kndl. - l'u.lpurIir-alnnwul be glvon cc than ol ulnar as .my um. heron, by the undu- Iifnod. _ ` IBAAC SIILMDH, v . I 3 gov ' Vfngutrw. Tlml 009., IM9. an -o....._ savv----..-.... --ONIM Ind 219 ms! can of amnll pox luc your, I67 being among the non~ vaccinating Fmpah Cunndinm. Thorn in I louon lure. - - - I. u- --. -. -__.---. -,V,, --The ulnry ol the no}! -Pbmutir in . 091: 01.500, naiuppomiig zurn. 1'1 Inn vitonn puotputnr rewind 81,800. -Pruhn_: Modgnto to fresh north!) I9 Install] Hindu, partly 010!` ly,,coldor Iullnt. polllbly mow urriu in mm | localities. nu. . ~_._,L_ --Mr. E. Snllthn been nominated by the Reform Auacinion to` coulut Wu! Hutinglu 5 nuppou-tor of thy Muwu Gontnmont. -'l`|n iIII'IICi0l| 0! 0803:: lot SI. ' John : Ihnonio Ludgc, Piuabnrg. taken place on th.onning.`_of the em. . ' >4 , 1 :- 11.11 to; sans ' 11,. -.5. mum ` sibugliriu Udiiaiillii will play Oollnn Burn" in tio__0pon Bonn on l'h'undIy evening nut. _. . . .u n ,.,._`A'__:_ .- ,... ........ .. ....,....,. ~14: pricil will no u an pum- nlngn of lho0o|lun Barn. -1! in not unlikely that the non Coun- ellvibool dooolitin oluncuih I --A on olr. Parnell, I1.P., sppoor od in tho Koltnul Wittuuol Bulrdny owning. ' ' --The llontycd uligiom nninnuiu will In hold on the owning: ol Ilsa Shh to tho Shh Jgnury. iucluiu. m,,a_c.u -1.--`.----v-- , `I - `hing opcntlou an quilo ulinl in no lord: of sum. . , -_ #3:. _.L\`- ,. `L- _,._l-- _ city p:;dy _oI' 'I"h`nnd|y.' loo qlvqlhiiohl. ~ --- VX" VAIQUI DOIOC AID OI VAIIOIJI The Political Hunforo, Nd The Mutant onny undo: will not nonu- la ho ueeolnd. _ All otbor lnfqg-mniux; roqujnd VII! ho lun- VIII `AVIS. There Ie, l heliere, no one In a po- eiliun like that which he occupied nlmee death will be more generally deplored thruughnut the Dominion than in that of John hlnprrae, and it eeeme ee if I were now amid, nut hundrede. but tune of thoneande of muurnere from Halifax tn . Manilohe, to whom hie name ie (leaf. while, llnuelc-re, ll('0l it a great privilege to speak of what my clearly loved brother wee and did, when l wee aelxul ea one who tint. be a teacln-r. and than ae a cul- leegue hml been lung and inmnetely ac- quainted with nnrdoccaeed lflend, in eey a law worde on thin eed uooeeion. I would rather have left the dot to an- other. eeneible hnw imperleetly can die- oherp it and give eapreeeiun to the ground: of eorrow fur hie luee. It II- uevee my mind. however, to lllillh` that theee grnunde are alrreoy mare nr leu known and lelr by all who hear me. and that they are, in truth, too deep lor any worde adequately to repreeent. I ehall July eunply Iouoh on them and thit mainly in euuneetlmi with hie College career. I Bret became ac minted with him when he entered the nivereity in 1847. During hie attendance there he wee aetudentin my oleeeee ol Mitthelnetice and Natural Philnenphy, and eleo in the clue 0! Logic and Rhetoric which I then taught lnr eeveral yeare until the ad dltmu to am ete of the late Prof. Malnolln Smith -ln lheee departmente he took the higheet place in eeoh eno ceeeire aeeeion. while ha ehoee no leae in other branch:-e ot etmly. Throughout the whole of hie college cmiree he wee dietinguieleetl lay the eatne q-ucknoee and olearneee ot appreheneiun, the eaeee reg- ular and thorough perlorrnenoe of earls, the eame eaectneee ul inlormatinn, and the ulna firm graap c-I hie veriune know- ledge, which chareclenlul him In every- thiuq. whether great or imall, in whinh he wee engage-l `urtnalurerlile. At the lame time he waa end:-eretl tn hie Ielluw etedente by hie bright and eheerlnl lpilit. In IIOO he obtained the degree ol Bache- lor ot Arte. and in 1369, after a new and higher examination, that of Heater ll Arte. At` the early age ol 91 he wae or- dened (in 1863'; emiwieter in Bowman- ville. where he labuured laithlnlly lot eleven years, amid "general I'ee teed . In late he waepalled rote hie ' leld qt `ueelulneee theta to ill a recent eheir et Oleeeieal Literature, to whieh he had been a painted by the `Treeteee ol the Unlvere ty. ieeleeeieel ettelnaeenta, hie well known ability and , and eonedentiene lulllneot ol duty, ell pointed him out ee _ eminently t; ted for the poetttn, N1 the happleat reeulte tron ieelorhinthienewephere Aedeball eotbe hoern nut by all oteere who have u.uu...... .-.....-..._-... , ., At the church II undilwning omnt took ])l|cI,the remain: 0! Mn. Mnekuruu be- ing brought in and plmed nan thou of her gmilly lament:-it gnu. Mcotinf-4| of the dur departed do not nnunlly occur under nnch circumntanou. "I'hodacaned Ind been in ill henlth (or Iollio timo. and At the lime u! tho announcement at Mr. Mnokorruf death took place friend: warn umrfully uniting her im- ponding Luci inevitable dinnin- tion. She came ta Ciuin&,nf course, in 1838. 3nd all thmngh life mnniieuted Ilhrewduau. \ignur and activity. which hld their cunnierpnrt in her Inn. Many your: sgu she hut her hulbuml. but rho buro up nmt bum! the (llllppnihtmon of lilo with I remarkuhly cheerful npirit. She wu doep|y l'dligl0lll,` and couId] quolotho Bible quit; freely, Her pnil burorl wore Melon. John Crcightun, -- Boyd, George Dnvidnun, nnd J. Cur- ruchon. rur`vm`u -ll- '.'l.