Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1887, p. 1

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'-Ahzozludln clinici- mi j ` IT UW OI-I V J ll-`III loch: ......2.:*...",'m....'."..`:I...u. npponunhllnknn: [Mm]. jl quuttuluiijwllb nmuocnn-Ind. llr.I that Dr. |LIn&A'.nn1n.JI`n-AL-Jana-maul "N. 1-`. u uoxoellrn. Al hotel." It eeemed that O'Doneghue to accom- pany Sir John to Toronto. to go actively into the cnmpalgn, but old not hm up for none reaeonor other at the entice an agreed open. 80 eaeI'we&"8ir..-Inhn`-O: have hint (to nt once to work eeereury tnvrlte him a letter trough : rnilvay ete- tioe an lollowe : U.\`l0.\' Sranox. Ottawa. ll p.m. "Slot Jnnuery. Deer Sir.-`iir John Iaodonald deairoe naeto Qy thnthe expectedto moetyon at the autaonto-night tog upto Torootoon Inornln the night train. He you had hettet follow np to-not-I-or g. I am deer it. yours tnnly. Joann-n Porn. -Private Secretary." Other lettere and talegrnue Iron reed continuing the above etatnunente. Dr. Lan- derkia thought it would he a revelation to .tl;elEI`hlicto know. that while Sir John ' lriendn were the tyutnnt hone during the do)` they were aecntly riding ahoree of nnother color after dark. Thereenlto! the secret arrangennentwna that 0'Donoghne, who Iran a epeaker 0! great ahlli :1 threw hinnell into the cam- pain' and i the coneervative party t aerrice In Went and Kant Peter F, Kant Nonhumherland. Algomn. and n I he proceeded to the North-Weatand lI;"thte k:l$ctlo: then. It was by this ti I the orange end n that Sir Johnh`;ot hie rnnpority. mgr. 0'Donoghne returned to Otteva to obtain the reward him. He waited. :*`...'..`.'i..`.'-'..'s." ...: .`.3.`.`.i`;'.?`..".`.``.`.;'.'...`.'.'-'1 Inen -niece had notreeched fruition. lletaihd verer. I-ith hopee deferred for the letter eetinintee. hut wan doomed to utter d` ' NIIIIL he pat the into hh (London-hin'I) hende and it remained for the let to ex hiacondnct. The -en lotNorth nr one (Mr. hlaCart.hy:)h1l also rewonrlence vlt `Dengue en- doreed hie claim. Chanel! topmdnoe the letterhlr. hnduhh leadlmualer her. written by Hr. Hnrthy b 0'l)no- [hne in I879. `Vin: Ile `Anal;-hha age J... aI.. Ill._ v QT` & Nov fl` 5 mu ul rnnuuur uuonognue rot losses nua- tained 13' him." deeming the Iaraeeuicient- ly eati acbory to his relative! and to his fellow countrymen in Canada, with whom his memory and his interest: area sacred trust. On the strength of that position. and of the inherent manifested yourself md your collengnes, both in and u: of r- liament in the case of Professor 'Donog ue and in the Iriahmen of Canada as represent- ed in him, I deem it my duty to do all in my power to see you triumphantl returned to the next parliament. end be happy to accampany you to Toronto, at you re- quested, and take part in the present cam- paign with pen and too e lerever my eervicea may be deem mod valuable. Kindly inform me when you start and any further details you may conaidet Idvis- a s e. ` u-I I.