A; mac"?-C}? on-Cu. , The annual n all St. Ulor` no- .|.nn:un.hn. thohhlnnm- and an l:I`|...a.. HOW ulcy Ulllllu UQ.` IVNI-BIIIIIIIIII7 ll quanta or nothin v would he lune. Mr. Minn;-s Intonnsoal a mu` government to rocc.-ed with the wor . - 1 Mr. W. Lou ie said it was impossible to complete the present dry dock. In my one 1 1 there were `sauna in the rocks that would 1 let th w in. He had yeeus min 1 canted I dock at Portanmlllh. \ hntoyer | I I heleed that place helped Kingston. . A r. L R :<`.nmnmr said that thav should IIBI l UIIIF pllco DCIPCCI I\Illg3Il|ll. A r. L. 8. Spencer said that they should only ml: for' two years` wmfk. not twenty- tive. and they might wt aoluothingdono. Already one thin had neon pmlniaa-d. and now they should - masnmnlslo in their IV.`- nnnnts nr nnthina \\-mnhl Ins lull. t . -. I ' t I I "which it has guen 1:: other places. .m , toe t `ta! ' M be ruined h ` T 0:31: worh"`?n ? ittlo :`'lI`il.\:." `[0 I {Uri Mucklatdn ~\\'e'tlk lawn to hm-o ' ` i.`:emen.tao ltl stoc book. E WM r. G. 3. ohm s.|:isi the convicts should '3 mm oyod in some uiluy. They haul all t tS` -t "-ts` g` in 0l`Ily'.`.t`)? th:>i:0:;<\1xl1;inclnel1?t8i0;;`f " idfouosa. and the smut: experience would he had at the itoutiary here. The hush E water wuula never be built by the city, uml 1 the construction of it had of the dry dock 3 would not compete; with {me labor. 'l"l:o ` ' ' ' t ( ll - I 6 THE WI-00` OF SATURDAY L L`I` Thu` VARIOUS coLLGE Mittens Rains A c.m:vArce. I I CW CTKI UWIT, ll WI! IIIIEIUIL II II by Baton L Swanson. and ulid "Tun- hind." `Du an en mi 7;"noccsoc. and '33 unug p|:ne Ir; runlorn II in not ol the Kyle of "King 501- V omon`I Mina." but in acid by those who | have read It no he oqunny into:-utiug. lutunulwut III I-cu`: I! want; Ihgnu }ZlIHCh.|?:IXC1 n ` I U IVWIGI IIIIUTII `I I". Irtll * party he III undo I convert ol. know `they hadinhlmooeofthomootpatrloticol I :`I0lI.&l'I| t`i{o most brilliant utstamnnforin mghnc. 'h|t turn they ' ti 3 For the home: ol their friend: l;`mlan4l. `flit the ptopony which had been taken from ` them by the landlords. The lriah unum . land to build their houses. dminn and fences . without neon In hot. their rent: - were nitul by thc Iuadlorda bonnie the i in _-LI. vuncnu maul:-on the land nude it : IIIIlyulTI'lII(-IPIKlIIClIIKII- IC KI III [III ! ten! Why, thy poor youth would die of ; thirst before she could [at th II with her , question. Thu: the Wnm and i)r. Dupnin . have clicked I horrible nightmare over the coal tar experiment. I I 4 I | i I `toalandl .\lr. Lynch said it was the duty of those pn.-sent tn mudcr \\h|le\`l.`t` aanisuunce. they . mould to the Irish cause. lf there ever wan A 2 time when that aasiatanm wan needed it was I now. lt wan gratifying to know that though lriahmen hul been compelled to not homea in America they had not forgotmn the ml- feringu of the people they had left behind them. This patriotism was a charactoriutic , of lrishmen. He pointed out that it was \ uecoaaary to have a land league in the city. , and in good working or-ler. He was lad ` that the time had gone by when to 0 I'll d mm. In tho nlnfont nf \II- 51 :1 "0 allnd \Inl}nirn ' I oug,' ' II ll` IIIFDVU-$3 I I3 311 III glnhnd. Mhrthoc bulbs: ;bon|ndthonns A bobulu I wlovusblotophyuoooullddlo to in. lAIout5uo.lhtoIgII'hooxu-linnol than jollicnuuumlholoonntnundellldnuliving; :0IIbODmIb'OhX0I'IfOdIIlldI-, `cal. At \ pork-ltho nub van All tlnnhlnnllhgl than If I55! _..__..I. mlon. He had denounced. thmugn the o plus. none lino the lrhh pooplo u l tnllnn : I for I later hochnrucurinul ' the Irish lnndlottl the most - 5 in her nqjcu:y`:.ompln. [tin Inn Nevin-I mu tbo`buu-d :1` hlic Ivorki hnghnd` . tan nuns: Q L`0IL,.I.I|.lI unuo.lIuouy.whlchboQ:: 'h-h|:glnpronunnhIpochhuIaIcin sllnhlll Aha-lhoclnn-nhulhnmnulc g If`. KIIU \lIl'q|III CI lj.IU"D' Ill lI- Ir`! 1 V um tut-n u nunneu to menu to Mr. ` U`lirieu not others. uul it lwl hon acid ` ; that i! thcacsme to (Tannin. to discus the u lrbh must the government would put detox j ilivennalhdr tnch. The hot Ind A] \ link book, which. if day nu . the would i 7 know the Marquis of l.AndoI'noln in true I nylon-A Hn Ind dnnnlnnrul. llnnunn [ha . -' V"-" - -` `-'-"' `n Icl. [Ill IGII` lvglurnr OI L-arlasou count). Rofernnm in male to theAg;)\'enmr~ V d"|i||` `-I30` 3 nl ou`.n.a....n ma; |...no..1, :1. John Mc(,`au oy. in connection with [hr Rome, \\'utertown & Ogdonlburj rlilruui bu nccopoodun nppohsnoat an iupcctnr that came in the 0Il'00I-h0IllI 80 CID! Vilelllt ldgl. nnlnnn oh- ....