Ijwmwu qwujuu nu DID -III!-II Pnvloaugudmo do uopdiunhu Ilvillooaohpo Into pnnl diqub dlontthonuumnu. TIOOIIU to ..A._ ,A _ __ _|, the ulnmu ol Inland luvonue. An sdditlnuul 8143 ha been minorit- od to tho ltinh Rollo! land by tho our pin on ol the Oovarnuut. Oomnltho on Private Bills not TM Uonnmooon rnvm mm um and pound tho Bill to inoorponu Ibo Bapliu Union 0! Unnldu End the Oom- um-oul Tunllu-0' Auoahtion ol Ilon~ uranulu, The Prlncoaa ll reported to ho much boner. She ia vary anxioua to vilil the an axhibiuon, and exports to be uni- : ciontly rooonrod to do no halora it cloua. A nugbar ol piotnna weir . tgkair: to Ri dun all and in! ya 9 rlnoeal baluro buin pl ion. Mr. A. . Wrigl in in tho city work- in up tho national ourranoy quulion. r. 0. R. Sing. Run of SI. Vmoant, Mr. Jon. Olaland, Run 0! Moaford, and Mr. Hugh Chisholm, merchant oi ; Mulord, dologaiu aunt by the roopootiu , municipalitioa ol Maaford and St. Yin- nonl to work upon mo Hononblo gin Minister of Public Wmka, had an inur- viow lo-day, and naked for informotioo 4 ol tha harbor at that plaoa. ` A dnmnannn. rannaantinu Iha bank 1 I. The deputation of oil ronon Inn gono not to consult with mhor member: of tho Byndiolto baton conferring with the Kinluu ol Inland Bounue. An Aalhhu--I IILQ Inna hunt: mlhnnrilh A and n I-`um -1 -1! - :u`ond ld'CI:0aln--'lt:l:pno.am 0| IIIO nnroou n mu pawn. A deputation, ropruonling Ibo bani- ing inumntiona, will nhortly wait on Sir Brand Till. In roluion In the Banking nut. wear. It is undonlnod than budgol Ipoooh will bo dolivorul on Tuuchy non. Qnr Julm Mnnalannnlal virus I dinnnr no aonvarou lunacy non. Snr Juhn Mnodunnld gins a dinner party at Stadwons Hall on Hutu:-day ouniuu, Th: Prdncnu ll rannrtaal In In muhh Ouuu, Much 6.-A muting of tho Nuioml Currency udvoouu will be bold next. weak. I. x. .....|...........| 0|... r...,|..-n ......b. ..m rnmu uomnmnon. -Since the oponing of the lion mines in North Hulingn, no Ion than twelve hundred can 0! on huu boon shipped from two minus. Those can nvongo twdlvo tom nob, making 14,400 tom In Although In no such enough to clot to rush way in Marquette for Sir `oh!/I Indonld that the lulu : humiliating oldest in Kingston, yd Mr. Ryan in not mt I" an about that lnnitohon Judge- olip, which lor some time bu been dug- liug bdon Inn. Our opinlnn in that ho nun : got It. sud, lurlhor, am so young u lnyu up Mr. Rym can word to can luv on-ulna known until some at My Tory union and upon-Ion no Ant served. The Judgullp in quuon will in all probability [III to `the lot 0! one 0! Sir John Iiudondd : Ontuiu uupportomnnd Ir. Ryul will Inn to pa-nun hi: soul in patina lo: M: round fur Iilhdnwlug his support [tom the Libonl party and alhtwnrdn oloring his nu cu tho detou- _J 'D..... -L_lA-_ I pomnon In `nanny uoungo, mrnnto. --W. C. C. Bnnning Iuicidod by tak- ing Iondunum no Punio on Wodnudny, on dinoovoring that hit wile had not bun divorced lrom her format husband, as ||Io had oluimod. `PL- M-.. n-,.:. l,-n:-l-A..-. ;. .-...., IIO Ill! OIMDOII. -1110 Non Bontis Legislature in pro- pooing to momuriululo the Dominion Government for I arm! to Non Sootio out n! the shery nvurd made by the Hxlilux Oommiuion. Rh... .5. .......a.... ,.5 n.- i. .,... ...a.... man or new Ion: my, in nnrounnou. -Mmh Dryer. V` nu. Wollo and W. E. Amu, promidom citium, and Prico Motcull, onlorod, ol Cuoyvillo. Kv., cap- Iizod in I um`. All Iuro drowned. An... n. 1.4.1.. o.:....;...|..: m.n._ Ilzoa In um. an Inn arownou. --Rev. Dr. Lnbloy, Principal nf Blah- op`n Collogmhu docidod to runnin in Lupnoxullo, lining declined the offer ol polltlon in Ttinity Collage, Toronto. -W. O. Bnnninn nuicidod bv ni- ' Nallrnoal (urre:u-y AgHahou`- ` Academy of Art Princess Recovery, etc. two men and mgunng omen. ` -'I`ha Tribune up the upon-I. of the intended gononl utriko Among the work- of New Yorl: city, in unfounded. -MArnh Diver. \\ m. Wnlln Ami W. nlna, nosua uz,ouu. --Brill'I Schroon River pump work: And planning mill, at Wnrronnburg, hue boon burnod; Ion I+2,000. _'l`In nln-inn. -II Inna:-dgr in IA nun mu-non; uou +z,uuu. -'l`ho ukipa Joll utordny in tho Shurtlilfe iron bod, nt Msrlown, killing two men and injuring then. -'I`ha nu final ! of ma '..r.:;:u.r;-;:;"l;(;:..- .......... ....... ,....,- Vi eetliy II! brought to-day lromihe furtreee to the piece at execution, end- etnpped in e eiuing, poeture on a bleak vehicle with Me but to the homel. A plecerd bearing the word: "State Crimi- in!" In etleehed to his bi-out. A omn- peny of Coeuwlte formed the uoort. The eoeilold Ill eurtounded by infantry on the we} to the eoeold, end After reach- ing it Vledeetky Ill quite oelm, Imiling nocuionelly. After sentence been read he turned end bowed nn elieidae to the people. Just before being delivered to the henginen he eeid e for word: to the priest end kieeed the crou oi executiun in presence of en immenle cone-unu. The body remnined henging `20 minutes. The police en-outed seven in the crowd, having the eppeennce oi eludente. They were teken to the fonreu under A strong escort. -Cu| Shroon, son of I Iullhy Vica- nu physician, died in dumution in Nov York yum-day. _..Thn Booth benefit It tho Amdnmv IIT X FIWIUIVIIUII HJIUIIIZ III IIIU vicinity ol the lngody. Untlu than air. `anununonnlh um obonld ukolpluo clarion If jumbo in to ho olpoclod at tho outraged llw ol the luv! in to bo Iviudiutod. you yum-any. -The Booth benefit at the Academy nf Mn-io yeaturduy, in lid of the Herald fund, mead 02,500. ._HriIl'n Hnhrnnn Rivar nnnmn nnrln :".."$a'-"3: ':'|:" "" " {In Oonulttooon ...A umnnul Aha Hill In innnl-nnpgln Ihn Comlouud for the Wkly To- day. I only I numau l0I' unuuuy) Inn llfll 93.!-g!s.|1o,h-124.994;-dam 0.-.2-I-em-I. 