_ .. .......-.u. .. The Grind Jury am: into court \ tho following bill: ` Tn Quart vs. JOIN Noo:ux.-F nioun Wounding-n "true bill." `Tu. nu---.. -- M.-- u._.. I ___ -.u- u v-unuu'-u H III Ilul. Till Qrnu n. John |(nm.-l.nr~cony -A true hill" Than pnrtiu an out on I-nil V. " - I/VIIEICI IUI IIUIUIIUI Ilnuunu-I` Ban WIrrI.-Vordict 8105. for plnintif. ' D-u---..- I. D-.-_ __ u non pun-nu. Bin-ml &'PllCl n W. J. Knn. I Cum: MILLII. -\'ordIct 81556. Adjournod till Wodnudny naming. no----vs. v uunun Cl)\P\l,'IIl` Ugo. Rolnnrson 6 on n. R. SInn1'u.- Account. fndofendod. dict 3148,12. C. \" l ru>o forplg J.W. Douglu for defendant. "nu:-Inznu-' 1).-.- __ A---_ u--;. v an-uu. av: tun ,JIl. Donoun u. GnI.':Inunn.-Siu'ulu- cue. Verdict 8216,03. Mr` Juan A. Henderson forgmntilf. I I1 RI-Dunno:-\u .. LIA..- _; -I l`_ ........-...- ... ,........... J. B. Snvusox n. Hon at ul.+l' doludod. Vu-dict 8335,40 11-.. b._____,\-.. n Dolovu Alb Wn.uuu va. U. Cuwiu. ~ Yndofondod note can. - - V diot for pluintitf $126. For plnintll. J A. HIudII'IIll$ fur dufandun, W. P..II....a G. A` Anul no Jon: ll. Suvnmos Va. Olounrlnlu.--l'ndofondod. Ver- dict for 8242,63. D. H. Prulon for plsintil; W. S, Willuml for debut]- ._a Dosovu n. GI.unnnnak..` cue. Verdict {or837-`.30. I\-...._... _, 11,, Spccial `par "III-AU Ann! Int _' I FI.u.n1. CUVI TIE I-II IIIIFIKII` II-II Juli HI VIIIU tho pol. his Lord.nIu'p pointed out to the Jury the right of ptioonon to be clothed And prnporly taken cu-o of-tlnt in not to be nbulod or noglocted. II: In: glnd to say, l:oIuvar_ that throughout the Pro- Iinco thorn were I0 complaint: of mil- -nugoment of gull. Thu um: 10:; Ind lucid, many other topic! being l touched upon? " ...- ....._, ....... ........ -.... .......... ,....... out an boil, one for lurgury, om othur for dubbing. on forlnruny. In tho circuit In. hurl 'nn-m' - ---- nu._Jio-Ll_ -|.._--.. {J sauna`, UIII nu lllvrn . In Ll! L`|II;III. In hnd found I very creditable sbunoc (if nAna.n oh... I..:..... -.......-l- -.... -o D... ..- ..... ........ - ..., ............ .......,. ... cunt, than hing scarcely my at. Prer out and Conunll. whore he had recently hold court. In dincting the Jury to vim. ILA -gal I-3. I.nul.Li.. ...i..o...I -..o 9.. H..- -..- no-an-uur -uu-v-uu um unuuu u an, , omnpli-outing tho" County of Frontenac on the coupon-uiu Ahgqnpe of ` crime. Them In only on: person in custody [or (Jill, And that pnniulsr an In for nu- luvfully duct:-b_ying pr6piPty'uf tho pol. Tho only other cue: were Ill-ilut parties nub All hail nnn fan l..n..uu A... ..|L-p Inu- _ ....--.-nu an I.-vw-, upy van] svsuvu, < nmrnnd in I for mololla with 1 Lynn! at their head. Either was 3 I pod nomination. tn- I __.I_|.:_ _ .u.:___._ 1 .L _ n_._. I l.. ` "11.. Court 9! 017:.-I m-minor u Chnrd Gui Duiinry in opannd nnnn -n-0-In- "gun I.` Inlilnn I'- u-ui-: U11 I-Knit it Ilpilzu II noon yuurdny, Hon. Ir.` Jlmiou lore, rinon pudding. Ir. 4`. J. 8onI!n',".uf _Br-ockvillt. County Attorncy o! land: `Ind Gruvillo. and no Crulfl Ofliuct. Tho Gmpd Jury Ion alhd uni nun an [allows :--AlfI-Id Ayint, fauna; - ` Bgcphy, Jana Calf. Ugoor-go Barr, `J. A. Allan, WI. Elliot, Hanry BuoInAn,C'hu. Arnltrong, Robert Gilnon, John Gray, Wu. Inwnuoo, Ililp I!cKim, Willia- Slolth, Siduy Wnnnn, C. B. Booth, John Booth, R.J. Dunlbp, Hoary Wil- act. Tho Cllri, Mr. O'Rcilly, nhd the Jury in ohoclo their launch. The num- ol lulu. Alfnd Ayont and J. A. Allen nu pnpqnod. and u than named to be .3 divluon in choioo, thy Jyury retired, and n-In-n.4I .- - I-.. ..-...__n- _.a|. II.- bwvc uvlll nun: nvu. Hi: Lordlhip nddrund the Gnnd Jury, nu-nIi---5:-.. L-'- l1......o_ ..l I`..-b--..,. IVJIIIJCG pt: -7-uvu-Q us-nu. Haunx, April lit.--`l'ho uumnhip Atlantic hon Livcrpool, lurch 201.11, [or New York, with a lull cargo Ind our nnn .0--uan --J El a.-lu`-n n.-a-nan-gin T .rl`i using} nwlluvu. 1- un - 9 for plninu`; Alcmuw ` M. Brittun ROBERT rd. Var } - Folo- r, `J. 1*, ihed e I. ed ted, th Mr. IBVW id entenac lady he ther for l circnit ience L. iooently i I ie if ie I being A- ~-\'er- ll'. Jae. D. vnimos V er- un lelenil- Similar .. I aitniler in i+l`n llIel.D lritton ii. an-l : with - ircen y mt ch oc- J laet ie al- jack- Iwee~ i [IOU wil- both , will J V-. h _ J. the ; way Company. That it in ef extreme in- .3. giteiii John V i Tu- K Y the end- I: nl , ante ived JhlIl~ ; anil- I Irgn i Hill that by um ` Government had certied t at all -my -can naeueu I-I IIIlUWl.ll' ITIIIX1 I "`11'3h'et bythe etatnte 35. Viot, cap 72 an tee ennipanjen were incorporated wtthlell powere to oenatriictandvorhthe Canadian Pacic Railway upon the term; and oonditionii e reed ii n at the union of Britiah Colun in wit Genede. Th-at by chap. 7! of the aeue atetute .thd two oonipeniee inoerporateil were empowered to ate and term one coupon]. and the Government vraa nniponered to agree with either of the aeid eonipeniee. or with the amalgamated company, for the eonatroction and werhl of the Canadian ' Pacic Railwe ; that e pewen confer- red upon the (government I: the fteenth cl'aiiae of the atatute. 35 'ic.. cap.