-_._......o -....l.l -mo .I.A...\ 5 Tia Hahn nl Ar-vln in A n-nll Inga n It]: ad taken himnell to dictate to Mr. VIIHII. ITIIIII. IE` IIIIIUIWII ITIIIIIIICII I In t lilbr in (`undim politics in I to nlamh cause they wen unite-:1. llu- ` don Inn rude to Mr. Ulodnbonei attitude. `He-hulbeen thoiropponentanditwuonl' `b'ropett0dooI'tI th of tholrh la!-iv In In mndatinnmz-lwrrl, 11uwitum- | (0 I IIUQI I C `II lIIlI`\lT)III. E I H`h:||ud to :3: def?! of hhlr. Mduire . or mqyori c `run was to now `Hhnzitw-uhocunnuhow\oan1::yrol the Land League. The day would come when the men who him would be sorry for it. The 0 or was opposed in politics to Mr. Mcu re and had met him on pn- \`i0|Il.0C1li0lII. but although Irishman ` Inhrht nlior in lknnnn rnlinn in mogul u an... uvw u-v -. ---nun ...- -.. , `PI the at: he did. However unSundn ' he lonm of its existence and was glut to know that its vitality was in good condi tion. He wuhappy to soeanch :1 Attend- ance, and he presumed this uzgiigliao to the lntenst men took in Irish affairs. The - pic of Imlmd were now in II position thig- nover occupied beforv. and have been as- anned h ' their leaders that their demands upon the imperial gun-rnlm-nt will be granted at no distnnt date. All lxishmen should he iroud of the smputhetic fcelinx! which in in nmnifested for them the world uvcr. 0 moved that Mr. '1`. H. Ms.-(iuin:-. who had suti}.-real a great dual of -viium because hu was It member of the L.nd league, take the chair. Fhe propo. sal mu satisfactory. Il|` 'I'\K'N\` Till` I'll llI_` nu. ..uuu.- nu... - u...-.. .\lr. .\lcGuire was glul of the expluimtionn oeteul by Dr. Sullivgu in .:onnuctiun_with the cell` of the meeting. He rr'f:rred to 5 the fact t at them wen: members of the I King: ton land league present, who. when * they tint joined it. were subjected to many ; taunts from those who were not in 5 'mputhy with it. They hml. however, stooai true to their colours. He pointed out that the pre- sent was perhn the most critimtl of all periods in the lnstor ' of Irish affairs. The cause of lrehunl hm made such rapid ml- vunoelnent in England that now it was fnuml that the lancllnnl party haul been dlin-n into their last eutmnchment before their surrender. It. therefore, behoovesl on-ry maul in s_\'nnp:ttl\_v with Ireland to do all he mulul in or-lcr to sustain the interests of the Irish party. lrishmen in Kingston hml ll\H\\`8 responalul lil-ernlly'to cells for uiul fnsnnxlmlmal. anal he had no doubt they would do on again. He then intronluced the Toronto delegate. i a f s -0.1;! by It. hlllvul. acacia! by llnllnj An I1|III2"1`AlII V postpone action for it season. lug in me |IIw vious to u chaurm i being selected l)r. Snl ` livui stated why the meeting Ind hoen culled. Some time ago at gentlemen, livin in Toronto. who was on netive member 0 the branch of the loud league there. and who has always tilen a deep interest in Irish nhire and Irish politics, note to him. ndvinin him to form a league in this city. He ed for a list of names of per- l sons \ ho would be likely to further the in- l terost.s of such an organization. The speak I or furnished a number of nntmes, and heard no mom fmm his correspondent until elec- tion times. It was thought l-otter then to This was done : now at delegate haul heen sent to Kingston to organize a branch of the longge in the person of Mr. B. Lynch. At the ` time the speaker had written in connection with the matter he did not know that a hntuch of the league I as already in exiet~ ence in the uit ', or he would not lnu-etaken . hexid. unisunuley [ I...-us. 20.. ...I ....... .J' 4.. ...o........ i rr as #6 B`: Ravjvzo AND MADE 1 ` A USEFUL msnruruou. % j,,s|u-ea-h by a lldieguto Frau: 'I:IIl1h'INIO aka; an Altnck l'pou the (io\'ernor- 1 (K-lIorul-CnlIn Illnn I ll)-poor to of (In ` llypoerltno. J . attended and enthusiastic nIet- L;.. u. IL....:,_|.