V iii: DIEM ! llllllllll as `no Duorlluu. l- 3% TZUT f PIIUIIU non|n-o|.-mid Inn and cone -on to haunt no lhnolonh In chair up nub at the couluouo in qnouou that tho Ohdrnu Int pluhuod and Ihqu had to out law the chair. Flnlly Ir. Iolqynultkcluuco ha cocoo- anuoohngo ol tho but at union. hollingtlo noolp In Ilodunoorln gpluo cl Ilunnhg-than that loan!- rdv,Iot OIIII Clo an-npuuh could not uauupa. lav. up. Built ua luv, up -IIAI -nhn Adda-nan AA I'll cu III` Iu-vu u- uv n-u- union. H: as around, that potuuly, with hails; was with tho Illinhtl, and loans; II!!! no In that 1 oonlonnoo no n which Mr. la- Iay node bin nphnsiionu, oonunding cm In unusual undo by tho Y.M.C. I. bid Iii Ildivldvnlly, and that tho , Iguana! for the abolition 00 and An- noohon unnp did not that Mn; clan, in [south ovugcliuo union nu Ion! onbuiuol lot Itch npptoul or all-nan-nnl In In magnum-. an .4. -vvu uuIr-IwU- Iv! tilt Ifpivvjl III dlnpptoul. II b astonishing that no small a noun!-and on oonluuodly champion! In tho lacuna ol pnblba QnnAIn_nK.-nlltl Kn-A an-gal unnn -An In Iwunonu. lo:v-In. luna- hr nuts at this undid In bud, jfjtl-- W CZIF, ulhoouhno, at lasagna, spun hioclonquoruoonoudolndut. A nn-id-: Ln-gal.-A n-Id-n An- TTZUVWTITTHTI I unhunlvq Inpuuo an. an dhllntullhuobpocnlly 0 col- hild hllicouhbnoltllyd vu\hoolHoIhoIoodhpvdudoI- Tho oubjoct of Sundoy ovomng moot- ingo hon givon rioo to much hootod con- trovony among the clorgy. Prior to the nooting of tho Y.M.C.A. Oomontton it In docidod that tho putoro ol tho city ohurehoo should ho conoultod no to tho odvioolnlity of holding mootingo. undo: -tho onopleoo ol tho Y.|l.C.A., on Suudoy ovontnp, on hontoforo,ot tho oiooo ol tho church oonlooo. A oonlnittoo woo op- potutod to moot tho niuioton, tho Ino- jority of then won oppoood to tho soot- lngomhloh, in ddoronoo to thoir oplnion, wondlooontlonod. But, It. IoKoy. o npooontotivo ol tho Y.I|.0.A.. hoing dohu-rod (ml tho loo of tho Iontrool nod Iohool Boon, on tho rooult ol tooont lqol pnooodtogo, oappd tho Victoria Into Moll old nonnod Mo ovorliotlo _._.x_.. _, IaIlI-I VI --uv-nnvnnnvn. A lawn in rund"h-on Ir. MoI.odI`o_ Pi-inoipul ol Quoon Strut School, thunk- Ing thu number: of tho Board ul Educa- tion fur their uniform kindness towudo him, and requesting them to give him the Iuunl loam oi rucnuimonduuon. n, _, ._,,_ .1 u, u1,, ;, .L- IAAZ Al Groo.u-ia very cheap, to oublo the poor n wall as tho rich to con: duh ublu IIIUII IUIIII vl una--uluauuuuuuu. On monon of Mr. Wood: the latter 0! Mr. Mowullo nu ongruuod on lho nu- nnua, and the usual blur of recom- Inondniou grunt:-d. Tho Bond thou adjourned. Dltintu. Minus Jennie Howard, Eu Mnodunuld and lit: Molltoy. I95, uoand clue our- tionlon. A JUIIII Lu--ll III It In nwud that the Commituu ol Qnoon Strut nod Cnunqui School: he I Join! Oommiuoo to look slur the opon- ing of Another also in Cuhnq ui Sohaol, with powor to appoint 3 teacher. Anpcd|lbootlngoltholoulolldu- ulanvuhld-hthlloud In-lut nuhgto naive tho upon-.-(_Ih 0oIuiIobd0au,Tu|tonnud3Il- uialorthoouuing you. `l'ho`nou- boupuunInu:Ir.l.J.B. P0000, _(OMlrI||); Hours. Alba. Poo. Bonny, Irving, Johnna, W. Tandy. (J. K. Wu!- .I_.... Q I` I7l..s_ R wnnnln "loot wnnluno no; no pawn: nau- vitl I list of uoobuo (or the you bo~ [inning on tho 1th ol January Inn, with tho uhdutboy would recommend for oluuuunuuacnna Ivy" Inn uuuu, but loud lnourhoumnlulo dlioult in oonplodng it. Tho], haunt, `ave unbuiuooglin cod oi a gning ol 0150, .175 and or the Int, uound and 'unior third clans rcupootiuly. with `IS nllovunoo to holdon of Ieooud clan ourlioutoieoobing in than gnden, Ilultllo judo of oomonh nuy Alto hue ith Iolghl. Upon thin bun lha Illfiill-F1530 clnul Inn boon ar- Ilngod lot staining to ma Board. Tho 'pIIittu would also recommend nu; no thir clnu teacher he uppoiuggd to iutruoc unychu above 5 juniorlhird, ugcpt (or tho Bond : tolnponl conveni- who can I urn onus ooruuouo. as ou- titlodtosunddil 0! C50 youto tho ulnry enjoy , othor qu union hing tlulv oonnidond. nu Iulry ougoyol duly oonaidond. Than nuvunlnnl Innpoatorl report, IIIO will no nqulroa fo an Ldditionnl clan in Oaunqui 8o ool; Ihn the photos nppoinunonu of Mr. Iloduirl . and Mr. Ounpboll be for three month: only, uubjoot to noon! at the notion ol tho Board. Th. nuahcn nnd zhuir nlnrieu for llvlulu-v Ivnuvu. In. A .l.