Iv Tr _ 93.7.. RECOR_DE_R'S COURT. . men, Goon Funon Bout`: g Indfllll, Shin Gollu-I. tn. uumu. co. Black Brand Unuthl, Eluo Brown Bequrl, ` Black Qunimares, `- dotiuolll and Full l".I.-uh I uIInl_BoDl-on JIIIII I `Lnnb`;Wool, Va A'h:;u_ Inn: { Ladies ulinh 2nd ~ -Glenn`. ' ` Luliu Hm Punch Ki Glen: in Blue! and ~.-noxoua, ,_ % Whlln do., . ' Gent: `Buck and Colofd Funclykid Glovh, , Eilimdo" .`Pl u' ' uh: o..**'.,...-.,. A 2 T J Pan and bullion. | - unuuuu nu run Cloth, V - Blnnkau, F I i an 9,! 1, Quinn, mid Oounur blull. puns Grey '(-ioltonn. I, Whlu ` do., ` Table Clams,` ' TIMI Linonn, Tolnels,}.l uc knhnukp lpd Dinpen. `IF:-In III, UOIIIHBO mum \ JOHN TORI! A N CH. 5. 69-Souult _ 1Ghh`g'o:cg1"mnh' in] `Lamb : Wnnl V-`no. acu-u,,:.ugouu.u,rux- ` lu_Jukou, Caps: and Hoods. 0 L. nrIALuU.Lu:.|..u, Warden Pro Pan. |JI' IIIIS U JOHN yDUFF. _umnuy I Province. 3f't co. zk B19031`. Ululhl Ifllld U JOHN XD U3`!-`. ` I35 ll. luwd&wIjanl6- J- KRWIAUB, Pnncou Inset. 69 'l'hh:.L.0ND0l_l.QUA|I'll"'lRl}`Y,(Oahu:-ntii-0. 2. " ' 1'aunmsUnana:vmw.( _ .) 3 I was NORTH ufixrlsn ivll ,(rn-{oimals n ` L .... ...____,4_ - _ ' ` 1 an wssrumsrnn rum: w, u.umu.) 5. sucxwoon-a mmaunua nuzml, ('l'orx>) 'l`| . u u - ....n ...uI .m...u|-nu .......|;__.D-Ii..L.1nn 300 Do I! ~ nufdc, 51% Do. Kiupnsuporbr, Dunn Pnum Cnlf. .of City of Kim non ONCE in hmob\ To WINK ' N given. lhll IN 1 try Smin nof the Ro_g:orde: n Court `-2 City of ingnon. will he holdun ll Ibo Uourl Houla in the mid Uity. nn Mou- d-hlho Seventh clay of January next, ll ma hour of-.Ton d'olook in lho foranoon, ol winch ul Corona-u,JuaIicu of the Peace, Cantu oqlnd omen Inywiao concerned, Ira requouod lo uke`nou'oo and govern Jhemnelvea uncvadlngly. - =nnnrm'r cHANm'\'H0usa:_ ll. ~_um'nl 0'l.` 1511., New `loci. continue 36 ' fl` ublmh Utr fnhulmg Ir It'll!` FBIIHIB P01506- le , vh:.- ' [I10 l|iVU U5 |'lal'- = Oilrvnwu 3nl.P||i Sal, Curri|i'I Winlu Blcunhodjluphunt do., 100 tout. A Tulioq Cund|u,`uIr| gulicy; 40 banal: Sosoi . Duties : BIUE` Pomlon, Conl- uge I'm!- ed Ponds. Cnnh I-{AER nr HM-n ..u.,., The run mid Mn norlnnl rnnla--Reli ion! 5 I I Po|inc||,uId Mllzmv-novr ngilnlrng my nn- _ `(tom 01 he ("Md Worhl, we Io 'h-up I/holu 1: UN!` ll Iululnl. nd Ulfuo! lnvy lIBV.I`l bifrl p--s-.-sud. 'l"m-1 ocrupy I muddle grwnd be- [ween um nuuly mum nu-an Memo, cnhk nperulutzomu and tiymg uumnrn at me` Inewlpr ., par`, and me powlomuu lame of Ihihm or mo, Irrmen long mm lhelmngm guru in the facts` he retard: than hnvv puns: uny-. - TM prog- Ieu ot the Wu nu [hr hall occupm i largo upace In men pagan. Ev`--y rpm-cmenl -- clou- Iy cnlicued N be be: on lneml or ol foe. and III ahoucomiugl Ieurleuly polllled oul, The let- tsn H-um me 0-Imam and from lhl Baltic in Bluckwoodh Magmno. non: _H'7O ol in most popular colxlribulonggnro gmoro mlelliglblo and rehnhle account 04 than mowmlnil cl Iln great belhgerenll thln cln elpwhno be found. Than Vcnodacnlu Iblv rlnresont thn lhno uelugerenll mun 9| :-tiara no mnnq. Tlguo Uerlodacnlu ably ripreunt gr;-It ;.olil.n ;A' partial ol (-real. Bnuln---Whig, !orv.|nd Radical--'-blll noliliu form onlv om `ICE! i.0l|l.l ll` [lIfll('I DI urrlt. Dl'lllIIl"' VI Ill`. :ory,Ind Radical--'-but pollticl form only J Ieuture 01 their chum.-ter. AI()rpnn of the moat lnratbund Writer: on 5cience,_I.ttcr|tun, Morality Ind R.eligion.1hay ntaud am they have ever ntuod, unrivalled In me` would ot Lutterl, being camidered lttdtsponubte to `Jun aCh0|CI and the ptofauloull mm, \\`h|1t' to It. Intel- gent reudu or every emu they turni-h I more `cancel and Igtinfnclovy retold of tho curient Iuernturo of that day, throughout the world. thgn cu: be mniblf ohtninnd from an other _so_uree. . EARLY COPIE . . Mun. I I..uru:.a. The rocelpl In Advance Bheeu Mom Ihc Brit- _iIh pubunherl given an pddilinnglvulua lo that Repnnla. elpecmlly during who preuni ucilin; ume of European nws. mnmuch as they can now be placed m In hand: ol Iublcribcruboul u only g|a,the orlgiuul odiuon. TIRI8. - Day Janna-, 1'.-Illlo Mun .gu'u Uh2e- es! lb: \1 nrylnnd Loltoriu, Bullunon, Dre. 1` 1155. HE Mluagen nl the uylnnd Lull_etin hgvmg Inn] it nu qeltrd lhll lhl Pllll at -dinwlng mo Hguna nllfllr-I hll itnlu-onfei, _....| Imam! demuuo nun nnlv me PuhIic.hnvo_cou- -V - E- 8140 000-A Maryland Lott , .lo fro drawnngx; tho Bang?` -dnvnng Hlvlnu L.uIu_-In-I nll ulluvonlu, .-nd bum; mg: unly Puh|ic,hnvo_cou- cncludml Iudnwn uuerv ON THIL` HAVANA P[.A:\', ml Ihe thiuj Bunrday Jn nch M'onIh.- Gruul L`onIolnln12d Lotti-ry of \l.D. Clan .":,1.u`bnl.|wn i~ Ba|urnure,M.d.. on -`anlunhy Jun. l9.l8$)6. Pl amoummg Io $140.