-_ |._n I.-. , l{INGSTOl\' A um) I.maL7E;` ndoolnnthn .1. ._...l..I L_ ._. r meet- lthu St. Patrick : hall lust even- Irv:-nun:-u-pi-uh-I-I-I---.---u: ....w....... _....--., .....-..... Yeslaenlo And today the milliuery show mom: of hlnond. On I Co. were visited i by crowd: of ladies anxious: to no the latest styles in Inn and bonnen. All upnnonl themselves delighted with the exhibition, and were surprised at the low prices 0! the 11-on-In Ihown. Opening continual for one E 4 my mtrc. I I K I)IlIIIl'I. . I g . Dr. L Buruoll, NM\'\'ofK.hIlbOon nrlctorinoul . 0' fun tflrop-otor-`I:-alIh`o <:;:e|n g phony ot Inpo Ha` r. `Th. H. AF:-an, 3 In qpodtiun to at Honryucorpbneutiuoulupnunrol St. SW ..I. L. .-..o . ainhnl-Q Inn Inna nnnlnllv nlnntlnul I-m Iw In an tho ch veal `lione- '|'::%MI8. Na-uounpnulue um-on lAI;I:p:u|oI The hounolwillhn Nchomuurlurie '01) van bile UII II I unowucnplro-In olllnt tuning. `lit cal all hnp Ihdldil Allan nnncnb I.udlu.Nchun aapn; bu In dvu oilin- unknown 0 cu! hot. `3il."'l'..`a`:'.7'7,.'~T.'..'.l'.7."-'i?"u.'."l`. i."3..'I1i `uouu.foH.hopoon|I unhappy tbs! be willcutu-hinhnn&nnnlyud.|odoubt,l-e tn:-u nnnnvnlnlnbntl VIII X wsrnlyonngnhhtotl. I UH.` (\Pl'Il lIlHlIl.I3l' .IlI -IIIIIIIIIIIH "IKE"?! I Imitation of Painting!" by means of photn- ; gmphy, nmlnhows how An imitation of .| ` | noted picture may be made from living anh- Litalpyn roper selection of licht. I ~kgrou and surroundings. The trim I (.`rnn.n_ thnunh I new rrntnr-Q` ha: nrnwnn in f III III`! Uiflj II KJFV V Ijlb. : The Duke of Argyle in sun]! nan III]: [A big band. Ho has n man ol bushy white hair. his shirt h I.lVIyI fuvod at the collar. his frock can is nasty. and lib Irouun un- ve incbu too uhort. Rev. NM York. bulbeou tho putonu of tho church fut Inpnuallhg with Rev. A. . to Han!-Ilka-nhiinunnnrlnnnnnkarnl RI `IO : 0 In-d 0:0 to lie Sure. ` Just I I boarding house lninlrun aukin I fol ow if he would have I little anhysroorthomlphnmonbonnoic acid in his nu ' \\'|\v, tho nnnr vnnth Innld din nl ` .IlI1I XXIII` IKNTIIIKHKIIW I` `II. (lulu HO. Liout.-Governor Robillnu bu phmd go 3 vormuent house at the dipoul of the (no 3 voruor-(huonl luring the Inna : thit tn ` Tomato. ll. 1` ll \I--L:_A...L -._,I I)-.. I`_AL_. IORIIIIO. Mr. (I H. Muckintmh und Rm`. Fllhor \\'hdcn |'uv_e recommended Ilr. John Wu] 1 . hm ad ofc I mu 1 -. til: dnminhlsn.`AmIJ"`h:l.mm|r`r 1 `I. 0 coun ) I I. I Mr. Herbert Spencer is vrritln` nuinia canoes ol hla early dnyn. They may donlop into an nutoblognpl `. Lleut. Smith, R.N .. ol the Sardinia. has {boon placed in command 0! the Puriainn. `anal become commotion ol the Allan lino. I:-..a l!-_--.._ D_L:__._ L-- _l-._J .... `llofldu ulvubhto vllliulllclnr j l12IIUll'. ; Hon. J. R. Haul)`: u `utmost to tho L teach!-ship of the tonne hoon conrm want-Q:-uuamuu: Ilcdunuwhluundhouluornuhcr. ` bmko RR. l`|.l-l I.. LIIIUI JIIIIIKK LIIIIl'l'I7II. Ul IJIIICTIO. III Stuart. of Qnoboc. have boon mule knights huahnlur. Cf. IIIIKII. I'll XIIOITI. IIII Iflllllwlm ad I bnluuunon the Kingou & Pom- Imnkn RR NIIIITI. "I lnuchdut. w. .-su`}.'..'aiI.7I12y'F...',?.TJ.I',;..a.:a...a.... If fhlljolfliik L ll`: |:u`Rn-n.h'u-t_L mrmun nndlmlll-12:! "Tran". M Cu-dial Tuchevun had 3 magnicent re \ cc tion at Queboc. .nInn `E41. ls, Qvrnnnnn 1 vnnhln-Q nf JOIIII [$1. W BYTICIIIF, I IXIIICIU 01 iii ton format: you: dhdlut n L r. Tnllon. of . hu bun t ..I . L-.I..-....-n- QL- If:-..-5.... L I)... ' ll'KIUIllll Illll IUTIVNIWIIICE IIIO ONT!` i (`nos-. though a new venture. bu pmvcn its ; fitness to live. ' Pooplo Whoa Iovononu. Sayings and Donna Attract Attention. I III! 0171-`! 1. T1)-``' Auflllf, A` CW I OTK, L` dnin a valuable work for Amateur photo. xnp en in Articles upon Anuteur photu. aphy by Professor Jacob Roighnnlmf Ann frbor. unl Mia: [Aura M. Muquand. In the April number Miss Jluqutld discus:-.4 llnilntinn nf Pnintinan" In: unsung nf nlintn. H ICU PICKUTU II III II.`- Lnlnwl Lomlon India pnle ule and wont mcoived honors above every other do in Philadelphia. Paris. London and Australia exhibitions. i erfoCtl_\' pun: and highly re- commended by the best medical men. Ju Crawford, agent. The Ru-in I`rn.s.