~ Boson, Principal.....I200 ' onnuul` loin. lino Minnie Dsvio, Pnnc1pnl-I200. Tho following roooivo tho bonuses which we included in quit uluieq: Ir. W.J. Sumnorby. I60. lint cluo SELF-RAlSl'.Vtll'LOUR sank-mlsxuanvckwuurno. usucxan want. I` ' mumm noon, rush. Toronto Flour Store, M- MORRISON. which IIIOIUIIOII In quit nunu: It. Sunnorby. I50, ooniontu. Min-an Jnnnin llnunrd. Ev: Mnndnnnld IIIIII, I. \o. 1151!. D. vvvvunu `Tho np3`It._durAbI slight change: can undo, vu,uloptod- It in-u (ol- n. I . uffhy cunuuy oonnidoud the [ruling ol the attic an tldind by tho Baud, but luuul lnanrhounnhlo dlioullv intllo unior third and high. olunoo, who cum; lint. olun oomli . boon- ninlui In an uldiiinn nl I50 not III!` to no. Tho] nloo recommend tlntlui luqhor duly command. They noomnond that list ntildn English in engaged to an extra teacher lot the vnr. and that IIO be unnloyod lugunu 00 ongugoa am uooner your, unployod in lling Mi I Moodocnldi p during AL- I_4A..-|- -_. -5 IL. I]... -I nlusnl lot In nu was no no unpnoyuu Min the lAtt.u"o term 3! the Nor nl School, Utuup, altar which, according to Ihu lnpoaI.or I report, the will be roquirod for Ouuluui U10 VDIIOD 0| U10 olld. Tho uoolmi and their ulnrien 108) no It follows : IODII. IOIOOL. Mr. WJ. Summuby, Principnl, 0900 . 350 Mr. W.J. Cunpboll... . . . . . . . Kin Iuion Liunuou........ 325 Min Jounio H|yIood.. . . ` . 225 Ilia AgnuAllou.. 175 Kin Barth: Uli . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150 noun or nocnnoif` T` fll or? rucnn - III `hung BIO ll ol Jlnlnq non, mu: |tlIl Iuhticnthoy foil huh. ' IRISB DAILY A1 `PHI IAIAAK huh.0oIhII-uy.qIuII7.Io. .IIDIIOl. &iuIhn0nhnnn Jnkrrlsn wme. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1879} IJJUIUI J-`Kiln. Iliulubcllu Ilclntyfo, Principal 8450 Min Sarah McDowoll . . . . . . . .. 325 Min uriot Tandy . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Min Eu Ilcbomld . . . . . . . . . . . `J00 Kin Alioo Cunningham. 150 Ann-- nu.---u unllnnl `F "5}.}'".L.}"Qo3LT."' Mr. W. H. Godwin. Principal. .$00 Min Annie Oran lord . . . . . . . . , 325 IiuSuohG|||.......... .260 Mm EthHoIlroy.. . ` .. ..., 226 Min Jouio Phippon . .. . .. 175 lii Liuio omig...... 160 Min Curio Soon . . . . . . . . . . . .. 160 OAIAIAQUI IUIOOL. u- I n w..; u.. Ir. J.u. wood, rnna Iiu Jnnnlo l.lyuop.. Kin Rlmdl Room. . . llu Jonnlo yIIo| Hill Min. Ilinnin Rhini- OOIDOI ITIIIT DCIOOL . Mr. 'l`.H. McGoirl, Priucip|l.., Kins Fania Ondylo. . . . .... . -n . u Aunll n n an-nnl lira . 1 "Your Odnninu bot to whom hau- nhh A lint nl Inch-n for tho Inn! hm nun Agnes Auon. . Kin Bonln Uli... VII Alnuvl Iv-vvu. Ilr. J.8. Wood, hiu.ip.1.. . ..uoo Min Jnnnh Hvllon . . . . . . . . . .. 250 HID KIIOCI 15000.. . Min Minnie Shiols. . with tho nice things of the canon. Wllaloll-IVIIAIII Du-vvu. Hit: 0. Woulud, Princip|l.... .8300 Min Ell: Smith" . . . . . . . . . . . . I75 ---*"-7-vvv ------ A Clerical Dllunueo. Irruqvuuuuu uu--u nun IEO HIIIIICI 50 I115 zou 175 Ill} . I Iunuttunuu nu--r --u uuuuvuuvuu to go loud in hand. A lntiouu doluto onnud on no Illugsl lupoon-out n' curtain pononu by the judges, who onu- Imd than by oonlnd ol the Km; unseat the onus ol choir nloooot having hobo spoiled in um Ida; and um moo lolom loll-wan: Mb duouun--|--one lot his trial: Ind judiom pr--dun, and nacho! nlrniu Ibo ynuciplo that no In cull to haul onions and uh! Pu ~ Mono-nu onbudiotl in the Petition cl Blghu. Innuy the King uuuulf to BIO $00` `I! IIGNVHHAI twill. Old Obs Oonnou mind In nah-Min. which qnllld III! lnjnuy. But the 8010- Iau cl Ilowlnluncn Bonn mm id ennui to spoil] the have when thy pqnnu Ihnld 50 undo. and u uupnpuud Induction ones, who: Wcuuiti dud the halo not 0 his. Den hwnpllol the Marty .3! 5L. -_I.l..o .5.-IA In nnnnnnl 05.1 ll I ill. iwv :uvwv'n--cu -u nvvvu vi the Iubjut dull to land. that ll Mann njooud tho suppliq should houjuld loo. Eh Inject) III Ingl- tv Wutunh In -..-av new-i 5--u--new --... -.......... - -.- more iuiullcriible than evc. Atiauiiirn wee celled tn the aelul etete of ihacuun- try, resulting from the free billetinu oi the laeleae anldiery, end to the debate which occurred in Perliement in 1028 on the preeentetion of the Petition of `Right, e document second only in im- ' portanoe to Megna Charla. 'l'lie ' leeding inemhen nl Parliament` were ileecribed-Seldnii, iiimiiieyalmaun, Riidegetd. John Pin. Cope, Oliver Cromwell, Elliott, Ileaon, Phillipe. Seymour, at al, the proiniiient clierac- terietiee of each permitting ol eume gre- phic pen pioturee. Snioe it to eaiy that Perliaineiit was computed of the elite of ' the nation, the ceer of the gentlemen ' of England. It wee eucli an uaalihl] ' that Sir Thoe. Wentworth addrreeed on the greet conetituiionel qiieetione of we (lay, proteetilig egeinet innovation. die- ? owning revulntlmi but pleading end oun- tendlng lor the ancient libertiee ol the - people. The oorreepondenoe between the Kteg end the -onee ol Coinuone wee ehetohed, the nmitroverey opening with nnoee did exiet, and proinieing redreee eheelthe Bnppliee (oliioti we're hailly ` an adnieeion by Hie Majetty that grte' ` needed) were grented-in other worde ` tliet the hit lget etionld be lint bolted, end the petition ol grievaueee ooneidefed al- tereerde. The Ooinuione eaa unwilling to yield until eeeni-ity ageinet lntiire in- lrtagenent at their rtglita eere greeted. The King In forced to euhinit tn elloe o -n an-nu Inn ah vein nneiva-nae 4 l"?'