Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1887, p. 7

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Bouclm It Ollloo-Clue S- muu:ho1'="nc3moo. noxn:v"1" o 1351.` .owcItounntI-nu. `concur.-nun - ---.--...-- E;-was-mug" K: club 5 Q7: mll Wli I `IEIXIIC yo! ..m...:.h"a' Khpton. 5.1 I! in each year, at th ooo Tnuuror. in the City ul * Porthopnrpouolpuyhgthonld debt the mama to lnoouo duo shun: n-ngl nd- In nhnn Lg IQIQAJ In ngn H. BRAME S, TKII F W TI 3 W. `W. whiohlnuult -nu upim. hit-Louly. on Ibolrltdaydlluc union: Int nlgunlnnhn-nhsr In Anal: `mgr Al 15. nnn jlXV`.TlK0llIUIE)UWIT'CK payments! the hand thereon an honin- nlhrmvldod. & ulddohoutuu shall be dntotl on IhodnythlIBy-hw him elbct. and shall barhurucuuddurthcnhol 4} par mun: pr nun from the duo stand. which lnh-1 dull In nnvnhln Lgltvnu-Iv, 5o'o'uu';u'uL-1I' -'bo'Tuuod'_ 'Ceoni' Ilnll kn stunted to than coupon n nnv-n-Q-ul IL. Intnrant llnrnnn an hardn- CK! IIIII OI Clhllll 4. The aid debt Ihnll he pnynblo by an- nunl inohlmutc within {om yonnfrom the dhy on which thh By-luv an oocgboing the duo oi ban of the aid debutant. at th00moI0`lhOTl'&lIl'0l`0fthOQiI{lIl|i" cipdity, and no that the unonnt fnllin duo Inehyrlhlu thorvith Qntmllnvnhln In nvnnnnl (Inn nial `IIIG IXVU PHI [III Illl II Clllll 3. It ebnll be lawful for the Council ofthe \ enld Corporation. for the pu of the uni loan, to ceuee my number debenturee to be made for euch IIII of money no my be required or expedient and not lea tbn One Hundred Dollere each. end that the odd de- benturee than be eeeled with the eee.| ol the odd Corporation end signed by the Mayor thereof, and eounterelgned by the Treuurer thereof, and together than not exceed the `eniduun o!8l!),w). ! Illa worII.|Iwr in: II!!! pultnnnu nu uuuu com Jhha. Ill" be held, mdntninod. Innu- ; anal nnnnngcl In {Inn intgnnnfn And `An- * the debentures, hereinafter mentioned. for the Above purpoou. the nun of 01814110. IlN`l0XI|IIl0lIl|IZIllClly. 1 It shall be lawful for the aid C ra- tiontoninby nyoflocnonthoc it of` 1 It nhnll In hrfnl for Ihg Council nftha sud conducted in the interest: and for And on behalf oftho mid city. Q I! slug" ha Igufnl fnr lhn nix` (Ynrnnl-A. PAPERHIHXNGING SIIU IJTIX 0| IIIIII 0! Ultllll, IEIII IIIU PTILV orsumururdodoobo paid forthoumo in and by thoudduvu-dnnforcnsidmnd the aid works. After the aid pun-hue hu boon \ nolnnlntul dull In Ink]. mnlntninnd. Inn. l IUIIUWI I I. Tint the said work: of the said City of ` Kingston Water Work: Company be pur- chased by the laid Co nti at. And for the price or uum of Cl .011). in; the prigo or nun lI`ll'dA(' In in nnid [or thn ulna in PUTIUTI OI "H1 ' yl", Be it there on enacted by the Council of the Corpontion of the City of hinglton u follow: : I 'I"L_g AL. ._:,I .....