7 Ila non Mann-Ihlug ` Oil urinal by the `(cunt touching no on Ihouiuuldn. `H-I--A. uh! `ho. `u lino u 1. odd! The school Bowl Clnirnnn. Iuslll. KALADAB AND ANGLISIA. `I: u ....-..I..I ('!m..~ 'lCI. noun FRIDIBVIDKSIUIGH. . u n,.-..-u Hnnm Township E101".-|;)lll. ._.. Q I Europe. ' mu pnllocdphor up than in- numnnibly ugl nbgml. lh_e wmd. jsamnm 3Am*_Mzv ._....-nag .._4a_.m.s rn-n*'7vran'g nun frown and bu! n... I".-.-|inAlit\l' FRONT `JP YONGI. . ,...u 0....-- 1, N C'oo :plIOI' II)! unto us- Iy on the .u--v in the col- '9 on II I-vkoua an-mu.` In that In All 11- thing. I Ind u- `cnodvl U-rm Btu-0, and .d-mu can no out! Illa in MI tho mum in to \ho bd- . `malls: I--I lllu htd oh no, and I had Ion my db. my -mu Ihnlm. sue camo even day On In, bmcgmg um noIIu|~ III!--in all part! --l the v..r'Ad.u-d Elm- uul And Anorienu wall. Iolluq h._n_r `I, o. I-received MOI.- -. -high occur- "VlKllI]- , Uuuncillunr , In Hana And Puoucuwu. IIAIISVHIC. I u. I Wcub was hamzad hm murder oi luu hither- tyu, June 20. The v uhle fdnner, up (1 live Iur the mtu'dI.r w hisnifo, pm:-rs inn > D` wuuld dcuueud to he death. He shot N h mm from I place u A... __h__ H-are ` x An- un Me Momm`-9 E'u.puu - neu- - u au_ Alhludr-Iimuurad ' (.'o)uprox5,~ ~ g Auguiu, Dlo',~J:tL 1'0.-Iuly thin uurnlng Illjur Clumbulniu ilnml I gqnnnl nrdut. noting slut in viii oi the r-xtrnnrdinnry nmntion mm pluullod -t she 5 M. at Guverumenk ha _v.u';4;| mud: _ 0nlI0u:ld'|lId protect um publoo ptuporty qnd institution: of tho Sun in man! Iur plo mm! the Governor : Iuenouon htd bun lognlly elaoudlud duly quali- ..| .1 Br this under Cluunbotlnln um-an land boon Ioguly eloouo Inc muy quan- od. By this order the genponrily 01500 at Oonrnor and Comnlnndor-in-Chiol. ' ` Tho noun polwo (area at the Sula Eluuuo no changed this morning, thou indianud by Chamberlain taking the plum I-I (hole that _pnd boon drilling than aennl vrelin njo. ` The clung: Inp- qundly mule. Al. the opening of the Seumn bu: uuo Republican uppnrod mm hrnll hi. nut. Hunnmr Ladlu. of Cumber- bu: Republican uppurou um tack hi: um. Sonuor Ladko, lmd ; numy-two member: only |ppou- ml in gho ouu. All the Funiuniau gro in tho Hudu. Au Illollpl cu mndo to oxcluda All but olliuiul upon-' `tn. Mn -up unugxlusl in. Th. Hanna continued in no-aim`: ulnio tn-.591; ca-I,-henaarp upngglgg j_n_1 _ _ Tho Home obnlinuod uni-in all 656 uIm'noon,' uniting {qt a quantum. About forty Inomhiii were pruout, convening in groups with anxiety dupletuf upuu ghg1_|-_cm_Ir|1ona_nnor|. Talbot, Speaker. Oul. Dnckoy Perry, of Cuuulun, Plsiuud, ml mhor leaders hu-I lrcquout `o msnimioun, and appeared onromoly -nxxoun At the Iilllutiou of uain. Fun adorned to be Islprulsed Illd gnu |ppI'e- honuium oncertuinn-al that the Republi- cans wens About cu uoup down upuu uhom :nd,capLuru lha Government. A oomminoo mu appuintul to unit on Gon- ornl Chunborlmn in rognd to the can- dmou of ui-iu. They uquind if ho would nsu hi: pow:-r to protect. Ihq twu Houses. Thu Guuornl would unto nu pt-amines, but said U1-at ho`villdu bu duv. an :1-:HIn._: (-`uvermr and Comrunnder m- hie). .\L n qunrur to six the Home ndj_:urnm.| witlnuut tr-mounting the Inn ham nf hnnim ll. ":.I'Cv:|;:ovl|> (E: C d and Aaurienu 1...... Bnlnu. `no u m-Umex. .\L l||lIl'IA`l' IU Ill uu uuu-w item of busimu. Duriu,; the aharuwu the luudou'wore domg their out to nlly their force: by cunouut. clucuseu and personal nppenh. In in Hm lnlk Lu-nium. [hit I cnmlbrw ounoum. caucuses ul_|u perauuu Ipyu-u. It in the tnlk tu-nigm. Hut cumprw min his been suggested by the Fuuioumv, but in meet: no favour by he R.upubh- cans, who nre more cumpugtly united thin aver. Tlmr conference this after- noon nhmveul them In be 11 unit, with the alel'l'uoiI'I.'A[in)n tn nzauui tngcthur, and not. to anffer thu It-ant I--rt-all in their linel. Auxunu. Mmnu, Jan. 10,-The night ........:....- .... s... .-....m|. |..t_ niahl. diu- and secure lrnm uuh..;n:- .n:.u-zmun, `uml aurrnumlmi by as |:r,.;u urymnt of" anus and numnunitmn ready for us. The .iut:lligoncu cuuau cuululernblo excite- munl. The Angunh police force willufuu In act until Hus aux-n Mu removed. They claim that m Ihu cm: uf dismrbnnoa I few Ll\`i1p.:l`.:!u man, with upplinuoel It hand, (tullld do incnlcuiablu harm. ' The f 1nwn1nvo+mon1vrnoo+g:+l~_rremovod-by tier of Gen. Brqwn. 7 antler um It-ant Inn-nu in their lines. mu .-Innuu nu hu rounds lut night. diu- cun-red armed men in the middle nf I` - } library ui`Hi'e uppu-r storey of Oh ` '`.`'T*v` Hmlat`, The ml-In wt-ru can-fll 'v : --laud, and u-cur'e uuh..m:- .I.:....:n`.Iun, A Ilgulllln 6.... .:4.-....r.c.. mm. -nth nnnlinnoel r,\I-.LUInu.\ ur A .III nunnnn. u.il=1VIUc. "11., Jan. 10 -General hem ynnluhlaay for (ha tuthur-in-lnw, Joshua Nol- tul, victim was I rupee- {nhle ngcd 86, ma Webb : mo- lhc up to ubtnimthrough his wife. uf prop-Arty which her nn U10 old lIllu'l [in Neon.-r In the latter`: uf wuodn nur by. . .. . .. .. .. . `-..--nu W Ann nnvr I Luv.`- lmwantor. Jun. 10.-- On Thursday nlglnl eugln ma:-kr-d mun entered the reli- dcnca V.-I JnP|)b N1.nhley.millr,liv|ng ht C`-uesh.._;;n neck, live nub.-I frum thin ch)", :1 d ul.:.n..mlu-1 hu mans)` -ur his hie. ' Niamey, .--rm; vnulencu, gun Ihun 8150, uh Ah In.-d in the Hume. The I`-ahbafa rucum.-u this sum hud cheers, and ;l:.mkul hgun a: nu kindnou. They then mm.':cke4| Hn, hx mus, mud on lowing struck him um um head with A club. He no luund unconuiuln yonorday. Oun- dntinu crmcul. " r- ; nnltnd in nu cl-rciinn at Mr. `Wm. Kall . Oppuniti-in hy 1| nnjmiuy ul sham our III . l;umuJull,MinMoriu|. The . pumngoloouu mun! lhe Ihuo Opposi- '- dun ndluo Ir. Joll wu by In tho Kllwlln H: may in in` In lollou :- I -5---vi. u....uu. m UM 0 IINUB ' ' llhp ` 0 l'M'o::ntou smuqrdny in Dubrtn to I I ; 1'33: u - I lgjotiy. uoA{'L.'