Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1856, p. 2

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A ____.I L`_....'..n ._.... .:...-_ __ Ill-) was wuouy unuuuruu nun running. Mr W. G. Kilkelly, uue o!AdIml & Cu ! 3,!- preu messengers, running burn-u Baltimore and .\uuaIa., Gm, cu in me mail car :1 the time of the an-cidenu, wu so burnt than-. um hing wan foinnd of him but a tow chnrreu hours. The amount of express matter In: uulllllmlly Inge, IUIDC six or IGYIIJ tom, an portion uf which was burnt to uh:-5. Mr 'ilku-Hy residrd in (hzldabw-0', N.0., where he lures I wifn nud tuuryoung children In lament lulu untimely end. Uta relnuiua were brought np no-day for inur- ment. ' NI`! nuoll nun 1'6 ant Thu Bqlqusd Wu.) D-0|-IIQ, of Intel: II, [Inc It! !_bl|uIiIg uni:-Ilprl of nrjtrtlble 16- `~ cideu mi thy &-abut! nu! Railroad: Ihich look pfiu on llondny Inrnluj, near Mar- pnmvillo, Abbi: M Inilu from Pbmmnmb, Ind I6 from Weldon, N.C.. A mrmpondent of Ila Duputch up: ___ `IL. ..-..x4I..o ..--n....A .|u\..o In vnllnn n..uIh Kdfbll ldlnul I `We learn that Bidney Jones, E, M Brock`. Willa, was mrown from his slrigh nu thu ne. lot: nnoon 1'0 nun. _ _ I Ntyliln-tad Dtlplllllv. larch ":"'.'dl) morning, um! IU-`'""3 km. :1 who were killed, and all werafu rnsil-cur. _ 5c|oruu.-Unpr:cod.-mui instances uni cure u! that G0|l'IpHIfl|l.~'TM% is, per! the `walnut wourgp tn which Um immnn malty an subject, and 3! the same Iimt ma non diiliann ofcurr, inumuc-h 10 HT`! d`a;u-nduuoo the pow-' or of the medicine ptucrihui, mud in innu- uuoueheu upon the parts amend. The only iuhlu wood: for the can oflill noel. dip , ofnulaiiiwtiun which we nnguuinh id, in Koliowpio Ointqupl Ind Pills. 1' 0 uictly audit: A on cnianvbm diuue i 35.. in prior 0 ciun nrdlsnrdn-u . m.'H:IIl {III vistas: of Hugo an Inn harp. nduoton y i pnonbi III .I,bu: Ibo {acuity shunnin- Rl_&ih mun-I-I 4. popmnr u.-unr on we Inna. In the worm. ` Sold awry wlien-_in llrge buulm, for onfy 2 cash. ~ ' '- - Ll.`-u II1'...a..._. I. 11.. . n- _ ,9 .:,, l.von'I KA1-Innon.--1`ha Ladies have pro- olnimcd this article so be, by fur, the clnnau Ind moat dz-lighlful proparuiuu aver uled; and from their Vnrdicl, in mach matters, than is no -, ggpul. Their derlsi-3n in ca.` nqly we-H [round-`, for in; wonderful .c-icncr m rgu` pm. lorvlng Ind hcnutifping Iha Jhur: elm; II omuhndrunnd nllother i1nrrurn.iea- curing Iltvmu Head-whc, kc: log:-Um with it;rllihI- ful perfume, -and In yufecx cl.-neg; gm; deli- cacy. (ulna ruull olllm` men! can taken in ii: ` prIpa.rnlion,) have mndn it the uuiiigidlly populllr n.-tirlr ol the kim1.'In the world. Sold anarv ilinrr in hm. |.....I... a... ....r.. dk -..... -- v~.-- -. -uq\ nu.-, nu lUl..l`Il 45 : 50. lam-use 4'0:-16,uu thn 71b of hgu month, Ind mm vmbla but for u rm mudcnzl from the dock of the unmet. , ...... .. Tho: p?rsmu who saw Eh? fragment: Wu not I V passenger. but the fourth ulcet of the Edin- ' lungs, and it mu bl-Ming (I return gale at the I_imu, hr olucrvrd mun, Thu frngrucnlu nor` lined _of, as has ahead; bean mud, cabin dooro *, with glnu handles, and coma clbin furuixuro. These were oven on the ice, in lungimdu L5 ,- 5n lmiumin Ln -an .... H... 9.1. ..u,.-. _.-_.n. _... u nu nu ..,r, The report which ruched at first lhrullgh uho English papers of the frugmanls ofn wreck having both seen 0 the ion. by one of the pa. seam-rs of 1h-- sfmmslliu Edinburglu, on he su- Iage from Nvw Yurk up Glusgnw, is, 4: Ippelrl, Ia; nillmut fg,umlnli-> v, ulzhvmgh sumu o(.l-bl particulars weronot correctly stand. rm . . - New York, March 17. The Me-nmuhip Uennnnn, from Bremen Feb. 23, and Soutlgnmpmu 27m, wizh 90 pusengen, and abnu!600 tons of freight, arrived at this` porqn an early uour ]'CllO|'dl)' furenoon" Thu n........... n....... .I... -,...n.-__ -_..... __: rvl -.-- -u mun} uuul Jclxululj IlII'!nUU!l The Ilormanu camp the southern route `sud mo! Ifllh nu fcv, - Hnfl. Wflilr-I t Cuj Pro;-rinhrn ea mum; in _ For Isle by E. W. Pnlpefnml I. H -Pnrhr I 00., m_xd n_li ulhvr fptcfible dealer: ' ., NM! York. mg or IUD ' proposed war with England : "Suppose thv English should burn New-York -tlmI in no more than the New Yorkers do them- uln-s once in every five years; and when they would hare desuoyed that village lhny would '1"! She! llllflclitln of knowing tbu. they bu` hurne-l $100,000,000 worth of property belong in lo their own cdunlry:nan_" ,_..,, . ,7-.- , A l |:cnI.un hisTRUHlll'l'.