-|.- Al sL- --:.I l`:.. ..l` IOOI, ll uI.un,'e And wheres: the amount of the existing debenture debt of the eeid Municipality in $353,916.71. end no part of the some or of the interest thereon is in errear ; And wheneu by en Act of the ' sture of the Province of _0nturio, in the 50th year of Her HI]lYI reign and chnp- tered 56, it is provided t at the debenturee to he ieeued for the above pu under this By- luv mey he mule payee within a period of fort ' yours, at it than an nun-fnl hv u Fdulnnil nf ucruuluwr pmvluou, Is what.) ; And whereas the Amount. of the whole rneahle property of the aid Municipliw, According to the lat revised aueument no I for the said Municipality. being for the your 1887, is $5,794,441. Anal whnnnnn Oh: nvnnnnf nf Ohm nvI'nh'nn WU: And whereas the total amount required to be ruined nnnunlly by special nu on All \ the mantle property of the aid Mnnicipat \ ity for ying the aid debt. and interest, as herein ter provided, is 86.523 ; Anal who-ran: tlm Amnnnt nf the whnln pay me name ; And wheres: the amount of the debt thil By law is intended to create for the above mentioned pnrpoeee respectively in 8120.- mm 2 III! WUTII (ll Ella IHIU \ lllll , And win.-reu in and by the Award, hear- ing date the 24th (twenty-fourth) day of J une, A.D. 1887, made by the ubitntorl in the mid nrbitrution, the aid price for the worlu of the said Compsny, in set out in the aid award, is fixed at the sum of SIN.- W0 ; and whereas the laid award ha been adopted by the said Corporation And it is expedient that money should be raised to pay the name ; And Illhnl-nu thp amount nf the; right thin lllll \/0lpIy ; And whereas an arbitration has been held between the aid Corporation and the said Compnnv under the provisions of "The Con- solidated Municipal Act, 1883," in that be- half to determine the price to be paid by the said Gorporation to the said Companv for the works of the said (`ompany ; And wh.-rmu in and int the Awtu-I. hour- IlIp[Il{. Ill UCHCT llU&11BIII'y pur , Am whereas them is now a \ 'ater Com- pmy incorporated for the said municipality and it is by law necessary that the works or t stock of the said Com ny should be rnt purchnsed by the sanicl `orporation from the said Company ; ' A...! ...L......... .. ....|.:6.p.0i.... I.-. L--- |...I.I my 1;`! IJIU aulu Cll. V|'lllI V|l|I.I IUI QIUUIIJIIJC, auppl . amfother necessary pm` ; C WHEREAS it is ex client that the Cor- poration of the City 0 Kingston should, in the interests of the said city, own and ope- rate the Water Works designed to supply the said cit with water for domestic, tire -nnnlu nnn nu... nnrannnru niu`-nnnnu - To raise by way of loan upon the credit of the Debentures ofthe `Municipality of the City of Kingston for the purposes hereinafter mentioned the sum of$120,000. PASSED, - August, 1887. A BY-LAW, ., r`.