|~. The odicu was nun-pletoly lled A fooling nf deep In-lemuuy preniluvl. Tho Rev. T.G Snmh, a clan mug of the `ab Prof. Mnolnrrn,nnd (or yen-I a warm friend of deceuo I, pruidod. The nu- donts conducted tho Iingmg-twu hymns and 5 pnruphruo. The Inn wu very pretty und npprnprinto. It begun Tdu cnmlurt. Chriui-Inn. whcn your friends In Join: full ulup; Their bctur bdng nova: end; ,- Whv tb-n dz-ioctcd wovp ` A {Mr than you`: 0! evil put. Wurnoh tho Mfg nhoro, Whoro duthdix-i friend: st lut Shall moot to pan no morn. Th - luuonn wire read by Rev. Princi- ptllirnul, whole em-vlinn wu -ppurenl Then me the SCI` 0' Mill Vullegr. Prolounra n! M ical (`4-ll . Taachua of tho Collegiate Ina tutu. Public School lnapgctor. \ Uninuity Louucll. `l`ha Truauea ol the Collqa Kirk caaion. Alumni and Uradaataa. Public on foot. , Carriuua. The atndanta and ollaaguaa at the late Mr. Mat-lu-rras were viaably;all'oct- Cd. Tho march fnnn lhi` daput In St._ Andrew`: Church waa alow and impug- aim. The mrtega was very long, and Ivan renl-rod tho mnrs atrlking by the appearance of no many In profoaaional rabu uml mnlanuical cv-Itnmul. Along tho route crowd: aaaemblod to witneaa the plunge of the Inrurnhl procoaaion' ` Tho Itudonta wunld have had I nulithrv band to tima the walk by aauitabla funeral dirgo hutthal thodocoaaed, when he felt the and npprnaching, rquulod that hia burial ahouhl nut be attended b5L-any-..d$`sp|ay, agaiml which he hat) I lung hold dochlenl nplnionl. It was be; litting hia mmleaty, run, that ho ahnuld 1 be conaignml tuhla hut earthly reating place with the name quiotneaq ,4ud unoa- : tontntion that had marked hia career I I 1 throughout ......-....- nu. .-mun: v prune l'$ llll'II Illa lll|l'IIllIl' -gu nun ---...(-- uny, at Pan Hope it In tn-int " lorrqd to 0:6 Gund Trunk otpuu. which V ofiiud` Ibout Ilo o'clock.` ll`Ivu no- oopunhdiby Judge Dcnniuoun (lulu!- ' in-luv dl docuuad) Ilr. J. F. Dunnin- loun, his son; Principal Grunt, sud other fnondn. And Ill `not :1` tho, doot tysgu-at oom-no nf poagflo. A proon uion in fohnpd, and _I Qm-Winds for ` tho city in chi following nidooe" .,n.y-any ;~tn;1I_" cunt. -PI5XllIf' Ptincipnl Gnnt, Vice-|'rlncipul Williamson, Pmf. Mount, Du. Lonll. ylllvnn and Fovqlcr. Mournan. ` Fricndl and Rnlttivu nf docuwl. Su Mill (`allege-, Prnlrrvri 0! hi (MIIOIO. \| 11 man do uu city mu, ..: an un- IMIIQ 1!. the In Prat. Iluhuru'vIa uno.a.aon' of . gun but uhmmuknbk dononnution oi rupoct And sympathy on the put. `at tho public. Tho body loft l oul'boro'thia`motnmg 9.! up llidlgud -.:u_-.. -...| -5 I'I...o II..... in nu trnnm Their botur bvlng end; Why dz-joctcd It concluded thus ' short run. of evil bonny thorn. -_- I WILL I0 I! my Rooms on FUIIDLY, -lu. um, mu-.m.. as lot ol Fun-nmn, he-.,oonn|-Mn; M II. (7, set, Bu;-nu. ad. nndl. Tnhloo. (Thurs, um, Ilprlnl uni other Iuu-gnu. (Souk Hluvo. Fuxhu Bod. Hllovu, he. Alan, us the non (Inn--| put of lot: Iloith, loot u! Double Ilsrnul, Bowing In In- ` Tarn: C: h. ______ _ A__ Ill wuuu. to-mI'-a' mic _n6cu _._._ -_.._._.. ....__...-- . ..n no any II uuu -v--u-. ' " ' rgui 6r`Cb1lq1m Iulihk. odlul Co Bandeau. I Dtvinlty u I _ Am Bmdnta. _unIy6=-AouIm It In . uni.- Ax. ;I.luu"ou. \ ___. un.41`ior. ucxzutuw F7 anmsa wage.` Lmowniu, .JANLi7A.R_Y 12', moo: .....,;.u.. _u....\.., Thu mnrning we ma-le on-quiriea at Weber & (`fa Pmn-i Fee!-nry and II(`Ql'- teme-I the true fact: ml the cue. In the that plant Kemp Inn not it Kingetonien, but eCImthamIt.o. A! the! place he In the agent {or the Weber & Co e. pianoe. end had mild a lnrge number for the rm, and hi: eettlemente Iver prompt. In December, 1878, the laat. piann Ill .lhlpp(i to him, and the ancnuut lnr it In allowed to run fur aia month: he- lore payment In -altud A reply waaremaived that the [Menu had not been an-Id, but the Cnmpanyhea I`qlI|lt- ` ed huenehdthe Hope for the payment until the [all of I879. A: this time e `us 3 mill fur-chox piann, 1232, end Wh0l1|l,bC(`llu0 due he_ naked for a fur- ther extension nl time. Thirty deye were given him. but. u the expiration at thia period nu maineyqvaa forthcoming, and the nule vnaevplaced in the hnnde M the Bank : lvliuilol` at Chaiham lur collec- tinn. This MB:-inl iuued a writ` bu`. when Kemp unis wanted ho rould not he I-umri, havina akipped nut to the -`itetee. Hu property in in the hende ul e lawyer in Qhathemf The Amount clue Mr. Houper ia nut `$1110 but ` only 8282 Kemp wae taken tn Utrathem inuead til Kingston, aennppuae. _` ` . MJT. Sir Ix-.ln H. n-|- no -n. M Kid`- Ilfm, Gnnd Prmr 0' Knight: Templar of Cmodo. has I-ocoivoll nn olnbunh invin- tinu to Ihctri-numul Tomplor gnvlluing ol Anal-in ll. Ohiongo In August any Tho invitation II clmnol hrga umugh for . .I.a.i.I for the nu. Knight in an oily, including E. Sir Knight Bnjm. 'l`he_ Pmguqmo at also took in trial in: HM' Amnnt Ith, rnmnlinn ll. PYUITIQIUII "I IIII VUUI Ill IIIIUI II ` "Hominy. Augunt Iona. reception J vig`3'tun, nth, um unnd ruin: and ban ' ox umuuo on huh Michigan. A largo Moro! mun vanulo cm to in an. M ii pan. gnu-I ru.