4: II nitdu OI Cpgdluuy, Pink, Bin. Purl and Block. snrrlsn wme. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, Logo; nu enwrwee Ieeu uuuuwgu. ` Prol. Weteon introd_uo_ed the lecturer, who eonineeeing touched upon some of the prominent pqinte in hie previoue iec-`. ture forthe purpaee of nailing hie re- nierke the more intelligent. By le piece of phoephete he illuetreted the cirenite of Ieture', end then he pointed out thet'_ theee oirouite could not be interfered with without incurring eevere end eerinue peneltiee. They eould not go on can- tinnelly tehing ewey from the terule ele- niente of the eei_l without returning eome- thing to it, end without eecting theee_ eir- enite of netiire. It hed been tried end they an the reenlte: not theoreticelly but \ preetieelly. in the experience of foreign lende. I And. henhe iutnelume tangle of eenteoeee, eoniewhet irrelevent, but inaportent ee dealing etfeotively with ecep-r tieel erjumente. He elluded to the co- reletion of loreee, end bonetelletion of OtIOtiee-to the greet doctrine thiit nien e life end energy end force never die; thet they ere coneerved end preeerred, end thet they oennpt end et the greve. He then lightly peee- ed over the deduetione of hie former lecture; (I) thet it ie the duty of the heed of every huueehold to provide pure men telend phyeicel nouriehment, the letter including pure eir, pure weter lllid pure food; (2) thet the preeeut eyetem of dreinege ie euch thet euch thinge ere not obteineble; (3,) thet it ie the duty `of the netion to preeerve the rivere end lekre from conteminetion by eewege, menufec- turing weete end otfel; (4) thet under the preeent eyetem of driunege the rivere end leltee ere becoming leee end leee pure, end thet the luv on euch euhjecte de- pended for epplicetiou end enforcement upon the diecretion of the eevernl muni- eipelitiee. In the preeent lecture he pur- poeed to give hie opinion of the work which eenitery ecience required to do-, the eyetem which would eecomplieli lllll work, the epplicetlon of it, end the un~ portence of en inetitution heving en eim to fueter end promote eenitery legieletion. He pointed out thet e complete eyetem of Ieweue ellowed no geeee to generete and no intectioue germe to enter the houeee in eny ehepe; thet the eewege ehould be conducted to e cuntrel plece, where it eould be converted into portehlu ehepe end need by the fermere for the enrich- ment of their eoil; end thet `the dreinege ehould cerry ewey etorm weter quickly end only diecherge it into the lelte in e puried ehepe. A eyetem to encomplieh ell thie llll been originated ebout ten yeere egn--the invention of e Dutch oili- cer--end it wee ret put into operetinn , in llollend. Experimente with it hed been eucoeeeful, end eeverel lerge citiee hed edopted it. Lt in known ee the pneu- metio or eir euotiuu eyetem. Pipee ebout ve inohee in diemeter ere leid through the etreete, breuohing in di'er- ent direetione, end joining et intereen tlone, where eriiell tenlte ere built. At e given point e oentrel tenlt ie cnnetruoted end en engine etetioned. By the opera- tione of thie engine e vecuuin le creet- ed, end the eewege matter, by eir pree. eure, ie forced through the pipee end con- ducted to the central eteiinn, where it ie eubniitted to e proceee by which the we- ter ie remo ved end the eeuiment dried end eold for tillege purpoeee et per ton. Were there e leek in the Ipee there would be no denger of en eeeepe of gee, eince by the pneumetic princi- ple eir would be drewn into. rether then forced from, the pipee. `Were thie eyetem epplied in Kingeton there would be e eeving, efter the at yeer'e expenee. of 820.000 per enuuin. while it would give employment to fteen or twenty men. The lecturer reed en extveot from the writ- inge of Adem Scott on eveporelinn. end .3 then commented upon the cherecter of the weter teken from the eeweqe metter th He eeid it hed been enelyzed, end thet I it wee declened to be purer then the h. eteuderd drinking weter preecribed by the eenitery euthoritiee of Euulend. " Were the pneunietic eyetein edopted in Y thie city the expenee ettendiug ite eppli- do oetion would not be to greet ee if e hind ch of dreinege did not now exiet, ineeniuch In ee the letter would edinlrebly euit for `H, cerrying oi! Ilorzn wetere. The iutro- W duotion of the pueuinetic Iyetetn, un- no der euch oiroumetencae, would not met of one-helf of whet it otherwiee would. `L He epohe of whet would be required in `I. the event of the chenge. Yeerly much money wee weeted upon whet ere known "N ee the weter mm... He hed euueeted on the triel of the pneumetio princii-lee in b. Muntreel, but there wee im dlepoeition to do eo there, nor did he Iuppt-ee there wee e diepoeition to try it in Kingeton. H lie urged hle lieerere to breethe eir ee pureee poeeible. to eet pure food end ken` drinli pure weter, end the letter he ` would