$| C3731 IIUIIIII |I UIIUVIII r Oollogo aorieao! popularloetoru Ilia I whim was and i no Tibos." _ In eouloneing ho ohaorvod that aoino ; I!!! were ol ouch tar-reaching activity, . tvhoir doinga were on much intoroovon with current avanta. that the raenrd ol' 1 their line hooanotho history of tho ._ poriod in which they lived. This was as- pozially tr-uaoyl the great statoanun and . out`, Sir Thonao Wantworth, attor- - warda the Earl of Stralord. At tho `_ porlod oflhisantranoo upon political life ' England had reochodaoriaiaiu hercarser. [- and"thai the audience might the better , understand thia the lecturer node a brief * onrsoy of the union and the cimunstaneu ' which ushered in this important era . Norman William store at hia coronation to ohss-rvo the old lawa ol the country. King John aignod the Magna Charta, which had been rsalrmsd thirty tiinaa ounce. On the acoeasiuu 0! Henry . the VII,tha pnwerl of lreaiatonoe (as a result , of the previous wan) had"a'|u1-':at died nut. Wlmn Honry VIII aaoondod tho throne luv and charter had practically little power, atill law and charter were there. Charter waa noithor reotricted or repoalod. So late, however, as the time 0! Eliubeth, her strong and Tudor will had all but ailenoocl tho patriota of hor reign; yet the in- uonoo nl Parlianant waa growing` atoadily-and making itarll felt. Great aspirationa for lnIIlVI(.I|lal liberty wore beginning to be entertained. Nor was James I. the man to crush the life out ol this robust young Horculea of English liberty. In 1625 Charles Lsuoeoedod hia lather. Great, well-moaning, ro- mantic, and right royal, with a clear titlr, atrong religious aontimeuta and many other line qualities, low prinooa aaoondod the throne with greater advan- tages and fewer atill aulfered the same In-slurtunea. At that liunetlio eurront ol English opinion was in the direction 0! -in favourol government by law.Charloa thought to dam it and reverse in ouurae. In 1694, in the loot decode ol Queen Elixabotlfa reign, Sir Thomaa Wonk worth, alterwu-da the Earl ol Stralbrd, waa born in Yorluhigo. Be waa the old- oot eon of Sir William .Woutworth, and heir to an ancient family and princely lortune. At the age of 18 he married the daughter of the Earl of. Cungberland, and live yean later he .mm'a Parlia- oiopt aa a member for Yorkshire. Soon alter the aooooaion of 0horloa,Wentworth married llll aoeond wile, Lady Arabella Hollaa, daughter of the Earl of Clare, and a woman of remarkable beau- ty. A new Parliament being aommoned Wontworlh wok hie real in it, tho otar of the Duke of Buckingham being in the oooondoot. Tho electoral impuritioa of thooo dayo were rolorrod In. the old tac- tioo being revived of appointing to the pooition of Shel-IE inemhoro of Parlia- ` rneot who were onrollablo in tho aepport ol the Crown, and whooe removal woo felt to be doairable. The nancial eh-iueney oaa Iuola that loano (contrary to otatute) were forced, refuaoro of which V worooobmittod to the perpetual dioplea- euro of Rio Ilajeaty, and oomo were even impriooood. The reaoaembliog of the third Parliament led to the liberation ol the member: who were In limbo. Re ` lorouoo wao made to` the atrong and noble men who compoood thia immortal Parliament, who fought and bled in the great cauoo of civil and religioua liber ly. The Home oi Cummono contained many worthy men, the namoo of whom, ho ` waa not aoliamed to aay, he never heard pronounced without a thrill of enthuai- aoin. Woolworth booauiea moatuuro.-~ looting opponent ol the Uovornln u a policy (in the Third Parliament) and the leader of ma Oppooition. He waa a great ape-alter, and when he eloquently cham- piunml the right: of the people men lolt tnat their grlevanceo and autferinga were .....-.. ...n..ll...-..|.l-bh....-- at-....l..`... Ill uvocu.-Y ov czvnunu:-1-uv w- roumou to IOYALII an tnpncn. ' n Golden Lion Grocery uuu uvuuug -1. J. -. Auuu, In up- |`!iIIl|oo. dclivond the Sub ol QIIOOlI'l (lull... ....'-_ ,1 ___..|_- I..L__.. Ili- Lu! atoning Ir.-If A. Allen, 0! Al- ulnntnn 4I4It..-..A AL- link Al (Mn-an`: mama nu--uh: ruin. ..-...-.