-:":~;~. |n'.'hn. Mel iii c.l.lA.A@I- moo mum a_:Eu1sm noun. at` 33"" *-'~"-'_:="..,.`._"'r::: and d Ibo I IN THE DUE. SEASON Hnvoyour van vmw-nII\ vvnivlivivl ' "'%._`_'." ."?";""_'F"'-1 ) m m17it`6i'1:cs HANLEF. " World`: `nah! A% ad G- ORAND TRUNK III'I'A'l'I)N n Cul:a'IIIl'rIIlJ ZVCLTX ` Q` " ztdclramnho big.-h RR a:i.n.cioIu.$".5`un'o" %'--t 'nn""a:.' Inna. lhrfhkuonndovoryhlu-nollonnnlttu IDS 1`3.u.,"" . '.'.."w.....H`" '5 TI :-`lad drill onoct wllh`lho hm Saundra on . Va hunu `Ruin cl :3 Ln " j IIUIUII OZ nntaofhuncobythotxusstunuuz (`I and till IlIIIodI|lO-.. ROIIII St at very Iovnun `R onndl|:='oltho.A.lhn`l.lnooQodIh:t. 0 tan` manna wu upoolnluu-nolounnlud hot tub canal t VII `l`Iu-Ida). no on Wdnoluu am: or Punco Ffmonmaund: hon Landau! and : 9.:-.5 -."3'..': "'L':~'...."-" Q. Rounnj Q-A4. A0 E-.-`:4 I.- ah. 1_A__ LA--____. . (`lroudnn. Sudlnhn . ITIAIIIIIPI PROIIONTRKAL FIOIQVEE nnlw-an-I.-. OI. I..I- nun I-I- Royal Mail Steamships. `THE - 811031381` - - PASSAGE. ;-J. H. CLARKE. ll.D.. D.D.S., L.D.S., Duxrnrr. 0ndu#d New York Colleuot Dentistry. Oloo- 8 be ween Prlnocnusd hook `anon. non mid to nnorndon otum natural tooth- llI"I. VERNON W. BROWN I 00.. Or nod. P. Gildenloon. Agllt. IIC|u- Strut. o..s.-3 g..'1'..':-=/ /`4"{:'/J Til F freight and pages ly (Con- mfu Olcn. No. 4. Botngmzlnzn. New `.'DD\'I\\! ll DBr\I'I'\Y L I\l\ \OUlll-!, {Ell IIIQQIIII, W I0- oommodation. Intermediate Steengo At Very Low Rum. lichen to md from London nnd Queen- hownnndsllotherpuruofnropontlar suntan. Ihrough Bills of Ltd i I Bell Glnnow. Hnvm. Anc.i..8..v:1nm1r..- nni.:: nmugn ul ox uamggwon tor nouns, G I w. Hlnuvre, An and other point: on o Continent nnd or Mediterranean nort- rnsr xPnss_um 8I?W(.'E. ETRURIA ......... . . Saturday, July 23rd AURANIA ......... ..s.md.y. July sou: UMBRIA ........... ..s.md.y. Aug. cu: SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . .SAturdAy. AIIR. 13]! ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . .Snturdny, Aug. Nth AURANIA ........ ..s.:uni. . Aug. mu UMBRIA ........... ..s. y, Sept. 3rd snnvu .......... .. satunlny. Sept. 10th NEW romr AT) LIVERPOOL :.u.uxa AT coax HARBOR.) From Pier No. 40, N.R.. New York. I0!/NA /20 L/A/E. Thefore in co ' iutrne yet: in ~ ed By-Lewgzrhfchqill be J33 into eration by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingetonnfter. one month from the tint publication thereof in the Kuloemn Dun Wmu and Daily News, news of this city, the due of which lint pn . tion of the aid By-Lew being the nine~ teenth day of July. A. D. 1887. `end that on the day, and at the hour, and et the place: in the eeid By-Law above xed for toting the votes otthe electore thereon, the