prefer tehen from the lelie then ,3: . lroei welle: the eoppliee of which in meet I, eeeee ere governed by enrleee dretneqe. In ` Weter could be niede pure either by 0, tlltering or by boiling. He eloeed by 1 refuting to the need moenede of e . Eenttery Bureeu, to which e yeerly enni ol Ol5,000or $20,000 ehoeld be voted in m. the lntereet of heeltheerl heelthful lien in. in`. Title Bureen wee neeeeeery thet it might battle to the hnowledge of the Uov- "1 Client niettere veepeetiou the eenitery `O. condition of the country. Two yeere ego `N it wee egtteted. but eeeueoeeelully. But there wee only one wey oi eeeoeipltehine thedeeired end, to heep on egilettng, 0 end It Iuet einenete from end beoerrted m on by the public In thie oohneotion he mentioned the deeirebility of tanning e Senitery Aeeoeiedue, enelegone to the " Boerd of Trede. non-eepeeetve end ed- mory, by which such ueelel eerviee `M ennld be rendered to the Govwrnlidnt , eed the public. .. Co` I\. [Nahum enneuewn` rel eh; heel-eel .. _ IIIU IIII 'IVIlV- Dr. Didnu nppnvd ol the lawn. and Mu-Ind to that Unitary Connie- Ilou In tloylu Ml nuonplhhod. j_ .qj_.:..____ 0o..uuF-I'.numnnn. - but ovum; Q no-yuan-dul ouuruinnouk In gins tic C. II. Church It Oolliuhy. The aid: in caught! by Rev. Mr. Iuublo. and In and lluun. Walla nd.OonolIy undo Minna loluo can `kg by "I. W. Attila, W. J. 0040, . Collar and lb: lanes. The null- ou Ian I. J. Oollouy and W. J. . Ir. . Mill pt: .oudIdu._` vlnlounrl-noun | V -cob--'~- -'-- l;u'uighl_ In indoqnqnl and n lu-gin audience II the lggtoro by Pam. Cur urh In nm to hI'oxpoeuJ, but [how rho ouvprcuant lug-nod numdll-in; ..I_ ponoul intu-cu sud ndunngo. _' Pm! wnhnn immdumd (ha lncmnr. 's`AnItA:n'v acumen. H Monro. Donnionn. Spoons: nnd Wab- kino Iundo nddronooo, vonulnting lhoir opiumno upon Iho toll quoolion. Thoy ` oonoidotod choc tho city woo giving bord- onough in only otoring tho motion lroo 0! toll on on offoot lot tho nbolition ' tho county toll-yntoo. Mr. Donnionn gnvo "Tho Bhoril." Shot-if Iorguonn and no hit Iouotod at boing oonnoclo-I with ouch n body of non. Only tho! day ho had boon look- in our tho roll: boforo Kinguon woo n ` city. Thou tho Aonoonor nnd Oollootor won tho non who oloo oooonood Kiogolon ` townohip. Tho luoo now uno Ivo-{old groolor Ihnn illoy wot! thou. bntlhoy uto rooping tho would in honor roodo. ; ote Iiun oolsomo. now In dioplh. Ind nrgotl ooulomonc. Tho Oounoil ohoold cou- prouiioo tho honor. Tho lownn won in only man tn ho honolnod. it tho out no not ooulod to lot on would not inIo~ pondontly and Ilrivo Io nnivo at A hit and candid vol-dict. n__-_ (1-..- n....n..l nu n(`......n Ho opoho roguling tho oquoum ` 1 III CIICIII Vunnu. Kayo! Canon count 4150 "County Oounail," lot they no jolly pod ful- to . |l..._ I1..Ip. A Inknnnn nullno, "_.. 14...... such , Manama, couuu, pop, (Inn: tad Hutton. not made .'...._ pngoipglly upao |I0|II|Iqnl- nnn nlnnh IQ IIn'|Il`lI M. WESLEYKWLITERARY ASSOCIATION. Opl. pnlolpuly Ilpuu uwu-u-.--- non. than no thomcqy did. all` can gain willing to have lhtdo no- nond. but the gunman no. who would] 1'5. \'in'Olni|-Inn cloud "TIC The Yup` Gunman tuna "no pun pound the world. the Pnu."[ r. `dunno. at tho Nut. and Ir. "*~.".'.,,":. .".:n.".'r.'::".-....A...-. ["E":`.':...`..,':'.:"'..'.':. ....... I.) on wuu -ouvuuuu. Ald McCommon roopondod on boholl tho Council. He and tho city. linonciol- ly, In in oprooperouo condmun. Tnoy hod uovor nod ouch prooporuno tllnoo oo At present , ot loan for the loot Ion ur twalvo years. The Aldormon-uloot thin your were Ill (nod Inon, ond wnuld no doubt onrk for tho boot intonoto of tho ciny. [lo Alon debotod tho toll quootmn, ond urgod thot the ranch the cnndndotu fur oldermnmc hom-ro did not rnovo In the motto! Int I-`oil In: that It won two our the election, oud oomo ooro olroid ol Iuomg thoir look If tho] ohunpionod At prooantu they ooro onugly oot- tlod in thou ooou, they could opook out on tho mottor. Ho In of tho opinion that tho city would in willing to throw 08 tho Inotkot toll: and givo tho lonnon bottot fociliuuo on tho muhot il tho county 'vou|d obolioh tho mod tollo. A :1 lA.J`....-nnn In;-oml lhn Ulu./no. county Imuu IUUIIIII mu nnu vuuu. `M. Mcclmlllou lugltod IIIO "I1-Wu. dons." -\ - n, 1,- -...| \n,.' uvur C'|\v,I-U-v .-- uullu u-u uu-luv: .-um... Ygt, nncwithuunhng thin, the county tried to his I the Idvnnhzo they pop- uibly could of the en]. He urged that tho rn_.......|- .I.. .II .n ohm: nut`! In -in. Ill)! u-uuu u `:11! up . u... .0.-- u.-. ...- Cunnclll dn I in their punt to uh huh toll barn. Hm remnrkl on this sub- jocl were quite Ionnthy, and were Inton- cu I|l.h nuontmn. ` -` - II I` A ~ A - _ _ _ x ..J-.I ,._ L_I._u 9"" uilllln LIU UuU|I\A [III vUuJI-lulu (ion; to tho Warden-elect, and trullod thnl Mr Walker would ll the politics with dignity ind orpilit lu the county. He npukmin rognrd In tho ndunugu In be dorivod by the county and city wgyiiing lnrmuniouuly. An tho city ndunivod the o.