C$lCj$I' 17:: -vu -- v v-v-u` M In-Iwh Ania Iona. III)! `III AND L01` Q Chub IIIISOIUII by run-b In-Dunll. hrulnlulnnuuuuavr vuuuouuvw'w-IlIlIj.wVlll'lIll onvolgh oven on dqlo um! cal 9--lu. rrrxumm. I]. |u0lIOI00j$lI|IXI$CUOI.I' I nohnu nw undochomud n I mouyoucl Iuutuou.Iot wall spun-Alkdhlla bonlndvuhpto In to lo-abhln. In Mwbouyouoouoloputn pdonnlopvoIl- Htoryolon tint. on that. like air. I nndiahrnhuuhnliadhhnnnllxvnnnn lf$IIXl'Xf';Xl'T,Ill|CXlTlCI|.C that day: and received his uouu-ibuv ti in M1] out plans In vonld not have an I11" n Inning-1 lb mu-nla --vi. s uunyous pocunowoululolluvc nonndyto hctunlhqndlo vi ty.ldonocob' colhcuhunol lnnznhnnn AQIU-rllhanndnnhg-. ...I punt ulcvilinu ny NICO IIIQII Y Sun Iona! Sun Jooee ! You hove in our power the opportuult to rush the no t name in the lllnlll the world. lneteul of lecturing in llcl 0! other eubjocte devote yourself to the uueliorotion of eiclnoeu, poverty uni unheppineu throughout this continent. [at your ealdreuee, while etill timing At the higher lile. be at the diepmal o! the charitable eocietiee and haepitele, And your nuns will clown to poeterity truth- oul with the grotfiul tributu d theenering uul alietreeeo-l humanity which on lure unolinretonl, uul like Alton Hen A hem you may write your own epitaph! One who lord hie folhw men." I am aware that thin he tortured into 5 species 1:! with ode: and the box 0! ointlnat. bet. upoetlototheooe , l nlwnye wee inclined to look on thh lit ephodeoetheooly redee point tut`- lIcorlot'e character; certs. if ourietl the In` 0.... A... -_J _..i....e Li. .._...xL.. 1 t I lug CIIUTCH. It wee for such thet I understood Mr. Jones hed ee ielly sterted out on his lend- eble cerecr. end doubtless s countlees num- ber have been baietted by his ministre tions. But when you come to put e price of sdmiseion-fty cents-on his exortetious whet chence hes the needy sinner of listen- ing thereto? His euditors will slmost with- out exception be members of the different churches. sud once the ephemerel religions menis hes subsided the will greduelly re- vert to the do mes of their own estehlished feith. Fer di rent is the other clese ; here are no vested religious principles to be up- rooted: ell is virgin soil. esger and greedy to receive the seeds of truth. end where they will fructi end teke everlsstin hold. , t city hell wl l herdly old one- tent of our po letion, end ene night`: lec- ture will sceruelmsstisfy the lucky ones who rney gsin sdmi ce. But there is enother view to be teken on the subject. The leborer is worthy of his hire," end one oeu- not expect sny men to undergo the fstigue end hrein exertion consequent on e course of continuous lectures. In St. Thames. e smell city in western Onterio. the proceeds of his lecture netted it), of which Mr. Jones received 0400. Now e full hell here will reelise over (l),end iltlll ol this were peid over to him for his own expenses end towenls eny object he Insy here in View three such lectures e week would reelise him H50. This in K` too would leeve I850. end to whet more object could such e sum he devoted then the relief of the poor. When wes such e sum eveilehle for such e purpose before. end in the hends of the cheriteble o ' ol this city whet wretchedness nu t be end uninsp- piness ellevieted y these ineens? Sen) Insane` Rem Jane. O \'n.: Lev- in