-mo will beuimrnbuled Itjcwrdlnl In tho lullomng Mugnncirnl gicnc-mo. .'20.-|UUNumlori-1,001) |>m,..,- Pnzn paynme urfull wnfnnuldedurliou. u-nu.-nu,---I Pnu of I5U.D0(| il I50.000: I _ For my one DI Inc mur navnuu. ya For my two 01' thn fourr evidwu, 6 PM any Ihrae ol `ho Ion; Reviovu, `I II` J III luur ol lho Review, ~ 8 .-`Jr B||ckwood | Ma nine, 3 lforluckwood |nd.1 Ice Rovielu, U or Bluckwood Ind the fou_r Reviown, I0 00 Payment: lo be rnudr in Ill than in_ ndvmeo. Money cm-renl in the Sm when iuud will be Ieceivu-4| 3! par. ' " The Farmer : Guido Io Sclenlilc Ind pricticnl Lari:-nlnlln. Iqtlgn nun an. . DIVIDEND ol Four per Our... la: the turf yearenmng the 3|M_ D-ecernbc-r'cur-` IIl,0|lhE Cnpilnblock of-lhin_B'anIt, iq [hm -dlydo.-cine.-d,p.\ynb|e lu Sl.ureholderu.'or theur .illl.iir'nein duly t-unsnluled, on Tuenulny. lhu Huh dd .olJm:uII'.y nut. , nlnhnldarl whorenide unumsda Eu! will In rlflnfl ' 7"`-' `V II U I I I I - I - u - I -- ruuuiluul Aericuhma. `V By Haury Slephenb, F.R:S.,nl ` nhuuh.jnd the Ian J. P. Nollou. Promwr vol Scronhc Agriculture in \_'a.le Callogc`; New Hnvon. 2 Von. Ru nl Ocuvo. IBIIO pages. and un- merom cod and 91-cl Engraving. ' Thu uu,-ouleIIt-dIy,thc- mo-I complete walk on Agrieultuno our publichd, am! In order to give It a wider clrculnlionlbo nblisben huh.-. moIv'ed tn roducelhu .-iccto an Dollnu Ior the`;1wu Volume: II nan Ill! by man] (poul- .....n In r`..i|`nrnn um! Oruumn Ilm mine Will Pun: Prlxv-I puynme Iu mu mvmuux aeuucuon. `CHIII.---I Pnuhof C5u.00(|ri;j50.000; 1 ol `)5.ULNJ II 26,000; I nf'5,INlJ'u ~,uuu; I `I 4,000 1111000; I 012.000 I: 9.000; 30! l,000 ...3uuu; 4 M .500 no 2000; 66 M200 en I3. 200; I22 ul I00 I or l2,2U0; G `Am-rn::nm.Iouu `Pnzn :1 200 are 800; 4.0! 150 um +590; I `o ! I25 in sun ; 4 of 100 me 400; 4 oI75nge300; I2 ol.70 nrv -`W1; I6 0| 50 Ire H00; 264 ol 20 are 6600; HS 0120-Ire 9,760.-l000 Prilpo _._nnnli|\-In nuunnu , Volume: II wuen Ill! ny mm (pau- ud) lo c.m'om n and Oregon Hm rino will 5: 7| To any olhet put of lhv man and [uCunrh (pm: pun! . 36. H [hit wmk II no: thqold Book of tho Farm." Runlmncn fun an oi lholbove publicnnnns Ihuuldnhnyn be ml mud, pun-pmd. to the Publuherl, LEONARD 3001*!` In C0,. 6.600; us 0: zu-Ire v_.aw.-nwv rnqu, Imountingto IHIMIOU Q One Prue 1. any '10 'l'nckeIa. _ Apprnxnmmou l ri|n.,-`|`hr rum` mending lmllhllwn mom.-v1...g number: w`; on win- mng the full ItX7PriItfl um euliulodm Approx- imation Pnlu, as nbovp. 'l'he.pay:qorn of II! I` an In gunnnu-e_d by the Note u Mnryilhd. A|l.T-ckell In the Lo`:l.en_uv nus mused by [hi Suzi of Inrylan-I. but thq Illholngphrd Ingm- iuxeuf` P. X. BRENANF`. Urntl AnnL_for lho Contractor." '. -. V ' .jPlun of [III Lo` u-ry.--> Than-are 20,000 Tick- gwp,,uumbcrrd from Ito 20.00-a. Tlnn on 11100 Print Tic pwmlmn from] In QILIJDO '- `com-upondm; u-i_:- than an ' aha Nikon. time` o In Ila olupc ol.pnp'r in ml at! u ?...gA.m.e|.dP:'m. um-%! us who: Ind placodill: _ one wheel flfhe unounu an my dnlon-M 100 ml Pun: ulna rolled up III me same man: .... gnd placed in gno:er_syI:_gel. The Q00 A) man man. Prue: are rlehdoqj no nnuvn Mm mvolving `ho what: i alike _.|nu-q nu uf lie Inn--1 of it-Imp II, III! .1 the any time pm :1` dnurnjrou tho Pm. wheel by bop whro no blludlold- '|'lSiIiIn o|,'.;....| 5.-uIoxhu|nhvJ lag In audio n--lie prll-s 3,...` ".|m_d latbc Iunbcr nun M In (`nmIn'iuIoom. Tbitopvalion in n-penal III)`- ti||lIlhOPrih1Ih'.'I!nI| all.` ~ < n.~....... ciuhini nnmrnhr munhnn nul- IKE IIIIIDISU I onus. Cub ;iai..or Hidu ` Kiuguon, Dec. 8 `I855 - % /-INUTIII` - ` FARMS? GUIDE URA'l' REDUCTION IN "l`Hls2 PRICI` I`. L I TTI I IITILICATIOI. . auponor - T6 D:zuu.l l:;wl Calf " J - so do.` Bnamnllodul, 15 Do. l'ronclI'CI|l. ' ul'afBingI(Rld'RO Shoo ThIfudI,P_qa, til uh the Prinuunmnva all. ' Pi-nuns wiubuvg gv|.rueuhr- ..unbg.n n|`. wml I516! udenurig, Illh wulmclmns nfhtl ` `us du m (`O10 IEIV in mid. ` ` ` "nu mum`_u%u be ,v.ampu,'..m 10 all ....;L.-.9: I-PI KI-III. _w -- .9: luv--1,... --..r W I pluchuun. ~ _ _. -- I-mcl. ui ru:xr:Is- -non hm; Hnlviiij Quit, I 50 ; Knghlu I.. AM!!! Ina Iuu'["0t`I`nII In F X. BKIENAN. -' ' I For ollho mur Ruvjcwl. |-'..r nnv evwwo. 7 uni. EE Submihm rospustfuliy b. 3 Ia-u-Jo un- uouuco Put they ban farmed a Cunm-c~ non UH: the Grind Trunk Rnihond al Bruck- '~ villa, andhave puton -mun I Illu IE h.ill.7 Q'|"Al.'I-`R iiiu km and loluou -1 lI0t. _ ..n urrrii1ni"nnuununuA|l In mm -`rnuon gnu! V .1333 Wlnlglp, gl lull; l'.u.I I..LI. 1...`: F h-can Hn|;:;V|W;~ Qn|;, LI-5. AM in! my he-has m_ X. uulzwm, - .. ' .