- Jlnamriua, N1-.w Ynrlt is | \lIlI|. IIISIUCKIUI CUUIIIVIIUUH 'Ii.IHI- * On account of the cloning of the lock 5 works of L. B. Spencer. the assessment 0! I the villnge of Portsmouth will be much re- luced. f`_.._.... D:..L.__l..... :. ..-A:-L:...l ...:AL Al... HEEL George Richardson is satised with the railway rates on grain. Au a competing point he has great advantage: in his location at Kingstan. '4: `|nI\nt\ not A nininnn nf flan f|lV\Il'Al nu. runguuu. We hope to get A pictum of the crowd that throngs the police court when senu tional one: Are up for consideration. And A nice picture it will he. Lnhnln lnnulnn lndi; nah: n'A nvul ntnne ` II- VVOIIIII 00 I `(XXI Kllllllg [Or I\IIl8IWlI. In future the nail from the city for l'le\'~ ms and Vunnncher will be delivered at Le` \-ant instead of nt. Clarendon Itution. IL. .....vu...o ..f 0|... ..I...:.... -6 AL- I....I. -...__.Zj___ Quartet 0! the Hour. Ian`! it ihle there was no quorum at the vounui on Monday night beanie Ald. .\luc|iIeItou wanted the building of the brenkwntor by convict lnhor considered? Anal in`! it poaihle that if some of the mennhon had not hoon an hutv in gottin out as meeting would hm-e hcen hell after all." SHIV UK IIUUIQSIIUIII lllrllllalllv. Sneezing in church is u \'tl?' bad form. Every worshipper should get 4 own on hi: or her sneeze. `FL. I.` L I) DI) _AA-I. :_ _.-._A_,` __ AL- | Ur "er Illlffuu I The K. & P. RR. stock is quoted on the New York exchamze at 45 per cent, It big ~ advance during sh; week. 'l`|m K .I* P, nnmnnnv in nnt dinim-hnml IIUVHIICIT uurlug Elli! TI. The K. & I`. company in not disinclined to build a free bridge across Cnutqui buy. It would be A good thing for Kinglton. In future the mnil fm.n than nitv for Plan-~ II IIUII Irlll I3 CHI IU\l CU AV] I sale of household furniture. u . ` . ' ..L ....__L 1.. _ I'nrugrnpIns of lute-rent us Picked l.'p 1'3- unr Buns)` Itt-Inn-torn on the Street. t Uulios, see Ihuxlyk new jacket cloth- nnd t\\'-eds. The lmlcheis close their shnps on Hum! Frida). Mr. Jenkins is building a house on l`l:u~c |`Armes for Mr. Brown. . For line kid gloves go to J. ii. Page & ('o.. I loading lnmers and furriors. Hnnnu-nr n nuu-hsr fwum NA" I..n....-.- g ll U|lllls uqucra nuu lurrwrs. `-enower, a deaerur from A" Ixgntwry. was seen at (Ego 'incent _\'eat.erdAy. H. Dakar]: as dmanmlfmm -\ Inn. wna sum as \ I v mcom _\'cswruay. G. Dcwart as deserved from .-\" bat- tery. Result uf afternoon drill. \I, \\'ilIiAnu I11: nnlrl hi: tnnnr "\lillm- (cry. nesuu. Ul llXKel'lI(X)lI urlu. M. Williams has sold his trotter .\lille:- Boy" to as Pittsburg farmer for 9200. Athmlinn in r-nllml tn \lr Jnn \\'il.xnn`.. IHKU B. Chief Justices Cum-mu. of Ontario. uni lngrd .Jn...L.... Kgun L... 14.14 L-3-glut- ulelr unu\ e llulll. -| M'|'l0(l. .\lo\*el by D. Olionnau. seconded` by John 0'.\`lseu, and resolved : That I cordial vow of thanks be given to the delegute from Toronto, Mr. B. Lynch, for his very able uul triotiumldress."-43arried. in uh-manna luv olnn nno.u.u.. _...-I ..-..._.I.... um u'|m.u:4nuuress. ~-\,orr1en. A dresses b the mover" and seoondcr ` were nniule. an: this motion was also carried unanimously. uunnu, Illll IKIIIYIII : IIIII liullgillllllg lull!` present crisis in `Irish history as 5 mnut im- portdntune, we feel it our duty to express ; our rent ulmiration of t_he_ coqrsq panned by t e devoted leader of the Irinli parlia- l mentary purty and Iii: gtllant followers. and n we feel we will best show our gratitude to resuaciucting and stn.-n'gthening the Kingston brunch uf the haul league, so that it any faitlnfhlly reflect the sentiments And as ira- thom.u well In! our love of country, by . -nu nun u lion` 6! H10 "155 people for Elm we-`If their mntivo lauul."-("arried. \Inu-...I I... I1 l\`n:........... --,._.. I 1 Aiusanka I... been m..: by me uni . er and ooconder the motion wu cu1-iod nua- ` Iu .- - . ` T1235: 1 1-` , dodb J.J. am... uy '?;1uw$quhiig the mutant crisis in `In-inh Ininmrv an A mmt im- KIWICKVI` CHE The Swiss Cmas Jlrlg/a;iuo, New York. is .-3.... - ...l....I.I.. .-nnl. bun -.-...o..n- -.I...o._ uou u quuuuc. golan Duty. of Syracuse, I maiden: of Inantnn for Innnv vans htlln-Q nlnln -,. V ---......_ .. _.,v. v.... u. uuu $0 in 1>mabuTg run.