--At the Ne ' `Observatory, Wuhington, there ie on in n- ment ofpeoulier construction, nailed the me verticnl transit. The prime vertical in the me- ginery line: in the heavens, penning from the euteru point. in the horizon through the zenith lo the western point, end consequentiy n`t. right angles .tn the meridian; end at prime verticel trenliliieu tuoeittnurutnent placed cut. end weal, inneed of north end south. Upon a block of single granite real: the ex'ie, over three feet. In length; at one end of the rule, nuuido olthe plot, in the telos'6pe,a'nd at the other end in counlerpotse. Upon the his mu pertnltnt-ally a large frame containing e delicate epirit,*v- ei, whose indicntione show at uni, moment. the` o inclination of the axis to the rizon. Fe thing required for mounting the inetrumen i , that this axis shall be trniy hurizonlai, thet the -telescope ehnll revolve exactly 1n the prime ver- tical, deviating neither to `the nnrlh or south. The telescope is six feet and n bell` in length. CnNa0Lma.-- The Boston bhronclt says, weak- iug of the ` proposed England: Emtiish burn New-York Sr. Citru:nmiss.--Cu--r..LZr...uutI'.-3 Rtr-LI Cul- PAHi'.~-Uiqil. I lurk;-'3 ne (`timpnny rlf volun- ierrv are now in It fair way n!` being nbie to d lltv slate smiie .-1-rvtcv. bring, we beiieve, Alrea- dy corttiilv.-tr in mtmbvrs, neatly dressed and equimmi, and, under the able instruction of Ser. genui. Wntsun, me making fnvornble prngn-tin in thv mnnuul exercise. Neitiier the Captain or his men Ieem liki-ly to he satised with half men- sures, and curt.-equently wili not stop short of A ' pr-rfect knnwledgn in! their duties. So 5 u as th impruvrd `eliuiv Ries arrive, which I ex- pected shortly, the nrms in prsswnt. use win be retained by Col. Mcninnaid far this 5th Lincoln Ilitltin. We understand this gentletnnn, with his accustomed lib:-nlny to stimulate procien- c._y'in the use of the rie, intends giving irrery handsome lilver cup, to be presented on the Queen : Birthdnv for the but IA:-cm: m-nnlims __ ma Iccuslomen nuH'nIu_y V0 sumulnu giv presqnu Queen Binhdny he beat larger. 1 (.`onm'tuh`on_aI. .,_.,,.. ,._._ ..-_.-`_ _.._ nag: ` Tu Runaus Buct Sn Fun,-- l`ao Ruuian Mrltlary Guztutcunlniul some statistics rein. ~ me to the ex-Blnok Sen u.-l,.which are so far inuemling in Il1M.tl)Y3hQWils amount when the war commenced. They following are ex- tncIa::--Thrae-deckers, uffrum ll0 to I30 guns, 4. liners, of from 80 to I00 gum, 13, including two reserves; in u||~, 18 ships ofthe Hue bean-in I628 guns. Frignm-'5, of from 52 lo 5!} guns. 12 , ailing w-snls, oflrom 6 In 10 guns, 40; gtuun frigntes and corvelu-a, 1-r'0\`ided with mortua- guns, 15; giving 5 tom! of 85 mil, `.1800 guns. Huw many oflhcse rt-main, the sh of N-basin. ml and the Son I-f Amt? can bestfculcnnlm. Thajournuiuddl llml, vmlzfhe exception": of 11 vessels at Odessa, some 20 It Nicolnieff and Charson, and nboul 30 l|:al'huI'e Inken refuge up the Dun, the wlml Russian :nerca'nli|e any ,_ cnnsiunng of several hundred sail. have been dualruyed in lbs Sea of My-H. ...1. ~...-._ ......_.I vww-PC an n... The engine and burn cumpnial wnri early on the ground, And with a good uupply of wnter, prevented the destruction of the bmldiug wbt oruu`nrnt|,tho corner of King and Brook Streets. Hr UE_ord's stock was deuro.-d. Thu ortho City Book Show was damaged mntpriutly by the dean smoke which {mend it: yuy 4 through, and the upplr upa-uenlr, occupied 11; Hr Ild['l lunrnnco oui, Hr Burrowu. Mr Orolglnonh Pdtlng Omen, Ind Mr Hobrouh'l bindery, were more or less in- jutod by water and omaia. The re origif nut-d near the more in Mr on'ura'. ntore, and is utdto have been oemliomd by lbw throwing of A wooden pokar, miter me, into the wood but _.___ .a._ .. A, - - Two l"mn.-On Suuuim. evening about ten o'clock. Another Alarm ` are given. The ocean. riou - val 1| re braking nut in Iii! Runny`; millinrryf-ulrnlisluueun, an Wellington um-at. Thin In man slnpnro-av-I, but not without cou- ` Iidgulam damp In the uuak. Lbsgnt nidnTgM 4 thy alum hauungnln rnllcd the remen togelhor. Ilr 0l'ord'| boot and` choc More, in the Oh; Bgok Store building, and ignmodi~uel_y adjoining the bouk story, wu 0 fire. `FL; _--1-- g-I I...-- -..-..._-l_A Z-.. .- 1. `F W! `NIP! I rump In my piano! `Elwin. `"0" 1! A .oIuun wanna HIKE AJIILI, - `Inn nn:I.l`-4l"f.. [keptnied rrrlusmety for Me Daily Nun.) "Riva: of mg. n;n;.;;;. ; `f7i7i;Ifi:E RA PH. _. -._...._ r-- .. Ov ....:.-. ipecial Nouden `n wu uu buv L prnclice.-- 5' III E.llII',_` III!!! Illldonly ~%,MiiI her child for g and um iboii: Io Path to death. 153?.-n-__ _grem.n -1- mp... nu such 1 0. . , to : An 1: ' %...u.'*"%.. a...` 3`.`2.'. '.`i. ..":..` . in lwillnowrouuhgooao. wliich willbo _ . and lying in th ' taken uuddenl; um: hut.Iulnimk'an rm child r... T u or Iuuvrr1.-A le-I~ an-tun VIom,In the left, of no.-ran, than V Iulhd at`. `A dark in n um-chuut'wtIca. with ` .1 1 nu_lyuaIIiit."' tthoquu mouenttho ' thooryofnohildin dukilolh ii. ,3: tr: to an upon, Incifound we pull [III vvlrn nanom- wllich Jhoy cnlomiu on bail _ "than u 8: 1 pm ";'s."'. ."