us Wv wanna --u L. -uu-. 3--n---.. Wuiljtiblnaaourllilhntngul ii: 1&3. Int! we would Iiketane lCJ@&hl~Q&NiLIbuIlI jhuhjhthhpblina plC!.I'Il'oI'&HtoIiGDhItI.` '15:-nannnneinnunnnwhixahwzjllemkei 1 e'wr_\-Lib-' clnlilqyqllllun-ly'nl}aunl*~ unit lnd. 1&3: nice` UII&C'F"IlU!l~l|"'*'lI-lies. .-J..n- ji j. I}. In-tum-II (`annex auul Sonvuw. -~ ~'l`ln~ I`anaom&iu:r ol nebvo lure -rfuiul nu-I` thmuuount, for u` Sch tho rily \m.~a sunl. fur the !u~r\'icou u! the volun- tn-ns at u..- lahur rink: in .\h|_\' lust. and the lllrll mm mm tuwiving their pay. - '|'lu~ Tumuln ||'url:I ~'.-`\_\`xt itluu mum- to tho klmwlulgn-of the |-Ilia: that Ilia-re arv at llllliihet uf `nun-nut." girhn in um city who am in n-gular qunm-ctiou with lhlc-\`|~s. . _\l I{.J.iI.niI|n n nnunu-n'i.||l Ln|\'t-|- Elm-vuvs. v ~,\_l, !plvil.agj|It_*, an wgunnc-mini trgwa-I` Irr. |snn|Iu$r~' I-I (`I111 1| slntllozi nl Hm \'ir=,:un .\|:1r_\' in :| niclw in Lllv [moo of tiny Eta~run_\'. .\`.w,m-uay river. I.-'Ill| In-t nl-nw tlm low] M Uh: \\'aIAVl`. .\n,-unu-_nt xuLiu~III|-enuum. A ."\ mh~|u clap notice-I his sh nick:-1| and uenrlynlldig-. Ho gnvu the amrvivunc wlnsLr_v. pan, and tlu-_v nvuveronl all - their uuiumliuu and Iltanlth. 1 ......min- nf infurinr Ann-riqmn uni their uuunmuuu and Imusn. A q|u:ntil_\` of ml :-riur Ann-ricaln uni oil was n-cs-ut.l_\' sq-in-lat. .\lurri:'-hluu. and ~`:IlI:plt'.-4 furmmlul tn .\lr. Buulv. l'uIln~Inr of lulansl Rcvouucx In Iixit. Imniilw of the lay. ~ .\ IN-unc.\`|\`anin pulitician who hlnl an-lei;-nl_\' In-cunw \'c~r_\' wealthy meently utwmlul a diunrr party it which them was the usual llet ut beef with mush- mnnn Whil 4-ngngal upon the heel 'lu- \\|Ii.~[n*n* to his neighbor. Do you can. uu.-.~I.LIn-~|-iunluwls. mm?" .._(}m~ml Juhn Meliuualul says an: glgujiug (ioueml (immkn Inst mnu mo up:-u to-IuirIIr_\` of this Rpllhlic Viki la vmnl the I-Impinx. The owrthmvr 01 um u-lnisluw ring. in his pm- min! the I-Lmlnnl. Inc owruunvw tho wlaiskn)` ri '. hm pm- wut.1~.,l the thin term. 1'1... nl um (`Ilia-am) men .\lr. Battle. ` A Iunmr la-su~r'~:I his wife in Win- mnsiu. and she found him in a Colorado bnwu am! ulna-nu! him nut in! um hills. 'l`|u~ xuinch: \wm'su gtuhtly planned with ht-r grit llml. they `bought a bmnliug Iluilsn for her nml rugauxl her as tho: I...-`dun ..f [huh aIn\`, ` lions` Inrlwr and In-nmino of the lay. \ IL u-In-xnin H I #1 _ I-.09!-` '3` "",';""M-at nu . -~-I`-.. ;..,,.._ n. .i 6 :25" lli. ' V -7. ` ..-...g...,. awumnim (`urine -.--9-"'!' ,4] Qmrmut; run! things ml-allele` |_"_ ".'3_";...m.|}-run). . In-ml lot gurine `u.| \`:|||:lIl(`.~ l0r\\':Inlt\l (4! Mr. niu_|_Iv. Cullnrlnr of RcV l>lI|lI\ U{I`5~ An oxplmzioll uvcunud n_liu1'yg_ Ih_e testing pnuu-.&i. a|InuI:l._mauIung Iyngurnxnsly to Mr. Batik. A ......m- .lmm'~I.-;l his wifn in \\'i.-|- IS IIS Tunic snag I-_ uuuv I!<-\I-Iuu` Ilnolndanoitlmpuiy Item no: suf- ' Iniullynoquinull .I iui the pt.-np|e. TlIiilI(IIIIaup\lIln\ ulil T:i'_\` VI lhgtilnn Iglgclnul. In in any utlmi halo. -nu nu lull-m ma ght rm . I35! Int lot winrijllen. `Om opiliolil that Incl Ileana. Nu-Iulilh and Innis bum upon int-`Intel; dual ponamlly known In II elcrmls it Iuulduuthnvc nlrch-ml the elecuunn outt in their hmnr. not-_ sit-n\\4l amen lathe iulthund all crient guwmnvaul. olhhlio. Tony in 1-Cw: um M Quin Hun. Hill`. .