- (llouuomtnr, Mum, Jun. 10.--'I`he Iohr. lmnru N.|.;.n, jun armed. report: the `Han uf Ilneont her crew. They pair.- pd in I dru-y duting I uqnnll Dec. 26th on the Grand linnh. . I (Globe ) The only fvuaivwns lmnuolcd yutord up :11: nduptiou of the Addnu in re] tu the Bpooah lrum the Throne sf` ' npuochu by the nmvur sud condor a V by the Mturnay-Uanornl hunt the Int 0! the ,)pp`mt.ion. Thu Auhin-n wn mnved by Dr. I run (run -1 ho I-INd,IlId mm- d Iollmg how JIOQIIC BIIDOI. llld nun-led Mull! BI-us, Thug -an enough to make mo lol'|OOl|`l"y trmnhlro. ` __ DI` Poud no-J`--r1d bin ugh: In that an: yeah; but he: no new: til to uornd sum, nu-r dud I): c\ or Into In 0! In, M In land. In Incl] thunk OVnl`)' um uru,p:-om} ul tiiiiinbiio. ol the '|pp`1lI|.l0n. Tho Adair:-n vvu by Mo- Lumhlin. member lur Wane Durham, in I I hrif speech, in the (`unrlu 4;! which he touohml upun Icmrnl topics, Mr. Wntou, `at North Middleuex, ucmulnd ll`: Ad- drou in I Viuufulli speech at sumo lnngth, the mun. oigniucnnt pan of which In his {rink (utIuIr:n_y in funur u! the neces- uugi-al new Parliament buildinuu. r Mnrodlll mrach wu ill-lommu-d lug`-pl rummem Dlulolnul. r Mnrodnlfu spmch ill-lompu-ed lhu`MinIm.-rml pmurnumlo ho unilod being. the propnul tu ere-ct new Puli ` m .t. lmildunun. whslo In nnutbor put at 5il'.'eIuIrkn he nhuwod n has an Mlxioty uevot to huan Numnl School otootod , in his OII2 iaily. ' Mr. Mann`: rs-jnind-r Wnl announ- tin, nun`, and ulculutrd to lil rather Ihl I`-1-r-I thc-`u who am; him lol_' the I rll Lulu`. vim- |.Ia..1.n..a.| mu. nmmlnhlnn In: I ` without being powutull, the only put 0! ! Maw. Thy Minqmrinl puny organkmna lvu_ nut yet men o--nwluuul, but the 0pponi- hiclou have hegd than caucus. M which it in doclarod mg: to propose my ' nmundnmu In tho uddrun, and not 3 tap up /5 nlntp an an motion adopt it. Mr, Wiglo, tho pooqubu lot iwnlh Inn. bu bun gpgtuted the ' Op; oaiuuo Ihop " l`hn'mnt.a|I.5uv.oruinv Duurhl Jug. Ioho... u 1-- -_ _l The Uuurlo I4-glsmnre. nmgggcnu. um: ; + yutardny I" tlm Aaldren in ranlv 1 um-notea yuuarany F Acldrou in reply m the Throna ncr -ns r at and I udcr IIIO In ol Inc, u an nun. In Iuct._l Inn to Ilpdotd, they nhuuld be. And I nunod III] mm Marlon, And her lutln-I -n ulnnnd-' ` Berta-my I- euou:uuaN-lDlOIIilO'd \M.P.--(fonlrdbuuon than -. Fnuuca. ` . Lwldon, J-HI " --Tali ll :1 (ho llllwd .- -udllillul than in In-lam! this I-`uuunn in England no beginning In r-.-viva their 0 , Ihggh 'ul' mm time have boon Inch uogloctud. In I.m-Inn. Lint-pool, blu- chuter, Aahtuu. Che-tbr. Bmninghu. n|...I`u1d nnd och-r lune mnnnlnunriu Aahtuu. Una-tor. uuuungu-. bl!-eld and large r mum, the Ionian laden an satin, nd uC_IIel"I&bl1|ing umiu am told counta- lng the nuns ol Choir `rviud outcla- lionl. ` tionl. ` Mr. Johu(`Io-r;:a lion-.(`u1.hy hu ro- Iignod hi! loll Ln .\| nllvur, bucnu he I : resolved to turn n.-`connection with Mr. Punch`: pulioy, mid also boon in M in - dinguupd with thohiohrinp and joul- omiu of Home Rule-n iq Pnlinmont. A number at unanmlovocl Iubounn ll uuniu of Home mm-u Hg rurmmom. A number ol unomployocl Cork Ia-day plundngd the man! and mud ohupn. Pmoeu toning in vinlu nlv ly named `mlillugn. Cuunt, ol CAN) , the pniuh print ludum in the ruiqlu-cu by owning the olupol bell to be mm; In [V9 warning at tho -lppr--uh ol the mvori.~* I 7 A._ I-.. In _ 'n.- n.oI...Ii4 llidy. nu-Von. ` , London, Jan. 10. - The Catholic Hid!`- op u( the Diucue ul Actuary, Inland, in nckuoul.-dging a French oubocdpllon tor tho rolnf-.1" dillrvu m Xrelnnd, dwell: , on the pitiful oondmun of` hi: bck. Ila dacluren it in painful In hlV\~_ ta Ilrntoh out I bun-I cuwnrdn Amelie: und Furies rnhvr than tn llouriehmg Enullud,Ihi'!II yurly rocoivu millinm {rum lrollnd u nun. ' The L rrd Mnynr of lnml-~v~. yutonlny Lalegrnphud cu the mayor: of Hglitu And New York that tho I|i1lI`lIl in In- lnnd II iuorouing, Ind llnv. aid in ur- gently noodaa. Comleuaed for the WMo" To- " day. ~-A Conan Muunfnrtn-rim; Cmnpnny in hunting fur a bu,-nus in Pal-khill. _..'l`nam.v-ve studunla Jun entered coihT[hi`I*mu6L * the Mnlmry Hclmnl M mmnrau. -Snrni| uun I 8lU,000 bonus for tho ntnhlllhluant of 1 dry dock and Ihipv mg:-A Hun-n, for ht,-nus In Farlnul. --Twemy-ve Mlllnry Schm-I at M:-utraul. ..Ru-nin uun 8lU.000 Gllnmllnlual yard there. --The An yard there. --The Auunigunuled Society of Engi- neers held thelrnnnunl dlnm-`r u 'l`urunI.o Int awning, Sixty engineer: at dnwn In lhblt. . ,_N.h..I -.lm in nrcllrd of selling rs table. -Nnlul, who in nrcuwd selling 1.. his clotlung more, Red Bunk, New York, cxumng dmutroua cunngntmu, burn-mlered yesterday. _.'l`n.. .-.... .1` !\lcl.ren vs. Cunmln surrendered yesterday. --Thu (`Inn .1 i\lclmren Ceulul RR. nu null occupying the atten- ' tion of the Auiu (`nnrt at l`urouln, And in likely to last. until 'l`uc-a.]|y. -.'l`n.. |ht~riIT nl New Yurk vulerday likely last. unul 'I'ut-sdny. -'I`nz. nhori` yesterday seize-(I Ilm property uf Vannlutgno nun Snnth. uuuuxfucturern of hume trimmings, nu n jlldmnv-nl. of $14,000. The |i|bI|i- llel M llm rm uru $T6,(Xl|. --Bun:'an 0VH(`lI`Il tho nhup M A.II. n -1... u ..;..r... M.....m.| and:-nu-run! ln '1.'.' ' pd`: qnuumy nf g-71: KFAIC have Bren diucuverud In an lunvu shop by the police. - The bulinen ul three more linul, en- gaged ` in nwindlung lllrnmgh pretended emck (npeflliunn, lm\'0 heen stopped. The delivery of All m nil manor :0 them is pru- hlbned by the Poatuuuter-Uenernl. -- A man giving the name of W. Slur V lay, ufu nrrerb vl av. (lreenville, Mull. yelterduy lur :.n nv-uuh.. The investipv lion uf hin l::_',wIue diecluaed M00 in cullnlerfell. coin. Whm urrenml lm muda erce resistnnue and `in evidently I dee- peudo of the non! Iypa. -A numlu r --f nu-Inr-ere. who hgd pre- the pawl elahnhute nun-a, nu-re thwarted in their denim tn up:-ak on the uldrou in the Legislature ynstcrdny, owing to the fwtlhnl tho Sp llkt-f lumped tho whole thing, while um I] n. gentlemen thought it would be uiacuasud [Inn-ugnph by purc- graph. -Arranua.