Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1856, p. 2

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_ `*3 U` l Hiellhl 0! Chill: of jutlic opinion In the '-V =lIl'Ipmyun,nwopIio.-an Illlhinndouwufhylho , ` . `IQ! voI|_Il~|.l louder sud his hllow ngluuou and r ?Ir Inks otbculp sldllloul uplhllor tha Iumnu I`&[`%__|hNI.b`I|I[ origin! Inuibliznnuqidhugnu I`! I I3 IIIIUI [IU- `Anmu nun! loyal nal! boom 1 ~i'=h-"'u`=3`a?:.;..".;.:.;".L.TqI:f..2Ti'?;L.':J'Ea1.T:..."'111':'aoT'.'5:'. `-`W! `NH? `Imam: nlululjylhnls * " " mm It 30,1 lor rou lot! It, for l'Ol.|'lI. Pn.v1uou-Ihurmtnuushn Im- llinx OI wjshnshsr non inquiry; suuano a II mob 8I0,l2i 1 20,15 lot out ' and 8l'l,31[ I 311,50 Nb ? for print, Bull 5 100 bits II yam- dcgp quotation; I lam liliwlthnluol IN I hzdhunnl SIAM and hlan-m tum: n-I-n 'lh0' Al; mun nno IO ammo Iuplfll. , A Aalm-An In Mr demand and tho Dubai in On: at 36,25 [of Pan Ind 01,?! for Park. , Ph.IIl.lnnl-'PII PAMI llnohn] I; n -5.41; `Dun... V Ior name ou|nInpuon. , sum 10,000 bblu all mic tot cannon to. nod uuporano amt, (_out-turivld `ll high u ; l6)j6, 26 1 6,50 for nu`: Shh, lllh lb: k oflhunlu M OGJBIGIO). `II, 0 I 6,50 r common to oholoo u no-lacing lllmoh. lawn and Wlloonlln - A I `l. for cotton to good nun do.,und `I `| 7.40 hr cannon Io choice at and mu - um Uhto.-Tho um-km crusing mm with 3 ll builnlll. Ry- I-`nntr mot and In nqnou n Sat-rr 5-ices. iinlu 409 we II II, I (.76 in com- mon line to ahinunrllu. L.n|nnn_`|-Q In his Ala-uul Ant. pl... ._.-L.n L. `NEW Yuik " nun - Thuudu, July 34-: ml. Flour, he.-1`Iu Flour Huh: I; I I uaoouu bomron common and gmdluu lldl IIIII 5 Mr donud hr upon and I modem: Inquiry for ham qpoaunuapuon. . El "LINE ml ll. `10 In! |--u- In |u twain uluuluuu uuunul l|l,ll'rlI 0| III!!!` I, the dtnplncing of one of which would clue I hlunder or typographical 'error. With this curioyu Incl befom you, don't you wondennt the general ncouncy of newspapers? Knowing thinlo be the furl, y. uu will be more dinpoud, we hope,lo excuse qhnn mngnify ermn `of are pros." An exchange papor truly say: :---Every I column of I nawnpnpor conuim from [en to twenty lhuullnd diuincl ripen ol'mot- u|_ Ilm alinnlnninr nf mm M` which _....I.l , _ fut whit-bl auto dung. Iy nub Hickok: en. T sluoomy of Ar- : % Iliad; Ho MI rtlnomber my ["1 but-always worked hard Ind Q rlvlg. lhIvv|soeauIrc- _T liq put two your. A! the %J.uupb BI-nah I hulboau on nnhr qIuiLhno nonlhg. J .1 .00 III h . Ha hIJlhl"II|- ` QKIIIl!IbCIlnnI,IndhId In Iglt his aim evening. I an ion exposing (0 met him," ,< . 'yIoH_0I.I Inunqidmghthim, ',._ IVH HID powerful} thin I wolf. 1%` A day onion dmnk reel} lvnnton board ` Kl Elk; Inch Inc lying in his ` volt to Min, and drew my H rigid nuoadocl; I followed ` Illihlhdhillln n;.n._. __ __,n. __g 4- Fig` l Fun. AccmIiu'.--Que of the hands belonging to n barge, loaded. with iron ore, was Int nigh]. killed. It appears he went ` '.lown`inm the cabin, Ind Wu l_l! the not of lighrmg his pipe, when the` deck, being henvilf loacleul, lull in cruuhing him instan- laneouuly. We nan not_heunl his name. --[Ottawa Munarckisl. It is add um In their caucus tour of the hm Ion monlh_|,1lilTIo. Pnrodlnnd. Sinkouh hue mulled over $50,000. The] huvoylvtogubq, two hundred cones!!! in vnuou emu of mi Ua-nod Sum. cloning that: tours: Toronto, C. W., by I cununlut week, and Q01 are now :1. Lin. Georp. - vi!- A guod anecdote ll told o!AH helm, the Sul- tan : timnd Vlillrynol in Putin. A for omn- ingu Ago, 1 Indy to whom thin gontlomn vru in- trudncad cu some, ham-dad nu nun quac- ion: _ *1: the Snltnn married 1" ' ` I,A gran dos], India," In: tin '!'urk'| to- D V: . - ' The Na; York uer.a}1AorQu:nduy,nyu :-Tho sloop Juliu, uven dun frourornudn, cunt In- to liaruegnl lulu}. on Wodnoldny Inn, with lhrel ` soldiers of the 26th Regimt-nt of the Britinh ur- my on board. The vuul WI-I Iolzod by the Custom Hyuse oioou nu Bunognt; II it any- poued the soldier: in dam-tors,Imd have Itolen the slump. They had no compnu,and illmi Wilh no other provyuionl than {our loan: of bread and about an gnllonl ofuui, which was all consumed boron thuy nu-hed.porI., The large nlumhiy Ialogrlphod II Inning pmod River dn Lnup at 7 p.m`. on Saturday, pron-I _to be the umw transport Ihunu, (Na 13) CapI..nnglnd|, which u-rind at noon yu- tnrday, in un dun from England. Uh Inn on board heavy ordnnncu Ilnrol Ind qnnuinllion for Quebec Ind Halifax, Ind tho ulna and (um. lien or thmo olecn, u pulengon. Tho Vulcan in now fully due, nnd mu} ho hourly 1: sad. The Vulcnn has nine: nrr_ind.