-Tl. were not intended to be examined except in the event of the two oonipeniee aeverel- iy and enitedly failing or declining to agree with the Ueverninent toeenatruot and work the Canadian Pacic Railway. That the concluding of an nt with room not incorporated by Parliament or the conatrncting and working of the aid Railway, without having by plblic notice invited tendera for any naaocietioe of her Majeety'a aubjeeta able and willing to form a company and accept. a charter under the proviaiena of the atetute, 36 Via. cap. 7]. waa not in accordance with the apint and object of aeid etetute. That auch a rooeeding wee highly objection- ble. and) contrary to the unite! and well undratood ayateni of contracting for the oonatrlctien of the puhlic werha ef the Dnniiuien That the charter granted to end inoo ting Sir Hugh Allan and other-ii by the name of the Canadian Paci- c Railway Coinpnny, confer: upon that oompany extraordinary and dengeroua rights. poweia and privilegee. That the fourth clause of the aeid charter in highly nbjeotiniiiihle; that it provided in effect that the whole available capital of the Company ahall be only one million dol- lara. or ten per cent. u n a nominal amount of ten million do! are, which in to he inreeted by the Reoei'rer-General and the interact paid to the company ; that the ninety per cent. mentioned in the aaid elauee iailluaory; that it atl'urda' no reel eecurity to the Government, while the proviniona of that clanee protect mainly the atockholdera of the coin y from all fur- ther calla end from lieliility to the cred- itiira of the cea-ipany in reepe-ct thereof. That the laid charter doee nut prliride ede- quate eecurity for the conatriirtion and equipment of the whole line of railway That it ought to provide that there aheuld be retained h the Government. out of the portiena o the landa and money granted and atipiilated to be paid from time to time hy the fourteenth and eight- eenth claiiaee, not leee then ten per cent. as a security and guarantee for the coin pletinn and equipment of the railway, and that aiich percentage ahould notbe paid to the Couimtitee until eia inoiitha after the `completion. equipment. and working of i the railway, and until the e ineer of the the wmrlu proper to the railway had been duly ` performed, that the equipment waa adr quote, end that in he a iuion the Cem- pany had the mean an appliencea for elciently working the railway. That the Gereriinient aliould not have granted bu the Canadian Pacific Railway Company the power to ieeue bonda to the amount of $40,000: mile for the whole eatent of . the | Illl't\y, with the ueuaunl rovuiun that such bende may he a lint c erge iip- on the Iniida thereafter acquired by the Company, and by that mean: charging eiich boiida upon the fty niilliuna of acne given an e an baidy for the conatructien of the railway before the Company ll enti- tied to receive them. That auch power. aanctinned by aiich authority, in fraught with serious cutieequencee end may aect uieet inpirieiialy the credit of tho Domi- niun ; that the aenctioning uf auch e pow- er ll a pledge of the good faith of the Do niinimi to the hOltlDI`I of such bunda that the landa. whatever may he the fate of the Company, ahall be and remain a aecu- rity to euoh boiidheldera. That the lfnth clause of the charter in highly objection- able, and if iillowed to reniein in force will be it grentdrawbach to aettlemeiit dltlieterrito eituated by Lake Ni iaein . That the aett euieut and price of the pii - lic landa on the line of the railway not al- 464 lutted to the (`onipeny ought not to have erii been made auhonlinete to the inteineete of do or dependent upon the action of the ltail penance to the future welfare of the De- 34,1 niiiiion, that the lluremiuent retain poo railway will aettleinent. t erenl. That the prov-iaieiia ef the aaid fteenth clanae of the charter in '. place the eiitireaettleineiii of that want territury in the henda of the (`gegdun l'ecitic Railway Vouipaiiy. That immi- gi-nnta will not be induced liy the cheap lands and free heneeteeda otfcmd them in A the eanteni and central Pr-iviiicea of the V. lleuiiniuli and Ihe l'IIil.ed Statue in pro- dnu coed huiiilraile el iailee further from mar hot to pun-haae Ienda at eaooeeivo prime 1! I Tliiat the niiniinuio price of C? 5|! per acre, Il`\l by the charter, in eaoeeeive. That I by anch a condition or bargain the (iovern- `Q-d meiit given ita eenctien and authority to a tictitioua value of the land; That nimh huh` X1317 ?! IIU-VI I-CW uvniq 10'.`-felauk. p.n..'fovgutnl L..nj.nnnl -Isl`: nluauulnnn lnlnnlhin l`Ia-' nclnaqd thohbldul Bud um hlddollhghuli none: Thnlqy ._.-in-u .17-!I~.'..l..L n- 'Iuo--ha-nl us:-7 Hun`: Coiqau|I--`l'o-day Hr. Id- nnl Ill in jobs! In and King own`: bird nlidnn, Oh OIHH as-:51-tor at Jan Union. In W0 with thyounjormphall uuhppamu`-uni manna-H an that Unnyuuuunnnf, um-u uuuu yaw. -llll ICU` did but npfu-sodnya. Wu. Criadlo paid!) and and 1 good trip. Arohy udnnn, dual nd rqnnt. which II. hiya: day. Iuoonniud lot &' ._.. I Du! Dru I31 `_I. IIIWVIIXI UXC|lvU' m_og. Deputies of I11 shade: of puljlicnl opinioil wiilod an Grovy to-night and had bin to out-ldok the incident, but it in upochd his ruignnion will bo alm- od tonormw. Puunuruu, April l.-TIu mun gr- nubd lure in ovidontly not Rococo. Ponarl Conn, Wodnudny.