-manta has been mule for -Arrango.-manta for tho thiplmmt or frnm nne hundred to one hnmlrmi uml fty car load: of squnre timber Ir--m Hulimu to Bellevillu. The umber will bu raft:-d and forwarded to . Quebec on the upuxnng uf Iuvignti-`fl. -A cumpauv has been fulmrd at Yunugutuwu, Uh. -In-t has pnrcl-uad ax-mu uunel m In `IN -` r- :i -u nud the prnperly in being -\u|l.\-I. Pro can of gold on were nhippud fljom Bellovillo to Detroit yeaterdny Tvll can of iron on- woro forwarded to Buffalo, Ind one cut of Ihoep and turkey: man lent to Boston from the ulna place . _ ...,__\.,.__ I'll GOVIIIOI-OIIIIAL PAIN!-I Tl` I NIV`l0`I'I=TIIY All LIIIIATID. Toronto. Janunry I0.--The-re tern 2,640 birlhn, 836 uuurrugeu and l,M_| deaths r-gum-red In the only Illl. yur, nqnimtQ,63T births, Hf? umrrzngu and 1,468 d`.'l\H|I in 1575. An.I\|v.-nllull wul unnla I0-(`AV `III I III . `Hoe (nmulu rmlr Writ 0] 1,3110 I 1,468 Ill I5. :1. , A|uplm\uv.m wouv mule to-tl.\_y lur ul qnu Ivurrnmu In lm Fol. J nhn'I Ward election In In-|m',I 4-I Ald. H-uuillnn, and Ihe lppllcau -n wan granted. The until u ratnrmblo on tho ouhlh dny that net- ulna vice. At the Alain Caurt um nmruing,` be- fore Mr. Jmncu Cnweron, the can of ' Mclntron \'|. (nu Unnndn Ceutnl l{R., In still in pruuruu. At. that clou of the ovidssnee fur the plnimi. Mr. Bolhuno, lnr dalundnuu, uncle in npplicuiou lur I nonnnt, nn the an-nuu(!hat the Com- pnny mu nut ullully of negligence, and that it urn nv-1 the duty of A Rsilvuy Cu. to adopt avory INW-fI|l'||(l0(| invention [or the prevonuun ui cinder: ying. or (or my ubjucv. Hm L.-rdohip docidod thn then In uulniont. evidunco 1:: go to n wry, and evndenm fur the dolonco In ` outurod npun. A wrdicl. II not bo ruched ugml r-u-may evening It Ilu -- .li-.0 Inc utliul. :-'l'L`V H LUUIJIIIIV mum. A Mndrld deopnlch up the Spanish Society for the Abolition ul Bluory hu uldn-and | pelitiun tu Congtun tor tho umnedlno uml Iinmlhnumll IWOIIIIIJII 01 nluu in I" Iho Spnniuh pmuuiunn. Thus auction: of the minmity in tho -Clmubor of Dapulm penis: in abun- nun. v-nu .-- . Londc-n,`Jnn. I0 ---'l`lm- "I-lorlin con!- upondgnl ol tho Times up the outnbliolr mont OI Krupp 4%. Kenn, wnlin tho Iut nu... munlhI.lQ(I vud comnlonblounlon Krupp .v Ixeuu. mum Im an thus m~nthI,tu| u will lur llclel ul poncn 3'1 cur. II. the Inner cuegury H-ulin uul Ululn particu- Iurly fnu|l`x'. l"-r nulnuy uuloriulo ur- dcn Iuzvu cumu III um-In menu; that [ho brunt munhvr o( nurlunou tho nub- linmueut can cm Ivy gave boon onpgod to the and of I `I. and Innnfordon `Mu bud to ho roluud. The ulobl'uh- mm in uoculhng numerous oummiuiunn Icon In land :1 Amorlomlnd I. n l- .u nhof nlntunmr Illa oumntmcliuu I z\'(u-I ` 0 pulnlnom at . hon Inflsnd `and America. um I. nn- I In the pines lot of 5. bndgo nun-In the I-`nth-ut-Fun--. Soul- lmd. Puma are 60 In 00 per mm. hlqhv or nun three nlonlhl Igo.` Dlnutx nut. (`nu-du.. Park, Inn Ilium:-r of Wu, Inn up nndlol Dopcmuunu the hold ole! priiiouu to ha nonunion. qvuuorur DHLUIAOY. Londoo.Jnn. 10 -`Tho Pm: cornu- pondonl, dioouuiy the rohnbtlily ohm 0 nlonul Inow. publieui Iuunor. on Ambuudnr an Bit in, so nnooood Cuuut do '13:. Vallhr. 7 up: "Nubudy Jill ouppnu thli the uruoacs ol um Rndml Anbuoulor u! Both: m..u|(! b-mo-In In-neg. ' Th II- adri Ihir.t`h tho `d-uy cl tic nI'0ob~ no gin ptwh C ptudoln Ind 6! L mocha hy-input; :4 Mom: tho Au- \`:uuluv oh but-o_oup mini ll. 1 4 Jan. 10. -Uoncul Fun, mg` 1 [I801] I `1 Iuuuuq . Ll'fE`s?T_'i'EGAI. * _.. Frnm .Ir-mar: Mar On-rm. . ._, .9. ._..._......4 'cTaLs_aAns.- `f6r{6jf6. || ll!!! Illlip I II. In treal nntlvnrrnad 1:T.:k'r;. mix. Inlllnu. - l`Im' Berlin .. --. . um. ant-Iulinlu. mu l`II'I'Il5(l h m"5a=aa H... n..li;u vo- ~ Ctouou or sort-oaui-nmuuh `Iuucuu you"! control. London. Jan. |0.--'l`|Io Lieutenant- tlovoruoc ol Gold Cont Inn annual hot the King 0! Agbt nous thoooooion 0! 8505! Inhoonl, ouoodmg no Iailn lulu!`- Tho ldduiilillg .lou-notion In cl shortly to come oodor Brilioh mum! in the noun mum-r. It In undo:-ood that lllil oouun of tho Gosotnlunr in putly doc to the hot shot American Radon on tho ooou hon nods on Igno- nont Iith tho King at Agboxotooo. on-`l land A portion ' of hi: urritoty and Iondod Ionzo on-goon of ipirilo, which. , vorobrouuhs into Eoglioh urrilot] nich- . out ppyuug duty. -' "" *- `. -5-!-antral, J an. urn"...-.-`m.ipu 3:-o hbll, am soo; ' vmuh-I quid and ulurhnngod; Quolullunn. ` Sup:-ruur run 6.30 In 6,30; oxen nu- parfme 6.lx'n to 6,20; hm-y, 6,l0 In 6,15; apruna mun mm uvuuun. 6,00 In . 0.1) 6,06; uuperlu-u. 5__60 tn 570: utrong bakers` 6,25 tn 0,60; ne 5 `)5 to 5,35; middIingI`4,(U tn 4,50; pollnrdn IL50 ln 3,75; Ontario hugs 2,90 Io 3,00; city bugs f delivered 3,25 In 3,30. \\'|....n ....p m ll.-..Nn 2 Cnnndn nnrimr ;::|l0l'0lI April 25th, 1880. ' IIII nuruma June: [run and Du id Jun Bpoua um-`o ,t-ruugha up to me- ooo of mi Clark of thu Cruwu. Thu)` um Iuhu beta-rs the: Hon. Mr. J nice Honk, Ilm libel-nod thaw ,u,pun than luuhhiug Mil. Irwin I|uu'o!f In M00, and Mean. Ruben! Huohell sud Wlhim. Sunuzuu in 8200 each ; Spence hlmuli ulbmd Munro. Wudou King _Ind Archibald Spence in 3200 ch. -.._.... .9. -r- P:-rmmu--9up-p;u-suing `slaw 1!-ado. Aloumlnn, Jun. l0.