-QIubIt rain - clc. ` A lady, in Oiaolnnulti in nuntlyduootool pockotingn package of gloves, whilo noun lune purohuu, no used at the then, and vi mug hnnded out 3 30 bill to pay for tho mm mchgo. Thu Imrohnt look ont and - or the change. Bnblaqucn hodloeonnd Ihnl the $24) bill In: nooulm in Z The lens of New York. for labs, wlll foot up oreraeven mllllonl ofdollerl. The New York Hamil any: :---" The people of London, Peril, Berlin, Vienna. are not so heavily tum! for city expenses; yet they have clean lloll, I good police, In orderly any, sound lewe hrly carried out, end In efeollve nnmlcipgl orglnluuon `g every particular. governed, better kept, bellerlneuege`, end e" leer coal, llnn the umropolle of republican America. What In the resin? Simply that the genius of our republleno lnelllutione Ian been violated end destroyed by the rogue In :1 ' bullion who have of late year: controlled our elections. The ayuem 0! prlmery meeting: and pin] nominations hen excluded Iron olllee the men who could have procured III III elllelenu economical -government, eml` placed power in the hand: 0!` the very men who wereleul oepe- ' ble of governing the city, and lull likely to ob- ject to Ipendlng our money." No! one olthem but i better. I III". Tho hon. nllennnn conalndad by propocla "The Press, lbloh no n-upended to by Ilr . Talbot oflhe Prololypc. This In the Inn tout. l" `thonoolr and NW will 35! -- ' rcellonoy :3: fowoi. uh it In tho: that I Ioold` in clonal IHIII, III Ill 0d `I0 coma ronru-I no.1 it In: with grout nin- l moon I did no. i tool: can iron tho Ionovlow |" : um have prompted you to glue thil houqoot. :- i Inutlho Opposition had i the oouol-ry'u ,_ intoruu-at hurt, until our odd. IIIII If I could not old, my hooodon do no to VI up " tho project [hay friond` , .`l'I0hO tn- luno I count, as ho was poroooolly ontlilod to i. my oondcou, and had I ohiiollt Iuininod. . it on my duty to aid hing ll tho Inn tins. ,_ Iroowlogtthnl i could min It In moment? `uhon theileod of it close. Bone my floods cold I wujoiniog I print-ridden [any y nt- loohioa "uylelfio Uol. Tuoho, no ho um: no. man Catholic. And In it who to th that tho bigot that Prolclllnll hon com mind of Ihonl ho uerolnd by ,them? ,_Au on, who hunt or our liberty, to deny to tho Bonn Outh- oliu mew ri hil,__Ind nnho howl upon their , noon? in he Qoloho to he Iccluod of him- I ry heomuo he in I Ollholio? And by Illoll T . Hy John Wilson, the number for London, who , deurtod tho Ooourutln rook: in 1850.1 _ mp ..rttho vary Gonrouoot of which Col. , Tu: no u pl-oulonf roonhor-1'h1o Ool. , Tool, who hon use no ttod, when glory , hu boon land on the hot lolol, nod who _ now Ilondl oyofor hi: count! I good. Gould _ thin Oppouliloo form n Govoinuoll with the nuintnooo of Lower Gouda`! It Iooheoslo _ will any "gliuolvo tho Union. in Lower Onon- dn hue no show," and by man In shall on _. placing the Roman Oolholiou under our heol, , nod try to hop_ them out by a hand of onio- . uion. But when the time cuno thowordn would . be Q11,/iyfyon will take on in no will join you." . Now.`wo wlah tonot like men, nod loco the . mutter. We wish. to recoocllo the two Pro- vinr-ol. by cutting tho hot that provonln their , propor Union. We wioh to ohnngo the i|l-feol- log existing between thorn, and tho antipathy . that exist: nguinat. Fronchmon Roman Calho- olica. I ask them who: may intend I0 do with the French Canadian 7 Do they Iilh lo drm them into tho In, or butcher them? Giro them generous treatment, and this feeling will own he at no and. Lot on have good unipo- tioo, and let tho principle orngrlonlturo he put forth and carried on, and tho day in not for o when we Iholl look on the gran ph-lporily oi Cnnodo; but if thou faction: continue it will drive us but more lhln 1 oootnry, for it will prevent the progreu we In looking forward to, and do on irropnrlhlo injury tint Inny IIQVFII right itulf. 'I`hn hml annlln-nan nn...l...l-.I Lu ...-.....:__ `_ ` H Torlho-muhllrol H T `Quinn! lbuoinmer (fo- 'IiI-Irlulaul Ind gunned E Illh 13!! weeks, during which -uid Qatar Io indusge in a hog; . Ha I `h confcuiun, oi which - Movie; in e ' I ` :-- ;1Jndnu|-nnlll-Lma: nan. menu: Gums. Bulk Iii will In uouldond 0 lpllbful hlieutlol thhlll Ulttopuliyul Il UIDIII out-I by tho E llet 0&2 p Ildillolnl pit! for "'l`hI I-Collin VII ncondnd by Mr ilc-I Dual! |ul,II hull; gm Io Ila! muing,unIy [bout may [anon nobll up turn. Th Inger |nvi|['IlIo|AVl ll lul, the meeting run ca -nu, uni um: Inn. and rlswnd with [III Intlulan." nu. -n'i L. ....u....n - ....u_. | Th.` I5. '0 d M `Cull , Obbliang M I `h ml U `ml [NM IN} 1- ; `Kg:-It htltlpdh. IIINIII; lo Iutd umi. r - mununm-n I Ioaynahptnu at In um plflyclr fuulnuu cum- ` ill Mung alarm the Inrluoll of: general clog ' NM thong Hun! nhopoople, ch... no hung! in u I|Ih'(||u|IIhr), Im `mi alto ohjool in vlow, and naught but non iurnonl hemp to In gmlubd u inua. onuuh 00398 and pronpnrllyoi mu m- Ilnu, uulntnuhulnln fmunuy upmo ' nu utopia .nI|l tho: no Inmo tn-at ohjpq-1 ` '""`.;':`.:`::. .;';'.'.r.:".:.;::.`.;".:.`.:':.,::'.: 1 1211! I nth: of oriiininsllono and mcltimiur ' ' Hon oqholh Iidu, It 1`. Bmnnklll, A highly ` lllpuhblo ntrohul, ohuulnrllod the premo- kn-of til hating gt " nothing but political |lvnlInn-mI_ dooirou of an via; unn- IUIIII. louunu had In ll: opinion bean uhown In a lnluuou of inrlhumu, and he Lhoulhn L hand, an n unnducnta ` "mg 4. .mr, ,, n, .1.Ll- _.--.|._._ , a .