-J|uu , llelouglliny tho I4 who [ins tho poliu . dirk; nldolovuch Mn, ronulddl fnluydlordny, III Ilutl .10. and do ahlgl I. -- nn In. `I Jana W- Hindi` onluu II ucunw urwy at III IIIIIO line and naive anti-nu J itnauu for the info:-nntiun of Plrlinnont sad the ouuntry. wornor ny annual oonpoInu'om- niuionon sppomhd for that purpoq Thu: nuuultnoouuly with animating the eolutrudinn 0! no niiiuy, mp should In him by the Govurnaom to obtain an no-unto nrvoyol the who]. Inn and nclnn hti-All J in -an In! TIIIWI I III In` ITUVIIX 0' III. LI ). minmn, tho Gas-orannnt Ihonld font. wilh duumnu tho urniul poimnd tlu hm. sad at not planted with the con- -trutionol the ruluy Ind :50 manr woman! 1:! Han Dnrnrlnnnnl nl Puhl. IIl'I(K|$(l' "II IIIIII If`? IIC I cutout oi tho De I 0! Public othorby slit: 0! ooupoIn|(`om- -i-inner! Auualnhd for tint nu:-nag. Puluc Belem. lImuo.-A lqllu ....H.`--I 1Lg.I.Il.I..L..I E...) .m F mam guru in uucuun Ina Iulnurlly lo ludn. That Inch nncnnn ll anlculuod in minimal ogpiul Ilfl uid emblo the Railway Cum uy In use it for tho purpoul ui iluicllrtupon mun. ruuin mom; for the payment of trlnuh tho unit may be hold. I be plow-lgod, loading to future unbnrulmom Ind to chanpl 0! [rod ftith |`linll tho Govornnent ui tho Dullilwu. That in Kim opunun of thin House. the ilunodlsta adoption of the chrur `muted u8ir Hugh Allnn nd onion. moo rating than nun Cundiu Pnciliurmiluy Cunpany, in not onntinl to the ouoou Ilu] mil 0' till [flu undulating to which the hit}: oi the Dominion in winnin- ly plodgod. TIMI. with a uowtotlo only commonoouunt of the Cu:-lina Puric Railway. udin oniorlo hop faith with British Colulilin, and bonny out the uondiuann U u u that union uf tint P1-oviaioo with uudg, and to inuurn the curtain had only unit! nilny of Llltho Provinou ollho . minmn. oturnllcnl. Ihm fm-L Dy- my. r ' 6AW . ` j ..- _ ' BXNATORHACPIIER-SON-'8 REOLKL !'l'Ie` Ills!` LII! NI I fth! , Tl().\'S. . ` by II`. `III e)`. 1 ` I J 1 Suullor gun notico ll u Souhonlloudnylhntho would o|Fd- liq nut non thy following nooluonn : H `lint Inn. .n.o.n. Qr. Va; ...- -M ` an In oftle-;l_! Au :1 I I` I `. CI Cl 2- vj VII . opportunity of murr I scan: muons:-u un- no I In E $35? I Honlantshalhh inglhllhhhhn Hloir IuI,|nl In-Ooh manila `nu unit wmllnni I.lQUUll!' `which will huuldutlu ron|.|...).. any has in_Bo( hy.u hind. go ` n-nu A_._ Q--L __n 4, I A . puns:-1-Inna: puuuu no In Iononl. AA htadnoopn the Nowuongm. as nine new lurch d FRESH IlPUl. l`- .'ED nnocillllll. Wllllnnd Llqvums .which honld Itlu nunm. bunting` in J. HALucAu's, Anchor Bus`-ldiny. nial! qucrr. f.E`.V|Ut' `PU H18 IHZIOVAL IN * Mu non, m the Sun Illely scu- 4p!'0d`:7 W. R. Ho-NAB & 00., I llodurv , non Ton pmnt will In u||owod,emn admin; on Hazard-y. tho an ion. on all pumhu-I nude puvhlu to hit Ionwvd. An lailhnulnnnmun uh. \`. M....._xn. ~ Jun... " In Plcton, on Jill!/Much, Mr. Geonn ` I-iruulu. npd 7l'~-unI If Cumin": uld ' -cnwhning bun born in l"rodor|ch- II 5.... in non. lwi lptil 2.: iv`- 37! "l"l"'I""'- \ Pun, April l.--Tho Spuiah Vice Couul h_u boon charpd with onboulr mm or public funds, and has baa an in cuudytopnin. The Anionhly lull |non1ioboinglu up day: tho Lyon Munidpulily Bill. Din-union to-day cloud withnnnarksbluoqno. Inroynr, , I Ruliod, dolariholl tho oommithfl ro- port.` which woocnpsniod the hill on trum- pory. Marquis Do Grnunont bitkrly l'I~ mud. and Iocuud tho deputy of lmportinnnoo. Plliidlut Gravy called the Huquin to order, but the Illtcr zo- fund to lltnot his language. Member: of tho right, onlgcruod at the call to or- dor, thrnhuod to quit the Chamber. Pnlidont. Griry nude 5 diunind npooch, ` in which he intinnlod he should ruip, ma doolnud u sitting andod. Th. 1 Houn broh nufd the inhnloltoxcitt ,,.2,, 1 ,5: ,1, 1.- .1 _, I .,,| GROCERIFJS, Wines & Liquors & ca. AI. Murulo, on lha lblh March, law (is. rib oi Mr T F. Vnnluvon, sued 2:4 nan. `In IIIVIHE D` burgh in 17% . Sn Zn. on Ila clan kiln Ihin nnnnrlnnhw nl-4.... Irn than `Jud Lpnl. by the .Rer. (5. I1 At the ruidaueo of the bride`: fnhur, Mr. Eduun Mama, to Mlry, dun Inc: of Jame: Lmlun, Esq, all u! t 1: city. At Gnmno-gun. on tho fllu Mach. Irifn of Mr (`hula P. Brm-tn, -I dnughtnr. null horn ` ' In H; uanln ; :1 Lu Hg xuuo rm-ndor Butter 32 to 43. Ghana 1'. la l`utrnIuum-orndo 9} ; ranod I505. Ivennrn ; (ll am no In IL:-ro , UU l0DD| than do. 461 to 40 black unto Pork rm at 16, 2} to $15.67 new man Lord quiet ; slightly in buyer: fnmr nt 5 to 9} utuun 9 tul kuulo rend"-ed Hmmr 3-) 1. Al Uh... 1-) n.. 1" 10,1.-ru nuln ll uu W on new nuxod Walt- ; 6614: CW} old do aoat. 6.5 to 64 III non. Harley qmol and study ; mmapu 4.000 bluhell. Out: quick. and steady ,- recvupla 3,009 bub ; ulna 34.000 hush It 49 to 60} new mixed weugm bl old do ltnro 50 I056 ulnnndn 0.1.0 hhml. .n..o. I.I,...|.. -(W""`D3Ilpa"HuuJ`u-cnllaino.) |,w I0 1.3.4 umber western; 1,100 to 2,25 white -mo and Irulern I-(ye un- chsngod. Corn dull Ir1'I.hout doculod : Vroouipu 13,000 bush; sales 46,000 hunh ml 115 to 65 mind nrn li In an nld (L. ....a 1:: on an A.uw um: umlc a 6.20 Iupor unto and venom, Rye uur Imudy. Wheat nerdy and llmimd demnnul; uloo 7,000 bunh. It L59 to 1,69 No. L npringin non: Lnd Illuat; 1,75 to 1.80 No. 1 do` I 70 In I R`.'l uintnr u-..l -...o...-.. . new `lorl. Gold HQ. (Iouon um] study; l'OGI:ipi.l I 7.000 bbl: 3:13.15 6,2 -nun. la.