-.._ .L_L,_ - I uuu uun auwmcuu lllul : n ' Ottawa, Jan. 30th, I887. The Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, remier, &c. 7 r,-I be to inform you that I accent your pm ' on of yesterday, that In case you we a majority in tha_ next home of common: you would have a: decent sum granted by parliament to the representa- tins of Pmfasor 0 Donoghue for losses bv Mm." deamirm than nun -nioinno, uummouou. n-om ma statement it a pear- edthnt Mr. M. F. O Don hue. hm ier of the deceaaed lieutenant of uie Riel in the liret North-Weat rebellion, came to Ottawa last year and preaaed the government to pay for property of which his brother had been deprived by the decree of exito paeaed upon him. 'l'he claim: remained nnneogmaed until the home was dissolved and the gene- ral elections were about to be held. On Janna 28th Sir John Macdonald, thinking he mu (1 make nae of 0`Donoghue, wrote him a note. roqneating him to call upon him at l"uruacli e. 0 Donoghuo cop ied with the request, and all that be t en enter- ed into a compact to end his Ieioea to Sir John. the latter nomlsing that a decent sum" would be p in the estimates to compenaato the heirs of Profeuor 0'Dono~ ghue for the alleged looses. A copy of a letter from M. F. O`Denoghue to Sir John. accepting the arrangement, was read to sue- tain this statement. Time: Hllthn.-- L... ')l\aL loo- O1-rum. June 1S."-0u motion that the house go into committee of supply llr. Lam- derkin bron t up a matter tuning out of the recent actions. which cuusctlqnito n commotion. From his stnomont it aepeatn all that Mr `I F lvllnnnnlunn I\....o .-.. ..l nllI. ` "I have the hnnor to nmain. r. "Your very obedient oolnt. "M. F. 0'00. nut. to A I I.-L.l The Correspondence Road Ii: the House- 'l1u- Premier ltoluseu to Make Exp]:- uutlonufhe Bold` Dultulq Mccu-thy Con ooI-nod In II.-An lilootlou Boss Dc- llllld; Ills PI-loo. SIR JOHN NS COMPACT WITH N- ` OTHER O'DONOGHUE. THE I-`AT IN THE FIRE. H: "' "Jon A. IuaauI.n." nxmlnl A. In 3- 1-8-1: Your hovll 3 Bad lac-lowhothno to ho Ancuod unimped- Not You Juno I).--hvudpcba has uhonthnnho up|cdvuloudh|hh~ dPbhr'hoy.ou|hnrrivduQuuu =3.-nu: up. ouhddtvodul u. Imus . . InJumao._ louhvuh... NoVYuk.15 ,Pumupm... .2 nu-p--n. allure nuusnur, IIIVI noun Dlllll on 0110 uue, commanding I fall dowel the field. The groupda are oontnlly located, And well sduptod for hull plnyi . Tho Kingston: And Pictonn have l Inna to-manor after- nnnn TI". 1. laliivl, J. fllner G U. mm. The Kingston hue-bull club bu mule ucellent arrangement: for in muchenon the Rogiopolin mllogo grounds. Sens. one above mother. have been built on one side, nnlnnnndina A lnll uh: nl oh. li.l.I TL- co nuwuue prucuoe um evening. To~mormw the Park Nine will play in Belleville. The mun will be composed of Lovett and Moll re, the battery ;Jnmu Little, C. LlcConvi lo. H. Wnlker. P. .\lo- , run, T. Little, J. Fisher And D. Mlllm. 1`hA Kinannn In--n Lg nlu-I. L`- -....I.. noun a. no. Illll H sun on aucey. Condo. third buemm for the Kin tons. bu ll`I"i\'0d fmm Ouvqgo, N. Y. a will ` commence prnctioe thin evening. To~mormw the Park Nina ti" nlnu in 30 II. To-morrow l buo ball match will be lay- od between the em loyeos of F. X. dine- noau & Co. sud W h & Stacey. Condo. bnsemnn for Hm Kinrntnnn C-QZI\. lg` `JICI U Al (`inclnnnu-CInclnul.h. I Lou D. L AI SInlonlI|Aad-Iouwol1ll8. 7 ; A L At Cloroland -(`Io\`d.nnk. I '. loulnviuel. 