}3?s3r ttention is called to Mr. Joe. Wilson`: .l.. ..l L,......|...l.I l......lt...... 39223-1:-_ A.-2-. nun or mnioiu. |NClDENTS- OF THE bAY. PERSONAL MENTION. A l"Ino Dlnplny. Z. Prevent ha in his window as fine dia- plny of Scotch tweed: for nuitin An at- tractive feature is the buttons 5; the coat and nest, which are of the name material us each piece of goods. These look well as they ` are now shown on each piece. He gunma- tees an A I fit. Holy ink Service. There are thirty Catholic priest: of the -liux-one in the city. Tuuight tho Tcncbm will be chanted hy visiting clergy, and to- marrow services will he held at 6:1!) and U 1 7:30 mm. with the blessing of the oils at the latter sex-vi:-e. Vespers will be sung in the e-vening. auuuvuyg nnunu -u vv Inn -. For the rest of the week there will he one primary and two nal examination: daily 1 in Ontario hall, under the auspices of the medical council. The full council will be ` here next \\'odu'esnlA\y and Thurulay, and m-ally examine the candidates. lie norm}-d Up Sol-enoly. Who said that Slippery Jack had left. ; the city? On Friday evening the wife of 8 ` merchlnt, near the court. house, met. I seedy looking fellow. He sprung from a corner of the (building and seized her. She screamed, he bolted nndshe ed to I house near by. The Inn of Letter: Won. A tight to determine who had the beat right to the affection: of a certain girl, oc curred in the Artillery rk last evening between two young swel s-a literary man uni clerk. 'lhe clerk retired from the struggle with A most unattrnctive face. UUIII. *`VUIIlCy [ -|ClI./ I I7"?!- Secure your seats now at Nisbct's book- store for Wednesday, April 13th. in van: urns vv ugun a "You may laugh or cry; but we will In a vmger that you cannot it an hour an er \\'iIl Carleton : readi without doing loth."--Quo'ucy (Hick) `mu. .\'ponnn vnnr nnntn nnw at Nin|1nt'n lmnl.-. nu uupuvu sun gu- Many people imagine that the sun never sheds its rdya buton one side of Princess street. If they. will get up between seven and eighto clock an of thesebrightinornings they will find 3 ll of sunlight the full lencth of both sialm of the street. Lucy \V'Ill unu I lllllll Ul Bllllllglll length of both sides of the street. (nu sang:-J-unv nzvun-II`: Another very successful public meeting was held in the Portsmouth Orange hall, by the W. C. '1`. Union. last evening. The president occupied the chair. and with the alhl of the Flower Mission anal local talent an enjoyable evening was spent. Ivxruu an n 53:1:-av! ullupa .\ book agent. enters, the dealers drop out, xunl the mana er in his indignation at is pre- sumed losa of usiness. threathia to shoot ` the liternry man and hang him up as an \ awful example. Exit. bookmon. Avvw Ill IIICCU IIUIIICIIIIO The st/utioueru any that very few expon~ sive Easter trie: are bein bought and sent, away as tokens of friendah p. A few cards are secured and very little more. The cards .m` mom artistic in nish thnnusual. coidm inuenza and throat and lung com: plalintl. ' I 80. .5 Oobl. \ The gas work: coal yard in thwlzeot place in the city to purchase genuine Scranton No. |4 coal. - __..__._> mu. uuz.,uou nun uuue he had at as. Cnwford a. uu auu nrllllil ` Tlmt roll bacon 33101:. Tb.) fresh eggs ai I5;-. doz., good tub butter at 18c. 1b., mm 1 In Inn] A! . nn (`.1-Aurfnu-4| : 'l.'I1Il'IGo - ` T.mnr|o Elixir in I. propnmtioni oont`ain- H I. s I 'l`l-Inch: 00--Inca looting. II |IrLn-n_._ __ ,A.__I_.. -_..I A- )_g_ `L- ._.: Du-ooulul Illlllory Opening. on Alioudny. `II A- \l_...I-.. L-_.l_ IL- __ Student: Hard nt Work: .nn1Iu Tomato and Paul: VIII IIOWI I I III-lul C W . 3:."'c?..`2`:R"`t?. .'...S'f.'.'...'.`f 1| lnnni-ant: Scene In a Broker Shop. ..|. -.......o ...o..... I... ..I..-I....- .1. -manic . -'lVl'.H'IO. (LR. Cort lfnn An Enjoynblo Evening. ._._ .._.__. _.__,___ E..I _..I I)- `Not l_u Great Domnncl. .;z__ _ LocAr'. Bat-zvmss. A Curlolru \Vagor. ..- I_....L .... -..... L..A ... 1: smnu For Mr ....I.. ...........:..... 41...; Al... ..7._-__>.._..-.-,,._.. Dc Yhu ROI!!! L, _., - A ii. p IIH' If H, IX: to ` Ru ullli I lugs WT, jIXDll'IIIO Chuhrd. Quboc. who will all plain` to! on exciting manna: Kinda-huh:-Id-, My nhllu In ` :.':':I":T --won. u I an I an H IIQMII ICING). fihmhhnnld Ihnbgdpv j (iaphh than I.