, BIcr1Ba:III!.NHH Total to Ddlhhor Id, 1879. 17,582 50 -vwuuu uu vnllv . . .. . i'ov`."i`l'.w;!'nKn , nl. on .25 . . . . G. 8. llobut. Linnea I100 . . . . .. Ru. 1'. Iouoig, r sud uoond ol $0 . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . A . . . . Tho Tnoooror ol Quoon'o Oollogu oc- Illilodccl tho roooipt 0! tho lollnwing poynonloon oooount of oubocripuono to tho Building Fund. Subocriboro who on In omu no oornootly requootod to pay to tho Trounnor tho inotolmonto overdue. Alothot list. will ho publiohod iI_n Jona- _, . Aclnovlulgod to 5th Nov. . . 117,090.00 J. Pour, hound instalment on `IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0201!) mm -TIo Nonburgh Reporter rimnrh. Non your in lap yur. We hope the pdiu will but in mind that it oomol but ones in four pan, and make it an event lulu pouuble." Our bachelor friend ' any nd tho nut twolvo month: more onntlul thus he duiru. -.|n outer: oxohnngo doclnru (refer- ring to tho bnnquol) Ihnt "Sir John Mac- doluld nu on the mountain top on `Thursday owning Inn, on were also the hundred: 0! Ion! lollouu who gnchorod about him In the lullneu ols banquet to do him honor." That in oortninly an upuulu way of dqlcrlbin tho mun- tion. _:--.....____ _____ _ -.-__._._ ._.-., .-...v-_. -T|u City Council of Ourogu and Using have bisnr ght: no {requunily slut It in proposed to charge an ainnuion tu no chum. The Ination in not unappro- ptinto ln no In A: toms of the Kingston Oonnoil muting: nu oouoornod. nu xv . . n -Tho Ccnhal Canadian is glad the pooplo of Carleton Place hard the Tnndy Bron. , since their presence in I bap- thn ol blouing rnroly ro'ooiud." lung. (1.. _ n -. ; \ -Tho Itoument of the Collector of Olutonllol Bolluillo nhun thn the ex- portl have docruaud some 856,868 dur- ing the put your. an n ,. ",1 __-.-,,-. - l`ho Iohoonor `Dominion, uhore at ford : Ihonln, in so budly uinod And broken tlnt tho will prove! total loan. Sho hu boon Itrippal and the rigging taken to Ouugo. 'Iu.,_.._,.n.. nu ---Col. P300", Adjutant-Gonbrnl, and Col. Iuphonon, Mimi: Department, munbon of the Board of Viliton, ne bun paying their munl rupoctu to the Military College. __I .p. TIN} LIRIHIHTI Heshest and hggpust --Voting on tho Camden by-luv,gnnI- in; .KI,000 to the N. T. Q Rnilwny, will uh place on tho 8th of Jnnnnry,` mm \ -Ur. W. Wnddinnhnm, ol 'I`o;)oh, Koung, n o! the Inc Mn. Wnddingr Ilsa, in` in the oily. Ho remain: I luv tlgun I -A County Counoiilor ndvoonu an on-`plo being nndn of some towliohip uuuorl, who do thoit work by luorit. 1.... _ V-Ilnlo lqbonr but ndiauount Al I ` nllpuoo Iootllu mill and brunh I A... I._-l_. --,. :_ J____-j vvvul IUIII`. `III L10. 0 I0 -I'. JHIIII U|D' I05 lot 0475. `u other guns were un- nnId_ - n--y-cu -uuuuu mm IIII nrlun Inc- ury. Fonda An in domsnd. --'l'|Io`toI|| on the I Pmh road Inn boon cold; [Me No. 3 to Hr. J4-Inn Unb- nn\n Inn It'll `Hm An... ._4_. ..-.. .._ -;LI ouhngo an 5 ninoo pin gt ' iodtlllo in Ihout route to I mon- Angnln - `-h in aid that Ool. Flown liu bun awarded I largo nilrood oontnot id Con- nnnninnt, / Qua : College Ilumltug I-`nnd. -Iuyor Ialntonh at Oust: in to Inc can oppouidon ll hiruulotnuhon I3 ` IX III. l'.'. 7}.." dnv outbocornouuuMuu.` ` . -112. 0. Cou:;:O.6.0,iniI the it). ' Q1- A n__,_n,un . Inn. Onupboilluiou ouuvidt tollocity. 4 " Q- n___.___ , .,,. . -`- _ _ If VIO- AID OI VAIIOUI E . ncunyro, . Hondry, Tnnwiak. u vun urn.- zu w l0.(X) . 20.00 IMIIYI Z0 M 10 00 25 no A M M ' vnrK7:%aau InIcx own. LING. with hue amid.` Alfred om-on wmh orbt A ` . `vurrywn-an-3 3 3 ,. Jana luuuolo oquonulyol ropo cl: about lying at no I. T. Com- puro ohrl. crud by It. gmu. The .300 ton trad Io ibopuvuhop ol Ir. I . Julian, Ptlnoou iwcu. and the ICU" l....A ..... u- L-- L _ _ _ _ _ _._. .._ 1.. Tlvnyoug buy: and 0 gltlnurr nudd nu! to-not-row lot autumn; lug lnuu. _, I `III. Ibo ha up-at no Ills` Up to 309.0! thirty dun. THE hnlnsu wire." THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 4. lar. Thoma nllqlqr yuurky Ilulo 3 out from the pnnuua 0! Mr. P. Julinn, I second hand umhm on Prinoou mm. Bo nhuurdn Inlcl M Ioulnthor pawnbcohr on King unot. Thorn: oonudi load out an "Clio uy ol Ibo bnqnuot in hard." This not-in; to no an-ma lot trial Jot tho nob- L-.. Tho corraapondanco ul Mr. I. R. Rka, in another oolulun, oonvayl alarming in- lormat.ion-thal. tho cuuntry in an much ovarnm with