W Hill] jug -u.n;u- huha can launch. Mlaulong oiqod uIiouMIbIhoo.puIn- .._..x...uhh nnmulhu tinned - =T|!Q._.1ZIIll|nlQIL... _` T. , . .` -._ .}. .'-' nut: at Ottawa on 3%, 1:0 Kr tilhI Auociation on tho (ollowin day. he nun: nun norm run cod in ILA Inn. 4' 911 {III LA`) Al nhmi in Ihn lilln Auodntion the (ollowin day. - in the loan of 20,000 hood of stock in the nintqr Damn: nl IIIAIIII uni Ilnnhrn Om- IIIO was on ':u,uuu noun or noon zn um wintsr nngol 0! Idaho udjulun 0n- ` 07030 "ID WIIC OK I lU,l tin per cent. on Mural: 1. -AA Melbourne dimnoh -'`CI. is . ` uouo um- .....;,._...z.'.*.-" . - 0 Prial Alan H trying to out down his Iouohold oxplrun oun-inlai- _-AlC A-Jnnn -1 Ania-lni-n - Huh. "1`.u1, we we have bun pdma, Iona-dud (mu fin York lg tho unloc- non In lnnlnnul --ur. unuun uonulnn. l. r., I ho olond one old new judicial up- poinunoou in British Oolunbin. - l'hn Lhnnhnnl Iunhlnl in an Nun III Illll PIIOIIIOPII. -Doon ntlun have been dinoovorovl .. u.. w.m..m.. a...... ...a... a.. u..I.... oanonon Ill ODOHIOE. -'[`ho [Ah Show and Miohipa Ionlhnn I-nudnv turn nndan to In- Allulnhlylun l-|"""' noun-cusp.-out Wk -CU` 1- |l._n...I Add h llfl Iijk ngsna-oounoulu-glad -0Iut ndhpup Vu-1| In G315-n-man nu.-T I,llN plum DIIIII IIIIIOIII IOII.` .1 --In London than no 1215 amateur mtl npnlnnninnnl nhnonl gntl nnulnnnh-Al I 'owu'u vvuuvu. I - v-v-- -- ou " J-a ' to IT r-,.....*'-.s;":.i..#::.':`>a...i..' ..:...:} n mash Iron oxnoriooos It in III- u_| VIII. lwauolualnn. --|!r. Dunn Iloliillnn. K. P., will no olond one ollln mu iudininl nu- IIKII AID flIlul._ llono unprint- magi: mzmsu wmc, wrznnnsnw. MARCH 9. me). II. If WI punlonon `u~'l"III'Il'rIIIUlIv-I`rv-'--, hduI,IouII||upIonbonnuty,ot uuonullornlno-and-ouy christ- inlllylluoulolanyluputlouhoptoo prblu cl awash chanson. Soot uculdnnu Intro! and. Sunny uX,aIt|ciItboit nnturoonoodoooy, nnluololngnucqoduolluupve tuculnlo right to lolcntlonjno ,p_a.n__ ..__..-n- That: an anod- 'l'l0l"II.I.-l'l`lAxIl'Al. Kano Onpluoh 3.--Oonpanho have 'buu orgniud ban, and conduct! muons will In sum luruuooodul nid into u IIIIIII hnlioq. Troops sh frank:-tor tau unnuutoddou oIhloodahod.ulautlo| vu|dcnI'uIIat In milled nu hollow outlet: to gonponuiodllllt Inna`: IOVIIIITI. `Panda. m,mnn 3.--|Ir.Pu'IullhII ] u-I-lid. Alujonoui naluldnd Il.(ll)nbd. Inn Iv Poortn lot- 1 nodal C9,!!!) to an Irish long. n.- v...n, luau. :1,-nn Harald`: \ ntdod H.151!) tho Inna Inqu. New Yuck. Inch 3.--`l'hu Humid`: Pooch up It. Parnell last night aid. Union In odhwhd lot Anus Ihotlbo la-dd mm to M- Ih lornuion ol tho oomnmo. ol nun, luludhg Pauli . Bonnou was In Ind no subscription with ,000, and cloud menu-In Iohonuo It to mnnnn mm the Now_l ;rk Logmaum in Doing About It. Now York, Much 8.-Tho Harald`: Albany npocinl un tho Sm. Survey Oonninionorn yutordny Adopted a ro- pou to sin olrgiuluun, recommending the cotton Ioounlnion $0 app:-sin the land: o! cho New York oldo ol tho Nlnpnlvor, lot tho proposal intu- puloul The unuor will ho lnld below to cum nut not. A monorhllu ngl-luunduhklng will` In pnultod In tho Gonna to-day; hula; a non nu-uodinuy collation ol nlguuura. Prominent Anon-inn ' dtiulu And Btitlnh mbjoou on up- poudul to an pcbllc doeuum. Friday . This morning I rooolution wu panned at the Printing Committee, com Ininiug that tho Dominion Puliuuom. not Illp lied the [mod Homo this union wit Van: And Proooodinp and Bill: on nu uunl nn Innnor nnulonl. um vaun ma rrooumngu nu wu ulml on lonnor nnulonn. lollowmg an tho only IIIIPOIIIIII mu- Iurol romnining : Attorney-(`lononl'I Bonudnry Award, which will oono n this Afternoon ; the Judiouturo Bilr, which will (all unongnl. gononl Ilnnghur ol innooonu. and 0|-ooh`: pro ed grunt ol thirty thnnund dollnrl to Eapor Cun- odn Ooll 0, which will probably be with- drawn. his work will likely hop tho Houu occupied to-day And lo`-marrow. The nmmwnliun will uh 'blmo on Houu Idjoumoa. Toronto, March 3.--Tho order paper lut night wan clurod pron] wollnnd the lollounng the only important nun: nmninimx Auornor(lononI'n House occupied to-any ma vo_-marrow. The pmrogntion Xnlmo Friday ' Thin Inominl vunod nun noon naunosa a usage Tho Honu wont into Committee on tho Municipal Tuniou Bill, on coma of the clnuou 0! which I good den] of dia- cuuion took place, which wu unninhod when the Committee rote, just before the Home Idjoumod. Tnmnm Mnmh 3.--Tho paper I200. The Auornoy-Uonornl spoke briey squint: tho propoud change, which nu njoctod by I majority 0! 46 to 19. After novonl Gonrnmont mouurol OWMIL UII VI try nu-nu... ..._' huulldhon and counts. jun to gin in tho nllglhot pouibh land Iuonr, but Ibholtol Iboprognnuo in manually n ninoolhnoou nodloy ol uoulu melo- I ilk. -non ;.._ _..d- _d `an npcloa oy IlIl_|0l'Il] or so to La. Alter hnd boon ndunood slugs 'l`h.\ Hnnn um. into Commiuu on mom. bmldmgn In the queen": run. In reply to Mr. Meredith, the Cum- Iniuionor ol Public Worh oxplninod tint the half million nlrndy voted Ill ax- pootod to Alford nauioiunt mama to morn Nun oovor sl| incidnntnl oxponuu oonnoctod with the site. whnn oh. fliwininn nm-0.`: Hill mm: oonnootod wntn IIIO mu. Whnn tho Divinion Court`: Bill olmo up lor the oonuiddntion of nuondmontl in Oommitue, Mr. Lang moved to include book Account: A: well in debt: ucurod by promissory now, in tho 0:- rllmotl juriadiction, bctwoon I100 Ind motion 0! Mr. Morne. The Home then rntied en orderin- Oounoil, oontemmg the eeeenl pf the Senate of Toronto Univerein lo the scheme for the erection 0! new Pu-lit mont building: in the Queen : Perk. In renlv Meredith. ...,.., ...... - -- _t Toronto, Mernh 3.