- - Iqmumr. M I. "II! _I' IIIUIUIUUI I nut: I R. WTLLIAI! CUNNINGHAM .II., For Iiollllgoo, Inl0IiI1I 10:63 mo can aux H...-.. B--I D-I'_ -_I 4 IDI ' omunea nom ` ... ..a 1.4.. ...-- L.-.... 1, pun-pma. to me rupulnul, LEONARD CU _ I'|'n SJ (huh. Rn...L ND. LEUNAK SUUIVI U Ll-Fu` N014 Gold Suc, New `link. E. W. I'Al.MI,-LR. -It:-.....c. 1 '....J4 \II-u' THE nun Ews-;JAiirUAny= ` ON Tj`. V1Ul'U`lll| nmuum. ., The " Guide in publinhod fortnightly, and in portrinly lhe beuudvmining medium m the Prnvinn. |.. w. rm..vu,'.n._ "Kihgllmn (`null Wen, `wagg, aim.- Par Janus. I. I300 s, 500 u, 100 800 300 II, UN Kill` aignnn I - 1.I;vw$1H,$ ."-.'i"pwiu.u.1 un- . joining them mm `anon.-Bod I5! Snihotibcr, vpplllli um Ii-Io`, lingqu slfh, 'nr `nnlnnl nnii.`-nlan. IIIIN` I02 `.'$%.'I-.E.'.'.T" `$7.37 I A Mann TER- Itmmon. and Hum. N195 ~ ~ I- DIVIDEND, IU. AI. OTICE in Much} [inn I land at ldltpofoonl Plhvnho Blocbof this lnunlulion, lat IIIQ half yntif um . 135,1- oudma Mat Iiooemhov, Mo bun [hiu day I ducluod, and 12:36 the um cm H punt-1o 4 at tho Iuak. In Ollloeo and lgonoionon n_ml- nfm Woduoodlygcho 2911:} as non. - ` dnmlumnn bu New Smut, paid nu!-uni . qnonlly In In Juq lul. will any Uilidnnul at man mo from dny of cont. _ Tho _I"nusfgt Babb p_i - _c!opd_op l_th oupaun` ".||nuaI.)j` IS! on unrnnca nupcl. ll mun: un- cupued nu hun, by lilrhiulu, with I Wyodou Dnolhug" ndjommg. ' ~ For 1'onuu~n I to K JAMES grll.-Puubur h 1` H08. R-IR PAT RICE, I Kiadll. M an-I. Hi INH '1 Tnusfnt Ii clnodlll llh Doccxnbor mud n- K ' on It! Jnnnlry. By oldm 0! 08nd, - 2 - c. 3.. `loss. Inn any ol mom. ` flifi CUTUi E sad we n - in: on Bunch Supt, nlj pr on-' .u....`.l an. I'.uun`n hr |?.'l.|llln- II"! I ` . - I` ; _ 7 r1VHE.0meu of Mmhemnlicol Mule: in ma won inmni lmmuuou.b.ln1 u.-_ cunt, cahdaduu fur lhu some are rcquoami lu u-ammalymeit npplunuonu and lumino- ninlu, on or boforoum FIRST day at JAN- UARY, our lhouund oigln hundred rind hy-nu, to u;g_undeni.nod with 1 new to than beinzubmillod by him to His Excel- Iouo the rumor General. 1` `- n.I-ou gnnnhnol Inlhn ntnl In IE0, b _'Ju_:t u__ecenveu.u- _ CRETE, 190, Prinomvltreat, . 'l.'ARh`E usutl-men! of LaIi|I:! ,..Hnd I lo-Io mo uorernor uonorm. , T "0 Ialuy aunohod lolho otcu ll 300 ntorhng, 1 nnmun. - Thu Mn: II Aim be nmvidnd ,IilII I naming, nnnum. Thu Mu wall also be pmvidod ,.wiIlI u houceinitgnc up pmniuu. _ Ilv mun ; S0(!l'0llI E'I Oioe, \\ Turunmbth number. I855. LIUW ullnlil-IIIIINII run CHulsTMAs AND l\l`.W*.YEAB passnurs. , \ _.-`nun n\Ivr.u'.Iu__, 1-- ,-|,. OHN DU [".I'.;iu [or sale r- Slbbalh Boil: Chimod by Ibo P0010. *' Sun-in "I Oburnl think when the ball: doe. inn, '1` no Angola mqno, with colored i"|lll| I' lions by Blrkal I-`oqur `CON'f`EN'l`b`.-.3Ibbuh Sonnn,lQ1o S: b- buh, Bundny, Slbblth Mum`-ng, 1 spring Snbbulh W|ll,uII Home of God. *Eugh.u Church". m Sun 10 hour I Brook. 1 Uhuroh std Soon, I Bummer snblulh Wnlk,I 0 Yillngo Clnmh. mo Slbbllh, Bnmtu Wllh. 1hnCbImhnrd. I-low Son WIII. In. IIHIIC LJIIUIUII. HI! DIDDIIDI Qupdty Wllh, I.h0CbI!chynrd, I-low Boll an Mania of that Wu 0 HO}h,Iha Ben, the Day of-Roll, uh I of Pr: or. n Glam 0! Snnlhmo. the who. 3: I, tho Vain. Al Drawn, lhn Land : At. Than I- UICID Q II|IIl.IIg I-II. DIUXIVI IICII, II Voiu cl Pnynr, the Lord : 1):}, Then in 1 Touuno in cut; Loaf Ilndnhrlhought, n Dmnlnlil ham. lhn hbnth II. lb! ""5" " 'i'::""' "123!" ' "" `l7h'3'"n". D333. % tho :bmu hu.,"".:.`. nllon Eyugug. l:In r'.__EgrIy _R_iun! and tuollulul ululunuu sum, we I Buuoalnnlng. l1l|'_._E3rly lining and Prnyet, the location of Nnltuo. How SWIM lhc Tuna Boll: Rupoagnvq ,penl. Sooiul Wonhip, tho Curlew Boll. , T he En"of SI. Agln, by . ohn Koala, ll- lunntud with twenty dllilll in lllo style of Guy ; I-Jlogy, and lb! l5eunud Village. "Thu volume wall be sought - clmu one ofmo chow: guru of mud Ihip at the comm; Inna, tho n|luu'm- l lion: nun unpau In bogmy. Urey : El- ag In the nine ucylo _ Tho Baum olinglnnd, 1 outlet of pot- miu ol diuingutuhod lernnlo novoroignl, drum: and marital by unmunl numb, - wilh Blognpluocl and Hmovloll Ihloh- orfnnn Agnu Smculand. A new adu- _upn. " Tha'I`IuI, a Poem by Wallium Cowpcf. Illustrated by Balm Fools: ` ' Th: U.-,ur1od Villngdd by (Hunt Gum- numll. llluuntod by the Egchung lfluh. u the " Klnuanrn nusur-um. unsun- - ATOIIY." Pvinuu-nrool, whichlhoy will oxnnn in the v.-um plus. They will Jtiltlntly be Iupplibd willirurnl und hudichn of ganuinn kinds, mloclod from he Rrgli-h and Amaririm marl`!-II. :04 H be fully depdnded Iipnn.