'cToi'ux'fonan T. Kiiii-'g6 ii ui --n"?on`3 uoornin whothor ho Ill under the in- uooeo ol poinombut pmnounood him well. When ho mppouod lor pulimlnuy examination ho Ind lolly rooonrod ult- lon And said he up a naive of iunk,nod 30, And boouno I convert from Judnium boonuu it an ilnpouiblo `or him to lin in St. Potonburq. Moli- ko on Wodnudly atoning ordorod tho court mama! to uumblo, On Thun- dny nwrning u cm! of tho prisoner: opcn6`d at 11 o'clock. The prilonor In inlolont and refund to unnd up or also my pun in tho proondingu. Ho me! ha hnd noching to guy and did not um 1 tabottoublod any more. He Iuntod tho matter ninhed. Depuoitionl run than read. the prinonor Ivithdnwing while than mun deliberated. Ho mu ' brought buck stone o'clock when jndg- ` haunt ronmmmnd. vn. ..n... -.. r.m....|.. on..|... t......n.. 1 uolaon. luau u-n ru-II conu- pondqt .a_a'| utpuln probably will not bonnnondoted. The Rnuinn Am- buudor ll pound that tho Punch Gov- arnmonh doolninq Iill not `loci tlu ro- lntiona bung. Inn: and Ram`; ll'lllIlGlll'l IIOGIIIOI} Illl I0! III OI IIN luiona botnuu Fran and A Rn pnlgvnhnu-a nnnoinl AIAI-I u.Z' .....s" '..f"'n'1'T.'.'a'.1.i"'"('.'.":.a'.='tT [$21 bably I blnndu {or Vluiouhy) ulna Int ' u-ruled bohnud |o.u_ Lu tune-at monlal win purport: nib: t*uIIildt'i\ til Rania Kuolntiuury Iuuulin Dul- nluoo. npnuiurqvot at lhdcdbolw the sold in tho winter yahoo. but do- clal-ing t such ontutropho III in- evitable u long u the any in tho bul- Iuh ul the In-porhl so . [I up the revolution in forced upon by { Pub, mu o.:ro1ouu-In usual the Gogol-muons npnulou at Intel- loot. The doulopnont o! the nu-nulo must continue until an Our Abdiouoo `1 1 1 or pun: I oonuimtion. It decluu 1 "We will triumph 5| 3|! gnu." ` London. Maul! 6.--A Pub I nnndmt .3101 Hnrtnnnn nmhnhlv Hill I Inuona uowuo Inna and minus. A St. Pohrlburg upocisl um. {hut the unnln, Iloduok (which in pro- Inhlv I blnndu lorV it) than Int Auoqad (love:-u.;o:ul ltdpa-cyclon- Mental : Annluuju ` Incl 10-Day. Irrljiuviiuvivuvuvu uuv yv-Irv-u qr! Jnnou In 0.} ol tho quuliou. The Uonpog'nJry Ihinh bu jut dc- qhodloclinlnuouybody it ask! to It rnnph ol my jury lbs! could pou- nilily ho pilohlorhd logothor in the ninhnhn nl tin tngnntlv Hnulnp (Ila. air. u7`f_EL_scmns. non1n_m. ._-oco __ or1|__wi. rm 11,90 Apvil; nus I-y. lard 70` `Wu ' `I-Il II; low mun nu; N10000:! mg. [ on '5 so 25; Con aoat; no I mind Ml: Iniun SM; V0fOl|O|`- - Dual 11.) `mil: III} III. Ii Uonmcu 90! Hull In---nuIo a,w. luau:---Qum ud Ir to 17; `lmohilli ud orrkbuu I 0 so me; Iulltl Toyull 19:4 In I; Iillili Id Iolcmol In He. ' Obouo-No to lac. Purl-Ion .10.) to C10,. lAl'I-l(h to He for turbo and `tile. (ground 1.... pot mo lbs-- .25 ml 5, _ _ what, Kgnh 6. l|`lour~-roooipu bib, Ida aoo. Ilrhot quiet, un lI|od;` Q-Ioudoluz Snponot um 6,10 to 6,l6; cull M- porlno 6,111 to 6.06; (may. 5.1!) to 5,90; -min cum on around. 36 to poruno mill lo 6.00; luncy. 0,110 to o,w; sprigs: Sand`. wklb \o .90;oo no.5. lo. ;jq Minn 0,08? 6.40: an 5.1!) to [Joy swung. 4.15 m 4 25; polludu 3.90 lo O.IO:0Ihn'ohnp2. 002.00; dip hp lollnnll ago an 3.20. Whoa ooIu-l. Iouulupu-II; 1.371 to ,40; lulu time; 0211). Con 68 - 650 to don . 2...`; oun.._n.. now. `"-`u to 96! N lho-:llo to 32. Icy par 68 lb-we In on. put 0 15-40. so on Oahu! 900 Ibo-0.50 to 4,00. 0.. no Ibo---loo a,oo. Inna-...nml and nlnndve inn Ila Putuullo PL, Innh b.- The Work- zgmonfu ovolant Auodollnx J ' ' bu h utlyh I I;|.:;.boII: t1!uo|::. . Uhiongu, Mm-h Io. -Thou In omnid- ouhlo ucutomnut III Iho Board 0! Trtdo guards}, hy the propuaition to nnh illuuuho wnrchnuno rocoipu rogulsr in this market, Thy ruull. would in to nab nvulublo Mnlnultofn uhnnivo on-ring fnoilmun, and alluw lin million bunholo at when sddilinnnl In um! the Ohougo market. and bush tho ring by oounpdlling In nmnbon to ulup or null. Itnhul - nu.--n A chain cl van: in in the llloolohtrialohho prinoun ouupa with oonpolcy in tho Buldnlph butch- gry. Than is our) run: low tolling the trial arty Irons loamy which noon to ho .ormoI.ua_omm um pnjudioo a.n~L-"ti|nhzI..unn-uhlnnun an Aka ;vII`n-nnl Uincmnala, "Much 3 -All the gun- blmg h-mum in the city uou I lhru were cloud Int night by the pa inc. .uuuu.." .-run nlnn LIHUIHI IUUI. I Constantinople. March 5.-U. 8. Min- iator Maynard uulod from Smyrna on a lhroa montha' tour In Syria and Egypt. I_I I-nan noun-. Lon-Ion, March 5 -Tho Dublm Mum gion H-mu Roliol Fund Imounu to $100,647. Tho Dun-hon of Mu'|bor- ough'| land in 1.78.217. in u.- up n-nun: A dolpntch frniii Cllllublr mic: that I lug: numb-r of tho popiilnco nu! Bol- It. May. County, entered n mun : home who ivu nbout tnliing pnnaulon of (no firm of an ovictpd widow, Ind ooinpollud him to emu I ooin which thoy brought with them, nu-I uvnr lu nbnndon hll lu- tion. Beinu seriously frighlenod, the would-be tannin! took the nquirod ollh, and the pnoplo da stud without doing him my furihqr no once. The incident crutod much excitomanl And Iono unnuinem in tho neighborhood. nus IVVl l n., v nl'nnn\.I 4. A lhrlm dupalch nyn Biunuck gun I ulbct Pulinmeutary dlnnot tu the more prominent nu ml-. rl .4 the Reich- Ihg~ Us llid hm pmneme m {HO RaIch~ stag tended m pfoduoo unvouunuo, and they could get on much better without him. u-run Il,V .u- --uug.