-YeeterdeyA _ routine eepirited debete rpreng up, ` e- whet unexpectedly, on e motion mule by the Minieter of Education to Ienctio the expenditure oi $30.000,out of the Endow- ment Fund of Upper Oennde College, for theereot|nn ol I new boerding home in connection with thet institution. The propoeel wee invnedietely eueiled with greet vigor by new-rel eupportere of the Government. The opponent: ef the meeenre requeeted thet the metter should be ellowod to etend over for enother you n they hed neither the time nor the menus during the let huure et their diepoeel to inlorni themeelvee properly. The clebete III ediourned on the nook. noon mu devote nun attention to tho banking buninou and improvolnont. ol hifrroporty. - 0 Jury sitting in inquuton the on nngrroporry. Jury sitting inquuton bodies of the victim: in the Biddnlph trngody hue rem:-nod In opon urdict. They nd um the unfortunuo Donndlyu cum to their death by being "murdered and burned by putiu unknown." Fortu- nately thin verdict will Inn no aoat on luturo proeoodingu. _____..- ..- _. _ _-_ anpoau to Inlorln UIOIIIIOIVOI properly. The clobnto adjourned motion of Mr. Motrin. 'I`h; "nun: Hun nlid an nrdnr-in. -`l'ho Harald Rand nd path to IQGLCKD.` " , -h.aD I Eula . -8hphaI1I, 00' ha bun tun- forud to Blackwell`: and put :8 noi in A nhnn nluuu luau. -,,W. Spaannan. wealthy {aunt in Oolnmbia, 8.0., on Blunday out till thtoat 41 his yonngar brothar living in GM lam- lly. altarwanla out hla nib : throat, hd than Ilia own. No Ix on can In inaginod oxoopt that 0! all! . -On Monday a ht Goo. . a pmminaut law or o la villa. Mo.. villa int_pxicato nl, abnud I ; vib, and hla aon, aged 21. nd a nvolnl to nan hiafather. Tho bullat paaaod tlugll tho lather : heart. The aon llalnoat ninth an; Thvctyurn hand` and upon aopulunluuunpnrpoulunplond. :..|...I -nnnntnnht-tbonnwuy.ot crazy. . --J. W. McKay hsu putoluud from J. 0. Flood, Bun I"nnoiIoo, the entire intereet of the Inter in ' the mining and milling gt-operty of the that on the Com- uock. load will devote hi: attention to oh. Imniina hnninnnn all!` imnpnu-mnnl 109- . -'l`wo' hundnd Cundiun lumen lo Pnnoou. yowudu {or Ihnitobs Two othul` portion Mt tutu-n notional ' tho P:ovinoo-oouu for tlIo_Nqnh-Wat and non: lot Nobruh. .-"- A'A human -3.: A, g -IA. dmvni Inn! IIQI um u:,uuu, wman nuucua her mum. -Dr. J. Hum, on o! the had known phydbiuu of obokon, bu olopod with 3 young lady who Ill viaiung his Iilo. -1130 Dublin Cullo nuthotitiu undo my Ina vumng Mn I110. -11 Calla Iuthoritiu undo` npnunutionu to the (lovuranont nu lavontol I nuts! 0! (ho Paco Pro- utntlon Act, 1875.-which` oxpinu an. ion. lllll IODO loo noon-nu. -Mn. Salli: Shown?` tits 0! 3 no- oudnu u Scranton, 1., Iuloidod 5, shooting yesterday. Sho [oh alone: to aB|I'iato:ahuidiiw.`ehmiui Hirirltk I nouuon ol nun Inn nor. - -1`|Io nm Wuhln ton upooial up In. Raymond, of Al: 3. who not Suntor Hill for 010,000 damages, clninu uh: Ivu uduood nod Ind I chd by do- lnntlnnl "HI nun: it in - nan. nl hlnni. Upper Canada c'oueao-A Starl- lma Motion-Expense of NewParltamont Bulld- min, etc. nun! III nuwuu In u -1---v W" W "- qugguu. `Then to culled `noted eon- cot.` `I PW ' |"'"""""" ",' only I lulu of WNPP"l `h 4"" around the ItIIi'F- 750! ll` 9" ""' ` ..-"iv 9. ggpdgy night than on my oaunight. Ono oc tug nnnbon may -- ..n.; 9.... .....a mans. inn min Ian-ea no nnoxnlru ulna not put us took in I shot uhop. III. Jnliun Burke, ouioidod by, drovuim at Bmollvn nnurdn. Sh Brooklyn Bl lost '12, , which nloctod her mind. -Dr. J. Ilnnl, nun nl {ha Ind hnnm Il|00|lll BIIO lOl_I I IOIIII I0 au-into: pehcpue Hnvl violation 0! km: with her. __Thg Nun. 'nnInInntnn -iunnigl ngwn IIIO VII IIIIIIQII IDII III GIIIG D 00` londun. Hill up it in I euool blnok-; uni]. i IIIE llTEIl_T10I|L mu. ammo Ljusuruns. III TILNIATI WAI . A . Tifssr gm. T.gg;... `4 WM. To- . 7 ...- Icun Duh and 310-30 W _...__p nu._IlJ:|- Ihnn-hula In Ibo Krml an-asoum Pot III! I..- lbui..nL Knnntal. atlas; I Mood noonuoouu uuur ulnont Iodide Ammonia-. the can '1: rapid and eonpku. Gala` Pill: an mm: in}! now. 1-: n I'II,DI-InIt,KIIIptoI. ['":r "V ' -----o$-0-----vi nu poignant and cum mun. lb Kuhn Iurdmut, ol I|I:$nn1Iny Thain, In York. no ulna poddnly um I cum no nail: to ....a...-. . Mud noonnoudod Gila` this inning nod ooumlua we win. Clzbhwlmitouuah oonludlho Bonnoslbolio Sopuslo I Milk `*7 ll 1'"- {-5}: - - . Tnconto, unk 3.31-be up:-poi. at the Canon Ilouu Inn uuind hunc- uonn to-oh their a clan an hour onlhr than on. vb. 0 o'clock. The now out In no! way `radon nodod. 'l'holtn rnou'unudon nnpgqlonol graciously hound. 'l`ho!outnon unotodon having boqluiud the non ol I&I. Ilovlnd, Lsublnn l Iillo, Ion brought 5010!`! I50 Polio: naming and oonumud lot Edd. noun 5. -Imieeuau to Bosy:l. vonty Ihnuund dulluu wont 0! rod huh ullllgcd hind: has by motion Ind priuu ulo during tho put Ink. nnnl nnddonll an rloofhd h Inn prinu uh durmg no you not. Gourd uoidonh nporhd wound to the innlqtut tail on the lnhlooldninl Railway am hula. an. In on Iloniny lul. Thou ui no [on of lilo, but gm} duh; in the Iain In gutting to ho luuuunn. Tho puma an French manna.- Mr. Ryan, M.P.. in to be and to road tho nddnu of nloouu to Mr. P; :- Iull, which the M: or doolinod to do. Pu-lull will loolnlo on in tho Than IL.-gl OIIIX OI Ell lflm, II II llllluu u: as rqnogl lot Ilnny nuonc. but ohlny bonus the Proviaoo olQaobo:, in n time 0! gounldoponliudon his the pt-soul, llqlllu the Inltod nu-cugth ol all Ilddlibllli IuOolool'v ~4--- -H-5 ' undo: (ha Olm- Ionlrul, Mar. 3.-'I`ho mi Ipinoopd Church for St. Suphon parish. in this city, will non ha completed and ready lot occupancy. A man: nun crutod I unntiou In lot A mm; mm the onuootun nation in running III] (mm his Into, who Ill nuns Imh bu Iriondn to provout his caving. loru to down Inn |II'0lOd union. iowour. u the Innnt want not by tho tnin. Tho puma French Ounndinnu Mr. Run. M.P.. Uupopular 0rl:1--1 rnu- Ochoa! lh-magmas- to the but an Inn I-Iouu. London, March 3.-Mt. (lrinull, in wcordnncu with the motion ogrood to yuterdny, Ill hrmlghl to the Bat of the Home 0! Ur-nuuunu At. noon lu day. 30 road I most humble Apology. The Chu- ollor ol the Euhoqunr, amidst ohoon, moved hi: committal tn Nowgnto. `lha motion III Idoplod without. doboto ot divmon. (install will be im rinonod dunng tho plonure of tho cone of Common; _- Aovooo~.._ New Clmrrh ~ soc-nety Suuauotp Parnell -Iteal Estate Salon. London, Mu-oh 2.