-l'nivorn|_I'ogut is uynuod :1 the dopnnuro ol Gordon Pnplu. The Iuppruirun of the rlnvo (rude invcontnl Atria, thuuph wall hu- gnn, in [Ar {[93 boing odnplotod. ` dulivorod 3,20 to 3,110. Wheat per 601M-,-No. 2 Cnnndn spring 1.40 to 1,43; um. winlu 1.45. _> Uurn per 513 lbo- 68 to 700 duly paid. pm vol` 66 lbI--80c. to axe. _ Uurn Db lDl- 060 to auo nuly pain. Pun per (ht: pct 32 lb:-310 to 39. Barley part8 lho- : to 60; Rye per 66 lbs-82 to 84. . Ontmeul per 2001b:-4.60tr'1 4.70 Cornmoll per `:00 lbo--`2,90 to 0,00. ' Bmler--Qmet and utosdy;Wutorn I80 to 20; Brockvillo and Morrinhnrg I90 (0 '.!2c;'EuIarn Township: 20:` to '23:-.; cronnlcm-I and u-loction 26:: (0 285. Cheuo- I2r to l3c. P0tk-lm-II $l7.(l| lo 318,00. Lard-l0c to lljc fur lithe and pnill. Drouod hog: per I00 |hn-t ,_I`;0 tn I171 : li,lu BIml|-.8a tn \|u. Hun:--ll In I20. Aubu per 100 mu -pnll ntudy, 4,65; poull unuuuul. --'- ~00. ---r- AVFW IUI'I Stock: nclivo an.| `I;-~ynnt. C--u.nu weak M 1.: 13-10. I-`lnur quiet; receipt: '20, 8,000; b,(J0 In 5,00 super -...o..n.- 5 TI} on I`. I0 onmmm Ununn weak 1.: IJ-II. -A '. 0,00U. lulu auto and western; 5,70 m 6.10 cnmmnn ln choice ulra mm; 5.70 to 6,91 : (lo weulern; rye llnnr lull H 5,30 In l :,(lIn. \\ hmu.. nnriua nnminnl: timer to nnr lull 5,210 ,(iin. \\'hem-- npriug nnminnl; lo lu'wer, recoip '."2,000; also 72,000; Nu.-'-lIJ:d.,l",u:!z.,lJzDL, ,,_, ,,,V,_,,`_ Rye Mendy M. `.95 um um! Cnnvuln. (lam dull-. receipt: l34,()00-, sale: 31,- uoo .1 54'. u. .395. _ Barley dull; two rmmd Auto 73 to 75; sic round in 80 mm; No. 1 Cauuln `J7 ... n m.vN.. hriuhl.1.05 lo 1.08. lo l,UU; nu. ` '01 ! dun 000 M 48 In 4911 0.. fr 1:]. I 1.40. H II (`aw- .._..__--oo_......__. in l.A'll oo.A!I}au Tuounus. Lnrn ed 20. Merchants` l$|nk-8'5, M 1-0. Bank at Commune ~11! 14, IN. Ontuio Bu|k--`II. 10; u1u-lbo ll 70. Rank of Tumn1ao-W0. 121. t`-vnaolidntod lhnk-0. 0. " M--limb`: BI-nk-P0, 76. I-Ixchlnn Bsnk- M, 30. .\|unl.ns| Tol. Co 87 EN, 8'.` I-4. law: A! I-9. 82 I111. _ Chicugo. Jun. 10--_--When! `I81 29 l"ob.; 30 March. NoA.3ll3f, 40 to 40 cuh' 4M to 451 May. 13.00 r.b., 1a`.:4..n..m.. . M Beverly. on Dec. am, Wm-am Mu-um touh. lnlpoctor of Public Soho.-in Inr Nunln Huunp, 1 Min Agnes Cuvic Alnu noquo. on Jn. `uh. \Vm.l-` (`hop- ~--~r ...I. In Harv Jana lei OFGIIIII ilulygnx-I In Cums Alnuunoquo. lnu-. at Lads. lo Inry Jane Incl lIlLu IIO. _ :1` 19-. my `XL Nnpuoo, on Jun. lot. It. lilu Young. of Dummutvnllo. lo lu Emma Dun, <-I Richmond. A: Nnnauomou Jan. 2nd, Ir. Wm. A..F1l Al N: 00.13:: 2nd. lSon,lo xu Charlotte 0. Una. M N: nets. on Jun. 7th, Ir. co:-go ulmk ntshcold, to Ila-Annie ltlohloy, nl Tum worth. I _ __. _ JUU II '10 In . - PM! [St In .'|'..' Wlalln-I1 `ml. stun-ly I` `.1 Lurd nior st. 7,!` Choose 9 to l3. .__.__,-_. ntahcmol-I, lo nun--u-nu ..u...,, ..... worth. M lhlnu. Mr. Daniel Smith, to Min I-r_v Colo, sll of Itrnuuown. AI Udoul. nu Duo. Slat, Ir. Anon Bnydur. to llunah is . do ombolln ol Itrnonnown. At Ode-uu.oI '. ills! Ir. Wesley lln . 4;! |Eruoouown, to Mm `Ill: Iobmlon, 1:! `In AI ' Munch Is no as. mum: Isruuut . Wulo; of Eruoollovn, Iobuu Vhle! M(k|nu.on Jun. ml, Hr. Jnuph 1 hr. lo Mm Min llorhaul, both of I C The Fillumo Cc-mm-use of the Coup nunu and mo Diroutnn ut ma Guy in what: R-ulwuy Company held I .-.u!c-r- cum on Thur-day. nth n now tegumc the bail ol w'ut.oumm of ma Intl.nr'| Charter. The 0utul:|QI"I jury in the one 0! the n....n mm an killed by an oxplvuimn o6nI.uI Ptuton, Io ` son, o1 Hallo cell. ....A II I III!` In Kingltun. on Jun. 10th. Nrl. Chcrlnl (`W--cal. wile ollluid Clilnni. pad 04 um, `um Iunnnl will take pluo nu Monday ll knuon si 2 -.`c|ock. (mm but Ink rcddum, Ontario Stuck. In 8%. May`: Cnthdrsl. and Chance totlu-R. 0. Century. Friend: uul Lcquilulqcn IN rqupocclully ilvhnd lo ml 1...] . wnu. At Wc|hn1:oII.on Doe. 94%|. Dom-Tan llnllnd Mn homnd 60 nan. - Al lhllowoll. on De. Nah. Ir. Jain W Imgodldyun. Al into. on Jul. Olla. Alfred A .000 of I1 . I00 uni Cum.-|a.oI rum. Igod 9l5`eov|. AI Huou.m-Jun and, Ir. Jdutiu nu .... ....a 115 ....n. . ~ IIIIIRI an lnonlv nun-and to :9- .1. land a en.nmutoo6o| it IMO Auorln um, In no dnlu-out ubdivhiou on their Wuda, on HA`! IJIDAY. IOII hut M I o'o|ooI v in. upon wink oouuin Maison at Jniporunoo wul in btoqh` bitch you In nullcmm. . Os wogo, Jun. 10. \\'l|ent--stony; rod ind whuo state 4:. iii . . . U: ne. 94%|: Ur. Bhlwoll Dnkum. rhluburgb, to ilwlznlnn Reynold-, :1 owoll. . ' , (in Don. 'l|It.Ir. Paul D, Vhrru v I Col-dolls lluluhl. both of Hull: u-ll AI. lford. on Doc 11931:, It. I1\\'l||( P|uIon,Io Ila In-y lino w -on. M Hr. Ilclnrd (`nu.~h.I l Iown.0I- J-n (`|I.|IQ1I75yr-IN. ' w1i 1scHIi;A`i`()R.~;' i nzronu , ggooownou. Mull leeu-~Iunru us no av; um. nu... .. `o `.31; middlmp 22 per tun Cnrnmul per sun--bollud 26; ll:-bolt~ Id 2`. Montreal. Jan. Hunk of M:-ntrul-|36 1-4. 135 1-2. liAnk- 3'5. 84 1-0. Iunk ni -115 The autumn July Abbott who cu ol gun as O Cubunio ,0. account, In: um _\el x dict. "Ibo urigm at iuvolvoa m my.v.u~y. - Rnluln ol unlfiu nu x unalien- N .' .` I J1.."'..`:`.".....`.'.`.".1'..".".."...'.".`.'aTa . - !- '-_'3`.!l`.` .1 ` llngqun. Jan. mu, 1 --' - -OOo- ---- - ILW IIDII IAIIITI. _ (`IICLGO HIAI V IIIIIT. in jsuru-xx.-u r. coLn_c_us_f. ' IDVOIVOG M :-r.v'y. Return of the Gram! Ihihuy lot the Ink oudiug 3:. W. and oothupuhdnug work 111 1880 Pam. math and upr- u,(rm;h:. . Flaunt sud mo amok .....1 BI---1!! IAIIIIIEIP. ..- n... 1|. W ln8~I; No. l lillllul 174 in bright 1.05 1,08. . ...u 60 IIIL nnlnl '26,- .iu nnunt 1.00 lo 1,uo. -IN! 59,000; sale: '26, u.-.1 wentern und tutu; ..N`-uv Yurk, Jan! I u u` .\-`nh I|II'.I|_ 1 _ um `iv. 3. 1. an (in.- Outta . .cA_ W. AUGUITUI. (null lanai ), 00:. `If. Boqjnfin I non. h{l.)IlC| Ill. Jan. 10. 18 1-4. 135 M \\llllOl` uuu..... __V _> P" ._` ms. - 3 hind Olyrrll In I) H 2 rI Il"hu mdduo lluyk ` ` .`. U0"! Puri ....__j_?, ]_l\Ucr.IqN SZALE which will be mdlcd n twtnu of talc. thrqukubouo by Public tune: I] J I. Nnlnhcuu. Auahncu-. :1 ms mourn Incl. o'G'o7u|u\-uola .1 Ir. Auctioneer uhm Street. In the City at ihpwnmn ..-a.._.I_!. 4|.