-u-. A Conunminnpla nlsapntch uyl ungo- tiuionl lor the release of Colon] Synge and his wife continua. It in reported lint. the Enuliah Government will con- Mbulo 6,000 to tho bliglnd Niko`: de- mund. Anrnlunl. rnnunn-nan. In the Home of C-rmmnm, tho Chun- collor of the Exchequer nid tho Enter recon wunld prnbnbly cnmmonoo on tho 25th mat. and Iormlnnla on tho 5th Apnl. In the Home of Lnrdi, the Irish roliof bill pluad through Comminoo without Amendment. run a lnlnl uuie, um ppuoa. " Mr. Mnut and [lint u the Govern mom ordurn were all diapuned of ho hope-.d the hull. gemlomnn oppaoito would cuuum t.. the plain: of the only public bill remaining. nunoly, Lhnt ol the member for East Lnmbton, respecting l.h0 pllhlic ulbceru 0| Onllrin. The Bill III rond I third limo. Mr. Mont moved the Adjournment ul tho Home till 2: o'clock to-dny. Thu Home adjourned ut 4 o'clock. oo~-o- pnuu. The Hnuno went inln Oummiluno on Mr. Muvug'n Ball renpacling the Admini- Itrunon of juntimo in the diatrictn of Al- aomn. Thunder Bay And Nnpiuing. The Ball wu repnrted vmh IOIDB nmendmouu, road a lhlnl tune, sud pauod. * Mr, Mn-an Inn] Hut u thn Gnu-rn.. unmu urucx um. Alter IIIIIIB lurther diwuuion Mr. Mount`: nuaondmont nu carried 0 n A di- viuion. You 33, my 2|. Tho Bull in than read a. third time. Mr. Wood moved tn introdunfo I Bill tovoto Her Mnjuty oortuin mm: of money to defray the upennu/ol Civil Honrnmom in'l880. The Bill wu red I rnl, Iocnnd llltl third (nun md n. ....l Iv. Pond, (lndopiudcu Uhonl), as data! upuuuuun in up Luau buhluun on_ I_'o|uuhy loo inouuti, Omaha. `- ` K Ian 10, my: .55. - Mr. Culvin muvod that the Bill be amended no u to provide (or the doduc- tion of thomdeblodnou of any pornuu from his pernonnl properly, and lint he be only uuuod on the balance. Mr. Mount. muvad thnl. the mnnor ho ` `lab, would bounong the uoupud pro- _Pgniu. uilll. CID! IUI IlllllI O I0 nucn 0| 1' 6 ibiti `aajamaa; *1_*a...k : ' Cd. Mr. Meredith moved that tho fourth section, which pruvidu for the doing iwny with lhe exemption of $400 of Mn income ul ponuno thou incomes aloud I1,000, be nu-uolx out. Thu nmnndmnnt nan In:l nll n dlvininn no only uuuou no nunnoo. Mr. Mont moved thu. the unuor he I referred back to tho Uommmoo of tho Whnlo,t.o have the clause inserted by Mr. Calvin struck out. than 14.1114: l u-Ihn- nnnnnl--inn Il- u'oIooI. ` The oonndonliun of l.h'o lluniuipd Bill Inn puud. The Inn]. "go a. count of such propouy" In nub-auction `10 of nation 60! the Act `III curiod. 'm.. mu .... o:...u.. .......o..1 .. .......A. " you on amuon. r. Noolon thought. tlut vault Ian I clan of port; which ought tn ho ol- unpt. y roooind no beach from municipal iupronmonb. . Bo hopod thus in tho lnnyipg til the Bill thin m- lonu. which had nuoud much oi 'IglA -nnlrl hnnlnnna thg atnnnninnl nan. u,uuu, no nu-ucx out. )` The amendment In Inn on a division. Yen 15, my: 38. Nlr. Cnlvin muvsd that than Hill ha and ouupuun. . l Hr. Ilorodith mnvod an nuondnonl. to lClikO` out all then void! if!!! tho and C 'lsooln" `dawn wand including nuan- nnnt." And In lnhsllln II` wall: "til. mm wand Illoluulg "unnu- Iont, and lo anbatllo tho Inch "nil- , ma." Loo! divklon. Nnnlnn lhnnnht lhgt tonal: -an Tabb, Inid D.-- . _ lhr tool lII1Iltl`l &h -- Ir. Iovlt bond the Bonn into ' Oouuituo tn nah some nlhl unad- -um to um am to .u..u.r. ptiority at `And Icon; oucuuou creditors. Th Bill In up-Irladu unonclod and Mad lino mu gang gcgma mag, 1.`. I ' The Hyuu wom._iulu Connmoo on the Bill nupecung municipal tuition and ennption. .. ' Ilr. Ihndith moved :1: nnundnnnl. OI I310. the chairs! I p.m'.` The apukor tm-Is tho olnir at 3 u'olooI. News From Jcroaq the Ocean. l ulorday a'8u-;a:n -, muuapu 4cO-1`hc aunt; Dunc __ non ole. ` . outrun. rubies IAIAII. -`. II or Ioouon not me Act `III mod. N The Bill In nally reportodu nund- ` Id. omm.Lg:_asuIuI. nnsfuuu. _...oo~...-.___ -cnaLnms. 7' IT" Umftx FIX * 53 m 33:, cu. .. lUEil0ob |IlI~nhu,7I rum... and . Puma lid 'NII?b.Chlml Anna: an A lllld Ibo nial`! Ulla `VIII In hold at tho Ouuouohl but cl Pru-an In nlullul IVI II. A tall uunluoo nqunIIl.uhulIun 0! annual. to film ay Unicorn. u Oounl llultla." `halt! {Yuan}. In an lnviud. and go buy. C2mnnmAl I nulnal Hominy Evening. lurch Eula. A will rud by It. I Spun, L.D :?';:o""l'ho III, And their Iolotion to than Gcnornl eulth." All new pmporod In do Home Pninl|ng_ Glutng. PIp.r Hanging. 'l|O0m|l IiI|[_ (lnlning and llinl Pnlnung. Pnrfooi nzlofnouon [Iunntood u to In nlning And gunrnntood I lariul. Workmuuhlp and Prior. -1` /-\. 1 if ._. _- ` ` ' ' j - "' ` " 7 I I67 Qnun snout. font Coon above Iluulrul Guilt. lhpton. Incl 3|:-1!. I80. FRIDAY IVIIING, IABOII 5. _..__.*-'-::=-".* . ~ ;.;iJ}]4;1;1;2z II In! zttvtlyuou-dun. ONLY 3 ol. Aoknowlodnd by I In Im the Llghlut. and most lfomforubie list over in trodurod. Mock fully ulorfod nntl omhruou all who Nowluu In tho Tndo 1-: I u Innnanu spnmc wank) [SPHlNGfmTS:'8U, _'l`Hl LEADING SIIAPER ARE NOW IN, uul fur style and Vnlno are uuy ahud 4;`! anything yet aloud. Call and IOOHIO new at- PM luck &. IQ. .I. tween George unl 1`ho;nu lIll-.'Hnt- tar: And Funiorn. under I a nun of Mill: Bron, in this d|ydiIl0lV0l hr mutual con- sent. The human will In curried on 5!. the old sand nd under the IIIIJO rin nuno (lilln lirouiby Thomu Hills, who will outline: all Accounts and uqnme nll linbilmu al the late rm. GEORGE MILLH `I'll I-I 'l_i:P_I|IMFll. Iholt rrlondi. Couwunoou 4 wloot. w. H, i Incl 5th. I110 lu Small or Lu-go nuns, on luv-app 0 Farm or Clty Progorl . Apr!) to HUM El BBIGGH, Manager Fmwtonw Loan In luv} Bocioty. Klognton. lurch 5th, I890. r _.. ____ ___ L___ Luann Bnvlcr. it 50. Paul . um 51, Jnmu. Cburohu -7:"0 p.w. IUITII of lwunuica` Rude Cu ; 7:50 p m 2.-.x_._ __. ___. - RIBIIIIZUI M. Pwtou, un Inch `Jud, Ir. D. Doolmlu. to Ian lorthn Punoll, both ofillier, Literary Meeting nuly on w an In Dona. Cormnul per ton---bolted 23;; unmit- od 2?. Mill l ...I_.sm.|. nn 0.. onnn. .|.i.._ ca `:4. Mill loed-ahnu 00 to 20,11); Ihip- uui 00 to 20.00; middling: 00 to 20,01 nu ton. auto 0:: w 02. ` Bu-loy-rnn, but quiet; Ohoioo Cn- nnda hold 5! 