vagrant dog: that unorga- uo naaauna unacba laltan tn plouct tho lira nook out the onmmunity. Sovaral Iaruan Inara loat ahovp by the Iolrying ol than apparontly ownarlru dogs, and on Tuaaday night Mr. Run bad anma (arty-aha Ihaap Izillod. and tum,- aavan Ian Io much injurad that they had to ba alauglmml I This ia a raoord which mat incraua tlu unaaainul 0! than who du not local lurmiod again! tho rangaa ol tla Inga. Wa do Iwl kuov that comic in non upadoevnc un- dar (ha oircunatanou, but lhll weak`: work ll aulclant to am am Cuumula lu putyin operation IIIII nnalunnry. In unl- abla lor the ranora`. of than man which an not licauoad or fed, and Iluol an Jrivan to tho doatrumon ol . chap II a Iona ol ntlalyiug thoir hun- .-...,.. ...... .,... - ...... ..........m- in tho bush. u,!u umlo on the ynlifil. but they do nut know how to begin. A (armor Ill Konnobuc hu boon luirly luc- ooulul in the mnmgemunt ot unl thou- sand hnodnng Ihoop. What I! ll not inlnnd region between: (mum and Lake Huron should prove, under 2-nod manna!- mont, n loll ulnplod Int uh-up luuung In New Zulnml It would nld ~-.mumIo- I] to the wealth u! the country. Au qruv cultunl Ichnul and brooding nun:-n m ono of our rut tuuuhnpa mmld do unto to oqunlnn untnun bolwoqn tho (rum Ind rut ol the county than I |Ioo of Appulo or any amount of juggling sud win pulling. COO - The Onutiu Goverluuem Ihould innu- lulo an Agricultural Schml for the free grunt dim-icu. It Ihnuld be located in Pnlmontun or Clarendon. The inuonoo it wuuld alert in directing attention to the rowurcou of the interior of Ontario in beyond utimnu. Thorns Are thousand: of ymng men who would u readily nt- em|.I tn how out I {um (or thomnolvu In on. l....L -- 1.. ...nl.. .... .|... .-...'_.- Ml. Walkam, Premier of liriuah Co- lumbia, stand: in a very unploalent po- Iition juat now. During the proceeding: of an arbitration, going on in that Pro- viuoo between the Dominion Government and Mr. Barnard. Mr. Wallnuu admitted that he in: "tho uounaal fur the Domi- nion Government aa hia client." By ac- Iopting thin poaitiun Mr. Walkein violat- ad the provincial oonlutution and for- fuita hia boat in the Aoaombly, of which he II the nominal leader. The lth anc- tion of the British Columbia Act read: an 4 follon: No poruon accepting or hold- ii: any otliua, omnmtuion or employ- In t, permanent or temporary, to which an annual aalnry. or any fee, allowance or omolumanl, or prot of any kind or amount Ivhausver from the Doultulnllk of Canada` in attached, ahll be eligible an a mambor of the Legislative Council of this Province, nor shall he nit or vote as luck." On the atraugth of this enact- Ilaut Mr. Walkom has been nqueatud tu atop down and out. ' ,oos_____.. VUIII IV '.IIIIl. Dull IJIUIIIIJJIIUMI In I Chunk. Pcmiving lhnt` the Demon: Ind diculty in oolloctinz tho pow rout: lroni. the worn ho rolinqniuhod hi: claim .10 I nd uhuy. Thu wn'furty on! you: :30, nnco which tima ha ha: had no nd inoumo, but lruuloil in God" (0: hi: temporal Iuppliea. -' Sumo- liinu he hu bun puny woll reduced, but ho-hu never been in Int. Hlvins v though! much that A plan [or the relief of orphan childron on tho 5th of Much. 1834, he fouudod the ctipuiful Know- loduo lnntitutolor home And abroad." 80 began with one Ichool, but now he Ind 118 Ichooln with ll` Aggregate uten- dnnco ol 10,080 pnpiln. The total number of pupils who have unend- ed his Ichuuiu in over 71,000. The school: ITO conducted st nn nnuual out o! $50,000. He and thou uoooiuted with him no circulnting about 12,000 bihlu,uId 00,000 touunenu yuuiy, very nanny of thus in Spain and Italy. Binco tho beginning of hinwurh he hu circulntod 06,000,000 oopiu of b0uhl.pll'lIphioll Ind Inch our tho world, nnd hu spent in this object. liuuo over 01,000,000. Ho and hi: co-worhrl hues now l0WUll.i|ll0' dntiun in Iho Inuitute for 2,050 childnn Ind 108 noiaunu. Thay received yearly About 2b0rhildren and mind about that number out in do for thomselvu. The - ywnrly coat of carrying un the work in " .?30,000, or $650 per day. The total ru- ooipu ninoo tho beginning no 04,250,000, h` which wn ooutribuled iu sum: varying m from hnlf a com to 045.000. The delllil of Mr. Muller : work he will likely re ll oouit to-Inofroii ivohing. ` --~------ooo~ i--- .. WIIIIV II UUUI-IU UUIlV'l|V'|lo Ill loan? in wont to `gland. and boounoputor of I (`hunch Danna;-inn nl..o- u- l\--.....u I m: Proubu on Pnoou Hunt nuwcut-' {him It. P. Bony. Puuolon {C on In Juvvury n_uL Apply to Slo ' uiusouu. um` ` an Equal Elton. mount at-oupbd by A. ll` Hawk n|.v|o . II In IIIU DIIIV-I'll Ill WHICH IIU III`! boon u'i3yiig', and on I uruin Sntnrdqy ` pa tudnood to stuud n pnyor Iiipotiug when 50 became oonurtqd. In 1829 be ___A A- -_ .