polls "H be 11 Id f the Itid nrpoee. `unated it l\'(i)I:ontnn, thislth dnv of Inlv nuuusuraun 1,. .L . . to DI`. Jsrvh. Phydohnq Residence ` no-Hi no the Post on Womngmn gttlrdclglqlndinthe cityor oon:'u7 promptly rwrns oITAssAan : Cobin-!0.90 d8loo,aooo:-dingoo - Iolnmodation. lntrlrmodigh nnnuva_..n.: -u-uncu- \ lL'I0lLlA w.um. Mrs. Reylnu-d'I House, Barrio Strut --De- puny Returning Ooor, Thoma Body. Gilbert An;-i-.'l; vnnatlu -1 any vo a : shop, corner` Clergy uni Colbono Screen-Deputy Roturning Officer, Hunter. William H. Deyuty Rot Smnth. BIDIAU wum. Smith`: house. Brock Street- urning Qicor, \\'illun H. -o-can-n . --u A --5 1-:.........x e.':"`'?.`.`.?.' E2.'."..'. w.m...;..... Sch-oe-Depnty turning Oocr. Edwanl u-vm. . -42--y . .. u. . -.-. 4' 31'. uwnxc: ivani June": Partly : uhop.`Prinoon Stnot- Deputy Returning Oioor. June: Pnrdy. ` c.u-.uuQu1wu.n.' I.V...__.__I l1-II__L__I_ L____- II? II,-,,_.__ VIII IX IIUIII [Ur `HG `CHI I'M Dated at Kingston, this 19th day of J nly, L D. lRR7_ i AVIRAOI `HI! 8 DAYB. .I.I..A1\T IINE FPT?5F-'I0E.- `TRAVELLING. ms. 11.. araxum, u.u.o., u.u.a., Dunn. 0lloo-Pr|noe- St. between Mon- iluldonoo-X~o. trod And alum Stream. 3! Chu-In Omen houn. Sun. to 0 m.. and on Buunday IVOIIIIIII 1 tolodclock. elo- I 1%. IIIUIIDIDLAII rm. 0_lPll. rnoxnxm wnua ..!nIJ|ly.. ..8l1lA .. ..una A3. .mh A .. an Jln Aug. M. I-`LANAGAN, City Clerk.` Ta: 2'- '.'un A: Q m IuI|lI.(|9l?hnl'.1.h h-hi ducting! 3`; .......... i37T'1'Av iiuponqggnon r;I:;.`;.I..1c nouns. unu- run. OIO\`fuIg In-mu. ` l.I.L.nnIQnnnIuIuIsP.lx. .E..""' " " ';:l'.@."" DON'T WAIT! re'..~7L=."-`-5..m-..-"` -"-:.a;-:-';..- QUEB/E0 sacompmv" um um auLFo7sr.uun:nc V88. `1_IRAMIOEI __ _- nngnnagn. - lhldubnlol amen int)` Mr 35 ii [haul-noQolItUIDI'mI|jw ALEmNDRm - -u-vv- --vuvuuz-- ON HG! DAYI. AT 5 RI. -L--.n:.g'|__, ...g _.g.... _ - Eanuu a1uuI. I .`.__ L4_...L._`-A .'.'.:"'x`.`.'u.,. nf'o5o'3 1..""". ""."2f: lnundhu and will anivo at I` lnlhullo um. Ilntnl-1 -III horn D-nhhh Rik an-up y mam/I ` srwEixiits?ou-a.'suIa"'s'rALL& No. 3 Iowa um 12:! -. An-Iva to!-`I0 : In. pan. Manual. 0 pa. ; nut" & pan. whnuqlfnnlanv hy lib tnh will and .."a`i1.u... :.'!2'b"""`.... .'.3'%&.`J' ::.ounocdnwlIh0.P.lI..Ixynutnbu nut in All lullnutot HAIL Itol:p::dthoN'|.n Wat? un; BEST AND-C-HEAPESI` ROUTE a:#.v--......**-...:-.P.:.':.'-..."'~.....*.:.*-...'~ Q`I'lrI'l'oxcIutn!ovwtunxllotrllrn ml Drawing Rou:(`uInnru an I: Tutu but AIDS mm` was Khulna u~ ` 3 Elm 1&3 i:'lvQ :3;-: `AL nun. on/mu P15/755 RAILROADS. N ' . name. sauna] Chen ma "sat Iqulppod wto to [- tohn and the Run Wnt. u. A. U1 v nus, mama Soucnon. Cosvn xclm. dc. Ooo--cor. Brook tad King 813.. o\;`ox- Express oee. Money to Loan. lxn III-ivlntniavlvil nllrvlfli` Lullnhwvn F. O. MARSHALL. IIHIOUTEDEI I MIMI? lll. Pull lulu:-nnuozruv-on by npjlringtothe 0.3%: URN OX. LG J.P.G .