DLIAOID WIIAT. In tho `it nun. A M J Whore tho l'oo. Why antler I tingle moment when you can get immediate roliol from lnhrnnl or ex- tornnl poin by tho no of Pohon'I Norvilino-, the grant pdn cure? Norvllinc has never boen known to (nil. Try I I0 cont ample bottle. You will nd It jolt no ncommond- ed. Nan ' toothache, crunpo. hool- nche. and nl similar com In diupponr an if by magic when orvilino is mad. Large bottles 25oenu. Tout bottle: I0 cents. st lruggiuf and country dealers`. N 11101": rulluuy Iur uurnlu-Q. runner lnllll` ! unhIIaoroChotouuu.'!Vcuty-vo oen::|| hot 0. Bolurousdulft-In. i Winslow : Soothingsyrup, and ukenoothor kind. use cuuu nvm , Inu Ina ntuo cncrnn awakens: brig:"n`n I button. It in we pleunntho tho am. It ooothutho chil . Ioltona the gums. nllnyn All psin. relieves wind. regulates tho bowels. and in the but known remedy for diurhtn. whether arising from hodnhn or othc mung. 'l`Iuntv.vn r: n uuuwu ooounng syrup mou elvv-syn be used when children ere cutting teeth. It nlievee the little euerer at once ; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relle the child from end the little chem -tnbnn An In-In 1 AA - I-nbauu It 3. -`- l'UlZ)llK\ ` medicine. Go st Onee to the Root 0! the evil ; doing I) hslves makes waste half the energy expenq ed by msnkind. Why should you trie with diseue! When in- dicstions are given thst something has gone wrong mske the restorstion of normal eon- ditious the resl, not incidental, business of life. Few curstive agents hsve uslled Hamilton's Pills of Msndreke snd utter- nut, compounded of purely vegetable sub- stances, on scientific principles snd- besuti- fully sugsr-casted. They constitute the most oertsin. ssfe, end pleasant fsmily medi- cine in existence. Try Hsmilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold h N. C. Polson & Co. . Kingston. snd by all eslers in mmlirviml 75 cents per bottle. uvcrvvurn. Shiloh`: Vitnlixer in what you need for constipation, loan d appetite, dizziness. And all symptoms of dyapeaaia. Price 10 and '. J. Wilson, agent.` u_y wr you. nor sue oy H . J. \\ uaon. Word comes of'the death of Dr. Schroe- der, I professor in the university of Berlin and director of the Rays] houpitnl for wo- men, who was ncounted the ablut gymn- ologiat in Germany. He killed himself by overwork. QI.l..L|_ `Y:L-l:_-_. 2- ....L_L ..-.. _-_J 14.. u . u. n neon, uru It. The Merquis 0 ute.wit.h his charac- teristic gene:-osit . has given $5,000 for the establishment I nations] institute for Walee, at Card . for the advancement of literature. art and science, as s jubilee mn- moriel. The scheme will cost in its en- tirety 885.0(1). Qlnnnlnnn niahsn mmln nxinnrgluln In: that $Il1'l4y Klllu Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh`: cure is the reme- dy for you. For sale by W. J. Wilson. \Vnr(I nmmm nfltha dun: nf Dr R:-In-no. Allllndloltoodlcleunod Indd dnnd Ill Inhhod ' I nnl `Q and Dunn: On. an]: ILA " I-1 Ilgnhnnn Iur cuulrrn, ulpmena, ma cmxer moum. Shiliohhcatarrh remedy is a positive cure % for catarrh and diphtheria. For sale by w. J. W`! , 1 `n w... u'..i.'.';.