ones- ICHIPUFIDLV IWUC. Enough, however, of this. That in not i the point whcreat I aim. What I wish to say In this : It is, I believe, only such men an Sam Jones who can capture the non- church-going port of the community. for various reasons, Among which are that his peculiar and forcible style is the only one which up to their deep hhough uncul- tured fee ingn. and also that in many one: want of proper attire, or the oonsciounnean that their presence is not considered desir- able; both tend to hinder tliemjroni attend- ing church. to u... 6.... .....I. ol...c I .....|...._.--n u,, uoul w wemaanvea. Vida John B. Gou rh, who died almost in harness, and with I nndsome fortune, and 3 yet I have to learn of mingle inaunce where any poordrunInrd,or his unfortunnte family. was ever relieved by the bounty of the great ` temperance apostle. Enough. hnwm-nr nf Hui. 'l`l..o ;. mu K|.\`(:!~`T0.\', March I7. -~('l`o the Editor) : "Unless ye have tiftv cents ye slmll not hearken unmsun Jones." This is as true sssny gospelthst ever was written, and, considering the religious nature of the dis- course, it seems to me a hard conuncntary on that beautiful paraphrase : Free to that sacred tount_uin. all t ll price nmy go. ' 'l`his ' n is strongly borne in on my mind fro fact that no prominent 8\'tUl~ gelist eve ssllied out without purse and scrip, like the ancient apostles, but de- veloped s hankering after the filthy lucre. Mimi I do not desire its yet to Attribute such a desire to Mr. Jones. Whst he ultimately intends to do with the proceeds, or what chsritsble disposition or otherwise he may now be making of them, I know not, but still the incontrovertible fact remains that all great reformers of their fellow-men, who hive followed itinerant lecturing, have not only grown rich therest but msnifestedn disposition to retsin their worldly acquisi- tions to themselves. l'.'.l- LJ... I ) n._..,_|_ ._.L_ 1:- I ,1 . - Sum Jones In Not a Molgey Grublu-.r`; and the one \Vlm Suppose: He Is Mute: I Great Mh:talxo-~SaIn Will Never be Rich so Long as He is an Generous as Me In Now. | A COMPLAINT WITH WHICH FEW WILL SYMPATHISE. TIC ACCIHQRVI DOUG. VOICE or THE PEMLE FINE CITY HOME. The ad obrl tpuuonuu numzmu: Us nwwr now occupied by him on rl Hand. The whole In ollbrod In one block. having about one hand And Iwonty tut hung: on Inrl not. and L muthnnch lawn! street. The .B(,Qrl.;'i)li.<"(lS on the proper! an almost now. And the cu-don In ntod will also obolout (nuts. for lo:-nus tn Tl. MOORE. --.------v---'. Kant.-fa-o'ut l7.--Tb nnuh.1:utl:u at hush than on to cuIuIyuodI$llhtatpnlluoutIl- Iludhhhluhqddn Charcoa- unhcuhhdhs 7. wv-f"`l`.L W .m# 7 mm In1nInI It nu Ann`! 9'9 both A :'..1':"".. .,..... uuwuuguu hlh npnd It III" aha wan dud. Inc El In On! VI A sum Wllb-III~i;I<'or. RlllII\`Il.l.I. N.(.`.. March In. Alena-lcr lhvillon. hllh .k|ookd|iI mm. "W vifodovl yhounuthoncdvnl nub Chan nnldnn [Ln mnnsnnh Lanai u-{AL A'c8i-':u.an Ankod. Lmu-n\', Much I? -In the uttlomcnt ol thoohoriu diqmu (`Austin nuggau I cum- III-ion ll follovu. not to be name! by (lands. on. from Newfoundland. two from the Unlunl Sula. Ind om lroun some Eumpun power. Gormny In the power * which (`Linda would your an nlona. Tory llrlbory (Tau. W I .