-uma-arulr. N-shah vbv cl` Io hnnndnohu-hunt cl` I-..... N\I!.II II I JLI I L.) tion with free lnhour. have boon branched at the council meeting V President Hncklcuton laid it mu var de` nimble thnt n breakwater should he milt nlong the vnter front, on King Itnot rest. It was hintod to him that on than were mnny unemployed convict: in the hitch- tinry the government might ho ill uced to do the work. It was thought that it an convictl were turned out tho city would have to pny for gunnln, And this would take away much of the col-npluint nhont compoti The ninthr would had there been I quorum. The minister of juntlon wu expected here any day, and it mght be well to appoint I oonlnittoo to w t upon him in regnrd to tho Iehocno. Th. lnnlnhnrn Inn run: Iittln In gnu nu [IIKIIII--IT IITIXTITFHE wrath. Tibyurbooxpooldlhuu Innchuoulutlnnltonnprdqywonlclln uhuaw . b" 1'1 wlltllulr. Kfuuh add an phat am... can Inuuud lnuthonhnh public D1:-in `lib want `I nxjl ILA! an -I'- Q DTWI IIIIIIIII [III (DIVE. ohouldlotondlhllodln Hlononsltbo "5;. 5'..'.i1'. uni an; M n-LIL __.-__.. ..., ......._ ..-..-... ...... any that K: strut \\`IuIIlnnhulIhh. u|d'Lo.:pocItnl:&.!nlltolInLt;I'|\`nrwuh~ ' In; tovor mun C upnnl " Nolor the clilunn." Then the captain struck his old hmllhrurlt. ununultho nonhenlhuil they 1 odlogotbon I declined to uskopolldnloupllnlou or nntur.thovorim6ghtbodooo.' And he wnlud uomothl mon-o dry . dock. Tiopvounnlln Ihulllnul` Inuit 'l\InvoI|d In louolvortlot I `inodb. In Pbrhnoulh cancellations- uonoouldlnnonlul. llowoullnlotub l lnglot|gtnIdun|.hIt.l|kotholI-lohnu. I` Lnnnnlhknl-Q xIul;IKIII"I Incl!!!` (Ni: (C;IlI;:I: benching how: an n oiilllul and sub- IL! "A `ll mi Am lynx`: In ` UIIII WU IIIUIIICI III B In IDQIIIOI In | all we can under the circuuutuwa. I th k ` the patent 3 most oppomnno time to nu-cure government ptronnp, not bonus I the ` attitude 0! polmciuu buthoouunthao IN V nunyldlo convict: In the . I an ` ; mu 1 an In; within with who ` I K was In In 5 Ind mu. ` Anal [annual (In lg" to llnnl 1L`:-an--no.-L. . WIII F1 IIIIII III PC I [0 `ll. ECIUWIU. The members hug-cory little to my ex cc t in I bmdyiug oemipolitionl way. Fin- al y Cap`. (Rankin Aron. sighed ooltly. anal mmartod, You kuuvr that I proton -" A voice-\\'e want no politic: here." Capt. (iukiu "Tlnt'u what I an 2 I think In Ihould all go in toqotlor .3 (I. o Khan. W. R. Mcu, J. Romiden uni Joseph I-`rnnkiiu wen named A committee In confer with dasirymoni cnocinions and to aecuna uniformity in the weighing 0! cheats. ` Buyer: imintonl on having the cheese weigh- ` ad In Montreal. though wiion wanted their nuemxi the Inn of I50 lln. by I diomnoo in the weight. I|lDl1|\'l\'u liI\\ la'!- I Alnru i stocks weighed here. w. Dn int ml J I I! IIUHI lolllll I'\lIIg'lUII IS I Clllllllllllilllg LVN` tre. and as such suffers great diaulvu It was shown by Mr. Muckleoton that Liver- I shipments could be uwle cheaper to mice and Bnutford than to Kingston or , ottnwn. The Uruml Trunk railway mm- y had been llbenl in its conduct townnla 'ingoton for some years, but there wen: mnny discriminntionl under which momhunto yet lnbomd. It wu stated that at the otllco of the company here rnten M clunitiutinn could not In secured, nor could any infor- mntion be given an to charges from one out~ tide int to mother, so that compuiaoua oouldpa Iuuln with K ton : rates. But All than griovnneen will aired on Satur- day. l I_._... ll` 1) lI..D-_ I I),.Il___ __ I ` KVUIEFESUII HIM] `V. IE JICIVW3. Lumber. cocl and wood -I\lessm. A. (`hul- wick, James Swift, \\'. .\lcR0ssic. R. (Tau. I funl and I. Noble. Cotton and woolens-J. Hewtun. It is also requested that citizens who ln\\`\- complaints to other regurtling rnilwa freigln mun be recent to tender their 0.'\'i( ence. It is held at Kingston is a liatrilmting oeu- trrx and as much null`;-ha Irrnnt 1linmI\'Anlnmu Mr. E. Clown 8 In the courier HQQIJ not H` Qnlnnl In Ilnnnnn A. IL. IIUUJCTK Iron and stoves-Massm. J. S. .\Inckles- ton and H. Cunningham. Crockery-T. Mali. Robertson. Dry good:-Meaars. J. Minnes and F. Shaw. (`u-oceriea-Meurs. (S. S. Fenwick. Ii. \\'. Rolbertson and W. R. .