` is I `- - - B, LUV. xnuvuu :n.u:II., 'L}\Rh`E _.:_a`:1rd Go-mlarnena Whm-. Kid Gloves, La-' ` Jig. White Satin hoen. Ind While Slik H"5?.'.......... 29lPi Dem.` [855 liner Conn collage and loyal Gnnmr school, Toronto. Ill rI|'IuII.`InO.3 John MILHI. Doc. IN), 1856,. I. nanny: 5 mm. .. u5 .g'.:;,_. Druggulq and pdhocuu, lg E4: to announce thlllhoy have pnnhuo `ad the mutual at Mr Charles Bram, in the Buoinau Imolohto nafriod an I) him the KINGSTBN Ml-`.D|"(2AL l. A Oll- A'l'nIIV H llninnnnn.nllnnL whiphlhnv till IIIIIII 0 IIII-IUH-IUII U IIIU I& E.III` Club. The Plea-urea of Hope, by Thomas Culp- boll, lllumuod by Burnt I-`amt, Uoorgu Thomu, and Human HIM , The L1] ol llno Int Mmolroll. by all! WIIIOI Beau, Bun . uhnmm anltt-duo 4 non: und tho ` not ; Noun. . il- lnnuuod by one hundtu un.mn`ng'u on woouhfmm druumn by Bum `Foam |u'J John Gillan. ' .. The Lady 01 the Lake, by Sn` Walla: Saojgart, wgm all hit inuoduoliuuu, nriouc rudmgu, and Inn` E_dI|._ut I Nu'u-, Illustrated by nurnot-nun angnvmgn on Iood,mmn dmwlngl by Baku I-`mm um! Jghn. Gnbau. The Puudnql.oo: ol M.n|Iou,lI|uIl.rtlooL Ky I..h.. M-tin anus nvnnn . WILL open hr_M.I.lNEllY_ SHUW ROOM Tun Du. `Thursday, Mr. R, in mun! Dr Dickson`: (III mmnm Prlnnnl nuol.,' rhw clfnrf Ihoi the Lnmhiou Hnnu. , v % _.)'.\`GIEIS wxr BR.-A -nnnly of us. about no|ohmud" Mi-mu! Wanar iunt remind {I-un SurnI'nu;....?:.pv nln |w' - . 3 A I-' ll- Pl Illltll 'DlAHIR8iF9R IND-3 A glut. utjclj ` uf- Digrin nf Ill oilu Dilly JpInI_*,_ Almunuu.nn'|Anrmol llogiouru. For nah "- `MWIN IIUFIT n..' 3 I . . ` PIIIK C0. `LIVUJ 0ll.. J U?I' to--iI_'_H. dillil {ion N6 whmm land, 1 fruit uply of run LIVER ll 19. Id. " Ial and` 7 'v ` ' `-` ~ . j V G Cudndanlnl nm. .u..n.. iiulon, 29 Nonrnhu.`1I&`h.` 'B`l'..-'Ef'::'K~. TJo'hT"r Ji}.3Z;;ioT'ia'Z "?Fai I jg, `jg; s.,uuo.ouu._. New Illustrated Books. 1 nuulumlnlu Amn n._I.`lu`:.91 T~aZ""-?;$.i G 37 use can uiua w.. P D!` .... AA nlhniu [inn Va"-uh mnnno. is. E in hnanhu Quinn II BIKII J CIQ. n.......... .a- .....l 4.... r v noun 7"" ___ L..- III! I IMBDV Hun. (`In- I ` ` '%t.1._ R1`. czumnn, hhnrnmn -114 .0! Jnuuuty uahnlden whorenide lug will he paid at the omen 0! tbs BIN`! 9| UPP" CW` all m Momn M` than in And:-ur Knngsmn, It III: olcr ol Iheksmiaf Uppet Onnndl in Hm . oily {Ind `hole In and nut rnrmno, It ll!!! Itof Upm-I -Canada. `Ii: Trnnllm Book mil be cloud on. the 96m -gr oluu nv : PARKER. I12..- 01.`... "[1. . f"nf|I? Kuv ' run uni, soorouny. "IK-VIvu-u " V;- 1*n,.nnn`ggu.m Inn op::nuu.,, humus -in. 1. hm-an, I. A. Innn Llii. D01 uaumn Ion CANADA: GRANVILLE MOYLE, linen. Lone: promptly hauled Jritjgpol nfolron to the Bond in Lontl . and Ofce. lin:.3-mt. Ki_nu-.ton,- s. chrlgn sgeoa, Bull-ainu"squm, ~% LONDON. fncorporilcd Tmuhr Aer qf rm-umm.` DIRECTORS. _...--- Snwu. Aiwu, `Elm, Ru. 1. Bklfkl`. M.A., Lovu Bnnunlf. III. 1. Stllllld Corn Ram, lhcluu Gun, `-1.. Joulrl J. llnn, Elm,` [lacuna Wu, Iain. Hun 'UlI.1`II,-I-`O-Cog Managing Dmotor, L0lIl0l- 5., am. no mans: mnzmo. mum Vllnlol nulun, -.nq.,. Otnoz-K'l1n_ 51ml, Ilon._ FEATU of thin any to on {- vuunont of Puuinno I6 IIIO nun at 10 000 Sn Cnnsdn. In .&u.uon to Ibo um: Lu. and Annui- : Banana. chic ollu (mm Inonnnop up __ II and Dlnuod Linn ul-o, Inn- nnno quinu Aooklonm by Iullwgyi Ind Madame Puualued. kc , 341., hr 'r|..'. hainn . nnrnll Mutual Snnldlw. lhl nmunng nil in tho Cun- C "3 an guru:-I I n ninl I! D-.. noun, on |'u|'.au.g1, up an Jiuvunlu nun, - '1! ton 0'.-tool -n [he lomm zn. tor the 3: --.`pos- - cl elm-li_ Duocto.-n _m warn!` the Our G. J- ` infamy. , data and Janie: P. 619. Sq , uh. build! the ro'vinco. ' ` - . I nnhv. ` _ IUUUUlU V6` I Ivvv--w vv u-_--- q gT|.l:`..V1EN,---1: . C--umer, your : puwul. rapreuguunve, 't|viug de- ' `mu . ns nomimum: uzod having been 4 numb u numbenut the Electors ol 3 "mg.-3 .VInIrd'lo silo! ny uqmu lu he w__ tiuuomalllliml u AI-lmnm|'_`lur md -. ,._ ml I858. but u_|hi iP'UI mauve clffdm pug or ulnqqo; In vmnu. poauionl ,1 .9 mo City C_uuuml IOI uvau yum. mug`; ya (out luvornblv dnspooed Inv- `i, W, 1 pugdge myulflu do my bus: Lu 2&1. jnmem at Vmlunn Ward upeoully j `mg mg City gnnegrally. ihoulul lubl be abu-.19 pay Inynrenpeclq - -""uui`u u.V ,3 undo; nlnllmnhnh lulull . u 1 In`; - . `*1? lug . um `Icy. _ -._ uaiali M " mnnldnp. 1. . `DAVIS pI:;:uo rooving. aim tha Cluillmll Vgcnliou, I select numbar oi Youn Ludnu at day pupm. Having lur so ` yuan ulouled bu umo lulullun. Mu U. lufnwmpuuut magnum- Iuuqlion in the usual brqnnhnd A: Eng Huh cducauun, cumhineil with. Music: Fuuoh, Dmiin and Singing. Km; Smut nu. - 70-In Mttiuma ruuuuel. no am, no. This being I purely MIIIIIII society than - halo onho protr N-loam the Man a. : U--I'VC- I vvcgi `OR School Baolluu, Numb One, A Towuolup 0] Auburn Inland, cinuulo suchur, with I lim olun; or I aulo ~ tn chat with I ncondplqu onrliIu!o.