..a u.'l"a'..m,'?". Iudnucdbyllnchcn-ewnmhttgoftho sea. u A umuwuquluomol ma X ; _ gpjlnho amps. Tune Qlnnuumn iondimon veminbl 3 `II out the actor, would Ibo laurlbnnoo on third par- cy. Thunuonl vm loudly uhcimd, Ind iou`IIoro_uo,1lmn lpyhe man & nlofth put Amorieufhcunu jllo , _. Ilolm. Cobdon-d A ' __;hu; nyuralod (hides -of: 1 1 BnhId.dAmorio| an In V --ctlmnklo; und`Ih!m_Iz[h OI cdnnotbo laid to `repre- V I_hp_ opinion: of the` ldllil -wu-in gan_onJ--' Iouvilhup In an war Bu- Iran. uh! dun Wu-nu. ...a'......A lad Jdi was I . jg I III IIGH IIIIII '"":d'?I|III|:ol III Ithildlnco on the II: :l:ohd'"|hnoouo_._" c:I'Iht:;i=-:|`i$i,'` {:3 _" Ih,I|I - pad abcu batman om`-bl an and u u tn-Ih.w-`gr .-in `Uh. 1.`5gum;:.`m,: -.A __...4 4-_ , "-....."* " Q18, ldlihial ' 1! 36 Id uni. W9 IIldO"N1 r Jlihthilu been too unwell tn llh Ho Parliamentary duller, um! ulna N17109:? M coqnlled him L H . .- .~ `E. L.ao,"EF""'.Q'."$".n""s.`:'s'% , %%"`w"...'."u.".'5`JV'%.:.T"""" L.%... to dim wh'M;/ Mr enough tofreferthe IuIhdvio'uuruiuu,9n1/5 but it is alwitodlhu the suite day should Ind upogbr bolll. His Ib- oouldnothclled , ` _ prucilffli robabiI- I: In xhngli hr`; fnllon ll Vnhthro to American boon K ' ,` which would ban had the of the would: which some magnum: nlnnn nnrlnng a- L..- : WI" I W III` I ' _7 llililuiilfohlh Vlhki of lab oounuymon on Ibo -II Inmhior rllui-....:.L.'.I W VT THIS |lil'UIl'I|Ulll ` Ibo on , Inn Invited to meet him, and `min: auuhuu-shape: ' 12*... .. .... `.!';%"`..4.."i".;'!`f`.f.'.'.?!f.t IZWTI VIII Irnnxbun to hop thhwuaontoonmha hen d` I dmumounoot; but the u will Iolln the I.u'nppr ouI.u.I Auction Anuiwon um side .1 num"?FF." :u."" ...;m.I mi A `II hlqiiu Ill inn`; w;V:d- iylo laud Mayor nl"Lon- luisiiiniud guubmn connected Gash, and tho non immediate ob- lo compliment the American ,Il luthaanglyrho in leaving the -uIu:r, cur uusuluaqglyvnu ll IGIVIHI Inc m but two or Ihluyuuvmlu us- lill {In nnnnih ninth: .1! 9L [Hill] than none} 2' Ihny cl` `I Z2}: d IwIlInl|IA-|u\ -"I u: Ihn wiul U0` ....'.::'-r..':..f.:' ..:".:.:...-| ah I`-L ....n...-:_ -_ . I "-`."1ff'_" `_"""'.`."""""" 1r-.`:.-2.-.:*_"3:*.*:'.'n?.';.:I:';T puns, nu panel: I lope IIIIQI (ht ehnululur an an to h posed I-.EIIIl:n.nonk,nin ordorcltyrtlpwhen urn won and la, ht" nppnr ` Sh: I an Inn nn ll.lIlj,DyWlllRllUl' 1" tClTY RI. rL= 531:: , ICTI-Iqliwlhllhq 3 ` lvilltltravn-hu;u...'n""ou.u7" . 1|... .13 LL $1!!! utaj . `ar- -r -.-u -quuunwunl `rue mull `no to Judy Foot In lit-cide lb; `lxglbnhler hqnlrud of J udg F. from I Icobhimd ccruio Ilformnlmn ha ha -'g`d|n|:oMo! Invdnhu mu? bill nforrtd II. . VII: in than his I lulnnullrnq Gnuqah. saying to it.- Dlqlunlnnvlo gnu In I`. an in-f lqlhl. litlupclotrlshl to dots, and d % {,':.`.':.S`.;.`:`.';."4.5.'... f:... ~- w':`.."~:`.':. . . -` I W""__",'"'ca--aoa." " '."'"' `.". lr, _NInvuqM Ibo] ` V m` `:`:EEI:"a`;ijour::;qr:;b:)';|:: dGu'c,V0tI'VIr|Od cobra login` 1; `La nppouneo oh Bur btrdvn." I win `|g.|,vpln manna: of thy puformnoa. Two duh Iunbuhood (X. 11.3 uiubn or the ~ , `. 1,!-York And It ` V u, ' in In ndisputl ` an adjournment. Th "sun 3'... `hhdgo Ioouarlecelflo thQ' DIIIIOI` ilnnlred nf.lud.. v |V'|IV` '-' ` I` `.i " 3 - 7 ..,A Lnuuim ,'0lllI.t1".-LII nboouyg of Ann-Iilyylw Alhuymn tho nth instant thy ` T If:1as9gnnou;- - a : n""II.. -.u._._..__._. . . . . `Phi show}! Mill the Gun: Runway Timon. `lo add} IIQ_,l||`ol[ olnlnu or Ottawa to lhe Snutofoyunpuo--chin: mgtprhlly unngn uulby tho ugmprbo uf_ Ila lnhnhiunu i.. qpnwuotpt `of no Pngoou um Bylown `hi _;'pdn pm:-o with hotel smuun _0.|HWII frovhuu. A "H flu III #19 hl|l'auqn" ensue at r Vlhtllmhn-dnlhonuuul amm KI` : I IIIH. IW ??-".R'3 -.`- mu nonnon would Ipprolch || dlruted 61' all up or nmh win and um they would `Ill scion thin tan or Iuhjlocl, for once in ly,fur M: fcnrrul bmrl q/' Add than Ionuru rccom-` nah i Inhimh plum Iuluble, or thnwlllv vopoonl uuanmlon to [ho I'ruv- lun. an In or in any of omn think dif- : Ind nun nllhu Innll u~l...|.o:n mm on In on an wt; 0! Dunn ohln llloll Icisntlfic mun old country Inn given in an I:o only wiubla plan ln ma ll lwlncn nude: on Meal ,Ht~9|'If',6/' Ottawa. In support` `bl Ihh II` uocnnqnd the able long: In an- ouuu-.nn`I'--`ns and run!!! to Sir Allnu N. llcNnb- If AIdIlpI,'to lhu upouinl ulomiuu of the `I ' - can mu won an, an m I Ippnr `Half. She 1 on ran up [to rope. Thg mmm 19- En or Gavan III1`.--Thu Kingston Nd! III II Iniolo on the Hall of Gdvormnenl, In wiulllo .\nIm_ nun:--" It being an npvn nation. is would be but nuounblo Lu In-Ime nnnhon would at polish udthn would ' Illusion lhlnun nubha-.2, fur nnm: :. g I g-u-::_w!.|,I.