Iuu , uumoro. Mallow, Knnturk, I me me dlntrfctn, represent the pl one nnd healthy, free from an I dluuu. and muuuiaiug nu I-m y ennui: man. .I.. -1," N , ,, . , ..-... ....u.u ul mu pnrlull ppl" anon of blight. nmong Mm pouuoes. ln :1: neighborhood or Kinsulh, and in some parts of the contiguous must, it intnled to have made its npgaearince; but man in these cases the grow: is expected to yicld more than an aver- age o1-op, owing lo um nbuudance of the pro- dues and the comparatively small extent to which the blight has appeared. Uur reports iron: the aulern part. of tho country, from For- mu J.LillI0I'0, Mallow, Knnturk, and the idler. mtg gilntrlctu, represent nlllnl. An vi---- I I l u c` 0 Boston, Wednesday, Aug Thu Submarine Telegrsph Us Great Point of Nantucket, to Mon Ilupe Gcd-~`a distance of fourtec successt`ull_y laid,yestorduy h the graph, under the superiuten ence op, esq.,~et New York. It will be order in two or three days. _ ' , ` The Gerk (Ireland) Exam1ner,ofAugust 3_rd, states that the crops throughout that extensive district are edvuncing towards rnuturity with it mpidity almost unprecedented, and that in few weeks continuance of`th present line weather would see the former commence his harvest u operations:-A gentlemen who I8 directly ' oounaated with the agricultural interest, and . bu an intimate acquaintance with a vast _por- tion at this and the sdjoinin county of Kerry, has-informed us that, since atutday last, the Richardson, Spence & Oo.'s crops Imli progressed toward maturity at a rate that he believed would, under ordinary circum- Per .11};-nu] Liverpool, lftida ` stances, require three weeks tcmcconipltsh. The The arrivals 0! Brcadstutfs contln corn crops of erry dOSC|'I[)liUDlcOlli.lI1ll0 to pra- rel scale; Farmers deliveries of is sent the meet healthy and Irxtinant uppt-Arsnee, week ending last hiaturday, were 81, rm in stall: and full in the car at 773 lotl, sgoiust90,'l58 usrters instances we have heard of the partial appear- the corresponding week of set you On Tuesday we reported, per Ball _ ` ' per bushel on wheat, u contiguous it iestnted made regular 1, . _ . once in the harbor she was saluted b rls, and the idea for a while prevails to be on: not land of at soul to Que to Allen, :50 horse power, 170 eet length of he 30 feet breadth of beam, and la 17} feet. She has n" 1-lg d, and has two oh mnies. or we have eeldom looked upon. are splendidly tted up. 01 2. Crawford report d board llvelanterus, to., r I. l.oBells [ale island was made in 8] days. There I Gagztain Urawford landed light-house materials, afterwards went to Forteau, and also left VIII I lamps and other etcotema. Next the Napoleon - III called at the west end of Anticoetl and left materials for the different light-`houses on e Island. Iloleft also mechanics at all these `stations to erect lanterns nnd do whatever else was required. Un Sunday, at 9 in the evening, the Royal Mail Steamship Indian, laomeward hound, was passed on tho north side of" Anticoa- ti; and Ca lain Crawford reports having seen rt consider: le number of inward-bound wssols. ::Quebec Cltromcle Aniuvu. or run Srsuura Naroasou ill.- The first of the two magnicent steamers built by Messrs. Napier & Sons for Mr Baby, on the part of the Government of this province, the Napoleon ill, Ueptain Crawford, arrived here yesterday evening at 5 o'clock.-Un her r|:pp%ar- t e e- that she was I shi of war.--The Napoleon lll, intended a edin towlngEve,eaela;`l`rom the Is- c `is o 730 tons bar 1 her depth of hold lofty maeu, is schooner h A liner looking Her cabins that after having been at I "re and when on for the light-house in o the Straits of Belle lslo,and Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1 he went to Cork, in Ireland, wliich port the NI poleon lll left on the 5th instant. The passage uumour 01 axulelon Karyn, and inner implements ' 1'1!` the burg ar`a lmde. On rm examination of ' the preminas, it appears that, on being disturbed ` M [iii operation in the room by this apppumnoo ofblr Pope, the prisoner bad endeavored to es- cape by scrambling from one window to the utt.er--a distance ofabaut nix or eight feut-by aid of the prujocling brick-work and tho cornice over the ulreet door, when he was `zrtunnloiy I secured as described. He gives his name as J Hnrve; Brown.--_Caloni:1, 2151. - `I couucouia wun mu house, on rupuiring to his f room, No. 3, on tho lirst landing adjoining the hall, was surprised loliud the door securely ' fastened, and thinking that (me of the maid: ' mu probably iusidearmnging the room, be pro- ceeded a few paces along the hall 10 nscerlnin whether such was the case. lluving rung the blli o!.lhe-'-`serwlnts' uparlmehl, he turned to- xvards Llm hnll window facing Uolborne-street, and behold a respcclubly-dressed indivitlual entering the lmll tlirongb llm window. Mr Poi-e immediately seized him and called l'nE assistance and the police having been sent for, tho intruder was conveyed In the station, where he was searched, and a sum of money belonging to Mr Pope wins found on his pt!1`.