-A lib- om nlu will In giun. "A I: `H: Inn pow idjl" '3". I "y ` " Jo ftunfsou. q.-*-..---. --....... HI hmlur WII!_`Hl`!l 93 the Oil h II I II I III` OGII u.uLuT-':""r'1cr'1I1"s"rMa2n ..7.a mew run`! III: 5'! NH! Amuu-nl .hn nmauiiun Hn nkl of CAN,,;ADA BRANCH. \- j ' I1lIl|II|"lM Lulu: I IH".3f' NEW. A44 IL. Inn-nu nrr *... I'lll'.lIV"l! IU- l'l"IEllll IIII gnuuuuvqa mucus in Ihn Ht-Imn, nrr :--- , _ The new Gown!-. _WiIh tun, pm`:-. by llnu-`hM`I. ` IIII HDIY VUI[U'lo .V,VIIgl pun] ys'u|Il. II . ()var`lm-I. . Than Sn.-mry of m. Unpjcd Biol.-n. Sablum Buh(_Jnm.od. by I_.c rum. In ul :4. A mu?` ly him `run. , Funk, 4' Wm. Coup:-mplmdully man... I , - ltd. . Llgri-.pAln.lc.y rm wnlmleomdlumnga 5, nu, . cngnn-up en} wand, hum`-lulgau by Butt: . . Fuut Gabon-. A . The L911 0:! mo bah. iv l _ Wdur scan. with cum: nnmuclu .1 man M , Ann rzduum om. .1`-nun-lyenlmu-.wa ` by Bun PoIlll.|i|JIh.. u``b-?t.~` _ ' .1'|o Rank Iluhlnulyd Phlnu. - muiumng 43 ~' omhn = -. on p-pun: Pun: an" the Engoln I ' bunny. utubuId'u|,| |l'uumIud'by up- I wank ol N )2n;r|\v|u%I. ' ` I Ioliquu oi Ann-nu In; an I no r.. cumming ' olnllllgvoocg .n. a-.-_-...,u Iwlol pqgu ollba mom pr! ,_\lr|ll uoauol lsfotdalq _nm Imlulod rn any olhu glean. ccllcuu y Thoma I`-tn` D D. - ' ` lung`:-u`u.bo-nu "y on-nmmg _ 0aybJua y. u--. at- _ . _ Rb-tun llommy It-can IhnpuIl.h'u|- nlhllv lliumnlali. . ' ,,. rllt-of Up":-I -Ltuludn. `Ii: 'l`r|ulh: Baolt mil be on: ilrrom. And re-aprned on "the 8th pox. - By order, . _ - ~ v ~ A. .~'I`lVI'N. ' 4 ` ' rollhllfl . - `n;..-. In; u_..:n__ KDMIIOI II supp. uy duy II1-mutual. 004110. -NI liuuml ` n-an-i > true-1., T531:-:m':u'U `ho '1 I`!-'4 `H_-'|`- , `G!-W Vitlunlvciod-\t_i_Ih -tllliau. Hanu- `afib 0' Bull. Poetry. umury,am.l I.` `no-dig` Wm .._n..oI..`n [u -H';: 2'4 l|"I`,All. roan-gu-u I.'nu;*WfIy. UI`llIB I-uruvllr Cur ` I IMV \IlnOYi'II1-N." " 7' Th-_b`,n|vr oi ylb `I'uI'NI) 0! lb o"r'u'um-at numb vhuaeau -v Lovjly-ma`- ll...-..., 1 "" If`! '30: I.- " - CUR!` UIIIUUIV. " Chmnna, In-`ml cl Trnuuo Du. Mm. nu. ~ IAISI-II. ._ T';"." T'.:'.'.'."'.'."* A `: Glllnl . DIRECTORS: Auunn Gun-I'Iu.. Em. Wxuul G. llama. Bum, Joan W rum, "Bum. Joun R... (IIIYTII. Bum, Wynunn Wmou, Em. THE-SECURITY. '7 ll`: 7" |'o~LI ,. Ina `Hm "1-~ 'j AKERN BROHA--uAn innoqum, m ;Ii1n1I|u;. .m~I mg--as-bl b-rouge Willifoc unii-loaul panonl inhnlth. F nigh. '. ~n...w_ PALMER. ` cl! aunt,-an J air IIAIII1 In. llovmn, W.&'n'.:-JIH nun "AL:x;nu:&?.urIIu, En, W. G. Huun, um, ' . Jami R. Fourru Wu. Wnuol. Ema _ M It, 1. -Joan Wntlu, , Juan A. Hintuu. In. -an: vpnunr:-Juli; Pouronn, line. ljn[;in,s} M`mA2lN ro{:._u~u.| -A` "" nI.'a.a....' '~D:h.'.'... .u'f "'1 ' :ORANVILl.E noun, n.q.,. .._I(hm Sunni. linnlnn. Intel lnnodmoly Illllln I up. in ma: nnuinorpiuy ,. u wulnpw-ail nun; Io.-II` Ind ngl,` II-I. hide Iundlid , Jun-nil: WWII 10! Ill: bv FL... " |AIi`IiI. C-n-hnhr I uanvua um nuw I Iwuti Huang nhn pmmiiwu` Bmu of I Vuiago, i-ouulzhy` unho- "'1' .d ) F 73% uufson, n, lluhni ll Tnnlnnn lfoi; vdlubur tyin- -mug cu Emorodh t.no1;nI: Hyupdow nun anu;n~rvn:v--Ir , " nntulmnzm Imsag pmm`~c0`l'- . 1-um uacumn .. nuv pnpmu to utniuh no nun Iuilnu lU'll`I"l7II3|ll'lgV With um um: Tobueoo. A, fig! ug Inf:-orunhum -ind MINI` Elm J'IM R` W01 and [or nli Wnlugid tad ml. ` p - H. I . wHI'rI:; Ila Toblhpouhn K mu .\'Iy'n_ ` `VI HALE` IIIU, .II'| IUV: nuns, nova ubuc `I! ,.in Bophmburg. Clunly" cf nltuuud oppoailc. ch; G.Im`ii:li.' Tidal! Wuodu, our Ngpuc-0.`: :1` lo 9-1! ?! luv. and Blull. will he and e:- IIn_II gmh the Fun.` GUN ocautvonlntbigli in -.D I. W'..|- " " "V I'\._' I] In .K. RON lhiq dun Ihu `HIV - OI ._ Hill `Inn lhngnwu, Fora-N Bollenllo. Cubourg. -and u.IiII!l.9IlklIE.lIr|l' on, our` znoxumgn not an unto! 01 mo Eulom Iii. - LI..n........_ -;lU.|| I`-.- lnh-nun nun:-U OIIA-LE. ||II,,I'|'l-0'IIlul,II|l_ I93. .....2'. .'!:'..'i".`-','.`....".1 "`.`."... `..; Zgif Inn .0! no In-[mauve Isunily um. mm Tu mvm: uu.1.s. Vlxn-rwo.