- 'lIo_long Ihronlonol pohlio noting noun or in lwnlin nu Wodnolllny ivonlng, when in odvooogoo of tho i-Inodinto dluolnuon of tho '~ Pozlinuoni noninl Ihnin uulntlou to tho! or- Uot; NI not without I ioiornhly hit show or V dinoni. Goolp lnwnmf occur, In in nou- I dqonl Ilia to loot cm ihno wbnlo column: sot hiopopo: wichthonpooohonodoon chuc- I hl. I! John Iollu-rick novod tho maln- linl (whioh wo glvo hoiow), which ho luppol'l- . II by niioniing tho notion: olurgon of corrup- i Iiun Ind inonupoionoy of which no much copl- I h! hoohoon undo within Chaim nix Ilonibn, nod vnlh whloh nnot poopio on mniunr. Ir Gooqo Hound, In oononding tho roooiuilon, 1 pnloooll tho nun mob, and won highly up-' plondod. `I'M pl-inoipoi up-oliorl on ihnoide of - Ibo odninintroilon won Iooltl. Bowen, W. B. } Bohlilly 1'-. BrnnokIii,D. N. Rood, Duncan lie- I` Donoll. ond Goo. Plots, on vory good men in that roopontlio ouiionn. Comp Brown laid ho only woin thou no I opocmor, but he: uul d not nob! tho upooind " onih" which ho knew. who his brow hood Ill noon luwnrlng nbovo ' iho throng, wound ho undo upon him to nponk. Tllll ho did `hf top;-lug tho muting on tho hnokioo M nponding unit time in dioouuiag tho nulunon diuuu of hi! poms nail and ` no Boo. J. A. ludounid. inuond of the unio oho Pronoo; on than no loll Into tho use uiognr: hlunolf. by drubbing It Gonna for his nilogodi Iuonoinonoy In conning shim io help `tho Illllni. nhor boring. ni n inte Bi'In1p- itl IIIIVOIIIIOI, IIIIOII liulilng A (autumn: ngniolion, dooinod, tho: roiim than support iho pnooot gown:-anon. he would in bi: right Ill` bum nl. Ho then holliod of lining tho iho not of gnyognngoni in Toronto, and mag inlplho rg ninrinn School Bill, tho Roman` by, tho Grnnd 1`nnni,Ii:o North Shaw llond, and out otlm ploonnnmoplu, no-min. his not onotwordo, with, no doubt, mu 1: xll-null. oooni hoiinp. amidst the noon omhunlnuio ` ...h'_n. nu. - ...:.. J ...r.'..I...n.....` ...u .'....:...x__ f 11.. non. Donlnk-k Duly, mo Pm:.c:.' lama-,1 dunk Pnjviiu, ml now Linn. Go- nnorol Punt ldnli Island, has had lhe thorn! lolglliood uouhrnd upon him by Bo! Injony. It Illicit Inn wlll name next. Iuruinno. , _ . _ V. {nJIohon' B I, be d u. % """'T:.% ..m.... 1'~c..}3$, m ...'L. II I vlvlbl Ihlt In committed ouiciile. lid Innhen hanging for none Iluyn it nu anal: docaapoud The lid united to has been of: minor ICU nmpluion, thou: Iv recon. nine 0! an locket II , middling gwout, with black am, no spam to be M1,... ` `u : was nothing in M: poehln but an ` - Id pipiuollconind mtthu. Hi: clulhen 1 3 , dllb oaul, plli veal, with false were able. as follow: :-=A raw but ` min, Mud anal white shirt, linen pun, In-Lola. The nn-ckemhk-I` was fth: ' ' Ilun-rvonouroc-I, uncut; nu: qncrgm, mum; I lhiflllflfu. II` conferring upun HM-m Hm | llulllanhloboouoflllli onrnmenl. - -(l`vlu-err.) All but that In lbs main: with '_, burg gnllllon of pooplo more than the old co- ` _ I III! III! the of Illa Rnvulullon, s Ilolnluehnonl to England Ill umlrm Ind Italy; Ind, {whlluln Auction: nlaufn spoke, with Ihll to VII Ibo Old World 9 " going oiltolaropo, II In null IIIII doc colonlnu, ` no `round an " 1 ho kw f(0IIIl.) :=' hIdoI:onn`opo:.n :; "khan lhunllluadlnud Ill: comlnenl. or the ` Wilt, Indiana 000 think of lush 3 calnmlly without I Ibnddnr rims nv-I nun nouhut their noun um um , a - 3E'..u...2a'N....' ':"l.... ..`:'s'.'l3';;.`....".". 32. II III puuwung Ul mu m ovens, nun nou- ol Immunity and religion mum be in- nhil, ml nonunion undo to nor: the cum- `Inh. ((]hnn.\ Innlnml mnld nnnl to wwn. wanna II lI"Ill coma mom to V oololll. IN the I would be spared tho of Ill two Int Prou-nun dmianl 0! ant waning nun nah other, and un- Il on lip hntllo-II lion puclaun llvn Ilnt ll ulghlnbli nil Ion ind civilization in _udu thumb. Obun.) XI llilll DIUI ID I'll ! I-III Glllal mun . (cum) In and could -our manila. A-A than 1 cl Ionld bu mam! ll ` Inc now John, Mu Ill than mug:-r ma aupnlr hi huh: tho lmn than ll.-1 fhl), I uuutlllho shale um hon them. Tn the III oolooiu Iholld him: a jvutle and nursing mower Inkling thou lode-.n.'opo Ildt ruourou, `(mung ml: Inorglec, aiding Ihdrnlnru-I: and maturing unun L T j Um]? #97`-IH.v Ir Oamom, it running lhlllh, uhumod `iluho wulup ,IllIoMlit of Gum Brit.- Ill ll tho 8!! lo bl! Won. how proud III Ouudluo Ml of lo! Illgland, and how Il- ' U lhly III: to lick l0Vn'|[II--hclingl which am: has ahohlol rad rooming hum which Inland uludud to shun, lid to ma lnvdou than and amend than in ma hath no H: CH no down nu! the iron bud enlerod hm ltd: lush. And In shalt mum-r nmi rh-lmnlr tofchdr own alum. (Che nu.) To I ulnhl IN III ulld Ihs 1-om n1 : I bunlhe had ouun-ad and clmlnod I Hf QIIIIII IIII Illl! we llun nlu enter!!! an Iholr coals, mud in tholr auger and di-Ipulr Ihav Ind lamina Lhn Ipllnrn Ihnl called them. Au (Hui-[Ind In hiion by nun ogh|-rn- hi Alull HIIIR. In Pinball), on line law human; o_!_ Aug-Inn lndopo-douu. um lion. Ml. Onlnmn, of thin Province, Ina pru- int, and In this ropod to have mpondnd to j Ollllflho wIl|INI@ncnI|ng:<=- - I H. H--.-... I. n.|...nh-no nI..nIpn ..h..nnuI . ifhlnopinol` ah Granule new Now: the new of not rah may be had, In ' `Pd 4&1. I. I and cry , rld my nnnll; " `uh \ In. and ' Inn. do. J n Ialmpool, Qucbu. in Liverpool. Iln. Ju rQU"."0u 4"` $8 In Him if-wily Nnnrm Id It ghemmnun tin pnblllhinp 4 "'..:"......