{l|ll, lugotlior with n i/nunbur of skeleton kuys, and other implements oflhe burg unminmim. nf ` Duuuu `Rouumr A1` Russvn.1.'s l{o'rnx..--About lbn-0 o'clock, yesterday afternoon, a dating ro|ber_y was uommillcd at tho ubm u halal, lhe particulars of which are no follow :--Afwr din- ner, Mr George F. Pope, who is, we understand, connected with the house, rupniring his room, 3. landing ndininina Um I mu no IIDOUI. twelvonnllupuxa more. a The members nillhere say that the 0h}ecla of '_ the aura session will be cunlincd lo the passage ` of the army bill, and that they will not like up the calendar nor even the hills which were Ila-l'L unnished by rnsou uf want ortime. An mom- lorn gel nohlwr cxtm pay, nor conelruclivu ml- lengta, for the extra session, they will maku this the shortest session ever kuuwn under the gov- ` erntm-m. Au-ua. ' Inuroprueuua ml mm. 7 . But Congress has, nfter all, perforated its ' Iiuiliwltln n narul View to the welfare of tho oounlry,ind. whole country. The liberal '. grant: of land to new lute: lor milroiul purpo- ses; the appropriation for rivers rind harbors; , tho funicmion bill ; lhu `appropriation for ous- to bonus, for port offices in the large Gilie, I the large appropriations lor uatlonni ob- jects in this city, are all evidences ufthia. The Ippl'0|lI'iIll0lIl,l0 l'nr,aro nbout lift millions, oxcludlngtlbc army appropriation ill, pvhich will be about twelvomllliona more. Thu momharn mill ham Lu: limo ah. nl.i..-|. nl IDOIIIBIOI UI , llll} [ITUIHDI] I18 Will HUI I'l3lEI"l. His coll nu, I: lnnon, _lud exprc-sued lhe with in do min the Senate, that the Republi- cans would much the Kuuuga ridl.-r to all tho appropriation `bills, and that they mi ht IN MI. There were nvideqtly some Ice;-uhficanmwuu Inlmprueuud his views. Hut Gnnnmm Inn, nar all mu-Fm-nuul in -_I1Imw'IlZlIFXI'D0I"2`l GIlbi0 V . IUD I - ."2'...'a' "H app ' nun hlizanuloatod chimney r'?'.lfono'e . HIM two nnnninnn ..... ..., Over this tank an Im on I quorum. ~ > ` If a quorum or um um Hmueel be pruanl on Thundny. the mo-unge will ban ulelivamd on the nine dI]',l|n|l lha two houses will lhrn deter- mine, by `oiut rewlutiuu, whuuwr In limit the objuela `o tlia session In Ihemeusun-is which the Prealdem may proaonl, ur not. ` ` Aumng the Senators wlgu,gal ulr mu Mr Toomblol GI and probably be will nul re.-turn. HI: nnllnnmm. It Ir-nun. land cum-uml ulna > ' v- Iuhlp S311, Augult | At loin imlf of tho mm re of Uongma IJIVT u-._." ._;;-,_,,- , _ .- ` had the henul of an excursion towards the 31in-Ihnndiweit. `u Southern uxcuruiunim um Irrutid bone by the Proiaid envs prm.'|lml- ` Hon, in mo to prevent their -depIIrlIH`I| in the evening. The menberuof the Huuue wHl- very genarnllyf nttoud. Tl1v_-re are soiuu South:-tn uh- ~ IOMBBO Ihu ouuIml_ r,hlIlHl, In-rllnpl, in timo tu van on the army bin": rnlvr. Bul. tlw some is Iheclu with tom of lhr Wesu-ru nhsenreoa, ` Whom not paired all , The Senate will not be full on Thursday, but it is believed that thgre Illl lquorual. If: num-um of the [In Hnuma ha nrnsenl i""Ul DII "0 I ruuluelpnln. I... wow u lUl' Canon--1`ho mrku onuod with 1 good dc- I and sad study prloou, Conan uerlngnnd u gmwln thomo Illpply of Ioooonuoluao Shanna-\ -.-- Jfflt 1:] lg`: idny, Aug. 8. continue on a libe- deliveries wheat, tor the _ 81,172 quarters aguinei90,'l581uartere at Ma `Id In week year. On Baltic, a decline 5` e of Gd in 9d with very lr- " iade pricee, in acme canoe Ie It In 3d per bus. the reduction was taken. At our market to-day rer- lellera appeared to have reeovered from their )ro- fright, and with A fair demand for good when , prices were more regular, and for each 3d a 6d >rte advance was made at the forced Ialea of `l'uee- `or- day. The bulk of the aamplea ohred ere Infert- ier- rum- l`ho nee, ` few Olf- or- parcel ul Very ne new white American. by of etegmer from New York, sold at I05 Grlper mt 70 lb. llt ' There was no change In Flour; the hot weath- er having-heated or soured the largeat portion ml at the atoek. A fewepoeulative purchaeea were mi made o!ln_dlam Oorn, which la firm. The uoo M,-, tantliona amt.