UIIUIIII UIIl1JI' IIICUIZIVT IIIUJICT (K IIHDIV oonpunieoand coo July lltlnduh port in the ju lootivition. Drill will commence on Mood: evening out at tho drill the-l ll 7:!) do och. Captain Edwin Horny has kindly mnooolod to not II in- structor. unkind by Sorgt.-Major Owen Jonas. Drill will be held u Mondoy no-l Tlmndoy owning: up to the at July. All \-ounm on roquonud to attend. :...'~'..'; :....:.".:....":..'.'- .*.'.~,+..**...~ ..-':;`:r".....' than Innttotolthochinufot `dour ontbopsnolthonnvhourtodinl Md` I870! brought bdonpuliumnt at its pn- oont union. In ._-- J--R,I__I nL- AL- ..-A..--- Iii `A III I jilil. It In docidoul that the retina: 11%?!) should _ourol| tlnmnlvu intoone OI non ....._._... _...I _.._J. ._ l..I.. I-a A.) 0-1.- Intending lions onthovvd Along the lotion!-Vcuol Iovononu. `mar. Clan wmu In louiinglumlnr Inc Ihnlnr, Ill"-I III` CKKIT III HIT. TI. 0. Opfw Act an Iocnhry. Mr. C. F. Smith Ira patent and uddnuod the Inca ' . giving an outline.` that had (run at the of d to: from the ru-ions porn 0! the ominion Id in0ttaw| on Ms) 7th. II vs: moved by Mr. Henry Cunnlnghun. mamulnd hv P. \\'iIIlAm Lldimmon. IIIAI. TNIIICI II, III . I` Illil DlKCUIlIll$' lull aootdlnl mtoolthnnhboecndond Moan. Snytho and Smith for the onorptic manner in which thcy had lookod after the matter at Ottawa on the pan of this committee. A noolntion run than pnnvd inntrucdng Mauro. Smytho and Smith to at coco com- municate with Hun. G. A. Kirk . u ' upon him the ulviuhllity using AL-A A _ ___LA-_ _I AL- -I-2._- I-.. ...`A__.'AlA_ IIIDVW Dy Ell`. Bill", Llllllllllxllll, I II W" [I l uocondod by Mr. Williun McCall . tlut nmnlhl vntncltlunknhntnndnlnd Mann A Posture of Ihoilublloo Donnonntr-anon- Looking Out For the lodnlo. A meeting of the local votoruu who son'- '.an. tllecsm ' of nsosmdnsm was held at the dnll shod lut oven . There In I lugs atundnnoo. Mr. A. chhhon occu ' the chair and Mr. H. J. Sprig: not A: nnorntnl-Ir r P F Smith In: ::'. ...., ...... .."n.... T_ LTUWCII m t thopmgrunolthovotkl vb yuan iubnlhd. In onuu|Idlq-th.IIkuoou- ,` nllodthontohvo oounp lutholrvorl. vblohwumulhltouau. I$4_......A_l-.-. AL.I.lI.-L- -g-4.L|-I At the residence of Mr. Phili Vannese. Wolfe Island, on the 2nd of fune, there passed away his daughter Hattiefin the prime of life. after a lingering illness. borne with patience and fortitude. On the fol- lowing \`abbath her interment took place. ; and her remains were followed to the grave by a very large assemblage of sorrowing friends and acquaintances. er pastor im- proved the occasion by directing attention to the blossedness of suchns die in the Lord, and making reference to the kindly disposi- tion and christian character of the departed. Truly a bright life has been ended in this earthly scene. and friends have much to cheer and comfort them as they think of the gain accruing to her by this separation so painful to them. She being dead yet speaketh" by her holy, consistent example. and h ' the words of affectionate counsel she dressed to many of those who visited her durinu the period of her during the period of her protracted connement. As we View such a sunny, useful life. and such a hap y, hopeful death, Ire may well say. "Tru y the christian's portion is to be de- sind. for it comprises the heat of both worlds. -(}ox. not or me late aonn uoran, merenaut. rerun, p)assed to her eternal rest from L Hotel ien. Her husband preceded her to the grave thirty years ago. Mrs. Doran was 84 years of age, sixty-ve of which were spent In Canada. Accompanied by her husband. whom she married in Ireland. , she removed to Perth. when the whole country was a wilderness and the village had not tift in~ habitants. She was the mother of e even children, four of whom survive. These are John Doran, Pembroke. who recently re- turned from Southern California, where he had been for the benet of his health ; Wile lialn Duran. sti ndary ma istrute of Nipis- sing district ; 5 rs. Starks, few York; and Sister Doran, the reverend mother of L`Hotel Dieu. Up/to a few years ago the deceased lady was a vigorous and robust woman, noted for her energy and kindness. She was affected by paralysis which resulted` in the loss of the use of her lower extremi- ties. She was carefully looked after by her children. About two yeurgago she ex resa- ed a wish to be removed to L'Hotel ieu, and here she was tenderly nourished by her (laughter and devoted sisters. Mrs. l)oran`s resignation during her long connement was remarkable. She ever exhibited a spirit nf contentment and devoutuess. Her end was , triumphant. To-day her remains were con- wyed to Wolfe Island and deposited in the cemetery beside those of her son. This was one of her last wishes. Mrs. Dornn came of a long-lived family, one of her bmthers dy- \ ing a few years ago aged 96 years. lhnuncluhnhuu vulsuchcdol lA-`.- '-I-J nninnlnu Kn 2.-Q5 ax runny we ruI0u.p.uon Ill! Iuopteu. ` The decision: of the meetin will be for-_ wardodto0ttawn. In sec.-on Jug axnotiou to this effect . M. Home aid that 3 dry dock in Ki ton wooing Idd mightly to\ tho Amount of work dnna in tha civ. lllll IIIIUIIIII Ul WUTK GUI, III (IIG BIC) . . Ald Mclntyre paid the knight of `.ab;l)r ' on t e tnattera _ They promiped to e ega-7 (ion preeent at the meeting if the saw Arty 3 neceuity for it. Not seeing the elegant on he took it that that inuential body was in eympathy with the movement for the em ployment of convict labor. The mayor was thanked for presiding and the meeting con- cluded at 9:30 o'clock. . ` On Tuesday evenihg Mrs. Mary Doran. re- lict of the late John Don\_n, merchwt. Perth. ` nu-no.` In hnr ADA:-nnl I-an} `Nun: If`-[nfnl building : dry dock V` convict labor. Finally the resolution nan adopted. M The decision: of the meeting will be for- )ll0t.'K Ill l\llIIW0ll would Ina "Hall the amount of work dons in the city. Ald Mclntvra nid tho Itniuhtl of III OI I KTIU D II`. IXIII. III I11 Ill Mr. St 130: were interposed with uldruoon yr. E. H. Smyth and Rev. W. B. (`an , who duly honored the vnriul minintriou women in the department of charity and piety. lcwcnnm and cake: had but ptovidod inuhnndaucn. and Iron served ' in the counsel the evening. It in hope: I that the lull will be well llod tonight -I\nn Raw Hr RI-it-L nl Ar(I\Ahnn~A ii" $3-5.: Salt. Gearing. hhhvuu. ILI9 nu-Ll '3 MI. (in-Ih IIQII2 VETERANS ON;HE MARCH. MAFIQE ~P:Rxail-A;HS. Mlu llnttlo Vunneu. The Lute Mn. Donn. m n}IeMomAM. fl UUIU IIXI Will I WULI "H11 l0~II`IIl when Rev. Ir. Brick. ol Arthahucu. will doocribo the nun 0! his work in that re mote eld. ' Alouboocltlo Iulunhjtun-u uncouth-hlbbo. Imntnonnuunymrusuruvu. Goorgu Killiu. ol Hinchllbmoko, who esnotothoclty Inn nlghguld tlnttho bouulnurhlch Brown llvodvuoboul thir tyfodllnu oCtho um. Inhrovn vrunvskonoulbttho new-umuolooooltho L-u -Q-ngnlggnlnn Int IX lh Nil jg. Saul-Inlnlng sh: Dole;-nu. The otlioonud delegates won last even- in ontorhined by those 0! the Kingnon brunch in St. George : hall. The room vru uatcfully doconbod. the platform laden with avors. The programme couintod of solo: rondcrul with their ununl tutu by Mrs. Deacon. Mn. Birkolt and Mn. Batu, an of: (flu by In. Bonn. Min Bates and Mr Stun; 1\nnn ram inlnrnnnml with some Clnunounou Eu chin; the Inn- lng ot the (`nuns at Iodlud. The liodfotd n originator! from I smudge and in the early ovomn to drive any the uitou. ll um null m chp bosn on M 1 turns] r. noon tho Mud]: ru onnloponrrln. ames. A little boy III thonl to nine an Alum. but he dndin tlnlumc. Mr. and In ltovnlndonlytimolo uilonchild iuboul with than ad y for their lint. (Luna. Killing nl Hinchhhnnkg who jI'lll(I0'IllUOIXpII|l| J an arrived from Montrul. than :1 bought for call. I lorqa consignment of goods. consisting of boy: moody-nah suits. puts furuiohinp, etc. Goonlarlll. arrive toanonovr. \\ stch out for the grand open- ing on Saturday st Hymn`: old uond. XXI. To-dny a hurdoome and woll niohod loco~ motive. nunod L. l4eDroyt. left the Cundinn Engine work: in chu-go of Mr. Euunn, of Montreal. for Qnoboc. The on In No. II. nniiwill bound ontho Qu &Lnke St John RR. II. I K` l.l....