-lu tho Houno 0! Common: the Chnnuollor of tho llxcho quot moved thnt Griuoll, arrested at Int union of Pnrtinment for breach of prtvilogein having deolnrod hi: Ability to bribe: Parliamentary Uomlnittoo, but who mu dinclurged at lhn expiration J the union, be luII'l'untud Ind repri- nnndod. In cnnnc-quanta M I gononl fooling in tho Haunts that this would be too mild trntmont the proposal In withdrawn, And 3 mnlinu unlnilnouuly thut he be Arrested and brought ` to the Bar of the Home. I,.....!.... M.-nh 'l_Mr Hrinnnll in some party to ma jury unknown." The twelve mentioned signed this verdict. but two out of the foul-tun hold out and would not agree to thin, non- nciontiouuly believing thus the pnrtiu sworn tn by Wm. Donnell] Ihould be committed for trinl. Strong opinion: an oxprouod on the strong so to tho verdict nrived nt in both olntl, Ionic oven going no In u to any the verdict: were rendered through projndioo, others maintaining that from the fat of their boing no I-abutting testimony given against the ovidonco oi O'Connor: and Wm. Dunnolly thnt with thin boioro than there should be I commitment in both cuu. .--- 4 gun. Broach of l rl_l)l.Hyau Pumslml eut- Inn and mm: mnuy. Lucln. 0nt.. Much 3.-M 8 o'clock this morning the Curonor pnid I viait. ` to tho locked up jury, nnd`fo`und the had not yet ngreed upon I verdict, an again a few minute: later And no vordicl, but this time tho jury and An- other lull hour to oonuidar on he would send them to Londotlo -b'o dinehugod hy the judge. At the expiration ol this tune. n pun the npponnnoo of the Coroner, the jury nnnounood that trnlvo out 0! the tourtun Ind nu-ood_ upon the nrdiol that John D:-nliolly cunt to hi! death on th 5th of Jun. from gunshot woundu. received lrmn a gun in the lands of pnrty to the jury unknown." The sinned muons. The Emporor of Germany gun a lami- ly dinner in honour at the Out`: 26th Aocanninn to the throna At. which he wore tho Ruuinn nnorm. We no ghd In notion tho vigorous op- poddaa with which the proposition to `in `Sunday owning `oonmlll II the Ron! Opus Home Toronto, ha boon uunud. Any anions map: to carry ouch 3 ptojoet into also: would uoiu much 3 mm ol diupprolullon u would radar sh. man at it win out ol the -~-Ai-- k--- on nnnd `nnnlud gun. Lucan, 0111., March 3.--A fuming mun nnmod Snmnel Colo, living nboul. the mile: from here in the townohip of London, omnmittod Iuieido Int night by hungiug Mmmll in his bun. Ho loan: 1 wife and null family. Luann. 0nL. o'clock nna a mum or am nunuuu um one round: in honour of tho day. The Car remained on tho bnloony twang q|nu&_q_I,_ Illutirig an mnlttti'xd`r`iiIi!' inn `III-` Ilnuium. The loch ummonn of dia- Tno mum ox qua uumu played uuouu music, and dunng An into:-v the Cut up- pundloruunouuol upondnhloonyndl uluud the crowd, the lnporhl PI-been standing hphind him, in company with tho Dnchou ol Edinburgh, who -and elated at the npoouolo._v During the` pro- unu ol the demonunuon the gun: at Innnrhn on tho north bank of (In Nan my men` nouany. " , A'ftor the Our hul roooivod the con- grnulstionu, he drove out in an opoli oaniqo, and In continuously [chard in uncrowded strut: through which he pnuu. _ lit. Potonburg, March 3, 4 30p.In.- Gononl Malikulf, Chin! of the now Hu- ron Exeoutivo Uouuniuion, Ill nd M 5 young mnu with I rovolur in tho hrioon when nlighting from 3 ouriuo It hit nuidence. Molnlm in not hurt. Th culprit wu imediuoly mind by I uw. . . The Our`: midday reception in moat brlltieuc. During the evening there wen [enenl illuminetione in ell the net: of the city. All the Inperiel family, except the Our, ettended the [reel Iheetre. During the day the Eu- petor dim-ihntod I lerue number ol deco- ntione. Th. Rmnnnnr nf Harman: aura A [Ami- Iluuinynl conical. relied upon. 0:- der the brig 3 an ion the Ipooualown I brilliant one. T o cordon of troop and policy was dnwn with unnlul olouo, god nonunpioiouo or nnhoun pi:-nouv um pot-mined ta pm the limo toward: the Palace. A an nultitndo ol pnoplo won in ntundmba. burtho military only oooupiod tho urn: nqunro fronting the Pnlsoo, lnoopmg the crowd in the nu-. The band: ol the dumb played uoul music! _u:d u_n into:->v_ up; -...... -. ..... -.,......-. ......... ...- I..- nu Laotian but 0! the News had salute ol hunud and -nnnuln in knnnnr nf lhn Ann `FL- nu-D Ilnltulu mu iii! `III- lhnliun. least symptom: ordor won roproued at once. The mun Iuvo bun llod all dny with people uk- ing their holldny. bu OWI $@IIDL WI IIIVI Ilu II-on nu `doubt Ibo gouuluuu of ovary port ol the rumour, but In oumol help thinking that diuocngnnont And diugum with tho ulloolld Oolnfol political aunt: in Quebec, which luau to be but upon lunch] and political ruin, may Mn something to do with Kr. Prion`: u|oln~ u-_ 1:15...-` _.- In his mm: or Smcu!e-- l`hc Bllllh Murder c'ane~1hc Inquest ; Uloae and I e'1-dict. Iursiuu gn_nLunm. - coo. --_ -IOIl_ElL. rogpgto. ru._a.' A severe I30-.f-K::l=:I|uNI;UuuII nom- H--QG-~ 9 N5 ItIlomIom,);n|I|d@ 0020. nnohnn ouqo. Inch Cfwuu an Ind; A.0 cut; :1 ....'.`.... ;""'I` nut 1 '|`I to 11.00 Aplll;!l8,N an 1.00. < (:ln-dull;Ilul Nodal M In 67; m.IuIq-u I... Hi dot Ohio. 0: u . Ida IOU d'U; R0. 1` (hula 87 to I; No. i0uu|uuhovop|lo77 to 17 I90-0dcunOIIIIII;Oando I- nlhltohlnl. .. |o7,'II. ; (MIMI Flour-llo. Inll, I 10 lo 1.00; -- butIhIu7,Nto ,6; wlho mm I07, 07.50; doI$CII7 ' new at 7,?! D I. J!) M `LS. OI. WIOCVC -I II UII unuuu vl ol bl: udgunou, It In much to be _-__.;n_.a I... -1.`- IAAIIIIIJ lint nhlli oiqncl ulnonilnuun-an-..-...r Inninnllhlo nun:-Iq hbv Ic||\I||lq|III.|Ilupolnouuhbo ohlobluuuolhnuh Inow at Qunuslobubuognuud ,.;,_A_ I `_ I I K | lo 17:; ls:-oouuu nu -ormnurg c to Ibo; Intern Tow 190 to le; anode nndulution to 97. 050000-Molo I00. Pot-k-uon 0l0.(lHo 6,50. lul-l0alolxokth ad la. , gcunnl hop par 10) lh- Q to , . Bun--pto L Il|n-lHo Ian. Anhnn nap Ill) lIu_|...A. Olin- nlm dolivond 3,16 to SJ). When [30:60 Ibo--No. 2 Canada lpring 1.39 to 1.41; -Mu -mu 0.00. 