ll. Futon Burns-III: Elisabeth Char- lotte Iotlwell. A [Argo number of Auclublod in St. U `u cubed yutnrdny afternoon at 2 o'- och to witnul the mnrringe of R. I-lutou Burns. of Mucnoo 8. Minna` whole- nslo aublishmcnt. non of Row. R. T. Bums. ol the post oca dopu-tmnnt. to Mini Elin- both Unrlotto Rockwell. second daughur o'((".npL iuugh C. h l::.nctnd to I our 0 art march when trsnbrmgdpny entered. the bride leaning on the Arm ol hot fuhet, who gave her an . The brldumdds were four III number. but Ivy Rotllvoll, Willi- lrod Burnt. M Barn and Edith Shibloy. M r. Victor C. Iran unkind his bwthor. The bride wudnunul in Ivory nun with Vnloncionnu hot and sup Nououu. Rho won 1 hudtotuo gold and Er] branch. the gift ol the bridegroom. hddcnnnltlo inn lb lug (nut Islam and Iain}, and Ylflll WIIII T 0FII.I' III IICXIUTIIIK `CC JIIDF lee. twin! of one who res honored in the times I hsve written ebout. The prayer ofn peoplens sung inthe national anthem have been fully granted by Him to whom rulers and subjects must all we an soeonnt. He hes saved the Queen. nd the Inniden queen of thirty-seven is now in eighty-seven truly the mother of the nation, for she reigns in the hearts 0! her sub'ects, end her name is honored and res tea ! I) ' every people of every dime. and worl to-day unites in doing honor to Victoria. end in singing with heart And voice. God Save the Queen.- A.\' 01.0 Emnuw. nun Iuvun uu ulvul Iuv sun. In: nwq;. } Ya. fur away. but thdr place: no lled ` V In their children`: children. who am now 1 lng`;ith ouch other in honoring the jubi- Inc I whnl of any who :1: hnnnr-I in Illllll IIUIQ. Illlu Ill unucu I.`)I`l IIIllU U`) u Since that time fty yenrs hnve passed and gone, and how few there are nmnining ` of those who took an active part in the get- ` ting up and the management of the corona- * \ tion fcetivnl. Y VII HIUIIK U\ Cl" I CIUEUII CIIIJS. The festivities of the day were ended by a grand ball in the nsembly room of the D01- phin hote]. And lo ended coronation day." Sim-A thnt than ftv rpnrg hnvn nnnnnl | U10 I'l1EIl)ll'l'UW UIIIIIIIUIIIINI` CH7. I [I3 :..-arts were brought to a close by a chase utter I g d pig; it wuss ne wind up for a jolly sit moon`: sport. A inir~size(l porker was roduced. and well tip 0 the snout to the end of the tail. and then started 06' on 3 run. After he got a few yards away his pursuers were permit~ ted to start after him. It was great fun to see the pig dodging between them, causing many a tumble to some that were chasing him. Several caught hold of him but he was too slippery for them and often he got Away from them until at last a sturdy fellow. with a rougher hand or II stronger grip than the rest. got hold of him and held on to him long enough to put him into ll bag and then marched oil` with the pig in a bagoverhie shoulder. Then up in the town "SInith's plumber shop was decorated and got ready . or a tee put_\', to which e number of the lmrd-`working women of the town, over A uxartein age, were invited. Plum cake was plentiful, and the tee was made I and strong, sud the one who drunk the greatest number of cups was to receive as I prize I hlsdder of snutf, the recipient of \\ hich wins an elderly maiden nuned Marin Downs, \-"ho dnmk over e dozen cups. The fnstivitio-.3 of that ulav worn pnrlnal hr :1 greased from the ` VVUTU I0 KKK? PIIICU IIIIJIVJ uurulg `H0 BIIEUI noon. and for whichn large number of prizes were to be awarded to the townsmen and rustics who were to take part in them. The necessary preparations had been made : several tall poles about the size and height of telegraph poles were erected, jumping bars were put up,nnl everything was in or~ der and the sports soon colnmeucecl. They consisted of foot races, high jump. long jump, jumpingor walking in sacks, climbing the greasy es. grinning through horses collars, bobbing for treacle rolls, trundling ` the wheelbarrow blimlfolale-I. etc. The ` . ....-0. \I~n-n In-.\..n|u on .. "In... I... .. ..