|L..._ ..lI- ..o._o:..... In ` D`. `Hill ISIS. ! Mr. J. E. Hubclhoun call: Attention to j the deoinblo proper! he innhout to oer mt public nucdonon I Iath June at hi: unmade yisvoqnoucainlhnt noighbou . portion rating I ne house will dowolltohcpltln mind. Jun u-rival lrnm Mantras]. than `I uuu. Owing to the exintonco of I by-luv which dinllon hro not: of ulegnph or hlophono polo: on the main nun of the city the tale pl: company lure strung their win: on t 9 new electnc light polo: on Princess uroot. '1`- .8... - I.-_J--..._ --.I -.II A-l.L..l IlLl\l\ ummer I0 "19 C0llII')'. Miss L I. Rycknun. daughter of the Rev. Dr. Rychman, London. succeeded well At the vacant Tomato university examina- tions. tat` honon sud winning the second 1-nnnn-ml n piano-Ir Iohnlglllllin value!` It ueu. . Because she knew that our fresh butter at I80. and fresh eggs. l`2.c. per docen, was cheaper than she could buy them on the market. und that is uhy she got them of James Cnvford. \l-..-..... I.l-..s.. Al sly... |~.n...noin-n -nu-I.-. Jlmol \.l"IWll)lu. M r Hnrty. of the locomotive works, think: t e government ehould edetain the locomotive works now in existence in Can ndn before encouraging the bringing of mother to the country. in I, I. Rvokmnn, dnunvhmr of the relneu Dy (Q front I11! or Uy llle WVIICIK I`):-Mayor McKelvey said he had heard a county councillor say that the bourd of trulo did not amount to much, but his opinion Wu that it amounted to 3 great I)...._..-.. -I... I........ oL-6 ....... l....In Iugbbnn no CGII yIl'll. An excursion, under the auspices of the English church people at Pnrhnm. will be run from this city over the K. & l . R. on June 2lat. An Al... l`.\.........-..olAn..I nn:nn rInDI\nI-:n\rv uunuu, vvv. Minn Muckluton road I r from .\liu W' ' vice-president o t o brunch in M Ibu . who spent two van u min- In on. The paper was entitled lndinn Rlininlng and I1: An nnsallant one. uusuounry IIIQCIIII (Ill! B\ lllllg. The members of ht. John`: muonic lodge. Pitcalmrg. will have a Qic-nic on the 23th of June, at McCau herty agrove. which can be 1 reached hy the front road or by the water. Io`.y.\Invnr \lnKnIvn\' said he hml lnynnl A JUIIO ZISK. At the Congregntional union gathering Rev. Dr. Jackson is convensr of the lmsl~ i ness committee. Rev. T. Hall speaks at: ` missionary meeting` this evening. lodge. raagectively 32 Il'va.. 15 mm and II ma. \ ester-day a laborer in the employ of the corporation, mmed Tobin. fell into 1 drain and haul one of his legs fractured at the think ml 11. Igor the best quality of Scranton stove coal. also for English (Newcastle) black- :mith`s, coal at lowest rates, go to gun vmrks coal ynrtl. An mmurainn, under the nusnices of the Wellner `VI! `(XI IIITUIIUIIIIIK. .\lcEwen & Son built 3 compound. engine and boiler for the new boat which is being built at Perth for Seoley & Moitt] A H "gr! nf Rrmmlrlvn at Ahumndri. \ III I |l 9 thigh. UUlH' IIUXG VIUUI. ' Ahothcr civic otiicial intimated to day that it would not be lon until he sent his resig~ nntiog to the cuncl A I l...\I-Lp.n L-- -A'4\Ah~n4. 5...- ..I. Iun- HIE)? EU (Ill! CUIIIIUII. A. J. McMahon has received two job lots of ladies` pnruolu. and is selling them at. Montreal wholeule grlcen. 'l`|...... n... ....o - .so.....l........ .. `I... LHUIIITUII WIIUIUUCIU rlLUl- There was not A liar e attendance at the excursion to Ogden: org to-day. The ` weather was too threatening. \InI-`.u-an .5 Qnn hnih. A nnnxnnnnnl nnninn i Dull` IF K'Ul'llI [UT 63015] E. LVIULIIIJ] A. R. Hart, of Brooklyn, at Alexsndrts Bay captured three mukinonge weighing respectively 3') ha. 18 lbs. and II lbs. eaterdav emplov II IZIUIL IIIU FIE! WT CIIIIIIIRI Indian Minions. md urn an excellent one. A votoohhankntupunodtoher. 