*IUlll||l|'I, WI nope I!) 190$! at thin I: 0 ll iilpuhion Along uri- IIIHIIIII to follow Ibo Inmplel of Frontenac, Ahjlcu uni Luna, and ldd their funds and oulrlbltloql to well an mecca of the Pm- " IINNHOI, nth" than rmer uny IIIi,"IiIIl_y ind product inmnmrou mall ` Illillhl Olhlhilloul. unvuuivw VI DIV` I IIIVIIIIPF. III IN '10 the uhilaiaiun fur II lIbIll'Iot|t'|1lIitod to tho uaiu-d unqu- ofjingotbl. Even-y agricultu- `:l-Hlk part or the l mvince alas the [uncut in alphan- Jh Ibplr *l, h..Il!II|0 of Oundn: uh: I us: show wlllpnbnbly be in us. wouun pm. [~ ol the Province. Kinpton Pm been M-lvocted ' Milllim `InlMII,'bIoIIi'Iq of Tho euy ac- ! lthy late, that and canal. but the nohk ` wounvllfiflbup ud aonuniuuu-uuil I 9 `lipdlh In ail purl oftho pmvlnoe, nm-I it I i'5`totIIInMglldI-Q {tom the nuuntry around I `Igl|~0l,_,'l',0lll`0, PM-topov um Oabourg}. ` ghn, qnl kill Imohlllo, Prurou. nnd Cum- wul Iulomu II as non tho Ounw awdlslru-I Nhnd u, and the whole llnc of 0In'ry on me of Initial! rlru. Agrlcullnrisln 3 ho! It-raid nut, in nu our mrkeu, nhnnld (I III! pill In IbIl[ win: the edunlry rm , pnduu,uIl Ihoild GINO: "I0 Hm rt-50TH-d to 3 W IQIIM MIOII lth III Oxhlhiluu, nu- iworhhlgng and In our good ublbillon J: '"W.T|'||'|Il'Ib|n poor mm, and will redound I9?! 30 Nntlll at tho provineo and uljrkullun, no hops `hour thou In 1 -na-I ism-..I.a.... -_..__ -_.: I was-I Ivwllu ll Qlivlll UIIIIIIHKDII. ' "TNT! I'll] I9. Iullntnumcnl for the VIII`; Md [1, llwnlul Bow` Ia bu gun will lI"0y Oouull and cltluns uf Kingston lbuhow ouooourul. We have A9i0_IM,O|7I"OI'-olthll will Iubsnrio libr- llllylanrlnuonluulou whlob, well directed vlll ndonl to largely to the credrt rand ud- VII`! ofjbo ulty. Tho Ibow, u our cillu-no Vtlliiw, III utnrod for Kingllon in prefer- ll$0'E> lIIIfoId,nfIIg a nu} nhnrp cnmpOli- tho, shinny oloquonl organ-In-nu nddruawl U7 to Ibo council ; Ind b'uI`n - ml Ibo__priu, Illa lot llksly, thnl Ihv peuiplo llitlls Qilluilb their nmarrciullun ul 5] llllll llllshclocy maul-2-r than that tho computing district in the noun IIVHOIOC the __PI'oriuor. " n... .|.- -41u.gn`,gu..` 1 .1: _. ` {:1-D` Gout! Donut. um omcuu. Iiwv H'IIl.--Myth (Jenny Oonoll Int viii, um: ' Iiblululal In mm: to Illa no-an by win! up 'mwt'eonnuu mid tnou ,ma;m.:- 3; (lg um` Pmmiul Ixhibillou, n In: 4...-ma mu Council would gun on thou:-ad anu- Illl I0 Ibo lbw; I/bl 130 Incl! Ibovn for Fran- &l,'ln0IIiCud Aldhglon ihoulu vlak ymr rpil Iii Pnvlulal Show; and that Ihr Ilrlalbll for the Mind eountlu, unnum- Ilg won thousand In hundred dalhmu, should III! [rut tho Oounlfouucl`, ' I; I lllll of mo Ihouund lire hundrod `_|Illll CHI oollrlbutlon of the united mun- Ilu Iovuda sh Klnplqn uhibuiun. ml. ICIII nnnnl .nI- ...... ... 1.- .|.. - - v 4;! tho Chronicle ml Nun ` ' , o1'l0eIOII'iiy'oh|a;lu . Pan Ad. inch hum] |mna..a-j-g: __......-.A-v" 1 lift" Daily Nc\w'5.` " ,~!`9 `.1 ` `g -, ,` ` pulililin 0. n 2- , V .. ilinn uou1uo.uAi:ou f` up orloowoul mnync-n|a,|n . Price 44. ch lumpy] Inning-. gl II-IVIIILU W UII ;,V _ _'?'r-A3"-"'2-er n-. um: I 5` - . 6 ["'IIr IGIQNI! ' `E Elplfl N. undi; whfch the Hang; us nn7`Io',;`-roupemng; 5 sad that iti: not deqin-dun fol `substituting, for men,ulprorc:1nbi|lIiu and s donned polipy, oth- In unlricd` in the m goviruhllh ml unpre- pnrod with any nyutni an whlgh to conduotpnuu 11 "um, whothor as regards inmul or an- wulabln. `I'M division ofyulonlu provqo, too, um lhl `r0l|_ll'l0joI IQ or up minke:-I of un Houhngvmiod hp odibuu nhwpnnnhliot Ihluh how high luoqguny abound on til hull dv h lhnir I puulte and pdnnupuf, u tho Aha 7 Int dunno the openg of the proton qua; `_ .~ hndgny lhoullu-N 9 domilnlldulhnhod DMD hnpadc lguuivhen Iholutol conduct Clasp. I, ' "II is my! too nuphttd dd '|:n- V ` I.'i11l,|` l!.|5IIIii_5Il|oCl`|\""3.3l. at ` _unpnanmlvu,oohtul&I0*tIltvnhI , `Hunt terminated one of the ` gu-unxlep lhll hu` `whip; mph. TIT-* VI` HouuIluno1yozbdi"uo'=4msmIai'_ a is. I ma teaclaltpyl and crude uuorl-s 5.4: up Opp-( . IlHug,_n_1wmIkI_M` _ ` dv ' ofug,'1 llt M clpleo Illldil ihihla Bonn 1: In no: on mung`.-...- . llon. Ilr Dru:-unonllithw add Hit, lfler such M guouptsue [root or my maul pmuut Pgrliatnnng repooed in II): oxtjltin` _Qnb-. inst. the "lunar" could in! r lab? uni` ojeo tlon to pron-nnhc ngdhsfo Vte House on tho ` , nubJocT'5T1!e Uoirlgu mimler, u' the) gnuld now honutl; IOAIOIII Lit. nigh {hair own ` view; of tho `Inbju`et ' "0333 thli he hnd that ' su-noon ncoindin tphgrnphic mango from -~ Judy Dunl, in which . Ila: .gnn}lIIII|n_ pnlirely denied that he Ind uur mad: yh. egg-gs mrih- ; utcd whim. The Attocnay-Gougnl nlao ma 1 that, nllhoughbo Ind nulregthg dogpniqhmmo 3 hours since, Inc had nfrliupi, frat? ll be- 1 fore, log! it might hue iynuonc-ed vm in favor : 0` "'9 3*`-Wlviilh which ho wodhnlly idonu 1 ed. J, ;,_?,` I-:-,y __ 1 vunnu u-vu vvuu nu: IlllllIII|I|flIUIII- nllrl. i D 5. Iluwlunald, tun, very unlnjeutionullf plnyld ' inlu the hands 0! his app-menu, by moving, at 1 ' luoiuiuurufihn night, the previous question in i I the place ofn mnllel`_ under diuensaiun. Thin ' was (lone yllh the view ofprevexiilug any frilud of the Miami; l'run`i moving it direct list (if tho ' oondenou of the lfoun in them; but the At- - tornays-Gemrnlwent cleverly-Imod the in- uniion, by lccepling Mr 1.5. .