\lcRae. ...|.-- ....-l -__I _...._..I \l..-.._~ \ 1 `I... I (I. RIUOUFH, U. \lIlKIH. \l. 1'4. \Ur?. Flour, pork, cheese~-.\lessrs. R. J. (`ar- son, J. Franklin, 8. Harper. Una] nil.-Mnnrn, \\' Riinrmr nnul H N` e.v......-. RlE\'A.\ (`EN AGAI .\'S'l` R.-\ lL\\'.\\'. The royal railway commission, which takes evidence here on Satunlay. will have work enough to occupy its attention for in week. The grievances of the Kin toninns ~ I and `t hey are numerous-in regnn toreilwny ` facilities and failures will be presented by the following, the witnesses in the various classes having been chosen by the lnoarul : i Grain and hnv-\Imun_ G. Ria~hnnlnnII, ` 30; `J. I'l'l.II|lll, B. IIIFPCT. Coal oil-Messrs. \\'. .\`kiunor mul G. S. Hobart. l...._. ._...I ..4,_..-_ \nA-_._ I u \I...|_| , UlCl IIIIVIIIE llill lilllill Hy IIIU lllnl 3 Grain and hay-Meurs. G. Richanlson, H. Mooers, J. Gukin, U. I. Sabre. lu`lnu.- nnrlr nknncm ,\l....mo D I I`...-. ll HUI: suun FCKUII up uley VVUIIIKI I30 UUUIVQ to the citizens. It was desired that In mmy as possible should interest themselves in -the matter so that Kingston could have l exhibition buildings and suitable sth etiv grounds. RlI!\',-\\'l`R.~l AI`.Al\'~2'I' R.\ll.\\'t\`\`, FIWLSUIV. \,. \,llUVVlI llllll `V o I5llU. A cmmnunis,-ation was read from the sec~ rotary of the Quebec hoard, asking the o in- ion of the local board as to the advisabi ity of resnscitating the dominion association : also askin co-operation in order to secure the repea of the law by which uustamped letters are sent to the dead letter otlicc. It is proposed to forward them to their desti- nation and to exact Rh line for their delivery. The board endorsed the msolntion regarding unstamped letters and eed to cooperate upon a course looking to its repeal. ms Cl-2.\'Tl1AL I-`AIR. The stock book of the Midland Central Fair association was among the members. A letter was read from J. H. Walkem, lntimatiug that three hundred shares of the aesociatioife stock had been taken up, that the allotment of stock for farmers would be at their disposal until Ma lst, and it not then taken up they would otfend tn the nitizmul, It was rlnairml tlmf. an matu- i 4 A re 1: at moo mg 0 was he (1 in thocit council chamber last evening. Among txose in attendance were ` Messrs. Muckleaton, president: '1`. Mills, l secretary; G. Hague, \\'. L.'Cr-ighton, John 1 ` Strange, (;`. .\`_. Uldrieve, F. S. Reos, H. Mooers, G. Sabre, \\'. H Macneo, A. Chad- wick, S. Lyons, S. Harper, John Gaskin. W. R. Mcksse, W. McRosaic, G. Y. Cliown, G. S. Hobart, 1". Shaw, (3. Richardson, L. B. Spencer, James Minncs, R. J. Carson, J. B. Page, Joseph Franklin, T. McK. Robert- son, J. Hewton, E. Chown. J. Rmlnlen, 1). Fraser, C. (Shown and W. Leslie. A ' ` I` 6` I nnn\nnn\|..nOu\n u-no man: Innnx O \u onn 0! Course the l'rlu(inor:|,,1|luul Sgt luleI`- I {ere wm.` Free 1.aho'ur-`rue Board of ! Trade {Sun In Scheme to Conalder-A` ' Week : Work Curt out for the Royal _ lhllwny Commlulou . j Tr-is MINISTER or uusT`IcE "ro as % mnznvuawao` IHEREON. \\'()RKl.\'( THE CON VIGT._,, IE "IX. IIU IX 3 Rnghul. British COIII Tnannln And Pnmlnnh Emu lunnud. u-y`:{ ucttndollcn-bonus nryllhv-nth`. Wluhldl.` by-V-rvbdy. 1 I lathnlnunrhuhn-In brin} hoaruyanlnmgoruuoohnucquoh vneuuuIlI.IndIoIranbtnohoxpc- htinnnb pk-mid aiotchuwllbovcry ntlulln. loulirikyntriomwuudth ` lav. gun. on Iprrlul IQIIIG. IIUIIII 'ru' v {to Match! I`:-glint cl ll~ Adlelu at an 1 Ileoodlngly lntotoolj Chonohr. ` I % Naked-`thud awn... till 1.... g H-mango... It will hnuunhorof illfillln. I : "T.-`g `PL. -.-... L.. n1..A....|. n-_.|.... 1. ` llll KICK III ("Q PI-I lU.-FI. IIICI. on I critical ammunition. in I'll found to have I cum-r. and relief In impouible. HoI1nbIogutohhfrioudI.buthounn>I uvuro I settlement with the gonnuut. Sex-orul imtiou but boon undo to the ptopor an "ties to Ian hi: can oouidero I. And some nconmoodntionn have boon mule. but the lltlhf IIII Btu dlllynllnitll \ ; mu until the young an ha Inn All f ` of touring rains. I! would new that t cl meal is Ann: of his audition. and in I my to! the stud till his death. 11. r matter. Lo unaIontand.'hu boon taken up. i and will ngnh puma I the stamina \ 0! tho miumy .moms..'n. mod. the 3 _:.I ._.._.L _..