-unty did tho. By incrn ning the po- pulntinn the county would roceivo bottr facilities for the dilpoul 9! Ilioir pro date. He wu carry to any thut in time: put the county hurl nlluyn got tho up- per hind J the city. he hnd hurd romuku that tho oily novor did any- thing of benefit to tho onunty. This wu I miulnlu, fun` the city had given over $120,000 in build tho county rundu. v . _,,._.:.L-n-...I...... nu`. oh- -......o.. DU Iuuuu uuywuun U- Mr. H Huston, nnnthar volunteer of- our, romnrkad thu he in I Ipouimon volunteer, ind that he bolicvod ho could nop .1 bullet u well u my mun pruunt. (L:ughter.) Ho lhnnkod them for tho honnur done the voluntoorp. ... .. :1 __ .: .L. .-AL uuuuun u\-uu mun vunuuuuu-. AM. McCnmmun, Surgoon of the 47th, also made I luv inloreutiug rolnuh. -..-. -.-...-nu.`-I Th; Mnunr IIIU mint a nun Iutvlvuuu` -wu--nu-. Mr. Donniaon propond Tho, Mnyor nnd Corpontion of Kingston." For any are jolly good lollon." , \.l-....- {`lFAl\l'\ lhnnlnul Ihnm inr Hun Isllun by the Incubus. lnolo bv the -Q-hon at tho Choir mo 1 bars! Club, In~ ouunonnl ulntouo Club. and lit! Cur:-to Iuslou. ol `chum. suuu IUIIUW-. Mayor Canon thanked _thIm :for the :|7ly mnnucr In which the tout ha}! been amnr B. udmd hi: coagmulu: . .|._ u'--.n....,..I....o -....I a....o_.l nnvy unu v ullllluzulu. Mr. E. Joyner was the But to rupund whxch he did in 1 very planing manner. He referred to the diudunlsgu under which the volunteer: lnbourod at the time of hu enliltmnnt, and the pruont ntntul of the force. He Ill pooitivo that with very little drill tho volunteers 0! the country could (the 1 good polition, And that on I moment : notice they would obey their country`: cull. He trunted, h never, that dam-Una fur dintnnl. 11-..; u ...... ...... a".I. I-!.M.li.... .o.omI. u nwvusn, unu unmavnu an un- Capt Hponnor, 47th Bltulinn, olltodl lhlt he bellpvod the country had In good uuterial in the lucll buulionn u could be found uuywhoro. \l_ I.) LI--on-. nnnlknn w:-Inn)-4- n`. wclv ncu l The Warden thenked the oornpquy I tux ILBJIIRQQI` in whichrthey bed drunk I his heelth. 1: .x. mm . feeling ol much " pnde_thet he carried the honor dune hun in his electionto the Weldon`: 'cheir. He trusted thet the ending of the you r would be en pleeunt u the com- mencement of it. It the present could be teion en e criterion it would be u hnppy end proepemne year. The elhin ol the county were In e hotter ntete then they hed been at my time to his knowledge. He wee eetieud. 'with the friendliness tlut had eluted in the preeeut Council, and trusted It would long continue. He felt honoured by having rupreeentetivu of the City Council pre- sent, end hoped that every ourt would be male to hue the city end county ect egrecebly end in nympnthy in gll Inettete that were brought forward for the conni- doretiou of the two Uounrill. or n1._,r..- _____ -...J LL- t-1-..... uilluuu vn -.uu owv vvuuu Inw- Tue Warden proposed the "Army, Nlvy and Volunteers." nu, L` I,_ Cu. ` ` Th`. Vice-Ch|irnAII'gavo,"T}.o wu- don for 1880." Chou and I `|.igor" were given `I'D... ll --A-.. a|.-..|.-A Oh. unnngni The Wu-don putho Queen," the (iuurnor Gbnonl god Princes! '.Luuiu," tho "LiouI.-Governor," the Dominion Parliament" Ind tho "Loon! Logiuluuro, which run I" roll rocoiv-` I . lit UvUuIu' gr Iuvuuu-uvu uvvuu ----, uautloupau nnenblod in tho ,Grimuon llulol lodlno nub lha Wudou oloci, Ilr. D. J. Wdhr. Hm` Honor occupio-l\tlu chnit, cuppmjud by Mayor Canon bud `Shard Forgnnon; and llr. Donnioou. the vice chair, hung _A|-I. M4-Common and Mr. Mchuou on but ngln md ldt. 1-5.- ..u.... -.. . ~n..lin|\I- glnir in Iolday Iv`; Next. l`ob.*2|d. Iuu CI`. CIIEIIHNI VII Ill Il`I_ll Cllll 3 f whiolif the oompu-`y didlnll junioo. Thou ouno thqu uunnl muting and apoochily Tho ouppor In: I arodinhlo ulhir, Ito` ._..s Lat owing by invitation than limy .-..nI_..-.. -......-Ll..I in IL- (lying-Ann `l'Il.WAIlMl 3 SUPPER. -.: "` l . l1A:ou-Iluo lupunnnnouduo I In no: '0 Amp it on pc- g:..L!.`l...a....i..;.. um... 0I|IO`:..lUUI who gdou Iolgbosbolh To sh: man may -an uumnuu Q`. A|;I=rlO|IlIhtUIl|Q'I"Ol|iO `huh: 'shdtovIbmtbs`d Iowan staunch rugnsonuonlnap Inaugu- "Qunu'uovu" Andbovuny. null 9000100! 0190:! books: lfha bv rm:-II OOINU *5` "'3"! huh." I N '9'- ITIII uvqumn Ibo thiamine!" b pufdrnny I0 : IN hilly uudchth diam to . W l'0l.l.Ill' wnunumnk In -1: 5. manual: nnnuhl h. plhll. _ _ 3 C ur.v....'u'unu.wuuouuI.r.. And In an all have the up lcaIlI"n III-Johoilbultonvocll I.l.. And law pc:o.=h."q..l Autua. IUII pl-I|III alpha . . > lnn\lc"pIuJoIIn nIn"nn|ldbytlo IIIII ;Vd.y'fu|rv'II "Ta two: In`:- 1; .1 a `Jan -`much. am In. 7:18 P&::-:.IBI?0.I.`Iu lhil 750 V In I our own loud sonic vcullloibluu nah 55100. d ` _ I. D :"..'::..:..",_::-..'L.".'