-!"lmir-Philadelphia 29aa30a; I- a! ti ore, 30el3le dd, Ohio, 33313}! per laurel. ad W heat---Red, Bl 3da9e 3d ; White 9| 5da.lOa 3d per '10 lbe. Indian 0orn--Mixed and Yellow, ;9Ie 29 3d ; wnne,am3te ad por480 menu weath- er eontlnuee hot and uppreeeive, rapid -wheat lu maturity. In the South and N-.et. lrae commenced, and everywhere the rea- peete are enroumrglng for large eropa. l?here are lone reporte 0 dleeeee in the potltoea, but so far the damage is trllng. Barley la a email crop, and Turuipa a poor ene- thie eheeld I/n3 cream the eonautnptlnn 0! Indian (Joni for feed- ing etuelr. ` ' Beef.--`l`he demand it rather better, with inlet to a moderate uteat at Goa for aeoonulary, and Illa ad a 120; fnr_r_at qunlltlea. ` Pork.-~-The buaineaa done in email but at a reduetlon sale: could be roadll mule. Beeon--Uontinuea dull. wl price; a better demand in eutlalpeled Lard Tallewlngeotlleneedataaadvaaee often lead for em. Datum-e Aeeoelatloe Meeting Bee in ,-8low,at_4e5da4aDtlpar ewt. BlrI-ln donnniat Na. - In- -I - ` -- .... .....a-nan nu UADIADQ Aug. 20, 1856. I , Onble {rain the \ Grean1`oiutof Monomby Point, \ fourteen milu, was steamer Tula- ofS. O. Blah- op,enq.,-uI be in working -.-..._" ; *.;:,-~,,:-,-- ~---- ~ Mai pro- Iuin col would be visible about the The Guitar Cour or 1556.--li' the ac- couute from Limerick are to be credited, the marvellous comet of I656, after an absence of just three centuries, has made in predicted re- ltp|>(!arzul(`B in the south of Ireland. The Obser- vcr of the 2nd, euyi: A gentlemen of the highest respectability has just informed no that he saw inst night, for tho third time, what up pt-are from his description to be the long ex- pected comet or I556, tho reappearance of which this year but been so long foret-Id; al- tronoim-rs, huwtzrer, guarding their ealculationa by the proviso, that u ditferencroi` three yeatrl might possibly occur, rottion to expect that the takes three centuries to great comet, which complete lta orbit, month 0 Au uat, 1856. our informant thua deecrihea the cheat 1,, which attracted his attention for the rat time _ y ntundmg platform betoro the mills of Ooahall hell -poet 10 o'clock, when his attention waa et- tmcted h what appeared to be a tire riain the top a ilt tion.v :6 who was with him no cleared the top at Ilia F0 gueted that it muat.be l'- a kite. It had then the ap >- lire as large on a g luet Wednesday ueur was the y, about night :-Ele the salmon Dweir, on a due eaat ofhlafptnili object to a gent mug but, as the fire roee and mountain, hie friend eug- a lantern sue nded to pearanoeo [lobe of ood-cued orange,` with a Keeper mountain, He remarked the 8 breed tailoflight extending about 19 inches F1 from the body. l- for on hour, Ibo two gentlemen watched it and the watchman on the weir ob- eervcd it also. On Thnriday night they all paw it agilin. d Ill eaautea paarance, an hevone at 11 o'clock, when the At that hour one of the -gentl I out tohie sister. place, the name persona again saw it rlae about 20 minutes before 11 o'clock, and occurred to one of them might be a comet. He ceaeed ` midnight, but the watchmen oboe hull -punt one o'clock this seem so large as on the still far exceeded the meet brilliant form in which the planet Ju As the about tia time, and on the extreme Iultrinese of the womb lief that such a celestial we Sllttll be glad to hear have observed the up It rose a few momenta later Ereeent-. waa hi; la the I went home. emen pointed it Last night, from the name than it.-E.-at (our informant) that it to watch it ebout rred it up to morning. It did not previous nights, but piter has ever been beheld. roatest comet on record il really due or would seem to warrant the be- visitor in near at hand, if any other [means "pearauce which has thrice risen upon our ustonlelled Friendl." although there wea every" .. ...... muuncrr Auoolntlon 54:165. ,-slow, at a 5d a to But par cm. -In demndnt no u 12- Id per on for M2: ' r in that carried dyer cod about 200 cubic O... ILL. a-_l. -..- I LAYING OF` A unllr nnu mu prove mguly metal. A good story is told of " Bilhop " who nu soul down to New York with one 0 thus no- cbim-a,on en "specimen number." A butcher was very desirous he should Is] it `again; in bi: shay, und in aouma of half on hour Iomolhio lens than open}: u! of men Ind been " hived ' Tho butcher was pleased, but concluded as his ies worn nll tmppod," he didn't want the: ma- chine. " Very wall," uid Biahop,"I m I Yjn- ` he, and I won : be mean, and so you don't v Wnnl my trap, I won : ukepny ndnutogo ofyou by omryiug off your dial," sud droning tho ahdu he hbcmesl tho wholo swnnn about the bul.o||L'r I ears, and but I rotten under cunr of: little tho loudnt buzzing ever hard in but vicinity.---[Now Haven Hegiller. I J u Tun Fm UncuIn.