|....... uuu K00 llU\'Ul|SlI'9 CHIS!" auu IIUIIIG lll'I}\\`- ml ale to wash it down. After dinner was over large crowds of people wendexl their way down past the church And over Chantr brid e, to a large meadow known as Par Fiel ," to enjoy the sports and games which were to take place them during the after- . noon. and far whiohn lzu-an numlmr nf m-isms Then there wns music from Wornms IIQIJIMIIIIG IIUIU IEEII` It 'II IIIICVJVUIULI lllllu some we or practical jo er (there were many of t ose Inrrnlees an funny people in the old town) had suspended I certain arti- cle of lady's underwear (usually termed a petticont), ncroes High street, near the con- duit.to demonstrate to those who passed un- der it that n 4 new we: now the heed of state, end heldthe reins of government. But as the joke Ives rather too pointed for some of the tewnsmen, who knew how it was. `it wueoontnken downnnd re laced b n Union Jack. At 6 o'clock the oldp church lll rang out a merry peel. end the music of their chimes seem to be again ringing in my ears. 917 band. who pended the streets. Their in- strumeuts had received an extra polish and they had some new music for the occasion. 'l`rntiic was atop d on Higlietreet and the committee was usy with the erection of 3 ion line of dinner tables The dinner went 0!!" ively. There was lots of England : roast beef.plent `of \' tables and plum pudding. and good run: ire cider and home brew- ml nip in \\`neh if Jnu-n After Jinn-r \l`:\ ushered` by the dinchnrge of fowling pieces. as the ,-town was not of any heavier pieces of ordinance. and soon M utter daylight thu herald rode through the princigiul. smacks of the town and proclaimed er majesty Victoria the` first giainco hex; rule from all her duti-:77 ful antfloving subjects. Aaasoouu t|xe'in- hnbitnnta were utir it was diaco\'eroc_l tint" nnmo u-nn nr n-...u:....l :..l..... ILL`... ........ true alio .- Ivwui . Still than us tome few remaining 'ho remind us of the past. But moat 0! than are hr. in Aug) . \'.. 1.- _..._ L... g|.-L. _I..__ __ WEDDING BELLS- d It. I-...1M._ _r:.' :-.`:-'1' 2....-' "'1: in than DIS` W `*1 qZI IT?- lhhor`I Qllcllul). facts. (7:- cut! look ttghhuphn. nvhlo "...'.NP IVFIIIIIIEI II HI; W : F. H. Moodyktnrollor for J. I-'. Aunin. in npnsunti lngnton st the Annual cou~ for-mu ol :5? ` tlonnl union ' \\'nIIn ha: nnrn tho nronnnv nn Ihhoril `J.-._.L In SE `n J ' In hum will not he u . 5'21: '....."".:L.."""' '`"-' "-* ' 11.. \`.lI..4.IA _..a._ _nI L__.|_ ._ .___ IICIII` \./3'37-"I At the Iunpoin a Poubmh RR picnic. in hoheid AI Shuhot his nut took. I Inn-ball nucnvill A the com- ::::.ushol|ov tlntourfnnhbnuor at Ic. and frank j. lc. pot doumru ohnpor than nbooould buy them on the nnrht. nndthlbuhyoho 305 than of June Cnvfntd. in AL. Yl__A._ A Ix__L-.| , IIII dnvelopnd an d . Finn picnic grnnnz inn been {kept II lnrywmo. on Wolfe Island. '1 e place in fenced in. and n hnnebnll diamond. use track and dancing platform have been con` .__......I . -.--.-----4-, w -u.-- otnlcbd. D.....-- -L- l_-_ .m-. ,, 1,, 1 I ,,.- I-I IIluI-IIy. This morning Samuel .\`toru.oon~in~law 08 J. M. Juchnn. of the City hotel, died After six Inoholhhuo uhring. K0 was in- icunl with Inammatory rhonnuiunm-hich into Finn lit-nin -vnnn n L... L..- ny.-..-.l uc ncuu m we canliru plot. 0 press dolegttion to 0tuI'n-)-Ieun. Cummn. ol the Glohc: Penn. olv.he\\'nu;; j and Tnyomnf the Port Hope 1?uu-will inbrview the minister of Justice at Ottawa on Thnndny. This lnnrnina Rama.-I ins: umjn I... no m-nu nntwry. 1:. Williumon, who in fonmuu o! I Luge hoot and shoe factory in 80.. Pm], Nina, is visiting friends In the city. Jnhn \\'ilnnn, IA}: nlork nf lnnohhnnn ICU` KCUUII UII not`. The chairman on parka, Alderman Rod- dcn. deserve: t cndit, along with the city engineer, or the handsome King Itnet entrance. One oltho Runian cannon `u to be acad in the central plot. I In dnlaantitm tn {)Q1.|I'n__\IAAaru yuru ; umuu mo! 0! queen Itllol. Three watering cu-u wood for nonrl ' an hour at the corner of Sydaalnm and `Ir can stneeu The driver: was waiting for the tutor work: to noun up. n The Iteuner St. Lnnum. mn..l |.....:.;_ uuuu II uoctrlc I I poltl. Dryodgingl. 