\l|cd0nuld'a mo- tions: in iuulfnlul, the mecca or failum 0! which was lo Iell Ibo fcleal l|n_Uun|iLiun-G(i'v- urnmant. The member for Glnnpnrry saw, too lulu, that hainu caught in his dun trap, but II `III vain to stump: no Inn olf in division, the mill: at which mu. Nan You: 1 I I I n l men on Maud ---ouuuyr rv-uu-uwu nu:-nnrru nyybuldly and bodily mrubd ul rv-und and n'rIlloweitl`1hol'(nn rnuuciuecl cou- vicliulw on 'I`lnn1d-iyl .11 an wry hgulr it bo- ` um: ngpurentft furl Ilse, _lt|lllll'lr_V wen; gaining gmuml, bul`|Iv?rl1.-n'.`a`v1i:_si:'~ `tjriu`unp'; would, I have bgop no qbmplele an_ El u_alu nuu-I; [ri.f ,' liad it not burn that up Onnniriua, ll llungnu ` nuuo.bm:g mum-rs In a urisls, m-munuen- 7 nod itself, and l'nll`e`i!V_lo make the ' mos: ndvnn- tngwun uueolllmumug posiliun ll occupied. luny Upper Llmndhnn,-l'mln;-ndent of Any party athu-llmcut, plnlnly evince-l their dlsgdaz I1 [I10 Inxlly of lb! prlnciplrs which lam evi.- domly guldod lllb oppouitinn helium, and on di- Vluiun led will: u n-.,.| , -1 ., me Aalmlulllrnliota. Hun.J. The Lowe: Cnnndhn R0-lgeslgmre n splendid cumule of_t|ni1-rigid ndhoi-I-ncp to principle, for its own unkoyin the cuursu pfthe debate. Headed by Mr Dorian, of I[umtoul,,.tlie_y declar- ed, in auhnhuce, `that, though they much admir- ed the indapendeucc M I-kgoghc` I`n'.ue Ab- mnci, ma) could :_?qI_ Intirpou hm '].o`m2'c'al wcvight inn ,'|l IP19` gmblnn amylhing I mm a gala, B_v_ means of which they ceuldvcnop . into the Treuurfenchu; iv}: pmuyuq to I _lbem. And the!!! political purists, qlw vot9d_ : lo roam: the high ponilinn nuulx-d by Ming 1 IIIIPI on Ilniulnu -hnhlI- hnolv Inaluln annuhl :- V nlnnlud in Iuund fhmuma .m;.." 1.'l1o delllll of Hill nmnarnblo Itrugglo will I-I lbnnd at length in the paper: of to-dtanlltl I you will doulnlu: Inufar that non lnlemtlng puujmn, I shall not tronblo your l'!IA'IvI'l oven ` with An oullino onln npcechu, more upcclnlly u. in their genci-nl unor, they 'da"ur Iml Iiult from than delivered whln Iho uuhje-rt was In! um.-k under discussion. I any mention, howev- or, that hon. JR. Guudrull declghd on his haul ` or n n gcullcmnnfglving additional rnrcn Vu hlr nuertlun by nu lnvocnllun to the Deity, Hall ho haul never, mm.-ll_y or openly, irllrigm-(J, since the dnelnrlllon of mlnl-tier: that they-` vroujld land or fill by the vote: to be liken u 1.1. dny. ngulnu lhl pineal Cabinet. Public to- nor to the annuity, and clinch In the col- umuu!|nllnnnI1nl'l`oron!n juarlll, no doubt, M Induced this ulna-meal. ln declaring llu regret with which he should wltno.-an the relilumn, of the pr-em Cubldct, ho addod n fdnr lhm lbe_y_ _ would bllucceeded, to new hi; own words. F by -1 other men with whom il. wnnld be lmposaihla lcnlld have my and communion u I hue Wilh him norln also." ' v 1 llw In-u-until:-I I-vwlunw-In -u-----u lng aupportgn of II-so Coalition Onhio. Ike!!!`- rteuou um who" my will naunnupim vll.- ` uvuuonnuu al n-innit"-jg, uowuaa ` than lint I! plan! lhjooiutidd tho Idmiuiolno um Ind uounud Yin Igoogig Hag rum-ion an Ir ; Gums : punliphai to In Oppooio ` Hun triumph, Vn_d'pguuquqnt;u_g`l! vote of` Canaan Ulhbai: lm iynipulhining ` {Hindu and unwind! IIIIIIO6 have fun one: bean doqmed lo diuppolntnoltin their culculutiunl; and so he frog: the Govetumnt huh: sulfu- oll by tho noon! mullu, II III, In *h\-I, on1y' M sngmiied iuinlluenu by proving how gnu. I: III ftllr munglh in lh3'1lonu.~ H -...u . - i Thu tmnlir. oloblllllrmcunuf MI-urn n__ _.____,.__. .1 .L- l'I__lhL.- n_I..J_-. .I..-l-_ uqgionn mm which the Home npw dlvldt. Mnjor-it_v for Miniuern, uovxuourr-All rm: muuv NEWa-l 1,011`) EIIUDIZI Ira clpluluolvppnu in (big pient mm ! _ _ " "` _ . my. Mn." " an J `._v um` n,mim l,,,mm:u I An: igt-\ `urrng5:n?-\oung poupk cannot , tn bngmgnung .93 mu ,1 uogd comm ; go fu_:_I.h lulu ma world under: nun T-In Im- 'pantIna`In" In bownlng-ntmt is In hi: do. prrlllo than thin penuuion-unnl. they on . V no courtesy to any one but thou when citcuny ` . In _ bmllhknqfp hmnd the rah. ll'll.Il!I or prrfenuco Inppon` I0_ Imnku Ipaar um, tho Ila; nd dn-|nInng,gnd the mung, 0; fnendn. They on h. to ever; 1no)_uv..3.|, mm. whupu ouuud ugh uonm.",,_ }-nww. outs.-xclapuun, who has not Iocfeued u by 0!. ti: 2: mil. `Wu um: 7:11 Iilh paIine,._.nd Iznulqninuth lib:-:1-:`l':`, tvrodryb indmdnnl In I many! at nu pain. 1 t air elIow,t or an r ,u 1 air companion (coining. "no pnguuugg uWi`,'::;'CT:";':i':: in d_uin_y oflwhlch the brginning in tho :|.|I'po[|.' M.` Hlhompouchfggomg-3"... `u "Hi. and llnealuon tn the Iame_; and I refon .'..1:J'.;'.??.';1.1`.'{" 3%" "" """` E3..3.".. iZ.if; `$'.?1`.."v` .`:'.'i.".'.'.".I'.