.':'a....., -":::::: QM- `mt urn:.unu'ooIIIII'II II Iupuu W Wltl::0..I IIo I500 In Iollh III HQIIIQI know I! the nu at Jordan QAIIIIIII no law. lo in baby could ban not Input In Ina. An In ullornl oh: 0! Its hknol nun Poorunouuouualau um You'll ); boslod lo [00 II. no vlohd Wnll J'ordu court: I! It in "In." Audnmho n Ioodutloc shpouhlh to buy; B_`0R_!_-l__ALE. ,... ....-w -_.v.. Ilnur ldnor. on. iron you papal glen That reaIJocdAn Ina `lo and In she now To enhance the GU00! of o ohrhuain clan: Thu htoly cnneol Ian. I Ia out in. 1'hovmurn!.lordu" to oonnlnly Moo For than who as sub In Int oul no price. And nu man on: dipped In Ihllood of rm HOWE Wu] nmly nu-pas AI: 00!! In Iowa. I don ! vondur "mq_nII" was to union: to could havouhvlnpoon In Inn onornlolgu at luhknolnuo .. II u .1 1| (1 4. u 4. wm. uonnuon-u.u. Wm. (}nnp-0.B.B. Junta PniAloy--0.3. B. Juno: El|iotG-G.C. Wm. MoConInon~G.C. Lachlan Io0ovnn-G. P. Rov.G.8. Wl|ito- D.U.0. Alex. Honry-D.O.T. Ju. Donnioon-D. G. L. The dologutoo won hnodoonoly enur- uinei by tho Nnpcnoo Pnooptory. Tho nut meeting of the Chapter will ho hold gt Unnnnoquo In Jsnunry, lill. Daumord to that "Hanna" uehcuunounwnp for Jordan Oar. ...,.__Inn,.._ -1. 1.... _. _____ -_n _u,,_ The nnnunl muting of Onnnqui Coun- ty Unud Black Clnpur vu hold at Nupuuo on Wodnuday, lth imam, And the following new 0100504 ooorl (or the current year Wm . Bu" Kgt. John l{nrkou--0.M- ' ' Jnmn Blnil-- D. M. no u we nuuacuv or mo npoclmwn. 1 no moment the lawn! under nu announc- od Iho Vampire begin to look (or bIm.d. (`nuutrnct--n have boon Ilindlod by Ihuo indniduulu, the U.-vorumcnl bu boon unndled by cuntrnot-nu, Ind the country pay! the pvpar. Wu propose in the ouurm of I few uncle: to la" I" we km )! lbuut` onntncx jabbing at Otuin. It in nu noeouuy to us; that nun in pooouion of Iomo Itanling Inch"! use nun Iu I- Flu; develo menu nude in the Boyle- Gluhe ceeo et Tgzroutu, will, to beliuv.-, lud lo e generel iIveetigetion,when Per- Iieuient meete, into the oontrect. Jobbing thnt hu gone on et Oitelu lor some time, or which in nuppoeed to line gone cn at ell evoute. Oomrecll end tendon heve been paddled ebout with eetoniehuig bohlneu. nlfording very protable em- ployment to thet newly-developed geni, mil-lly termed `Perliementery Broken.` but glm are in reelity politicel vempiree. During the put nine month! the etmoe- phue in Hill tented city bu been elive with report: enent the buying end all- ing and gaiierelanenipuletinn ul tendare end cnntncte. People hoped to eee the nefarumn bueineee come to en ebtupt tar minennn eo:ne time, but jab euooudud ]mi in n more dering end elneinelene mu uar,nud lhu wonder of the public increu- ed en. the audacity ol the epecnletore. The TB'"'Ni'i3'56k Store. The name: of `Cotton. Charlton, at al, I (who work for Anything ft-_-un aluit. of clulhel, upwu-oil.) no in onremoly bud odur It home in Ottawa at well u ml! .1 , mu 1-... _ n :- uuul It Iuuuu Ill uuuwu In wan an -u ovnr lho counlry. The Oltlwl Hcruld hu than (.1 any I 4 II Fl... .l-.._In.........n. ....A_ 1.. LI... ll....|.. `hinl-Q1. I --- law I The euhlitlliol d IBHIO all II . J. w. Bell, cendemlse lies at Judg- Wiltineeii, cl Nenegu ene el thijee who will eoiielitntelbe eltyeon Inf the uni oi eqnelinlioii Ippeele, bu ~ :3: ' been elieedy nlefred lo. eed it would Hun ms: be nanny :.. min umionbm nutter were it` IlI(`,G`I' the eliecge bu if/hii been inede, `Lie eeiol, lwbl Iiieb in (lie .'{`!````I: iiiui-eel of the count} 01' 0! the ednini- gm, ration of public elem, ei lot the ab ml uneeinent ol whet. elioiild, propetly, line he connection with punicipel gar . 5 ` emuieiit. We role: to the p'o`liIicel el- pee! which the queelioii lien eeeuined. """ 23' Ill . Bell,'it will be mfambmd, -9. --a ibe uoini`nee 0! the Tory petty in the content in Aulolingicn for the Local "mod" I` Home in opposition to Mt. Derocbe. In _ I-`Lu ooneeqiieiiee oi illneeex he retired iron the ceuipeigii, end liie pleceu e petty ' lender wee tekeii by It. Denieon, who ' wu defected. Now it le cberged by G. W ineuibere of the County Coiincil-in open eeeeion---thee Hr. Bell'e eppoiniineni wu pi-oinpieil by e deein to put tliei gentle- iiiiin in I poeiticii Q9 iiunipiilete mug; for hie perry : good between now end the next election, e lei-ye put 0! Fronteiiec Jenuiiry ' for municipal pnrpoeee being in [the T1 ' County of Addingtnii for legielntive purpuece. There may not be any ground ' in ell ihie-lu the honor of our public men it in to be hopd therein iioi.-bui. thoee who ere reepoiieible lor the poem [Adm lier uienmuvre must not bleine other: if [Adm their Icllun be ngeided with euepiclon, , Lndiu oepecinlly when eeverel member: re-~ Lediee vi-reed their pi-eviuue votee quite eudden- L"' ly on the thinneet of pretencee. 