00111 pot as nu-o5oco 70 duly pm. Pun por 66 |ho-77o. to 78. Onupor 37Hho--Blo M320. - Bu-by pttll lho-so In 00:. - Bye pct 66 lhI-Uo to 80. Oacnal I 9(1) |ha--4.60 to 4.00 00111 pol uoo lhI-990to 3.1!). Bulk:-Quiet Ind Ihul ; atom we to Wt; Broohvillo Ind 'nhu|-3 17 for .-..._4-.- `ml nnlndjnn In 07;: A uuuu nvuuunnr - nvn `Tho Ooulnituo ol tho ut Msrlbormuulfn Rollo! Fund romlvod I2,0(l'Hton J. R. Koouo. I-'Iour--noupu vuu mm, was zuu,~ nuke! quiot, unchanged; Quoutiona. Bnporlor utn 6,10 to 6,15; sun In- poI'no6,(lHo 6,M; buoy, 5,) to 6.9!; opting ours on ground, 6.86 to \o 6.90; on 0. 6.60 to 6.66; strong Inks:-' 6. In 610: Inc b.(X) In 5.10: 6.100; Iggollno. 0.00 lo 0.00; strong baton 6, lo 6,40; In 6.00 to 6,l0; middling: 4.15 to 4,25; pound: 3,2! to 3,50; Ontario hop 2,!) to 2,90; oily hog: Hlhgnl that ill] Ihn._."n 9 nnntln Ann-Inn nun vi-llar-\l\1-I. Landon, Much 3. - l`ho onginoora nnd mechnnnco omployod in the oonnu-uonon ol the Ta] Bridge Iulily to the thorough- mu 0! the work, but the nidonoo on the wholo Ill not nu Intidutory. . 1\t\t\') nun-n-uoonnu nr-nun An-I -nnnnutl. Madrid, Ihnll 3.-A doono Ina boon publinhed xing tho foroo of the army for the you 1880-81 at 90,000 |I.nn-tur Spun, 38,000; for Ouhn. l0,00U; fur hilllpino lnlnndu, And 3,395 for Porn. icu. um. .. nu.-. IIIHLDU IIOGI, wmcn mo IIIOI companion nun qrood to native u componution t for lhoir not capital. The III: to ho given for the lnnclmu ol the oolnpnniu in `22,000,00(), six or uvon companion to than it. , __-- _,,_ -- _,, _ Il|II-ll I0`lU. Mu Inc as , , 3`; Inc: .66 to 8. 0; uumuig. I WIOCIIIWZIII uuvuuu-uv rnplu wild mocha undo: the Oh- phu ought to boost man inpomonu nd mbou than our. Ann :1." Hanan uI|.L.. The metroplin Inter bill, imruducod in the Home of Common: by the Score- tuy, cream I WM-OI` trust. empowering to oust. throo and A half pu-out Inter nook, which the tutor companion hue urged oomnonution ` nu: nnnnnu un nasal. A Onbul dupntoh up it in bOIIO\Od that Abdul [human in advancing An Ha- ru, thoinhnbiunu 0! which place no ontronohing themselves. Iu hi. `0&noul par lon-hlId I; unnu- DULUIIIIKIU Anu IIIIIIIH. A' dupntrh from Philipopolin up u not-ions not had uocurrod bouuon Greek and Bulgarian uudonu, uvonl of whom were ipjurod. .nu.u.-nun nu nun.-r nunvn Angus. London, Much 3.-By the now um- olno tndo Convention between (iron Btiuin and Gcrllnny, tho oo-opontinn botwoon Ill` vuuln ol two powon, in the auppuuion of tho slave tnio, in u- mud. A Inn:-noun: n I I .w........ u...` A Paris dugntch up Oh Sauna to- dny rajscud, ya veto of 172 Agninnt I03. M. Chunelougi unondmonp to M. Pony`: Eduoutionnl Bill. nnun.-nun .un nu---u 00n :.luI l |or-lIo. I-on-,3 Io7,0| ntvhAu'l.(IHo 5' ` a'In'f,n:AnnhInnII7.MI HIOYOG I03 . A motion by Mr. Heeeon, for I copy of the correepondeooe reepeoling the propo- eel of the corporation 0! the town of Stretford to donate I lite for the purpoee ol erecting: poet oiee led to along de- bete. Every member edvenood the cleime of the county town in hie electoral dietrict to have A new poet. ullioe erected. Mr. Arkell, the member for Eu: El- gin, with e eimplioitv II eublimo n his feith, III wiing 1o Iuepend hie clnim until the time ehell come when under the benioent inuence of the N. P. the revenue ehell exceed ell the expenditure. The motion wee curried. u were e noun. Sir Sound Tilloyi Bill nopooting tho hoourity to ho nu by ollioon of Cumin puud are the Eu! tug . , TIuHo::'::oun-Ivod I: J: Adlfuuu Sash [ml n &" u`2`."..... a...... ..:a1 '. pie... Louhoon their noun nape Iron 1 Iuinunll not Mal madden. . . 'lhouniorh~naHq~-ch - idio- rather nurpughod the Home by hi: u-min; ranch nluivoto the conu- quonou ol tho uoidunt and the continued '||nou ol the J` | Mr. Ihohndo. in 3 much liboullv r. Boberuun, the juniot Inelnbor for Bouillon, yesterday moved the eeoond reading ol I Bill to Amend the Inn relating worlmiul procedure, but the Kinilht 0! J notice quietly In on the meunle. Be uid he would only tune that the Bill should pee: the Iocond reading to that the Home could rnuin ` any put it desired to in Committee and repot the greater portion. 4 Ir. Mouunni unoh st hnnlh nnimt I IIIII Ihnbjod in uvinod viyl dil- onlly-Iht than many oouplioulng |atuuuauco|und.lHaootaulyno- onIu'1butdOdIIh|ItuIIlolIIdo|loI- ly. `fllooonutry should uoponho Go- vornnoM_ncIuu an an iuulnont ol _; 4` AL- -___...:__ AL-` :1 pot use guuqr pomon. Mouuoui upoko at length nanimt the Bill, and moved the nix months` Ilninl Th: nhnn -.1: nnlhnu-nnal nn A hoist. The debuts in ndjuu;-nod on I motion by Mr. McCarthy. Aflor noun I numbor of raturm were um: oxoooa all me oxponauure. curried, nunbor of others dulinrprincipnlly with mutton of local Interest. Th; Hana. ntlinuu-ngnl -6 1| ~'lF\ n m - ~v . - pntuon |..."'...`Z`!;"....;'l.`?u;`1';....."'.?"...u...,- u. and hold by Edmund Boone. '.'.':.-:.':...:."a.f".*:.".;*' "W nu oopot. The oononon o! It. Colby`: Bill, to Maul tho lhmlvunni hi. III to- UIf-II|C'N JT I0 V inuoduoo novol-uncut mound in the diudion of Ir. Blah : unonduonu rp- qodlng tho Ilodiu up-ol iunnnnco and other luocpouud companion, the uund~ hum won withdrawn. A uni-no A-nnJ-Anni. -An hnhnnnp -nu Inn vuncrun. A minor unoadnul. In, honour. undo to tho Bill In Gonniuoo ol the Witch. ud dtiinuda oononrnd in by tho oulo. RID RA-nnI 'I"iIInu - Kill nnnnnntinn u. illnou ol the Piqoau. Ihohnlh, opuoh `libonlly applauded by tho Homo. uoondod the molion. Tho Adduu Ill umnimouhlv nppuuaoa Iry nu noon. uoonuou Inn unanimously Adzmlod. Inouon by Ill`. Mcunnny. Afar moon I nulnbor of return: were moved for. A mnrinn In: In: "panama I..- - ......- .J It. Pd6,"'I.P.P. lot Ohiooutini, in nnlpllg than in the Quoboo Legisla- 0010,!!! nun bah; n-Ignod um ru- Ion lot Hold-lnnont. Not `only in the cunt ital! to ho ngyouod lot the uh at IhoProvinu when nnl intcnut, in op- pouitiouopany, tho hon. pnnouun hu proved hill!" to Ian 3! hurt. but the cunt ol it in uinounly to ho doploud on his ucoul. W0 Inn no nuon to `;._LA n.. ._....I_.-... nl awn: Inn 0' lr. Hoopou'_u-;u-l-uoTlvuu'-y law -Bop|u Cuwracnlav I hang ll.