--Tho lnlt Ynnhl innu- tlon is I patent "y-tr: ,'1ol- up by I cou II of thntilk, and which in ` II thII tha moat unid- loua could dune." It in I win: cage Ibout I fool. aqunro, with I ruvulvlng cyllnclut covered with cloth, ml `which a little lnolluol is rlfbbed Is I ball. The Ilia (like poor human, intent on the present good without I thou hM`or the futuro,) llghl upon the cyllndur, uh uh, moving by nupocias of clock work slowly carries than under and up into I tnp from whluh than-o II no escape, whore thouaauds of them an noon col- lected Ind dinpoud of. It in I vary lngouioul Ilfnir and will highly uleful. good story of " Binhon." plan an I A Puac1*wu.. Jou-An rural Son-non; or Immm.--QuIta_ an excitement in: can :1! 1 tr Rr Ichealt'r depot on Saturday gvoing, the nr`rivn'f ul` l|1`eNingnrI Fall: mln,by uh. urrmt of two men, one of QMOILWII Iuipooud 2 of having cummitusd a murder In Onon y cuunly a your ur hm linen. Two nun won cunning down on the main, (bun coma puma J puiulc ' arm at them out to Uuuduclor Cu-pan. 5 I I *.= -~.._ .. I.` E` I u-r E4: the brmlaur-in-Inn ol the mun who con. min:-d Ilu,-' mun):-r wk-trod w,Ind IIVWII lua- pc-cued 'l|nnl.,1hu man in his company was an umrdqwl hummll', whose mm In Iclmnc. A Syracuse police omcor bnpptinod to be in lowing a and upon his evidence that the nun In uuuody` wuuol McLoae,~rrman wu dllebnrgod. Th. - joke in, that um two men who were amazed, and who are both resident: of Onondaga county, wan; Ill:-xnaelvua numbing the wry mdivuluu who pointed Hm:-. out-ho hdvlng run DWI from Symcuno aumag; Iimunince for being cnggg. eel in u an lndling iuamunco company, nnd hm actually insured: building for Ihaory man whum bu iusiuuulml was the murda r.-RmIu Smliral. ` a SUBMARINE CABLE. n;l.._...l__ ....,uuu unu-on infuri- II no me for chum. A w American 1:, v. '1 Giroulun. nun-uvpuooulouwliolivncurnnl nfr from whlmor the on}, "Phi W.` '."".'Nl6|!I_IoIuIlIadvc_|curmul I `III n. uni--a_.`... .n.....:-- .L_ __ . _ wu"n'3u"'uuau" "'.._':.T.sir.a.-.:`. , !"5' not mi-x from dust. u::uuoru|.,r rmn. window, uh I: ' , ououionlly my in enough to Ill-bu! mah- ""_ "'"":'|lrL `By Sheri! Rum . ml`-9 he annoyance: are likely to In _.... L; ;:n..;. ; . . . lulu, Eoq., ofllw S. Inllmul, we enjoyed the ` ride up Saturday In! ti hr 1; Williuubllgh in I our vemilnod on s " Iulodb M Rum . M uhrhnn...z.|n..L... n..?|_...'.n.=_-- ` uh II! III. lid to produgg .mmd Wm. In-not use ;-nun of the Act. What lg the maple character of Ibis proviso? hi-_ lay. which um and; lb: mung, bu also lul`- Docs In nettle At one. Ule whole Klnul quealiun V .".,d,_ you. "m,,.'o' mm. In" in Inn: of the North, and ulunly annihilate all h bu `uh "huh. w prod. N`. the right: oflho South? For {mm It. I: does now n renounce u lljullly ml ht III in- or A"."""7'I""|"`"'|.7 P1,!!! thpgrollnd (|ln0I'l.1l:I0l KIl|l Il L0 be un:on`|tlt'uti:nul; -of hu btunlturoyul. ' " " lslllmpl provides that ghomy or ;ho United ` ------- may 1 nll not beemp 0:7 to on one thou .. I-w-M-Dr L-W- -~ -~u--- :3." W ::'.,......" 2;`; '?'"! "W" |ho";rovAi:) =|nIu to the-Pmliiant all the pin: pmuiu bln- or o the may um la nocouury--gnlnu I? him *. Iolffor than lllvlnlonuundlgulg for . mg 1, all tho powerofuaouny um ll 1: logilunuo . [_,.'u1.u,.gw_ H. `,3. in ` "um for him to on. E0 myuou the mlliury force I dd!` uuhha . '6 h `M In the urrlloryto pm!!!" `hi P000`: |PPl'N|' Ih mu 1...,-,..ugn_npg| lnvuion, and protect per- g- A "`""" """"""":'.'"'- . '.:';..:'"' ::*.*;'.*`..'.'*.'..'*.::.:..,"`:'..;'..':':..:."..'::; I _ 5.5` nlnhundullnna. Bnshnnnynoluntllo ` ` only to I no an human P. on ollh P. D. I 1`. R. 00., with AI nllcrlly and: Ir; :1 :-.v:bolni.:n|:'unll?x`|lI Vnlldily or nlpungtnu um hdouvhg gnu pm. Inch lunln In it not fair in us- : NM -otlngou thine by mm`. Wu. ;-,'_,_{,',,:`,`,,2..:f`6:i'..1.{'3.,'. Jl'?.'l`3 ; F lndvulauuoqudnuolvulonuullug cum 1: h - plulnud glmu that-me alum Sllvooolr S DOIIIQII to hlth to ncgoolap In tho ey lathe |o'wh|oh.nmIoI lo nooupt thla cl ,..h- u ah".-.,,..| um, um prowl? Bntluvooenmlhmu Is. the land m . or lthnndl rd 1 h r u I muunurmnaanu--u_1_'3mu. ,.{ ,`,',',l:f,-8`,'(__,,l ,,,.:1,;`3 .,,.`,`,,,', ,",,', nE:,,'_ - ` oagf I plbhil n L I` 5-` `::':`al.|.|':lIl.::lI_"!`": :ho'uthl.nquluhudo(Ihomtlo u 3.: :- I `u. din datum` lluldlngorulnvorynutlouonla Ul|on,hn Bhugwihld mums-um-o`-uugi. am. '|No0!I-dllultypuulnunnonth. 0.1. pub: an auto lulu Um IZWLIIII. nlnlxlnnha on- |..__'.'h_f ----u v--wnuuuruanyuthuthublnw I onolu P.D.&1'.R.0o., fnlpunptuu Ihltllhllljdlllvpnho, | llldsunllngoutboihodcy thanks Wol- ` lIl4|IIlblrInl,nI1lllVdoIundln[Onp`I. `oulluhuhw nccoolnpfortho puchuotchrliofnnuol loam roIhlIItvcIIPortDuIhoIIIInId`l`oronw. -___ ` gs. ugulnun Ooudl. -uuuulvlllllll on In uunnuslu. ginudu division :1 candidate for in uldnu. thltbhlnwlolnlhnod ml ooudl, III: cited by the Gonmnuu. Ar - ,.... ..........., o- us-nun or mo up ofbondon; 4. annual Hogan; 6. Ulflulrl and the Gun- ; C. Dulnl OIGIIIMQ; 7. Hldnrioh Heine. I. Sup!!! 0" 9` Aypoun; 9. Ru. Wm.