0! H courts the i-epreeenhtivee oi lhe reu- uwnehipe may `have concluded the! hue 311`-r whi no interest: were identical with iheir own would eoI'\'oIliom1)el iii In erbiirn- tioii name; but Mr. Bell any not euccied ' in Line rupoct, in which event hie popu- . . . qVJ`( lerity will not be improved. The dis- K . pun! of the mutter It preeent by no In L manna ende the egiinion which the air ` `I cunisiaucee have given riee to. \'..w nn eh. "I:I.l.ulk" mm to add but-not nhl. Royal Blurb Kulglnu 0! lrolud. A3-`-vi-7:"""""'"r--`---`?Y6UTi6DEruaNIsHiN`G'6HAPsI . .ul.`m.m..n al [banana of II: -AIn.. Public Vnnplru. HYIPATII I. u Jun: . Juno! Bllir-- D. M. A. Dawson-0.0. J.A . 0roonvood-G.R. 0 N. Auolotino-G.'l`. w... n.....a....._n L (Jul uuol. Crown luporinl Nola, the old Inor- iu; twenty Fulio Run: arrived yum` dnv. 5065 % Wntsfiusiieii m u_l_!_ cum. ACIIIIIIY |uluduIouvIht.IoII- ` mu. IM.I.I`oI|o" no-a Idiig-255 , Dudes 5 DOOR 5:: (tum, lh|l::'Bugor Ab. Q... to. M 1-lnlonuovdor. I0|I TWO VIII DOUIKI IIICI luovua on as can as -1 mu- m *:..-- '.z-- 1` ."'-' .. I col 0 I and hot V1.5: YuI:.`I|:hn.:Id-`hat. Abs, nu ndnunno you on lau- planed Imb Inn and must. . fhcm IIOIITUDVI In no Vbturbiuulhvkboodu luau. once! I ca . `E -.-.:'.;'."a.'3".""'-` 7-'-'-* |JAs. c1uwro1u>.| nw sue: TIA. ` nuuuu nnnun nu. noucnouo. LOIOUU. LOLOIO union ruo uulrown - Iouno nhon urn! `rut All Nov ad huh IIIIO Old Ihoi. Hu 0 nor! a R4.-hool (or the pmpov oducntlna ol pupl-nu tho`Vtol|I;. Hm Inn lunch will oruprho [um man I gnu-unt! Put- nlnl. 01 hull. In-nu, Cuupnouo and lpnhr. giving tho knob and style p-culls: M not clan I-I made. In In Aim R-unlnn lo: Oundrilln Omin- DANIELR%EILLY; I Alison und I-lat! S1n~otu.' Fine Lot on corner if Union and Birth Itfiell, `)9 x I3). lot on lllunrl nrenglnonr lie Purl. 45 I 10 with 10 foot rnght ul wag. "cu" L . C A . ._2..:__.___ ...._. -.__._ __.--_. Ischr. ANNAN DALE. | XIIIIIIIIIIE DOOII, I'll} Ill ICU}! for So sad to. I88. Iota B-wh, W0 plfll. oovui, (or 200. Inna "Nun. nnnh. Im nnunn, r HERB Inll has sold Ivy Publno Am-nnn at my Anouun Boumom tho City of Klug- uon, at Noon, on lsaturday, u I-`ebrnnry Next. tho nnnnoh .\k-bonnet Annnnunlo, on I0`.l_V |bout|`1.40U l>unhoIn.nuI lying :1 than no: Light lloune. lfull pnrtlcullh [Jen I! time of salt. Ic(Ill.L. Bu] Emu Ag-rant. Clarence unset. oppoclln the Pan (mice. Jun. Slut. IIUJ. C. um PBnPER_TI_Esfor SALE; NEW 0I"l"I1`.lh'. The pmpenv fronting on ,Rida-nu ll-set, adjoining Ih.Trw_v`n. and mnmnnn; -1 Lou `IN, 271 nml port of `I63. about than-qnnrturu of no mere. Corner --1 clulhnln nun smh btmotn. Wen I-`nnumc-41 Twu stqmod Fume Home on Eu: ude m Clmluvu sum Block ol I-`n-o (lovurnqoul bolt on corner o! Albon Struts. Fina of Al than in I gun-ral uivunr-o in Dry Good: nl] Along thc "III purvhwem will coluull their A Irru-a-tnlyv securing Ihoir nnppliou without nlolny {mm SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TWEEDS. oovur, lot we. I88. "Hutu Booh. I60 pagan, lin COVE, Imlll 8vo., for 10 Allothot Note Books In pro rtiun. The Scholutio Exordlo H. 2 ...... .oan..n... nwl.V mwn nlN'l'E RICHMOND BOYDEIN, :-_-c- `--- --3 ---`--- --.----nun, Nuw on tho vvny. Rl(`HM(!I\'D & HUYDHN haw du-civic-J to offer their ontlra Stuck of DRY (;U()DS; MILLINERY and CARPETS dufing this umnth It --;..--1...`--3 31qno\|-;\o-1;;-\ is -.. (3-S'I'C)1\T . BEIIIIEVIL ll TEEN TORT. S'J`()CI{4TA;Kj_NG SALE. xmaaros arnumou rn unvor. . V Klnpwn._Jsn. `Nth. IQ). Will cm: for the balance 0! IN: Inslth hi: tookvof BLAIKBIWI. WHITE And UCAILET ' _ruNNIcI.n. nucv Wuul. anlnluoa; also uxmno um kn:m1'l'4 HIIIITINGX4 M the (Vrktlnl Coll. WRITE and BI? COTPONU. notvnhuundxng tho nuns ndunn in I Who!-ulo Tulle It Illl Prion. PLAIN and 'l`WlLL- kn IIIIKITIBOS.` nu.ow . COTTONS. and TAIILI UNI!!! A1` nus!` 0001'. Q` We solicit 3' an lndlfllflllti uuuution lo an ant, luudloou. Q Clntbn out (no of ohm-go by I l'lrot,Cl|u Tnilor, Junuurr omh. IP80 Tidm ay `concern. oi. u._.Bu.u. um: um. vl. an A-shuns Tochr. lunch. win at play 5 led on-uu "' cumin can um. JOSEPH GlLLOTT'S ST E E L PE N S. p.-.4_A, .11 4mm limp,-1 Ma Iron. 1 I Indian` J 1 Indian J Ladies` 1 .:_-.oo---q In order ta reduce their Stock to an low I pnlnt u pouible And main room for their 1- _ __ _ _ 1\_.__l_.`_ I___ __~A._ 4.: _ __ io'"sAL1:. iii * i{Vvb1LTBMR(")?j I-IA.IlVIEJS 65 I.aOCIKZE]'I"I`_,i. `v1'm*r I ~ n-nuns unnr nurcn I" an nm a uuun an pnuuum IDU ununs mum I01` I. Largo Spring Iznpoz-`tations, Du vnn, RI(`HM()ND & HUYDHN hnvadecitloul tn ua-r th.-ir u-min. Rt...~L \'I0l.IN I51`, R.&J . GARDINER |' French Kid Buuon Book, with and without French oolo. n` French Kid Sandal Blippon, Open Too And Fruuoh Hula. a` American Rubbers, Site: and Half Sun. I lmitntiou Bnndnl Rubberl, Nnrrow and Broad make. |' Light Rubbers n Ball Sana, nude to 6: Boot: wnh Punch Hula. GEORGE LA ING, lccanuonh Block. Prlucou st. lnnxuon. GEORGE LAING PRINCESS F STREET" :iosT ARE OFFERING TRIS WEEK .J;.:I'5Zi3oN s. I VVIIUIIKII I'I'I'1. I. WALIIIKON, Wilson`; Ilulldlngu. ROCKWELL BROS. A FULL ASSOIITMEIIT OF lvorythina _1_q_ its Season. lulu Iuvbovo. Ihlodo yuvnll 'uw-ol.vo:uo tluullu. foodluo-o..........'