~ ..,...* '.. 4. .. : II , the can In! IUD-IIIAIIIII {`mI.D.--'I'lIo binlh of 1 lw`;|r0dI`.hI: ornlod much pilj II! I! up in the lo- alt;-n['l`ohp|o-nut, Bristol, am! indeed WIIIIVII tho WWO of the arrival of 1N! Mllililllu In r barren-hcd. 'h0.1loIlror In tho _le ol Mr Look, ' Iilu-.l!0?l'onplo-duel, and the child, a I II], B living, :31`! III I fortnight old on ` II! CI illlt. The ordiuury held of I lilolilhuflil Illtllrll lilo, and hill '- Iulylnumifnl boo duluporuoun hand 1 pndountnnuln mac or in. and III qlumho did: an : In. The child I H) HI &' 0011. Ind two mouthl, I HUB!" Ioullnlo the Iuullor had;I liltfornoll, nd the you have I V MHIIIIIIIQ; the hurl losuhoirluuro 1 agent tllclnoekou. Thorn 1 '~b-whurulauprullon bemoan the two I ' " twhtndnulnouth worh,thooth- ' IOIII1 will It oliu Illa sound Inna: l 1 I1 I a I I I hnlmluud win: the child is foul, the Ilulnounwn u if craving food; my be fed at timer. {1} `(KM pupal lilniho child hlt thriv- yui tho today III divided an to it: puma otukum. topic holding thug ig nlylinuhnz I 311: In longer, while cillunntonnonw y in day: may -Id-itplcllnpdlo the actual term 0! | =`l"I` I5.-Ifillnl Hi:-rot. When : I I-`tn-nu! ` ._,, -A nuk- % `In {Daily ;\'w9.f "i`ilTiii_'lpnuIz]a, J_u[nv'aa. J -1~;. r~ ,- Julio lnn ` Jlllll Juno `III, IV July 30 :ia'."u 'w..'""' ' 7!} ..'.'. ?..'u.". IT ii In , .0 lliltllroal cut. llgit Inga: `rental I . H I ICU` bU mun to tho mnkff. M an Jul Jul; July E - III! M n ollog III In `Aug. 3 Aug. 10 '1 July 10 July 13 III] 10 Ann. 2 ` "IQ IIOI I CIIIIOI II]. " I -an Mo,h||nd.- I llu In Nonii. I can III III; outside tho vlolm-[sh yum , 4.; And at n lillllogunu n u that In lb:-ugh ~ic. Wbrmtln nlm Inn and I hand than lol- diu III killed. The nun who and ran any. lulu In swag; I would not know ups nu vbolndtbu . Whuluvuuidtbonu in tho: tho limb-n pnl tho pooph nu, ` nun. ' I " Anr an-n lnrllmp n-Ha... ~ I lwguua-nl Ill uImI|,Il OIIIHII III] Illllhnoo in ; irutoria order gm:-ng them. With regard to ` tho in of the soldier Curlcy, I new chi occur- rence uh. plus. law a mu: dmud I rod ` concuplotho I door at line hunch on- ' lune! and dine` ur` . hi: rcluck ; sh: mun llnt nd no `mun u an pm. ufune dauuml qt tho Iho. Thu doc-onictl VII only in the not ohm- lnrlulbv gale, when he mu shot. The Inn !|9I_I Ml. Th: uuldhm chm-d round him, and the pot lrllordht pnml. Th -ul in III! how about lnlllhr. lo thfponoo Irulhund I the shot I cannot say. ' Hun lunar .n.I..- I Hun I- I....a. I l'.lDI,IIl,(l IIIIFO IBIS Ill`. WOIIO um III II` on In tho urn! a strong party of the ml lury were dupnlchod up by the nw Court-boon. How the foil In with I body of tho lllliiln, who tool: to 1 o_lln,xnd throw thenzlelvnlmo skir- nisblng order, dilpllyiug the tn-on coolnun and deturnxluilon-lun be: ad bravery-In their encounter vim line too. They sure, how- ever, loan on meme, und hall to beau bury ro- Imt. The military then prrlceednd round by Oudvlllo lo the Pound-urn.-rt Barracks, whore they mu Ihnmel party, wholnd com; ullld tho , llilulo at tho lurks:-crow, IT!!! I nun Ihlrp r-. log, lo-nun Illo. After I feeble raialnncqlhoir . ammunition huingrun out. rho `!l>er worn com- pelled woubmil, and, having glvan up their nrrnl, lhoy man made prisoners and marched up to the` military prison, when they were lodgrdfor the night. Thu ondml one of lln non fearful days over upon in Nonagh. But in ngrel in say uni thin Int pngngoment wu nlllndcd with urloul Inn or life and peroonnl injury. Thru of we ooldieru-warn pounded; not of them had HI Ihlghbona hrulnnn ; u pew- . nionor, nomad Gibbonn, residing In Ronu.|.gm,-gr, wu tho! doml whilu looking out of `bin hours; and no children wan morn or Ian lnjuml. mania or `III loom. ` " On Wodnudly It 'l'..1' Abbott proceeded lo : lI|I`II||1|tll'] bulwtr the `purpose of holding _ ll ` MI! on lilo on o the rorlonl ohol , doadln pruvlmu "wing, The following are .ihI_lr nunu :-De'nniI Toohey and Patrick. Tru- ooy,1'lpporory lllluir I -nlrlrk Curley, {lut- zilnui; nod Pour Gihbu nu, Pound-Ilrnsl Pea- nionr. Onrloy,' Ibo Ioldier of tho am, ind on- ly noontiy may-nod from the nor of vuiruvlog ` bun II In battles of Alum: inimrnurnn, and BA Julian. Helm! ilrroe llllpll fur lm mwlou on that Illillaublo occulou._ H0 in 5 oo- lookin you follow, about 28 year: ufngo, und ` `IIII I out And throw young children. The Iva: llllthnlgdwon ouch won: 25 your old, on not Ill . _ 0 "`.A oorponl of the aim ldomlod Ibo body of II 0;. ' " Lord Dnonlley tn the nu: wlmeu encl- IOlbyI|II0oronor.--l In}: the mill! haw ` In ncnonofomumy mo-3` uni`! pin - I llugimo-nl of lil|l!O,'lIi olbnd cabana ' rnlninn radar nmrnn then m. and In I: V uroeu or the Militia. I he!-crou they were red 1! by some of mom, who ' IIITI. An nlori putty was then sent to clenr tho 0:: Arriving rwlf the mar- coneuled Ihcmsalrn behind the corms: of the Ilrlill. Th aleen got his men into skirlllllhing `order um! Iucceodml in dialodging the Militia from lhr position, and drove Ihem lulu l mmd- mm Bunch. Hnving am-om! llwir object, the any murned whhout my enmity, fortunulr manning. "Shortly. shzr 8 o'clock 200 men of tho `em nrrlvud from Pnrlonuown. Having jnlld Ihc Tumplemon troo ,tbI unite body. command of I or-Gumul Ghnmnnn, II'..ll., who, nocompuoiod by hi: Aide-dc-Conn, Iljor Foslor, Ind Colonel Holler, Depot -Aul|l.Anl.