- -H_ontno.l, Much .1. Flour--I-oodpu 9(1) bbll, uloo 2007 ` nnht uuiot. unchanged: Quotations. x News From A:r:u the Oman. nnuu or loan Inunn. The Home ndiournod at 11 :36 pm. mun. . Ontboliniohtol Jnlhongnoing to` ntroduoo n Govonnnout mouun iu ICITIIAI PIIIICI IIIIIY`. comm _n_nuum. cmssms." '(a;e:) ~VI-Xl_jIIU 3 I ll-Iuuuun vs nines, uduitl thooouvkdnnrthntil willptovob botllpllludoolnoom plpcoc auction to use lnluu oeu- aha. H (or Alb!-non Count 93. O0 '0 3.. .33., nguum Inna-3 0-Int ..,.'~._..n..`... u 5 o'clock; I Manon fauna u I debut. Inch hi. I. |(`o-nut-In inch Sol. l890.| Wlohldum Pluoblplcunn-oulouth W. l.a:.ulu`,Iu.. nu Calm`: `M I` nun: nu, OoHu1.hI 3' OOOKERY.| lltllll. Till PBINOISII l40Ul8I.| J.__- cmyritug tbocloloul pg of lot um. HAM lnporuln. learn Into OI ; Mlnlulu 500. loan Iunllnd to In. funk at Wood-' Ioulaloro. lurch In. lbmohstrativo oo- ho oollrlhticu Illoly nporud hon lndh toned: Ilillhlhl It All lluluwo at m Iudpuodtyol ha-u`: charity. no in not long into India hand! no the objootd var-dds oomuiuntiou from the very nno duo which In now u- inding nolvual ayupuhy Iourdn the I-.-`IA LIA Anal nan it in manual: and In, 4. rmw. :3-cor ma (hon loose. Tannin, In tho honour to unouu IIM npposnnan M In dlulngnhlwl luorko Ms. Scott smooNs.| =n'r|uc'r|\'I nouluuu. lPEF3AH9SE-| KINGSTON. mom ve._'.j_aAncu am. ' FARIWELL TOUR. 'l'lu~ Inga Stone Building on Int some of Unurlo and Juhunun lltrnau. appoula,Aug|u~ Alnaicun lluuul. ` The Bulldmy you Cluoum Mlpot. opponilo um Cnnlom Iimuo. foruorly ooouplod an AI: non and Btlllud Koolnn. A I t PP 0 J. P` (IILDIIILIIVI, A um And a hull mummy llrmk Dwollin un Nnrlh aids nl Quoou lltrool. botwron `II lnnglnu nu-I limo: mroun. with modern eon~ vunom-M And good Yml sud ()ntblmdIop. U Ufli lamina lush hi, I. all at I.lu- Pnrnilnn-, an _ vomialiuz ol HIM! mam Purlnr BM in (`Human Res . hy ll. Hay. 'l`omnI,o; I-`um Tublu. Fun` Ihnlru, What not. Centre. 8 do and other ubloo. Tnptx (29 at, I Oak lllaunion Dining Tut-Io. 0 Sidolroud. cm. on`! Oak Cllllfl. Slde Tablet Dinuor Bet, Tn Rel. Breakfast Bot, Pluecl (trust, Duh Prou. `Jno Oak Book Una. Tilting Chain. Luunnn. \\'ril.iug Tabla, Duh, Coal llmru. limo-mu. Wuhnundu, Bodnuulu. Wool (`nrpatm Toilet lion. Buil- Cupcl. Rmlu, ta, hnoilnz (Iluun. In Inna, lufrlgonmr. Wrmgor. I not 0! high Conn. llull Oil Cloth. (Soaking lllovo, mil: u go! ollur gram. too numerous to monuon 9 Sale of Book: will Into plum on I-`nduy Ind Ilnurdnv ovonnnga, l"|lI Ind I3h_oom- Iaoncing ooh evening st 7 o`oIoeI. Ooh- I IIOI Imy ho Ind rruu: um Am-Manner. sale it |0.'II| o`clu:-k. Terms I-uh. J E. HIYTCHIEMDN. Anrnonoor. Karol: Hm, I Kin GILDEHSLEEVE'S Hill. IIIIVCZI I -[mic] Ivuwuluu out Insult! Illa. And not it in manly and Ippaphb lhnl lull: should town: the oonpllnul by coming in the Iucoollt ohhlrhlpooplo. It any boobjoohd thuilhonlytbo Bridal: nnidonh ol India who no ooluibnling to the peanut __-___._. ll nu- ..... .. AL... -.mI4I IAGENCYJ (irninlng sud Siva Palnlmg. Pol-foot uliafmliou guurnntood an In In l.eri:l'_`WorIm|IuhI|'n uul Pm-u-. ` I` I`. -II.I'I, have rooolvod Iluzrnetionn to hell in Pub- Iir Alilcuon in the mnldauoool the Inn Pmfeum J. H. Mm-hxruu. I.A., Johnson Ruvool. J. shah to the (insulin Innnrsnoo Cou- phn for the prompt manner in vital: II. but non hi: alum nulnn M. iuourtvd by the ho on the 1'0: Jnunry. lnvlug nonled with In thirty dun, irronpnctive of the standard. 9! Humluu_ which hu not come to any mu. mom an you. Mr. Vuulowuor lo Axon for both Coumanion. - [Ready for the Spring Wn?k.| 1 Al now propnrod to lo Iluuno Painting, Gluing. Papa llunguuu. Knloulniuing, sud Palnlaug. M7 gin-n Shoot, lunr uuorn nbuva Montreal Bll. [inc-rrgg 341.3] _u --_ Household I-`urnmnre and Valu- able Private Library. (`ur- ucu. dc-,. ` V lluuhul. Ilucts. Bank ol Manual -149. ML I-nu-ui .I1-,5-:_,~,;~ #1., 9: ;g-L;-I.,--:2s `:%,,,_ ; ..__ , Bank of Cowman -l I9.-'l_l H2. l `Ontario Bunk-4212. 72 1 4; uIor'~l00at NIX VIII IIU UIIIIIIUIIIIII. UII IIIU prluvilo covenant. ll lib was to than would Itill 50 Oh ouaolnaing lootnro shout it min Ionnndionlnnd sympathy the ERMA III: in an and indlvlliblmthougln -___..A-J _4.|- -- AL- _.I.. _.....l.- In Kl uon.on `hold . Rid-Inroh wile of r. Wm. Tandy-.0 adnughur. C`: Cluonoo Blnu Kingston. `lurch 1|:-d ll"0. uuuoumln, Ia 1-In. non dull: noliph 3.00, an lull); V4.90 to 5,315 super cute mat rugs: 5.50 at us auunuaftu ehoioo oxen-nIoIo:~5.%51o$.ObdoAa-atone H0 ` our study as 4,_\o 5.16. Wl|nl--ant-In amid. nnchlnnonlz Iin-` an IoIo.I- _au uu sou; no. I uuwu a t.o&oo; No. Ida do brilil. 1.06 10 L119. " W0`); R005]!!! 19:1); III! 30,w0; mixed Intern and sun 46110 48; 46} to 51 thib do. Putt Inn at l`J.(l|. bud rm 1: 7.675. Batu: H) to 39. `Ghana II to II}. I-4. Bunk cl 'I`orunu-l30. I24. Molina : Bonk~85. IL Exchurgu Bu-k~00,00. , Montreal Tel. l.`~u R1, 92 I 2; Inlo-v~ I8 xt 1-5.]! at 3 0. ` _ . Com Gm; not-ipI 7.w0, all! 50.- 3) (IX); NH to 58}, * iiulav dull: two round IIlIO65I075: EU Wu; 005 to mu, isuley dull; two Iutodblo; nil loIo.I~ do so $084; No. I Cum]: 9'? In 1. m. n- g.a.. .n.. )..u.I.o n N. In I all both Companion. JAIE8 LATIYRNIY Kingston. Inn-h ilrd, IEO. bu-Ml. Kingutou. Much J DIIIC If - 1 am: ululvluuuupuvugn annual with u the poles unndor. But nnulptool nniun to an oontnry wb;hI.l pilot to bcliovo thnl. tho Eu! Indian contribution: can: ltom the poo- plool that land. not nerdy u Eridan- oon ndduu of It, but ngnrdlolul of run, and no I pnodod recognition of tho `me am who bib -u lnulno-otriokcn the poplo cl and Britain oonlrlbuhd lnrgdyiothoallovhllonoj tllodhuur. inniiisl `L ; T T In mum. on `hand ho!-lnrob, the rite Wm. Tnndnn ndnulhht. i but you '. .11.: fat`. um; :1 . Busch 5 _ ` uung. -I3. , 1I?I'- 13_l...`..A. I nml uh: on Thursday. HI|l:(`II Iltl. HE uudoraiznod wiahon tcvuprou his shah tho Gunlin Innurono Com- um nmrov Nrwh lhu-Ilmu on Iuulh udo In-um Hlhu-I,|n91wlmnlT|0rxy and Syd- u Bureau, 8 roullnn. ilmlualing Buouiont an and Dlullu Room, good (lumen and LANE A.