.........gM3.m0lMi l|von|tdl.|Cun1lu...... unomo. Innuu qdnnlonn byrluooapudu Ilolovcuonrvutruundolunuuuhdunh Innuooin Ionrdh . LVALENIINESI lllprlu Tern lulu lob. Oll- svnllll emu you 19039 In onus on Iondaiqlnnurv pub. nou'rLE'\r"'o'"'u'u'l"\;"'I|.oco<. VIII AND LIFE Assurance Company. Iluchllabcd IIIIJ `lblllnohdl foul loco-o.. II-in llvonnd Ostrich hnthrl. lunch Kid Glovu. French wove Ooruu, For [bu gurcbglo ol Illa uuallndod moron: .{ WI MN - Undead Hcouun In that oonuu panel or tract of land and nnlnllnn nmm... {nun "sum sums`: TO-MO HBOW I !l'ANCY BREAD C OAKE BAKERY, The nndonigund lI|lIIYN1\.`lOd by J W Langmuir. Enquire. lnpaowr ox A-cylunu PI-noun. uni Public Clnnuu lor 4 Inlnno. and oomnnuu at tho and H uorlnnd soouun. lo nacho TKNDKRH nu. the Anylum lot the In use, Kluplou, IIIIHI um um I1. Unusual Mouun panel of pmnlou umuus. lying. nndvlmng nu the Township of Iirneub win, In um County of In-unox nod Adding- wn,oonuming h ulmounnmont Ono Hun dud Acne. be I a name now or has, hnmu um, OIIIIIOUIIIII Dz ulmoaounmonl Ono llun Aeru, loan, hung uom ol lha Want lull of Lot No` Twang`- two I: the hush Couooouon of III hand To` u chm of Iirnuuuown. the aid D Dorlund soounn lmnf ouml-d to an undmrlad on-:- Isl! than or nlorun in the In maple of tho uul Ono undrod Lane on land. the {tun nu lac Ibrucoo. &' `human to mac out noun. or uno- {mmh out. And the bolanou h: on And two Monday. 2nd February, I880, tr `runners on]: ohm. on And two , nan. ' mu` Fc?Xi'E. A large; mu! Cllol Stock In the Matter of B. DORLAND BOOUTAN, Lunatic, now in - V-the Anylum for the Inuno, Kingston. in GI. IQ. In-1.5.: CWIIIIDIIIIULI. 00:.` ulovonl I. W. VAN IWATII, . A lhtllnpug Iggy`. Ju. lot. IQ, 0|ht1nIvIo'I Applyh -In. loch, IEO. WI. IKBULIR. Bursar. BIl'Ill`I Uue Anvlum tor Ihu Inna: Innpeon. Jnu. lint: fan, __ T=i!;AB_9!%e~ In-ah Oynlern always on land- IuIcstoL\_cAaivT H}? J. GAHDINEH ARE SHOWING C. I. .OI0] I Duck Upponm Albion Haul, Pnnocu stroot. Bduf old Gland. lath! Iquno. FRESH AT 10 0`CLOCK AT 8. H. '|'0YE'S VALEIHINES i .-3' A . I if` Jan. 9!. IEO an. em: npn B... ........a`"`.'}`'` ll II it - 1; IIIC. | . `CO I I nil roll I III]. htvshl` . munonnl uinlono Club. and Ill vurno II Ion. `obonrg. 'I mousing to oomunro at 7.!) pnoholv. Adululon Ion: Incubus In good standing kn J. I. LAVILL. hunun. Ciudiillhn lhny. ._ hunhuglvu *" '".:::.:n .9... .0... '2. DUI. IQ: _._. ,. .. .. _,._:. Own And an and judge tor yonnolwu. Khwlton. Jul. Tith. l8_80. Tho oholutuo lcxorauo Book. '11 pan, nil cover. ONLY TWO CINTB. Other Not. And llama. Books, oqnnly mun. A cm will ohnp mm; mom.` louduy, 2nd February. iEA.Z_A_.._ARa. Literary Meeting r6'n3\L:. LADIES S|lK HUSE Ioun and Iranian no the loci of lawn. nu-ch `homun- lInny.`;. hunhugivn In nu. Apply 0' . 31, -re;-`-`:7 Drui Innings. Mluvo lrlllincl. `Nook Buchingn. WOODS. IIIDP u----v----- - '-'-'-I-I -' ugh `noooouy Gould] at _ hi-o-boiov-ht-I-I-pr an-no ouuuuaylaguobgcu. ._*_.:o_.: Gnu: Duunon.-Yutuqny to gun on amount on reported child donation. that Dououb Hunky arrival hon Ilth the main ol up intuit Iht tuld Iwddool IQ nary. Ibo un tho did not dull! N child, but nulo unap- Iuh with Ii Iollphiunt to hop It and in would pay hr In con utlloho null pa a into In Gunnoqiu. Sh pnspll ioooludplnto bhdtho bupln. ll; showed the IOIII the punk maid from the Inyoc to In In to (luuoqu The child and noth- I` ntunulo Uunoquo this dut- uuwyuu-u ---u-no-, ---on -u -- Iolluvtllqnnoolvd (inhibitin- nulunuoaplllboboldulnupuu ollbo Ithndelolfohrcory. nch ilhd cdnpIhNoI,noI- uhngd President, John lcnlg, Inlthooooflboooultmtouhlo Onhl-lo Ocmmunllo gnnllim lot Ihplncqol ougl-In the nanny ukqplhonplqauunond 08058 ohnhbohdhllnp all unduhdovdnploglho A-Ann I-nnn Q aunt. an.-II guocuu-o~._. Tn Dutuu In l|u.nu>.-Wo pub- Iioh, by request ol Sula Knry Fuuuu Oloro. hot ulrllu to the pooplo cl Amen"- oo. but In huahot oomo boadolnnuory haunt ol it will not duh: u local Iubctiption not being ntlund in on be- hll ol lrolsndl duuruud pooplo. And Ih Iouovolulnhur in I kilo illogical III! the dooll that, though IIIO bud nooind cbon9.000 In out rountly, unuohll Island children could ob- lnln only udry and Iron It II school. .__........___ Goon Plosncts.-'13. tar ha been npruud that tho uudionco of M10: Nail Ion`: porlormanoo in "As you lilo it" Inllnot In '00 well paid ull. ought to In in consequence d tho lni run sdurtiud lor the ooouioin. We do ugt apprehend such 1 result. It tho prvunt onquil-in for loll! and dukou can bo taken no an indication. --~--- A Fun B|aI1'.