-- oI..... Mnntreml. April 2. Fluurwrerelpu N00 bhla ; in store on the ht, 68.280 bblu against 84.965 bbln at ` use time hunt you. Mu-kn dull and heavy, and nu daunnd uapt. for unlu- dinu local wants. When in star. on the III, 1157.187 Lunh, ugxinnt I65,-I60 bulh It nuno time In: Ieuun. Mark numiml in thu nblenuo of trnnuceiunu, Provision marks! rm but qum, nth little busi- nus to note. hhec--F'ota 1u|cl'u.nged in -pricu, but lluoh botlor demand , purl: nomnnd. llIVII[ Toronwo rur homo on sun:-my, Ila`. Sponhr Currie llcod his reli nation in (ho had: ol tho rcnior. We lion the min ruun {or Mr. Currie tsking thin Itop In tho imprelaion the he could more oocunlly serve the Guvornmotut and his party if relies-ad from the ro In-tint: the maitinn of Spgqkor jmpuud upon him. he Itory got up la 1:: Up- nition urgnn was A pure fa riuntiun. he rnlntnonu of Mr. (-'urrio with the (im- omnoolst have been. nml nro. IJOII -:--rdu]. --l;'l . PILJ!nntral Luv.- [ A.Il1'!:'InIIuIPA-Mr` John Htlligun, I grocnr who in: duernd the woven with which his otforta to plan tho publtc hue boon sllendod. is wan to take into pnrtnonhip, hi: active uninunt, Mr. l"u-roll. and 11:0 to open I Inge mm in ' McR.u`n nld utnnd,Brock Itrut, I popu- Inr unnd. For I month the old noel: will be dupoaod of at reduced prices, In mah way ior new cash pumhuun` which ban by utforod low. . ___.._>.,_ __ *`--O1-o-.-._.. Tu mrruuo 8rnnun1r.-Boforo luviq Toronto for home Sctunhy. Snotkar Currie nlncod his rnnimutian :--:->0 Cuunun Puuw Ruuuv Can-In. -Wo Inn to suknowlodge the rooopliol of 3 copy of tho Chartar of tho Clmdinn Pacidlhilwny with paper: and curmu- pondoo, publilhod by oricr M Pnrlir I1-Inn! -uJ-In-nu -n I I,--r. A clork in the Cohlu Dopnrtmont, nlmod .111. G. C. Thumpun, colnmithd ` Iuiciio the other night by shooting hin- ulf with Colt`: ronlvor. It npponrl `In In: bun laboring undo: nontd darungr ment for. some tune put. Buqlrll, April I-.-,-0u-lioh in Spin no nuiriug npplicqo! um and unnu- nilion `Ind ptovililnl in vuinu up, in mostly bytes. 1 ill] If [our hun- dzul Guilt, no-Iiud in lhnrn lut wool, Iolunquiid Ilno II Iobn A1;-rrlilgprt vvm nwrl unw. . ('l'rqIA.,Apl'iD'2. --1'IoSpCl`hOI III clnir mi 390 yum-dny. Bonn! pditinl =p'nying for n prohibitory liquor luv will pnunhd. Mr. Huckouinnlno pulolltw od 1 potilion froi: the inhnbllanu of the din of l'oux-boio, pl-lying for the ropul of the Insolvency Act` Report}: of the gtnonl on-milluo on oloction, Also the oonmittu on nundinfordon worn brought in. Several bill: worn introduced. afar which hon. 11:. Tilly ; dolmnd the cm- tomnry speech, rnluinto the iinsncial tatnmcnt. Mu: the discuuiop on u- rioun item: of upcndituru the House adjourned II 11,25. lnlahlr in 05.. (`J-.--. nu...-A...`...o Elfllll HUI SME '.sp,n'.:jm o....$.a.._L.-as (`hr-;-. A-.-' 0 ,,'Hmn Muntrenl. A an] 2. Bunk of Montreal, 190, I810 , I39). Morohnnti Bank, 119]. mu}, H51}. Bunk of Commarvo. 123. 127;. `.. 7|. Ununo Bunk, lllbf, 104}. Bank 0! Turumu, 20!, `.`l'|.-'>. Royal Cundisn Bunk. l03, 102$. (`Hy Bank, 92!]. 9'2], 93}. MontmnlTeleg:-uph, 188g, I80 DUI! N0 THIS IIONTH New Yuri: . ril 2~2 p.m. L. 19. Ftnur um uanmb. mm. 1 -n oh- Montreal. April 2. -`(X3 bhll : fn ntnm n lllIl.I'II"IIlZl$'IlIIUIuuu.-an-, who VIII tliuotcjt Cnrlil Cognit- un Inn, allhd the Inn! ntlnritim. who Ind orlcn lot bk unit, and dual Into Spain on Saturday Ian. A lnthllm cl Punch hoop: Inn: this dityh-manor for xhofrontiw. It in nportd thunll Uunton House: of the huntior, nupl tlut It Iran, Inn boon occupied by `Our- |i'nh,_ who no lortifjing than. u'...'.... A....'I 1 ,_'rl`.. nn... :1 Rant: -u. .1 run z~z p m. | 19 . quilt I l0,l)00 bhls ; Illl 3,20 and Ir Itoadv. \Vh.m Muntrenlv. Anr 2. {L 190. I810 _ IHIH I .` uun QIIEIJI-L my in amount: . J mhfrllhlnthpublicglunlig Ieblnd tho od-rill and Instant: thl hhlp III-of ssion villeoutlllll svko In I I I in on In-d uo um mums or ` an--up-p I XII VF`! not to fnuthonuae :1 ; iiiufmne ygsraunnur :7 non: rnmo nciorg lift: Bale to&oTndI,Iltho Toronto Ilour Store, A". ..-F?FP 3-I mu, IIO an vorurym; Inna. um... April 1.-'rh Guru of sum Crul Ill lurpriud ycltnhy, and ur- Iovly uoopdanptun. aunt of his mun won aha ptiaoun. Agitation in Bnmlqn in III.-titling. No hi-tin out- rlch wp-tnhi `I1.-nun Anvil I rnnhlu `VIE jnurrnn, BUTTER` -a-u vita`: vnl of I" donoriptmun now upunod IRISH OANDIBI and OONPIOTIONIBY. nl` gll J...n.....n. .. - n.._ ,____.l ocoa Nuts, I. IOIIJIOI. upon 2, ma. ulnlu uolal on Iron KINGHTON. uus 'KABIl.uJ. up Qo V In In Mud: nu! tbs Duhlie LL. Ury lnoul Ind l lrux-tlaal .\hU.'HI.\`h'I', .-n :1 p. !hnutnuuJ|l';lmou' .:l., x.-Nanmi ' A I 0 [II HM this Oman. April 1, ms TE LEAGR_A'P H I d 1 (uncut; tho Medical Hall.) Apn'I 2,1873. Inventor, Mechunimannfactmer `[ Builder. lnginoer. Chemist. [ Partner. Merchant. = should I! once mend hill nlmo and Idllronn w|l.hN..'>U turonn gear : nuhscripuon to th- [Banadian Palnt ume' Hecmd; 35 menus (I079 mun! nmrtn `.1 mln TITLIVTIHIP, ln?` D!""'IU "HI D0 can-riod on at the Uld Stand. under uh-` name of A. CHUWN c! (`U., Ind I now out of banks having been opvned. All puma 3 indebted to A. Chown In rwrouni nr nntr ` are rnquou-ted In IE1 Ind -make ilunmiialt` neulemnnt ofthe aumn. A mm I'D mu mm L April 2, ld'l:L v vrnln raw. Don't forget the place, , _]GN OF T CRUSH K`Ul SAW, nan duor lo Messrs. Chown cl. Cunningham. A. CIIUWN J` ((1, . r|___... r AVINO taken my h'un,.l. H.CHll'W.