|__.| __,n L_.,_, -,, _ ,1 4 . ICU-CHIC -Ilil -vvu-4 UNI ll I50 Kingdom ,0! Pruuin on the 17th 8opt., Ill, and run intondod for I lnininlor of Mn Luchonn Church. Hi: ouly_odnuton Iu_ conducted with that ; object in iiov. but in his you]: no In low! busy by the plenum. ol the bull `non without fooling Inppy. Ho Invd- 1 Id through Gunny nnd Suitnorland but I without * contented mind. . u rou arn- , L A . -J ._ u.. n_:___:;_ ..t _|.:'-|. 1.- WIIXUI TUIIXUT llIlU- `IIC IUU1 ad to tho Uniunity of which he h... .o'.T4'I : anal nn - an-I-in .ln- To-nctmuuoning Ru. Uoonxe Mul- lu till ddivot o-Clnlnon' Cliutch the into! I uciaaluugolhuculdruuo in `this ail]. and In vloc of thin fact ifwill be {daunting to hot nouulung about AL- ___ LI- In. ._J I-|..... ll- --. . vuuu, I uuuvuu spurt. uuu It IUIIIU | on. Ho bu boon uni up lot uuuuulc In nuuu -IulUu|Iu. -. the-u,hhli!o and hbou. Ho Know: In. OLA ';nQl.In: nl pnnlnin nn wi- Ainrnlu lufur-allon. _ .__._,..._-_;_ Agricultural Schools. --~---oo9~r U plenum Poeltlon. Pollll van. fin: l'ro:bu Pnoou Saul r nnv. um. IN". nlodm II. llonr. Puunlcn nivn uloiu: ' The Mayor of unity any by hi: not: mm | by-lac angling any poooluol. He may on ll Chic! Ihgnulldl eon- otrno tbolaw which In IIII booulnllrnnpm at in pacing, and glu judgmont Ighlut mun Indidunl lollow unison. 80 my inn, his nurnnt and oollocl the pcndty and Ipply it In payment 0! some liability tint ho, himull, mnghc. oslnfmu Inn to ooutriblllo to. In us notion by 0 corpor- Inun I oiunu in not diquolilod Inn unit In uutpurilllllllu Vncung in I juror, boollul he would ht giving a verdict which would go into the City honor] in which Io, In I hlpqu. is intended. having quota! nchqdoo 1` in Inypo ul thin punt lib Honor, col- tmuod The Iona ruling II qppliod to out In. While In lnahluun In on- muhd lln slur: u! the wvponou to tho Uouluul Ind ulloull, bud IOVOCOI than with your and damn tin ya; at .` mun eonlict with their puuunol Mount. S: It quite windy and ptoyody Colo II `little as poulblo Io Joplin My Ionic or olloor ol his lull riglbud to-db. uumuunhnuhouuuuuou. Ion- Ion of the (loud! uupoltblbd fun outodqg mo may contact cm at on 50- I Mol thorponliou. and In Ind I0 docbcnuyol than IIOIQMIIQI Quito gunman mu-bun than they annular - Ihgcuuou nppndndou cl tidin- unomln unlrn. Tn an-nnnnhnn ..l IL!` -4.` i- A.___- IUHCIIIIVC CPVKOI. The-vacation at N. pg; 1. 5... o0 D}. I i .5. III! mu? :.|h'om`0ourI it.` nluvtl ,uInu|hoqoudoI door 5" WI -lbpuud ol. ` FD ` her of the Muriicipel Council hold each new uueuuemuvu Ivan UIII Ill IIlI.-I-IIUI. The Judge held thet it wee lllll lIOC- eery for him to diecuee the exceptione to the decleretioii. He thought it eteted e good ceuee of ection, end thet the de- fendente' couneel did not rely upon or urge theee exceptione. The reel quee- tion to be ooneidered wee, whether e member of the Municipel Council could run for deinegee eueteined through the negligence of the Corporetion end while he wee e member ol the Council. Upon this point there wee no euthority eteted, but the ergument oi couneel wee exceed- ingly full. The.delendente' couneel con- tended thet the nine ergument muet ep- `ply to thie eeee ee in the ceee of an indi- viduel iiieing the rm of pertnerehip of which he wee e member; thet the ptein- tiff ehuuld be ooneidered legelly inter- eeted in both eldee at the queetion. The reel queiition, Hie Honour eeid, for him to Onllllddr end decide wee. Duee e mem- reletlune tnwerd the Oorporetion ee e partner dnee towerd e rml Ie he et ell reetricted ee to hie rightel The Munici- pel Act delinel e mnnicipelity tu meen eny lnoelity the inhehitente of which ere iiic-irporet-d. The neme 0! the body uorporete (deteudeiite) ie "The Carpete- tiun of the City cl Kingeton." The poweri of ihe body eorporete ere to be exereieed by the Council thereal. Oertein ergiimente end rulieae of the Court heving been cited the Judge eeid : lt eppeere to me thet the cited enthorI- tiee conrm the Iell recognieed dullne- tion between e pertnerehip end I