---- ` 05001:: no nu Iotbofo idol, the man`. pv they III ninth! to you an as gold. and pound, to All pouuou ol honor and Iran. I! yuu truly fool Ibo `hm ol you mm. and nut In who the (In `an 0! youroloo to Mac Md plain! in pod-~|o, don`: all-an u ohgbt cold topny upon Ibo mun nu. lot out 0 d In 0| night my run! the I dun or. Group -but n In dung ol Dunn l.lmr.Il lulu tn upon will BIKE N, 0| '0" II Wloupza Couch. 3I ouhM0. and all Tins! Luna nhnhn. . um. . And no on through thnlrd. uh, lit and uh clutch, and I "lulu-scion." In duct 6 Hnhonno pledges haul! to: "do at much" on tho young hdy. `he not h with: in MI ink, agno- `uno- incoloc and Ildcnodby tboymu-3 1 Ma qmuovu nu-nu. I-`am CInuu.-l outt to brush, Iron thiodny, wilhoou It-tin . II the linol- uguonum which uy nlulonn hub tuned in to eunlnol with n canola --. I will not Iron hoooulorth uh udvioo , from any am noon: III. Nubonno oon. coming this --, lot will 1 main my locum hon him Iitbout giving than to Mr. Nnrbnuuo, Ihn will hcnouforlh In my guido in all Iioult . and will Idviu no that it but to be I ro- nonnoo tron phi: day (occur not to lo- oopc my gas, no manor not null, I1 I now that it noun Inn -. In short, this pulonan, handout, viii In In no nothing non dun nun: . Tho bod mu-no lhuo wound to: his mn- ; don him `(i no I boing unworthy ol uyl tun: ma oloonon. Qnd nlnllnn _" II. "spin-nu nhnnld unto: um olucnon. Ind Clunu. -1! Ir. Nubouu should I using Inn ct"-nonndnruuluu. I u consult and cusp upon to hunk of all ooonccuou not my uncle Ihd my Aunt . Nurbonno, Iluuur his wukueu in other rupoou, Ill uidontly dotgrmiv ed that his nlocuonn Ihould not bo tnllod with by Iny loklo Chloog hence the an- gqolnout, which bogul u followu- Monlrul, So I. 14, I874. I, the undonlglod, doc o loloum-ly, upon the Holy Blblo, to observe in all ro- Ipoou my onpgouout. and to rigor-`o---`I lullll rn prouiuu to Mr. 0. Count .I_ . E. in ubonno Lars. In whom I have` mth all the Itnngth 0! my soul. OI all prominu thin on merit: particular mon- tioo. booonu it holds the lint plan. And lo the only condition by Ihlch tho Count I. do Nubonuo [An oonunu to hop Ma ujoctiovu lot to. lI`n-nu. Clnnn.-I oath! to hank. Iron (Manfred Wttvneu. From the pudu-u ml the prisoner N ur- bonue, hold in custody form nlwmpl In [urge Csnnuun punugo mumps, hun- been taken mm: poauliar npoonmoun ol opiuoluy lnontnro. Ono documrut, boning the following inootiption, excrlod lulno cnriuuity Among tho Police Court oluh. IIIIAIIIHIHT (Trno copy) N. McNEIL. `-U YWIIWIUI UV IIUBI. (lsid down so scleervhesis ol low), end the diicnlty which sreee Iron the msno ' _ner in which the King gets to it his seeeni, to ihe feet the! le|er,_ when reuionstrsn- one were made sgslnst Buckinghuufs ` tismisge end loundege lsw. the King ss- eerted his pverogrstive to here the ` judges sdminieter the lsw eecurding to his interpretation! of it. Wentwurth wss ereeteds Boron, Viscount, e Privy Councillor, President of the North, snd Lieutensnt of lreleud.'- President of the whole country iron the Huinbor tn Sooilsnd. Wes this no`. ` signi- esnt I Iul the nest lecture they would see. His life wee s terrible wsrning to srnhitioiis men. Thoughiospye hle of ilie giestest things he wss given to the worst, e mighty wreck sud morsl ruin.` A vsgue, melancholy grsndeur `hung shout the men, s drsinetio interest sttsched to the one who spoke so elo- quently, eho fought so brsrely, end died 00 nobly. There--wss strength end grsnd- eur about him, which, in spite ol our eense ol right, end better nslure, end very Ielru, slmost bses our cooler judgment snd' chslleuges our interest end sdniirs- tiun, slmost our Iors., Our syinpsthy (or s men nntlives our hstred ol hie sets. 'l`his wss sepeeislly true of this men. whose struggles, lordly baring, noble pstieuce, strength ot soul, lofiy coursge sod self eseriticing conduct st the close of life touched us to the quick. As he sways us with his eloquence, or trends the nu!- fold with uudsuuted steps, sud bids sdieu to the owers sud sunshine of this his, to ruin, children, friends, hninsn hopes, ex- alted position end hoods his neck to the horrible us we ere shocked in every iievre. Our sentiments overmester our judgment end we slmost repent thst its keen, culd~edgo lovers the nnrrente of lilo, snd mbe humenity of such e nun. _.___ ... . lll DCpI., IUHD Mnu. - In favor ol II. lo 020. do Nubonno Lars. Lu! evening the er :-eudenee At the clu- wen enmewhnt lerger than previously After briey enmnnnzing his I:-cture uf the preced-ug week, Mr. Knight. pr--cred-_ ed to take the euhjeet Hydrogen Gee, He uid that it existed in Inge qnenmiee in water. noel oil, coal gee, end in enirnel Ind vegetable budlee, end thu when re- quired hr use in the leboretory it hed to be ertrected from home of (hale nub- ueneee. It wu neuelly nude from nine clipping-, ureter, end eulphuric mid. These mgrediente In N-vi! PR0-rd in I lulu, end lerge quentitiee ol the see col- lected over Inter. A neon-ud Iuelhud of preparing it, vie., lrom voter end the motel poleuiuln, rue then shown. Some four or live bottlee lull of gee were pre- eemed to the clue, end by verioue ex- perunenle. Mr. Knight proceeded to ex- hnbillte moel. prominent pmpertiee. he hghuueee wen ehoun by pouring it from lnnrn lullul tn nnnthnr IAIIIIlIIr1lI' it: irnnm. nu-vuu, vi uu-nun. -u `wt vl Iv ..v... .