ORIENMJE1 add. .5: at nntuo. Bullzer. an r at thcir rlolul at on or boron I `an after that than 5'!) I \'nI.a an n \'|l' a-Ana auulnnvll 0111, Allolhln hounohold furniture. bu furniture. poolnnd bnllnnl lnhlen. mm of ulna bod- ' roalltooadtl olblack npdnnnndnlx man:-nnu.|allotoou.Aptr And :.':m:;.':w:.a:`:a *.7::.. on one chin. dining none-suntonnlou tabla. ddollnuiln. lot of crock lei unmet on m.-c nrdo olldoth 1 map nova. lugs and uuronrpounl deal Chg :5.-on. tau _ Ixuma. any other mun uuduhutnu IHAVE rocolvodTndtIcuouI cm. In. 1-. (`ox tooou at the Htnuwiok Homo. IlA!1(\_.I A\vI\ n I HOTEL FURNITURE. mix-. marble top and fancy tables. no usdothor cu-pets. hncy chair: and motel. curullu. lnndoomo phnh table oovon. bnuandplunh um: um mu-No urn ud ornun la. Info In ! uh] .ha.lr cloth ?un. lather tuning c ll. extgnnion dlnlnc table. handsome dinner. hrenkfut and .%:%..$"$1.Lm'n.o.g` .`:":n.`lL`.".i."...i .' cu-pot. marble to And] bedroom new. black vnlun want:-obs. ookgaglnx. hund- IonohAlldook.hAtnok.oll olunntollot loll. fender And nudlmu. bod , tnhlo linen. mu. wushod cnrtuld .rnul on-1n.ooo& non when x Income: withnqunuty of other v unhlo bou josnhitlltuhup. Termuouh.` J. I'.. HUTCHESON. April B. Auctioneer. _-.w--no-an-no.5`; `U51-llllllul. All of her Elegant Household Furniture. mn- nhw purl. at handsome carved hack ooln. euyc r|.Briuahphton1rrorn.nouoelen~ mtg marble and fancy . arm A: nu-aging h-...I..._.- _I.._L ._Ln_ ____,__ I HAVE received lnurucuom from Mus. Du. SKINNKR to sell at her residence. Johnson St.. on Buflxtuna. Brunswick. Dukc,Pool o.nd0onblIntIon'hbhI.bc..&o. LTZT/T/V37 I vuuupx nuusnuw runggguns A Own: -5- gs. B-..___ ___All|-_-_ iM`% `B./20/m/& 00., 126 PRINCESS STREET. April 25. In our Special Departments we give a larger choice and at lower prices than my \ other house in the city. LADIES & GIRLS PAHASOLS - .:-_--- -u---ucunnvaaaa O VQDAIALUIIU Axmnmoor. Brunch sad Tapestry Cur- pocl. British Plato Mirrors, kc. Come and pronounce on the Mammoth Assortment of low and medium priced EXCELLED ALL OTHERS A muoo pot hour. Tlotels. one Dollar catch. and if set. ice is not realized tickets to be return- ed In money nfundcd. lI`Tlckela Mn be obtained by nddronfng or calling at No. 200. Montreal BL. Klrgswn. DAVID JONES. April R. Proprietor. `SALE I3 Y'1tU'i`6Ei's6i.` farpets, 0il -Cloths, HARDY S, TH URSDAY, APR! L 28th. -0 L-_ nI-__-. I'I ,, n - LACE curmuws 1, April 25. We are showing. Prices are Right. In our Millinery and Corset Digplay. numm ms, Lumoums, wmnuw nnmrms um Asmnzs, The Steam Yacht "DAISY." In good running order. Length 31 feet. widths feet. engines in. square. boiler up ht. lsuma in tubes. 3 10 miles hour. okou. one Dollar one . And not mice In not renliled tickets In ho mun-n. Ahd General House Furnish- ings Cheap and Good at 88 Princess Street, Kingston. AUCTION SALE on nu. ma unullwlol noun. OI HAY2nd AND 3rd. I hnunnhnhl n-nhnuu I... 0. The Big lillinary Boom, mom: i>RIc1: STORE,1a MOVING` DA V. DRY 000155? a uvu sun A lvv LVUUIU AJBLI-II! SM. 35 and 87 St. John Street, MONTREAL Apnm. J. I. lU'l'C`IlBON. I A Greut_ Sale of Boots&Shoos Alli- I fr/EVE 0.4 rs 1035. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. vlcrbm PAINT SHOP. DICK %& sons . ---- I 0 `'1 Ratimouo and design (ur- `F 4 nhhod mo. . g H CA all tooltod. I W. J. SAVAGE, April 99. ' co Ion-nun. STIIIT. Civil Service & Teachers` Examinations sun 31.50 ANLEECURE A COPY. Address ICKAY C WOOD. Inch 10 Klnnmn, 0.: sEcoNo- HAND aooxs THE ANNUAL GENERAL Ml-ZETING of the Shareholders of the Kingston _treet Rail- way Com nf will _he held on 1`UEbDAY. THE 10m DA 01' MA\. at 8 o`clock p.m., at the olce of \V. R. )lcRae. Esq Wellington Street. for the purpose of clecun Directors for the ensuing year and tot-any ot erbusiness deemed nocennry. Preci-W}i%g nagxing Rlumm 5... 1.. .|.- L__.l- F- N.!B:,T 8. Au. 0. SUMMER GAMES. BASEBALLS, BASEBALL BATS. RUBBER BALLS, % LAUBUSSE STICKS, I I In: llulnrn n I tuna-n Address K/M0310}: Mnrch 29. u us puuuuneu at. 11 um ulna been viewed b over two million us. an in now on ex- bltlon in New Yor city, where it. is visited by thousands dnil ; Every family in the land should get or son for ll copy of this out pic turn at once. Also published imp on: of it on India Proof Pa 1-. gm 24:33 inches. price Two Dollars and fly ents. Copies of author will be sent everywhere to any one. nmt~m.i.| y 'l'W0 Dollars and Fifty Coma. 0f'8`IIViVli-f` ` any one. pmt'lH|il . on remitting price to J. HendersQ[Id& 00., -g_...__.. April 19.- Iooud-Hand Boob boqhludnold by A. SIXXONDS. Ann I --n._.. .;___ 1758 and 1700 Notro Dune 8t.. Q` nn Q7 Q6 T-L_ L_.-L ngure or a young man with a strong Hebraic cast of features. One conspicuous ii is that of A Jew shouting "Cruel Rim." th uplifted arms. in the dense mob w lch throngs the L ace yard, and presses upon the Roman sold era. one of whom is holding the crowd back with his spear. Below the place where Pilate sits are the accusing`: priests and other Judtenns. while the whole p oture touches the win heart in a way that is simply wonde . It is the Irroatest and most imprehive religious picture ever `painted, and people ot_ all denominations shou d t I eopl of it at once at the low price it is pu lshed n It has aimed! been viewed lay persons. now an or- `I Should be In the hands of every cun- dlduo for nun was ntednve yearsagoby the eat un in Ar t, Mvmucsv. as the supremo ebr of his life and art. in dueling in the spirit of realism with A sacred suhiect. and is one of the most remarkable and greatest. pictures eve fainted. The suhject is treated with uninch n realism. Pilntehittingeon the right on hi ju ent sent. his head nt in 8 questioning atti ude with Christ standing before him the gure o with strong Hehrnic cgst gt features. conspicuous zure in mm .l.'LLul}I.'U." Just published a. faithful copy of M. Dll Mun- KAosv`s t picture "Cmus1' BEFORE Pm ATE." wh ch has Just been sold for over One Hundred Thousand Dollars in 0. line steel plate enirrevin . done in line and sti pic measuring 22128 inc as. which. thou ha F ve llnr print. they have decided `to sci at the extremely low price of 0nsDolio.r and Twenty-Five Cegug a cow. so as to bring the picture within the reech of thousands and tens of thousands who cannot see or own theoriginnl. The original nting nted live yeersngo by great. nmr .nf his life: Ant` in-1 In lnl|"l|- 1.. .n.- __r_:. SIZE 22x28 mc?. PRICE $1.25. MUNKAC8Y'luf.g.';s'r_ BEFORE` Inns -ml.II.I...A - a_nu.A_| __ _ .-- . .}..,._.-.