-'1-3:: an` upnmm. Ior Pmuno oq, Local BIIII. glutam- my auction` of n Bream mo out-In at g . Ihiiroud, Tumpulo llou.l..nr qnw oi Ljmc; than oonuvuculnn or angry ! > n Hnrbor,_L'|uul.' Lhllk lJ..i`n` ax pl othu uk-o nork-gnhn grauluungm I II o Ferry;"lho comuuuu-m ol uwlahloc `nap ulylu gu or wnuu; ur|_-I up uuuupvr- ` man of any nruuuluv |'rulcnao|fi?"l`i3dI or` ol My auhoug air other Cuiiliuld - Company, or Ccmuuvry u ommu, ; my me ourpouuuu oi a rain at a My; um lo"-_ mg I any local Au-rumunl; uI`t7lTnIo|i' ol my Uounly or l'om;Imp; mu zoiiqvil of um am on n Uunmy roan, .or in Lad -Olua-3 mo neguiuuuu 01 an Umunwrn u nu--urvuy ol Iuy Tuwnnmp, Luna. or Cau- gugmoi at {or gnmung go any nmuvaunll u fudmdunlu my um um ngnlp or pm. llogu whnuoevur; m lot dum nu, `jg. to: or thing utuuu. would 4-1!" 1 un gum or propuvly ot oghn_r pIl'l0l3 up Ioggnug my unondmguol I his unsung; ' - Incl Act,-lhsll I quit: -um iutlu . lint In two publuluou, n: I` _, ._..,;.A; I. In Unnur Cnnln.|n -A Dual`! illlild `I . , Jvaliuzuw. T FEW GI-DNTLBMEN onuha accumu- lated Iilh board ind Iniubtc Jamm- "1 John Tnoka r'o, Na. H Bnrrio Emu, -. Inn: uni Lnjnnnnl.-ml. III! In-IQI `roman. - . I. An Acoonllnodluon him of 800 -00 will Inn Itlngmfdllul Huyeulcu, Wlutlul every morning (sumluyu `uqupudj, II ` o'clock. .. ` u-......l.... _Wi I hung, vl`_nh..n|m Ant. d| Quxoqplad) ullunuuamu nuqtu i` ` _ y It-nllua pan~n..gom vi har.Iu! 9M 9;. my ~1vgu'.`a_u|_ Q 41ngl.l"u not `.1 3301'! Nllw V $4.. an n~.3..u~.o.-1.-1 uhgnlmh nl-I'hrnCn~ `Buyumo.- - -[MI Biigtn I1 mutt! ol.1iIrov_cv - or. union Bwhd and M In. -A .3 2 ~ T - ~ V 43 ouaaa-;IiN;K;--v-. nun: 31$. ISIIIIIII MIN. - ` ' Rotnrnmg,-\ViI| In-0 Labour "cry mom.ngm`Iur' mo maul, of u 0-tun` llulfr-~mTuaouto. Ln. `nhl\I1lIn`IIl|II [Inn at` Ill -I-I o'clock. .. k V agmqm .-WI.l Inn -Cubuumwnnd Bultuiuo, -muJ.uvnry mnmuugg {Suns d.`.>.;oup|.I) uuuq gum: Iuoqn '7' v If-In Ima nanxnnn-i llarllriial hog no puumuou, HI 3` ~. . Iu Uppur Cunmlu-A nuliro Iuumd In on uunpupcr put:-mt I m m-'- Uouigly, or . UTIion- ul Uauu|1n,ul!-wluu. In Lnnmllnn-1].:-a-A nulinl hnnd `I UUIOII 0| laQIIll'lIl.IlI|`\ I!!- In LoI`ar.%|n|du-A uoliu Iuunvd I: out unupu ` In tho E mull: It-zz: 1 Tnunpupu m 0 Fwnun language, Dmnol `situated, or m bu-la tnuancb? it 110 than be Imlouo paper; nu u`t_qum nunpnper pubmuud Unnun, man, (in man Ijaujujp) m 5 pupcr puumium nu j~u juunug umm-1, and man mun Utm_gI_Q_g- min. ` Ihmh nuuhun chill In nnnlhantl In nth um. . .. such nouiou until in oonnnud In cull our!" 1 pmod 9! an In my unsung u- riug Ibo ulthl ol limo luzvuu the cleft; ` of mu nu: pmmlmg Slilh n, Iudmocuuo oidornlibujui mu Pcruuon._ Pllitlqd Ihnl If A- nnnljn--nnn ha nl nuuh I nllum an `ant Ind Aooommodton` udonuoqlm nu rvuuou, rruviuqu Inn u the upplicnon be ul ouuh I ullunl II on to affect my pumoulnr Iuuhh y,thu noun .. |._. ....I.l..l.-.; n. Ihu fIHLu.l nllnlll A U. Ulul Stun Oce, !(inslon,g Dec... 1855. Inc Ilppllctlou no In cum: I IIIIIIII II WI aoat In) luoklrthl muy bu pulzlmhu nu ma Oteul Gu.n_Iu. Hnm-v.muu.--'l'hu helm: uuv nouucn on puumnu ma unum uuquu. 61:1-1-mun.-'l`hu:he1uu any poutgon fm Inn I; hung In n_Pnuho um mulls I- eumnn on Toll Mmlgo ll pwlaulq-J Io lbh Huuu, lbs person uf pmu.u_purp-mug pnlnlluu H11 such Hill lluil. ulpuu ullauj IUI mm -a pruanted by we Glml Rule. ulna, at Inc u-mu lunumnd In mo umu .unuuIr,[|vI ' nuiiee in wrm`u;,muug tun rum mu may nmen-J to gut. rag ulauluul mo privi- loge, tho tmglu ol In : uuuu. muutnrvnl between the ubu_um'Ih- an yum nu unpu- ugo of rum and vubmu, um Inamiuuuag Illa olhu lhr propou no cucttd " - brmgr not, on we damunalupa 0131115 dmahridge ' _, 51.:-rv.tnun.- Thu Mnlu nublluhfdnuok mutt-rouu.-5 mu pgruupnuuum un- licou ul im_gn_e|od a alouljom For Plr?'Ilo Bnllu, umlifi use 63 Iiifc fiiliIl'Iil"' lo nnuxnddnouud wuu " Punt: lug 0f- / u, Lcjnnlauvo. Anson`-'~ly," (Il._IO0I u 5 may be mm as puibuomou) 5 cup} E!-the locnl aannpapor cuuIu`.:`in mo mu haul- uul In such notice (at -a uuuclle 0{lIIu mnqnign Ihoroof,.by_,Iho propnccor u! again put, III}! also, s-liq: Inn yrungumuu _ _ ouuou. I up a! th.-`pa, an coauniuiro Illa lul mcnlou 0 mg uh noun, or u ml?- ulo Ihureof. ` ` . .W. Is. LlND*AI`,-]v'5j' mun Antony?- . -'1`-nnnln mum 9|. IBM. -- 4 _ Unnlulul. rrlliouil. ' cmumunu um may 1`uuunm'r-`I . Mm-Inml ind Nu! huh and N- .-furully invhu bu In-vdn nud)I.g o_1?9hIi_ .w mupool hip [up and manna lliullll` oi Fancy Armin bum \:voIuIcnI--rum1m:- ul um Me for cmlumug Ind Nun Yur_`_u Gila.` he. . . - , . ` [Inn II, "Knuth-|l|._ V` nan`, Klngulon, l9!h Doc . ll'_iM. (J mnl.. the summer " I9-1591.1`: WI I?" I." ~ Tunuu Us-vnn; Mum. vull p WUIQI - Kmguuu and lion}: Inllnu, .tMe|I6.ng `N \ Gll'dl.II._1H4nI], unlit fauna: III!!!` ` Walk mad, 7 up . 9 um.` t~9au,.,'Op. - m Md 7 ` '. " ` I 31- llilxllt will IOIWI KI Q`; I ml... "IQ _|.., - -J. - ' ' ` .3 II... If-Ill jI--u-as vi. ( Numtaltuu amuuunv n---Gut-Joni -.__;'r:'-~.1*:-:::%'m*::;:Tff**i%."