50 per cord :dry Ihbi. 83 pucord ;dry softwood. drylurdwood. nlwnyu on land at Crawford`: wood and con] \ yard ; oico foot of Queen Itnot. Tlrrna rntm-inn on;-In nfnnrl In. n....I.. .. Inc IIIUT worxl to Cl! lip. uteuner St. Lawn-once culled here this momin with I l ucnrtion party bound from A onndrin and Clayton to the Luke on the Mountain. A few pnnengen were tukon on here. 11.. ..n.-:..._-_-_ _--L- --L H vs I U3. The letter lost by Mr. Sonntlion on Brock street this nothing contained 81(1). A lit- tle girl In: seen to pick it up just after it I'll dropped. `II , Alnl||)o" Ingnnlmr A3 4L; I`I..t-:- was ulvppou. Mr. Campbell. mungar of the Electric Light company. bu pnrchuod {our 0: re topmuta fmm Calvin a: Son ; they will he ` used ll electric I t pole; Drv Minn. 50 mr non! - (lrv .I.I.. (XE! "DIV. .\lerchnuts were notied to-(la that there has been I heavy aduncc in e rice of canned mats mumfncturod by `hicago houses. I`-L.. 2... AL. -......_.:__ `_ _.-._._-.._ A 1!- 7 Tnke in the excursion to-mormvr. A ne host. on 3 fine n'\1r, with 1 fine table, to a fine city and A ne hue lull much to wit- -1. r. nun, unrnluut. u: u uuupug. ll In the `ity visiting h putnu. .\lLr. E. Chown and lab da liter, next week leave for 3 tris to British umbix D l`-_..|..II `I A! D_-__HI- :- -.-..-. uu '3 are uylug [mm nlng eaten II. olloctor Hamilton's new steam yacht sailed about the hnrbour lut evening. It is very pretty and at the some time fut. A. Sutherlnnd has purchased the bank- rupt stock of D. H Armer. Look out for bar nine in boots And shoes in I day or two. Tie Bay of Quinta Methodist conference has pusecl temperance resolutions just its strong as those adopted by the Montmil conference. \ .I......A..n2..-. __I' __:IIL___. .___I-_._A LVJHICIUIIKV3. A deputation of military gentlemen wait ed unon the Montreal city council und asked that at entertain the Nth P. \\'.Q. ries on jubilee day. Fnr thn Inna! nnnlitv 1.7 Qmmntnn .r.u.. ]|.ll)llLI' III) . For the best quality of Scnnton stove cod, also for English (Newcuda) black- unith's, coal at lowest rates; go to gas works cod yud. \Inn-hnnfn \rnrn nnn on,.l.u Hmo olm.--. an 11:. a uuI.UuIuul: rnuwny. nave lrnveu. Poison is again bein distributed on the streets at the head of ohnson street. Many do are dying from having eaten it. olloctnr Hamilton : new nuuun nu-ht nucnuzu uni: Wlll now I ion 0! COM. and two cars to he used in connection with Swift's automatic railway. have arrived. Poison is ncmin hnimr nliatrihnnul nn Hm Iuulua, unnas uuu I l.lIul'l('. A. Sutherland ms purchased the bank rupt stock of I). Harmer. Look outf): ` bargains in boots and shoes in 11 day or two. Buckets that will hold lull ton of coal. nml II n ours in In nu:-ll in nnnnnntinn u-irlu KIUKIU EUFVIUUS. Mrs. Nelson, lhsrrieolxl. has a small hen which laid an egg measuring 73` x 65 jnchcs, and another 65 :06} inches. The Rt Lnu-I-anon ; mrmn-inn on llunlnha nuu uugtller 05 1(1); mcuea. The St. Lawrence : excunion to 0gdons- [ burg tomorrow is most attractive. Two lnunls. brass and (llMll'iP. . _ . _ . ...4I.-..... A e..n._.I.....: I .L- I.---- IIUIIBU Ul CUIII lllUIl3~ At the military camp the Y..\l.C.A. will erect a tent in which they will conduct reli- gious services. Kl:-1 Krulunn R.n~rinn|.l has on human" l\nn IKJIIIIB [U IIJ` uK:Kll0Iuu"- The Kinrton, Smith Falls and Ottawa: railway bi] . as amended, has passed the house of commons. Ao 9|... ....:I:o...... .......... `L- \' \I IV A ...:n IIIIII I a Miss Beach has gone to Komptvillo to can put in a musical futivll now in1nro- great them. Dr Hanan. nl Scalar`: Raw, will, durinu llli l.0\\'ll over Juouoe day. The Bank of Montmal has declared 1: di- vidend of IO per cent.-, with 2 per cent. bonus to its_ stockholders. 1`ImI.':.m.o.... c...:a|. t`..n.. .....| n..,..._ H cutpurl : IrlL'6 8100. The l et,cx!horo people want to detain the military forces that come to camp here in thnt town over jubilee day. The Rank of Klnntrnnl has rlnnlnnul . .13. nuru w-(lay. -Iutlltuxent of good judgos-La|ntt`s Lon- don ale and smut is the finest in Camdu.