\`. inln Plrtnvrnhip, the bllsim-nu WI be cn-riad on at UM Hbmd unrln uh.` [var nuuvzu ; -- I HE Subscribers knulvngrntpro-d into rt- nersllip in the HARDWARE Bea]-\ NESH,w1ll continua thv busimu It the Uld Stand, Hngnl Street, wha-rv the-fr hupv lvv alnct attention and 1.4 kW l'Hlf'E.\` to merit II llhlrv nf u|:Lu' pmrunagv nu rvr_\ lxlwrally bealuwu on the house nu many yunrs put. A4. nu`. r....a..o H... ..I.,,... cum nl:` TIIIIILI CALAIITY. 'ounau um unions` vuaul (`with Ind without frnzues`) At the old Stand, Bagol Street. (EsTA1u.,.~'HEn law a April 1, Conllmnrlng Saturcluy Ev`n.. AL I` .30 xfclovk, follsi.-lllig or I Pictures, _ Jewellery &c., MECHANICS MAGAZINE IO llll l]l|'l|ID(Tt` DF.CURA'l`ll)NS. April 2. I873. -` w Wuum (`All I in] ulle-Minn in grams mnguicenl. fi()L PAPER nnd DF.U(lRA'l`l|)NS. Further 1. vnvwn. April 1.1373. SALESMJLWANTED. lll5Tr('LA5S-EIESMAN | Dr! {`....:l- and f'|..|l...... lPaint Shop 8 Room Paper Depot. HOUSE, SIGN md WLVDUW SIHDE PAINTING, Glazing. Pnp:r Hanging &c.. done in me but style And moan reuomble mum. > ` AUG-1-Iona` noomu.` BR()('K S'l'Rl-IE1`. ~ ` 9 Can: ofuh Hominy. 27 Soul Primo Fnclory CHINE, me am. run: an. 1 ofltliak. Piinch. Aniiricnn {Id Cumdizn I M ufInIn.Golds,\'olveh,l'lu n, ordmlmmiuuon of Ibr- bioa mud Wu och, Sm ute, Wmdovr Slndea. Do- contiom of on-1-y doncripliou will ' be sold It the- lunpt-I!" rue `W .R9B.INs0N-l 1 Rob M PAPER] no Ln7I.'_sLoa1' 2 Apm-1'12, 107.1 rum: 1 LA-`Sh HAIAHMAN Dry (`noda and Clullnug. dun .\h\L'H[.\`h'l'. nonuuv. nonmw. AT vm. aosnusmrs EXTENSIVE SALE New Patterns, IILQ wuonssxnn up RETAIL. EVERY (`Ml of Ragpql S!rri!_) . jnslpf , ma. A LARGE ARRIVAL `O1-' IIurcuEsou's Nf Ht T17: `e 1. AI Chap In an (Wlulpnsl. an nugrannf. Lithographs and Colored Plates. _:.\ , ,. 1-, Mc.\'Al'Ull'l'()N &I Cor. King and him- 7!. Coca. Nuts. BY AUCT[U.\', Thopuundhuruhhdlgnnltu. ad hthnndhouludlr. Hniqun, Ihdhhuu quit uouhlhov-nfu-:.hu -quryumla-Mun-u-nurse, oyuqduonihnhit inychnm Wouulntllldtb nova-n-mung-Iouoiunhoocu.` `ma. E. Ini'.*BAnA1:s, Montreal c n _ J. E. HITCH ESUN. ..,.n.,\..n.-A III'Ul. A RTII L` R FIIUWN. Enwfumuumu "Arch 1!. IHTIL Ni} STUCK. I nu--nnnn M. Prices that defy Oompetitiom ,`JusT RECEIVEI5 ..-.-w-vs ,` .t$'3&'155ii'ii$'11y, I"r1-lh Runutl-d lml (iruund on the prunia I. T , _ C, T `C s'1'AR' Gncnnii; r1ur STREET. x;...;mn, Iarrh :9, ma. ` LUT Ul" 'l`.U(| l['l.lNS,nn<| An Ann! .ml Vn--. Bellows and Forge-, com- plans. vruh 4-lnmuay H] H hot, ' \I \l.\l`N.lMAl?A am am; mm.uur.u.v nu - n r..\ I ` by the Imrh-r nu mod-rme tormn. ` Apply in Hm Iu1'1.~u Winn (Dunn. Muir]: `.58. IHTLS "VI". '.`.;'` .F` AT R._ TOWNS, UIL-\.\'(':\', LEDIIVNN. I)Al`E-`L \P- PLES, l Ul' CIDILN lIAl.Lh by lhe lrgncl. U901! frimh my yly oi S}'.'1.'17.E TEN and MINLIL-\L WA'|'l-IR. |0I'H'l`l2R.s', h'l`Il'('l and XXX | 0)`.-t4'l !I. fJUs'r' RECEIVED, On Tlnursdny. the lh Install. Iw Iw w`l' pony. Thhnnlllothdtyvolh niInuninlhpqIHinI.Id.$u- qt-ally. thupaIlhgolunIyIldHtul' DL-an-&Jdh-nn-nnlikmngg )ERANq _t_:pmEnf. BIRD BATHB. GRAVEL PAPER for bottom! of Gages, &c., &c. I Ilnrdwnre ange, l RlN(`E.\`s .~"l`HEI-Tr, . - . Km, Aprill, ms. 1 , L.I. uwrmmnu IIUUEE in Sfmfguu. ville, `With nr wighout furnium. Faun.- mn gran N any fun-.. A [jg ' _ bu-nude lo Mn. John n3f,.1;.':':.",";,-I ` prmuinu. or to - JAE. H. METPAI n.- pm t:%%['A*iiJIi#i\iitI.". A mu ASSnRI".\I-ENT or Ha11`dson1c Blrd (`ages HOREY April I, ORA .N GES, I.` I.`l|\' l.'l Aplil 1,1313. `U90 8 frrmh >l_v h'l'.'L17.EN WA- TLR MINI`. L MLonorg_fon mas; HI-HLI. 51513350.`; `nu [RENT I. .. I|x1.\ ..........,.. .... mnzl-...u. 9.... l ipri! 1, IBM. ..--Dun . l"lUlT AND UY.*lI'l-Ill DEl"U'|`_ CIT! IIALL, n In-ha of thu l|RllA,`vi Fl'N|) 3f [1 QUEEN S'|'RHl'I'|' W.M. UH]VRC_ ".a`~ I`--..nn.mn.. April 1, ~"l` iU-l(`|:Il\'EU :- nI-'-urn -;-'q u vvvl u libnnlily in the Inter it will nun than Wouuquibulid |IIltlId- than will liprdbvunhly ID 1hn0iyCound| dull Id lilo union the Conpny. An Aida-In Bouu `usuddminglhodoiauntlonbjcos, "thoeitynonldIotIhldtoAIluiIorI- ` `IIOVIIOIHIOPIIVICII. tints,` bopchuthconpnnywlhnqinu libonl spirit bythcuyanlion. Th unch'nIdthIoIva-hiHctIhpur- puoolnudnqlhonquiinuhdth npidlyilarnn bdna discon- 'l'L. Luula n..n...n....u L. I I I72 Prlnreu Hlreel. Lxnraz ma u7Fu;zrAaLn son ' L DWELLING IIOUHI Williluu. G, with furniture. IM-... (SING LE AND lk|I'Bl.E.) A l.AR(H-I HUPl`l.'I' OF A I W: H 01. hwsl . (`muxnr w'u.L an (`uvu To? Sail}? .53` ITYLH-1 -u II. l.mr.~. Ayphg` xowun. n.g.1;.'":, :.",".,{ .or JAE. H. METC 1.1878. `LEE u Iurvuunwun --I vvlv VII \.ICfI- I` ':h.o.-.p..y nypnuqluanu, hho upoldod in the indie: at addition! building: `I'M qunnion. thorium, to ho doeidod in simply this: An tho Dun- puny : u|.IOl'I35CIO `to ho out-hid in Kingston! It will in httlo Oollil M cunt, year no. land, nodding to Mr. Ratio`: nuuuont. In putty In-It I anon; oon to luv: the Onpo can MI W M [O h jj Kg-, u.-u \r .--- nu uu. -.. King Street, Huh! Square. '1 in--ua \'El{Y FIN}-I . l!nKu_\'prr'u Orton (Jin. H-nuluIuau'n Had Gin. I1--nn~pa_\' Brandy. h...v....... Ila L.-- -nun -mm` \`r'l\'lI\.l I. I"! will almrlly I. pubfiahenl. L Riv.