\'I-sun, Mu-ch I7. --Windsor politic has of both punk: won I 300-] donl excited over the bribery enminatinn. Yesterday Non`: Winqlnlon. chu-god lsrul Unju- diu. Inrchun, Suonoy Point. and vrudrn ol the county ol Emu, with bhary, In ring Mm $8 I! he would vote for Mr. Patterson. The nughtrsu found there was uuicient evklonoo to hold Doujnnlinca llII' Ul' lilllllylllg UXIUIIIIUKIGII, or IE!- bin cnminntion call: to mind the pub licutionolunewwnrkof 250 page: b the rincipnll ol the Dominion Buuncn co logo, 'in|Ilou. McK|y & Wood. It in upon book-keeping. procin-writing, and uh upnaly for tho pnpurulion uf csndi can for civil urvico And tou:hon' oxuninntiou. It will be found to be the but book upon than oub'ocu yet inuod on the continut. And thus 8 in u crwlit to the young collage. and to Klnglum. for in Iypofn by, u in completeness, it taken the . All in Kiugnlon work. Mnilonl (me upon receipt 0! price. 8l.. 0. luuooolnodaunoaodlloho. _ M`; L. .. .--_ `_. I "Tc-.n.Is.1.:e can try either the pnlimi- nu? or qunlifying enmiution, or both. In in ntgnuinnnn run": on nuin oh. nnk IIIUII IIU IIUIUIIK 3. MS 3 Iontlon to I`. l.e.\`ueur,Iecn- ury hound civil urvioo uunimu. Uta- wn. sml he will fnrward the necessary pm IKPI. *"! "` . . . . 4. The promotion evunnnatlon, as its muna implies, is tnken by civil acrvnnts who, after hsvi spent some time in the service, desire to sdvanoed e e. The eubjectn mre pennnnuhip. com tion, arith- metic, orthogrsph , and eome options] nub- jecte. These cemiidetee are also examined In the duties of their oice. the object of 1 this examination being not so much to test the literuy ettninmenu of HM cnndiclntee u to telt their knowledge of the Work of their de ment. I ll. - -__n....x.... .- n I -.--_-_.._ _-_._- uuuu. as unis [or entrance to I mgn scnool. The quslifylng exsminstion tits s can- didate to take my itiou in the civil ser- vice that he can rig tfully take on first en~ trsnoe into the service. The subjects sre reading. writing, srithmetic, grammar.` com ition, geography. history, ortho- grs y. transcription. to which msy be sd ed the options] subjects of trsnslstiou, prenis-writi . shorthand, tale phy. type- writing and k-keeping. T is exsminr tion is somewhat ditcult. A csndidsw who has successful]; passed the Ontario ex- aminations for second. or perhaps third class wuhers. would succeed 1_n ooring the ` Thu! nrnnsnfinu 8\ !IIII;I\f;lIiI an ion Civil Service Examinations. when will the next examination for the civil service be heldi What subjects urecnndldntes examined in? To whom should notice bosom of their intention to write at those examina- tions. nmi when? A Tiucnnn. l. The exnminataons begin on Tuesday, the 10th of May next, and continue during the remainder of the week. If there are promotion examinations they take place on the following week. 2. There are three examinations, viz., preliminary, qualifying and promotion. he prelimiunr examination qualities can- didates to hol such subordinate positions as that of the letter carrier, etc., and the subjects are reading, writin , arithmetic (elementary), and spelling. ' he examina- tion in not a liiiioult one. not nearly so dif- ficult an that for entrance to a high school. The uualifvincr xamlnntinn n. n t\.ln_ uvu uuuum uy um cu. nnsuurer. Wlml: 1 now pro e is. that the learned city solici- tor ahou cl refund the said ve dollars. with interest from I878, and that it be handed over to me by the present mayor, Sir lohn Carson. --Jon.