-- James Crawford, agent. P. Mn.cIrinn_nf Nowhnrn. hum hnnoln -.. nlugswn nulls. I Mr. and Mrs. James (S. Blaine. and their daughter. anal Willinm O'Brien, sailed for Euro to-day. Jun ulnnnt nf tvnnal iurImn_l'.nInM`a Inn olllllllil IJTIWTOFII, 88311`. P. Mm.-kian, of Newboro, has bought an handsome phneton from James Dior, of Weatpnrt: rice $165. 1`hn Pnlnr unrn nnnnln unnnf in .I..o.:.. oh- WTIOIOIIIQ PTIOBI. Good business is being done on the Rideau canal. The lockages are very numerous at Kingston Mills. ;\1r nnr` Kl:-a jnunnu ll Rlniuun ....I ol...:.4 puny lruln neuevlue (0 rue clliy t0~d&y. Another small lot (travelled um lea) lzr dies paruols at McMahon's, sel ing at wholesale prices. Good lnlninau in hnina Anna rm Hm l>:.l...... Ill I-H3 KUIIUTII nospltll. The steamer Hero brought an excursion ` party from Belleville to the city to-day. ` Another small lot ltnvellan` umnhm I,.. The Spice of Every Day Life--Whnl the Public are fralklux About--`.\'olhln; Ila- Blpbl the Attention of Those who gm Tlklnx Notes. I: ` A` Tu the `Burg to-mm-row 2 Bo_vaahirta and drawers l'2. ,c. worth 35. I at Byrnes old stand. ~ ' Pnr nrvlinh my-\-h-oak]- Inn.` ..I...-.. ..l....-_ ll: l'lyl'llI28 0| IUIIIIL For atylinh. serviceable, and cheap tires; stuffs go_ to Hardy's. Ln: niuht than: u-mm fm.fnm- n.s:......, (SCI IX"U If I In K, IDTIKKIILIOIIIIIIUII. R. Cungboll. M.lr.. of Eganville. in very ill. Dr. hugs bu boo: summoned from \ Ottawa. \l.l__ lI_.-L L_- _.__ Q4 Y-._-A....lll_ A- IIIIIII g0_ (0 l'lIl'(l" I. Last night there were fty-fouAr pgtiemg ` in the geuernl hospital. The: grammar Ham hmnnht an .-........:t... HNUIDENTS 09 THE DAY. % PARAGRAPVHST RICKED up av oua - ausv nsponraas. I0]: 11 .lAL.\{._aL.l`l l{(`l llll. ` lien? Herman and Skmuel Kelly left yet \ xenlay or St. Ptul. Minn. John Morley will become politictl director uf the London Neon. Ou div that Rev. Mr. Sibbdd, of Christ ch `h. OuO\'iuO. . |l"`p Rain kn-rI:tAD ll` Innhsan In :n 831 Ill?!`- Dr. Bowen. 0! Salty`: Bay. will, during I the cunp. be stitched to the Gananoquc ti.-Id hnmry. H \\'iI|innunn_ I-Im in fnrnmnn (J A In-an yvu can I In: ll\`|l' viii lrhntlllnn. (Claw-land I'c-opln \\`hso Muvolnonts. Saying: and Dolnu Attract Attontlon. \\'ilfred Reeve: left for Month! hat night. A \Inr:-Inn] is nttnranl nf Hm ntnnmnr AI. l\.VIll can Hull. l.'. \.nlllp|Il`ll III II IIIII I'll?!`- .)` Rushford says he could hnve baton A. Felix last evening a greater distance hm! he ulesireal to do so. In 3.. I{I.._I.. L_A - __ .. L-...--..._ '\ l"-_._ |ll'Sll'l'4I IU I) `U. It is like! tint a race between D. Camp- hcli and J. ytn will occur in I few dnya. some A (tor Tlnongllts. J. 0`.\,'heA will wager $10 to 35 that J. Ryesn can heat D. Czunplnell in a skill race. J Rnshfnrd nmrs he nnnlnl Inn-u luntnn A Il(.`t`ll III III- The awarding of the prizes. which were as follows, then took place : lst prize. $5: `. n~l. $3 : tlnl, $2. Another race will occur in :1 few lays. IIISLII" cnecreu. The contest between Rushfonl and Felix was exciting: towards the end. On suing the bnov of? Point Frederick for t e last time Felix gut the nose of his skill` very close to the stern of his opponent's, anal smne shouted, Go it, Felix 3 This ex- -~i;em.-nt nt new life into Runhford, and he stemliy gained upon Felix. He tried lIKl`ll to (`:lIClI him, but could`nt and came in thinl. He says that owing to the sliding of his fontboznr-I ulurin; the race he was un- able to propel his lxiult in first asif it had been rm. 'I`L,_ ,...-..l:.. _ -1` A`._ _,.,_'_,, __,|,: L ._ l`he start was an excellent one. and the men were satised with it. The went to a work an energetically as if the istauce to 1 he traversed was but a hundred yards. Ryan. ulling a steady strong stroke, went to the rout. People in boats cheered him heartil '. Rushford followed and Felix was last. .