` Ian. I)-v -fl:-. In use City at nunwn,-u suntan}. lhn ml: my onlu-l ' -nun, IHBA` Klnguou lo:-nu-I now in the `low Pmabur , in an bean of Iranian. our ` lama`? Ann: manor Ian. and non till] donated in-oulonugt Tbolhrnhtbo ulo furuay ovum and and by Gaul! Ilhoy. hung (ed at Uunui 3 `c Carlin. nut l(lnpu:-Ehh. about nil nib: full llnulou. nml ml! be aolql III that petals: The aim puul N-hug the noun pan. oun- mu 1) Aaron. unto II has. And Iuoly oo- 3!]; hydhub: Isl:-u `:1:-I Iorwolg: onocoa -um cums! go tn.- ' mu. , place. nnulnun halt nu um. hon oy Ibo Imulguluod Road. but by Ibo luul o! Kmurtt CIllIIllI|hIIl"'lII| Itounn by Ike land ol the o.-r.u.c.-.- in mm loo: mm; iii"!hZi`5imI"a6iIl TiiIl; ~ man N Arno. Inorg on `no. . L ,u ii `gill. inure on tho Insauonl nun u one unit a hull Many In-ad nunubotn I0 I `3. with oped uh-no Fonrdnuou nod; good (`allow 1' good Barn About 30 I 40; n mod D:-Mug lmuu. Granary. and Saul-Io. shout 00 I 30, and a (shed that `)4 fuel long. 'I'|IoIoIlo|nI!\_Itt ed 1: the junction u! (it Kllglton `ml. Kingston and Phlipovlllo all Guloouno ll u. and VII bum for o IIVIPI and Inn been mod on such. Ah thin I then ll oloo n good Well uud I Sand & ooltdllng I oounlexfncru. Tholundu good, `awed \\'ell1u_:dlnn.:I`ann I'll uuoum; - | no ru. , '|l|` :;t`h1: puoelo:n:Inu M Aunt more or lo-M.ul' Hood land. wall wooded. wall wn "`?T-OZ--?j A Bun`-mu onx. - The Molhodill Ohurou on 8 Y rk In our--L-utly cup,- Od III ptuviullng I-rt Omolucruau oi uu bul- url. to n upamla ur.-an in-ion nu bun committed than truck of umuuwg nu In- luuuuot us- cnuro`-. Rev. W P. Corbm III Ian: nun-vuvumx, in chuirmnu vf lhil (Mum sun! nu-ma n~-|IuI he mad lu bl I vyl` I" I-uumhiu. hi! tutu no down :0!` -' Lnuln nu ludldc Au ' AI..|- ...... I-n....|n- Hnlu Thvlhird puooloondnu 0! N lens or I-u.of uood land `I--I`!-ll and well fonoosi. `I he Vondor nuorvu 1 bid on sub putty`. ` r dd 17-Irl fonoosl. `I nbkd L`.-u.I.Ii-mu undo known at the limo of salt For In . uhu pnrtlculbn up ly to W. . EULLIVLN. - Vendor`: sollenor. Clurenoa $(reo!.AK|nnteu. Doc. Nth. l8"" { (i`HfEX'13" nnv GOODS! in. & J. nnnnintnm Llharaf Gash Rednptingggj lhumnk '|`ahls (`luthn rnluml in pm`:-I-; ` tut ; nnd Olhmrlrtolf Blank:-tn all re-glum-I in ]r|con; .'i0r.. 7."h'.. ILUID an-I SI.. 4lul!' vacln l-Iankc-L All Sh.-r1.in.:u. Pilhow ('1-ltnuu, \\'Isilo and Un|.u|-an-In-I I`:-ttum at last var`: lowed. nu-L... Ind 4n-I! new A Pillm 1":-tt-slnn ptiveu. Salas `HI (`avsh. R.&J .G`rARDIN ER ,. KingsI.un__.Lnn. '. 1h._1 ~--;:r. .-x. - `non-:s' AID Assooumou. 11......- -Tul Iuyw ty rlpinlnod I } Nuthmg ggouvol Inn -Iwcon `Hm uplniuo why In-nu`: onlonnio dup hu In npnhy nun um yubha In--r. `ll nuoonun u. ' .......nm.n. nu all um 14 claimed in: in. ~;-3-:!_7;f*;.%`!- ._ . SOC IAL. quzzu s-nus:-:1` In-moms-1' CHURCH" venu Will gin 1 3~'4u`il| in the I.-c-Inn Ihu-In uf the (`him-ll an `. 'IIIlY'I' II "II Thurulny In `:1, Jun. mi. The pmgnmme will be lumluho-d hy Ihl Wnloynn Liunrv Awe-vriutinu Ind tho Choir, Clorqluzd Quintana (`lulu conucud with the Church. Proceeds in lid M lluv I'.ulldin}`und. PM I'.ul|din:'Fund. Ilcullrl in u fur -lu--. M. J. TANDY. Sccrutary. I-.. 0...I `III! |or>EH1x*House. on` I II `n. 9111'.` 1!. J `_..__ ___#__.. RARE ArTk0n$--1'w'n snows IN on.` Monday anal 1'ueaIny, Jun. will and Illh.` Irving`: Raul Julius Clay : Jnpnnc Troupe, and um Amvniolnh-3. Origin} um! 01.! LITTLE ALI. |l|HlIT,Iud the Oral N0 'IZLTY l"()lIIi, In mnguuouon with I mmnlan Vnurlevillu um! Burlolh Company. I DIHIIIIIQ p-I----q cu.-....- ..-...-. _ 4 - """ 601 5! uid liwcm-'It 5 N(WILTY In with comglato ms! In; one o! the rlrongou Iltru-Ilnnl out on-ml on the Kingston snhlie. In unlnr lo on-(ImmoI_lI_!,tbo Vatliu Ind ma snhlie. n-~r(ImI'ImIll!I the Chshlr: u an (BRAND IATINFJ-. will he viva: n 2` ll) 0 In em Tnuullv. Hm I'M. l|.. s0u-$1-`."a,Im|II lztlzu tn `g|lo- Lino-nu by I.hr _\anI I nnn `!:u- In '. U(`.. from mil`. 1 huh pm-I om, Kn rruned menu :0 Manna, I-lwnmg AJunu|Ion 50, 33:` Mn! `I50 R0 IGPVOII will without. our: charge, tor uh at \Vnmln' lkmrl open nt7`I. : Jan web, IEO. EXETER g_.p.L. No.11. 'l'nlwl- Napkin: mlm-ml [run 11):`. to 750.. mm $1.00 In 300.2. fr:-un 3l.`. .'> Io CHI). {mm l..'0 u. .sI.`.a. [nun {mums Il.6(JJ)er down. |>lo- rt-du In III i"' ... -m.. cm... `nu. hu'}.'I`.. from 40v. T I nu-----_v oromnllnlly Inv ted. $500 IN- GdI.nn 1 WORTI-I` __|fNO_WIhiG. __.- One class Jr on application of I'M! RILIIF. :11: e Pain Demo or.'.v11lins_unt cxmsny one o Neural iu.'l'oo uho.0o- lio. Orunpc. u1`hn,.. Oholm, Norvoumou. or sin or mural in may put of t 0 body. In of- roctl no Wonderful, Iurvollouu. nah! l|(I0- . Try It and "you WI nun run! giving the price 1! ll, wfnkeh In `J-'-e. pot homo. For uh ` I -n-I 'WAlIE's| DRUG ITOIB. (`onau lung h. Brock Sunk. Ink Iquu Jan. mm. Ill". F1 rang; sA..1' wnsa ainnn_zdas. IINNAN momma, nnnovru awn-ma. }g;s. cluwronni I- - norrnzi: 'i'o .LE'I`- | A tn uonnnuum. noun. has 93 Prints: lanai. A It -""" -'....-..-rs.-.-.*.~..'. n.. ma. IIII.` ` Jun. Iolh. IBM. ,4 _g-_ n. |l&,`|ll9( ` mien-rox a mason 1-u ' DRHW. ||llHN1l 'l'H|:4 MONTH FAEM. A3 I Begum: Iontlulv Int- Ing ol the above Lodge, bold In { moomlmiuu. n was noolnd that than ulu-Inolm should bu clung to tho I CUID ll7F..\lMV in every month. Ibo nut mean. to Into plan on Tnmlsy the Ian: inn. Vlnltou _ _ .-.n TEE |l'|l-u yll IIVUL nwuIp.u- II-I (3 uh. oulnn, cu.-kiln; I-In MI-urdd cpmpunlu lawn to if I magma OOIII wt bou e. Try n. NI ` 00-. .|`|I8uhIl. --..g..._. my _\i\l l| reduced In nrirwu . mt`. from . In OM-__ frnm 60:-. to x rnluml in prim-an Id HI rlcll y nne PH('l\__ W ALLIIION. In-nury. WENTIFREENQ AGOOUN '1' BOOKS HENDERSON`S lP<'9!"- Monwr/mdum Books,` . Phclfat Books, Full gm ormlm Mime. l)ra_fIs, IDou..II'I Bdvo In tho- o.nnn,`}IQ. 9lv0.(00 White and ('.olm`e-I. AH Biro Qnnlmoo, 1; :o;`.