\luII-at V and his cvl~ Imam Inn km than-I`!-y am pm) [I'D thunli Ilny In-n~ an iwll sup pull ilnunlla Ian- euupli unit. 'I\~_V In yet than innpmw up onuquiuhnm. than u n-I. and the uutoluctinl will put that the Inuit Ihopnplekuouolthemnn-I their all Inilblllliolulpolnlic nlaiun the man- huy villlloyauu-ultdnnla. , I III` N," npular I'M: if` Inhl SK. Iv gniim-I. ~`I'ho sh grnim-l. ' `w _ A _ Th may at (`animal Mnumn n -II In. .--1 nan: 1-4 amid:-|-uhlu InI..I.\ . U I-`in;-w ulinuly men were mu! Ln mnun . law dawn unto Nixinliul an in plan. ' A - ` .-u..u:ma cm l\-ImI'awf9Il'-*`$|"`|' .131! pmphs clmtlla the W9 sihilnal. ' ' - ~ ' \'|:\u 0l`~'l'Ill: oh. n- Spurn! J-I Ikr Timur: MRI that We r wn-in llmt the Iuwting nl .\Ium-I |".\`l. .l,u|u-In in nu uiuul rum j *2 lTIl"4BR~l"l`lj|n.' \x1'h; numul~ > In`: tlw We With blur Tannin Trlvymav when it Inyulhnulue munlet at Lani lollijti will nut Help the Iqnnni Imps 13$. whether the [And lnngnoindnytiiq tn In with it 1|` Int. Tiohtlkelilg (:1 u. |-.~o|IIn\ -~~~ 4~- ~-4 IL... _|._. ..........nI.x ngill. (W III! ch-A nxl II In. nuulnl-diovup in its pm.~,.;.:a., .. lint! In in 8 of lihuiy. jcmicw nu.-J pogo I And in unnerving alM~`to nil ad in upiit cl uInhiIoI.' ' J `Pu: v.a..-iaeI$"ca.n:---z..:x.'" , ma. 3-XI &h aiulnlul I!|\`dt.ur in IL. nuuhnnn nhntrnl. 'l'nyIur. 0| .\(`I'Il'K. \\mI urns uv :rua~ mid I paper on liw unto :~'llIIj2`I`L I-ul IIIVQ taken i|I`Iu- vapor was lmndq-.i to Raw. Dr. Dal:-a. n! xi!:nlvlplxi:a. who not! certain podium of `it marked by an vniter. the majority of whivli cou- ol systematic churrh t~xQv\I.\`i0n work in Iuuecitien. Rev. W. IL Reid. l|D.. of Pi . P.A.. dwn nud an nhl purer onchu cxiensaiou in sgwwly wt: ml dillrbts. and I`:|.s.`)||o\\'q-cl hv lhrv. H. K591 D.D.. nt Belfast. on ale Emu ' aiskllol nkuistics ahowiu-.1 tlw n-unitxg Y gohulion of In-Jnu I." At tho avmninu `nninn the Run`. Arthur .\hk`heI|. gonuuon ol uunu I. .\s Inn vrannn: 3 `union the Ru. DJ). ul` Clniuluu. Wu! :1 [up-r'-nu Snip. hath Izhooh. their use and alum The noxllopio Ian lZ\.|lI-gvlisl zml Finn. (ab Wtlia" Hid Jun-ph Wilson. I). 1).. ul Willlilgton. N. l`.. ninl an inter using pupa: vi the nah}.-ct. lemma Inn alumna lnuwag` on such uiauinn he tlu,-ugh: :4 Iain tn none Ill animate u also to any 0'7-`M ` -__'__ .1 AL. ._A_ Ii.-an . up L. Clemlaund. 0.. sapg-.-ea- 1'4. .,\'m..u- 3| (`lab I-Zxecalira Ccnnnsiu` wtunm-l In-I uialushn nniul`. whuetiniv Iv-224 llnir V I) Chliold. than said that vldh nap ml null ma-o loI'bll\o his I-nahiuu jlblitinsn shjuris it lull: I,-at l_iIn inc pa uf ignlinb ,.__ .._.___ _n....... 6.... .... ;.. tin] I0 '3! dike Mi-I tht-Ileuunollho ifiI&lohoI'al him for Ms l .5357 l*lII'11:l nu nu nr s-In-ng-_\l1 u! (in Ha wma not nigh:-xvi) In-pal Boptllolimn my `r, uhe\'..xl il ht- UV$ill'1It`l"il lulu ml` u.-I rrv-v. lath! "1! than n-J It In . -nnhdhdhnn in its nriminhu. bu : Io lop!