number ror Jan. `w: "A rainbow of prnce hnn appeared in the hurl- zon, and has been saluted by nil the friend: of civilizouion--by all who desire to Ice induitry prosper in enca ol ll! brlnchoa. In the two years vmr with four |IU\V('r,-J, lhe Russian g-enple has exhibited in a remarkable nunncr its great and noble clmrncler. and ball llrrrtnllrgcled Ibo n-spec: of He enemiu In all that concern France, we may condrnlly nlrm thul the French nallou loves and euoelm the ugllllll, admires lhoirpouruga and r-elf-doninl gnu .1-on ill Iympnthy"6r`I"evory occnllgq pl well in 5 short truf-9 in lhaurirnea n in tho puugo ofllussinn prisoners through France. The French p.-[whorl on their nBrt.lre treated by tha Rnlsinns II HIBUIEUII: uu um: luIUc|uI:uv..; The Abeile du Nord, hillu;-rlu dillinguishu by in ulln war articles, hu Ihe following in i number for Jan. 26: 1- A -nlnhnu nf nnnnl hm: |hnI'I.l!'n(` In lhrl hnl | follows`: -- V "tn conoqnnoe of the acceptance by the ree- ; >eotiveCburu or the tin propoeitionn contained . In the document therennto ennued under the title ot Draft of Prelttnrnerien, the nndeuigned - after hnvtng peregrephed itcomformebly to un- thorinettun eeeived to that that, have agreed . that their Gonrntnenu Ihttll Inch nominate ptenipotentinrlee, who, fttrnlnheti with the full power: arena for proceeding to the nignnture offunnnt pretlmrfnnrin of ace, ahnll cunclttde an nrtninttce and I do nite It-any of pence. The said plenilmtentitniel will have In assemble II Part: within the term of three weeks, dating from this day, or sooner if it. Mn be done. Done'i1 Veunn, thin Int day of F'ehru:ry,l85ti (The Five Signntum) The LondonNctu correepondence from Vienna lute: that Prince Gortnchnku, when signing the protocol, naked thnt Pruuin might be invi- ted to teke gut in the Conferences. Count Buol Iupportedt edetnnnd. The French and English envoys uid they must refer the matter to their Governments. (Suhequent edvit-es throw tiiscredit on this statement.) run .L,:t_ j._ \`-_.| L:-n,__.__ eL'-.:-.....:_L-.l t I Iceompnmon D] I nluu, uuuur mucus-I, Iv! Foreign Alum`. It in upootod um during lboonference lbs Rm run of Raul: and Auurll, sad `the King- uf rdinln will vial! Puia. - Thu Puma Protocol. which urn -igned M. Vl- ounn on the In Inn. by the tin Pattern, in as follows": -1.. nnnannnnn nl lhn Ilmullllcl bv the ru- Mfnirl, llll preluu on III occasion. _ _` Thi onluiou of Pnulh from Q 11:! Iidlcatec that that Power will Inn no part in the Oun- Iernnco. Slnonicl, however, Pruuil. [pin namin- lion, hot ropruontuivn would ha I 'AInnnlo- bon, who III. In, u Drudn Dnnhnncg of I851, nnd It as Suvlgn Ibo Illninar at Oulu-uhe, accompanied by Bnlnn, Under Sacretury lar Pun-Inn Adlli nu Puanipomuuio-a_h-gt: to man. It Pu-in, when that In IOIO oxpoctnliun Hill. the Page Oonlbmm would bu oponod ll any on the lllh inn. I u Il.|.-dd, .1... P:-nneh Ilinhlu for Fonllu the mu inn. I Wnlunkl, Ila Punch Iinluu lot I-`onlgn Alain, um pmldo un occuluu. - Th : umluion of Pnlil llli W 81;. Charm unru, N uoeptoc mu. 9 It in nu ork- nu.-any u may, ` ma um ho mm with E: Wu. Jounuhc , Gig Haul, corner of Brandi: sud Hound. ho Irl Ilka up than c lknguf They an hirnd lihvd. Hon ID no good plnnln } .6.`-.n ham A-at in (In nnrlll. If III H3! l'!Il'I I Iholl hon Away in tin north. -urn-u---j-up `rho Pun logothtlonu. " ` clan the box, had u'i:I1l'ed ilonolhh. Tm tsolumor uenerm aucnu-you nu any. The Judge. in In n his charge gun, I pear: to ill?! din: bin duty. I wil on how the ght orlginnod. in `nu In the ori- doncc for the proucution. 0 ducribu uh murder the faulty! our head of in 0nqadn..' =Hn-wtrm tho jury not to be lnlmneod by roll- gion or nationality in `I Ilnlr whilst. at nll his nnuh-And all up warning: pn- dnec no elhcl. on this Qnlboo jury. `lo the oviduct, eintruy to tha Jud I charge and oapmry Io awry prtnol In of nuloo hi: pl: ,Ihy_|rin:h g m uqumhg ml the rgou II C II virtually pcoooudu u: '1 not known, walls 9 to Mao Innlor." ll oouldut hall! that tho&wunyIukoloI:dueh:.:ou.Ir: ttn n r|l:|uaII|.ndI|]W ll :u Ilnlpllu 0'1 0: font: debut DI ltliwllortctfhi '.:-'.'.:.;.".;.-.:'..`.:_g';-=_I`5;,_.';.*':_ .:::.:' .. Fm. Mu Tolrunlo column}. The conclusion ol Ibo Con-igcn murder ginl in now bufora un, and we publish tho Iumming up or the evidencc by tho Sollultot (leueml; also the chnrge of Judgo Dun}, which Ir}!