1 he cnnfnl-anon. nfmr ninnino nml In-Aver, II. nyruec mu Itllla. 9 A See .\lcMshon s boating shawls and para- soln ut oleulo prices. ` In innnbnn f\innng-nan tin A- l\s..ua- nu` [16 R10 IAN! unngemen 80 I0 UNAWI Oll Jul`v lith v ntluo C.P.R. The Soul of Englnnd. Bellevillef have an` `excursion to Kingston on Jul Int. Rev. Dr. Potts wu elec president of she Tomato Methodist conference to'-day. Murrnv & Tulor I'll]! turn mod nntivn I'lllI'IV The".45th battalion. Bowmanville. has been ordered to go into camp here on J uue `list. ' I\-..lJ.. .....II ....n... .....I.... cl... -..-_: _-- -1 K)ul>le scull races under the Mllpices of the longslmremen will be held in the h&r~ bour next week. ' A L...I._- ..2..&. ..L2..l..I 2-.Ll...._L-.I 4.. .1... AL - 4 oii{ >ll:o Aitodilon of Thou who are Tnkl I Nolan. ' " Boys` shirts and drawers l2}c, worth` 35. at Byrhes old stand. 3 gnu \lnMnLnn'- Lnntinn .I.-...I. -n.I ix-pg , one Lomuw memoaus conxerenco to-any. Murray Taylor won: two good active} d goods salesmen. Apply between 7 and 9 . . ' A.n`El\ and Hmrh \h\K'Anmn hgvn nnnn U Pulllu A. Ely and Hugh McNAmeo have gone to Toronto to take positions on the street } railway. ` 1 1`)... can. I.-u-I:..- D..._..___..:u- |__, PARAGRAPHS Puckgo up BY OUR . '1 T ans; asibirehs. ` ..'l'|Io SpIco G! Btu-y Dgy I.ll'o-|\'hnI the v ` ` Plllilic ago: Fm _ -- 1NcIDET0F THE DAY. ll VIIIU 0| IIKIIII WK WI WU IIUT. 1 he ooufonnoo, after singing and prayer, adjourned. :1... THE LATEST PARTICULARS Ackll. II IIOIIOII III Wllllg Ill! llvuvuu p cioncy ucholu-ship valued ut __ V {glen to Ottawt IIUE (PI PUUIIC Iwll. Mu. Buxton Smith, scting treasurer. reed the receipts and expenditures The lots] amount collected was O|.?'.'.'>.77. It was all expended. Towude this sum the Kingston suxillisry contributed $80 52. The menu given by the city hrsnches were an fo we : St. George's society. I4.78 ; St. James`, 809.57 : St. Paul's. 8I20.85 ; general. 835.- 32. Clothing was also given to missions by the Kingston brsnches : St. Juries`, two boxes for Comhennere and North-West Ter- ritories. 870; St. 1: 0'0. three boxes for Pu-hem uni Algome. 0 : St. Paul's. three boxel, O0. \IL. LlnnI.I...enn n....l . nnnnr `ssnnn \Ii.. iIII|I l\II`lI_\ . Mm. .\lacleod Moore. recording secretary, submitted her report, which stated that In July last there were seven branches of the society, and now there were twelve. They are located in Ottawa. Kingston. Prescott, Carleton Place. Morrisburg. Cmnden East, Lyndhuret, Gloucester. Archville, Brock- ville. Catarequi and Picton. with an aggre- gated membership of 6(1). There Wu n children`: church mission: ' guild in con- nection with the Anglican c urch ct Cerle~ tun Place, with u membenhio of 23. An- other youthful mieelonery society had been organized at Brockville. It had sixteen mem hers. \.I:... In..- I) \'2_I,lZ__ _--_._,.I1_.-_-.._- M.:l"i:l.`\-I1xna B. Yielding. recording secre- ury. road a lengthy document, but it was not of public interest. Mr; Hlntnn Smith, u-tinm tnmmn-or mm! ILIU CU [Jill]. Fimmce - Mesdannes Labatt, J. \\'. Power amd Kirhv. \l... \|'-..I.....| u.m.... ........_::.... ........,..__-. Iruy. ` Morrisburg and LyndhurIt-Mrs. Codd, Misses Mooro and Lqak. . Picton~-.\lrs. Loucks and Min: Reynolds. The nominnting committee. com 1 of Mesdamoa Rogers, Mncuulay sud Mun Spou- oer. reported the followinacommittees : Rtunlntinn .\nmmithu_ nmlnvnon Inn-n Jl I38 I\I|.'U. L`ourtesies~ .\lesdanIes B. Smith, .\lc.\lor- inc and Daly. linn|mu_\lnnJannne Lulu?! J \\' Pnu-or KET. IUPUTICKI LIIU IUIIUWIII \a`."nlIlI`WeI : Resolution co|nmittoe-%lesdnmea Lewin. .\Ic.\lorine, Loucks, Shibloy. Parmerlee and Miss Rice. l`......s......... \I.....I.......