-I. l`I`:>.'5II-rd-~~ of and IOQIIHOIIM,` ' - \ II-aux u \ n .. rt her nu-4 n-as ). 7.. uf Huilna Taylor. ul .\'(-v -..m.I n n-An.-r r slnll 0| uw l'.|II-I 9-xv Ihi: aft:-rnuun. km. N IIofnIt`_\`t`r. of .\'Iw!h;-z|-.- Hope. pnvsi-la-I. Thu `.l'IlI)l'(`lI oxh-uxinu in I I ._.....- nu... an-ml lw R;-u Itaf lullarp uf \-~lN'ahI_\\f l`ro`-cf:-nlanan. Ir. IInidI ;'n`l'\b I.;-mung `rand- -Bane-nluoaul In-'yaInlIw'io .. ._ { Mklu IIIHuu$.'ol!-II. nin- hlt bglihlrmus II `venue in the hIu'i_i#IhuIivIl5Iuuyunehr~ phi thud III-uunoonuu-oer `XJIIQQK Auunnhtlgo M".'"lV#,_&y ink-pales! , on angina than-ulna jfhullhu-iIll`n|IInu-'i'_inth'n _A.n_ Lmmlun. Sq-pt. '.!\'. .\ tin.` pnntlt-Ill xlutrs llml Hm "I at lhnlcigm-o gut 1 Am: .IIm-lirun" 8|I|I:`\I-'ll` nu trum I-X]-u\IIuuu. ll u m lial that the` Ili-.113 sonic I`. Ilnuv on l|u- :IluprI\I\'l| u-I 11 N4. S1-m--ri :u|xI u-lln-r : that the Tnrksa :m~ pn-guru um-naive iu tlw hI`m`h-ill ui Inxiulml. Sept. `A.VA It (iI1|\`uN.II trlu-_:r.\;\!x at I\ utunhtill. pen ,, how the pom-rs. whirl: m fur ro'd2l_\\ Th \u-rnlw vumisle `for omxt upvmti.-u.~ tish ususul has n-mnml ` The njvurt that Hw luv -i;_;I Sculati haul In-u urn-sh-I :- 1}...-..... \.'....I ~30 . IL. I`InurI~h of Ilw Van _\ limp:-rulr ' \\'IIIitllII`~ \l`i|ilI. I-M`. "IiIl"l`l|'|liN. .\"~;~; *3 `. ion of Llnv l`.|I|-I`:-I-y.u~1 LL -n............ Is. Im arc - n-:innuu counclt. " XV l'\\|II l'_\ lu'\ : "hIh||!Ii:l. II` nl Kntnrk. \\ i - ~~- wo- DIILIIII SQIIAIBLE. lrhnouto. _'S_'V|~`. 1J%~.E-1;%'~'l 9.-\ \'. 5!-2I |`|.\l HER -:9. Alw. " `~llV\`r_\` (NI `l HES`! ' ':1_1Iz. INN <|'|- " ' `tic-n nnlu`-`gmin. " II I) Tim M Lin` um! nl Illa gmm. V II. D. Wisli`. of Li-\Yi=\ ?||u-. has chnl~ lg-n;,-osl Murtlunasl L Ihv (M.-um as-nllet. taumglhtku-mile:-us, in ` -mat I-uni: emu I-an a mar. last night I clr_t`g\m-I-L I-no: an-I shoe-. and In-uslwam sauna. uni um I-`inu Na- tional Dunk. at I-`urt lluku. luvra. wu- humo-II. lntthlta anal!" bmhiinwn: luau. Qumllx `V Tim nlhotimn in nuns Pnntv. 0:13.. :7i"._a1i5.T7s. &.laII-Ion-In. it I I}-ecu. mu: 4,__..\.__.. 5 III!` ...._n_ n.4..J'l`... n.......... mtxunu Tho alectiun in l.t\nm~ ('aunt_;'. has bps: pt ulna an wanna. an _ _`Qnby&I In the H "gr urulrll. Inna. l Ad S, rihvrlgh`. . MM I39 -NI II. 31$` V E V "iH50I`rLi'l`a). g The trial of I. ! llidcllllplu ptimn -1` st" I ._.. L... `S. u.n.| Ln hs.:.u.rnn| In-furh \\|`lI_ll(`I' IICJI NH!` lllfll ll1:(`|I 3| l`IK`I`K Ill lwr Iauuur lur $`.L`-H. hlu\'ln-It llw money In-fa-In the fraud was ~.~\`\IV|"l\\1. smnh \\`:uplui|1~.In|Il. Itul llw f:\t.lIr-1' m{.m`\| I-2 {ml the Lu >|Ilvl'. ~ln-nring slm \\uu!~l 1-Iupv with .&Ii_ . \'o.-steniay Smith \\~.1.s1 allowed to with .\Ii.\-2 Fhplin iuvllu` goal 3111`; Four Illmts won` he-ml. and wk:-n the ga;nh~t`u (.uuiI_\' lg.-:u-luv! the yin! it Wu Iounol 8-h:\l. Visa l'!:cpiiu nu.| Smith were dmal. an-I I-ugh \u~n- lying si.I~ by uidv. the -uuuimr_- nwulwr In-in-.2 still In .-ham!` tinzilh lwl :1 wife and ~L'al"|'[ H In I l_- I`! A 1'!` v nidv. the r-~\uJ SIni3f:`rzl|a|n. two childrru. lA:;a.a `I .\ I.;.{aI .1 lvknl!` .\ .\Ir. urn, .xv n mm _$PAIII8".