- gu holder, tho Inna hing I pal: yellow. Diuuninnud through the room the gun Ind no mull, nd the Indians: In informed that it Ind no tutu. lu uplooivo properties than mixed with Mr or oxygen gu Ion uhown, And Mun! oloo, tho noiu boing as loud u that of I pistol. Mr. Knight oonclndod An hour`: intoruling locturo by Announcing that the nubj_ocl of hi! next one would be oxygen. -aw, Ivy Ian magnum-nun, u-u luau` in. .-..u` no ntiufuuty nu ma. and-dI.. hint to tho qusloo, "Will the ouonu in Iilloynl Iotdotnot I" Woohorth [lid an {Mic No."'I'Io nllogcdovonigllly at on mag in .1- l...l.'.I 3). .-.l .I.;; ah. gnh-gnu;-:0 lnnnh .3..u.u.. -u. um-.. .., ,.........., .. ..v... mm vo.-uel to unothcgupwurcls; its inmr Inability by burning I jet 0! It [rum 1 --- }...l.l-- oh. lung hgina n nnln The Inc had huilopuly vgioil. Io `QM, by III `IQ ! III loti- a.... _..u" L. _n.o..n-u Lnl mlul. --wr--,w-vw-I--1 - -- -.--s --\- lnl6dTo, and tho the uubooqnonl. upoooh ol Wontuortln, which Iuyo peculiar in in ,u|olndto'lho chu-gnoflr .1.II ion me n. n_. huporiziung. and Ind liounod to the open voioo ol unbi-. n..- `BL- ...Iy..........1 .".-`..`. -.5. IDUUIIIII In 511' I Ivu vvvivv vu -nun. Hon. Tho subsequent oioiill Ion briey uuruod -the pangs of on: Ilvtrrini nu Ilalll nolin mun AIDEST. ._- run nu HULIIJAYSH -----9oo--- Ioclnnlcs lnnmnta. um s.pc., I876 I Gl.0Vl6-Chnpc tinny has b no lacy. 's'rnm. I STUVEAS. ynnnnlno !Ba.rgb.1nslBarga.inll'| After a sorts of apartments. oulutd as [not out. ud Involving much lubor, .IA(,'nus l.l'l`|lUOIAl In boon oooonpkhly porfoobl that It so not only am. durnbh. but on :1 mud in cununuuou and mun-sauna sumo ol mo word-rm ma... nod nun-onuu nppuuubouohlod to uh: I `nacho I Ch out IA run O0.PruI'ldIl|lho4Hr1-mnong Inruuhod nooonplhd -RI. '()ud. Nah loner pqluxlfnd Foln ult-I Puma n-. opetsvoly - .5 .7. .`)lII.|1 IPICIAL Illflladl OIDIL. A Ilht-Yul an- can to LII 0. Ayah vuhl throughout the Doulnoon. land for om-ulnr J. In JACOIII. PIKIKIIII Illulnulun-I I: warn": v- urn: --vvuuuuu u III vnwvwv hi I IIVCIIIIIII I Punmd man Jury, I879. ,_ (ml HUNDIID llrluuolu cut NOW an 1-Ann nor on`. olumsu. WOIDIBFIII. IMPROVEMENT Ill JACOBS LITIIOGRAMI Klan!-I Ililh Julm ll? SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TWEEDS. BILH The bdnaotof W. Y. Ioyd'I Stock 3- In whole to be sold without mun ; J. I. mmcalhou, ', V r. HART) , ` oetlolur. Auotnonug. we ,_ ,_ f:.:__ Eu on hulll I ludid Itook ofWool Goods 1 CLOUDS. SHAWLS and AOKITI. which he 13 um OHIKP. Also--A few pieces of Black no Silver 1'0! 1' I TIIIIING8. and ncomplete Stock of General Dry Goods. funny and Staple. vonx oLornn}} STORE is the APESTPIEGB to do Business in, and the Bears 9. First-Glass Reputation. I: d idod In E durh thin month thollu nd n iy unonod Ravi vl DRESS G4.)3D:nt tho LIBERAL I DUCFIUN 0! TA Clle. winch will nEunl`huy-rs nu opportunity to noon Ilnt Chat New 0006:. Really Cheap. u Purina dulrlng my 0! lcshovo nuuuonod Booth will do I DRUVVLV nuu uuuu U vuuuvnnu are the cheapest mm! but Ill tho in the city; we are mu hnrd :9 work mlnllfnctulrlnu to Int-at mu .l--uumd. t Pl-uau ylva us A call, md WE GUARANTEE A FIRS1` - Cl.\.\`.\` FIT, AND GOOD MATICRlAL-.I J` II the lnwelt Ilvxng prot. And we Are nun we can say. um lure sold this uunn the larpmt qllanllty 3' Uur neummnnuon OUT FOR BARGAINS. ATTHE STORE of P. VH_ARTY, Buys"A|| Wool llndershirts and Drawers at lls. `Doo._|9tIsV, u-my E1023? 5: 11.2:-1--1-`s- wwnnrv PIECIS .1031` n:omvEo--Eompn.m. mm. noqnhudu, ours undo V:-my 1-9 `cw-vu- 3'7-1 noun`.- The nbovo Good! an I I id Bargain and roll worthy ol inspection ALsQ._ NEW FRIEKIS TO WATCH :1] oolqn--vory chap. Extra Bargains in Black Gashmo;-as nu . Inn .`vu\ n.\vn\y nnnna n:u\n.- PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, PLAIN AND FANCY WINCEYS, MAN IJIEESS G-00138. cuuu-In-c ltvlumhnpurlhuna-. OOIIITI-Ipuhllho 10.. watch OLD. .A;`U:_C_3TIO]5T. For the Best anrheapest Oashmeres IN THE ClTY-(}Q T0 ` I J. A. TKIOIALD dcllnold lllonn the emu:-I of Klngwnu and violin] lbs; to in oycnod s first Clan air Dan S nil lhuiu Parlor, nan cloorto Ir. ll. coda` Ho--Iolon, Wellington Inn. and having hm! III enuulvo uporlnnoo and Ir undlng to do gll III hh power on plant III onuonon enmo he will remain hh mi: of I . My human. than ulq Inn :`:.Z.."5'... Iuwh an: exam that I vs than ulolhot momlmr In the AI. and will not on nblo lo nbhgo nll cumorl. J. A. Tllliun ALD. MILLINERY I A In... m--.4 an it In. uggnu In--u use. in um. um ul Ind loom Button CID up. IAITLII-Ioyullhadhollpcuo. llufll-l-Vy chip; can and talc ynumlva noun ldnulul DIG. vllu all i L nnohou. ruun any umux vvnnunna, MANTLES AND h'llA\\'l.