\' S'n:w.ut'r. A. Mnedoneld in 1874, refelred to bv the lawyers on Tuesday. of which more will be heard when the petition I onrling is tried. This nomination de it, air, has A history in Kingston. At thennoininntiou in 1878, John A. Macdonald, Alex. Gunn and I be- ingcandidntes, the returning oiiicer refused to give me a receipt for my deposit money unless I employed an agent to epoeit it, as the other two candidates had done. I told him I would prosecute him. The hxwyers present, amongst whom was Canada's greatest stattesnmn" h'mself, the Right Hon- orable Qir John . exnmier Mncdonald, K.C.B., all gave it its their opinion that I was wron . Itoid them that if the Do miuion Elfcffonsct, 1874," were consulted they would nd themselves, in their own opinion, biped jnclmsses. Accordingly the Ienrued city solicitor, James Agnew, EM .. was sent hy the returning oliicer from t 0 city hall to his office to consult his books, whrr returned with a written: opinion that, although his mind was not clear on the sub- foot. he thought I was right. for which earned opinion he charged, and was id. five dollars by the cit treasurer. Wiittl now nmnmm in that t in I... .-mu! in. ...-.I:..:. ITUCC. M I` nun-cu-ugly. many 21. - Till SUBSCRIBE`! otter: to: sale his House and lot on Albert Street. The house contain: noun eomnodloun room with U7. clot has olouou,rl;r[o oollu. well And outbuild- Inn. 0 lot. Ulllt. II It 01! with choice frull sod ornunanul tree: and mull fruits. Me. EDWARD IORHAI. .._ ..._-___.._.__.... Illihloo: 3. am: In lnbod. OUR QUERY CORNER. "V ` fgltq yauuf "m"...u..'"";......... ... .. I lonocnlhofndlr In th.$&u n n-uuxllu an-manna `h L-.- -I AI-L._l. no ny. nut in on pnmhu. Ill` CIIIIIIIT IIUT W X? $5. A dhnuuu oxpldouddyunlh occur rodlanuhuoqurrynlaolndh. Intent; All the mo: :3 votive: hlovulouonn. `IX- nq4uLh- '\g-nnlg-. --J I` .A___. I IIIII W . sry Doha. 5 London nnnounkl. up- On In hum. was an-Ind lot Ion-cur mg chilclnu trusted to hot can. I lnnnntmnn nrnlnnlnn Al Jun-A-.13. ....... nun: nuns. ncv lorl. The nilway brldp at Dcdhm. nut lion 1 Ion. whore any Ih-an Ion loaguu thum- lnllv nnnruaul ` IIIIUIILV III EIIHIIIII A lilo duo in gure .0! Henry Wad Honcho!` in: boot plncod on uhilnmon at the HAIIII Nuns. New York. \\"illhm 0! German any: that onloaguholinohovilluud cl MI In nonoo to maintain . A Iiln min In! I-um nl um. \\.'....I mJ:no 21'}: hu 5... xed .. an uncut data for uzolohl-sting the quota`: julilcoln the dominion. |p_.._-_-_ n-nu-.. -1 -- ,7 II`. on cu-thqunke. Saturday. u-tuba:-I wu dutroyod, the inhabihnh taking pin`; in Prague. Juno Qlnhnn I... 5...! .. oh- ...:-| ""' ' ,:. ,-_-:3 THE ROUGH (,`AHTHOl:'8I And C0T'l'A(llL' on south side 0! Hrock Street. Immediately above Bu-rlo Slrool. known so the Moutfn Prohgny. Forterunnpplytolll. ICNI 1.. an nnmhn. IIIEIUII 3 I. `In. (`ol. Alchinol ha oend to go to Abyui uh with 50.0!) Cut-sch for IGFVIOO under NOCIII Gencnl Bullet ha been kuiglnnd. The Allan aroma Pu-his: hunilonl {mm Liverpool wit II) panama-u. Rut Bruce election on April 2nd ; nomi nation on the Nth. l`..I AI-L:__n-I.-- -1--- 1 A - .. The spice 0! the lo:-nlng Papers and tho Von [Alan Tolocn-5. [.o.\'no.\'. Hench l7.-'l`he Daily .