Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1887, p. 8

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, .... nu Jl'lII.I. nvuu nurnm. Nr.\\'|lI0utu'il50IItoI.l|orI1xoC ollho llfrun Nt.BriIbIlt-cl-lr..`Ilbi _v. Ho` q.\\'o.llon)pnanunIfUorI$uhllr. ldllnnpnnhu-lb HI. wlucu thou-I |Mt.'.lthuIutbooloo- thnogough honnohutvuuhoonwhui uulhupuhl. Mr.h'm::nohovu-Mluubo uouugoucHu:|houtaehod.Iu-I.ihI.hoJ ovhluhllypuinqlnplout. noooyvuovh|olIllyIo0.`lNHuy`n;Ih|l ulatholnwpwddltutlylhnln uunlcnauouunuyvulrttluiundho uhouldptlt. Ilohdpulltlphtuprtt nhrn:-1 1 "Llglit Along the lm:-9." The Rev. T. Bone. sailor`: missionary and ` unuigelisl. will tlI.`li\'Cl` an anhluasa in (`hal- uu`rs' church lecture room this evening at 7:31) o`(-lock. also in St. Andrew`: church Iva.-tnre room at 8:15 o'clock. As he has had at long experience in mission work among uur sailors and others his mlilreueu are full of interesting facts aml lnvlnlellfl. May we lx-six-nk at large nttenulnuco uml In-nu'l_\' synt- put vy nml support. .u\`l`.'ID or Il.\|hl`.\l[tVnl'lL Then Mr. Maulonnell mail a eectiou charging hlr. Rritton with committing a miedelneanour. because no pa nient I'll to be made except through an an incl agent. Mr. Britton eaicl he hail no intention of breaking the law. He wae sorry if he haul. and of amine I'll liable for the pcnaltiee. but he hanlly thought the eectiun applica hie. If Mr. .\`hihley'e (Iepoelt tan not pro- rly made then amoniing to the deviaion in eeu'e. NJL. one there was an canclidate and no Inianleuneanour could he colnlltttetl. Then the clause. which was the heaie of an editorial in 1`nee:la_\"e \\'mu, Iran ehoirn to the jud;e. The rlauee was the one by which. became ol the lepoeit inane not be- ing in the returning ocere hannle by t e canliulate'e agent. Mr. King. cl Queeni, N11, Iran hnelenl out h the re turning oicer and the tory ca idete JO- clared elen-ted. It wee shown that the te were not nted at Hanolrelnlth until after the nomination Io:-umente vote at in. anal they-efote the depmit mooe iur rth vamiidatee was impmperly lo tenl. MI. Britton further helal that .\lr.\\'al hem waa en olhcer u! the election court. and money placed in his poneuion mold not he attacheil ; that it ea. never a aleht of .\Ir. Waihem to Mr. Shihley. Then .\ir. Mamioanell e lthat the hoicler ol the money would not he eue-I hy the cla.itn~ aat for it: noovery. hot it was helcl that he .-_y. ` meld. that in e note-I local caee Mi. llai tnn.ol Tomato. heal I-eeeeee-Hot there- .....--n- ..I ll nnn ..L:..L L-.| L... |.n ;_ L;- VIII? If IIIITIYUICH III KIIU ll"'IIC.'_`V. I just wanted to know," said the tory Inn yer. "because it mu aid that the reform asumintion at Toronto pmvidetl deposits. uni we would have less cnmpuuction in ms. in the money from them tlun from you." . r. Britmn said he Ind heard tha name. and he inquired of I melnlnor of the central board and was told that the Kingnon Illne- rnls should look after their own vicinitv. Them In no understanding that M r. Brit ton. in rioting his clopuoil, I'll to he re- conpod in any way. urrunn nl` Hluntur ANn|I'I! INIIIUII I3 ll`lIlll\`(l K1) \\Il`|"8. I have it." said the \\ itncss, anal he nmrtetl ulf to get it. I don`! \\`aI)`.it mt in." saitl .\lr. .\la\c- lunnell with n luugm. .\lr. Hrittou secured it and planed it in the I the judgv.-`s puusouinn. He said that u-~ one clu-. nu inn-rural in the mom-_\'. -II inno n-....n...l 5.. I........ --;I nl... .