3. T The matches on For the llorl-oIr--Groundn ol the Klngstons Fitted up Well. The Princess street nine defeated the l u~ times on Saturday by four runs. Score. 25 to 21. 1`. ...,.......... _ L--- I_..I| ___4,I_ __,:n 1 , u liuublll Go-0:-vhllldny. HATDXAL I-IEIJL At New Ychs. A: Washington - uulolhl. 1: Wuh- onl. . u cua3o-cuo-an-. as: nuuuu. 3. At lndIunpolb- ndhnnpolll. l1:PmIbIIlll. nrrxmunoxn. Luovl. LA! nzhalnnn-unman. I : nclnlnton. Al 1'uuto-`Putnam. I2 : Sc:-nun. 1 8 I :N I0. .`n..":i'.`i.."n.`T.';.""a -' """3. At Jenny (`y*Jm `City; I ; ljtlcu. 3. Antonin I an A--uu -nun: u auea gum mouu. . The cabinet has decided that an appro- priation of & >(X),(X)() should be pinned in the supplementary estimate to assist the three- quarters of a million French Cnnnpinns, now resident in the United States, in returning to Canada nu: ma uucounglng. Minn Houatridge, of Portsmouth, obtained Ixiglrhonoun st the Ottawa Normal school examination: which concluded this week. Mr. Littlcjolufa received the]Ptince of Wales gold medal. Th lhinllt hm: antlinlml Olin} nn nnnrn_ nuruuur. A dale tion from the Montreal rolling mill: wugaere last week making fresh pm tests against the bearing of the new non dutiesu n thnt industry. Result doubt- ful and Encouraging. Minn nanntdne, nf Pnrbunnnlh nhtnhnntl w'i`he vermlnent hupromiaed to ndnnce SLIM), to the harbour commissioners of Ilulnlnnu far tho nun-nnnn nf I-any-nu-Enn oh-I I.l'lU,\lUU EU Iplf IlIl'U0lIl' CUIIIIIIIUSIOIIUI` OI Quebec for the purpose of improving thnt harbour. A .'l..I....._sl-_ 1...... .L_ \l .... -_I ._-n:-_ W1 mull? `:1: h 1 ru. ': uaccor ncewx I ereques o ecxy council the pnrliunout buildin will be illu- minated on tho eveninl og undny and t 9 9 `Friday next in honour men`: jubi- OO. . \I'l pruroguu 0 Ella Hi5. . Mr.-J.(,. Gough. of Algomn. is here with the objecto! set-nri government aid in favour of ngricultura institutions in the Al- goum district. 1.. zmonl-.\Yn|\nA with mlm ranuxnixt nf Mm 1-Eh: upnanwllnuvililn 4` luvs. It is the general opinion that pulihxent will proroguo on the 24th. Klr.rJ (3, Ilnnah, nf Alanmn ia horn with I-IIIUII I Z Ottawa, Canada, June 4th I887. My dear Mr. l-`onl :- V Why not call a collection of grand mass meeting: all over` the United States to " commemorate the queen : jubilee by raising a vast fund to be eut to Ireland for the benet of the evicted l tenants to celebrate the reign of `Vic- toria 2"` Yours sincerely. ..' ' f`.\l. F. 0`Doxo(:nIn." 1 V 'orIcl contains the following letter from Mr. 0`Donqghuo. of Oman, who stumped Ontario for the tory party st the recent ' dominion election and who has been appoint- ed Ivoupoeition in the Inlmd revenue de- partment : ()mun, (anal. :1"... .m. me? ALL ABOUT THE PLOT- Iluobhll Bound to Duo. BKS BALL WORLD. lscellnnoous Notes. I )1 4| Otloro-co. -.1-.- I , .;_;.n-, AIRDUC. hooklyn lflovolnd. \ I-uunnnn | 1m_ ll.lUlllC'Hj1l WI uin.\hronghIanl8nlhbIry.loruch nudlouol. and thoqmanplbd that `voultlaudhor nuchplcnnnhoncd bin ntdyforthopnuuhtionolth I`: Q1115, Ina. III` III II III III - nut htionn. llr. Pbdp was accorded 5 min mdhnco with bar Inject}. It. was attired in plain owning drum. The gun`: douunor tong him czrtdhl. She cxprztl vuuuu t the pruldufu congratulation. The print: nooptiou ol the di ts on Inch oocudtm I that u but the Amoricun ulnbm htl uprmtrl 3 de- \ lira. through [An] Hnlinhnrv. lnr nah-n :;-'.