\'vr~ lays the vernment has muted the union in libonfao that it inmndn to inu~oduce.con. currently in parliament. remedial And rc~ pranive Irish Sropouln. The remedial me: turn in to be ivided into two part. on dealing with `nag tnnthn mchu the incluuon of t e leue holder: in the opt tics: of the land not and the nupauloa of evictions. The other to be introduced at ' next session will den] with land purchue and local government questions. upon Inc we 0! we car. A die tch from St. Poteruburg any: two of the 1!: non: nrreltod in connection with the pot against the car am quite `young, and two others belong to the peanut clus. All six csrriod poinonl. nnd intended wcommit suicide in the event of Arrest. Twenty female student: 0! the Bestuache institute use among thou drreotod in connoc tion with the plot. ullnlnl, murcn u.-queen VICIDFII HOS sent I telegpm to the czar, oongretuhting him u n u escape. The Prince 0! Wdes \'iuitecr;he Rnneinn unbeuedor. and expnu ed his ief that An attempt had been made upon I e life of the A rlinnnlnh (noun 5`: IJ.A.._.|..._.- -_.._ A--- S1-. Pan-znaamuz. Much l7.--The Orial .Ve.~.veuger publishes the following: "On Hundn morning three students of the St. Peters urg university were arrested in the Noweky Proepect. They belonged to 3 secret criminal Iociety. Bombs found on them were charged with dynunite. Eech bomb was Arranged to throw eleven belle. end All these bulls were filled with etrychnine." Inwmx. March I7._on.m. \'mm-.'. b... CCIB. Judge Berid has had notices served upon the tenants on the Kane estate at Thurles that unless they puy their rents within ten days they will be arreated for contempt of court. Il.IJ lIl'Ull. FatherR an. resident of the Herberts- town branc of t e national league, refuses to be A witness in the Moroney bankruptcy 3 case. uuuw H. out 01 me window. At the Hanlon inquest, at Youghall, Mr. Harrington asked the inspector of police if a statement made in the house of conimonu by Mr. Balfour, that twenty-one out of twenty-two police e in the work-of serving summons on sther Keller were in- jured in the riot was correct. The in- spector replied that but three of them were ` injured. Pnthnr Dunn n.....:.l....s .1 AL. lr,._L__._ LIEIE tauaniaunoon uuu wlu auawm xrom political work. DUBLIN, Murch l7.-In the bunltrllptcy court Father Keller of Youghnll. county Fork, wanted to testif respecting his action as trustee under the p n of campaign, was absent. A summon: to appear had been served on the priest. that he refused to re- ceived and Mr. Harrington took it and threw it out of the window. A} Hm l.I....l....: .... ....L ~L 11 -L J` " The Dlmu-ent"'ll e'nIurea Which the (lo- vernment has Under 0onulderntlon-- All of n More or Lee: Experimental Chnrnctel--'l`he Cure of Ireland : Ill: Stlll a Long Wny_ 01! . L0xpoN,'i\lnrch l7. -Mr. Parnell will op- pose Any Irish land purchase bill, based up- on the existing judicial rents, which. it is generally admitted. are at least 25 1- cent too high. During the Easter recess 1-. Par- nell Will abstain from political work. DUBLIN. March l7_-ln M... I....1. ........... new uuls were nuoa with atrychnine. " I..n.\'mx, March l7.-Qneen Victaqrin bu ant I Inlay!-Am tn 9).. on. ...~........`.|-u.... I MR. PARNELL WILL IN NO WAY GIVE IT HIS SUPPORT. THE PITFLOF THE NEWS. LAND PURCHASE BILL. The Go The Plot A}nlnu`t the Car. NO. 64. IIUTCHIRH ND BAUHAOI MARIN!