___.. l)l'llIUlI 3- You uuule the deposit in lilc usual ms) " said Mr. Mauluunell. I dun`! know that I slid." n-uponulu r. Britton. it the decision in the Qu `I. N.lL. vase is c0l`n:ct. According to it t c usual counne vru not pursuml. us the agent did not deposit the nu-ue_v. fherefon: .\l r. Shihley was not it cnnulidntz-. "Had you any \\ ritings 3" Mr. Brittou said (line was not the scratch of a pen until the .\`ntun|a_\' lneforc the le- clnratiun was nmclo.-. Then the witness hounl that the money haul been gnrnisheod. Shib- lcy was also tuhi so, but he had not been I st-ru-I with any pa|p~.`l`s. Then the under` suuuliug iIcl\|1't`l| .\I r. .\`hihh~y anal .\Ir. 1 Brittuu was n-luu-I to uniting. ` "I inA\`|- it," nmiui Hm uihuwg nml In. .\.D-posit luliu Rein:-nlng Ollln-I-`n n..`ua.. tlarnlnlu-e1l-l`rovln| the Owm.-rshlp ~ The Queen's. .\'.lt{. Decluluu Reviewed. and H Correet`.|ppl|cable to Adillngton .1-Tl|o J Inigo`: Statements. The money deposited in the lnmds of J.B. Walkem. returning otiicer for the electoral district of Addin 'ton. on behalf of the liber- nl cane!-i_:.hLt_e, H. 1`. Shibley, was garnisheed by a citizen of Tomuto and the ease hear} at the division court last evening before Judge Wilkison. of Napunee. Mr. G. M. .\lacdonnell. who ap eared for the creditor, George Michael, sun that the point to be decided as the ownership of the money do- posited for Shibley by Mr. Britton and claimed by Michael in view of the fact that Shibley had sutlieient votes to redeem the deposit. The onus of die iroving that the money did not belon to Ir. .\`lnhleyrestod with the claimant. lr. Britten did not ae- eept the condition, though he was prepared to prove his claim. This he proceeded to do. He snid that the money de united with 311`. Wulkem was his money. tint .\`hibley had not borrowed it.norhad it given to him, nor had he ever seen it. The mone_\' was the \vitnoss`s to all intents und purposes. I took." said Mr. liritton, nil risks in the case if Mr. Shihley did not pull a sutlieicnt mnnberof votes, and if he did get enough votes the money was mine. thnt if he did fret it from Mr. \\'alkem he was to hand-`it sick to me." Mr. Britton was not Mr. .\'hihle_y's election agent. Mr. H. .\I. .\lowut neted in thut utpaeity. .\l r. Mucdonnell naked for the Cil`t`lllII8la|lI('t` undel which the deposit lmd in-en nnnle. nnd Mr. Ilritton re- plied thnt he was anxious to huve .A contest III the riding. und as he knew .\I r. SI-ihley wns not able to make the deposit he did so. thinking that there men not much risk in the nmtter. The act was \'u|uuhlI`_\ on his a \lr. Brittonsh purt. .\l r. .\'hiInh-y Ilevel` hau- ` mg l`\`I[u{`8l4.'l than he. should innke the de posit. There was it distinrt nnd uncIlui\`o~ ml underst.-uiding that the mom-_\' was .\I r. llrittoxfs. nt\',... ..,. I. 41,, V," ,,1. E, .I , I ,_ MA'R(`H' no.3 THE JUDGE THINKS IT CANNOT BE CALLED H. T. SHlBLEY'S. I TIT BEL(`L\ l:SJ T0 B.RlTTON.k I IIHTUKII liIIIlIW Y .8..- IJH) Ihich Lu! been left in his The Races at Sydenhnm. '1 here Wu a tremendous thcring at the horse races on Sydenham La 13. The horses that contributed to the fun were Rocket," nwncql by Rutledge. of Sydenham. and Jes- sic H," belonging to Mr. Hallagher. of Har- mwsmith. The mce was :1 mile in heats, heat three in ve. Purse, $200. Rocket. won the race taking three straight heats. `Iv is an plucky. steady and speedy trxweller. \\'-Ln lnuxn. Much |.1- (roan Su tor): 'IhoIouthoulltbo fourth cunt` don, Wolfe Inland rand. is through 6 has not nunll. and nqnirunonlhu than |abour.Incut Ihontlnnlcul had and no data Hana In not huh` cpoood up hsgnulonludbunuvuboa lo the poupklirhgunrltz Ibo dunno though Ihonnnlbohoutlolnuuie. Thain In-iunitrtyn-unto hvoputl onullhoconuclldtho poo upllhuultolbouooth but Cradles] In Hamilton. {ma Principal Grant, while in Hamilton on .