|:m`I.or Box or Pocket and Quinn Diaries HENDBR8ON'8 NOW IS THE TIME TO l':E'l` THEM, Jou}-raala, cu1i1smAs.NUMsEas A NEW STILL 0! AMI, HENDERSOWS. SCHOOL BOOKS. Full mock of llohool loch. Copy Books and Iohool lnuoncrv on nary duorlplln u no lnwul PI-loan. Wlmloulo sud Iuuul. V . -------~---- y AI apodllu hand) our oonuhl, ouldu Isouaupu, orun) Jack-on ol the Mums, zluuiotluu. Mu Luann`: Bnluumz - npudtuoud on non bun].-. n` is up INXMNO. nd the pououiou M I duh hula, in can of Iudden Muck, DI N Inna any mm: in coat. with ID onlv tinny in mm. xsolu by Pnlun 0--.. `nruugsom Iva) toicuoohuw-r should pvnvid than III! 0 battle at 48030-mu, In lieu Ilhn Io ah: upon Chg I-moo he can duh ha-lily! and towns` U10 `odr-r tied umuucl the pawn of mo ` $2`. In! out loaf no aroma in u but no I ounuvo and |al IIOH`~ _ dwelt tnotht U uuurpuoql. TI: Iunloni ' .1. `la! an old on. at,` nplvofl I, `wash-` Chub hired dI]I|ul.'_ and Ion huh, O-)5:-g, ` dn Icon no nu rung! - IIIMCI .uuuuu-pqnyoyoo.' .' I laid ulna. Bin 0]" Ion undo "I" IIOCI 0| HGIIMII IIUIIII tho I gmmnsoa-c aoomonr. sum AS IN ENGLAND. You can now pr-4-nrnn llondo:-Ion`: loo`:- uun ch lnluvo Ilunr. Iqnmluy nu llmno. are Ion` OI! Punt, 080309619 shunt rluo ` M. In Inland, vim, II. unit on thy an por nun neuron goon mouuro by Ilhlltlhlu to no or more 0 ollulo. ` HM good Pan I upcahl nun an luunuoou Ionic not say Lb low Iovk and Tnnlto. nd . wall) to _du.lI_Iqlul. A}! I MIXIII IIl'IIl'l Illl -v v- ----- -...-- dub. 1u&".2a' Toronto. ,wooI| do . . All A - Ind III|oIl hlzyfrfbqyun to had u'||"|. imam HENDERSON. All 8TYlE8 ANII PRICES. pay` "Books, VARIOUS MAGAZINES. .Il$Iuw-- rv ...- r,_ , can can u I an-my rucund aontogt I-0|. I-`ur uh. to; angular to It. I-I Pukor. ---~--j-~ -- 1. ~ Boo_Ks'r0RFi. 317/ Books. Ruwipls, 'r., B`://x y' L.,dm_q_ agr. nnvnorms. For this l ear~-Various l yles. Bluers. .BO0KELLEB.. BOOKS. hunch: 31 um ` f Cilli.` mango, and grout nou- vhy ul bulbs: and cu;-Mona Ly Pol- low` 51" 0! wuvlm" ..u.'gum no own: ol iupumu, miss B00/H, Cdsh Books, ' I Qopying I:e!ler (in, Minute Books, Time Books, Blank (10 `V0193 , ry duorlplwn a Ion` Obupuu wrap up nypupuu-- phnuum ll: equal} impu-mu pnwuolu-dunno In the bum um Iowan iioholumjh pn-pony spun `cl sushi; pawn through --on_uI Aannllhn. -flu I Inurll In my mg | un- a um Ilei nu nmud by own- . I... an. at has lulu` qua-I tor- Ioou..II`I Anne; sums.-v'l`bo tux lulu vu-rm not Can. Bum: Wlgun. his Rhona, Tenor, On: u-. Omlbhuua. Uoruo. and uh Mud 0! sum Erupuou. this suns: no new to no wrleul ululluuuu in won reaundul. Prion ab nnupu I-0|`! 'l;`urPul:. by J. (I. Kiuu, ----- -- M n or. Tnl.-\!......... . . . . .. . 4. lnor-an In 1880, 322.310. -'.._... _.__ IONIBEAL S01 1.5. Totan. IIOMQ laoauuu-pvn Iy - -. . X IOOUOQ O"`3C. oynylori Opln. IO vu uom Luna. tun M: to who l.,oc at :59 run, V . `I-0. `on thin :4 odd .1-.. F , --._ ,.O..nun|uIO Coup`: n;......... ..I Lha Cnv , and Irwin, nu I-i-.3 :.l|.uF'-I by Ibo U--u : I-~ Live ya-rs in {hr the an of Spam.-.6 the 0 nluxiugak row nut 73T"mi`Bi1Ftnrg ml, bit Gunumg Bell HA a renewed u )'umo`4m- to Int o.|u.Cunm~_y, uh sud lirhd at Iuvoul men M. taking clfuct nu Julm mu um.u~Iu:-.d to law udl of the accused mm`- , L L,.Il -...I c.-.. oh Lu hy in no I :- rm`. .L Only Iwluly-11:": lb. n.. Sold by Pul- mu 0! the accuser: um.- on t -uzr bulnll and pro- fur uuir luberuinn `tn- neul, which Hu`Euvl- as!) planned to gram, M I .5` cumin to keep the 1 ;'..`'.r., 18813. the minute no nunzoucu ul Irwin II-d sin. C--..nrv'a uulenca . (LI .L I ' in no Ohly uuuuyrnw *2; u. Buldjay nilll. u hld. y hunld And in me Gilt! ul nu: hi by oxplruiou Juiluuu At buull-an 1 drcldod on I Mr- I the oxpluolon II | 'i`rur:k `: Std J-u:., mu Ilrk m 1879. ll IDOOIIHI Iu ` I olomod _ in lb! Ihrou, L... ... .... 1|... lbvnououo hum. ['10 Us the loot no nd Chin nun act by no vulagm.` and `nth -ya, my Mum: now. Inc I U! - Ml Inn lam no) hot, Inu know (hut now; would out pun no qua nu ma . aid. the am -no rod mu null-c_I . 3160.130 . 3137.707 \. 1379." ..M2.648 .ll7.vl72 , A low dnuool H-`antral gt-opou` to` ` poddoo tho Quom lor chance in who , tohtlona d landlord and yuunuiu |I;o~ land. Ihleh III holiovo till go lit to- nrdn inproviug Nu oondman of tho pooplo ol that country. and |M'OVOnlil|g - unnen:nnn.9L_Ip ch diumun u the on Iron Ilkh it |T"'t"I'z7i"l Ii'[ut- I pnuut thug. ' ` - * rm ulqdiototy p-I-at-_ph, *5 W '?. of tho Lionuunt-Gournur of Onuno mu 5. nu! by many Iitlh I`-ugful. . ;_... -11...- u...a.....m hu llnd hn pre- ll [K D Dilly vim II`Iv-. Haul.-Gov. Mpadooll Ina Iliad pre- aant pmilion am; the utmost credit to hunaal! and to ill native province, and uuuruuntnuinit with tho applause of -nanofallpaniea. It in not in-uh theme! the hon. gentleman iulenda retiring from Gournlnont Houu iulo pt-ivua Ma, or Ihothar ha lull re-ontur tho Duininiou Parliaman: ul `which ha ~ ,4 L... - _-...k.- Thar. in ulantv OI nu v _-dd. a and uullon u at IOVII. no no I--okod at no and hcrhthuuu unused oulum cum). 5.. shank: Mood. may a! the mm- POI-Ell] "ll \l0VItIlIIIIu\- um.-- ....- ivhiuh wulong anonbor. Tbnrqin plenty prooodont now in the action ol Sir Samuel Tnlloy and tho Hon. Alex. Mor- n: for: re-ootnnoo into public lilu, and it Bod. D. A. Muzduuold should ruolve upon such I warn, uunl onmtitu-u- clue would be only we glad to elect him. and he would be welcomed back to Puliunontuu dacldud Acquiuitian lo lhO Houu cl Common. ...._.._..........____. Tho Iiru communication -hich the Il`I;' Speaker nlrully nub`:-.\lt.od lt- Lho uun III unythmg bu . Cn'ddH.Ah| to thn Cuuuruun yuzy. It was to the elh-ct. that Duorin, Went. Hunting: and nrmouLhu1_hp_o_n ucsu_q_by the onum for corrupt prwtiool, and that no;'~;l'e7:: zionu in than conutimonciu no pundlng. South Woutworlh and Ruuell wuru also alluded to, but in thuo no new election 1: neouury, than being manly I ti; .4... :. ...h an. with (has remit. of 100 I'uq'hol-:0`: Pontoon. ""`- "'0' `I11 Inc Iron in! ICU. 1.; Inc at tho unlouo. Cur coo:-rn.