-hford u complete hlnoty of the `mall out. The Judge : clnrge nppun ta ha a fllr one, In conformity with the ovidonco given on tho . Hi: Lordship made the important Iutnuin _tbu ha attached no. vol III whnunr to the do fnnca. In fun It no unruly be said to amount to the dignity of evidence at I" nd the judge, in chnrlaldminl it. Hid: "fawn... the wltnguu for the defauco enund, then In notnethlng to crush: nun icion Hm. lbw bud ` entered the witness-box Ir lh 'pn,oouca: no. riu." None but I Quebec jury "would qmgh tuportnnue to such Iuapicioul ludnou . I Jpukin-3 of the murder, the Indy nil, Jury: in I poor Inn who luuuiu no on, out uby til want; to thirty ponou, trumped n with mail, nod wlao,on nlmm um *.... n the dnclnr-|.I'rl1 n.l.ln,5 IIIII Iucll, Inn wine, In! uuulln uuoll ulna `In: In the doctor: tell In, In _ I hulth. And um horrible murder In out uupuuhod. Tho Solinlwr General dhchlrgod his duty. Tlnudno. run hhehu-to noun. n- . melts, mey reesonebly be entertained. PRIl'Al"N0 ran A FLoop-So green e depth 0! now is now lying on the grnu_nd orerlhe whole North, thnl. inlieipntions of e ood, when it. end Western Pennsylvania, prepereiiane ere making to guard ngninei the danger: iron: lhie ceuee. The foundelione of mine ere nrengIh- cued, dams are made more secure, Inoreeble properly on low bottoms ie nmovgdrmd nu. one other preparation! which indicate the ex- tent and imnainency of the danger, are undone- ken. Millerltee predit nnohheronehin del- ne,u Lh event the: will fnlill propheqy end cloee up the trenseetione of ell the wnrlltbut. we, like the men of nnnleni time, Are profene enough to believe that it will not be much of e ehower after ell."-[0hicego Citizen. In Ohio ` WIIO DIVE OCCIIIDI of the mschinu-y. A young lad. A son of Mr Burn: of B , while at Elliott's Hill: with his fathcr,|pp ' ed a revolving shn so close lhnt it caught his olhes Ind held him fast, whirling him round and striking his legs against the hopper. Tho mill was stopped, and the boy taken on; when it was found that both his thighs and one am wen broken. Ilopu are enteruinod of his ra- cnvery. This unt to be a wnrnin to than who have occuion to attend mill: wimp clnr of the mmhimrv . ` Mnuncnou A0OliI)lAll;iiV.;;Oll/$11.0 uh inIt., 1 limo boy, two year: old, son of II: John Crnlg ' Luna:-E, while plhying in Ibo,kit.cho_n, full backwards into n tub of boiling water, Ind In: so severely lcnlded that he died 1 I for hours after. A mi winning to pmuu to he more Inlchlul of their children. . A ,_,,,_I_,l , .-_ ,1-ll, o~., , 1 - lGl'. To-duy, nffer routine businels, Mr Brown mi red tor I `committee of uven to invullgnlo the charge preferred against him by the Atty. Gun. The debate occupied the time of the Houiu up to the time the Home mac, n six o'clock. VIUIIIU TI'Ul'|"B ll. At the conclusion of the debate a very WI In personal altercation took place botwon r Brown,;Mr Au. Gen. Macdoqnld, the Poumutor, Sulicitqr Gen. Smith. In reference to Mr Brown`: conduct as n Pcuitenllnry Oommiulloner, the Au. Gen. ltnttd that he was praparod to prove that he had been guilty of falsication of avi- cLpnoe~of garbling of evidence. Mr Brown announced uhnu. ha uhnnld huh: IIIrI&IIldonouoinomoxoluluou .v Ah,`:a;:%umqdu! IQFII-GI!-'-0| gllfllllllg DI UVICIUICO. Mr Brown announced lhnl. he should to-dny move for I ummiuea to inquire into the mat- ter. - HID UOUD|.y' OI KHIHTEW` The dbllu on the Address was brought to II clone and the debate passed, and tho membersof Ihe Executive Guuncil belonging to Iha Home should wait on his Excellency IO know when he wuuld rec:-in il. .Io Hm nnnnlumino. ..l` H... .vI-l.-o.. - ..--.. _-...... Iornnto, Iron. 21'. Lnat night the Speaker Announced lhat, conformity with the Sunnis in that ragnrd, I had that day issued his writ {or no election n the County of Ranfrew. Thu dahnu un Ihn mhlrnla -..... I-u-am-he on New York, Feb. 27. l|'lour.-Mnrlm rmer lor common grades. Salon 4,400 bblu, $6.75 to 7,12 for common to nu-night and mixed lo choice Hichignu, Indians and Ohio. $735 I0 7,6`! [or fancy nod low grnde: of extra Wnlern. Coundinn our hen; at $6.Lt0 9.50. grlau ox exurn wnlern. Uauntllnn Igetvy $6.3_'Lt0 9,50. Grnin.:\\ heu: mnrlu.-I quiet; annll Ills: N 'l`nuo-see nt$l;65 to 1,70. Corn dull; l0,000 hush:-ls acid an 72 ll 75. Dan unchnnled. Pork umrkel n shad:-rm:-r: sales 500 [ab]: uusnrls mm M 41 H). uau unchanged. shad:-rmer; sales 500 Dbl: $l5,94 1; US (car mesa; $l5,95 n M for prime. ` Beef dull ; 38,75 :1 9,60 for country prime, and 101011 mt-as. Ashe-s.--SmnlI sales at unchanged pricu. Stocks higher Ind active, Mono continual . Sterling III!