` T4351` no- nyhh Ll. l\'IQ-I-ti Advloo to letters. Mn Winslow`: Soothing Syrup should lwnvl Inn Med whan childmn Ara m.n.ina SIUII. Shilolfs catarrh remedy-n positive cure for catarrh, diptheria, and cmker mouth. ShiIioh nmt.nrrh mmulv in A mnitivn nnrn mum agent, lunuswn. Dr. W. Senrle who attended Rev. Hen- ry Wnrd Beecher in his last illness, was formerly A prominent homeopathic physi- cian in Troy, N. Y. He left that city about twenty years ago nnd took up his residence in Brooklyn, where he soon found a_plnce among the leaders of his profes- lll. "I155. Are you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh : Vitalizer is n poei tive cure. \V. J. Wilson. wholesale and retail agent, Kincston. F `V Rani-In whn ntnnnlnal RAD I-Inn, n. ` When the youth of the period is at his desk` in the store an hour seems about ninety minutes in length, but when he is at his girl's house in the evening its dura- tion does not seem more than fteen min- nfnu Iolll'0|l8l.I VIII _WlIIl'IlK30l II J` luguru l'IllI In]. summer, and by and bye it won : be looked \ 'hii>i as my more dangerous than I tobog. gsnalide. The` Rm: an H Thgvnr, nf Rnuuphnn uuue. The` Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind.. nay: : ' Both myaelfand wife owe our liven to Shiloh : consumption cure." W. J. Wilaon, wholesale and retail agent, Kings- ton. ' DIIIAOD I CIIIITII remedy. ITICU DUCA At least twenty-ve men and half that number of women are making ready to .50 a ` through the whirlpool at N iagnro Fall: t nummor. And In: nml hvn it won't ha lnnlrul , A nun nnpcwg mu Shiiolfn cotarrh remedy `G lg:-C 6:-pg-`Lu Ru- Oloo.$&IqUl ~-j._-. i1nunaon>proy.t.nrun nmwBm .um 33.. !!? ".Lia _IuvJ.I' (um am a pm: hundreds of pounds was splitfmmthooa,` Thocrhnofnha ieduodeocribduhnving beanlotullot qonytlnttho. killed heroutotpunu tutothntsho submitted to withoutnmurmnnj ' ` A nu-1 injoceo rm svim s?-cih T1i_ai:t1_;s gs; hiioh n remeilv. Price 50. " GLEANINGS. H A 1'=I3E`_` '-r * B. _I_)0_R__AN & co. f Your Watch 0693 FM R snrrs cnmpnn `FRANZ ' lnifnza.` English Twoodn. " qnomon cum: nmm."4 - AA`.--4] .- I-gljg AD IV._-II_` 34.]- w_. M00/?, - 59 Brook Street. SPRING GOODS 1887- Are the Favorite: with the Ladies of Kingaton. Comfort auurod. To be had rn long and short bucks. Buying all lines direct from Belfhet enables us to offer Ex- ceptional Vslue. New Towels and Towellings. New',Ta.ble Dunasks. New Napkins and Doyleye. an.--gn-- A ;j._.__ __, 5 Our sales of Kid Glovee on Saturday last were large, the G Special Line of 75c, stitched back, pure kid, selling rapidly. Cashmere Gloves. Silk and Taetta Gloves. Hosiery and Handkerchiefs Ln great variety. WEH&STEACY Pants for Work- men, C-ute Knee PantsforYoung- ste rs ; Hand - s o m e L o n g Pants for Boys; Elegant Pants for Men; Tailor- Made Pants; Fa- shionable Cut Pants ; Pants with samson buttons ; with s i I k s e w e d seam s ; wit h OF WORTHLES8 IMITATIONS G. LIVINGSTON & BRO. Much I. Bound to all ol the N; stock on hurl. [Argent stock in the city to chosen from. -DIAGONALS AND WORSTEDB. - N0 to ill. ununlly mm A! OD to I51- Our Spring Arrivals of Fashionable Patterns for the coming. Season's Tradeis the Topic of the day. The pubiicyvvezje never better pleased and go away` impressed that our assortment is Par Excellence. All the beautiful display of Rich and Handsome Patterns is now ready for your inspection. Mch. H. ABOUT PANTS. spams suns & UVERGDATS. --as March 10. lLlK)IllIlllll1'0l 1` Engine: and Bollou. MO0RE7 LIl\TEl\T GOODS I The Leading Clothing House of Kingston. ch Opening out every day um] ready for inspection. WAL'S'H & STEACY. R- WALDBON- `hhnfatlopulnto THE BIG HILLINERY ROOM, I& Bflli @1111: 1 ___ _____-__v---- - -ucw--. mnnotoun rrnrr. -sI4,:., no. on. m. scam. anal Inch 0. Pay no atten- tion to fantastic and insincere Adversera They may offer Prices as Low, but they have not the goods, nor the make you get from everlasting; . po- ckets. In `short LIvINGs'rbN'S PANTS 1887- I W Illrlllir WU "III lull] KIIITIIIWJ. Shun Rook Drill and Mining Repair: connhntly on hand. Choose Factory Boiler: and Fittings. AI_- - _.._L._ -l \'..