- Adjul.u|v-GenuAl..hud]1m~nrr|vod rorn blam- lck. proceeded to who dot: of the Pound- nrut Bunukl, when tho Militig uomrd row]- nd to make 5 dnernlned tuna and ght it out fur down tulle-strut they won rooelvod with I ondcr tho. ' wllh the I! ulnn. Bom the soldiers wounded o Imnundoua volley from I body or Ililuln. who o had again Itnlioned themselves at the moth!- erosu. The non! rank `ahhe Line'nturued the u,-which wn mpovnt!-d to by lnulhrr diu- chnrgn from the Ilililh. A continuous roll of ununhalq wu Ihqn hopt. up (or about me win- MII, and the xoluh illllll hue huh awful, only that thoiinqlnolgwilhing to take Away Illa, there being mu: _p'IonI In the urmi st tho tlmo,lhjpd into! air. While lhil on In lln all-not n nlronn burn or the ml Inn arms.` . " While the diurimng Ina going on I conni- dorlblo uumbrr uftln limit from the Pound- ulreet Bunch wen pmvrling uuuniulo nbont the 3:19 with Ihoir Inn: loaded. boy mu-la nonr- Il uuompu Io u In an the L ne. Ind unfortu- nately Ineceedod In shooting uuo Iolnlilrl ho- Iougtn to the mix and -141:: through tho he - hole 0 the gate. Out of the men III mm-til y wounded, and bio died shortly Iflot. Tho oth- er mun : Imnndn are not of a van nerloni Illn and `nod will Iomnlu int. nd; fuglvug all who ever hopololn forgiven. 1 ul IIII int.-wily -nponlnm, and at hr r ooa. :. 11 Mill hhmaysmn the 3.3.`: hull Christ our blepied I....|...- 'l'n0l'l' I'll Mn, nowovrr, unlv I Imnu poruun cf the Iilllin, from whom LioutennnI-Uolonol \ lands and lbi olhu Tipper-r_v aflivorl, ubfy no- oondgd by Lord Du:lley,`nueceedod,nI'or-some difficulty, Vin ` gusting qwie! pouuuon of their mar plane. - h - uhom 43: :-Incl: [hi military consiuinguf ` 1.00010-ulion'of|ha l3lh, Mn 4 lb, und am uh 3|, undo: the command of hh~umum-Golo- no Hm, intend Illrrncl`.-urn-I lrum Temple- nwrl, and Inn hnltad oppoulto the church. Ilen- lhoy not-lvod lnurucllonu to fix bnyomu and load "with bill cartridge, to march on the bar- ' not of Rough, and uh poumuion urn. Tho; ' than gnrqcuded. headed by Ir Jnhn Flaming, ro- [ldam mnglllrvuo. to Bummer-lull barn: It, only man II cool uirbe nu golny lol review. on reaching BM hlrnck-[uh the Colonel` demand- ` odulmtunoo. Them In no repI_y-it mu n ` mmonl ofdrud nnponue I He placed MI land on tho gnu and it opened to his much. He ud- unnd; hallowed by hi: man, who npuna-l iutu n Iieglo le and unrounded the bunch walla. Fouuteiy. um I shot was Ind at the unilimy. There Iru In-ra, however, onlv 1 mail pottion nf u Ililllln In-am uhnm LinuInnnnI.HnInnnI - IHH EIIIWJBII-it plulun. -II nun-pun |`g'ol='di all `oh am: from Pvnml-lune! puud up to lhcummcrblli human, as-"ed. Lord Dumb}, I: ll Gun, and some othor an I- mus nnd pnumoo l'ollomd them, and o - ` mud Io put-If; umn. `I'M; succeed:-d so M no lo [mail on the men to unn thrir hnyomtl. ` Th than ware all cloud bnuineus nu Il.|l]'0lI- tow], and the town had I the nppounnca of: Imiuul nlnne. ICI IIIII IDI Illl heal`: I cc. " an?! 4 u I """`, ` - . Ynludn) morning at mum llup I ml Unmet coach, and Ir--=I'tIn-G H, s....K.a. II night. to connylng nu-oy uuumnilion. u notdhoomln; an , Ihv-y allowed it In promo on lujournc . We mun that may Iuve boon` runnlng bllall th_o_gu-ulu put of Int Thqnuqtholr arm wuh than Ibrm: I: Mum, and In than :9: pieuuh. A: h l-pm lvaaloai nlhlu nun (run Pu-nndquoot mind VDIBGE, II! II! III!!! IIIOFII Illll . I'D! OH! r mun : wound: no not of very urloui na- IIII. The Irlii. jimn-In may fill! d-hllo uni to . 7I{i b0III'.oI'Wod1ii|Ilny,9ll,|l llet: the ill: min at Nougla no qnlu, but oouldenbko up pfelliltprenllod an to Ibo Ilklllhaod of an- nonl an ab: morning fullowing. `u aubjolud - uncut bf Tuudlrn mud Wodnudnf: pruned- tujl In uhnan tin` Hanan Guardian of Wod- ..gJu-.._ 1 ' T Z '_ fin n::*..-:.`...*-W.-. - *-W udpnuIonc'ft|'u j _Iu-m'w.uu4og: lb [lo a chap o(ihcyjIuI unlit-be it an IMI a-Iuutilll E proullrd I III ` Curr Geuinl, pnylnf Uh, lxaolloncy h dluoln tho pru-M PIrlIIIuI,nd to nun wnmuu Io I-n lulu-d fmngchnl eh-eaion, and nut 11:. Worship In Hnyor do llgn the aid uoparinl in behalf 0! this nae-xlng. tho Tlpporury lilgnl Ill IIC II"I WII IOIIIIIIIPQ IIBIII "IQ donut! watdtquuohod b npmedl M. HE HI Zl Ihlv mnnnlmi THE DAILY NEWS--JULY 26. ' VIIIIOI :f" `run llodc KI! bind in calm; . ----, +- :;-,-,;--~----,, -3 -,;-;r -- - '" :.f'i:'.``';.:`:`.`i2:.`;'::f.,.i.':?.t2i:`".'.;1l .0... ' h 3" ha .':; u`"" `#5 W." `,' oonjntnlnol London on the promising display ' .-:'-. d N. Inhguxlu ':h' `T whlggh III that ching uhibuod, and dovolod ' um "M ' ' Il;cunI;`| nlur of h1u:.nooc: to n nzonnlgrinntlon ` `f o` u um I ui . mm I up ro- `_",,:'~'.`,$'_':d"',`,_"`" ' Emu unt: twice) in en. alone, which `II. n . hm "u `ml wu Puvlllfrzld lobfitfg for_I|rd i_n his NICO In _!.` h"lu I, ' If 3II.l"Il-EN) H OH: Mu::.i,.u Ingli: An llannnl n. L-ll .