` FIUIIIIIHI III IIIU UOIIIICII H0. I110! HIIIIID,` who gave Ibo uuurunoo: that ho. hlmlelf wu protein than the obligation of each degree in ndminiulerad lu Ir Fillmore, and um he in a manner or the order and in good utunding. Gnu enthusiasm prevails union; the order in this nation. :3- ` Ounndslglu, Feb. 27. A lugs nuhbot of doloptu nrrived hero yestnrdq ud any m u and 10-41:} It in thought (`an convention all not adjourn unlil to-uaon-ow. The proaoodlngs, than fur, hue bean conducted with harmony npd [rent enthu- nium pmuihsd Among the newborn. Thu l|IIl0- - mun mnde at Phllndelphh that Ilr Fillmore cu not a member, was u! coutrudiclod by tho: Pnsiduat -pf nbo Onuncil o. I1 ! of Bnhlo, 4 nave uuurulme that he himulf wan Daniel G. Emery In last night Inland, charged wilhgwnmllng Forpriull PhlhdI|- hi: an l'o|IoIn--C on 84,16, on Ibo Bank anqlvgnin; on! for 2, on the Eouthwuk Bank; on on lh_G|tnr_d Bank lot 81,582, 41 ; and on: on the `Purim: and Ioahnnlu But for 81,000. About ID you: than Entry Inn ocu- umed And scammed to 10 year: In Emu Pri- son for Forguiu up nun! Bolton nal, but In: plrdoned uner Io:-via; I pan of the lime. E ju- H nulwn, run], 1 I. _; III!-OI UDIIIIGIG lO|O'I'I`[ll'lI II IUIIIIII If`. Lcweu from Ir. Bnchun Io Ih.MHnt., received nd rud lhil morning, that no no- ` (noun-blo change In Ihoupcct of 0|! nlallono ; vi in Gran Brluin. 3: Buchnpn di Ion-uh mi lucinHnl,IroIIfII with Inenborl o the Go- --.-un-'n| ha: nnl Mann Inn--on-nlgnl %- %'`'`"x..'ym'::.:ay5/ 1 The Wuhia,-[Ion Oornopondou of -the/Ivup unto! Uuumema lolojnphl ll follow: :44-. Lunar: {mm Ir. Bmlmnnn In lb ,Ilbdnnt.. I I|ICll|.llIlCl'-0Ilf- Wlll QEEDCI1 in-rnmiu has not been lnlllllhd. gmwm mu-ant, for :4: may Nun.) _..o....._ ...._,. . 111:6` st; sjliuux iindu. I;;;J`.:.:;{.;3a;m;..{ Toronto, Feb. 21'. Announced lhnt. i ' Baton, ruby, :1. In: akin an-um 4 for V f _ `Q IQ 1| WI wunlll run`. ff _ it. A Fund) dance . npp|uyoIulody,ol' no [rust _, lxpnulon, and appu- v ' pdhmuwilh imuelf, - anlnuaon-In her Ihort Inco- ` . - by an oubmqaofupplnuue, uoftha orcha- lrn Ippoannqo J ndjhn onlhulinm ol the ' hyhorbaummnnifcuod chum. : _ Q] fll H AHIIIIBI, I hive of- J" ' nyudvknwulbdhyche ia,I'pnl my ddle :]g!.._u1 0 ci|,tinI'n can be nuthing ' `II III WI] of adven- cn lolnothcr town, I TD .ll~li,Illknn. Par-_ "I0! lllollld have hit -.v.' J I. My Inup- *"'"f'.I...`*"..`?.':.$.';,".':'.t so tho lghn mum __ consort the Minn ...... "2: ....':.`<,:":',:.- . A I n 0 ' II dloll znllu, cadence; ;/Chile besides them, an epic ya: engaged to ma Milton; ` Bolbuini, with hi: wblime l Ii null the welkin rung. mulnlnl-Inn. A Fnnch dancer. ' ` CIIIIUU IIIUIIIIJ IIIVU "II - v pglioy `fgom mini - 3 'nL'ukn Iu'I|w|yno:crf ="` -an`! an Axum on in . V-1_u_b-I-4*-----7-<~---~------ Al &lllnI(Iln.--Tho following ukue _ '-uid {math "HeId`Qu|r- " Iinn-r:.'A' at Muddy Lit- ` Dru Uniform bl` Ola:-I of tlcldoutnrrlilh to be the tune u titan oIun'ortho;!g1Luury or IE0 Ibo II :3?! I`oIvo.'* ` V0 UNI BIIPOO to. A ii lIII`I.mluu', the Oomnnndcii ` aha lbll-mhjo ground. `T npnoolnd hgdvztth cox- ` 1* ' I nr'n Ih lnnlonn all n.f L L T upon: at T rro3 573o-$6 -' ' ' ' warning. "'"`"_'-n....u An-m n lnouu-.-1`ho P:-noon lemu- punyn :-We learn that onundny night lnit lulu panel or pcnonu unknown,olooml in ulnuuno tholounsl But. of, this town, `I'M pardon mac wlqcmly mil Iuppllod with Moo ken, lo, and, than all Appuruou, wan ` llipll llllllt buluou. . Thu] gaunt] through ikillidool, by Iain of plnoarn, applied to ` Ilohymllah hi hon loft in I!!! don: lnudo; Ill amt uloehllg tho bdtildc door of the nth, at [trying opal un uoond door, um nppur to bro III: land In]. ' The evening`: work nun Io hon baa Incl. howour, :1 they did not Iloolll ll mun; anything. If the pun will all And pnu5)rupc_cy,|hty can have lbl hylv 50- My NOUIWUJI Illh Tb"nfI' fth poinulnr ion. " Pop pol sh would, b uouplnlm. onom unlucky per- il Ililidllljol |_6'i6ri in use midoico in nah; popnluiy knob: an tho pop I|I9|>~ . hpop In In you or hyponnom. and rum in oonnpdauohdoulh. In ouli ud coo I...-:5:-cl fth: .1 I In: In Smonunurnn.-_-On Sunday morning 5 human In and ulx 0`:-lock, n Inna on loudn- 3:. at nth: Ohuroh nu-nu, ovnnd by Mr W1`. A Hanan. ud ocnnplod an n namlnnry !or young hilt: by Ila Fllngnnldmnn dhoom-od to he on In. ud Inn npldly ndunod Io uhu. `I'M dfjthn luau win In gmi, thin the un- bnnnh Innmu Md bu-sly (Tm: to uonpe In IIIIII: nlghl-elotlm. _ Ir lonngnn in lnunml in in nnnil, and I pnnlnl lnnurnnu bu! been (held on the fucnlunmnllhongh In have not huq thognnnns. uuuluuoi 1`lII Nan tllllophnlt which Iululcv-uboud mun vunl bond to sale In my his loan Plenum. how- I Q nnnl 11 lhlnu -1"`: null il :5- .. ......... ...., .... .......... ...............- 32;`!-I-1'50 will In thlny mun out nun, uiuhuvy phwnblowing vhuuln elephant VI`IlohI'bul.v llluofddlngoul Ihbvpcn hthungucngnukuhh Inolnoioluind ulII\Indqoduiuoconvn ov4. `lhluun Bun.-Thruhhnuoclqo, Ihlppq$IInIhu_i_uIonluoIlaI'pouhg` pl tunic olmconhhlagpangnu` ncIIB|o.pllnhl`lnthuh:pnoMnun. uuuonnupnnuu; cuh.p|uaudmanu- J` III! 03 XI!" unicorn, luau; Ilalor ruin of Court Martini, to y/`m'_'?'fqll duh unbm! The. have logivo Ian I ll of upo- . nqlz-"Inn Indy main. ulna: ugh o'clock, two haiku; Indian: Ibo Duly-than no. iwhlnllhphnlhoulon, hIUl0MO_ lsdallnumlllvhn Ihucnhonm I.