- I : an." '7: :13 : II. I: Im : nu-Inn now u ondnn an ` A HOUSE ON PRINCESS STREET. between Grlmuolfn and Odonu House. with ten rooms. Ind and loft vnter ; possession at once. Apply in J. MOORE. on the promises. Also I unu- nmlth Shof. A mod sand for Jobbing And -ahoo at. on Prlncmn Street. four doors u n Barrio dlroet. Apply to 0. BROWN. 96 Princess Street. TOLE1`. wilh nonunion In! May next. the stone and tire-proof Warohouno. Oloea. am, at foot of south side ol Prlnoen Stroo now oc- cupied by Joseph I-`rnnitlln and H. ooen for grun our and food business. I-`lrntolruu nhi - hing Hellman hkwntor or rail. Apply to J. . ACHAB. 34! In; Strut. A sum`. wrrn DWELLING A'I"rA(.`nIcu. corner of Division and Ellico Streets-also 1| COMFORTABLE Hovsnc adjoining?) hues. slon at any time. Apply to J. WAD ELL. on the promises. THE NEW BRICK DWI-I [N0 HOUSE. situated on the south lidc of `rhesus Street. west of Chntham : contains fmen rooms. ln~ eluding bath room and all modem improve- ments. Apply at the residence of the under surnod. GEORGE NEWLANDS. Much Is. Princess Street. mm resulonoe overhead. and me nxturoa and fitting: of tho Alla . Possession at any time. Apply to GEORU RICHARDSON EBONB. foot. of Princess Street. Aug. 3!. _T1IE B0\VLI.\'G ALLEY on \Ve1lington 5:.` with residence overhead. and the xturoc ant` lllmrn nf Hm Allur Pnnunninn At An`! Hmn LAl)H~IS to work for us at their own homes ; 87 no 810 per week can be quietly made. No photo. painting: no cnnwuulng. For full r- ieulus please Address at once. CRI:scl:N'r RT Co.. 9 Central Street. Boston. Mass" Box 5.170 AGENTS. male and female - 33 A day. Sc sum for rtlculnrs. Samples. 25 cents. K0 DY. and 48 Front St. E.. Toronto. A 'l"llt8'l.'-(CLASS l"l'l"l`E can have good wages and abenuly enlwment by Applying at once at D. McEwen -I. '3 Foundry. A SHOP. \V[TH DWELLING ATTACIIICI). mrnnr nf Divlnlnn and [Hire .~ln-anunrnlnn n -A.r4a.`aa.I. (.'.uu:\'.--In Kingston. March llitli, Eliza 1 bath. widow of the late Jno. (,`.'srcy, ugctl 66years. The funeral will take place from her law residence. corner of Division and Johnson Streets, to-morrow mornin at 9 o'clock to St. Mary s Cathedral, w new a solemn requiem will be sung. Friends and ac- quaintances are respectfully invited to asttend. 0 marrow um smmm. Ion. nth. 1: most. R A. |n_____I_ A._.;.I.... ..-. JILQLULU-lJ.'JJJ u lfl'l`CI||.-2I.l.-MACLI-2.\.\'. -At St. Paul's Church, Kingston, on March 16th. by Rev. W. B. Carey, M.A.. assisted by Rev. G. Seamle- bury, W. H Mitchell, Civil En inecr. Ottawa. to Mnrgnmet, eldest dnug Iter of A. Msclean, of this city. `k`HlR5lF!Rll0R.V-SCI!I-1|iMEH.lmRN. ~ On the 15th inst, by Rev. R. Stillwell, Mr. George Hchcrmerhorn, of Ontario ($0., to Miss Emma Schermerhormof Ernesttosxjn. Send numm for nartlmllnm. Snmnlns. 1'5 cams. C. ` `A1-`IRST-CLASS FITTER have good 1 mules suwlv emnlorment bv nunlvlmz lJ\JLl&V- Eu.Io'r"r.--In Napanee, March |3th, 1887, the wife of George M. Elliott, Collector of Customs. of a daughter. \ AL; unu. Mlunlxm of Electoral District Society at lb (`auncii Chnmbcrat 2:1!) p.m. ` ` FKIUAI. Licltlnn: by Hon. Geo. R. Womlling M the City Hall. II-u---uvc-. -0 n`I....o.._..I Iu-..z... a_..x..... ... .|_- Tnunsnu.` 51'. PA`1`ltl('K's DAY. Concert at the Opera House. - I.`Illl'\ A v armour. HENTION. :9oi{s}_LE (`)I%%Ai`C`)-R}A}ZN'i`.i: VOL. LVP 7` C? K II "" _. ._._...-.--____.. avg`: o. FOR SALE" av` J Lwh `I4v`.