`.a"'." {:3 0 run - - . o I W` lIILIg'g_1Inllly flu Iopo of p:5..":::n"5: In: Itiaduon In Ihair hood, or wafer my nub. ` ll; Whltdym mg. ran" an; 3... mm Iuguid bandit in`ou_n power, butprnu `no eon. gneg, udggggggp 5., mg to `wed. qilmu our uedgnry mhnxaunt, in tail" than caching "go; go; 3". Q5. lwlgich 'v:_o:uvo :31, in clause for wilbboltlllg J , 3 lb; prnonty-nrounco. Wu bun flint. I it up no u. "i In I.ouInN-poIooa'.`-sngluuu of ,..,...._ 3, % ` '3 ""5|'l5Wl- Imotll at onothnu Duhucnn Fm um Lonaonnu.- U. 3. h `H, |'?M _*l|"|J'- II dayvmornln llll Ibo oxullin [nip gm. gf 5 Inclullhrvww wnlhitoouu 1 II `o! WI: rd." `. n lrthouu In no, u rlidu, Logdm. 'l0N'fd'd` UPII Ibo deny, ware mlufiy consumed by In. 1'5; F` F"""``l 5' '9I* 3 origin oflho In is unknown. It nppogn mg; _. I ,uuI'u:n rm mohurml about was o'clock `in the noruinmby L potion in clump of 0 din- ml in an ndglorhond. ltoyl that am ml the be `II {It nun, Iroqlin mth#I|r .nue-I Itooltiuhhlldlugiltb llnuhtloof .-:.~.:.-. ...-.- _... --.-,mn-uu -uuuuuu, nuu some (H Um mutt imonul] unpld tuna: have lmm gin-u forthnn It aqunbhlu tween the British ll|nlntenP?:P i1,l.ordo Clarendon nnd {aw- .le re: etin ncedonu_y,-Ihuu the hut- uud" 331mg`: '1 ind pm u r u.` I! II I I y II prtian lion which an denied by tho olln:r,-- um Jha diapuu vru rulerml In London, when Lnr_d Cowley was told thntbord Cltrondon yu lm unperior,--uuI Tron this the old mnlleumn` became nulhy. In re uud 1o attend the French ` EDrkIi[I;.I:ll i.ll0l"l f nnhnark--;`nidhtl:iI, nu: lo met an uncle n I uiiuturw mrnblc, tho Tnrkiuh Envoy no udvlaed Ln ` nu); away. If the rap;-ooenuuirea Of u_n`8:idIh - muon no olptN0p[[pl|n[in1|Ill I|pmv.nIn- ; nu,|Il In my II, that Ruulihu prmpt-cur V in brlghulng and the old comod; fomlunll" In wnlng-urn! In in hit 16-, in ` u . \ l I tun onto; text at. l I.'lurl'l)t_trg!t Fur this who like no intern! in diplomatic Itl outta, It may beau well tu Mute thin the Am -tnndors of the lvverstl power! like their plncu at the Congress table in the niphnbaucnl order of the countries which they reprucnt, Count Walewahl, the French Fm-eigh Vliinistet-, Acting sit the Pt-4-Iident,-that Count Orion , 1 ne, uuleiy-looking nun, above um.-nty, Ippeira iiftt-an yenrn younger-thnt the curtains and fur- niture M the room where the ambassador: meet are of crimuon Mill), with III A on the oor, nndrtho wttill sustain pqrtmirs or the French, Emperor nnd Etnpreu,--tltnt the table at which they oil is round and covered with pt-en t:llJlh,--lhll that-thlel or the two secretarial can be tnsveid, when M-cesury, to the round t-bl, -that 0 tabla II placed near the window fur such at the 1-lenipotantinrtt-I as C` with to Write in prtnto; nnd nally, that thu- iabottrl oftheno grant Ministers, met to unite ` the flu ofeutpinu nd the destiny -of miliiona or human beings, Are intergperacd with caring ruftint-montnollifo. Then nil that can he camped tentative: at the press, French and English, in Parts; sad the pondorotn pompoaity with whtch,!n the Absence of I" rent news, every trie: in related, in-very stunning. But when mm In nn,iIuu'on abounds; And some at the tumors gi ru rorthmnuettm nnunhhin t........... .5- u-: e '1 I nu (`J at `Ind drinking. tnu.eic,nttd the otherouentiulund ` 5" tntnrnbie detail: Int 1 together by the repr.-- 9* H [haul "'t'lrr Q Stilt"!/1': :'unr.t. Tho most extraordinary pttinit [law been la- kon to parent the proceedings of ||.r t-.unIer- ences from lrantpiring. All the rcpt-esntmtttres of the several powers are said to blue ttuuttrl` tlgentoalese to mrocy, not also the two Bccrt.-|.tr rlos who are in atlendttnce At the first meet- log on llottdny, when the Cou'gres;t as-wnthlr at the hotel of the French tniniats-r for foreign alfaira, the sittlumu we lsarn from the Montleur lasted from onoo clock until halfqrast four, and at their rat interview an armistice Wits agreed upon. which will terminate on the last day of March, unless it be renewed in the internal. This armistice, ncnnrding tosotne |`l'l'tliOn9, was ' agt-and ppoa readily, according to others, `after considerable controversy ; but It. nu.-I that it wan resolved on the very first time the pleni-` potnntlarles ttiel, point: to it pacic solution of t the questions atluuo. But the trnoo which is to last to the and of tho month is conned to the land forces. The blooltndnis to he contin_ued as usual, and the British Beet-will shortly return ' to the Baltic, accodztmnied b gun and mortar - hosts srtlciant, if well han led, to make the Our tremble for the safety of his capital. ~- The , Oonfarnnoes. it appears, arc to be held three ` days a weels-on llondsys, Wednesdays, and ' Fridays, and so little do the Parisian quid- unncs know of what has transpired or is occur- ring, that, because the plenit-otgntiaries did not assemble on Tuesday, accordl g to expec- latlon,..tt...yttL1 immedlately. t-on] tut-ed that Gaunt Oi-l0'l!