95; No. I Onnndn 87 to 88; No. *2 Canada Ib0V0 grsdo 77 lo 77. noun. nmoounnppuu in. Ann Anna L Onunndnu -hut. Adhmauuuuuuuwn-tn u---wry our vu vv I-'vIIUu uu:. --vgu - ouhunou tool! nuouan In no an-puking Proviloco, hu pmntl quilt iuduquu to being Donation cool Into onupditijn will no Anoticul utbloruu at this diouuolulud. Th oouquunbu baa noun and him: dhqp-[uncut lnthbulouryaolut I-upulpvohollu In coho: dOIId&,|lIDMIjIdUOPId0dIt OI}: IN Ion-Ioodu Ohmic cl ggannn `I in A nl-nilnn-I Inn` AL-A i{yo-Quiot nnd ncsrco; Cunsdn muni- nnlly 88 to 88 in bond. Cnrnmnnl nor tnn---bnltml 21%;. nun!!- 1,00 m 1,20. WhuI--Itosdy; No. l white Michigan 1,43 In 1,; lhuo lute 1,39; rod L4]. Curn--|tudy; Mixed Wularn 57 1157; State 52 no 52. ' R--I--73-... bun n..i-6. Hhni... l`-_ IIJIIB IIIIVIIWJ; (`uruor Prinoou uul Bugm`h'1roeu, Inmh :'-ch, 1880 3-2- T " 0W"', IIKI"eli Ii. Flour-No. llplill 0, 6 lo 7.00; un- bor winner at 7.00 to 7.26; white wiuler Al. 7.36 to 7.50; double oxtn7.b0 07.75; now prooeul at 7,76 to 8,75; Uuhuu 7,00 In 7,26. \vhlAI--ICAIAI Nu I -kiln Minhiunn um; and au,uuu; on to W. Barley dull; two mud It|toQ15lu7.'v; nix mid {lo 80 34:84; No`. louudn 97 to l,(X); No. ildo do bright L0! to l,lIl. on study; n-dupu u,ouo; nu m,000; llild IQIOHI and ltll `IQ lu I9; 471 to 5') white do. Park Inn II lI.8'a'. Lard rm ut 7.725. Bunor 16 lo 39. Chou. H In ML I THE LEADING SIIAPE8 IN. ulo Ara nun Almnd wnou--opnng qum, unenunna; Ila- ollulo Illi , dull; Hui 77.31); ulna 73111); No. 5 rod Apri L49] to L50`. Hp dull, I96 to 974 um and Gun- Oorn dull; neoiph 35,000, 3.1.. pg. (ll); nlu 30,01); 67} to 00. ` Bnrlcv dull; two l'lIIId .nn..IL'.|..'.'; .A nrm. GEORGE MILLS, 'I`H()IAl| HILLH. Klnpmn. lurch uh, IQO. -' nut in; qugnfl. b c-I- ' . New York, Match 5'. Stock: along. "Canon rm, 13 1-8. v rum dull; natpu moo, uh; 7.000; {.90 lo 5,36 up can and '9-W!-a N50 N! 5.99 u-A9196 our: two; 5.56 lo 5.86 Jo punts; ryo loot sand; at 4,80 Io 5,26. ' W||uI-onr|nn unint. unalnnnulz mn- lluiifoiutldn _i1l__Pannership.% PIIIJAI. Mu. SIDDOII II. the Opou Houoe--8 p.m Slcnvlclr. I ! Paul Inmnn. Chumhon -7-"0 n.n:, THE FEATHERWIIOH `I , Bank 0! 'l'oronl.o--l30, I'll`. Multan`: Bunk -(X). 80. Exrbnngo k~46, 3!. Montreal oL Co 91141. Exrhnngo ~46, 9112, 91. .__-oo-O .` Montreal. Much 5. Bank 0! Montreal -l42. 140:5-4. Metchnnh` Bunk-94 1-2, `M ; uh: ~ I: It 1. 5. Bank at Commerce --H8 I-2, II? (N. Ontario Bnnk~73. 72. ...._-_ FBI Pu-tnonhip horoloforo existing be George lill-. Hut- r: the [No%gi53s; DUI IUOIII, I'll I0 Of. Whoa!-opting quid, undngo-J; mu- llndo Illiol. dull: nninu7'.',(IlI: ulna -._...__.. __....__..._.:__.._ seaming mung." 1 Iron `[0. ]-...,.u.` `T"h lo I. `warn ; iinAiivArBi'iIiiT v7A_TIf .A$`.5 90: I III `III If-lV HILLS BBO! D-ma... -...l n......u` L`: ... I crulooi. W. H. N` Sill NNON, )0 lccroluy Y M1, A *. .`.g1n;..a..; " . II--..|. (haul Il- It Isaiah` 00. pay. lo. 3. will loot II III Drial lid `NI-I IIUWIIIIDAY) IV oliollfcluk. Iva] Ionic or Sunl- | lure-but Ill! be pet can Iy or-In J. rtxcurr big. Intakes` be`; c. .W.O.I` luck J3. __Montnnl. Much II2. I60 It-I. . IOUJIT, Wnlilnuvllh. in In. ` Cour Burial.-Ibuu pcfioln can nun! lupllud by Sanction at Bridge- pan. 3.. nice tip lane ol nu local nu Ohnh. The of than nu -nu, mu can Iona udthno `nu IN. A hjghtun nnhiniu. but mnnhnud aoH.thuhu-- nonobtlldhuhg only: In Japan above uh mall; point. Ink` and- duo. I'll lulauloo. in key! uniting tnwoldoillhilolltotbcll nulm M nnnnd.ooIhl than Ibououlnlnt Iulhuhdnylillchlllonrl ciao` olil. .__...,_- L Inn. D. PIILAi, l.D-. I10 PL. :0 Gal o-um Quint-I:-lad audio` `I0 W . | . E; Wl ?'ch ml. r Ill umuu. ;:num at as man'- boldon of no houoou`Iau and I- vnnnnnl union will In bold in II: htrl on lu?I`l'.IdhIuI- gtoanuu. Aqvblgt. an. "I" any. nalhtllli .I. or ho-Iona Ian and I-- nuuou uemy but In tho Iain '0 ou on WIDAIIIDAY, the Inn DAY I IAICII. mm. :1 In hm: M In uhlnnk vllolllttiot II I0|Ill|IOIO?t ' WID%:'IDAV, DA IAICM. Il, at but of In aoat up. . | 1`ii6WENAc'L0AN | |Investme_n_t_ Soioty_.' [Jam GRAWl'0RD B| "1'i1E"PIRS'I` %0F"'I`Hi 3EA__8_0N I New Maple Sugar, Alla : Lug Bolton h nnonbd to but up the -on mobknono cough In an tnotuiblyohuniuo. fun in no nnody that on chow non oviduct ol roll unit an till Idun, for curing ......nua. much. .ou.. nthun. | VERY FINE, [RECEIVED T0-DAY, B R _E_ A DI Fm-Good Broad mum BREAD AND can nun, mmmr sqvum. Kl.-`I. All: IINI IIITEWANIIINH, lhlnnualmng, Uutlldo (`oi -urmz, Plumnng, Htuooo Work mg and onorul Jnhhin All Hndl ol Tinting for mnulo wulhn one CHIAP sud NEAT la nun the dull Inna-`. IBREAD/I [now nun? ron sPnmi:.| . nu Iingdon. luuhlrd, mo. .FO`R:_-3_AL Ei.. and rannnumg uvovy Monday. Wodnoldny Inn! Frulst until rum-.lnninu 0| [ho lfnnna Who hold: I Pmal (`lune Dlplnmu from Noulh Konniugwn. Luudm, I-Ina II cl:-.l|n~r n llnublo (`nuru M l.!|I'llll |5l an Cuolerv In llfonum-nu-lug Ila:-ch 8ah. I880. ` tbovori --v-v A Nlw 0uuv.-"'l`ho (7050 Public- Eoun Now" In I really Ingliah jour- ual uninly dovolbd to the movement to drive lIl'III| drink Iran the eld. It in 'nlI gm nr, hill ol report: oonnoclal with a nil pom ol the lot, and nboumdln In sanction: info:-as lion, IMO -In pron very Iolplul wall ` who no hanging uuoh houuo, or an tooth; in I000 their utoblnolmut. `flu ollouuo ol u onrlald loch alu- rutwlupoolol o uqumdo oltlu ]oooKE_RY.| `Demonstrative Lectures] H.R.H. THE | l{l.\'t,`|L`r'.ri LOUISE. Kltrl. ` Dwalhng Hanson and I-`arm Proportylnnurod gar three year: at as low run an nay Info 0(- ca KINGSTON I. PIIIBBOKI TIA DEPOT. Invested runoff.....s29.ooo,ooo Investnfts in Oannda. 900,000 Ilarounnlq Rink: mien at Lovrut Current Run. Dwamn Hnnnn mud I-`nru'1 Pmnnrtvhnurod Thin is one of th Beat Insumnco Companies gain Bulinm in ma 3.. Liverpool& London& Globe rm: AND LIFE Insurance , ` F1`INl)liR1l,MldruuI-d In the undernlgqcvd, will ban noreirc-d uuul l`lllJlI.