-Iegulu uuuq :t"""` " ._.. suuxwn :\'zKxlc.-us. no -"',f:"'::!Z:. f. .T .-_ DO0I|Il',, luIIIl'I uulux lulu H nu III -nun: in ouch can with the auting Mr. Banker (Conservative) for Ruuoll, And Mr. Inroy (Reform) for 4: ,..|_ uI-..A_....I. V!-naninllw in via?! IVUIIOII, luu Jul. awn-7; Smuh _.W1n19_[Lh_- E911 . .1 ,, u 3011111 -.!1ln1!nI_uI .-,_,.g_-1591-21, 32,, 1:", ",_ at tho mull prupartian L-I Tory membuu ruturnod at the hut cleotiun, the number. of Cunutvntivu unoutod in large, und chow: tho dupenlipu and the unlcrlpu-. luuuncu with which the Ontujo Tonic: fought, but lcught in um. for the re- oovory of power in the Proviiminl Pu- I...-n-n0 `Tho politionl Pinnforo will be sure 1-- dnw. In it mgny 21 our public men on math Iidu 5707.33 prnanbod. and Cu- :_mn polil.icI`gonrnHy to be innucony ourluquod. Arnold, thy bunlneu Ingm- that I prominent MJ . in tin iuthot uf H.M.S. Pnrlinmont," u the new play in to bc culled. and promipoo that though tho ohnnolen cl Tull-y. .\la{odouu1d_ Mnokenlio, Bhko, Cartwright and otheu no iutruducod, it will be in 5 manner lo- nmnu than u well u the audience." Thu unuumunt any be open to lomu qneniun, bu it tho permnnlitirn are nut uojoctiombly pcnonal it Ixll give no of- fence, and will doublluu Iord I fund of public an. `ltuorx- . u. the npnnno of tho poor p~ utiouun, who, being pvbhc propu-Ly, an generally regu-dpd u 61 I And pl-opor ulxou fox populnr oha And nun-an-n . pr or tho Slnughnun Company, writ-o . bu-human amend oulum muuu. in chain loud. may we ou up: also; ms I {taught us was nth '5; undo; unis d.~an`unung lhvla 5311!}--turn I luunhl my alas I nin- orulw Ilri rum! or--uh If `more In much helium oppnuliun In-um tho nunurinally upiunable miuomy ... .n.- n...-.:.. 18...... -. ni|I nnl. -nnwnr Iron: in! uuuuumgu in, tho Ontorlo Houoo to will not mower for it that the pt-cunt Seioion will be o wry cm! one. The work loid nut in the Mlnioturiol programme, oo olxotshed by tho "apoooh from tho thruu-, ' will be no c!nld'o ploy either no to the quality or the Amount of it. Multluing the mnrioble furmulo of Mr. John Muodnnnlll when tn Oppoolliun ot Utnowo Mr. Morednth may coll tho Logiolouvo Bill of For "3 mn- aro uno," but tho Oppontiou will nd -1--tto onuugh of it to lnvurdly digcot bo- l 1': tho Solllun to ovor. Lung Seuiurp ` oro oottolnly not doairoblo, but tho.re' quiratnonu ol tho public interuto lure to bo not And not ohlrkod, ond tho Our ornmont hol oovtoinly oketclnd out lul lltouuclvol, ond tho Lognoluturo plen- ty of hord work lot the pruuout Somuni` Tho nuggootiou of blouuiul Beooiuno luuko lm-lint`: in tho loco ol thin loct. Wu do not rush to oco tho public limo noted in ounluo or oarilnoniouo dobotoo, but we _ do liko to no tho public interut nub pod no it tvlll ho by trying into offec: tho nriono imponout mooouru ul which tho Lloutauonl-G`;vemor'o lynch lo I lorooo|- uuuonuua nanny..- }....._..'..-_.._..a roe |.E. Whiuver may be the place 0! coal non I u ouupuod Ilth format you: tho Incl. rondul Glut QVOI1 oonuuuor pay: the May cuuu duty which ch: Tlllay un hupbuoa. 'Ib_iI an no puton with tho all:-god intention ol onoournainu Ill qmr - U4-undo tho ouluunption o_l cod (tom the Human l'rovinou. But the papers of an ugion any that the `011 um out from |hg_i_r amnu nu lea hat you III I373. 30 Nu`, u the opponents ol caution - h-mu the Gm. polnlod out, nubndrhiu boon bumliuod by [hi ll: wlulo than cuunnum-. of coal unjuy the luxury` oi noodk-ll, paying announce of 500. put ton for wlliuh than in no unhly cum|'nuu:ing IJVIMIIO IWIII` |-D Nluulvol or any om _. `IL. L. ..I -..n. ..n..n..i-.I.l- L-..-L2. gnu uni fivyuv u. vuquw W pulnhuo {ND Q0 Intern Cam din Iih at lint uuybody in Ontnrw would round}: uurbiuun pu-tau. A? plauugt prooput truly, but in in the unly i any to lake the NJ . in this rogud DIIIIOI Gu and for think it you unn- dihly dulgud. Th pqunt 0:: ha boon ..'..g4, Iulilo. co {at an oncounging; Ion pwduouuu `u uoniorhqd. and Who` ` dais I::tucI hshdliln butane} Iqutdwou. f'$lI' ""' "V "lV$'-pIU- Ill nu ullr ago. To be 0! my opynoublo bnnon u) tho coal ptlln of ills 1-[guru pm. vinmc, the at would ban to be largely incrulol. H thy mended boaou ml an "National P0330)" are to ho rnliud, tho doctors who Inppncud It should b. pnpuod lot the inonuo ol the In mm! ' bggobgg pyohlbmy upon Aucrlouz god nd oonpoll din pop}: ul llniprio to _ .41.... 1...: I`: In-Vlnrn Ann Flll yulorda lling 0 for nogl Dlpol I _Tronm but In than V 7rv:1w 037:7. ' .1, `.-...v _-mi-1'1 --`An In-lolmsn~n-ya In on no utthly runou why vononnhuld not ho, allowed to bonnie medial -nu. _ _m....L....u I... nlnlnrod war qunu nllmrdd to mains! -Giu|uu| he declared _Iu- quad `QMINOII. Yutqdny olglnuu number: at an lnhuiily um unuhd. --II it 5 vigorous aunuonmy upon tho ouhxptlno M tho l2'n`m~I Sula u! itn nilny lint: nearly equal than on the whole ol . _A x....a..n nhllorfohof an u~ OWGIJ Ilry nmvuu 9, u--ur I--u Inc In. ny bah.` q-nu Iibk Io luot on I o--I-4 lmdly boluu Min :3 am has law. My oy-o can (ho lllull on nuupr. -A Loud-m phllorfpht ooznpthing inulpuuibly maa ol I church orna- loction in being malt. _nnrInlIA ij4 I iumou -Cal-ma.Pnui inn uoublo tlnuugh lhl ght bohul hr \hInhnul_ and hot spot. Her audience in Sun Funci-o-. In: night dud not anchor 150. -10 the Ohm-in Ingulunro, Mr. John Want. at North Iliddloux. mono and Ir. Ilolaughlin. 0! Wu: Datum, second: the np!y to tho Spooch [run the Throne. . -A nhouuh: named Luna, who hnd ` bpil Docking in the Club! pun room, mule. committed uuioide yuhrvhy by phruiyg hiuull in from of grmd mmmnr.