` ram. `and suns. vesting gunner. nil`! 1'uI--:I-cv-n---n -- - -f---- tw- ... "owa|$nI-an'_l_orrvw:-an. 2 --'-h in can undo `B lml Poul Ion !?-?-7'- ISchnnlufPractical suienceg l)UIlil`ANT Iva (kw | n reman- hm. uv-Mun: 1 N Iktaocl/-ii-g1':u'E.Ii'vohc-_d' mo, - - hjruar. _..: 'I'(O|`iDl`f cl Oulao. iwmmt: dam. I! I-Iluutln. WANTED. Millimry Show Ilnums,_ Ila: L\r-rmw- W -' u:`Su:u_o Sguqi ` W `lit! imixmnsiur Bathml in "Prizes. jruesm m unussunf SMl}sl&WALPLf.I Millmry UWHEJ jmus sq 25} Fall Races] said. lint mph I-`In In it. %c. ANGLIN Si Thursday. nu 0cl'r. Iul. ffdjlliuery and Novelties Ilicheheu & um lhvigntia lpuy. raw 'l`lwu~4Iud uni. or ` II:u--luoail xuul our Thon- unod ~I.O00a ford: of soil bod. ` `iillnnery and [Hume Booms Tenders fm fue|Wnnd. 1 \\'n-:n.\' I-:s1>.\\'1 nuunqumg Ill! Iulllub-u a-nun our: I-urn uun nun... whioh. IQ thud-l -)'. um In-ink NHIAIID n gun: to him. if I30) may. jnulp by Iain hunk out at \\ Iuiw|.u~ul`n ml:-nu. T0-MORROW. 300 Inst. l:u~r hluuuu In this fit). IS IHE OPENING 0" ll FRYVIIIVIIIIIII *-ruta, Bhy. nu Inna hunk. ` 11.. lethal nu--. run-nu-m 001. max. ' "l'hP!iinu-nqnejio. ~` 11.-unwise-In-ea... up ; Lawn Mowers, (`Lingual In Ilw - .h at FIISEII I IOWIPS Q Thug `lit-tin Iota. I160. Ar. IUII - @ l!q'u_)Iulu' 31:: II In nu nu-nu-5 ' tip and lunhkmingn at um an-n`uu~.h_~ iiqnonou at syn:-it_\-. Anmug all Mr olhtf nllfglltilau ngnilul Ihv mguina winter Idiot clailun --I Ilw puur he itlultocl Ill lutxulln. Tlw unwly annual ul ROI`. Pith ! 'I'I`uIn~_\ Ind Snnnlny will But Iikq-Iy lull Mi Ilia glam-I unlwq-<|`|, - lull this iii a math`! Inf ulurh all (`lurin- nn-I phinumpic |n\I'uIo should II}8iI'd_\` illtlllt uwmns-Ins. Nut in Illtimo In imuginnl`-'~ nuwwlnm --I -1-- _ lid. hr lhlkiillmleutwling the uIL~q-r.-~\Ii- nhlu I-etpnlictivunn ul um anti-uul p--In-y than will In pm-rlnqnc nmrv than IM- usual qlllill ul mull nu`! Iuis:-r_\= tn N`; lip"! during Hm up;-It-wining: Iillirl`. `'0 huge In no I 1::-In-nl luu\`I` mm! in thh din-ration. Int only by um. wtho madly yilhlml tluommln-.a but I;\' may uthol! tho law not lnithenva uh: in active van in this inlgnnnl -ngtA.- Ii u--cw-.... ___'_ IIAIXIQIIIIQIII-I in nasal hi? Pm1:mi'm um, V \\`hrin' lh~\ will hum on :`\lul-ah--u an! L-r Vvhlu IT}; |.:I-C I1-nu Inn m I`:-rug-hand Ana-titan Mlllluru. lunch-u am r-f . ood-. Ill|`h|-`lily, mnmif lama mu UPHIING. ~ mm n'n|Ioulh|ly`hu.'u`1lJx`s-uuVsDu- 1...r...`.4 Kama!-m_ u! aw, \nll_l_u.w Ilwu` ` IIIHIIIII-_' Jns uh um I11. -!1I"\'|R| I|I$\`-.v~'I .Lllv,2-.. l'|`.~- |~I-l ~=n- n Lu hnl In In um] `-11 II`. n- lIlx_ti\ in llw |-tr:-Ht. uu|_m~ - an uh-Is _-at Ilul no uull ails:-Is lhr I.Il'l`\I_ MIMI `on! \nrIrd Block cl llolluu-r) )1-I mum in IN-I'll). We hiya Malian tn the `~}.I.t:1"l`lIIN ur uri: Man a hm. nut and ream Embers, Plum-s;Trimmings , A-.1-s j.r\ 1... .-s. V mu-I vq-v In an rmlnuwn In all Mllx I--I--nv Hu- Itllrleu uv gm-kul up Tlnqinin tun I`-x|i\9mI\I Mr, Bush:-villaaulsle Bike-r bun-he-I the ollnonhy that the Turin In-he Intent 4- AL. LI . All. .1 Jun Mal--slim` '[`||l'I Sll()\\' l{(N).\| gums um mm. Taspnis nu; rm; `n.\`1`izI`uj`t|u.