-ominn nmieolc :6 Jan- nnla at Ihe Iilpt-om-vn luuldnn; Mob. doomp-mun fans drill -1. (Mega uohy Olub pork. Prvutvili be win!- od to who n cnnIIuMiJol*kI uhthning `tho annlut pr:-Ilcunay tn `the Tonphl {nun Thou pnuo null qgnpn H.100. Than will he-oonliqlb OIIII Iiou un Into Uh!" ' zolno pumic- uacu M IlaVinr`I, uct|y'I ad Boo-V lo `I (hours: he the gniuitoau rater ` I moot orhuplu [OQII and um In- men. Upon IN: _A night min noopuou uny be told u Modil-not onnuoodoq hudqnnmi. hOh%h onugod will nridt nnuuodouog Icy spud: ol llpwvimou. - . .\ --` UIIIIIOVI u` DIII III IIIUIIIIIOC uuiuu kl uguinu 5 lap lluhor ol tho Hanan links M Olluio. to non: lunatic: lesion` to ash the required may no clolhunanuv. `ho pnllf lulu-no on pan on uh-c cum. urn ennuecl In no mnlw trace at mm an-n, Ont, uud ubmnod from M: Honpel . of that city, I number of pin whioh he sold for $1,000 and Ikippod 2 the Stnteu. Kemp was taken hark ~ Klngnlon yuterduy " TL}. ._ ... .... _... ...-.l- 4.... Insolvent Act of 1875 Ilivii - Aflar the closing prnyor the proceuion mu ra'ormud and proceeded tn tho oouwury. 'l"I\.. A`|.....\l. nu. lmgmnlu Jrnnml VIIIH`.I EH9 _n|l"IDI. uWQI|I"I WI INC BICK, to mail In them Oh.` Scnpturon, to pny turtheni And speak to thmn words uf ounifurt. Nu wonder, then, thnltvho Col- Inge And the Uhuroh nio-mi his loan. for nlthnugh he was oumpqrnlivoly yunng in yearn, Annular spirit. in lnnel in gun from uuung in. The record nl his Chrinlinu and must uuofnl lulu will he lhc richest inheritance nf hll children, mud in the boat mnwlatimi which we can nln fur Ruth bereaved partner of hi: jr-3-I and Sorrows, and his ulhar rulntivor. They haul the sorrow which nl-ctinn prumptn, but hay will nnt narrow alone, fur the turn and lumonu of mnny will mingle jun mpuhy with their-. The cuuiplo u the mm-h-loud Jnhn`M|C.- kerru Ilfordn I parting low-n of uhor Lulinn lo nvarv one nmumr nu. "liuinu mm a mung unlpualllllo, pa: un man no up and timing. Led n. he thn nnxicnl prayer of us all that we may have gnca an to follow in work: of faith and inborn of love our-departed friend, whum God but (than to him!-.-ll, that In any mt lut attain with him tho bloaoduou nl Gui ` prunnce lhure sorrow and upnnllin-n m unknnwn.` ` The hmly nf Mrn. Mwltarru touched NIH (`hnrnh first. II. III deposited on` I cnllfnlquo tn Iho [eh of tho pulpit. J Prof. Mpckarrqf rumuinl worn not N; the right. The Indian of the Church phcod I wrath c-I Immvrl-ollon Qn she cniri of Ihaformer, and 3 unl emu upnn tho Inner. At. ,, u , |_,:A_ ,_._ _.__ AL- .._ _-._:_._ I . urru IIl0l'(ll pnrung Ialoun m unor Lulinn to every une numng nu, "lining Lleud he ya! spelkcth." Idlonall in work. whostlmr apnvllil nrt.-mpnul, re-.-med fur him thing uqpuulblo. be: than Ira nn nml d.-um. mom, n Kemp, ` | urn: mm -lot hialtla. I anal! only and III rqam 1 in hia intomoiirui with hi: 'oul|aama in itio Bonnie, that u hint! and genial iuuiiior and wiadoin in ooiiiiaiila ' aooiiiad -lur Lin , tho ' graataat al- - {action and raapaot M V than all. | Nor won than the only bonoliti which the Culloqo dorivod from hia preaiiiiro among us. Uiily iiiiia yaan agy,in nonu- quancaqithalailiiri ol the Uomiriari.-ial V ` Bank and the withdrawal 0! tha Gunth- ingiit `rain, the naiicaa ol the L'iiinr- wily won at thoir luwut ebb, and tha hum of it: lriondo warn beginning to fail. Prufcaaor Maoliarraa tliraw hiui~ all with his whola aoul into tho inun- iiiant which waa iiiada to avart tho. threatened-crippling of ita oporatioou. In rnnjiiuotion with Dr. Snoduraaa lu Iraviinad aluioat anry part if hitadl. and by his atirring .appiiala, a:id"at `the nacritioo, Ilalmf hia oa-u prwoioua haalih, euiiiitiiilly coiituibiitwd to rain a |II| ilIK niuiinmani ul iliair iinitnd dntlaavora in nu aildilinii nf nearly $100,111) to tho fund: oi iho Colloqii which he hivul an wall. Thus far` I have apoliiin b if him in connection witn tha College. A I I ~w horda now raapeating him an a man. Whaihor in the Oolloga or in the Church, ..I which ha in: one of the moat inuen- tiai member-, nr in Suciaty, Prulwaaor. Mackerriia wiia peculiarly ; hwaabia par- ann. Th-ire war a inagnatiain ahbiit him which named to draw to him irraiiatibly the Ilfltlwvll of uliltlfl, iwliilu hi: high principle: ul action rivutiad their re- aids. The griiiit moral of hia biiautifal oharai-tar, liuwuvar? perneived by all Wilt) linow him but. wan thin, that he Iran a. aiinplv. , uiiiiataiitatioiia, chrialiiiii iniin. whg walked with Gad, viliuui lilo was hid with Chriat in (Ind, and who urneitly a`..ught the good n! all around him tin eiii-nest waa he in thin that not mm-li more than a year nan. whaii he wan Illlin nhln, he, to iuy own kiinw| lllllrc qiiuntly. amid all other arncatinm, vinimi the humbla dollinua nf the sick, i.. ......i an i'i..... lh-\ Hp:-inhirnn In hi-II! . ` In I nnarhblo `dunno. qiuehd nil ,Cuud| iron out In can they can not Inn ounvl_n honor non for `tho oia-.' \\'l|i|I ho Ill tune! in requiring ohalun-now ul Ihq |lII 0! {Ho University. in} not Inn has an 5 lint npinu onrytlnnu dhhooonlblo and man, to Ill holuml by an unalonu Ono 01 his (tutu! plouu'ran'nn outh `In in} bit It It manna them. In their oooudu in mutual imptuvominc, in wall as in um: goncnbIolluo,`hotbnk I `IUD sud Iylnpnbotiintonut. Ihilo lot Iluir prugnu and ndnnoomonl in that India, In Ill coucomod to the hut dny of hiolilo. Iuhnll only Add in nun! am hi: inlnnmunrn with 'oo|launu < --A umuiuo nun bnluuhd -In-.1 I`. against - In; -ugh: nl mululiry. The Church In: hnnly duped, `.