane by machinery yet In Invonud, And, uncut Bale Into Clty bu nionln and conldnot run An Apple ord busholof when in 11!) `you! without Ard- apm ho1p.butI| now through Incl: moon `nu prdon. no In the unproductive ...m-nfllluliounlullr ""1." THEIR. ylll ul Illnuuln uyuuu gen. Thonnnhwillbodnlnodofltnwutorl and curodof In mulch gthgr day whntwu Ior In|ny you-lulled the Black Hwunp of Ohio. In chief crop chill: and 9...... hut noIV.bV the we pub Into the mcumnmuu a. nu. cu mv.....v... ....,- --. DR. ANNIE E. DICKSON, 8! We1l.lnfton8t!`eot.i the h use occupied by Dre. 1) ckson and Bcitlts. Totllephone com- munication. Sept. K). v: `I \u\\l' A'l` DR. T;\LMKGE7S SERMON. fovon. me now, um ground to carry 08 till ||||`P'||' W'*`- phat A: noon .3 up cant I eomplottd Chrkl will divide ltupgnongtbgoml. The `Stump Of UIIIO, II OIHIII crvu ruin: Iuu U ! rhhd lmlvhh in Inn- in Imnlu-Q If- `|.lrIIIw|uuv$;g';3'u _ .. \ "`""'`" WUVHO It now In. |n:uu~:ol;r. THE BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY. JANL 19.; 1-: min none. A land tatuerwm not oqmu. ` `the apple among his children until the apple ls ripe. In `fulllment of l:he'New Testament promlso, The ineek shall inherit the eu'th."' and the promiib of the Old Tmtament. He shall dlvlde the spoil with the strong," the W0l`l(lxV!ix; be apportioned` ,to those worthy mo possess it. . l . u. 1- ...;c u. .-...- In this tnnifrh. Kw I0. . ., 0 It in not so now. In this cauiatry, ipdblo . of hol_da'n`g, feeding, clothing, and sheltering 1,300,000,000 people, and when we have only 60,000,000 inhabitants, we have 2,000,000 who cannot get honest, work, and, with their lnmilhu nn nmn-mrntinn of 20.000.0004.hnt IIB CIIHIO5 893 honest WOFK, nnu, Wluu Iayvu families, an uggmgation or 20,000.0004.hnt. `on the verge of starvation. Something wrong most certainly. In some way, there will ban new `appuftlonment Many of the millionaire estaqc-s will cruel: to pleces oiivtlhe dissipntions of grandchild:-en,nnd than dis- solve into the possession of the mgpsu who now have an insulcimcy. u'|...o In-nu nu urn! ha:-nma of the exnen- have Insumcxmcy. What, you any, will become of the expen- sive and elaborate building: now devoted to ~ debasing amusements? They will become schools, art galleries, museums, qmnasiums, `and churches, - The world is getting disgusted with many of these amusements. ` and no wonder.` What an importation of unclean theatrical stuff we have within the last few years had brought to our shores! And professors of religion patronizing such things! Having sold out w the devil, why don t you deliver the goods and go over tohim publicly, body; mind and soul, and withdraw your name from Christian churches ...a ...u- urrmw all the world bv these withdraw xrom burusunu Uuulcucu and say: Know all the world by presents thatl am a patron of uncleamxess and 3 child of hell." Sworn to be the Lord's, .. ....... um.-1'" mu-c yo; Zr?f{{e"rjII.-SEQ " But. at In t. the tide has turned, and the des- ..:....... no ......:o.y mmndid the matter. A INK} I` York. nut. In: In I. luv uue uua nun ucu, uuu ........ ..... pisers of purity overdid the matter. foreign actress of base morals arrived, in- tending to nuke the tour of the states, but the remaining decency of our cities rose up and canceled the contracts, and drove her back from our American stAge-a woumn fit for neither continent. In the name of Almighty God I take these abomination: by the throat. I! you think these offenses are togo on forever, you do not know who the Loni in God will not wait for the day of judgment. All these palaces of sin will become palaces of right eoumeu. They willoome into theponenlon no than: ntrnmr fnr virtue and strong for Tney W111 OOIIIB Iuw Dav plwzwu of those strpng for vhtuo strong God. He shall divide the spoil with the -ti-nno " gprong." Chins and Africa, the two richest portions of the earth by reason of metals and rare woods and inoxhsustible prodnctiveneu, are not yet divided up among the good because they are rot ready to be divided. Wsit until sllthe doom that Livingstone opened in Atria. shall be entered, and Bishop Tay- lor with his bond of self supporting mission- aries have done their work, and the Ashan- tees and Seuegambians shall know Chl'L~L as well as you know him, and there shall be on the banks of the Nile and the Niger-.3 higher 1 civilimtion than is now to be found on the ` banks of the Hudson, then Christ will divide up that continent among his friends. Wait until Chinu, which ishulf as large as all Eu- rope, shall have developed her capacities for rice, and tea. and sugar among edibles; and her amethyst, and sapphirn, and topaz. and opal, and jupur, and porphyry among precious stnncmsnd her rosewood, and ebony, and csmphor, and varnish trees among prec- ious woods; and turned up from her depths a. half dozen Pennsylvnnins of coal and iron. and twenty Nevada: of silver, and fifty Cali fomiss of gold, and her .5(l),(v()0,(I)() of people shall be evangelizui; then the Lord will di- vide it up among the good. " 11 ..... 