\`, 3' Our dotorminnlion in to clear the lb0VO Good: um mouth, Lheromro LUUK H11` FHR IIARHAINH. -UIUCCIV WU Tv' Nofnluuhucnn. Inuit SMI. IUD. JACOIII. I Input: Bonus 457 . Iulnul. Hnlquu-unioctho Mud l0uu-.'l Au! Mun. lawn. Inn. NJ. -0:-puma nlmu tgbloh hath". at noun no annual ecu. RICHMOND an BOYDEN I All Cloth: out tnoolehrp by I first Clun Toilet. Doeunhor ii`I8`N V` runny. us I A Dames. kahumfor O as no by 0000 Our cm to uni adds It lohonuuu v.`l`Io-uouun .Iuvoqnnl In-no Dunn. clap la a which will gin lull J ` udulluhorcinolu I unu, uldnunu All ducal uubnulnum par-unaund ` `Uo..`. -c M 1 . ` lkho . llvhlpn. Nov lth! I879. Dooomhu lolh. I879 Dec. 10th. I579. nu. ma, mo. nun 1. co.. In-der Work and Ibeuly-lulu Clothing. iRO5KWi7`T}L 1'3 I%7 .(%).{~`.T. C`EiVF BROWN AND BLUE OVERCOATS urn Mm nhannnn nml ho-mt In lhn in tho city; mu mm 1' work mnnnlncunrunq w um-at Hm :1--mind. '3` prulil. I Z. PBEVTOCT. gm. M NEW YORK CLUTIIING sTmu~:. Jluhhcoou-ynM0I0I|l"' ll. loll!-u luuluoutl-cI\.l|Il'l% GOIIEIGIIG MONDAY HIBIIT, Only 88 Cents 1 I. __ _ -_--2-l D-___.. -...I ARE OFFERING 'l't1lb` \' L: i `Nos. :32. :34 And no Pnnouo sum, oppuiu m on; Hotel F-.X- COUSINEAU &. GO- RICHMOND dc. BOYDEN S. W031! 75 0313?]. IIICIIEY & ILETT. I'I'IllcI`:s.i Slrc-1-I. ROCKWELL BROS. Agent at Iuuuon. I1. WO0D. out no Do-luau. loud mrrulu JACQII. In-ulwtun-: WIIII. I.I.-UitKl hovncunppllullnb 1.1m {BOOKS on -III I UIIIIVIIL. luluuunl Ihla-nuoII'hu.0nu.&n M It-.IuIoehen' loullenue. ` Wellington nu. Inn-n-Inn on: nan--2 an-nnn \ J. l. IIESIIOGIIERS, OBGAIII1` OF `I'll cnnuuua n.uu1* % nnmmt. -j-own Ivuq (onus: tn nous canon.) HAl0.&o-in I; un- nnnnt Iouhnuo- . um now: u qpT`no |IOdII.laI.\`uCOI2!M Kh. ILFII In. III, III. .. `tuna. lov'v )3, I010. UIIIJIII-I U, IT. IAIWI CATIEPIAL. lulu:-cl Ihla-noon Han. Onnaju Uppooloo Albton lloul, frunmu Blroot. pow Yard. I _-II -..-nL-Al ...-nn4 WM. DAVIS, A. ROSS, E003 Aib `DID. A. IIIIUIDI on-.'u.,as III, |I_ a well to 0:11 htforo Ibo Chruuuu / me" "iii cub. 06 Mb, mo. ` VENTILATION Bkgggu snur. Pt! ll-0. ' . &'s';`.'. .':.'.u1' 1-6 1.04:: nun on uuslll on "v-A~...:.2mw=-- luau: Ir-nun Ian: and luaoul luau. or F A."2RoZEl - ._.__.:..__.__ 'ii"ONEY II`I TIIBUI Zwftjjdjvi Inn iloullud uh pnpthdlbo Aplxuovom |qIh%c,cuchlb,dIuIhopIuuh- line. It. Iugno. Ibo Pltl. III nonnnntnl -KL n nl-iIA.n -nnnnI- Ina` .:._.x-.-.- Pouol Cou|'r.-J. Bonuon wu ohrgod with intoxication. In tho Conn ho llid in nu ucy drunk. cm M ran against 1 been and haul; hoohd hi: on out. Tbh R thought III plnhlnonl onough. I'M uugiltuu thought dilnnnlly and Iood bin .2 or 10 clap. John Doyle, an old lunch of the nouuol loduuy. pc lodopudsnl And Idglod Ila petition Ian. 80 uppurod M the (Join an a -._..-. II- ..|...|.| mm. and glad cs-%jo--3 Anfunn lounv.-lr. L. W. Knight, no 0! Ir. By. Knight. ol Wulbvoohuuuc Into the city but Kol- dAyIith||oudd|h.IIdM III III uuulncovonlng tho it could have tho dtyui bode. While drlvhg ldunly along that dark, had with path; lhrooghlho many not Wau- Nook, Io vuulhohd by In pcus 80 III aunt lulu Ihrp Ilollltno Ma; No Id Ioondnln hhlnaillun .s..n..a..n-MAL. In-no In-nulluln IIIIVIII IV! 3 Iunluuu Ill I|- u-u, uv- Ihohntolvlilhunohnudblo nddhot Nina ntll urbane. Happily too its the porpooo ol Ila anhuuunltuuuod. thymus- lngsobgoiinhtb ugnogn IN Iauulruuhonpkluuo. The In- In||oIIu,udnh.hnbMu.nIho hdulnpolnnh Ihponouloo. FLOUR! UIUI I-IUI-I In Jillllwu u u not co-pwuiood or ouunviu dlnpoood of. The can wu ndjonmod by the Oolm until Tuesday. The Oity Conrad] -5 -._A n.- I`.....I-- guqninn 'IX 5* WC II Bill IIIVIK WVIV - I uouroo ol Annoyance to thonulvci only, but at u Iootnn (Ion owning {or in- ohooo,) the interruption ol Into oonon no nnpudoubly annoying. ' ._._a-1_._._. -?-4-1-0---- Tn "Wno'a PIoollu.--Tho Gun- noquo Iim hon shown an old Wmo, I to connect on it, and to notion some 0! the inddonu non- Iionod in its oolunu. lion, plum and time: having All Indomouo an aqua! shun. sud uh-mod to tho In-oh ol Inpnvonono. Ithohucnd thlonool the In! thought: Ihidi occurred to it on looking at the papa III that the lnhnr ol editing it than In light sud tr-ing, when ooupuod nth tho lnbor 0! pro- pnring tho In-go Imnnnl of radio; mu- ur not inn in the Dun Wllu. @ III. In nppuwu us an vuun - - Cg-un. Ho pladd guilty and laid! the P. I. to gin Mn Gino non in the Poultouhty ad I! be ooulo.l M do the in [he his two yuan. Tho P. I. (no III that nulls In goal. `Bo pleaded to have it undo {our mouth, but it can I .M "Bovlcum" 'l`nIn.