corpor- etinn A cnrpnretlrin which ie eimply crremd liy Fprclll eiilhoiily. without burly in euul, eiiduwed with exietence or cepecity to enquire righte end new obligetiiine, ie entirely dieterit lrom the inilividuel member. A pereon, by be- coming e member at the municipel coun- cil, neither lmee hie dietinet nor inde pendent. being, nor hie right ee e citiun tn it-cover demegee by [me eueteiiied by the negligence or inieeondnct ol the cor- pofIllUl|,DvI' doee he ebeolve himeell from lietiility to the corporetion. De- leiidente' couleel urged thet the intereet of the pleietil ie the eetloe wee in con- lict with hie duty ee e member of the C--uiioil, thet ee ouch member he might nee hie inuence te hle own benet in Illllltnl hie euit. eed theretare eIiuld not be ellowed to we et ell. Our mnni~ cipel eyetem requiree thet there ehould he enme leith in men'e _honeety,eome enntldenee thet the ecele will belence tetr- Iy. even when eeltintereet end public duty come in eonlict. The old rule, theretore, thet e men could be neither judge, jury nor witneee when he lied eny pecuiiiery liitereet in the reenlt nee been ruined in the ceee at corpore tone. 'l`|.- II... ..I - -;e- ..-- L- i.:. _.i_ Imurea. 9. That the luv genonlly not forth in the declnntron wn bad in nubaunoo. mg- l..l,- n.,|n .n,.. :. _,_ ,, I Ulflllg UH [HQ IIIU l' 7. `Hunt II. wu not the July ol th de- , Iendlnll to remove wow and ice until lhey hnd notice. 8. That the declnution dou not show hmv and whore the plAini"I hone Ill Injured. 0 Tim u..1.- .........u. ... r-.. 4.. DIHI I00. 6 That it does not nlhrgo thnt do- feudm.u' hm any notice of snow or ice basing on the and highwny. 1- dun ol th da- u. nuo noon. ** 3. Thnt the uid doclnmion nhowud neghgqnne on the put of the driver ul plullmh hurdu. - 4. That the nllogod dunngo in too re- mote from the alleged cause, etc. 5. That it II not Alleged that it In the duty of defondnnta to remove the snow mm mm. onou nnu gm: mo grounun or uzuun. 2. That. the doclontion did not rllogo thu the can (Into Ihich Dr. Foo : hone run) In the ptoporty of the delondum, or If It was lawfully when it In: clued u. hue been. '1 TI! oh. -aid Jnnlnrnlinn .|u.-..A 1. That the doclnration did not dih- olou Ind gm; tho ground: 0! action. 2. Thu. tho doclnnlion did not than Tnl: Pllltllnli on the not Ildo of King Shut. uecu pl-d ` J.C . I pr. an n Jail.-".I . BAW & ` ' Fhlncimrn. oldan Jon Jul! 2% WW \ suuuwurqu vuuuwn nu uv-. any uunvuur anu look iuuo with th plnintifu do- uuurror, and nlno with the following or caption: to the deohnuon : v -- an cu.-uvu uv Ivvvvwr` uuuugui lug` | odlu `have been nuuinod by plninti | by deleudnnfn negligence in nllowing loo * and man to neounnhu And rennin in ` bnnh Ind mound: upon tho mutt. , The delondmvn plus that at the 1 timanfnha hhppuning u! the alleged ` gevnunqe, and alto at the time of the omumenculhem ullhin notion, plainti` -* no and ever Iinco ha; been an Alderman u '0! lbs city of Kingston. Tho pluiutll I domm-red to the dolondu-u pluding ` upon thoground that it Ill innukrinl whether he III I mambo! of tho MunicipJl Council 0| not. The dolond- ` -..n- a....l. ...... ..hI. oh- ..I-:..A;tl"- A- judgment. -yuulj Jul. III` Jill I VIIIIIIAO IIIIC. ihioh uninjured nbd had toht ohotol account oluvhu ianoildudl than.` liunuaol the city. The north] ,IoII- bor lot um... wua puunhd .5 an Uuunoil I nquut (pot his Attorney) uk- ing lot ooanpuution, but it Ill not ` gnnud, and an pomionot became a` pinion! in I mm ngninn the corporation. Among tho plus put in by tho dolonoo, honour, us on which Involved I quot- linn of law, which In submitted to Judgo Price in thfcounty 0mm ,in Term, and upon which Hit Honor gun The Judge not out by ro- oouptipg sh; iuuu _of tho `rout--thnt it `J was an action to rouonr` dump: Alleg- ad In `harm luau nlnlnilmtl hr nlninti . It will be roman-Tb:r-ad dint only Int -wing Aid. Fog Inc I nimble hens, ihlalu -.. i..l.....| .;..| 5.4 In L. .|... .. A uuu. Dlclilol of iVl.'ll?II! no Iuronupcu-uh. nu nun ton _ IAAIIAIIQI, mu: u. nunoi. W".7.'.':`.'..`. .'.':_..'.'.`:."