$q TED: REMINDERS. To-LET.` MARRIED. DIED. anon u, um 9 she promises. BORN. L='..Fa+".=`-J4"-Sa 9 THE DAILY WHIG. IIIVTX "T 1' IT. NW 5"` Dbl urhg Inn on hcnnhlo Iuhdy. and that Iurrhp In cover has con- sensual. Sh qyo uh non: would have upouulllnhdbouotouun Ioudm. Ihn Niall at the nag! honor. II... ELL.` -_.- Il_I._ I-..) of I `I. u.. u'.'.'L'a'r.."x"a"n'u.'i.o,`."".'.".n'.'.'l'n.`.'.' ' rv arr! night. who Iupuhhlhddphh Shoptoooddtoluuon but Itntht. ah-us-Min Ilhhnnwnn Inn [malnu- (`IV IIDII. -2V- I0.\V II via; Bhhopdlogcd mind-under. E to. ` odvod I d k such that MI wife vi have Do I for New Xorl Io-ml-row. Ha I KVCICII I UICUiI-ZWIIUWIII lanolin HorNo\v\oI-llo-nu-rov.llo punt-on uuuuoul developments In the \nuunolsboupnunol unkempt to `nlhuuhb\r|!u`nulucdou. \Y-... \I..-- lI-..I. In `FL. ._Al- .1 jfoo Inch Ionlol Worry Not 0ooul-AuI In Wm 0003 In. Nun Yoll, Inch m.~w 1. { ..x_.. IH-L._ -II._..I -l_.l_-...4I.. -- ._ III? I. Mr. Mondith uhonl for an ex Lluuliun of ` an item 0! SL5!!! paid to M. C. (tun. Hon. Mr. Hardy ex lsinoul that than xwuuprdctudon: Dru ml by Mr. Loltun. Thin sum urn put! In in on yield- `- [Hm IIIUU INC HUUZ [TI IIIIIIOTIIQCI IL Hon. Mr. Hnrdy mid the quantian ruined V wu not nooounrily involved in the mudon. [Au union it In explained how the lone nu Inndo. The government found itself in units to Aocolnnm-lute lunntiu, many of whom were then in the gnoh. The build wan oxcoedingly Iuiuhlc. The lone wnnlc ho brought down. and any other information desire-I. Kl- lI___.IiAL __L-_I I..- __ _._..l_.._:, .. -1 PTUVBHIUUW IIPUII Ill! mmulng. He said that in an agreement of this kind, involving conniclernble expenditure. the go- vernment should not have made it binding until the house ind Authorised it. i u... u- u-_.|.. _-:.n .L_ .,._.,.:__ __z__ . . Mr. Meredith mhred [or a return shoving ` the agreement between the ptovinm and the llgpincopd Corpontion ol the Moceeo of Inglton for the use of Reglopohn college ; the amount expended for repnire um! um provemente upon the building. He: Aninl thgt in All Annvanumt nl thin |cin.I lull! III . Mr. Balfour 30 to i to unend the II In. suns no um nouun to an with me luuouu "Fact: tor lrinh E actors." or the Lynch own! oonoonlu. "AI Mr. Ronnnid the o - pouition lender`: denial come: very late rn ` the day. Mr "Alfnnr nnnnnnan In inhndnmn . |.ill Nu You. llorcln l1~-Tho vile ol l'-.Ll_4h_ l-..l-- ink: -_-l_.4l L... l-.a ox ulwlvlc lnehaon Irom 0 I0 (3 per mm. In replv to the treuurofs re ualintloupf the No l`opor_v cry. Mr. Moron ith Alleged thnt he had nothin to do with the humus L -l.`.no. I... [.44. I.` ...o.\_ " .... .1... so! ....A. aurrlug Ipeecllul 00 sna ueonw. Among the important fscts noted by the * tressurer, in his closing thedebnte, was that the fsce vslue of the tlrsinngs debentures was 34(1),!!!) instesd of $0,000. ss stated in the estimstes. that the funds of the pro- vince held in trust by the dominion, with the exception of the common school fund. could be converted into cash st my time. and thst to collect the school funds only us- quireul the consent of Quebec ; thst the su- nuity scheme was simply taken sdvsntsge of to enable the government to renew the vsilwsy certicates. sntl to reduce the rste of interest thenaon from 8 to 43 mat. In renlv to the trnummfs ronmlignm. no` Ilrung. Dr. Willoughlny and Mr. Hudson repeat- ed some of the familiar charges ngsinat the overnmenfs nancial oulniinhtration, and ` r. Murray and Mr. Hvanturel contrilputcd ` stirring upeechea to the debate. Alunnu the inn-an-hunt `turf: nnvml I... oh- C) uccuruwly ueucrloes me nmnuon. `he position of the new districts was ably ventilated by Mr. Murter und M r. Arm- strong. hr \vi"nnnIu|n- `I'll \Iu~ I-In.)