` 'ArobIr Bulk: ; 10. Iomoh-I by Sir Robtl Paul; 11. Grin! arms. and muumd Gum; and a new on tho Bu: Onul. wooo 033133 In; o!Tolodo and tho vil- llgillllvlllc, Ohio, hp" both pmvldad for 3 ` lay. `Ill in bu slur; land nporlow land: hon bound tonphoxunlu no rot. um ~ in hunndulloynd. ` "'` I0` ha I! I 4nn:_-r.sn-a.o.Lum on Ihocndiblll g only u-nu lllnory; I. Ditty or General gs`:- rlnk Gordon; 8- Growth fun lip ofbondor Bonn: Onnlh.-. .-.. .._ .. ' ` _-__`._ -` ln;nuuI Rtnlw.--W0 Inn nooiml mm `eh Oltylook am use In: mu. r orm:._n.. view. nflnllowlnn an an ulinln ......._._A . .3 Q I-Il ll llu;:v\ouI." wu Pd, fur ooonI.'{ ,... __..-. g -nu -runny ll` Wilson, torn: lyotunt autogu. and Ir Rogm, u __ their Inuit, with I very naming rulI- -" 11-6 at Y in loan: a "1 gngm" nu Ii aI.fun_.. Onuon to rlglnohhou, Ouunolohonhon vouma ma mnnh-ma." . Tina iwntlfnl inn lold plooq. with unnu- . `nu don`! baton I501`:-0 ruly. Ixwlml.--llo. 1 R160 Oompny, Onpulu Elan, Ind an um-don pm; yaurday. Wm why man: JVoIIlty,ud hall in day of M, I1 ...-.-._--.____.- ..._.._.. .... __ . Rlglil Hal. It Love III at Douagan haul In an Thundqy. . uh; -I Ioilaun took :- IIIIIR, Ind hd,|I I lllr of count,-u hum- IIU i` `NI Ironing Ir Wilma, tomor- llofllf A-noun am! In n....-- L V, I -- un nu wuuwr or HR plllllllllng ollleo l'|N!,!4- '1 - - , ll Huh oophn of we mania. and New aonulnlahononofthn not my be hnd,In lnppnnlocnllhm Pym d.oooh. luuod mqrrldayqonhg. unmnu uonxnm, mount as. .....mv 1rm...Au.rr H IUIDU--lIloI......A ac ` Ila!-m ----|nl!upool..PhlIdolphh.8:;: lo ` , KI-.......Uv|pod..8gh _ _ _ _ lo "u"NlI ht... .14 -..lJgII':anoI..3nohuc.....'oc':. 3 . min onus ` F30` UNITID BTATKI AND CANADA. N Qboboo Ll A . Au: run run L:3...."'7'7'3': A3}. 53 l"n Pmlllcl ll. Llurpool Au;.2l : gr Yor_ Euro Aug. an ` . Ion Inrpyol Aug. 27 I Q19-, on ow York ELL '...oe "' 3.?` 33 1 ~--~- .. ...4 ___.. ...... _._..__......._, _ 3' Hlllloaophu oha Daily um `;I|_uyV-I; I` II II: mung an! an ....|.n.u.... --.. \uouTsu}.'.'.`.'n.....'....' Atria. .. . 0'-d'Illl.INI'l'. vwpool.` 3- A rCou'I..Ll orpuo|.. ` 11-Iv. ` WM 3" I1 lllirl In !"'?ra`:n:?a nu ....n..-r` ..r..21i a.,.. N. Y; Harald. ' Whloblnusyo oxpnetcnlbe hanbin \ with lush axngaiog unang mar lib-ma. , A ll Wuhingiun T Wlw mung!` y in,Ihe nde-nee ol ifoucli uni Imongtlw Ipr- ` T llirty-l'uurl1r Cougars-, wllllill" In not uf um lhir!y-_ IND? IMQII il IF unh-r nrlhu .In.- _-- ` The Hubert ilhir, |IWillud Hui. In which uh : Hon. Nrliprbon ,0! - ----.wwu'- In uw uuuy (III! III} M ll 00 count! of the publishing oleo Dill. - sup- _..._:-- 3 p _a-pun IUIIIIJ," Ind " ll Wibollihnluthuutu P80!-;;IOPl. .i g, n Mama ulnlmio In vw?...n.. 2 `.LIVU]IO0I..Igy Ygck...AI D r.Iolnrpool..PHlnIlol phIa Aogla Jalnrponl.-, nchc......Angl8 Ya-rk...Mag|.'I wuvliolullon .... Aunts 4 ~~rU... ..-IIIIIII v- 0' Y0fI.. .|l[ I7 --lIlo|.}....Au[80 ..PlllulolpM|.8Ip. uakho Sun. ..uw urn... 03% . . . . .` ..lr York. ..l'ill|dol;1h ;;uhc.... .-l -I ..1 IIIlu_n'-l`t;a; rd!` :1 _ --u-uh]-y unit not Accepting thin judo! should not give an Iron union Joni nllho lubed.- Iongp thought]! of | M` " Irish _ anu II luau mo rrn-almrory party in [in] sea. no tojuohcl ll, whcniho doors of Cong:-cu ' nu cloud. The Home, in the qua spirit of ' Republican nntionniity, wished to ping". madam, and IlII'l0l'orv insisted upon thin pro. who; the pro-ninrery part] in the Sunnis, in (he Inn spirit of sinvoly svctianulilul, wished no : dumffnodom and uland ainwry, and litera- forg named to ncgoigl the promo. The House in aiding and iumung upnn tho pruviw, 1.33. ilhlodiornnnion of Ropubiicnm; the Pro- _f sun; pug in the Sunny, in `refusing to ac. oopt pmvilo, iqillniod only for; auction ofniuvo-hvoldlrl. [Inll uil righyuud pr , in n iiopublic, Ihll nnliquni legislation for rm- mn would yinid to national logialuiion for ' liuohoidau, [ho Pro-Slnur `party in the Son- . It; with Pmidoni Pierce rm present, And hilt: Bushman for in rupcoiivo hand, mun lloflhg o!lhoAot. . nag In .Au3'3_3 n.Aul2! | The above io the promo lathe Anny Bill, 3... - nhld upon by the Semuq, :1 the class or mg l uulon ol'_Oong`nu.~= II in oumuilmiunnl pro- mo, modem but m in in mm, and r.,,,,.g,.,.. ' odnnporntively nocnurj for use: pr!-ervhlinn and prou-mIion.of couumutlonu] freedmu. As inch, the Home a pended ll In the Army um, I and II luau Ibo m-Slurry puny in the Sen. 1 no njaohd ii, wbcnjho doors at` 11.... ..... .. 1 u IO .