\` ~ V. 8*-nlnvqdi 1-hm uur-..-:smu..-2.. .4 I ajlnmtnnnn-n--g':--.u--_-g.-- I1 lb n-'au n| I9 |l_u_-= uIJr.fhh:Ik\l I Q. .` IIII OI-coho-r :0-\I. Q! It 0`:-lot-In. ` . ' con. 7 ' W4: 23. `so won an: ntsricrruuv uwncn A WALSH 3. co.. :.'.l iglxu >"l`Al:l-}2l-;'l`. ew Millinery. WT. w~`%%%@!vI:IsER \\ .I! L. unnlnlul I. u -ju Iuunuq' `lhqfunuh nu. unyulnl he .|oIun-hdu_q-any nwurhin-it In at-IgIa $?AAI7liI0-a-iiullaunnnmiui` Thu chlinnnclhuu-um;--I Int pi-hug mqamq-as-apIeduu.u 'l'Il||_5`5lI5Il|Ih.!'|-lIlI-`-3 Mik--` Woyu nlhu qhnid (such the >A L`. ,t 1.. ._._.I.____ -L._._.l.. _..-3.. .I.. it |`|s.< lN)\'l.l~2.\`- m. i . 1 vrlhal g-mums pun-hanm..- ; It--ulolu In nunluns III:-Illa: .\\~ Kin -nu.` an I-_vI"l \ nquuaa ma 1 must Ilnocaeuf ` Will it own In a ten drum. `run L.;uIt:n`1'AII.on. Ihving Equal use H-cut-u ul I III PIIINCSIHI HTRILEET. w. .\x_n1:I-:\\'s: III! H!-I-Mill ul IN you in no eqjoynhlc} yet it in luruinhing .LA ......_I l..-.A_|....;-... .4 II... -unuuush. Hagan `ya; no. % `I9! I. lllflslil . IIICIIIGR. .-I. IIII`I\II\ Q T0. wn. c`~u\-rznn-_u.L;, I `n \. Pu.- nun... LY w a co. `KIT TOIIII` II-Iva! -ulur 1-tn-;-w' onthunnuluutbtlggl. Jun .u_ L. 1,... ,3 n... .>...... _._. ....x .3 ~Fwn.-v V , 4..--~ -`* "F" ._ `._ 7 ' ' '. :s;'__j!_:.;__--*a.*z:m~.:...... ._._.m.-.,.`...~-.....~--~-`-- - V --~-~> - ~; """ linuneqthuig, u An-wins: land .L.. |..u|....I....du. _.'i|i|1!ritishlt'lIig,{ 9 ma up:-rm Hnvddllhnhnnuttnliiphu lg.u,t8aI-sitar`: (llrchcnin _A.....-.| nan.-u I_d. alvuqnn-iuaasinioiu I-up VIII'- uhyolt-Id Ill I3 .`"`h" , ` .A....... ' .au-uqpul-k"' #-_:__n _,.:..__L .lA.L. 1.1-: "CID (I Z [IT --lvlnuuuru-up.--u luknd utodlillg the city Imn ln_l Iny pupih Ir. Sununrbfltoul salary `aim um. nun ulsich um Ina an -|l|l`CI~' 0!!) l flll 'l'IIl.I| Hut 0'fIl!u'liI [III 1%! U) alt.` Mullrl Stluml. ul,I||i.`h In in tho Much:-r. Iu-- ai-lt-a the Government "moug~_\~ II:-n\t9~| lmun Hm nthltluto ul pupiln nu Ins I41-uuncnl. 1.. 9.. n... n-nuanced IJJIII maul In-I London .lln'r0ntr. we no mmym admit uni `guano: upon luncinl subjecu i E widely qnnml in the fury party. in my I. but n-xuuuvondnluaptloq itluoxmdo uoclotn-o-utnppuuolhntluoyu-ill pat-.uintI'|hMnili|uh-ibuting the qualityd kulhn tveothlo the nu- mnlnulin. The-(hnlph Had-I cabana the |ugu;yr@anIolh%G|||1lJnmrain- vunhlyinlictlpnptho public undu- timuedunuhut An spun! uungtheguunupd thong utickvn gaming to Austin In on: land. nu:-tdnjlthnh Jahn lu- .IuukIt!nH:ohI'nIoId0t.(lI) ngmnol an .H$ IVW hint:-nu planks uu. Thus at n . wi- pqiur bu Ipll lu\|!.'l&l.I.Ix my grunt. liovpnn-out put.- |.am.Ii: want his -hub. IItI'.I.l'II.' . 1'.'.uI u-noun. Is'.&iu.m.` clinch. .1: vi-lo-;l'lnyj u tlw` m-uuwpnyilutinliitiwho. ml up any-uulthinullutunlnnuluun yntuodduivun Ingpt nvunqo _I`lnl pnpnpil. M Qi this in bin ilsun tin-and pa pipil in nu g-n.x.\A _...I.....I. A..L. IJIA nu-. In: than mm war. II vtgnnhq u-nu; -__-`--f` rhnnm Iii-II"!-I1 cl Illllllds IIH Lskinavlr. Klhfl dihillo kl!!!` '0' Mo ni uliulinm utill tannin: In at-um .3; In an in brutal u.-pause u-lmulu-. .