`.i'. .".2.".E'Z:.'a.a,""'."..'Z. ."u..""....u" E 51$ vo cnployodl nah!` tho to - If] duration: for to-gctrbvi own. you attempted to actor the nhhoy has won pnvumd by tho polico. Thannnnn thin Aha-nnnn nmlvsr (RIl`Ti'.I:: I$IIlIKI.XlIX WXl`I$ pout thlngvulnpochd ovorlunhd.pov:{ Inn tlleunnhodon of Clo hrkud Nothin vufonnd. Wbontboo tioa I-u tlnabho Ru and our to I _4Ihl. _._. ul gunman BIIU Illl.IXXl'VIXs T polioo to-day. to under the unpar- viuionof Col. Mdondi. H innpoccor of pl '- uudoth mm. Z. .`....~';`a's"-..g..a..&'.&..,.. "353 dynunih outngu toanonov. coma and I In tho silk: which In hh n A nnutklnnnn n-ugagl 5-4| cln IIIII lnzl tounouv F.2',!. .I."J. `J.'."x'{Z".?.'."o.' arch n.."v'.' returned the tick: entitling than to such in \\'utmin|hr Abbey to-mormv during the Ruibiloo urvieo. T nnlinn In.tIAv nnnn nnalnr thn nnnnr- Zllll. (`I I` III IJCHK KW `Quin imagine thut t 0 whole of its popnlntion werooutoanhodny. Thowushcria beautiful. Thuun in shining brightly. Over !)0 Peer: And other pmnhcnt bo- llonmnn no an Rn-ma fkthnlin nmh Into up. cu-mg an-mouly. :1`: Wemm ".5. to eclxpoe anything prouulo of the kind ever befon attempted in [inf Innd. A nruunr in Inndnn tnxhv -nnld algal; exhi direction. The decoration, bitzd, and b0 uournuu u use loyalty wed and smiled in ovary IIIIBCIIOIL IX uowuuou, Will 1330'`. *'mottound&I.u~oiIcnulngcII:lunuly and when done nrolmu eclmne anvthins; III] I I Hun. OIIIU CITUVU troll] `II. I* tion hem to uckinghun palace. Crowd: of pie thoeutire route in the burn. an displayed the greatest enthusiasm. Hot M Appurvod delithtotl S the I `ah ` axaiizittzd. nnd boron] and mtilad in 0. ...-i IIIIILVJITI. - Lnxnus, June m.-The city in already crowded in anticipation of tomorrow. The thronge in the street: are mote nnlneroua than at any time within the Ieoollectioaof the preaent generation. In some parts of the town the crush of sight-aeen impedes the tratlic in the atreete. The quegn. this morning. drove from the made at \ indaor to the railway station, and came to London on a special train. She drove from the eta. ` tinn horn In Rnnhinaham nnlu-A (`um-ul- I ' urugu myu vnuaorn. u `June $).-The joint jubilee gift to the queen. from all herchildrennnd grand- children, will be I gnldnnd silver centre piece for n tehlo, uhtned with "OI! etonexa` It tn executed in Berlin. 6:- riue reepu-terotu` goneconuon . E: the centre of which are the British arms bearing the legend : "Her children and gt-end-children. to our beloved mother and grnnd-mother." The middle portion con- eiste of a vase adorned with the ume and rtrniuof thetlonors. Ithunsoliulgold `d surmounted by the royel crotn. To the right and left respectively are 1 lion and n unicorn. ._ my van? uuugou wllll pa th_o jubxloe pnpsntionn` gluupoo of fonign toyd llllhnm Jung Ul_'I`In i um um soul mu IIIQUIIKCII AID. `the Grand Duke of Saxoobourgothu. und` Prince Herman Hohonhoh on thair nrrinl in London yutuday. Tho Itnthof the city were thzoqod with poo o r unto ; the jubilee nrcnnntionn. $1 Tgemmh . P'lr::"tP;.:...Inne 20.