- cl... |._.n._ . _ Illhhnif Int in gun Ila Ih-....'-.... __.... .. MELANOHULY OCCURIHENGE.---A MAN AND HIS WTFE BURNED TO DEATH NIAB NEWBURO -lHQUES1'._ - On Ihc morning ol Bulurduy, the mth July, luu , about lwo o'clock, A cry of ro no hard from tho premium of Hunt; Icluglly WIIOIO noun us on are about u ourlonofn mile from tho Vlllrp of Newborn. `fhvn in m an. covered by Oulhertne O`0onneI, who Inn on in- mnlc ol tho home, old who promo rs: ohm. Mr and lrrlcAnn|ly, hing in had, got up, and not walling to drain thomuluu, oudouvorod to quaneh the tin. ll Ippelrl the in rrigiuud \ in the aook-boon, uud from its position Iilh ` the dwelling-house, and the duration of the ` wind, which nun New I pally hard pin, Ibo -lnlling-boon um non Iuvolopod In llama. Hull`IVIl`,' any Iuoondod In nnoviogu cod dual of Hair fuuitoru, boddlug tn. um: I ah In Iuuully rnlhod Into tho `mum, is u_uup- g pond, to nlnon noun roomy which on bud ,. pulvuul Md up,buI the uum wan to iron ,, Ibo coo d not [at out ugulu Ir Ihmnlly. bu ,, husband, Mud 8030! Int out through I uln- . down; In his; ouuido, an are surrounded biu:' 1 ul nod durlu his uttullpt to an hr ml the . Ml In, In pmaipluud bu-,fruIn in p- . logo the banning ruin: of the bundling. ; Oriul 0'0uunoI Ibun nuooudod In d lug bin . out ollboluuou, but Ill nclmuly mung , the `clan. She then unovod up boning put- ; delta of hi: ulglu-dnu, but In nppnnd to ha y no -on Llouullvlngnuu ofluuar. Bu an glnufull plclund than dnudlhl tinged; vould in mmmm Inna, suntan I Itl lb `ul Ilig an-Inugho noun. .1: lb munch: Dr llwnr um In an. budnlou,-and dld or:'uI.h.-lg u; bin pour. ton- llnltiugn Iln uuhmnuu nu ; 5. at nuuhuoldhinho had only u um-1 Ilunullu. .. d I ..`-nQ n... A _-al_. -1 .s _ - Bu: -1: in to be hopod Ihonpouloa unend- ing 11:: con unpluol vinit 0! Bi: _luo||uey-lEa Donner (Inc:-nl will be ddhyod on of thu prluu ruoureu of the gentleman of the con- nmoo and other lpI|'|Od mung. and not, on I pnvloun occasion, out of tho-mu squueud frail the null lnoouec of poll! honllboldon, lulnd|ag- ' In! Pool Wmovn. ' mop. liv Ir His.-lsinuou'u ion in $600, manly on ward- robe Ind books. He "re-open: lo nl lll. lions. and Madame Bantu , ntucbcd to b | company, had rooms: Rlillyl, and loan nearly very- thin did liu Phillipa, the non-en, who 0: in UN um: hem. A lrIVV. ` Though then up Io ho an moot immi- nent dung: or]: ab : awn Min; burnt, be ` did notion hh nook, and it In unlujiand. Bil furnium, lnuund in the Phmuix, In brok- en lluemoy . THO Mnllnrnh hid fl an Pnlllu-'1 ngrnnntnr Iuemoyu. V -- ` ho Honngoh had 150 on Fuller`! carpenter I . =1 : Ii:-Human : Inn in I800 Innnlv nn any-4|- , IIOIIUI I5 WIIIIIII] IODOYIG. Irb. Bang. owned the house pcolpiud u Rnillta Saloon. I: I'll innnd ilnho ,London Tcnd her;-ool for 500, and in the Iouuh for 200. 'I`|ununL ll.--. nun.-.-4| In L- uh- innub :-.-.l Z :.`IId`:flNn-;.Y;:`rtl'iNe mum wu ll. ' h I` ` uh I'M, at on tl.o':norni :>f.ut:'l`8toln~ ha. AIIQHOIOI Burke ivod u pumr In II..quunuuomrJoico. No. 337 'ln|ini1_,_ a`-our o_r White utnot. Ho _ III Ihhllilafopluingand rimingihe I vmn.-`ad ht. that pwpou Ilopl in in: ` %. Oilboniiiu uouioitwnl H , but when I cloth came ` $ 0: the m:mingofIha 18th ` * Iu,mH| ed. ~ htihd, got no nmw::.P.;ho [ by Em, and the A II`! w'lh blood d Ulthdl II I-GIN umlildjdnnlz ne 1'50` hon ovideaoo ol uh torc- tloa lbs: 0 Kvllilouw In his bed. in In lh vm continued until lhe WK "III, |lIIII|'CIL ` ll: Hugh Ron, grow, VII also fully insured on M: ock in tho London and Lirorpool, but motto! is vmnfoly zonovod. Iii. Baum nwnod tho hnun ocannind n oruuuuns lo we umguoolunoou. -- It Laura wu inmmd in the Phmnix to the extant bf l,I50. We Iran lhll will con: hi: loan on nook, but his furniture and othorhouo- hold u-Hula um nulnnumd and were Ill du- troyod. It In-Iln Llllrl. who raided. with him, and `nothing but tho olothn no vote when the in broke out - L ;lAhnlA\l| -I.n tuununlgll l.|A ntllnhui-nu -Ln- you In won 091. It Jahnqon, who occupiad Ihondjotning shop, Inn lully lnlurcd. It Hunt: Rnu. drum}. in nlm fully lnnm-ad We give 3 fair furl-her p-miuulul oi the ; on Tnudv night. - Ir Romain mu inuuurl in the Illll of 10 On Friday, the 4th iuil. , u lumptuoul dinner was gluon by Ir Penlntrly, st I.hc.Sur sud Gu- tu. Mahmoud, Io nplurd 01100 Amoriouund a few English paclemonn oomlnolnorlllon of ma sou: anniversary of tho doclnnuon of the indo- 1-ondeuoo of Ibo Unllbd Suns. The grund., dining hall Iii lined up fox tho uiccllion with ball: of the Qunn and of Washington, Ibo A- merican-ngle, tho nnndudn of England Ind of tha Unilod Blues, and other approprhtg decon- dons. .. .,...... ........ Ir was of 2,000, which '1 war his Iou,-one hnlf was in the lonnrch. and the other half In tho London and Livupool. We bupolbo will give nu, in plans of - the burufbuilding, uomething which will ban: ornament to the neighbourhood. It Lnnn I'll innnnd in lhn Phoenix to Lb: Purnunou or Hamnrou.