` $1 .:\(`NvAMARA. Brook Street. -lou>n~d Japan Tn. l|llIl'l'l Ping Hue-_v KINGSTON. UIIVIII IIIIIII Iluuuvl IUVWITW worhlonudthuu It bnut, Ln- onr. that if Kingilon Cbfhfl W libonlilv hula-in will an-an ` ll Im- Tho louor rocoivod by tho Mayor. and road A: Month] owning : ouoion of do Cuty Council. {mm It. Roolio, ol Hm`. end; Pro-idonc o! tho Conndiu Elgino and Muhiuory Colupony, io dooonilg of tho uuooot oonoidontioo of tho Council ond tho cllisom goonlly. Hr. ookio - otoloo that Ilonlrool lo olding liboul In- duoomonlo for tho oroeliol on A lo:-go" Ioolo of work: which would ouhilo All bronehou I ougino building In! no- chinory." Ho polnu out (hot in ordor toincnooo thooopooityol though it ` Kmguton to tho onont Ihioh Irolldooo ` thou in tho position 0! o rwolon od.ob ` liolmont, md to also o n: rink IIOI[II ` ongino And at building won-to on Ibo non- tinonl, it in ooti-nod will voqoivo on out- loy ol INILOII) ."' Io llll 50 on- uol dioboroonolto of tho Ccnpuy io Kinptnn at 1150411), and NI`! pnporly oonclndollhol thodlinou Ihullhh o doop lnlonool. in Ibo ortoldu of pony`: promiooo Tho lotto: by akin; for inlornotlon on to violin it in tho ink-nuonnl tho City Connlil to aid oh- IL-._..r..-u I... ._-o;.. 1...... 5. L- :1 `I111 u.II $1 IIJIUIFU Elli ` npo:k for thuuolvu. Tho oouunption of intoxicating liquor! in cnonnoum Witt An immonno amount of Iuctingndorino don this nix huadnd million: 0! dollar: to- prcnnt! No words: nlndnlarp and most mpoctabh portiuol the community duunding a prohibitory hi to mount tho manufacture and H10 0! illoxiating liquorl. It in ntiuatod that in 1872 3100.000.- 000 were spent for brand, mo,ooo,ooo for tobacco, md 600,0(I),0ll) [or intoxi- cating liquors. " 5 5 ll 9).... --- -- ..-_..a al.-- ` A Inch noodod olnngo in shout to tobo plooo on English Roilvqy lino. It. Pullznn, tho own! of tho luurint po- looo can, no jut rolurnod from Eng- lond, who:-o ho nuoooodod in bringing too Iuooouful torminuiol nogotiotiooo fur tho plain; of tho Pollnon not on tho Midland Railway. Horotoloro tho Bri- tish tnvclung public hovo lnowooodninu of tho luxuryofl-ho olooping 13:. Now ` tho: it inbout to In inu-oduood, honor, I out whon in comfort and odvontogoo lion 1 boon tootod, than con ho litllo doubt it will como into gononl uoo bolero any 4 The ri;.no.'iimm, Eon. u.; 'rau:;. undo his Final"-I1 Ethan! hut night in the Hanna 0! Con-nu. ... .. _. .,.... .. ..... ...... -... ._.-_. ad I" morning with pooplo and friondl of puungon on tho ill-fund Iutnliip. All nxiouly cnquiring for Inn! of tho survivors. Iuforlmtiol nought not yo! bun nooivd fl-bu tho Unied Status and in tho nnnlrhih a (ling 0! not poin- ful nnxioty pnuill. j_.._:. Upifor pqr Urban Dion. WEDNESDAY EVENT}. APRIL 2, T IIITII F391 I ' III`. ' 1.xvnroo1.,`ApI-il 9, 1:3 p.I.--CI.'MuII quill. Upland: 9] to 9). Orlllnl 9} to 9;. nuumun qua. nu IIL Lad W V . In uni Iuiun ul uwuu. -ulnulillv Q I'Fu|' ing. The loan of Mo amid Ihonby cmud profound unution in thin city nndu Livu-pool. Th diiht 5 din uninrnl topic 01 tnlninlitn. The 0 ouolthongnuin bdhdtiuvutcthnlr ...I .II _..._.'...- _:AL __._I_ -_.l` l`_:._J- .1 Iondbi, April 2, 1:3 p.I--RAh for soup at Itook uohugo on govulpolt ucuriliu ' V for Gun Bank 9! lqglud rub by on. ` pt out. Could: I] to 93}. Bcolp, 06': old, 94} I7`: 93}, ba- forticqfg at hail ; lnl}. Ro- am polmlulln us to 15}. Llvnnrnal. `Anvil `J `I >2 n - _l`.nlIan Nut Yoll, April 2.--`flan i no copy ofthliatol IrIoldn88.MluI- Em um any, apniuxpuua daily In _..'I A-.-.126-.-u..| 11.. o.-i|.I- Il I-I-I II`; IJIVIUIWL ICU `KIIIIU. dinlwr in the only topiu this honing. Lonol, April l.-Th unusual A. Hu. -1.]: Al oh- RB A51.-H. In .--`ll uuuvv-, -lpup ---n- I lofthowno|`.oHho88. Athlthhlpptll in. I"Im I... an! III. ---.I |In_-J\- 'I.Fi. n..-.'...i .'m.`.ui1 ma... H4` with the prospect cl.-luau min dam. ! below that, (or they tun lot I ::.'.'..'"....*%':`:;,-:.'.::.:""*....,..*"'.::r:' ll! um a nu &u'a'aupu.u'on":m.' h 0: ill z...'r...::';. ::.." ~ 1.$'1'!f..'.".'~i'2::'..':.".2:.a. ......n..""-"" 71% 1... .d th ' lull an J. Trtwunhnnonl lid 1 a.I. {or the cone. Botlu'I[hrk'li1l ntun. VERY L_.__A_TE8T. --up. nu`-nu-. ',' It then Guru us col-rut they Inn]: for Hm-Q-Iu- "11- an--nu-|nl:A- ur. and III no up: nun up no undnigh I thy Ion uliuul by the chic! bani allow. At that tint thy jnd thank Scuba I M than in ' I . c ' hviq lulu chirp, I-U IIUII UI ICU Nut in .1` AL- l.`.L .1` ...._ .1 AL. (I All--_ I'M but of the Anlnlc. fun. `Fun. l_-.'l 1) GIL... :- -u. - CH1-IVVIFF-" '- 'f"' "' an -i-III-1 mi? ' I an-any-.u-Ir; uuvut-nun- buUgIniIhIiI1;_ii In a 4.1:. ml...` n_..n"-.1`-i|.-_...r rd vcwxju '11 W r, ma u-u-null-m-numnaayuul IlJ$-LJl`.L...a-.-I A-II -.n -..n A- ,,llIclIlI.uul-3l.'1.-Tl'uuIni|jt.ho prinnnlolaqhla. who Iunnuud cc-odqyu` noun-pa. uhnnloq -1-_nb.-I-ii-ghhuogul la :00 dgynjiuuuuuuahy poliauuunonou n-Aha...-.-A-.. on-3.3 A...nL._... LIFO `OI 0|! llulw, -II'll '5 ["3 Nu: ork.nd touched It Quouuuurn tho nut day t_a I-active Inn]: and puurv :......'"` '::.'.'......"""' at. ::.;'..1." *; u I gun-nl nouhandiu, and I wry :- nullbgrofpnolnprg Hr. Brad]: and not win the pnuno numbu. 9: ho though mndr tho nteonp 5 an on n. on, vuth her now. would lulu a total unm- bor of not has than 1.0!!) Ioull. the In oummuulkzi lhny Usp::nmu Agnew W|l- ` I . cg rut Ill uporionood 51:!