\l0I`l(l&)` night. (ll8C0\'8l`(l that in St. Paul`: church there (then St. Andrew's) Queen`: uui\'ersit_V was cr:ullel. It was uinon the congregation of that church that the it out of establishing A separate Scotch Presbyterian university originated. and the --nrrying out of that idea resulted in Queens university. pt-It IIIII noun!!! yiounaopout mode with the nouiuuon paper. but to any deposit thnunylnnndoh no the election uponu" I1 5 me. Thu: the two should In confoundd in in crorliblo. Clearly. the New Brunswick rv turning oicer and the Ouch: an run`; and u clearly John A. Uoonloul-I in right. if dcpasil as Mr. King in mid to V0 0 it. It in ol no on nonu- how tho dopuuil in male. You ran it your-coll. oruadit. Ipyuy $0.30! re turning oloor, at my rm and at any time hetvoon thodalnol l pmcluguo. ...| the day ol nooninotiun. `u id. n . uudidnln in guilty ul I Inindoounur In muu ho rohuu In Inn! one uey.or other t agent, wish .1. posit. mod} Ii _ .55.: Ink nonhnlon pa per or with in: clot-tho potitiolu. in truly pm-pouterom. J:-in Stungnt, [ Iocuon III ol mo us; and II! 0I"*"O' panic" in it dounot I 9!! deposit male the Ann Jgnnnil Iknt ---n L. --.14 I- .._._..4 A- Ku_\o..am\. .\lm.-In l.'n.-(To the l".ditor)~ Your editorial cf thin evening u the cap- than "A bogul l oint."thiI `at being... In u l unclerotanal the utictwwbothor the cleponit music with the nomination pnprr munt be Inn]: by an Agent. Nov, than in no point on the subject. for the act exp:-an lyuhtuthat it mod not. Tho auction which you quota. And which noon: to Inn pnnlod the who New Brmurick returning ` ocer, and the visor Mutual Uczvolc, in section IRI ol the act; and tlOo~do- nu-nil" in it `I4...-um -nnl A..A .I._..:n ||lHII IIIU III3`. Every boy who vrimeru in (`undo will thsnk no for neprodncing this opinion of Philulelphini boat doctor : Tho hath tuba cauno mom Iickneu And loath than sewer gas. Once in three much in oils: enough for I lnth. and then hnlf a doun rules should he observed to pruvenl taking cold. III I`l'I III KIICFUIIIKUU. The king of Italy now has I whole Pull mun on to himself when he wants to travel. but if it don't make him happier than the K. & I . R. ape.-vial car makes Grant Allen. when he does not get his beer at the junc ` tion, the Inst smlcuf that king will he vmrst` than the tint. ,_. ..-.... L--. ._I._ ._.:_.A ._ :,, 1' J ,, n ('lIrl'lI.`tl II) I nurn. A roller rave occurred at (innanoque on Friday evening between Maura. Lnvine. (hrthnge, ,\'. \'.. and .\l. Guy. of Cornwgll The distance was ve miles. And the Ameri- can won the rave by shunt three laps. Z. l re\'ost, at the New York clothing store. hu received I one of Ipring import: tinus. consisting of tine worsted for suitings. They we without. doubt the finest donums ever imported in thecity. His prices in $3). 3`)? and $24 I suit. mule to order, uul nu A-I t guaranteed. PH: Irina 1.` Itnhv n \|r L... . u-|.,.I.. ll..l| IUI"|. On .\lnnday sevcrul white rough: mal- treated two Indians. whilv they were into! icatml. nn Division am.-et. One of the Indii nus was an bully injured that he hul to ho carried to 3 lnrn. A ...\II.... ........ ..........._..l ..A aI__--- llll.