__..._.._... _.._ ` $5P/cz`_ure Fdr $7.25 L ~MUNKACSY'SEhTP|CTURE A" perfect copy on steel of llunlucsya Great Picture, "CHRIST BEFORE PIL ATE." IT IS A FAITHFUL Rmonucrlon Of the Original Picture, which has just been i sold for over One Hundred Thousand Dollars. It in engraved on steel, in line and nipple, in the finest style of the engraver`: art. --v vvIlIjIIlIIIYIII- .m~J `CHRIST BEFORE PILATE SEBALL STICKS, `LAWN mm mums. LAWN rsms BALLS. ac. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. ` ON S'A lTUR:)A-Y, THE 21st 01'` MAY- - _ -___ __ I THE NEW WORK ON uIsonuQANno}5s. 1 .- ,. -..--u-Iv: .0 0 : a "'03.. BOOKSELLERS, 0'/mm/0. Five dieront models kept con- lInI'I an `u--an` . KINGSTON STREIs'l` RAILWAY C0 Y. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Sharehold- ers of the City 0! Kingston Water Works (`om- vanwill be held at the Company omoe on 0. DAY. 2nd May next. at 3o`oloc p-m`. for the purpose of electing Directors for the on- nuinx year and the transaction of general busi- nose. hhlhdndmcmhulmt April 8th. 1887. TENDERS will be received to the under- signed up to SIX P.M. OF TH 27th INS'i`.. for the several trades required in the erection of in Residence on Gordon Street. in this city, for A. F. (`hown, Esq. Thadiowest or any tender not necessarily ac- ce t . Inns. &e.. may be seen at our office. Golden Lion Block. pnwwn 2. qnv .._._. . R8 0! lklwuul EnN1m of Bullllenuro In to d I I K I A __.Ju lul` dun auto TICKETS of admission to Convocation in the City Hall can be ohminecl by benefactors of the University on application to J. B. Mclver. Esq.. at Mr. .\ln.cha.r's otlice, liing Street. GEO. BELL, LL.D., -lnril 9R 'D..m'........ April mm. 1337. ulu nnauxl n umernacie to large audience-8. The oompivewly oaoytztiveted the people by their qu nt. rendering iuusuon songs and the sweet. melody maa on of their singing." The Compen*U ve 'I`wo'Enterminmcntn in this cirsy on E8 AY & WEDNESDAY EVENI G8 NEXT IN CITY HALL. After the concert on Wednesday two members of the ` mpen will be married publicly by one of our] xpinaters. Tickets 250. Reserved tickets for Wuinosdny 350. Plan at Y.l.O.A. Rooms, April 21 00.55 '8 U/V/VE/P6`/H . CONVOCATION I It h claimed that the Original University Jubilee singers of New Orleans we fully equal uothe Fisk's. The Rev. 1`. DeWiu; Talm o any: : "These singers gave several concerts n the Brookl n Tabernacle to large audiences. com emly nt. nekndpringy pluustion sonzs tho April 3. V V ___- -v-----,, v-u- y-nun-nvsnaa JILUSUUIK JOHN OOBBE.` - Manager for Mr. Barrett. Seats now on Halo. April 23. __________.____.__:__..____ "~'*"I"i"i1'1"".-15 310- All! 3. I37; PROFE$8IONAL AMATIUR YOUTH8. BOYS. 3..con1m{i' 13i.X-Y's'iri'i>"N"1a_ia1vnNmt}_-3 mm. m_._, ., - __.__.___-__ .:_.A Special. Enlsmcnt of tho Famoun English . : AQUA)`. v >v____.__- -__`gsan-Jana, ~--oNn mam ONLY-- THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1887. - ' " `W ` I ,supporwa by Miss EA LAKE And um Lon- don Pr1noeuTheatre ompnn . presenting `the Grand Trlnle B . 9 Mr. wILso'N BARRETT, Cs ma b Miss Lax` - `(1!l<))`I)|oll- rlnoeyoa Theatre (sgmnnnl. .nr2.93.?a$n { WATER WORKS NOTICE HOUSE `\ - 3 nun nvvnrnn t\\vv up . xoc. rmla April 26. '-hjflilu. ;'R.\ M`!!! l'lCANTLDN. giguhmu-II. Ian. ` ` . :;.:.~@-`.33. :.-.:a:.-:.