-n-.I . . ` Gonn'IhnI'I Boot for limb : A. L. Dodo,- Pllllllllplln. . TIUIIIOI Illbw oflhls porlodle-I conulnn III IIIIII fllhlou plum and mlomlluuonu mat- `tlr. Bunion, with n Iadlu It II on grant fu- `vorlu ; nu! v of `tho " um-our nu" wouhr duly Ilolr ruin toiidp of nut which belong ` I-nlulnly to limit Iphmt By llnpnblmuibn of poll mulch`: on drawing. mumum or or- ulilnl null:-work, and ll!!! of use to Ibo . lulu-wlh, II porfbrm on oxoollul want, for It , anal hrnonlrbnnod am It I: inoeunry to n ||IIl\I') Ilh tlnl lacy should Inn a lhl of ` nu : amnion as well a cry any Mollllel; Ill the mhodlnut of than running in nu nlupa UMIIIIIII, land 0 hIrm to thafurily dwelling whloh, dlnohd of club thlngl, would be A very call that Indood. wm. roprd to any navlro to that window uh ll. cnungb but been said, and "5 word to the who II Iulciont." Jlrwnu uni qunnvr, nun wllvu u...v.. Input: to tho Royal Iotolic Glnloul of Edinburgh Iooku I9 ION}! an wonder, "tiny usually 3 Iot looking it the plan for I_ nlnuh or two: , Iceland tboyoolkl In no llum", and em: ` VIII II was poluud out to than they could no: nulliubwnntll N In undo to now or Ir`: lulu has an pm: Ind mama to emu om ` Ihouudlnth aunt. This ooIuInI"ulrr|ng Ipppom a In: boon loo Vlnolrlor in ; IOWI; all in hunt denuded um on huthyclu thunk it would I bll y { Ishlud. 1! hi the anemia o u an and Inllhi kn! Iilll All lb udmn (I!!! lhl 5 _..~_:.__-....- ~.. ...,q.... M . `I'll I.-IIFIIIOE.-`|'ho Loldu Ludo: nub: BI lhlu II low at Illnhrgh Ibo In! spool` -II Inn hue! lvwllinn 8-who-11;: Inna. which out than lhmnnud cannot distinguish ha |lo|I-whlh baboon an am In thin ` qwmonlnogioho Ir A. Inn-my mum on, In: pponoumbuusl to no Ednburgh Pau- onapuul Jana! nu. qurln, that when vluuou ' a... n... n.._: nm...|.. naming: of ldlnlmnh Ixhlhlud. It in the on u Ian M ndnllbv ha! with all we udnuu (um 1330,) oflpplolcblng Autumn in lll uplol . Tij Tho Hon. ilinu-a munon u Inca nomin- My III Auction Notional Gnnallou, u Qallldnu for Ill Puililney M at an cloa- IIOI. Inn IIOIDOI to think that It Mllnoru will only tho Union on thin noulntldn. - __._,.__-.....k. ..,q.... COX 1' lIUwIJ' ululnnu-u --u-----. r Gui-Inna I-1-uumnn an In loouam. -W0 an cnoollogly gmllod no In Ablo up |CICI',0IIiIlI|bl'",] olngutlegu who can WM! tho Aliquot! who saw Ir Buchanan on Q0 wiry Inalbll doportun, Ilutgentlolnu ICIIIII II: that all point oldlloully burn lb Ulod Damn! u Brlloln Inn in I Ii vudjdjnunocnt. and would in udjumod II I NV 7 he IA . lhunllrch-lTI'oIVInd yuumy con- IIII Ihthllowlnglnpovhaulohnonl 9- v .n.......... I.....,. ..-.m- sun In Innnnnnn. ` tr as-snoop-u-vm My 19- -sr__I~ Ind 49 III oonm no! no piblhbfbg `cm: -4__ -A frkt u. 1I"lug`1-_u|uor in. Clrukl: and Nut: untiihhgauwuonua um; any bu had, In run on. em... lnnqd Anr:*l'rIh: . ....*""#%,:**..m"'..':;.'?*:.:":.:.."':..*;; 3 Mb! with mining; children In hill! withi 3 I51 runway stopping `iaunn.x i6::iiida.'Finiti2'i: i':i` .13: Cl): lDai-lmiVcL{)a*. - Mitrpus I .L|Mrpo-.:l "`.`~I%`:' otlllllllulllnluull Ina wuII-uw-- SIS-dulnnelhnzldlnnnnd ha [I `4 t 5 g.n|;l}iIoI'IhcpuNicnnl|od unpod turns: the or- vloln were r l ' Bevin given it brief delcription of the et ie `of ' the o iner dweliingeofthe eiuent, I wt ljttet ' glence et t one of the very weelthy, oi which there ere eeverel in Fifth Avenue end eome oi` the eqneree, eurpeuing enything i had hitherto witneeeed in royel or ducal peieeee et home. The externeie of Home of theee meneloee in Fifth Avenue ere like Apeley-house nntl St.eIl'oni- liouee,St.Jomee'; heln euhetentiell built or brown etone. At one one which vleited in -- etnet,"ebout the I t midence in the city, end one which in com dered to combine the `greeteet splendour with the neeteet teste, we entered e epecioue tnerble hei , leedln to n cir- cnler etone eteit-cue of rent width, e beiue- tredee being iiguree el retely cut in bronze. Above thle etelrceee wee einity dome decanted with pelullnr In freeoo of eeetern eeenee. There were nit-hee n the vrelie, eolne uteining lte|- ien etetnery, end other! me eta or vvnler pouring over ertilleiel name. There ere six or eight magnificent reception roome,_l`m-niehed in verioue etylee--the Iedieevei, the Elizebetheu, the Italian, the modern English, to. `There were fonnteine of felt: worhnenelti ,. picturee from the old tneetere, etetueettvoe: teiy, clim- lemon or ran Anetoeu Aue'ruEeeor.