~ any thought that Rnahford would he the hero of the hour. But after he had rounded the third buoy. on the first trip. his speed decreased. and it was quite evi- dent that he had no staying power. He managed, however. to keep Felix behind him. Felix seemed to be fresh, but his long strokes (lid not enable him to Rushford. Ryan led by a long way. he nthers were no match for him. He nished the race. the winner by NO yards, and was lustily cheered. Tho nnntnnt hatxnun Rnnhlnnl and I-`nliv UN ll" [XIII I'\C\. lr. CIIHKIII, 0| LIITIII hnwh. lhuoviuo. Wm J. F. Bain, lnrriihr. of innipeg. is in ma 4-itv rinilinn bk nnrnnm ucu Illll 1- lJrl\'U|'. Opposite the ferry wharf was anchored the )ndge'|' boat. The oanmen were to have been JamuRuahford,Alexander Felix. John Ryan and Daniel Campbell. and they were to have started at 7 o clock. At this hour Dan Campbell had not put in an apgarancc, and the start was delayed until 7: thinking that he might yet turn up. He did not come, however, being detained by a business engagement. Doc." Nugent was chosen starter. and at about 7:40 let the oarsmen go. The water was lumpy. and it made the rowing heavy work. Two of the racem seemed to be eithausted before the race was half over. The course was about two Iiles and a half in length. It lay be. tween Point Frederick and the ferry wharf from a buoy near the tower to buoys located a short distance apart on the south side of the point, back to the starting point, and Pbellt Iglll. .\Inmland is steward of the stunner Al- "Who I3iiIii_6i`TneTI 'l .TaiIlisi Olflii i'To'ur-' any for m-n u-a Jlot Bloc Between Two of the Conteataut|-The Harbour lfont Lined With Spectators. ' " The logfshoremenh boat race last even- ing prov a great attraction. Over one thousand` people watched its progress from the harbour front and from shffs, sail boats and steam yachts. A few minutes before 7 o'clock the steam yacht "Spark." (.\lr. Campbell's). baa.-ked out from 'the ferry. wharf. In her were the preeamen, Mr. R. J. Eilbeck. the referee, and Messrs. Camp~ bell and T. Driver. nmunh- eh- c........ ...L...l .....- _.--L...._l AQUATIC SPORTS or THE SEASEDN FAIRLY INAUGURATED. - RACING IN PRsoNAT._MENTIoN. IW1 31 . IIUj1C'_ "\\ boulnurIlwlll talk with nuodkhlm. an l-n.-.A.J I- ah. ...-n.. I n.n_|. ._ .L n._ ICU I FWTC jw VUCVCU Z. lhulblo-OI In low You-I. Hon. [1 L Olibuudlr. ll. ll. Pol- . ncnhtn `Ibo Pnpcud belch; Works Iolouo X-glhl--4}. 1-. Q.- I'.-In ` nrnvullz Hunt. 41. ll. l'0llIl , KRIQO. I I5-Ooomoonlg solar. H. Dudlq-.Torouo. |5,lN bush. What: Alan Munro. Duluth. l0.0l0 huh. Ir ; prop. Acndh. Duluth. twink that: PI ? Lincoln. Chicago. 17.4% huh. con 3 solar. Ghalhr. (Mango. ILII b. con; nhr. Lhgu. ChkI(- 93.70! huh. eon. \ l nuuunn uullcr. rur nlrcn. Illll. Seeley & Mohtt ere building A eteuner et Perth which bwill he used for excurelon purpoeee.` The I will replace thesau- mer Pee:-leee. owned by the come Om. I! ll likely that the nee end holler for the nevonhvlll helm tinlilnptnu. An-lnle: Hchr. A. M. Pmur. nnnm, nan: wvu--u vuuvu aluvflllrlliiu The uteuner Angliuia lomling ties for (`a Vincent. `Re ochr. R. W. Folger in on her any from Charlotte to the city with coal. ('Anhin Mulligan In. sum uh. uh \\'-np l "a:rnu4.u: Prop. 'I'il|a{ and Antluhuln, light: Ifhrl. \'u'o Crust Hannah Butler. Fair Huen. light. ` Saolcv I Mohn Ali Ibnllunn A nnnmnr Interesting [toms (lnthorod Alon! _tho I-lnrboul~-\`oul .\lo\ uuentu. .,.|> ___ _V__ , .. - . u. .. nu coon. mueu u [or I piuovr, urn round near the place 0 his death. His hand: were oleo folded ocrou his breut. The fireman on the express train thought he now An object on the truck. but on the train won on the down node it Wu impossible to stop. The (`ollinnby uuthoritiee wen notied, mud a section man brought the bodv to the un- tion. Perkins I'll employed hy the (`o|~ linshy Rafting com my some time u. Hi: I-ruly was identiec today by I-I. .\i.c`Lnugh- lin. uulll \ IIIIIUIIIS (U H16 CH)` Ill! (`OIL (`Armin Mullignn ha nolcl the nu. Lily or I lundoonxe sum to Cnpt. Ki ton. , . - I._I -5 Q_.:t`, LI.-- u, , . Fl .\`I`if:`u---Sin. Spnrun, Toron- to ; Algotiug Montreal ; Perth, St. Cath- nrinec. Jamoa Perklna Looea hla Life .