%LlHVK _ 7 u` Freifht A313. onno1:ln.n.. and Plouutllmn ~ luu Dol- .....'"...;::. -"' r.'.'~'..-*. ta`: z::..=...':: lava Plotobutmtn. Oll hturdnv. dud: Jnlv And Anannt, thin -*"-`-,:.-..-:.~-=-'at.,..w-.,..;-a* :2. ` W stunner nukes` I ..a.:'3a...:...`eX.`.` 1% c nodogkvo Gunhwhnrl hr of atomnu mama hound cvwy In`:-to uPhun was 7 3: till DAILY LINE T0 P101017. DEIBONTQ AND BILLIVILLI ' } an or omm srnmnu mmrx. :u`.5S.'.'.s`is`i oc:o"`n.'r'. `.'2a`.;..`?.."; longelnpeod. J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Nah- Ann. I` D n no nm..._.. :3. GM 1 ln AND BMILII. 801107038. Etc. 19! Ontario Strut. K. H. sun-nu. LIJ). Gnu. rnoxrrnmc Snrrn mac.-snug Aw. . --p nunloxn. (KID- nnu) Out... 13.!) xowc-ado. N.B.. mo sTR- KIN GBTON & PEMBROKE `heist Agent C.P.R., 42 Clarence 8:. Kingston. nu: July. III7. W..- -~-- -..-, -. ..-ucpugna-uu uhvv lloctottho above Ticket: uwo to 1-0- mm until am October. sum for n onzelnnorlod. ntrunx TiCKl'l'8 rnou xmasrbx lqld hytho undthlgnedut thofpllowinc \ xsumuu anaw. . Baum-run. soucrron. Commuxcn. 0moo-Oornu- King and Brook Street; 0` Wnddnllruzstore. [T ` (IiI.1L;:lir;;Io:l_1?llvVe;-)f,W V CANADIAN PACIFIC RAl|..'Y., CH':3!?.3.`!WE.1i.TR`P5 c.n.xncnouox.IuI'rn). nn L._4L_._ _-.n__ u ,.. ,.: .4 10.16 11.5) 11.!) um vanoouva.B.U Imw Victoria. B.C.. xenon Wlnnilllt. In 55.0!) ,u_-._ sumnnorddo. _ P.E.I....... $.75 Sunex.N.B .... .. 8.6 Tudounc. Qua. mm Wade`: Drug Store. Tnu. NS. 8.0 Vnncouvel-..`C moo Victor-IL I10, Imm `I0 Nlltln nix": 19.85 gal`:-ry8ound.0n.t haul... mo land. mm Anhur Ont 37.8 EHERO, TELEPHONE--88. w m. nnwuAnua..us.. Ancnlrncr. corner of Brook und King Street. over Wade`: Store. Entrance on King Street. next to the mo Ollloo. ------ JOHN HERALD, M.A., M.D., C.M.. (Buooouor no law Du. nlccnnlom. cux. Bvnonox, kc. 0Illoo-Monu-ml Street. between Prlnoau and Brock Streets. ...-- --..---- . --..,. ._ uxs. numannxn amun-anuxu 1, 0.1. lLC.P. &S.0.. `Lntoot Hamilton) '8! Walt. Street. Dlleuoa Women Chfldnn. Feb. 5. __ ---....-- ..----...... l . so 00. . `omanrm ucrron. YVIYuA ;Cl dun-urun n. vvnunl D. E. MUNDELL, B.A., M.D., CJ Plnstcnx. Bvnonox. ad` Once--Lnte J Iecumnon I. No.25 Montreal Street. "omnvsn z unxnson. A vvamuuu a wamxnzm, Hoax Solicitors. &c.. lungs ton. op- podtot.hoI;:lOmoe. Iucluno wuxnn. I JOEIPII n. WALKIM. In I`! u.wv`v-\n-- -. . -- .\ .~.-. July II. DR. W. G. ANGLIN, M.R.C.S.. Ofa hr] `Quest. nnnr Kim .v uu-vu-an - v-- -- DB. h;:GILuVRA\. W and Children . Dhouu of omen n ?):?oclnltY 1.. ULICMISNIB, . directly opposite the Post Otlloo. .. galnnmmsqnnnuwmammmmn. .--up. -- .-.-... _l;;.. ELIZABETH SMITH-SHORTT, tilt. Il.