-:othi 'l 0ll'l-:7 `h:O`I`hl|wllITIdbll.l:IlI . Ila . I . I a tank `n; ` -Imr|t. . William: noolvod to put into Hnlitu ru:'b.I.I:pl. Tho Capuinmd' Ilr. Ind]! do night lunch to I mninidnt. CL: lb! III-l nlinvid In (In 4 --un-av ,-1 w- cut? link all hbbuuI'IhIitI|n|Ibd.hu|bdo'lih , ` G l:.*.z':% ~ ....*-em'.== .._* I. -I :---:'-u' in -vuup uvvu. nuvvll .h:dniatIfIy|nnhpnnn Jun 1-uppuncu`; .w-not nllbuuqiui. ' Is...-anunuuutpge-gas.-m - uutaua an daqnaahlnn Halifu ` an Ioflinj. pnhlinhdjl enl- uu. 11..'.u-u Albnlic, pith aw ytvvujiv I1V,lPII but wyngo Moi Liv:-poorto how York. and o uahgvlnlymlun-mh or Huh`- lu ll uidnigln, uni Inn: clown. Sana Lnundnndngllu `-.-ALa-.l av, -nun-nnuu unuu uuuuu Iv: no In: uu Iv- &IuIrbi lb plhldnu,-u anal .I.a_..l 4.. L. . J...-....- ..L.`..; .1 j"CJjCiI|'UjfjI dnild to In 1 donning object 0! ohplq. Inc an umoc [tuna an IoHbqnol0tInvo. nr--uv-n n--v --u .-Uluvv u-vv uuuvn-.u uwu II by `In ouvlld Ilulo on the stud. In Kiqnbl then ha been 5 hurndly dr fwld Iblll on lboltnou. Inching Ln olllibitiol cl I rcpuhivo pair of hmin, but the polioo wthoriuiu, IIIOII nppulod Io, declared that that wnrni hi to n- , n.-_A_`-; A-_ .4-.'_n _ . ...- ...._. you aprinnln Duuurn. --'I'hny have an India no III in ()y.I.uv| thou hand: ma no do` formed tht the polioo hue onlorml Mr A. h..- nL.- _.--.1 -|..l. _. sh- .o...| Tlun hum Tun.---W0 would all Ittontion to tho Tndo Salt of new Ton at th atom: of Mean Bur.-Iumn, India I Co.` 04 Imsul on Friday nut. In CHIC! blnuu ion :0- IOIII ock cl (metrics, union and llquon `Our lnorchnau will nd thin Ill sdunlm nrulnll IIIII '(.II'I DWI, Illll IHIIKI Iwf` Ian. Altar an aunt: of the not-mug in In. u night In expound. in nu nondi- uonto tall. Nnonhoicu. ho cheerfully muted tenant Lh reporter`: qua- tlom, And [In such information an In could. The Auntie, lit. Bndloy said, M! Lin nool on Tlaundq, In-ch Nth fur Nu! ork.nd Ounuuwwn -1"-`V -I-IUIJI I"UI-I vrivuu -Iv u-n pacing away. Let u hupo that the Inn- orhnol the IUNIII-Ii non: nd it no- eumry to blmu Cu-min for ny crlol without at dhhnornblo dealing with ll Lbcrihl U! .3110 collnh-y, who In time: u! lmubio prowl their nthchnul. 19. Ill pninrna in British rule on um (imipot. ; ' ..., .....7 -., ....,,... W. ...-4 .- nI hodJx`lo'tuy till: I lnliu tribu of Lbs country gulot be our-ounnaud. Th unnoounu-ily unto tnunnnt of tho _ o Ofnlncutonhc United - ' thohihn I6 envy out ch provinionl of Iranian entered into Ihould ho njntlipg to gut Gunrn-ant concert in; `bid: rndm policy. `nu. timn nu oono when tho rod nun null only bu Iihau Inna-menu mun no in: l-n -. |...... oI...o IL- |..'- not dealt lilllilb dough with the In- dians, In might supplement the trout] of our own motion. but not in oonuquuol of any duund on their part. " ;l'hc.' fine; 0` dcglgng fairly mud in .d Ioqt dd. 6L-I I-Jig- orihu ' ' run :51-.1, }..*. ;:.:r.r..-..;.......`:` .1` 5L- .....o.o._ ....._.u L. -- : .--v u- we-----....1- hot kept leitla with the Indian end '. ineinted um. wine ma liberal policy In - the only mum of edverting Lluenhled diicultiel. Sir Jullll A. ulcduneld law nq oyjeibn to e II.-nnmiuuon to enquire lnlo `the Iubjeet end to the production of the paper! ueved lor. He contended, v Iowdvn, the! beaune the Indium be~ ` dune duutulied with I l_rnI_y After it , V lud been ruied, that we: no neaon why itrlhould he IUI aide` He believed tlu 0-tailed -ii-lydmuln , demands of the lmliem lor Ill liueto oene would not give them nmlwtion. It 4 up the duty of the Government to (rent all neewutble ddlnnde, end to carry out faithfully ell pledge: mule. Mr. Mecha- lie stated thl he agreed with Sir John n- . [ending the importance of carrying an! the prvvieionn of ousting trance. lt ` wan, he contended, of the greatest i pornnee the! e treely elreedy made Iheuld be enforced. If we luund the! we Ind . I ,1. u-.,_ x U-U-U --u vi uvvuuunu ulvuunulv uuu: ' tho right: of tho India; Whhthon. ` up Mr. Sclllltl. Au II pnpu-ad to [in them {or Lhair hunting grounds! The truth: of 183'! IN not ntuhctory. and Iunro bound to protect tho lndinnn. AI unwiu policy, In pointed out. "would now nil: of onrlutin; unity," but 1 win policy. tho othor hncl, vonl(,`p_c.|h frionhhip. Mr. Cunn'II`ghII' nlirrbtf to award mun: for the present dinutinod condition of the Indium, onc of which In the tran- nition from British to Cnnndin rule, viii lly pluldnotvdl Indnnhnd. Hhdnhldlll Inftlb Goitnlinnthnd ......... .......... ..... .. ,,...... ..,..... ...- lag! the pgaoolul diupocitioa of the lndiunin thoiyut. The gradul open- ing of out vunorritory in thoNonh- wnnl -d -J ngnnn-`tn inhgnl-pg -.'lL -3- J Iona: 06-`-Inn Kondny, Ir. Bollulu $503 for ooph of all un-- ' rllpondna Inn Indian und othl-I in the Hovinno ol_ Hnitobd Ii the Gov- cxunc an Ib~niy`ouI cl tion pnniling ulna; the kids. had -on Indu truud with in Ino- tu ma - tho `uijwllt mm:-in In tho -nan I.I'.'l Ilia .L4.A Ra. i_.o_.J.._`__ I.:_ V`9.' ;.`"`W ' "'"""" U ` of In holonblo policy in dulilig with tho tribes. Bo rolornd in tho tarriblo Ihighbr-II lnnuoto in lbyun Sioux Indian, which in tho mull of a branch 0! hill on the pan of the l'nitod Inn. ...-..| Imuu .. .. . -.....;.- o.. -.--.. .--.---, wuss. -u-q u-c Ivlwunw nu - Shun. ind holdit up an: turning to -45. (14-.-.._..o I- n.--..|.4 4.... _....