- D L`._.4I. \I _\l ,_ li nanny WUICOIIIB. .6110 WIIIIQQ "5 HI 0% their pleasure to welcome dole stem from many more of the parishes in tie diocese than were represented. She muted. how- i ever, theta: the object and work of the society become better known throughout 3 the diocese, another year mi ht see a large accession to the list of peroc inl organiza- tions. She referred in touching temia to the death of Mrs. Lewis. wife of the bisho , who had been president of the society. 0 the address of welcome Mrs. Tiltnn m.|u.In nu uau. uueu pnaalucuw Ul ulu loclety. 10 I:ne address of welcome Mrs. Tilton mule an able and happy reply on behalf of the dele- gates. -. } The delentan nrment nnmhor tmmou. l I Ielulllg. Kingston-Miues Rice and Macnulny ; ; Mesdames .\IcI\1orine, Rogers, Duly. J. W. Power. Carleton Placo-Mrs~. Hickson. Camden Eu: -Mrs. Elliott and Miss Finch. l)..........s \I.....I.......- I -...:_ I -I.-AA , ., I Pres.cott--Mesdanles Lewin, Laban and Kirby. Mnrrinhnrn And l.vmIhm-nt'_.\ln (`mill gums. four. They are I: follow: : First Vice-Presidont--Mrs. Tilton. Second Vice-Preaident-Mra. U. Powell. Acting Treasurer--Mrs. Buxton Smith. Recording. Secretnry - Mrs. Macleod Moore. l`..........-..\....I:-sn Q...._.L.. _.. II__ A I ) The delegntea preaent number ;wenty~ 31001"!!- Correspouding Secretary - Mrs. A. B. Yielding. Kinm1tnn-\Hn:n: Rina nn \Inu-nnlnu - WOMEN 1N.o0Ui\If " was resided over by Mrs. ilton, vice- _l`teglew|Vn[,_the !o,I_-kwng the _)'enr- V crease et the Number oi-Bunches. and `consequent vlncreue In the Uuefulneu of the Auoelntlo '- The Money Re- ceived. ~ ' ` _ _ Yoalierdey afternoon the romen`e auxil- iary to the domoitic end forengu missionary societ in the diocese of ` Ontario 0 nod its ' annuj conference in St. Goo e'a` L". It preei ent. of Ottawa. After ginging and Vnraver Mrs. BuxtnnSmi1h_ nrgnidant of the " CONFERENCE OF OTILHE DIOCESAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. pfhillilll. OK UIQWI. IIIIGT gylglllg Bll Ely Mrs. Buxton S wt of the ingaton brunch. add the delegates. \ She aid it use her leeunt duty to extend to them on behnlf o the Indie: of Kin ton ` a hearty welcome. .She wished it had 11 olndn nlaggnuu 5.. u...l......... .I-l-..-o... t....... 1 The Iooond loulou, `juuiwuw rpuuuuuwvuulju con`! flu. u(}onrnor'I hloJouph Into- In Amnnqum ens. nu.-Lon At- torney-Ocoonl Iowa and tho hlnd zuoruuoup-Iuoonuooccnuunni n-tuna-ouoauoouuy. `l'hol|,ydQIhh conhruulunull tolloc nhbuhlnpchtnnhlct m..n-`.1.-ellh-n-rill; W. tbonuq I14...` (an. H. II. lII(l'U. n.n., ll IIQVWIHII. (`difor-nic. in in Mound on important bud mu, which will vault in taking 5 Montreal lndytodo thclmuonohho uowpsnougo holngonctodu Hnnrdu by thlidon C loud char-cg. Incubus ol the Ontario cnblnot and the bout citizen at Tomato Inland up on :1. Robinson, vile do:-lbnhuntx Hos-snot l|ohlnnon,ndpnuuhdhor with -.lIl)IorIInInl-nnnnnlnnlnn; manna: IlIlTC'j' lTZ1,IlIlIF'-TIII ll) ht tho rpou -nl ending \ _on (}o_v_cr_n_ot'I Kind. _IA_h 1 ` vuuuu, ll. LII. nnulltr, Dl.l'l.. llrl"|lIIf. ` The event nu-urrul on Tuesday Afternoon In Christ`: chumh uthodrll. D-.. ll` l\` \l-.I.. D A .1 l.l-_._._...|- \ uunu Ul lllur ull lllfl! luau! Ilxll. W. H. ruon shipped thirteen moon of autumn to the fhonnnd lnlcnd park ` ` yeah-nlny for the museum. The upecimcm were mined at 85,111). I iguo l`..l -...I \.l-. l':II:.... ..-._ :_..:_.l l IUYC \-IIITI I` .I,\Kl v Lieul.-Col. and Mn Villierl were invited guest: to the ma ' in Hamilton 01 Him Smut. daughter nl oh: Mann, 0! "Ingli- wood," to I . N. Bustier, M.A.. lnrrinhr. A ovnl urn-nrv..I an Tnnnlnu Ah--n;.4- I- .'..z".......""':."..."'-'.........--.-:.-. liobuh. Pooplo Whoa Iovomnutn. saying: And DOIIII Attract Attention. The will of Mn. Honr_\ Wood, the autho- * rest. In: boon pmvou. Stu bequeath: ..