5..-: I . , . . . no n .{mvanOinn- hut than VIIIV Ill I-Iy Ituluus vuv \)\l\-l- If my text be not a deception; but the eternal truth. then the time is coming when all the turn: will he owned by Christian farmers. and all the commerce controlled by Christian mcrchnnin. and all the Authority hold by Christian ofciain, and All the diign commanded by Clnistinn capuiuu, and all the universities under the instruction of Christian professors, Christian kings, Chris- tian prcsidents, Christian governors, Chris- tian mayors, Christian common council. Yet. whntn scouring out.` what an upturn- ingl what a demolition! what a nesurrectiou must pnacsde this new apportionment! I .in nu nvnlnr .0. Hm nnnmv Julian Illullc pllvkuuu uusn uvvv -yyuu uIvanA|JvlIv- I do not under ate the enemy. Julius Cmsar got his greatest victories by fully esti- mating the \nstnoss of his toes and prepared 1 his men for tin-ir greatest triumph by saying: To-moi-row King Juba will be here with 30,(IJO |lOl`. l(ll.000 skirmishen and 300 elephants." I do not underrato the vast forces of kin and death, but do you know who commands us. Jehovuh-Jireh. And there ` servo oorps behind [13 are all the armia of heaven and earth, with hurricane and thunderbolt. Thegood work oi the world`: redemption is going on every minute. Never so many splendid men and glorious women on the side of right as today. Never so many good people as now. Dlogc.-no has been spoken of as a wise manbecaueohevreat witha lnntv-rn at noonday, nyiilg he was looking for an honest man. I! he had turned hislnntern towards himself he might have discovered a crank. ~ _.--. _._.. u._ n.- s-.. n.n........|- 'm.........|. UIZJJVGIVI ll Ll -Iln. Honest men by the ten thousand! '1` rough the internutionnl merits of Bunduy nvb lieu- oom the next generation :1! wmM tendon: no going to be wiser . my genorntion since the world stood. domiaoqming. Godcnn do in Na haunt wile with n Chamois cloth ever polished i ii]- ver tenpoun with more an than Clu-in will ....I. "9! fnnln this world the tnrninh And wggpoun Wu.u Iuulh GI!!! vuuu Lau no vuu rub of! from this world the tnrnhh And brighten itiup till it glowfliko heaven. and ` then the glorious apportionment. for my hon \ In ro-enforced by I Icon of other um, when It says of Christ: Ho Ihlll divide the spoil with tho strong. 0 un._a. 11...... .... u II.-t. In uln-mun n thinly `nun Luu Iu uu`. g But,'J.yau any. that is plenum to of for others, but before tut uxno I dull buvo passd up lnrnnother exhtmco. and I than get no adv-amp from that now appor- donmant. Ah, you have only driven Inn to ..- ..n...~ mm. annlnn and tr:-mrunn .-._, -_ _-.r one other more uniting and tnuporunul oouldol-qtlan,andIlnththnChrmbuln\ eodlvdoupbouvoulnthnunowny. 'l`NI-o` grooldltuinlhtlllliotldthllllliox .,....u.unpo-Iona: Ihlnhnblhnu toa- uougndnol can, nndthyuhnllrumlnu n....... Thynmgmll {unllv lnnndnn In CIWCDCl)'-l'lyIlHi%U1uur!wI|II|Il thoyln. Thuonnold family lnnndom In hggvon tllhd wiihwhdoguunouolklb dnI,cnd thoyulnllnovcbodrlvuout. lgnyolthoviotonttomcuthhnvodrudy pHhdrpnlAcu.Ind'lh~yutpohmdouIto thoumwlyuvd. Soonnfuwurjotng umnwowlu to ho Ihownu spoouc IddusII.udukwInndouPsull1u,nnd Johnmnduhownthopothrolul lddcoou, moduli ny: *Whcrodou Ahnhun live, a'Jaeobl"Ind|bown|ho rddouou gndy: When John Imllvqcnd manor noun. ....,-. _ MUNDELL, B.A., M.D., C.] DnvsunlAN. SURGEON. uJn|"|I[WlIZT`gl l'jZlZ don nmgyr We will wnnmouuho honk- jyuawhcnthoohurloholoonqmtontoll. Jwtllwnnttouohoguiluuwhnntho `wwmwn.nt0oIuIuIlcRow,whu~o hind-I.-nanayun,mana.n,.nacn.m. ` wg|y,nnd`l'houulIutln1nndBndbury 5. gh.u-homqmtot thdrwlndowqmr .n;.guw,l'0IHlI[ID nonnnot an earthly 0.-gm-1 b trmiliorhdwlth chocola- ........ \2r';.z:Im-mmnoRu1vdTcrnco. a`u1oa- nymn ujnlptrwu vuun Ina win- 'n.,.-_ we will wanttnuao Rdv1vol1`crI-nee, gum wuncnad. and Nut!-Inm. and Fw- .1\_..n....naI- Inna I Jill: Inn. -vy-.-7.". coouunudon put: a. mar-. cnmzsw sm "n We have decided to close out the balance of our Clouds at Greatly Reduced Prices, -and would call particular attention to the following :- $30,000 Worth of New Goods to be Sabricqd at 50 to 75 cents on the Dollar. As the Bargains will be MOST EXTRAORDINARY. the city. DRY GOODS N EXT THU RSDAY,.;JA%N. 13. vixiocessor Mc(`nmoNI. Pnvalcux. ac. Oice-Montreal Street. between Princess and Brock Streets. ,...un-um A\Yh uurru