\' IJVTIIIL 7 NEW TO LET. -....____-._... -.__...._" _. _la. In. Iowa`: Illllcuuyudol. IDUIHQ otjolunnuhil India b btmondonlu unutolho `hunt nuHohuxpu'|d,n'IooIoounillho: lltwltlidltlfodlilh-I luthn. `liquid nllonouoomhov-` oudtullcutlu gal-In cloth Inindhutobohmnglntuboutgndully. ` nndthlMllb|lIII3lIIlMot'l|IOC-. A_- .|.-_ ..- L-...I III- ..._IJ I.-_. .-l.L, `Maud. luck 3. 143. Ml rl'l(`F. I`. (7. I I L0. .n...... ..I....m unnlv I on Il0I1'.ld|nuo~ "anon: Inn, ~::::.-`.7-:.:.`-~ 1" '-W ""!T""" ".,".f_'_';'-.` iihom I 'itiyM'(}uni:i1%'1i ---- P` I". '5` Dkid vulkndlygggggs: 134 Princess St. _I_A9r|| ICI _ A`i6n_grzuIuc; . ...I.**.:,,_.I*r>~vl';E.~*.?;*`;.'..T, ti I o u 3:'...".`..!"2 ....$:'.`.?" `.`.`:`..'...':f`-"'s:.".; Agollhr hiionus cmcuun saw `M35! I_'!'.W:`_`"9 IOXOI IIOI. STANDARD I0- WIII LID IIAPIII. (ID A II III ILL` I `III ANNUAL IIITIIH of the IIIlro~ . lnoldonol the I`ronu-no Lou: and In- nuuon loch! will ho held In tho sou-luv - uwno IIDAY. nu ma ml or IA .ll. 13, It the hunt 0! two o-`cloak I.-. Q VWDIIII Iv 5;: '2 `mm, A H]$.1UaO. Apng, rum. 0" 10 ' 01-shin Icahn. chuenhhhli. Dwluduupooo Jolnqclhunplns Investment Society. VERY FINE; RECEIVED T0-DAY, Jas. OR.;W:FORD S FRUNTENAC LOAN F0 goptlyaunidnlu. R____8_Al`.`E-.4 I Ibo KAI. fnnllun and at cbowull hows BAY OI` Ulzl HOUSE ldbhetory runs; 0. IcCULl40l.'uH. Pronrhkw. A planar a human. "ho shove proportion ml] Im nblulnwl cheap and on any corn 4. Apply bl. Couho, (`numqm. ur In II N do out. Grocer, Pnnmu u-mu, Kuug-mm. an-In 3rd, mo. .4..- _ 'rnx'rms1' or THE SEASON ! New Ma_[:l:a Sugar, Alum: Fun: 01 I33 An-u 01 Land unu- llnrpolru Corner. Township 0| Kingston Thro noon the uremia: a large llru-k V Home um other uanuury out Ifurun Buihl mar; nun: Bush and other Wmnd And 'I`nn hot; good nun and Well: at W|lo~r,Mul mono Fun! . TM: Vnnn an moalv unu- uod. from which than an mod new uf also Cltv nnd luv 0! Guinea. tbd. flolll VIIOI lhtfl | Clty and Ix Qnnm. Alno.ln 0 Cl.) ofl _.-_.- .-- 3.1.; -...| n Cltyondln ulna. Alto. In C I] of Klnglluu, lhru l`an.,. IIIOIIII. (to Drink vutl lhruo I-`rruo, om-noruf Kllh And Vlnotnou, vilh nnhop on vnrner A plus for human. ' `M pnporchn nhun And an nnv Inna n. 40 Ann: of Nplonalial Lnml nur ('Mun|qllI, with Brick Dwelling um Drivn H:-ms nml ot.hnrUuIhun|rlin[n- (nod Npnng rm nmla, .w.rn And Churn 3! lbs Iu'u|u'; lwu llwlr Inil 0! 450 butrafloc lI`rml l`u-M, nu Aura or Itruwborrlu. `I'M: Imu In npla-HIHAII] nltultoll hour I ood 3!` (ml and l'|nm~|u~n. 15: Fruit II guy the inlurul ml pun-hue monav If properly unomlad mu. Aim for sale. non Fnunqui. hntwo-u :10 ugshuuhlud. wuuuuu-as _J AL- ll-_.-,.._A L.) L..- ot.hnrUuIhun|din[n- (nod Npnng Puma, (`nu ui. and 40 Area: of Swamp Lnu _ goo-I IM u- Inn. on which than {I my lumunl M` nut fur lhnnre. 01 I33 lInrnuI|'- nnuu-_ Tnwnnhin ul Knnnnmn Farni ant) Uitf Properties FOR _s_A LE. Culaunn. - Ticket: will be mm It (n) mu-In, um] cube prnouu-I from Huuuml ihnruum nor of Ontario nnrl Hrock Hlreoln, Kin;-. who is the duly uutlmrmsd ugunt 1 Ir Hm nftho aunt; ur uldho Wmu mu.-e. I-`ur M the lulu-; uldlm Wmu Um:-9. tlculnru u to node of arunnu. 5 r , huh. which can be ubtunnd Iron: l nnnnl. in mmun Blllmm. I . In-mou.I.m 3.4.13-o. """ Dill \IlIlP`, OI- Inn-,vu Cowlumnn ul Dnunummunl--I-`. (`kunc-w. FIq., Ptnoldont; Wm. Cherry. hm] . Tran. W. ll. IAIB. Ioonury; J. Brewer, Blmuwnu luuwr; Dmial lmnudwn. ll. W." (Runner. 0. J. men, It. R ')|u.0ouruo (flarkn. lhI'ouuooo-John llochuur. luq.. M.P.-, (I. W. Honk, I.P.P; Dr. (`|mn~l:; A .| (ihriatk, Eon... liurtiuu-r. km; Mel. J. mrw Bl ! an lnnpootoru- l'honn\I Kirby. Kaq ., (`Hy '| mm; and Jun. Carl, Esq, J I'._ (`mull ( no an 01 Una do ol - Tan mm of Imam Ton (I0 (A10 ' ` (Duo Unml Cash h`ill.nf Two do 0! CI .lII|.(|l) In an ol ~ _ Igrobaul. lfor want In lip provident. but '6 In--.nn-nI-1 IL: Ind lands)`. muumc HALL BUILDING Ilwm , ()1`TA\\':\. coIourod"a`:-on arm mm and l`I-Illmlu slllm illne Week of Grand Bpera Opera 312,000 ifcasn Gifts. nu: awn`. mu: mm, wumc, mu Iolmw, . New Honda Arriving Daily, And gmrkod me LUW PR nuns. KINGSTON J HCMBRUKII`. TEA DRl'CVl`. heir cuouu -.......;.. sun... 3133:. units iulnl 3"? 3i"`t_'"?"' 71 R.&J.GARDINER in.ETcin"Ii't HAVE JUST RECEIVED I. mucus CLKIUW, Pnaldcnl. l-`cl: |Bth_ IEO. In Jnpootbu invited. an in an-.5 ,n.: V. Pl . hm 71.1.. in n-|.'I'xm.':a c.'n nn.1'"' LARGE Qunmmc or Ill W l`II'II 03 DIHJJ. nun 150.00 10.00 {MI} House, Dttawa. lllrrh 29111. I880. - mu gnu; gmut mug, ._i._-_..... -`-._*...._ ___._ . L: _._;-_,_.= I. IOLLIIT, Wlllhlulllo. Id h. . l.EWIH, Hmunry. t-6-< wlnxlm IV -5...- -A ...+_.F-:= F an . . d bu thondiulhootn huulunoutmbunllln uh. nlhh Indus luobounodnd by Ihlunirllbnlnnlcuult `um ulvuullipusuloiblo-arming llfl "HIV": II is un uuu va--cu that the Ohunh In undo An Assignment toiu oudlton Mdpropoou togoinmn non ol ualuhnthnl bankruptcy. Hora, thou, IO ninth in 1 direct rolnution 0! Ir. Gull`: anpty Invention injho Homo that Mount! in IMVII` more ptupuou than tho in today! No has ooutnhuoa ol such I cannon! could plily In undo than this dolibor Ilo Iollou on the pan of 3 out nplrhul and INC oollnogutiou am they an table to pay their nlidou duhu. And an cltlvll to I50 uddnblc oun- nm at numb: and dhhsndnont. -------o-O-v----:- ,.-I vi . f U 1 4/ WW `pl 1 0 Kllfllly Ill Zr. uuulwl Iii Illlll an inn oIneol0oInno|e In relerenoe to the pooepu-it; ol Iootuel. Mp meeting in! theoonpnpilon 0! lion Oongngetionel Chard, ptiided over by the punter, Rev. A. J. Brq, It he been neolved ` the owing to undel diooltiee out 0` which lie Inenbenllip ie utterly unable to extdoele it, the Church be mid or headed over for that purpose to in credi- conend chute congregation be die- bended. Now W0 Iubnil (Int nothing oi thin kind ever linppened. nt lent to our knowledge, during the much decried Liberel ngillle, which III binned lor All ` I. ilk line have been incident tnlhe , tkpvlol. And Iced olnll eliould it occur now, needy eyeet end shell lflol` . the return to powerol men who plighled thei: erect Oethe inlnediel-e return of genenl pmepetioy. We would be no very lent to uni or expat the revii nl ol any kind 0! religion: pmeperity In in the return oi the Tory puny to pow--r; but it will he oieuved Glut it in nnnciel dilenlly wiieh in pnulyeing Zion Oh-nr.