- ' `tenure of ert; poreelein from Chine end Se- ; vree _ ninth of gold, IIII Woe: from the eel; Gohelle W, tehlee oi meiechlte etttl egete, end II I" of every deeorip- lion. In theledllvll Old Eulehethnn npert- ~ men it,did not eppeer to me tbet eny ene- ehron hedbeeneomenlttedwttiiree onto- the furniture end deeorltione. The H; t wee eubttued by peeing. u-ouch windows or rich eteined glue. I new one tehle, the veineof which might be ehoet 2,000 gnineee. The round wee hleckvnerblepwith e wreeth of were Inleld with `very eoetlfrme upon it. There were lower: or bnnehee o knit, or tor- quoi cerbunelee, t-nbiee, topeeee end eeiar- , eide, w Ie the leevee were of meleeltite, corne- llnn or te. The I produced by thin le- vieh emp oynient of th me not ver good. The bed-room were eoetoeiy leee mun lieently lurnieitod thee tlmeoe e-revue; Wilhchelre ` forined eteugadtiq .-iiahldtl with egetee, en hengiep De-eeeue mere, nehi ete- .hoeee .eeltl. lfhu-eweeeet-hie: thud}.- or one luau MN]. I-`mun nou I! up mu, upoI.I:'dolibou-nu Iim,M a distance of :wQ- I . 1 o. 0- $500.--To ho shot by no with a mu], spin! 5 Inulhl, 3 (Hanan: of unnly to or ole humlnd In-la. "twenty IIMIII nah; string nounnuout, than cum to cum. Who Iooopud. lhil chnuongn am he made play or P10. 1-51 ooo.--`rm, within glu days from OOI!O|IilIO,i prodgounuwhowllbupluod thirty-Hz MI fnh us, with no lnhnou nix lulu In Glh - um angina: oz uunucua ounncn, muuy Im- bouud with gold. This wan, nothing gaudy, profuse or pl-ominontln the decoration: or far- mlum; one thing had ovhhmly been uloctod -Alana thetry Nmalwuh of mdwu In on eclon canton, Ill Ion: >6 - link, that lit Hunt, null; :n- trllwl Ifni. Ahtor jtiou, ` pnlnoo of lute Ill "' though uououum :1:'-..': -*"+-'.::-w:;:..;':<.:.*..-4.-'....,-' II II; through A uooulinl-_of virrticntilul Induru hyspurluuofvity nhod um. II ` whlchlgk. Willi: Judy ducdhtu: " I am; ` IN. IIII." ` 1.'|INolI Amorlcan," of III! launch of vhlclnho than in uuccouut, is mended to tail -on Linn: ul for Ionnnl on me rd Apt next, and will be the Rim of the llonmnl Oouu Stnuubip Uumpnnyi vouch niliug un.ln tic lull donluol. dud." TI- Ill UIII UIIIIIIF ;- "0 `tin rd y Ian, Harp and magnicent Iunwnuuu'I`uh?p, named the North American, uulauncbod from who bulldirrhflnrd of Maury. M lllhu Danny B Brothers. no apecimrn of mark: uohllnclun neunru, In length at haul and loronh, 2'15 (at; breadth of beam, 45 feet; and dnpmlhold, _|lI'ooI. She in M80 Iona rogbhr to I. to I a new manure- mont, And bu! angina, which are at pm-at be- II. provided win 1" ? '""s." ` 'L'; : on into or un'5"o-nan. lull service, and in own- Od bgdlali. 63.,` A. .;`l'|:n, llgngolr I I not II). III IVII Spaoollou thloon on during will ulhcrwiu be msd up in thoubjuohho Cunard Company`: Ilflllllfl, ID in to Ilbrd In riot |ucommodu- . (ion to pnllurl ohnry u an. The c!r0Inun] o! olrmunln on his ouulon, Inn p r!--rmod h Iiu II`! `An, uuglun of Mr J. l`IIIlnn, Iglpbuifdu. (Id llloulnuly urn! glided into bar name olunonumidu Ibo uinglud chum ol the eoIIIP0! IIIII6 and tha ring ofclnnon from the yard. In bu nlmdy commeucgd to take in bar machinery . and In rlpectud lo be ready forum about the and oflhrch. Anmher vuul of the Inn: dnoripllou, to be lumen] the Anglo-Bgxon, iIIlprlelI1an Ibo llnclrl, and zllljc hnohud In about u wtuh frmn um n. I! by Hours. Tulloch & Denny, ; Iominnl. The North ` the Liverpool ` I nu-qt the month." un new In, um- ,, .; ___ Lwnal or us " Noun AuuoAI.'.'=1h fol- lowing paragraph II from the llunbnnon arnld or am Jnury :- un-- |.I-a...4I.- Ian - lawn` and mnanlnlnl `lulnqtiu bring um. porlodl lb: .. * lnnnly rlcculenl lumd um:tnmi'I:` an an you ~ " In Illdlllf Illlllllllcll lull at [no- Imorllptcl, and I more or me I1:-cericluy to the otautuu, wt In Ibo Hum of pm-afcnlna don, llh ocpivl. And! love found, during null! 100'!` Olfnllol, IIIII oleolricnl ]-heuuIu- nu, uotlu. urtbqhhl, n, lava unuully oc- curred on period: vluuouulu mpplin wore lndicnud. Also, 1h-I nicknou, cholcru, vegan- blo dahotlon, or--Night, #1., uaunlly prevnil, than gun and long conunnul Ml:-icy or Iloclrloul Iuppu Iozhulnnnu an luducmd. Thund. nod aunt Mun 0! unmunpher olcctrluluppllu lothulcuuu ludlculea. Thund, and cum china llrllulphol` tunpomuro, I bu-mull found to coma;-oud, to wlahln an hour, um: Mnccpled cutronll, u pnuloulund. uoonung 19. U Inux: of'pou;:r'1'1.x`o`:I,ll::Ao"s' Ilnu out of the, in llle III III? Ilill IIIII-Iiiill Brunt:-I-*3 -Inn -an Mac ---dcurlbu munch,` one uurnn, I0; I lull hug ucjlod lb , and eager hnnfnlcu neural: of tho Iui-Mme within: lbw yut. * In nmlnuinr po- ` cannula of r nu ml 3. . J5. byiulogy It uin,um `yokui by ID slim: {mu Ibo dihllbod of tho Iolnr Iyuo-II sonn- duu nnlophg Ibo nun nut pmdum III: um viola India on ad an-la, nnd nupply mm or Inn nloctrtalty In the elaan-nu. just on um: aunt: of up In happen to bc polirbtl (or hbdicl) Ii] cilia on in more ur Ion Mghlr oiaezrlul nglu. Hones an origin of that olaculul Itnlluan at ucru nnd dc lpl.-.