--The cenlns ol Hun` illon, jun completed, than A population of 21,855, n-plum 18,596 in IBM. lncraua It lln rule uf L629 per nnnuln. Juua PAHIAIA pwlnt damnation of 3 pretty llllll-3| ndecidvd ouriooj:_v,nn nnomnly among the genul Bonn. Ber fun in hideou- ly ugly, hm hm ba-Ion: in tally duclopod, Ind hat but Ilka! tho Ihine ofuonic rlcnoiullu who think thcmulnl porhotlon. Sh! sing! nil, sud daucu balm than any HIM hear our uhoirh born or eloewhore. Go In her by nil II 'iUlC UUVI IIIIIII ll.lIlII n Lok an the nlvmlsouom -" Thntro Royal" - -um will tell you in Ink! Him in in uore for you Ihll Inning. W3 lhsll not my my more them! II. but our} on.-. go And judge fat him- all I Ion Aatvuanui-u.-The ciuudloflinpwn, ` nd ofothor photo to -all, on I in! of III"- [guulo to that Amomu oouiu for tho variety ofnnhlllcnll ud uonltloo introduced from ' ' timfln that he thin clinic! plounn And an- `joyuclt. Wltifuouuu Olrqmu, the Boat- Womu sud than-Iuh, their surplus quarters an hp: bright by constant manna outnu- siclon and Ildillhllllon, having onecllbnlnuu ` oonouhen. Stilt, u poopir hug the run, in 4 some form other, and in in but hir tbs: than who 1 prolnsglo It should have their many. 1 LA.-.5 ..| .1. A.lIrrlIaaanAII|I _l` Thai:-A Hnrnl" I IX jUlII OI J1 lad fill Saviour. -'Duu`uu can to manta by xuooueou or n [upshot wound inllcbd by u soldier of ch: 1615 B0 loom; Ilm such MI; in nnjuullr * Ila; an -the It-`mp: night Inn and Ian lit omlai bl Om Into an bonus of u ntpooublo Iu,I':l[ be round! Into ironclad`: `I'll! I II nmndltli Iclynflhiliboiolt` any u'I,wooIdo.l. Inn! at on -claim om. ldumvuoded. In the auto! Pour Gib-` Mu who was Ilum by on or the NIH Ragi- In pojnry nmmod uh following nrdioh -' Doeuud to him death by that clean or n nnnnhm Innml lnlnlnd In a lnldhr of IO n=E:Z. | .2 V V`, ' , $lIllI'II Illl I'I- I] ma Inn: pur- If. V 1- gnu Du] douml Int nah, lasing their arm lie` 1 pointnuu with . no In-In on I doloo In! high: 1: Pound mm was m-rile. It no then all lhl dump was done. The nIn|mo(_IiI,h wounded in Inrnch S: 4. ...a n In nunnnlnl -no anlunn iho int honll Il light will bl Iliad If the civil | or. 1- nan nan dlllrul nithl. - 3 vv wuuvuwn :; - Thu Into an. "` Wmlaoud :3. 1.1-. II I- -ghl In ll Hill 1 lbtlr a nu mun unknown In: Jlkfl BIIIII. bcvnnd an-vu-Uh Ir Hanna yropontl the spud of Knot- lod 0 and our ldurstionu I nmiuftlom." nI`l..l'Hnnnl-n In nnumullun. on Ch` 9--.. row oaye, Uanauntn nouua nau rettnlteu me ungu- ut pitch at which they had ever sold. Lent spring they had reached 104, last July I10, and now they are al a premium of 118. No doubt the ru-omptnoaa with which the Mlniatry had eprung forward In meet their hahilitiea had much to do with the occornplisluneut or so much. in the atter of the Grand Trunk enlurpritte, I new nothing to regret save that we were obliged to aaaiat the eontraolora and shareholders, although we did no in a manner which we deemed most compatible with the mtereeta of the Province. And i mutt any that I fear we may have again Jo appeal to Parliament on the name caee, al- though i hope my (car may prove a gmundleu one, and that tho work worthy of an empire will be carried out without further provincial aid. The North Shore Railroad was alto el|u- ` tied to by the Attorney General, and as gentle,- tnen preeent, beeidea hearing hia remark were aware that the aame eourae waa puraue with theraoheme aa wea applied to the lllinoia line, hinted nag nothing more in reference to that , Iubjeet. at he would take the bull by the hoiaiu regard to thetawrul matter, the 50,000 rant and in roiatiou to-which h'rr-hurmrable Ientl the Attorney Generel and hiumlf had been burned in elgy. The two aeolioua of the Cabinet could not unite to 61 upon a permanent plane for tht-.Seat of Government, as members 9 ootnpriaing eltharaeotiou were in the matter I eluted in dillbreat lnterem. Therefore the l- atlnletr vote! against the permanent placing I dun to! Government, and he {or one be- ?! Item! that the time had not eonaewben the Par- - llarnant building ought to be eatahliehrd in any I locality. (Uheere) Her-tlionght they ahouid l eetahllalt thelaal of Government in that see- ` tloa of the Province in which they were nioat : Interested. llr Wilson, it we: probable, would. have A voted for London, if he were preeeutj ghee liter.) 7 Quebec, however, wan earrled. ow lpriu to your recollection that.the.hnlId- ` lap need Parliamentary purpoael had been burned down, and I may etale that we ought to Ieaton them, and at the Mine time we thought that their bf;-:}I:'uJlMn -would but tend to the ololllll - ' ternelea stern, wehiio t l the eetlntate in ohetlieooe llvrthe vote olnfze IIIOUIO DI. - Tu their I'M-In n liulu blind, And to their virtues always kind. WI do our hut, sad when In an found in- tupnb of dlnchu-gin ; our duty by those who placed In In our preum. responsible position, we are ready to resign. Mr Anderson gun " Public Improvements nod` lha lnlpector Genunil," and condemned the Upponition tor ruiusnce to II London and St. Hru'_v I Railway Bill. I, _ . .n,. .,,... __,-n -Iu.I- I nuun-v-_v nun. Hon. Mr Gutsy, in upukmg to the tunuutid. thn one at the best proofs uf the success nftheir uhllo improvement: was, that within the last on days, Canadian band: had reached