-In end-IIM the uqnbeceot the nongtegetiun Ieve htlelly eonlrd tlleit individu end aelleeeive inability to reason tin :-II Illlldnl bunlene. It in lot this cause .n .. AK- nx.__.|. L.. _.j_ -.. --.z..-........e r. us. Mum A--a7aun Whig. -.- n....L.J- .|_.h... Ll-all PIWIMI PROSPERITY.` Anothc Illustration In to hand of the uncanny ol Kr. Gum`: uoottion In the IIIIIRZI Ilyllll III IIIIIIUII IV IIIIIUUI salable: In not can. We do not think that this humble, yet nono tho Ion mporhnt subject in at nll unworthy at tho noun 0! our Gonmmonu, either Prbviochl or Fodonl, and we hopo noon` to no it naive Pnliunonnry nnontion. ZZVCCC ECU XUTOIW IIIUIK Ilofkdjl duct I0! I06, and londnrly Quid III to (lg Int [Icing N-sin. `ho own: at tho I-bur, tonne--to unt when the poor nu luau-rod the injul1-IiIt on with it butuon, not Iuilnunq udut sympathy gun to u- intinonrlaorthovkdnolthb Accident. Tlolnjnnlluu In this out bun Iilo and dnl nktln-Q and AH; Ighnnu nl hi. lZIll IlI'T* In `CI. : HXI W". Ilildgltoilltllcmnldlholobonrol Ma hnhhihoulyuounonhduopport. jtidouauubuavo olmuthninn '_'....` ;i lK1.*`i.1;_.I' I : :3"; 5; ~.~.An=;A- ..T................. ..........n.,r; msuma I54 Biiiltif _...__..lLnu_ _ AL- .___ ;__: _,_ _, nun:-u --- -~ huuhhtl in Ihoiuhulbuh luau- Ini'ou. Insult `FINN "- "Y" .,_._._ _... t...:..n.. Alurnlonn 'I1I|'ICIjIljI'III'I"' U dim upon the other. Nacho:-0 dou nu`: lnlunuity to Inn present a man roplllivo Input than who ouployou Ind dad: injured `handy with indi`or- um and neglect. Frequently no mo being using! in tho unplaylunt cl "oth- ._ uul -.An...........o.|.. ...._.....l jug: 5- Inc snafu! -Iuln. In unu- uI.Ind nlthaouonnhho nonyol eonpollhg tho hunt to onond I pruni- osl sympathy to am lninrod nun. H the Inn inpnlnu of human klndncu, or out I sold can at dIl|",Ill0i|DCOd Inga! ouapdau in an and mama it unuooulury, It to: d bonll right. Tho Incident '0 Mn dud; honour-and it in byno noun 1 solitary 0130-3000 to IIIOI, to the that of our common hu- ...-.n- llunl AM. l. mu Ink` ..I:.A .... val-Iluu vi yuvvvvu-nu-I-u-so-vn Ulnluunnv nod Muir lonilion some uuomblo prou- poet ol support. Tho Moelnnioi Lion Low In good {or its Iulondod purpose. It plolooupootnon in thinner ol toga from the podblo dinhouuy of employ- an, mod the vorkluuon of Ontario on and Iluoluut oluliptionn to Mr. Rob- luon tho Into anchor for Kingston for Introducing. and to the Liberal Pull":- _.--S 'p\ `AA-`DI-an IL-6 Ilnnnnnnn l1..o Iullilililfp II: III uluu uuuvtuu unsun- nunt for adopting, that manure. But, olnilnrly, than Ihouid ho Iomo mun: duiud by which workinzlmn who- throngh no hall 0! their own-no ndnod upon building: or in ntlur dun- guoun olnploymonh nhould ho unintod in the pantry Ind mhory into which thou Accident: nty luqnoutly plunge tlonodvu fund their hniliu. Vary ohon thin contingency is provided lot by nutunl "honot" noochtionu among the non thomulvu. but than should Also bo IOIIIO nuonablo amount of rupnmibllity imposed upon the "muton" to render ...rl.Innnn In nnnh Anna. WA (In nnl T-IIII . `Ill ICIU I II?` T IX IUIIFI P on. TIMI-0 no many noble oxooptlonn to the ink-uhtl `Inn-Ilcunuu to which we nlor, but uill it in too much tho (wt tint ..--_ -.__1....... .4 1-1.`..- _...-.,x u.Z.- ITUI WU UUIII I` 1 WI`! TIIUII DEC I139 FIIDV any omployon of labour up:-d lh'oir nuinod vofhnon an to much dnmbgod Iuahlnuy to: than npsir, even, they no in no nun unponoiblo, snd when plan it in their spit on to Inpply with Ionpdu Iulltlluhl an icon at pouiblo. Workingnon should unduly have aomo dunes of prouodonin cuuolthiuort -ntl Ihglb lgniling nun- -..-an-kl` nun, I-uupuuuuuuu Itupijuuj I-` ulolldvholljntllq Ma. The unfor- lnnnln in-M Inllnn --nL-;- Lg-ul...`.l UTWT -I` III. IIIIl"I" I-I'9-aunnbldbv Ictinoubuuluod ll. I-nlmn H-8. huh. I...A J a|\.. unity, that this In not to ho roliod up- on: M nun -IAIII nnhlg Aungnnnn In jun-or v-Irv-uutuvjlg nupu-uunaugquadnnua-F `do. Acuhhputylallhcilhbhu` unonnuaolaaiilvl-~ nnd_oohchocQLJohq,5,luiin,b.` math hdlul jrvukndmu r um] IIUII cu:-'-u-- hIol|I'O|.ItdIuhIaIIn reputat- odlhkv dlhun In pa-Ihnnlu nacho!-uloctnul Ooun. Th 3-. oluhnl and Duncan than put. ulvhqulblalolr. Down : plyi- cnlpovuuvulbh dolutohlnr -a--4u- numb Inn. and mu- :1. any --u-uuyxjuj, viii, Dynamo nhdvnhn nulnkol II-bu bllupcncuod lqhulhghhkg and nlhap-ha lnlnulnn Ll-. `nu. mm m. shady can-dngndvdin tunin- dnuonnonldc ulowlvdurvu. k._ __.-_A.J AL- -.--4Ig- `I QLX- ._A1 ' - I Odd Ibaunnb Ihhluooou-' lQ1I_l0IIlllII! ,_b- mod tho Hp 0! Iivvarkucfanu In A -:mnJiI1:n-.-J-J -L--' noluiu-yclncu. up Iuwl limb .1 ___g . . non IO a mu`; '5. pm -1. to Own h cpl: on my noun-. lddu ago to yo no` I-lth In Ildlll Oil 3 a d "Mr u.. _Wn CIIH INT UPIII V" ] III.` I W "I hit prune 0! on my adult; honu Ho sooth (ton uporioooo. gun- tying, honour, to n-I tho Doctor in- pronng tn condition, `an to man the nodal hi: Iouct. for hooouduandu to dunno the nbjoot with -0, though! Iuybo tint `lvlnung machine an or luygnoo. I lIa't with to dis- mm 3 ubjoa am on: tho I: not nul- ohntl Inland on the nbjooc he no 1 duonoun. Your Eamon cot- nnnnuhnl dnnnl Iddo In than no povuu dcnllh Iulloh bar, Illihlln ioloolth hllllg IICQI, CIIOIIX. I001` IIIIIOIIC UR` t Add oh ~.'.`'.. ..u..*"`.m.. ...... .. r:...:'.t soc : hunt 0 II. in any that his vounhlo Mud dhuldcd has No |_.n- ..J..n.I A. on. I.-.1 .1 NJ ll " tl Had I ban was nnumauu mo aoowr would not have to Itnin I point to ugh my nqnsinhnoo. Ho Mon to my lotto: a being rodolonl pl abuse. I refer the public to M: letter 0! Fob. Nth, and it their vudic in Run hi: In nap in no prd to tho gontlonm who P010 5 clip- pod IIOIIO on A cold day was such in one gootlollon should nut to Another than I will bonnb oaloroouuulorthotonool my uply. my attache! can draw: to the uluhbh doouunt ol tho mu ol Feb. I have undo luau-dun onqulriu on thin inuruti ulbjcu, uul have the ocquninhnoo any onion 0! clip- nod horns. mud in oven one may npoh tho ncqullnlonoo or onion 0! mp- houa, in ovary up Illa] IP03! non!