|3\I|.ln`n Idinnco lo the nppuiivlwni Ilr. Sunnorlnyh dopnlut-at in I tiwdno ul Ila pound ninnognunuhhunu |.._.__.I ..c...m:... ah. pimp. IIlIl'| In: |lI'|Ql'I|llZb .\-A luunepmc-mod Cull) gram lvuildnugpuihnnu Rnqlnn hem)`: Uh- .._......_n ,;.m..n.-u. nnnll Lin. .m|ninu~I. nu \' $IIlIl IE ClIW$- TO `IIl'l' wt.-q mu.` -- uuuir ul ultlhrily. Ilo s.-eh out an nu` ` ray ul imaginary expusln. Irlnic-In will only uxcih: (ha ridicule tlm-tr wlm uuaknund they I-`nr his npn-ial euliglnwunn-at we my my hat it um nulnxlyh intention to exp;-ml um umnwy ii the oucuonrut n mm I-ail-hug nmol \-mg." u be noun: In think. the ,3. l-unseat I navy uh! ollcu-hen. Nu-[TI iug um`n- was iutenulul who dam! will: this money dull the uhansiun ol one an! thoychunl huildim Illnnly in uxis Iuvuc. either Johnna nut!-t or Que-MI '-I-n~<\t. Hie uhject king in lurnislh xuiuv LL. ._........ 0.... oh. Q-nnhnnn |nIlI\|a|\ mu? yhsct.-an in (Maui Pm: Pros Then in swung dun-njnnev bonnet Sir John`: sun went than}:-n an Auction eapiulinta in the nilvrny uyndiane and the puni- lire -lenigl by Mr. Mclntyus. ct iloutmnl. lint .\mu-ianu bl lo do with it. Either amour Iheolhur inuhhing. Iii!` I write npnn. `l'|uupih.|'n\Iol.Gnnl Brihin are I--uliuuonunllnnnhllbo lndnut Nutthanuicnunludqrncnhtiu. sinnltnnoonnlywithn. thatlr. ruaau uu:t_(}q-union-u... I-tenellfbfbi .I"1ood in`:-.-al W - . ::uTI-u'-r-3 p-....'""~T. nk vi din Iii Ihhn do IIIIIuntcII'jIIIuI-uI-u- --w eaeaiueuaauhoouhhliundrtliho ulnlvcunlhnfulhlhlin r..u.~;.au.;.uugi-,-not--Ialu.-n-awn: ...n.-|-uni-."_ `. .huuuieI 9. Illvwuwn-w-np- fI-f- - "" I" "" " nuhuulnloh N.I6..,I.II`- "I-I" "'**` un-Ima ullhglgnro hr Ibo lnuaum-. We nrulily nllbqd Iln hirlqd. '_|-0* ever. at cunpripg ml: 1-I`!!!--F ..u___._ ....L'n...._..lnn Innimni ml uuutuuq .-nu!-uusu ---5--- -n~<-`_--- v-- gnmuntgluxnnco upon the Iulojvrl. up an Irlnirh he club to v_rik- mu. surh n ,_..L"';_-.._ II, _.|_. _...n .... ..- Tluequohec (`Imam-col mntuv uvs; `Though no inlonnliou at an mane ea ai-rfnn Sir Juhn Mngtlunnhl N` In: Ir. (hm: Mum!-If. we lnliovo than `u no mama tn duulvt unrlho III:-'lnt lot the county at Que- bmttill in uhybynh vmurn in at (Funk: :3 n Iinitet of the Cmvrn. liin Runnels l..d-.nn - jiu II T` u-----. -- -_r __ .L.__.n'_. Inn 'l'|.._... .n l~0I . nu-n - "l-I\<`|u Ill!` \lI uI.V IIIIIQ Iv nu uuuu .~....~. u.- menu for up toughen uma, .~...'.'. I-loyal. uni [ur -ckpuinantu which an nut clvoulel into Ininunblo amps which an I dingnco to the city. nu-I `whoa: i Ion not begin to cuingsly sun the hygiuuiz laquimuonla at un- hut. in unit: Inn "uuluinum Inn | min! llntheiiodgntnt lhogrim.` Tmunto Iroru. The mu`: piuuu to giw up lhlcjnu H | delnnm 01 I-`.n- nqnxnld nnthouountarl. Illlomtlle l\-wars unvilliq to ho nude laughing- ol. III". |_h\glu: may in-lull ante:-In lnimu-ll to he tho very uni only iuanuinnnt [I1-I: Ia-t and bones grown! to Icctun others on tho dmir-.s and pI a[ii9iQ4. This Iattgl-Eng unc- liuu will III. holnvar. Idiom him {mm the M inlolminfhilum-II. ksmlo Ilkht extent It loud. un tha- mc-n`la and fact of n can In-fun` pn-~ nuluiq: to hnlldono than who luive gnu` mason In dilu kill: his ill-found- III. 13'-Us-I av--3; \- win` .