`l:ataotttttl hia lnltrtlcllunl decient, and hold to tttlegraplt to St. Patersburph fur ,tnnm tltttinltiva or-ten. There can bu very little `doubt that every imaginable phase of the ques- tions which will be rained at this meeting baa been looked `at and decided we be-fnrn the Ru sisn invtif_ left St. Pelugrgh thbia who no lnlett-Ila! in .tint.......:.. mu In uupw Ill Illil nronnu nllullum Jlri. 5. The Uni:-rum:-nl. at Hlkodudi conlemphlo , building | Mm] ner the modern style nfurchi uclnre. ucmre Permission nu Bulicih.-II by the Lion-ruu Hnkodndn tn exunine and lake the dimom -of the Fngo. HM wu visited by nlci:ILI, pcmerrs and dnunpo for mu pnrpue. w yin". IIIV Iuvun wan uuvulv II ulumuu. 3 Thu Bcboonnr Pug! which brought 1| . 4'. In for- ` motion to San Francisco from Jnpqn, further m , poru:- | The Jnmmoso tmutv with the Fmnnh n nnl I pnru:-- Jnpnnosolnmty the French in; not yet concluded. Then ham bun 7.9 nrriinllnflhlnnnu Hnind. ndi since that par} was opened to fora-Ignen The Bay M nkosdi in: covered with ice on tho Id of Jnunry, and the snow nu lln-to hm In depth in Ina! nronnd Hlkodldl Jlii. 6. at Hakod-di Ennlnmnl-In vv u-gun -u an.`--u --vu. It 1: allied dmlnclly that n lb! time ..r" nu- ourlhquhrlin broh out In thjrty dil-iiut pm of Mn city; the mirth opened Ami cloud over Ihoulnlo olbnildinn, With uh.-ir occu- pnnu. The about In: sum: :1 Simuda. 'I'L- lI..I .... .. D..-. ..La-t. L......-u.. .|.: - r III CODCIIIIIBII. . There have been 78 urriluliuflhlplnt Hakod. ndi Buy Hnkundi with in ` ns)` man to unit occnrrcu; IBI nu mug:-r I hpgud out 63 which tin ' `town or Idlg cm: ereuty 'pon'iu the Inland ,, t Niphon, nu greatly dun d, and n lhmian ` igui lbrn Iylig in lbl but -olally dilnhled. . Jlo virupovud to ban nd somewhat from Ilnl shock; and Inhum pnning impiicll l :1: }h IIIOBL ofllg [Ijuly iul--led by I r `paint nae, we my van bdian nut it has bun vary union. V ` . Illa Ahgmuafuhnunkal in Jun: IL: in- " 33i!oiil[I'Mt ltyi all lb prince: and `nohlu of mo empln are obliged In .n.i..u.: ..- ublinhnueu this It in that I hun- ; in! than `-I Imus my dutrn3od,hut the Iliad Ion cl` III! is. we hope. ennemed. TIN Japanese hol IN not of: Hull In cruph tho inhnbiuuu by their "fall, and Ihosr who 1-N'- ished mint: `Mu-r Inn been uullau-ui ' up by the tang umh, urban loal Iheir livr-.1 in tho tan or In tho crush ud cuufuuluu inndent to such III ocurr~nce." " '. u _,.,_u n,. .., .- filth y: a D000 VIl"`H`I?I. la tiocauololllhquho in Japan in-` jury dung i slung! q[hnuuod_ by oodi I707)! ` lot occlumnu, mt OM08 ab JnpIuo~nn--*poeullu-Iy Ihbll from the ucuuivuly combustible chnrucler of Hull hlllgl, IIlIq[:,_iilb lie Ixhplinn of I luv and: um mluchgn ul built or wood, you und pmhlans an-.pr,u1d cov- Inl \vurn|oII,`whlch lncku main in mute oonhtrhh. - u1:;m..c.'.....c am? .11 llm .-..a..... mu ulna` T`rnbuuhn'anrk|:- .1 1-.--.. - ....I.._:. -...-...a.- lung -3.4, H` 'l!$'jlI$QI--W I Jnpuu a volcanic uuauy. Ivar lint! it ` ha been him: In II2:!1IOllIl.!Iflbf;IIlku ha" I . huuuinnlo time we rod; Ind nu zongcr u \ -.n.Ahn-hn---nd an by whisk` lln -!ARCH I8. .1. -;__... -1 I-|.l-- .....:. The Pll 0-gnfafonon. I Lonnoynnn!.-Un `dlyumnrninuul cnnnn [ruin or 3 Ilntinq ol Wubnido, fldeny, mInl'ly_ , `blll of the MI unknown. , nlobuned About lhnoo'clool 4 Mia thouornln.b.'rhponnu luchrgaofa din-1 -t in an Notvlthmaqhg _, I ulllury pilot wcnddh 5 > oithuogthonivooutuuod null: ea. , named the all building Ila tho hole of the 1` ` 5 I I I ULIAMIG we TIIACKI or Sxow.--A `ll uenger on LbO`B. I 0. Railroad, who gm. shut up by mow, aimntn-u ltmclcnnuzofllne mm as once! the most exciling spectacle; be ever wilurased. He says he ulayed several days longer l|mr|_lu- need, merely for me fun of the lhlng. l-`uur lo- cumolivee were coupled on to the big enuw plnugh, which is '.'0 feet lqng end lb fuel. hlgh_ A start 0|` three or four miles in lnken, mud; , diuh made inlo the bank: wish u moueulum or I fty mile: An hour! Flow and locomotives were completely hld by n cloud of Inuw. which wu thrown "ul:_y.hlgh." Sqmelinu they unuila clun sweep uf it ILCLICHI through, and wines time: they mack run end red to In dug mu.- fllurilugmn Hawk Bye,20llI. ' WUPII Hit` lIll(`l`\'t|llVl` U-IVPTHIIIPDI \|l`Dl hill, and the ihtlttrvin Lttllmlttine Administration calm: in The tun" Adluiuitttuttiun took up the Int-ttt-rr, tutti proc.mletl to npt-~.-int n mtntttlseion, ` not fur the purpt>.~t*, as was stat:-d,ot'try1ng Mr Smith. tht- futht-r ml` the pr--rt-nt S tlieitor Gener- al, and Ward--n til the Penilt-ntinry,---but for lilo purpose of enquiring into the condition of that Institution, reporting on its untmel, nod devising an improved system at prison -.liecip- line. As members of that Commission were appointed the Hun. Adam Ferguneon,ngentIe- ` tnnu tlmrt whom no mnn ntann higher in the etttitnntion of the public, 8heri"l'homne, n mun or high iutegrignttr Bgtuow and Jlr Autiot, also gentlemen ofhigh integrity, and, my.