\ enrColllns- by Station-The Facts In Brief. Yestordav Ald. Drennan sent an ambu- lance to Colllnsby and brou ht the remains of the unknown man, kilfed on Tuesday morning by an express train, to the city. fhey were placed in the Dronnan mor a until this mornina. and than buried. a body was izod a that of James Per- kins. He reoi ed near Deooronto, and yuan ago worked for P. McLaughlin. who then was in the em loy of the Rathbun company. Perkin: bong t a ticket at Hnuleyi otlioe on Monday night for Doooronto. when he intamfod some clothes. He came to Kingatonyom 0 Ottawa \'alle_\'. and took sup r at the Windsor hotel. He was in- to: mtod when he left the city for the west, and. it is presumed. got oil` at Collinaby and wandered up the track. He had evidently lain clown. gone In sleep, and been killed by the expnaa. Hi: fonhoad wan crushed in. His coat, rolled no for a pillow, found the nluv of hi: (loath Hi: haml- uw IJTIII vul Iu Ulll III nulgunn. Arr|\1lI:3chr. A. ll. Paw. (bingo. 5" ID! GI]: solar. H. Dudlmr. Tnrnnln. |lll|.`:llUlI Ul rI.'llgl0ll. It is uncomfortable but true nevertheless ; that in this movement we have something that can no longer be ignored by any intelli- gent and responsible citizen. It has ceased to be a question merely of abstract ethics or of theoretical economies, which the working man and business man may safely relegate to logic-chopping professors or to dreamy enthusiasts. It is a concern which intimate- ly atlects commercial life, and which. before many years. will become a live and all-im- portsnt issue of our municipal and national politics. Apart, tlicn, altogether from its interest at present as a great extra-national phenomenon. this movement has ll claim for innm-uliate and serious attention asa coining factor in our own national life. Our citi- zens, I trust. will give the question calm and critical study while yet party agitation of the question, with all its heat and unfair- ness, is away amongst us.-Gl'u`x. _yuu turn: us Ulll: 01 It. I The tremendous moral earnestness thus 1 infused into the movement has lifted it far `above mere sneers and gibes. The land- nionopolizing Duke of Argyle may speak, if he please, frantically of the gi antic fraud," immoral doctrines. "pro igate oon?:l_u- sions." the desolatinq dishonor of this teaching, The world has never seen such a preacher of unrighteousness as .\lr. Henry George," conset uences which abolish the decalogue:" or l rofessor (loldwin Smith may sneer about the apostles of agrarian plunder. Such sneers and gibes nru an- swered by the outspoken advocacy of ear- nest, large-brained, and noble-hearted men. The enlistment of priests and pastors of the people goes on upace, and with their enlist- ment thechamcter of the increment chm es. Inview of wliatlui.s already been accomplis led the Toronto Globe thought tit, in in carefully prepared editorinl, to warn the protestant clergy of Canada of the opportunity. in their inditl'ereuce. they were letting slip. : What Mazzini said is more and more seen to be true--that the economic question is as sucialquestion. and the social question in qlltttlllll of religion." it is nnnnmfm-tnlilp lmt trim nm-on-tlmlnuu tun) R Dr]!!! Dlll I31!` IIGICIHCDI 01 I10llI'y 3T~h""Tfs a me is peculiarly timely. Within the last few months |`u'ncti\'e nnd successful props ndn has been carried on all over the bran th of the United Ststes, and a rest new party is farming for the pa of bringin the land doctrine to s prsctesl issue at t e _polls. - The couict with the church, recipxtstpd by Archbisho Cor`rinn s lute erenoe with the priest, Iyr. Mcblynn, has introduced into the agitation 5 strong religious element. The cross of a new crusade has been raised by Dr. McGlynn, and he is rallying to his ' uuneu of All. lid? hobts 9f, profoundly religm xleuominstions. Said he : ' We are labor- ing for the duin of justice. and chiey be- cause we Are ml Lmna with the nnirit of ulrujuuru. Copt II. 8.3]. fonnrly ol'(,;o&. 