-*"......' .'::. .': D11. lbw. nulonplyxy ' III. WILLIAII. Diff I. Not; Quad U. oilsrs M_c_:_guc udliit. new IIADI nu nu. runs: Loxu. noun. and Inn nu. VIE IIILII HCW UT IAIVUT UU Iknt mm.) mm lowfoudlud 9n, a 1-21: rngnugov HEATH C. CUNN, I55 njlctn nun. mu mum: nnull. that r PI-`luau: mu. u, No. M. snow um! mung. No. 3'.) Apply ta JOHNHTJN 033. Nov. `!7Ih. H79. ` I043 : '1 low Odd Live:-Oul Ikvnl hrnnd \ In. Day`: Pun lxtnct of Halt. iunn`h~`s nnunidic. ` I gums. nsvonu Ixtncu. Gloorl Oran for Oh: '..:.:. PM CHINA '1`. HOUSE. J. REDDEN. [noun I man I KAOKA 2] THE ONLY SATISFACTORY SUM STITUTE FUR TEA AND C()FFEIC IS Unt. IIII. cm`! are ropnrod to out And at. and nup Ill order: !or In- tlu in nut 10 not to be Iurpnu in the city. lov. UII. ll". Bag to inform the Ladies ' Kingston that they ' RAVI JIOURID the BIBVIOES 0!` ONE 0!` the BEST MAN- TLE DIARIES IN GA- NADA, [WALSH & 00.] In nutod throughout the Dornhnnu for the PRACTICAL BENEI-`ITS ol In hatching. lu mudouln are thoroughly prepared by Pnotionl Aouonnlnutu tn lhl good position: or conduct bualneulor Lholnnlua. The course oomprinoa Book koapm In nil in forum. Par mnunhlp. Commercial rithmouc. Grnuzmu. Bunuuun COI'l 0lpulldI5l.o0, Bunting. Busluau ;'L`OWmUh1IIf:IW, eus., ununmz the whale ground of I Pnuuoal Comlneruml Edlcltlal . oholoou an had in quunmnu. u beau-I bnnlnou In PIBATIS OLD |rUc ainmmr no invited to and lot the Cullaga Circulsr, which. Iuth specimen: on Penmanship, In uni. free. Andra: ~ :. -.-.-.':.-L..,_;_~:...;-n. -* :...; m- ,IlAIuI- A Qlj R-Ilnn Catholic Prayer Booh, `great variety. r Paul in I" nylon of `binding. 'The dock in now lling in npidly. md we nru mulling It the very lnwogg pricu. All Uoodl marked in lnin gures. Salt-ct Inur nnun In N(\\\/ Dinah- III IIIIGK DWILIJII HOIIII Q H 06 arms. adjoining Want the rul- dueoo Olaovn. M. nor tho On Put Apply to BAWIJIH E IACHAB, so iclton All uooao mlrlied In lllll Select your pron ta NOW. Plenty 0! time to ohoou.` Bohgnu. Hun. Bnoou uni pm 0! an Snungu. now pot lb, Nov. HUI. I879. q-_-- no mum-I A rim a. . o`IIALl. warvhuiau 5? - Itluu Coin. t It only , 150 -rvul to no clot bun I: lie LudiuCompmiom, Open Gluun, Vales, Handuomoly lllultnud Buoh ol Illiiudn, Gold Pom, Pencils, Wulletu Ind Purses, lhnd Painted lwnor-Color Chnnmu Cards. . Bibles, Pnyu Books, Hymn B.:o`iL,- Hymnnll, Stool Engrnvjnun, English En- gnvingu, ladies and cum - Draumg Cuts. ' _ Pang : lmpotibh, Mottoop, Obrmnoi, tho 'pn|iou you. Antognph, Soup and Phouognph Album. Pang`: Amariun Ohrimnu Curdn, ou[400 nneciea. Parent; and Young Men _ .__.r.-.: ., _,_J _ .| I\ . n;_,...u._ Ill! mum: n'6n-i. rm: av mm- olalrthn Na. 39 Aunlv Lu cuLu:n %5-i%1`i;'::%ac[ar J STAND, Iuuly occupied py Vuurnun. In and `ii rm :0 awning: huyou um : I Dr. ox on-u. lama: ind `Pvh $3. In! Hill whloh will gin lull 5| 0|` `noun bad all other Chronic Diana, will luau, Hinton ad dunul uutuoucof anu- lu olpouu ouul l'(.`uov Aldus: ` ' H!..TH0l"Al4. I.D.. Ill at pans and 9! I-`IIOII. H I. TIIUIAII. I.D.. no Iiohign Avun. Idhol ` led lumltoud Cunt lllrunry. Dunn. `Ulla-_il[nl.,_ ~ - . 354 King Sn-not. 3 door: trim Plinoua Inv. 'l7l.h, I879 wisgnvo <.iii2i""|iI"u""s"" " can can ch; aunt`;-shit Inna. . _Dr , , onnnnllclrnlmluu e.ica'.'_1'._ii.?ei.; Annul Voluchullrriving d;ily. , Porqnitu of lunoul Authors, Accrual, kc. ' `- III BIIGK DWILLIII HOUII dnea to Chart. In .. In: th mu Duh _____.s__.._..,,.,...... CH lSTMAS-|879. EELLEVILLII. (loundtd by 5. 9. lhalty in l`!ti`JJ ALWAYS I`|llI'l` A1` THI Andrus KUDINSON Ir JOHNSON. Onuno Bualuou Uohogo. lidhmlla. mnbor th. lI70. lutlm lint! Nov. `J4 SALSAMENTARIQ I " ONTARIO v ms. woons. ymsu & co., dru- . \ Q1` RUIBEI llll, volt undo n! 0o|- . lnugvvooil Hlnot. IAWDICN & IA- CHAR. Kmgnton.Jul_y `Mich. I870. A Idthhio |Q0l!AllCII'Qh.IQlvnII|'mI nut. Inc! an.) bound. us. was un Iol Ibt D JUHI I. CIlI'I'. Oouhl, of _.._._._._..-..__..._._. ._:_ lJ:;i;2s::22!55=~l Clo CIIII IIIIIUIII llunnIIulhIIIaunuuuP|us0rpn.tc At lr.leolacton' leuldouo. Wollluul It. (nvunnnn our annoy Q4--than \ tho upon-Inrqumv chitin Inliau. 11 :.':.:"*.".*.z.":-.::`..*.'.' .. "" mun u! no fntihou mm Innn In. In ` run at `hay are hug nll the fraction old has llhl Iboyan ublluuhuuno lb Db |`l.:'aouou `r~v~. ~ V.`.\~- L(IT 15 . . G0,. `~N'3|II-...; , M . It` 5. WNW, b"' 3-. wag; "J .A& `III IL. 5- nlnermyu. 01:! -~ ~ -:a:."::."~~ r--r.'.'.".::;. 10 lluUIllllIIh8-TIo main .1 Ibo hunk db-Ilhn h nquulully h to than um onion Intuit. Inc! , lII-Ih linens db ,.._.:._-_:._-.... Buaums mvuTITn slut! in W I J'.c`u' ~.'-....."` .. up-33 -. m. , Al0.to-`lvo -I; I Incl-`haul nun: Icahn:-o- It I. i 106 PRINCESS s'I'R:aJJJ'I', wm oer for one 1 and Ynvuuhn H II.IOE1IlIOQ'_]_)` UCIIHIUT 07 at. um-3 mmm, luIIlIIIIIhl1nICPKOu0r|Q.