-nn .-A-.....o, meme uuacx 01 Mr. bigger and ur. \\'yl|e. But there were unusual features. Dr. Wylie, of West Ulster, charged the overn- ment with carrying the country by t e sec- tarian cry. and proceeded to resurrect the No Popery bogie. He mourned the in uence of the Good old man up at the palace," sssirted that Archbishop Lynch was prehierdf the province. and protested against the amount of money granted to the. Roman Catholic benevolent institutions. \h- ll. -an.) ......l.... -.........l. 4.... .i;,I |.:.__ nuuuui \,auIuuL' uenevoienr. msnmuons. \ Mr. Pacand made A speech that did him \ credit. Hi: contention that the government crushed rnt.her thnn nursed the sectarian cw` accurately deocribes the situation. ha nnnitinn nf lhn hnw Jiah-int. nu... ..l.l.- nuuu. new in to De emclenuy emorced. The bud et debate was resumed by Mr. Awrey nut M r. Waters. Their presentir tion of the cue for the administration was conclusive, and in no way weakened by the feeble attack of Mr. Biggur and Dr. Wylie. But there were llnnsnnl fa-ntumn n. I z.uuu vi Ulllll never (lo. M I`. M cream: sup- ported the bill. Whether Mr. Clarke's bill becomes law or dies in cununittec s cinl police magistrates will be necessary i the Scott act is to be efficiently enforced. 1 bmlnet (lelmte Ilnul rnnnlnnll luv \l:- w muuuucu ll um on me Bllhjvct 0! rent. The second reading of Mr. (`lm'ko`s bill to amend the municipal act, by which it is pro- posed to make all members of township councils ex-oicio justices of the peace. come up. The attorneygenerul was for from agreeing with Mr. Clarke. He said there were too many nmgistmtea, `Bid that the proposition toincrenae the number by 2.500 would never do. Mr. Meredith nnrhad Hm hill \v|..n.... M- m....|...-.. L.Il sun DIM-unulng tho"llucl[ot-'l'lIo Fire of the uppoaltlon Ext-eedlngly Weak. TnRo.\"1'u, March l7.--\\'hen Mr. O'Con- nor's, bill to Abolish distress for rent, was l`l.'fll`h0(l yesterday, the uttcrney-genemIask- ed that it sta.1'.d,as the government proposed ` to introduce 1: bill on the subject of mm. second rmulina nf Mr (`Ln-I.-n`. Mil 9.. Kc M0!!!-I'll cu-rial. _____ _-..----yuan` \J\'AILA `AA! 4. Have a tow aoxw Barn Frames. 16 foot posts 8x8 Snwu Timber. ahlnzled with XXX Best. Shingles. and 1:10 Morchnnmblo Plno Siding All for $131.50. Terms easy. Nov. 8. A. HOPPINS. Agent. 'rHE'R`A`T`HB"UN` 1 l'I"-I " F. A. roman, : aeaeuket Agent. Ferry \\'ha.rf, - - Foot..oZ.Ba3ck Street. ` KINGSTON. ONT. ` For chop tickets to all points, and infor- mation pe lnimz to all Routes, apply to P A I-nu nu-A A 'i"0UND AT -A rune-rl van-and to run haul and Iunft (`nu-nu. Dun Cdlout-. kc. Phonon`: I can Salvo. in bold. Ila. at Wade`: Dung -`-"..I'it';il` \\;l;ig>"s'.' te|eiiVl|onovl.1l;rV I `:8 guano? His use. GENERAL no/%rr AGE/V0) . "CRTARIO LEGISLATURE. Ikoglopollu College. KINGSTON. CANADA. THHURSI)hAY EVENING. MARCH 17,1337. 1 van]. > intmnlnce I hill CGMPANY FOR 000!) VALUE In Woolen Undomlollb in; so to uu:vn'.s'.