__ AL-_ AL- -_4 A4 ...L_.._ _...I{- III III! I'lIlllIIl')' IIIKWITIQ IIC j`C `K siclmuchmnnlhuthoonotowbou in moat \-oqocl liul. and he unonnl or M: -____A_._ IIIIIIIIICIIIIKWUIIIIIIXIXHDWT |I~ moat vohtl Erna. country jun n such. UONIIIII. I-ad Indy`: ulvudnnuu than I 1 I 1 v The government bu dealt very lnu-ollly with I soldier nunonl Dunn. now in_ the * guunl laapitnl and llkoly to die. The ` young man. in I lnolth an medial u.om'~ * tiootoo show. I I Port Hope in I885. joined I the Midland hnhliou. anal wont to the i nonh wool. While flowing through the snows. north 0! Lake superior. in to token ill. and while in the for out I'll under medical cuo. When the battalion III din- ; hauled he went to Port Hops. but he dill I * Ind the not rally. Uvet re month be I'll at 1 vised to mount his claim to the Iuo:liool_ luau-d.uu noxuninotion wuludo. The, tloclun thought his Ililoolu could lie vulul. vernuenl Income nsponoilrlc for ; his hngn in than canon] hanhilnl Than: I III III! \'UTll-GlII IKXHIU W1 his bush in the pncnl hospital. ennunninn. Q Sutherlalnxl; J. I. Smith. Ilellevue hon vital. -' New York. themv to (bum. China : I . R. s Grant, Hampton. .\'.B. : S. Chilclcrhooe. St. I Columbn. Maul!-c: L IN.-rrin. Kirktiold. g During the uunnner n bonny class will he I formed. and nll who would like to pmoecute u . Ihe stud willho permitted tn do an. lI- ? r luntruec lectures will ho given. and lIotnni~ I i ml excursions nrruxgml in onlor to make i 1 members funillar with the onlinary wild llowon. etc. And the manner ol islentifyimi them. The ulna opens on May 2nd. us: will ho hold in the morning: from eight to ; nine o'clock. E JIUUICIIKU UIIIIUI UIIITUT TIT. I III! ` IOI ul I Kllptonhn Int: co In tnndorrot to the Hound oulonoco. In order to ho nun: bone. and I lormor in King- oton nut to Inn! {at nine nuns. t , r can `}'.`3.:".'..a ..a u"."'..'1'u'..'}2."` ` C.` mule their with: any In hllllod. A Soldier ho (`IIIII Hot-Inn I Souk- -out-Why Rh luau-anon . l|'&\`. IIICIU 'll| RISU IN` ll l`\||llSl` UK CIIIIIIS : at the hospitll. So far as is known the follmtiug will he l the stations of the grullmtil class in divi- \ uity: A. Humlier. Rt. .\ ark`; Inisksiuu church. 'l`omnto; W. H. Mills, 8!. .\ucln~\n`s ` J. hobital. ' D \'..... \'....l. AL..- .... A- l`..__- l`L:..- . The Queen's lmivenity mimiunnry saw elation has SIJR2 to the credit of the foreign minim fund. lt`s scheme is an usurul ` ..- ....n. 3 A Botany (`Inn for lilngsloulunm l'l.1tes z for Dlvlulty Stnldentu. Rev. R. (Sow. B\.~\.`. is settled at Hnmu.-y. I | A I X Manitoba, sud is luulalmg up us strong con- . gre lion. : T A \'AImlia-Inrinnm nf than aIiITunsnhu-mhul. iIIuuu;| \ J Ame; 'I`L- A I b'l'E `lull. T e nledictoriauns of the different vruluab ing classes will luv: I)i\'iuit.y. S. `hilnler~ hone : Arts. H. N. Dunning : medicine. M. J Anion I'll NIH IIEEQB `U3. The discussion mused. and Messrs. Muck- locton. H. (Ihown. G. Richnnlsou. J. (in- kin. L. B. Spencer. H. Moocra. J. Minues. F. Shaw. unit}. A. Kirkpatrick Mare ap- ` inwd I committee: to urgv upon the min- ister of justice the neceaant.y uf employing convict labourin the lnuil-ling uf nbrmk water and dry locks. KIUII. (fan I. Unskinsznid all the \\uI`lis he pm- poeeu could be done in mm yams, I-`ony men could mm for` the lnmnkmnter. and one h undmd men could do In great. deal of work \ on the dry dock in II your. 1 A \'nimI-Hn\r nunn9 lmnn I luv uln Ill 3 UH IIIU U1) HUCK "I II "OI! A V'oim~-How nmnny hours as day dn the convicts work ? _` Mr. L. B. Spencer -~lt ail depends un ; who the bosses am. \ 'm... .a:.........:.... ...,.......1 \|..__... u....1. v` QIHUHIH 0|" IIDIIIIII ' \\'UllIll nu llI|lll`- ! Minn;-3 Into sod nannrk. that I was not caught, and . r. .\`pem~er said : If | I asked You for $|0,0l|0 you \\`uuldu`t giro it F to me. but you might let me have a q\l|I`~ . tor. 'l`l1egu\-ernum-mis in the same posi- tion." In... n:..-|.:.. -..: I ..n M... .......|._. I... ...... Ru-. IL Whiting. onto! the. Hun- tnsl .\lothodh can . Id! to-don, for Toronto. than to attend tho mating the hlethouliu chutoh tnndor oounnltuo. The ..__ .-l _ Ifl__..._l-_ _-..n. L. L. A.._-l--_..I