` SCSI! UllUlIIll `CUP lllu ICC` III Illlllll. We have lntsnf roll butter at 220 ; plenty of tub butter. lc : any quantity of pir punches anal table p(`lM.`ht98 at I.'>c can: nrzungus and lemons, 20` dnz. Jan. (`mun ford. n.. \I.-..,|-_. _-..__,u _. 1,.-. u - llly IIB IIIVJB IIUVUIV KU UIII. The sale of the lfhattorton estate, under direction of Mr. F. .\`vantliou. occurs to- mnrruw ut`n`cl-rck. Those: interested in the sale should keep the fact in Iniml. \ \\'n Ilnvn hm: nf rn Imftnr nf 00o - I\'nIIO\' The .\'tmtf0nl Ifmmn is now n blazing daily and a credit to the .\`hakspenrian city. The rat issue was Inmle on Monday last. . May its res never go out. Thn nnln nf Ohn I`}|nOhu-Onn nntntn n-L... ID IIQII [ID IIIIIIIIIUI lVIU(.'[lIIK- The Ontario Building and Savings society held its annual meeting this afternoon. The assets of the concern up to Dec. 31st. I886, were $440,381.59. The revenue for the half your was 812,634.53 ; expenditure the same, as the sum of 87,500 was paid out of it. wurua. ul uvrnllwo. mr Uuu,Uuu. Fresh roll butter. 220; line tub butter. I812: early mac potatoes. turnips. carrots. Apples and every kind. of fine rocorics : urangea anal lemons. `.`0cduz. fans. (Traw- frml. ` 'I`I... I.'I_.._-A.... \L.._. S?`-. .. A- I I ,, nx. lIH1I The Kingston .\ nr.c iqnutol by an ()t. mwa cxclmnge as saying that the practical sciellce st-lmul will pl`(`Ii|i)i_\' gn to (')tt.~I~ wan." UIIIIU llll` VI"l.Iul"s "II! \``o`)`` `C51 Peter Mvl.nren has dispooed of his tillllvel` limits. lumber. and saw mill: to Mr. Hal wards. of Toronto. for l(l),000. I-`noel: rnll Imtonr 00. . u... huh lmoh... The receipts from Kiugatou asylum last year were 6,163.38. 'lhe estimated re.- geipts for I877 are put. at $4,700. Tn-nmrrnw T. L. Nnnnk, nf this 1-itv u.~iI| ) 1/:c|pv.a mr ll 1 an: put. at i"|.IUu. To-morrmv T. L. Nnook, of this city, will defend the mrtios to be tried at (humu- I oque for violating the Scott Act. PM;-r Mvl.nmn lnm alinnnnnl nf hi: timluxr muogqan anus, _ Remember the sale on Saturday of Frmr cis McDonald s house and lot on Chules street. " ' 'l`|... ........:..L.. L'_.\... L':...__A.... ,.-_.I.._.. I,_. `Gil T IIVALGAHI. -AousA- # mg. ` Mr John Corbett. lumlvmre ,merchant. Wu injured last e\`ening' while riding on the tobogqan slide. Rnlnnnuulmr `ho Inln nn .\`n6n-.L.n 1|` IF... ll _v6au'nmy._ _ The A.0.U.\\'. nnlor willconuider new 3 hy.Ia\\ a on Friday night at a speck) me.-,3. Vlnglr Jnhn Cnrlno Innnlu-n-n ..uu...l....o llngruphl or xncouc ,5: Maud up by Onr Bun: Reporter: on the Street. - Soun Jones in the City Hall tomight. Over 85,000 are duo-the city as hues. The freight business on the K.`& 1'. R. is : improving all the time. A Him nf thn ':1iniI{n Inn! in rniginatlnn nmn ...uun an vu--v nun an:-u n Ipmnrn. u-uunn. Deal where you cim get the l-_-st goods for the least money, such as best roll bacon, I00 lb.; fresh eggs, 20 doz.: 2 cans salmon. `2.'>c : and tlon`f. pay fancy prices. Deal with Jim Crawford nml your pocket hook will grow heavy. uupnn lug an we Elma. One of tho L-Tiains used in raisingthe prop. ` Myles was broken by the heavy strains on it _vestrdn_v.. vn... A n n w .\..I.... ...:u.,_,..._:_|-.. .._._ LETTEES TO THE EDITOR. INOIDENTE or `THE pxv. Aollng For Consul. Tho lllocl Ion lav. Officers of the Army. lt is said that (`apt L(l\\'SI)ll uml wife uml (`mlot Weber will Inga station:-I ut (u.uuno- ` -Iuc. Capt. llronkes will succeed Capt. Law- son here and will prolmhly arrive tomorrow. (`inlet licll has been orilored to Ottawa. B. LsuII'an('o'n spet-nu-lea. The only sure aids to perfect vision, `at J. (3. King's drug atom. Buy none other. Sec L'\'CI'y `pair is stamped B. L. Imitations uboum . 