& ZMI_A%_'I"I'IN'G-S For 8a|e__gr To Let. Go-nrs White Kld Gloves at 35c. worth 154:. Gent : White RM Gloves, Best quality at 50c. Gpnvs lavender Kld Gloves, lost quslltoypt soc. G1-.nt's Block and Colored Ind llloves. Best quality at. 154-. If GREAT BARGAINS IN ;|I.l. KINIIS 0|? 00008 will In- vc-nI.|as the Ilnllro Stock lllllsl be lllnpom-d ol this out . A OAS! OI LADIES" WOOL OLOUD8 to |l'l'iV0 in I few days. %' G-LOVE S. GAIITIOII l_AllTl0I ll Black Fur Trimmings, in all Widths. LIOTIII lot noolvol today, till to an choc. "'7 owhcuvrh ]'VV_A_L:::lE_O]_V S- vi ------v--u (nnourrl nu Icon Icuoos) .\I.\NTLlS AND SllA\\'l.s ft Our determination in to clear the Ibovu (:.....la um month. lhoroluro l.nm( our FOR BARGAINS. , - IIICIIY cl |I.l`l"l'. Princess Street. Full: Jill K 933 - Cheap Dress Goods. Cheap Dress Jooiis. n ma 1'10, 11' `innit PCB` 3&2: The shows (load: an I u `cl Bu-pin and well wonky o! in,poou'ou NEW FRI GE8 TO MATCH all colon-any chup. Eitra Bargains in Blnok Gnshmgpog nt .v|v A\II\ ulgu-nu nnnnn ru.xl\I\11 r-mm AND nuov muzss aoons, rum mm nucv wmcl:Ys_ \l\I TWENTY muons JUST KI0llVED--_CompriuiIi3 .1: nu. nu ma... nu. undo bnlr i Oontn pot Yard. `Pk. dun. n....4I. -- . ......I l.l.._.i.. ._.I ..II _.....L.. -1 :..-_....'-.. . . .. . Hxoznr Q :T::l:.E'.`l.".l'."8. l TA For the East and-6;Io:pest cashmere: IN 'l`HlI`. (!I'l'V-(ll\ Tl) Novonber 27th, 1870. A Fit-and nu Jury. Il. . . on Iwlnlln Ilrlnllolu can low In: 1AII:N- llnl mus nnlonun. Aha. urlu of II. conduct! at ;nIl Ilrolwug mm `a blur. JACOB!` LITEUOIAI in than [unlocked than :0 not only won alurqhls. but on Al` Iuidhountrncinnnultlhiuntiuthnaazzol um woodurfuluucudu-o -nun; `III UPI punilbil h 0%! I I00 I Ulhoquu cold. pmtiullng Ihodlrorlmm zng an `wilt. `Cali. No`: Factor. I and lbluabu Proms ro- .,,.a., - gs , sinuous. uncut. amt: rum: v oluuzu A Iilvonl du- oauuo shits`; Agni: wnhlllnuhulbo Doulnbu. `Iadhr annular. I . J. I. Moons. huonuuu luuumm. W I. Inolq I"'dn`?L.'5u'a:'a'n'::u-a mu gum. lawn. In`. I -wipaonnlnhgobbhhnol nonohllthootkilnloooc. Nov. `mt-. mu " new mac: unnlnau nu wool. 10, 00, oo. 00 an 40 " New Bluk Union 0: menu, 26, 30. 36 and 400. New Sarge Dru: Goods. 10. l. 15, 20 nod '16. New Cnntorbuty Cordl, 19}, 15, M And 25. N ew Fancy '|'|ppor Cloths, Hnndalno Pnttanu. 50 New Black Qmitod Skim. Eur: Cheap. New Blnck Velveteenu, 37], 50, 60, 75 And 90. New Colund Velvolscnu. Eur: Cheap. New Column Uunuu Volvou. ' N on Calora Striped Volvou. . II- VALERIE Wllan--1.. 50 ' 0 New All W601 Ounol Hair Olutbu. 25, 30. 36 and 400. I New Black Cnhlnau all wool. 45, b0, 66, 60 and 750, Blush 0: morn. 25. II). 35 uni Ann .____....._-...-j-.-...-.;_..___._ I pvmlnurut aumvcuif iI`]idiT'1ifiIbi:IW Ann-1.1 nun .I.... nan Dooonbor uh. I829. L1 -var?-I--qt-:nj: \.. _.j__ EXTRACTS. lavblr 95!). ll?! aw uuuwa wool moon .hMl.l0I' Unaorclothtng. u -- Gents Iootoh Lambs` ool Undorclothin .3115: 10 POI` Cant. 3'3. 1'3`. 1'11: 031 INA}. 00. . ll {FIJI hllll nnnv AA. '1 `I or month Ohlldnnb. mun tad Lodiu` Ouhmore Lambs Wool B . Ladlu Unacrclothtng, and Gent! Ulglggclothing. Ill st J UST RECEIVED Au nuawu nurnnsn LOT Rum unuczc-r wan tin me am. -ounu non Inn '- Iuwmch E IACIIAR. dz- HAVE JFS1` nzcmvgn A rnksu smog 01-` 'ddao1 T inn mu-ma r urns. u-an `Inn: I'll 031011! oolr. `rho tr-ado please copy Ad- nruuncm. IN ALL WIIDTIIS! 70. II. \V ; M Ap|_o|}oN. wfaaou . numn..,.._ F-. X. COUSINEAU &. CO- v in-It uvtrti IN THE 0l'l`Y-(l0 T0 '3-'nIoYnnN. -ty t- u mu. Agent at Iunnton, 2%. WOODS. to Ill mam or `nun-on anus` on. I.- nnm noun 3; - _--__-v-w Inll` My Hot W'Ihl` av lama on Hm out spun-v:! pnmplo and no the nu: IIIOI. hill: hlllh nu ma toaubu. '".`3`2J 7"'..5J vllld u the ml-at Ii; l)v-ulna, |I, u. I.-Mu! N. l!IcNEIL. - ' -a--.' .: _#'_ Tnk Pllltlllnlis Hie o! Hunt. htdgoocnplod `Q J. Cnnong. Bdga yTIEATlN( D VENTILATION DI-tumor: Shanon mu. Inuit; W ` I3-T-9 -rum-I pnunp3o"n3' 3137.. - wv - -":11 VV 3; "`l'|uW .. ..'.~.-..::-:2: -' - -W-"- A CARD . N . .(:NIIL, Iuuhudhuo. In-gnu. ISIS` .\I.\N1'LES AND sIuwl.I's=. All lhin nmnlh thunnm-4 I ,1 Int. HUIII AID IND. WESHANDNEWGWI 4_\LSu_ lnw. ul I! luv. -` ht uh T of W. MI-nlgox ""Ii'i::loM1. u had. I yur requ ll Nov. 1th. Ilsa. s-e-..:.-I'.~u-:..