`2:L`iZ J IMI4` . lfllprd Inn wuv~ nun... V... .. ..._, -...,_ _,__ 2 p.cn., 4 '-.m. 'On at) DA1ras,"au.usuM Id`-Iuj\:|_ 9 um, and I p.m. :' Ind I `_ `,m mg`, .1` nu. 5u.urJa.1uug`:rg.p;; .1 4 an. '1' 3:56 ?-an _ _ |uhIIhhbQK juHIf|>0I.r!|- ` ' A be ia.au,ror 41inLf__g:irf'j3 :_uu?no-. ll Illgllh, J mwnraagc , `,- surv-toun. Thu pwiu publlhhf no- in... ..| nnn-mlnd nnmlndinnn Fur P MIC IIIU =1-!l ~ovonlo, Nun 2|. 1365. `mu: ANnjf37ibh adfmpc [Ill -n..|.--_:-.-- L.. ...`....` ....-_n...I'h` I Ylingutoi. Wolfe bland. j ,' Ill. W , Kit); 81. Inpion, M Dec_ `MM, Ohrmmu. Present-. HIIIIMHMH nu-. lunar I.a.nntII p& gnoxnu. nun. .a..n...;; ..".'.r_ ._. Pvup `win. I $4.01 U|UUhAI LULI n,uuu. -. _ Ta 59 had everywhere. Prico three contn. 93-97-, ...;.. ~,,, nu-...,__' I` % | 6. KINGSTON Tfssizumgms ` lune. ., Kigll. Dgm - V?------_.._____> High I3Ii|i"| Ofco, * D00. 27, I855. 'g.s.uuII ii: _ , of Onttrio Ward. . " g1 l'l.;I'2|lE N.'--Thy V rind in ion `nd whom you mll a called an to "5 Aldon-mpn to vopmbm on in an . g Council. You nnuhpnore run with _ u oundenca unnqmnnrun the lust In at. I0! mm gued.IhukI_. I . Vader llu itnpluuou Ihu Ih- J-uohutgu by dude: of olce hnu met with you Eur you my uervmua her the ' my al, ['0 .nllli|| y'"', which [thus pubiio 1 km `or you ' `I.I.\ll,\Vll-|I- uI~uuu- HI OAVADIAN, RAILWAY AND.- - "I`EA,\lBOA'l`~GUIDE, of Jamulry m, III. will conlnin the luv Report: of MR R0- Bank, Hlunllou. ,, Dan. 1. mm IIUEE ` DEED- A,MQn'|`|Ng uflhe allABIH,pLDI-2 as m Illa GORE BANK will wk: since at up hut. TUESDAY, Ih- Bill JAN ARV next , J [an D`.-Incl -n ma tom:-u -n. the n Irma- -.._.._ ~'G:ovo Bani. llluil, ~ `Q I. I10! u` : -..._ Elil VIII. ` I I303; . -D `I. . rnuulnn, ` an n :1, II M test. = . A..;........:'..::. ...'."'.;z.'..:% " '*"' *- ~ ..*-` I, Illu nave puuun Tw0.LlNIa UP DAILY s:irAuF.s. , vr _s,. Q . . I',IVlIl. ll unuluunnum.-u. vu: .--- THE AOOOM MODATION LINE. . m ,:_1.- ,... ...n.....rI...L......., ..,L___ - GRAND `I KUNK HAILROAD T0 M0.\"l`REAl.. Vmronn ntunam n ruxunluu nurwnv `.;I_u I I. --'-- - ing slootorl of Victoria Ward. '. u;uT[...\1EN_-- 1: your . swans ro-n72ooxV1Lz.i. Men ace-ualnguy. `raonswr CHANUNHOUSE, . `High nail ll DIRCU LATION 0,000. -.I `um-nunlnnrn Prion Oh! `Hill ODISUIBIII DCI"VI.lll. ` -JIIOBERT JACKSON. \ _ and D10. I856. :17 `H ` 'j- I I ..n-_ . ` 1 _.a some BANK." Dvlurun .r.u.,_ HIIAIIIAJHI JIM , Dec, l9,I355. ____ flqn leceived.u ` .___.'_ '.-.` - . L Hum-"T r Gurninman, Yuuraobsdiom Sizywl, - 'nIlR`.II'I" JACKSON ' BOARDING. '2 |n`N"l"l , EM In". N n-n I'|' IIO |'l'9Vl B; urder, I Lilly -gun-nm_y., n%go.uId I u'ol ho able to my respect-g ., nonllly. previonu Lo the Elouuon, i'. u;qllpl"aul. obliged by your gwmg mo fnur vols =l[Id'In|0|'ei1.|0|` Alderman. ' _I- am, Gmlldrcn, _ / ~ Yours vary respect ully, ` MS. LIN ON. [:1 on In Ill `BANE. POIIOIII Ill UIII HI. I Saw. PALMER, nnalnl II-that Rnun 9 r. ' - A. ETIVIN, Cnsin In nuuan, `High Bail ll`. van, Lfnlgcr. A largo uuonmont o Cloak. _ ( 010: III for 010 Ah. Black, Brown and Greg) Frlnch Cloth Trinr . ..u--u u-u-L A|l.|IC' 1 mags, Mun um, Wnered Ribbon do., `_ I . Bhsck Vclvn Ribbons, all widlhl, ' Colored do. Suipud and bhochd do. Rrinntn An, lnpuu um unocxw no. Bunion, to- Black ux Yelvm, E Oolond . do.,, E Moss Volnu, ` E Stun, Satin: and P1uIh- :1 us. mus uunco uo., Blnck Stun Turns. Franck Iuinou, . Pink um White do., *. Kilinngekobo Dmsu, A ` u-i Oorn P. Lauren ` Figuru` Urleauu, Pnnuduinnm, Fringed Delnlnel, All-Wanl Plddl. I nu. n"\\l\l.|J-'l L'l\IA-I'll lvn u-nu. Cuccrnl Sleighup.-xlcallen1Caringea when Ihe Blaijhin` in uul pod, Vail ! loavz-the Stage Oire fury .\ owning ll l0`o clock. - Tl-ll` uni. LINF. -: as muck Silk Velvol. Bun-l n-In neu, Plush Bonnets, Silk nnd Sntin du., E Am'ric'n Bonnet Shaped, V Bonnet Bibbonl, `I Unp Ribbons, 1 . French Flmvum, 1 `.`--vmn Hnnllnn. I 3!Ll,, Plan Ind Shot do, Blsck Glace do., Blnck Snln Turn. rrmea ueuunu, All-Wool Plddl, uuym H-inn; French Prints. |.\.I-. :' rtncu 1' Au warn, .4-sewed llnnunn. Hltul dmru, -Jeeves, Uollarn and L Ouh, Lmun Uollan, kl-bu Sm:-u and Blown, 3': I luv, rnuau outing-nnuguvu. Kingston, mu Doc., 1805. ,,__ _,._'_ WORK BOXES, Wnlmg Dash, lum- uug Ioxas, 8Lc.. 13., In Papmr Maohe and Rosewood, Ml` ulna by JOHN DUFF. -_-. BIBLES, Puyer Books, Church Seru- oon, Psalm Bouts, m A great vnnety ol Bmdmga and rinse, Ior,u|u by DUFF. V VENDFRQ will nzoived at me office of V, the Penitentiary` until Fnluvdly 1h`e 26th day of Jnnuury hut, f:o1n`por|o1_n un- iin lo lurnuh and dellvrit tho, PIovm-- oi: Penitentiary _ woo corms or man woos). Dhlivoriu of thr lune, and :11 other pu- liculun rquired,mIy be known 'on dpp|ICl- non II above. 