-Tho Prince at \\`a.'ea and his soul mat "the Dllkcof Aunts. `the of Snxmnllnnronkn ....I~ '1 he Heads of Ynrlojll Nation: Paying H0! Reepoetn-S00Il3A his `lien in un uy..mm' Aha-no Weetnlneter new -l.ondOII_ In En Fete. Loxnox, Jue 990.--A riot occurred dur- ing 3 jubilee celebration at Lirelpool Io-dz between A party of end I cm of socinliate. Stich stones were flee! used, and In . on both sides. noeiwx serioue cut: an bl-whee`. The gdloe db persed the rioten and uni! feet participants. * l.n\'nn\'_ Jnnn MI __'l`h. D..:.... .3 \\-.I.. BEAUTIFUL peggms PREPARED r-on HER wutsrv. A VERY RAPID $NT. A THE Evms IN LONDON. afhnoon neolva*Ir _.I_I.A.- -5 Il_.Ll__I.-_ ... Illullothuooll-h ICTTIIRS AND &.\I. OI ILIII8- ring-nu:nIj-j2 Ibgihg |lIll.NI&II'II. ` N0.14s III)? toatcha BL`! 30 lD`l80.\`Al.lISR`l'S1`IlEI'.ol Chin a nun dcdnilo built: at radiance. (into: loll. I.l0WA1'.SoelI.&&&... A BIALI. STEAK LAUNCH. Id kt: SI! codoll : ` nlcxjo: will to all "31: A. C. K.\`APP.&u . `I'lL\!` COXDIODIOUS nwu.u.\'o. So. an ` William SL. Baum: and hr-do Sn ~ : no-hm : loly. Api '?.`i,`..zs.ucxoE""` TIIB DWSLUXG BOCSI on the GI!!! of Block &ol&noIxoIIIIHolu'ou nu-i\~at:.l:-clllnnznnmjlnndhldr. A: --....=--~=~,.....:-.::s..:<.*.~ `AT PUR`ISU0l,'TIl. A S10.\' 8 HOUSE II to dwell diluted to Rutwood Aq~ Inm. cant fur Annlr tOT.(`AIlTKR. D. MoEWEN?JIS6NT (I wen um Inm. new \\`i3lian\s\'ilI ABLE nomxu l.AB0l`.'Rl.\'u )ll9`..\' within; om; non! can obtain it hem: exhibition gmu north 0! Prinoous moi. by npp?1H In Mr. ohn Wilnot. on the ground. . \\'.|LKla`. . Socj'~'l`rua. IWVILI IIOVSI AND T'0 LOTS C DI-ark Shunt: Quin I-all nmkd Illhw \IItt'.. ! mxo. Ill. w.\.\`1-1m-:. nmcx1..n*xus to wut} uc Iolr. thud.` tor! and adieu (aux ant`:-:1? Apply at muxuns` ls . :30: Chi- o.u!\1 . lll)lEDlATRl.\` -3 GOOD (TOOK. Asa in the atoning to Mus. htoI'.\'n:u>. :4? J son Snot. . l.\lMKDIA l'li|.Y-lbu Oantnnhn I You nmkem I Pan; nnkcn. W. )2. l)onl.Axu_ wrwo on man: 6000 \\'.\sllIRs and ` {`Igoxxa.:_tn`_I.-uuau. uni. Williams. Cape | Incrnl. . . . I UN Kl{5 HI _IA \'inv:t`nl. N. \ . l1`lll2.\`&to and Proeluution forQueon`a uhilce on forum. pun -. . acoonooox. Apptyionl \\'.M.DI: -. .\'.\.\`..ll3 nu: Slum-:. ks` "` lxm;.--ln Kingston. June Nth. Alina! Xoble, second son of George liegg, \\'iI~ Iiam Surat. lg.-:1 ll yum. Funeral to lay. TIISQ ` '7 zono`nuho0pcnllo&o. _, . Home 11 Kinda C Pnnllo nullity enxplon.-csuI'uhnnn nt:&a.uLnnd.l:3|Ln. Pnm Rum` Q11-undo: In n.n..-m. .. co. cut;-uycvuus ruI1-In ll IJSOJB IIEII-Wllsl PXRK .\ lxt" excursion to Bnlhrlllo on $3 )l.\ud II 7 mm. ` " nIlVI'I II A I`lRS1`(`l.A. .\l.\(`Ill.\`lS'l`: nutty ou- & I: N.` vrngcopnid. R. SI-:.\1.`uI. A G()0D(`00ZC:a\hu a and nail house mud. Annlr lo Mrs. J. A. :\`nm*. um . 4 rruut. _ . * ' Iixctnsxoxs hy GJLR. and C.P,}L llnlgdlcd Fm nuuu ll 4 l\.lll. WRDXBIIJY. .\rcno.\` Sauot hln. Pun` stock at II can. T8Pli4_Ii !`1*1T{<*"-_i I VOL. LVI. _ -.__..-`_ ._ -.._-.. --.. _, FOR sun: on '1_~p-Ln-r. -,_ -_4-__._._; Mr j THE DAILY WHIG. -l0 nouunol Aq- . Appur K01`. (`uutn. _ AI FIKJINO flip on the Ilvouusloousor ll. lavnooo In C list `[25. Abuuurhndrulpouun not inlln oxouiucltbo slant: 8!. Lnwuuaoon Sohrdgyuhutoou. 