~-~~ . Pugllnu Cu Oucnpony, for plum gnd spoclliontionl for thmounnruotion .of a cut. for the uoluoivo mo ul H. E. the Governor-Ggqcrnl, and H. R. H.111: '_ Priucou Lomue. __'rnr.m hmthlrl ol Quebec city, nuu~ `banana he cw;-I not obum work II In: ` -Application hu be-0; maria, lis ' Princuo Louise. -Three brother! Q-whoa ed Lomoine, lava juiv. oomd in$o puuug . luau _of `'13 000 oqch. It Ioenu the Amount huu be-gn In". L: Ihoit tutu, but - - :44 _ _..... _-. .I.hnmd Iron: in- I'll! our u_cn. u um... .. b she being n mm III dobarrod Irom i hsriting the whole (urtuuo. _l..n.m.nion bu bean -received |t.'( _ ol hsritrng the name lurluuv. -Jnformuion hn un oh hurriblo rnurdor which occur- rod `at. Mnnivuki, About. 100 mile: north -4 that city, on tho Grtinnu. ` Full on- rculnn hue not yet been rnoeivud, but it in said that I nun uurnod Brinboro quurellud with his partner and litornlly chop him to plooeu with an on. Thu mm are: non . -Wulzhy r. Gran, uf Wuhinuton, lud., soul. I dollar to hr: runawny daugh- ter at In-liumpoliu, with the manage that 1!. III all aim would ever got from hIrn,und that nho mrghl. go to hell with it. sho remarked thu she would` go thorn M. mac, and commmud suicide. --U..nImnl Mccloakoy Iorinuuly depra- catu tho lmh ugiuuou in America and dug: nut. luuk with fnvur u on tho ui-ru at \l:, Panel] in that irecliurn. Ho "'""`""""'lDOf:`|I'8I`I'9-Wxi--~-~ 7-7-, , Reeve, W. D. Allison. Councillnraz P. D. Devil, Wm. Drury, W. N. Mallory and J. Collinl, ill by ucclunetlon. hnnetnu, ABKNOKII um umnv. Reeve, S. lane. The Onnnoil bu been elected by noolemalion. Tney are A. Omnn, June: Lune, Ed. Wiueley and Paul Stein. Ir.rAI\AD Alh AI_IsI`. _ KALADAB AND Annunnn. RGOVB, F. Buunolnl. Councillors`. M. Leann!) B. Broche, 0. Cole and D. Sodgwick. H mm: mnnlnlrtxslulan. '- VI us:-1. Luna AND uxunown. llodick oloclmd Run; McKmlIy. put; Run. . ucon. IUUl- .".I'-W ' ' ' ' ' " "' Rwy. A_ M. Duwnoy, W.H. Rickey, D.rGriith. 1 _. \Nriuhf_ . I\UlI\ Mny elected Rene. Fluton, ' drawn. Fruxkllu and Duuley for U. cillun. rnom` 3! I at. My oy-5 lira` him. nu: amt- ` -...-. mm. black an luv the hi od Hui FRONT Jr Iunuu._ Phillip! uleclbd Rmvo. Lndrr, Par via, Buell and Mallory, Cuunclllqn. 3ASl'AIlD~ S24-rem elected Reeve; Myou, Deputy Ruove. Murphy, Yun, Preston Illd MCCWI, Uuuncillorl. noun: sunny, L Earl elected Reeve. Rinley, Carmi- ohml, Leggolt and Morris. Ouunclllon. At. the muting ol tho Bond of Publuc Sclmnl 'I`ruIt.euI luv. owning Mr. Penn n-med from the ponitmn uf Chairman, to wlmth he was electad in 1578. Dur- ing hm mu guru term Mr. Paula lwn devulcd bu bun. energies to the perlurnh MICE of tho dune: ol the olce, nnd IMO he has Kn-en utiolacziuu in, we `or! V x the grmrul verdict. unum: l`n-~ x I. rate An asuvu pun lu Puhw . - --.1 at lain. Of course in any [mm u [umiuu l ilimpomble I0 plenlu uVur)l).nly; but ls long an I man dun his duty lnllhflllly mud well, In wiu hnva his tewnd lu Hus nclmuwledgment. ul impsrtial obnrneu. Mr. Penna mu nt elected I member l the Board in 1875, and Although he luau loll. the chair," he still ramuinn a mem- L... ' bcr. _ 0! an 1-, k-`pt Mn arm mi` only 14500 an The new Chulmnu in ME JIM" N ftmlnl yr-alv-r-la)`. 'I`n.u n.-ul anu_unt of Ion, who In elected by |l1""" `Mt Buy-r!'u du-iaulvutinn thus hr disclosed in tuning. Mr. Willon `"0 5"` "9""' ` $!:'.IW). Hm prupurly has been Attach member of the Board in 1874. H" "'1' e I In musty lhuclalml ugnum him. Our 0DP'd l9|1 ii 3 `ib'~ '9 b" f`'~" $60,000 as-us Inndu by the merchants ol ' lul Iorvicum Th` 5 `' "H `1"|d tlw Ex;-|u::g~~. of which he nu Director. for the politiun ufChnirI1.|n all whu know him willlroely cone:--in-.--NM. -- ---`90-~ ' -- lmtuuar. Mum. LOB UP A TIIHIL To the Edimr of Me Iirimh Whig. Sn.-I notion that thin gihod lniy in nuuounocd In appear at the Open Home nut month in her I! ruoum.lnn ..f Viola, in 8m\kg|pouo`| " nlh Night." Hot Ippelnnou will muk an on in Hm` dnmnic history of out any both to be nntioipnod Ind r1pmnbered. I lulu the hbuty of nuns nu nu ulmuuun whiqh 1 pm unto null be npprucintod. Without undorrtling tho Into ol lha Kmgnt.u.n' blic, I venture to him Ibnt Twelhh. 1: &IgM will bu nomuvhn dichppumung. I _owuld urunulv maumamul Ih9 mun: 0- Inont to lure produced Bullet : Iplenitl 1 drama. "Thq Lady of Lyons." I burn ` M-an Na-ilnum u uprountnmu ut I nu|im" m lbw Lady ol Ly--no, in H8 In her ` \'m:n In "Pwo-llun Nu.hv.' and if mp- . ..m In-..au ll hiuhlv I:|llllVIl- In "l`wc-ml: .l'4mln.' mm H mp- ummn -u:i.-: -I rm [Mn 4: highly culmnt. ml numvm--. 1: any cut-Ii--n or her Id- mirniun, than not gouduion ul Pnulinu in the Iimro udminble. AI thin will pmbubly be our only opportunity lmurnf l `mlnculng tho moot tnlouud unmn ol u ` nuns; day it in duinblo that she than d beam in but pl-cunt character. lhno collod the Alton!-inn 9! put cou- tomponry to the unit point. Pnoncuwu. u I ' ojo---- F[up.-ln our p`ulioo coon non nl` yollordny II outt lontioning the ol a cab dtlnt _l_Io Inn oft] ` nqloollng Mo Lona u slug (3. T. R. n.-....a uni mlimunn nuunnn. Mr ) Nil llalllluj luv uvnuww -- ---_ .--- -- ---I and soliciting puungrn. Mr _TnlAmII rrllnrhd tint the album i then Inn nmtulnl, bur tho oiohhl 1 won impoulin in up omundu re-5 3 gu-dhig the maul ol pnnungon, gu` dg. ' ? pmdud l|u_l tho nbnon MIMI: st Huh ` I .,|.s.u.. butlullmu of the nation u rung an ` 1 "' I; ` WIIID 8161;.-Lat night 1 van ignlmollompooical bynimpuudnnt an 2: ,' day. The wind uhktlo1l.|utculn| until ` our nidnigm, than GMIIIUIQI loud down. We have loud I! no `lotbll F dump being Ion. LI1. IVHFIE - Wright. vul mam ohm: um. `amp. Iqru quits bholuvo the 51- that Inoild data than the onahin ouy Inca l'~-lull-lug Ihnlo-I c--um an! .9 qt: lully III rhyliutu, pod had no nu-.m;._ ll... Ilnnl In nil China.