-u_.lnn1plAnlnnnl-IA..Il|1l'lQl|n uurnn. II I-hi Suite 6;-fclrunn fanned by sin wins, on Ilndnun an at ugm wlmtrd in sun. on- ! I Ijpc av -11 GU HI! I'Iud.1I`v,;,u i:.".5.. -I5 an H";-`:'|:|sn polnut an I` n no main; \ Iiu::q `as `armban- Ighl, pohr|INHI not uglol. n.h-.|::u;:`vvV|: ill"! -on lnll in uthtn, pg 7. < - ,*` "- 0,, L . "m` ` 'Icq`% `@nIo4arHIna-,'I` I H ' 3- Wnhilil Ill * ptllpdru and I: [ch wt! in I _ _ , II" but Ilvudil -4 `gram: " H `n um` tn" 0' mm` `M M *f&`-uric .b""' ' ' :rH".'h _ tgdnilltjrorlllf on on gun with regnrd n fun Lug-ring Iinhur; and It Ctlllplnhllllf. Mr Buchnnon, the was inolfensivn guulrmt-I repu-scaling Ihvir um-cruneuu ul Wuhmglor and London, vial probably emu each tuner 04 Ihl Jllllhc. I nucucologim lo oti-rinlbolao Troll! which Ioclilinh Qhrologll Ida. In the Nu. below In, tho lbwry, Iiuiivh is iufr fun}; uyu-.mvI in Uhupu-m'- Prlneiph, in than at ahd _ ~13. `rm: mum N2wa.-n=:n}zUAn7 29. ` 1.41 m I led hiwllhn -'.....;...'-..r ....:.'.::-:.:.. .. M In uinluhll :"'*~........-' `F. :.n*:..:r ...... ....-... ooo.--`nus, mu. aim amrm. ` --Inunou Iaonuur lump: or mp u. . No. 5-_-I000 n. IIOOD. To nrobot hick- wnnh by mo--I.ho pinto! hing hid hmmn my muwh down; tlrulbcr party biting tho. 1 lo'1|hooIln`ubI plum, Ilth uh dd done 'o|l]. mun Ihounubdlu, or spot, It 4-Ilium: min, a cup- `nnnh. w|Io,I'hnn . {g , were rovolml at 11,. _f gt Puhiun, and nn_t for iii smut her; but hor fnondn %MM the oonauolel. A _|;.4.__....I . - .u.-9b.`. ad` "I: rmhlio. rnnhnd qo. by nptuuIulo'I. cununcoof unutp not yuan. 'tI'IlgI.y than In-in iuuunuouz, hon cum Who uapudnhhoh-Ilnp numb -nbphyor II.Ip0f!l I to ma Iuomuar or In. ` o --8500.--To he shot II dtlibontr min, I amine. ofw. Mir, -1 3 bullut, plucud an I cork, phat! onlhu Inomh olnu ordiury vim - homo--not noun: or said homo not exceeding three-qlumn of In inch In diameter the con: to bump nah ndn ball hl h, lid tbno Inclm Ind I qunrter in circuit mum. Tun]-lvu lholl nah. `lfolther guy, in shooting, bunks the bottle, Ilmll break :3 mm deduct one lhot from Ilil vhoh nmhr, nod and an 3 min. The puny having the non bnlhuin u homo u the clan om: Iltcll In-in um uncut. The unlclnnbulabtwllh Ihoddolou hand out; --wiunn Ihonuut map: or mpnm. tho! ...'..I. I... ...-._.L. 4...: L4..- |..|a| Inn!-nan nu- u.-... The Raw Onlunl folk` no showing more IP|- ril. in mpcct. to sporting mamn l.lII.n the nui- donudvil m_ydo`;h`ar gt` iuhthod lxioriu Thoy e 1 on an as com- "::`_wllIl: l.;em. "We loan: from tho N.O. True Elk, that John Tnvil, proprietor of the pillol gnltuy at _Hopo HnIl,_S;. Charles Itnael, In um city, bu won I arm of challenges for the -".;'.*"":v"`"*':,:.:::.::.`1.i1`:'.::-.`:.:1:.:.`:t war . e co . non Ibowlngwlhc .nn5nn of the challenge: Irhic nu opon to am, under the limhnlionl um` muiotionqnnd In ncoordnnoe with the condi- um uunodl In I_CM|n _'I`.. ha an: Al IE UAPOII tlnllhn. uom anneal No. I-3boo.-'l`o ho Ibo: at 15 yards. delibe- rua Alla, twenty-re 'lhoIl -each, Iu-lug mu- mromenlg with the All of one had only. Na 2 _.15m ....'I`n ha -hm u 25 nrda. delib- I\Il Olhenl; mm me an or on nna only. No. 1-3500.--'l`o In tho! I! 25 1|:-da, delib- enu aim, twenty-ve lholl cub. Itring mo :- unnont mm mm to cant:-2; with the aid of out land only. No. 3.-Ibo0.--To In that at In lush ll tho mun only. 3-4500.--To ha lusl, Iord, unmy-n than each, n lhl line or npot, mud on Iaoond of am In In glnn. The fuel- Iunnnot from Oil!!! to ccnlre, Ind notldn or Iugporttn th shoulder or um. _.-I-.. n.. .|...a .z .|.|*.t....n. um! her much Ian dtmtgo tnln we conlu lllll. Nerorllnlau, we have not the inn. doubt in ' .lhe world lblt the British people, own with All thin put before them, would rnher olo war at one: than Iuhmil to national egrldnlion. Tiny would mlnr you their mnnnfnctoriea rim: up, Iholr mnchiner run, mind their Ihlpl rot in . Fort, than nqulre overnmenl to render to any urelgu Powers man bumbling npology llnn the occasion required. The Americans mun that-cforo I-uckon on An ohlllnnua ruirunce,-. it may drive III to it. Let them count. the `con heron they uiko any fnlnl nopn, also After we or time, you-1, they will nuke ma caiculnion in nin. The British people no vary nlnw to no lo Int, but they are Hill Ilower no lnlka peace, and will nuor mnkc I dllhonornblo one. - per; uflhe world. We Are aware Hut we ehuuld here to deal` with on enemy inhu-SI.i`ng all our enterprise and during,` but not burdened, II we ere, by e III-.5 liouel debt end I hoetof lncnpeblee, or mun-` xnelled why I Donn, In aristocracy, end the run- tine, 0! which the Report from the Crime: we publinh elsewhere. dlecloue eueh sully fumes- lic eump|ee. We do not forget how quickly the Uniled sum ruml the unite um reduced Mexico end wreued hem her her whole provin- oee. We know that won -ve mlllione ofmen of Em-upeen, end chiey rllilh blood, are not to be deephed. W1 could laudly ex at to en!