- -...I G_...._.l II-..) F; and Boiler: for all mrpoaea, `lorztin 1 to horse power. And In y . tnnm Rank Drill And Mininn Hanging mmna. BnginnEndBo1lar warn. Horsey '3}/ardware/fouse, TIE YIYIVBGG GUT!) IIIIHTI O. D. FRANKLIN I 1 iI_L A ll.--1 Inn.-Q 1 D.{MoEWEN & SON? Nests, Seed Cups, Springs, Buckets, &a, llwnupodonlnddoolconnno Without which Nona no Oclnnno. BIIU W uuua ut. ii6"IiivoN v_vALL PAPER DEPOT American Bird Cages, Done. Do not Unit for the Spring rush. The work can be done better now. An elegant line I Hanglngs to select. from. Always the best. selected And most stylish stock ln Eastern On- mrlo to choose from. ng, , _,_ . _.u ,, .1 u, L _,, ,, ,,_ ,._ L xv u an Au LU vuvvuv u vuu. Give us 3 call and look over our stock. No trouble to show mode at K I\'\YI'lWI\I'IfI "7 I V T '\ I '\`!f\ '\ Illll am 1'1: A110 5 number of New And Second-Hnnd P__:_.. -_.I D_lI-.- 1'! March I. IN THE D__ULL SEASON snow: bums 5 uxlw nan 4 sun aunt. I-Imam nu. cu van AIDTIIOIIY nun PAPERHTIWANGINGI Nd aa&s{$.' 015; 25 "-.Eo"n from the simple name: coo/('3 H2/E/v'o /.9 GENUINE. --_. -- .\4.--. `guy. `nuns: u'~vvv unit it contains neither Alum, lime. nor ammonia, and may be used by the most delicate constitu- tions with perfect snietg`. Its eat success nrisin from its bein ins rinsical y THE BEST VAL E IN THE ARKET. as well as thor oughly adapted in the wants of the kitchen has excited envious imitations of its name anti up penance. Beware of such. DON'T wAT Jan. 15. 4 _ nLxA6EiIrnI'i'.` ImA- A__.__J L` AL. .1- IS A PURE FRUlI`_ .:&(`3-ID ROWDER u. --_.,.__ _.n.L ,- _ ,. 1-inpun mp IJJJAULL A J-`ll-I coO iZ'"s"FRIEND 6u? E `GEORGE ours," ml .45` 2-1.0. `AI _ We are determined to reduce our stock to one half its present amount to make room for Spring Goods. D. F. ARMSTRONG, Trsde Mark on every package. : CLEANSWEEPSALE FIGURES. Money Saving Bargains. Feb. 11. BRASS AND JAPANNED, in great vsriety. _h1`=i'uNomss srnmnr. `BEWARE 141 pmcnss STREET. &&9II& &-uI I . e Gena-at Bad. Santa Agent. mums mgtgtxmm no ` "73 553; fielii THE CELEBRATED rswwoau wuwxw---` msoELLANEoUs. J . BAKING i I. IONNOIIE Hm-eyour \ W? A 1 7.2m noun` I out uzxun noun n IA Cut n OI! III IMHO Va ad in .'."'.`.1:-:.n'.*..r.,':.:.-'i;."3:t.%_"'::..."*--.... 'l`nupn.rut. Chane: ad Hung a . '-'..(._-E3-.= -'- :.*s::'. ;.'.. mm .I.`. .""au.. n... liquid pwilnh nnwur.vH .~..LA_._ L..- A__ n - -_.-_--.._ -_..-.-- lumooupnuloMunbtIulIndtuIth\ nnoolannodty. Iyllahovcrh. liadhnlotloa. Iyllunokhdottnu. lyusobthfaupndthohg. lyll 'x}..Z '.:.*.?'...""', .". .3 7.':.'........'`'`'`"'`""` we slur`. luu UuuVerll(1)Vl!l@ Wll unnu- !ulaott!ur.uxrlt.hinfurhwIneallI.hobavor luh,cnpn,muRnnndctpon.romndoot. Did youeverndinoboforothntlnondc tolnvo yourwnrmmofthnnmnnybeavuihndtobo hunted and caughtln nohor tnpqnnd than killed! AM PM tnnhltng vi: hnnyonuno. uaulanouuuuaauuurpocpu Orlsl-Ihlnforsh-Ounce. .lInI1In-nlh-n uuu uuu ultuvuu. sue IKYDI III ouuuer of dune A: well as 0! bonus. The beaver meeeuree about two feet in length and has e bmed, eomewbet attened tail. thet nerves es en Ilhtenoe when heh plum-ing thewella of his house with mud mortu`. The two`hlnd feet ere long and webbed. the fore feet are short and not ` webbed. The hind feet an med formin- ming, while the fore feet are held cloee to the side. The beaver is covered with beauti- ful -nft 'I|- --uvl OLE. In-. In --Lgh `II AL- L....._ uuaua use Iuull Wlul Wlllcll I10 CUE (IOWII trees and bunches The beaver h I builder nf AIIII. an ran an Al Inn`:- As has been already told, when at work this animal`: tore feet become his um, with which hoearricn hisbuniuuotlopnnd branches. As for the rest, his teeth are won- derfully strong and sharp and pmvido the ` `lQl like tonln with Ihlnh ha nub dnwn uqlnuuy auvug Iuu uunrp unu PTUYIIO E09 [`ohhIel like tools with which he cut down franc and hrnnnlnnn A Lggagn I. - 8...)