'l`l1i>ul ton` nlry. popnlnr - Jan?" "'h novuh&no:I;ul'21 Idnutu. . . . u Iupootut vu- udamuuuuhpun ` Hm \\'lllhIlAh|Idht broIhor.Nr. Ihully hvruu. Sydunhcn. have kn RETURNED FROM OTTAWA. mg wr we uuui or Justice. unu cmeny ne- cuuao we are al Lamo with the spirit of true religion. It is because we are con- vinced that no causeia worthy of entlxusium that is not full of religion, that` is` notall ablaze with it, that is not transformed and tmnsf Sll by it. It is because of the reli- gion t nut is in the cause that we are in it, and the moI_nent `on take naligion out of it you take us out o it." The tronlarulnna nun-nl mnrnnatnnau Hun Henry George`: Admirers. Klscsms, June 7.-(To the Editor) : I was pleased to notice in your istue of Mon- day a brief but fair statement of Henry KILLED ON THE TRACK- MARINE PARAGRAPHS. LETTERS TO \THE blTOR. `-Ij. THE BI{l'l`ISH WHIG. \\-'}~ll)I\'ESDAY. J UNIS 5. ` _. Water \ Scott. I VIUI [rm :1 PI::duII Clovchld In natzwhlrihnnt In mist:-npouuu-5. ' vent tn u""'..' o...'....':Lx..""' .3" "'..:' Km In In I ' Yo to on (hat II, 1 (Dana. Ina-nu-Iv n'l`1nl lhml I IIIIIV. IlI\I BIIBII IKKIK lIU"|I ll\Ur II. Casting your eye over the town. and be- voud it to the distance of tin. milee was the hiatoric town of Axmineter, celebrated for its ancient church or lnineter, founded by King Athelatan. and aleo as once a noted place for the manufacture of ta. Near it vraa l-`orcl Abbey. a beautifu place. A rt of the anclentatrncture etill reuaina. the hill etretching away to our left in eeen the tine domain: of Shute Path. in which in aituated Shute House. a line baron- ial pile. the reaidence oi `lit William Pole. the representative of the ancient family of that name. a name well known to the etu- dent of English hitory. Nearer to us in the remains of Colcombe Castle. the glory of which hae long departed. It was once a reeidenoe of thellgolee and (Tonrtncya, who. it in aid, had the honor 0! entertaining royalty here. Now all that remains of it la an ancient gateway ol grut intereet to the antiquarian. and part of the walla ol the chapel, now need to ahelter the cow: that belong to the farm house that ha: been built on or near the eite ol the old oaatle. But between ue and Axtnineter la the beautiful valley of the river Axe. which in the delight of anglera. being one o! the beet trout streams in Devon. The Culley and Um- borne. and ahundred othertributary etreame, ow into the Axe. which. after paaain Sted- come Park. the reeidence ol Squire ucldle~ atone, emptlea into the Englhh channel near the romantic villain of Axelnonth. between Haven (flit! and Satan beach. Ihe valley traversed by the Axe is full ol hietoric in- tereat. ()u in hanha. about a mile from our olul town, in the vill ol \\'hit~ lunl. once the White-lI'riar'e eul. Atthe ureet emlol the vllhge a farm houee he been built on whet la enp to be a 0! the foundation of their ancient chapel, and nearer etill, cran- ing a atream. ie Niulord lt van once Nunalonl. butdeeoldbe ingaareall gnneexceptapartolavallueedlnconneo tion eith the outbulldinge ol hloaathlll farm home, now built on the apot once aa- cred to a rel an order. To the left. an we look toward the month of the river, in Havel (.'Iilf. At eome dletanoe la the ol Booe- loan. and lanher on still in theold town 0! Lyme, Roxie. celebrated for ita ooh or brea a\\`ater. and for it clll when the geo- logiet (`on"bere and hie a-ocbtee dheoveeed eo many cull renahe ol extinct anlnab with jaw-breahlng nanea. To the t of Anaoeth la the villa cl Seattle. I` th lte beautllal beech ahunt a mile lnlucthvhleh evealathatdayurae a lareerttereeert ler vae. next the .l.o and lehlng mu;-he Ike`: nearly all the la which eea hly local ltelle. and lteeerlenn h old O 1;. man... .0-_.LA.I. .I ah. ._.._.II__ UWUIIIII ll.I0\\'D (I3 (I18 0l(l UITLI-CI80 HOIISO, on Higi street. a curious old structure. where it is said luring the troubles in Cromwell`: time A fugitive wus concealed for many days behind the wninscoting near the chimney corner in one of the room: And then made good his escape. There was also the old conduit at the head of the street. But to no the old town and enjoy its pic- tures nerally you had to tnke 1; walk up Hill eul street for ul-out A quarter of I mile. and then look down over It. I`.