\'I)'A\`. III- |Ilh nun. _ fur Hm pnnmug ul u... Slmlluvrn Cunicnn, Spartan, Al nun and Ingnov, mm lying II clan Purl. ul "mg:-mu. Parllu dean ml] of bendaring vnll In luruinlusd tub I on] y M we wn-Ina-anon nu upplylnu lo Ibo (kn. puny : Agenl. Ir 1'. I! Mnlrh. Tim L'umpnnv will um be bound to swap! the luwoat or any loud.-r. ` .I H I.AMll1`.lH?. run: In I p: IJVIIIRI. |mm:ns ran PAnmuc.| Puhlmluod In; order 0! the Board of Llnol Colmmuloneru lur Addin lpn Diltrlu. NOB I` IADDIN, Chmrmnn Aulluulu-0 nu Iula of Liquor Ii quplluu of Int Inc sin that Iolfplnu. none to to con- oulnd In llhln the building ol Ilkel Inch atop "turns: port, by pa non not uuully ruldou tubal Nun tho hI||I|I[ 0! Incl not Ilop "turn: a port. by pa nut nuully _ shaman. dutlorcac-between "I`nvun" and "lihcp" l.I oonu. Tho IIALK or milk and out Ln- uon BY THE QUART. or lugar quumy, II`! UN.l.AWl'Uh under I Tnvorn hoolue. ' I Til: in! of Ike [AI will bu nnnllv an I For llm your I880-8| (boainnlug In Ivy) Imus be men vulln Ibo luunctor on or boloro the In A III, W80. Bllnnk I-`ormu ol ppllntion may ho had of the nape:-tor. Puhluhod Ivy urdor ol the hour! of Lloonqo Addinxton niciiixtu 3. onmuol Aubutlua u..'.4.s. ol I.n..u.m In of Ian |ha_m_ -ma qlnqfijul nu ? In than none. TIIHMAB BIIGG 5. ' Agent. Clurcmo Hllon. Kmaulon. [Arch Mh. WU. ; Tz>T63_:I;%_oJaJ. | Audulgtnri 1e__a1_ma niatrm} A rnvm l|0E_ll8E I Innu HI'l"l'l.ID.-John Gannon vio- Ilotl the St. Louis ouoool the Good ` Shepherd. picked out the but looking ` ntuohd fun. and prop young IOIII found Among the innuu. told hot that he owned 1:? and wall marriage. ' Sh aid for 5 In days to think tho noun out, but In aid, "low 'or nov- Ol, IO|IQIIIloMIOlIifO|IoIo that altcrlnon. In no oonunhd, moi nut out to buy noun olotbu. SM not but Aland Iuhnd in tho aunt. while u , cal did not uoqlinhln, but he int: n on! Maul! uni, uul hltriod but to 3 olugynn. who porlonnod the company. ------- ooo-------- Ill Ul.l.AWl'Uh nndor Tnorn hooue. Till nofrllgo IAVIV ___ fil ' u . ' ' " ' ' Appllcatlo ns nor Licenses n. H. '1-ova,` vv g Guru mm: 0|-pumla Ira liurpu _ Prim-cu III. rrh Mb, 23'. A/lIS;$C)13.. ' Pnrtwnlnr ulonllpn to drawn to I Lmmmetvocn "hi:-In" -rs. IIAl.lt nu llltlll ...| an. I NAVIGATION op. A snoiicanse - GO TO- aompllyu r--ooo r-~ .- A WIDDIIU !NClDlN`l'.~A wedding ` pnrly had gothorod It Bolvi-lore, Win, And just an the elorgymon III ubout nu ` oomuonoo the union tha 6 mr gnu my ` in the contra and anal: About three fem, unixlng bride, groom, oluuunn um] -poctnwl-I in one oommnn mun. The Ii ht: won utingunnhod, lortunntely without my dump, and for A low minute: oonluaion nignod nupnme. N- body no hon, sad no damage. uoopt that to the oor, nuuinod. Tho luau I won to-liglmd, and the bride and groom again took tholr poauiona, the guest: be- ing thin tilno arranged on a sliding Ical--, and the comma no oondnotod. [Ind than boon I or undor tbs oor the conuqngoou nun luvojnon dmurou-. TIIOIAI IIIGOI. Innnnt JA8. AYLSVVUITH. lulpoolor. Tamworth P 0. NJ ICUISKKT IADDKN, Chnlnnnu. JA8. A\'l.8WOl'l`H. nnmmmr Tnnlinffh PU. .-r. I.AMll!'.lU', Hanan! hnnuyor ml I'aul Htreoi. Huh ru .- n A l,l,4L. L... 0. Io(}U LLOUHII, he-or-goj Thompson. Inn nun V -.--.-- "Illa" ua IIIQ uuuu uu-v `.17-`uv Ind ho bagan `hi: cniaada wholly againat tho land uinara Tho lunda h , upocud Io union in Amarioa won at- paclad to be davolad to thin aola object. BM public opinion. largely hahdad and dinotd by tho uuupohn ultarancna of tho Ronald, ounnpallad Parnall to ohanga Ilil tactics, and, inauad of raiaing money for tha poIiIiaal.part oi hia Iniaaion, Ina baa had todmp Mia and oonno hilnaall to tho oollaotinn of ratio! (or ma alan- ing paopla. If than Pamall claim: to ban inluanoad tho ohanaala of commu- nication through which tha rival land to Na own nda ita way to tho lriah poopla, ` much Inora oartainly uua ia it that American public aantimam baa oapaiud 1 all the Pamall piano and qonpailad him in abandon that at the int nu ma principal object of hia praaant vim Io ` Anal-ioa. -----r--ooo -- ~ I SAQMENTMD In has halls: in l lIA1`|`I,'OhD aloha: at hand In quumpo` ALL THE LEADING BRANDS, A-II Illum- -I INI- me. an;ua. One ml the Inuit Hrnplnlv, Amusing, urnl, It the ulna mm, Intern nod Acmruu I-lacks of Travel our publish . Contain: drr llama nl (7000 Pmlunv. Orllwo Froo MI. I Dill ll` ( Uolul Diamond old: so Prico 40 Cantu. Vlohnnn Golf Ruining Plain, _AIh__ H_E.NPEB.$.0'4f $- Pernell ie etill h:lTI|Il`ll|[ ewey at the New York Herald. He eleime in hie re- - cent epeeolgee tr": line meterielly modi- fied the inlentione of the uienngere of the Herald lumjl,end that now, lhenke of oonree to hie own eurte, the fund in qneetion will not be no oompletely under the control ollendlnrd inlluanoe in [re- leud ee Mr. Bennett could lien duired. We thiiik there in ouneiderehle nonnnee ehnt this contention. Wliet motive the proprietor ol the Herald could bus to eupport the lendlord nuprelnuy by giv- ing over to thie oleee the diebureemont of hie princely dunetiou it ie not `very eeey to eee. But if whet Pernell up be true in regerd to hie own Ilioleeolne inuence over the Herald fund, it ie et any nte equally true thet public opinion in Amerioru-ought e much more deoieive ohenge in Mr. Pu-null`: awn IIIiIIlUlI' He came out here u `ggitetor ul lhe Lend [few L-egue, and L- Iennnn hi: penned: -hnllv the eget- ` ;........~" 1'."-.".'..'.:7.:.'f.:.."....'. pulhnuol umu Couucndn pro- allllnnnn-nlLA-4sAL India` in la- \./ \-- .-__.