`- fer much Ian damage then we could niel. Nererlbuinu we have . F low Hunt: to cum utlu our In, In um nut, Thorail too muc rouon to lnnr thn the powonfulempiru jun brought to reuoq in the ' Old Worid puts fnlw construction on the ne- I I In; her delulion. luctunca of lhr Western Powers In 30 lo wur. We have even been ourselreu Icouoed 01' foster- ltitt necelur , therofurr, to guard Against lhll. miuluke. a In perfect! aware, Imno tnons so, of the extreme loss, mm . sully, mud rink ofnueh a war on a class of ro- publlcon Iulotura endnvoriug to force upon; us. We are Awnre that we Ihollld nt oucur inter- rupt. the most nluuhln portion uf otujcomrgerca um! muutniatnrel, and that our merchants would find It too, I! well as n rink, in every oflho world. was urn -mm; llnl. we deal tn. But than no limit: boyonq which no ennui-Jan ntion whumror should curry us, neing that it in the duty ofevery Mute. u of `every individnnl, lo pt-ourye itn uslf-res vect, which is, in` that, its moral existence. be British Government has only In Ask than people whether they wish to make morn ntinfnction to the Gnfernmrnt of the United Sutton than on gentleman make: to -mother, and the mun-r will be the lame, quite nl strong, and quite so uuunimoua, as when lhnl people were lately ukcd whether they would ul- lovn Raul: to extintnish our nlly In the East, 1~t.....t. inn mm-. region to M" II; IIIVI umuv ` win .I|IIlf:|`o'l"nu:louIIityA!-Ro'~ ` nnnnlurll in the oxngence 0| our p l Nl(`L Surel men must be many In the Sum who III em I0 much like Englishmen u 10 have the MD! fouling for Ihoee from when lb? hue eprnngi To the world at large the di erence between an Eegllnlbmln and en Mhericnn in not no cunlidenble, we any even any, as our nation- al nnlty might suggest. The one is thought ` hallo very unlike the parent; and when they fill out our enemlee anly may it. is the nine erro- fcm temper developed In two dibrent relatione. n this inalenee the parent bu shown 1 more than common sum not to ehoek mankind with the upeclu-Io o ndomemc qnrrel. We hen undo apologies to on: esh end blood Inch en no earthly power could have ulorlrd fro \ would dulro tour the united lame: mnuucu or lowupd in the syn of the world by being can Ilrd'lo my act of ulf-nbnemeut. I: Won d In M: Ibnllbe dhgrwo rrcoih-Ii upon ' Ihuorlno had eompellnd ii, und than if we hnd compelled iuhero would but been something unrmuul in the cxigucu of pride` Hunlv lhl mull mm! I rllrgiln-In." - Thou an ptoplc whoa II In lmpouihle Io quarrel with and mm nnpooplo wllh whom the lnpoulbillly In at Ila county um; ind,-if the United Sum Mun to In pacied with the ample utislncuon already rendrrnd, w maul gnu Iheln down in the Inner of men clnlu-I. W0 can honestly deoluro our ontin belief IIIII m lll England Ihonh nut and rulonnble nun who" ' would duln loan the United Hme: iunultcd an |..--n-4-I In uh. nib: an! {Inn um-M hl Imini Vliipplly. ll: nlulou lm:vItn Ihc lIo`caun- u-lu do not Irlually dnpnd 9: than no gentle- gu; gud II new by European cu-Irlonu that II II ponllbltfor lwo union Io go on u wall - lgol MIND! uallctmnlyunnrled lid-' up-wlthoqt dlplonuue npnliuulitu. A V Illllll cursing: bu loud for any conun- uleulon on Bowman`: any uml: lo nah l to naolbur. It In youlblo, thou, an only llllt` of KM: mluundurihmllng will bu that, for noun, time in will langrou lngllnlunn notund one Alnam-no lbs Inc snongnt us. We would very much ruin It ton ollnrwlng but, u Inglsnd bu rally npologlud nnough to satisfy ten in- ropell coping, we cannot. hold lm ruponalble lar III Iltflllinl Tlme an ncoolc `whom impossible ' $33: niunvngavunuug-uIuwiuh:u.ehonn. Iollnnh us; an I ma .. _ . Omme or alnwben lg the any of Nu Orlunu. lmy . T ` u .uoru.m._-n :-lull !-ro|I.|;eo-dltldnt-d In about of mm- ` -' ' ' ' -Illhn nu-ptue-. -' ;. "P'"`nd hi it :h`:hdlII on not uh: up by the In H 3'! 'I!I0- 'l`.|I-W """" '"' ` "P' :,l out n then up! am who non. of ndli|ar,pnIIrIlI III NI Aug-uu, to he that hi New Yuri ell]. rub nu-rim Iiuhoov; mt tn-aw"-"i '"'|.v "'1'! notice Iii;-:l| in than M. -id-at Buchanan, (Io inolvnsin [QIIFIHDEH "',:hT';: u::'o::,;"` '-in ` Ih-ir H Wumwon ; 5. pm "L-am In Jun mama, Hope Hm, Nu. ; `and on 8:. 0 rlnurut, irueepnd hue. ` t S lfuuphd New York. Iholom-y nady -n;,, u_. .n._ .-|...1..... |..n_... uh: l-n nnnn- gnd ujgnll _bo uakod_ Erich _ r Jcunuhcn-r,` 1 n,,_, 59"-1118 lnpnigono; A luncnuu O:-.--A ht day: It 3. ' Lionel, vboladhnua-Ind with manly- waumamnuusug an um-mm nuns. _ o:.l:Iut ` nu. .luhIhnI,hu an : hilt!