'l'he frame may sometimes be close- ly irnitaxted, the [on never. A`Bl Scheme Under Cover. .\ baseball scheme, on a. solid basis. is be- ing considered Ivy citizens. It is the inten- tion to put 11 rnttling team upon the (liar nmml and to give gmncs in Kingston t.hut' will be worth witnessing. .1 I\_....._._)-- 1-- n_,, -1 _-,n not 1; Pencil '. 'l_'l|on Make a` Note of Tinln \'n.. N... I.....n 2.....- _.I_._,, 1- n. n nun u u vuuuu . I_uI.7_lI IIIIOIB I LVOIO 0! 'l'1||l| You can buy 2 ans salmon for 25: ; 3 `cans mackerel, 25c ; 1 can of pie or table pouches for we: 1 can. tho finest sugar unrn, 15. Jan. Crawford. Vnnuuug. I I The Royal rink is open again. and skating is good-. Go and lmve ,5 skate tonight, as it may be th last chi ce this season. vv.....vcv-no u uugca l'x-mmunce Pomeroy`a Petroline l lu.sl:ers superior to any other plaster comin under theirobaervutiqn. ()f druggisbs am I. (+.-~ K irgg Kingston. llnreu a Cure for Silln I'm-kc-I. llooku. I\....I ...|.-.... _.... -_. ._.. .L, l .. .__,_ 1- 1- our In-ohanlu lnulluu-. Did You Iollooly. ..._A.._ Al._ I` _ n -. ...*_ Z- _,., --__ It Haul 1!: Annual Meztlng. .n..o.....'- n..:u:...- ....,n u....-..._ _ Trojiku-3n'zvf1'_[gs` Compoten; Judga M. l).............`.. 1)-... - I: Slmung. E A Vllunuqurhrohl hdulnurvht vlthluuloon. uI9__l.l ...... __... . l-_L ....-.I -nun...-g. lvuuuq ---- f2il'57.{2I .."'.`:s""" nl L... ..A AL. I...` S F` W I |-IKV` I I; W hi dike rt an In anon h oct. I not Idiom AL- LJLI. -_..-A.J gnu LI.` -I-Q-:. A4 `W. rull W` I` W II`. II unhynsnunn hnthu." "boyonbld Ihoor-(`clot rhnoaboll and hung an-Ink-gal!" "NH? WXKVC. I IIITI IIICIICI IHII IDII ;hiow\ ndng;-lioduhohnvuhclkv um: uEpuub.uhuouwm. I Iggnnlhnnlna-hnfknna nknllknh. -.5 (`Ill \'UI'II(II .' My iuhorl -lath. I luvs-I him but had given him great I0ffI|l' by m uinlul lilo. and his dying Apps]: to me to I I holler lilo broke up my very nuum. and I turned {mm the world to (Bell and VI n mv lilo to It: cervix-0 u my dad Int:-r'u lo. " an oulndnn "None yvhobvu. IIMN Itldknl Hall Anal |.:. ...... __.I _-_ M.) -.. L- A. _.....|_J ._ KIH. . '*\\hu hml I-vou \m Incl work 9" l I In Ollucnlo-I fur! the hot at twenty one. thnc (Ir`.7II. It was in the year I870 that Sam I-eguu to take I religious View of life. the occasion of the change being the im wuiuu wrought on his mind by theulcath 0 his father. Soon After this event he was soundly mun-rtcl, joinod the church and begun to be haul in moetin . His gift: illuminnetl his grows, and be ore long he wu I populnr rancher. The tint ton year: of his work in I re pulpit was spent in different part: of (ieor I. After that time. in I88], he began rovivn in- IL. IA`l\llll nuo.K.l.. I L}. ..-o:u- -o..s.. Hi- _. I "Lil Iooee your queetioue." on the rub eponee of Sun Jouee to A Montmsl .\'fm' re- rter who interrogeteul the n-rimlint on in tinenciel reeourcee. "To begin with." he uid. my orrhounge ie IituAte< At Deoetur, one 0! the en mrlne of AtlAntA. (is It. wee foumle-l About IVM. but in IN!) was overwhelmed with cleht and About to he Ahnndoned. In thet you I took chArge, Anal einoe then hAve pAid N the debt, erected new And commoulioue build- ing: coetin About OJMII), Aml got the in Itttution no id on its feet. There in A {Arm in connection, on which the orplnn hnyl are tutght fuming. The orphAm IN` In (`|IOl' of A euperintemlent. A mAtn-u And moi: ant teerher. The Aim of the lltlnlfl ment in to mAke it A true home for the or phone. and it in in fut. pettenw-I Aft:-r the Hlfiltilll lamily. ' "Mn: Inna horn run lunmlu in \.nn urns:-uh Illlr Ill!