- on u , ~- - up In t uppty .7 uduuonloun LC tlm for In of II! (but: `I am: for all yet: 13, willh noon` ta lsuvoiod nag. V ,:. __ igggnl _ . .. In llcnf, Irnh, Al punlb. ' Ilnlt.uu,IO do ` mu..n.r. - -v*"*\ rnx(:Is'I!,t.;_ly ., . D _ in 1_ . ( .II M.M|hl!, luv, 9. ,- -.__-._....... Hr-ul_ In . 1-y,`lnl.I.-'.l'|o KID) .';.';;:7.'.':";- -' v:.'."-`* - ., - -or -on ul.nl.uu-15. ~" ` ` *`I,UD, m "f :1 . . 'D*IUvuoxpoc u.~:.r...`. III , e....: m..u.u"p. ;.....a ` noouoabpoua of. ' In-, A _v Gohiiiments, - ,~--_. _.... ` - -,..r...--.:. CHORD A. llllulbl Pascal r'n"iv'iit`Ii?ii'oF Iiif T` `vunywn-an-3 (llle-llgj waning-on uh. sum. mu. IN79. 4.-...T'Z'di?ai aTau?n|.fsroau `W n , K in" '33:: f A ' nut ll Joan,` .` Wcnahuu. Provisions, WM. Mn.V'mOIlEIlY Jul A that than Qaultmc Bull (,0! P-.u...r Iurum and mmmsmu cu .../ ulwnlx` Tulnnnodrnh. hulllonlnvollt.-Into I _a2_Ys'.'.2..z.. "n.; ' "" fhn 'arn.m.-Au the Iucluli In th employment at tho Iuusnr I will BAN \\'\r. .\?..f\"ruounnY Ina ` t-t Qslullmn Bud fol U0! :5! ruins: lluul . ..p.5'u'.~'\v;.p ldgltyqlg _, J... . V . TO LET. . ._- . O, . - 7 `- W. Hnnlgomorylaadd I mm: uaunoxd, Welling-on Itmc. BOOKQ '10 w. -"III-1 `II. W. thy cuployrnont hull Ian applied for YO-O|`I[I`0~ it 5-7:: _{ ital nuuglhqt-one won bahind she time `I `zlih an. ......o:.... ..t -....|.'..-.:....- mi. um -. u. uwpwurnuul uuor tcnoloullu elm. ad the no Iuhthddoobouuongopuowuonho ouohtloluuulol Ihuonty. In qnlmillluovu loch- Iguana]! --.__4 ;.___. I-Ugvwviwwuuguullwuuui OOH. Jolflkj: W. In luuayln-no I. M Link: vi Ikvvvjki V% ':'b'd:I:t|M I. J. loop: an-dds loot A-fans.-Agatha -1... .-4I AL`: AL` Alton. Iuanou. --I'M lollovhg ol- loun In Itplp Inigo. lo. IlI.0aduI nun maul:-5.4 .m n. 4.... Pnuyun Aonuuou.-`l'lu Wnidou oi Iidnuduol Leno: and Adding- ` too. has clinch the Ooudl, In It A-u--Ln-.-And-In-l.I.|-..A.-... A. now. 3- - U-uuj Iv uuv vvuuulg II II gouhochhionhlulnnhouo to In lnnuloa at no undid alum ol the and nuns; but he nlulmd -. AL. .._- u__ AL_A L- L_J ._:-.| .- When hdlol on all hit nun` umlum hulvgb niluuhodam ~ '0 ..'..' - 5.: : -to- v Buocuuun Ounu. -The Moohniu [ammo oh-nu. hold M the Oolloginu lumnh coon, undo: tho oblou mntm, IN invaded by n largo number 0! pa- pih Tho annlgunniun with the public school oluou In I menu; It in antinu- od that, with tho new book: shout to ho obhlud, tho library will oooliotol Iholl o nqjotiay ol that on II D1008 our] bald -I Hlnunnn of lmnou. _ ---o-5%.. Wooonvu L.0.L. PI-I-rnnoi. -M the annual making 0! L019. lo. 912, tho lolloving ollouu Tdtud (or III lnnnn an.-. jojo---- Snunl. |nrnae.-'l`ho Wmlauhu ouuod tho Olork to common 3 upocul undo; ul the Oounty Uuunoll. tobo hold on the llch. W0 hollow it In and for tho purpouol punmiu ofl cow pronilo ol the Iqnlilnlion dinlty. ll tho Councillor: fool liko Indian 5 nt- Tho can now Iaoloro tho Jody: tho 16th, so III the Council will Inc on the day bolus. Bhorll ha been adjourned until ` A0! TA-I-:1-.:.-W0 uqouud to (in connection with AM. Gum.`- `ouo which cum bofon 5 any oxuniuoo) thnho purohnd n ptoporty iron the curpontyion in 1064, and Mu alurnl-do he can billed Potion: duo in 1862. The l0onoail. mnlliog tho ptopony, us: up- poid to gift AH. Guhin I clear dud; and hands the nnidlon of tun which Ilia oolluguu roooutly undo. -- -ocuo,,___ `V IVVVCHICII HUYIIII IIU 'II'IlOl'. I Ilootlng of in bonito will ho hold in IQ. Icy ; Your-y to-notrov OVIIINI`. It In lhly tint the Ptddom will to ulookd nflhb muting. ---g -....__. ---:oj-o-i-. 31-. Vuvcui DI Pun. --`l'hin Banno- loac Anoointwu in being n-organised lot Qll i! ll dninblo IBM. it ; Ihjuld B Q many sad at well Inppothl Q podilo, Iinoo it will have a gun work to woonpliuh during the winter. A Innnna .1 in ings... .m n.. |..u :. m --V%o-3-o-~_. Bullulnfu nuon.-'l`o-day the `Lord Buhop of Ouurio loll lot Birming- Mnb, to hold 5 conlruution In St. Jinn` Church. This not the Ru. 'Ir. Ptilo, u luoumbom, Iuvu fur ulolhcr nation, Moulinottqto which tho ` Bishop hn appointed him, not Rev. Mr. Korrln. noontly promoted to the Curry- In. DIQAQ -: I(uouo.-At n muting ol Prinoo Ar- iint laodp, No. 223. Odoun, tho follow- ing oioon won olootod : I3h`}`1g. I In-nun. W ll Iilvgii [Ill U-`III `III; Ciupor than the Output. Golden Lion G;-ooogy W.1 Iollll O0. ._.__......_..._. Fun Rows up No 'l`uLus.