1). E. MAUDUNELL, \U..rHnn prn Govonlolt I-`tel Wood. ILL b-9 Icld by the Comlmunriul De- putmem at tho: Fuel Yurdn at King- nfon, Ind Point Hoary. Fur puruculnra, application Io be made II. this Office. Commluuiut, Kinaton. n... on H155 mwd&wIinnIB- IV)! JIUIIIIII` ll nu v nwus. ` THE MAIL LINE. ' Covered Sleighn, or Cimiagns wbm Iho lqighiug in not good, will lenvr |ho- Stage 0!- Iomtm Dly,alSixo'rl.-ck`P M. Thmu 'l`icketI(FivItor8ecnml Clan) Io lomm, or'|ny-lme:mdiul.o p`ace. cm be Iblui-d at Ihin oco. '- ` ` `,0 Puunnnvrl bookin1`lhemae'\'ven `II III! . NEW wm;1jBR,Goons% \` PIju1;,_1ncAl Pcmleniiuy. 281:1 Dwcmhu, 65. do U: R- an 1Ix.Lu41\ga-, l')SPE(7TFULLY bog leave to mute" ' Ladies and Gonlfemen to uurexa "un- lion of their New Slack, wmcl: is now cum la|e,com rinin anoleganlauurlmcmt 6! H CH JE ELK , \\ A`l`L`HES,. PL \- TED WARE, FANCY GUUDS, &c,, (M the Newest Style: in all the Chblcenl bo- Iecliunu ever minted in Kmgalnn. .r ...|...m..I uh-ninn uf Emrravuuu In Uommluamn Dug. 24, 1355. III Dill! II It I-4"" SA W MILL in thorough Iapazr. upcm A s.|mrm hunt, in the Township ul rygndmagu, humg Lwd` Snwi and :1 Un- [,,,|,, 5.9 fut gdgmg, mm four `Aun-n ol ....n ...n nf Han I-Imus ol John bmzunm . i` J. u. 3; J. RAMAQE, __ lJolIl..`l"l"l.`I`I I V h-n lnnvn In J lecliunt omufea In magnum. xi` splendid ulerlinn uf Engravungu fine Gult Framau. The Subucribon atter lhdmselvcu [hill 7 _-._ _......I- nurlign winlnna I-IhlIrJI|I.' IIHU \JI|\ I` I luuarv. tlhll hey can supply punm wiatuug Hominy Preuull bvuer Ihnn any olhe_u unlit!- mem in the oily. J D `J RAMA E . . . G `_ uu'l:n )'IPl,'[OI`Ollg1ng, with four Anne: M .,aml, pan ofme Eilule olluhu Swcmnu) , " Jr., clan anal ;\hou In 1 good dwelling huuul Hlucnmith Shop. and other nul-buildings on ~ the promilu. _Pauuuion gwun unnum- dmlely. Apphculiun to be made to John Pom. ut Path: KIlI_nu.rry,`Tuwmhip of Ty- andmugn, Elooulorl lo the Enuu-. ul me me John Sweeney. r.......I...-..;. - in Doe`. I!!!) ~ pvvvvu..._-. V- '.----- ---- V'- lhi will [gum Kiugllou Twice can}.-ny day, for gm-jyille, u undermanlioned. viz .....n .1-unnu \tt'Il`\A'l`l( \\J' 1 DUI.` Valullo ne mm for-=sala. I 1, `Hr; lotluwiug propelling, formerly owned by M: Chuiu Hula, `but now belonging` lo the undnuigl.-ad, WM be sold on rusonlblo lormv, II: :-'- . n Th- hln:-H nl Cm Emma nilrlinin. sold nuonlnn urrnv, us :->- -l. The block 6! gut Sloan; uildidp. 1 wn_mt 9| Ounrio uml mtoen Streets, can r. ed the Comnmoinl Mm, oonuiwug of ` three -lillllllll `Storm; min ugool` comnio-. . ` man: van :3 indlgblluo. bhould mu Rul- iray Terrnnukl ,bo loonld III lhin pan of : o lown,:hu ulna of they pyomuu wiil__ muon Inhquo}d. '7 ,- -' 2, A. may Five Couqu, on Ibo `-i5orumon`h mad, mm :mnnnont~uuL- building: and garden: Imchcd. 'l"hey `mu be sold in upnrnlo |ou,>|..dcsimd. h|_ . . mam; an opponqmly to puma wjomng to sequin miduou. ol gzuvln-u'u at much IuInr'pricu. Ihurt "ylounld In In-nil! . ' - ' EIIFII | built. Q A ., I. A valuable Fuel-;l, ivrogg,-ng` on Union. . 191! ,Con lro Smoln, c,nujoT_m.v ol six Acres. ufulnin; the villa now my oil by` _ Wmiun ugnou,_E.oq. To my mvho Irbnld lgy um `um propu villa or building Iou,;_na pu*ruuu_o no; are to yo Id uponoidonblqmnm. . or man sud altar mlor-won, Appli- IpI| C|- Id IpuIllIcIIIuJI_ nuum. - , \ or m_:gg,_:nd uiur mloruuon,` 199*!` cnuon nil, ' bl in Kmgutoa lu H3091` - -- l..In..ninh - seminal. or In J: ha ma, ` 00 Ill nmguwu w - at Kn nulripk, , so-ncinuu, $hiIr, kn] , Agent. Couenoc Shut TORRANL D:ec. I9.` IIZU4 col W ...,. g... ,...; ..:::..... uni gait--1:} ublniu-d uni: omen. . 7 '.' Pulengerl bookiuf banana. Olen, willvhe cnilod (or. 0. GREENWOOD & 00. En... Mn: Ilinn-Inn I auh Dgc., IM- IOERIS of iuouuuuu` ill` w , ......,_..:....':e..;*'-I For Sale or to Let. u. will ,I . in Ihm-nnuh nun ' CORDWOOD . _ run. -- < : Lumen Stout Ilnnin Mink and Squirrel Hun And Uui, iloIv`I,Squ1rrel Min,-,,.~ I-`uxund Plumb Capt, JAB McCRACKEN, I90, Princes Hired;-Kingston. Dnc-.. IBM. LIOLI AT lll J. D. I.`J. RAMAGE, Pnnnnn: II we! 1, sun run, {,3hln Gollu-I, to. Berlin Wool and, 33$ . I I"? -K- 6 Cabin , . Juana Lira ? Kld, H ` | uonucxom mid Ouh- ll X. - (NOEL . Lndlea` Usuntlou, I, Bloev ' Wrinllou, Sen-ft, ' lnm-n,Po!- In Jukou. Canon I'll UL `nun-uv, lvnlu TEL_M BOATGUIDE, Jamullriy M50. will Report: M DIRT` STEPHENSON and MR A. ll. R0~8 - on 1111-: v1o1*omA BRIDGE. V Th. '4 Guida nubluhed forlnilhtlv. II r nnl III-u.