` IIIIIC. In IHHI, III} will r tic work outside of his native state. putatiou in now wide as the lit! o-phomernl literature. I4 EU uuuu Ill LHU KITMII L'UII8rL'gl|llUll. The revivnliut ninrrie when young. and began n singularly harmonious lumestiv life i with A daughter of Kentucky who is now living and the jnyful mother of . chil- dren. I4 _..._:._.L,_.A-_ nu-n.|, AL` |,, , . [UT LIIU JJIULIIUUISI4 (l9.'IIUII|llIlIllUH. Sum Jones, though not a learned. is far from being an unlettered man, and could be more elegant in his diction if he cared mom for the literary proprieties. He received a good acudcnlic education, and was it vora- cious reader durin his hoyhood and youth. Having attained 9 e proper a e he adopted the profession of the law mu prospered in ractice notwithstanding that. uccordin to is account of what he was at that periou of his life. he was in drnnkanl and a gambler. There is no evidence that he was even it hard" character. He was venerons, guy, jovial and a bit wild, and xlundered intu wickedness sometimes, but was never a hardened sinner. and his friends deprecste his being so understood when he mils his past to mind in the great (`0ngl`L'gMiull. The rs-.\'i\'nIi:t. nmrrimi u-in-n \-mum Ami The leadin revivulist nf the day is of x! stock. 14: was born in ('1u~ters\'ine, rtow County. Georgia, in I849. His father wu a soldier in the war. and afterwards 'Emcticed law. Several of his uncles and is grandfather share, or did sluu-1-, with him the preacher`: vocation. with prcfcreuua for the Methodist dc-nomimttinn. U... I,....... AL......I- -Al\` .. l,....._...I 3` l`.., TIIIIIII IIIIIII". "How Inng luw \'U nrlr '" ! Converted -at the llednldo of Hi: Dying l"atlIor- l`lIe 'ork he, Hun Done In Later You-0--Row no spend: fe Money Given Hlm by the Pa-u`p|e-Hla Orphan- `AND THE BEST KNOWN EVANGE-* LIST IN ALL AMERICA. ~. ~-- Inn on Introducing the Iiuugrllnl. A AMANOF THE mms. 380. Iivlnru HM! I lur n! at .\Iethu-lint chur- r the unlinle THE BRITISH wmu, \\'El)NESDAY, IE will I"U\l"DIll' ` in His re- diffusion of n , ulmittul to pnclim-I law .\ um-cling of the cliroclon 0! {hr mo 4'|||lIIt`I' institute nccnnvnl Inn evening. ` `I'M:-a won at Mars. Juno: Roddon t loot). Baird. J. W. Btmrn. R. (Bu- - inor, June-0 |lcArthIr. J ll. Nachu, U. llilll. 1`. Mills, W. Ncllh. I . Run and Rev. W. it (buy. `Man Isle o( In- xuinoo sud dunqul book: In Ltd lot the 24th but. `I'M punch! wconnudubu pm. In; imam.-but lot the Illnry It In I movothollhnrytoonon 1 tzonndiugnnu. Tbonnhoroln `I? or-buhuuluplyloaunul. It. Jounfttunh I'onpno;o 100000;. '2: annual notch; in bold Inn nut Ia`. Uont. Mum, u ling the winter st In- dhn river. Flori: A. in not to Nl"|lOd ht his crew. Ho will return In New `art In Apt. am will tlho Hakka In canals` dual: Nay. olnudnloupno-llbo un- not In American tau!-I. xuum will no prxruwnl on Inc tlil 18!. Mean. ll .\Iu(`oy. H. Woolirot and `I . Funuoll. K. I I . R. mocluctorl and Mr. QM. ol the Na and Tunworch rnul. attention! a moot nl the canoluu-ton Ann (`Sudan 0! (lnulnnolcl in Ulvl on Sundq lot. A ll,_,, _ II .