__...--___.-:_ The Lwmlun Prev Hen of Saturday 'Dntliu0d the following telegram In Chicago, Detective Danni: Sun- nnm, nn Thurmlny. nrrulod George E." (amp, I fuigitivo fr-an Cnmda. Kemp nu ungotued Um uuuic lrude at Klmp .. 11., .1! ..|.n.m..l In-..m Mr- N." mcNE1L, A rlnuo Agent : Mn-I. , ,.-.... ;onotl'n3 llpbornr. will In ML! Wmo. oluulg than full address. hr nar- Ihu ht-unnmnpv mud onion by npnu or nu! Midland only an I. A DAUHIIN .. _ New Oman. ltuuhhu. (or man lulu: II ' Now un-mu. lmuhtuu. penal I no. slslroulwu Now fort. II our and Iunanlnury brow In the on rvhln and an 3 ol (lIno:uh0.1'.ou_ngnrdudJ A. rsrly -V ---c...____.. ,_._._.........-. u nt ECO |B'.1 PrIu:;`|:-nountlng lo ..... .. ...OlE.. [upon mnnlpdldnj mun III . u all pol-no.1 vim In-onl oonpennpuu he '30.`! Nun. erlvlhun full nldnn. far rm- SPECIII; Nocfi unnwnuanwlh unt : on slot! or mvlnuna-an -uv-vw -- :wv. J wv--r--l - | Thln Instiluul n `.41: rogtfnly lnrorpurgt. : by th. Lqimuun of the Slugs Int Educgl ul um Clnrthhln purpose: in 1865. m- t: . term 01 "nun vn\'nr.\1tuI. tn vim-hcontn : the |nv'|o!-hlo faith of the sum in pladgn . which pledge bun bun ronpwo-I hy an on wholmuu popular um, ooounu no fnm-hr A 1| an new mnolitmion ado tad DI-o, `Ind. ,1 I). I97", with I rl Am I0`. .lll).0il), to villi. In It bu sine-o uddou I romfn land at 8354- ~ (ll). ITS |(AND _ SINGLE NUMBP It Dk5'l'RIBL'l`lUN ull uh plum month; on lhu nomad Tundny II nvwr omla - we In4P"?|'IItn'nluIp0all|oCu , _IIflI IIDICEI PIM.I.. 850 following Baal hum; : I. `no llmw awn Hrk-k Icon and Pn- Ialculucly nomlplw In the Insolvent. and be-In: the cum bull or Lo! No. 13, on tho llontn old: of Prlncou um-ct, In tho Cu: of [In km. with mm ur vuy Io nu-.nuoon I EI'1lX':r|y duanbml In the dad to Jnhn Y. I . . BUTEJYIIH II I r.`.`.%T!s.``.'.`.a.':"F'.':`. :.:`.f'$. K It: no man. ` . ` > Iihitlvci-rt I shimy la Ilevop the greatest I-umner or hours luring the month rscaivad. instssd oflhe nlusl belt or nwdal. the won I sgpn-prints prune of n richly Illustrated I edmuunf "Rip Van Winkle, A bunn- ful mpy of tha old story uf "The Seven Sloepsrs," I big bolslsr. I patrol pillows 1 spring mattress And s hsn-lsumu bed on-sd. Tho slseping wnl dons in ch . nlouu under the syn ol the scorers. A SPLENDID UPPUIITUNITY to win I l`onunc. 8:-4-on-lGn_nd Dlo uuon Clam! at New Orleans-. TUIHDAV, IIBIUAIY l H180 --II7lh Ioutilv Dnwlng. 0 _ ,2_x,__ In-.- Y -n-_.l-_._-_.. 1 ,1 ' " mmnu. rmzu. Imao. |oo,ow 'I`|hm u Two Do! an out H." . ` Whoa. Ono Dollar. I III`! (`ID IIl.lI'II.`\.l whu mrnml Q It-lIl(``.n nu-p, mum --us, and planes lhd phvcacdl. 500 frnm-9, be-` tw-an lulu lmndn . the ram to I cu-nvem in Nutnmuly for four month: in prolmro for matrimony. ho sending her yard: of ` poolry. U.m day tho ncoind I copy a! the pupil! wnh an uhitunry untico nf luvr inn-vml.~u'o death, deplnring hi: Inn, and eulv-L-.I:in,; his I.n'onr Lord Broughpm wan nu-cum-I 1-I Ivramuv hm nun nhituuy and .-_ml|ug ul tnjhe pun , Tame zhd mnro, he not at In Lype. u on coming [0 Part: the ynung girlnw tho Iomndral nipinu ale :1 I cal-` Us In ordered to pay {.000 [nun dnmngu, rclund the ON fnucn and uttlo routs A oleepmg tournament, in which every um: umru as he phmu. hu basin .in pn-gnu In San Frmcuon. [I use cun- ducud in uncut |h- uluourof lye mu- Iiuu, and the Inn who domanltnmd hll Ability Ilevop the greatest number of hnun clnrmv inugad hII~('uIgJI|I Hm evening Tho pulpit: of the nlnjnrlty vi the -`Hy lchuv-`hrs warn {'\`(`l|[`II'd yr-Ilonhw I-y ulhar lhnn tho rx-gulur putnra, the clungu being made In mnnectinn with u...-: .n;...... 'm... :..n.......... A wnluw, Meumen-n, has been Ionian:-ul tu hurul hhnur fur Ii no I`:-r_puiunning her only Ion, uuui euelol and nus-hull yours, with phmphorul in Order In many tar cmmin. .`s'ho_conlu|od that thodny luv- fura He died aha "wlll him to confusion in unlor In proparn him for death, ' and uncured 1 home nf hnly wutor in nlvnure FY71}; Vii? .-\ rep.>nr-r.runpnn\lur named Tunm-, mum-acted with 3 Fun jnurnnl, prouilu.-`cl upun I hnudomno uirl, whu mum-I up tulncv-I uh:-p, to tell nuI_ .-...1 I...-n Iht n'rm-yuudn, EHO frnm-3. be-' .... ....., nun ll| Ihn uvuunng Sychv-llnlll SI:-out |'hlIH\h` Kn Jnllnks m llm mnruing . u. Mr brmlh in Hm u'oni'm!- ' Pmuinvs Md-llindnt Chmnh W. .lI:`5.':~.ul .n the morning; Ito virus a nu ummuu-,u-u-u Sawunl of "H! clergyman: mula uninvi- ing `ruloro-mun to Hm Into Prof, Mnc|nu~ nu; nm_| (ha NM. Mr Snnlh |;reJchaI| fr-nu the nu-nn tun an that which lurumh- 0.! Hm fnnmlnllnn fur lhe Inst |inNn)ruI Tlmnhovonlohhbou on nod unnl 'rUu:uun'.n.. mu. JANEAIV, mo, u uguuuug. Iwv. nu. vuuu nu ulqv iviuuu`, Bnpliqt Church-Roi. Muconk on the . warning; R0 . Mr. Young in Chg ovon. Hug. a. .n...l....'-1`I.......|._D.- My Hminlr. mg. . . St. 