-. --AT 'l`l!l-- Ilrlnt Blde at Iverythlu. and Buy Your Ara not A mid ynt. Hi: ur night not: It, and very cheap. (ht than 5!. once. if you wllh chnp reading. LJUID 3" "' "-" Il_c0U LIAUGH. . ~PuodII nngu.u,lcla.I.1U. Hpu con`: "Juhn I"lmmhm||'I T .' ltd "Cu-Iy e on the Chnluu uf B:-uh," in uttuog pupa: wruppgr. Thou booh, h--u?ht in or- dinary way, would out Ihulll Cl? . Povonl ulh-r Nuw and Slamlnnl Work: will Ihmtly he luuod in the nine sorta. \Fll`l'Il"I Ml. ol Christ Ind Life of SI. Psul ex and shortly Int 60 cents w-h. nun: Inn onkm in ndvuncgu liluil |Hendarson's kstore. expand emu lune Inn ndvunco. on IBM upnlln will be rocolvod :1 Lb Two Books in One, Ivto lvuu II I Kinnlnn. lurch Int. I3. (H the (`untum ry Hcvi-w, I-`..rl.niulnly Nine! 6 ' ury raruivnl cur) In. - '25 Co on At Henderson's Illfi IU Illcll I Ulllllll Iuvnun ul -vuuuu' nvougo ur ncoou. On the nthor hand, ho-nvor, tho Attempts no in nude up5n his lilo uhuuld ulilly llao Emperor a( the unpupuluity ul tho oxiuin fundition pl olniu throughout his nulm and should prompt him so grunt tho demanded oon- - oouionu to the people. If he in who the Our will [Old the oignilioanhaignn of the (inn And govern bimooll accordingly. ~ -~- - ooo~-.~--~ JUST ARRIVED. with Nuln-mun lilmnviugn. Puontn bu it [or ynur dmlghtaan. It in nouul uni rvl O In In cvory way, bx-Mu coh- duotod b lha IE4 not ul the Loinurv Hunt. Prion ` .. nrlnor var. And scwernlolheru of latest lins- Ihh lnuulnu. | nrt ll. onind. Full.-I the mum. Inter`!- lng And lnnruotivo Rudinx, uul llluumud with Nun:-rouu Engraving. Puuntn. buv vnur dmmhtan. ITAID, Indy canola hy Vnnrun. E L () UR, _ "`,._,'.'. :1-4,3,5-,lovj gm .."'`of.... . . . . - n... -:=:-er ` mung Ian! luv. AT `HENI)ERSON S Hpu oon`I"JuIm Plounhm|;'b Talk," and "L'|l'|;'fe nan wrnungr Than hnoh. hunuhl in or- oonoolI'nh-lfondowooldtpn doubt woolddoon it, or good lortooo no itfhlooo In lnotrotol tho woll-Ioinl oohonoool tho Nihlliot rogioiioo. out! &o On: hu Ilvod to ooooollo Qlvhdn tho oonplotioo ol . the loot quack oootnry cl his map. I Tho lnporlol. "on woll no tho populor Io- joioiogo on tho you ooouloo. ooro ovi- dootlylorood no thoono hood uldvory woll guudod ood oootiooo upoo thoothor. Tho Inporur no bound to ohow luuuolf to lilo oubjooh on no opporootly lIllpi- olooo on oooooiaa. but hopdid ooaith oihlo_ nilitoq proooutioo !or iii: pnoont' ", ooloty. It moot lo hlu huo boon o ilno ol In-oodouo tupodotion, but hoooouo to hovo ooniod hinooll through tho or 1` dool lirovoly aid with dignity, oud, on wo duo ooy, dolightod thot`it lo ovor. Nut ` that bio Mo io any uwro ooouno now than * holon Now tnpo any ond likoly will ho Ioid to toko tho Euporofo lllo ond I (boy will oqu||~ though thoy cannot our- pou--iu ingonuity ond oudocity, though tlioy my In ouooooo, Iho oltolnpto which , hovo olroody boon Inodo upon him. On ` tho ouo hand wo oonnqt imogino how the ,' Inurdor oi tho Cur lo going toholp tho i popular oouoo. Poroonol viulonoo ol thio ltiod will not prolnolo the reform: on ; which tho pooplo hovo not thoir hoorto. , On tho oonlrory ouch in otrociouo act. on I did the ouoooimtinn ol Liucoln would liovo tho oppooito olloct of orbiting I ro- vuloinn oqoinot ncouoo which would ro- I out to ouch o bloody moons of oocuring n.. an. no)... Emmi I ..-......- ..- A-|n\4\4Al Coloured Bros (lulu `Bron III Trimming suns .4-nv rm nun}1s %Iiiiiii Hm,` R.& J. GARDIN ER Those Old Magazines New Colnrod BI-`vealed Szllu. . I . h'nIr"Ilnels Imam" smut ~j '- PALE BLUE. PAL! PINK, WHITE, ` AND SCREW. :n7T1?A]nu%Iut"n IUIIILII III`! YUIII II III cvvry WHY, Dflfl 60]]- iuotod Prioo .. ntyr year. Fresh Iupplhoul an I. upoctod vary nob. Bow Balls, Every Month, D Ii 1.71 T"_V'V'-' ' 11.0.-oc Bush In! no-no ol NH m as in-o" _-and-3.9!:-at doono&luQinInl~ unuy cl lb A Hwovdu huuubn M4 nnalyhtnull -mmlauwabdm gt hhowuuulol. uI_4lQlI|_I,'y, (I) usld sll but noon-lull , lay their plan tqooupau Ind: purpuu. But D-n-(A12 n-Mm-A1 And mk.a a Law, muons. `Au Iupoouon lnvtud. ` . Kennedy at the Gaps. CHEAP REPRINTS I'll published. 4 l 0*: (`mlun Urn n`:;nl Ian: Nl!l|.K hm I0 Cantu, Tho Girls Uwu Paper. am Just nscayeo ol. Delia. I luv, Inna In alum slot.` :4 . .m-muc `sun'- I UIIIV I Iv! vu Brook In-cot. LARGE QUANTITIES Oll` ....... m I'ItZIi{b7ub"iXiitLL. M,M98_8Ts6~- BOOKS'I`ORE. Cancun: drrl ' Orange Plug! Natal, Ill. Always I'll Ii IUUUIXD, lllf. GINO` puns, nigh, colds, uobuml I - _._ "Tun: ."-The In 5... .1. ......'::.:.::.:." .. hath. otinnbtllc the anal. `I'M brigilnu, noun, coda! Iiulo HM g aunt All your Dnnuhl Id ` ;nu!;'P|"035`- use In Annual: Inigo "noun locally, but In aonpum. but an to non! huhhgjyomtiad the opptooah ol nil-Goon I pulootly union to 5 `and. A Diana at tho Zoolodnl union Incl-A I :. r .,'::'.: *":.:'.:"" M ll IoIUIItII'I_oI." Id 0305 And Dino, tho lingual lunch `ac. in -mu M b lnulnllv nil u ..n- `nu ullom um Jll00I.-'l'IO Ing- III Oouurvnivu bun In nnnn luv the button! abuse ol the God Jlngoo," invented that use for chit oppon- u the nu ma Ion!` 3.'..'.u.. ;...D".a..'m.. --.21 n.....'.`l' WV` W VI-HVCKVU 'I'\l' dlvllunntbonool dnddod in do- nundquhu-Iluldihd uI_h so Ilohlclnholfllploplllndibo pub- Ihn`-.`-A n AA-I. LA; no--`.1..- L'.'J,"s'i". E)?-'c"-:"v7aIn.'Tv.."'." u'L.uoS i mun AuullnnDhI"ho loud , burl: onunum. `in M3. nu-coon punouy halal guns. IA D onto Zoologinl glulouboilod . -n I In an to hand: a nun -nnnn... II`. `I0 "000" I too i InJ bholpulll III `I 7 ammo. Ir. Boabnd hu gin: notuo ol his Intention to lnlrodnoo 1 Bill to nduao the uluiu ol the Gonrnor-Gononl, Cabinet llininun, and tho iudonnity to Bonuon any noubon of the Home ol Common. The indouulty will in put M. N00. Ir. Bahgrd bu boon uund ot onuldu-nb|o Ilppo has no Pmnoo I ol Ouohu. - lid PIVIIOII IIIIIIOI. Ulllll III II uo.;o. in will In inpouibb In atop A ngimud Mint on many ouloll adduced to rm ol lottery companion honuly cou- Il . . -_H. ..L...I L.. -1.