-AH} of olippilll dnlinx _|!0|'I0l- l have the honour at an ncquununoo at I uolal gaulousn, who to not alt!-nor mun `.o`E.v|nI. `Hun-or-.:l! Wanton, n anon ty on kuowlodp and 30 lug always owned, and now own: Int- nlnm am... (on mood). and is load In alts}: owned, and own: nt- :';'.._? :.:5:"a.2??`.. `52. : IU uw nuum U] mc In uun n um. Dun SII_.,--ln ro Iy to my Iouor of 17th inot... H. B. vono, ol Kinqomn, ` boo oxpondod much hilo. Ho chorgeo no with bonng olroid to `chompion' ur douonnoo the proctioo ol clipping hmooo. Now, Eit, l uoilhor odvoeotod nor do~ nouncod tho prootico, lor tho oimplo roooon thot I did not undonund it fully. I moko it o rule not to dioouoo o oubjoct wnh which I om not thoroughly ocquoinb od. oad tho writer at 5 lotto: pllbliohod in your ioouo ol tho 26th 0! Fob. iultaod ol onlightoning no or tho public boo moon- pliohod nothing. I wloh to not tho doctor ` right no to Ill identity. I on not o horoo bu-bot, not owing out clippod o horu, not hovo I owned ono tho: boo boon olip pod, oonooqnontly 1 con`: ho tho ownor ol tho Ihundor Md lihtnin moohiuo I nah-and In Ilnoo on tho ndioillnol 1 ol tho lhundor no nsmng nnomuo IIIQIOI to. Na Ill Ibo individual who III drivin on thnl. bitter cold day. Had I boon it individual thodootor .......IA nu.) I`-.- on -Grain I nninl In main and no won-no; more ooarouy. --'l`he winter In: boon unonmplod on ouch Ildo ol tho Atlnutic. Throughout Europe the oold ha been inuuu and the inclunonl vonchor protnohd, while the Western oonnlnont bu onjoyod tho onion and mildoot winbor known for uvonl gonorntiouu. amusement. `rnoy an an n. --Konmoy'u npuoh on Sunday At the Snnd Lou III blood-thirny, but full -hon of thouonoul oxpocutnom. Sinoo prominent. oniunn luvo ruolvod Ihll the Kenna; ngiution non uop tho agn- ulon hnvo commenced backing down and working secretly. --'l`he winter In: unoxnmnlod mom [or 10 lllnlllol In lonttul. -A lodge ol Ollinon Fnonalonn but been inoorpontod in New York, mud one o! the monbon claim: tint the sign: and grip: hue boon hnndod down unchanged for n thonnna yarn in China. The Vit inin Lqinlnture hnvo ru- nlod` : the {luit Boll Punch Liquor I, And ro-uublilhod tho liconu nyl- tun,to go into opontion on May In. The vote an nearly nnwimocq. -1: in add that Indian bnbnu never mg orounu tor snoop. -It hoo boon ounoltod that the 300 or 400 idle wurlnnon in Dunn should in rolorrod to Mr. M. H. Goult, who ouoooodod no no" in obtoining oInp|oy- mom for 10 lllniliol in Hontlill. _ A Ind.` nl (`Lin-gg Ii`-`.3-n-An. Inga. Ijl "I` "" """"""""' cum nIIIIIi|!- 75" "` PP""| .,_nn.. _...L In all an-ndnnnn In @- "mo vow nun] nnumnom. babies cry." TM: in boouulo (buy an nevor ukonto ublio onloruinmonh. W0 bo- liovoun ndim rubber baby would yull lriahtlully il it won him to A place of IIIIIIIOEOIIC. Thoy all do it. --Konmu'| much Snndn 1.. the llzlilov of nu-1}:u.'.I. Wm. um, _ u,_ I, ___|_ A _._ I_u um wanna: ll Iinglun. --'l`hoy now ban no invention by which night amount nuugu can be sent our Q single win at once. This make: It very my to ulqnph the old mm (or money. --Thu Iiuhtnina-rod mun who not: [or -'l`hn lightning-rod man who got: ahead of an Indian tumor bu got to outrun A bull-dog, I shot-mm, the old mun nnd Iron two to n neighbor: urn)- ed with puchlorh. ntlun hnn bun -UOOl'I' nnuon nun boon auoovorovl in the Wnllbridgo iron mine in Ilndoo, from twelve to fteen feet below the nut- `An. nnnnn-..I 0.. L...` L4... Igh L. In. n-om wave to nluon not now: we lur- hoo, uuppoud to Inn boon left by In- diml dining [or In point. -An oxchnnn nu If the ban wont. cum aiming I01 Ill plllll. oxchnngo up bank in hit don on Ouldlomu day. he hu wanted 1 good month In tucking his pun when he might have been out look- Around [or nhoop. hn boon Immulad tint. the 300 -[TIC IJIIO DIIOIO Illll mlllflll Bounurn yulorda gnu ordon to In- orouo tho yup: Jiu 10,000 employees tin nor I. uovornlnut. H ` --Tho house y, if in good health, can lay 10,000 in 5 union. Tho Dn- hury Nam, nh it n pity Hut I y can : In grafted {in I hon. ` | -10. in nid that thn Prinonn of Walol. no gnuoa on non. I -It in said jhu tho Princes: of Walol. who in nub'oot` to rheumatism. but been I grout nu our during the recent. unplu- nut tumor in England. --'l`hov run nn innntion by dthhn uncanny. um. u... ....,....- lnlu onolgl II nllaondnoo lot an- unouloothoochot In uiglhol Ilovunhullllonhllluuly aopoou dlloupolqy hr Ibo lnuodutlun Into Ocudacltllllpuhuol um duo- Oolnqui, Incl Id, 1@. on u: uuna. . --Tun nu uodonh nu dinnin- qd Iron Uollop; at Loxilgtun, lug took, lqdboidiua -Kr_ Dunann Hnillnn. M, P__ Ii gun. -8tukoaclI'a Iulhn Opus Company will opon u than uuonof open at the Grand Opih Honk, Toronto, ontho 15th Ihmu. __T}- I.Ann-Inh an-_ A, AL; llgllnnnn mm mm. 1 -Dr. Luuloin, one 0! She Guinean nbnm. ha been nptnud. Ho moonl- ly [on tho country to ucspo 5' chu-go of udnolion Illd abortion. _'l`I|A Ln}: Rhona nnnl Minhinnn nu cont. Much I. Melbourne dilpoloh II I link tho Pu-linmonlnry oloctiom in icwrit. N. 8.W.. Inn nunltod in the data: of the Government. __'l'hA Innnnn In H in nnn haul: mn "?1'.`i:'Z'.', 2.a..."'""'.'.u"'.m...""""c'.;.- gnunon st Wuhingtoa. D.0., lol- no . pounmuou tn umun Uolunbu. -'l'ho umoloul Iv-clout. in the N York pique lnwrion would luv; oomov 6,000 pinno uuhu without. woIi.'.[ ---In London than an 126 nnuuur --In London unto urn unucur nod ohonlnnd orchestral giving public porlonmnou. -<= '. .' .Al.99!li9.! Otuwuon3 inch. y. Kr- Iilhrv Auooininn on tho lolloiinn dnv. Ij DIVE Z my----w my data! D'Arcy Icon. Ibo:-lulu lotlho Irhl Illllp ll Iound-oIon|1| unhunnthhn ion with damna- OOC`h `ho haul:-uhdpu ann|IIuI&.|||IIuvd.nnoduu, illlolb Ian: B only not recovering Inn lhoallntfvoi pnuuupd Bin. Allilnhlylhcu patience have hold `, .,_.n_z.A_