'Andrgw'a (,`,!Iurch-Rqv Ilr. Smit in the Indming, Rev. A. 'iIIn|:`ih tho pnmng. n.....L Rn... pnnnhilnoinn (`hm-nI\_. Brnck SN-out Prubytqion Church- Rgr. A. Wnlu--n in the morning; Ru. Mr. Ycuuu in tho evening. I l'p-,er I`:-r:gregAhu!nI Chuv:-h- Rev. plr, H4H)r.5u.. m the m-ru-m,. .Kcv. `Mr. Br cl In Hm venmg. (,`h|lmen't`hurch--Ru. Mr. .\|cCunig, in the mummy; Ru. Mr. " Jnllfo in the uvelunpz. I Qumon Nlrnol (`hutch Rn. Mr. Pu- mck an l|us_ mnrninv. ; Rev. Dr. Jnchnn uuuu IIIIIII luv ur`u--I I-u-u-nu, nu tho I-Ixulugctllml Allmmm The fnllnwmg were uh up|minlI,lI9nln `u....-._l .:.t H... ..l-.......-.. .....l- -n`.n . I < ~--- ll Deadwood, Jun. . I.-`-'l`|9 nap of | Dudgood luau hang mull; dcluoyod by 5 nriiuooud lino. this morning. no not I miraculous. About midnight Ibo clubs! I on the hillaido in slulmnhr gulch caught | 6:. Iron; uinefn much, sud luund by I I high `violl. ipnul through oln gulch to ' Black nil. our tho divide into the city. Iiuiu, IIION by aha uupoiiunua oionu _ ` ol ronpn and euimu. It uq pl undsr control, with the Inn ol 1 tom esbina | and ammo oordwood, The wind blur gl- mut n lmrricuw, uul lid o--ml-lonhli * damage In dlinnln pane of the pity. All- Iho noun -on clam! ol (undo. and had thn lim ruched Ilsa luau 0! Ha: any II would huo d`.'r"_Vl'Il lmlo 4-lug nun empty bunldmp. Thu uraldul umemn-1 provulod through.-nu um nigh! an-.` cnpnh-17.: an Young mu... ugotniug; Ru. Mr.` Cguk in the onuing, n-..n.`-o l`hn....|n_II;- II: .f`.nnI III Hm Iv gov... no Fohnh ...| hlolul. ~ lupuin Intact Auction Sale--c;l llolloollold Furniture. u. ac. A "PPUKTUNITY In: |`mn-up Se--nu-I Unml l)|otl\bunon Clnl I rnnci wunmnnqh run: a tutu`: aw ~-II1l|'I uonuly urunnj. Louisiana. State Lottery Company. mu- |..-;:n...I um um. .-...uVgyI- nu..n...._o, uh`): 'I n Capmlrnu . I Cgpllol PM. I (`npiul Priu . `I Puma uf IL` MK` Avvm Aw EDA _ APPIOXIIATIOI PIIIII: mocha Print of 0:10.. roxnnlion Pnun 15! Ill. pprnltuool Pflu of IIL. nut in year mu, ..\ " BHEET.M'US1() Ptilu on I0 .. . . . . .. APPIOIIIATION PIIIIO: lnnrouilnuou IS.'l).. no Twodny ulna ` nm Look I: the following Dumb. son an llu I L- ...-.. HEATING] Singular I ounmnent. dllIlIk' `.m.n-gnuun.\| (`hnrvh Raw. Dr- n-.. \1` L. IIPIIII. Ull U!) I III . LIST I'll` PRIZE. -1 n_-_ IIIVIUII. w.':.`::.1e:.`:;.. IIOIGOPATIIY 12$ 5. 'Al (V;l>I>I'!: - I ranch I rim:-s. I-ulpn 1 nauge `Inn-ul.II \ mormng , Rev. l-Tnuch wn|l.-1| II II In prion II Clllhfllr CIIIAPIB tint on}, M the kl uhblnhd ` Rev. Mr. In Nov. Nov. Ml . ` IIMKI ` . l0,lm . IOJIQ . Ijll ' `u-.;.._.._ I`: lo the rbvontln dam of 5 HVQII lot. In -..-2-.:-_,':=....*:*..s:':.:_:.'r.:-.:,. It .| K::,IID.~ I". I3. I019. ,, . .._j . ....._.___.__ .. __....__... 539767 TIII. CILIIIATID PLANET ' IIADIB, of hunt Ion. lo guru chum. mu nu nah` unn- va olmyowuol uh. `Sun I Ioltovoucl. Ihbu than um ho DC! by I: J I. llnhhn-I, Auuooor. M Ma Augmn loose. in may -II lingo:-I. on `|`D'I5lM\ , up -lOIb.l . nl cnmvoioot non. Lou In ulllollo c.hbu|unuol.Ivol| clunounliullu Io htgouunonou Coho udlpho IuuutInt.Iul:III'cIc. Jun. $5.11 ` ..__.. ,........_-.-_...._....._.. qauc:sa..`s;:.m% I":|nll'arIy ah-unbml In use and touhn 1. ` 2. Int BIO on tho South alas I Prlnoou IM:ot ntorould, be-In put of tho Orduuoa in I. l'n.lnu-Iirulnnwlll nlvon Aulgnac` Kingmn, Doe lth. I079. 31.0,-Pmm indebted louse than nub no rnqnutod to unkolmuodmn payment lull uvo eon. U D HEREIN Inform Ihe Puhllotlml lhgv. unwhuml the Maui and Iiuuluou I J. A [hrs-In. and having onlonul my hook I mm mm propuwl lo npplv the train with goodom my line I! II my lnlanmp until :1 van low prsou Iol (rub. uul lnr urim nt- ultinn In humneu II cl Mt damn; I hop to men! a sham of ma mulu. 8. ILWILL. J U__ST Riijmnrn I). x ' HI lnhuribir mum: tlmnh for luv llhuul upper slush ha Iauuool I we the me no mud hung d|IpIu:`;l nu unusual I Eu on and a s loam Stock of Wool Good: m can um, snwus I and AOXITB, which he in telling CHEAP. A: than in u gonna} Iduum in D1 Goods nll slung tho lino pun.-huorn will consult thdr1n- menu by noon u[ their onpplioi without dolly lrbru . RICHMOND & BOYD'EJSI'- [Julian rgml )_i_ca Business I Also--A few pieces of Black and Silver FOX IUR TRIMMINGI, and ' scomplew stock of General Dry Goods, Fancy And Staple. Porno: dulring my 0 tho nhon monuonod Goo-la will do will lo ml! hofnru Ibo Cluuu rub connnnnuu. x u- Now 0.. u.. wuy, RICHMOND a novnxm um. docmod to oer mu entire Stock of on Y GOODS. MXLLINERY And CARPKT5 duxinz this mnnth at Latest Improvements, - ` In Worlu uIslI|p' Bdbond Io Npno. [ Ndl<}W n1;|3A'u'1'|: M: ESPECIAL BARGAINS IN TWEEDS. THE:mawJ vosxs:Ls)i`u%|ssFc STORE is the tn do Business in,snd tha lcnv. .S'l`()CK-TA_ILNG SALE. nos: PRINCESS STREET nos W l*1<`%|%A_%J,a%%.l[% . lf[%f.G{3<>1>S ----.'n4 .- iu:\ci:'unnn T318 13 A uniwuvn cu uuxu sA1Ln AND no uvunuo. Cull and cumin: (`a`_o<-J: and pvlrc-0 bcfuu nk g | hlvhlu-u 01:-ewhoro ml MN ml:-qnuwpa It. ll ICII at |l.l'l"l`. Princess Street. Immensebzmangsaxeor Sfap1ea.ndPmcyDryGood8 ;I;I:o:KnY __I__1'.