-'l'hin morning '3 Iona on QIIOIB m-at vigoroualy ojootod no tulips who Ind brohn in- lonvnnt boon, incl Ion nolinlnc luxuriously upon tho sol: ddo ol I plank. Their exit III undo bolou Ilnir loilog nu comploud. V -:--0-1 L|trrun.-Amn tho Viotorin Music Hall next Manda) evening to hot: Chan. A. Counnr, 0. 0. 0., lecture. Subject: "Should canon ho uluittod to the puc- tioo ol the modioul proloulon I" Tho nudootgboth ol the Iodlml and Quota : Oocgu. should nail tlulnolvu ol tho uhuoolohulr. Ocular spook. Ad- Ihdoo 10 -----30-: ` Oounou. Iunlu. -On Monday nor- th; the County Oounil Inn boon apo- ohily unnoml to has to uoomidu tho oqudiullon question, which will ho undo amount of judicial ouniutlon it -4.! nus-gnu-u-IngtI nu nlhnoninn Allnnnnn vvuuv tutu nuruuuga an-w un- will out on Monday owning. --2-0.6-?-\- ._-_. Lu-I Oonnu.--It in uingulu that some people never nah It 5 point to be punomnl on toy ooudon or under any eiruneteuoee. No fault could be hand with than people 1! their lubiu were 3 - gang.` nl -nnnn.-nu In Qhnmndunh IIIIIII-II IIHI IIIAIJI-Jul. "- Thunduy non tip pupil: to! the Chi: um Brothers win (In tide Ohriltnu oqtutninmnnt in the Opus Bonn, to .n.. ._.._..A -1 -L:.|. ax. o.I...A. .1 sh. ..:3."u'u"`.1'.'u'.!'?`.'.'.'.?E.."al" 33.133` Inhul Inna. nun. Iunoup. maul -an-an [Inn no mum. . looting Iglot W|IunIIIn_o| non nppnvdprlnlpb ad with Ihhpl Iuuonuum. $HVI --- 3! c-` I Zfiilh IIIOIIIVQIII It luuid u "loxy"Broohnn Inln nthokod. Brooh lc. llih uni on 000 of hh uuilnu and then took `a Iluly dcpurhn. rs. polioo a. moon... lot III llll-IIIUI , II Ivpvtliu Io IIIVU UUUIIIUII tho aonllull ol Ibo Royal Mail stunner `D._......-0' Inn -nu; nnnnltn OlI_IOI lIlIIInluI III III vpul-I nun-u, no its support ol which the Manda ol tho Iuhoml on expand to nl!y In Iago nunbou. The pmcnnno inn vary at- trutivo one. the "Squad Drill und othot Ipooid Int-Iron promining to ho very in~ hliilj cud musing. CU III-IIu-lI III III DU-y-u _`P-upon lot out awn. ---O1o--- lajh-'\ljI. III! Ilguluy. wu- 3&0` lbnhciool toono `ya: and down I} H 050 Control Prison. tn-_A._:. ..n.I 1. _._. _.x-- .... 0'h|n I bhl b not going on. I . lluo|n.-'l ul 0! this oh), Ion II AL. J.-I-A 4 IL. '1 thodljnilh hnouduby Onnp ol III III], IIVI jwuluvu w no-nun iootlngsurlnueon forth uuonol man ' OIJIII on Ponnou.'-oipe. alm- Iood, who Ind chug: ol the "Nomnnn' Inn nulinor, in nporud Io Inn noun-I IL. u.-._-4| `J Ila; D`--I Ilnil -tnnunnp . _..g ; Daainuntinndoagulut. A Uvqrphhl MI u|0floIrpio ou,nd houihgndbu villhpoolmuloo u I.-Agl-IL.-an-In (TYFTF"IiS7: 01' STERS`! WU- iotoluhngoah. (I-3 U1 ! Iuulvly -III ["6 Inl- hlllcidt lilucn to tho poor muu. Apuuuni obouldbo an to lhanazlnn-, up lglinhnnt. Puou.-Jccnltobtinloouluniuly D put! doudyud Inna: vault. H- "` ,/ ad" ,.-' *v"` ,/>""E_ `W -.'f`i:(- ~*:.-:52-- " as lg : ----o3o---- | Ana:-an Bov.--Yutuday mu-noon El 4. _SJ LL-A HI... laugh. up: again L `Elihu Oomph loamy UN! [in out L-.J-.J'L-LA-n- Alanna: In (in lunar ar---o-jo--: Ouunnn lnunnxu-1. - 0- L.__.u__ _._. u.. _.._u. _n n.- L.. qnln can In [at at the Golden Lion Groocry cheaper than tha Cheapest vwithcnt tho lroublo of running from on store to un- l . IATUIDAY IVCIIO, DE. 18. 01!! 1] 71011111. .. .,_ `IFIIIUCUZ vvo- V. -up vuutv Udiihlnboulodulht Ii: Dodo olllnohtllohulllnoot love do- un. Inn his 0! CO0! has but lgho||d"Wuot\owI, Jcuucuuly." `liouuuu, 01084: to. llnnl. sad Unllioholnol u. Stunt, nu utupudcl. `ho Oonly Coon djonnd until fdlnyloxhlllhat. ntlOp't-loot, In Jubiqhnbcll. - fhonauolouul Onion onto Puonncourlol ul l`uuday.MI Jcnnmull um, blip : chains In the ulund [Inn la IQ. j-jWZVU Iuutwu I -Irv IhI%, and uh list B M In .-..I..-IJI--A-AL.-_.l n-.- .L... vtugj-:1 ,-vu-on-III u nuhoollh-ovolouuot now out bthtlhnoorllhndooutbo Dqn. nJIhon&Iuqh|ohNuIIndJoOI- gggouuty. cqodnllythou llvlugulng ughonHIoKW.C 0.1, clan `_.l_.L;_, L.._ Ll_.L.4I l._ ..`_ __.L- w-. wuuu vu two -u;-an-u. rIv'Iv' think can -nun Ivolu ha of mo in- nnd boon. louolno no clothed night In and Ibo Inn wu countri- alotl Iolhhuo, which no injured. `I'M IOJOIIII & liquid the aunt dds-up ouhhd. Judgment nun cl. Ir. Iulaoull Int phhtil; yr. -`AL-g L- Ag`.-J--I IL..InL -I ugh. NHL In Ml Lnn vs. [nouns In. 00.7-Thin In I out In which the plsintil mod the lnoluod luuuu Oonpuy lat GA tlolnlundntl pnlioyol iulnnnoo lot llmhbi nujinloalliololunud lpnmn h lyduln-. The defendant: dune! Ihl til loin In not laohml, nah: Ila pohyhdbuuiuudushod nn_ um on the adjoining pcopu-ty _u.