-l`hu Exprcu` mm tlm om ohlto pump! sight: out be- held in that union lulu imnonoo ion- bolgu lonnotl 58 Bull M a place known on 05-pin`: Point. The ion in pilod up In hoops hon 90:04!) hot in Iuighl, for tho diunneo ol Aquutcr ul I mils. and with I uuul lybg at Anohot clou by, pruonu one 0! Mon uoonu m oom- -on in the Arctic rqtonu, "A nuol lur- noundod by loo." [1 in wull worth while to ilupocl it. __jo$._.._. Locun |z4.-'l`h people at Amhelet blend leel keenly heir ieoleted condi- tion thin eeeeou The] beta been lot deyn without euy oommunicetion with the ouuide wotld, and would enbecnbo llbetelly to-surde tie leyiug of e cable m i telephone, 0! in `net enylhlng whereby they would be enbled to cunfer with their more lurtugnte brethren in the new land, end kmw whet ie treneplring in the world mud ebout them. -_.a}o-- __. ---o~o--- A Sununnn-Aha: an Amount at spotting botnomho Iwo grout bodies. lid throuonod litignion the Coun- Iiu' Council of had: hu conrmed tho Icomont onlund unto botlroon the town of Brocknlb and tho oountiu relu- tlu to tho ndni-iotrnjon ol orimtml judo: and the minunnnoo oi the Court Homo. Gaol, old The Annual puynont by tho town wll be 81,925, and the quoonont in to con: 1 parlod ol the yous. Kingutofn payment, in computi- non with thin, iuup ovary you. :..s.-__. ._.K...._. St. PAl|l.'ri Convnt um Tn.-On Tuuduy Inning thin wil come 06 in the Vnotorin Hall. A most ottrucuvo pro- gramme bu bun proprod, sad the ludicl of tho congregation urn doing ourythiug in their pour to nuke the tuning Q Ihum-uhly oujoynblo one. hlpupooud tint the In. Canon Mu- Iook will attend. ' V -:-0-3%: Paton`: ANmvnun.-Rev. Mr. Dyh, ol Toronto, pruohu in the Bop~ tin! Church In-marrow. On Mondny owning tho putnr`; unnivorury will uh plum, and I very hlppy went at will be. Rev. Dr. Grant takes the chuir, and I no mnucal Illll litanry entertainment will In givon. ------nacho----- - , A Pnnouu R|u:.-Yo-tordny tho company who cum our in the ice-boa! tron: Wollo Inland had In porilnuu time. They tuned out about 1 o'clock and did not reach hare until '5 o'clock. They nu about throo hours in the ice it til: loot 0! Garden lnlnud. Oovucn..-A npocid meaning of the Hlmicipal Amondmont Mt Commmu will In hold on Ilou-hy Afternoon, {O tub into account u Inuit Iran: the May- or of Toronto on nunicipnl mutton. A special meeting of the Council will be hold on Mondnj onning. -T} . -:-o4}._.._ Houncunnn. Booun.-On Thnn thy the sdjoumod muting of the Horti- cultural Socinty III held. In runlud In tho n-oluction ol the urn oioun and Dirootun uhu your. The uucnont of tho ngnoinl and other nnln of the 80- 6033 run outinly satisfactory. an . grunoyiek nnd Albany Noto, It 100 p_oc Qmro, or 81.76 par Run, tun nu. scribbling Biroki, 250 and 126 punt, lot In mud to. I _, , , . Tn la -'l'ho too in the harbour in qnn gnoa. TM: dtotnoon tho hint wont to the Cape. This In the u: tituiin the manor] ol the "olden lnluhltunl" that tho boat ha no on the 31:: Jumnry. A` lawn : Innucm-W*. Rina, tho Tomnw Ion-got, In to bo uhn hon tlo Klquon Ponllonliuy on nn- -lay pogin ovidonoo In 3 one Mining kwnL:Lh1np-x 'hic c'(""......."'.uu`" of Cnnun. Aun- no luau-A l.::2:`:'n4'ilu)iiw lumauind at Inrmary. Damn, Inching. in. am wwsvg |uIcns yin_t1iu um. ' Iunu`)u|nu'o Anoocunoup I'M llnulp 0! I50 loan Oahu Dai'1lu'A' Ahodclhu. Ilkh not at n.n._nI- L_- _...l_..J AL-A aL-;- L - our 1 no m'mun.' ._.__..,.. _......._.. on IVINING, JAN. an Wa1Iu-lhunul0o, Innlall, Int-,Iu munch Ihuuutyn oau.unuluy;lOl'?Ipo Ioothogl nuts. or pmluhu - hn I 'l'l:o County Council Iuo opting oovoo ml Iurprlooo upon tho public during tho out not. but tho grootoot Iooootloo no ptoduood yootol-do; oluon I I-ooolutlon no pooootl ll lover ol tho obollttoo ol thooouucll, ond ol tho dioohoqo of tho dnuuol county logialoton by nonunion- io. Tho Oounoll ol Fmotoooo luo not hool tho Int public body In ogitoto for gohongo in tho humor of conduction tho ooouty hooinono. but it colon tho lood In potltlonin Iho Logioloturo lot lllll II!- tloho boon thought ol, oat! ulna, pot. hopo. tho rotopoyon no not pcopuod to Iodotoo or conrm. Tlnio rovolotlolory HO, Iowovor, In by In noono Ibo only ooo oupootod by ooooloo of nota- loy. A nation no ootnolly pnpoud 1: am cl tho nouuoo at Iqlolotoroo, clodtholoototoold-Ictloootht` ooollboput oo popot bod Illbo-l out bynoo when owuonl ouioty unto` oouoouioo lo tio tiuo ond oxponoo at nodloo. Wo Iovoc how our County Oonul, In on olm-t nouns, to gin ovi- doooooloenooln Wolsey:-adrolor-.l We arolmn cl tobonuholnrcl man by uulllng at uni prices us must Iocuro speedy return. WIIIIII, mu 5 pin) no ouuuq: up- lron the judguunrol I Iiuglo Rdp dinot to the Court of Appeal. instead ol having I nbolrinj bdun tllh lull Court. Thin no not carried. The meeting Hun ulinnrnnd. W `I ZIIIIUBIIII, That Mauro. Hondonon, Walkem, Agnew and Whiting In I Conmituo to discuss tho "Judionturo Ad" nnd report it tho nut muting . Tint Imninl nl nnolntion h an! In tho um was now than ndionrnod. cg: On Thundny Afternoon nnuting ol tho number: of the lap] frnurnity III hold in tho oioo 0! Mr. J A. Hondoroon, Q0. Among thou praunt vorogoun. Agnew, Wnlhm. (LA Kirkpnrick, J.S. Kirkpatrick, Whiting, McGuire. Moln- tyn, Smyth And Hondonnn. Dr. Hon- dmnn oooupiod tho ohuir. The muting bud bun called In diucou Tho Judi- ouuro Act." 5! pruont befuro the Omnrio Logialnuro. The lollowinz ruolntionl won puud . That all lunmhnr hnninnan ha trnnn. ll Iuuou: ' Thu! they dopncuu Ibo Idea of tho oontnlintion of tho Superior Cooru at Toronto, and ndvoclto the idea that nlout am of the Superior Court: In plooud at Kingston; `Phat Ila.