..- i3`:'s`*:1'i: , vur. nu uurqm lauv uurl uuxu we UFIIICIIS of trees. with whfch he builds the walls of his castle and stores it away for food in winter. The branches which the beaver carries in his tore feet.-`thet become arms when he works- nre laced together with twigs ,pd the spaces plastered with mud. The roof is formed of branches; and moss mamed together with mud. But how does the beaver accomplish all this carpentry and m1:s0nl'y? some readers may not know. The answer is, with nature's fnnlu IUWS U!` ITJUIIIE WLIUIU Dill`, IJKU BIIUIT I(XXl. Nothing is wasted by the industrious ben- ver. Ho strips the bark from the branches nf than: with whhuh MA |\III'ltIa ling I-nlln Al Lin munus)uuunoerInoI'lI'KclI. All woven of (tuna: In. I grew In a moment conscious Of my mother`: warm. dovnq Neat. And tho uvnovl chirping O hubby. A: tiny elrdod above can an`. wllhmnynmnnndnntter Adowntholnounhlnolnunow Weuuuounb uuuu Lucy ulgu. cuvunu hula, uul: IISV I vacant space or court in the middle, several ` room: no arranged. Beuveru. it must he understood, are not content with one spart- ment. In addition to their lodges they hnvo what Vick calls dining hnlls-in reality, bur- rows or rooms where they take their food. Nnthinw in Imntnd hv than lnrlnnh-inn. hon- lbolvovdhlond Iloloal. Beavers on busy little creatures that live inmnny parts of the world, and anywhere they live they on patterns worthy of imita- tionaaregu'(hindu8tryu1dIk.ill. Their homes no locahd on the wntpr`l edge and near some thickly wooded region. From the woods they gather the material with which to construct their houses, which are made both warm and strong: The interior of a beaver-`s house is seven or eight feet in diameter and three feet high. Around this, but leaving a vacant mace or court in the middle. um-mm! ' The Country Cluck`: story. lwubornonufurmotclovu-nook. (hemmblnydqyhlny. lnnncujustunderthollcn. Allinvunnlh-nu:-nntlnv An old Gnme Tint Intoaeun Moflorn Boy:-An Enigma for Everybody-A Country Chlckj llopon agd lbu-I from In Rhyme. A sronv `ABOUT A SWORDFISH ` THAT cu-useo A SEAL.` YOUNG FOLKS ZCOLUMN, T Tolnucdlooonr A no orni .... .. ..... ...n .2`i .".`...`.`~.".' .'.'!."... .'DUIlVI'lI'H -wan;-nun" Tl BUSY IIAVIB. Loom-Inn THE BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY. `MARCH 17. - lput up and Inn for ale the "Jean Package 51-." Wu-natal tobo tho but In the market. _Try them. Aunts wand. 1 IlI\l!KIl\I. $1 C Lsmolnckandnorvoundoli Jnocintl o-lvithrhounnd-.|Iunu-ndnunotwith lneverydnylilo. Iutusnhvo nd not monthutwoollhon ninth Thoonly nndthn QnII![nrI_v. DIHll$ll . III (Kl, ynuroudporlcotcuroh Iynndtho I11 In-m nl ulnlnlnrlnn It in he Hanan...`- Adcodoln. x. .".!.'l.."`.:.'..."".`.'..":'.`.'..'\.":'.i:'..!`._" A Ciro hr Dnlhounoo. ( ium, morphine, chlonl, tohomo. uul kin: red habit; The medicine Innybogivon in too or ooeo without the knowledge ol the person taking It I! so desired. Sand Ge ln stun {or book and tutimoninb from than I 0 have been cnnd. Addnu IV. Ln!-on. 46 Wellington St. hat. Toronto. Ont. Cut thin out for future nlcnncu. When writing mention thin punt. ' T b7ENG woWss,F** ` PRINCE8 8'I`., - KINGSTON.