-- _..MA_ -1 LL. uonuor nour mpnroa not. -1110 Onnndn Oollm U--In ny, of Onmudlphilqproluni Ion nmonoy undo: I|oN&on|l P icy," he not in- aouod the ups M in employees. In hot the I on paid no 10 per cont. Ion nun than t 0; pm bolup. soptonhor, 1878. urn. `-'l'lu United Shh: Poatnutor Gon- oul In ulud Oongnu to utrih out the mud fnudulunt u opnliul to lotteries in than nviu-I utunu. Until this in do.;o. it -ill Inn hnnnndhln in Alan A ngpintnnul uumx. nnunu Ion: nonomo. -'I`ho oocumul lnr conveying tho Om:-~ dinn mnll from San Fnnchoo I... Viotam, B~C., hu boon uurdod to Mum-. Good- hnll, Nvlum at Porlinu, at San Funciwo, At $400 pot In-p, or between 017,000 nod OIBJXXI pot Iunum. --Ilin Ihvmond. uh! tn Inn charl- 315,1! poo aunum. -IIil mud. |unch|I1- ml Somuor III with induction, doniol our huin made on` such oomplsint, which run one by: Aunt whom also novorinnrnotul. Ibo nu!-tn that the Senator injured but. -Tlm Onnndn Donn: (7.nnnnv_ of at me nuun un uonpuy. --his prtipoood (0 run adnil line of atumon Iron Whitahuon, . 8., to Englsnd. Thu than to In and In oun- Iidonbln. and the hsrbnur ll honor Ilun Hnhln. It in ANOI York whom. _'IIm no-0-nu! lnl nnnun-inn Mun nAllA-~ `"1. I-l..ul VINO 0' CW IOI'I luvs qono un strike [or nn lncrouo of 25 pol` cont. Several builders, who hm conumnh OI hind, htvo yioldod. .-MnInr Mnnlxintunh in lrrmu lmrnl In conu-nu 0| llllld, nus ymaoa. -Mnynr Mnckinlulh in Irymq I Home wurls fur unemployed I-lo.-run c the city. The Inrllingmeu aw quiet a pl-aunt uwnuing further dovolo menu. .-Thu nnnn that Hun. W. nodoulnl $23221'.u.'iL.'iI.?iil3F'5Iv.f.l'uL$}{F. " --The upon thn Hon. W. lrnodougnll via to be tho nut Liam.-Governor nl Untu-in noon: to have uluanod "nu. T, N nhhn n In In: Anumd in (Main N. mum, u no no IHIVOII In uuawa. -A number of oil driller: I zhruugh L -ndun, Ont . from Potrn II on vault to Italy, uunum-noon Minna at Toolo, Oomnl Italy, undue 0 direction nl the Italian Oil Company. --It in nrtinuood to run I dnilv line uuunu [.0 non um-.nou Huh. 1 N. (lnbbo, be: in nrmod in man. _A mnmhnr nl nil drillnn nnnua 0| HID IIIIIPOICI IJOPIIIUICIII. --Sumo person throw I ro anchor at the earrings of the Quun (I the Bol~ giant u lhl nu nturning fl-om the theatre. Be In: urnud, and will be ironed Ioniognly. -An uorlfin In ha nude In re-stock [round Icnuqwy. -An eorl In be nude the River 8:. Oloix, New Brunuick, with ulmon. The Gonrnmom hu boon nppllod to (or 200,000 pound: nf sh. -Thn Lumen Union ol New York Imp mu. ~-A diugrdoluont between tho Pu- mior and Hit Ohulu Tuppor, hu uiun from tho |AlloI"I ndlniuintntion ol the Rnilroad Dopnnmont. --Sum: mnon throw I [in aun , um. -AInrounlt of the lug revival in 81. Cnthnnnen, the ohurohu Inn had I Inrgo nnmbor Iddod to their mombor I.hIp lull. ~-A ulinurdmunnl. hatvuon In. my Him that no "National Pn|hg"h bound hi the lump: Pm- vtuu. `lb uooonponuiug oluot to no 0-hull hnllun thin] the new urilluaglnbd, and to Oh mppliu ` M Ito clip-Iutlllu I-Mun, wan to ho tlopmutlonollhooulluour Pmviuu by thin. 15!: Innnrnd out to to: but dpdnluont. The impact upon lupouuoul. chub ndinutut aw g.-A.--nun Inn nnnnnnnnn In tin` 'I'nomII n to no nuua ny noun. -A,99IIpIny of forty-n military oadou ha been formod In oonnocuon Iiih tho Dulluiolo lnsmuh at Lon- don , Out. A. -.-...h "6 oh. I.o.. umni-.l in nu. . -Uno Msjnr in oommiutod for trid at Montreal fur Iolngruphing was in I mu niuipll olocuou. -Fullowinn the nnmuln of Lnndon. muapu olocuou. V -FnIlowin; numplo of Lnndon. (but, the enterprising hula town of St. Thomu in to bo hated by alum. -A column: lortv-n mnliulv mno mu any in Inumnn. The amendment wu lont on I vote of lwyeu to 20 nnyl, And the Hill In rend ch second tint on the unis divi uinn. The nnnounoomout. wu received Illh nhvorn. -m... u.....- -.a;........_.| .. nun .. ... - Tho Silent World" uya than Iro between 3,000 and 5,000 deaf lnutu in Canada. - , A .....|... .....n.... -m .....a........ 1.. -A nnhluc muting will onduvunrllo lot the Eviniug Post, of Monlrul on in Inn! Tu Duncan uh Jz;Ioou.-'l'ho lug- |IIOocutuIivu ronnn lo! OHIO llhlll "II"nCf CXIDIIUOTOIIOD. The move!` 0! th ulnoudmoufubjoctod to thy Bull booouu he chimed it would plnou who I wing convicted of common uuult un or police Iuporvinion. Mu-.Blu|xo defended the vnriuuuturu n! the Bull, Ind oommontod on the cir- oumntunco that nlthou h the Jlnniuor 0! Justice fulsd to on one my u! the provision: in the Bill introduced by Mr. tnhu-unn Inf HnmiIl.nn\. vat. ho lhuunhl. nruvmom II] Inc bill lnuoauoou ny mr. luhertoon (of Hamilton), yet he thought it should bo mlotrod to n Boloot Cummih Joe, while hu(Mr. B|uke'n) Hill, with many of _the provinionn 0! which he agreed, he viahod to be Injected on the lacuna! romling. Altar n-nan the Amendment wu car` lacuna rouung. Alter re-can the unondmant ried an amendment. l`b.- .h..-u--inn nn Oh. nAnnnAI rnninn ---... Tho diolionost odvontoqo tolion at tho lnoolvsnl Act by unprinciplod Irodors lion boon tho oltiol, if not tho only oouoo of ` tho prossnt ogilotion lot ito ropool. Tho icinoooot lnqnontly Inlet with tho guilty, ond tho obolitiun of tho inoolvonoy Ion pcomlsos to ho o lrooh illuotrolion ol thin loot. `Photo in quito o ooriouo disposition to Porlionsot to dool oovoroly oitli oll thnos who ssok to Inolo odislionost nos oi lqblotlou, which woo intondod to dool loirl] ood juotly bstsosn dobtor ond onditot. Iloo. Ir. Bloko, luronnplo. Dodo tho soootion lhot oll dofonltlng o-ipou should ho imp:-ioonod lot o Iona ol Ivs yoon in tho psoitootiory, ood Hon. Ir. Iosdooold. noubor lot Pic- tol. Iospsodsd, ot ll mto boll ol wltot bod booo ototpd opium thus psrtiso won two, out punlohnoot would not ho o whit too osvsn. Tim: is nosdoubt that Ioll-dlonsd ood