the high. an ltilch ll. which they Lu: "I u.p..y.uenernt wear: ` 0 Ir Attorue -General |laodunuld,at'ler aome relitniuary rvetlone, Mid :~'|'hia province. new ae it were, at the . threshold at notion- hootl, hnoclrlug to get in. And we will shortly be nditted and take our place among the ne- tiona of the earth. Nor will uucha proud posi- tion heinjurtoualy aected by our connection with the mother country; long any` that eon- ` tinue. After an Aliueiou to Uolonel 'l`eohe tt eer- tloea in defrndlrtgauede, the Attorney-Genet~ el proceeded to comment on the nature of the oppoeltiou olitred to overuutuut, last teeaiou. In order to elect ther overthrow, the range rty nfLower Canada, t`l.aar Grite ol Upper anada and loose eh from all parts of the Pro- ` einee, ooaieeeed. But we held on the even tenor ofour way; and now, gentle-rnon,l ant 1 happy to ace that the wisdom of our oourae has been I0 lunch approved. Notwithatendiug ull ` the oppoaition thue thrown in our way, we euc- ` ceeded in obtaining the consent of Parliament 1 to the pumps ofthore two uinat important mea- ' Iurea, the additional aid to the Grand Trunk I and the North Shore ituilroad; the former in-` volvlng 2,000,000 and the lutti-r, 4,000,000 j enrol of ` ublie laud. And now, i would any a lew wo e reapecting these measures. it in well known that we did not initiate the Orend Trunk. We found that road commenced and in prngreaa of completion 3,000,000 of tho public money being sunk in it. We subsequently came down and obtained from the house 900,000 for the oonetruction of that grett uutioual work, the Victoria Bridge, which would he ofincelcul-thle benet to the Province. And not only waa thia work of with great benet to the Province, but it waa an absolute no-ceauty. After pointin out the advantage: of their work with the Gran Trunk, the hou. gentlemen proceeded to any, that en.) taking the very worst view of the eeee, and than the Province had to pay the 2,000,000 now about '.ole raiei-d in order to eonipiete the road-atill, the Province would have male I magnicent bargain. They would he in poaeesiou on road worth i2,000,000 for which they would only pay 5,000,000. They would be in possesaiou of an arterial line ofrall- waymltij would, he loudly hoped, but its the lieginulng of a series of in nrovetneule whieh would render Gvtnetla the wonder of the world. With reference-to the other acheme -the North 3 Shane Railroad.--the hon. gentleman gave a de- " ,r tailed aeeouut of ite iueeptiou end ohjeeta. Thie hi great Provincial line tvaa compo.-ed nflive time, which, aeparatriy, would not pay, and it was in order to luduei English ceplteliata to` invest their money in the un_dertekin that the great Provincial line from lotko How to Quebec wee _ projected. Thia great line embraord all time , etnell liuee, sud would, it wee conceded, he the , tenet eifeetuat mean: ofopening up all the mate landalying in ita vicinity. Now, under theae ' elrcurnataucea, he maintained thet even had we to give aweyl eight million acres of the public v domain, we ought to be well content with the bargain, -1!-`he hon. gentleman then," proceeded to say thut the Govt-rnrnent were oouecioua oi` havlngueted from the but and purest motivea, and should mm-rawat ve from the path at honour and duty. _ All they naiethvite that the public ahould be. It 'l'|.. a|..:.. f...'l4. _ Ihnl- I-.l:.ul r-I illhnar to IH iiion. 0.` W1} I V :1 _. . jflngungc. ~ ~ -- ` .- Oul. Tnoho` mpondod.- Ho nfrninrd fgom , making 1 pollnnl ch, but enlord into on do- feuuofuw [getter nudiuu from tlm charges which had hon made uniun than in Unpu Otudn. Loin: Canada` bad no imlgnuna from Inna, Mad taking inlo account but ndunugu glue -unjust :3 pr rcnive at bet u; per_g'cunn 6! lb; Pmvlnep. a denim! thin the L--wor 0:- nodlino van print-rlddvn; they bowed lo the Pope only in I;-imual uunmn; and quotod lomo Ioujuned by ab: Lower Canadian Auemhly when indopondom, to show {but French Unho- lioa Into an Iolunnl, if not man no, than Eng- lhl: Pmmunu. _ u. 1..-.-unn m-nnnud 4` Ihn health at 1ha'AL lilll Prolunnu. H: burruon prnposud1he health of LI mrnoy-Gumnl Wm. ll: Anonm-(ianonl Naodunnld, after |,y'o. Oludlsn AdmIn|srnIiou," and in slain; I0 _e warmly in hvour of II!!! Grand Trunk. Notthhou and other iuvemmenul pmjactu, ` uni condemned NlO_J0pP0lili(I[I in very nronj language. ---~ ' ; nul. Tnnho` mwndod.-Ho fqom Th llyor pvt che Hcmlion of Her In-jn-A 1 13} Em r2 tau_, I fbelulenla plan Tuesday owning an` iieltv Ilml. Landau ; the Hague in the chair The llnlqluo pteienl nu, loan. Tasha, In- donmd, Gnylry, `8;-meg, Morrison and VIII- kouglliog. `I'M number of those pruem umovmh at! In that 115. ,#,| a__,| ;.__.a l.`.I L... ._,4\,.,_. i 1 I Mn upon: all the money that I 7- , lid have drunk dccplvr. _ I730 IN: fur-publication ans: my death; all 350 Iain of my onniuion Ind the `K Olidoll of the crime for ` If I 1!, IlmuM_-older but me of my Tmul lllnwinlin my fool- -Tr-j-r ` I Iii indict him In rdlrlin from the lu IqnlhIt cunt--TRum--l feel Bl dlllnot hvoved and died in vain.

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