-03-. .-n..- ...... A`-4- AL- A . _ _ _ _.I L- --vcu oUu_']_ What a day of rejoicing it was in old Eng- .land.fty yearsagn, when the coronation of her most gracious. majesty Queen Victoria was dul celebrated. City and country, town an hamlet. seemed to vie with each other in -the spirit in which all were anxious to do honor to the occasion. Everybody joined in-tinkers and tailors, soldiers and sailors. farmers and plowmen. gentle and singsle, persons and preachers. All were re y to do their part on the occasion. I was a boy then. and resided in a quaint old town in the south of Devon. It `was not a large town, but was pleasantly situated. There was no railway at that time within about twenty miles of it. It was some two or three miles from the old coach or turn ike road leading from Exeter to London. at if it was not a large town it had a great number of streets. the windings of which were rather intricate : and if, according to one of the tirst principles laid downin draw- ing, curved lines are more beautiful than straight ones. most of the streets were laid out with an eye to the beautiful. for nearly all were laid out in curved lilies. The old town could boast of a noble old parish church. dedicated to St. Andrew. It was really a venerable and ancient pile. and had one of the sweetest sounding peals of bells and the best set of ringers in Devon. It had also many old and noted residences, with beautiful lawns, gardens. and groves. among which was Sampson's Grove." then the residence of Capt. Liddon. R.N.. father of the present Canon Liddon. Capt. Liddun was with Capt. Parry on his exploring voy- a -e to the Arctic Sea. and the Canon bears his name, (H. Parry Liddon.) He was then a boy about my age. There were many quaint old buildings in the town. There was the old l"coti`ee schoolhouse, endowed by a former resident of the place, who left it when a boy, went to London and made money," and died leavinlfit for the benet of the rising and succeeding generations of the place of his youth. The master of the school at the time of which I write was I). .\lc.\'ee Stirling. a gentleman who enjoyed considerable literary fame as an antiquarian in Devon. and who. I have been infonned, (whether correctly or not) was a distant re ` lative of our late respected townaman, Jas. .\lc.\'ce, Esq. Then there was a shop and dwelling known the old lnird~cage house, on Hiizli street a nurinns ll` an-nnnu-n 1 1 I I V I l l l 1 S I VIHIIIIIK ITIUIHII III III! VII . John Wilson, late clerk of Lon hboro mvnnhip. left tho city on Tueulny or his no I` home at Hamilton. I I I..J_4 In L [I D ..._,I..,.A.._ ._L.. I.-- I now mudon.-.1: 1_s true. It will reach to \\ uwrloo. \ '11:! n are-up all my eye and Bony Martino: -Old Song, lI'|...L .. J--- _R_.:.: J... 3; ..._- 1. ..LI l.`_.._ The Event: of I Hull Century Ago In nu om "fawn In Devou-l"stlv|t|eI That Were Indeed . MeIuorablo- DI-lpnorlng the Boat Qunn That Ever Boignod. We have II maiden queen. ` Hot age iajust eighteen. Beloved sing respected I am sartin 0 ! AN 01.0 IMMIGRANT moumss IN ` HAPPY REMIQJISCENCES. ,QUI~:Ex s% co 0:;.A.TI0N:. I10 I IIIIYIZU II IIDIIIIIIIC. J. Judge. K. I l`.R. conductor. who has been spud! unhon ramzitm at Bonlfunl. resumed NI Ilia today. I` H Xlnnnlv M-Arollor for.` I-' `until: \ X'uau.IF)I:a'u'Tu 7- Audi: $103: The ll hndllly duouud with In-nlnhrLn':n hrIn*InI-nnjnn xnd -wF-` - thnuvdhdour. Buruonl crotch` and pl-uunhd Mn this `llnnlnnnnannvnhnlrnndnllnnn um]. `I gusui "II l vonoriuhl loaovor Nnndphhnd olo[uIhtooohu.Iho ftdthobridquch curylngnpnuy ololoworl. The ccnuuywu porlctnod by Rev. Bunion llsnlth. The yulonrnodhthond dooooolCapt. well. lluonnyonm `lliiflhlhll rnrnnnulnd and (Lb: If XIX ITYT -, ul` lloprtl Tlofolujtn I Minna: wglntl an I Rn!-Inna Ilnntlnv NICK` TI ICU Ijl lllllll. \\'. '0! Itllpll the property un Wellington street. on which I: Iituntul the 1 Bowling dhy. funurly the puqony u! Mn. Sullivan. I_....._ l\...l.I.__ I.__._I.. -_ -_._I--.-_ -1