| I A . I I` ` II'$`.K'IIUIIl . J. howling, Agent 0! lhulin 8 Nu Innimm )'. bin the city. "Coho-I_y'a Claim" I II he pnuntenl on the 2&1! hot. man I) M.l`nv H \\'z-nlivgp g-.l `I People \\'Iou Iovnuo-nln. laying: and DOIIII Attract Auonuou. in Hunt. of lisnnnoque. i: \ inin'ug fremln in the city. ` Mrs. (`Ania \\ oral .\lm Inn gun: to her home in Fourtlmd. N. Y. I`!-nl. Burr ha go! hack in the 4-ity mud in at the (`Hy hotel. N. Raymond. of this viw. will hie put nu A mm-I-rt In In Ml-I at "emu: in night. It in nwpnrlonl that the ruignnliun of Wm. (T Hmliwtl. nae-`rctnry nl wu. is in the lmluh II this pvuldonl. I`. W. Iilonn. union A5-out nl the .\'.T. & Q. RR.. Tunworth. hu l-an diamhu-nl. The nllagon an petitioning Mr. Ralhbun furhin Iv-inatuamenl. I In I: __n, , ,,,. 1 I. 1- g nn UIQ 2 `*1 N" III. Inn! |C.-In 1 _.A|L.A_L_l._L--L..__.. Hun Janos u u Looturor. .\ In-tun such u this city never hunl ` la-fun. In Iplk ol the ulminniou. loo Nt. ` James 3!. church wu agnin crowded Int night to hear Sum Jones. And it in Info In any that nobody was dhnppointod. Moved to man of laughter by the upookeri quaint saying! And anecdotes. moved sun tan Ivy hi: unoqunlled pathos. moved to indigna- tinu against evil by his unaporringdenun -`intionn. the Audience won each In turn. .m4| t-sch an Inn A: Sun Jones wished to kn-ep them on. . oumml Winn-. U. K. Malaria: \`IwPrdd:luI-:w. J. I ha. ()vpIlII~II-I. (halt. Cunnlclu - Inn Anulouno. \\'. \\'. `-lA.LL... n..._ Q.__... A uL-_._-_ u UIIICII s .\Ie1I|"|l I urge win! new yuan-r- day. It wag resolved to again hold public closing exercises in ahout It fortnight`: time, as the written exauninations close this week an-l the oral: will he held next week, con- ~ cluding the session. lira. ~ ---- - and Putnam Jacobi, the eminen`. lady doctors of New York, prominent advocates of woman's education and exemplana of her ability to achieve signal success. will he imited to be present and thus encourage Kingston`: noble stand in this branch of education. lt was reported that the fund: continue in a most Iatiefactory state ; that the session ha: been quite satisfactory to the student: : the hos pital clinics of late ample and nine! accept- able : and the lectures generally fully up to the mark. The services of Mine lilnylock. as demonstrutor of anatomy. were hi My a hen of. and the honorarium voted. he I roe scholarships it an decided to oer at before. As the \\'omer.'s Iiiapcnnry, on Princess street. had met lta practical designs and promised still further usefulness. the order was paused for its mutinuance during the summer. thus making it not motel ses- sioual but mntinuous. A question lec- ture tickets. upon which the board felt strongly, was referred to the deal of the faculty. llr. Lawll. for arrangement in pre . ferem-e to formal action. A meotin of the trllstoos of the Kingston ` Wolm-n's .\ ecli--cl (`M11-ge hold yeatc-r~ (kw. It. I'AA rnsnlvml In mvnin hnI.I unhlin llllll l . d. \ IUHUTUII, l)..`\., &3HI3Kl,`lI Dy JI I339.` Howtou and Minm-s, would discuss the attention : Resolved that it would be for \ he best interests of (`auada to he zmncu-I 1 to the United States." A lhlnlne-on .\h-1-Mug ol` the Trllsu-on The l'uun| (`Inning I-Eu-re-Ines. I rC33lUH. he feature of thv o.-vcmng. Imwuvcr. was en debate : "RuanI\'L-ti that it is better to be born rich than pour." .\Ir. Joyner was na- sisted lay Miss Luvirk cm the Afl'lnl\li\'t'. and M r. Bell by Miss Holmes on the no -a. tive. The uldrcsses were rlmmcterizml ny eloquence, earnestness. and cool, vicar reasoning. The (l0\'iSi(III. givcn by she wlmle society by lmllnt. was in favor -sf the |liirIn- alive. \\'L2I__ `I... I...II._;.. _...