-AI1'.'I'."'2I'."8.. Wlll offer bnrgunu for this week in the DREE8 GOODS Department. Black Ouhmnro sud Mourning (load: I apoohlty. A140--0017 orod Ouhmorol in cndlou vu-my It `exceedingly low rice: A In-an nunrtmnnt nl" Lulu.` nn Onhmnrn And onl- Kin'untu1_1_ %_Plumbar Works. spj.;a`a1 %:;.;1`..`.;e`....,.;m.. Cash ms . _ "DIIIIIIG THE GIIIIISTIAS HOLIDAYS. % Jan. 5'11, 1880. Al)ESTPIace Business Bears 9. First-Glass Reputation. on r J -Auu nu run. '3' 2.7 .4. :IlI:n'?|gv' xda`L;v.:.l.`L `.300 pa. Uruy (`otmnl ll Montreal whuloulo price. 300 pl. Hnrrocil Whit6_0olt0nI It Mnntrell wholuillo prirt-I., I00 pu Finest American White Coltum oxln cheap. 60 pl. New All Wool..B|Ml Cnhmoreo, 400, 450, 500, 80c, 760, 90c. 500 pa. Naw Dru-pen Huudoomo Goods, I00, l9!. 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c I00 dux. New Linen Hnndkurohie , Lndiu, 70,100, lo, 15. 20 50 dog. Nun [anon lzhuuikerchlo 5, Gums. 150, 200, 250, 304-. 50d.z. Fancy em Stick and Border Hnndkorchlofl, extra ohelp. I00 pa. White lllnuhu, duungod. oxlra chu . Go to W|ldrm'I to: But. While Sh:-otin u, a up. Go tn Wnl-Iron`: (or Bu\t\Tnb|o Lnuem, `ably Nnphno And Towungg, II. \VAI.IDIl0N, Wilson's Iiutllnga. I ._ r_.|_ Inan o----. In` nrder to nducc tholr Btock to A: low n paint on possible nod nuke room for thoir -D _,____ 1!... .I__ Q... ,_ A L.!__..-, January Tllh, 1880. Imlc-r ml. and llomly-Mmle otlnlnu. III HIM I niyg ' 8- Pl--a-u FI1`, AM Ni` VQIIIIIIUIU -llII Clllulllllls KIVVIAI G "lVVl$I" --u-v rod Ouhmoronin rice A Inge usortmont oi"u.d1oa' ue Ouhmoro and M!- ` Ion HOIIIBY st aduoount of 10 per cent oil` the original cost To crown 311 we otter Lac`-..~s' Oloth lA'!l'l'!.lB at but prion fu?I In YTUCI `BUN DHVCI IN 1 IUW I VUIIII II PVJIII-MU Ill XIIIIEI rnmn I0! I Large Spring Impoz-tations, ..-..-. ..,..~n . ......-sun . BROWN AND BLUE OVERCOATS urn Hun nhnnmul mnl htwl nu Hm l|II4I In ill "In I 1 Ill ;u, -n;uuuu u v 5 non: `.41-xg ugu uullu. Iauli Iuvu REBUGED `PRICES FOR CAEJ4. Ulnlhi out In: ofnlurqo In I "Wm. Clue Tyllor` -ny, RICHMOND BOYDEN have their 8 GOODS, MXLLINERY And CARPET5 during this month It, -ha--Jun Atn-3 3!-\lI\r9J\ 0-4`-s 4% _ 4- n u G:mQR.c}:aJ' (LA ING, "Gi3o.`Rf-l I.LA.'I_1rG1" low. In and Inn (mu frost. pa-1 slot ION Nanci! In (In city, A! , b1,`d_.;l::a~|. at nm :1 nyl-me. Mn: uni I`, -.-..-.q...- _._ A1` Icx1"mNsl\'E1.\' Low irmcms AT T ` W1` IILVIV ULJUIIA III I nro lhu rhenpnnl uml hm! 1 III R IN I& 4 I I1. nu W; cm any. web luv u Inl-1 this nonnn Hm large-at tguanthy < .u urn null hard :0 work mnnufnctunm: to meet. Hm amnud. .... . an ....I wk (.\l.'ARAN'l`l4`.F`. A |u`IRR l` . n|,n.m ARE OFFERING THIS WEEK urn mu lurd I` work mI`Ill|M2lIIl`llI|.' (0 meal um (hmuna. n In I ml], and WE (HJARAN'l`EF. A FIRST 7 CLASS Ml! M.-\l'l4",lHAl. - 3 M. Hm Inwu-M luring prulit. Z. r-nmvo-rr. Mzw max cwrnm: 5'l'0Rl2. ROOI-(WELL BROS. ', Lu and no Prluouo sum. Opposite who City Hotel . as lkuurlbon muuinouuhu tho Mu puubuod 0 most M John Ian and meal carrying on also bu-luau at tho an plan. Ya.rker a Old Stand, IPII IOIBH ITIIIT . IDIFN Um Pu-vi-i-mo of tho than an then: mu 1...... In Public A-mvunn at tho mm at :1... u at r-It-ml nu TDIMIDAY. Ihoh DA 1.` --b .l.\\'l'ARV nut. at noon, all llcutnlnv. mhr, ml and intent! I! III. show mod lnnolmnl. John Y. Puihlll, In Baal hum; utotov Quivtvor UIQCCI , WHOM tiny I! Q Ilv.-y:(.m but I mun anmwn: or n.n- oucauv. 7103!. um _b tltnold F33... "--5:`-.1.)1nvu um Cheap % _I_I_a_u'dwaro ! -.J__.._.._....._..--. , MALA( .a . x mmmul-mmmu Rubber 0o|ll.'l`nb|o Linn. `A 4 -ha. Jovnlry Human, Furllun, I-nun N--ado, Nu" nu. WOHOIGYIBC other Nnoull W `\nnc..,,.-n In mumu, "'(1uul|nnaIItl nlhiud. u-my -ol-Lu notion m any -on of mu only-u 4--mun. IALFJ (IN IA 'l'|lDAY Nl(mT!\ III-731$ 1 UV 1"Il. Aluuonuu nu! Communion lorrhnnu. Doc. 3, I37. ._......................_.... _..._... - ucnunou " `B30 45 Int Marie; Kingston IVIBY HA3!!!` DAY. IIADY` - IADI (`LU IIIWI. OIXITIIP Rubin Ocllnhblo lqim-n ':\` an ha. Jovnlry Human. Fnnlnn. Dunn N--och. Nu -ul. -old. wan: 4--mm . I5 7;` GUMQI. IIIII J `WEST. ; .... _-._ -_.n n-.-_A..I... |l...I.-_nn AU5;`I0{V sins THE MAF111 niwoalte Albion llnlnl. Princes, Strut. A. ROSS, 5.9- 3 Ti 1? PRINCESS I'll-IE1`, .-.. _uI L...-I_ -_ .- L--A Mm: I. Wan.` M S Ont; FOB xauluu IIOL. `PHOCIOIIIDI V lvuuu uuw - . Ivh I lhpoproducduu lo Vmlu Inf` II E tut hnnlI.I'f|l upturn-nu [mm the "nut unutm Plat um-` < I a":k..`:....'.".-. M-....':'.',:.*',.:`;':...".:' G` Jun of ' BUM II. In dun unuhrr to I Quulrilk Orglvl` '.-..-:-..`;-.:.-~......r I gs: o. , ` ! I-1 u la:/'-r /of Joan v. -nnxnxnn. i..:;.%.;;.;.`.;:mi.;.>`:s;`;:r.; , Tub lhu for vomiting nbovo Tendon Inn has uundod unm xlao I3:lnnut..u an an hour. u I*AA(? SIMPSON. `oANuL:;jJ;aLLv. Jun. M, I`! NI}. Ju.9|b. mm. III In Illa ohovn lnuolvoni. 'I`cudun,ou:nr than uuh. to am nanny nlnnd Iluhtuotory nfuuou `an to girls. Jul.-Mb. lB`0 STIAI nu Io: mm Appmsu for H Hath; lldmgu. Mn. Ind `up with TENDERS. :1 so much on the Dollu. u put . lruutory vulm-, will ho noolvotl by tho unclomguocl until mm o`:-lock p.m. on TUI.-IDAY, `th JANUARY next, (or the stock in nude ol` Grooodu. Winn. Liqnot-, a-.