`i'a'{:s .Alll unuliu nun`: uuununuoa In or to Mid Territory * In purlunuoo of my luv :1 the Unied State: nulhoriling um dlotributlon grams to the Sales and `l`urrhurlM." .2 mt the Pruldont from nunrloying an ndtrqtlmla military for; Ba! It uhnl be his duly` :9 an. my web fawn lulu:-nnl the inv-uoiou of amid _ mot; by not had: of non-midenu, 9.- 11:1 gather body of nun-ml'denu, acting or claiming to not II a pom tlnlllllx or any om. \ our In aid hrrltory in the enforcement ouny | Inch uuuatnout, und to protect tho persons and 1 property therein. uud upon Iha natiunul high. In)`: lending to lvllq Territory, from an "Maw; (`III-nus.-hes and amnureu ; and il `uhnll be his 1 furlhur duly In nuke elcium menaurua to com I the mum of and wilhhold all arms of the i; nitdd Elam: dialribnlud in Mid j |_)urI_u_|uuo_ ufhnuyrluw n! Unified Stauea I. r m " rm... Ila: N. 1% Com rcr. ' `Provided Iumuur, unit! it is hereby declared I Nut no put of. the military force or the Unilon` ' sum for tho Iuppou of which appropriations no Inuit by not uhnll be omplgggd in lid r! the cnrumuent of any onnounenl of u a bad) claiming to be tho Territorial Lcgiumurn or Knnnu umll inch annulment mu haw been Iirmed and upproml by Oungrau; but this promo Ihl not ha in construed as to ,.re~ nun laying adequate Bullllhnl gloy no puma! invuiou of ....m 1 > Yahoo Bnllivu, he thumped the unfor- A Ouuuq 311- or Bonn` Runna- uI.-'Io Ilnir in the omnibm between Ill oullon of Virginia, nnd Mr Gran-~ . ofuvr York, on their my to the ,1 ' y uonniitom with the {` o_lIlIII|Iini:li:ad:hocl::'nl-` bolglclm . I nlnlmhin w- an crulicof Ilclldloa, 1 n no 1 noitbu Ital not bludpon-in I hit tank upbn * r- but ninpl.y 1 __pno.arIn about hi : Idvcmryn, ',""WiIili with the othu-`hand, I In mun` ll: Grnpmin the eyes and none, In the _dIh,wo believe, would be ' El: " Mm inn olunwry. The `I w b ' _ `mild ,lndtlI08po|hr|ppoinl- IQOIHRIOQ to invediglgo tho ouund " rqmupn it mu. me-auiou, Ivhigh, uuu|,|HoIoot_uourlyuthodayal`- " -.-.-uu u now v-nun. In uklng our lure of this painful uubjocl, we `ght, {lag} In the Gut use, It nbould have been dlemed A Ieljhly mqllr,whereir5 urn-r u.vm= dn dcllhollliom, it In: nuddrnly bmu,;lu lo a clue, mud n vonllc-I rnndoml. which could at will luvs bun urlred [1 on the first occasion. We van totally unprepared for the winding up of the matter to-day, and can only think llanl II P. I. Vnnkouglmol dld not and forward the nmfful to pmlong ll-ycI a little longer. 1 I ll-I.U- Wu bun boon told lhnt uuoh vru u lines of the iardiot. I- 4_|_l___ I --- - -` --u -3- -rvuu IJIFIU Illllll. L; Tho Oorolm; roquutad Ill olhers,snv.- lhe | Jury, to route, Ihlll II In ngmd :~- `> TIM. the two person dooouod, whoa: mum I roll II III hqlnning of lhh inquiry, came M * I Ir death: by the burning of H1! l rup(`.l|er `lino; and that tho Onpuln Ind `me Enulnur worn highly culpable In proceeding in non, with- Olll hlll tlhll proper prucmtinn lu secure our live: ofthe pquengm `oomminnd. to their trn. ' Illll IL ' Delnay, the mate. in maznnnincd. Ivan itlnly Iblnbew wu an iron ca, noun tho fnnnola, which, he mid, at run to in can; Inn on! ,hIn evidence ll--red whnrhu bean -11-: y nuuad. Thu nrnnno -.n..-.o-.| ..n _.|...__ ,,. ` `juuuuau Ill [min 10 us with only one ban. to not " ma VII hole on hand which oonldlou y be used, the only trouble being lo alx L ' . _ n.|---.. IL. _..A W V `l'baHYnlqt`1?nI lIy of wood on board umounu l . u now IBI unrp one 00. ' II It not she prntiu for Ix.-Igln llnnlnnn to i any mu huu; I do not think there Insuran- I hon Hamilton luiloclnoo, on lulu ur on river I lnrunualuouod wilhimn. mm um I It new it in entirely Imp-milstc um an I aid III?! originated from a spark rulilng ho. , -Wtluhofulnil and tin bmluu--p-ulioululy g from IIM I learn In lllld nu!--lho wind blow < ` lug fnlh mm Inn M the upnrka boyuud the I ` i ` Vanni. wauld not bmlllto for an moment to 1 lalunllw usual. Do not uhink hr: mum I Ilntlad in going In with u ' 1.b.7'K`(I|lIl|-III W001] an hnnrtl unmnnll 1 y uncut. and though: nun-awurusy. . . I Bhpoould not In enllod n Mol. bmu, In! In: | Milan Inn unusually Imail, and mnuim-I be- ! low In In clan: that now. Bin! Ilmnmd time F tnl;"ou tug:-'nnd-' two an-u'|ler mm. Thu A ` null bout: Ion uuunly mu Innll. Did not hid afnnyiifo |`|`!ICl\"0l`I; aim was nlul iaumd- 4 cdlolun on 1- novel. The three mm . I!!! G I lnjgg d Ibo Inlirt people on band. I 1'hI,$Ill bull were capable to hold '15 person: I Olghbdll huge 50. ' 1 In I lhn Itljllinl fnr I1.-hthl nl-nunun In . -~-~~~, --1., ._. vliw ?'UI`#vvvv vvv -`.7; . - 0, , Uhnrlvl Arnurung ruuniood: -h In I_ Aft-m_; uanllot Ilse nndvvirllau nl ` . Tni;-M,-h~-1 than Tinlu in the mouth of Jill}. Unpinlq -...uu- in hair but ennlnod whilvuu In htiihniinnnaod. In an out * Illhlacr In diuurmugcd owing tu her. Iliu iirne on 1 ruck; llw`-Mare the much?