|. .._. .nu. A-J.` Incl nl An. in. M lot Idoldut. L- _..L..._ t!..|.4_ HEATING Uur eonteupurery pnbliehee the oili- eere' etetenient of the Bettery trcnbiee. end very geeeronely concliidee lhet. the inlurlnetion given ie iron reliehle eu- thority, end ie undoubtedly correct. We have eiweye nnderetood that the uilieere tneted the lien weil." We cen eeeiire oer oontemperery,in epite ol its condent eontrediction, thet the information ie not ee correctee it ineainee. H the oicere here treeteii the men well very many oi the letter do not eey en. The com- pininte of eeverity ind went oi innly coneideretion, which directly reached ue, were_eo nieny thet we eonicume ego ceil- ed ettention to the etete of elieire in the Internet oi the men. For e Iiine Inettere were improved, hnt recently the omn- pieinte were renewed elronger then ever. end their eepeciel object wee pointed out to in. We hue done e public eenioe in ceiling eltention to the etete of leeiing, end we heiieve en improvement will eoon take piece. The deeertione would be e einguler coincidence indeed ii unconnect- ed with the diecontent. Soidiere do not genereiiy teke their love eleire eo eerione- ly to heert ee to deeert on their ecoount. We an entire the olcen of the Better} thet not only Iieve eonie ol the men who . lieve eeeered their diecherge leit en in- tee helrednt their poeitione,hut eeverel _e.- .._-l- 4|- ... .ei|I -Tho 'Dranahc Nquu nllopl um Bondmuua. the tngodinn. Inn not Ion by tho Toronto Opon hone n; that tho ooutnmu bolongod to hit bnckor, and thnnho iuuunnoo upon them In: lost through the on-olounou of tho unlor. -'l`ho Iontrul Trnolponation Dom` ponmluing the put season 0! uviption, in acid by nllontrul paper lo_huo carried huvoon Kingston and Manual 6,396,- D3 bu. ol gnin, l7,(l)0 ton: of coal. and I qnnmy ol phooplnlo. Thin mu. nut to would Inn given long ago hm] not an 0600: 0! tho company :0. this port Mr. Sidnly Sooboll, um, lnlormod nu thnt he In goingto keep Inch now! to hilull. ` ..- _...._V.. r_.... .-_ r,,,,_ ,, , -Wool baa graatly moraaud in ulna during tho lut two Inonlha. Tha Ioolu Ilannlaoturara who purohaaod hauily Iona limo ago hut raaoon to ba vary NIIIINI. --Tha pdupla of Tamworth hold a log on Wadnaaday anarnopn andunaa-A" laomly agraad that Shaald ahould grant a bonna of 010,000 to tha N. T. 1.0. railway. I\L-__L LL- n___._ n_.._.:: J 7 -- -......_'. -TIIongh the County Council of Lon- uox And Addingoon will not met spin until non you-, I new Run for Inultown in to be ahead right Anny.- Tholnw up u nonnoy must in tlllod forthwith. |j IIIITIJI I-UII yuu who I-cumin dooo mill. ,'-lII' TUUIIU Tlllll IILCII. ll IV--vu a! desirable prolnolinna, made no not Appointment: lut owning,` uoopl in the Jonas gndo. - I n, 1n,,x __|1 I-1,.) n_IA_:.. | -Sir John lludonld, Prof. cola-in Bum: Ind` Ir. '1`. Flaming hug boon Iulnioud in likoly pawn: for the Chan- ullonhip of Qn_un'| University. 'I\L_ nL_.- _-_-- _.LIl- ....-AL ..' KI...`- V.--u-_.' _. `_--_- -._..-.-..,. -'l`hp lino pope: mill: much of Nap` moo no aid to produce about I20,000 worth of painting paper annually, and `in employment to our 296 hands. un. n.- 4 .n,n:_ n I. _:n, ;_ Al- --Tho Chic! 0! Police, Bollovillo, in tho lroqnont Ioldor ol boa. A upon, pn- onlly spouting, in not considered tho -on duinblo nun for police duty. The Largest, Newest, Pruhut and wont compute Stock of law Irnifa, mm rmuf Provhignn, Aland Porter ofill `kinda In splendid ordennd all the lind- ud Brand: of Ohunpqu. and othqr Winn. Oondlmonu. e. that _ ovor was shown by on house in `A Evil`? VI IIKVIZIIIIIUI wvuuwuu Onpt. Dd) tad Ptol. Ros--huo 3 boat in Bdlloqillo thin owning. -. `us... 1. . ,1 u_.__.,--_ -Agc'nf r|o-gIio n uvqnpu ro- porur all the non It you oonunnd, naulgnilnonnnn In. par It V _ -`I'M Olly Ooudl willjoll It ngnlu -nth; on Monday. ` .-TIo union chow oviduct ol tho cutout ol OI:-biau. -`l'Io thiovhg door as Iudoncknbntg in alarming an Inlnblunu. _ -Kl. {elm lughor, ol Kingston, hu boul on notice visit to Ouuu. -Bodnoldonthonutnt to-day got --The girl: in Konnoboo Township go nuqunudlug in boy : clothing. --Doiniu lldnuion in to-dnyuudo ol the U. I. Church tot-uniting on Dec, Ink . run-on -u no. -u-- -- ,--. ---------. and out let son. -A oouplo at prolouionnl Inutlol-i- 1!... I141. .-ul pool Rn.-_.hnIn A hnnt hon Imovllo.-`-1'Io Wounown . 1:44 .._A_..__A. .1; AL. _A___ .-n.` Public School Band, by anon J 4I_.K._LI_ -u...--..n..n. -nAdQ nn nn Aw I: no -Irinci-"!I"*' At this anon ot the you, had until the Bolidoyo on out, they Inn mule it 1 mlo for 3 gr! number 0! you: to all Fruit}, sugm, Pmviniionn. And all other