-.. lad nloo two Hornet. Wnuou, In-.. Onslaug- Iu l`umhn.oI.hnr auto uoumy "I00 I alt on Politics. I_.1_ II..- 1.. ...I I... (nan Inn: _- .........o-u... :3 gz;;_:g_R.[ '?Bfi'A I>osTI>E_TsuI2ur._ Posn=f_EMm. no CIIIAP` nr CIIIAPII II],l\ aid \'Io;INisi, No. 00 Incl IUIII. J. E. IIIYTCIIKIOI. Antlauor. cunts-1*. Info:-mniun roqnind will llohod II tho slot of lhn nndontgud. Amount 0! nook (including houu. vu- I MM? HIMPSO N. -Anuipu. U0 IIAAC` HIMPHON. ` Aulgncif h. N. Ilollb. A. Inyulvql; PBUN Auiglnae. - .---. - "Alton.--Tho wiml no Saturday awning hrota up the ioa comidal-ably auddmva it down: mu} the lmur haruor. horn tho Grand `l`i-nnk lhilway wharf toardon Inland no ice 1: to ho aun- Crouing has tn he made In in both, II Iaama dare not vat-;t_nro. ->>o ~-- Ivnnnluo fnwh and cheap 50 the C-`rosary. Did you try tluoir ne black host (00; thnir_ Young Hylon it 30; and Jlpll Iron 30 to `me, all not and hub, and this lulgut unumuont of lnnily um] putty our; huh oatmeal and tho onloln-sud Tu Ron our, &c. , In. (an in and no then. -44 ._ Iurnov|luI.4Bu:inu in brightn- ing up rapidly on tho othu Iido, while In an Still plainly on` the down gndo ion-. Thu Onogn hlhdioom upon: that than are niy luv nu:-I tmnhn this wmur, sud um ownoru no nut ull nul- mm In all. One yur um I that could be buught lot whu ifnow ukod lot tho layout Ichoonurn .. __...-1..__:- 'l`lIJna.-'l`ho-novalty (mu, conliaotr ad with my Japa are not 0! tho variety oharaotat, but will give an`: antartainmalu. Ilka that ol the Brie-1-Bra`ca and Ravalv Iota. To-mam-ow altarnorm than will In a pa:-tormauoa In: u benet of tho childlln. It will ho mmiiad and loan oaloulatad to aoat the timid, for the Japa do I0ll;O wondarlnl halo. L I. III! II! I nturn 0! health which tho 0. M. (Jan (Inca hu givon him Inn in nrdot to noun. Ho hu had urea! nu-can in Hour! and nllul the ontorn pruuncu with hiu lecture on the: Jan ind lanol- ilu. Boing In an ol I oonvortod Jon- hh Rabbi in ash: it uncommonly into- ruting. W0 hope be may gin it in this city. ...-_o4os.._V..- tho allow at ma undo:-ugutl. (including t uh t .000 .'`"' ' 0' .3 IaucVnm_9s --_l---o-out--.~? A Cncn-r Luau.-Thu uriokotou nl Albany, Utioa, Syrncnu und Uurogo Fnlll. hue boon format] into I league. A urionofjiuno-uulslmuno game: will be plnyod, And M the u I-no M tlnfi baton the club wmnmg tlu lnrgul u_mnbr ol gum: cull tun-in u uilvur cup. --_ 0}: c Sunum-nu Mu1uIIu.-Tho olicon ol the 46th Volunteer Battalion, Pom!- to , are being Iluhn up I boudunn. Ho" writes that they promised n dotuchmont ol the hand no (no tickets ouch to Me- Dowelli ontoruinmonc for their nrvlcu in plnyina for the company. Then sits: the non had been nnrly lroun outuido tho ooon monopnlixod the ti.tu and In tho men poy thoir own (90 has duo making fool: of Ihom. ' __--.;.- ..__ --o-o-n- A Oonmco L:cruu.-'l`zn Ru. Jacob Fnuhlun, of Perth, ll about to an up MI noidonoo hero, to uni tho _.A..._ .1 L..IbL -|.in|u uh. (3 M, Unn- - .. ....... -_- A Qua Vnmor.-Judgo Benin, 0! Uubuurg, Ina dolivprud judgment in the suit ol Min huioi (oooo ol King- uo-) qdnu the Board of Onllqhh In- stitute 1500.00. for The judg- nou has an an pldnlill` no not on- mlud in nu duh, but In uolld Inc! bar one month`: uhty. . `I'M World row nouhn lutringnl aolyom doddoin at law which would at All coups vith it In ooupulnndvunt. tho oolobnid nt- dbt ol 3 union jury, "not `hilt , Mu I ' Punnulolw.-Tho tint prutiul non i_n tho dilion ol nubliuhiim 5 Pllllnrmnnio Society III the city gill ho ltion mu. Thunday owning, when I meeting Iull he hold In the Council (or not purpou of oruniution. Th` loading musicians in up city have ludionotl their willinunnn to joint! Sedan Ind identity tholnulno with in intotutl. Dt. Duin in Ilhly to hosp- _.._.n..-.___ II- Illuinnnll KAI annual. In. IJIVIII ll uuq us: may pointed oonduotur. Mr. Phippon bu bun Iutfnnonhl in ugiloung lor u ,_nx._. __ I-- 8-r. ueoIoe'n Union.--We heve re- ceived the annual report bl St. Geoqe'e Union of Notq America In printed lorn. It ie e very oolplele deeeripdon ol the ennuel eonveeuoe etdppod, Conn-. end euendent oeeunoniee end leelivltiee, ee well en the oonetitution end will of-St. (leore`e, etc. There ere C6 8!. George : Soeietiee tn the United melee. end 9 an-' let other henee, eneh en Albion. Anglo- Auecleee, B5-itielt Society end Ooetney Club. `hue en 21 Oenediee oeielioe at at. amp. The Union eill eeeenble .55. .... .5 mlnA T Aocnanrs.--A Ion` olvlr. Flu-uy I Main, 0! Onndun, wu Int lull vhi lo lulu; curried down stain, ind bad biz thigh broken. A son 0! Mr. Motvoy, 4. Cundon, turning from school yogur- clny, {all on tho in arid bl-oh hi: |.d.' -n._..._ quulion I0 hr. rnqnutou : Ol 56- IJElI"v. IUV ' kit you at OIIIIL. -27- ~01 \. Juan: 'l`noun.-`Pisa uulnbon a! tin Jnpnuno Truupo hon swind- jnnl an tn-ginurod at tho British Annui- oan llutel. The Jnpo but tho [allowing Iuphonioun mun: Juhitu-Oh}, (Ito, Vonuuino. fl`ohn|._lqy All Right. Pgucn Count .- dwnx rqiourpd I no dinelmpd. A -1 In-.--4.1 TIIIIIII Poitnuur In formally in. nnI,Iod min, the Aulnhnl P. u., that bring him inlay Illa luopootor. ` ---- -Qjo.._-u nlnunnii-pu mu wa- ter lul bolero the um and save the Iuconus. M an. gang 5212' ms mug. " ' ' Add --' ----*:.