-:: ILYYC II..AA-_.. A01-n-n "nu '1':-god. V t 0 mm .1 Th: Dmmagto THEAGOL.gg%l: " '1`:-urea o A'l"l'ER'1`ON. ~ +33 Drama ::'m'1':: C%LOR a mum. The Comedy or . cm on. non ll`|D\! nnnnlsn .- It 7 - T635 RAF_F`-'L_DH M1soEL1._Niot:s.i REV7/Yh -*--`*7:-7-. DATES. TO Rmiimmnzn. MUSICAL JUBILEE. T0 CONTRAOTORE3. -_:-- cc---vII&&lVIZ V LOILND I'l'LND.' mun sqmuun. xmosrox. om. [rumxnusunn I844]. can I mi 0 H 03:: not ldound DEF: 5 nun-rm I-n-.--I __4__ Theatre C e T3313`: J. \\'ILSO.\'. Manager K.VV.\\'. R. J. CARSON. President. P0\\'ER 8: SON. Architects. -C-('$OK`S. 1, 1.1.. u. , Registrar. .___:_=.;,._.______ NEW AUCTION ROOMS II-Al QQA [I1 I ndhvil|hgtohl|wIu hlwglcnhout --_..-_. -v vuv j-v--v---v--- vs tau Ivvvv|' ulna. uonuchlupanluonhuhoupnodoai upontIouhI-tIubouIthIhhIo0nr- pl-Iglngthyuhouldho nonorlcnnlnctudr Ion. Bushy nuothvonlppnovou vbovnoncohdd-|uudod.buolnolo@r, tunings. 8uaInoubDr.Ilury&_ Frith. olNov York, whoglvuhb export- onoohonu Knoddpu. llohdnouhk hnltbocomlnglhlnurdaydlurdnyutlllt county hllorl hoovcthonalp. About tbonmollmohohunlqlnlrhulvhobul lw|luhhnlrmaploh|yuItnndbytholn- quutuoolhuouu. Ho ouuuoooutl the uuo'|culoo.ruhblaglc|chona|pIw1>or lhrevluoonpnk. 'l`oIhurprbnhro- rnoindorolhh bdr Ml out. and [kh Mn 1 Inord!y||.oppou-u_oo. Well. unbro- The ave:-up bdd-lludod nun pay: no at- ` nation to who unounoononh ol lair-actor The Union in the name ofa weekly jour- nal devoted to the maintenance of the union of three kingdome. it he three ob- jecte specially in view: To counteract the inuence of the Irieh pun. toealiet the sympathies oi loyal lriehmen. and to keep the British public epeciallyieiormed upon the laying: and practice: of the Parnellite party. Aocompanyinga late number in a cartoon illuetretive of the plan of cam- paign and the gnvernrneufe method of deal- ingvith it. Chief Secretary for Ireland Balfour in Ihewn in the act of arreeting W. O'Brien, of the L'Iu'tod Irelaad,ior collect- ing rentl illegally. the former declaring: "Robbery in robber-y,aud he whotakeewhat iea't hie`: when he'e caught he you to pri- eon. Certainly the plan of campaign, while omeifective way of bringing eome landlorde to time, is not based on law and cannot have the countenance of lav-abiding people Tenantueay havejheapeol grievances and ruler much at the hande cl the land- lords, but after all we question the window oltheirredetinglhedeuaadeol thelatter. appointing trneteee ol their own chooeiag. aadpayiag to then thereateulthelrovn xing, `name who indulge in theee echelnee. however well-ieteutioaed. meet ultimately oouetogrid. It was with disappointment that we. a day or two since. examined carefully the diplo- mas sent from England. and awarded to the exhibitors at the Colonial and Indian exhibi- tion. They were surpoeed to be superior works, instead of which they are crude in de- sign and nish. and not such mementos. at any rate. as should have been given to those winning distinction in art. The colonial committee, and Dr. May, on behalf of the Ontario education department. must surely hsve experienced some slight twinge: of :on- sciencein the distributing of them among the palnters and sketchers 0! Caneda. The ` medals are exceedingly handsome souvenirs ` and worthy oi the reputation of the royal mint. The Valedictorian for the