~ (II) in equal shares to her children. I-fmnnrnr \\'iIIinm In nnu-inn (nun unn-gl. |l.ll Ill $l|lIl IIICTT ll IIUT CIIIIIIIWII. I-Emperor William In uuoring from murd- gic pains, to relieve which hypodermic Injec- tions of n his huvo ham: and. \\., rtnnn nhinnnl lhlrtnnn nnnnn IIIUIll.llC III Illfl l0I' lII'lI'll'I. \ Younger McArthnr says that, knowing `uni: the vault was neither burglar nor re roof, no nlunbln wen kept in it. He eons the t hunnco books at Ma houne, so that. thou d the book: be datroyod, the `account: could call ' be truoed. There were no boncli in the bui ding. thou a for days ago nrrnngumentn wen made or the recep- tion of a I numlnr. Thou: are tiny: kept in the ks. I IIU IIIIIKT II III IIIU IICIIIII III FIIU wilt` oloen. Mr. Crldlford. barber, who lives next door to the Sovingf Iocioty otliaor was surprinod when 3 Wan; reporter asked if he honni my noise duri the night. He add he had not, and be In n`t do t well either. not had those in his honnoh (1 hard any noise. Ouoof thohnrbennidhelxdnou on icioun lookin man utandmg` :1 or the tn`: about I0 o'`:Ioek. By a cum! look at themle took them for fu-men. ll-_-_... \l-A_4L.._ _-.._ AL-A L__,._:.._ Burglars at `Work in the City -- Profan- slonal Men Show Their Hands. Burglar: knocked a hole into the vault of the Ontario Building and Savin society last evening. and for their troub e secured 83l.6.'). They gained entrance through a back window by running a chisel between the 1; per and lower sash breaking the catch. The 1 oors leading to the ollice were closed and then work was proceeded with. The iron bars running about the vault door and overlapping the crevices between the door and the casings were wrenched otf and pow- der poured into a hole l)o'red 'ust above the bolt and exploded. The up osion was not very succeseful,for the bolt had to be crowd- ed back by bars. The marks of the jimmy can be seen on the bricks where the bolt shot inside the casing. The tin boxes in the * \'anlt--and there were a doaennr more of them-were examined and several that were locked broken open. The papers were scat- tered about, but a curse examination of them shows that nothing Is Inissin. The money secured was in an open cash nox. It was only change. The manafer deposits the receipt in a local bank dai '. Thu mattnr in in tha hand: than nnlinn d. KVIIIIUII VI. 11. l'A5l0l'Il Illll `Va DIHKOII. The lubnnnted team won the contest. tak- ing two hosts out of three. During the 1*-evening J. Byrnes' quadrille banal supplied ` choice muaic. - (llll HUI IPPUIl'. IIIU ulrrwuelu IIIUII Ill`- \ ran ed a tug. The teams were G. Dick and ` J. Jilton vs. H. Esford and W. Milton. : 'n... 1.... ..........: ...-... ....... .1... .........-. ...|., l .Serge`ant-Major Morgans athletic enter~ taiument,wbich occurred last evening in the opera house. was not a success financially. A efence was iven by Sergt. Major No of the Roylil military college, and a Gilmore, the champion li bt~weight pugilist of Aineriv;-a. Both prov adopts in the use of the gloves. They were not matched as far as weight (was concerned. Gilmour, however, is very active, and when in. service kee his whole frame in motion and strikes wit: lightning rapidity. His am-s ong which is a great advantage. If his 0 n-. ent has not a good guard Harry can reach `-him ever time. Morgans, althou h well acquain with the science of box :13, has not had as much experience as Gilmore, and was kept busy saving his face from Gilmore s attacks. Man times, however, Morgans was tapped. e did not, of course. let the champion have it all his own way and ave him several heavy raps on the nose and ace. After three rounds had been completed, without either losing blood, they retired. George Keoster, supposed to be the best club-swinger in Montreal, was to have faced Gilmore in a sparrin match. He sent a telegram to Morgans fore the entertain- ment began stating that owing to an acci- dent he was unable to attend. J. Mcurath faced Gilmore in his place and acquitted himself well. Messrs. L. I leton, D. Har- rin n, W. Swain, A. Bougillier, H. Porter an 1`. Kennedy, who are undergoing train- ing under the tuition of Mor s, did some remarkably good work wit the gloves. Ernest F. Morgans, `eight years of age, son of Sergt.