-:*;:.r.:.-.:,_...:r "' In M! n V WI] '7 '3-Iobt BUN-hpntl. nll (nale. l'onou I Ind nun or tn nu P u( 3:? ";.'.`...`...... . .".`.. .`.::;:.'.. .:.`...L" nnnouuonuu Inonll Inno- ofmv lvikiiid. JAN. 12. r.--Thouro Ill only one` In the nation and ha A pcooi nu-out In ' 1 --Au editor rocontly wrote in his vale diotoq Nut In had novor uud Icurrihty whcnho nu injnnt of nrgumant. And, on If to Illmtrno III point, his pup onllod Hon. L. 8. Hunungdon I I-ucal, in an Article in tho umo column of thd bum 2--- Pnonnuw luaoonn. Dmlrn : 8oIooI..-0nt 0854!!) have boon ol- 1 Indy nlugllboul toynrdu tho ludor I you and llulldina Fund. ml ol mo ' an out 0,0N hue been paid in nu` Invented. Thhlnoono lronrlhin mum , villanlnln uulin. tho nnnuul oxgur . tgu. which manual: to: lhtlc our ' EN). The iuatucuu ulnuly undo ` [Hi I mum on! About woo, lowing I I2.|(l),.o ho uhod ii oonwibo :1 from thouwho no I}_ll|ng to out in I carrying It.on. In {an nut and each ` olalldl you , not lower than n : yang in u ninblonol uhoumpoi will be punched in the Buhnp ouulully I . `_ __ I ...:--.A [ ..-____.4. ......- 0olnLI0outt.--'l'ho Row. D. Furni- lymbo in undo: uodiod Ito-Hun! 6! the Iohl D-on, In able to I01! thmngh Ibo dcytpin `norm... in hope In: hllbguuuh oil of: cu; in mum. , lll IIIQ 0pv\l'IVI|IIv)' In ||."'". u. u.` ouolhnoo 0! hi: lvmfolilolul work. 3; ll um Iugmmgl 5 {.`..`?...{...t:.- ` ....-.-.--. -, _rr_..,.. 7? . -'l`ho Sc. Gnome`: lsocioty of London the Inner went through prooinuly the IIIIIO prognmno 3; the Kiugnton Socioly In! your, on 1 triing lirgor ucnlo. Both had anniversary church utvicu, dinners, munmoth pic-nicu md Chriumu chuoi dim-nhudonn. , :1. v. 1-uumlug Merchant. _ ol lngamu. Mr. Charles Arnold, Hunger of` the Shmgllnnn Company, denial the ropon Glut the Political Pinafnn" will not be produood, :3 (ho nuthor ha been induc- od I3 destroy the M38. Mr. Grunt Soy- Inonr noun time no undcrtook to write I political burlnquo on Piux-o," but Ibtndonod it. Since E7105 Kothor (In- L__ ,,_.n-_._|.__ 4.1.- A_-l. ....l IDIIIGOIIOC ll. nlucu Inuu IIIUIIIII [vu- tlomnn hu undortnkon tho cult, and complohd it to Mr. McDowoll'o ntiufnm tioo. Tho true author Ihnll bo uomnlou, being 0 ptumimnt MJ . Tho title of the play in "H. M. S. Pnrlinmont, or the Lu: who Loud u Huvornnnnt Clerk" -1 parody on "Pmn(or." II. in the Mn ol tho nuthor to treat tho quoniom u! the day in I ntiricnl I, and with outaiviug oifonuo in either aids. Although Ilia ehnnoteu ol Tilloy, Mnodondd, Mlchnzio, Blnlw, Cartwright, etc, are introduced, it will be in I manner to lmuu Hum :1 well an Iho nudionco. _.__....-..._... ' `Dun! or Mu. Dmm. -'l`wo vonornblo and highly rolxuchd lndiu have` puud any since our Int inns. Tto death 0! Mn. Ihchtrn in alluded to `in glut plloo than it moon the nddut ol molnnoholy oolnoidnnou. Mn. Dunn`: domino as hard unoxpookdly by the public, and whilo giving ooaulon fur with spread ngrot. hu also almond her any Manda. She has long been I ro- Iilont of Kingston, having boon Manti- Bod (or thirty yarn with tho Nntimnl Hon], whoa dun-uotian hu prooodad her death by but I for month: Blue no.1 warm hurled wounn, gone:-out to I halt, and honor Itl. 1 good wife and mother. Fat uuuynuo she no I moot. native combo: of the Ladies Below- Ion! Buddy o! M. lay : Ouhdnl, and the contribution: undo sud oulhoty od by In: Inn in you Iinun nlfond I lugs share of local dim-on, A votthy an our aid in nin lnr maul at tho Nnion||." Md tho blouiugo ol tho poor till hollow bot to the tomb. ---III. P. 0. bury, thc lecturer, in on inin Iny buck to lulnnd, IHOI` doing what he could to nine fund: for the relic! of hi: diurulod coumrymon. It the King- ston eomlnluuo oonlomplun doing any- thing it should move II once. r n L-...__ __|._.. `LA D..I:-- ll-.. -In Oobourp, whug tho Polieo Mug inn-no you 8809 g- year, than won 17 conviction: lut you; in Pout Hope, whom tho P. ll. get: $800 1 you, 38 cuoc._ Thoy M puid buttur than ' Aid Gildoruluvo, nppuontly. u c I __.I_.. n 1-. u -Tho rumour Ill current` to-dny thnt Mr. W. R. Mcku run to calm An inutut in our contomponry. It in thought dui nblo that the Scotch ol the city should hue An organ ul their own. ` nu nn -1. _...1 Ln... :_ AL- ......... ..l 1-The Whit: and Blue in tho mgme nl tho paper publinh-ad -III cunnnonon with tho Torontq Univunity. It in lively and Ipiritod, but sum: to In in its infancy when compared with tho Quun'a l'oUqr Joanna). --vgg ----- --5 v---~,vv- ~~----r---- ~ --~ --An odntur slips into I pout oco II nnlul-Ally undnck into I mudpuddlv. Ex-editor Clark ol Uticn, N.\'., in ulna 1 new pootmntor. The Appointment is highly oommondad. I ' -r-~~.A ,_r_ _..__...A A_ J-.. lI.-b r---v.--n ~- ~ r-._.~n.,, --Juhn H. Dun. of New York, who loll. Klngnlon 3 poor boy, hn given `un uldiliuunl Il00,(l)0 to Rooheuor Unmar- Iity. making $150,000 donnllnn in all. . 1 A _ ,I:__ .,., _ ___n .m_. -- -On'8|Iurduy ovoniug Mr. Shnnnnu ontoruiuod Iii: employs, an the urn- ,lion 6! hi: Inning them to uau'mu tub I pnuitiun of Pnotmutor. I L- 1] IL... .1 Al..- \'..-I. u.I.n nmxaurr sroox rod nu 4 av nunnn.