-.~-.-. evvnmongthnvrlao nyuyuthiar rill: I.hojIIy.rowlIn II the taking or hinlilv.-.3-i,uIIr at turn mannin- Iiiauvnull-I->unut~zinjnr_\~ Iuthengita &d&ldll'uol8hohnlI.Iwxtlnn Il#IOlPal'Ielh mull ow-ammo Q put. it in uniluut bun! aunt uuriwnnmq-pnhrtithhhhnmug`. nnlihoalhuhlh-lens. up-rpnlnr hummus. hi; upupulu-icy in ndgai.UI`nlhcinIhuiundn~Iu 3 if n. Tin idn (kn- dmd & uhonthnit inhounuy alI&d'mIiq the punilinnol the uncanny u tuna-damn`: cu. n|~ ltd!` Jlu-rlin1:. We N-nul_\' to ..I_ia :1. inn-sum nun 'l'lIeQnohee c~lm:.~u-on .\lnnh_v uyxx: n.....|. nnhinllnliou nmwr norm Alli conning The launch: Wain! jihhoillwea Sir Inhn A. hlnalnnnltl n mu: ul an-nius. 'av:.uc.w.' vt*x;?.3}.w 1J7a9:[ aux. 9 honxlln lion: ]IIIlll.IllIIt`l'i -`Ir .\. Hwdoultl },\`i|ill.*L n QNIH ll l1`HI L! ti" dis- .. - L- :_ ;_ A..- -5 g|.- ..-`... ` Cgvjjltwn-ns un- -ulgh.&Il'uII':tinuofhllI'iNllIne not b h It as sign: Iut' mu. Quhuuq-.6 `main-all anal Iichnc`-glur the lN'iv'|l.n( mu-I-l _I...J.n.---un.nI-.I-Jkrlknlncrnnnl lllllll N 'ont IA... Il.-, ` clmvunng IA! IIIIIIPO BEIIIII nununnu to hn~al`n hot American 0.. She appeal: clhluuml to u-cc-pt thcir ntlvixs und in wnxrquently antiq- varionu nancial unbutnaes in tho nhapenlulcnnnnxlsftw inencnd Iu0I`~ nnceafnrwnulmbeund various other with of the [!0l P:I-Hun. --Tlw nlanghtrr of III Engliah mun y}; wars ngu dunked into the not an-l save-I tho lives at two "Iowan 1:! high pmiuun`"~I-.`.lmnntI Yuan an lumlly. un-In-r tho eirrnmahnoeo. all norwr exhausted nan nennnlenou the beach without even inquillnq hot-nun. The _\`nun;` Iuly ha been ill` at slice. 5!-I,[|lX\I"Illi hltdkinlndslmoddyi . She has lief!!!` head at the pg 5110 has noun whuuelivesahenvad. A \V6=I.blu-1'1. lhmavnt. Pug: the quay I-moot coulunlplion wt! all durum IIII had In it. such on unhhn conch. -` n.-Iml-iv.huuoInius.h lawn ...;.a..u....s.I.nuI dnhuki-1 am:-ta. umaouias. In fever. -u-up-. pin in the sic): ad eLut.dryhnhIl muh. tickling in tho tbmu, hoqnugu. HIN~Il'||ll.I4ld all chronic or n dflicgilhathnnllld Q. `I Rn Durunculnn no and Inns- hhlinhcd nplhun. llnnypaulingg phyinhnn neonatal and In-innlhutpnouou. `Finla-Ihfnn wlahitispngnndh odlrgplludhnljoupnk lanai up A hunqylunuudilinlhoui I-um (lab was bujinl I ll`-'."." ls |..pguqiputaah`Inwen&uuned a_g.Ih-lanhn nirilldtnnv 1'1) sum )1 Cnnmul uuuuub n lmdtln rzuum cuunid:-I_'uhlo anxiety. Inn In-NI p--n-iupunrily union.-cl up mt. Iml. p<`l'n|a(I in Ivan-gnrdinu llm nnm am-. . `PI... \l..r.u- nml n ulnluullioli fhilll |W%lII5I lly ill!) D8 xnznrny In nu-c oily. 'l`herruoIt_\' to hunts is de- arrihul ma sluockinglv inhuman. Ono uf l.Iu~m has since din . --Cilifurnia has n p--rounl tinting Iln_uuI. Tlwn` is a lake on the Sun- mu; .\Im|n!.;1ius nt ln'l\litll(lt' oi amt- I_\' 1:3..l`Il\ (vet. whirl: is Instantly lmxn. It. was \ll.`(l'Bl!'I' in August 01 last war In)` an mnynl pnuquectols. ups! , uun{-I loo Luke. Tlw sun named to haw um (-'u`I. upon it exam: in places Adjoining the shun.-. -~.