-Major Morgans, gave a clever ex- hibition of Indian club swinging. The sin- l:-stick performances by J. Mctirath and utillier, and illuminated club swinging by the former were very ood. The sword feats by Morgans as usua pleased the spec- tators. There was to have been a tu of war between` members of the Barrie eld baseball club and batterymen. The latter did not appear. The Barriefield men ar- ranmsd a tug. The: teams were (2, Dial: and MUNISTJIAL APPOINTMENT! sPARRING AT THE `beam HOUSE. An mgm-muunenc ougucu Men-lt--A for- former Falls to Connect. ~-- --.- ----- - --In------ he mefpu ."I"oc.Zni 'd'i 7.' The mother in in the land: the police ` ulmn Mr. (`J-Idlfnrd. hnrhnr, uhn lira: I VIIIIVVJII KZIICIIII. . W. W. Nudge. RA, ol Hqywlrdl. min. In in Mantra] on inmnrnnt luni PERSONAL MENTION. A SAFE BLOWN OPEN. "That who:-an tho onuniuoo which sully vhlbul (Maw: bu npottud than pvonuout In ulna: Io ch h IIIFIWIIII IH3`I$ II I\ ll. I1 U ol thoconntructlou, loos . ecc.. would In Ioh with the most. It would be only } fair phy to vr this He had links! (with Tomato mas. and they looked with nor the jooc. Navy was wry ognculatouunylifctolslnotholnguoullnlbo coutrm.-donnlsdoek. 'l\lsI-uuolutlonwu duo pond nuiuouly. and with sppluu. 1!) rs: CIINVICI lJI)I. u- nu...` 1-___.n ....| .L- n.n.._.n__ __ `IV! I II II)!` IE1 Inlln Mr. RohonCcrto|ll'Iod tbolollovlvrm solution. which run nonldod by Hr. oh: Ihmhln - III lI\'0I' II II. Ald. Muelloomn rovioronl u on-{n of the scheme. The projocton Ind no pocun hry intern: st nah. They won only in- upirul with an oancstdnln would an coon- Inercinl lacuna ol K . `I30 doulln thocoutrucou, l.ln ...lnL ;L- __.___.._-_A I. _....IJ L- -_L. fllll. A |ICIl;U)lI I "That lnnunuch u on rience hu shown, thnt the oonettuction n such I dock in he- yond the menu (I private enternriee. this meeting h` hly nppeoree the action of our city cunnci end laud of trade in requesting the government to undertake the conetruo- ` tion of the ante.` Mr )IcKel\'cy esid that if the govern- ment would not nocept the concluiiunl ur- rived at by the meeting he h every mun, woman had child in the c ty would emlone the propueltlon by eigning n petition in furor of it. ALI ll....|.I...A._ _...l-.....I nL_ .44.. -3 Ill VVILL IIl`.LI' Ill.` fl Cll..`I". .\lr. Gaskin claimed that Kingston was still the leading shiphuildin port of (`una- dn, that the M. 'l`. companv flid more work here than was done that any placeiuthe do- minion. He contended that a great deulof ` work. however. had been lost to Kingston hecauee it did not 'ha\'e a dry dock, and added that it was a disgrace that such was the cue considering the tranahipping that Iran carried on lam: The government had aeelited other place: in the provision or a dock, and it should do the same for King- ston. The company he represented had heen forced to get their craft repaired at Oewego became the work could not he done here. "If we auean hualueea." he aaid. now is the time to show it. He felt that Sir John Maodonald would not forget the people who had elected him. It was aheurd. a rumor had it. that the .\l. T. Co. would run the dock ll ltiere built. The oompan did not want it, and the man who would y the meat for It would get it. But there should be a llYOIl tariff for its nee, and with that he thought much work would he done upon it. The city would reap a great bene- t ita construction. .. I.l-.a.. _--. :. aI..........L -.....-..I ...eL ii; h ' A i. Huty WI! in thorough accord with the neeolution. In his conversation with all chases he found t unanimity touching the employment dock. tics. Men were acting u citizen: in in and contributing toe-unis something for the common interests. `I1- _..