-u Hnndarnnn Wnlknm II ma non muting Thu onpiu of resolution be not to the Mtornoy-Gonornl. the loader of the Op- podtlou, and the city umnbor. Mr. Amer nmvod. Iooondod by Mr. pocmon, sun In: my runner. Mr. Agncv mnvod, by Walton, that 0 put) ho mun 9: ap- p__o|l t_ho j_udguupt'ol I_iu'g|o ndp -A waalarn papar prinu an lntoraar lng obituary of the lata John Montgom- ory (falhar ol Dr. Montgoinary. Rualr wood Aayluln) including rafaronca to hia oacapa from Fort. Henry, in which ha III iupriannad in revolutionary timu. The Reoonlu aaya that tho aala nl tiokala for tha Nonlaon onfartainmant had aucoaodad wall. Tha axoitamont waa iutenao, and aoata aold with a rapid- ity which was aatonlahing to thou who had pradlclod a failure Iran the high prioaa. . , 1,,_. A,,., .., __-_a_...)_.. r..-_- -A cofrupandent wrote In yeeterdny nnent the tree! Kingston wee offered In tho contemplated viuit of Mun Neiluon, who Iue referred to en egrent einger. Thu mil!-eke wu nude 0! confounding Neiluon, the dumuiet, with Nilleon, the vocalist. The Incident wee enlclent to inspire the humorous euggeetion thnt lo nae one ought to eel Shel:-pereto mn- wan puuu That All Cbunbor buninou be trunn- nctod in It 0 county from which the unit is issued: `Nut Hm: damn;-gt; Hm Mn: nl ...--- IUOICA I. um LITIIAII lN'l,`I.I` TAINIINT will ho (Inn by tho than Auochcbu II tho laxgn Icon 9! Queen In-not lothdlu Church on tho onus; 9! -Ml l. Lorenzo Fruyn, of Kitloy, died on Snturdny Inn, and 8ByurI. Sho In in tho puuuuion ol all her faculties nntil~hor duth. Her hunban-I in in bi: 96th yur. -Rov. R. Much] brought I very Iuecouful uriu 0! evangelistic meeting: tn Iclpu at Hondernon, 0nt., Fnday, 29th. A largo numbor at people worn prolouedly brought to the Sniour. nu n I ,1 ll-._I__A 'l|_ll_ ....-......., -.-..-... ._ -Tha annual salt of Market. Toll: took plaoa at Napanoa on Monday to John McNailf2:r 8950, which inaludu tha aoalaa, baing $16 laaa than In paid Int year. Tha butohot atolls wars sold [or 320 aach. 2 . I c an _--__ -. '__ -..-... -Tho dry good: Iluck of Mouth. Haopor E Sons, Nnpnnoo, inoolvontt, will bosold on the 7th. This might nnt hue hlpponod H the unior` member of tho rm hsd been an Anxious to ntond to buuinou 3: ho no to boeomo I mun- bor of Parliament. .t......_., __ -It in fund thnt the opun weather thin wlntor uill injure tho Fall when, 0! which I grnur breadth than ununl Ina sown In! Full. Clover will Alto uuor. --Pmbo. Frooh to brink, weotorly to oouth-wooterly uvindo, portly cloudy cold- ot ioothor, poooibly followod to-marrow by onoo orrooo. -Mr. Robertson bu felt tho aoat ol tho reaction In Woot Hootmgo for which ho ho: boon oloctod by o largely docrouod majority. --Pi-stun uditonn have boon olngiag Pitioforo" in Bollovlllo. Tho Kingston vocolisto hove been dreaming our the Open 1 loorfully long timo. .. ~ ; __n _L,. .L_ ____ _-.lL__ ..--- ....-_-_ -, ___ ..__-- _, -A horn belonging to one Stu:-goo. Ihilo drawing ice, fell dead on the wt- ngr of York and Alan limb this |norn~ in. n . n 1 . L_.-,u, 4,_.._u_ ., _._-_, ..... ` _ -Tho villqu of Goaonoquo in bola; pa in telephonic eonuuniution with the G.`l`.R. notion. . nu: Unynwu, vuu sauna. nu, a--. u . . . -a. donloovo, In pruuuo, will continual I `iailuhia-aaaul * ` nun-uvuvv, no r-won---, -nu cw---_-.- -- I8 "014 Bonus" um um. `gamma last night; The ice in the [author In putty nll brokon up and clouod uuy. -Tho Mngiatnuk Iuu ol nhupoo hll upind, but boing ill, Ml . J. P. Gil- nrnlnnin nu nnnnnnnn -ill nnntinnn In Dr. Iuudon will and u on "food " Allyuu nun: unit . (`onnunu 10'I|ul W. H. N. lIlA`0cN.` ` locnhry - . A Jan mu. [*1 u--u--.---.. -...._. > 0_lnu thin nlunooa. .- -,. -15. Biuhnp ol Untuio mfua mn' " I "II" 'IU.UI' DEW Ilwr rvuvw Inn has punctual at Pout. --The cool quoltiun in occupying 5 good don) ol MlOl_Itiun at tho pnuut ling 1 '- I --|lr. ii:-vsobn has but given the contact to: tho Bonus 0! Industry oun- .._._. -Tho ochr. Ella J40" dtuud the lnku from Fair uun_ to Eat lab on Monday lat. mg- -:n.,__ -1 fl ________ _ :_ |..-:__ non nuon novncu an on vkuoml -A um, um}: expound u I.:.-.lIIg man.` I --1`nnt`[-lone thouund hop polu .--- 1.... .....'.L....| .3 DA-lh lovolululllnc Alhln. locus; 0| the Bar. ..;;.;?.{ Uporn mun-, A oplondid usortponl. ladies` and Gun Pooh! Knivu, but Out Stool. D-..-n Iunnnbinl Nan. n.. nld Invar-