medical graduat- ing class used plain language in describing the experiences of the past four years, es~ pecislly about the hospital. We question the wisdom of advertising Kingston` short- comings, but the indiscretion will he par- doned if the concluding thought of the ad- dress has its desired effect. The hospital is not all it should be, but it cannot be made, from a medical point of view, any more at- tractive with the means st the disposal of the directors. A fame that can never die awaits the one who, out of his plethoric purse, liberally endows the hospital. and enables the management to supply it with everything which science can suggest for the benet of suffering mankind. The Cerruthers' gift of$l0,000 to Queen's college at this time is princely, and in keep- ing with the generosity which has charac- terized his long residence in Kingston. He has been the mainstay of many a scheme having for its object. the promotion of the public well-being. He has never hesitated to do the handsome thing when it was re quested of him, and the pity is that those who have benetted by his action have not ` been as grateful always as they should have been. `Striped shirts, striped coats, and striped trousers, with gorgeous vests, are announc- ed from New York as the new fashions. The outt, excepting the vest, has been the fashion at Portsmouth ever since the govern- ment established the great penal institution there. The convicts will be glad to learn that they are not, in dress, such a peculiar people after all. A lady correspondent ask: us if. at the per- formance of the Wilson & Barrett company, ` "full dress" will be expected. Certainly. ` Thane`: a difference of opinion, however, n0\\`a.dnys as to whet connitutcs full dress. Each lady must settle the matter to her own satisfaction. Writers, with vived imnginntiona, are ` giving their impreoons of hell in Black- u~ood`s dI"aga:a'ne.V Some of them may have occasion to revise their opinions by and- bye. ' The WEEKLY nnfsn wmo."s pages, so columns. In published every Thundny momma ataear. ` Attacedtothopa laouootthebestand moat busy Job olcos Canada ' rapid. stylish and cheap work ; 8 improved prlnuna presses. nnuuv - -. -.---.._ _ .;I:i-IMENISLAILY WHIG. `For! un 13 twolnaeruonn .... ..I)50 Fottg g.` eTohq:1:E:2&I`1ent inaeruon.. 25 Overfour ee.re!. loopex-line Encheu uentoonbequuvelna..,. 5o " Onoenw subsequent ina....... loo` , Twice: subsequent Ina .... .. Bo 'l'hroeeweek.uubee$nent.1nn....... no " Nouoeeotinhs`, u-rh_pe endDeeths ewhmnleee n` booked. whentl leohnx-god. h ? Specie] nogcez In reading columns are charr L ed at extra rams. I 1`- Annex-r1_s'x-:m:x'rs. Jr 1 [in t inaorti .. so 1-3. :33 n...`:'. .1'.3.. uh.' ou.n. u.2%o... .' 4` ' .- `Hm h ` lllnr, at 3 Street Klngstontvt AI` SIX DOLLARS PIE YEAR. ANNOUNCEMENTS. _:` 0P5/'9" rm` Orbem Dicor." /._,_-.__ .,-_.__ I"... - EDW','J: B. PENSE. Proprietor. , THE BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. APRIL 26. Luv mo mu. `9Y0:I.-. (Arie. uu'IIIilIlI. IIIWCEIQ WWGHH I out Find! Md. Dunn: naval. commi- ~ "s'+-'.....*:;.::-.:::-...-a ~:.-.- Pl` 3 I - M I said I 0: hctiu boouhrhhotl dating the valid t|IoLaruu-.ndIhI thohorduoyfnr l pm I I lo a pdou. hwtum will. (50 oil- oil (on gppconl. on-mmllho In uI~ jocrudl. .