\ Lunduu dosp.I|u:h up thgt -two Hnrisiau uu-entricru Inanagm-.1 no on- clmvorilgg Lu in-lure 8-\nh Bonahnlt m hmnl n enmmucnt. III) IIFVI. - V -(` .V \\'a||mxu|wI'. clump-ion pxlrlmr on! Canada. luau iunmul u n ma V1,-hallrnuc `III IIJID. up`-on I nurlul. I\uI`III. vllr. llc(.`mh in vain] Iu hive u: ungqgusml tho` uln-A til I l`nn-Pnnbyln- rim Council. in In auldnsu It 5%. Lnuin 4 ill lmw -- ' ; |'In- Hm .. .....n... ..-...:. nI..u lhn Innnljnil ul .\I|mnl tl uh-. Tlw Sluynf maul n dlogltiou fmgn (`Mum mnu-I upon Mr. .\l oInIt log:-I uu. Hun-rnuwlnl. In creel. I loner nlong uw banks at tIw~-Niuguu n'veruIln\ mu` ` * fxlllx. .\ Inn-r luau IIll`0\ l`I'\K| u lint .hre~;ck\\-an-r wlmrl nt`QIIrI-vc :5 ho: (II I_IIlH'.Irll'hl;:v~. :~||pp\mn.-J tn haw In-on thnum nu-ri-mar-I lmm tho hrinllunu ml I-`.xInil.iI.iun in an VI! Ii. 1% al'gInuIal_|Imu iulgnjihjwh ml` `uing um alum.-. \`!(:I,).||:clI up hi in Ihnt EM. - j` " Hr: uqdg; -can uP'.""" "I!" lit. ujquan. yin. (mot,-_w I`-fl-3 nu.-an III nnvli. I-nl Hm |\o-ly nu-sun. ml uaun. "ww- Nn-I Yuck vupihlintn have III!-Ill ; mm. upuuuj tluslllniuiun an can-In plunhiu .uiug1|l Tivnplni-nu. ' - '~`iiiIsI'-I hnvelnnia ol 3? mun-In-hu.-u fur mlmipnuu ks` nu-|y umh--Aw an lntvnl. ' Tim 'I`ntun'lu Ht.-lunl ul Iulin-in in `_..............-| a.. ........ I... u..." uni:-urn-uzhI.I1 . I"I`H)`*I'|\`|' ldllllly men wen! Imus inueu (m_I)rI New :1. , unto .\'i}niuniuu nu-I ninety mun will allow nu IlI\ no-ti. Thu Ilul-1`In.|ti'n|nI l".x|nil-iliulp my mg tn I-ruw an ngnwullv .surpI-um In its n.unn~~l irwnds. 'l'Iu- pru~pu'ts un- tlmt l.lnn~ vs nll Im II smrphua ul iipgllll. ` lmr-l !~':ulixl~lu_\` lnaulu-3-1|:-nlo-n~| lay Ins uluuna In Um .\I~4Iit4'i'i1\lItItII. ' "1- mil. mun l.:ul_\` .\`ali~|mr_\'mn-I llwirfnunr ly. s|I(`lIl mum: Ii\'c- mumlno. pmhal-I)` (`annex usual Sorwulo. "Fl... l`;nr|-4|Dnnl;Auv AI lhnnhnls IIl\ l`. \wm~.,l the uunl term. ~ Tlw numagen of the (`Ink-am) men ngnimst.-lumaos race last 83.!!!) by the Pntenusv. and now they uu ht-ing proneculezl lay tho Be mciety of this ciu-. The rruoltv ,,..';..~u oI:ua'. . fun Bguriss has manual that lhlslb `IN-l|1'~(!'L' - var!-I. __n..'.nn.a.-I-.' nub Quin!-In Ii:-h ulhilblllnn. _ . `_ an ul . H . usinluntx-.-.1lJ!_| !~.*-1'3.`P~ ""`::""- uh [My lnusun. .:l"il:T"' \'_... \'...h .~..niLnIi.t. In-um Insular- lIlC"KlI'III1` CI [CV1 Ta am... `-ulllcylluu.-sl In upon (us um` tlninyougmh maniac no Frisky Inning.- 3-linen Hm luuuln 1`:-mnnnuce Art undue Ftby uncanny- :-Iincv to thumb 1`:-In wnucc It-Ill int.` [mm at Wounhunc . .".IS.. an Dlpm -'wvl|.qa-I lut tho` violluun uh! n`I|i1IuIIl In IHII. ' at-runny in impmu-inn. lkeunl. ul- ri-xu on` m the vlluet that he in Juli Axumg uu5t__nnd~ nmklm his hands mur- n-" ' ` _ -..-`-.-~,-.._. ...j. M... .suunIu+'y ~ um mgr. .4 um-nu. Ilse lhuthh. ilr. Faun:-no. vlucallulvug-sill: pqaltidiitd Tudhbptictuiu uu-_-nu. nyuhohnm-rd I-in no-t.u..uul qnnunjnnlhhbxlwhsl he [inns To lab o_wr than may In T which manom- Tln luuknol.Ihe pnlf. uudaiulst. dual him. pa-I vnqld admit I if ay than hui iln~y Imur " nlhlit wuuld near an InHIIuI_c-him uwifho. (.`uuu.~qm-`nt'l_r. iw - lgughn at the impuhll Mm ? uh] |-Inn Inn uuk. -yhinh -u nhunhl any n unlit]: killlll