-Dupito the dnnponing client of the City Coun- nil`: nati on in uluning to treat. an the onbjtnt, the agitation for thin much-nood- ed nfonn in not qnnchod. The Town- ship Council of Kingston bu ruolnd, II I PQCI in audio! onlnlnn than, to ban the quulion unbinmod to the poo- plo nl Ibo municipal oionlion in Junnrg. Ilr. John ondouun (or an Oun- ' Allnngn for 1880-tho moat rolinblo `l.Id/ uuhl bincuiou known by the man 0! slunnu. It oonuina 3 van unount of niocollnnouulgiid nlnnblo in- lormnliomnoouru to which it had squal- ly by buoinuo And liuury non. 1 TI! Nnlolu Colt: u'.-Wo bun good nuhotity `lot nu uulauunt than 1:11-- lou the paint ooudtdnuu lot the Mayor- ulty fuour I nduction ul tho ulnry ul- ` qodiu pans to the bud ol the Uouu- ' 1, AN. `Giulia will take the eld ` -IIIUI $1: . `III Euaoip] pluliu his platform. --49$... - .:n._.........A_-`._..._ In _, -7--,.-- '.-<-u - up: --u an --u wanna- 32, `ninu lhum. lqpuomy will b0 the lxnnnsuul nlnnh 1. 5;. ..|-u...... `J T Vii` XIIIIILI IIIO IIQO Ill lb lcloption 0! applfutinu. .3-*&c---- I " can nanny . . . . .. " luau Ayloouonh... B. Du-hyuhiu . . .` Innulluion, 27901:. .879. -(--o-:9-_. 1?".-iO--- Anounhy-Ir. 3. W. Booholl, Clark In {by min 0! It Uontrul Tnnaponn qI0g,(hQuy. Lu boon Appointed Ao- eonnunt ol the Penitentiary. Ho will uh: upon an ducioi 0! big ole: an noon H blg,.,lr. anb.u in renal. Ac- oohnu and I much nu. -` it Iitlll It had kid to Chudollhonronool 00-- ..1._ AL-A - I .-,_-_ ..__1.J , I AA New Fruits, 1'. Oman: ..... Goo. A In-wont: ' K.L. milh . ' at .14. u.|r.. I"D"`?l$ uvpurv-UIIII Ltlkdllyhptnuc` `j.4lIl`ID.-1'50 Alhloy pmpody, on way. no __ and tlutnoo ` 'D&IDvIIoxpoobd,thobuild- I -&n-gall-nngglnl _,7,__._.._ _V_________ . .,a2T;3j_.Ty7a7'n*:7r_** ro-;-vuau yuan coma. than. cloudy would, Iolloud by ` Donna. InoI|tIIJICIhunponioon'ndnhh' HG! AIIIIID.-v-`l'II~oo hundnd loot Ad Iolhohnu-rind at the Pin Do- FEIOL with the plum: my . y, IIlo.|h Dopmuou inpod. Akin-I lnumatg-nu - - Cuuoul AI.I`uno.-Wu no indom- ` Mr. John lloudouon for the Gun- l-_ AI_-_.-- 1.. `non AL. _. ,-. _ ,|:_LI, "53.; Iluu. `Wmlnnn loud. `Pbonu Illlon. . . Joanne . Gould Johnston. .TI-Iulnf. Juli lull . . . . . . ,.0hp|Iln. HALL I-A-_ h .11! _... _..... ...- -.... ____V_ TIUBIDA! IVRHIIQ. DE. f._ >- --- ---- ....._..........__ N. 14. UIIIICH . JQO KCKIL Inn Avlnnor `U. nu Ill. Ilf lib! till to Iutulld I IVER OFIIRID 1'0 `PHI PUBLIC fl ). 0! 0. [Id] 1 . . 11$. .'l`ylor. |:.r.'.:;:::: Iv:-I-I- WUUUI 3'"? Iv] \-IIDIII I_IPII lnlbq Io~ouiuI.tho luonl uh. plnnnuhouvnlolthotnhfnnlbo uu dc/dud. DnI0dulq,ol `lo- lOOh.hIhI|bOdhn|Iod.IItl Eh Honour Judge Wilkinson, ol Nnpuou, In In an-.1--hi. lnlocuulon bu bun uoolnd hon ol Ibo lull yuhvdny Inning II Oahu 0! Ir. Wllllan Alla Goddu, lot -any yum I uonbor W150 Civil Santa. `flodooouod in lornorly n nuidonc ol I010]. All aged wovkpr in navy pol nus. Io nu u on lino mainly on- gpd II D|I$I0lI,|lId dplnghlu outed-u was It Pun Uhamll and I WIMII. In bu but no In. usual he: the any we to lg Illlovl to UN rldq gauntlet 5 in H Iovltlltjutlbplnoq lo which to Inland and lint no plea:-Ily and lap- , Allllbb hthnpunlhoryothh II-n. wild nu-In by Gun 1}: Inlin again IL; I-n...l n.|.1_- I? X` III 3|- Oou-p'| Hall was suondod by 3 lug- nu-bu ol tho lriomln and ulhuonu u` 850 chub. During the noun of an ab; Iinu hnwick, Hcolny, huh, It. KJ`. Hondry and Prol. Bnmh plullod 11 I50 piano and diooounod snot quit. A anchor of` Iolol won Illogivoa by the chain`: In 3 Iuuloinl poll! of View the India no ull utiuhd with an uncut, rush to ova uoo. vlyiviluivl Ifyunuru uuu UIIIUI Unfit` nlou ol lunar. All the phat nu Ioll nodn1l-huI vocal and inutrumanul uni; WM on uooptlon the pro- glinlo vu at-tlod out n odnruud. A (L-n.-nn:AhunAI Lanna: in. II The Iothodiut ulo III I great Inc- 1, nd the musical cunt of Int oun- lng an I tting uulo to it. Tho ladm have nopod a [root round (or their In hour, the nooiptl, it in sand, Imounlinn to our caoo. The attendance at. the canon wu wiry largo, thou not being untenable standing room [or the lugs uadlonoo plant. Thu prngnmno nu nq uuphbla, and thou who contri- blld to tho ontoulnlunt were we re- oiphou of upplnuno and other uproa- Ahnnn Al IAIAII III (Inn nignnn -nnn -All ol no . . .. J. R. Kenning, ucond on 850. Dr, Io0nmnon, second on 0100.. 8. I- . White. uoond on 81(1). . . .. R. J. Davis, pound on 050. . . . . . O. Wri 1, second on 8100 . . . . .. Goo. air, ns on 096 . . . . . . . . . (}ROCM3'S