(`._P. & 8.0.. Ihnovuiduohthodya IVI rnnnugnw-up. n. M. mun AI`, BA . C . mm!"3'mZ.5x:n..L'?.L ?.`. .'..`..`i` ' Oheapestd Bestfumiture OF ALL DEIRIPHONS. CALL AT IPYOUWANTTHI Pl'llBU'OU.It Dl'l IcI-3 stand. Teluono number IN. nun` -4-uann A nu-rt: R GAGE, . Ancurrucr. 0rnou-Iont.resl8u-cot. A Inn 1: u-:1-u---g` W. su...`7. E.`i`n`.'.. :f"" ."' ' ` nun`-Ivan Anvn ..n-. R. ESPARKS, D.D.S., L.D.S., Inn-In-_ 0no-Prlnenn 81.. harvest)! Cheap Iilrnlture am] -9 n n,;,_. Pnssxonn. cums. '33:} 1} Tc scrgt. FURNITURE, &c. aarren AneAms WALKEM & WALKEM, DRXIIL Snllninni kn, Klmnn Hons. Em. III Ontario Sn-ant HUI. kc. 0In--C]AI*annn SI.-1 -. .. .... - - -..._ .o-ow-_..u wu. NE\7f.ANDs,Ja.. rlcr. om-nor of Brook And Kim -w-vpu--.. _i-.._ _v- HOMCEOPAIHY. Ifll. 11.11. nnonm tn .-_. -_.-. ----- - ..-vu 9.0331217 SHAW.-I. :1 nI.Im1~nn_ nnrvnv D. A. GIVENS. L IinI.mrI~nn_ (`nnvn `H. M. MOWAT, R. Soucrmn. Cmnru Pi:-Glldlngandlbou-ouuilhnconqond nouounuun-unowh-nzokoopnu cola. Conoudnotholowcu-dolsnmpluoltho dlhtnuhuhs. `[17 It. 30|lyIuIuohnx.druu!ytoruno.A! who lab curacy: Elllbn . 11..--nmuL.m....o-=.n u... wuIUwvIo:'jIZj'fDIl..jV`- lauuIup.aounpnhdIlIh&odueI.ur~ zrlul with gunnd hur`y.,.Glhudou orncrpovnrfulnhnpnnnn touchy but hthndlt-pound apprh|Ih.-&n P. OEIILKIIEYS, Th Picture Frame Factory, W M hhubuu qygoodlorhnolo but an u-unuuuIwnIllC0IuICX'(l'UlI. WDQ hogmvnlntounnhoodhhhthugwbouo lquhromrnoltnnonmlulnukuhlna hllitnhrl prunhnn -1.... .AL.._.. ..n xx. dcuulitll lpmi, undeucholthem hlynnxloutou-Inn wulfnn.IhuIhno btihulbhdrup punntmnlnnnrhkotlnhgutndor noddcnhllyntnponwhuneoohghhh `cndhthnchlldnnotmunu-a-Us Whn uuuuunuumlnclnetganoy snowarouu-at &n,(lI)mon. Attu-thoF`ranco-Pnnianwar hllroyal hlghna roorganizodhhanny upon tho German system, completely discarding tllatoftho hunch, which had before bun I:innodol.and so far dldbecarryhh eon~ tunpt that ho doprivod some half breed Ftunchocorlot thopoaltionn theyheld In his service. on the ground that a nation which motwlth nch tun-ibh defeat in no Ihortaspacoolthnoconldnot pmducogood Ioldiera Tboearlylilaotanatin kinglanot. por- hap. thovtybut achool in the world to tests: the noble qnalltia that may ho tn- budtadinamanb character. Thoaunnah ahotbedolinh-ion. Ithtbopartottho palaoowhlchhntaaidotor womomandn tharoaroatawhnndndotthaoroyalwivo, aachatthun pa-hapuwlthouoornouuou. Done. Donot vrultfor the Sprlnxnuh. The work on he done honor now. An elegant. lino tllanclncntao Ioloct from. Alwayu the but selected and most otylhh utock in Eastern On urlo to choonolmln. - Glvu In I call and look over our nook. No trouble to show good: at nnnnvnnnnn III A I I Ill nun nunnm uuuueu, nor enter Into POIIUQI PGIIIIIIII with foreign powora, but the Indian king of today has generally no inclination for auch arduous undertaking: Ho haa soldier: and fort: and canons and improvodxweapona, but than are merely appendngea of royalty and would bodangoroua whim. oulythathia armyiakeptundarcontrol hyhh alliaa,tho Engliah, who have a military canvonment conveniently near hia capital. Bounedmaa than an military outbreaks, notably in the ahtaotliaidorabad, whoaoniaam bu inhla pay one or two regiment of Arab cavalry. which fnquently mutiny. The maharajah at Gwalior in lndubitably the moat dangerous oftheao sovereign allies. He is a man of military instincts, and has an army, it isnld. thatcouldinanamergoney ahowarouar of XXIII!) Ihl A'bf thn rnlInlLua$InIa gu- r Jul lulu` hllllllo This. then. in the only bugboar that haunt the Indian ruler. Other-who ho is the mat Independent monarch in tho wotld. It In tn:othnthocannotwugo_wnr.norm|ke trestle; nor enhr Inm nnllnnl ..1.m.... 1 Iuu uuunrnng In any nonuo enmrpnno Ignlnnthe Englishmndtho second thlhgto accumulate wealth and bocivil tn all Euro 7 pun visitors of good sanding. `run mu urxrnv. VIVLI- 5|.-- 1- AL- -_,u__1 ,| .. . . . .` burdens, elther'politlal`or "domestic, and as mediocrity of viciousnaee. they are permitted orqneen istne noeareanor unuuu ua anmuoulnxmg happiest. Theyhavs literally bag as they content themselves with a happy to regale their sensnone appetites with every species of sensual "pleasure. The English rule in Indiais esentially a parental one. The Indian political agent is generally a military officer who has earned for himself the coun- dence of the government without ever hav- ing run any serious risk to either life or limb He is invariably a very astute soldier. in- variably enters into diplomacy as a poor an witha large and shabbily arrayed family. but always leaves the service with .25 im- mense fortune and a considerable cute in England. Sometimes the political agent and the native sovereign do not live amicably. Then trouble ensues. and the independent king or princellng goes to the wall. Briey stated, the political agent is ex- pectedto do but two things. One is that he keep the evil pasions oi.` the king, to whose courthe is accredited. from stirring up strife and embarking in any hostile enterprise aninattha Emrllah-and nu. ..m..a shliao on Native Royalty Under snrvollllumo-`rho only Bugbou which Inuit: the In- dian BI|Il!-HoD0dI of Int:-lguo-A Dgnn BAH!-.I `L- 3--..-- H}u>P\/ EXISTENCE or THE moum is-PoTaNTATas m HINDOSTAN. Iiolnnlolbtconhllng, -tank '1 -nxhna n gpal Peep Bound the scones. A~'.IFE or PLEASURE, IITJIIIIII I0 IIIOW [lllll ll. noamsorrs WALL_ .1_>_m-1;: nmrr IT`-I IN-iv nJ.-.. .__ THE BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY; JULY 19. If I I'-jl-'-ll on, Golf llclohl EVERYBODY CAN USE IT. BRONZEEBR ALLI

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