--nun1h nu w up ruaununllg. nan IIII MIG! Inn 00101 ! ' my "ms. of mum, an Alllu, ommmbu -and should come to an nndcntuulhg in Detail, bu- unu Ihtnnlru, as No Q: nlue Ind baring " oI_'tbn am: point, uuhu Gonna: may know`! wlmahoiuhomwhuabo proud: to dloouu Lhomulpr. ' be unduly. IIII hope tint; dtl5r- ` ononnqu howou hum nd In `than can mun u-unto:-nub: nah u-tick mo : fol-all lllpjlllllol.` Pruulu In * thuuunuuuqthnluuh,whon:borlud I." ' Pnu in via: of olliroflhe pun pro- um r neognlbugln the Gcnunla Diet, manly mind none objection ialaun to the SM point, whiclubu eouidon Io Ii too to ho neepud without pniiom information u to ill rulinunlng. Sh: he noted um biion my th|Dkt.. uh Allin. nlbnnshu 2nd um neonumcuucu and ugned nt rum. lq waiver to I Iuggsllion ofjir Do lacy Igvnna, Lord Pnlmenton thud that the condi- tgom of the urminlica could not be specied un- ul than preliminn.riea.of peace wera formally agree u n. A Berg: denpnch uted evening, mh, says, lhgt mainly be "us to be full II to the mm- ner III. which the nnkfon Diet will noeln um Auslmn propositions. It is believed than the secondary And minor Gennnn sum will under vor to ends 3 dinila mmluuun, but will uni sccununry nu lllll'.|Ol' uermnn lulu mu under ` to nude 3 dinlto resolution, but will seek to obtain tho admission of I nprcunulivo from ~ the Uieut Iho`l u-In confarenou, nd It it felt that thin nan: thmn In impedlmnnt in; the In; of lfrunin, on the plan an: the will buulcionb `If represented In that runner. Prnuln wishes no be Invited, not only In her own lntorut, but an champion of the pnnml inmuu of Gonna- 111. The antenna. mmiauulv I-ulnntul, nu: ' u cmuupwn at me pnnml umruu of Genus- ny. umemum, oolninuslly nputod, um tho Csblnnt of Berlin in lndllfonnt about nimb- sion into the Conference, my be when In more talk." - IDII IDII llllflly OI IIWOGOII VIII 0') unrnnleea in the name mnnner thnl. it has late 3' been by France and England, nut! that the principal poinu ol` the treaty 0! November will be embo- died in the Europenn arrangement which in to be concluded it Pnrie." ` _, A letter in the Noni ufJnn. 21, {goal Odessa, re run gnu riee in the price of corn. e (`orulilutiounel ofyulerdny bu nn nrlicle which indiceu.-e lhnl. indeninillcntion for the ex- penm of the we: will not be one of the points of the etipulntioneihelnded in the fth poinl. it poinln out the increased comxnerelnl develop- ments of l-`rnnce and En lend. in the Eu: as compensation for the encri cos of the nu. In the Home of Commons on the 6th inst Col. Dunne havin inquired as to the truth ` the slntementde ved from the nuthorily of e French journal, that an Armistice had nlready been concluded between the Allied Powers and Russia, Lard Pnlmnnilnn tlarlnrud ohm Hun nnnpilnn I Lord Pnhneriton declued tbauhe ulerlion was premature. No u-miuice would in ngreed to until the preliminaries of: treaty of peace bud been diacuuod and signed nt Paris. In Iuannion of Sir Lncv CUITUIII, Illll [III DOW ucqulruu I aeruun fgr of consistency, to the ebcl. thu Englnnd wishes thnl in the future irony of peace the Runo- Swedish frontier lhl" be dened. It in pouible that the Integrity of wcdon will be guaranteed same Inulv been In Ivor." I . A letter from Berlin of the lot, in tho Calogm \ Gazette, up :-5 We learn from I good Ionrco that the Weutorn Power: bus on intontion of crowning the work oftho Pnrio Oongru;-is by a commercial treaty with Russia, in which the latter in to modif her cuutornn inrllin favor of mono Powers. e pmuma that web I modi- cation cannot take place without odnncing the Intorolu of Germany. It in, boworor, utinl'nc- tory to no the Wutorn Porters proting by this occuion to open I breach in the prohibitive syn- mm of Runio." A Inllnin fmm Hm-1in nf Hm `Ind. "la in an... "Ill OI ISLIUIII." A lam`: from Berlin of the am ult., in the Want Guam, nyl :-- A report has long been current, and has now acquired a certain degree consistency. Ennlsnd winhu & H098 DOV, Itllllll IIIB uwnyl sumunem menu; ofresintanca :1. her disposal to energetically repel her enemiu. We hope, II. all events, thht Rngaign fabric: llld menufeeluree will take such an impetus with the re-eehblielment of peace, as will complete! emenclpnlo the Rnuien com- ` merce lrom fore gnen. Every mung power, om. during peuco, ought. to be ready for writ. Ruuin deelree peace-but Ihe he: no fear of I Inr " |FI'1UllCI' lnrlllln I` FHHOP. I DB I` fcl] pjorl on their parhlre lI'0I_|0d bl Rulsinna true brothers. God III" III panel but if He does not, Ruuln Ins ulwayn culuigm nl'n-ainmnca dlsnoul to annrmuiullv Inddonly the rap, qnd,wlIh look: full of can of her rivnl. inland the gullory mndeihe Q0 bun vibrato. I never saw I dun porfurmnnoc. The batter dllll of public KIM not interfere, but II pinummedby than not on my. exercises, until an Cre- ole. III " Ind Punting, wukcnrricd