- I0 In dahclin. Had new law any the Iloclu ll , and thought her nnuwutlby. Bhoaonld lint ho cnllnd n Iml. haul, am In: ...1.....-_, g Tb DOUIIIIT IIIITJIII1 I!!! II III`! on the avcniuyaf `Phuinulny the 2|! DWI! 3: bl hnrlnjfiljt Qndmw. > lul-aim, In . up;-curd for the Ur: Hill, 31]., fun Eli! grim: nu! line 1` n..nn-h. tu....I.... A: . . . . . _ _ . . _. ' i&.s., .c as.` 'i-}}~ii.}, 7* `17z`:';.v'u`:"'-. LQOIIIOII lpvutlgntion. , Rpyl.Jf0r tic "-N:-(nu I `II... n......_.. -...I I..... _.... . .. I ..... ...... E; ....u an u K Io ptrluering la- Jill] 3 ulniucd i 11: - %&mWWmT5r,'or :33- ` kn" -an,-- M115 nan-J Odngrou and my mum NEWS-AUGUST 23. Fill` In, hb l'.......I . ... - `Nl'L;<.' *' WHO-llri hm a U'iC IUI IC- Dlru. 'hIhI.KIrI- It Grow; U. L. Tiulu. ; ruIlIiIIod:=-h s uqdrrvfllnn II n no Id. ul nu-Ina an 1.-. an IBUIIIIIIIO lrsouwn ,l.PP- utvoh man Q` ` In I .u_.- --- pin ohm-rd. 11$. - gains tio"i.""" ` nu xcollonry IAIIIQ uly, but In; u-----nu. NI lfa, Ir um-mud diiiiii or down 7" " Tl nmiuod. Ho cuing . val. nemuinn T ao;s."'5.'.' 1L. 1 L- IIIII Illpllll 0lI|lII.'IJ I Ibo aub- must no Lumen, nna aoubu In uprauod wheth- er. he may be olpocud turondur hi: Govern- meufu muonamnou In a numoiently forcible manner." ` `I TIEIIIIIIIII F:-red from ly ntlll. Bomolhing will, doubuuu, depend up- on the tone and exertions 0f the Aultrlau min- mar u Nnplcl, nnd donbu may be ouncud turondur M. n........, uuoe um uemou omot. ulr unallton Seymour in reported nut to be vary oondout that lb: will do an. and not In bent anliuad wit what ha: been done by Oouul. Buol, whom he would viixh to speak more strongly And diatinch ly ` 9n t9_no min- uua loan. it nanniqu to be non wholhu Count Buol'I ramonutrunceu, oombinod with the change or vlun of Vrincn Petrul||,who hilharlo ha: beet? noted for his nag rand o inlona, will pro- duce lhu declrod ct. Blr lnalllon Seymour reported vary that H... 5 ml government to complinnoo, Ind oven to wre n Oonfldnulillly to the King. Prince Petrulln, u n are 3-rouhiy ware In considered to enjoy I share oflhe condence of his Iovonign, wnlo Ins hm: nlvmyu eaponml his politloinl riun. H 8 interview with Count Bnol In aid to have ~ had lh- rusultofltrongl impniuing him with the necessity that noneth ng Ihould be done, Ind tint the time has In-Ind when lt_would ho dun-- gnrotts Iu poralu in making head against the wlulm of the W_utern Pants, and! undoralnnd that he wrote It strong latter to his Innate: in thin la n.....:.... ... I... ...-.. ...|.-.L_- n- guuu, mu. nngxnna and Auurin are not diap0- aed In be so, mad tint our Ih}9 I`epl'(`IBn1lliV0 at Vienna vigilantfy watches and by no menus suffers to pass` unhendod, the Russian attempts to obtain uufnir ndnntn `ea. it is said that he nds Count Buol din wu-rniy to co-operate With him am this nnifeot, and beam in infenod tin-~ prbbnbility of n riondly rupprochmml be- tween the two cnbiaotl. " Thu cmerobmclo to um plight perhaps bo - wdght in the uiownul of Aulttln to comply I I with the wisbel of Great Britain with rupoot I r to Indy and especially in her dislnclinntion to 11 r prou 4 up1ea,to I modication of the aymm -' which gives no much nmimr. I am nuurnd, ' however, by private latter: rant person: [one- ruiiy w'ull inturmed, that Oount Buol has sent instructions to the Auntrinn Iiniuar ll Nnplna, the tonortmd nnbctunco of which no attune- tory, at least to Enron Bonrquoncy. It in Mid than the Ansuinn representative is directed to ti: iinpreu strongly upon` the Neapolitan joourt he the neoe-unity of tzivimr head In the tuition: .....r_ .. Iuu gmu Io mun, on authority which I consider good, that Huglnnd and Aunt-in ablevrepn-unmiva Vim... .:..:|....n.. nn-A_L.._ _ nu. ua lilllif. ' ' what the dinhu-pr: are re- I vqtllali lion both heat: air the I _ . ' llourlo duo olhnr, Ihugublingthoi mautolluuhdrhounadooom 5 `M obyuonulauuu-ounofhoatod ' an mu _ inn tout-'hu:l.p:)IHli';dootinoc; =b|I0aIl'ln iI`U`Iil'Ilsl'l. il| the _rni2- uul T I: am hi nt ` - tinny mint [ tho dnir:uP?I,I.ho 1:332, ' 3' that tho` reward duo in partnering la- 1 1!! -`I . at The public have heard var little of the view uh-~n in the allied powcra o the dt-atruetion of the fort lieatione oi Rani and limit, with ree- poi-t to which it in known, however", that grant diaaaualitction ha! been expreuud by Uounl haul and the British minlator at Vienna. , i t is only in cone.