-to-It, lnttdditlon tobeingarnethherottha oomtntsei--n, I wnnnppointed Sacretnry,_nnd hndngrentdenl of the labour ottt. Government hnvinghanded over ` to us certain pnpere, certnln eontplnint: u to the management of the institution, In proceeded to Kingston, cent for the Wnrden nnd lnlpectma of the Penitentilry, nndgtnted the oonne we in- tended to pursue. 'i`hey'expreued their perfect tlltlislttclion with ttnt course. A minute of it was written down, and the usual. of those gen- tlemen was ohtnlned to it. There may be 3 question raised no to the propriety of our course un some points, us. for lnatatnce, in regard to our refusing to permit the employment of counsel. Different opinion: an be hold no to that; ||. though I am prepare to meet. my member of this House on every one of those points, nod to einw than the ounolnion which Ill tire of the Commissioner: arrived at we: the only prudent one, the only way in which we ruultl tltttcttnrge the lrttltcommitled to us. we went on, end, continneti our proceedings torn long period ot time. We found that out of 130,000 of the public money the had been 9;-er-t,tht-re were not proper voucher ori0,000 olit. Wefuuttd in one year 2,200 instances of corporal punish- ment-thnt on no average nvery rnnn, woman, and child in the Penitentinry had been stripped and htalted four times We found that abuse] of the gt-unseat. description existed in the luau - HHIOD, and we made whnt may he cull.-.1 . clettn ewe-up nfit, en titr as we no concerned, and recommentied that it should be _ put on on entirely diismnt lvtllia. it. is true, and | up prou'd to s-ty it. that we had cournge 'u act `with n Iirm hand in the Adtnjwistrntiou of the ntfntrs oi the Institution. My cuilelgues and I` : conducted it for n. period of three years without rettumt.-mtion. ln tmny inltnnees we acted i,. it Very summary manner, but i am prepared to pg justify every par: of our course and to show thll it run not only tlnn, `bot prudent and atto- | ccsfni. In the nmyur we reduced the num-- her of co:-pornl punishments from '2;'.1.0ti to the noutimtl gure ot l,thinlt, 711. We reduced the E, expenses also, which` the previous three ynnrs gvt-raged 565.000 nnuttlly to $40,000 the tint year, $50,000 the nut, and 520,00 the nut Jlgd we remuincrht little longvr, I believe we u, should have made it self-Iuttatlning (Hear .4, Het\r,) PM Pi.\1TlH'lI. x Ruuu.-.\irBrowu, iu I meant speech said `The Prnvinciul Prniw-nlinry was rstabhshrd [833 or 1834. In I847, when Ibo Comm rnlivp Government were in power, chur- ges ufgros: crumy,1nd gru: impropriety in the munngenu-nv uf lhe lnuilutiun, were [nuhlic Iy made. and wore also addressed to lhI- Uuh'I`n- me-nt. They determined I0 institute an enquiry, an- n curnrniisiun was prepared, which was found in lhe oice of the Pmvinciai S`-`rrelnr_r, uni"... -In. l`.nn.~m-:-.ni-n. l'!...mp~n.....nI \.....r ....n IIIBIII. lu the same cnr In-re um be a from l nm- muulh, who were tn the lubit u tun-hing up am] down the ma yelling books Ind newapupers In gmuengus. One of tune, nuned Cox, Ill I-rulmbly IHSIIDII) kied. The other, A lad nu- rnrd (Jury, was nlivv when exlricnled. but hr:-Mhed ms lnwimmedinloly on being bxwngln to the air. Hull: m.-r-- dreadfully Pmrm-1`! und bruisvd. 'I`lmnn --n u u-Im -a-n Icill-d and A" war: It prulsvu. These are the time in I I59? IFUUVCIUII XII - %`_>_ The accident occurred about In mllel lulh of thin, nenr the nation known u llnrperettr ville. The treettiiiork at thll place in some 301190. high, and lied long been regnldedu very. inlccum; in fact, the engineer haul jnet " nut 06" Iteem, Intending to own In I ner run of Ipeed, when the engine left the truck, end III Iolluwed by the whole trtin, cunelstrn or en exprue cu,e' be up and until our, In two p-mutt can. ` ; 5 any ofthosc on the truth bedtime either to riect or eel, it In V utnte, no tea than fuur persona were literally routed in thethnes. lverym In also an- tirely coueumed. Eventhe wood-work on the Irvin!-I use to thoroughly dun-o ed thnt nothing remains but n pile of tubes, Wil_ here and then: u bu-us lock, to nary` the new of devastation. llr 'm 1', nnuahinr the Hnilnd Shula. Ilinil touud that the an were an Era, end,hanib|e to ` tuccmmtrre end the entm: nail and ugsreee : on-us mu, so nu-Q xuc mun ox uovnuauou. ll: Wm. 1'. Dluzhtq, the Build Sum mail nganl was no nearly coulumed that he was only ndniiio-d by his watch, which, lung [0 any, was wholly uninjured uud running. G. Kilkellr. uua o!'AdnmI & Cu : [-21- Linus: `s-u;u.-M1:o :..u...s;.. duly--wholhlriuc or , vi` mm ~uh_h!|,fn ma cI:slI,o` ' . lhllllad m -an-an '1! . Anna`

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