- JWrite for Catalogue. Hnmplea sent on application. G.A.HOLLAND can at $0 :5 thought it = pr. would in an l'IMou. 'rfu.'sm am not can 5 com. Hull A u 15.--... ._-....| _ Ala. Hun tool a '3 much. lth arse! tlol cl tho qua`: jnhlloo ` . uhould dun-Iugtho bold- N?! an And the lintertelenelt el noun Ie Len * Wholly to the Cltleele. The epeciel committee. eppolnted by the council to devlee e echeme by which the Governor-Geuerel'e Foot Guerde would he euitebly entertained duri their vleit to thin city in Mey. held lte ird eeeeion ee~ terdey. Beeidee the meyor end Alde. le- lutyrc end Smith there were preeent Lieut. Col. Villlere, I).A.G., Cepte. (lellowey. Murray end shennoe. Ald. Mclntyre ex- pleined thet it bed been the iniou ol eome of the eldermen thet proheb y the council would not vote e great to the reception fund. Ald. Dreunen eeld Col. Ollver. oom- meudent ol the Bo el llllltery ool , eug~ geeted the: the cere of the get en- tertelu the olcere of the guerde. Cept. Gellowey eeid the ooere of the Nth bette- liou were in fevour of Jurmg oultlwith the gun-daouthoQueen`e rt y. thect could not eutertele the lone! oorpe lte oere would do eo. Col. Villlere explelued vtlaet the city wee not celled upon to enter- telu the prlela the vleltl - meat. llmlgtnhamheen ed to com:-to e city then the cltheee would be In dut honed to enteruln the ooere end men. I ; ldheleleeeokeowledgueu - h'e?e.llth.eueu`Ivennlvene:u -...ta Three rooms in the college were devoted to the exhibition of the works of Al`! And curioeitiea from foreign lends. Hie reuling room well was covered with over eighty pnintinga and drawings. Amon the cou- tributore were Mean. C. \V. Vrenehnll, Colin Scott, R. T. Wulkem, Foreuhnw Day, 1). Fowler, (`err Hnrrie. Mrs. E. A. Power, Mn. Frner, Mines Britten, Bermiughnm, Mnchur. Fraser ind shun . Some of the intinge wens the work of Cnnndinn and English artists. but the mnjorit of them were the work of locnl talent. lhe dieplny Wu certainly very fine. In mother room we: a collection of curios from the New Hebrides, China, India, West Indies end the North-West. Young Indie: volunteered the neoeenry information no to the charte- ter end use: of the various articles. Mn. Mnnhell, in mother room, dilglnyod I col- lection of Japanese goode, whic were eliti- cnlly exunined. The collection I'll A very pretty one. e curioeitiee will continue on exhibition for the next few days. um cuumouuoua 10!` an nome necessities. Principal Grant made some stirring re- marks upon unsellshness, and at I] o'clock the service concluded. (L neers. ; Rev. John Hay. of C-ampbellford ; Rev. ` A. H. Scott, of Owen Sound ; and Judge Macdonald, of Brockville, briey expressed sympathy with and work of the missionar association of Queen`s university. Rev. M. Parsons, of Toronto, strong and broad- shouldered, made a stirring address. He congratulated the association upon its de- parture. and hoped that when its missionary went forth it would send a rope over (lod`s throne to China, and that its members would all hold on here while their missionary was tugging at the other end. He spoke of the witness of the spirit in answer to earnest prayer, and referred to individual results of a most wonderful character. To the dis- obedience of the church in the past was due the heathendom of the present. If they awoke to the requirements of the occasion there would be an outpouring of the holy spirit that would not stop until the world was won for God. The greater the amount given for miisionary e'ort the grander the the contributions for all home necessities. Prinninnl flu-ant lI\nt'n ........ ..o:.._.`... _. `.1011. of the responsibilities resting upon man ind in regard to missionary effort, and led the audience up to the cheering point as he de- tailed the circumstances in the life of a young man whose mind had been properly 1nuenced.by encouraging words given to him when he entered upon a colle a career. He came to Queen's. studied har . and to- night, said Mr. Laidlaw, I read his name in the evening paper as a graduate in theo- logy. That young man, who by unremitting work and self-sacrifice has won his laurels is none other than the gentleman who lls the honored position of chairman of this meeting.` (Cheers) And I am not the only person in Hamilton who is interested in his welfare. (Great applause.) He has many friends there. The speaker said it was de- sirable that Mr. Smith should go to his work fully equipped. If he desired to nish his course in medicine the speaker knew of a church that would lsdly sup ly the need- ful whereby tosend im out in ly capable to i do any work that was required of him. (Cheers. ) Rm Jnhan u.... l\` (`.......i...n:...._1 .1)-.. Rev. R. J. Laidlaw, of Hamilton, s ke * God. ` I)... Encouraging Words lonwitho Illullonary Stu(lents--Pleasing Art-Exhibition. There was is huge sttendance at the mis- sionary convention in Queen s university last evening. Many graduates were resent and took a deep interest in the ad esses. In the first rt of the evening J. F. Smith, president 0 the missionary association, oc- cupied the chsir. The choir led in a hymn, in a vigorous way, and Rev. S. Houston of- fered prayer. Then Rev. G. McArthur, of Cardinal, made a short address, reviewing the work of the association in years past. in 1881 it had maintained one man in the domestic mission field, it then sent men to the north-west, and, as thsgaiiqionwy spirit grew, was about to send is re'"res"entstive to the foreign work. He pro icted success, and that ull the needed supplies would be forthcoming if the association hsd faith in . T) Y l-2Il__ _l 71', 9|; ,,,I,, THE GAWD3 ARE COMING. o n vv unuuu vuu uuiuvul nap stantly on hand : TERONTION"I`0 S, DEERHOUSI-3'8, DELORMIE R'S. WHITPS, Ann `none had done_ its, vrorstl and if theive was my virtue in the stuff he was bound to find it-cue. 1`: taiadie r:in6vi`i s1ianti`xiated his wife, but he kept. on for 3 long time without a sign of improvement. Finally,` at the end of eighteen months, there was I roughness of the skin, and presently e ne soft hair. Yes, kerosene had done it: work, and lo` happy is Dr. Frith that he thinks of buying an oil__welI and etertinz an hospital for the cure of bald-heads. There : million: in it. ` MISSIONARY convermon. I . The Art Exhibition. wk!!! lllOd'!.'lO:o':I.IN .-.=-...-t-.-:.-3 . glllfuku-3. ` fit`-NIJDA Y. nu 1' A, ___'.j_ nunrr AUO'1'!01-W"-.-{Ll- --0% VALUABLE BUILDING LOT8. \ ..._ IIAVI neural ._l"__ - Instruction total] at an 31311-3 -1 an ;-o --- mm? LACROSSEB, LAGROSSES, LACROSSRS,