-qnenoe of very atrong rt~proaenta- tium: than the urerthrotv of the defeucel of Kare, already commenced, baa been auapenaled. `The eottle-ment of the quetttion of the isle of8er- pi-nta, ehoee occupation by Ruiisia has excited a rent sensation at Vienna, has been exprunaed w on . once bruu ht upon the taple it would provu easy; but t in douu Itomppent: to certain when we consider the system of opposition and taxation upon which Russia nppeure to act. b'ln- tin certniuly done anything but recipro- ento the good. cordial and utraightlonvnrd spir- it the allies have die lnyed towards her, and her conduct in oaluulnto to lay the germ of future dieputua and hittarneea. But according to pres- ent uppt-arancee, it in the Hoesarnblnu boundary uention thin is likely to give the most trouble". "he ltuselane have evidently taken advantage of the great topographical ignorance that prevails with n-spect to that country. it has never at be-vu positively resolved how far, at the con ur- mirnt at Paris, the Russian commiuionorn im pusv it upon their colleagues by lntlllnl of innar-` rent maps. Still leas~uru_ we acquainted with tl-v motive for the very important modication tin-u admitted in the line originally laid down an the basis for the demarcation. Wu mo now told of the exiltcnce of two Hol- mud, in.-twi-an which II confusion has purposely on mndo-oI count: to thepdimidvantngo ol` luiilnvin. l have been unable to dlsuov.-r more than gun, but there can ho no doubt than its position llrlrt been misrepresented -, and I know that in th _Dnnublan pruvincee, where some knowledge of the topographical circuxnstuncoe ul lit-aeatnlun may he enppoeed to exist, great aurtu-isn wns expraeeed when the line nally agreed upon at the conference: became known, that England and France should have allowed them.-min-e to ho so in: nod upon an to truce it eoutlfut` Bnlgrad. ll rance chooses to be apn- thetic with respect to the various questions. I aaglad to learn, an authority which I 3 . England Auatrin urn nnl rt:...... I ' `I'D:-. lhnrp I -nctleo, not to any the lndiluent. J !u|Ha,oHluI6 Z in mam; out an Ilolnlla ..r p. was tun, .u( Pull, Ippann In honmuollnu - mm-In mun` uualnlon pl Vienna: than it due: I lunr. The In being our, and the Jnunll . shared Io, nu lfmuh Mlknl noun Iobavo ` r ml :1! inuuut In the manor; Ind, Indeed, {ho - indimereuum of Ihl Fnnch Cabinet In nnppoood ' n In bu `scarcely Ian. Naunbolm. loan of the 1 I qomliong M iuuo are curious, nndihero in raw , 1 Inn to beliunhaubey cog:-uunot a mule the - gmmlion ul Count nol Ind Sir H Seymour. \ In iu.ol impmbablo that the unity of nation UNI HVIIIWNII Ullblnetl of the two natibnl lllull inum-sud in yrolooling tho lnurom of furlmy, nu! milling Iuuuvila encronoh- .1 menu. may land to h mom cm-dinl undorntantb 0 lug Ml-Ifveu them thsn ban for noun time n- 3 land` ' n11.g.a b:-.dMnii 6? `Buds-a'i:i_n the Ob-* Iorvanoo of the Pull Treaty. PM ir (`A MI` | x.......;, .gn.'io-E r};.`-5 1 Mn! fmm CM: pa-~'vho`:` ..<.. v......l im-Iu..a..u M uiiili r_:`K1rIful,"I IE pmho,` n Ma ;-n~vhu*m I:m:ool'l],I 1! its ...o syahu-I.:;_ua sun: an o mm-y -m -be Imam Is: he nation, 11 will, um 1-`ii; if"! Njlolitm of nchnum mu: m` Fqerncul. condemn elm lusting ..s.m.u it tin; hmcrnay M We 3-7: :16 - --~.l--.a.-e-.--_- , . 4) 0ormjp:|-oduoc of the ,|.oudon 'l`:nu. ' ~' ,:_..u , ,`. . .. u ;v- __,,. '_ IIrnDowI.- J:rIn!onbon:-an "!'.'.".. .':."'!r':+'.:'.'." ' v `-'."";.:..':-.."5- 1| I u may nnyun a -up Iuuul I'M: dopvndl J3 15 lnlglpovilillc. n-All-um -1-!- --.._, .. .....-.- uw nu. Jonn day: went out an 1'` general Iujluinlolidonl, tho Richmond Enquirer I up :-lr Juno: Koll , of Lnnduter Ooun ' l I P! by hi: will omnnclpnt fort ~rour nlnma, all I1 : I bad And fa-ovldod for the n lnndaomo ouuit W for llalb` n. Fang-two of Ibiza onnnlpnlul ' vulaut went out III E the Elvin Uuunu, which P nllod (run llunpdnn Road: on the lath ol .ln-- 1]. After II I Inn 'lhun with fulng imp! . ' Inelb, honugglcfmrnllure, and pnylng hr the ' I ' of null, and their `upper: for :1; P013!` - manuu mu their arrival in Africa, tbs unu- 1 ton of Ir Kelly`: mo dlvldnd among them a mu managing to hmnon um: and cl usounnd dollars. This in lodoodin noble and I nub; nnnplo to rich plumn II...-$-A " _... 1......-v-u, nu-unuw, AID!-ll|'K, and U16 idler meamte plant nu vigor- and nnf appearance , and nbundgn: supply. With Illa singular uncertainty that monks the pro may of thilxnyulorloua dluue, we undemun that the potntoas It present grown on the; Little Island, in the nelghbotlmoti of this oil}. are perfectly {rep from disease}, lhpngh in ormrr years they were the um mm were amqkod, nnd among those um sulfered mdu severely. It may be leuonnbly M?lUcl!l- ml lhn even I brie! conllnuunoe ol the prelent lwaullor will pmvo an oiclentn nun arm- tlug the pronna of llgo dlouu n the isolated localities In which it has appeared by cumula- ung the plug! into In early and vigorous: mutu- rlty, lh |_t my duly the alert: of In dnuguroua