__. I ..I.... . _........l \IZ .. While the ballots were being counted Miss Walker fl\\'0rI2(l the society with an cxu-l- lent. piano solo. The president lln()lllIt`t`\l that at the next Incetin Messrs. S. ll. (`lurk and C. J. (`tum-run. IL .. assist.-ul by .\liss-an llnlrlnn nml \Iin|u-91 \Inul.l alim-nu: than Wllll 3| 1'. II. J]. n`IIl'rI0('K N5 ICu'NlCl', nu MISS Dunlap as pianist. Their rendering of Lottie Lee" was l`cL`ei\'c(l \\ ith much favor. It showed that Mr. Shorluck is suypnrted by some excellent voices. .\lr. .`\. la New- lanqla rt-ml it _\'-l\l1k(`0 yarn with vonsinloml-Iv I "U KI?` with Mr.` I\... __. _ .\n Interesting: l'rn|:rmnuu- l'r4-zu-ntml IIIM-uzaulun uh: Qmuutlmn. l.at3\.e\'ening the teneln-rs, with :1 few in- vited friemls. tilled the zzehuul bum ll mums at the second regular meeting of the sm-iety. After an little routine business a special c0ln~ mittee pres:-ntml an 1'l.1lmI`utu mnstitutimi, which was uiln )I0(l with \'er_v little change, auul MI`. R. llnlmer, l3.;\.. mus elected critic for the society. 'l"`I` I| !l`l` l`lII|I Illllllhl 'llI`aI' lII|I\JlI`!lI|l`li Bled ioal tlxuulunt lulu. The exuninntiona in connection with the Rnynluul Women`: Mo-Iicsl cullcgu begun tn-lay. The examiner: an: In jurispru- lencc, Dr. T. M. Fonvicl ; in the prwtive as! medicine, Dr. Saunders: lll mummy. Ur. Sullivan ; in obstetrics. Dr. K. N. Fon- wick ; in mater-is modica. Dr. A. 3. Oliver; in surgor . Dr. Anglin. On April ml: the naming! of the Unurio council occur In-re. [U lllrll TUUHU. , Mr. Jones said that his object was to aid in making gootl Christians out of professing christians rather than to seek to make new members. ""1 have been," said be. through the Southern, Eastern and Middle states. The attendances have always been large. The people oi the South are more emotional than those of the other states. They ex ress their feelin vs in subs and tears. In the A id- lle states t to people express their feelings by sla iping their hands. -111, the Eastern states by slapping their ban-ls and crying. `Hear, hear ! `Amen, amen 3` ln Canada I have been well received, in fact. has been a continual ovation." f6LrjtT1lfh6da. me we-1.e1. I at them are -l I their methods mum effective than mine they retire without. an answer. I am quite ready to change or `trade my` method when I timl I more etcicut bno. '- A rent many `object. to my nu.-lhods and wil not attend my meetings, but I have always thought it was kind in them to stav anwny. 70!`. In it is. we are so crowclul me have" scarcely room to turn round." \l- I....... _,.E I Al A L1,- ..I.:....A ....... L- -1] TEACHEEIS LlTERf\RY-S_OC|ETY. woME7s n}IoicAL cdLLce. ` LIIU 5Ul3lL'I)'. The glw clnln nuulo their lint uppouruuce (ill! Mr. J. `I. SIM-rlm-It an Inn -|-, nml ism msom; iasiafuu. 1'!` VIII" lI|ilUl' |lIl'|l Ill -`L IIlIP\..i|rilllCl' .l. .\l Slum-rlm-k as lc.-ulcr, and Miss .. 'l`I.. .. ..,... I- ,.K Ihlky huh Unt. gunk: Junub`; ld|nhv&.r vhr. u-I-at any-lu-uuuluu The llohul A rrlvnln. .\rri\1\lu at the Britinh Americnn Hotel- \\'. L Money. Hen. I"ieu lay. Goo. Leigh, F. It. Whiteuicle, \\'m. ('. glukett, Tomnto; .\. l'l. Williams. E. Pnclunl. Ju. Suther- lunl. (`. H. Rink, 5. H. Rohinoon, U. H. 'l'|mumnn. A. Lynmn. Montreal; J. S. Hoin~ :i-`nu, (mun; W. H. Frodenb In. West- port : C. I-I. Hnlmou, Hon. Rose nu wife. L (knulli, New Yurk ; J. .\l. Darling. Agent Ibuwlilng-"Anson ('0.

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