|. ma non wroouu on luqnoru r~ocx,nur P , niloa Inn of Ham, and of 1., null on baud, 750 Iron Ian Nod no an up Iurrihlo muonoouont. cnutad I pro and loalingof horror th_mu tho -oommunilyi Hlvilg uolu that one mnnfnnuwnchd Ihip had nnd in tori, 0 to 1' sum in search at him, and loud in in nu outing house in U r Watt duct. Ho hvod. to bc Hr. ndloy, third uiour o! t 0 Atlsnm, bruinod And l0l'I out, uni dmont upon-h~ normal F _- _. ..,.... -,...._ .. pull. Hbobjodin intluduaingbinl Innh3An -mg Ln.-`id 0... AL. ....._..-_. ..l yuan -rum -w1 IIIUIIHIZW-$ I notion In, hail, lol the purpuo of stating to the Hello tho` condition ol the lldh in tholu-Oh-Wat lid to pave IIAQGIOIIMOIQII d Inloinnl iunpor but to (hand cu-dnl investigation. Ir. Suhnltn, in of oouigggblo Inqtl, and Inny fun connected with tho pit condition of tho India tribal and forcibly "argued in fnvor 0! tin pro- bctinn of Ihnirrightn. Ho oontnnud the ptnoiftl condition o! tho Indian: in will thutof thoon Hanging 1 _|..:.:. _..-~n. _....n REE u-I-4:-nphullatolauz ' uua: . h` ti-oi; ` um u n..- V - _ `tr. IIHI In ro- A III; undao. Ill loll. 1' :.....`_._~. ax. _-__;__. 1 .1. i -nw-u, -nu nu-nu u -.1 3:`. n-nun` I-v `qhmgupg . II Ihgljh Inch Lia should. not bi plum! npur th vi nl Oh; n...\.l..I Ai-.u..in'.... -1 uh- +3 _In yJ n bigot amt : Ilild is gt, 6. . ~ _y In Iuv .-` v inhrtoro * Cilwti iv! 0 tunuurouu pun u-u phoclII-nIil|bohuib-nanv, I&O&inviII|'bIncnI- name -1 lb cuyo-nun -an bhylaa. 'h'||l|iXI.OI|mIIMOU50pI'IIl'-` ...5.5.`pdnp,ugncnhouu1ad- ` dll-Utblhvliahiillnllovul ' Anna: haul. hon uithuuqhu` ugn-ugnlunkromylilpuu-II` gagdq, sh than In on in` ugrmuuua-III. -ill-inn aiohl. Illpthnehluuhpnud A..-:,La-hulxknunnntinninthnl I with . (hon. Holilox, April 2. Tho following io tho Chronicle`: no rt of tho lioootor : It in our` pIinl'ul my thio morning to I-word tho moot torriblo morino dioootor tho: but Ivor oecorrod I; nor coon, tho looo of I (root ouoon noon- Ilup, with Ihout 750 lino. Ydtordoy I!- I-IIIIOII, I ropo hooomo turnout. tint I Icon-or had boo vnoclod Ionowhoro on tho oooot, Ind o o ortwu Iivooluot. Tho ro on Io ono of tho eonordo put Ioot on Ill look` day, Ind littlo It- honlion III paid to it. Boon tho loport booono -oro dolnito, In! tho ovouing po rovonoblotoototothollhooloolnor Atltnc of tho Whilo Scot Lino woo Iota- nra noor Proopoet, Ind Iovol-I! livoo Ind boon loot. Evol in tho public Iron in 1'. o otory x-lined to rord In I ualiclthlo hon. A httlo Iohr, holrovor. it bocomo known tin tho VII Ioll fmmdod, Ild but.I Imollport ol tho truth hul boon told. tho loot boin tin tho Atlantic bod boon wrookod on oohor'o r~ock,noIr Prnonnnl. nil wool. cl Hlliflx. And of 3., quit: I. 'u-- u-.---u-u vu -u-u s-guy. nn rilllnkolhuuuion to the nah Ihpuohuonnnmurolnougruuuuiun. vuu--v -- '-~-u -q ..u.. -v--nu, un "Dunn." and III 0! Inch noollcnt unit u to don tho nthn brilliant uric: n! It.-holutir Iddrouu very hundoomoly. Put. Vdnnluliithh. hi Intlluiou h Qugui, oviduct ol such ulna -- __`II --Im LL ngnu.-inn 6.1 II.` amply. nl Quin`! Cotunn Ln:-vr|1- l'ho clan- ing locum Lu! tuning a! the winur onnru III `inn by Pnl. Wuhan, on nI'\_aA- " ..-J --. -1 -..L A-4-H--A -_...'. Cnnu v. h'|uuuI.-=An action brought by John Cluloy. of Broclvillo, ` spin loan. Shanna sud Withorboo. 0! Port Hoary, H.Y.. ta roaovor duo froighton I corp of iron on ounvoyod by the p|AiItil\ h.r',n!ot tho delondnnt, fun For! Hurry to Eric, Penn. Ir. 600. Club} pmud the plnintif alum. and a ratchet Ill Inland for tho plnimi lnrIl.7G5.l2. Ill . J. 0'R.oil|y, Q.C., for thnpluntil. -u-.--u . u - - my rwuuuuu. nu. Jul. U Hall` I}, Q.C., for llu dolumlnnt. Wnuox. v. Rvrunu:.-Thu an ill io to srhnrntion. Mr. tI`Ro|l|y for plninti. Mr. John Mclntyn for tho ulnfnmlnnl ' Fuul. v. El.I.!0`l'T`-~TIJII wu an ` lion fur dulngu brnirght by Cuptun ' Sunuol Fr-nor, of thin city, nglimt John Elliott. I [up cnntrnctur. residing in . ' I'onLo_ Thu pluinh II the ownur of \ schooner II. W. I-`ulgur, And the defend- ' mt clururod her to cumey A cargo ` ' block atone from tflovolund to Toronto \ for a freight of $960. Tho veuel lrrllld in duo count It Tnmnu, but In detail ; 0d, u did phinta nJloged_ by the do[oml- I mt in morning snd unluadnng lho eargn 1 [arm unnaouurnblo time. The (M-laud '- ml dcniod lm lnbility. And silage-I Ihn tho dab] in not canned by him. but the Captain Ind hll crur. A lug: num- bor of witnouu were uunmod on both sides. and tho an no not nished than | our nport cloud. Mr. Briuon md Mr. Ihchr for tho plaintiff. Mr. Ju. U'Roil~ 1 I I I I I | I Mr nr` 1-. .i.-.n-r-...n-... ` Tu liu-uni Qu-tron.-`ho l oli;n -1.._._:_.- __A A- -l-_ -..J a...L 1.1- ow. Nuonnzfnuu in 1 whiaky run which oc- ` curred in tho Township of Redford Fobmuy. m which one ML-Alister lopd to have been nabbed with a kuifo by tho prinonor. McA|i-tor, burn- or, III not I-oriounly injured, nnd in oonulanoont. A Iago number of loud Inn boon Iummomod on tidal, llld the nu`. if it `no: to trial, will Ian I long line. Mr. J. U`Ro:Ily, Q in manned to defend the priumor; W. Scnklcr, lay, of Brockullo, for 0....-- ..-.-gnu I Cmwn. vuv uvvvujv can now u-I-nun P---1':--. llruck on Xoughnfl Rock, 39 Iilll north ul Hnhfu, And Int down with thojou no pcnom. It hm; shout minim, most of 11; puunpn you in bed! Ire nuuluu Isle this port Ior thuono of tho dinner at 1 o'clock |.n., And nothing man can be lurnod until their return.