high-toood nonli- ty in hsso too Inch oondoood in 0ooo- do, III III l tho thlovos in brood- olotl oto ohhld with tltoso in Motion. tho iotlsr lot tho wllolo oouiuulty. nod amendment. The ducuuion on the second reading of the Bill by Mr Gil-ourd (Jncquu Cu- min) In ruliu mu-ring with 1 dooouod ruin`: ninlor wu renamed. l`hn unto -Inn Ohnn Quinn nn the run`: nuur ruumeu. The vote In: then taken on the umondmsnv. by Mr. Thompnon, of Baldi- mnnd, Ihnt. the Bill bo rend the second time that day six month. nmondmunl provuuobl olll. Mr. Baku, u-Solicitor Gonoul ol Quuboo, movod tho Ii: months` hoist. Tho spirit 0! tho Bill III duonbod u I ouioamro on the English law, And an an infringement on the Iiboniol of the sub- ioot. . Mr. Juno: McDomld. Minister of Mt. Jnmu Ivlcuonula, nmluor or J mica, spoke in nuppon ol the unend- mom, on the ground that the change: were too weeping to be Adopted by the House gvilhuut furtbor oomidorsuon. Th. Innnnil nl IL. unnndmnnt'uhim:huI ad by llr. llocnml, wluulnwn. Mr. Blah moved the would reading of tho Bull vidu lor than more nootunl prouati on-inn. Mr. Bnkor. nunuduiu 0! annual. Mr. Colby : Bill, rapoullng tho ln|ol- . `vancy Ian, was nally paced, and tho origmnl Bill to an Inn chat. Introduc- nd by bit. Bochud, withdrawn. Mr. Blnho reading Ilr. Iguana announced IIIII we vu- "qninion Government would oonmonoa `ousting: the Provincial bnildingu at Winnilnu thin nu. but would ML pnaunu use rrovumu nnmungu n Winnipog this you, would protons gun to on ulonaion ol the nunuduiu ol lhnitobs. ` pttlll to no u nunnduiu M. v....'. mu, mm. my 1 mo U_nvm vuhy nanny nu ma w`R ol Ms- (!..n.`uni.).- nll nninn {M-darn. nnv. .-:- Hon. Kr. Innkeuie and thoee who with bill tool ground nninot the policy at pettimi dieniuel, imgouud by the pntent 0oveI'nInent,vere not wanted in the reeent debate npoe also eubject at the `lot; neiel guillotine. On the oontrnry they oonpletnly wanted their guilty op- ponenle Ind oonpelled Sir John Hu- doneld to qeelily hit denials of the olurgoe with the helbeplitting dteoleiner that Rnlnrn: olldnle lied not been clie- niteed-tlteir eetvioee htd only been die- peued with l" When the lander ul the Gavernnent in no cornered in debate on to me May in such e ridimlolll com! en the ebove it it eeey to conclude which petty III "routed" in the dienouion. It in held to Iny whethor the Premier by the lb0VI quibble intended to excite the ridicule or to meult the intelligence A ol tke Houtee. Thin being the O|IielteIn'e only retort it in quite eele to nay thet the Oppotltiou ohu-gee egeinet the Go. verninent nu ellnply untnelrnrnhlm II; J. B. lwlllllon, uullunlnn ol the Oolinitloo on Shading Ordou, nov- odin nooordanu with the Oonniupfn noulmnooduiun that the limo tor Motiv- lug petitions ho unaided loo lvoln do 0. TIM holbl nulloud to send. 9. Buohullph intmdnod 3 Bll, proposing curtain Induction: in tho uln- riu nod indcnqilicl ol Otbiuot Minin- um. Sonuon. and nonbon oi Paulin- monl. The pliant Bill, honour, pru- poun in addition In udoat the GuVOl'u0l'- U'ononl'| nluy Iron I50.000to $6,000. When u I ` Iiniuorinliu nuanced n..u oh- nan hand an. nnmnd linm Wlloll nlnuununu In can shut the Bill and the Avon limo nut suntan ha of "Cnnud_" won """ " ?`:'a "u3nai8 tins : tic Dui `mi-n'nn nvnnnnnnt Inuld aonmnnm Io! tho Illbdl Iii. Ir. Human inuodunod ch Bill ulst- to tho Ordil. Vnllcy Bailuy and tho Qnlundn ' dnnulu urunonlo. sppllcd to lot zuu,uuu ponnu. all non. -T|1oLo|hnUniou .-..- nun` ..n -Inila- I... an innrnnnn nl "5 name lforhby 3:3 hauuu-on Or-I ora -splay an nulnnum; r nunillnn - Inunbu _.---1 run noon. The Home sdjournud at 10:60 p-III. -...-.__._.__ oat. Mr. Juno: McDom|d, Inna... nmlm In -nnnnn 1:! lb. Amund- ruaws or TH]-1 nu.` I`gi.1%11nir1sit wa1c.1*n1nA&'; aaimizti 5; ma. .__..?..- .. __ It look: on though the and: of juuioo `will bodolutod in tho Biddulph tugs-ly. Th Coroner : jury hu not oumuuiuud my body,_1upiu tho positive tutilnouy oi William Dounolly and tho boy Cou- non Moufying aid otlnnuntin unnl olthopdooon charged lush the nurdon. ` We Inc] the fooling ol the noig'hbour- hood opium the unlonupuo lunily will under It onto! the quouiuu {or my jury up than to lunch auciont oudunco to Wn.'Do|n|lly'o ovidnoo to convict any Ilodyol llo Itnogth 0! it. At tho min- iul 0! jlioo. in which the coron- ot_'IIoquu_lIu nonltod, the authorities olld not stop in their cloth to bring the guilty porch: to conviction and pan- ishment. H Hall ox-inc goon unwhipt of `motion than lynch luv may be aid to um lnirly autumn m.It- in Canada, and Inbound Iuprolnuy of In nod or-dot Iuyuoou bosons I thing of tho n;nl III folly Bunnie`: .$:I-;K on n shit vul puns! a nun who sit I|ov|,aI it [Mung up sadly. unwary tutu, is us: In: uuu um... can-mu plouut sills and maul town. and game u no em unsung. No big old neglect to Inn I booth on hot w'|ol-hhlo. ullod II-on ltd: no-M annual. Ir. Byte. I. P., hand a nlnpu, and tted In his had again. It. and : nunl union Don L... _-n 455-4444! In-.4 nnnnIhnnl.ia.nl. you than ollunlu. A nun um: om oooun-od um tuning. lulu: dlnuluunon who wish cu -nhtbounolnu plans: and puny. tin Inn. at lathe than annual on we not, or tndry (luau, It not: of than human Inn-hi nlnnnnt unllu dcnhl sad as Governor uonuu no: me lo- I-lou on moon that n In Inn to- noun a. ll. Inn P.. I I'll. It. lacuna nun: urvwu nu have not Mlnolod largo iulll, udcbotnbnuanthonlu-u ouch Inn otlonho. A ..-n. unnl noun oonunod Innlrul,` Inch 6.- The Bbhop ol losing! no land I circular colic o , outing than to olcr, zhnkndvlu in churches on Sunday cans in union M in Prisons Lonbo tho and the manor Gouul In: the on- .a.... ......'........... lhnl -hm hon I. The Imam: In upooud to be pu- unwl to-dal. od Tory ohionin.