'I`boy|buln\' on- ! Aquiek nnvu tn tho oxoudnn& won al- luluduborinrlicheoviotthobcnudu `Mb 4. uunnur. uucqo. nu nloml I L H]! in the unpodor court his pun- non. Nan. Down and The tail` cab to ban the i dinolvod. an no-noun order gt-nhd. I noclvor Ind. court uppoinoal Porhou T. E \\'cAn' receiver. and that gentleman lod A 3).!!!) bond. InuII|13lCl|lZOl. Jncobbu-p Laban uhnlolasllov and jail, New York. Shoriltinnl Icebr- inguothomnnthnhnndhhdcputiu worotizo-l out Inlchlq his :8 lab nui- doucc. Hooc_cupiu'l`tad'ao|drooa. IIICl'I|l.iIu!- ` A uobyelhrday not [in to the jovial: t how: of Dunugord J. I. CIAIKI. Ill. Ihl. LIA. jg LL-n--0--h-- nQ._- can-gu`ol|uuul' dohutrnc' the pBnhdq& u&::`&- lnhounnbnthckodthsdvuiou u'uy.nIov'e:-ingmehudothormilullolu It. So\1nlponouvoninjund.ono.)lhI Mcnrghnlly. Thnscnuuhnboa w. u odiUnrol_ an Quebec u.-r tury.onn for lihdlioghlnyot lgngdior. pull! u lulled iilkllll. Fire Alutinu. on trial A: Leipnic for ` tnuon. law boon eonvicud and sentenced to vuiou hum of imprisonment Two (`Menu Iunlhn \I.:...`..I. ....a \|.. any an we Inule. `u Bcrnbudt American souou I in SI (Ill Fir: Alggmu thh o.:..l -o I-:_.' wrought The amt`: part of the I-.. uEI`ColumI:io.. S.(`.. the hen! was 97'` on linhy. rm SIr`lll'd4I)'. and NIH on Sun- day in the dude. 1`: Ranch--do .l-.--`.s.- _4_-A-- |----lA oulunlly nlgut.` H Ryn ll Indentood to be the suc- ead tender for the Red River Valley many. at 3730.000. Ihodpluidolthf the United State: has 3-ok the older men: the n.-turn of rebel HS. IIDUI-u An onierinxouncil has been passed re- ` mm` tollaon ` i duo the ~..`.:'.;d...L W ""8 "8" N Albert Shut. at Chatham volunteer. wu fnully subbed by a London pninter on Saturday night. Halli Rvn innml...p.J..l ...L. .L_ _..- rvuuluu -Ill! ` Just: an L Wolaon. defaulting haunt of the Chcnnuh & [).hu-gm wuuu crying to 011$ the Danube. Bv the burning of the stouner Ch unphin in Luke Michigan twenty-n: lives were I on. ` lost. oovm Auuoica *reu-sLAnos The Spice of :56 Harlin; Pnpeu and the - Tory latent `lblocru-us. Lieut. -Governor Manson and fimily will leave Quebec on.'l`uudny. 1 Over two hundnd pilgrims wen: drowned ` while trying to the Danube. Hr the hm-nium of 2|... .o.......- (`L .-...I..:.. ....:._ Sowtbu the warm weather has come cm lens can get KILLWOOD at the Ralhbun 0o`syudtu- 8l.50|IOl` cud. beforeiliapilod andilsoondriunflttoruao. Cartedtouu nanotthociu-tortsocnuporlond. Iaa\4\-r 1\I\ .\IvI-`I-nu. ..--._..- --_-_ - ..._ ___ _- --.,. -.. upon -v-u. bl QL'RE.\` STRKEI`. KINGSIDN. "Bl-lllsl Whl'a telephone is number :23 Rune. Wuu-town & Qgdensburg Ru. To lltica, Albany, New York, Philade|'a. \\'tshin'80l|. Baltimore and all Puintain North 1 en New York`. via G.'l`.R. and .\'.\'.C. Rye. .-_.` T. ll.\.\'LE\'. - - Gan. Ticket Agvnl. ms THOUSAND xsuxv Roma in Ti. Fol-chomp tickets to All poipts, and infor- nutionpernininztonlloutu. npplyto r. A. rbusen, T ii:o;~;|-;k;tA'g;nt. Ferry Whuf. ~ ~~ Foot of Brook Street. j % mxasmx. 02:1: 1 GENERAL` no/rr AEMcx him :mfLL Woon- THE PITH OF THE NEWS. KINGSTON. C. NADA; MONDAY EVENING. `JUi\IE20,1$87._ oon.'nckox.uu.`

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