-I..A:-_ ..._- ......_R.......-I.. -.l-_n._I .--r -- .- .-- -vw-V convict labor upon the ~ In this matter there were no `- n ` 1 I LI. ll.` Till loll` lnlL\,IL.`l. Ex-)! r McKol\'ey moved. seconded by Alcl. Mac lawn : u'l"L-A l..___.....L __ ___-_:-..,.- L-- _L.._.._ if if IP80 Du1ru-`-`l`ho p : in tneir tnougnts. Ald. Mclntyte spoke of the pressing ne- cessity for a dry dock, and of the action of the committee that recently" interviewed the government. Attempts to build a dock by private enterprise had been futile, even though the government offered 2 per cent. per year on the capital invested. The gov- ernment could not use public money for its construction, but it was favorable to the use of convict labor if it could be shown that it would not compete with free labor. That was the object of the present meeting. It was for the citizens to declare whether they were in favor of. or averse to. the employ- ment of convict labor. The dock C0lli( not be built in any other way. He had no doubt that the government `would favorably consi- der the scheme after the decision of the meet- ing was in its hands. \ .'4l'Illl1'l'l.\'(i A in-'soi.t"r|o.\`. Ald. Gildersleeve endorsed the resolution and said that it was a truislu that God helped those that helped themselves." King- ston was once the centre of shipbuilding.but had lost its grip : now there was a chance since the \\ clland cauial was enlar d to regain its supremacy. He showed t at be- cause Kin ton had no dry dock it had lost much wor . Means were necessary to se- cure the benet of a dry dock, and it could only be built by convict labor. If any per- son could present a feasible scheme for the employment of free labor he would admit the government would not 'he justified in using convict labor. otherwise the roject presented shouldbe sided with all earti- ness. The people would be unwise in not doing everything they could to assist the city. A dry dock, he held, would be of t advan to all classes of workmen. e mmed the followin resolution, second- ed by Mr. (Iaskin : ' ` at in the opinion of this meeting, the interest of the existin in- land marine and the encouragement o its future growth. imperatively demand the construction of A dry dock at the eastern end of Lake Ontario." Ollbr no Oluectlon to the SehoIne-'l'l|e Clty-In Need of I Dock. for Lot: ol: Honey 1. Lost by it: Abaenoe. Last evening the citizens, at a pa blio meeting, endorsed the construction of a dry dock by the go\ eminent, and with the aid of convict labor. The meeting was convened by Mayor Carson. There was a fair regre- sentation of citizen: in attendance. `he mnyor, in his remarks, said that a dock would be beneciul to Kingston, and the people should support any scheme for its construction. They ehoulcl alwa e look out for Kingston : interest. It ehou d be first in their thoughts. Aid. Mclnzwa nnnlm of nreeainn A PUBLIC 'MEETING APPROVES (SF BUILDING A DRY DOCK`. -:-'j 1 The Government can Cu Convict Lnbouv, NHIIIIUE ITl`I$ The rgnolntion wu unanimously adopted. ENDORSEIYTHE ACTIO.\'i.W IZCCB \.;Zl'I U! IIIC 3 B1-III` IIIIIIIUI Iotlhxhr. ' 1`O&f.w*dOh`I@lI'f0DCh`- govlth ILIWUUL. con. Thour. K voll. lno on. to (Jon- Ind. 850 lhuleonl at that piccolo: -Iollovllh. l\_II...I -n Ii-.Iln\. . \lAgg--- Mn lhn. .u.usnL|a.a.':o`u2'r'.'.."'ua.3 VH1 Calla! ct sum`. : Shanon Ono. Lha- uh. (hlllnnh and Conku. llcnuonlmnvl Tania. 1-4.: - up nnd-n Eh The noun! union oltbo \\'o;:1onfI auxil- iary mhioury sock! vuhold thin morn- l in SI. ( ' KAI Ant! (5 opoulng ' ouxtrchn Sin. `Inn dollvond O zcholuly add:-an Inc manor the alluded totbodottholilrl. I'b.ndthcutotIIo' ndividul rupuulhlll rating at flologsuu u tnonhon 2! I Wont: uni: _ hrynl-luau-yuoohcy. Shodwolcu nnmg-vln-an-llnlwnruwnndl I.